Group of horses word

Countless terms can be used to call a group of horses. The terms range from “group of horses” to “team”. The term “team” is very popular when referring to horses pulling items together or participating in “team-like” activities together. The term has been used for decades and is still popular to date.

There are many other names in use today, some of which are more popular than others.

Names can also vary depending on the context, the gender of the horses in question, among other factors like the purpose of the horses. The location of the horses also determines the term used.

  • A group of horses (made up of colts) is usually known as a rag.
  • A group of horses solely kept for breeding is known as a stud.
  • A group of horses used by one person or belonging to one person is commonly known as a string. The term string can also be used to refer to ponies.
  • A group of horses can also be called a harras. However, the term is rare but still used in ranch settings in some English-speaking countries.
  • A group of domesticated horses in a stable can be called a stable of horses.
  • A group of horses serving in the Army or as horse guards is called a troop of horses.
What Is A Group Of Horses Called

The term “herd of horses” is sometimes used to refer to horses interacting with each other outdoors while grazing, like cows. The term is also used to describe horses engaging in other herd-like behavior, like moving from one place to another in a group.

What Collective Nouns Can Be Used For A Group Of Horses?

1. Rag of horses
2. String of horses
3. Harras of horses
4. Stable of horses
5. Stud of horses
6. Herd of horses
7. Troop of horses
8. Team of horses

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The relationship between horses and humans dates back millennia ago.

These hoofed animals have been on this planet for more than 50 million years. All the horses we know today have descended from their wild ancestors.

The horse belongs to the family Equidae and species caballus of the animal kingdom. There are about 400 breeds of horses known to us in the world today that engage in various types of activities. Ever since horses were domesticated, about 4000 years ago, they have remained an integral part of many human societies as a means of travel. Emperors and conquerors have used them as a mount and a faithful companion in wars. Only after the invention of engines, the use of horses as a mode of transportation diminished. There is something very interesting about equine behavior that makes them fit so well in human lives. We all know that horses are incredibly powerful animals with far more physical strength than humans. Their speed and agility are something to be awed about. Yet, humans are privileged to domesticate them. Horses are very intelligent and social creatures and have needs for safety, camaraderie, and affection. When domesticated, they are gentle, loyal, and willing to be understood by their masters.

Horses are herbivorous animals characterized by strong, big crowned teeth ideal for chewing and feeding on plants, hay, and grass. With 205 bones in their body, horses boast of having one of the most robust skeletons among the animals. They have strong legs with sturdy hoofs that let them achieve incredible speed while galloping.

In the wild and even on the ranches and barns, horses live in groups. There are many collective nouns used to refer to a group of horses. In this detailed guide, we will answer the question ‘what is a group of horses called?’, and you will get to learn about it all.

If you enjoy reading more about horses, read our articles on how fast can a horse run? and how much does a horse weigh?

What do you call a group of wild horses?

Several other terms are in use to refer to a group of horses. Some collective nouns for a group of horses are more popular than others. One of the most commonly used terms to refer to a group of horses is herd. This is because horses are social animals who exhibit herd behavior; they interact with other horses while roaming outdoors, while grazing and they move in groups when traveling from one place to another. The basic needs of horses are fulfilled when they live in herds; it helps them stay safe by avoiding danger. It also helps in mating and giving birth to healthy foals. They can raise foals better in a herd setting. Herd life needs co-operation, and horses understand each other in the team and communicate and guide via subtle body gestures. Like the word herd, there are many other collective nouns used for horse groups. We will learn about terms like team, rag, harras, used to refer to a group of horses. A horse group is also called a team. However, there is a catch about when the collective noun team is used for a group of horses. The word ‘team’ is primarily used for horses when they are part of some team activity like pulling something together or some sporting event. It is a popular word to refer to a group of horses and has been used for ages.

Horses lived in the wild before being domesticated. When referring to a wild horse, you may come across another term, feral horse. However, a wild horse and a feral horse are not the same. A feral horse is a free horse that lives in the wild but comes from domesticated stock. So, you see, it is not exactly a wild animal. However, feral horses live in groups in the wild in a self-sustaining way and are often referred to as wild horses. A group of wild horses is referred to as a herd, mob, band, or harem.

What is a group of baby horses called?

Do you know what baby horses are called? Young male horses are called colts. Female baby horses are known as fillies.

Do you know what we call a group of colts? A group of colts is referred to as a rag. Yes, who knew a word like rag can be used to refer to a group of baby horses!

What is a group of female horses called on a farm?

A male horse is known as a stallion, and a female horse is known as a mare. A baby horse that is less than a year old is called a foal, and once it turns one, it is referred to as a yearling. The term foal is not sex-specific. However, there are other names for male and female baby horses. A male baby horse is called a colt, and a female baby horse is a filly.

When a group of horses is kept in a group solely for the purpose of breeding, we call the group of horses a stud. The word ‘stud’ has its origin in the Old English word ‘stod’ which means a ‘herd of horses’. The term is used for both female and male groups of horses.

The word stud is also used to refer to a group of mares on a farm. In animal husbandry, an establishment where livestock is kept for breeding is known as a stud farm.

Have you ever heard of the term ‘string’ in the context of a herd of horses? When a group of horses is owned by one person or used by one person, the group is called a string of horses. String is also used for a group of ponies.

We are not done yet with the collective nouns for a group of horses. There are more, so brace yourself and read on.

In the ranches of many English-speaking nations, a group of horses is also known by as harras. Yes, harras is an unusual term for horse groups, but it is what it is. It makes us wonder who in the world came up with the term ‘harras’ for horses.

Now we know a place where horses live is called a stable, but did you know that a group of domesticated horses and put up together in a stable is also referred to as a stable of horses?

We are sure you must have used the term troop to refer to a group of horses, but, when do we get to use troop as the collective noun for a horse group? A group of horses that serve as horse guards or are a part of the army is known as a troop of horses. 

How many horses are in a herd?

Another common question often asked regarding a herd of horses is about the number of horses in a herd.

A herd of horses is usually territorial, and you see, it can be of varying sizes. It may consist of many small bands that co-exist in harmony in a particular territory. In some cases, a herd of horses might have just two horses, while in some herds, it can have 25 individual horses. It usually consists of some mares and their babies and a couple of stallions.

How long should a horse be kept in isolation before introducing it to a new closed group of horses?

Horses are social animals. Wherever they live, they like to have company. However, it would help if you were careful while introducing a new horse to your barn or farm.

When adding new horses to your barn into an already existing herd, it is vital to keep the new arrivals in a separate area for at least 21 — 30 days. The isolation period is essential to keep a check on the spread of diseases in the equines.

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What is a group of horses called? It is alternately called a team a harras a rag (for colts) a stud (a group kept primarily for breeding) or a string (a group belonging to or used by one individual).

Is a group of horses a herd?

A group of horses is called a herd.

Is a group of horses called a troop?

“Herd” is the most commonly used name for a group of wild horses. Other collective nouns for specific horse groups include rag/bachelor herd (colts) troop (military horses) stud (breeding horses) and a string (horses that belong to one person).

What is a group of horses called band?

Band – Band is referred to a fewer number of horses from a big herd. To summarize the collective nouns used to refer to a group of horses like Rag of horses String of horses Harras of horses Stable of horses Stud of horses a herd of horses Troop of horses and Team of horses.

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What is a group of baby horses called?

Young male horses are called colts. Female baby horses are known as fillies. Do you know what we call a group of colts? A group of colts is referred to as a rag. Yes who knew a word like rag can be used to refer to a group of baby horses!

What is a group of Mustangs called?

Mustang horses live in groups called herds. A herd consists of one stallion and around eight females and their young though separate herds have been known to mix when they are in danger according to the Humane Society.May 4 2021

What is the alpha horse called?

The leader of the herd is usually an older mare (the “alpha mare”) even though one stallion owns the herd. She maintains her dominant role even though she may be physically weaker than the others.

What is a group of foxes called?

A group of foxes is called a skulk. The word skulk comes from a Scandinavian word and generally means to wait lurk or move stealthily. Foxes have a bit of a reputation for being sneaky so this word seems to work quite well! A destruction of wild cats. Getty Images.

What’s a group of fish is called?

Why is a group of fish called a ‘school’?

Some fish tend to swim in groups in order to protect themselves from their predators. … The most common collective nouns for a group of fish in general are school and shoal. Both the words have evolved from the same common Dutch root ‘schole’ meaning a troop or crowd.

What is a group of beavers called?

Beaver. A colony of beavers. Bee. A swarm grist or hive of bees.

What is a group of coyotes called?

A Group of Coyotes is called a Band.

What is a group of donkeys called?

A group of donkeys is called a drove.

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Dogs: A Pack of Dogs

The origin of “pack” means a group of things tied together. Puppies are referred to as a litter. … Whether you’re referring to wild dogs wolves or your domesticated pups at home a group of dogs is called a pack.

What is a group of unicorns called?

A unicorn is a magical animal that looks like a horse but has a single horn on its head. Seeing a unicorn is believed to bring good luck and fortune which is why a group of unicorns is called a blessing.

What do you call a group of horses in Australia?

In Australia a group of wild horses known as brumbies is mostly referred to as a “mob” whereas a group of horses used for station work mustering boundary riding etc in a group were usually referred to as a “string”. A group of horses used for ploughing or pulling wagons was usually referred to as a “team.

What is the rarest color of a horse?

Among racehorses there are many successful colors: bay chestnut and brown horses win a lot of races. Pure white is the rarest horse color.

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Do horses feel love?

Horses may not love each other in the same capacity of a human loving another human. … But a horse can certainly feel — and give — affection. It’s about trust. Like any relationship don’t rush things.

Why do horses squeal when they touch noses?

The sound is a powerful exhalation of air through the nose. With stallions and geldings the body posture is usually a head and tail held high. Male horses are usually in the “fight or flight” mode when they squeal. It usually means there is concern worry or challenge with a gelding or stallion.

Why do horses squeal when they meet?

Squeals often occur when unfamiliar horses meet or when one violates the space of another especially when there’s an important resource at stake such as food. Much like humans horses sigh as a means of releasing tension.

What animals are horses afraid of?

In the wild horses are most scared of natural predators like lions wolves and alligators. Domesticated horses can be scared of any sound they haven’t heard before and it could be as innocent as the sounds of plastic bags barking or any suspicious noise in the wind.

What is a group of sloths called?

A Snuggle of Sloths

As you can see a “snuggle” of sloths was the resounding winner which now makes this the most popular term for a group of sloths!

What is a group of raccoons called?

A group of raccoons is called a nursery.

What is a group of octopus called?

The cephalopods do have eight tentacles and there may be three ways to describe a group of them but only one is technically correct. Grammatically speaking the plural for octopus is octopuses. As the Merriam-Webster dictionary points out people use three different terms however: octopi octopuses and octopodes.

What is a group of jellyfish called?

A smack of jellyfish

Other collective nouns for a group of jellyfish are bloom or swarm. But we think smack is most descriptive. Jellyfish can be found on shallow or deep ocean waters and even beached jellies can smack you with their venomous and painful sting.

What is group of cow?

A group of cows cattle or kine (an archaic term for more than one cow) constitutes a herd.

How do you call group of lions?

Maybe you know that a group of lions is called a pride but other animal groups have even weirder names like a streak of tigers and a sloth of bears.

What do you call a group of ladybugs?

As it turns out the official collective noun for ladybugs is a “loveliness.” Imagine. A loveliness of ladybugs. You know like a herd of cattle a pack of wolves a flock of pigeons.

What is a group of rhinos?

A group of rhinos is called a crash.

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What is a group of otters?

A group of resting otters is called a raft.

Otters love to rest in groups. Researchers have seen concentrations of over 1 000 otters floating together. To keep from drifting away from each other sea otters will wrap themselves up in seaweed forming something that resembles a raft. A raft of otters resting in a group.

What is a bunch of snakes called?

A group of snakes is generally a pit nest or den but they’re generally thought of as solitary creatures so collective nouns for specific types of snakes are more fanciful.

What is the collective name for a group of deer?

Most people upon seeing a bunch of deer together would call it a herd however you also could call the group a bunch a mob a parcel or a rangale.

What is a GREY horse called?

However a gray horse whose hair coat is completely “white” will still have black skin (except under markings that were white at birth) and dark eyes. This is how to discern a gray horse from a white horse.

Gray horse
Other names Grey
Variants dapple gray flea-bitten gray iron gray rose gray
Base color Any

How old is the oldest horse still alive?

World’s oldest horse Shayne 51 lives in Brentwood at Remus Sanctuary. His mane is tinged with grey and he’d have trouble clearing a fence.

What is a true black horse?

True black horses have dark brown eyes black skin and wholly black hair coats without any areas of permanently reddish or brownish hair.


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6 Collective Nouns For Horses – English Language Help For Kids & Adults

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2 years, 10 months ago

436 times

Is there a word for large group of horses? I know there’s «flock» for birds, but I am wondering if there’s a similar word for horses and land mammals.

Eddie Kal's user avatar

Eddie Kal

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asked May 26, 2020 at 16:53

repomonster's user avatar


The word you want is herd:

1 a : a typically large group of animals of one kind kept together under human control
      // a herd of cattle
1 b : a congregation of gregarious wild animals
      // herds of antelopes


I see a flock of birds and a herd of horses.

answered May 26, 2020 at 16:57

Jason Bassford's user avatar

Jason BassfordJason Bassford

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In addition to Jason Bassford’s excellent answer, you could also say:

1. Troop: A group of people or animals of a particular kind.


Example: A troop of horses.

2. Stud: A collection of horses or other domesticated animals belonging to one person.

Example: He kept a large stud of racehorses.

A stud of horses implies that the horses are kept specifically for breeding. You can’t use stud in general sense.


answered May 26, 2020 at 17:59

Void's user avatar


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There are different terms used in the equestrian world for different things. Have you ever wondered what a group of horses is called or what is a collective noun for a group of horses? With sheep, goats, and other animals, herd or flock is used to describe a group of animals.

Male and female horses have different terms to describe them whereas there is more than one collective noun used to describe a group of horses depending on the age and gender.

A lot of these terms can confuse a person not knowing exactly what to call a group of horses.

Anyone new to the horses‘ world may get to know about different terms. Some will sound familiar whereas others may surprise you.

Most people think it is appropriate to call more than two horses a herd, Is it the right term? You will get to know different terms commonly used to call a group of equines.

Find a list below of the names used to call a group and the context they are used in.

Several terms are used to describe a group of horses. There are many names used today, some are popular and sound more familiar whereas others are not well-known yet.

People not familiar with the horse terms often call them “Group of Horses” or a “Team”.

The term “Team” is widely used to refer to horses participating in “team-like” activities.

The term “Team of Horses” is used to call a group of horses working together such as pulling a cart or working the field.

It has been used for decades and is still equally popular to date. There are alternate names used to call horses such as rag, a harras, a stud, and even a string of horses.

Collective Nouns Used to Call A Group of Horses

Names vary depending on the gender, age, and activities of the horses. In different areas, different names are used to call a group of horses.

There are also alternate ways to call a group of equines in relation to the context and their lifestyle.

Some terms are used casually to describe a group of horses like “band of horses” or “string of horses”.

There are no clear-cut terms used to specifically call a herd or team of horses. Some of the collective nouns used to describe a group of horses is given below.


The correct collective noun used for a group of horses reared only for breeding purposes is known as Stud.

These domestic horses are typically kept on a stud farm to preserve breeds from going extinct or improve other breeds.


Haras, Harras, or Harrase

Have you heard people saying Harras of horses? Probably not, this term is not used more often nowadays, however, still, some ranchers in English-speaking countries use it to call a group of equines.

It is a name used for stud farms, horse farms located in French-speaking countries are still using this term.

Rag or Rake

Rag is a term used to describe a group of colts that are uncastrated male horses typically four years old or younger.

It is worth mentioning that these two terms are not used in the modern age.

They were more popular and widely used in the 19th and 20th centuries. Today, only a handful of people still use these terms.

Bachelor Herd

Bachelor Herd also refers to a group of colts. It is more of a modern term used today by many ranchers.


A string of horses is a commonly used term for a number of horses owned by an individual for different activities.

This group is generally owned by a cowboy and every horse in the string has different purposes to serve.

Some horses are known for their athletic ability whereas others for their disposition.


The term Stable of horses feels strange and sounds wrong to refer to a group of horses.

Generally, it is referred to a place or shed where the horses live. It can be referred to call a group of horses no matter where and how they live.

Most people after hearing the term think that it is only used for horses living in stables, however, it is not true.


It is widely used for a group of horses participating in different working activities, events, and competitions.

It is a modern term used for horses working together in “team-like” activities.


Troop of Horses is not an unheard term, it is used to describe a group of military horses.

Horses have been serving the military for centuries, so, they were bound to get a name for it.

Band – Band is referred to a fewer number of horses from a big herd.

To summarize, the collective nouns used to refer to a group of horses like Rag of horses, String of horses, Harras of horses, Stable of horses, Stud of horses, a herd of horses, Troop of horses, and Team of horses.

Is “Herd Of Horses” a Correct Term to Call A Group Of Horses?

This term is valid to use for a group of horses only if that particular group is interacting with each other outdoors while grazing like cows, goats, and sheep, etc. Besides spending time with each other on the pasture, the group should also participate in other herd-like behavior like moving from one place to another.

A herd of wild horses is also a correct term as they also form herds like other animals. Herd of horses is composed of a band of horses with three to five members each.

How Many Horses Make a Herd of Horses?

A group of horses may be composed of more or less two to twenty-five or more members. The herd mostly consists of mares and their offsprings with 01 to 05 stallions.

Concluding Thought

This wraps up our guide on collective nouns for a group of horses. Some of them have fallen out of use in the modern era whereas many other still exist today.

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