Grown ups one word

Is Grown Ups one word or two?

Grown-up is the proper noun and adjective form. Grown up is the past participle of to grow up. Grownup is a frequently used form, but more dictionaries prefer grown-up.

Does grown up need a hyphen?

“Grown up” can be the past participle of “grow up,” but it can also be a noun or an adjective; when it is, it needs a hyphen: Always hold a grown-up’s hand.

What is grown up mean?

/ˌɡrəʊn ˈʌp/ B2. If you say that someone is grown up, you mean that they are an adult or that they behave in a responsible way: He seems very grown up for a ten-year-old.

Is grownup a noun?

noun. a mature, fully grown person; adult.

How do you spell the word want?

Correct spelling for the English word “want” is [wˈɒnt], [wˈɒnt], [w_ˈɒ_n_t] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

Is all grown up meaning?

“Grown up” means “adult”. But the phrase “grown up” is usually used when you’re talking to, or talking about, kids. For example, one of the most common questions to ask children is: The phrase “all grown up” sounds even more cute and child-like than “grown up”. …

What do we call grown up people?

Definitions of grownup. noun. a fully developed person from maturity onward. synonyms: adult.

What age should you grow up?

But take heart — nearly everyone does finally grow up and take on the responsibilities of adulthood by about age 30, including your own emerging adult child.

Why do we grow up?

With growing up comes a better understanding of yourself and your needs. It’s here, knowing who you really are, that you can find out what truly makes you happy. It’ll also sort out the unhappy stuff too, which will guide you through the rest of your life so you keep doing stuff that makes you happy instead of unhappy.

Is 22 still a kid?

This revelation has spurred many researchers, particularly in mental health fields, to call for a separate developmental stage that is generally referred to as “young” or “emerging” adulthood. 21–22 certainly is not a young kid. We are older kids. Early twenties starts for region of an older kid.

Is 18 still a kid?

When is a kid not a kid anymore? According to the U.S. government, a child officially becomes an adult when they turn 18. That’s when they can vote and start paying taxes. But interestingly, even though an 18-year-old can go to war, the government does not consider that person mature enough to drink alcohol.

What’s the hardest part of growing up?

Here are 13 reasons why growing up is the worst thing to happen to you:

  • Everything you do, you can’t help not being judged.
  • You are expected to feed yourself.
  • You are always broke.
  • If you have fun, people think you’re kiddish.
  • Your boss makes your life a living hell.
  • The worst part is that you can never go back!

What are bad things about growing up?

18 Adults Share the Worst Things About Growing Up

  • Sometimes things don’t go as planned.
  • Be careful what you wish for.
  • Such a weird moment.
  • Puts a damper on the fun.
  • It’s too late to get rid of them now.
  • You can’t actually do what you want.
  • The money stuff is the worst.
  • Everything hurts for no reason. The pain.

Why Growing up is hard?

Try being indecisive, it makes people cross with you when you can’t decide things, like where you want to eat or what you like. Growing up is hard because you realize that you can’t do what you could do as a kid, you have to be responsible and you should set an example.

What are the good things about growing up?

21 Reasons Why Growing Up Is A Good Thing

  • You’re getting smarter.
  • Your body stops surprising you.
  • You begin to understand your parents better.
  • You begin to understand yourself better.
  • You start eating things you used to hate (i.e. food that is green).
  • You learn to adapt to change.

What is the best part of being a grown up?

Sometimes the best part of being a grown up is actually just that: being an adult. It’s the personal and financial success that comes from maturity, the freedom of adulthood, the respect you get from your peers and the joy of working hard to play hard.

How do I never grow up?

5 Ways To Never Grow Up

  1. Embrace Change.
  2. Make Impulsive Decisions.
  3. Hang Out With Childhood Best Friends.
  4. Throw It Back Every Once In A While.
  5. Make Fun A Top Priority.

Why is better to be an adult?

You get to choose how you live your life. You can solve problems when you face them. You can make the changes you want to make. It’s liberating when you realize that as an adult you choose your own path.

Is childhood better than adulthood?

Childhood is way better than adulthood. Being a child comes with little stress and you have ten times the fun you do when your an adult. Children won’t have to worry about trying to support their family. They just have to worry about being a kid and having fun playing with their friends.

Can adulthood be fun?

You’re an adult now, and the time for playing and having fun is over, right? Wrong! Adults can, and should, play and have fun. In fact, there are studies that show the many benefits of playing for adults, which include increased creativity, productivity, and feelings of well-being.

How can I be more fun?

Here’s a simple guide to help you immerse yourself in the world of fun as a habit:

  1. Be open to having fun. Avoid falling into the trap that you don’t have time to have fun.
  2. Be spontaneous. Having fun doesn’t require great effort or a big plan.
  3. Be creative. You don’t need to spend a lot of money to have fun.

What activities do adults do?

Fun Group Activities for Adults

  • Take a cooking class. If there’s one thing that binds all of us together, it’s our love of a good meal.
  • Learn how to give a massage.
  • Take a mixology class.
  • Take an art class together.
  • Go bowling.
  • Sample your area’s best wines.
  • Tour your city together.
  • Stretch out during a yoga class.

What do adults do at home?

20 Fun Indoor Activities For Adults At Home

  • Games. Until quarantine, I wasn’t a game-player.
  • Themed dinners. This is an idea from a dear friend.
  • Bubble Baths.
  • Driveway Workout Class.
  • Use your Fire Pit.
  • Make Something New in the Kitchen.
  • Pick up a New Book.
  • Do some much-needed chores.




grown-ups — взрослые
the grown-ups — взрослые
along with children grown-ups came to see the play — вместе с детьми и взрослые пришли посмотреть пьесу
grow up — становиться взрослым; выравниваться; создаваться
grown-up — взрослый
be grown up — возмужать
do grow up! — пора быть взрослым!, пора и повзрослеть!
grown-up fish — половозрелая рыба
he has grown up — он стал взрослым /вырос/
custom has grown up — установился обычай; возник обычай

ещё 8 примеров свернуть

Перевод по словам

grow  — расти, выращивать, увеличиваться, возрасти, становиться, вырастать, отрастить
up  — вверх, вверху, по, вверх по, поднимать, подъем, успех, повышающийся


If you’re frightened, tell one of the grown-ups.

Если ты боишься, скажи об этом одному из взрослых.

I grew up in Chicago.

Я вырос в Чикаго.

I grew up in the North.

Я вырос на Севере.

I grew up in the South.

Я вырос на Юге.

She grew up on a dairy farm.

Она выросла на молочной ферме.

Kids grow up fast these days.

В наше время дети растут быстро.

She grew up talking street jive.

Она выросла, разговаривая на уличном жаргоне.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He grew up in the ghetto.  

I grew up in the Northeast.  

I’ve got two grown-up sons.  

He grew up in the Southeast.  

He grew up in the houseful of women.  

He will have a grown-up daughter ….  

Your mom and dad are grown-ups. Mine are immature. »  

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.


  1. grown ups
  2. Смотреть что такое «grown ups» в других словарях:
  3. Grown ups — перевод на русский
  4. Словосочетания
  5. Автоматический перевод
  6. Перевод по словам
  7. Примеры
  8. Примеры, ожидающие перевода
  9. Grown-ups — перевод на русский
  10. Словосочетания
  11. Перевод по словам
  12. Примеры
  13. Примеры, ожидающие перевода
  14. grown-ups
  15. Смотреть что такое «grown-ups» в других словарях:
  16. grown ups
  17. См. также в других словарях:

grown ups

Новый англо-русский словарь . 2013 .

Смотреть что такое «grown ups» в других словарях:

Grown Ups — 200px Título HIS Son como niños ESP Niños grandes Ficha técnica Dirección Dennis Dugan … Wikipedia Español

Grown Ups — est un film américain réalisé par Dennis Dugan, dont la sortie aux États Unis est prévue pour le 25 juin 2010. Sommaire 1 Synopsis 2 Fiche technique 3 Distribution … Wikipédia en Français

grown-ups — adults, mature people … English contemporary dictionary

GROWN-UPS — … Useful english dictionary

Grown Ups (1997 TV series) — Grown Ups is a British television sitcom aired by the BBC in 1997. Written by Paul Makin, it ran for a total of six episodes.The series featured a group of friends from University who had stayed together 15 years later. Jim and Clare got married … Wikipedia

Grown Ups (1999 TV series) — Infobox television show name = Grown Ups format = Sitcom runtime = 22 Minutes starring = Jaleel White Dave Ruby Marissa Ribisi country = USA rating = TV PG network = UPN first aired = August 1, 1999 last aired = May 22, 2000 | Grown Ups was a… … Wikipedia

grown-up — grown ups (The spelling grownup is also used. The syllable up is not stressed when it is a noun.) 1) N COUNT A grown up is an adult; used by or to children. Jan was almost a grown up. Tell children to tell a grown up if they re being bullied.… … English dictionary

grown-up — grown ,up1 noun count * an ADULT: used when talking to children: Ask a grown up to help you. a. used when there are children involved in a situation: The kids went to the park while we grown ups sat in the backyard. grown up grown ,up 2 adjective … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

grown-up — grown up1 adj 1.) fully developed as an adult ▪ Before you know it, the children will be grown up and leaving home. ▪ I ve got two grown up sons. 2.) behaving in a responsible way, like an adult = ↑mature →↑childish ▪ I expect more grown up… … Dictionary of contemporary English

grown-up */ — I UK / US noun [countable] Word forms grown up : singular grown up plural grown ups a) an adult This word is used mainly by children or when speaking to children Ask a grown up to help you. b) used when there are children involved in a situation… … English dictionary

grown-up — 1 adjective 1 fully developed as an adult: Before you know it, they ll be all grown up and leaving home. 2 behaving like an adult or typical of an adult: I expect more grown up behaviour of you now. 2 noun (C) a word meaning an adult person, used … Longman dictionary of contemporary English


Grown ups — перевод на русский


Автоматический перевод

Перевод по словам


I grew up in Chicago.

Я вырос в Чикаго. ☰

I grew up in the North.

Я вырос на Севере. ☰

I grew up in the South.

She grew up on a dairy farm.

Она выросла на молочной ферме. ☰

Kids grow up fast these days.

В наше время дети растут быстро. ☰

She grew up talking street jive.

Она выросла, разговаривая на уличном жаргоне. ☰

I grew up playing in rock bands.

Я с детства играю в рок-группах. ☰

He grew up to resemble his father.

Он повзрослел и стал похож на своего отца. ☰

He grew up in a loving environment.

Он вырос в любви и заботе. ☰

Kids grow up so quickly these days.

Дети сейчас так быстро растут. ☰

He grew up in the slums of New York.

Он вырос в трущобах Нью-Йорка. ☰

He grew up on a ranch in California.

Он вырос на ранчо в Калифорнии. ☰

He grew up in a good Christian home.

Он вырос в хорошей христианской семье. ☰

She grew up in a flyspeck of a town.

Она выросла в крошечном городке. ☰

She grew up in a bilingual community.

Она выросла в двуязычном окружении. ☰

The town grew up alongside the college.

Этот город вырос рядом с колледжем ☰

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Кем ты хочешь стать, когда вырастешь? ☰

I expect more grown-up behaviour of you.

Я жду от тебя более взрослого поведения. ☰

Trading settlements grew up by the river.

Возле реки выросли торговые поселения. ☰

We grew up down the block from each other.

Мы выросли в квартале друг от друга. ☰

I can still picture the house I grew up in.

Я по-прежнему хорошо помню дом, в котором вырос. ☰

I learned that she has two grown-up children.

Я узнал, что у неё двое взрослых детей. ☰

She grew up in a quiet neighborhood of Boston.

Она выросла в тихом районе Бостона. ☰

My grandparents grew up dirt poor (=very poor).

Мои бабушка и дедушка выросли в глубокой нищете (т.е. были очень бедными). ☰

If you’re frightened, tell one of the grown-ups.

Если ты боишься, скажи об этом одному из взрослых. ☰

He grew up in a backwoods area that was bone poor.

Он вырос в глубинке, где царила жуткая бедность. ☰

He grew up in Malaysia, near the Indonesian border.

Он вырос в Малайзии, вблизи индонезийской границы. ☰

That boy is going to be a bruiser when he grows up!

Ох и здоровяк будет этот малец, когда вырастет! ☰

Kate grew up in the shadow of her film star sister.

Кейт выросла в тени своей сестры-кинозвезды. ☰

As she grew up, her father was of no account to her.

Как она выросла, отец перестал для неё что-то значить. ☰

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He grew up in the ghetto. ☰

I grew up in the Northeast. ☰

I’ve got two grown-up sons. ☰

He grew up in the Southeast. ☰

He grew up in the houseful of women. ☰

He will have a grown-up daughter . ☰

She grew up emulating her sports heroes. ☰

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке ☰ , напротив примера.


Grown-ups — перевод на русский


Перевод по словам


If you’re frightened, tell one of the grown-ups.

Если ты боишься, скажи об этом одному из взрослых. ☰

I grew up in Chicago.

Я вырос в Чикаго. ☰

I grew up in the North.

Я вырос на Севере. ☰

I grew up in the South.

She grew up on a dairy farm.

Она выросла на молочной ферме. ☰

Kids grow up fast these days.

В наше время дети растут быстро. ☰

She grew up talking street jive.

Она выросла, разговаривая на уличном жаргоне. ☰

I grew up playing in rock bands.

Я с детства играю в рок-группах. ☰

He grew up to resemble his father.

Он повзрослел и стал похож на своего отца. ☰

He grew up in a loving environment.

Он вырос в любви и заботе. ☰

Kids grow up so quickly these days.

Дети сейчас так быстро растут. ☰

He grew up in the slums of New York.

Он вырос в трущобах Нью-Йорка. ☰

He grew up on a ranch in California.

Он вырос на ранчо в Калифорнии. ☰

He grew up in a good Christian home.

Он вырос в хорошей христианской семье. ☰

She grew up in a flyspeck of a town.

Она выросла в крошечном городке. ☰

She grew up in a bilingual community.

Она выросла в двуязычном окружении. ☰

The town grew up alongside the college.

Этот город вырос рядом с колледжем ☰

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Кем ты хочешь стать, когда вырастешь? ☰

I expect more grown-up behaviour of you.

Я жду от тебя более взрослого поведения. ☰

Trading settlements grew up by the river.

Возле реки выросли торговые поселения. ☰

We grew up down the block from each other.

Мы выросли в квартале друг от друга. ☰

I can still picture the house I grew up in.

Я по-прежнему хорошо помню дом, в котором вырос. ☰

I learned that she has two grown-up children.

Я узнал, что у неё двое взрослых детей. ☰

She grew up in a quiet neighborhood of Boston.

Она выросла в тихом районе Бостона. ☰

My grandparents grew up dirt poor (=very poor).

Мои бабушка и дедушка выросли в глубокой нищете (т.е. были очень бедными). ☰

He grew up in a backwoods area that was bone poor.

Он вырос в глубинке, где царила жуткая бедность. ☰

He grew up in Malaysia, near the Indonesian border.

Он вырос в Малайзии, вблизи индонезийской границы. ☰

That boy is going to be a bruiser when he grows up!

Ох и здоровяк будет этот малец, когда вырастет! ☰

Kate grew up in the shadow of her film star sister.

Кейт выросла в тени своей сестры-кинозвезды. ☰

As she grew up, her father was of no account to her.

Как она выросла, отец перестал для неё что-то значить. ☰

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He grew up in the ghetto. ☰

I grew up in the Northeast. ☰

I’ve got two grown-up sons. ☰

He grew up in the Southeast. ☰

He grew up in the houseful of women. ☰

He will have a grown-up daughter . ☰

She grew up emulating her sports heroes. ☰

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке ☰ , напротив примера.



Универсальный англо-русский словарь . Академик.ру . 2011 .

Смотреть что такое «grown-ups» в других словарях:

Grown Ups — 200px Título HIS Son como niños ESP Niños grandes Ficha técnica Dirección Dennis Dugan … Wikipedia Español

Grown Ups — est un film américain réalisé par Dennis Dugan, dont la sortie aux États Unis est prévue pour le 25 juin 2010. Sommaire 1 Synopsis 2 Fiche technique 3 Distribution … Wikipédia en Français

grown-ups — adults, mature people … English contemporary dictionary

GROWN-UPS — … Useful english dictionary

Grown Ups (1997 TV series) — Grown Ups is a British television sitcom aired by the BBC in 1997. Written by Paul Makin, it ran for a total of six episodes.The series featured a group of friends from University who had stayed together 15 years later. Jim and Clare got married … Wikipedia

Grown Ups (1999 TV series) — Infobox television show name = Grown Ups format = Sitcom runtime = 22 Minutes starring = Jaleel White Dave Ruby Marissa Ribisi country = USA rating = TV PG network = UPN first aired = August 1, 1999 last aired = May 22, 2000 | Grown Ups was a… … Wikipedia

grown-up — grown ups (The spelling grownup is also used. The syllable up is not stressed when it is a noun.) 1) N COUNT A grown up is an adult; used by or to children. Jan was almost a grown up. Tell children to tell a grown up if they re being bullied.… … English dictionary

grown-up — grown ,up1 noun count * an ADULT: used when talking to children: Ask a grown up to help you. a. used when there are children involved in a situation: The kids went to the park while we grown ups sat in the backyard. grown up grown ,up 2 adjective … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

grown-up — grown up1 adj 1.) fully developed as an adult ▪ Before you know it, the children will be grown up and leaving home. ▪ I ve got two grown up sons. 2.) behaving in a responsible way, like an adult = ↑mature →↑childish ▪ I expect more grown up… … Dictionary of contemporary English

grown-up */ — I UK / US noun [countable] Word forms grown up : singular grown up plural grown ups a) an adult This word is used mainly by children or when speaking to children Ask a grown up to help you. b) used when there are children involved in a situation… … English dictionary

grown-up — 1 adjective 1 fully developed as an adult: Before you know it, they ll be all grown up and leaving home. 2 behaving like an adult or typical of an adult: I expect more grown up behaviour of you now. 2 noun (C) a word meaning an adult person, used … Longman dictionary of contemporary English


grown ups

1 grown-ups

2 grown ups

См. также в других словарях:

Grown Ups — 200px Título HIS Son como niños ESP Niños grandes Ficha técnica Dirección Dennis Dugan … Wikipedia Español

Grown Ups — est un film américain réalisé par Dennis Dugan, dont la sortie aux États Unis est prévue pour le 25 juin 2010. Sommaire 1 Synopsis 2 Fiche technique 3 Distribution … Wikipédia en Français

grown-ups — adults, mature people … English contemporary dictionary

GROWN-UPS — … Useful english dictionary

Grown Ups (1997 TV series) — Grown Ups is a British television sitcom aired by the BBC in 1997. Written by Paul Makin, it ran for a total of six episodes.The series featured a group of friends from University who had stayed together 15 years later. Jim and Clare got married … Wikipedia

Grown Ups (1999 TV series) — Infobox television show name = Grown Ups format = Sitcom runtime = 22 Minutes starring = Jaleel White Dave Ruby Marissa Ribisi country = USA rating = TV PG network = UPN first aired = August 1, 1999 last aired = May 22, 2000 | Grown Ups was a… … Wikipedia

grown-up — grown ups (The spelling grownup is also used. The syllable up is not stressed when it is a noun.) 1) N COUNT A grown up is an adult; used by or to children. Jan was almost a grown up. Tell children to tell a grown up if they re being bullied.… … English dictionary

grown-up — grown ,up1 noun count * an ADULT: used when talking to children: Ask a grown up to help you. a. used when there are children involved in a situation: The kids went to the park while we grown ups sat in the backyard. grown up grown ,up 2 adjective … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

grown-up — grown up1 adj 1.) fully developed as an adult ▪ Before you know it, the children will be grown up and leaving home. ▪ I ve got two grown up sons. 2.) behaving in a responsible way, like an adult = ↑mature →↑childish ▪ I expect more grown up… … Dictionary of contemporary English

grown-up */ — I UK / US noun [countable] Word forms grown up : singular grown up plural grown ups a) an adult This word is used mainly by children or when speaking to children Ask a grown up to help you. b) used when there are children involved in a situation… … English dictionary

grown-up — 1 adjective 1 fully developed as an adult: Before you know it, they ll be all grown up and leaving home. 2 behaving like an adult or typical of an adult: I expect more grown up behaviour of you now. 2 noun (C) a word meaning an adult person, used … Longman dictionary of contemporary English


grown ups

(n) взрослые

Новый англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «grown ups» в других словарях:

  • Grown Ups — 200px Título HIS Son como niños ESP Niños grandes Ficha técnica Dirección Dennis Dugan …   Wikipedia Español

  • Grown Ups — est un film américain réalisé par Dennis Dugan, dont la sortie aux États Unis est prévue pour le 25 juin 2010. Sommaire 1 Synopsis 2 Fiche technique 3 Distribution …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Grown Ups (1997 TV series) — Grown Ups is a British television sitcom aired by the BBC in 1997. Written by Paul Makin, it ran for a total of six episodes.The series featured a group of friends from University who had stayed together 15 years later. Jim and Clare got married …   Wikipedia

  • Grown Ups (1999 TV series) — Infobox television show name = Grown Ups format = Sitcom runtime = 22 Minutes starring = Jaleel White Dave Ruby Marissa Ribisi country = USA rating = TV PG network = UPN first aired = August 1, 1999 last aired = May 22, 2000 | Grown Ups was a… …   Wikipedia

  • grown-ups — adults, mature people …   English contemporary dictionary

  • GROWN-UPS — …   Useful english dictionary

  • grown-up — grown ups (The spelling grownup is also used. The syllable up is not stressed when it is a noun.) 1) N COUNT A grown up is an adult; used by or to children. Jan was almost a grown up… Tell children to tell a grown up if they re being bullied.… …   English dictionary

  • grown-up — grown ,up1 noun count * an ADULT: used when talking to children: Ask a grown up to help you. a. used when there are children involved in a situation: The kids went to the park while we grown ups sat in the backyard. grown up grown ,up 2 adjective …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • grown-up — grown up1 adj 1.) fully developed as an adult ▪ Before you know it, the children will be grown up and leaving home. ▪ I ve got two grown up sons. 2.) behaving in a responsible way, like an adult = ↑mature →↑childish ▪ I expect more grown up… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • grown-up */ — I UK / US noun [countable] Word forms grown up : singular grown up plural grown ups a) an adult This word is used mainly by children or when speaking to children Ask a grown up to help you. b) used when there are children involved in a situation… …   English dictionary

  • grown-up — 1 adjective 1 fully developed as an adult: Before you know it, they ll be all grown up and leaving home. 2 behaving like an adult or typical of an adult: I expect more grown up behaviour of you now. 2 noun (C) a word meaning an adult person, used …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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And kids shouldn’t accuse grown-ups of assault.

Дети не могут обвинить взрослых за то, что их наказывают.

Truth is, there aren’t any grown-ups.

А вся правда в том, что нет никаких взрослых.

But just like kids, sometimes grown-ups throw tantrums and need a time-out.

Но иногда взрослые, как дети, устраивают истерики и им требуется время, чтобы успокоиться.

Us grown-ups use a different word for it.

Мы, взрослые, используем другое слово для его обозначения.

Some grown-ups like to look at these pictures, but they’re not for children.

Некоторым взрослым нравится смотреть на эти фотографии, но они не предназначены для детей.

And if enough of us make messages, then the grown-ups will have to listen to us.

И если нас будет достаточно много, взрослым придётся к нам прислушаться.

Even grown-ups need help at a time like this.

Даже взрослые нуждаются в такой помощи, время от времени, как эта.

I could not believe that grown-ups could behave like this.

Она никогда бы не подумала, что взрослые могут так себя вести.

She can wear heels like most grown-ups cannot.

Она может носить каблуки так, как не могут некоторые взрослые.

Children do this; grown-ups often forget.

Дети умеют с рождения, а взрослые, зачастую, об этом забывают.

Try this: Big kids and even grown-ups sometimes have big feelings.

Попробуйте сказать: «У старших детей, и даже у взрослых есть чувства.

Designed primarily for kids, Disneyland is perhaps more appealing to grown-ups today.

Созданный в основном для детей парк, Диснейленд сегодня, возможно, еще более привлекателен для взрослых.

Now I’ll move to books for grown-ups.

Перейдем к некоторым книгам для взрослых.

However, low-fat milk can be a great drink for grown-ups as well.

Тем не менее, обезжиренное молоко может быть отличным напитком для взрослых.

The grown-ups had champagne and the kids drank juice.

Взрослые получили по бутылке шампанского, а дети пирожное.

She is calm; she doesn’t understand why grown-ups do always panic.

Девочка совершенно спокойна; она недоумевает, почему взрослые всегда паникуют.

On the one hand, it will help them find their place in the world of grown-ups faster.

С одной стороны, это поможет им быстрее найти свое место в мире взрослых.

The summer is no time for grown-ups.

Sometimes grown-ups tell me very important things that I need to know.

Иногда взрослые говорят мне очень важные вещи, которые я должен знать.

Remember, your parents are grown-ups and have managed to do a pretty good job progressing to where they are today.

Помните, что ваши родители взрослые и сумели сделать довольно хорошую работу, продвигаясь туда, где они есть сегодня.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 1300. Точных совпадений: 1300. Затраченное время: 72 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Примеры перевода

  • взрослый

  • взрослый человек

Are we grown-ups responsible in our behaviour towards children?

Ведем ли мы себя, взрослые, ответственно по отношению к детям?

They were grown-ups or young, but inside that world there were no children and there were no grandparents.

Они были взрослыми или молодыми, но в том мире уже не было ни детей, ни стариков.

Yet we, the grown-ups, have failed you deplorably in upholding many of them.

И все же мы, взрослые, к огромному сожалению, не сумели обеспечить вам многие из них.

Is this world fit for grown-ups; more importantly, is it really fit for children?

Является ли этот мир, пригодным для жизни взрослых; еще более важным является вопрос о том, пригоден ли он для жизни детей?

Approximately 13,000 people with intellectual disabilities are living with their relatives; half of them are grown-ups.

Примерно 13 000 человек с ограниченными умственными возможностями проживают со своими родственниками; половина из них — это взрослые люди.

We, the grown-ups, must reverse this list of failures, and we are pledged to do so.

Мы, взрослые, должны коренным образом изменить такое положение и добиться выполнения своих обязательств, чего нам не удавалось сделать до сих пор.

We, the grown-ups, must reverse this list of failures» (A/S-27/PV.1, p. 3).

Мы, взрослые, должны коренным образом изменить такое положение>> (A/S-27/PV.1, стр. 4).

Just stay put while the grown-ups sort it out, Harry!

Сиди тихо, Гарри, взрослые без тебя разберутся!

She’s grown up.

Она — взрослый человек.

He’s a grownup

Джеймс — взрослый человек.

Like a fucking grownup.

Как взрослый человек.

No. Sam’s a grownup.

Сэм взрослый человек.

Was a grownup.

Был взрослым человеком.

You’re a grownUp.

Ты взрослый человек.

I’m a grownup.

Я взрослый человек.


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woman, portrait, leather portrait, woman, one portrait, fashion, woman people, man, one woman, grown up, portrait people, man, portrait

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Synonyms for Grown-ups. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 14, from

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Synonyms for Grown-ups. 2016. Accessed April 14, 2023.

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