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  • Hebrew Word Studies = a work in progress!
  • Simple Guide to Greek Verb Tense, Voice, Mood
  • How to Perform a Greek Word Study Using Tools Available on the Web
  • Interpretation — Word Studies are important
  • Inductive Bible Study — Why is it so valuable for growth in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?


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Abandon (desert, forsake, leave) (1459) egkataleipo

Click on the word egkataleipo for the in depth definition on If you click the Strong’s Number (1459 in the example above) it will take you to’s definition (which includes Thayer’s abbreviated and full definition and Liddell-Scott-Jones’ definition). NOTE: If you do not know the Strong’s Number click Greek Word Study and go to «STEP 1: DETERMINE STRONG’S NUMBER.» Then you can return to this page to see if there is a definition of the word you are studying. To find the Strong’s Number on this page use control + F for PC or for Mac use Command + F (use Chrome not Firefox) to bring up the «Find» function. Enter the Strong’s number or word. If there is no definition listed, obviously you will not find a Strong’s Number on this page. Check back as this page is frequently updated with additional in depth word studies. (See related resource: Three Reasons to use Better Bible Study Resources than Strong’s)

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Note: For list of Word Study resources that can be borrowed for an hour from see Word Study Resources — Greek and Hebrew

Someone has well said that those who shun the study of the original Biblical languages will find themselves at the mercy of the translators.


Abandon (desert, forsake, leave) (1459) egkataleipo

Abba (Aramaic for «father») (0005) abba

Abide (remain, persevere, stay, tarry) (1961) epimeno

Abhor (detest, treat with disgust) (948) bdelusso

Abhor (detest, hate) (655) apostugeo

Abide (continue, endure, remain, stay) (3306) meno

Able (mighty, possible, strong) (1415) dunatos

Able (verb) (1414) dunateo

Able (can, could) (1410) dunamai

Able (can, could) (2480) ischuo

Able to judge (discerner, discerning) (2924) kritikos

Able to teach (apt to teach) (1317) didaktikos

Abolish (Bring to end, do away, nullify, void, cancel, release, KJV = destroy) (2673) katargeo

Abominable (unlawful) (111) athemitos

Abomination (e.g., of desolation) (946) bdelugma

Abound (surpass, overflow, lavish, have abundance, surplus, excel, exceed) (4052) perisseuo

Abounded (overflow, abound beyond measure or exceedingly) (5248) huperperisseuo

Abounding in riches (become rich)(4147) plouteo

Above (upward) (507) ano

Above reproach (blameless, unreproveable) (410) anegkletos

Above reproach (beyond reproach, blameless, faultless, unblemished) (299) amomos

Above reproach (without reproach, unrebukeable) (423) anepileptos

Abstain (keep away from, avoid)(568) apechomai or apecho (See another study — apecho)

Abstain (depart, desert, fall or draw away, withdraw) (868) aphistemi

Abundance (4050) perisseia

Abyss (12) abussos

Accept (1209) dechomai

Accept (receive, take aside) (4355) proslambano

Accept (4327) prosdechomai

Acceptable (2101) euarestos

Acceptable (2144) euprosdektos

Acceptable (favorable) (1184) dektos

Acceptable (2144) euprosdektos

Acceptance (594) apodoche

Access (4318) prosagoge

Accompany (4870) sunakoloutheo

Accomplish (bring about, do, produce) (2716) katergazomai

Accomplished (4135) plerophoreo

Accomplished (2005) epiteleo

Account (1335) diegesis

Accountable (5267) hupodikos

Accumulate (2002) episoreuo

Accurately (199) akribos

Accursed (anathema) (331) anathema

Accused, accusation (2724) kategoria

Accusing (bring charge)(1458) egkaleo

Accuse (2723) kategoreo

Accuse falsely (defraud)(4811) sukophanteo

Accusers (2725) kategoros

Accustomed (custom, practice)(4914) sunetheia

Acted (4364) prospoiéomai 

Active (1756) energes

Active service (4754) strateuomai

Act like men (407) andrizo

Act unbecomingly (be rude) (807) aschemoneo

Addicted to wine(3943) paroinos

Add (2023) epichoregeo

Add (increase, proceed) (4369) prostithemi

Address (1941) epikaleomai

Adequate (2425) hikanos

Adequate (739) artios

Adequacy (2426) hikanotes

Adjure (1775) enorkizo

Adjure (3726) horkizo

Administration (3622) oikonomia

Admonish (3560) noutheteo

Admonish (3867) paraineo

Adoption as sons (5206) huiothesia

Adorn (2885) kosmeo

Adulterating (1389) doloo

Adulterers (3432) moichos

Adulteress (3428) moichalis

Adulteries (3430) moicheia

Advance (increase, make progress) (4298) prokopto

Adversary (476) antidikos

Affairs (4230) pragmateia

Affection (4698) splagchnon

Afflict (crowd, distress, suffer affliction) (2346) thlibo

Affliction (2347) thlipsis

Afflictions (scourging)(3148) mastix

Afraid, be (5399) phobeo

Afraid (1169) deilos

After (3694) opiso

Against (1727) enantios

Age (165) aion

Agony (74) agonia

Agree, agreed together (4856) sumphone

Agreed (4934) suntithemi

Agreement (4783) sugkatathesis 

Air (109) aer

Alabaster (211) alabastron

Alarmed (4426) pturo

Alert (1127) gregoreuo

Alien (3927) parepidemos

Alien (3941) paroikos

Alienated (excluded) (526) apallotrioo

All (whole, everything)(537) hapas

Allegorically speaking (238) allegoreo

Allow (permit, let, stop) (1439) eao

All time (perpetually, continually) (1336) dienekes

Almighty (3841) pantokrator

Alms (charity) (1654) eleemosune

Already suffered (4310) propascho

Always (3842) pantote

Altar (2379) thusiasterion

Always (constantly) (104) aei

Am (1510) eimi (Includes discussion of «ego eimi»),

Amazed (1605) ekplesso

Amazed (2296) thaumazo

Amazed (2284) thambeo

Amazed (1568) ekthambeo

Amazed (astonished, astounded, besides one’s self) (1839) existemi

Amazement (2285) thambos

Ambassador (be an ambassador) (4243) presbeuo

Ambush (1747) enedra

Amen (281) amen [OT = Amen (0543) amen]

Anchor (45) agkura

Angel (messenger)(32) aggelos/angelos

Anger (outbursts of) (wrath, rage, indignation) (2372) thumos

Anger (wrath) (3709) orge

Anger (3950) parorgismos

Angry, be (be enraged) (3710) orgizo

Angry (very angry)(2371) thumomacheo

Angry (4360) prosochthizo

Anoint (5548) chrio (See also Messiah — Anointed One)

Anoint (218) aleipho

Anointing (5545) chrisma

Announce (312) anaggello/anangello

Announced beforehand (4293) prokataggello

Annoyed (disturbed)(1278) diaponeo (or herei)

Another, other (2087) heteros

Answer back (reply)(470) antapokrinomai

Antichrist (500) antichristos

Anticipate (spoke first) (4399) prophthano 

Anxiety(3308) merimna

Anxious (3309) (be anxious) merimnao

Anxious longing (603) apokaradokia

Apart (without) (5565) choris

Apostasy (forsake)(646) apostasia

Appeal, appealed (1941) epikaleomai

Appear (398) anaphaino

Appeared (2014) epiphaino

Appeared (made manifest, disclosed, revealed) (5319) phaneroo

Appearing (appearance) (2015) epiphaneia

Applying (3923) pareisphero

Appoint (put in charge, made) (2525) kathistemi

Appoint (establish, designate, determine) (5021) tasso

Appointed (destined) (2749) keimai

Appointed (4400) procheirizo

Appointed (show)(322) anadeíknumi

Appointed (5500) cheirotoneo

Apostle (652) apostolos; or here

Apostleship (651) apostole

Appearance (form, fashion) (4976) schema

Approve (1381) dokimazo

Approved (1384) dokimos

Approve (4909) suneudokeo

Aprons (4612) simikinthion

Arbitrator (3312) meristes

Archangel (743) archaggelos

Argue heatedly (1264) diamachomai

Arise (arose, get/got up, stand/stood) (450) anistemi

Arm 3695) hoplizo

Arm (1023) brachion

Armor (3696) hoplon

Aroma (3744) osme

Around (surrounding, round about)(2945) (kuklo

Arrange beforehand (4294) prokatartizo

Arrive (attain) (2658) katantao

Arrive (embark, set foot, mount)(1910) epibaino

Arrogant (inflated)(5448) phusioo

Arrows (956) belos

Arrogance (hapax legomenon)(5450) phusiosis

Arrogant (5244) huperephanos

Arrogant (5246) huperogkos

Art (craft, trade)(5078) techne

As, just as (even, even so, so, according)(2531) kathos

Ashamed (1870) epaischunomai

Ashamed (153) aischunomai

Ask (question, request) (2065) erotao

Ask (154) aiteo

Asps (785) aspis

Aspire (make it one’s ambition) (5389) philotimeomai

Assassins («dagger men»)(4607) sikarios

Assembling together (1997) episunagoge

Assurance (5287) hupostasis

Astonished (1605) ekplesso

Astonishment (1611) ekstasis

At home (1736) endemeo

At once (1824) exautes

Attain (arrive, come) (5348) phthano

Attempt (inclination)(3730) horme

Attend continually (4342) proskartereo

Attested (displaying, exhibited, prove)(584) apodeiknumi

Auditorium (201) akroaterion

Authority (2963) kuriotes

Authority (1849) exousia

Authority (2003) epitage

Author (747) archegos

Awake (1326) diegeiro

Avenge (take revenge) (1556) ekdikeo

Avenger (1558) ekdikos

Avoid (1578) ekklino

Avoid (4026) periistemi

Awake (1127) gregoreuo


Babes (1025) brephos

Babe (infant, immature) (3516) nepios

Backbiting (2637) katalalos

Bad (5337) phaulos

Bad (unwholesome) (4550) sapros

Bag (4082) pera

Bank (table)(5132) trapeza

Baptism (908) baptisma

Baptize (907) baptizo

Baptist (910) baptistes

Barnabas (921) barnabas

Barracks (camp, armies)(2925a) parembole

Barren (4723) steiros

Barren (692) argos

Barricade (5482) charax

Barrier (5418) phragmos

Basket (Peck-measure) (3426) módios

Baskets (2894) kophinos

Baskets (large)(4711) spuris

Basket (4553) sargane

Be able (1840) exischuo

Be absent (1553) ekdemeo

Be alert (1127) gregoreuo

Be alert (keep watch)(69) agrupneo

Be a burden (1912) epibareo

Beach  (123) aigialos

Beat (buffet, harshly treat) (2852) kolaphizo

Beat (beating, flogged, receive lashes, strike) (1194) dero

Became futile (3154) mataioo

Be Strong (2901) krataioo

Bear up (endure) (5297) hupophero

Bear (399) anaphero

Bear (carry, endure, pilfer, supports, tolerate)(941) bastazo

Bear (put up with, endure) (430) anechomai

Bearing fruit (2592) karpophoreo

Bears (protects, endures) (4722) stego

Bears witness (4828) summartureo

Beat (strike, hit) (5180) tupto/typto

Beaten with rods (4463) rhabidizo

Beautiful (5611) horaios

Became alive (sprang to life) (326) anazao

Became fools (3471) moraino

Because of (5484) charin

Become useless, unprofitable (889) achreioo

Be conceited (5309) hupselophroneo

Bed (conceived, sexual promiscuity) (2845) koite

Bed (2825) kline

Be diligent (4704) spoudazo

Beelzebul («Beelzebub»)(954) beelzeboul

Before (2714) katenopion

Before (1715) emprosthen

Beg (beseech, request, pray) (1189) deomai

Beget again (313) anagennao

Begging (4319) prosaiteo 

Begging (1871) epaiteo

Begin (having begun) (1728) enarchomai

Begin (proceed, began, beginning, ruler, starting)(757) archo

Beginning (746) arche

Behavior (conduct) (391) anastrophe

Behold (2400) idou

Behold (2396) ide

Behold (reflect) (2734) katoptrizomai

Belial (955) beliar

Believe (4100) pisteuo

Believe, not (569) apisteo

Belly (Innermost being, womb) (2836) koilia

Beloved (verb) (25) agapao

Beloved (27) agapetos

Be miserable (5003) talaiporeo

Benefactor (2110) euergetes

Benefit (2108) euergesia

Be of good courage (bold, confident) (2292) tharrheo

Bereft (642) aporphanizo

Besetting (surrounding) (4029) perikeimai

Be silenced (1993) epistomizo

Be sober (3525) nepho

Bestow (put around)(4060) peritithemi 

Be strong (1743) endunamoo

Betrothed (718) harmozo

Better (2909) kreitton/kreisson

Beyond reproach (176) akatagnostos

Beware (pay or give attention) (4337) prosecho

Bewail (3996) pentheo

Bewitch (940) baskaino

Binding (1195) desmeuo

Birthday (1077) genesia

Bishop (1985) episkopos

Bitterness (4088) pikría

Black (2217) zophos

Blameless (410) anegkletos

Blameless (299) amomos

Blameless (298) amometos

Blameless (faultless) ( 273) amemptos

Blamelessly (adverb) (274) amemptos

Blameless (677) aproskopos

Blaspheme (987) blasphemeo

Blasphemy (slander)(988) blasphemia

Blemishes (3470) momos

Blessed (3107) makarios

Bless (verb) (2127) eulogeo

Blessed in (1757) eneulogeo

Blessed (2128) eulogetos

Blessing (3108) makarismos

Blessing (2129) eulogia

Blessing (2721) kateulogeo

Blind (5185) tuphlos

Blinded (5186) tuphloo/typhloo

Blindfold (cover) (4028) perikalupto

Blood (129) haima

Blows (beatings, wound, plaque) (4127) plege

Boast (exult, glory) (2744) kauchaomai

Boast (glory, rejoice) (2745) kauchema

Boast (4068) perpereuomai

Boastful (212) alazoneia

Boastful (213) alazon

Boastful (2755) kenodoxos

Boasting (2746) kauchesis

Boat (4143) ploion

Bodily (4984) somatikos

Body (corpse, dead bodies)(4430) ptoma

Body (4983) soma

Body (skin)(5559) chros

Boldness (have boldness) (3955) parrhesiazomai

Boldly (very boldly) (5112) tolmeros (tomeroteron)

Bond, bondage (4886) sundesmos

Bondservant (Slave, servant) (1401) doulos; doulos

Bondslave (maidservant) (1399) doule

Book (975) biblion

Born (begotten, father of, conceived) (1080) gennao

Born Again (313) anagennao

Bosom (lap, bay) (2859) kolpos 

Both (297) amphoteros

Bother (2873) kopos

Bothered (5182) turbazo

Bound together (2086) heterozugeo 

Bought with a price (buy, purchase) (59) agorazo

Bound under an oath (332) anathematizo

Bound (bind, imprison, tie)(1210) deo

Bow (decline, lay) (2827) klino

Bow (2578) kampto

Bowels (476) splagchnon

Box (4438) pukteuo

Brag (4068) perpereuomai

Brand-marks (4742) stigma

Breadth (4114) platos

Break, broke (2806) klao

Break (tear)(1284) diarresso (diarrégnumi)

Breakfast (lunch)(709) aristao

Break in (1358) diorusso

Breaking (4919) sunthrupto

Breastplate (2382) thorax

Breathed His last (1606) expneo

Breathed last (1634) ekpsucho

Breathing (1709) empneo

Brethren (81) adelphotes

Bridegroom (the actual individual)(3566) numphios

Bridegroom (in phrase «attendants of the bridegroom»)(3567) numphon

Bridle (5468) chalinagogeo

Bring (1863) epago

Bringing…against (cast, overcome)(2702) kataphero

Bring down (brought)(2609) katago

Bring into (1533) eisphero

Bring no fruit to maturity (5052) telesphoreo

Bring us to (4317) prosago

Bring into bondage (2615) katadouloo

Bring/brought (offer, present) (4374) prosphero

Broad (hapax legomenon) 2149) euruchoros

Broken (crush, brokenhearted) (4937) suntribo

Broken to pieces (4917) sunthlao

Brood (KJV — «generation»)(1081) gennema (cf genema = fruit)

Brother (80) adelphos

Brought before (go ahead, lead way, walk in front)(4254) proago

Brought up (nurture)(397) anatrepho

Brought us forth (616) apekueo

Brutal (434) anemeros

Building (edification, edifying) (3619) oikodome

Build up (edify) (3618) oikodomeo

Build upon (2026) epoikodomeo

Built together (4925) sunoikodomeo

Burden (2655) katanarkao

Burden (cargo, load) (5413) phortion

Burdened (overcome, weighed down) (916) bareo

Burdensome (916) barus

Buried (4792) sugkomizo

Buried (bury)(2290) thapto

Burn (4448) puroo

Burn (2545) kaio

Burn (2618) katakaio

Burn (1572) ekkaio

Burn incense (2370)  thumiao

Burnt Offering (3646) holokautoma

Burst (break forth, slam)(4486) rhegnumi

Business (2039) ergasia

Business (1712) emporion

By itself (844) automatos

Bystanders (3936) paristemi


Caesar (2541) kaisar

Caiaphas (2533) Kaiaphas

Calculate (5585) psephizo

Call (invite, name, summon) (2564) kaleo

Call (calling, summon) (4341) proskaleo

Call (invite, summon) (3333) metakaleo

Call (address)(4377) prosphoneo

Calling (2821) klesis

Called (2822) kletos

Called (1941) epikaleomai

Callous, become (524) apalgeo

Call out (5455) phoneo

Call together (4779) sugkaleo

Came (3854) paraginomai 

Came down  (2718) katerchomai

Cancel out (blot out, erase, wipe away) (1813) exaleipho

Cannot be shaken (immovable) (761) asaleutos

Cannot lie (893) apseudes

Capernaum (2746) Kapharnaoum

Captain (747) archegos

Captain (owner)( 3490) naukleros

Captive (161) aichmalosia

Captive (164) aichmalotos

Capture (take or hold captive) (2221) zogreo

Care(3308) merimna

Care (1958) epimeleia

Careful, be (be intent, give attention to) (5431) phrontizo

Carefully (1960) epimelos

Careless (692) argos

Cargo (1117) gomos

Carnal (4561) sarx

Carousing (2970) komos

Careful, carefully (199) akribos

Carried away (associate with) (4879) sunapago

Carry about (4064) periphero

Carry away (1828) exelko

Carry (led)(667) apophero

Casting upon (1977) epirrhipto

Cast (throw, send, drive, take, put) (1544) ekbállō

Cast…into hell (5020) tartaroo

Cast off (659) apotithemi

Catch (2340) thereuo

Cause trouble (1776) enochleo 

Caught (beforehand; takes…first)(4301) prolambano

Caught up (carry off, snatch, take away) (726) harpazo

Ceased (3973) pauo

Celebrate (rejoice, be merry, glad) (2165) euphraino

Census be taken (enrolled, register) (583) apographo

Cents (787) assarion

Cent (Small copper coins) (3016) leptos

Centurion (1543) Hekatontarches

Cephas (2786) Kēphás

Certain (949) bebaios

Certain (securely, under guard)(806) aphalos

Certificate of debt (5498) cheirographon

Chaff (892) achuron

Chain (254) halusis

Challenging (4292) prokaleo

Change (exchange) (236) allasso

Character (5158) tropos

Charges (accusation)(1462) egklema

Charity (26) agape

Chaste (pure)(53) hagnos

Cheerful, be (keep up courage) (2114) euthumeo

Cheerful (2431) hilaros

Cherish (2282) thalpo

Chief tax collector (754) architelones

Child, children (see also «little children») (5043) teknon

Children (3813) paidion

Choke (4846) sumpnigo

Choked out (638) apopnígo

Choice (1589) ekloge

Chose, choose (1586) eklego/eklegomai

Chosen (1588) eklektos; click here

Chose (choosing) (138) haireomai

Christ (5547) Christos (See also Messiah — Anointed One)

Christian (5546) Christianos

Church (1577) ekklesia

Circumcise (verb) (4059) peritemno

Circumcision (4061) peritome

Circumspectly (199) akribos

Citizen (4177) polites

Citizenship (4175) politeuma

City authorities (4173) politarches

Clanging (214) alalazo

Clean, cleanses (1571) ekkathairo

Cleansed (2511) katharizo

Clear (clear, innocent , pure) (2513) katharos

Clear (single, generous) (573) haplous

Clearly seen (2529) kathorao

Cleverly devised (4679) sophizo

Cling (join) (2853) kollao

Clothe (1746) enduo

Clothe, clothed (wear, wrap)(4016) periballo

Clothes (garment, cloak) (2440) himation

Clothe yourself (1463) egkomboomai

Cloud (3509) nephos

Cloud (3507) nephele

Coarse Jesting (2160) eutrapelia

Cohort (4686) speira

Collected a tenth (tithe) (1183) dekatoo

Collection (3048) logeia

Colt (4454) polos

Coins (1406) drachme

Confidence (boldness) (3954) parrhesia

Come (1205) deute

Come (approach) (4845) sumpleroo

Come (stand, stood, be ready)(2186) ephistemi

Come (Coming, went) (2064) erchomai

Come in (slip in) (3922) pareiserchomai

Come out (came, left, went, gone)(1774) exerchomai

Come over (cross over)(1224) diabaino

Come short (lack, be in need, be inferior) (5302) hustereo

Come to aid (997) boetheo

Come to…senses (366) ananepho

Come down (descend, went gown)(2597) katabaino

Come to life again (326) anazo

Come upon (1904) eperchomai

Come together (assemble, gather)(4905) sunerchomai

Coming (3952) parousia

Command (2003) epitage

Command (direct, arrange, give orders or instructions) (1299) diatasso

Command (order)(2004) epitasso

Command (order)(1781) entellomai

Command (verb) (direct, instruct, order, prescribe) (3853) paraggello

Command (order, appoint)(4367) prostasso

Commander (5506) chiliarchos

Commandments (instruction, orders) (3852) paraggelia

Commandments (instructions, orders, requirement)(1785) entole

Commend (demonstrate) (4921) sunistemi/sunistao

Commendation (4956) sustatikos

Commit adultery (3431) moicheuo

Commit adultery (3429) moichao 

Common (unclean, unholy) (2839) koinos

Commonwealth (4174) politeia

Communion (fellowship, sharing, contribution) (2842) koinonia

Company (3657) homilia

Compare (3666) homoioo

Compare (combining)(4793) sunkrino

Compassion (1656) eleos

Compassion (verb) (3627) oikteiro

Compassion (Mercies) (3628) oiktirmos

Compel (force) (315) anagkazo

Compete (75) agonizomai

Compete (as athlete) (118) athleo

Complaint (1112) goggusmos

Complete (2005) epiteleo

Complete (5046) teleios

Complete (whole, entire) (3648) holokleros

Complete (2675) katartizo

Complete (535) apartismos

Compile («to set forth in order» KJV) (392) anatassomai

Composed (united)(4786) sugkerannumi 

Comprehend (overtake, seize, attain, lay hold) (2638) katalambano

Compulsion (constraint) (318) anagke

Conceited (5187) tuphoo

Conceive (arrest, help) (4815) sullambano

Concerned (care, worry)(3199) melo

Consecrated (shewbread, showbread) (4286) prothesis

Condemn (2632) katakrino

Condemn (2613) katadikazo

Condemn (2607) kataginosko

Condemned to death  (doomed to die, sentenced to death) (1935) epithanatios

Condemnation (2631) katakrima

Condemnation (Judgment) (2917) krima

Conditional Clauses click here

Conduct (4176) politeuomai

Conduct (390) anastrepho

Confer (talk with) (4814) sullaleo

Confer (conversing, helped, meet, met, pondering)(4820) sumballo

Confess (acknowledge, profess, admit, promise) (3670) homologeo

Confess (give praise, praise) (1843) exomologeo

Confession (3671) homologia

Confident (convince, persuade, trust) (3982) peitho

Confidence (boldness) (3954) parrhesia/parresia

Confident (4006) pepoithesis

Confirmed (establish) (950) bebaioo

Conflict (73) agon

Conflict (119) athlesis

Conform (4964) suschematizo

Conformity with (conformed) (4832) summorphos

Confusion (bewildered, confounding, stir)(4797) sugcheo/sugchunno

Conscience (4893) suneidesis

Consecutive order («an orderly account» = NKJV) (2517) kathexes

Consent (4909) suneudokeo

Consent (1962) epineuo

Consented (4784) sugkatatithemai

Consequently (5105) toigaroun

Consider (3049) logizomai

Consider (count, regard) (2233) hegeomai

Consider (behold) (2657) katanoeo

Consider (3539) noieo

Consider (plan, purpose, resolve)(1011) bouleuo

Consider (357) analogizomai

Considered (1760) enthumeomai

Consideration (5364) philanthropos

Considering (examining)(333) anatheoreo

Considered worthy (2661) kataxioo

Consider worthy (deserve, desire, insist)(515) axioo

Consolation (3890) paramuthion

Consolation (3889) paramuthia

Console (3888) paramutheomai

Conspiracy (disorderly gathering)(4963) sustrophe

Constantly (88) adialeiptos

Constantly (without ceasing, always) (89) adialeiptos

Consult (contribute) (4323) prosanatithemi

Consume (355) analisko

Consume (2068) esthio

Contaminated (234) alisgema

Content (842) autarkes

Content (714) arkeo

Continue (1961) epimeno

Contentment (841) autarkeia

Continue (abide, stay) (3387) parameno

Continue (abide, stay)(1696) emmeno

Continuing (4342) proskartereo

Contradict (argumentative) (483) antilego

Contrary (1727) enantios

Control (constrain, afflict, grip, hem, cover, crowd, distress) (4912) sunecho/synecho

Controversies (2214) zetesis

Conversion (1995) epistrophe

Convict (expose) (1651) elegcho

Conviction (1650) elegchos

Convincing proofs (5039) tekmerion

Convulsion (4952) susparasso

Convulsions (4682) sparasso

Copy (corresponding) (499) antitupon

Corban (Qorban) (2878) korban

Cords (4979) schoinion

Corner (corner stone) (1137) gonia

Corner Stone (204) akrogoniaios

Correctly (3723) orthós

Corrector (3810) paideutes

Correction (1882) epanorthosis

Corresponds (4960) sustoicheo

Corruption (perishable, destruction) (5356) phthora

Corrupt, to (5351) phtheiro

Corrupt (3394) miasmos

Council (conspire, plot together, conferred)(4824) sumboulion

Council (supreme court) (the Sanhedrin)(4892) sunedrion

Count (3049) logizomai

Count (numbered)(705) arithmeo

Count…blessed (3106) makarizo

Counted (2674) katarithmeo

Counted (4860) sumpsephizo

Course (1408) dromos

Covenant (1242) diatheke

Cover (2572) kalupto

Cover (2619) katakalupto

Covered (1943) epikalupto

Covered  (shortened)(4958) sustello 

Covered with sores (1669) helkoo

Covering (cloke) (1942) epikaluma

Covering (4629) skepasma

Covetous (4123) pleonektes

Covetousness (4124) pleonexia

Craftiness (3834) panourgia

Craftsman (5079) technites

Create (2936) ktizo

Created (4111) plasso

Creation (2937) ktisis

Creatures (2938) ktisma

Credit (3049) logizomai

Credit (2811) kleos

Crept in unawares (3921) pareisduno

Crime (4467) rhadiourgema

Criminals (2557) kakourgos

Crooked (4646) skolios

Cross (4716) stauros

Cross (tree, club, wood) (3586) xulon

Crossed over (3846) paraballo

Crossing over (1276) diaperao

Crown (4735) stephanos

Crowned (4737) stephanoo

Crucified (4717) stauroo

Crucified with (4957) sustauroo

Crush (break) (4937) suntribo

Crushed (4729) stenochoreo

Cry (994) boao

Cry (995) boe

Cry (2896) krazo

Cried out (349) anakrazo

Cry (clamor, shout) (2906) krauge

Cry out (shout)(2905) kraugazo

Cry out (shout, call) (2019) epiphoneo

Cunning (3180) methodeia

Curse (2672) kataraomai

Curse (accursed) (2671) katara

Cursed (1944) epikataratos

Cursing (685) ara

Custom (habit)(1485) ethos

Custom («was…custom)(1486) etho

Cut (1282) diaprio

Cut in pieces (1371) dichotomeo

Cut off (hindered) (1581) ekkopto

Cut off (mutilate)(609) apokopto

Cut off (2751) keiro

Cymbals (2950) kumbalon


Danger (be in danger) (2793) kinduneuo

Dangers (2794) kindunos

Dare (have courage, be bold)(5111) tolmao

Daring (5113) tolmetes

Dark (850) auchmeros

Darkened (4656) skotoo1988

Darkened (4654) skotizo

Darkness (2217) zophos

Darkness (4653) skotia

Darkness (4652) skoteinos

Darkness (4655) skotos

Dawns (1306) diaugazo

Daystar (5459) phophoros

Dazzling (797) astrapto

Dead (be or consider dead) (3499) nekroo

Dead bodies (corpse)(4430) ptoma

Deadness (3500) nekrosis

Deal gently (3356) metriopatheo

Death (2288) thanatos

Debate (2214) zetesis

Debtor (3781) opheiletes

Debtors (5533) chreopheiletes

Debts (what is dure) (3783) opheilema

Decay (to destroy) (1311) diaphtheiro

Decay (corruption)(1312) diaphthora

Deceit, deceitfulness, deception (539) apate

Deceitful (ceceiver)(4108) planos

Deceit (1388) dolos

Deceive (538) apatao

Deceive (1818) exapatao

Deceive, deception (mislead, misled, stray, go or be led astray)(4105) planao

Deceit, deceitful (4106) plane

Deceitful (1386) dolios

Deceiver (5423) phrenapates

Deceiving (1387) dolioo

Descendant (race, kind, birth, family, children) (2085) genos

Decently (2156) euschemonos

Declared (determine, fix, predetermine) (3724) horizo

Decree (1378) dogma

Decrease (1642) elattoo

Deeds (practices, function) (4234) praxis

Deed, deeds (work, works) (2041) ergon

Deeply grieved (very sad) (4036) perilupos

Defending (626) apologeomai

Defense (627) apologia

Defile (2840) koinoo

Defiled (3392) miaino

Defiled (soiled)(3435) moluno

Defilement (3436) molusmos

Defraud of your prize (2603) katabrabeuo

Degrading (Dishonor, Shame) (819) atimia

Delay (5549) chonizo

Deliver (4506) rhuomai

Deliver (give over, hand over)(1929) epididomi

Delivered (betray, commit, entrust, hand over) (3860) paradidomi

Deliver (525) apallasso

Delivering an address (1215) demegoreo

Deliverance (4991) soteria

Deliverer (3086) lutrotes

Delude (3884) paralogizomai

Demand (1809) exaiteo

Demons (1140) daimonion

Demons (1142) daimon

Demon-possessed (1139) daimonizomai

Demonstrate (1731) endeíknumi

Demonstrate (proof, sign) (1732) endeixis

Demonstration (585) apodeixis

Denarius (1220) denarion

Den (4693) spelaion

Deny (720) arneomai

Deny (533) aparneomai

Depart (360) analuo

Depart (672) apochoreo

Depart (leave, move, passed) (3327) metabaino

Departure (359) analusis

Departure (1841) exodos

Depth (deep) (899) bathos

Depraved (96) adokimos

Depraved (2704) kataphtheiro

Deprive (defraud)(650) apostereo

Describe (1334) diegeomai

Describe (1555) ekdiegeomai

Designated (4316) prosagoreuo

Desire (Good pleasure, good will, kind intention, well pleasing) (2107) eudokía

Desire (3715) orexis

Desire (will, intention) (1013) boulema

Desire (3713) oregomai

Desire (to will, want, wish, intend) (1014) boulomai

Desire (Want, Will, Wish) (2309) thelo

Desire (covet, long, lust) (1937) epithumeo

Desires (1939) epithumia

Desolate (desolation) (2050) eremosis

Despairing (1820) exaporeomai

Despise (2706) kataphroneo

Despise (regard, treat or view with contempt) (1848) exoutheneo

Destroy (perish, lose, lost) (622) apollumi

Destroy, to (5351) phtheiro

Destroy (perish, vanish) (853) aphanizo

Destroy (utterly) (1842) exolothreuo

Destroy (4199) portheo

Destroy (abolish, tear down)(2647) kataluo

Destroyed (3645) olothreuo 

Destroying (2507) kathaireo

Destruction (2506) kathairesis

Destruction (waste) (684) apoleia

Destruction (4938) suntrimma

Destruction (3639) olethros

Determine (1231) diaginosko

Detestable (947) bdekluktos

Devil (1228) diabolos

Devoted (472) antechomai

Devote (4342) proskartereo

Devotion (2138) euparedros

Devour (2666) katapino

Devour (consume, ate) (2719) katesthio

Devout (3741) hósios

Devout (worshiper, God-fearing)(4576) sebomai

Devout (2126) eulabes

Devout (godly)(2152) eusebes

Devoutly (3743) hosios

Dialect (language) (1258) dialektos

Die (581) apogenomenos or apoginomai

Die (death) (599) apothnesko

Die (deceased, die, dying, put)(5053) teleutao 

Die together (4880) sunapothnesko

Difficult (5467) chalepos

Difficulty (3433) molis

Dignified (4587) semnotes

Dignified (4586) semnos

Diligence (4710) spoude

Diligent, be (4704) spoudazo

Direct (2720) kateuthuno

Direct (3329) metago

Dirty (4508) rhuparos

Disbelieve (569) apisteo

Discern (distinguish) (1253) diakrisis

Discernment (144) aisthesis

Disciple (3101) mathetes

Disciple (make disciples) (3100) matheteuo

Discipline (chasten, correct, educate, instruct, teach, punish) (3811) paideuo

Discipline (4995) sophronismos

Discipline (1128) gumnazo (gymnazo)

Discipline (buffet, batter, beat my body black and blue) (5299) hupopiazo

Discipline (3809) paideia

Discredited (3469) momaomai

Discuss (debate, argue)(4802) suzeteo

Diseases (3554) nosos

Disgraceful (150) aischros

Disguise (transform) (3345) metaschematizo

Dishonored (treat shamefully) (818) atimazo

Disappoint (disgrace, put to shame) (2617) Kataischuno

Disclose (Make clear, bring charges, appear) (1718) emphanizo

Disgrace (reproach) (3681) oneidos

Dismay (4928) sunoche

Disobedience (543) apeitheia

Disobedience (3876) parakoe

Disobedient, to be (544) apeitheo

Disobedient (545) apeithes

Despaired (1820) exaporeo

Dispensation (3622) oikonomia

Displayed publicly (4388) protithemi

Display (to disgrace) (1165) deigmatizo

Dispossessing (2697) kataschesis

Disputes (3163) mache

Dispute (5379) philoneikia

Dispute (hostility) (485) antilogia

Disregard (4065) periphroneo

Dissensions (1370) dichostasia

Dissipation (810) asotia

Dissipation (2897) kraipale

Distance (3113) makrothen

Distinction (1293) diastole

Distinguished (splendid, glorious)(1741) endoxos

Distort (3344) metastrepho

Distort (4761) strebloo

Distracted (4049) perispáo

Distress (4730) stenochoria

Distress (2347) thlipsis

Distress (318) anagke

Distressed (85) ademoneo

Distribute (1239) diadidomi

Distributed…as inheritance (2624) katakleronomeo

Disturbance (5017) tarachos

Disturbances (disorder, contusion, tumult)(181) akatastasia

Disturbed (shaken) (4525) saino

Divide (allot, apportion)(3307) merizo

Divide (distribute, share)(1266) diamerizo

Divided (distribute)(1244) diaireo

Divine (2304) theios

Divine nature (2305) theiotes

Division (gifts) (3311) merismos

Division (1267) diamerismos

Do (gain, laid) (2698) katatithemi

Do business (occupy)(4231) pragmateuomai

Do, done, did, doing; Make, made, makes, making; Perform, Practice (4160) poieo

Do best (778) askeo

Doctrine (teaching, instruction) (1319) didaskalia

Doer (poet)(4163) poietes

Do good (15) agathopoieo

Do good (14) agathoergeo

Dogs (2965) kuon

Domain, dominion (1849) exousia

Dominion (2904) kratos

Door (2374) thura

Double-minded (1374) dipsuchos

Doubt (judge, discern, make distinction) (1252) diakrino

Drag (sweep away)(4951) suro

Dragged (1670) helko

Drag (seize, capture) (4884) sunarpazo

Draw (withdraw) (645) apospao

Draw near (at hand, approach) (1448) eggizo

Draw Near (4334) proserchomai

Dream (3677) onar

Dream (1797) enupniazomai

Dreams (1798) enupnion

Dregs (4067) peripsoma

Drift away (3901) pararrhueo

Driven (oars, rowed)(1643) elauno

Drive out (1559) ekdioko

Dropsy (5303) hudropikos

Drove away (forced away)(556) apelauno

Drowned (2666) katapino

Drunk (freely) (3184) methuo

Drunkenness (3178) methe

Drunk, get (3182) methusko

Drunk freely (3184) methuo

Dull (3576) nothros

Dust (2868) koniortos

Duty (debt)(3782) opheilē

Dwell (spread tabernacle) (4637) skenoo

Dwell (3611) oikeo

Dwell (1774) enoikeo

Dwell (live, reside, settle) (2730) katoikeo

Dwell (1981) episkenoo

Dwelling (2732) katoiketerion

Dwelling (4638) skenoma

Dying (3500) nekrosis


Each one (each, every man, everyone)(1538) hekastos

Eager (4289) prothumos

Eager, be (4704) spoudazo

Eagerly wait (553) apekdechomai

Eagerness (4290) prothumos

Early in the morning (3721) orthrios

Earnest (728) arrabon

Earnestly (eagerly)(4709) spoudaios

Earnest expectation (603) apokaradokia

Earnestly contend (1864) epagonizomai

Earnestness (4710) spoude

Earthen (3749) ostrakinos

Earthquakes (storm at sea)(4578) seismos

Easily entangles (besetting) (2139) euperistatos

East (rising, Sunrise)(395) anatole

Eat with (4906) sunesthio

Eaten by worms (4662) skolekobrotos

Effective (1756) energes

Effects (1755) energema

Elapsed (over, past)(1230) diaginomai

Elders (4245) presbuteros

Elect (1588) eklektos; Chosen in Christ

Elements, elementary (4747) stoicheion

Eloquent (3052) logios

Embittered (4087) pikraino

Eminent (5344) huperlian

Emperor (Augustan)(4575) sebastos

Empty (empty-handed, futile, foolish) (2756) kenos

Empty (verb( (2758) kenoo

Empty chatter (2757) kenophonia

Empty conceit (2754) kenodoxia

Empty talkers (3151) mataiologos

Enact (3549) nomotheteo

Encounter (4045) peripipto

Encourage (3888) paramutheomai

Encouragement (3931) paregoria

Encourage (exhort, comfort, implore) (3870) parakaleo

Encouraged (4389) protrepo

Encouragement (exhortation) (3874) paraklesis

Encumbrance (3591) ogkos

End (custom, outcome) (5056) telos

End (Consummation) (4930) sunteleia

Endeavor (4704) spoudazo

Endless  (562) aperantos

Endure (persevere) (5278) hupomeno

Endure (430) anechomai

Endure (4722) stego

Endured (2594) kartereo

Endure hardship (2553) kakopatheo

Enemy (hostile) (2190) echthros

Engaged (3423) mnesteuo

Enjoy…pleasures (619) apolausis

Enlighten (Illumine) (5461) photizo

Enlist as a soldier (4758) stratologeo

Enmity (2189) echthra

Enough (2425) hikanos

Enraged (2373) thumuoo

Enter, entrance (1529) eisodos

Enslave (1398) douleuo

Enslaved (1402) douloo

Entangles (1707) empleko

Enter into (1531) eisporeuomai

Entertain (to stay, lodge, surprise) (3579) xenizo

Eternal (166) aionios

Entertain (324) anadechomai

Entice (1185) deleazo

Entirely (3651) holoteles

Entrust (4100) pisteuo

Entrust (commend, commit) (3908) paratithemi

Entrusted (3866) paratheke

Envy (5355) phthonos

Envying (5354) phthoneo

Ephesus (2181) Ephesos

Equality (2471) isotes

Equip (2675) katartizo

Equipped (1822) exartizo

Equipping (2677) katartismos

Err (795) astocheo

Error (4106) plane

Escape (668) apopheugo

Escape (1628) ekpheugo

Escape notice (without knowing)(2990) lanthano

Eschew (1578) ekklino

Especially (more abundantly)(4056) perissoteros

Establish (confirm, strengthen) (4741) sterizo

Establish (founded, groundedlay foundation) (2311) themelioo

Estate (3776) ousia

Eternal (126) aidios

Euraquilo (2146) Eurakulon

Evangelists (2099) euaggelistes

Evening (late)(3798) opsios

Evident (5318) phanerós

Evident (1212) delos

Evil (bad, harm) (2556) kakos

Evil (2549) kakia

Evil (wicked, bad) (4190) poneros

Evil (worthless)(5337) phaulos

Evil report (1426) dusphemia

Exacting (austere)(840) austeros

Exact representation (5481) charakter

Exact truth (803) asphaleia

Exalt (lift up) (5312) hupsoo

Exalt (magnify, make great) (3170) megaluno

Examine (1381) dokimazo

Examined (426) anetazo

Examining (appraise, call to account, ask questions) (350) anakrino

Example (5261) hupogrammos

Example (5296) hupotuposis

Example (5179) tupos

Example (copy, copies) (5262) hupodeigma

Exasperate (2042) erethizo

Exceeding abundantly huperekperissou

Excellent, excellencies (703) arete

Excellent (differ, are more valuable, worth more) (1308) diaphero

Excellent (differ, various)(1313) diaphoros

Excess (810) asotia

Exchanged (3337) metallasso

Exchange (465) antallagma 

Exchange (489) antimisthia

Exchanging (474) antiballo

Exclude (1576) ekkleio

Excuse (3868) paraiteomai

Exercise (1128) gumnazo (gymnazo)

Exercise (have) authority (1850) exousiazo

Exist (being, live, possessions)(5225) huparcho

Exodus (1841) exodos

Exorcists (1845) exorkistes

Expect (suppose, thinking) (3633) hoiomai

Expectation (4329) prosdokia

Expect, expecting (4328) prosdokao

Expecting (560) apelpizo

Explain (relate, declare, make known, exegete) (1834) exegeomai

Explain (1329) diermeneuo

Explain (set outside)(1620) ektithemi 

Explain (settle)(1956) epiluo

Explain (report)(1285) diasapheo

Explicitly (4490) retos/rhetos

Exploit (engage in business) (1710) emporeuomai

Extinguish (4570) sbennumi

Eye, eyes (3788) opthalmos

Eyeservice (3787) ophthalmodouleia

Eyewitnesses (2030) epoptes

Eyewitnesses (845) autoptes


Fable (3454) muthos

Face (presence, partial) (4383) prosopon

Face (503) antophthalmeo

Factions (sects, heresies) (139) hairesis

Factious (141) hairetikos

Fade not (263) amarantos

Fail (come to an end, obscure)(1587) ekleipo

Fall (falls off or away, failed) (1601) ekpipto

Faint (Lose heart, grow weary) (1590) ekluo

Fainthearted (3642) oligopsuchos

Fainting (674) apopsucho

Faith specific phrase «the faith (pistis)»

Faith (4102) pistis

Faithful (believer, believers) (4103) pistos

Faithless (569) apisteo

Fail (4098) pipto

Fall asleep (2837) koimao

Fall away (stumble; take offense) (4624) skandalizo

Fall down (slam against) (4363) prospipto

False circumcision (2699) katatome

False, Falsehood (5579) pseudos

False (4112) plastos

False apostles (5570) pseudapostolos

Falsely called (5581) pseudonumos

False prophets (5578) pseudoprophetes

False Teachers (5572) pseudodidaskalos

Family (3965) patria

Famine (3042) limos

Far above (5231) huperano

Far off (3112) makran

Farewell (4517) rhonnumi 

Farmer (1092) georgos

Fashion (4964) suschematizo

Fast (3522) nesteuo

Fastings (fast, hunger) 3521) nesteria

Father (3962) pater

Fattened (4618) siteutos

Faultless ( 273) amemptos

Favored (freely bestowed) (5487) charitoo

Fear (reverence) (5401) phobos

Fear How to Handle It

Feast (1859) heorte

Feeble (3886) paraluo

Feed (4165) poimaino

Feed (give) (5595) psomizo

Feed (tend) (1006) bosko

Feel compassion (4697) splanchnizomai

Field (68) agros

Fell, fallen (embrace, grip, press around)(1968) epipipto

Fell from (634) apopipto

Fellow bondservant (4889) sundoulos

Fellow citizens (4847) sumpolites

Fellow heirs (4789) sugkleronomos

Fellow members of the body (4954) sussomos

Fellow partakers (4830) summetochos

Fellow prisoner (4869) sunaichmalotos

Fellow soldier (4961) sustratiotes

Fellow worker (4904) sunergos

Fervent (1618) ektenes

Fervent (2204) zeo

Fervently (1619) ektenos

Fever (4446) puretos

Few (small, little, short) (3641) oligos

Field (1091) georgion

Fierce gale (2978) lailaps

Fiery ordeal (4451) purosis

Fig tree (4808) suke

Fight (73) agon

Fight (strive, compete, labor earnestly) (75) agonizomai

Fight (4170) polemeo

Fight (3164) machomai

Fight (4752) strateia

Fill up (fulfill, complete, make up) (378) anapleroo

Filled (complete) (4137) pleroo

Filled (fulfill, complete) (4092) pimplemi

Filled (well-fed, satisfying, enjoyed)(1705) empiplemi

Filled (5526) chortazo

Filled :(2880) korennumi

Filling up (1072) gemizo

Filthiness (4507) rhuparia

Filthiness (151) aischrotes

Filthy lucre (147) aischrokerdos

Find, found (2147) heurisko

Find fault (3201) memphomai

Finding fault (complainers) (1113) mempsimoiros

Fine linen (1040) bussos/byssos

Finish (complete, carry out, accomplish) (5055) teleo

Finish (fulfill) (4931) sunteleo

Finish (2005) epiteleo

Finish (1615) ekteleo

Fire (4442) pur

Firm (4731) stereos

Firm (949) bebaios

First (4413)(protos) 

First-born (firstborn) (4416) prototokos

First fruits (536) aparche

Fishermen (231) halieus

Fit (useful)(2111) euthetos

Fit (2425) hikanos

Fitting (433) aneko

Fit together (4883) sunarmologeo

Fixing our eyes (see) (872) aphorao

Fix…hope (1679) elpizo

Flaming (4448) puroo

Flashed (4015) periastrapto

Flattering (2850) kolakeia

Flee (escape) (5343) pheugo

Fled for refuge (2703) katapheugo

Flesh (4561) sarx

Fleshly (flesh, material things)(4559) sarkikos

Flock (4168) poimnion

Flooded (2626) katakluzo

Foaming (876) aphros

Follow (190) akoloutheo

Follow (1872) epakoloutheo

Follow (1811) exakoloutheo

Followed (investigated) (3877) parakoloutheo

Following…example (4831) summimetes

Fond of sordid gain (146) aischrokerdes

Food (eating, rust) (1035) brosis

Food (1305) diatrophe

Food (1033) broma

Foolish (878) aphron

Fool, foolish (453) anoetos

Fool, foolish (3474) moros

Foolishness (3472) moria

Foolishness (877) aphrosune

Foolish (801) asunetos

Footstool (beneath) (5286) hupopodion

For (behalf) (5228) huper

Forbear (1933) epieikes

Forbearance (463) anoche

Forces (press, compel)(29) aggareuo

Forcing…way (971) biazo

Foreigner (241) allogenes

Foreknown (4267) proginosko

Foreknowledge (4268) prognosis

Forerunner (4274) prodromos

Foresee (4275) proeido 

Forever (165) aion

Forewarn (foretell, tell in advance) (4302) prolego

Forfeit (Suffer loss) (2210) zemioo

Forgetting (neglect) (1950) epilanthanomai

Forgive (grant, freely give, bestow) (5483) charizomai

Forgiven (863) aphiemi

Forgiveness (859) aphesis

Forgotten (3024) lethe

Formerly (4391) prouparcho

Fortresses (3794) ochuroma

Form (appearance, sight) (1491) eidos

Form (3444) morphe

Form (embodiment) (3446) morphosis

Form (5296) hupotuposis

Formed (3445) morphoo

Former (first) (4387) proteros

Formerly (ever, last, once)(4218) pote

Fornication (4202) porneia

Foresee (4275) proeido

Fortune telling (soothsaying)(3132) manteúomai

Foundation (2602) katabole

Foundation (2310) themelios

Fragrant ( 2175) euodia

Fraud (4468) rhadiourgia

Freedom (liberty) (1657) eleutheria

Free (1659) eleutheroo

Free (1658) eleutheros

Free gift (5486) charisma or click here for summary of spiritual gifts

Freed (1344) dikaioo

Freedman (558) apeleutheros

Friendship (5373) philia

Friend (5384) philos

Frightened (disturbed) (2360) throeo

Frightened (terrified) (1719) emphobos

Fringe (tassel) (2899) kraspedon

From (575) apo

From a distance («from afar») (4207) porrothen

From the beginning (from above) (509) anothen

Fruit (2590) karpos

Fulfillment (5050) teleiosis

Full (abounding, covered, mature) (4134) pleres

Full (1073) gemo

Full (3324) mestos

Full armor (3833) panoplia

Full of idols (2712) kateidolos

Full of light (bright, illumined)(5460) photeinos

Fully accomplished (658) apoteleo

Fully supplying (4322) prosanapleroo

Fully assured or convinced (4135) plerophoreo

Full assurance (4136) plerophoria

Full of fear (1630) ekphobos

Fully trained (2675) katartizo

Fullness (patch) (4138) pleroma

Function (5540) chresis

Furnace (2575) kamino

Furnished (bother, bringing, give, grant, show, offer)(3930) parecho

Furnished (spread)(4766) stronnuo

Futility (3153) mataiotes


Gain (verb) (win, win over, make profit) (2770) kerdaino

Gain (noun) (2771) kerdos

Gain (4200) porismos

Galileans (1057) Galilaios

Gall (5521) chole

Gallons(3355) metretes

Gangrene (1044) gaggraina

Garden plants (vegetable, garden herb)(3001) lachanon

Gate (4439) pule

Gate (4440) pulon

Gather (assemble, gather together, invite, store)(4863) sunago

Gather (4816) sullego

Gather together (gather) (1996) episunago

Gather together (4871) sunalizo

Genealogy…traced (1075) genealogeo

Genealogies (1076) genealogia

General assembly (3831) paneguris

Generation (1074) genea

Generous (2130) eumetadotos

Generous gift (100) hadrotes

Gentle (1933) epieikes

Gentle (4239) praus

Gentleness (Consideration)(4240) prautes

Gentleness (4239) praupathia

Gentleness (1932) epieikeia

Gentiles (nation, nations) (1484) ethnos

Genuine (505) anuopkritos

Get up early (3719) orthrizo

Ghost (5326) phantasma

Gift (5486) charisma or click here for summary of spiritual gifts

Gifts (1390) doma

Gift (1431) dorea

Gift (1432) dorean

Gift (1434) dorema

Gird (2224) zonnumi

Gird (328) anazonnumi

Gird (4024) perizonnumi

Girl (2877) korasion

Give attention or heed (1907) epecho

Give birth (bring forth, born)(5088) tikto

Give hearty approval (4909) suneudokeo

Give heed (1801) enotizomai

Giver (1395) dotes

Gives life (2227) zoopoieo

Gives life (2225) zoogoneo

Giving thanks (2168) eucharisteo

Giving thanks (437) anthomologeomai

Give up, desert, loosen (447) aniemi

Gladly (2234) hedeos

Gladness (20) agalliasis

Gladness (2167) euphrosune

Gleaming (1823) exastrapto

Gloom (2217) zophos

Gloom (2726) katepheia

Gloomy (looking sad)(4659) skuthropos

Glorified (1740) endoxazomai

Glorify Relationship of Justified, Sanctified, Glorified

Glorify (1392) doxazo

Glory (1391) doxa

Gnashing (1030) brugmos

Gnashing (1031) brucho

Go (following, journey, started, traveling, way, went) (4198) poreuo

Go down (1931) epiduo

Go on ahead (4281) proerchomai

Goal (4649) skopos

Godhead (2304) theios

Godliness (2150) eusebeia

God (2316) theos

Godly (2153) eusebos

Going (get, go their way, go away, goes, went) (5217) hupago

Going around (1353) diodeuo

Going on (Advanced) (4260) probaino

Going out (1826) exeimi 

Gone astray (795) astocheo

Gong (bronze, copper)(5475) chalkos

Good (18) agathos

Good (2570) kalos

Good Deeds (Good Works) — word study

Good for nothing (Raca) (4469) raca

Goodness (19) agathosune

Goodness (5544) chrestotes

Good report (1426) euphemia

Good will (2133) eunoia

Gospel (2098) euaggelion

Gossip (hapax legomenon)(5587) psithurismos

Gossips (5588) psithuristes

Grace (favor) (5485) charis

Grainfields (4702) sporimos

Granted (1433) doreomai

Grasped (725) harpagmos

Grave (5028) taphos

Greatly annoyed (greatly disturbed) (1278) diaponeo

Greatness (3168) megaleiotetos

Greatness (3174) megethos

Great value (4186) polutimos

Greed (4124) pleonexia

Greet (salute, embrace, take leave, pay respects) (782) aspazomai

Greeting (salutation)(783) aspasmos

Griefs (3601) odune

Grieving (in agony, torment) (3600) odunao

Grieve (be distressed, to sorrow) (3076) lupeo

Groan (complain, sigh) (4727) stenazo

Groans (4726) stenagmos

Groans together (4959) sustenazo

Grope (touch, feel) (5584) pselaphao

Gross immorality, commit (1608) ekporneuo

Grow (837) auxano

Growing old (1095) gerasko

Grow up, spring up (5453) phuo

Grow Weary (1573) ekkakeo

Grumble (1234) diagogguzo

Grumble (1111) gogguzo

Grumbling (1112) goggusmos

Grumblers (1113) goggustes

Guaranteed (949) bebaios

Guard (5432) phroureo

Guard (5442) phulasso

Guards (5441) phulax

Guard (1314) diaphulasso

Guide (3595) hodegos

Guide (verb)(3594) hodegeo

Guilt (159) aitios

Guilty (5267) hupodikos/hypodikos

Guilty (liable, subject , deserving) (1777) enochos


Hades (86) hades

Had lack (1641) elattoneo

Had means (2141) euporeo

Hallelujah (239) allelouia

Handled (touch, grope) (5584) pselaphao

Handling accurately (3718) orthotomeo

Handkerchief (napkin)(4676) soudarion

Hanging (2910) kremannumi

Hanging on (1582) ekkremannumi

Happen (4819) sumbaino

Hard (1423) duskolos

Hard (harsh, difficult) (4642) skleros

Hardness (4643) sklerotes

Hardness of heart (4641) sklerokardia

Harden (4645) skleruno

Harden (4456) poroo

Hardness (4457) porosis

Hardship (3449) mochthos

Hard to understand (1425) dusnoetos

Hard to explain (1421) dusermeneutos/dysermeneutos

Hardworking (2872) kopiao

Harm (984) blapto

Harm (injure, do wrong, offend, treat unjustly) (91) adikeo

Harmless (185) akeraios

Harmony (4857) sumphonesis

Harvest (2326) therismos

Harvest (1079)(genema

Haste (4710) spoude

Hate (verb) (3404) miseo

Hateful (4767) stugeo

Haters of God (2319) theostuges

Haters of good (865) aphilagathos

Have…attitude (5426) phroneo

Have…in full (568) apecho (See another study on apecho)

Have nothing to do with (3868) paraiteomai

Have strength (2729) katischuo

He (that, that one, those, he, she) (1565) ekeinos

Head of the house (owner)(3617) oikodespotes

Head (chief)(2776) kephale

Heads of grain (4719) stachus

Headwaiter (755) architriklinos

Heal (cure) (2390) iaomai

Heal (cure)(2323) therapeuo

Healing (2393) iasis

Heard (191) akouo

Hearers (202) akroates

Heart (2588) kardia

Heart (476) splagchnon

Hearty agreement (4909) suneudokeo

Heavenly (2032) epouranios

Heavy laden (5412) phortizo

Hebrew (1446) Hebrais

Heirs (2818) Kleronomos

Hell (Gehenna) (1067) geenna

Hellenistic (1675) Hellenistes

Helmet (4030) perikephalaia

Help (482) antilambano

Help (996) boetheia

Help (997) boetheo

Helper (998) boethos

Helper (Advocate, Comforter) (3875) parakletos

Helpless (sick, weak) (772) asthenes

Hidden (852) aphanes

Hidden (2928) krupto

Hidden (2927) kruptos

Hidden (613) apokrupto

High (adjective, haughty) (5308) hupselos

High (5311) hupsos/hypsos

Highly regarded  (precious)(1784) entimos

High priest (749) archiereus

Hindered (thwart) (1465) egkopto/enkopto

Hinder (forbid, prevent) (2967) koluo

Hired servants (3411) misthotos

Hit (strike, sting)(3817) paio

Hold fast (firmly) (472) antechomai

Hold fast (occupy, restrain, possess) (2722) katecho

Hold (seize)(2902) krateo 

Holding fast or forth (1907) epecho

Holiness (38) hagiasmos

Holiness (42) hagiosune

Holiness (41) hagiotes

Holiness (3742) hosiotes

Holy (40) hagios

Holy (One) (3741) hosios

Homeland (country of their own)(3968) patris

Hometown (country) (3968) patris

Homosexuals (733) arsenokoites

Honor (5091) timao

Honor (5092) time

Hope (1680) elpis; elpis (2) Believer’s Blessed Hope

Hope (verb) (1679) elpizo

Hosanna (5164) Hosanna

Hospitable (5382) philoxenos

Hostile (2189) echthra

Hostile (1727) enantios

Hostile (verb), hold grudge (be subject)(1758) enecho

Hostile (adversary, enemy) (5227) hupenantios

Hosts (4756) stratia

Host of heaven study of this phrase

Hour (yards)(4083) pechus

House (3614) oikia

House (household, home) (3624) oikos

Household (3609) oikeios

How great (what kind?) (4217) potapos

Howl (3649) ololuzo

Humble (5011) tapeinos

Humble (verb) (5013) tapeinoo

Humble (5014) tapeinosis

Humility of mind (5012) tapeinophrosune

Hunger (verb) (3983) peinao

Hurry (4710) spoude

Hurry (make haste) 4692) speudo

Hush (4602) sige

Hymns (5215) humnos

Hypocrisy (5272) hupokrisis

Hypocrite (5273) hupokrites


Idle babbler (4691) spermologos

Idles (692) argos

Idols (1497) eidolon

Idolatry (1495) eidololatreia

Idolater (1496) eidololatres

If  (3rd class condition) (2579) kan

Ignorance (52) agnoia

Ill-treated (2558) kakoucheo

Image (1504) eikon

Imitate (follow…example) (3401) mimeomai 

Imitators (3402) mimetes

Immeasurably more huperekperissou

Immediately (2117) euthus

Immediately (2112) eutheos

Immediately (at once) (3916) parachrema

Imminent (5031) tachinos

Immorality (4202) porneia

Immorality, commit (4203) porneuo

Immoral (4205) pornos

Immortality (110) athanasia

Immovable (277) ametakinetos

Impart (share, give) (3330) metadidomi

Impartiality (678) aprosopoleptos

Imperishable (861) aphtharsia

Imperishable (862) aphthartos

Implanted (1721) emphutos

Implore (3143) marturomai

Imposed (insistent, lying, press around) (1945) epikeimai

Impossible (without strength) (102) adunatos

Impossible, be (101) adunateo

Imposters (1114) goes

Imprisonment (chains)(1199) desmos

Imprisoned (prison house) (1201) desmoterion

Impure (169) akathartos

Impurity (167) akatharsia

Impute (1677) ellogeo

In as much (1895) epeideper

Inaugurate (1457) egkainizo

In Christ Jesus Click

Incited (3951) parotruno

Incorruptible (861) aphtharsia

Increase (837) auxano

Increase (4121) pleonazo

Indescribable (411) anekdiegetos

Indicate (made clear, communicate)(4591) semaino 

Indignant (23) aganakteo

Indignation (74) aganaktesis

Indulgence (4140) plesmone

Indwells (1774) enoikeo

Inexpressible (412) aneklaletos

Inexpressible (731) arretos

Inform (indicate, signify, make clear) (1213) deloo

Informed (report, showed)(3377) menuo

Inherit (2816) kleronomeo

Inheritance (2817) kleronomia or see kleronomia

Inheritance (lot) (2819) kleros

Iniquity (93) adikia

Inn (guest house) (2646) kataluma

Inner (inside, within, inner man)(2080) eso

Innocent (unsuspecting) (172) akakos

Innocent (338) anaitios

Innocent (185) akeraios

inquire (ask)(4441) punthanomai

Inquiry (1830) exereunao

Insane (3912) paraphroneo

Inscription (1923) epigraphe

Inscription (5102) titlos

Insight (5428) phronesis

Insisting (2001) epischuo 

Insisting (1340) diischurizomai 

Insolent (5197) hubristes

Inspired by God (2315) theopneustos

Instigated (1892) epegeiro

Instruction (1291) diastello

Insurrection (riot, dissension)(4714) stasis

Intelligence (prudent)(4908) sunetos

Intentions (purpose) (1771) ennoia

Interpretation (2058) hermeneia

Introduction (4318) prosagoge

In season (2122) eukairos

Instruct, instructed (2727) katecheo

Instruct (knit, hold together, conclude) (4822) sumbibazo

Instructed (3453) mueo

Instruction (admonition, warning) (3559) nouthesia

Instruments (3696) hoplon

Insult (cast insults, revile, reproach) (3679) oneidizo

Insult (5196) hubris

Intense heat (2741) kausoo

Intention (1963) epinoia

Intercede (appeal, plead) (1793) entugchano

Interpretation (2058) hermeneia

Invalidate (208) akuroo

Inventors (2182) epheuretes

Invisible (517) aoratos

Irreconcilable (786) aspondos

Irrevocable (278) ametameletos

Iscariot (2469) iskariotes

It is finished (5055) tetelestai = perfect tense of teleo


Jail (5084) teresis

Jealous (earnestly desire, eagerly seek) (2206) zeloo

Jealousy (2205) zelos

Jesus (2424) Iesous

Jettison the cargo (1546) ekbole

Jews (2453) Ioudaios

Joined….hypocrisy (4942) sunupokrinomai

Joined together (4801) suzeugnumi

Join (cling, cleave) (2853) kollao

Joined (4347) proskollao

Joining in helping (4943) sunupourge

Jot (smallest letter) (2503) iota

Joy (5479) chara

Judas (2455) Ioudas

Judge (decide, determine, condemn)(2919) krino

Judgment (justice, court, sentence)(2920) krisis

Judge (2923) krites

Judgment seat (968) bema

Judaizer — see «Live like a Jew»

Just (1342) dikaios

Just (1738) endikos

Justice(penalty, punishment)(1349) dike

Justify Relationship of Justified, Sanctified, Glorified

Justify, justified (acquitted, vindicated, freed) (1344) dikaioo

Justly (1346) dikaios


Keep (reserve, guard, heed, kept in custody, observe, preserve) (5083) tereo

Keep (5432) phroureo

Keep (5442) phulasso

Keep watch (1127) gregoreuo

Keeping (jail)(5084) teresis

Kill (put to death)(615) apokteino 

Kill (slay, put to death — see also thuo below) (337) anaireo 

Kind (Gentle) (2261) epios

Kind (5541) chresteuomai

Kindled (381) anapto

Kindle afresh (329) anazopureo

Kindness (5544) chrestotes

Kindness (kind, easy, good) (5543) chrestos

Kindred spirit (2473) isopsuchos

King (935) basileus

Kingdom (932) basileia

Kinsman (Avenger) — Greek verb Agchisteuo

Kiss (verb) (5368) phileo

Kiss (noun) (5370) philema

Kiss (2705) kataphileo

Knees (1119) gonu

Knelt (1120) gonupeteo

Knock (2925) krouo

Know (1492) eido

Know (make known) (1107) gnorizo

Know (recognize, understand) (1921) epiginosko

Know about (understand)(1987) epistamai

Know the hearts (2589) kardiognostes

Knowledge (1922) epignosis

Know (1097) ginosko

Known (acquaintance)(1110) gnostos

Knowledge (1108) gnosis


Labor (verb) (2872) kopiao

Labor (noun) (2873) kopos

Labor pangs (5604) odin

Labor pains  (verb)(5605) odino

Laborer (Workman, Laborers) (2040) ergates

Lacking (3007) leipo

Lacking (5303) husterema

Lagging (3636) okneros

Laid…upon (put, fall)(1911) epiballo

Laid (lies, set, standing) (2749) keimai

Laid bare (5136) trachelizo

Laid up (606) apokeimai

Laid waste (2049) eremoo

Lake (3041) limne

Lamb (286) amnos

Lamb (721) arnion

Lambs (704) aren

Lamenting (sing a dirge)(2354) threneo

Lamp (3088) luchnos/lychnos

Lame (5560) cholos

Lamentation (2870) kopetos

Large basket (4711) spuris/sphuris

Lasciviousness (766) aselgeia

Last (2078) eschatos

Late rains (3797) opsimos

Later (5306) husteros

Laugh (2606) katagelao

Laughter (1071) gelos

Lavished (4052) perisseuo

Lawful (permitted)(1832) exesti

Lawfully (3545) nomimōs

Lawgiver (3550) nomothetes 

Lawlessness (458) anomia

Lawless (459) anomos

Lawless (only in Lxx) paranomos

Lawyer (3544) nomikos

Lay aside (put off, spoil, disarm) (554) apekduomai

Lay aside (659) apotithemi

Laying on (1936) epithesis

Lay up (save, store, treasure) (2343) thesaurizo

Lay (laid, laying, put, place, attack) (2007) epitithemi

Lazarus (2976) Lazaros

Lazy (692) argos

Lazy (3636) okneros

Lead a quiet life (keep silent, rest) (2270) hesuchazo

Lead (leader) (2233) hegeomai

Lead (rule) (4291) proistemi

Lead (bring, conduct, lead away or astray) (520) apago

Lead out (1806) exago

Leader (3595) hodegos

Leap (spring up) (242) hallomai

Leaped (2177) ephallomai

Leap (4640) skirtao

Learn (3129) manthano

Learned the secret (3453) mueo

Least (smallest, very small) (1646) elachistos

Leaven (yeast)(2219) zume

Led captive (162) aichmaloteuo

Left (leave) (2641) kataleipo

Left (5275) hupoleipo

Legion (3003) legion

Length (3372) mekos

Leper (3015) lepros

Leprosy (3014) lepra

Less presentable (809) aschemon

Let down (5465) chalao

Let down (2524) kathiemi

Letter (1992) epistole

Letter(s) (bill, learning, writings)(1121) gramma

Liar (5583) pseustes

Lie (do not lie…falsely) (5574) pseudomai

Liberality (572) haplotes

Lie (falsehood) (5579) pseudos

Life (979) bios

Life, of life (982) biotikos

Life (2222) zoe

Life (5590) psuche

Lifted up (raise)(1869) epairo

Ligaments (4886) sundesmos

Light (1645) elaphros

Light (5457) phos

Light (5462) photismos

Like (same)(3664) homoios

Likeness (1504) eikon

Likeness (3667) homoíoma

Likewise (3668) homoios

Likewise (3898) paraplesios

Lilies (2918) krinon

Linen wrappings (3608) othonion

Liquor (4608) sikera

Little children (5040) teknion

Little Faith (3640) oligopistos

Live (verb, living, alive) (2198) zao

Lived luxuriously (5171) truphao

Live like the Jews (2450) ioudaizo

Live together (4800) suzao

Living creature (animal) (2226) zoon

Loathe (1609) ekptuo

Lofty thing (5313) hupsoma

Log (1385) dokos

Loins (3751) osphus

Long (2425) hikanos

Long for (1971) epipotheo

Long (1973) epipothetos

Longing (1972) epipothesis

Longsuffering (3115) makrothumia

Look (observe, keep eye on, watch) (4648) skopeo

Look (1689) emblepo

Looking (4327) prosdechomai

Looking (4328) prosdokao

Looking for (578) apoblepo

Looking for (327) anazeteo

Look at (regard, pay special attention) (1914)  epiblepo

Looked at (see, notice) (2300) theaomai

Looking around (4017) periblepo

Look (intently) (3879) parakupto

Look (gaze) intently (816) atenizo

Look up (regain or receive sight)(308) anablepo

Looking up (429) aneurisko

Loose (811) asotos

Lord (master, owner)(2962) kurios

Lord over (master) (2961) kurieuo

Lording (2634) katakurieuo

Lose heart (1573) ekkakeo (used in KJV, Textus Receptus)

Lose heart (grow weary)(1457) egkakeo (used in Nestle-Aland)

Lose heart (120) athumeo

Loss (2209) zemia

Loss of (580) apobole

Love (verb) (25) agapao

Love (noun) (26) agape

Love (5363) philanthropia

Lovely (791) asteios

Lovers of pleasure (5369) philedonos

Love (5368) phileo

Love of money (5365) philarguria

Love of the brethren (5360) philadelphia

Lovers of money (5366) philarguros

Lovers of self (5367) philautos

Loving what is good (5358) philagathos

Lowly, low degree (5011) tapeinos

Lusts (1939) epithumia

Lying (in bed, sick, reclining, dining, bedridden)(2621) katakeimai


Mad (3130) mania

Made like (871) aphomoioo

Made lower (1642) elattoo

Made without hands (886) acheiropoietos

Made us alive together with (4806) suzoopoieo

Magic (4021) periergos

Magician (sorcerer, wise man)(3097) magos

Magistrates (captains, officials) (4755) strategos

Magnificent (3176) megistos

Majesty, magnificence (3168) megaleiotetos

Majesty (3172) megalosune

Majestic (3169) megaloprepes

Make, made (grant) (1303) diatithemi

Make a public spectacle (2301) theatrizo

Make certain (949) bebaios

Make…defense (626) apologeomai

Make every effort (4704) spoudazo

Make jealous or provoke to jealousy (3863) parazeloo

Make salty (233) halizo

Make signs (1269) dianeuo

Make a slave (1396) doulagogeo

Make straight (2116) euthuno

Making many rich (4148) ploutizo

Malice (2549) kakia

Malice (2550) kakoetheia

Malicious gossip (1228) diabolos

Malign (987) blasphemeo

Manage (engage in, have charge over, lead, rule) (4291) proistemi

Manifestation (5321) phanerosis

Manifold (4182) polupoikilos

Many (2425) hikanos

Many portions (4181) polumeros

Many times as much (4179) pollaplasion

Maranatha (3134) Maranatha

Mark (image formed) (5480) charagma

Market place (58) agora

Marriage (1062) gamos

Marry (1060) gameo

Marvelous (2298) thaumastos

Mary (3137) maria

Master (Lord) (1203) despotes

Master (1988) epistates

Master builder (753) architekton

Mature (5046) teleios

Maturity (perfect) (5047) teleiotes

Measure (standard) (3358) metron

Measure (verb)(3354) metreo

Measured in return (488) antimetreo

Measures (2884) kor

Meddler (244) allotriepiskopos

Mediator (3316) mesites

Meditate Site hits, Biblical Meditation, Primer

Meek (4239) praus or here

Meek (5011) tapeinos

Meekness (4240) prautes

Meet (529) apantesis

Meet (befall)(4876) sunantao

Members (3196) melos

Memorial (3422) mnemosunon

Men (730) arrhen

Mend (2675) katartizo

Men-pleasers (441) anthropareskos

Mention (remembrance, think)(3417) mneia

Merchant (1713) emporos

Merciful (3629) oiktirmon

Merciful (2436) hileos

Merciful (1655) eleemon

Merciless (415) aneleos

Mercy (1656) eleos

Mercy Seat (2435) hilasterion

Message (31) aggelia/angelia

Messiah (3323) messias (See also Messiah — Anointed One)

Met (5221) hupantao

Methods (3180) methodeia

Might (2479) ischus

Might (2904) kratos (mightily; mighty deeds)

Miles (distance) (4712) stadion

Mina (3414) mna, mnah

Mind (3540) noema

Mind (1271) dianoia

Mind (3563) nous

Mind set (5427) phronema

Minds (3510) nephros

Minister (serve , wait on) (1247) diakoneo

Minister (5256) hupereteo

Minister (3008) leitourgeo

Ministering (3010) leitourgikos

Ministry (service) (3009) leitourgia

Ministers (3011) leitourgos

Ministry (service, relief) (1248) diakonia

Misery (5004) talaiporia

Mistreat (insult) (5195) hubrizo

Mistreat (2559) kakoo

Mock (3456) mukterizo

Mock (1702) empaizo

Mockers (1703) empaiktes

Mocking — diachleuazo

Moderate…came (5285) hupopneo

Modestly (127) aidos

Moloch (3434) moloch

Moment («flash») (4743) stigme

Moment (823) atomos 

Momentary (3910) parautika

Money (silver)(694) argurion

Money (bronze, copper)(5475) chalkos

Money (wealthy)(5536) chrema

Money belts (905) ballantion

Money changers (2855) kollubistes

Money changers (2773) kermatistes

More (greater) (4053) perissos

Moral excellence (703) arete

Morals (2239) ethos

More than abundant (5250) huperpleonazo

More tolerable (414) anektoteros

Morning (4404) proi

Morning Star (5459) phophoros

Mortal (2349) thnetos

Mortify (3499) nekroo

Most excellent (2903) kratistos

Most High (highest) (5310) hupsistos

Moth (4597) ses

Motion (2678) Kataseio

Mourn (3996) pentheo

Mourn (2875) kopto

Mourning (3997) penthos

Mourning (lamenting audibly)(3602) odurmos

Mouth (4750) stoma

Move (provoked, stirs)(2795) kineo

Moved away (3334) metakineo

Move up (4320) prosanabaino

Move (remove)(3352) metoikizo

Move (remove) (2795) kineo

Multiply (4129) plethuno

Multitude (crowd, throng)(4128) plethos

Murder (5408) phonos

Murder (commit murder)(5407) phroneuo

Murderer (443) anthropoktonos

Murderers (5406) phoneus

Murmur (1112) goggusmos

Mustard (4615) sinapi

Mute (deaf)(2974) kophos

Mute (dumb, silent)(880) aphonos

Mute (216) alalos

Mutilators (2699) katatome

Myriad (thousands)(3461) murias

Myrrh (Smyrna)(4667) smurna

Mystery (3466) musterion; God’s Mystery by Wayne Barber

Myth (3454) muthos


Naked (stripped) (1131) gumnos

Name (verb) (3687) onomazo

Name (3686) onoma

Narrow (2346) thlibo

Narrow (4728) stenos

Natives (915) barbaros

Nature (natural) (5449) phusis/physis

Natural (5446) phusikos

Natural (worldly-minded) (5591) psuchikos

Nature (5287) hupostasis

Nazarene (3480) Nazoraios

Nazareth (3478) Nazaret

Near (1451) eggus

Necessary (must, ought) (1163) dei

Necessary (more necessary, pressing) (316) anagkaios

Necessity (necessary, need) (318) anagke

Neck (5137) trachelos

Need (5532) chreia

Need (verb)(5535) chrezo

Needlessly (1432) dorean

Needy (1729) endees

Neglect (272) ameleo

Neighbor (Near) (4139) plesion

Nest (2681) kataskenoo

Nets (1350) diktuon

Never (3763) oudepote

New (2537) kainos

New (3501) neos

New (freshly slaughtered or slain)(4372) prosphatos

Newness (2538) kainotes

Newborn (738) artigennetos

News (fame) (5345) pheme

Nicodemus (3530) Nikodemos

Night (evening) (3571) nux

Noble minded (noble) (2104) eugenes

Noise (report, blast, roaring)(2279) echos

Noisy (2278) echeo

No offense (677) aproskopos

No one (nothing) (3762) oudeis

Not accustomed (552) apeiros

Not…ashamed (422) anepaischuntos

Not believe (569) apisteo

Not know (not understand, unaware, uninformed, ignorant) (50) agnoeo

Not tempted (551) apeirastos

Not without aim (84) adelos

Nourish (1625) ektrepho

Now (so, yet, then, or, even, other hand)1161) de 

Now (present)(3568) nun

Number (706) arithmos

Nursing (5162) trophos


O, Oh (5599) o

Oath (3727) horkos

Obedience (5218) hupakoe

Obey (5219) hupakouo

Obey (3980) peitharcheo

Obedient (5255) hupekoos

Objects of Worship (4574) sebasma

Observe (2648) katamanthano

Observe (5442) phulasso

Observe (2029) epoteuo

Observe (notice) (2657) katanoeo

Observed (3907) parateresis

Obtain (attain) (5177) tugchano/tynchano

Offense (4625) skandalon

Offense (4349) proskope

Offer (399) anaphero

Offering (gift) (1435) doron

Offering (4376) phosphora

Offer sacrifice (kill, butcher)(2380) thuo

Officer (attendant, helper, minister, servants)(5257) huperetes

Of the same kind (2472) isotimos

Of the word (spiritual, reasonable) (3050) logikos

Oil (1637) elaion

Old (3820) palaios

Old (744) archaios

Oldness (3821) palaiotes

Older men, women (3811) presbuteros

Once for all (one time) (2178) ephapax

One accord (3661) homothumadon/homothymadon

One another (240) allelon

Onesimus (3682) Onesimos

Only (only begotten, One of a Kind, One and Only) (3439) monogenes

Open (explain) (1272) dianoigo (another word study)

Open (455) anoigo

Open (380) anaptusso

Opened wide (4115) platuno

Opinion (consent, judgment, decided)(1106) gnome

Opponent (1727) enantios

Opponent (adversary, enemy, oppose) (480) antikeimai

Opportunity (occasion) (874) aphorme

Oppose (cope) (436) anthistemi

Opposed (498) antitasso

Opposing arguments (477) antithesis

Opposition (475) antidiatithemi

Opposition (73) agon

Oppressed (2669) kataponeo

Oppressed (2352) thrauo

Oppressed (2616) katadunasteuo

Oracles (3051) logion

Order (Good discipline) (5010) taxis

Order (Command) (2753) keleuo

Ordinance (1345) dikaioma

Ordinance (1378) dogma

Ordinance (1296) diatage

Ought (1163) dei

Ought (3784) opheilo

Out of season (171) akairos

Out of your mind (3105) mainomai

Overcome (conquer) (3528) nikao

Overcome (2274) hettao

Overlooked (5237) hupereido

Overseer (1985) episkopos

Overshadow (1982) episkiazo

Oversight (1983) episkopeo

Overturn (396) anatrepo

Overwhelm (2666) katapino

Overwhelmingly conquer (5245) hupernikao

Own accord (830) authaireto


Pallet (2895) krabattos

Parable (symbol) (3850) parabole

Paralytic (3885) paralutikos

Parchments (3200) membrana

Paradise (3857) paradeisos

Part (3196) melos

Part (share) (3310) meris

Part (share, district, partial) (3313) meros

Partake (3348) metecho

Partakers (partners) (3353) metochos

Parted…carried (1339) diistemi

Partiality (4382) prosopolepsia

Partiality (4381) prosopolemptes

Participate (4790) sugkoinoneo

Partner (partaker, sharer) (2844) koinonos

Partnership (3352) metoche

Passing away (3855) parago

Passed away (pass by) (3928) parerchomai

Pass by opposite (492) antiparerchomai

Passed over (3929) paresis

Passover (3957) pascha

Passing (temporary) (4340) proskairos

Passions (3806) pathos

Pass through (go through, spread, pierce)(1330) dierchomai

Past feeling, become (524) apalgeo

Paths (5163) trochia

Paths (5147) tribos

Patience (5281) hupomone

Patience (3115) makrothumia

Patient (be patient) (3114) makrothumeo

Patiently (3116) makrothumos

Patient when wronged (420) anexikakos

Patriarch (3966) patriarches

Pattern (5296) hupotuposis

Pay close attention to (1907) epecho

Pay tithe (collect tithe)(586) apodekatoo

Peace (1515) eirene

Peacemaker (1518) eirenopoios

Pearls (3135) margarites

Peculiar (4041) periousios

People (assembly)(1218) demos

Perfect (2675) katartizo

Perfect (2005) epiteleo

Perfect (5046) teleios

Perfect (verb) (5048) teleioo

Perfecter (accomplisher, finisher) (5051) teleiotes

Perfume (ointment)(3464) muron

Perish with (544) sunapollumi

Perishable (5349) phthartos

Permit (give permission)(2010) epitrepo

Perplexity (640) aporia

Perplexed (1280) diaporeo

Perplexed (639) aporeo/aporeomai

Perplexed (1298) diatarasso

Persecute (press on) (1377) dioko

Persecutions (1375) diogmos

Perseverance (5281) hupomone

Perseverance (4343) proskarteresis

Persevere (1961) epimeno

Persuades (374) anapeitho

Persuasive argument (4086) pithanologia

Persuasive (3981) peithos

Perverse, pervert (1294) diastrepho

Perverted (1612) ekstrepho

Peter (4074) petros

Pharisees (5330) pharisaios

Philosophy (5385) philosophia

Physical (of flesh, human)(4560) sarkinos

Physician (2395) iatros

Picking (5089) tillo

Piercing (1338) diikneomai

Pierced ( 4044) peripeiro

Pierced(1574) ekkenteo 

Pierced (2660) katanusso

Pilate (4091) Pilatos

Pilfer (3557) nosphizo

Pilot (2942) kubernetes

Pinnacle (4419) pterugion

Pit (999) bothunos

Pitcher (2765) keramion

Place (opportunity, room) (5117) topos

Planned (4388) protithemai

Plagues (5117) loimos

Please, to (verb) (700) aresko

Pleasing (desirable, pleased) (701) arestos

Please (699) areskeia

Pleased (take pleasure, be well pleased) (2106) eudokeo

Pleasure (2237) hedone

Pledge (728) arrabon

Plot (1917) epiboule

Plotting (lying in wait) (1748) enedreuo

Plot together (4823) sumbouleuo

Plot (1917) epiboule

Plunder (1282) diarpazo

Plunge (sink) (1036) buthizo

Pointing out  (5294) hupotithemi

Poison (2447) ios

Policemen (4465) rhabdoúchos

Poll-tax (tribute)(2778) kensos

Polluted (stained, spotted) (4695) spiloo

Possess (obtain, acquire)(2932) ktaomai

Possession (4041) periousios

Possession (4047) peripoiesis

Poor (4434) ptochos

Poor (3998) penichros

Poor (3993) penes

Poured out (1632) ekcheo

Poured out as a drink offering (4689) spendo

Poverty (4432) ptocheia

Power (Miracles) (1411) dunamis

Power (1753) energeia

Power (1849) exousia

Power (2904) kratos

Practice (2039) ergasia

Practice (1838) hexis

Practice (4238) prasso

Practicing magic (3096) mageuo

Praetorium (governor’s palace)(4232) praitorion

Praise (fame, worthy of praise) (1868) epainos

Praising (praise)(134) aineo

Praise(verb)(1867) epaineo

Pray (4336) proseuchomai

Pray (wish) (2172) euchomai

Prayer (1162) deesis

Prayer (4335) proseuche

Preacher (2783) kerux

Preach (the gospel, good news)(2097) euaggelizo/euangelizo

Preached the Gospel beforehand (4283) proeuaggelizomai

Preach (proclaim) (2784) kerusso

Precede (arrive, attain, come upon) (5348) phthano

Precepts (1778) entalma

Precious (great value, more precious, very costly) (4186) polytimos

Precious (5093) timios

Predestined (4309) proorizo

Preparation (2091) hetoimasia

Prepare, prepared (ready) (2090) hetoimazo

Prepare (2675) katartizo

Prepare (builder, built, construction)(2680) kataskeuazo

Prepared (3903) paraskeuazo

Prepared beforehand (4282) proetoimazo

Prepare beforehand (4304) promeletao

Preparation day (3904) paraskeue

Presence (3952) parousia

Presence (before, in sight of) (1799) enopion

Present (came, have come)(3918) pareimi

Present (3936) paristemi

Present (to come) (1764) enistemi

Presentable (2157) euschemosune

Preserve (5442) phulasso

Preservation (4991) soteria

Pressing around (insistent, assail)(1945) epikeimai

Press in (598) apothlibo

Pretext (pretense, for appearance’s sake) (4392) prophasis

Previously committed (4266) proginomai

Previously promised (4279) proepaggello

Previously ratified (4300) prokuroo

Previously said (4275) proeipon

Pride (5243) huperephania

Priests (2409) hiereus

Prince (747) archegos

Principality (746) arche

Principles (4747) stoicheion

Prison (watch, guard)(5438) phulake

Prisoner (1198) desmios

Prisoners (1202) desmotes

Prize (1017) brabeion

Proceed (progress) (4298) prokopto

Proceed out (1607) ekporeuomai

Proclaim (1804) exaggello

Proclaim (2605) kataggello

Proclaim (give notice) (1229) diaggello

Proclamation, preaching (2782) kerugma

Proconsul (deputy)(446) anthupatos

Profane (952) bebelos

Profess (assert) (5335) phasko

Profit (2039) ergasia

Profit (verb) (5623) opheleo

Profitable (good, advantage, expedient)(4851) sumphero

Profitable (5624) ophelimos

Progress (4297) prokope

Prolonged (3905) parateino

Prominent (1851) exoche

Prominent (appropriate)(2158) euschemon

Promise (1862) epaggelma

Promise (verb) (1861) epaggello

Promise (1860) epaggelia/epangelia

Proof (1383) dokimion

Proof (prove character, ordeal) (1382) dokime

Properly (2156) euschemonos

Proper (fitting) (4241) prepo

Proper (becoming, allowed) (2520) katheko

Property (2933) ktema

Prophecy (4394) propheteia

Prophesy (4395) propheteuo

Prophet (4396) prophetes

Prophetess (4398) prophetis

Propitiation (2435) hilasterion

Propitiation (2434) hilasmos

Make propitiation (be merciful) (2433) hilaskomai

Proselytes (4339) proselutos

Prosper (succeed) (2137) euodoo

Prosperity (2142) euporia

Prostitute (4204) porne

Protect (5432) phroureo; phroureo

Protect (5442) phulasso

Proud (5244) huperephanos

Prove (1381) dokimazo

Provide (2023) epichoregeo

Provide (4265) problepo

Provide for (4306) pronoeo

Province (1885) eparchia

Provision, Providence (4307) pronoia (Related study: The Providence of God)

Provision (2024) epichoregia

Provoke (2042) erethizo

Provoke to anger (3949) parorgizo

Provoke (3947) paroxuno

Prudent (wise, shrewd) (5429) phronimos

Psalms (5568) psalmos

Pugnacious (4131) plektes

Pull up (385) anaspao 

Punish (2849) kolazo

Punished (5097) timoreo

Punishment (2851) kolasis

Punishment (2009) epitimia

Purchased (obtain, keep) (4046) peripoieomai

Pure (97) adolos

Pure (1506) eilikrines

Purification (2512) katharismos

Purify (48) hagnizo

Purity (47) hagneia

Purity (54) hagnotes

Purity (862b) aphthoria

Purge, purge out (1571) ekkathairo

Purple (4209) porphura

Purpose (4286) prothesis

Purposed (4255) proaireo

Purpose (plan) (1012) boule

Purposed (4388) protithemai

Put (430) anechomai

Put aside (659) apotithemi

Put forth (4261) proballo

Put in order (2885) kosmeo

Put on (1746) enduo

Put out (1877) epanago

Put out to sea (321) anago

Put to death (1315) diacheirizo

Put to death (2289) thanatoo

Putting…to death (336) anairesis

Put to open shame (3856) paradeigmatizo

Put up with (5159) tropophoreo


Quiet (to silence, muzzle) (392) phimoo

Quick tempered (3711) orgilos

Qualified (2427) hikanoo

Quarrels (2054) eris

Quarrelsome (3164) machomai

Quench (4570) sbennumi

Questions (2214) zetesis

Questions (2213) zetema

Questioned, ask (1905) eperotao

Quick (quickly, soon)(5036) tachus

Quickly (shortly)(adverb)(5030) tacheos

Quickly (soon)(5034) tachos

Quiet (2271) hesuchia


Rabbi (4461) rhabbi

Race (73) agon

Race (1408) dromos

Radiance (541) apaugasma

Rage (folly)(454) anoia

Rage (5433) phruasso

Rail (987) blasphemeo

Rain (wet)(1026) brecho

Raised up with (4891) sungeiro

Raised (1453) egeiro

Raised up (1825) exegeiro

Ran a straight course (2113) euthudromeo

Ransom (3083) lutron/lytron

Ransom (487) antilutron

Ratified (2964) kuro

Ravaging (3075) lumainomai

Ravens (2876) korax

Reaching forward (1901) epekteino

Read (314) anaginosko

Readiness (eagerness) (4288) prothumia

Reading (320) anagnosis

Ready (4289) prothumos

Ready (2092) hetoimos

Ready to share (2843) koinonikos

Realize (become aware of) (4894) suneidon

Reap (2325) therizo

Reason (discuss, ponder) (1260) dialogizomai

Reason (cause, guilt, ground) (156) aitia

Reasoning (Thought, speculation, disputing, doubts) (1261) dialogismos

Reason (discuss) (1256) dialegomai

Reason among (4817) sullogizomai

Rebellion, rebellious (506) anupotaktos

Rebuke (warn) (2008) epitimao

Receive (4327) prosdechomai

Receive (receive back, obtaining) (2865) komizo

Received (3880) paralambano

Receive (1209) dechomai

Receive (take, took) (2983) lambano

Receive (back) (618) apolambano

Receive (324) anadechomai

Receive (accept) (3858) paradechomai

Received (cast lots, chosen by lot) (2975) lagchano

Receive mercy (1653) eleeo

Reception (feast, banquet)(1403) doche

Reception (1529) eisodos

Reckless (4312) propetes

Reckon (3049) logizomai

Recline (347) anaklino

Reclined (sit down)(2625) kataklino

Reclining (345) anakeimai

Reconcile (2644) katallasso

Reconcile (604) apokatallasso

Reconciliation (2643) katallage

Reconcile (be reconciled) (1259) diallasso

Recover (366) ananepho

Recovery of sight  (309) anablepsis

Redeem (make the most of) (1805) exagorazo

Redeem (3084) lutroo

Reed (measuring rod, pen, rod)(2563) kalamos

Refuse (3868) paraiteomai

Refute (reprove) (1651) elegcho 

Redemption (629) apolutrosis How to do Greek Word Study (See also)

Redemption (3085) lutrosis

Refine by fire (4448) puroo

Reformation (1357) diorthosis

Refrain (5339) pheidomai

Refreshed (404) anapsucho

Refreshing (403) anapsuxis

Refuse (720) arneomai

Refute (471) anteipon

Refuted (1246) diakatelegchomai

Regard (3049) logizomai

Regard (4306) pronoeo

Regard (consider, lead, leader) (2233) hegeomai

Regeneration (3824) paliggenesia

Regulation (1345) dikaioma

Reign (become king) (936) basileuo

Rejected (96) adokimos

Rejected (593) apodokimazo

Reject (683) apotheo/apotheomai

Rejects (set aside, nullify)(114) atheteo

Rejoice (5463) chairo

Rejoice (Exult, Jump for joy) (21) agalliao

Rejoice with (4796) sugchairo

Release (loose, destroy, untie, unbind, break) (3089) luo

Release (send away, divorce) (630) apoluo

Released (3080) lusis

Religion (1175) deisidaimonia

Religion (2356) threskeia

Religious (2357) threskos

Rely (1879) epanapauomai

Remains (620) apoleipo

Remain (continue) (1265) diameno

Remain (continue)(4357) prosmeno

Remarkable (3861) paradoxa

Remember (363) anamimnesko

Remember (3403) mimnesko

Remember (3415) mnaomai

Remember (recall, bearing in mind) (3421) mnemoneuo

Remind (5279) hupomimnesko

Reminder (5280) hupomnesis

Reminder (364) anamnesis

Remission (859) aphesis

Remnant (3005) leimma

Remnant (5275) hupoleimma

Remnant (2640) kataleimma

Remorse (regret, change mind) (3338) metamellomai

Removal (555) apekdusis

Remove (transfer) (3179) methistemi

Removing (being taken, changed)(3331) metathesis

Render (repay, pay/give back, reward, sold) (591) apodidomi

Renew (340) anakainizo

Renewed (341) anakainoo

Renewed (365) ananeoo

Renewing (342) anakainosis

Repay (pay back, render) (467) antapodidomi

Repent (3340) metanoeo

Repentance (3341) metanoia

Replied (received, support, suppose)(5274) hupolambano

Report (declare, tell, announce, proclaim) (518) apaggello

Reproach (3680) oneidismos

Requests (155) aitema

Required (demanded)(523) apaiteo

Requirement (1345) dikaioma

Rescue (deliver) (1807) exaireo

Rescue (4506) rhuomai

Reserved (2343) theaurizo

Resist (withstand) (436) anthistemi

Resist (498) antitasso

Resisting (496) antipipto

Respect (4306) pronoeo

Respect (put to shame)(1788) entrepo

Restore (2675) katartizo

Restore (600) apokathistemi

Rest (others, finally, remaining, other things) (3062) loipos

Rest (2663) katapausis

Rest (freedom, ease)(425) anesis

Rest (cease) (372) anapausis

Rest (refresh) (373) anapauo

Rest, to (to give rest, to restrain) (2664) katapauo

Rest upon (1879) epanapauomai

Restraint (1029) brochos

Restrained (4729) stenochoreo

Resurrection (386) anastasis

Retribution (468) antapodoma

Return (1994) epistrepho

Return (344) anakampto

Return (Turn away from) (5290) hupostrepho

Return (390) anastrepho

Revel (5172) truphe

Reveal (601) apokalupto

Revelation (602) apokalupsis

Reveling (2970) komos

Reverence (piety) (2124) eulabeia

Revile (1908) epereazo

Revile (3058) loidoreo

Revilers (blasphemer) (989) blasphemos

Reward(469) antapodosis

Reward (wage) (3408) misthos

Reward (recompense) (3405) misthapodosia

Rich (rich man) (4145) plousios

Riches (wealth) (4149) ploutos

Richly (4146)plousios

Right (immediately) (2117) euthus

Righteous (1342) dikaios (díkaios)

Righteousness (1343) dikaiosune

Righteously (1346) dikaios (dikaíōs)

Righteous (2118) euthutes

Riot (810) asotia

Riot (uproar) (2351) thorubos

Rise (dawned, arise) (393) anatello

Rise up against (2721) katephistemi

Rivers (4215) potamos

Roar (4500) rhoizedon

Roaring (Howling) (5612) oruomai

Robbed (4813) sulao

Robbers (3027) lestes

Robbery (725) harpagmos

Robbery (seizure)(724) harpage

Robes (4749) stole

Rock (4073) petra

Root (4491) rhiza

Rooted (4492) rhizoo

Rostrum (968) bema

Rotted (4595) sepo

Royal (934) basileios

Royal (937) basilikos

Rubbing (5597) psocho

Rubbish (dung) (4657) skubalon

Rudder (4079) pedalion

Ruin (2692) katastrophe

Ruin (4485) rhegma

Rule (sphere)(2583) kanon

Rule (1018) brabeuo

Rule (4165) poimaino

Rulers (746) arche

Ruler (magistrate, official) (758) archon

Ruler (Sovereign, Court official) (1413) dunastes/dynastes

Run (5143) trecho

Rushed (3729) hormao

Rushed together (4890) sundrome

Rust (2447) ios


Sabbath rest (4520) sabbatismos

Sabbath (4521) sabbaton

Sabaoth (4519) sabaoth

Sacrifice(2378) thusia

Sacrificed to idols (1494) eidolothuton

Sad (4659) skuthropos

Sadducees (4523) saddoukaios

Safeguard (804) aphales

Sail (4126) pleo

Sailed (2668) katapleo

Sailed away (1602) ekpleo

Sailing past (3881) paralegomai

Saint (40) hagios; or here

Salt (217) halas

Salvation (4991) soteria

Salvation (4992) soterios/soterion

Same nature (3663) homoiopathes

Sanctification (38) hagiasmos

Sanctify (hallow) (37) hagiazo

Sanctify Relationship of Justified, Sanctified, Glorified

Sandal (5266) hupodema

Satan (4567) satanas

Satisfy, satisfied (5526) chortazo

Sat up (339) anakathizo

Saul (Greek)(4569) Saulos

Saul (Hebrew)(4549) Saoul

Save, heal, make well or whole (4982) sozo, Three Tenses of Salvation

Save (bring safely through)(1295) diasozo

Save (2343) theaurizo

Savior (4990) soter

Say good-bye (take leave)(657) apotasso

Saying (4487) rhema

Scales (3013) lepis

Scarlet (2847) kokkinos

Scatter (1290) diaspora

Scatter (4650) skorpizo

Scatter (squander) (1287) diaskorpizo

Scattered throughout (1289) diaspeiro

Scatter like dust (3039) likmao

Scepter (4464) rhabdos

Schemes (3180) methodeia

School (4981) schole

Scoffers (2707) kataphrontes

Scoffing (1592) ekmukterizo

Scolding (1690) embrimaomai

Scorch (2739) kaumatizo

Scourge (5416) phagellion

Scourges (3146) mastigoo

Scribes (1122) grammateus

Scriptures (1124) graphe

Scum (4027) perikatharma

Sea (2281) thalassa

Seal, sealed (4972 ) sphragizo

Seal (4973) sphragis

Search diligently (1830) exereunao

Searched (2614) katedioko

Seasoned (make…salty)(741) artuo

Seat with (4776) sugkathizo

See (826) augazo

See (look, beware, take care, take heed) (991) blepo

See (behold, look, observe, watch) (2334) theoreo

See (3708) horao

See (aorist middle subjunctive in Luke 13:28+ in the Textus Receptus) (3700) optanomai

Seed (4703) sporos

Seek (2212) zeteo

Seeking (search) (2045) ereunao

Secret (2931) kruphe

Secret (hidden) (614) apokruphos

Secret, keep (4601) sigao

Secretly (2977) lathra

Secretly introduce (3919) pareisago

Secretly brought in (3920) pareisaktos

Secretly induced (5260) hupoballo

See clearly (1227) diablepo

Seed (grain) (2848) kokkus

Seed (descendants, children)(4690) sperma

Seek (1567) ekzeteo

Seek (search) (1934) epizeteo

Seize (caught)(4084) piazo

Seized (contained, stands)(4023) periecho

Self-control (4996) sophronos

Self controlled (Disciplined) (1468) egkrates/enkrates

Self control, exercise (1467) egkrateuomai

Self-control (1466) egkrateia

Self-control (192) akrasia

Selfish ambition (2052) eritheia

Self willed (829) authades

Sell (4453) poleo

Send (send back)(375) anapempo

Send, Sent (649) apostello

Send for (sent, brought)(3343) metapempo

Sent away (1821) exapostello

Send on way (Accompany, help on journey/way) (4311) propempo

Senses (145) aistheterion

Sensible (4998) sophron

Sensibly (4996) sophronos

Sensuality (766) aselgeia

Separate (verb) (to leave, to part) (5563) chorizo

Separated (split)(673) apochorizo

Sepulchre (5028) taphos

Serpent  (3789) ophis

Serve (minister, wait on) (1247) diakoneo

Serve (3000) latreuo

Serious (burdensome, heavy, savage, weighty)(926) barus 

Servant (minister, deacon) (1249) diakonos

Servant (1401) doulos

Servant (child, boy, girl)(3816) pais

Servant (3610) oiketes

Servant (2324) therapon

Servant-girl (bondwoman)(3814) paidiske

Servants (healing)(2322) therapeia

Serve, be enslaved, render service (1398) douleuo

Service (1248) diakonia

Service/Worship (2999) latreia

Set (4287) prothesmia

Set apart (separate, ostracize) (873) aphorizo

Set aside (put away) (115) athetesis

Set before (3908) paratithemi

Set before (present, exhibit) (4295) prokeimai

Set free (1659) eleutheroo

Set in order (1930) epidiorthoo

Set…mind (5426) phroneo

Set sail (put out to sea, brought, bring) (321) anago

Severely (664) apotomos

Sexual Immorality (4202) porneia

Sexual promiscuity (2845) koite

Shadow (4639) skia

Shake (agitate) (4531) saleuo

Shake (4579) seio

Shake off(660) apotinasso

Shake off (1621) ektinasso

Shame (152) aischune

Shame (indecent, unseemly) (808) aschemosune

Share (3330) metadidomi

Share (2841) koinoneo

Share (receive, take)(3335) metalambano

Sharp (3691) oxus

Sharper (5114) tomoteros

Shed (1632) ekcheo

Sheet (3607) othone

Shelter (5284) hupopleo

Sheep (4263) probaton

Shepherd (verb) (4165) poimaino

Shepherd (noun) (4166) poimen

Shield (2375) thureos

Shine (2014) epiphaino

Shine (appear) (5316) phaino

Shine forth (1584) eklampo

Shine around (4034) perilampo

Shine on (2017) epiphauo

Shine (2989) lampo

Shining (2986) lampros

Shod (5265) hupodeo

Shortsighted (3467) muopazo

Shortened (4958) sustello

Shout (994) boao

Shout (2752) keleusma

Show forth (1804) exaggello

Show (1166) deiknuo

Showing (1731) endeíknumi

Show (warn) (5263) hupodeiknumi

Show (demonstrate, point out)(1925) epideiknumi

Show partiality (4380) prosopolempteo

Shrinks back (5288) hupostello

Shrink back (5289) hupostole

Shudder (5425) phrisso

Shut (Close) (2808) kleio

Shut up (enclosed) (4788) sugkleio

Shut out (1576) ekkleio

Sick (770) astheneo

Sick (732) arrostos

Sick (2577) kamno

Sick (2560) kakos

Sift (4617) siniazo

Sight (3705) horama

Signs (4592) semeion See also another discussion of semeion

Silent, keep (4601) sigao

Silent, be (hush, be quiet)(4623) siopao

Silly Talk (3473) morologia

Simon (4613) Simon

Sin (noun) (266) hamartia

Since (because)(1894) epeidé

Sincerity (858) aphelotes

Sinned (verb) (264) hamartano

Sincere (505) anupokritos

Sincere (1506) eilikrines

Sincerity (572) haplotes

Sincerity (1505) eilikrineia

Singing (5214) humneo

Sing, sing praises (5567) psallo

Sinners (268) hamartolos

Sit (sat down, seated, settled) (2523) kathizo

Slandered (2635) katalaleo

Slander (2636) katalalia

Slanderers (2637) katalalos

Slaps (4474) rhapizo

Slaughter (4967) sphage

Slavery (1398) douleuo

Slavery (1397) douleia

Slay (slain) (4969) sphazo

Slay (2695) katasphazo

Sleep (2518) katheudo

Sleep (5258) hupnos

Sleeplessness (70) agrupnia

Slip away (5298) hupochoreo

Slow (1021) bradus

Snare (trap) (3803) pagis

Sneer (5512) chleuazo

Sober (3525) nepho

Sober (4997) sophrosune

Soberly (discreetly, self-restraint)(4996) sophronos

So great (5082) telikoutos

Sold (selling) (4097) piprasko

Soldier (4757) stratiotes

Soldier (4754) strateuomai

Solemnly charge (1263) diamarturomai

Solid (4731) stereos

Something to eat (1979) episitismos

Sorcery (5331) pharmakeia

Sordid gain (147) aischrokerdos

Sordid (150) aischros

Sores (1668) helkos

Sorrow (grief) (3077) lupe

Sosthenes (4988) Sosthenes

So that (in order that)(2443) hina

Soul (5590) psuche

Sound (safe) (5198) hugiaino

Sounded forth (1837) execheo

Sound mind (4995) sophronismos

Sound judgment (mind), verb (4993) sophroneo

Source (159) aitios

Sow (4687) speiro

Sowed (upon or after)(1986) epispeiro

Spare (5339) pheidomai

Sparingly (5340) pheidomenos

Speak (2980) laleo

Speak against (oppose) (483) antilego

Speaking evil (2551) kakologeo

Speck (mote)(2595) karphos

Spectacle (2335) theoria

Spectacle (2302) theatron

Speculation  (1076) ekzetesis

Speculations (3053) logismos

Spending our life (1236) diago

Spend their time (opportunity; have time)(2119) eukaireo

Spend the night (835) aulizomai

Spend (tarry)(1304) diatribo

Spend the winter (3914) paracheimazo

Spent (1159) dapanao

Spirit (breath, wind)(4151) pneuma

Spiritual (4152) pneumatikos

Spiritual gift (5486) charisma or click for summary of spiritual gifts

Spit upon (1716) emptuo

Spoils, choicest (plunder) (205) akrothinion

Speak or say before (beforehand, foretell) (4280) proereo

Spies (1455) egkathetos

Splendor (adverb)(2988) lampros

Spoke with difficulty (speech impediment)(3424) mogilalos

Spot (4696) spilos

Spotless (784) aspilos

Spring (4077) pege

Sprinkle (4473) rhantismos

Sprinkled (4472) rhantizo

Sprouted (sprout, produce)(985) blastano

Spy out (2684) kataskopeo

Stability (4733) stereoma

Standard (5296) hupotuposis

Stand by (3936) paristemi

Stand around (4026) periistemi

Stand firm (4739) steko

Star (792) aster

Startled (4422) ptoéō

Stature (2244) helika

Stay (1961) epimeno

Stay upon the earth (5550) paroikia

Steadfast (949) bebaios

Steadfast (firm) (1476) hedraios

Steadfastness (5281) hupomone

Steal (2813) klepto

Stephen (4736) stephanos

Steps (2487) ichnos

Sternly warn (deeply moved, scold)(1690) embrimaoma

Steward (manager) (3623) oikonomos

Steward (2012) epitropos

Stewardship (3622) oikonomia

Stiff-necked (4644)  sklerotrachelos

Still, be (quiet, muzzle)(5392) phimoo

Stimulate (provocation, contention, irritation) (3948) paroxusmos

Sting (2759) kentron

Stirs up (383) anaseio

Stir up (1326) diegeiro

Stirred (2042) erethizo

Stirred up (4787) sugkineo

Stone (2642) katalithazo

Stone (3037) lithos

Stone, stoning (3037) lithoboleo

Stoop and look (3879) parakupto

Stop (shut, closed)(5420) phrasso

Store, storing up (2343) theaurizo

Storm (2978) lailaps

Storm (5494) cheimon

Storm-tossed (5492) cheimazo

Straighten up (352) anakupto

Straightforward, be (3716) orthopodeo

Strangers (3581) xenos

Street (4505) rhume

Street (wide)(4116) platus

Streets  (4116) plateia

Strength (2479) ischus

Strength (2904) kratos

Strengthen (restored, made erect again) (461) anorthoo

Strengthen (2901) krataioo

Strengthen (4599) sthenoo

Strengthen (1991) episterizo

Strengthen (4732) stereoo

Strengthen (1412) dunamoo

Strengthen(1765) enischuo

Stretch (1614) ekteino

Stretcher (2826) klinidion

Strictly (195) akribeia

Strife (2052) eritheia

Stripes (3468) molops

Strife (2054) eris

Strike down (3960) patasso

Striving against (hapax legomenon)(464) antagonizomai

Striving together (4866) sunathleo

Stroke (tittle) (2762) keraia

Strong, be (1743) endunamoo

Strong (loud, mighty, severe, strong man) (2478) ischuros

Struck down (2598) kataballo

Struggle (73) agon

Struggle (3823) pale

Stubbornness (4643) skelerotes

Study (4704) spoudazo

Stumble (4417) ptaio

Stumbled (4350) proskopto

Stumbling (4348) proskomma

Stumbling (679) aptaistos

Stumbling block (4625) skandalon

Stupor (2659) katanuxis

Subdue (tame)(1150) damazo

Subject, submit (5293) hupotasso

Subjection (obedience, submissness) (5292) hupotage

Submit…to decrees(1379) dogmatizo

Submit, lay (394) anatithemi

Submit (5226) hupeiko

Succour (997) boetheo

Suddenly (869) aphno

Suddenly (1810) exaiphnes

Suddenly (160) aiphnidios

Suffer hardship with (4777) sugkakopatheo

Suffering (passion) (3804) pathema

Suffer (3958) pascho

Suffered shipwreck (3489) nauageo

Suffers the pains of childbirth together (4944) sunodino

Sufficient (2425) hikanos

Sufficient (714) arkeo

Sufficient (713) arketos

Summing up (346) anakephalaiomai

Sun (2246) helios

Superintendent (1985) episkopos

Superiority (5247) huperoche

Supper (dinner)(1173) deipnon

Supplications (2428) hiketería

Supply (2023) epichoregeo

Supply (5524) choregeo

Suppose (think, thought) (3543) nomizo

Sure (804) aphales

Surely (230) alethos

Surmise (suppose, expect)(5282) huponoeo

Surpass (more important) (5242) huperecho

Surpasses (5235) huperballo

Surpassing (beyond all comparison, more excellent) (5236) huperbole

Surround (encircle) (2944) kukloo

Surrounding district (or region)(4066) perichoros

Swallow (2666) katapino

Swamped (4845) sumpleroo

Swear (make no oath) 3660) omnuo

Sweet wine (1098) gleukos

Swept (4563) saroo

Swift (3691) oxus

Swindlers (727) harpax

Swine (5519) choiros

Sword (3162) machaira

Sword (4501) rhomphaia

Sympathize (4834) sumpatheo

Synagogue (4864) sunagoge

Synagogue officials (752) archisunagogos


Tabernacle (dwelling, tent) (4633) skene

Talk (converse) (3656) homileo

Take (taken, took) (3880) paralambano

Take advantage (defraud) (4122) pleonekteo

Take along  (4838) sumparalambano

Took in His arms (1723) enagkalizomai

Take away (cut off) (851) aphaireo

Take away (142) airo

Take away (abandon, cast off) (4014) periaireo

Take captive (163) aichmalotizo

Take captive (4812) sulagogeo

Take courage (2293) tharseo

Take hold (seize) (1949) epilambano

Take note (1896) epeidon 

Take out (1627) ekphero

Take pains (meditate, devise) (3191) meletao

Take shrewd advantage of (2686) katasophizomai

Taken away (522) apairo

Taken up (changed, removed, took)(3346) metatithemi

Taking precaution (keep away)(4724) stello

Taking…stand (1687) embateuo

Take up, take on board (353) analambano

Tanner (1038) burseus

Tares (2215) zizanion

Tarry (1961) epimeno

Tarsus (5018) tarseus

Taste (1089) geuomai

Taught (2727) katecheo

Taught (1318) didaktos

Taught by God (2312) theodidaktos

Tax, Taxes (5411) phoros

Tax booth (5058) telonion

Tax collector (publican) (5057) telones

Teach (teaching, taught) (1321) didasko

Teachers (1320) didaskalos

Teachers of the Law (3547) nomodidaskalos

Teaching (instruction) (1322) didache

Teach strange doctrines (2085) heterodidaskaleo

Tear (split, divide)(4977) schizo

Tear (4978) schisma

Tears (1144 ) dakruon

Telling…the truth (226) aletheuo

Temperate (3524) nephalios

Temperate (1468) egkrates/enkrates

Temperance (1466) egkrateia

Temperately (4996) sophronos

Temple (sanctuary) (3485) naos

Temple (2411) hieron

Temple (2413) hieros

Tempt (3985) peirazo

Tempter (3985) peirazo

Tender (476) splagchnon

Tender (527) hapalos

Tender hearted (2155) eusplagchnos

Tenderly cares (2282) thalpo

Tent (4636) skenos

Terrible (5398) phoberos

Terror (5401) phobos

Terrors (5400) phobetron

Test (put to the test) (1598) ekpeirazo

Testify (3143) marturomai

Testify (witness, gain approval) (3140) martureo

Testify (1957) epimartureo

Testify solemnly (1263) diamarturomai

Testimony (3141) marturia/martyria

Testimony (3142) marturion/martyrion

Testing (1383) dokimon

Test (1381) dokimazo

Test (3985) peirazo

Thanksgiving (2169) eucharistia

The (3588) ho, hē, to

Thefts (2829) klope

Then (5119) tote

Then (1899) epeita

Threatening (547) apeile

Thief (2812) kleptes

Thing (affair, matter, case) (4229) pragma

Think (seem, seemed, suppose, thought, reputation)(1380) dokeo

Think lightly (2706) kataphroneo

Thirst (thirsty) (1372) dipsao

Thongs (2438) himas

Thorn (173) akantha

Thorn (4647) skolops

Thoroughly clear (1245) diakathairo

Threshing floor (257) halon

Through (because, for this reason = dia touto, why? = dia ti; continually = dia pantos)(1223) dia

Throw  (put, cast, thrust, bring, laid/lying, bring, poured)(906) ballo

Throw away (577) apoballo

Thrown…down (cast) (4496) rhipto

Throw up (3925) paremballo 

Throwing into confusion (1613) ektarasso

Thoughts (1761) enthumesis

Thoughts (1270) dianoema

Tickle (2833) knetho

Time, Times (season, opportunity, epoch, proper time) (2540) kairos

Timidity (1167) deilia

Timothy (5095) Timotheos

Tolerance (463) anoche

Tolerate (430) anechomai

Tomb (5028) taphos

Tombs (3418) mnema

Tomb (3419) mnemeion

Tongue (1100) glossa (see also glossa)

Torment (928) basanizo

Torment (931) basanos

Torn apart (1288) diaspao

Tortured (5178) tumpanizo

Tossed by waves (2831) kludonizomai

Touch (681) hapto/haptomai

Town clerk (1122) grammateus

Tradition (3862) paradosis

Trained (1128) gumnazo (gymnazo)

Training (3809) paideia

Trample (tread) (3961) pateo

Trample (2662) katapateo

Transformed (3339) metamorphoo

Transgression (3847) parabasis

Transgressor (3848) parabates

Transgression (trespass) (3900) paraptoma

Transgression (3892) paranomia

Transgress (5233) huperbaino

Translate (interpret) (2059) hermeneuo

Translated (interpreted)(3177) methermeneuo

Trap (64) agreuo

Travel with (4898) sunekdemos

Treacherous (4273) prodotes

Treasure (2344) thesauros

Treasure (3866) paratheke

Treasure (keep) 1301) diatereo

Treasure (4933) suntereo

Treasury (1049) gazophulakion

Treated (5530) chraomai

Tremble (5141) tremo

Trembling (5156) tromos

Trembling (1790) entromos

Trial (Temptation, proving) (3986) peirasmos

Trial (1383) dokimon

Tribulation (2347) thlipsis

Tribunal (968) bema

Trickery (2940) kubeia

Trickery (3834) panourgia

Triumphed over (2358) thriambeuo

Triumphs (2620) Katakauchaomai 

Troops (armies, soldiers)(4753) strateuma

Trouble (disturb, stir up) (5015) tarasso

Trouble (1776) enochleo

Trouble (3926) parenochleo

Troubled (uproar, make a commotion) (2350) thorubeo

Trouble (3636) okneros

Trouble (4660) skullo

Trumpet (4536) salpigx/salpinx

Trustworthy (faithful) (4103) pistos

Truth (225) aletheia

True (227) alethes

True (adjective) (228) alethinos

True (sincerity) (1103) gnesios

Try (3985) peirazo

Tunic (garment) (5509) chiton

Turn (return, convert)(4762) strepho 

Turn aside (1624) ektrepo

Turn aside (transgress)(3845) parabaino

Turn away, aside (1578) ekklino

Turn away (incite to rebellion, remove) (654) apostrepho

Turn away (1294) diastrepho

Tutor (child conductor, guardian)(3807) paidagogos 

Turn (1994) epistrepho

Twinkling (4493)(rhipe

Twist together (weave) (4120) pleko

Two-edged (1366) distomos

Tychicus (5190) Tuchikos

Type (5179) tupos


Unalterable (949) bebaios

Unbelief (570) apistia

Unbelieving (571) apistos

Uncertainty (83) adelotes

Unchangeable (276) ametathetos

Unchastity (4202) porneia

Uncleanness (167) akatharsia

Uncircumcision (203) akrobustia

Uncircumcised (564) aperitmetos

Uncircumcised, become (1986) epispaomai

Unclothed, be (1562) ekduo

Uncondemned (178) akatakritos

Uncontentious (269) amachos

Uncovered (177) akatakaluptos

Undefiled (283) amiantos

Under (5270) hupokato

Under compulsion (317) anagkastos

Under obligation (3781) opheiletes

Understand (3539) noeo

Understanding (4907) sunesis

Understand (4920) suniemi

Understanding (1271) dianoia

Undertaken («have taken in hand» KJV)(2021) epicheireo

Undistracted (563) aperispastos

Uneducated (62) agrammatos

Unfading (262) amarantinos

Unfailing (413) anekleiptos

Unfathomable (421) anexichniastos

Unfruitful (175) akarpos

Ungifted (untrained, unskilled)(2399) idiotes

Ungodliness, ungodly (763) asebeia

Ungodly (765) asebes

Ungrateful (884) acharistos

Unholy (462) anosios 

United with (4854) sumphutos

Unity (1775) henotes

Unknown (57) agnostos

Unleavened (106) azumos

Unload (670) apophortizomai

Unloving (794) astorgos

Unmarried (22) agamos

Unmerciful (415) aneleemon

Unprepared (532) aparaskeuastos

Unprincipled (113) athesmos

Unprofitable (512) anopheles

Unquenchable (762) asbestos

Unreasoning (absurd) (249) alogos

Unreasonable (4646) skolios

Unrepentant (279) ametanoetos

Unrighteous (unjust, wicked)(94) adikos

Unrighteousness (93) adikia

Unruly (506) anupotasso

Unruly (813) ataktos

Unsearchable (419) anexereunetos

Unsettling (384) anaskeuazo

Unstable (793) asteriktos

Unstable(182) akatastatos

Unstained, unspotted (784) aspilos

Untaught (261) amathes

Untimely born (1626) ektroma

Untrained (2399) idiotes

Untrustworthy (802) asunthetos

Unveiled (343) anakalupto

Unworthy (371) anaxios

Upper room (5253) huperoon

Uprightly (1346) dikaios (dikaios which is distinct from dikaios 1342)

Upsetting (396) anatrepo

Upset (trouble, stir up) (387) anastatoo

Urge (prevail)(3849) parabiazomai

Useful (2173) euchrestos

Useless (889) achreioo

Useless (692) argos

Utter (5350) phtheggomai

Utter (2044) ereugomai

Utterly destroyed (1842) exolethreuo

Utterances (3051) logion

Utterance, giving (declare, utter) (669) apophtheggomai


Valid (949) bebaios

Vain (3152) mataios

Vain (3155) maten

Vain (without cause) (1500) eike

Vanity (3153) mataiotes

Vain (2756) kenos

Vainglory (2754) kenodoxia

Vapor (822) atmis

Varieties (1243) diairesis 

Various (manifold) (4164) poikilos or click here

Vehemently (powerfully)(2159) eutonos

Veil (2665) katapetasma

Vengeance (justice) (1557) ekdikesis

Very (fearfully)(1171) deinos

Very earnest (4705) spoudaios

Vessel (goods, container, object, instrument) (4632) skeuos

Victory (3529) nike

Victory (3534) nikos

Vindicated (1344) dikaioo

Violation (3847) parabasis

Violence (970) bia

Violent (972) biaios

Violent (5189) tuphonikos

Violently (4971) sphodros

Viper (2191) echidna

Virgin (3933) parthenos

Virtue (703) arete

Visible (1717) emphanes

Vision (3701) optasia

Vision (3705) horama

Visions (appearance)(3706) horasis

Visit (concerned about) (1980) episkeptomai

Visiting (3939) paroikeo

Visitation (office, office of overseer) (1984) episkope

Visitors (visiting)(1927) epidemeo

Votive gifts (334) anathēma 

Vow (2171) euche


Wage (reward) (3408) misthos

Wages (3800) opsonion

Wage war (4754) strateuomai

Wage war against (497) antistrateuomai

Waist (3751) osphus

Wait (362) anameno

Wait for (4037) perimeno

Wait, waiting (4328) prosdokao

Wait eagerly (553) apekdechomai

Waiting (4327) prosdechomai

Waiting (1551) ekdechomai

Walk (Behave, Conduct, Tread) (4043) peripateo

Walk (follow, keep in step, live) (4748) stoicheo

Walk among (1774) emperipateo

Wanton pleasure (4684) spatalao

War (battle, quarrels) (4171) polemos

Warned (show)(5263) hupodeiknumi

Warn (546) apeilo

Warned (called) (5537) chrematizo

Washed (3068) louo

Washing (3067) loutron

Washings (909) baptismos

Watch (3525) nepho

Watch (watch closely) (3906) paratereo

Watch (1127) gregoreuo

Waves (2949) kuma

Way (road, journey)(3598) hodos

Way of escape (1545) ekbasis

Weak (770) astheneo

Weakness (sickness) (769) astheneia

Weak (sick, helpless) (772) asthenes

Wealth (mammon) (3126) mamonas

Wear out (become old, obsolete) (3822) palaioo

Weapon (3696) hoplon

Weep, weeping (2799) klaio

Weeping (2805) klauthmos

Weight (burden, authority)(922) baros

Welcome (1209) dechomai

Welcome (588) apodechomai

Welcome (Receive) (5264) hupodechomai

Welcome (1774) eisdechomai 

Well (sound, healed, good health, restored)(5199) hugies

Well (good health) (5198) hugiaino

Well (2095) eu

Well (pit) (5421) phrear

Well pleasing (2101) euarestos

Well pleased (2100) euaresteo

Went away (left, went, go away)(565) aperchomai

Went from place to place (went around, sailed)(4022) perierchomai 

Went up (came up) (305) anabaino

Wheat (4621) sitos

Where (how) (4159) pothen

White (3022) leukos

Wickedness (2549) kakia

Wickedness (4189) poneria

Wickedness (93) adikia

Widow (5503) chera

Wilderness (secluded, desolate, desert) (2048) eremos

Wiles (3180) methodeia

Will (2307) thelema

Willfully (voluntarily) (1596) hekousios

Willing (4289) prothumos

Win, win over (gain, make profit) (2770) kerdaino

Wind (4157) pnoe

Wind (417) anemos

Wine (3631) oinos

Wineskins (779) akso

Winnowing fork (4425) ptuon

Wiping (1591) ekmasso

Wise (4680) sophos

Wish (3785) ophelon

Wisdom (4678) sophia

With (4862) sun/syn

With (3326) meta

With (before) (4314) pros

Withdrew (left, departed, gone aside, stepping aside)(402) anachoreo

Withered (dry) (3583) xeraino

Withered (dry)(3584) xeros

Witness (testify, gain approval) (3140) martureo

Witness (noun) (3144) martus/martys

Without cause (1432) dorean

Without cause (vain) (1500) eike

Without excuse (379) anapologetos

Without father (540) apator

Without fear (870) aphobos

Without God (112) atheos

Without honor (820) atimos

Without offense (677) aproskopos

Without hypocrisy (505) anuopkritos

Without understanding (801) asunetos

Without wavering (186) aklines

Woe (alas) (3759) ouai

Womb (with child, glutton, pregnant)(1064) gaster

Women (2338) thelus

Wonder (3756) thauma

Wonders (5059) teras

World (3625) oikoumene

Word (matter, message, news, reason, saying, statement, utterance) (3056) logos

Word (4487) rhema

Work (1754) energeo

Work (2872) kopiao

Work, work out (2716) katergazomai

Work (Accomplish, Do, Perform, Produce) (2038) ergazomai

Workers at home (Hapax legomenon)(3626) oikourgós

Working (1753) energeia

Workmanship (what has been made) (4161) poiema

Work with (4903) sunergeo

World (165) aion

World forces (2888) kosmokrator

Worldly (952) bebelos

World (2889) kosmos

Worm (4663) skolex

Worldly (2886) kosmikos

Worry (3308) merimna

Worrying (3349) meteorizomai

Worse (5501) cheiron

Worthless (3152) mataios

Worthless (96) adokimos

Worship (bow down) (4352) proskuneo

Worshipped (4573) sebazomai

Worship (3000) latreuo

Worthy (adjective) (514) áxios (axios)

Worthy (adverb) (516) axíōs (axios)

Worthy (2425) hikanos

Wounds (3468) molops

Wrangle about words (3054) logomacheo

Wrapped…in cloths (4683) spargannoo

Wrath (anger) (3709) orge

Wrath (rage, indignation) (2372) thumos

Wrestle (3823) pale

Wretched (5005) talaiporos

Wrinkle (4512) rhutis

Write to  (1989) epistello

Written (1125) grapho

Written (1449) eggrapho

Written before (Marked out, publicly display) (4270) prographo

Wrong (92) adikema

Wrong (perverse, unusual)(824) atopos



Yearn (1971) epipotheo

Yield (1502) eiko

Yoke (pair of scales or balances) (2218) zugos or zygos

Young (3501) neos

Young men (3495) neaniskos


Zeal (jealousy) (2205) zelos

Zealous (2207) zelotes

While working on my translation of Matthew 10:5-15, I found I cool (are we allowed to use that expression anymore?) tool for quickly looking for glosses and forms of words. It provides a quick way to determine forms when in doubt, but also provides contextual information about usage and derivation.

I have added it to my links. For those who care, enjoy!

About George

I’m interested in theology, languages, translation and various sorts of fermentation.

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Chigusa: Listeners, do you know how good your language skills are? Peter: In today’s Sunday News, we’re revealing a study tool that… Chigusa: Tests your language skills… Peter: Improves your memory and helps you remember more Chigusa: And helps you practice the words and grammar rules you’ve learned.. Peter: …so you can master the language faster. Chigusa: Welcome to Innovative Language Learning Sunday News! I’m Chigusa and I’ll be hosting today’s Sunday News with my co-host, the founder of… Peter Galante! Peter: Hi everyone! Peter here. Body Chigusa: So, what is this new feature all about? Peter: You’ll find out in just a moment, but first, listen up. Chigusa: Our Thank-You Sale starts right now with a Quick 40% OFF. Peter: That’s an EXTRA 10% on top of the regular 30% Thank You Sale discount. Chigusa: Get 40% OFF Premium and Premium PLUS! Peter: …and get instant access to fast, easy lessons by real teachers… Chigusa: …that get you speaking, reading, and writing from Beginner to Advanced… Peter: Listeners, our progress tools “spoon feed” you lessons one by one. Chigusa: So, you go from learning your first words in one lesson…to mastering conversations in the next. Peter: ….You also get Study Tools that help you learn faster… Chigusa: … app access so you can learn on the go… Peter: …and with Premium PLUS, you also get your very own teacher. Chigusa: Get 40% OFF Premium or Premium PLUS by November 10th, 2021. Peter: That’s as low as $6 a month. Chigusa: So If you’re on the site right now… Peter: Click the link in the comments section of this Sunday News to get 40% OFF Chigusa: Alright Peter, let’s talk about this study tool. Peter: The new study tool is called Assessments. Chigusa: So, listeners, if you always wanted to test your language skills.. Peter: …or practice what you’ve just learned… so you could remember it better… Chigusa: Then you can do just that. Peter: Assessments are exercises that you’ll get every few lessons… Chigusa: And they test you on the words, phrases and grammar rules from the last few lessons. Peter: Chigusa, assessments are a powerful way to master a language fast… or anything you’ll ever want to learn. Chigusa: Yeah, it’s good to know which words you remember and which you don’t. But it’s so hard to test yourself if you’re learning by yourself. Peter: Exactly. That’s where the assessments come in. Listeners, here’s what makes this study tool so powerful. Chigusa: First: You can assess your language skills… Peter: If you’re learning a language on your own, it’s hard to tell how much you’re remembering Chigusa: So, if you want to know if you’re progressing or not… Peter: Complete an assessment and find out. Chigusa; You get instant results. Peter: And you can see which questions you got right or wrong. Chigusa: Second. You remember more and learn faster. Peter: By taking assessments and recalling what you’ve learned… Chigusa: You end up remembering the words, phrases and grammar rules better Peter: Exactly. This is called active recall, a science-backed learning tactic. In fact, any time you force yourself to remember what you’ve learned… you’ll remember it much better. Chigusa: I think it’s worth repeating: in order to remember more and boost your memory… Peter: … you should test and assess yourself. Chigusa: Third: You stay engaged and practice the language…. Peter: …instead of passively letting words go in one ear and out the other. Chigusa: Assessments make your learning experience much more fun and interactive Peter: And you can put the words, phrases and grammar rules to use Chigusa: …instead of just hearing them once, and forgetting them. Peter: Fourth: You can get your speaking and writing skills assessed by a real teacher…. Chigusa: …With the Premium PLUS plan. Peter: So, listeners, if you’re a Premium or Premium PLUS user… Chigusa: …then you already have access! Peter: Look for the Assessments inside our recommended learning pathways for all levels. Chigusa: Yes, you should already have it on your Dashboard. Peter: Or, visit the lesson library and click on the Recommended Pathway at the top of the page. Chigusa: And you’ll see the assessments throughout the Pathway. Peter: And if you’re not a Premium or Premium PLUS member, then take advantage… Chigusa: Our Thank-You Sale starts right now with a Quick 40% OFF. Peter: That’s an EXTRA 10% on top of the regular 30% Thank You Sale discount. Chigusa: Get 40% OFF Premium and Premium PLUS! Peter: …and get instant access to fast, easy lessons by real teachers… Chigusa: …that get you speaking, reading, and writing from Beginner to Advanced… Peter: Listeners, our progress tools “spoon feed” you lessons one by one. Chigusa: So, you go from learning your first words in one lesson…to mastering conversation in the next. Peter: ….You also get Study Tools that help you learn faster… Chigusa: … app access so you can learn on the go… Peter: …and with Premium PLUS, you also get your very own teacher. Chigusa: Get 40% OFF Premium or Premium PLUS by November 10th, 2021. Peter: That’s as low as $6 a month. Chigusa: So If you’re on the site right now… Peter: Click the link in the comments section of this Sunday News to get 40% OFF


Chigusa: Well, that’s going to do it for this edition of Innovative Language Sunday news!* Peter: Bye everyone!* Chigusa: Thanks for listening, and we’ll see you all next time.*

It sounds complicated, but it’s not.  Recently I was wanting to improve the quality of my Bible Study time.  In my research, I came across a way to study the Bible that is completely revolutionizing my approach:  Greek & Hebrew Word Studies.  With the right tools, in just a few minutes a day I can really dig into the Scriptures to understand what God was getting at.  There was a time when you had to be a Scholar to understand Greek and Hebrew Word studies, but modern tools make it so, so simple and accessible! is a super-helpful phone app (and also a website) for Bible Study! You can use BlueLetterBible as a study tool online (via a browser) or download their free app to your phone.  Either way is fairly intuitive and does the same things. Greek & Hebrew Word Studies

This blog uses affiliate links to make it easier for you to find what you need!

Go to your favorite app store and download Blue Letter Bible.  (Or on desktop, navigate to

Whether you are using the app or the desktop version, they work the same way:

In the Box that says “Search the Bible” type in the verse you want to look up. In the drop menu immediately beside that (or below on desktop) select the version of the Bible you wish to use. Click “go.” For this example we will look up Ephesians 2:4-5 (from Day 1 of the God Loves Me Bible Journaling Challenge) in the King James Version.  You will be taken to a screen with a Bible passage starting with the verse you selected and giving the following verses as well. From here, you can do a number of things.

What Is a Strong’s Index Number?
Before we get started, you need to know what a “Strong’s Number” is.  Back in 1890, a theology professor named James Strong led a project where over 14,000 words in the Bible were given a number and indexed. Words that had come from Greek were given a number starting with “G” and Hebrew words were given a number that started with “H.” Today, you and I can use that index to find every single mention of any word we want to study.

How To Do A Greek & Hebrew Word Study

Ok, ready to start?

#1.  Pick which word or phrase you want to study. For this example we will explore the phrase “hath quickened us together with.”  In the app, touch the small verse number beside the verse, in this case, we will be digging into verse 5.  A blue menu will slide in from the side.  Choose the first option, “Interlinear.”  Then scroll down until you see the phrase you wish to study.

(If you’re on a desktop, there is a blue navigation bar at the top of the site where you will find an option that says “Strongs.” Check that box. Now, the Strongs index number for all the words in the passage will appear.  Click on the number immediately following the phrase you wish to study. In this case, it’s is Strong’s Number G4806.  For the following steps you’ll be taken to a new screen.)

#2.  On the app, you will immediately see the Strong’s Number (In this case, G4806) and the Greek Word.  You’ll see the word in Greek characters and English characters: syzoopoieo. There is an audio option to hear the word pronounced if you’d like.

(On Desktop, you are taken to a new screen. “Transliteration” means this is the closest, most reasonable spelling in English for that Greek word. In this case the Greek word “syzoopoieo” was translated into the English phrase “hath quickened us together with.”  In the pronunciation section, you can click on the speaker to hear the correct pronunciation of the Greek word.)

In the Etymology section (on the app, access this by clicking the Greek word in English characters), we see that ‘syzoopoieo’ actually came from two root words. If we click on those words we will discover that “syn” is a primary preposition denoting a very close union. “zoopoieo” means “to make alive, bear living young, arouse, invigorate, restore life.” These are very helpful clues to see the depth of what God is trying to say here: (“very close union” “bear living young” “invigorate” “restore life”…) Consider this new information in context of the verse.  How does knowing the meaning of the original word used in this text (before being translated into English) help you to better understand what this verse means?

How To Use The Concordance

As you scroll down the page you will see other features. The “Concordance results” will give you a list of every other time that word or phrase is mentioned in the Bible. (By the way, this list will vary a bit based on the translation you have selected.) Sometimes, seeing all the other places in the Bible where a specific word was used can really help clarify exactly what God meant when He used that particular word.

How To Access Other Translations

It can also be helpful to see the verse you are studying in other translations. Use your browser’s back button to navigate back to the verse you are studying.

On the app, open the menu by pressing the icon in the upper right corner of the screen.  Then select “Translation Comparisons.”

(On the desktop version there is a box marked “Tools” to he left of the verse.  Hover over that and you will see a menu pop up with several different options.  Clicking on the “Bibles” option will show you the verse you are studying in several different translations.

Cross References:

The “Cross Reference” option (in the menu on the app, or the orange tab in the desktop menu) will list other important verses that use the same Greek or Hebrew word. Seeing where the Bible uses that exact word and it what context can often help shed light on what a specific verse means.

Commentaries, Dictionaries & Misc

These tabs are self-explanatory. Here you will find extra information pertaining to the verse. Commentaries are simply someone’s comments about the Bible.
Dictionaries will help you understand the exact meaning of certain words. The Misc. tab often features photos, maps, or other tools that may be helpful to your study. is a FABULOUS (and Free!) Bible Study tool that make Greek and Hebrew Word studies accessible to anyone!  I hope you are as blessed using it as I have been.

A Fun and Fast Introduction to Greek & Hebrew Word Studies

If you’d like to see some examples of Greek and Hebrew word studies in action, check out the Sparkling Gems series by Rick Renner.  The books are daily devotionals.  Each devotion is 4 or 5 pages long and he not only explains the Greek and Hebrew words, but he tells stories to make the meaning clear and relevant.  This is a book meant for adults, but I read them to my children.

You’re Invited!

One last thing!  If you haven’t yet, come join our Facebook Group Bible Journaling For Non Artists.  This is where I share my best Bible Study tips and we talk about Bible Study and Bible
Journaling (with no pressure to be fancy).
Greek & Hebrew Word Studies


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