Greek and latin word roots in english

In English grammar, a root is a word or portion of a word from which other words grow, usually through the addition of prefixes and suffixes. By learning root words, you can decipher unfamiliar words, expand your vocabulary, and become a better English speaker. 

The Roots of Words

Most words in the English language are based on words from ancient Greek and Latin. The root of the word «vocabulary,» for example, is ​voc, a Latin root meaning «word» or «name.» This root also appears in such words as «advocacy,» «convocation,» «evocative,» «vocal,» and «vowel.» By dissecting words such as these, etymologists can study how a word has evolved over time and tell us about the cultures they came from.

In some cases, root words might be slightly transformed en route to becoming part of words that we’re familiar with. In the above example, «vowel» is a word that’s clearly related to the voc root and its family of derivative words, and yet the «c» in «voc» is not present. There are several reasons for this sort of pattern, and the changes often depend on what language each individual word comes from, but it serves as a reminder that not every word with the same root will look exactly the same.

Root words are also useful for creating new words, especially in technology and medicine, where new innovations occur frequently. Think of the Greek root word tele, which means «far,» and inventions that traverse long distances, such as the telegraph, telephone, and television. The word «technology» itself is a combination of two other Greek root words, techne, meaning «skill» or «art,» and logos, or «study.»

Because several modern languages share some of the same ancestor languages, it’s not entirely uncommon for several related languages to share root words. For instance, the Latin root voc, described above, is shared by several Romance languages. Connections between languages can be found in the shared roots between them, although one always has to be wary of false cognates — that is, words that sound like they have the same roots (and thus related meanings) but actually don’t.

Greek Root Words

The table below defines and illustrates 25 of the most common Greek roots.

Root Meaning Examples
anti against antibacterial, antidote, antithesis
ast(er) star asteroid, astronomy, astronaut
auto self automatic, automate, autobiograph
biblio book bibliography, bibliophile
bio life biography, biology, biodegradable
chrome color monochromatic, phytochrome
chrono time chronic, synchronize, chronicle
dyna power dynasty, dynamic, dynamite
geo earth geography, geology, geometry
gno to know agnostic, acknowledge
graph write autograph, graphic, demographic
hydr water dehydrate, hydrant, hydropower
kinesis movement kinetic, photokinesis
log thought logic, apologize, analogy
logos word, study astrology, biology, theologian
narc sleep narcotic, narcolepsy
path feel empathy, pathetic, apathy
phil love philosophy, bibliophile, philanthropy
phon sound microphone, phonograph, telephone
photo light photograph, photocopy, photon
schem plan scheme, schematic
syn together, with synthetic, photosynthesis
tele far telescope, telepathy, television
tropos turning heliotrope, tropical

Latin Root Words

The table below defines and illustrates 25 of the most common Latin roots.

Root Meaning Examples
ab to move away abstract, abstain, aversion
acer, acri bitter acrid, acrimony, exacerbate
aqu water aquarium, aquatic, aqualung
audi hear audible, audience, auditorium
bene good benefit, benign, benefactor
brev short abbreviate, brief
circ round circus, circulate
dict say dictate, edict, dictionary
doc teach document, docile, doctrinal
duc lead, make deduce, produce, educate
fund bottom founder, foundation, funding
gen to birth gene, generate, generous
hab to have ability, exhibit, inhabit
jur law jury, justice, justify
lev to lift levitate, elevate, leverage
luc, lum light lucid, illuminate, translucent
manu hand manual, manicure, manipulate
mis, mit send missile, transmit, permit
omni all omnivorous, omnipotent, omniscent
pac peace pacify, pacific, pacifist
port carry export, import, important
quit silent, restive tranquil, requiem, acquit
scrib, script to write script, proscribe, describe
sens to feel sensitive, sentient, resent
terr earth terrain, territory, extraterrestrial
tim to fear timid, timorous
vac empty vacuum, vacate, evacuate
vid, vis to see video, vivid, invisible

​Understanding the meanings of the common word roots can help us deduce the meanings of new words that we encounter. But be careful: root words can have more than one meaning as well as various shades of meaning. In addition, words that look similar may derive from different roots.

In addition, a handful of root words can stand on their own as whole words in and of themselves. This list includes words such as photo, kinesis, chrome, port, and script. Words like this tend to have related meanings on their own, then can also act as roots for longer, more complex words.


  • Bryant, Alice, and Robbins, Jill. «Grow Your Vocabulary by Learning Root Words.», 28 November 2017.
  • Grammarly staff. «Why You Should Learn Roots.», 6 February 2016.
  • McCammon, Ellen. «50 GRE Words You Should Know.», 8 February 2017.


Alphabetical List of GREEK/LATIN roots, stems,
& prefixes
commonly used in English

1 ab:-, a:-,
  LATIN abnormal, abrasion, absent,
abstain, abstract, aversion
2 ac:- sharp / pointed LATIN Acupuncture  
3 acerb:- sharp, bitter, sour -LATIN acerbic, exacerbate  
4 acid:- sour or acid -LATIN acidosis  
5 acr:- height, summit, tip -GREEK acrobatics, acromegaly, acronym,
6 acr:- bitter, pungent, sharp, sour LATIN acer, acris acrid, acrimony  
7 acu:- sharp LATIN acupuncture, acute, acutifoliate  
8 ad:-, a:-,
ac:-, af:-, ag:-, al:-,
ap:-, ar:-, as:-,
atmovement to or toward;
in addition to
LATIN accept, adapt, affect, approximate,
9 adip:- fat LATIN adipose  
10 aer:- air, atmosphere GREEK aeronautics, aerosol  
11 aesthet:- feeling, sensation GREEK aesthetics, anaesthetic  
12 agr:- field GREEK agronomy  
13 agri:-,
field LATIN agriculture, peregrine  
14 alb:- dull white LATIN albedo, albino, albumen  
15 am:-, amat:-,
love, loved LATIN amateur, amorous  
16 ambi:- both, on both sides LATIN ambidexterity, ambivalent  
17 amic:-, :-imic:-

friend LATIN amicable, inimical  
18 amph:-, amphi:-

around, about,
 on both sides of,
both kinds
GREEK amphibian, amphibolic, amphoterism  
19 ampl:- ample, abundant, bountiful LATIN amplification  
20 an:-, a:-

not, without GREEK anhydrous, atypical  
21 ana:-, an:-

again, against,
back, up
GREEK anabaptist, anaphylaxis, anion,
22 andr:- male, masculine GREEK androgen, android  
23 anem:- wind GREEK anemometer  
24 anim:- breath LATIN animal, animation  
25 ann:-, :-enn:-

year, yearly LATIN anniversary, annual, biannual,
26 ant:-, anti:-

against, opposed to, preventive GREEK antagonist, antibiotic, antipodes  
27 ante:-, anti:-

before, in front of, prior to LATIN antebellum, antediluvian, anticipate,
28 anth:- flower GREEK anther, anthology  
29 anthrop:- human GREEK anthropology, anthropomorphic  
30 ap:-, apo:-

away from, separate, at the
farthest point
GREEK apocrine, apogee, apostasy  
31 aqu:- water LATIN aquamarine, aquarium, aqueduct,
32 ar:- plow, till LATIN arable  
33 ar:- be dry LATIN arid  
34 arche:-, archi:-

ruler GREEK archangel, archetype  
35 archae:-, arche:-

ancient GREEK archaeology or archeology, archaic  
36 arct:- relating to the North Pole or the
region near it; relating to cold; used as the scientific name of some bear
species, e.g. Ursus arctos horribilis
GREEK Arctic Ocean  
37 argent:- silver LATIN argent, Argentina  
38 arist:- excellence GREEK aristocracy  
39 arthr:- joint GREEK arthropod  
40 astr:- star, star:-shaped GREEK asterisk, astrology, astronomy,
41 athl:- prize GREEK athlete, pentathlon  
42 audi:- hearing, listening, sound LATIN audible, auditorium, auditory  
43 aug:-, auct:-

grow, increase LATIN augend, augmentation  
44 aur:- relating to gold, or gold:-colored

LATIN aureate, aureole  
45 auri:- relating to the ear LATIN auricle  
46 aut:-, auto:-

self; directed from within GREEK autograph, automobile, autonomy  
47 avi:- bird LATIN aviary, aviation  
48 axi:- axis LATIN axisymmetry  
49 axio:- merit GREEK axiology  
50 bac:- rod:-shaped LATIN bacilla, bacteria  
51 bar:- weight, pressure GREEK barograph, barometer  
52 basi:- at the bottom GREEK basic, basis  
53 bathy:-, batho:- deep, depth GREEK batholith, bathyscaphe  
54 be:-, beat:-

bless LATIN beatification  
55 bell:- war LATIN antebellum, bellicose, belligerent  
56 ben:- good, well LATIN benefit, benignity  
57 bi:- two LATIN binary, binoculars, bigamy,
58 bib:- drink LATIN imbibe  
59 bibl:- book GREEK bible, bibliography  
60 bio:- life GREEK biography, biology, biologist,
biosphere, bioluminescent
61 blenn:- slime GREEK blennophobia, blennosperma  
62 blast:- germ, embryo, bud, cell with
GREEK blastula, fibroblast, osteoblast,
63 bon:- good LATIN– (bonus) bonify, bonitary  
64 bor:- north GREEK– / –LATIN borealis  
65 botan:- plant GREEK botany  
66 bov:- cow, ox LATIN bovine  
67 brachi:- arm GREEK brachial artery, brachiosaurus  
68 brachy:- short GREEK brachydactyly  
69 brady:- slow GREEK bradycardia  
70 branchi:- gill GREEK branchiopod, nudibranch  
71 brev(i):- brief, short (time) LATIN abbreviation, brevity  
72 briz:- nod, slumber GREEK    
73 brom:- oats GREEK Bromus ramosus  
74 brom:- stench GREEK bromide  
75 bronch:- windpipe GREEK bronchitis, bronchus, bronchiole  
76 bront:- thunder GREEK Brontosaurus  
77 bucc:- cheek, mouth, cavity LATIN buccinator muscle  
78 bulb- bulbous LATIN bulbous, bulbule  
79 bull- bubble, flask LATIN ebullient, ebullism  
80 burs:- pouch, purse LATIN bursar, bursary, disburse  
81 cac:- bad GREEK cacophony  
82 cad:-, :-cid:-,
fall LATIN accident, cadence, case  
83 caed:-, :-cid:-,
caes:-, :-cis
cut LATIN caedere, caesus caesura, incisor  
84 calc:- stone LATIN– &-GREEK calcite, calcium, calculus  
85 call:-, calli:-

beautiful GREEK calligraphy  
86 calor:- heat LATIN Calorie  
87 calyp:- cover GREEK Apocalypse  
88 camer:- vault LATIN bicameral, camera  
89 camp:- field LATIN champion, campaign  
90 can:- dog LATIN– canis canine, Canis Major  
91 can:-, :-cin:-,
sing LATIN Cantata, cantor, canto  
92 cap:-, :-cip:-,
capt:-, :- cept
take ,hold, LATIN capture, captive, conception,
93 capit:-, cipit:-

head LATIN capital, decapitation,
94 capr:- goat LATIN caper, capri Capricorn, caprine  
95 caps:- box, case LATIN capsule  
96 carbo:- coal LATIN carbonis carbon  
97 carcer:- jail LATIN incarceration  
98 carcin:- cancer (disease) LATIN– –GREEK carcinoma  
99 cardi:- relating to the heart GREEK cardiograph, cardiology  
100 cardin:- hinge LATIN cardo, cardinis cardinal  
  1. carn:- flesh –LATIN– caro, carnis
    carnal, carnival, carnivore
  2. carp:- relating to fruit –GREEK
    καρπός (karpos) fruit carpology
  3. carp:- relating to the wrist –GREEK
    καρπός (karpos) wrist carpal, carpal tunnel syndrome
  4. cast:- pure –LATIN– from –LATIN
    castus chaste caste, castigate, castrate
  5. cata:-, cat:- down –GREEK
    from –GREEK– κατά (katá) down catabolic,
    catalyst, catastrophe, catatonia, cathode, cation
  6. caten:- chain –LATIN– catena
    catenary, concatenation
  7. cathar:- pure –GREEK– καθαρός
    (katharos) catharsis
  8. caud:- tail –LATIN– cauda caudal
  9. caus:-, :-cus:-
    cause or motive –LATIN– causa causative
  10. cav:- hollow –LATIN– cavus hollow
    cave, cavity, excavation
  11. ced:-, cess:- go –LATIN
    cedere, cessus procession, recede, secede
  12. celer:- quick –LATIN– celer,
    celerare acceleration, celerity
  13. cen:- new –GREEK– καινός (kainos)
  14. cen:- empty –GREEK– κενός (kenos)
  15. cens:-LATIN– censere to
    estimate census
  16. cent:- hundred –LATIN– centum
    cent, centennial, centurion
  17. centen:- hundred each –LATIN
    centeni centenary
  18. centesim:- hundredth –LATIN
    centesimus centesimal, centesimation
  19. centr:- center –GREEK– κέντρον
    (kéntron) needle, spur
  20. cephal:- head –GREEK– κεφαλή
    (kephale) cephalic, cephalopod, encephalogram
  21. ceram:- clay –GREEK– κέραμος
    (keramos) ceramic
  22. cerat:- horn –GREEK– κέρας,
    κέρατος (keras, keratos) horn keratin
  23. cern:- sift –LATIN– cernere
    discern, secern
  24. cervic:- relating to the neck, relating
    to the cervix –LATIN– cervix, cervicis neck
    cervix, cervical
  25. ceter:- other –LATIN– ceterus et
  26. chir:- of the hand or hands –GREEK
    χείρ (kheir) hand chiral, chiropractic, chiroptera
  27. chelon:- relating to a turtle –GREEK
    χελώνη (khelōne) tortoise chelonia
  28. chlor:- green –GREEK– χλωρός
    (khlōros) green chlorine, chlorophyll, chloroplast
  29. chore:- relating to dance –GREEK
    χορεία khoreia dancing in unison from χορός khoros chorus
  30. chord:- cord –LATIN– and –GREEK
    chorda rope from χορδή (chordē) chordata chrom:-
    color –GREEK– χρῶμα (chrōma) color chromium,
    chromosome, monochrome
  31. chron:- time –GREEK– χρόνος
    (chronos) chronic, chronology, chronometer
  32. chrys:- gold –GREEK– χρυσός
    (khrusos) gold chrysolite
  33. cili:- eyelash –LATIN– cilium
    cilia, supercilious
  34. cine:- motion –GREEK– κινέω
    (kineō) cinema
  35. ciner:- ash –LATIN– cinis,
    cineris incineration
  36. cing:-, cinct:- gird –LATIN
    cingere, cinctus succinct
  37. circ:- circle –LATIN– circus
  38. circum:- around –LATIN– circum
    circumcise, circumference, circumlocution, circumnavigate
  39. cirr:- orange –GREEK– κιρρός
    (kirros) cirrhosis
  40. cirr:- curl, tentacle –LATIN
    cirrus cirrus
  41. civ:- citizen –LATIN– civis
  42. clad:- branch –GREEK– κλάδος
    (klados) clade
  43. clar:- clear –LATIN– clarus,
    clarare clarity, declaration
  44. clast:- broken –GREEK– κλαστός
    (klastos) iconoclast, osteoclast
  45. claud:-, :-clud:-,
    claus:-, :-clusclose –LATIN– claudere,
    clausus clause, exclusion, include
  46. clav:- key –GREEK– from –GREEK
    κλείς kleis key from κλείειν, (kleiein) to
    close clavichord, clavicle, conclave
  47. cl(e)ist:- closed –GREEK
    κλειστός (kleistos)
  48. cleithr:- bar, key –GREEK
  49. clement:- mild –LATIN– clemens,
    clementis clemency, inclement
  50. clin:- bed, lean, recline –LATIN
    :-clinare declination, inclined
  51. cochl:- shell –GREEK– κόχλος
    (kochlos) cochlea
  52. coel:- hollow –GREEK– κοῖλος
    (koilos) blastocoel, coelom, spongocoel
  53. cogn:- know –LATIN– cognoscere
    cognitive, cognizant, recognize
  54. col:- strain –LATIN– colare,
    colum colander
  55. coll:- hill –LATIN– collis coll:-
    neck –LATIN– collum collar
  56. color:- color –LATIN– color
    coloration, coloratura, tricolor
  57. con:-, co:-, col:-,
    com:-, cor with, together –LATIN– cum coagulate, collide,
    compress, connect, contain, corrode
  58. con:- cone –GREEK– κῶνος (kōnos)
    conic, conical, conoid
  59. condi:- season –LATIN– condire
  60. contra:- against –LATIN– contra
    contradiction, contrast
  61. copr:- dung –GREEK– κόπρος
    (kopros) coprolite, coprophagia, coprophilia
  62. corac:- raven –GREEK– κόραξ,
    κόρακος (korax, korakos) coracoid
  63. cord:- heart –LATIN– cor, cordis
    accord, cordial
  64. corn:- horn –LATIN– cornu cornea,
    cornucopia, unicorn
  65. coron:- crown –LATIN– corona,
    coronare corona, coronation
  66. corpor:- body –LATIN– corpus,
    corporis corporation, corpse, corpuscle
  67. cortic:- bark –LATIN– cortex,
    corticis corticosteriod
  68. cosm:- universe –GREEK– κόσμος
    (kosmos) cosmic, cosmonaut
  69. cosmet:-GREEK– κοσμητ:-
    (kosmet:-) cosmetics, cosmetology
  70. cost:- rib –LATIN– costa costal
  71. cotyl:- cup –GREEK
    κοτύλη (kotulē) cotyledon
  72. :-cracy, :-crat
    government, rule, authority –GREEK– κράτος (kratos) democracy
  73. crani:- skull –GREEK– κρανίον
    (kranion) cranium
  74. crass:- thick –LATIN– crassus
  75. cre:- make –LATIN– creare,
    creatus creation, creature
  76. cred:- believe, trust –LATIN
    credere, creditus credentials, credibility, creditor, incredible
  77. crep:- boot, shoe –GREEK– κρηπίς,
    κρηπίδος (krēpis, krēpidos)
  78. cribr:- sieve –LATIN– cribrum,
    cribrare cribble, cribrate ring –GREEK– κρίκος (krikos)
  79. cris:-, crit:- judge –GREEK
    κρίσις (crisis) crisis, critic
  80. crisp:- curled –LATIN– crispus
  81. crist:- crest –LATIN– crista
  82. cross:- fringe, tassel –GREEK
    κροσσός (krossos)
  83. cruc:- cross –LATIN– crux, crucis
    crucial, crucifix, crucify, excruciating
  84. crur:- leg, shank –LATIN– crus, cruris
  85. crypt:- hidden –GREEK– κρυπτός
    (kruptos) cryptic, cryptography
  86. cten:- comb –GREEK– κτείς, κτενός
    (kteis, ktenos) ctenophore
  87. cub:- cube –GREEK– κύβος (kubos)
    cubic, cuboid
  88. cub:- lie –LATIN– cubare
    incubation, succuba
  89. culin:- kitchen –LATIN– culina
  90. culp:- blame, fault –LATIN– culpa
    culpable, exculpate
  91. cune:- wedge –LATIN– cuneus
  92. curr:-, curs:- run –LATIN
    currere, cursus concurrent, current, cursive, recursion
  93. curv:- bent –LATIN– curvus
  94. cuspid:- lance, point –LATIN
    cuspis, cuspidis bicuspid
  95. cut:- skin –LATIN– cutis cuticle
  96. cyan:- blue –GREEK– κυανός
    (kuanos) cyanide
  97. cycl:- circular –GREEK– κύκλος
    (kuklos) bicycle, cycle, cyclone
  98. cylind:- roll –GREEK– κύλινδρος
    (kulindros) cylinder
  99. cyn:- dog –GREEK– κύων, κυνός
    (kuōn, kunos) cynosure
  100. cyst:- capsule –GREEK– κύστις
    (kustis) cystic
  101. cyt:- cell –GREEK– κύτος (kutos)
    cytoplasm, cnidocyte


  • dactyl:- finger, toe, digit –GREEK
    δάκτυλος (daktulos) dactylology, pterodactyl
  • damn:-, :-demn:-
    to inflict loss upon –LATIN– damnāre condemn, damnation
  • de:- from, away from, removing, down –LATIN
    dē deletion, dementia, descend
  • deb:- owe –LATIN– debere, debitus
  • deca:-, dec:-, deka:-,
    dekten –GREEK– δέκα deka, ten decagram, decahedron
  • decim:- tenth part –LATIN
    decimus, tenth; from decem, ten decimal, decimate
  • delt:-GREEK– δέλτα (delta)
  • dem:- people –GREEK– δῆμος
    (dēmos) demagogue, democracy
  • den:- ten each –LATIN– deni
    denarius, denary
  • dendr:- resembling a tree –GREEK
    δένδρον (dendron): akin to δρύς, drys, tree dendrite,
  • dens:- thick –LATIN– densus
    condense, density
  • dent:- tooth –LATIN
    dens, dentis dental, dentifrice, dentures
  • derm:- skin –GREEK– δέρμα (derma)
    dermis, epidermis, hypodermic
  • deuter:- second –GREEK– δεύτερος
    (deuteros) Deuteronomy, deuterostome
  • dexter:- right –LATIN– dexter
    dexterity, dextrose
  • dexi:- right –GREEK– δεξιός,
    right Dexiarchia
  • di:- two –GREEK– δι:-
    dicot, diode, dipole
  • dia:- apart, through –GREEK– διά
    (dia) dialysis, diameter, diagram
  • dict:- say, speak –LATIN– dicere,
    dictus contradict, dictate, dictation, dictionary, edict, predict
  • digit:- finger –LATIN– digitus
  • dino:- terrible, fearfully great –GREEK
    δεινός (deinos) dinosaur
  • dipl:- double; twofold –GREEK
    διπλός (diplos) diploid, diplosis doc:-,
  • doct:- teach –LATIN– docere,
    doctus docile, doctor, indoctrinate
  • dodec:- twelve –GREEK– δώδεκα
    (dodeka) dodecasyllabic dogmat:-,
  • dox:- opinion, tenet –GREEK– δόξα
    dogmatic, orthodox
  • dom:- house –LATIN– domus dome
  • don:- give –LATIN– donare
    condone, donation
  • dorm:- sleep –LATIN– dormire
    dormant, dormitory
  • dors:- back –LATIN– dorsum dorsal
  • du:- two –LATIN– duo dual
  • dub:- doubtful –LATIN– dubius
  • duc:-, duct:- lead –LATIN
    dux, ducis abduction, conductor, introduction, production, reduction, deduction
  • dulc:- sweet –LATIN
    dulcis dulcet
  • dur:- hard –LATIN
    durus durable, duration, duress, endure, obdurate
  • dy:- two –GREEK
    δυο (duo) dyad
  • dynam:- power –GREEK
    δύναμη (dunamē) dynamism, dynasty, dynamite
  • dys:- badly, ill –GREEK
    δυσ:- dysentery, dysplasia, dystrophy


  •  ec:- out –GREEK– ἐκ (ek)
  • eco:- house –GREEK
    οἶκος (oikos) ecology, economics, ecumenism
  • ecto:- outside –GREEK
    ἐκτός (ektos) ectoderm
  • ed:-, es:-
    eat –LATIN– edere, esus edible
  • ego:- self, I (first
    person) –LATIN-, –GREEK– ego, ἐγώ egocentric
  • ego:-, eg:-
    goat –GREEK– αἴξ (aix) egophony
  • em:-, empt:-
    buy –LATIN– emere, emptus exemption, preempt, redeem
  • eme:- vomit –GREEK
    ἔμετος (emetos) emetic
  • emul:- striving to
    equal, rivaling –LATIN– aemulus, aemulare emulator
  • en:-, em:-
    in –GREEK– ἐν (en) emphasis
  • endo:- inside –GREEK
    ἔνδον (endon) endocrine, endocytosis
  • engy:- narrow –GREEK
    ἐγγύς (engys)
  • ennea:- nine –GREEK
    ἐννέα (ennea) ennead, enneagon
  • ens:- sword –LATIN
  • eo:-, eos:-,
    eoso:- dawn, east –GREEK– Ἠώς/Ἕως Eocene
  • ep:-, epi:-
    upon –GREEK– ἐπί (epi) epicenter, epitaph, epoch
  • epistem:- knowledge or
    science –GREEK– ἐπιστήμη (epistēmē) epistemic
  • equ:-, :-iqu:-
    even, level –LATIN– aequus equal, equivalence
  • equ:- horse –LATIN
    equus equestrian
  • erg:- work –GREEK
    έργον (ergon) ergonomics
  • err:- stray –LATIN
    errare aberration, errant
  • erythr:- red –GREEK
    ἐρυθρός (eruthros) erythrocyte
  • eso:- within –GREEK
    ἔσω (esō) esoteric
  • etho:-, eth:-,
    ethi:- custom, habit –GREEK– ἦθος (ēthos) ethology
  • ethm:- sieve –GREEK
    ἠθμός (hethmos); ἤθειν (hethein) ethmoid
  • ethn:- people, race,
    tribe, nation –GREEK– ἔθνος (ethnos) ethnarch, ethnic
  • etym:- true –GREEK
    ἔτυμος (etumos) etymology
  • eu:- well, good –GREEK
    εὖ (eu) euphoria, euthanasia
  • eur:- wide –GREEK
    εὐρύς (eurus) Europe
  • ex:-, e:-,
    ef:- from, out –LATIN– ex exclude, extend, extrude
  • exo:- outside –GREEK
    ἔξω (eksō) exoskeleton, exothermic
  • exter:-, extra:-
    outer –LATIN– externus exterior
  • extrem:- outermost,
    utmost –LATIN– extremus extremity, extremophile


  • f:-, fat:-
    say, speak –LATIN– fari, fatus fate, infant, preface
  • fab:- bean –LATIN
    faba faba bean
  • fac:-, :-fic:-,
    fact, :-fect:- make –LATIN– facere, factus
    defect, factory, manufacture
  • falc:- sickle –LATIN
    falx, falcis falciform
  • fall:-, :-fell:-,
    fals:- deceive –LATIN– fallere, falsus falsity,
  • fallac:- false –LATIN
    fallax, fallacis fallacy
  • famili:- a close attendant
    LATIN– famulus familiarity
  • fant:- to show –GREEK
    φαντάζω fantasy
  • fasc:- bundle –LATIN
    fascis fasciculation, fascism
  • fatu:- foolish, useless
    LATIN– fatuus fatuous, infatuation
  • feder:- treaty,
    agreement, contract, league, pact –LATIN– foedus, foederis
    confederation, federal
  • fel:- cat –LATIN
    feles, felis Felinae, feline
  • felic:- happy, merry –LATIN
    felix, felicis felicity
  • fell:- suck –LATIN
    fellare fellation
  • femin:- women, female –LATIN
    femina femininity
  • femor:- thigh –LATIN
    femur, femoris femoral
  • fend:-, fens:-
    strike –LATIN– fendere,
  • :-fensus defend, offense fenestr
  • :- window –LATIN– fenestra
  • fer:- carry –LATIN
    ferre reference, transfer
  • feroc:- fierce –LATIN
    ferox, ferocis ferocity
  • ferr:- iron –LATIN
    ferrum ferrous
  • fet:- stink –LATIN
    fetere fetid, fetor
  • fic:- fig –LATIN
    ficus Ficus
  • fid:-, fis:-
    faith, trust –LATIN– fides, fidere, fisus confidence, fidelity
  • fil:- thread –LATIN
    filum filament
  • fili:- son –LATIN
    filius affiliation
  • fin:- end –LATIN
    finis finish, final
  • find:-, fiss:-
    split –LATIN– findere, fissus fission, fissures
  • firm:- fix, settle –LATIN
    firmus, firmare confirmation, firmament
  • fistul:- hollow, tube –LATIN
  • fl:- blow –LATIN
    flare, flatus flatulence, inflation, insufflation
  • flacc:- flabby –LATIN
    flaccus, flaccere flaccid
  • flav:- yellow –LATIN
    flavus flavonoid
  • flect:-, flex:-
    bend –LATIN– flectere, flexus flexible, flexile, flexor, inflection
  • flig:-, flict:-
    strike –LATIN– fligere, flictus conflict, inflict
  • flor:- flower –LATIN
    flos, floris floral, florid
  • flu:-, flux:-
    flow –LATIN– fluere, fluxus effluent, fluency, influx
  • foc:- hearth –LATIN
    focus focal
  • fod:-, foss:-
    dig –LATIN– fodere, fossus fossil
  • foen:- hay –LATIN
  • foli:- leaf –LATIN
    folium defoliant
  • font:- spring –LATIN
    fons, fontis font, fontal, fontanelle
  • for:- bore, drill –LATIN
    forare, foratus foralite, foramen, foraminifer, perforation
  • form:- shape –LATIN
    forma conformity, deformity, formation, reformatory
  • fornic:- vault –LATIN
    fornix, fornicis fornication
  • fort:- strong –LATIN
    fortis fortification
  • fove:- shallow round
    depression –LATIN– fovea fovea
  • frang:-, :-fring:-,
    fract:-, fragbreak –LATIN– frangere, fractus fracture,
    fragment, frangible, infringe
  • frater:-, fratr:-
    brother –LATIN– frater fraternity
  • fric:-, frict:-
    rub –LATIN– fricare, frictus dentifrice, friction
  • frig:- cold –LATIN
    frigere frigid, frigorific
  • front:- forehead –LATIN
    frons, frontis confront, frontage, frontal
  • fruct:-, frug:-
    fruit –LATIN– frux, fructis fructose
  • fug:-, fugit:-
    flee –LATIN– fugere centrifuge, fugitive, refuge
  • fum:- smoke –LATIN
    fumus fume, fumigation
  • fund:- bottom –LATIN
    fundus, fundare fundamentalism, profundity
  • fund:-, fus:-
    pour –LATIN– fundere, fusus diffusion, effusion, fusion, profuse,
    profusion, transfusion, effusive
  • fung:-, funct:-
    do –LATIN– fungi, functus function, fungibility
  • fur:-, furt:-
    steal –LATIN– fur, furare furtive
  • furc:- fork –LATIN
    furca bifurcation
  • fusc:- dark –LATIN
    fuscus obfuscation


  • galact:- milk –GREEK
    γάλα, γαλακτός (gala, galaktos) galactic
  • gastr:- stomach –GREEK
    γαστήρ (gaster) gastric, gastroenterology
  • geo:- earth –GREEK
    γῆ (gē), γεω:- (geō:-) geography, geology, geometry
  • gel:- icy cold –LATIN
    gelum ge-LATIN-, gelid
  • gen:- race, kind,birth –GREEK
    γένος (genos) eugenics, genocide
  • ger:-, gest:-
    bear, carry –LATIN– gerere, gestus digest, gestation
  • germin:- sprout –LATIN
    germen, germinis germination
  • glabr:- hairless –LATIN
    glaber glabrous
  • glaci:- ice –LATIN
    glacies glacier
  • gladi:- sword –LATIN
    gladius gladiator
  • glia:- glue –GREEK
    γλία (glia) glial
  • glob:- sphere –LATIN
    globus global, globule
  • glori:- glory –LATIN
    gloria glorify
  • glutin:- glue –LATIN
    gluten, glutinis agglutination
  • grad:-, :-gred:-,
    gress:- walk, step, go –LATIN– gradus, gradere, gressus
    grade, regress
  • gram:- writing –GREEK
    γράμμα (gramma) grammar, grammatic
  • gran:- grain –LATIN
    granum granary, granite, granola, granule
  • grand:- grand –LATIN
    grandis grandiloquous, grandiosity
  • graph:- draw, write –GREEK
    γραφή (graphē) grapheme, graphic, graphology
  • grat:- thank, please –LATIN
    gratus gratitude, ingrate
  • grav:- heavy –LATIN
    gravis aggravation, grave, gravity
  • greg:- flock –LATIN
    grex, gregis egregious, gregarious, segregation
  • gubern:- govern, pilot –LATIN
    gubernare gubernatorial
  • gust:- taste –LATIN
    gustus disgust, gusto
  • gutt:- drop –LATIN
    gutta gutta, guttifer, guttiform
  • guttur:- throat –LATIN
    guttur guttural
  • gymn:- nude –GREEK
    γυμνός (gymnos) gymnasium, gymnastics, gymnosperm
  • gyn:- woman –GREEK
    γυνή gynecology


  • hab:-, :-hib:-,
    habit:-, :-hibithave –LATIN– habere, habitus
    habit, prohibition
  • haem:-, hem:-
    blood –GREEK– αἷμα (haima) haemophilia, hemoglobin
  • hal:- salt –GREEK
    ἅλς, ἁλός (hals, halos) halogen
  • hal:-, :-hel:-
    breathe –LATIN– halare, halatus anhelation, inhale
  • hapl:- simple, single –GREEK
    ἁπλοῦς (haplous) haploid, haplotype
  • haur:-, haust:-
    draw –LATIN– haurire, haustus exhaustion
  • heli:- sun –GREEK
    ἥλιος (hēlios) heliocentric, heliotrope, helium
  • hemi:- half –GREEK
    ἥμισυς (hēmisus) hemicycle, hemisphere
  • hen:- one –GREEK
    ἕν (hen) henad, hyphen
  • hendec:- eleven –GREEK
    ἕνδεκα (hendeka) hendecagon
  • hept:- seven –GREEK
    ἑπτά (hepta) heptagon, heptathlon, heptode
  • her:-, hes:-
    cling –LATIN– haerere, haesus adhesive, coherent
  • herb:- grass –LATIN
    herba herbal, herbicide
  • hered:- heir –LATIN
    heres, heredis heredity
  • herp:- creep –GREEK
    ἕρπω, ἕρπειν (herpō, herpein) herpes, herpetology
  • heter:- different,
    other –GREEK– ἕτερος (heteros) heterodoxy
  • heur:- find –GREEK
    εὑρίσκω (heuriskō) heuristic
  • hex:- six –GREEK
    ἕξ (hex) hexagon, hexahedron, hexode
  • hibern:- wintry –LATIN
    hibernus hibernation
  • hiem:- winter –LATIN
    hiems hiemal
  • hipp:- horse –GREEK
    ἵππος (hippos) hippodrome
  • hirsut:- hairy –LATIN
    hirtus, hirsutus hirsute
  • hispid:- bristly –LATIN
    hispidus hispidity, hispidulous
  • histri:- actor –LATIN
    histrio, histrionis histrionic
  • hod:- way –GREEK
    ὁδός (hodos) cathode, herpolhode, hodometer
  • hol:- whole –GREEK
    ὅλος (holos) holistic
  • hom:- same –GREEK
    ὁμός (homos) homophone, homosexual
  • home:- like –GREEK
    ὅμοιος (homoios) homeostasis
  • homin:- human –LATIN
    homo, hominis hominid
  • homal:- even, flat –GREEK
    ὁμαλός (homalos) anomalous
  • honor:- esteem –LATIN
    honos, honoris honorable, honorarium
  • hor:- boundary –GREEK
    ὅρος (horos) aphorism, horizon
  • hor:- hour –GREEK
    ὥρα (hōra) horoscope
  • horm:- that which
    excites –GREEK– ὁρμή (hormē) hormone
  • hort:- garden –LATIN
    hortus, horti horticulture
  • hospit:- host –LATIN
    hospes, hospitis hospital, hospitality, inhospitable
  • host:- enemy –LATIN
    hostis hostile
  • hum:- ground –LATIN
    humus, humare exhumation, inhume
  • hyal:- glass –GREEK
    ὕαλος (hualos) hyaline, hyaloid
  • hydr:- water –GREEK
    ὕδωρ (hudōr) hydraulics, hydrology, hydrolysis, hydrophily, hydrophobia,
    hydroponic, hydrous
  • hygr:- wet –GREEK
    ὑγρός (hugros) hygrometer
  • hyo:- U:-shaped
    GREEK– ὑοειδής (huoeidēs) hyoid
  • hyp:- under –GREEK
    ὑπό (hupo) hypothermia
  • hyper:- above, over –GREEK
    ὑπέρ (huper) hyperbole, hypertonic
  • hypn:- sleep –GREEK
    ὕπνος (hupnos) hypnosis
  • hyster:- later –GREEK
    ὕστερος (husteros) hysteresis


  • ichthy:- fish –GREEK
    ἰχθύς (ichthus) ichthyology
  • icos:- twenty –GREEK
    εἴκοσι (eikosi) icosagon, icosahedron
  • id:- shape –GREEK
    εἶδος (eidos) idol
  • ide:- idea; thought –GREEK
    ιδέα (idea) ideogram, ideology
  • idi:- personal –GREEK
    ἴδιος (idios) idiom, idiosyncrasy, idiot
  • ign:- fire –LATIN
    ignis igneous, ignition
  • in:- (1), im:-
    in, on –LATIN– in import, incur, intend, invite
  • in:- (2), il:-,
    im:-, ir:- not, un:- (negation) –LATIN
  • in:- illicit,
    impossible, inimical, irrational
  • infra:- below, under –LATIN
    infra infrastructure
  • insul:- island –LATIN
    insula insular, insulation
  • inter:- among, between –LATIN
    inter (preposition) intercollegiate, intermission, intersection
  • intra:- within –LATIN
    intra intramural
  • irasc:-, irat:-
    be angry –LATIN– irasci irascible, irate
  • is:-, iso:-
    equal, the same –GREEK– ἴσος (isos) isometric, isomorphic, isotropic
  • iter:- again –LATIN
    iterum, iterare iteration
  • itiner:- route, way –LATIN
    iter, itineris – march, journey itinerary


  • jac:- lie –LATIN
    jacēre to be thrown adjacent
  • jac:- (originally IAC),
  • :-ject:- cast, throw –LATIN
    iacio, iacere, ieci, iectus – to throw (and cognates
    thereof) eject, interject, ejaculate, trajectory
  • janu:- door –LATIN
    janua janitor
  • joc:- joke –LATIN
    jocus jocularity
  • jug:- yoke –LATIN
    jugare, jugum conjugal, subjugate
  • jung:-, junct:-
    join –LATIN– jungere, junctus conjunction, juncture
  • junior:- younger –LATIN
    junior juniority
  • jus:-, jur:-,
    judic:- (originally IVS) law, justice –LATIN– ius,
  • iuris; iudex, iudicis judge, jury,
  • juv:-, jut:-
    help –LATIN– juvare, jutus adjutant
  • juven:- young, youth –LATIN
    juvenis juvenile, rejuvenate
  • juxta:- beside, near –LATIN
    juxta juxtaposition


  • kil(o):- thousand –GREEK
    χίλιοι (chilioi) kilobyte, kilogram, kilometer
  • kine:- movement, motion
    GREEK– κινέω (kineo) telekinesis, kinetic energy, kinesthetic
  • klept:- steal –GREEK
    κλέπτης (kleptēs) kleptomania
  • kudo:- glory –GREEK
    κῦδος (kudos) kudos


  • lab:-, laps:-
    slide, slip –LATIN– labi, lapsus elapse, relapse
  • labi:- lip –LATIN
    labia, labiae bilabial, labial
  • labor:- toil –LATIN
    labor collaboration, elaboration
  • lacer:- tear –LATIN
    lacer laceration
  • lacrim:- cry, tears –LATIN
    lacrima tear lacrimal, lacrimous
  • lact:- milk –LATIN
    lac, lactis, lactare lactate, lactation, lactose
  • lamin:- layer, slice –LATIN
    lamina laminate, lamination
  • lamp:- shine –GREEK
    λαμπάς lampas torch lamp
  • lapid:- stone –LATIN
    lapis, lapidis lapidary
  • larg:- large –LATIN
    largus enlargement
  • larv:- ghost, mask –LATIN
    larva larva, larvae, larval
  • lat:- broad, wide –LATIN
    latus latitude
  • later:- side –LATIN
    latus, lateris bilateral
  • laud:-, laus:-
    praise –LATIN– laudere laud
  • lav:- wash –LATIN
    lavare lavatory
  • lax:- not tense –LATIN
    laxus, laxare laxative, relaxation
  • led:-, les:-
    hurt –LATIN– laedere, laesus lesion
  • leg:- law –LATIN
    lex, legis, legare legal, legislative
  • leg:- send –LATIN
    legare relegate
  • lei:- smooth –GREEK
    λείος leios leiomyoma
  • lekan:- dish, pot –GREEK
    λεκάνη lekane lekane
  • leni:- gentle –LATIN
    lenis, lenire leniency
  • leon:- lion –LATIN
    leo, leonis Leo, leonine, Leopold
  • lep:- flake, scale –GREEK
    λέπις lepis Lepidoptera
  • leps:- grasp, seize –GREEK
    λήψης lepsis epilepsy
  • leuc(o):-, leuk(o):-
    white –GREEK– λευκός leukos leucocyte
  • lev:- lift, light –LATIN
    levis light (in weight), levare elevator, levitation
  • liber:- free –LATIN
    liber, liberare liberation, liberty
  • libr:- book –LATIN
    liber, libri librarian, library
  • lig:- bind –LATIN
    ligare, ligatus ligament, ligature
  • limac:- slug –LATIN
    limax, limacis limacoid, limacon
  • lin:- line –LATIN
    linea line, linearity
  • lingu:- language,
    tongue –LATIN– lingua bilingual, linguistic
  • linqu:-, lict:-
    leave –LATIN– linquere, lictus relict, relinquish
  • lip:- fat –GREEK
    λίπος lipos lipolysis
  • liter:- letter –LATIN
    littera alliteration, illiterate, literacy, literal, obliterate
  • lith:- stone –GREEK
    λίθος (lithos) lithosphere, megalith, monolith, Neolithic Era
  • loc:- place –LATIN
    locus local, location
  • log:- thought, word,
    speech –GREEK– λόγος (logos) word logic,
    monologue, morphological
  • long:- long –LATIN
    longus elongate, longitude
  • loqu:-, locut:-
    speak –LATIN– loqui allocution, eloquence
  • luc:- bright, light –LATIN
    lux, lucis light Lucifer (bearer of light)
  • lud:-, lus:-
    play –LATIN– ludere, lusus allude, illusion
  • lumin:- light –LATIN
    lumen, luminis illumination, luminous
  • lun:- moon –LATIN
    luna lunar, lunatic
  • lysis dissolving –GREEK– λύσις
    (lusis) analysis, cytolysis, hydrolysis


  • macro:- long –GREEK– μακρός
    (makros) macron
  • magn:- great, large –LATIN
    magnus magnanimous, magnificent, magnitude
  • maj:- greater –LATIN– major,
    majus majesty, majority, majuscule
  • mal:- bad, wretched, –LATIN
    malus malfeasance, malicious, malignancy, malodorous
  • mamm:- breast –LATIN– mamma
    mammal, mammary gland
  • man:- flow –LATIN– mānāre,
    manatus emanate, emanationism, immanant, immanation
  • man:- stay –LATIN– manēre, mansus
    immanence, immanent, manse, permanence, permanent, remanence, remanent
  • mand:- hand –LATIN– mandāre,
    mandatus mandate, remand
  • mania mental illness –GREEK– μανία (manίā)
    kleptomania, maniac
  • manu:- hand –LATIN– manus manual,
  • mar:- sea –LATIN– mare, maris
    marine, maritime
  • mater:-, matrmother –LATIN
    mater, matris maternity, matriarch, matrix
  • maxim:- greatest –LATIN– maximus
  • medi:-, :-midimiddle –LATIN
    medius, mediare median, medieval
  • meg:- great, large –GREEK– μέγας
    (megas) megaphone
  • mei:- less –GREEK– μεῖον (meiōn)
  • melan:- black, dark –GREEK– μέλας
    (melas) Melanesia, melanoma
  • melior:- better –LATIN– melior
  • mell:- honey –LATIN– mel, mellis
  • memor:- remember –LATIN– memor
    memorial mening
  • :- membrane –GREEK– μήνιγξ
    (meninx) meningitis
  • men:- month –GREEK– μήν (mēn)
  • menstru:- monthly –LATIN– menstruus
    menstruation, menstrual
  • mensur:- measure –LATIN– mensura
  • ment:- mind –LATIN– mens, mentis
    demented, mentality
  • mer:- part –GREEK– μέρος (meros)
  • merc:- reward, wages, hire –LATIN
    merx, mercis mercantile, merchant
  • merg:-, mersdip, plunge –LATIN
    mergere emerge, immersion
  • mes:- middle –GREEK– μέσος
    (mesos) mesolithic, mesozoic
  • meter:-, metrmeasure –GREEK
    μέτρον (metron) metric, thermometer
  • meta:- above, among, beyond –GREEK
    μετά (meta) metaphor, metaphysics
  • mic:- grain –LATIN
    mica micelle
  • micr:- small –GREEK– μικρός
    (mikros) microphone, microscope
  • migr:- wander –LATIN– migrare
    emigrant, migrate
  • milit:- soldier –LATIN– miles,
    militis military, militia
  • mill:- thousand –LATIN– mille
    millennium, million
  • millen:- thousand each –LATIN
    milleni millenary
  • mim:- repeat –GREEK– μίμος
    (mimos) mime, mimic
  • min:- jut –LATIN– minere
  • min:- less, smaller –LATIN
    minor, minus minority, minuscule
  • mir:- wonder, amazement –LATIN
    miror, mirari, miratus sum admire, miracle, mirror
  • mis:- hate –GREEK– μῖσος (misos)
    misandry, misogyny
  • misce:-, mixtmix –LATIN– miscere,
    mixtus miscellaneous, mixture
  • mit:- thread –GREEK– μίτος
    (mitos) mitochondrion
  • mitt:-, miss:- send –LATIN
    mittere, missus intermittent, missionary, transmission
  • mne:- memory –GREEK– μνήμη
    (mnēmē) mnemonic
  • mol:- grind –LATIN– mola, molere,
    molitus molar
  • moll:- soft –LATIN– mollis
    emollient, mollify
  • mon:- one –GREEK– μόνος (monos)
    monism, monolith, monotone
  • monil:- string of beads –LATIN
    monile Moniliformida
  • mont:- mountain –LATIN– mons,
    montis Montana
  • mord:- bite –LATIN– mordere,
    morsus mordacious, morsel, remorse
  • morph:- form, shape –GREEK– μορφή
    (morphē) anthropomorphism, morpheme, morphology
  • mort:- death –LATIN– mors, mortis
    immortal, mortality, mortuary
  • mov:-, mot:- move, motion –LATIN
    movere, motus mobile, momentum, motor, move
  • mulg:-, muls:- milk –LATIN
    mulgere emulsion
  • mult:- many, much –LATIN– multus
    multiple, multiplex, multitude
  • mur:- wall –LATIN– murus, muri
    immured, mural
  • mus:- thief –LATIN– mus, muris
  • musc:- fly –LATIN– musca, muscae
    Muscicapidae, Muscidae
  • mut:- change –LATIN– mutare
  • my:- mouse –GREEK– μῦς (mus)
  • myri:- countless, ten thousand –GREEK
    μυρίος (murios) myriad, myriapod
  • myrmec:- ant –GREEK– μύρμηξ
    (murmēx) myrmecoid, Myrmidons
  • myth:- story –GREEK– μῦθος
    (muthos) mythic, mythology
  • myx:- slime –GREEK– μύξα (muxa)
  • myz:- suck –GREEK
    μυζάω (muzaō) Myzopoda


  • nar:- nostril –LATIN– naris
  • narc:- numb –GREEK– νάρκη (narkē)
    narcosis, narcotic
  • narr:- tell –LATIN– narrare
  • nas:- nose –LATIN– nasus nasal
  • nasc:-, nat:- born –LATIN
    nascere, natus nascent, native
  • naut:- ship –GREEK– ναύτης
    (nautes) Argonaut, astronaut
  • nav:- ship –LATIN– navis naval
  • ne:- new –GREEK– νέος (neos)
  • necr:- dead –GREEK– νεκρός
    (nekros) necrophobia
  • nect:- swimming –GREEK– νηκτός
    (nēktos) nectopod
  • nect:-, nex:- join, tie –LATIN
    nectere, nexus connect, connexion
  • neg:- say no –LATIN– negare
  • nema:- hair –GREEK– νῆμα (nēma)
  • nemor:- grove, woods –LATIN
    nemus, nemoris nemoral
  • nephr:- kidney –GREEK– νεφρός
    (nephros) nephritis
  • nes:- island –GREEK– νῆσος
    (nēsos) Polynesia
  • neur:- nerve –GREEK– νευρών
    (neurōn) neurology, neurosurgeon
  • nict:- wink –LATIN– nictari
  • nigr:- black –LATIN– niger
  • nihil:- nothing –LATIN– nihilum
  • noct:- night –LATIN– nox, noctis
    noctambulist, nocturnal
  • nod:- knot –LATIN– nodus node,
  • nom:- arrangement, law –GREEK
    νόμος (nomos) autonomous, taxonomy
  • nomad:- those who let pasture herds –GREEK
    νομάς, νομάδος (nomas, nomados) nomadic
  • nomin:- name –LATIN– nomen,
    nominis nomination
  • non:- not –LATIN– non none non:-
    ninth –LATIN– nonus nonary
  • nonagen:- ninety each –LATIN
    nonageni nonagenary
  • nonagesim:- ninetieth –LATIN
    nonagesimus nonagesimal
  • not:- letter, note, paper –LATIN
    notare annotation, notable
  • noth:- spurious –GREEK– νόθος
    (nothos) nothogenus
  • noto:- back, south –GREEK– νότος
    (notos) notochord
  • nov:- nine –LATIN– novem
    November, novennial
  • nov:- new –LATIN– novus
    innovation, nova
  • noven:- nine each –LATIN– noveni
  • novendec:- nineteen –LATIN
  • nox:-, noc:-
    harmful –LATIN– noxa noxious
  • nu:- nod –LATIN– nuere innuendo
  • nub:- to marry, to wed –LATIN
    nubes, nubis, nubere connubial, nubile
  • nuc:- nut –LATIN– nux, nucis
  • nuch:- back of neck –LATIN– nucha
    nuchal cord
  • nud:- naked –LATIN– nudus denude,
  • null:- none –LATIN– nullus
  • numer:- number –LATIN– numerus
  • nunci:- announce –LATIN– nuntius
  • nupti:-LATIN– nuptial
  • nutri:- nourish –LATIN– nutrire


  • ob:-, o:-, oc:-,
    of:-, og:-, op:-, osagainst –LATIN
    ob obstinate, obstreperous, occur, offend, omit, oppose, ostentatious
  • oct:- eight –GREEK– ὀκτώ (oktō)
    octagon, octahedron, octode
  • oct:- eight –LATIN– octō
    octangular, octennial, octovir
  • octav:- eighth –LATIN– octāvus
  • octogen:- eighty each –LATIN
    octogeni octogenary
  • octogesim:- eightieth –LATIN
    octogesimus octogesimal
  • octon:- eight each –LATIN– octoni
  • ocul:- eye –LATIN– oculus,
    oculare ocular, oculus, ullage
  • od:- path, way –GREEK– ὁδός
    (hodos) anode, diode, odometer, pentode, tetrode, triode
  • od:- hate –LATIN– odium odious
  • odont:- tooth –GREEK– ὀδούς, ὀδόντος
    (odous, odontos) odontology
  • odor:- fragrant –LATIN– odor
  • oeco:- house –GREEK– οἶκος
    (oikos) ecology
  • oed:- swollen –GREEK– οἴδημα
    (oidēma) oedema
  • oen:- wine –GREEK– οἶνος (oinos)
  • oesophag:- gullet –GREEK– οἰσοφάγος
    (oisophagos) oesophagus
  • ogdo:- eighth –GREEK
    ὄγδοος (ogdoos)
  • ogdoad :-oid like –GREEK
  • :-οειδής (:-oeidēs)
    asteroid, mucoid, organoid
  • ole:- oil –LATIN– oleum oleosity
  • olecran:- skull of elbow –LATIN
    from –GREEK– ὠλέκρανον (ōlekranon) olecranon
  • olig:- few –GREEK– ὀλίγος
    (oligos) oligarchy
  • oliv:- olive –LATIN– oliva
    olivaceous, olivary,
  • olivette :-oma cancer –GREEK
    :-ωμα melanoma
  • omas:- paunch –LATIN– omasum
  • oment:- fat skin –LATIN– omentum
  • omin:- creepy –LATIN– omen,
    ominis abominable, ominous
  • omm:- eye –GREEK– ὄμμα (omma)
  • omni:- all –LATIN– omnis
    omnipotence, omnivore
  • omo:- shoulder –LATIN
  • omphal:- navel –GREEK– ὀμφαλός
    (omphalos) omphalectomy
  • oner:- burden –LATIN– onus, oneris
    exonerate, onerous
  • onom:- name –GREEK– όνομα (onoma)
  • ont:- existing –GREEK– ὄντος
    (ontos) ontogeny, ontology
  • :-onym name –GREEK– ὄνυμα
    (onuma) antonym, pseudonym, synonym
  • oo:- egg –GREEK– (oion) oocyte
  • opac:- shady –LATIN– opacus opacity
  • oper:- work –LATIN– opus, operis
    inoperable, opera
  • opercul:- little cover –LATIN
  • ophi:- snake –GREEK– ὄφις (ophis)
  • ophthalm:- eye –GREEK– ὀφθαλμός
    (ophthalmos) ophthalmology
  • opisth:- behind –GREEK– ὄπισθεν
    (opisthen) opisthosoma, opsimath
  • opoter:- either –GREEK– ὁπότερος
  • opt:- eye –GREEK– ὀπτός (optos)
  • opt:- choose –LATIN– optare
    adopt, optional
  • optim:- best –LATIN– optimus
  • or:- mouth –LATIN– os, oris oral,
  • orb:- circle –LATIN– orbis orbit
  • orch:- testicle –GREEK– ὄρχις
    (orchis) orchid
  • ordin:- order –LATIN– ōrdō,
    ordinis ordinal, ordinary
  • organ:- organ, instrument, tool –GREEK
    ὄργανον (organon) organism
  • ori:-, ort:- eastern –LATIN
    oriri, ortus orient
  • orn:- decorate –LATIN– ōrnāre adorn,
    ornament, ornate
  • ornith:- bird –GREEK– ὄρνις
    (ornis, ornithos) ornithology
  • orth:- straight –GREEK– ὀρθός
    (orthos) orthodontist, orthodoxy, orthosis
  • oscill:- swing –LATIN– oscillum
  • oss:- bone –LATIN– os, ossis
  • osteo:- bone –GREEK– ὀστοῦν
    (ostoun) osteoporosis
  • osti:- entrance –LATIN– ostium
  • ostrac:- shell –GREEK– ὄστρακον
    (ostrakon) ostracism
  • ot:- ear –GREEK– οὖς, ωτός (ous,
    ōtos) otology
  • ov:- egg –LATIN– ovum oval,
    ovary, ovule
  • ovi:- sheep –LATIN– ovis ovine
  • oxy:- sharp, pointed –GREEK– ὀξύς
    (oxus) oxygen, oxymoron


  • pac:- peace –LATIN– pax, pacis
  • pach:- thick –GREEK– παχύς
    (pachus) pachydermata, Pachypodium
  • paed:- child –GREEK– παῖς, παιδός
    (pais, paidos) paediatric
  • pagin:- page –LATIN– pagina pagination
  • pal:- stake –LATIN– palus
    impalement, pale
  • palae:-, pale:- ancient,
    old –GREEK– παλαιός (palaios) paleontology
  • palin:- back –GREEK– πάλιν
    (palin) palindrome
  • pall:- be pale –LATIN– pallere
    pallid, pallor
  • palli:- mantle –LATIN– pallium
  • palm:- palm –LATIN– palma palmate
  • palustr:- in marshes –LATIN
    paluster palustral
  • pan:-, pam:- all –GREEK
    πᾶς, παντός (pas, pantos) pandemic
  • pand:-, pans:- spread –LATIN
    pandere, pansus expand, expansion
  • par(a):- beside, near –GREEK
    παρά (para) parallel, parameter
  • pariet:- wall –LATIN– paries,
    parietis parietal
  • part:- part –LATIN– pars, partis
    bipartite, partition
  • parthen:- maiden –GREEK– παρθένος
    (parthenos) parthenogenesis
  • parv:- little –LATIN– parvus
    parvovirus pasc:-,
  • past:- feed –LATIN– pascere,
    pastus pasture, repast
  • pass:- pace, step –LATIN– passus
  • passer:- sparrow –LATIN– passer
    passeriform, passerine
  • pat:- be open –LATIN– patere
  • path:- feel, hurt –GREEK– πάθος
    (pathos) pathetic, pathology
  • pati:-, pass:- suffer,
    feel, endure, permit –LATIN– pati, passus passive, patience
  • patr:- father –GREEK– πατήρ,
    πατριά (patēr, patria) patriarch
  • patr:- father –LATIN– pater,
    patris patrilocal
  • pauc:- few –LATIN– paucus paucal,
    pauciloquent, paucity
  • pav:-LATIN– pavire pavement
  • pecc:- sin –LATIN– peccare
  • pect:- fixed –GREEK– πηκτός
    (pēktos) pectic, pectin
  • pector:- chest –LATIN– pectus,
    pectoris pectoral
  • pecun:- money –LATIN– pecunia
  • ped:- child –GREEK– παῖς, παιδός
    (pais, paidos) pedagogy
  • ped:- foot –LATIN
    pes, pedis pedal, quadruped
  • pejor:- worse –LATIN– pejor
  • pell:-, puls:- drive –LATIN
    pellere, pulsus propellent, propulsor, repellent
  • pen:- almost –LATIN– paene
    peninsula, penultimate, penumbra
  • pend:-, pens:- hang –LATIN
    pendere suspend
  • penn:-, pinn:- feather –LATIN
    penna pennate, pinnate
  • pent:- five –GREEK– πέντε (pente)
    pentagon, pentode, pentagrid
  • pentecost:- fiftieth –GREEK
    πεντηκοστός (pentēkostos) pentecostalism
  • pept:- to digest –GREEK– πέσσειν,
    πεπτός (pessein, peptos) peptic, peptide
  • per:- thoroughly, through –LATIN
    per perfection, permeate, persistence, pervade
  • peran:- across, beyond –GREEK
    πέραν (peran)
  • peri:- around –GREEK– περί (peri)
    perimeter, peripheral, periscope
  • persic:- peach –GREEK– περσικός
  • pessim:- worst –LATIN– pessimus
  • pet:- strive towards –LATIN
    petere appetite, competition
  • petr:- rock –GREEK– πέτρα (petra)
  • phae:- dark –GREEK– φαιός
    (phaios) phaeomelanin
  • phag:- eat –GREEK– φαγεῖν
    (phagein) sarcophagus
  • phalang:- close formation of troops,
    finger bones –GREEK– φάλαγξ, φάλαγγος (phalanx, phalangos) phalanges
  • phalar:- having a patch of white –GREEK
    φάλαρος (phalāros) [1] phalarope
  • pharmac:- drug, medicine –GREEK
    φάρμακον (pharmakon) pharmacy
  • phaner:- visible –GREEK– φανερός
    (phaneros) phanerozoic
  • pher:- bear, carry –GREEK– φέρω
    (pherō) pheromone
  • phil:-, :-phile love,
    friendship –GREEK– φιλέω (phileō, philia) hydrophile, philosophy
  • phleg:- heat –GREEK– φλέγω
    (phlegō) phlegm, phlegmatics
  • phloe:- tree bark –GREEK– φλοιός
    (phloios) phlobaphene, phloem
  • phob:- fear –GREEK– φόβος
    (phobos) hydrophobia
  • phon:- sound –GREEK– φωνή (phōnē)
    homophone, microphone, phonograph
  • phor:- carry, bear –GREEK– φόρος
    (phoros) metaphor
  • phos:-, phot:- light –GREEK
    φῶς, φωτός (phōs, phōtos) phosphor, photograph
  • phragm:- fence –GREEK– φράγμα
    (phragma) diaphragm
  • phren:- diaphragm, mind –GREEK
    φρήν, φρενός (phrēn, phrenos) phrenetic, schizophrenia
  • phryn:- toad, toad:-like –GREEK
    φρύνη (phrunē) Phrynobatrachus
  • phyl:- tribe –GREEK– φύλον
    (phulon) phylogenetics, phylum
  • phyll:- leaf –GREEK– φύλλον
    (phullon) chlorophyll, phyllotaxis
  • phys:- nature –GREEK– φύσις
    (phusis) physics
  • physalid:- bladder –GREEK
    φυσαλ(λ)ίς (phusal(l)is) physalis
  • phyt:- plant –GREEK
    φυτόν (phuton) neophyte, phytoplankton
  • pic:- pitch –LATIN– pix, picis
  • pil:- hair –LATIN– pilus
    depilatory, epilator
  • pin:- drink –GREEK– πίνειν
    (pinein) pinocytosis
  • pin:- pine –LATIN– pinus pineal
  • ping:-, pict:- paint –LATIN
    pingere, pictus depiction, picture
  • pingu:- fat –LATIN– pinguis
  • pir:- pear –LATIN– pirus
    piriformis muscle
  • pisc:- fish –LATIN– piscis
    Pisces, piscivore
  • pis:- pea –GREEK– πίσος (pisos)
  • plac:- plate, tablet –GREEK
    πλάξ, πλακός (plax, plakos)
  • plac:- calm –LATIN– placare,
    placatus placate
  • plac:-, :-plic:-
    please –LATIN– placēre, placitus placebo, placid
  • plagi:- oblique –GREEK– πλάγιος
    (plagios) plagioclase
  • plan:- flat –LATIN– planus
    explanation, planar, plane
  • plang:-, planct:-LATIN
    plangere, planctus plangent
  • plas:- mould –GREEK– πλάθω
    (plathō) plasma, plastic
  • platy:- flat, broad –GREEK
    πλατύς (platus) platypus
  • plaud:-, :-plod:-,
    plaus:-, :-plosapprove, clap –LATIN
    plaudere, plausus applaud, applause, explosion, implode, plaudits, plausible
  • ple:-, plet:- fill –LATIN
    plere complement, suppletion
  • pleb:- people –LATIN– plebs,
    plebis plebian, plebs
  • plec:- interwoven –GREEK– πλέκω
    (plekō) plectics, symplectomorphism
  • plect:-, plex:- plait –LATIN
    plectere, plexus perplex
  • plen:- full –LATIN– plenus
  • plesi:- near –GREEK– πλησίος
  • pleth:- full –GREEK– πλῆθος
    (plēthos) plethora
  • pleur:- side –GREEK– πλευρά
  • plic:- fold –LATIN– plicare,
    plicatus duplication, replicate
  • plinth:- brick –GREEK– πλίνθος
  • plor:-LATIN– plorare implore
  • plu:- rain –LATIN– pluere
  • plum:- feather –LATIN– pluma
    plumage, plumate
  • plumb:- lead –LATIN– plumbum
  • plur:- more –LATIN– pluris plural
  • plurim:- most –LATIN– plurimus
  • plus:- more –LATIN– plus surplus
  • plut:- wealth –GREEK– πλοῦτος
    (ploutos) plutocracy
  • pluvi:- rain –LATIN– pluvia
  • pneu:- air, lung –GREEK– πνεῦμα
    (pneuma) pneumatic
  • pod:- foot –GREEK– πούς, ποδός
    (pous, podos) podiatry, tripod
  • pogon:- beard –GREEK– πώγων,
    πώγωνος (pōgōn, pōgōnos) pogonotrophy
  • poie:- make –GREEK– ποιέω (poieō)
  • pol:- pole –GREEK– πόλος (polos)
    dipole, polar
  • pole:-, poli:- city –GREEK
    πόλις (polis) metropolis, politics
  • polem:- war –GREEK– πόλεμος
    (polemos) polemic
  • poli:- grey –GREEK– πολιός
  • pollic:- thumb –LATIN– pollex,
  • pollin:-LATIN– pollen, pollinis
  • poly:- many –GREEK– πολύς (polus)
  • pon:-, posit:- put –LATIN
    ponere, positus component, position, postpone
  • ponder:- weight –LATIN– pondus,
    ponderis preponderance
  • pont:- bridge –LATIN– pons,
    pontis pontoon
  • popul:- people –LATIN– populus,
    populare population
  • por:- passage –GREEK– πόρος
    (poros) pore
  • porc:- pig –LATIN– porcus
    porcine, pork
  • porphyr:- purple –GREEK– πορφύρα
    (porphura) porphyrin
  • port:- gate –LATIN– porta portal
  • port:- carry –LATIN– portare,
    portatus export, transportation
  • post:- after, behind –LATIN– post
    posterior, postscript
  • pot:- drink –LATIN– potus, potare
  • potam:- river –GREEK– ποταμός
    (potamos) hippopotamus, Mesopotamia
  • prasin:- leek:-green –GREEK
    πράσινος (prasinos) prasinous
  • prat:- meadow –LATIN– pratum
  • prav:- crooked –LATIN– pravus
  • pre:- before –LATIN– prae
  • prec:- pray –LATIN– prex, precis,
    precāri deprecation
  • pred:-LATIN– praeda, praedari
  • prehend:-, prend:-,
    prehensgrasp –LATIN– prehendere, prehensus comprehend
  • prem:-, :-prim:-,
    press:- press –LATIN– premere, pressus pressure
  • presby:- old –GREEK– πρέσβυς
    (presbus) Presbyterianism
  • preter:- past –LATIN– praeter
    preterite, pretermission
  • preti:- price –LATIN– pretium,
  • prim:- first –LATIN– primus
    primary, primeval, primitive
  • prior:- former –LATIN– prior
  • priv(i):- separate –LATIN
    privus, privare, privatus deprivation, privilege
  • pro:- before, in front of –GREEK
    πρό (pro)
  • pro:- for, forward –LATIN– pro
  • prob:- try –LATIN– probus,
    probare probation
  • proct:- anus –GREEK– πρωκτός
    (prōktos) proctology
  • propri:- one’s own, ownership –LATIN
    proprietas appropriate, property, propriety
  • pros:- forward –GREEK– πρός
  • prot:- first –GREEK– πρῶτος
    (prōtos) protoplasm
  • proxim:- nearest –LATIN
    proximus, proximare approximate, proximity
  • prun:- plum –LATIN– prunus prune
  • psamma:- sand –GREEK– ψάμμος
  • pseud:- false –GREEK– ψευδής
    (pseudēs) pseudonym
  • psil:- bare –GREEK– ψιλός
    (psilos) epsilon
  • psych:- mind –GREEK– ψυχή
    (psuchē) psycho
  • psychr:- cold –GREEK– ψυχρός
  • pter:- wing, fern –GREEK– πτερόν
    (pteron) helicopter
  • pto:- fall –GREEK– πτῶσις
    (ptōsis) ptosis
  • ptyal:- saliva –GREEK– πτύον
  • ptych:- fold, layer –GREEK– πτύξ,
    πτυχή (ptuchē) triptych
  • pub:- sexually mature –LATIN
    pubes pubescent, pubic
  • public:-LATIN– publicus publication
  • pude:-LATIN– pudere impudent
  • pugn:- fight –LATIN– pugna,
    pugnare pugnacious, repugnant
  • pulchr:- beautiful –LATIN
    pulcher, pulchri pulchritude
  • pulmon:- lung –LATIN– pulmo,
    pulmonis pulmonary
  • pulver:- dust –LATIN– pulvis,
    pulveris pulverize
  • pung:-, punct:- prick –LATIN
    pungere, punctus puncture, pungent
  • puni:- punish –LATIN– punire,
    punitus impunity, punitive
  • pup:- doll –LATIN– pupa pupa,
  • pur:- pure –LATIN– purus
    impurity, purify
  • purg:- cleanse –LATIN– purgare
    expurgate, purgatory, purge
  • purpur:- purple –LATIN– purpura
  • put:- prune, reckon –LATIN
    putāre compute, putative
  • pyg:- rump –GREEK– πυγή (pugē)
    pygostyle, callipygian
  • pyl:- gate –GREEK– πυλών, πυλῶνος
    (pulōn) pylon
  • pyr:- heat, fire –GREEK
    πῦρ, πυρός (pur, puros) pyrolysis Q


  • quadr:- four –LATIN– quattuor
    quadrangle, quadrillion
  • quadragen:- forty each –LATIN
    quadrageni quadragenary
  • quadragesim:- fortieth –LATIN
    quadragesimus quadragesimal
  • quart:- fourth –LATIN– quartus
    quartary, quartile
  • quasi:- as if –LATIN– quasi
  • quatern:- four each –LATIN
    quaterni quaternary, quaternion
  • quati:-, quass:- shake –LATIN
  • quer:-, :-quir:-,
    quesit:-, :-quisit:- search, seek –LATIN
    quaerere Inquisition, query
  • qui:- rest –LATIN– quies quiet,
  • quin:- five each –LATIN– quini
  • quindecim:- fifteenth –LATIN
    quindecimus quindecimal
  • quinden:- fifteen each –LATIN
    quindeni quindenary
  • quinque:- five –LATIN– quinque
  • quint:- fifth –LATIN– quintus
    quintary, quintile
  • quot:- how many, how great –LATIN
    quota, quotient


  • rad:-, ras:- scrape, shave
    LATIN– radere, rasus abrade, abrasion, erasure
  • radi:- beam, spoke –LATIN
    radius, radiare radiance, radiation
  • radic:- root –LATIN– rādix,
    rādīcis eradicate, radical
  • ram:- branch –LATIN– rāmus
    ramification, ramose
  • ran:- frog –LATIN– rana Rana
  • ranc:- rancidness, grudge, bitterness –LATIN
    rancere rancid, rancor
  • rap:- turnip –LATIN– rapum
  • raph:- seam –GREEK– ῤαφή (rhaphē)
  • rar:-LATIN– rarus rarity
  • rauc:- harsh, hoarse –LATIN
    raucus raucous re:-,
  • red:- again, back –LATIN– re:-
    recede, redact
  • reg:-, :-rig:-,
    rect:- straight –LATIN– regere, rectus dirigible, erect,
    erection, rectum
  • rem:- oar –LATIN– remus bireme,
  • ren:- kidney –LATIN– renes renal
  • rep:-, rept:- crawl, creep
    LATIN– repere, reptus reptile
  • ret:- net –LATIN– rete reticle,
  • retro:- backward, behind –LATIN
    retro retrograde, retrospective, retrovirus
  • rhabd:- rod –GREEK– ῥάβδος
    (rhabdos) rhabdoid, rhabdom
  • rhach:-, rach:-
    spine –GREEK– ῥάχις, ῥάχεως (rhachis) rhachiodont
  • rhag:- tear, rent –GREEK– ῥαγίζω
  • rhe:- flow –GREEK– ῥεῖν (rhein)
  • rhig:- chill –GREEK– ῥῖγος
    (rhigos) rhigosaurus
  • rhin:- nose, snout –GREEK– ῥίς, ῥινός
    (rhis, rhinos) rhinoplasty
  • rhiz:- root –GREEK– ῥίζα (rhiza)
  • rhod:- rose –GREEK– ῥόδον
    (rhodon) rhododendron
  • rhomb:- spinning top –GREEK– ῥόμβος
    (rhombos) rhombus
  • rhynch:- snout –GREEK– ῥύγχος
  • rid:-, ris:- laugh –LATIN
    ridere, risus derision, ridicule
  • robor:- oak, strength –LATIN
    robur, roboris corroboration
  • rod:-, ros:- gnaw –LATIN
    rodere, rosus corrode, erosion, rodent
  • rog:- ask –LATIN– rogare
    derogatory, interrogation
  • rostr:- beak, prow –LATIN
    rostrum rostral, rostriform, rostrum
  • rot:- wheel –LATIN– rota, rotare
  • ruber:-, rubr:- red –LATIN
    ruber rubric, ruby
  • rug:- wrinkle –LATIN– ruga,
    rugare corrugation
  • rumin:- throat –LATIN– rumen,
    ruminis rumination
  • rump:-, rupt:- break –LATIN
    rumpere, ruptus eruption, rupture, interrupt
  • rur:- country –LATIN– rus, ruris


  • sacchar:- sugar –GREEK– σάκχαρον
    (sakcharon) saccharin
  • sacr:-, secr:- sacred –LATIN
    sacer, sacrare consecrate, sacrament
  • sagac:- wise –LATIN– sagax,
    sagacis sagacity
  • sagitt:- arrow –LATIN– sagitta
    sagittal plane, Sagittaria
  • sal:- salt –LATIN– sal, salis,
    salere salinity
  • sali:-, :-sili:-,
    salt:- jump –LATIN– salire, saltus resilient, salient,
  • salic:- willow –LATIN– salix,
    salicis salicin
  • salv:- save –LATIN– salvus,
    salvare salvation
  • san:- healthy –LATIN– sanus
    insane, sanity
  • sanc:- holy –LATIN– sancire, sanctus
    sanctify, sanctuary
  • sanguin:- blood –LATIN– sanguis,
    sanguinis consanguinity, sanguine
  • sapi:-, :-sipi:-
    taste, wise –LATIN– sapere insipience, sapient
  • sapon:- soap –LATIN– sapo,
    saponis saponification
  • sarc:- flesh –GREEK– σάρξ, σαρκός
    (sarx, sarkos) sarcophagus
  • saur:- lizard, reptile –GREEK
    σαῦρος (sauros) dinosaur
  • sax:- rock –LATIN– saxum scab:-
    scratch –LATIN– scabere scabies
  • scal:- ladder, stairs –LATIN
    scala scalar, scale
  • scalen:- uneven –GREEK– σκαληνός
    (skalēnos) scalene muscles, scalene triangle
  • scand:-, :-scend:-,
    scans:-, :-scensclimb –LATIN– scandere
    ascend, transcendent, descend
  • scaph:- anything hollow, bowl, ship –GREEK
    σκάφη, σκάφος scaphoid bone
  • scel:- leg, thigh –GREEK– σκέλος,
    σκέλεος (skelos) isosceles
  • schem:- plan –GREEK– σχῆμα
    (schēma) schematic
  • schis:- split –GREEK– σχίζω,
    σχίσμα (schisma) schism
  • sci:- know –LATIN– scire
    prescient, science
  • scind:-, sciss:- split –LATIN
    scindere rescind, scissors
  • scler:- hard –GREEK– σκληρός
    (sklēros) scleroderma, sclerosis
  • scoli:- crooked –GREEK– σκολιός
    (skolios) scoliosis
  • scop:-, scept:- look at,
    examine, view, observe –GREEK– σκέπτομαι, σκοπός (skopos) horoscope,
    kaleidoscope, stethoscope
  • scrib:-, script:- write –LATIN
    scribere, scriptus inscribe, scripture
  • sculp:- carve –LATIN– sculpere,
    sculptus sculpture
  • scut:- shield –LATIN– scutum
  • scyph:- cup –GREEK– χούφτα
    (chouphta) Scyphozoa
  • se:-, sed:- apart –LATIN
    se secede, sedition
  • seb:- tallow –LATIN– sebum
    sebaceous, sebum
  • sec:-, sect:-, seg:-
    cut –LATIN– secare secant, section, segment
  • sed:- settle, calm –LATIN
    sedare, sedatus sedative
  • sed:-, :-sid:-,
    sess:- sit –LATIN– sedere, sessus reside, sediment,
    session, supersede
  • sedec:- sixteen –LATIN– sedecim
  • seget:- in cornfields –LATIN
  • sei:- shake –GREEK– σείω, σεισμός
    (seismos) seismograph
  • selen:- moon –GREEK– σελήνη
    (selēnē) Selene, selenium
  • sell:- saddle, seat –LATIN– sella
    sella turcica
  • sema:- sign –GREEK– σῆμα (sēma)
    semantics, semaphore
  • semi:- half –LATIN– semis
  • semin:- seed –LATIN– semen,
    seminis insemination
  • sen:- old man –LATIN– senex,
    senis senator, senility
  • sen:- six each –LATIN– seni
  • senti:-, sens:- feel –LATIN
    sentire, sensus consensus, sentient
  • sept:- fence, partition, enclosure –LATIN
    saeptum transept
  • sept:- seven –LATIN– septem
  • septen:- seven each –LATIN
    septeni septenary
  • septim:- seventh –LATIN
    septimus septimal, septime
  • septuagen:- seventy each –LATIN
    septuageni septuagenary
  • septuagesim:- seventieth –LATIN
    septuagesimus septuagesima, septuagesimal
  • septuagint:- seventy –LATIN
    septuaginta Septuagint
  • sequ:-, secut:- follow –LATIN
    sequere, secutus consecutive, sequence
  • ser:-, sat:- cultivate –LATIN
    serere, satus sative
  • ser:- body fluid –LATIN– serum
  • ser:- late –LATIN– serus serein,
  • serp:- crawl, creep –LATIN
    serpere, serptus serpent
  • serr:- saw, saw:-toothed –LATIN
    serra, serrare serration
  • serv:- save, protect, serve –LATIN
    servare conservation
  • sesqui:- one and a half –LATIN
    sesqui sesquicentennial
  • set:- bristle, hair –LATIN– saeta
    seta, setose
  • sever:- stern, strict, serious –LATIN
    severus severity
  • sex:-, se:- six –LATIN
    sex semester, sexangle, sexennium
  • sexagen:- sixty each –LATIN
    sexageni sexagenary
  • sexagesim:- sixtieth –LATIN
    sexagesimus sexagesimal
  • sext:- sixth –LATIN– sextus
  • sibil:- hiss –LATIN– sibilus,
    sibilare sibilance
  • sicc:- dry –LATIN– siccus
  • sider:- star –LATIN– sidus,
    sideris sidereal
  • sign:- sign –LATIN– signum
    design, designate, signal
  • sil:- quiet or still –LATIN
    silere silence
  • silv(i):- forest –LATIN– silva
  • simi:- ape, monkey –LATIN– simia
  • simil:- likeness, trust, group –LATIN
    similis assimilate, similarity
  • simul:- imitating, feigning –LATIN
    simulare simulation
  • singul:- one each –LATIN
    singulus singular
  • sinistr:- left –LATIN– sinister,
    sinistri sinistral
  • sinu:- (to draw) a line –LATIN
    sinuare insinuate
  • sinus:- hollow, bay –LATIN– sinus
  • siph(o):- tube –GREEK– σίφων
    (siphōn) siphon
  • sist:- cause to stand –LATIN
    sistere consist, persistence
  • sit:- food, grain, wheat –GREEK
    σῖτος (sitos) sitology
  • soci:- group –LATIN– socius,
    sociare associate, social
  • sol:- sun –LATIN– sol, solis
  • sol:- comfort, soothe –LATIN
    solari consolation, solace
  • sol:- alone, only –LATIN– solus
    desolate, sole, solo, solipsism
  • solen:- pipe, channel –GREEK
    σωλήν (sōlēn) solenoid
  • solv:-, solut:-
    loosen, set free –LATIN– solvere, solutus dissolve, solution
  • soma:- body –GREEK– σῶμα, σώματος
    (sōma, sōmatos) somatic
  • somn:- sleep –LATIN– somnus
  • somni:- dream –LATIN– somnium
  • son:- sound –LATIN– sonus
  • soph:- wise –GREEK– σοφός
    (sophos) sophist
  • sorb:-, sorpt:- suck –LATIN
    sorbere absorb, absorption
  • sord:- dirt –LATIN– sordes,
    sordere sordid
  • soror:- sister –LATIN– soror
  • spati:- space –LATIN– spatium
  • spec:-, :-spic:-,
    spect:- look –LATIN– specere conspicuous, inspection,
  • spect:- watch, look at –LATIN
    spectare spectator
  • specul:- observe –LATIN
    speculari speculation
  • sper:- hope –LATIN– spes, sperare
    desperation, esperance
  • sperm:- seed –GREEK– σπέρμα
    (sperma) angiosperm
  • sphen:- wedge –GREEK– σφήν
  • spher:- ball –GREEK– σφαῖρα
    (sphaira) sphere, spheroid
  • sphinct:- closing –GREEK– σφίγγα
  • spic:- spike –LATIN– spica
  • spin:- thorn –LATIN– spina spine
  • spir:- breathe –LATIN– spirare
  • spond:-, spons:- a surety,
    guarantee; give assurance, promise solemnly –LATIN– spondere, sponsus
  • spondyl:- vertebra
  • spu:-, sput:- spew, spit –LATIN
    spuere sputum
  • squal:- scaly, dirty, filthy –LATIN
    squalere squalid, squalor
  • squam:- scale –LATIN– squama
  • squarros:- spreading at tips –LATIN
  • st:- stand –LATIN– stare, status
    stable, station, statistic, statue, status
  • stagn:- pool of standing water –LATIN
    stagnare stagnant
  • stalact:-GREEK– σταλακτίτης
    (stalaktitēs) stalactite
  • stalagm:-GREEK– σταλαγμός
    (stalagmos) stalagmite
  • stann:- tin –LATIN– stannum
  • statu:-, :-stitu:-
    stand –LATIN– statuere institution, statute
  • stea:- fat, tallow –GREEK– στέαρ,
    στέατος (stear, steatos)
  • stearic acid steg:- covering –GREEK
  • stell:- star –LATIN– stella
    constellation, stellar
  • sten:- narrow –GREEK– στενός
    (stenos) stenography
  • stere:- solid –GREEK– στερεός
  • stern:-, strat:- spread,
    strew –LATIN– sternere, stratus stratify
  • stern:- breastbone –GREEK
    στέρνον (sternon) sternum
  • stich:- line, row –GREEK– στίχος
  • stig:-GREEK– στίγμα (stigma)
  • still:- drip –LATIN– stilla,
    stillare distillation
  • stimul:- goad, rouse, excite –LATIN
    stimulus stimulate
  • stingu:-, stinct:- apart –LATIN
    stinguere distinction, distinguish
  • stoch:- aim –GREEK– στόχος
  • stom:- mouth –GREEK– στόμα
    (stoma) stomatoplasty
  • strept:- twisted –GREEK– στρεπτός
  • strig:- compress –LATIN– strix,
    strigis strigogyps
  • strigos:- having stiff bristles –LATIN
  • string:-, strict:-
    upright, stiff –LATIN– stringere, strictus stringent
  • stroph:- turning –GREEK– στροφή
    (strophē) apostrophe
  • stru:-, struct:- to make
    up, build –LATIN– struere, structus construction, construe
  • stud:- dedication –LATIN– studere
  • stup:- wonder –LATIN– stupere
  • styl:- column, pillar –GREEK– στῦλος
    (stulos) stylus
  • su:-, sut:- sew –LATIN
    suere, sutus suture
  • sui:- self –LATIN– sui sui
    generis, suicide
  • suad:-, suas:- urge –LATIN
    suadere, suasus persuasion
  • suav:- sweet –LATIN– suavis suave
  • sub:-, su:-, suf:-,
    sug:-, susbelow –LATIN– sub submerge, suffix, suggest
  • subter:- under –LATIN– subter
  • sucr:- sugar –LATIN– sucrose
  • sud:- sweat –LATIN– sudare
  • sulc:- furrow –LATIN– sulcus
  • sum:-, sumpt:- take –LATIN
    sumere, sumptus assumption, consume
  • super:- above, over –LATIN– super
  • supin:- lying back –LATIN
    supinus supination
  • supra:- above, over –LATIN– supra
  • surd:- deaf –LATIN– surdus
  • surg:- rise –LATIN– surgere
  • syn:-, sy:-, syl:-,
    sym:- with –GREEK– σύν (sun) symbol, symmetry, sympathy,
    synchronous, synonym, system
  • syring:- pipe –GREEK– σύριγξ,
    σύριγγος (syrinx, syringos) syringe


  1. tac:-, :-tic:-
    be silent –LATIN– tacere, tacitus reticent, tacit
  2. tach:- swift –GREEK– ταχύς
    (tachus) tachometer, tachycardia
  3. taeni:- ribbon –GREEK– ταινία
    (tainia) taenidium, taeniodont, Taeniolabis
  4. tal:- ankle –LATIN– talus talus
  5. tang:-, :-ting:-,
    tact:-, tag:- touch –LATIN– tangere, tactus
    contact, tactile, tangent
  6. tapet:- carpet –LATIN– tapete,
    tapetis tapestry, tapetum, tapis
  7. tard:- slow –LATIN– tardus
    retard, tardigrade, tardy
  8. tars:- ankle –GREEK– ταρσός
    (tarsos, a flat basket) tarsal
  9. taur:- bull –GREEK– ταῦρος
    (tauros) Minotaur
  10. taur:- bull –LATIN– taurus Taurus
  11. tax:- arrangement, order –GREEK
    τάξις (taxis) taxonomy
  12. techn:- art, skill –GREEK– τέχνη
    (technē) technology
  13. teg:-, tect:- cover –LATIN
    tegere, tectus integument, protection
  14. tele:- far, end –GREEK– τῆλε
    (tēle) telegram, telephone, telescope
  15. tele:- complete –GREEK– τέλος
    (telos) teleology
  16. temn:- cut –GREEK– τέμνω (temnō)
  17. tempor:- time –LATIN– tempus,
    temporis contemporary, temporal, temporary
  18. ten:-, :-tin:-,
    tent:- hold –LATIN– tenere, tentus continent, detention,
    tenacious, tenor
  19. tend:-, tens:- stretch,
    strain –LATIN– tendere, tensus extend, extension
  20. tenu:- slender, thin –LATIN
    tenuis attenuate, tenuous
  21. tep:- be warm –LATIN– tepere
    tepid, tepor
  22. ter:-, trit:- rub –LATIN
    terere, tritus attrition, contrite, detritus, trite
  23. teret:- rounded –LATIN– teres,
    teretis subterete, teretial
  24. terg:-, ters:- wipe –LATIN
    tergere, tersus detergent, terse
  25. termin:- boundary, limit, end –LATIN
    terminus determine, terminal, termination
  26. tern:- three each –LATIN– terni
    ternary, ternion
  27. terr:- dry land –LATIN– terra
    subterranean, terrace, terracotta, terrain
  28. terti:- third –LATIN– tertius
    tertian, tertiary
  29. test:- witness –LATIN– testis
    testament, testimony
  30. tetr:- four –GREEK– τέσσαρες (tessares)
    tetrahedron, tetrode
  31. tex:-, text:- weave –LATIN
    texere, textus context, texture, textile
  32. thalam:- chamber, bed –GREEK
    θάλαμος (thalamos)
  33. thalass:- sea –GREEK– θάλασσα
    (thalassa) Panthalassa
  34. than:- death –GREEK– θάνατος
    (thanatos) euthanasia
  35. the:-, thus:- god –GREEK
    θεός (theos) enthusiasm, theology
  36. the:- put –GREEK– τίθημι
    (tithēmi), θήκη (thēkē) Bibliotheca, theca, theme, thesis
  37. thel:-GREEK
    θηλή (thēlē)
  38. theori:- speculation –GREEK
    θεωρία (theōria) theorem, theory
  39. ther:- beast, animal –GREEK– θήρ,
    θηρός (thēr) theroid, theropod
  40. therm:- heat, warm –GREEK– θερμός
    (thermos) endotherm, thermometer
  41. thym:- mood –GREEK– θυμός
    (thumos) dysthymia
  42. thyr:- door –GREEK– θύρα (thura)
  43. thyre:- large shield –GREEK
    θυρεός (thureos) Thyreophora, thyroid, thyrotropin, thyroxine
  44. tim:- be afraid –LATIN– timere
    timid, timorous
  45. ting:-, tinct:- moisten –LATIN
    tingere, tinctus tincture
  46. tom:- cut –GREEK– τομή (tome),
    τόμος (tomos) ectomy, atom, tome
  47. ton:- stretch –GREEK– τόνος
    (tonos) isotonic, monotone, tone
  48. top:- place –GREEK– τόπος (topos)
    topic, topography
  49. torn:- cut –LATIN– from –GREEK
    tornare < τόρνος (tornos)
  50. torpe:- numb –LATIN– torpere
    torpent, torpid, torpor
  51. torqu:-, tort:- twist –LATIN
    torquere, tortus extortion, torque, torture
  52. tot:- all, whole –LATIN– totus
    subtotal, total, totality
  53. tox:- arrow, bow –GREEK– τόξον
  54. trab:- beam –LATIN– trabs, trabis
  55. trachy:- rough –GREEK– τραχύς
    (trachus) trachea
  56. trag:- goat –GREEK– τράγος
    (tragos) tragus
  57. trah:-, tract:- draw, pull
    LATIN– trahere, tractus subtrahend, tractor
  58. trans:-, tra:-, tran:-
    across –LATIN– trans tradition, transcend, transportation
  59. trapez:- four:-sided,
    table –GREEK– τράπεζα (trapeza) trapezius, trapezoid
  60. traum:- wound –GREEK– τραῦμα
    (trauma) trauma, traumatic
  61. trecent:- three hundred –LATIN
    trecenti trecentennial, trecentillion
  62. tredec:- thirteen –LATIN
    tredecim tredecimal
  63. treiskaidek:- thirteen –GREEK
    τρεισκαίδεκα (treiskaideka) triskaidekaphobia
  64. trem:- tremble –LATIN– tremere
  65. trema:- hole –GREEK– τρῆμα
    (trēma) trematode
  66. tri:- three –GREEK– τρεῖς, τρία
    (treis, tria) triad, trigon, triode, tripod
  67. tri:- three –LATIN– trēs
    triangle, triumvirate, trivia
  68. tricen:- thirty each –LATIN
    triceni tricenary
  69. tricesim:-, trigesim:-
    thirtieth –LATIN– tricesimus trigesimal
  70. trich:- hair –GREEK– θρίξ, τριχός
    (thrix, trichos) peritrichous, trichopathophobia, Trichoptera
  71. trin:- three each –LATIN– trini
    trinary, trine, trinity
  72. trit:- third –GREEK– τρίτος
    (tritos) tritagonist
  73. troch:- wheel –GREEK– τροχός
    (trochos) trochlea
  74. trop:- turning –GREEK– τρόπος
    (tropos) heliotropism, psychotropic, tropic
  75. troph:- feed, grow –GREEK– τροφή,
    τροφός (trophos) dystrophy, pogonotrophy, trophic
  76. trud:-, trus:-
    thrust –LATIN– trudere, trusus extrusion, intrude
  77. tuss:- cough –LATIN– tussis,
    tussire pertussis
  78. tympan:- drum –GREEK– τύμπανον
    (tumpanon) tympani
  79. typ:- stamp, model –GREEK– τύπος
    (tupos) archetype, phenotype, typography


  1. uber:- fruitful –LATIN– uber,
    uberare exuberant
  2. uligin:- in marshes –LATIN
    uligo, uliginis uliginous
  3. ulo:- wooly –GREEK
  4. ultim:- farthest –LATIN– ultimus
    ultimatum, ultimate
  5. ultra:- beyond –LATIN– ultra
  6. umbilic:- navel –LATIN– umbilicus
  7. umbr:- shade, shadow –LATIN
    umbra penumbra, umbrella
  8. un:- one –LATIN– unus, unius
    unary, unicorn, union
  9. unc:- hooked –LATIN– uncus
  10. unci:- ounce, twelfth –LATIN
    uncia uncial
  11. und:- wave –LATIN– unda abundant,
  12. undecim:- eleventh –LATIN
    undecimus undecimal
  13. unden:- eleven each –LATIN
    undeni undenary
  14. ungui:- claw, nail –LATIN– unguis
  15. ungul:- claw, hoof –LATIN– ungula
  16. ur:-, uro:- tail –GREEK
    οὐρά (oura) uroid, uroborus
  17. ur:-, uro:- urine –GREEK
    οὖρον (ouron) urology
  18. urb:- city –LATIN– urbs, urbis
    urban, urbanize, suburbanite, urbanism
  19. urg:- work –LATIN– urgere urgent
  20. urs:- bear –LATIN– ursus Ursa
    Major, ursine
  21. ut:-, us:- use –LATIN
    uti, usus usual, utility
  22. uv:- grape –LATIN– uva uvea
  23. uxor:- wife –LATIN
    uxor uxoricide V


  1. vac:- empty –LATIN– vacare
    vacancy, vacation, vacuum
  2. vad:-, vas:- go –LATIN
    vadere evade, pervasive
  3. vag:- wander –LATIN– vagus,
    vagare vagabond, vague
  4. van:- empty, vain, idle –LATIN
    vanus vanity
  5. vap:- lack (of) –LATIN– vapor
    evaporation, vapid, vaporize
  6. veh:-, vect:- carry –LATIN
    vehere, vectus vehicle, vector
  7. vel:- veil –LATIN– velum
    revelation, velate
  8. vell:-, vuls:- pull –LATIN
    vellere, vulsus convulsion
  9. veloc:- quick –LATIN– velox,
    velocis velocity
  10. ven:- vein –LATIN– vena venosity
  11. ven:- hunt –LATIN– venari venison
  12. ven:-, vent:- come –LATIN
    venire advent, convention
  13. vend:- sell –LATIN– vendere
    vendor, vending
  14. vener:- respectful –LATIN– venus
    veneration, venereal
  15. vent:- wind –LATIN– ventus
  16. ventr:- belly –LATIN– venter
  17. ver:- true –LATIN– verus aver,
    veracious, verify, verisimilitude, verity
  18. verb:- word –LATIN– verbum
    verbal, verbatim, verbosity
  19. verber:- whip –LATIN– verber
  20. verm:- worm –LATIN– vermis
  21. vern:- spring –LATIN– ver, vernus
  22. vert:-, vers:- turn –LATIN
    vertere, versus convert, inversion, invert, vertical
  23. vesic:- bladder –LATIN– vesica
  24. vesper:- evening, western –LATIN
    vespera vesperal
  25. vest:- clothe, garment –LATIN
    vestis divest, vest
  26. vestig:- track –LATIN– vestigium
  27. vet:- forbid –LATIN– vetare veto
  28. veter:- old –LATIN– vetus,
    veteris inveterate, veteran
  29. vi:- way –LATIN– via deviate,
    obvious, via
  30. vic:- change –LATIN– vicis vice
    versa, vicissitude
  31. vicen:-, vigen:- twenty –LATIN
    viceni vicenary
  32. vicesim:-, vigesim:-
    twentieth –LATIN– vicesimus vicesimary, vicesimation, vigesimal
  33. vid:-, vis:- see –LATIN
    videre, visus video, vision
  34. vil:- cheap –LATIN– vilis vile,
  35. vill:- shaggy hair, velvet –LATIN
    villus villiform
  36. vin:- wine –LATIN– vinum vinous
  37. vinc:-, vict:- conquer –LATIN
    vincere, victus invincible, victory
  38. vir:- man –LATIN
    vir virility
  39. vir:- green –LATIN– virere virid,
  40. visc:- thick –LATIN– viscum
  41. viscer:- organs of the body cavity –LATIN
    viscus, visceris eviscerate, visceral
  42. vit:- life –LATIN– vita vital,
  43. vitell:- yolk –LATIN– vitellus
  44. viti:- fault –LATIN– vitium vice,
  45. vitr:- glass –LATIN– vitrum
  46. viv:- live –LATIN– vivere revive,
    survive, vivid
  47. voc:- voice –LATIN– vox, vocis
    provocative, vocal, vocation
  48. vol:- fly –LATIN– volare volatility
    vol:- wish –LATIN– velle volition
  49. volv:-, volut:- roll –LATIN
    volvere, volutus convolution, revolve
  50. vom:- discharge –LATIN– vomere
  51. vor:-, vorac:- swallow –LATIN
    vorare, vorax devour, voracious
  52. vov:-, vot:- vow –LATIN
    vovere, votus votive
  53. vulg:- common, crowd –LATIN
    vulgus divulge, vulgarity, vulgate
  54. vulner:- wound –LATIN– vulnus,
    vulneris vulnerable
  55. vulp:- fox –LATIN– vulpes, vulpis


  1. xanth:- yellow –GREEK– ξάνθος
    (xanthos) xanthogenic
  2. xen:- foreign –GREEK– ξένος
    (xenos) xenophobia
  3. xer:- dry –GREEK– ξηρός (xēros)
    xerography, xerophyte
  4. xiph:- sword –GREEK– ξίφος
    (xiphos) xiphoid
  5. xyl:- wood –GREEK– ξύλον (xulon)
    xylem, xylophone


  1. zo:- animal, living being –GREEK– protozoa, zoo, zoology
  2. zon:- belt, girdle –GREEK– zone
  3. zyg:- yoke –GREEK– – heterozygous, zygote
  4. zym:- ferment —GREEK– – enzyme, lysozyme

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April 2, 2023

How do you feel about shortcuts?

By learning short and simple pieces of English words, also known as word roots, you can unlock an understanding of thousands of words and boost your English vocabulary!

In this post, we’re going to share 30 English word roots from Latin and Greek to help you improve your comprehension of English by providing a shortcut to learning.


  • What is a Root?
  • 30 Common English Word Roots from Greek and Latin
    • Roots of Greek Origin
    • Roots of Latin Origin
  • How to Use Roots to Form and Understand English Words
    • The Top 10 Suffixes You’ll See with Roots
    • The Top 10 Prefixes You’ll See with Roots
  • The Matching Game for Practicing English Roots, Suffixes and Prefixes

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can take anywhere.
Click here to get a copy. (Download)

What is a Root?

First, we should talk about what “root” means.

A root is the basic unit of a word.

Linguists, scientists who study language, refer to the root as the base or foundation of a word. If you really think about it, the name “root” makes sense. A real, literal root is the base of a tree, connecting the tree to the ground. The root of a word connects that word to some meaning.

To learn about other parts of words and their relationships with roots, check out this informative page. 

30 Common English Word Roots from Greek and Latin

If you aren’t sure that you want to memorize hundreds of roots, then memorize just these 30 roots. These are some of the most useful and common roots that you’ll learn!

You’ll see these popping up everywhere in words you both know and don’t know. If you wouldn’t have had any idea what they meant before you had learned the roots, then you’ll see the value of learning roots. 

Roots of Greek Origin

Greek Root Meaning Example
Psych Mind Psychology (the study of the mind)
Phil Love Cinephile (movie lover)
Mega Great, large Megaphone (a large device which makes your voice louder)
Mono Single Monochromatic (having only one color)
Chron Time Chronological (organized by time of occurrence)
Bio Life Biology (the study of living things)
Theo God Theology (the study of religion)
Phone Sound Telephone (a device used to talk with other people)
Auto Self Automatic (happens on its own)
Poly Many Polyglot (person who can speak many languages)

Roots of Latin Origin

Latin Root Meaning Example
Struc Build Structure (parts or pieces built into something complex)
Vac Empty Vacuous (having an empty mind, not thinking)
Ver True Veritable (real, true, authentic)
Scrib/Scrip Write Prescription (a written note signed by a doctor which provides instructions for medicine or treatment)
Luc Light Lucid (bright, clear)
Mal Bad Malevolent (wanting to do bad or evil things)
Mar Sea Marina (a port or harbor for boats and ships)
Manu/Mani Hand Manicure (a treatment to make your hands look clean, neat and polished)
Min Small Miniscule (very small in size)
Fort Strong Fortitude (strength)
Mort Death Mortician (someone who prepares dead bodies to be buried)
Nas/Nat Birth Nascent (coming into existence, something just recently created)
Trans Across Transatlantic (something which crosses the Atlantic Ocean)
Voc/Vos Voice Vociferous (loud, someone who speaks loudly or talks a lot)
Aqua Water Aquarium (a tank of water where fish are kept as pets)
Bene Good Benevolent (wanting good things for people, generous, kind)
Omni All Omniscient (knowing everything)
Sens/Sent Feel Sentimental (emotional, attaching emotional value to things)
Terr Earth Terrarium (a container for land animals kept as pets, often containing rocks, dirt or sand)
Vid/Vis See Visible (able to be seen)

How to Use Roots to Form and Understand English Words

Now that you have a list of great roots to memorize, you’ll need a list of the most common prefixes and suffixes to go with it.


Prefixes and suffixes are two things that can be attached to roots to form words.

Suffixes can be attached at the ends of roots to change either the definition or the part of speech (noun, verb, adjective, etc.) of the word. So, suffixes can change verbs into nouns, nouns into adjectives and so on.

To create words you put a root together with either a suffix or prefix. Examples:

photo (root for light) + graph (suffix for written) = photograph (light that is written)

re (prefix for again) + flect (root for bend) = reflect (to bend again)

Now you might think these are funny ways to define the words “photograph” and “reflect.” This is because using Latin to define words means that you’re using very direct, literal translations.

However funny these translations might sound, there’s always a clue there that shows what the true meaning is in English.

The Top 10 Suffixes You’ll See with Roots

Top Greek Suffixes 

Greek Suffix Meaning
phil/phile fear, fearing
chrome color
logy study of
ism act, practice or result of
some body
meter a measurement
nomy systematized knowledge of

Top Latin Suffixes 

Latin Suffix Meaning
able is, can be
act state, quality
cidal/cide killer, a killing

The Top 10 Prefixes You’ll See with Roots

Top Greek Prefixes

Greek Prefix Meaning
amphi both, about, around
andro man, male
anti against, opposed
mono one, single, alone

Top Latin Prefixes

Latin Prefix Meaning
ad to, attached to
semi half
non not
pre before
inter between
co with, together

As you can see, learning roots, suffixes and prefixes is a quick shortcut to learn and understand words in English.

Immersing yourself in the language and seeing how it’s used by native speakers is a great way to learn vocabulary and see word roots. There are many great TV shows in English that you could watch, or you could even try a language-learning program like FluentU.

FluentU features an array of bite-sized authentic English videos, like inspiring talks and movie trailers, each with interactive subtitles that you can hover over to see more information about the words used. The subtitles will help you identify new vocabulary that you can add to your personalized flashcard decks to practice.

By immersing yourself in native media, not only will you be able to expand your vocabulary by identifying roots and common trends, but you’ll also get to see them used in context! 

The Matching Game for Practicing English Roots, Suffixes and Prefixes

As you know, practice makes perfect, and this also applies when learning roots, suffixes and prefixes.

Play this with a partner to see who can win the most points!

a. Make flashcards of the roots, suffixes and prefixes you want to memorize. You’ll also need a dictionary.

b. Mix up the flashcards into two groups, keeping suffixes and prefixes together in one group with the roots in another separate group.

c. Place the two groups in two separate piles face down in their separate groups. You’ll now have all the roots on the right side and prefixes/suffixes on the left side.

d. Pick a card from each group and turn both cards face up.

e. Form a word and write down what you think the definition should be according to the meaning of the root and the suffix or prefix you chose. Also write down whether you believe it is or isn’t a real word in the English language.

f. Once you’ve made your two guesses, look the word up in the dictionary to see if it really exists. If it does and the meaning you guessed is correct, then two points for you! If it’s not a real word, but you got the root and prefix/suffix meanings correct, then one point for you.

So there you have it, folks.

You’ve got a great guide to English word roots and how to use them!

Get out there and see how much English you understand now.

This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you
can take anywhere.
Click here to get a copy. (Download)

Greek and Latin roots in English

The following is an alphabetical list of Greek and Latin roots commonly used in English.

Those used in medicine and medical terminology are not listed here but instead in Wikipedia’s List of medical roots, suffixes and prefixes. AlphanumericTOC








See also

* Interlingua
* International Scientific Vocabulary
* List of Latin words with English derivatives
* List of Greek words with English derivatives
* List of Germanic and Latinate equivalents in English


External links

* [ List of Latin Derivatives]
* [ Latin Dictionary] Latin terms, Latin phrases, Latin expressions and Latin words

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