Group word for birds

With this extensive list of Collective Nouns – Group Of Birds, you can help your kids to learn new names. This list will not only help the children to understand about the collective nouns but also about various birds.

You can have a quick look at group names for animals before you move onto birds.

There are different words we use for a group of birds like flock, stand, cloud, cast. You can see the example sentences to understand the application of these words.

Following is a concise list of group names for different varieties of birds.

1. A flock of turkeys | a rafter of turkeys

Example: After an hour of fishing I saw a flock of turkeys on the opposite bank and shot one of the poults.

2. A parliament of owls | a stare of owls

Example: Millions of shoppers are now completely bowled out, confronted with a parliament of owls on every shelf in every shop.

3. A murder of crows | a parcel of crows

Example: The potential for all kinds of damage hovers in the air like a murder of crows waiting to strike.

4. An unkindness of ravens | A conspiracy of ravens

Example: At sunset, everyone returns to the porch to swill rum punch and wait for the conspiracy of ravens to swoop down.

5. A stand of flamingos

Example: Up go illuminated a stand of flamingos, Chinese lanterns, chile-pepper lights, and glowing plastic Santas.

6. A cloud of bats | A colony of bats

Example: We could use those or simply use hand nets, like a butterfly net, to catch our colony of bats.

7. A band Jays/A party Jays/A scold of jays

Example: We cannot recall ever having such large families of cardinals, downy and hairy woodpeckers, English sparrows, a band of blue jays, titmice, and chickadees.

8. A bazaar of guillemots

Example: It was the noise of thousands of baby cormorants, razorbills, gannets and a bazaar of guillemots, demanding food from their nests on the cliffs.

9. A bellowing of bullfinches

Example: Unusually high numbers of countryside birds like fieldfares, redwings, a bellowing of bullfinches, and yellowhammers were spotted in gardens.

10. A bevy/A covey/A drift of quails

Example: Wood said that while few would notice the passing of Sumba’s little-known hornbills, drifts of quails and fruit doves, their demise has wider implications.

11. A brood/A clutch/A peep of chickens

Example: It usually consisted of two a peep of chickens which she roasted in the big pot oven at the open fire.

12. A brood of hens

Example: At the beginning of the brooding season, the brood of hens are very sensitive to disturbances and leaves the nest quickly.

13. A cadge of peregrines

Example: As soon as Jeff and I discovered that, the conversation quickly left talk of ivory-bills and on to the exciting cadge of peregrines and Cooper’s hawks.

14. A cast of falcons

Example: These titles will be followed by novels such as Steve Burrows’ A Siege Of Bitterns, A Pitying Of Doves and A Cast Of Falcons.

15. A chain of bobolinks

Example: Magnetic cues, which help many bird species migrate, appear to be particularly important to a chain of bobolinks.

16. A charm/A chirm/A trembling/A trimming of finches

Example: Migrating from northern Europe to the Iberian Peninsula’s cork forests are blackcaps, trimming of finches, robins, and song thrushes.

17. A charm/A chattering/A drum/A troubling of goldfinches

Example: The thistle feeder is dominated by a drum of goldfinches, although an occasional house finch or song sparrow sneaks a snack.

18. A charm/A chattering/A drum/A troubling of hummingbirds

Example: The brilliant orange, red flowers of the scarlet runner bean supply nectar all summer long for a charm of hummingbirds and butterflies.

19. A colony/A flock/A raft of auks

Example: Some species, such as the raft of auks, do not have a concerted migration effort, but drift southwards as the winter approaches.

20. A colony of avocets

Example: The observation hides at Cley Marsh provide excellent viewing for observers to enjoy the colony of avocets.

21. A colony of gulls

Example: Among some ground-nesting waterbirds, such as gulls and plovers, research has shown that speckling aids egg camouflage.

22. A colony/A parcel/A rookery of penguins

Example: Set in Antarctica, it has no human characters but focuses on the natural environment of the frozen continent, especially a rookery of penguins and skuas.

It is not an easy task to remember all these group names. Therefore, You can keep this list handy for your future reference and refer it whenever there is a need.

After you have learned these names you can take a practice test using the Group of Birds Worksheets.

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Collective nouns are words that denote a group of animals, birds, persons or things. Such words are often called group terms or nouns of assembly. English has a bewildering variety of strange-looking collective nouns. Familiarity with such collective nouns in English can surely make our speech and writing sound better and more elegant.

List of Collective Nouns & Group Words in English

The following is an elaborate list of collective nouns and group words in English. Search the name of an animal, bird, or object to find the corresponding collective noun.

Collective Noun Denoting Group
A bale of cotton, wool
A band of musicians, robbers
A batch of loaves (baked together)
A battalion of soldiers
A battery of guns
A beam of rays
A bench of judges
A bevy of girls, ladies, swans
A bloat of hippopotami
A block of flats
A board of directors, trustees, examiners
A bouquet of flowers
A brood of chickens (hatched at the same time)
A budget of letters, news
A bunch of flowers, grapes, keys, plantains
A bundle of clothes, hay, sticks
A caravan of merchants, pilgrims, travellers
A cargo of goods
A carillon of bells
A catch of fishes (taken in a net)
A century of inventions, runs, sonnets, years
A chain of events, mountains
A choir of angels, singers
A class of persons, students
A clique of schemers
A cloud of locusts
A clump of trees
A cluster of grapes, islands, nuts, stars, rings
A clutch of eggs
A code of laws
A collection of coins, curiosities, relics, stamps
A colony of people, ants, badgers, beavers, penguins, rabbits, rats, seals, frogs, gulls, vultures
A commonwealth of nations
A company of actors, merchants, shareholders, soldiers
A concourse of people
A congress of delegates, representatives
A consignment of goods
A constellation of stars
A corps of volunteers
A council of advisers
A course of events, lectures
A covey of partridges (flying together)
A crew of sailors
A crowd of people (in the street)
A curriculum of studies
A drift of hogs
A drove of cattle (when driven)
A dynasty of kings, rulers
A faggot of sticks, twigs
A fall of leaves, rain, snow
A family of sardines
A fell of hair
A fleet of cars, ships
A flight of aircrafts, arrows, bees, birds, insects, locusts, stairs, steps
A flock of chickens, geese, sheep, birds
A flotilla of boats, ships
A forest of trees
A gaggle of geese
A galaxy of beauties, stars
A gallery of paintings, pictures
A gang of convicts, prisoners, robbers, thieves, workmen
A garland of flowers
A genus of animals, plants
A group of figures (in a picture), islands, people
A grove of trees
A haul of fishes (taken in a net)
A heap of ruins, sand, stones
A herd of cattle, deer, swine, antelope, boar, buffalo, chamois, chinchillas, donkeys, elephants, elk, giraffes, gnus, goats, hippopotami, horses, kangaroos, llamas, moose, oxen, pigs, seals, swans, walruses, whales, yaks, zebras(when pasturing or driven together)
A hive of bees
A hoard of gold, jewels
A horde of barbarians, savages
A host of angels
A league of powers, states
A leash of hares, hounds
A legion of soldiers
A library of books
A litter of puppies, kittens, piglings (brought forth at one birth)
A lock of hair
A mass of clouds, ruins
A menagerie of wild animals
A mob of people (in a riot)
A multitude of people
A murder of crows
A muster of peacocks, troops
An album of photos, paintings, snap-shots, stamps
An ambush of tigers
An anthology of poems
An army of soldiers, ants
An assembly of members, people gathered together for some common purpose
A nest of ants
An orchestra of musicians
A nosegay of flowers
An outfit of clothes
A pack of asses, hounds, playing-cards, wolves
A panel of judges, jury-men
A parade of soldiers
A party of musicians, people, friends
A patrol of scouts, soldiers
A pencil of rays
A pile of arms, bricks, stones, wood
A posse of constables, police-men (called to quell a riot)
A posy of flowers
A poultry of fowls, ducks etc.
A queue of people, voters
A quiver of arrows
A rabble of people (in a rowdy scene)
A range ofhills, mountains
A regiment of soldiers
A rope of pearls
A row of athletes, chairs, trees
A school of porpoises, whales
A series of events
A set of tools
A sheaf of arrows, corn-stalks, paper
A shoal of fishes
A shock of hair
A shower of arrows, bullets, rain, stones
A sleuth of bears
A society people gathered together for some common purpose
A squad of soldiers
A squadron of ships, soldiers
A stack of arms, corn, hay, wood (piled together)
A staff of officials, servants, teachers
A stock of goods
A string of camels
A suit of clothes
A suite of apartments, furniture, rooms
A swarm of ants, bees, flies, locusts
A syndicate of businessmen, councillors
A team of horses, players, oxen (harnessed together)
A throng of people
A train of carriages, followers, waggons
A tribe of aborigines, people
A troop of lions, monkeys, scouts, soldiers
A troupe of actors, artistes, dancers
A tuft of grass, hair
Audience people at a lecture or concert
A volley of shots, bullets
A wreath of flowers
Congregation people in a church, mosque or temple
Spectators people at a match, tournament, etc.

What is a group of birds called? Or any idea about the collective nouns for birds! In this article, we will learn the basic definition along with an explanation, a lot of examples, and a list. Let’s explore collective nouns for birds!

The type of nouns used to represent a group of species of birds is called collective nouns for birds. Even other animals are termed by the use of different collective nouns. As birds are of different species, their collective group names are also different. All of the common collective nouns are used regularly to identify certain species of birds in a group and to extinguish them differently. These collective nouns, which are used even till this date ways back to almost the middle of the fifteenth century. For example,

  • A wake of buzzards
  • A murder of crows
  • A cast of merlins
  • A conspiracy of ravens
  • A crown of kingfishers
  • A prayer of godwits
  • A conspiracy of robins
what is a group of birds called collective nouns for birds
What is a group of birds called collective nouns for birds

In the above image, kingfishers have formed a group and it is called collective noun crown. In the above examples, collective nouns of various birds are, as follows

  • Wake
  • Murder
  • Cast
  • Conspiracy
  • Crown
  • Prayer

Types of Collective Nouns for Birds’ Origin


 Many types of animals live different lives from birds, including reptiles and mammals. These animals fascinate us because of their differences from birds. The minimum collective noun for birds must be known in order not to waste time.

Whenever you use the word flock to describe a flock of birds, you are referring to a group of birds at once. The birds’ flock can be grouped together as a word group, or you can use a single flock. Both meanings go far beyond simple bird descriptions. Example sentences illustrate the various uses of the word flock. 


Most creatures, particularly birds, may be described as “colonies.” Baboons and ants are also housed in the colony. When used to describe birds, the term “colony,” which has been specially defined in zoology for social groupings of creatures that live and interact closely with one another, is equally applicable.


When discussing birds, you may also use fleet as a collective noun. Nonetheless, in the marine environment, birds act as a fleet. Birds have an unexpected role in the aquatic environment. They are all capable of doing aerobatic manoeuvres. Their conduct is most likely motivated by a desire to avoid predators and other natural calamities.


It is common to use the collective noun parcel for birds. A parcel can also refer to a fleet of birds and is often used in articles that mention birds or mention the news. Just like other collective nouns in English, the word parcel must be used with a correct preposition and plural form.


The term cloud is one of the lesser-used and lesser-known collective nouns that is used to call a group of birds. It is very common to see birds act like clouds during the fall. However, even though this behaviour is meant to distract predators, they have been described as a cloud in the past, and their name is still used today.


Even though it appears silly at first glance, bird colonies are collectively referred to as murmurations. Murmurs are soft, indistinct sounds produced by a group of people talking together quietly or at a distance. This is an obvious phenomenon. A flock of starlings flying in swooping may sound indistinct because of the sound of their wings being pressed against each other.

Collective Nouns for Birds Origin

Well! This is a very interesting story. All origin purposes for different group names for birds are different. Like some group names are named after peculiar habits of birds. We can see it with few examples,

Collective Nouns for Birds Explanation
A descent of woodpeckers This is due to the reason that the woodpeckers drop on ants from greater heights.
A bellowing of bullfinches This comes due to the reason that bullfinches have extraordinary thick necks.


  • A murder of crows‘ comes from the fact that crows are sent by the devil or they are witches in disguise.
  • An unkindness of ravens‘ is derived from a belief that the ‘ravens’ were not the most caring of parents and
  • A murmuration of starlings‘ is due to the sound of an ongoing background murmur.

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Different Group Collective Nouns for Same Birds

Many of the birds have more than one collective noun. For example – for crow, it could be,

  • charm,
  • trembling, and
  • trimming.

And for geese, it could be,

  • skein,
  • wedge nide,
  • plump and
  • gaggle.

The word skein is derived from the French language word – escaigne, which means a hank of yarn, when folded back on itself, resembles a ‘V’ shape. The geese in flight are also referred to as a team or a wedge. Check out our ANIMATED VIDEO,

Check out a few Collective Nouns Worksheets for practice.

Dictionary for Collective Nouns for Birds

Collective Nouns for Birds Starts with A

  • A rookery of albatrosses
  • A weight of albatrosses
  • A raft of auks
  • A colony of avocets

Collective Nouns for Birds Starts with B

  • A pretense of bitterns
  • A sedge of bitterns
  • A siege of bitterns
  • A chain of bobolinks
  • A bellowing of bullfinches
  • A wake of buzzards

Collective Nouns for Birds Starts with C

  • A tok of capercaillie
  • A mews of capons
  • A brood of chicks
  • A clutch of chicks
  • A clattering of chicks
  • A brood of chickens
  • A peep of chickens
  • A clattering of choughs
  • A covert of coots
  • A raft of coots
  • A flight of cormorants
  • A herd of cranes
  • A sedge of cranes
  • a horde of crows
  • A hover of crows
  • A mob of crows
  • A murder of crows
  • A muster of crows
  • A parcel of crows
  • A parliament of crows
  • A storytelling crows
  • A herd of curlews

Collective Noun for Birds Starts with D

  • A trip of dotterel
  • A sort of ducks
  • A dole of doves
  • A fling of dunlins
  • A piteousness of doves
  • A raft of ducks
  • A doping of ducks
  • A bevy of doves
  • A plump of ducks
  • A paddling of ducks
  • A pitying of doves
  • A flight of doves
  • A badling of ducks
  • A flush of ducks
  • A team of ducks
  • A lack of ducks

Collective Nouns for Bird Starts with E

  • A congress of eagles
  • A convocation of eagles
  • A mob of emus

Collective Noun for Birds Starts with F

  • A cast of falcons
  • A charm of finches
  • A trembling of finches
  • A trimming of finches
  • A flamboyance of flamingos
  • A stand of flamingos

Collective Noun for Birds Starts with G

  • Omniscience of godwits
  • A prayer of godwits
  • A pantheon of godwits
  • A drum of goldfinches
  • A troubling of goldfinches
  • A charm of goldfinches
  • chirm of goldfinches
  • A gaggle of geese
  • wedge of geese
  • A nide of geese
  • A skein of geese
  • A plump of geese
  • A flight of goshawks
  • A covey of grouse
  • A lek of grouse
  • A pack of grouse
  • A bazaar of guillemots
  • A confusion of guinea fowl
  • A colony of gulls
  • A screech of gulls

Collective Noun for Birds Starts with H

  • A cast of hawks
  • A lease of hawks
  • A kettle of hawks
  • A brood of hens
  • A siege of herons
  • A sedge of herons
  • A charm of hummingbirds

Collective Nouns for Birds Starts with J

  • A clattering of jackdaws
  • A train of jackdaws
  • A band of jays
  • A party of jays
  • A scold of jays

Collective Nouns for Birds Starts with K

  • A concentration of kingfishers
  • A crown of kingfishers
  • A realm of kingfishers

Collective Noun for Birds Starts with L

  • A Desert of lapwings
  • A bevy of larks
  • An exaltation of larks
  • An exalting of larks

Collective Nouns for Bird Starts with M

  • A conventicle of magpies
  • A gulp of magpies
  • Mischief of magpies
  • Tidings of magpies
  • A tittering of magpies
  • A site of mallards
  • A sort of mallards
  • A richness of martins
  • A fleet of mudhen

Collective Nouns for Birds Starts with N

  • A watch of nightingales

Collective Noun for Birds Starts with O

  • A parliament of owls
  • A stare of owls
  • A study of owls
  • Wisdom of owls
  • A parcel of oystercatchers

Collective Nouns for Birds Starts with P

  • A company of parrots
  • A prattle of parrots
  • A pandemonium of parrots
  • A covey of partridges
  • A muster of peacocks
  • A pride of peacocks
  • An ostentation of peacocks
  • A pod of pelicans
  • A scoop of pelicans
  • A squadron of pelicans
  • A colony of penguins
  • A creche of penguins
  • A huddle of penguins
  • A parcel of penguins
  • A rookery of penguins
  • A bouquet of pheasants
  • A covey of pheasants
  • A nide of pheasants
  • A nye of pheasants
  • A kit of pigeons
  • Aloft of pigeons
  • A congregation of plovers
  • A covey of ptarmigans

Collective Nouns for Birds Starts with Q

  • A bevy of quail
  • A covey of quail

Collective Nouns for Birds Starts with R

  • An unkindness of ravens
  • A blush of robins
  • A bobbin of robins
  • A breast of robins
  • A carol of robins
  • A gift of robins
  • A reliant of robins
  • A riot of robins
  • A rouge of robins
  • A round of robins
  • A ruby of robins
  • A worm of robins
  • A building of rooks
  • A clamor of rooks
  • A parliament of rooks
  • A hill of ruffs

Collective Nouns for Birds Starts with S

  • A bind of sandpipers
  • A cluster of sandpipers
  • A contradiction of sandpipers
  • A fling of sandpipers
  • A hill of sandpipers
  • A time-step of sandpipers
  • A cloud of sea-fowl
  • A colony of seagulls
  • A flock of seagulls
  • A loading of shelducks
  • A dopping of shelducks
  • Exultation of skylarks
  • A walk of snipe
  • A wisp of snipe
  • A host of sparrows
  • A quarrel of sparrows
  • A ubiquity of sparrows
  • A murmuration of starlings
  • A muster of storks
  • A phalanx of storks
  • A flight of swallows
  • A gulp of swallows
  • A gaggle of swans
  • A wedge of swans
  • A bank of swans
  • A bevy of swans
  • A whiteness of swans
  • A herd of swans
  • An error of swans
  • gargle of swans

Collective Nouns for Birds Starts with T

  • A Diving of teal
  • A spring of teal
  • A mutation of thrushes
  • A raffle of turkeys
  • A rafter of turkeys
  • A dole of turtle doves
  • A pitying of turtle doves

Collective Nouns for Birds Starts with W

  • A knob of waterfowl
  • A plump of waterfowl
  • A coil of wigeon
  • A descent of woodpeckers
  • A fall of woodcocks
  • A herd of wrens


Hence, we have learned various collective nouns for birds and got a clear concept of what is a group of birds called. Any comments, please write to us! Happy reading!

Collective Nouns for Animals and Birds

Here is a useful list of collective nouns for animals, birds, and insects which surely will help you to improve your vocabulary in English.  

Collective Nouns for Animals

Collective Nouns for Animals 

List of Collective Nouns for Animals / Group Names for Animals

Sl.No. Name of the Animal Collective Noun / Group Name for Animals
01 Antelopes a cluster/a herd/a tribe of antelopes
02 Apes a shrewdness/a troop of apes
03 Asses a drove/a coffle/a herd of asses
04 Badgers a colony of badgers
05 Bats a cloud/a colony of bats
06 Bears a sloth of bears
07 (Polar) Bears an aurora/a pack of polar bears
08 Bisons a herd/a gang of bisons
09 Blackfish a grind of blackfish
10 Bucks a herd/a leash of bucks
11 Buffalos a gang/an obstinacy of buffalos
12 Bullocks a drove of bullocks
13 Butterfly Fish a school of butterfly fish
14 Camels a flock/a caravan/a herd/a train of camels
15 Caribous a herd of caribous
16 Cats a cluster/a clutter of cats
17 Cattle a herd/a drift/a drove/a mob of cattle
18 Chamois a herd of chamois
19 Cheetahs a coalition of cheetahs
20 Chinchillas a colony of chinchillas
21 Cobras A quiver of cobras
22 Cod a school of cod
23 Colts a rake/a rack/a rag of colts
24 Conies a bury/a game of conies
25 Coyotes a pack/a band of coyotes
26 Crocodiles a congregation/a float/a nest of crocodiles
27 Cubs a litter of cubs
28 Curs a cowardice of curs
29 Deers A herd/abevy of deers
30 Dinosaurs A pack/a herd of dinosaurs
31 Dogfish a troop of dogfish
32 Dogs a pack/a kennel of dogs
33 Dolphins a flock/a school/a team of dolphins
34 Donkeys a herd/a drove of donkeys
35 Dragons a wing of dragons
36 Eels a swarm of eels
37 Elands a herd of elands
38 Elephants a herd/a parade of elephants
39 Elks a gang/a herd of elks
40 Ferrets a business/a cast of ferrets
41 Fish a cluster of porcupine fish
42 Fish a shoal/a draught/a haul/a school of fish
43 Flying Fish a glide of flying fish
44 Frogs a colony/an army of frogs
45 Foxes an earth/a lead/a leash/a troop of foxes
46 Geldings a brace of geldings
47 Gerbils a horde of gerbils
48 Giraffes a journey/a group/a herd/a tower of giraffes
49 Goats a flock/a herd/a tribe of goats
50 Goldfish a glint of goldfish
51 Gorillas a band/a whoop of gorillas
52 Greyhounds a leash of greyhounds
53 Hamsters a horde of hamsters
54 Hares a drove/a flick/a herd/a kindle/a leash/a trace/a trip of hares
55 Hedgehogs an array/a prickle of hedgehogs
56 Herrings a glean/an army/a shoal of herrings
57 Hinds a parcel of hinds
58 Hippopotamuses a bloat of hippopotamuses
59 Hogs a drift/a drove/a parcel of hogs
60 Horses a herd/a string/a team/a drove of horses
61 Hounds a pack/a cry/a kennel/a leash/a meet of hounds
62 Hyenas a clan of hyenas
63 Ibexes a herd of ibexes
64 Iguanas a mess of iguanas
65 Jackrabbits a husk of jackrabbits
66 Kangaroos a mob/a troop of kangaroos
67 Kittens a kindle/a litter of kittens
68 Lambs a fall of lambs
69 Leopards a leap of leopards
70 Leverets a kindle of leverets
71 Lions a pride/a flock/a troop of lions
72 Llamas a herd of llamas
73 Mackerel a shoal of mackerel
74 Mares a stud of mares
75 Martens a richness of martens
76 Mice a mischief/a horde/a nest/a trip of mice
77 Minnows a shoal/a steam/a swarm of minnows
78 Moles a labor/a company of moles
79 Mongooses a band/a pack of mongooses
80 Monkeys a troop/a mission/a tribe/a cartload of monkeys
81 Moose a herd of moose
82 Mules a barren/a pack/a span of mules
83 Oxen a team/a herd/a yoke of oxen
84 Perch a pack of perch
85 Piglets a farrow/a litter of piglets
86 Pigs a drift/a flock/a herd of pigs
87 Ponies a string/a herd of ponies
88 Porcupines a prickle of porcupines
89 Pups a litter of pups
90 Guinea Pigs a group of guinea pigs
91 Rabbits a colony/a bury/a flick/a kindle/a leash/a nest/a trace of rabbits
92 Raccoons a nursery/a gaze of raccoons
93 Rainbow Fish a party of rainbow fish
94 Rats a colony/a horde/a mischief/a swarm of rats
95 Racehorses a field/a string of racehorses
96 Rhinoceroses a crash/a herd of rhinoceroses
97 Salmon a bind/a leap/a school/a shoal of salmon
98 Sardine a family of sardines
99 Seahorses a herd of seahorses
100 Seals a colony/a herd/a rookery/a spring of seals
101 Shads a shoal of shads
102 Sharks a shiver/a school/a shoal of sharks
103 Sheep a dove/a flock/a herd of sheep
104 Shrimp a troupe of shrimp
105 Snakes a pit/a knot/a ped/a nest/a den of snakes
106 Squid a squad of squid
107 Squirrels a dray/a colony of squirrels
108 Swine a drove/a herd of swine
109 Swordfish a flotilla of swordfish
110 Tame Swine a drift/a trip of tame swine
111 Tigers an ambush/a streak of tigers
112 Toads a knob/ a nest of toads
113 Tuna a float of tuna
114 Turtles a turn/a bale of turtles
115 Unicorns a blessing of unicorns
116 Vipers a generation of vipers
117 Walruses a huddle/an ugly of walruses
118 Weasels a sneak/a gang/a pack of weasels
119 Whales a grind of bottle-nosed whales
120 Whales a school/a float/a herd/a mob/a shoal of whales
121 Wild Pigs a sounder of wild pigs
122 Wild Swine a sounder of wild swine
123 Wildcats destruction of wildcats
124 Wildebeests a herd of wildebeests
125 Wolves a pack/a herd/a rout of wolves
126 Yaks a herd of yaks
127 Zebras a herd/a zeal of zebras

Collective Nouns for Animals and Birds

Collective Nouns for Birds

Collective Nouns for Birds and Insects

List of Collective Nouns for Birds / Group Names for Birds

Sl.No. Name of the Bird Collective Noun / Group Name
01 Birds a flight/a flock of birds
02 Buzzards a wake of buzzards
03 Bitterns a sedge/a siege of bitterns
04 Bobolinks a chain of bobolinks
05 Bustards a flock of bustards
06 Buzzards a wake of buzzards
07 Caterpillars an army of caterpillars
08 Chickens a brood/a clutch/a peep of chickens
09 Cormorants a flight/a gulp of cormorants
10 Cranes a sedge/a herd/a sedge/a siege of cranes
11 Crows a murder/a hover/a muster/a parcel of crows
12 Dotterel a tip of dotterel
13 Doves a dole/a flight/a pitying/a prettying of doves
14 Ducks a flush of ducks
15 Dunlins a fling of dunlins
16 Eagles a convocation/an aerie of eagles
17 Falcons a cast of falcons
18 Finches a charm/a trembling/a trimming of finches
19 Flamingos a stand of flamingos
20 Geese a gaggle/a flock/a plump/a team/a wedge of geese
21 Goshawks a flight of goshawks
22 Grouse a covey/a brace/a brood/a flight/a pack of grouse
23 Guillemots a bazaar of guillemots
24 Gulls a colony of gulls
25 Hawks a mews/an aerie/a cast/a kettle/a mew/a screw/a stream of hawks
26 Hens a brood of hens
27 Herons a sedge/a flight/a hedge/a rookery/a siege of herons
28 Hummingbirds a charm/a chattering/a drum/a troubling of hummingbirds
29 Ibises a colony of ibises
30 Jays a band/a party/a scold of jays
31 Lapwings a desert/a deceit of lapwings
32 Larks an exaltation/an ascension/a bevy/a flight of larks
33 Linnets a parcel of linnets
34 Magpies a congregation/a charm/a flock/a gulp/a murder/a tiding/a tittering/a tribe of magpies
35 Mallards a flush/a puddling of mallards
36 Moorhens a plump of moorhens
37 Nightingales a watch/a match/a pray of nightingales
38 Ostriches a pride/a flock of ostriches
39 Owls a parliament/a stare of owls
40 Parrots a company/a flock/a pandemonium/a prattle of parrots
41 Partridges a covey/a bevy/a clutch/a warren of partridges
42 Peacocks a muster/an ostentation/a pride of peacocks
43 Pelicans a pod/a scoop of pelicans
44 Penguins a colony/a parcel/a rookery of penguins
45 Peregrines a cadge of peregrines
46 Pheasants a bouquet/a head/a warren of pheasants
47 Pigeons a flight/a flock/a kit/a passel of pigeons
48 Plovers a congregation/a flight/a wing of plovers
49 Poultry a run of poultry
50 Quails a bevy/a covey/a drift of quails
51 Ravens an unkindness/an aerie/a conspiracy of ravens
52 Redwings a crowd of redwings
53 Rooks a parliament/a building/a congregation/a shoal/a wing of rooks
54 Ruffs a hill of ruffs
55 Sandpipers a fling of sandpipers
56 Seafowls a cloud of seafowls
57 Seagulls a squabble of seagulls
58 Snipes a walk/a wisp of snipes
59 Sparrows a host/a quarrel/a tribe/a ubiquity of sparrows
60 Starlings a chattering/a cloud/a congregation/a clutter of starlings
61 Storks a mustering/a flight/a phalanx of storks
62 Swallows a flight/a gulp of swallows
63 Swans a herd/a bank/a bevy/a game/a squadron/a team of swans
64 Swifts a flock of swifts
65 Thrushes a mutation of thrushes
66 Turkeys a flock of turkeys
67 Turkeys a rafter of turkeys
68 Turtle Doves a pitying of turtle doves
69 Vultures a colony/a committee/a wake of vultures
70 Waterfowls a plump/a bunch/a knob/a raft of waterfowls
71 Wildfowls a trip/a bunch/a knob/a lute/a skein of wildfowls
72 Woodcocks a fall/a covey/a flight/a plump of woodcocks
73 Woodpeckers a descent of woodpeckers
74 Wrens a herd/a flock of wrens

Collective Nouns for Animals and Birds

Collective Noun/Group Name for Insects and Arachnids

Sl.No. Name of the Insect Collective Noun for Insects
01 Ants a colony/an army/a swarm of ants
02 Bacteria a culture of bacteria
03 Bees a swarm/a bike/a cluster/a drift/a hive/a stand/a grist of bees
04 Butterflies a flight/a rabble/a swarm of butterflies
05 Caterpillars an army of caterpillars
06 Cockroaches an intrusion of cockroaches
07 Flies a swarm/a cloud/a business/a grist/a hatch of flies
08 Grasshoppers a cloud/a cluster/a swarm of grasshoppers
09 Insects a flight/a horde/a plague/a swarm of insects
10 Lice a flock/a colony/an infestation of lice
11 Locusts a plague/a cloud/a swarm of locusts
12 Mosquitoes a swarm of mosquitoes
13 Oysters a bed of oysters
14 Spiders a cluster of spiders
15 Termites a colony/a swarm of termites
16 Wasps a colony/a nest of wasps
17 Wild Bees a bike of wild bees
18 Worms a clew of worms
Apart from the list of Collective Nouns for Animals and Birds, you can also refer to:
  • Collective Nouns for Things and Places
  • Collective Nouns for People

Want to impress whilst on safari? Then here’s the perfect list to brush up your knowledge of collective nouns for birds you might see whilst out birdwatching.

Whilst some collective nouns for the birds of Africa are general and can be used for any subject – swarm, flock, etc. – many other collective animal nouns are specific to a single bird, or even to a bird in a particular state – for example, a ‘badling of ducks’ when they are on the ground only.

Names for collective groups of animals are thought to date from The Book of Saint Albans, published in 1486 by Dame Juliana Berners where many of the collective nouns for were chosen simply for the humorous images they conjure up, or the alliteration.

It’s fairly well known that a group of gulls is a colony… but did you know that a group of perfectly pink flamingos is called a “flamboyance” or a “stand”? And how about bird group names for other aerial species?  There are some more real gems of collective bird nouns below, so have a read and let us know what you think:

List of collective nouns for birds:

Bird Collective Noun/Group Name
Cormorants Gulp
Cranes Sedge, Seige
Crows Murder
Doves Dole
Ducks in flight Flock
Ducks on the ground Badling
Ducks on water Raft, Team, Paddling
Eagles Convocation, Aerie
Finches Charm
Flamingos Stand, Flamboyance
Geese in flight Skein
Geese on the ground Gaggle, Herd, Corps
Guinea Fowl Confusion
Gulls Colony, Screech
Hawks Kettle
Herons Sedge, Siege, Hedge
Larks Exaltation, Ascension
Magpies Tiding, Gulp, Murder, Charm
Nightingale Watch
Owls Parliament, Stare, Wisdom
Parrots Company, Pandemonium
Peacocks Muster, Ostentation, Pride
Pelicans Pod
Penguins Colony, Rookery, Huddle
Pheasants Bouquet
Quail Bevvy
Ravens Unkindness, Storytelling
Rooks Building, Parliament
Seabirds Wreck
Sparrows Host
Starlings Murmuration
Storks Mustering, Muster
Teal Spring
Vultures Venue
Vultures whilst circling Kettle
Woodcocks Fall
Woodpeckers Descent

a flamboyance of flamingos - collective noun for birds

A ‘flamboyance’ of flamingos – the collective noun for these beautiful birds

We’ve scoured the internet high and wide to bring you this collection of collective nouns for birds. If you know of any other collective nouns – or indeed have a new idea for a collective noun – join in using the comments below.

And if you’re into more than just birds, have you seen our list of collective nouns for animals?

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