Group the words and word combination


Countryside: meadow, horse, orchard, pig, field, well, shepherd,farm, harvest City: University, lift, rubbish chute,



meadow, horse, orchard, pig, field, well, shepherd,farm, harvest

City: University, lift, rubbish chute, block of flats, shopping mall, metro, central heating, theatre, trolleybus, milking machine (По поводу доильной машины. Смотря что имеется ввиду. На ферме доильные машины тоже используются)


Отв. дан
2019-04-02 11:12:26

Для написания вопросов и ответов необходимо зарегистрироваться на сайте

Другие вопросы в разделе — Английский язык









comprehensive, department, applied, competitive, paid, energy
institute, term, education, petrochemical institute, Master of
Philosophy, Doctor of Science,

3. Complete the following phrases.

1) ——- education

to accept ——-

——- exams

——- department

——- curriculum

6) to take ——-

to graduate ——

——— knowledge

to pass ——

a lecture on…

4. Fill the gaps with the proper words.

After finishing a secondary, vocational, technical school or a
college, young people can start working or enter a … 2.
Universities train … in different fields.

A … at a university usually takes 5 years. 4. Many universities
have evening and … departments. 5. Universities usually have …
which give candidate or doctoral degrees. 6. Education in our country
is … at most schools. 7. Students of institutes and universities
get … 8. At many institutes and universities there are also
departments where students have to … for their education.

5. Fill in prepositions or adverbs if necessary.

First-year students work hard to master … the language. 2. What
mark did you get … Physics … the entrance exams? 3. What mark
have you got … your report?

“Try to get rid … this gross mistake,” said the teacher. 5. Our
nephew is very good … maths. 6. Why don’t you take part … our
discussion? 7. When the monitor entered … the classroom the
students kept silent. 8. The students are proud … their Institute.
9. They are all very fond … the English speaking club.

6. Let the members of the class ask and answer questions. Give short answers and add a sentence of your own.



A.: Did you take part in the

B.: I’m afraid I didn’t
quite hear what you said.

A.: I asked if you took part
in the discussion.

I did. The discussion was very interesting.

. Ask one another questions as in the model. Repeat your
question beginning it with
asked if

B could start answering with:

I didn’t catch that;

I’m afraid I missed that;

I beg your pardon;

Would you mind repeating
that, please.


8. Read the text and be ready to answer the questions.

– студент очного отделения

– студент заочного отделения

– оплачиваемый отпуск

– сессия

– длиться

– учебный год

– теоретические (фундаментальные) науки


– прикладные

Higher Education in Russia

people of Russia get higher education at institutes,
and academies.
They enter a higher institution after leavings secondary schools. Of
course, not all people who want to get higher education can be
admitted to an institution. There are from two to ten applicants
for each vacancy at various higher schools and only the best in
knowledge are able to pass competitive
entrance exams.

who hadn’t chance of being accepted to the institute go to work at
various plants and offices. It doesn’t mean, however, that such
people have no opportunity to get higher education. Almost all higher
schools in Russia have evening
or extramural departments

for the people who want to combine their work with study.

study in Russia is free
of charge

or paid.

(day students) get state scholarship,
the amount of which depends on their success in studies. Part-time

get extra-paid

for the period of their session.

of study at higher schools runs
four or six years, in other words it consists of 4 or 6 academic
Each academic year is divided into two terms.
At the end of each term the students have exams
and credit


schools of higher education have a comprehensive

which consists of a number of theoretical
The students study general-educational
and specialized

the end of study students submit the graduation
projects (papers)

or hold final
The main purpose of the project is to evaluate the standard of the
knowledge and abilities. Sometimes projects are used by industrial
enterprises. After graduation the graduates get diplomas.

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #

Fill in the gaps with the following words and word combinations
b) the USA
c) Turkey
d) February
f) wool sack
g) Thanksgiving Day
h) cranberry sauce
i) domestic
j)the eve
k)Chimney sweeps
1)Halloween or….of all saints Day is celebrated on october 31. 2)Thoung there are few …working today,a sweeps festival is celebrated in rochester on the first weekend in may in honour of this old profession. 3) St valentines Day is celebrated on….14. 4)to present …on Christmas is a good tradition. 5)….is a characteristic feature of english people. 6)i know that many English people like …animals. 7) Thanksgiving Day is very popular in….  8)The people can spend …with their families as it is a four-day holiday. 9)as the….cooks make the simple homemade….10) The lord Chancellor presides over parliament sitting on a …which symbolizes the importance of wool in english history

EXERCISE 7. Divide the following words and word combinations into four groups which describe different categories of hobbies: a) arts, b) collect- ing, c) handicrafts, d) games and sports: dancing, painting, stamps, coins, needlework, knitting, models, com- petitions, exercise, music, to sing, to play musical instruments, to play football, ceramics, to crochet, autographs, rare books, to attend concerts, records and tapes, to sew, jewellery making, physical activity.​


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Новые вопросы

Государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение среднего профессионального образования Нижегородской области

«Краснобаковский лесной колледж»

Методические указания к курсу английского языка

для студентов I курса 6 часть

Тема 13. Научно-технический прогресс

Тема 14. Человек и природа, экологические проблемы

Тема 15. Жизнь в городе и в деревне



иностранного языка

Воронина М.В.,

Булкина Т.А.

Красные Баки

2021 год

Lesson 1

Scientific and technological progress

1. Read and translate these international words, pay your attention to the stress.

— technology, aspect, telephone, scanner, code, product, bank, transaction, document, information, camera, number, credit, operator, contact, machine, company, register;

— modern, personal, technological, medical, computerized, automated;

— to diagnose, to deposit, to analyze, to monitor.

2. Read and translate the text:

Technology means the use of people’s inventions and discoveries to satisfy their needs. Since people appeared on the Earth, they had to get food, clothes and shelter. Through the ages people invented tools, machines and materials to make work easier.

Nowadays, when people speak of technology, they generally mean industrial technology. Industrial technology began about 200 years ago with the development of the steam engine, the growth of factories, and the mass production of goods. It influenced different aspects of people’s lives. The development of the car influenced where people lived and worked. Radio and television changed their leisure time. The telephone revolutionized communication.

Science contributed much to modern technology. Science attempts to explain how and why things happen. Technology makes things happen. But not all technology is based on science. For example, people made different objects from iron for centuries before they learnt the structure of the metal. But some modern technologies, such as nuclear power production and space travel, depend heavily on science.

3. Find in text the English for: 

изобретения и открытия, удовлетворять потребности, инструменты, облегчить работу, промышленная технология, паровой двигатель, развитие, рост, массовое производство товаров, влиять, способствовать, делать попытку, атомная энергия, сильно зависеть от.

4. Form the derivatives and translate them.

Основа существительного + -al = прилагательное

1. technology – technological (технологический)

2. medicine –

3. mechanic –

4. person –

5. technics –

6. physics –

7. digit –

8. structure –

9. nature –

10. electronics –

5. Find in the texts the words, which have the opposite meanings to the following:

narrow, easy, practice, to try, artificial, old, more, to begin, small, different, little

6. Read, translate the sentences, change the words in italics into the words with similar and opposite meanings:

1. He happened to meet her in that broad street.

2. They are investigating complex problems.

3. It was a very difficult experiment.

4. They started researching this problem.

5. It was a big contribution.

7. Fill in the blanks with the articles a, an, the where necessary.

… most common type of… computer is … digital computer…. larg­est digital computers are … parts of…. computer system that fill… large room. … smallest digital computers — some so small they can рай through … eye of… needle — are found inside … watches, … pocket calculators, and … other devices.

8. Fill in the blanks with the verbs be, have

People … used calculating devices since ancient times. The first electronic digital computer … built in 1946. The large room … filled with the computer. Since then rapid improvement in computer technology … led to the development of smaller, more powerful, and less expensive computers. But computers … not able to think. A user… to tell the computer in very simple terms exactly what to do with the data it receives. A list of instructions for a computer to follow … called a program.

9. Complete the following sentences in a logical way

1. The word «science» comes from …

2. Science deals with …

3. Scientists study…

4. Some scientists search for …

5. Other researchers solve …

6. Scientific theories consist of…

7. A theory becomes …

8. Scientific study can be divided into …

9. The boundaries between scientific fields have become …

10. Science provides …

11. Technology means …

12. Industrial technology began …

13. Technology influenced …

14. Science attempts to explain …

15. Technology makes …

Lesson 2


1. Study the information:

Неопределённые местоимения

Повествовательное предложение

Вопросительное предложение

Отрицательное предложение



no или not any

somebody, someone

кто-нибудь, кто-либо

anybody, anyone

кто-нибудь, кто-либо

nobody, no one / none



что-нибудь, что-либо


что-нибудь, что-либо













Указательные местоимения

Единственное число

Множественное число

this – этот, эта, это

these – эти

that – тот, та, то

those – те

such – такой, подобный

such – такие, подобные

the same – тот же самый

the same – те же самые

it – это

it – это

Вопросительные местоимения


кто? кого?


кого? кому?


что? какой?








почему? зачем?

2. Fill in the gaps with pronouns some, any, no, somebody, anybody, nobody, something, anything, nothing:

1. I have ______ to tell you.
2. He never puts ______ sugar in his tea.
3. I must find______ for you to play badminton with.
4. There’s______ in my soup. It’s a mosquito.
5. Let’s have______ to drink. How about juice?
6. No, thanks. I’m not thirsty. I don’t want ______.
7. There’s______ at the door. I heard the doorbell ring.
8. Remember not to tell______ about him. It’s a secret.
9. Isn’t there______ more interesting to look at?
10. I’m thirsty. Can I have______ cold water? (просьба!)
11. I opened the door, but I could see______.
12. Susan seldom says______.
13. Stop sitting there doing______ and help me.
14. ______ can speak all the languages in the world.
15. We didn’t have______ milk for our kitten so I went out to buy it.

3. Fill in the gaps with this, that, these, those:

  1. _________ people over there are waiting for the bus

  2. The day I first came to London was wonderful. I will remember _______day for ever.

  3. ______ summer I’m pretty busy.

  4. I’m working as a receptionist _______days.

  5. ________ were the days!

  6. Do you remember _______ winter when we all went to Egypt?

  7. Hello!__________ is Alan. Can I speak to Harry, please?

  8. _________ is a new cathedral and _________ one over there was built 900 years ago.

  9. Will you come over at five o’clock? I’ll be at home at _________ time.

  10. The summer of 1999 I spent in the country. I remember we had a lot of rain ___ year.

  11. ______ are my sisters. They have just arrived from London.

  12. Who was _____ girl I saw you with last night?

  13. Do you want to sit on ______chair here or on ________ one over there?

  14. _________ sweets you gave me last night were very nice.

  15. Look at _______ colourful air balloons in the sky!

4. Translate into English paying attention to the use of demonstrative pronouns.

  1. Это были самые красивые розы, какие я когда-либо видел.

  2. Посмотрите, кто это? — Это один из наших студентов.

  3. Я где-то видел этого человека. — Это один из наших спортсменов. — Да, теперь я узнаю, это он

  4. Кто там? — Откройте, это я.

  5. Какие это были чудесные цветы!

5. Fill in the gaps withwhat, where or when.

1 … does Alice get up? – At 10 o’clock.

2 … does Alice have lunch? – At school.

3 … does Alice read in the morning? – A book.

4 … do Alice’s parents get home? – At 6 o’clock.

5 … does Alice’s family have dinner? – At home.

6 … does Alice do after dinner? – She brushes her teeth.

6. Complete the sentences using possessive pronouns (my, your, his, her, our, their).

1. I left … car in the garage.

2. Mary hung … coat on the peg.

3. Jack had … hair cut.

4. Neil and David ate … supper.

5. I hope you enjoy … holiday.

6. Every dog had … own special basket to sleep in.

Lesson 3

Придаточные нереального условия с союзом if

В английском языке форма глаголов в предложениях нереального условия зависит от того, к какому времени относится действие, выраженное данным предложением.

1. Действие относится к настоящему или будущему

В придаточном предложении

В главном предложении

форма, сходная с Past Indefinite

would + инфинитив смыслового глагола (V1)

If I knew his number I would phone him. — Если бы знал его номер, я бы ему позвонил.

2. Действие относится к прошлому

В придаточном предложении

В главном предложении

форма, сходная с Past Perfect

would + перфектный инфинитив

смыслового глагола (have V3)

If I had known his number I would have phoned him long ago. — Если бы знал его номер, я бы ему давно позвонил.

3. Действие относится к прошлому Действие относится к настоящему

В придаточном предложении

В главном предложении

форма, сходная с Past Perfect

would + инфинитив смыслового глагола (V1)

If you had prepared everything beforehand we wouldnt wait for you now. — Если бы ты приготовил все заранее, мы бы тебя сейчас не ждали.

4. Действие относится к настоящему Действие относится к прошлому

В придаточном предложении

В главном предложении

форма, сходная с Past Indefinite

would + перфектный инфинитив

смыслового глагола (have V3)

If I knew his address I would have written him a letter long ago. — Если бы знал его адрес, я бы давно написал ему письмо.

5. Оборот if I were you соответствует русскому на вашем месте.

If I were you I would do it now. — На вашем месте я бы сделал это сейчас.

If I were you I would have done it long ago. — На вашем месте я бы давно это сделал.

В предложениях с придаточными нереального условия правила согласования времен не соблюдаются.

If I ate less I wouldn’t be so fat. He said that if he ate less he wouldn’t be so fat.

6. Оборот but for соответствует русскому если бы не

But for the bad weather we would go for a walk now. — Если бы не плохая погода, мы бы пошли сейчас погулять.

But for the bad weather we would have gone for a walk yesterday. — Если бы не плохая погода, мы бы вчера пошли погулять.

1. Употребите глагол в форме сослагательного наклонения. Ситуация относится к настоящему времени.

Example: If I knew his telephone number I would ring him up now. (to ring)

If I knew English I would speak to them. (to know)

1. If Jack were a polite man he ………………………….. in such a way. (not, to behave)

2. If Barbara ……………………. to my birthday party I would be so pleased. (to come)

3. If I weren’t tired I ……………………. you. (to join)

4. He ……………………. ill so often if he went in for sports. (not, to fall)

5. I would go to the sea-side if I ……………………. afford a holiday now. (can)

6. If you ……………………. ready he wouldn’t be so annoyed. (to be)

7. You ……………………. better if you walked more. (to feel)

8. If I ……………………. a cold I would take part in the competition. (not, to have)

9. I wouldn’t be angry with you if you ……………………. me all the time. (not, to interrupt)

10. I ……………………. the house if it weren’t so large. (not, to sell)

2. Употребите глагол в форме сослагательного наклонения. Ситуация относится к прошедшему времени.

Example: If I had found him at home I would have told him the news. (to tell)

If so many years hadn’t passed I would have recognized him. (to pass)

1. If I hadn’t been rude to him yesterday we ……………………. . (not, to quarrel)

2. If she …………. away some important papers I wouldn’t have been angry. (not, to throw)

3. I wouldn’t have taken a taxi if I ……………………. so much luggage. (not, to have)

4. He ……………………. his way if you had explained to him how to get there. (not, to lose)

5. They ……………………. if you had told them the truth. (to help)

6. He wouldn’t have lost his way if you ……………………. him. (to meet)

7. If you ……………………. the police they would have arrested him. (to call)

8. If they hadn’t been in a hurry they ……………. to drive you to the station. (not, to refuse)

9. I ……………………. everything to you if you had asked me. (to explain)

10. If you ……………. me for advice I would have advised you to stay at home. (to ask)

3. Переделайте предложения, употребляя сослагательное наклонение.

1. She is unhappy because he doesn’t love her.

2. She was so happy yesterday because he told her he loved her.

3. Glen stayed at home because the weather was bad.

4. Molly doesn’t trust him because she doesn’t know him well.

5. He didn’t argue because he didn’t know the subject well.

6. I didn’t drink the coffee because it wasn’t tasty.

7. The child learned the poem quickly because it was easy.

8. I read a lot because I want to know a lot.

9. I took the cat home because it looked unhappy.

10. I don’t watch TV because I don’t have much time.

4. Постройте предложения по образцу.

I don’t walk much. — If I were you I would walk more.

I’ve sold my car. — If I were you I wouldn’t have sold my car.

1. I didn’t go there.

2. I ate a lot yesterday.

3. I don’t learn English.

4. I always trust people.

5. I told him the truth.

6. I didn’t buy that bag.

7. I smoke a lot.

8. I don’t eat much fruit.

9. I didn’t have a holiday last year.

10. I’m angry with him.

5. Соедините две части предложения в одно сложное по образцу:

If Graham weren’t friendly he wouldn’t have made so many friends.

  1. Graham is friendly

  2. Richard is nervous

  3. Bill is economical

  4. Bess is bad-tempered

  5. My chief is loyal

  6. My mother is kind

A. she quarrelled with her husband

B. he shouted at his child

C. he has made a lot of friends

D. she forgave me

E. he gave me a day off

F. he has saved a lot of money

6. Переделайте предложения, как указано в примере.

I didn’t book a room in advance, that’s why I have problems now. — If I had booked a room in advance, I wouldn’t have problems now.

1. You didn’t take the pills, that’s why you feel bad now.

2. I didn’t clean the room yesterday, that’s why I have to do it now.

3. The film is interesting, that’s why I’ve seen it twice.

4. He is a good lawyer, that’s why he has earned a lot of money

5. He hasn’t given up smoking, that’s why he feels bad.

6. Tom hasn’t eaten anything the whole day, so he is hungry now.

7. You are late again. Why didn’t you take a taxi?

8. I’m afraid of flying, that’s why I didn’t go there by plane.

9. My radio-set doesn’t work and I didn’t listen to the 7 o’clock news.

10. The bag is cheap, that’s why I bought it.

Lesson 4

Wonders of the World

1. Read and translate the text “Seven Wonders of the Ancient World”:

Since ancient times, people have put together many “seven wonders” lists. Examples include the Seven Wonders of the Natural World, the Seven Wonders of the Modern World and the Seven Natural Wonders of the U.S. The content of these lists tends to vary, and none is definitive. The original list of seven wonders is the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, which is made up of a selection of ancient architectural and sculptural accomplishments. The seven wonders that are most widely agreed upon as being in the original list are outlined below.

The Pyramids of Egypt

A group of three pyramids, Khufu, Khafra, and Menkaura located at Giza, Egypt, outside modern Cairo, is often called the first wonder of the world. The largest pyramid, built by Khufu (Cheops), a king of the fourth dynasty, had an original estimated height of 482 feet (now approximately 450 feet). The base has sides 755 feet long. It contains 2,300,000 blocks. The average weight of each block is 2.5 tons. Estimated date of construction is 2680 B.C. Of all the Ancient Wonders, the pyramids are the only one still standing.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon

O ften listed as the second wonder, these gardens, which were located south of Baghdad, Iraq, were supposedly built by Nebuchadnezzar around 600 B.C. to please his queen, Amuhia. They are also associated with the mythical Assyrian queen, Semiramis. Archeologists think that the gardens were laid out atop a vaulted building, with provisions for raising water. The terraces were said to rise from 75 to 300 feet.

S tatue of Zeus (Jupiter) at Olympia

Phidias (fifth century B.C.) built this 40-foot high statue in gold and ivory. All trace of it is lost, except for reproductions on coins. It was located in Olympia, Greece.

T emple of Artemis (Diana) at Ephesus

The temple was a beautiful marble structure, begun about 350 B.C., in honor of the goddess Artemis. The temple, with Ionic columns 60 feet high, was destroyed by invading Goths in A.D. 262. It was located in Ephesus, Turkey.

M ausoleum at Halicarnassus

This famous monument was erected in Bodium, Turkey, by Queen Artemisia in memory of her husband, King Mausolus of Caria in Asia Minor, who died in 353 B.C. Some remains of the structure are in the British Museum. This shrine is the source of the modern word “mausoleum,” which is a large above-ground tomb.

C olossus at Rhodes

This bronze statue of Helios (Apollo), about 105 feet high, was the work of the sculptor Chares. He worked on t he statue for 12 years, finishing it in 280 B.C. It was destroyed during an earthquake in 224 B.C. Rhodes is a Greek island in the Aegean Sea.

Pharos of Alexandria

The seventh wonder was the Pharos (lighthouse) of Alexandria. Sostratus of Cnidus built the Pharos during the third century B.C. on the island of Pharos off the coast of Egypt. It was destroyed by an earthquake in the thirteenth century.

2. Match the wonder and its location:

1.The Great Pyramid

2.The Temple of Artemis

3.The Mausoleum of Maussollos

4.The Colossus

5.The Hanging Gardens

6.The Statue of Zeus

7.The Lighthouse

a. Alexandria

b. Giza

c. Olympia

d. Ephesus

e. Rhodes

f. Halicarnassus

g. Babylon

3. Find the following words and phrases from the text:

древние времена, изменяться, точный, древние архитектурные и скульптурные достижения, пирамида, средний вес, сады, сводчатое здание, террасы, статуя, следы, храм, мрамор, в честь богини, разрушенный, памятник, воздвигнут, остатки, в память о, усыпальница, надгробный, бронзовая статуя, землетрясение, маяк

4. Translate the sentences into English:

1. С древних времен люди составляют разные списки чудес света.

2. Списки чудес света постоянно меняются

3. Первоначальные список Древних чудес света включает древние скульптурные и архитектурные достижения.

4. Первым чудом света считается пирамида Хеопса.

5. Средний вес каждого блока около 2,5 тонн

6. Вторым чудом света считаются висячие сады Семирамиды.

7. Висячие сады Семирамиды представляли собой сводчатое здание с террасами и специальными сооружениями для подачи воды.

8. Храм в честь богини Артемиды был разрушен племенами готов в 262 году до нашей эры

9. Артемиссия построила надгробный памятник в память о своем муже Мавсоле.

10. Колосс Родосский, это бронзовая статуя бога Гелиоса, воздвигнутая на греческом острове в Эгейском море, была разрушена во время землетрясения в 224 году до нашей эры.

11. Александрийский маяк был разрушен во время землетрясения в 13 веке.

5. Are the statements True or False? Correct the false ones:

1) There are many lists of “seven wonders” but the original one is the Seven Wonders of the US.

2) The Seven Wonders of the World is the list of most remarkable ancient architectural and sculptural accomplishments.

3) The Pyramids of Egypt are located in Sahara, Egypt.

4) The largest pyramid is Menkaura built by Cheops.

5) The pyramids no longer exist now.

6) The second wonder of the world is Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

7) The Gardens were built by Semiramis, Assirian queen.

8) The Statue of Zeus built in Olimplia was made from bronze and copper.

9) The Temple of Artemis was built in honour of the goddess Artemis.

10) Mausoleum at Halicanassus is an ancient temple built in honor of gods.

11) The Golden Statue of Helios was destroyed during an earthquake.

12) The Pharos of Alexandria was destroyed by invaders.

6. Write out the sentences which of the wonders these dates refer to:

353 BC, 105 feet high, 350 BC, 482 feet, from 75 to 300 feet, the 3rd century BC, 40-foot high, 2,300,000

7. What did they build?

Sostratus of Chidus, Queen Artemisia, Chares, Cheops, Nebuchadnezzar

8. Answer the questions

1. What are the lists of wonders today?

2. What are the most famous pyramids?

3. What are the dimensions of the Cheops pyramid?

4. Why did Nebuchadnezzar build the hanging gardens?

5. What were the hanging gardens like?

6. Where can we find the reproductions of the Statue of Zeus?

7. What was the temple of Artemis built from? Where was it located?

8. Where can you find the remains of Halicarnassus Mausoleum?

9. What is a Halicarnassus Mausoleum?

10. How many years did Chares work on the statue of Helios?

11. Where was the Pharos of Alexandria built?

Lesson 5

Man and nature

1. Переведите слова:

лес, грызун, гриб, млекопитающее, лиственное дерево, хищник, трава, насекомое, куст, рептилия, растение, птица, хвойное дерево, рыба, цветок.

2. Составьте из букв слова по теме «Животные» :

1. rede –

2. nasw –

3. krost –

4. senict –

5. tirelep –

6. relsquri –

7. deront –

8. koro –

9. kesan –

10. reha –

3. Распределите слова на шесть категорий:

pine, fir, bluebell, crucian, bee, swan, birch, bream, owl, woodpecker, snowdrop, ladybird, oak, bear, cornflower, perch, thrush, squirrel, pike, swallow, elm, carp, dandelion, iris, trout, butterfly, crow, wasp, fox, dragonfly, cedar, hedgehog, elk, water lily, eagle, flatfish, deer, dolphin, wolf, larch, crane, ruffe, willow, beetle, worm, ant, poppy, daisy.







4. Угадайте животное по описанию:

  1. it’s a large animal with sharp teeth, it lives in the sea. Some types of them can attack people.

  2. it’s a small insect which bites people & animals & drinks their blood. It usually lives in the countryside, in the wet & humid places

  3. it’s a brightly colored tropical bird. People often keep it as a pet. This bird can talk like a human

  4. it’ a small insect with eight legs. It usually makes a net, catches other insects & eats them

  5. it’s an animal which lives in South & North America, it moves very slowly

  6. it’s a large reptile which lives in the water in the hot tropical countries. It has a long body, a long mouth with many sharp teeth. Its skin may be green or brown. It attacks people or animals & eats them

  7. it’s an animal that can pull its head & legs into the shell on its back. It uses this shell as a house. It walks very slowly. Some of them can swim. People often keep them as a pet

  8. it’s a long thin animal without legs or wings. It can creep or jump. Its length can be several meters. Some of them have a poisonous bite which can kill animals or people

5. Какое из слов лишнее?
1. Which of these is not a mammal? bat, snail, whale, wild pig
2. Which of these is not a rodent? hedgehog, mouse, rat, squirrel
3. Which of these is not an insect? cockroach, flea, moth, shrimp
4. Which of these is not a reptile? alligator, frog, lizard, turtle
5. Which of these is not a bird? sparrow, spider, stork, swan
6. Which of these has spots rather than stripes? leopard, skunk, tiger, zebra
7. Which of these hasn’t got horns? bull, camel, deer, elk
8. Which of these doesn’t sting? ant, bee, butterfly, scorpion
9. Which of these cannot fly? hawk, ostrich, pigeon, swallow
10. Which of these is not a cat? jaguar, leopard, puma, squirrel
11. Which of these is not a shellfish? lobster, plaice, prawn, shrimp
12. Which of these is not a pedigree domestic dog? collie, greyhound, mongrel, poodle
13. Which of these has most legs? beetle, centipede, snake, spider
14. Which of these is not a fresh-water fish? carp, herring, salmon, trout
15. Which of these is not a mythical creature? dragon, mermaid, octopus, unicorn

6. Переведите факты о деревьях

*Trees are the longest living organisms on earth.

*According to the Food and Agriculture of the United Nations, approximately 30 percent of Earth’s land sur-face is covered by forests.

*It is estimated that there are nearly 100,000 different species of trees. The greatest diversity of tree species is found in tropical forests.

*Resources made from trees include paper products, building construction materials, maple syrup, flooring, chewing gum, dyes, natural rubber products, and soap.

*The lightest wood with the greatest strength comes from the balsa tree. Balsa wood is typically used in the construction of airplane models.

*Two mature trees provide enough oxygen for a family of four.

*The expression ‘touch wood’ for good luck originated from primitive tree worship when rapping on trees was believed to summon protective spirits from the trees and ward off evil.

*A healthy mature Birch tree can produce up to 1 million seeds in a good year.

*Britain’s oldest tree is probably the Fortingall Yew in Tayside, which is believed to be over 3000 years old.

* One of the tallest soft wood trees is the General Sherman, a giant redwood sequoia of California. General Sherman is about 275 ft or 84 m high with a girth of 25 ft or 8 m.

*The 236 ft or 72 m high Ada Tree of Australia has a 50 ft or 15.4 m girth and a root system that takes up more than an acre.

Lesson 6

Согласование времён в косвенной речи

В английском языке употребление времени глагола-сказуемого в придаточном предложении зависит от времени глагола-сказуемого в главном предложении. Это называется правилом согласования времен.

Правило согласования времен заключается в следующем:

1) Если в главном предложении глагол-сказуемое стоит в одной из форм настоящего или будущего времени, то глагол-сказуемое в придаточном предложении может стоять в любой временной форме, которая требуется по смыслу. Mum says, ‘Dinner is ready’. — Mum says that dinner is ready.

2) Если в главном предложении глагол-сказуемое стоит в одной из форм прошедшего времени, то в придаточном предложении глагол-сказуемое нужно употреблять также в одной из форм прошедшего. He said, ‘I’m cold’. — He said that he was cold.

Переход от прямой речи к косвенной происходит так:


Прямая речь: Не said, “I go there.”    

Косвенная речь: Не said (that) he went there.  

Как видно из примера, знаки прямой речи (запятая и кавычки) отсутствуют и действует закон согласования времен.    


Вопрос без вопросительного слова. Здесь используется союз if или whether, примерно соответствующие в русском языке частицы ли:      

Прямая речь: Не asked, “Do you go there?”  

Косвенная речь: He asked if they went there.  

Здесь соблюдается прямой порядок слов (подлежащее стоит перед сказуемым), а также закон согласования времен.    

Вопрос с вопросительным словом. В этом случае роль соеди­нительного элемента играет само вопросительное слово. Здесь тоже соблюдаются прямой порядок слов и закон согласования времен:        

Прямая речь: Не asked, “When do you go there?”

Косвенная речь: He asked when they went there.  

Просьба или приказ

Поскольку в повелительном наклонении употребляется инфи­нитив (неопределенная форма глагола), то никакого согласова­ния времен здесь нет:

Прямая речь:

Не said to them, “Go there.”

Косвенная речь:

He told them to go there.

В отрицательной форме:

Прямая речь:

Не said to them, “Don’t go there.”

Косвенная речь:

He told them not to go there.

Если время и место действия, указываемые в прямой речи, при обращении в косвенную речь изменились, то происходит замена наречий места и времени, а также указательных местоимений:

Прямая речь

Косвенная речь




that day, at the time


the next day

the day after tomorrow

two days later, in two days’ time


the day before, on the previous day

the day before yesterday

two days before

last night

(on) the previous night



next year

the next year, the following year

last year

the previous year







Если для косвенной речи время и место действия имеют, то же значение, что и для прямой, то никакой замены делать не нужно. Например, если кто-либо сказал: “I’ll be here tomorrow” и для участников разговора слова здесь и завтра имеют тот же смысл, то не нужно менять их на там и на следующий день: Не said he would be here tomorrow.

Замену нужно делать лишь в том случае, если понятия завтра и здесь относятся уже к другому дню и месту: Не said he would be there the next day.

1. Измените повелительные предложения по модели, используя глаголы ask, order, advise, remind, recommend, warn, implore.

Model: He said, “Open the door!” — He asked me to open the door.

He said, “Don’t go there!” — He ordered us not to go there.

1. He asked, “Close the door!”

2. The children ordered, “Read to us!”

3. She said, “Don’t laugh at him!”

4. The teacher asked, “Please give me a pen.”

5. Mother reminded, “Don’t be late for college.”

6. He advised, “Take the umbrella.”

7. She said, “Please help yourself.”

8. He said, “Don’t ask me this silly question again!”

9. She reminded, “Call me as soon as you can!”

10. Jane begged, “Help me, please”

2. Измените утвердительные предложения по модели, используя глаголы ask, order, advise, remind, recommend, warn, implore.

Model: She said, “He is my friend.” — She said that he was her friend.

1. Tom remarked, “I didn’t expect him to be so young.”

2. Jane muttered, “I am sorry I am late”.

3. Jean said, “My Dad will be fifty years old next year.”

4. Mother answered, “The children are playing in the garden.”

5. Sam told Boris, “It is raining outside. Take an umbrella.”

6. The teacher said in surprise, “Sorry to say, but you have got a bad mark for your test.”

7. Mike noted, “I called him a few days ago.”

8. Vlad explained, “I have had a flu, but now I am feeling much better.”

9. Lena told her friend, “I am going to the seaside for a holiday.”

10. His friend shouted, “It’s a lie!”

3. Измените вопросительные предложения по модели, используя глаголы ask, order, advise, remind, recommend, warn, implore.

Model: He asked, “When do you finish your work?” — He asked me when I finished my work. She asked, “Is everything ready?” — She asked if everything was ready.

1. He inquired, “Do you want to speak to me?”

2. She wondered, “When will they arrive?”

3. Mother asked in surprise, “Have you already done your homework?”

4. George inquired, “Are you sure that you are doing the right thing?”

5. The man asked, “When were you last in the Crimea?”

6. He wondered, “What are you laughing at?”

7. The boy asked, “Why were you so surprised?”

8. He asked, “Are you playing football with us today?”

9. She inquired, “Who will help me to do the washing up?”

10. Fred asked, “Did you write the answer to his previous letter?”

4. Переведите предложения, используя правила согласования времен там, где это необходимо, обращая внимание на время в главном предложении:

  1. Дэвид сказал, что его мама учитель.

  2. Мы увидели, что дети играли в настольный теннис.

  3. Она надеется, что я не буду работать по воскресеньям в следующем году.

  4. Я не знала, что они сегодня заняты и не смогут мне помочь.

  5. Я думал, что он болеет.

  6. Мы надеялись, что они придут вовремя.

  7. Я не знал, что его сестра учит немецкий язык.

  8. Я была уверена, что они учили французский в школе.

  9. Он уверен, что закончит работу до вечера.

  10. Мой друг говорит, что уже перевел эту статью.

Lesson 7

Countryside or City

1. Write and learn new words:

facility — приспособление, средство, удобство, возможность

p lumbing facilities — водопровод и канализация

environment — окружающая среда, обстановка

to pollute — загрязнять

criminal activities — уголовные преступления

noise — шум

vehicle — транспортное средство

to live in harmony and peace — жить в согласии и мире

community — населенный пункт

rush — суета, спешка

to keep up with — идти в ногу с

to face — встречаться, сталкиваться

to supply — удовлетворять

2. Fill in the blanks .

1. There are a lot of ………. for people in the city and they have more opportunities for making money.

2. There are the facilities of electricity, highways, communication, telecommunication and ….. .

3. The environment is ……. with dust, smoke, garbage and dioxide gases from factories.

4. The city is always busy and ………

5. The village has ………., so roads are less dangerous for driving or cycling.

6. They have …….many difficulties in their everyday lives, like travelling problems, entertainment and culture.

7. They have to go to the city ……. some of their needs. 

3. Group the words and word combinations under the following headings: Countryside, City.

University, meadow, horse, lift, orchard, rubbish chute, block of flats, shopping mall, pig, field, metro, well, shepherd, central heating, theatre, harvest, trolleybus, milking machine, farm.

4. Read the text.

Living in a City or a Village: Advantages and Disadvantages

Sometimes you may think that city life is better than village life. However, there are many advantages and disadvantages of living either in a city or in a village.

There are a lot of facilities for people in the city and they have more opportunities for making money. Children can get a good education. Living in a big city with a large population, you get used to making contacts and in this way you become more socialized. There are large shops, banks, offices, cinemas, hotels, clubs, hospitals etc. in and around a city. People have better transport facilities. There are the facilities of electricity, highways, communication, telecommunication and plumbing. So people can lead a comfortable and enjoyable life.

But there are some disadvantages too. The cost of living is very high in the city. Most goods and food products are expensive. There is no fresh air and pure water. The pace of life is high.

The environment is polluted with dust, smoke, garbage and dioxide gases from factories. The streets are dusty and unclean. So it is hard to lead a healthy life. Many criminal activities often take place in the city. The city is always busy and noisy. There are a lot of vehicles and people on the roads.

There are also many advantages in village life. Generally, people there live in harmony and peace. They have more friends in the community since it is small. The village people always try to protect their traditional habits and culture. The village has clean air, less noise, pollution and rush, and the environment is very beautiful. The village has few vehicles, so roads are less dangerous for driving or cycling. People can easily get fresh vegetables, fruits, meat and milk.

Village life also has its bad points. Some people are not well-educated. Villagers’ children go to the village school. They have difficulty in keeping up with new developments in their field or profession. They have to face many difficulties in their everyday lives, like travelling problems, entertainment and culture. They have to go to the city to supply some of their needs. 

5. Are these statements true or false? Correct the false ones.

1. City life is better than village life.

2. Village life has its bad points.

3. Living in a small community makes you more sociable.

4. The village has few vehicles, so people have better transport facilities.

5. The village has a quieter environment.

6. Village people have many difficulties, so it is hard to lead a healthy life.

7. Village people always try to protect their culture, so they have no cultural problems.

8. Roads in the village are safer for driving and cycling.

9. Plumbing facilities in the city provide people with pure water.

10. Fresh vegetables, fruits, meat and milk are not available in the city.

6. Fill the gaps with the words from the box.

traffic accidents






living standards


comforts and luxuries

A big city is recognized by its … means of … and travel, shopping centres, dwellings and various … for education, good health, security, … and … . Life in a big city is hectic. People are always on the run, heading towards their varied destinations. Life is uneasy and restless. The pressure is reduced by the charms that can be found only in a city. City life has many … of its own, though there are some drawbacks too. The major threat to life comes from …, … etc. People lead a hard life. Still they prefer living in a city because it offers them the opportunities to improve their……. and make their dreams come true.

7. Compare life in the city and in the village. Use the following prompts.

I live in …

Living in … (a big city, a small town, a village) has both advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages are …

The disadvantages are …

I prefer living in … because …

8. Match the words to make word combinations.

1. traffic

a. hour

2. rush

b. transport

3. latest

c. facilities

4. poor

d. accident

5. fast

e. conveniences

6. large

f. living conditions

7. hard

g. air

8. transport

h. worker

9. fresh

i. technology

10. modem

j. population

9. Match the proverbs

1) An Englishman’s house is his castle.

a) Своя рубашка ближе к телу.

2) East or West, home is best.

b) Тише едешь- дальше будешь.

3) Burn not your house to rid it of the mouse

c) Мой дом — моя крепость.

4) Charity begins at home

d) Всяк кулик в своем болоте велик. В своей семье всяк сам большой.

5) Every dog is a lion at home

e) В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.

6) The furthest way about is the nearest way home

f) Осердясь на блох, да и шубу в печь.

Lesson 8

Образование завершённого времени





Настоящее завершённое время

Прошедшее завершённое время

Будущее завершённое время

Обозначает действие, которое завершилось к данному моменту

Обозначает действие, которое

завершилось к данному моменту в прошлом

Обозначает действие, которое

завершилось к данному моменту в будущем

Указатели времени:

today- сегодня

this week- на этой неделе

already- уже

never — никогда

Указатели времени:

by 5 o’clock yesterday – к 5 часам вчера

by the time when I came –к тому времени когда я приду

before he came – до того как он пришёл

Указатели времени:

by 3 o’clock, when you come – к 3 часам когда ты придёшь

by this time – к тому времени

Вспомогательные глаголы


has (3 л., ед.ч.)


shall have ( только с I, we)

will have (со всеми остальными)

Положительное предложение



3 л., ед.ч. V3


V3= Ved



V3 = Ved

I, We V3

shall have


will have

V3 = Ved

Отрицательное предложение


have not

3 л., ед.ч. V3

has not


had not

I, We V3

shall not have


will not have

shall not = shan’t

will not = won’t

Общий вопрос


Have ?

3л. ед.ч. V3

Has ?


Had ?

I, we V3

Shall have ?


Will have ?

Специальный вопрос


Wh. have ?

3л. ед.ч. V3

Wh. has ?


Wh. had ?

I, We V3

Wh.shall have ?


Wh. will have ?

1. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в форме Present Perfect.

1. ……………………………… (you, ever, to be) to any exotic country?

2. It’s not the first time you …………………….. (to argue), is it?

3. I …………… (to hear) a lot about this book but I ………….. (not, to read) it so far.

4. I ……………. (already, to finish) the picture. You may look at it.

5. Where ……………….. (you, to be)? — I ……….. (to be) to the bank.

6. This is the most boring holiday I ……………….. (ever, to have).

7. I ………………… (to be) so busy this week that I …………… (not, even, to watch) TV.

8. It’s too early to call him. He …………………. (not, to wake up) yet.

9. I …………… (never, to see) a sunrise in all my life. It must be beautiful!

10. I ……………. (just, to hear) the news! It’s awful!

2. Составьте предложения по образцу:

the longest poem — to learn … This is the longest poem I’ve ever learnt.

1. the most difficult exam — to take ………………………………………………………………..

2. the most wonderful present — to get …………………………………………………………..

3. the funniest joke — to hear …………………………………………………………………………

4. the most hard-working person — to meet …………………………………………………….

5. the best friend — to have ……………………………………………………………………………

3. Переведите предложения, используя Past Perfect.

1. К концу месяца они истратили все деньги.

2. К 28-ми годам она сделала прекрасную карьеру.

3. Когда вернулись родители, друзья Майка уже ушли.

4. Ребенку было очень интересно. Он никогда раньше не был в зоопарке.

5. Я не ожидала, что он придет вовремя. Он уже дважды опаздывал.

4. Составьте предложения во времени Future Perfect.

  1. have / Jill / she / perfected / will / from / her / by the time / Japanese / comes / Tokyo.

  2. promotion /Melody / have / By December / will / her / received.

  3. gets home / Helen’s / cleaned / By the time / relatives / she / will / the house / have.

  4. to communicate / Steven / he / learned / Will / have / well / Chinese / before / enough / flies to Beijing?

  5. finishes / have / By the time / twenty / taken / Jillian’s father / that course / he / will / online tests.

5. Сделайте предложения отрицательными и вопросительными.

  1. We will have played two games of cricket by 6 o’clock tomorrow.

  2. They will have left the country by next Monday.

  3. She will have returned from the walk by 8 o’clock tomorrow.

  4. We will have done the shopping by 5 o’clock tomorrow.

  5. Martin will have passed all the exams by next Wednesday.

  6. You will have known the results of the test by tomorrow evening.

  7. Angela will have written the essay by Tuesday.

  8. The workers will have finished decorating our house by next month.

  9.  The performance will have finished by 8 o’clock.

  10. The weather will have changed by tomorrow evening.

Lesson 9


1. Study the information:

Герундий — это неличная форма глагола, обладающая признаками как глагола, так и существительного. Подобной формы в русском языке нет.
Как и глагол, герундий имеет формы времени и залога, может определяться наречием.

Формы герундия

Форма причастия

Действительный залог

Страдательный залог



being read


having read

having been read

На русский язык герундий переводится существительным, неопределенной формой глагола, деепричастием, глаголом в личной форме или придаточным предложением:

Students often have considerable difficulties in understanding the difference between the Present Perfect and the Past Indefinite.

Учащиеся часто испытывают значительные трудности в понимании различия между настоящим совершенным временем (глагола) и прошедшим неопределенным. (или: «в том, чтобы понять различие…»)

Функции герундия в предложении

В предложении герундий может употребляться в следующих функциях:
1. Подлежащего:

Your coming now and saying «I’m her father» doesn’t change my feellings. — To, что вы пришли сейчас и говорите: «Я — ее отец»,- не меняет моих чувств.

2. Именной части сказуемого:

Seeing is believing. — Увидеть — значит поверить.

3. Дополнения (прямого, предложного):

The teacher has aimed at teaching students to speak in correct English. — Учитель поставил цель научить учащихся правильно говорить на английском языке.

4. Определения:

The difficulties of rebuilding the plant were successfully overcome. — Трудности, связанные с перестройкой завода, были успешно преодолены.

5. Обстоятельств:

You can help him by supporting him. — Вы можете помочь ему тем, что поддержите его.
После таких глаголов, как to like, to dislike, to prefer и др., в качестве дополнения может употребляться как герундий, так и инфинитив.

После таких глаголов, как to avoid, to need, to mind (в значении возражать), to remember, to require, в качестве дополнения употребляется только герундий:
I remember going to the British Museum one day to read up the treatment for some slight ailment… — Помню, как однажды я ходил в Британский Музей, чтобы изучить способ лечения какого-то легкого недомогания…

Глаголы to stop, to forget в зависимости от того, следует за ним герундий или инфинитив, имеют разные значения:

Не stopped to speak to me. — Он остановился, чтобы поговорить со мной.
Не stopped speaking. — Он перестал разговаривать.

После некоторых глаголов с предлогами и наречиями, а также после некоторых словосочетаний с предлогами употребляется только герундий. К ним относятся:

to give up
to be afraid of
to be famous for
to be fond of
to be interested in
to be worth of
to be proud of
to depend on
to insist on (upon)
to know of
to object to
to prevent from
to think of
to go on

После составных предлогов because of, on account of, thanks to, due to, owing to, instead of, in spite of, for the purpose of, with a view of, of (no) use употребляется только герундий.

2. Translate into Russian

  1. He always suggested staying here.

  2. The job involves travelling to Germany once a month.

  3. I proposed having party at the beach.

  4. I promised to care for the cat but I’m not much good at babysitting.

  5. He is capable of standing on his head and playing the saxophone.

  6. You’d better start digging the garden.

  7. Writing letters is more boring than phoning.

  8. It is not worth helping him do this job.

  9. My wife apologized for being late.

  10. I’m very excited about attending tomorrow’s game.

  11. She ran away without looking behind her.

  12. He has a habit of smoking in the morning.

  13. My sister has got a talent for learning languages.

  14. I insisted on taking the dog for a walk myself.

  15. She is scared of being alone at night.

3. Translate into English

  1. Мой дядя бросил курить и сейчас предпочитает есть.

  2. Пожалуйста, прекратите шептаться.

  3. Мне нравится быть одному. Я никогда не чувствую себя одиноко.

  4. Я перешел дорогу, не посмотрев.

  5. Подумай хорошо (carefully), прежде чем принять решение.

  6. Попробуй нажать на кнопку!

  7. Как насчет последнего стаканчика?

  8. Она закончила красить свою квартиру.

  9. Ты можешь представить свою жизнь без ТВ?

  10. Я правда не могу терпеть ждать автобус.

  11. Я не мог не засмеяться.

  12. Мы попытались открыть окно, но на улице было так жарко, что это не помогло.

  13. Вам следует прекратить курить, это плохо для Вашего здоровья.

  14. Я сожалею, что рассказал Джулии свой секрет; она рассказала всем.

  15. Он всех поблагодарил за то, что пришли.

4. Choose the right form:

1. I want (to see/seeing) Paris.

2. We enjoy (to swim/swimming).

3. I would like (to live/living) in a small town.

4. I hope (to visit/visiting) you next week.

5. My brother hates (to help/helping) me with my homework.

6. We stayed in the house until it stopped (to rain/raining).

7. I don’t really mind (to cook/cooking).

8. We would prefer (to buy/buying) a new house.

9. I love (to travel/travelling) by train.

10. We like (to learn/learning) English.

5. Choose gerund or infinitive

  1. I am planning                (to visit/visiting) my granny next week.

  2. When they finish                 (to eat/eating) their lunch, they’ll go to the office.

  3. He suggested                (to buy/buying) some food.

  4. Does Sally enjoy                (to go/going) to the gym?

  5. Don’t put off                (to write/writing) a report till the end of the month.

  6. John refused                (to answer/answering) my question.

  7. My brother intends                (to get/getting) married soon.

  8. I think she didn’t mean (to hurt/hurting) you.

  9. Keep                (to beat/beating) the eggs.

  10. Fred can’t afford                (to travel/travelling) this year.

Lesson 9

My native town

1. Match the words with the correct definitions:

1. cinema

a) park your car

2. disco

b) eat and drink

3. post office

c) change money

4. sports centre

d) catch a plane

5. supermarket

e) dance

6. hospital

f) see paintings by famous artists

7. bank

g) buy stamps

8. restaurant

h) watch a play

9. car park

i) see a film

10. airport

j) catch a train

11. museum

k) watch a football match

12. theatre

l) buy fruit and vegetables

13. church

m) pray

14. library

n) report a robbery

15. market

o) buy food, drinks and home articles

16. police station

p) take the underground

17. underground station

q) read a book

18. school

r) have lessons

19. stadium

s) have a surgery

20. rail station

t) swim and play sports

2. Match the opposites. Create sentences with the opposites

noisy, clean, boring, cheap, dangerous, tourist, industrial, exciting, safe, quiet, busy, small, interesting, ugly, expensive, dirty, residencial, polluted, beautiful, crowded, comercial, peaceful.

3. Read and translate the text

Krasnye Baki

I was born in a settlement but I love it with all my heart. I liked to walk around, discover new places and hang out with my friends in the center of it. Today I know everything here. I have to say that in childhood I didn’t really like it. I wanted to move to another town. I wanted to live in a big city where I can meet new people every day. I really thought that my settlement was boring. But today I see how beautiful and interesting my settlement is.

My native settlement is Krasnye Baki. It was founded in 1617. Krasnye Baki is located on the Vetluga River. Its total area is about 6 square kilometers. The population is about 7320 people. Krasnye Baki is located 143 kilometers away from Nizhniy Novgorod, in north-east part of Nizhniy Novgorod region.

The territory of Krasnye Baki is small but it has such a variety of scenery. There are a lot of forests around our settlement. Many birds live in our forests. Near our Forest College there is a Dendrology Garden. In 1960, the Dendrology Garden was laid on an area of 14 hectares, where 300 species of plants grow today. It is a beautiful place where many people have a rest. We are proud of the beauty of our nature.

Krasnye Baki is famous for its historical and architectural buildings: the Church and the Historical Museum. The Church of Nicholas the Wonderworker was built in 1635. The Museum consists of two buildings. It is located in the historical center of the settlement, in Svoboda Square. Both buildings are near each other: the Trubetskoy House and the House of Stussie.

There are 2 colleges in Krasnye Baki: “Forest College” and “Technology and Economics College”. I study at Forest College. It was opened in 1947 as a forest school. In 1952, it was called a forest technical school. This building was built in 1970. And in 2012 our forest technical school became the Forest College. Opposite the Forest College there is a club and a canteen. Not far from the Forest College is a hostel. It is a four-storeyed building, very cosy and comfortable. Many students live there.

There are 2 secondary schools in Krasnye Baki. The oldest school is the school №1. It was built in 1865. The school №2 was opened in 1992.

Sport is the favourite pastime of most children and teenagers in our settlement. So they go to Fitness and wellness complex «Bogatyr» to play football or basketball, to skate or to ski, to swim or to play bowling.

The best place in my settlement is the center. It is beautiful and always full of people. Teenagers often come here in the evenings. And when there is some celebration in our town, it’s always here in the center. There are some shops, cafes, administrative offices and bank here.

People of our settlement are very hospitable and friendly. As I said it’s not very big and everyone knows each other. I really like it. For me my hometown is the best. I was born and grew up here. I have many friends and relatives here. And in future I am sure wherever I go I will always come back in Krasnye Baki at least once in a year. Because a piece of my heart will stay here forever.

4. Are these statements true or false? Correct the false ones.

1. In Krasnye Baki there are 2 secondary schools and 3 colleges.

2. The Museum consists of the Trubetskoy House and the House of Stussie.

3. The church of Nicholas the Wonderworker was built in 1635.

4. Our Fitness and wellness complex is «Three Bogatyrs»

5. The population is about eight thousand people.

5. Answer the questions:

1. Where is Krasnye Baki located?

2. When was Krasnye Baki founded?

3. What is the population of the settlement?

4. When was the first school built in Krasnye Baki?

5. Do you like your hometown? Why?

6. Is your hometown a big or small?

7. Are there lots of shops and cafes?

8. Is there a cinema?

9. Is there a church in it?

10. What is your favourite place in your hometown? Why?

6. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Jane who writes:

… We’ve moved to a new town. It’s small and green. It’s located near the lake. My neighbours say that it hasn’t changed a bit for the last two centuries. Have you noticed any recent changes in your hometown? What are they? Do you like or dislike them? Why? Yesterday my mum went to her hometown …

Write a letter to Jane. In your letter answer her questions, ask 3 questions about the trip to the mountains. 

Don’t forget how to write a personal letter:

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