notion of ‘grammatical meaning’.
The word
combines in its semantic structure two meanings – lexical and
grammatical. Lexical meaning
is the individual meaning of the word (e.g. table).
Grammatical meaning
is the meaning of the whole class or a subclass. For example, the
class of nouns has the grammatical meaning of thingness.
If we take a noun (table)
we may say that it possesses its individual lexical meaning (it
corresponds to a definite piece of furniture) and the grammatical
meaning of thingness
(this is the meaning of the whole class). Besides, the noun ‘table’
has the grammatical meaning of a subclass – countableness.
Any verb combines its individual lexical meaning with the grammatical
meaning of verbiality – the ability to denote actions or states. An
adjective combines its individual lexical meaning with the
grammatical meaning of the whole class of adjectives –
qualitativeness – the ability to denote qualities. Adverbs possess
the grammatical meaning of adverbiality – the ability to denote
quality of qualities.
There are some classes of
words that are devoid of any lexical meaning and possess the
grammatical meaning only. This can be explained by the fact that they
have no referents in the objective reality. All function words belong
to this group – articles, particles, prepositions, etc.
of grammatical meaning.
grammatical meaning may be explicit and implicit. The implicit
grammatical meaning is not expressed
formally (e.g. the word table does
not contain any hints in its form as to it being inanimate). The
explicit grammatical
meaning is always marked morphologically – it has its marker. In
the word cats the
grammatical meaning of plurality is shown in the form of the noun;
cat’s –
here the grammatical meaning of possessiveness is shown by the form
‘s; is
asked – shows the explicit
grammatical meaning of passiveness.
implicit grammatical meaning may be of two types – general and
dependent. The general
grammatical meaning is the meaning of the whole word-class, of a part
of speech (e.g. nouns – the general grammatical meaning of
thingness). The dependent
grammatical meaning is the meaning of a subclass within the same part
of speech. For instance, any verb possesses the dependent grammatical
meaning of transitivity/intransitivity,
terminativeness/non-terminativeness, stativeness/non-stativeness;
nouns have the dependent grammatical meaning of
contableness/uncountableness and animateness/inanimateness. The most
important thing about the dependent grammatical meaning is that it
influences the realization of grammatical categories restricting them
to a subclass. Thus the dependent grammatical meaning of
countableness/uncountableness influences the realization of the
grammatical category of number as the number category is realized
only within the subclass of countable nouns, the grammatical meaning
of animateness/inanimateness influences the realization of the
grammatical category of case, teminativeness/non-terminativeness —
the category of tense, transitivity/intransitivity – the category
of voice.
Grammatical categories are
made up by the unity of identical grammatical meanings that have the
same form (e.g. singular::plural). Due to dialectal unity of language
and thought, grammatical categories correlate, on the one hand, with
the conceptual categories and, on the other hand, with the objective
reality. It may be shown with the help of a triangle model:
reality Conceptual category
reality Lingual reality Objective category Grammatical
follows that we may define grammatical categories as references of
the corresponding objective categories. For example, the objective
category of time
finds its representation in the grammatical category of tense,
the objective category of quantity finds
its representation in the grammatical category of number.
Those grammatical categories that have references in the objective
reality are called referential
grammatical categories. However, not
all of the grammatical categories have references in the objective
reality, just a few of them do not correspond to anything in the
objective reality. Such categories correlate only with conceptual
are called significational categories.
To this type belong the categories of mood
and degree.
Speaking about the grammatical category of mood we can say that it
has modality
as its conceptual correlate. It can be explained by the fact that it
does not refer to anything in the objective reality – it expresses
the speaker’s attitude to what he says.
notion of opposition.
grammatical category must be represented by at least two grammatical
forms (e.g. the grammatical category of number – singular and
plural forms). The relation between two grammatical forms differing
in meaning and external signs is called opposition
– book::books
(unmarked member/marked member). All grammatical categories find
their realization through oppositions, e.g. the grammatical category
of number is realized through the opposition singular::plural.
all the above mentioned into consideration, we may define the
grammatical category as the opposition between two mutually exclusive
form-classes (a form-class is a set of words with the same explicit
grammatical meaning).
of realization of grammatical
categories may be synthetic (near –
nearer) and analytic (beautiful
– more beautiful).
and neutralization of morphological forms.
In the process of
communication grammatical categories may undergo the processes of
transposition and neutralization.
is the use of a linguistic unit in an
unusual environment or in the function that is not characteristic of
it (He is a lion).
In the sentence He is coming tomorrow
the paradigmatic meaning of the
continuous form is reduced and a new meaning appears – that of a
future action. Transposition always results in the neutralization of
a paradigmatic meaning. Neutralization
is the reduction of the opposition to one of its members : custom ::
customs – x :: customs; x :: spectacles.
The parts of speech are
classes of words, all the members of these classes having certain
characteristics in common which distinguish them from the members of
other classes. The problem of word classification into parts of
speech still remains one of the most controversial problems in modern
linguistics. The attitude of grammarians with regard to parts of
speech and the basis of their classification varied a good deal at
different times. Only in English grammarians have been vacillating
between 3 and 13 parts of speech. There are four approaches to the
(logical-inflectional) -
parts of speech theory goes back to ancient times. It is based on
Latin grammar. According to the Latin classification of the parts of
speech all words were divided dichotomically into declinable
and indeclinable
parts of speech. This system was
reproduced in the earliest English grammars. The first of these
groups, declinable words, included nouns, pronouns, verbs and
participles, the second – indeclinable words – adverbs,
prepositions, conjunctions and interjections. The
logical-inflectional classification is quite successful for Latin or
other languages with developed morphology and synthetic paradigms but
it cannot be applied to the English language because the principle of
declinability/indeclinability is not relevant for analytical
new approach to the problem was introduced in the XIX century by
Henry Sweet. He took into account the peculiarities of the English
language. This approach may be defined as functional.
He resorted to the functional features of words and singled out
nominative units and particles. To nominative
parts of speech belonged noun-words
(noun, noun-pronoun, noun-numeral, infinitive, gerund),
(adjective, adjective-pronoun, adjective-numeral, participles), verb
(finite verb, verbals – gerund, infinitive, participles), while
adverb, preposition,
and interjection
belonged to the group of particles.
However, though the criterion for classification was functional,
Henry Sweet failed to break the tradition and classified words into
those having morphological forms and lacking morphological forms, in
other words, declinable and indeclinable.
distributional approach
to the parts to the parts of speech
classification can be illustrated by the classification introduced by
Charles Fries. He wanted to avoid the traditional terminology and
establish a classification of words based on distributive analysis,
that is, the ability of words to combine with other words of
different types. At the same time, the lexical meaning of words was
not taken into account. According to Charles Fries, the words in
such sentences as 1. Woggles ugged diggles; 2. Uggs woggled diggs;
and 3. Woggs diggled uggles are quite evident structural signals,
their position and combinability are enough to classify them into
three word-classes. In this way, he introduced four major classes
of words and 15 form-classes.
Let us see how it worked. Three test frames
formed the basis for his analysis:
A — The concert was good (always);
B — The clerk remembered the tax (suddenly);
C – The team went there.
turned out that his four classes of words were practically the same
as traditional nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. What is really
valuable in Charles Fries’ classification is his investigation of
15 groups of function words (form-classes) because he was the first
linguist to pay attention to some of their peculiarities.
the classifications mentioned above appear to be one-sided because
parts of speech are discriminated on the basis of only one aspect of
the word: either its meaning or its form, or its function.
modern linguistics, parts of speech are discriminated according to
three criteria: semantic, formal and functional. This approach may be
defined as complex.
The semantic
criterion presupposes the grammatical meaning of the whole class of
words (general grammatical meaning). The formal
criterion reveals paradigmatic
properties: relevant grammatical categories, the form of the words,
their specific inflectional and derivational features. The functional
criterion concerns the syntactic
function of words in the sentence and their combinability. Thus, when
characterizing any part of speech we are to describe: a) its
semantics; b) its morphological features; c) its syntactic
linguistic evidence drawn from our grammatical study makes it
possible to divide all the words of the language into:
denoting things, objects, notions, qualities, etc. – words with
the corresponding references in the objective reality – notional
words; -
having no references of their own in the objective reality; most of
them are used only as grammatical means to form up and frame
utterances – function words,
or grammatical words.
It is
commonly recognized that the notional parts of speech are nouns,
pronouns, numerals, verbs, adjectives, adverbs; the functional parts
of speech are articles, particles, prepositions, conjunctions and
modal words.
division of language units into notion and function words reveals the
interrelation of lexical and grammatical types of meaning. In
notional words the lexical meaning is predominant. In function words
the grammatical meaning dominates over the lexical one. However, in
actual speech the border line between notional and function words is
not always clear cut. Some notional words develop the meanings
peculiar to function words — e.g. seminotional words – to
turn, to get, etc.
words constitute the bulk of the existing word stock while function
words constitute a smaller group of words. Although the number of
function words is limited (there are only about 50 of them in Modern
English), they are the most frequently used units.
speaking, the problem of words’ classification into parts of speech
is far from being solved. Some words cannot find their proper place.
The most striking example here is the class of adverbs. Some language
analysts call it a ragbag, a dustbin
(Frank Palmer), Russian academician V.V.Vinogradov defined the class
of adverbs in the Russian language as мусорная
куча. It can be explained by the
fact that to the class of adverbs belong those words that cannot find
their place anywhere else. At the same time, there are no grounds for
grouping them together either. Compare: perfectly
(She speaks English perfectly)
and again
(He is here again).
Examples are numerous (all temporals). There are some words that do
not belong anywhere — e.g. after all.
Speaking about after all
it should be mentioned that this unit is quite often used by native
speakers, and practically never by our students. Some more striking
examples: anyway, actually, in fact.
The problem is that if these words belong nowhere, there is no place
for them in the system of words, then how can we use them correctly?
What makes things worse is the fact that these words are devoid of
nominative power, and they have no direct equivalents in the
Ukrainian or Russian languages. Meanwhile, native speakers use these
words subconsciously, without realizing how they work.
The noun is
the central lexical unit of language. It is the main nominative unit
of speech. As any other part of speech, the noun can be characterised
by three criteria: semantic
(the meaning), morphological
(the form and grammatical catrgories) and syntactical
(functions, distribution).
features of the noun. The noun possesses the grammatical meaning of
thingness, substantiality. According to different principles of
classification nouns fall into several subclasses:
to the type of nomination they may be proper
and common; -
to the form of existence they may be animate
and inanimate.
Animate nouns in their turn fall into human
and non-human. -
to their quantitative structure nouns can be countable
and uncountable.
This set of
subclasses cannot be put together into one table because of the
different principles of classification.
features of the noun. In accordance
with the morphological structure of the stems all nouns can be
classified into: simple,
derived (
stem + affix, affix + stem – thingness);
compound (
stem+ stem – armchair
) and composite
( the Hague ). The noun has morphological categories of number and
case. Some scholars admit the existence of the category of gender.
features of the noun. The noun can be
used un the sentence in all syntactic
but predicate. Speaking about noun combinability,
we can say that it can go into right-hand and left-hand connections
with practically all parts of speech. That is why practically all
parts of speech but the verb can act as noun determiners.
However, the most common noun determiners are considered to be
articles, pronouns, numerals, adjectives and nouns themselves in the
common and genitive case.
The category of number
The grammatical category of
number is the linguistic representation of the objective category of
quantity. The number category is realized through the opposition of
two form-classes: the plural form :: the singular form. The category
of number in English is restricted in its realization because of the
dependent implicit grammatical meaning of
countableness/uncountableness. The number category is realized only
within subclass of countable nouns.
grammatical meaning of number may not coincide with the notional
quantity: the noun in the singular does not necessarily denote one
object while the plural form may be used to denote one object
consisting of several parts. The singular form may denote:
(individual separate object – a cat); -
(the meaning of the whole class – The
cat is a domestic animal); -
(нерасчлененность or
uncountableness — money, milk).
The plural
form may denote:
existence of several objects (cats); -
inner discreteness (внутренняя
расчлененность, pluralia
tantum, jeans).
To sum it
up, all nouns may be subdivided into three groups:
nouns in which the opposition of explicit
discreteness/indiscreteness is expressed : cat::cats; -
nouns in which this opposition is not expressed explicitly but is
revealed by syntactical and lexical correlation in the context.
There are two groups here:
tantum. It covers different groups of nouns: proper names, abstract
nouns, material nouns, collective nouns; -
tantum. It covers the names of objects consisting of several parts
(jeans), names of sciences (mathematics), names of diseases, games,
nouns with homogenous number forms. The number opposition here is
not expressed formally but is revealed only lexically and
syntactically in the context: e.g. Look!
A sheep is eating grass. Look! The sheep are eating grass.
3. The
category of case.
expresses the relation of a word to another word in the word-group or
sentence (my sister’s coat). The category of case correlates with
the objective category of possession. The case category in English is
realized through the opposition: The Common Case :: The Possessive
Case (sister :: sister’s). However, in modern linguistics the term
“genitive case” is used instead of the “possessive case”
because the meanings rendered by the “`s” sign are not only those
of possession. The scope of meanings rendered by the Genitive Case is
the following :
Genitive : Mary’s father – Mary has a father, -
Genitive: The doctor’s arrival – The doctor has arrived, -
Genitive : The man’s release – The man was released, -
Genitive : Two hour’s work – X worked for two hours, -
Genitive : a mile’s distance – the distance is a mile, -
of destination: children’s books – books for children, -
Group: yesterday’s paper
school cannot be reduced to one nucleus
To avoid
confusion with the plural, the marker of the genitive case is
represented in written form with an apostrophe. This fact makes
possible disengagement of –`s form from the noun to which it
properly belongs. E.g.: The
man I saw yesterday’s son,
where -`s is appended to the whole group (the so-called group
genitive). It may
even follow a word which normally does not possess such a formant, as
in somebody else’s
There is no
universal point of view as to the case system in English. Different
scholars stick to a different number of cases.
are two cases. The Common one and The Genitive; -
are no cases at all, the form `s is optional because the same
relations may be expressed by the ‘of-phrase’: the
doctor’s arrival – the arrival of the doctor; -
are three cases: the Nominative, the Genitive, the Objective due to
the existence of objective pronouns me,
him, whom; -
Grammar. Ch.Fillmore introduced syntactic-semantic classification of
cases. They show relations in the so-called deep structure of the
sentence. According to him, verbs may stand to different relations
to nouns. There are 6 cases:
Case (A) John
opened the door; -
case (I) The key
opened the door;
John used the key to open the door; -
Case (D) John
believed that he would win (the case of the animate being affected
by the state of action identified by the verb); -
Case (F) The key
was damaged ( the result of the action or state identified by the
verb); -
Case (L) Chicago is
windy; -
case (O) John stole
the book.
4. The
Problem of Gender in English
plays a relatively minor part in the grammar of English by comparison
with its role in many other languages. There is no gender concord,
and the reference of the pronouns he,
she, it is very
largely determined by what is sometimes referred to as ‘natural’
gender for English, it depends upon the classification of persons and
objects as male, female or inanimate. Thus, the recognition of gender
as a grammatical category is logically independent of any particular
semantic association.
to some language analysts (B.Ilyish, F.Palmer, and E.Morokhovskaya),
nouns have no category of gender in Modern English. Prof.Ilyish
states that not a single word in Modern English shows any
peculiarities in its morphology due to its denoting male or female
being. Thus, the words husband
and wife
do not show any
difference in their forms due to peculiarities of their lexical
meaning. The difference between such nouns as actor
and actress
is a purely lexical one. In other words, the category of sex should
not be confused with the category of sex, because sex is an objective
biological category.
It correlates with gender only when sex differences of living beings
are manifested in the language grammatically (e.g. tiger
– tigress).
Still, other scholars (M.Blokh, John Lyons) admit the existence of
the category of gender. Prof.Blokh states that the existence of the
category of gender in Modern English can be proved by the correlation
of nouns with personal pronouns of the third person (he,
she, it).
Accordingly, there are three genders in English: the neuter
(non-person) gender, the masculine gender, the feminine gender.
1.General characteristics
the verb is the most complex part of speech. First of all it performs
the central role in realizing predication —
connection between situation in the utterance and reality. That is
why the verb is of primary informative significance in an utterance.
Besides, the verb possesses quite a lot of grammatical categories.
Furthermore, within the class of verb various subclass divisions
based on different principles of classification can befound.
features of the verb. The verb possesses the grammatical meaning of
verbiality — the
ability to denote a process developing in time. This meaning is
inherent not only in the verbs denoting processes, but also in those
denoting states, forms of existence, evaluations, etc.
features of the verb. The verb possesses the following grammatical
categories: tense, aspect, voice, mood, person, number, finitude and
phase. The common categories for finite and non-finite forms are
voice, aspect, phase and finitude. The grammatical categories of the
English verb find their expression in synthetical and analytical
forms. The formative elements expressing these categories are
grammatical affixes, inner inflexion and
function words.
Some categories have only synthetical forms (person,
number), others
— only analytical (voice).
There are also categories expressed by both synthetical and
analytical forms (mood, tense, aspect).
Syntactic features. The
most universal syntactic feature of verbs is their ability to be
modified by adverbs. The second important syntactic criterion is the
ability of the verb to perform the syntactic function of the
predicate. However, this criterion is not absolute because only
finite forms can perform this function while non-finite forms can be
used in any function but predicate. And finally, any verb in the form
of the infinitive can be combined with a modal verb.
Classifications of English verbs
According to different
principles of classification, classifications can be morphological,
lexical-morphological, syntactical and functional.
Morphological classifications..
According to their stem-types all verbs fall into: simple (to
go), sound-replacive
(food —
to feed, blood —
to bleed), stress-replacive
— to im port,
transport —
to transport, expanded
(with the help of suffixes and prefixes): cultivate,
justify, overcome, composite
(correspond to composite nouns): to
blackmail), phrasal:
to have a smoke, to give a smile
(they always have an ordinary verb as
an equivalent). 2.According
to the way of forming past tenses and Participle
II verbs can be regular
and irregular.
Lexical-morphological classification is
based on the implicit grammatical meanings of the verb. According to
the implicit grammatical meaning of transitivity/intransitivity verbs
fall into transitive
and intransitive.
According to the implicit grammatical meaning of
stativeness/non-stativeness verbs fall into stative
and dynamic.
According to the implicit grammatical meaning of
terminativeness/non-terminativeness verbs fall into terminative
and durative.
This classification is closely connected with the categories of
Aspect and Phase.
classifications. According to the nature of predication (primary and
secondary) all verbs fall into finite
and non-finite.
According to syntagmatic properties (valency) verbs can be of
and optional valency,
and thus they may have some directionality or be devoid of any
directionality. In this way, verbs fall into the verbs of directed
(to see, to take, etc.)
and non-directed
action (to arrive, to drizzle, etc.):
classification of English verbs
to prof.G.Pocheptsov)
Vobj. She shook her head
Vaddr. He phoned me
– V10 Vobj.-addr. She gave me
her pen
– V15 Vadv. She behaved well
V2 – V24 V16 – V24 Vobj.-adv. He put his hat
on the table
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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:
1 слайд
2 слайд
1. The problem of word definition.
2. The notion of the word-form.
3. The notion of «grammatical meaning».
4. Types of grammatical meaning.
5. The notion of «grammatical category».
6. The notion of «opposition».3
3 слайд
1.The Problem of Word Definition
The word is considered to be the central (though not the only) linguistic unit of language.
3 -
4 слайд
The Problem of Word Definition
In the written language words are clearly identified by spaces between them.
5 слайд
The Problem of Word Definition
In the spoken language the problem cannot be solved this way.
If we listen to an unfamiliar language, we find it difficult to divide up the speech into single words.3
6 слайд
The Problem of Word Definition
to the problem of word definition:
the word is a semantic unit, a unit of meaning;
the word is a marked phonological unit;
the word is an indivisible unit.3
7 слайд
The Problem of Word Definition
Semantic definition of the word:
“…a unit of a particular meaning with a particular complex of sounds capable of a particular grammatical employment».
The word is a linguistic unit that has a single meaning.3
8 слайд
The Problem of Word Definition
heavy smoker ≠ heavy and
criminal lawyer;
the King of England’s hat.3
9 слайд
The Problem of Word Definition
The problem:
the word is not always a single unit.
10 слайд
The Problem of Word Definition
A phonological criterion
that stuff that’s tough
a nice cakean ice cake
grey day Grade A
11 слайд
The Problem of Word Definition
It is hard to distinguish the real meaning without a proper context.
3 -
12 слайд
The Problem of Word Definition
The word as an indivisible unit
“The word is a minimum free form“
(L. Bloomfield)
The word is the smallest unit of speech that can occur in isolation.3
13 слайд
The Problem of Word Definition
a or the3
14 слайд
The Problem of Word Definition
the word is a linguistic unit larger than a morpheme but smaller than a phrase.3
15 слайд
The Problem of Word Definition
In this case the word can be defined as:
• An orthographic word (something written with white spaces at both ends but no white space in the middle).
16 слайд
The Problem of Word Definition
• A phonological word (something pronounced as a single unit).
17 слайд
The Problem of Word Definition
• A lexical item, or lexeme, (a dictionary word).
18 слайд
The Problem of Word Definition
• A grammatical word-form (GWF) (or morphosyntactic word) (any one of the several forms which a lexical item may assume for grammatical purposes).
19 слайд
The Problem of Word Definition
The item ice cream is:
two orthographic words,
— a single phonological word (it is pronounced as a unit),
— a single lexical item (it has its own entry in a dictionary),
— a single GWF (indeed, it hardly has another form unless you think the plural ice cream is good English).3
20 слайд
The Problem of Word Definition
The singular dog and the plural dogs:
— a single orthographic word,
— a single phonological word,
a single GWF,
but they both
— represent the same lexical item (only one entry in the dictionary).3
21 слайд
The Problem of Word Definition
take, takes, took, taken, is taking:3
22 слайд
The Problem of Word Definition
take, takes, took, taken and is taking:
— five orthographic words,
— five phonological words,
five GWFs (at least),
but only
— one lexical item.3
23 слайд
The Problem of Word Definition
the contraction hasn’t3
24 слайд
The Problem of Word Definition
The contraction hasn’t is:
— a single orthographic word,
a single phonological word,
— two lexical items (have and not),
— two GWFs (has and not).3
25 слайд
The Problem of Word Definition
The phrasal verb make up (as in She made up her face)3
26 слайд
The Problem of Word Definition
The phrasal verb make up (as in She made up her face):
— two orthographic words,
— two phonological words,
— one lexical item (because of its unpredictable meaning, it must be entered separately in the dictionary).
— has several GWFs (make up, makes up, made up, making up).3
27 слайд
The Problem of Word Definition
make up
(She made up a story)3
28 слайд
The Problem of Word Definition
make up (She made up a story):
— a different lexical item from the preceding one (a separate dictionary entry is required),
— this lexical item exhibits the same orthographic, phonological and grammatical forms as the first.3
29 слайд
The Problem of Word Definition
the word is not a clearly definable linguistic unit.3
30 слайд
The Problem of Word Definition
For the sake of linguistic description, we will proceed from the following statements:
— the word is a meaningful unit differentiating word-groups at the upper level and integrating morphemes at the lower level;3
31 слайд
The Problem of Word Definition
— the word is the main expressive unit of human language, which ensures the thought-forming function of language;
32 слайд
The Problem of Word Definition
the word It is also the basic nominative unit of language with the help of which the naming function of language is realized;
33 слайд
The Problem of Word Definition
in the structure of language the word belongs to the upper stage of the morphological level;
34 слайд
The Problem of Word Definition
the word is a unit of the sphere of «language» and it exists only through its speech actualization;
35 слайд
The Problem of Word Definition
one of the most characteristic features of the word is its indivisibility.
36 слайд
The Problem of Word Definition
the word is a bilateral entity
WORD = ———————
sound image3
37 слайд
2. The Notion of the Word -Form
The term «word-form“ shows that the word is a carrier of grammatical information.
E.g.: speaks — the present tense third
person singular
speak, spoke, is speaking
Here the relational property of grammatical meaning is revealed.3
38 слайд
The Notion of the Word -Form
Grammatical meanings of a word-form are very abstract and general.
They are peculiar of a whole class of words, unite it so that each word of the class expresses the corresponding grammatical meaning together with its individual, concrete semantics.3
39 слайд
The Notion of the Word -Form
the meaning of the plural is rendered by the regular plural suffix –(e)s, phonemic interchange and a few lexeme-bound suffixes.3
40 слайд
The Notion of the Word -Form
Due to the generalized character of the plural, we say that different groups of nouns «take» this form with strictly defined variations in the mode of expression.
The variations can be of more systemic (phonological conditioning) and less systemic (etymological conditioning) nature.3
41 слайд
The Notion of the Word -Form
Cf.: faces, branches, matches, judges;
books, rockets, boats, chiefs, proofs;
dogs, beads, films, stones, hens;
lives, wives, thieves, leaves;
oxen, children, brethren;
swine, sheep, deer;
men, women, feet, teeth, geese, mice, lice;
formulae, antennae;
data, errata, strata, addenda, memoranda;
radii, genii, nuclei;
crises, bases, analyses, axes;
phenomena, criteria.3
42 слайд
The Notion of the Word -Form
The lexical meaning of the word is irrelevant for the detection of the type of the word-form.
43 слайд
The Notion of the Word -Form
A word-form may be analytical by structure. In this case it is equivalent to one word as it expresses one unified content of a word, both from the point of view of grammatical and lexical meaning.
E.g.: has spoken3
44 слайд
The Notion of the Word -Form
Words (as well as morphemes) are directly observable units by nature as they are characterized by a definite material structure of their own.
They can be registered and enumerated in any language.
45 слайд
The Notion of the Word -Form
The system of morphological units is a closed system. It means that all its items are on the surface and can be embraced in an inventory of forms.
46 слайд
The Notion of the Word -Form
Every word is a unit of grammar as a part of speech.
47 слайд
The Notion of the Word -Form
Parts of speech are usually considered a lexico-grammatical categories since:
they show lexical groupings of words;
these groupings present generalized classes, each with a unified, abstract meaning of its own.3
48 слайд
3. The Notion of Grammatical Meaning
Notional words combine two meanings in their semantic structure:
49 слайд
The Notion of Grammatical Meaning
Lexical meaning is the individual meaning of the word
E.g.: table — a definite piece of furniture with a flat top supported by one or more upright legs,
speak – to express thoughts aloud, using the voice.3
50 слайд
The Notion of Grammatical Meaning
Grammatical (morphological) meaning is not individual.
It is the meaning of the whole class or a subclass
E.g.: table (grammatical meaning of the class of nouns (thingness / substance) and the grammatical meaning of a subclass – countableness).3
51 слайд
What are grammatical meanings of:
— verbs;
52 слайд
The Notion of Grammatical Meaning
There are some classes of words that are devoid of any lexical meaning and possess the grammatical meaning only.
54 слайд
The Notion of Grammatical Meaning
Function words
55 слайд
4.Types of Grammatical Meaning
The grammatical meaning may be:
3 -
56 слайд
Types of Grammatical Meaning
The implicit grammatical meaning is not expressed formallyE.g.: table (the meaning of inanimate object)
57 слайд
Types of Grammatical Meaning
The explicit grammatical meaning is always marked morphologically
E.g.: -s in cats (the grammatical meaning of plurality);
‘s in cat’s (the grammatical meaning of possessiveness);
is …ed in is asked (the grammatical meaning of passiveness)3
58 слайд
Types of Grammatical Meaning
Types of the implicit grammatical meaning:
59 слайд
Types of Grammatical Meaning
general (the meaning of the whole word-class, of a part of speech)
E.g.: thingness of nouns3
60 слайд
Types of Grammatical Meaning
dependent (the meaning of a subclass within the same part of speech)
E.g.: the verb (transitivity/ intransitivity,
terminativeness / non-terminativeness,
stativeness / non-stativeness);
the noun (countableness / uncountableness,
animateness / inanimateness)3
61 слайд
Types of Grammatical Meaning
The dependent grammatical meaning influences the realization of grammatical categories restricting them to a subclass.
E.g.: the number category for the subclass of countable nouns;
the category of case for the subclass of animated nouns;
the category of voice for transitive verbs, etc.3
62 слайд
Types of Grammatical Meaning
63 слайд
5. The Notion of Grammatical Category
A grammatical category is a linguistic category which has the effect of modifying the forms of some class of words in a language.
64 слайд
The Notion of Grammatical Category
Its structure displays two or more forms applied to a definite class of words and used in somewhat different grammatical circumstances.
65 слайд
The Notion of Grammatical Category
Grammatical categories are made up by the unity of identical grammatical meanings that have the same form and meaning
E.g. singular : plural3
66 слайд
The Notion of Grammatical Category
Due to dialectal unity of language and thought, grammatical categories correlate, on the one hand, with the conceptual categories and, on the other hand, with the objective reality:3
67 слайд
The Notion of Grammatical Category
grammatical categories are references of the corresponding objective categories.
E.g.: the objective category of time →
the grammatical category of tense,
the objective category of quantity → the grammatical category of number.3
68 слайд
The Notion of Grammatical Category
Grammatical categories that have references in the objective reality are referential.
Objective correlate
Lingual correlate3
69 слайд
The Notion of Grammatical Category
Grammatical categories that do not correspond to anything in the objective reality and correlate only with conceptual matters are significational. They are few (e.g. the categories of mood and degree).
Conceptual correlate
Lingual correlate3
70 слайд
The Notion of Grammatical Category
Classifications of Gr. CategoriesAccording to the referent relation:
— reflective.
3 -
71 слайд
The Notion of Grammatical Category
Immanent gr. categories are:
1) innate for a given lexemic class, organically connected with its functional nature
E.g.: the number category of nouns,
the substantive-pronominal person
2) closed within a word-class
E.g.: the tense category of verbs,
the comparison of adjectives and adverbs3
72 слайд
The Notion of Grammatical Category
Reflective gr. categories are of a secondary, derivative semantic value
E.g.: the number category of verbs,
the verbal person3
73 слайд
The Notion of Grammatical Category
2. According to the changeability of the exposed feature
— unchangeable / derivational (constant feature categories)
E.g.: the gender category of nouns represented by the system of the 3rd person pronouns
— changeable / demutative (variable feature categories)
E.g.: the number category of nouns,
the degrees of comparison3
74 слайд
The Notion of Grammatical Category
1. The notion of grammatical category applies to the plane of content of morphological paradigmatic units;3
75 слайд
The Notion of Grammatical Category
2. It refers to grammatical meaning as a general notion;
76 слайд
The Notion of Grammatical Category
3. It does not nominate things but expresses relations, that is why it has to be studied in terms of oppositions;
77 слайд
The Notion of Grammatical Category
4. Grammatical categories of language represent a realization of universal categories produced by human thinking in a set of interrelated forms organized as oppositions;
78 слайд
The Notion of Grammatical Category
5. Grammatical categories are not uniform, they vary in accordance with the part of speech they belong to and the meaning they express;
79 слайд
The Notion of Grammatical Category
6. The expression of grammatical categories in language is based upon close interrelation between their forms and the meaning they convey.
80 слайд
6. The Notion of Opposition
The concept of opposition is that it distinguishes something.
3 -
81 слайд
The Notion of Opposition
One thing can be distinguished from another only if it can be contrasted with something else or opposed to it.3
82 слайд
The Notion of Opposition
Any grammatical category must be represented by at least two grammatical forms
E.g. the grammatical category of number: singular and plural forms.3
83 слайд
The Notion of Opposition
the relation between two grammatical forms that differ in meaning and external signs is called opposition.3
84 слайд
The Notion of Opposition
The most widely known opposition is the binary «privative» opposition.In it one member of the contrastive pair is characterized by the presence of a certain feature which the other member lacks
85 слайд
The Notion of Opposition
E.g. table::tables
↓ ↓
“unmarked” “marked”
(weak) member (strong) member
↓ ↓
non-plural plural
↓ ↓
more general and abstract more particular and
(used in a wider range of contexts)3
86 слайд
The Notion of Opposition
Some scholars, however, hold the opinion that oppositions can be
gradual (different degree of a feature)
E.g.: big — bigger — biggest
equipollent (different positive features)
E.g.: am — is — are.3
87 слайд
The Notion of Opposition
A grammatical category is definable only on the basis of oppositions.3
88 слайд
The Notion of Opposition
Means of realization of grammatical categories:
synthetic (near — nearer);
analytical (beautiful — more beautiful).3
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1. The problem of word definition. 2. The notion of the word-form. 3. The notion of «grammatical meaning». 4. Types of grammatical meaning. 5. The notion of «grammatical category». 6. The notion of «opposition».
1. The Problem of Word Definition The word is considered to be the central (though not the only) linguistic unit of language.
The Problem of Word Definition In the written language words are clearly identified by spaces between them.
The Problem of Word Definition In the spoken language the problem cannot be solved this way. ↓ If we listen to an unfamiliar language, we find it difficult to divide up the speech into single words.
The Problem of Word Definition Approaches to the problem of word definition: 1) the word is a semantic unit, a unit of meaning; 2) the word is a marked phonological unit; 3) the word is an indivisible unit.
The Problem of Word Definition Semantic definition of the word: “… a unit of a particular meaning with a particular complex of sounds capable of a particular grammatical employment «. ↓ The word is a linguistic unit that has a single meaning.
The Problem of Word Definition BUT: heavy smoker ≠ heavy and smoker criminal lawyer; the King of England’s hat.
The Problem of Word Definition The problem: the word is not always a single unit.
The Problem of Word Definition A phonological criterion that stuff that’s tough a nice cake an ice cake grey day Grade A ↓
The Problem of Word Definition It is hard to distinguish the real meaning without a proper context.
The Problem of Word Definition The word as an indivisible unit “ The word is a minimum free form “ (L. Bloomfield) ↓ The word is the smallest unit of speech that can occur in isolation.
The Problem of Word Definition BUT: a or the
The Problem of Word Definition Thus, the word is a linguistic unit larger than a morpheme but smaller than a phrase.
The Problem of Word Definition In this case the word can be defined as: • An orthographic word (something written with white spaces at both ends but no white space in the middle).
The Problem of Word Definition • A phonological word (something pronounced as a single unit).
The Problem of Word Definition • A lexical item, or lexeme, (a dictionary word).
The Problem of Word Definition • A grammatical word-form (GWF) (or morphosyntactic word ) (any one of the several forms which a lexical item may assume for grammatical purposes).
The Problem of Word Definition The item ice cream is: — two orthographic words, but — a single phonological word (it is pronounced as a unit), — a single lexical item (it has its own entry in a dictionary), — a single GWF (indeed, it hardly has another form unless you think the plural ice cream is good English).
The Problem of Word Definition The singular dog and the plural dogs : — a single orthographic word, — a single phonological word, — a single GWF, but they both — represent the same lexical item (only one entry in the dictionary).
The Problem of Word Definition ? ? ? take, takes, took, taken, is taking :
The Problem of Word Definition take, takes, took, taken and is taking : — five orthographic words, — five phonological words, — five GWFs (at least), but only — one lexical item.
The Problem of Word Definition ? ? ? the contraction hasn’t
The Problem of Word Definition The contraction hasn’t is: — a single orthographic word, — a single phonological word, — two lexical items ( have and not), — two GWFs ( has and not).
The Problem of Word Definition ? ? ? The phrasal verb make up (as in She made up her face)
The Problem of Word Definition The phrasal verb make up (as in She made up her face) : — two orthographic words, — two phonological words, — one lexical item (because of its unpredictable meaning, it must be entered separately in the dictionary). — has several GWFs ( make up, makes up, made up, making up).
The Problem of Word Definition ? ? ? make up ( She made up a story)
The Problem of Word Definition make up ( She made up a story) : — a different lexical item from the preceding one (a separate dictionary entry is required), but — this lexical item exhibits the same orthographic, phonological and grammatical forms as the first.
The Problem of Word Definition So, the word is not a clearly definable linguistic unit.
The Problem of Word Definition For the sake of linguistic description, we will proceed from the following statements: — the word is a meaningful unit differentiating word-groups at the upper level and integrating morphemes at the lower level;
The Problem of Word Definition — the word is the main expressive unit of human language, which ensures the thought-forming function of language;
The Problem of Word Definition — the word It is also the basic nominative unit of language with the help of which the naming function of language is realized;
The Problem of Word Definition — in the structure of language the word belongs to the upper stage of the morphological level;
The Problem of Word Definition — the word is a unit of the sphere of «language» and it exists only through its speech actualization;
The Problem of Word Definition — one of the most characteristic features of the word is its indivisibility.
The Problem of Word Definition — the word is a bilateral entity concept WORD = ———— sound image
2. The Notion of the Word -Form The term «word-form“ shows that the word is a carrier of grammatical information. E. g. : speaks — the present tense third person singular speak, spoke, is speaking ↓ Here the relational property of grammatical meaning is revealed.
The Notion of the Word -Form Grammatical meanings of a word-form are very abstract and general. They are peculiar of a whole class of words, unite it so that each word of the class expresses the corresponding grammatical meaning together with its individual, concrete semantics.
The Notion of the Word -Form E. g. : the meaning of the plural is rendered by the regular plural suffix –(e)s, phonemic interchange and a few lexeme-bound suffixes.
The Notion of the Word -Form Due to the generalized character of the plural, we say that different groups of nouns «take» this form with strictly defined variations in the mode of expression. The variations can be of more systemic ( phonological conditioning ) and less systemic ( etymological conditioning ) nature.
The Notion of the Word -Form Cf. : faces, branches, matches, judges; books, rockets, boats, chiefs, proofs; dogs, beads, films, stones, hens; lives, wives, thieves, leaves; oxen, children, brethren; swine, sheep, deer; men, women, feet, teeth, geese, mice, lice; formulae, antennae; data, errata, strata, addenda, memoranda; radii, genii, nuclei; crises, bases, analyses, axes; phenomena, criteria.
The Notion of the Word -Form The lexical meaning of the word is irrelevant for the detection of the type of the word-form.
The Notion of the Word -Form A word-form may be analytical by structure. In this case it is equivalent to one word as it expresses one unified content of a word, both from the point of view of grammatical and lexical meaning. E. g. : has spoken
The Notion of the Word -Form Words (as well as morphemes) are directly observable units by nature as they are characterized by a definite material structure of their own. They can be registered and enumerated in any language.
The Notion of the Word -Form The system of morphological units is a closed system. It means that all its items are on the surface and can be embraced in an inventory of forms.
The Notion of the Word -Form Every word is a unit of grammar as a part of speech.
The Notion of the Word -Form Parts of speech are usually considered a lexico-grammatical categories since: — they show lexical groupings of words; — these groupings present generalized classes, each with a unified, abstract meaning of its own.
3. The Notion of Grammatical Meaning Notional words combine two meanings in their semantic structure: — lexical; — grammatical.
The Notion of Grammatical Meaning Lexical meaning is the individual meaning of the word E. g. : table — a definite piece of furniture with a flat top supported by one or more upright legs, speak – to express thoughts aloud, using the voice.
The Notion of Grammatical Meaning Grammatical (morphological) meaning is not individual. ↓ It is the meaning of the whole class or a subclass E. g. : table (grammatical meaning of the class of nouns ( thingness / substance ) and the grammatical meaning of a subclass – countableness ).
? What are grammatical meanings of: — verbs; — adjectives; — adverbs?
The Notion of Grammatical Meaning There are some classes of words that are devoid of any lexical meaning and possess the grammatical meaning only.
? ? ? What are they?
The Notion of Grammatical Meaning Function words
4. Types of Grammatical Meaning The grammatical meaning may be: — explicit; — implicit.
Types of Grammatical Meaning The implicit grammatical meaning is not expressed formally E. g. : table (the meaning of inanimate object)
Types of Grammatical Meaning The explicit grammatical meaning is always marked morphologically E. g. : — s in cats ( the grammatical meaning of plurality ); ‘s in cat’s ( the grammatical meaning of possessiveness ); is …ed in is asked ( the grammatical meaning of passiveness )
Types of Grammatical Meaning Types of the implicit grammatical meaning : — general — dependent
Types of Grammatical Meaning — general ( the meaning of the whole word-class, of a part of speech) E. g. : thingness of nouns
Types of Grammatical Meaning — dependent (the meaning of a subclass within the same part of speech) E. g. : the verb (transitivity/ intransitivity, terminativeness / non-terminativeness, stativeness / non-stativeness); the noun (countableness / uncountableness, animateness / inanimateness)
Types of Grammatical Meaning The dependent grammatical meaning influences the realization of grammatical categories restricting them to a subclass. E. g. : the number category for the subclass of countable nouns; the category of case for the subclass of animated nouns; the category of voice for transitive verbs, etc.
Types of Grammatical Meaning
5. The Notion of Grammatical Category A grammatical category is a linguistic category which has the effect of modifying the forms of some class of words in a language.
The Notion of Grammatical Category Its structure displays two or more forms applied to a definite class of words and used in somewhat different grammatical circumstances. ↓↓
The Notion of Grammatical Category Grammatical categories are made up by the unity of identical grammatical meanings that have the same form and meaning E. g. singular : plural
The Notion of Grammatical Category Due to dialectal unity of language and thought, grammatical categories correlate, on the one hand, with the conceptual categories and, on the other hand, with the objective reality:
The Notion of Grammatical Category Thus, grammatical categories are references of the corresponding objective categories. E. g. : the objective category of time → the grammatical category of tense, the objective category of quantity → the grammatical category of number.
The Notion of Grammatical Category Grammatical categories that have references in the objective reality are referential. Objective correlate ↓ Lingual correlate
The Notion of Grammatical Category Grammatical categories that do not correspond to anything in the objective reality and correlate only with conceptual matters are significational. They are few (e. g. the categories of mood and degree). Conceptual correlate ↓ Lingual correlate
The Notion of Grammatical Category Classifications of Gr. Categories 1. According to the referent relation: — immanent; — reflective.
The Notion of Grammatical Category Immanent gr. categories are: 1) innate for a given lexemic class, organically connected with its functional nature E. g. : the number category of nouns, the substantive-pronominal person 2) closed within a word-class E. g. : the tense category of verbs, the comparison of adjectives and adverbs
The Notion of Grammatical Category Reflective gr. categories are of a secondary, derivative semantic value E. g. : the number category of verbs, the verbal person
The Notion of Grammatical Category 2. According to the changeability of the exposed feature — unchangeable / derivational (constant feature categories) E. g. : the gender category of nouns represented by the system of the 3 rd person pronouns — changeable / demutative (variable feature categories) E. g. : the number category of nouns, the degrees of comparison
The Notion of Grammatical Category NB: 1. The notion of grammatical category applies to the plane of content of morphological paradigmatic units;
The Notion of Grammatical Category 2. It refers to grammatical meaning as a general notion;
The Notion of Grammatical Category 3. It does not nominate things but expresses relations, that is why it has to be studied in terms of oppositions;
The Notion of Grammatical Category 4. Grammatical categories of language represent a realization of universal categories produced by human thinking in a set of interrelated forms organized as oppositions;
The Notion of Grammatical Category 5. Grammatical categories are not uniform, they vary in accordance with the part of speech they belong to and the meaning they express;
The Notion of Grammatical Category 6. The expression of grammatical categories in language is based upon close interrelation between their forms and the meaning they convey.
6. The Notion of Opposition The concept of opposition is that it distinguishes something. ↓
The Notion of Opposition One thing can be distinguished from another only if it can be contrasted with something else or opposed to it.
The Notion of Opposition Any grammatical category must be represented by at least two grammatical forms E. g. the grammatical category of number : singular and plural forms.
The Notion of Opposition Thus, the relation between two grammatical forms that differ in meaning and external signs is called opposition.
The Notion of Opposition The most widely known opposition is the binary «privative» opposition. In it one member of the contrastive pair is characterized by the presence of a certain feature which the other member lacks
The Notion of Opposition E. g. table: : tables ↓ “ unmarked” “marked” (weak) member (strong) member ↓ non -plural ↓ more general and abstract more particular and concrete (used in a wider range of contexts)
The Notion of Opposition FYI: Some scholars, however, hold the opinion that oppositions can be — gradual (different degree of a feature) E. g. : big — bigger — biggest — equipollent (different positive features) E. g. : am — is — are.
The Notion of Opposition NB: A grammatical category is definable only on the basis of oppositions.
The Notion of Opposition Means of realization of grammatical categories: — synthetic (near — near er ); — analytical (beautiful — more beautiful).
We intuitively know what a WORD is. In written language words are separated by spaces. In spoken language you can sometimes hear a pause between them, although in most cases there’s nothing noticeable that separates words in spoken language.
We can distinguish the orthographic word, the grammatical word and the lexeme.
An ORTHOGRAPHIC WORD is a word form separated by spaces from other orthographic words in written texts and the corresponding form in spoken language.
In the example:
She wanted to win the game.
there are six orthographic words: she, wanted, to, win, the and game.
A GRAMMATICAL WORD is a word form used for a specific grammatical purpose.
For example in the sentence:
That man over there said that he would like to talk to you.
we have the word THAT used twice. This is one orthographic word, but we’re dealing with two grammatical words here: the first THAT is a demonstrative adjective and the other THAT is a conjunction.
A LEXEME is a group of word forms with the same basic meaning that belong to the same word class.
For example the words AM, WAS, IS belong to one lexeme, as they have the same basic meaning and are all verbs. Also the words COME and CAME belong to the same lexeme.
How do they relate to one another?
In many cases orthographic and grammatical words overlap. For example in the sentence:
They bought the house.
there are four orthographic words and four grammatical words, so there is one-to-one correspondence in this case.
But if we slightly modify the sentence like so:
They didn’t buy the house.
there are now five orthographic words and six grammatical words. This is because the orthographic word DIDN’T represents a sequence of two grammatical words: DID + NOT.
It may also be the other way around. In the sentence:
I kind of like it.
there are five orthographic words, but only four grammatical words, because the two orthographic words KIND OF actually represent a single grammatical word.
You can also watch the video version here:
Слайд 2
1. The problem of word definition.
2. The notion of the
3. The notion of «grammatical
4. Types of
grammatical meaning.
5. The notion of «grammatical
6. The notion of
Слайд 3
1. The Problem of
Word Defnition
The word is considered to
be the
central (though not the only) linguistic
of language.
Слайд 4
The Problem of Word
In the written language words
clearly identified by spaces between
Слайд 5
The Problem of Word
In the spoken language the problem
cannot be solved this way.
If we listen to
an unfamiliar language,
we find it difficult to divide up
speech into single words.
Слайд 6
The Problem of Word
to the problem of word
1) the word is a semantic unit, a
unit of meaning;
2) the word is a marked
3) the word is an indivisible unit.
Слайд 7
The Problem of Word
Semantic definition of the word:
“… a
unit of a particular meaning
with a particular complex
sounds capable of a particular
grammatical employment «.
The word is a linguistic unit that has
a single meaning.
Слайд 8
The Problem of Word
heavy smoker ≠ heavy
criminal lawyer;
the King of England’s hat.
Слайд 9
The Problem of Word
The problem:
the word is not
always a single
Слайд 10
The Problem of Word
A phonological criterion
that stuff
that’s tough
a nice cake an ice cake
grey day
Grade A
Слайд 11
The Problem of Word
It is hard to distinguish the
meaning without a proper context.
Слайд 12
The Problem of Word
The word as an indivisible unit
“ The word is a minimum free
form “
The word is the smallest unit
of speech that can occur in
Слайд 13
The Problem of Word
a or the
Слайд 14
The Problem of Word
the word is a linguistic unit
larger than a morpheme but
smaller than a phrase
Слайд 15
The Problem of Word
In this case the word can
be defined
• An orthographic word
(something written with
white spaces at both ends but
no white space in
middle). 3
Слайд 16
The Problem of Word
• A phonological word
(something pronounced
as a single unit).
Слайд 17
The Problem of Word
• A lexical item, or
(a dictionary
Слайд 18
The Problem of Word
• A grammatical word-form
(GWF) (or
word ) (any one of the several
which a lexical item
may assume for grammatical
Слайд 19
The Problem of Word
The item ice cream is:
two orthographic words,
— a single phonological word (it is
pronounced as a unit),
— a single lexical item (it has its own entry in
a dictionary),
— a single GWF (indeed, it hardly has
another form unless you think the plural ice
cream is good English). 3
Слайд 20
The Problem of Word
The singular dog and the plural
dogs :
— a single orthographic word,
— a single phonological
a single GWF,
but they both
— represent
the same lexical item
(only one entry in the dictionary).
Слайд 21
The Problem of Word
? ??
take, takes, took, taken,
taking :
Слайд 22
The Problem of Word
take, takes, took, taken and
is taking :
— five orthographic words,
— five
phonological words,
five GWFs (at least),
but only
one lexical item.
Слайд 23
The Problem of Word
the contraction hasn’t
Слайд 24
The Problem of Word
The contraction hasn’t is:
— a
single orthographic word,
a single phonological word,
two lexical items ( have and not),
— two GWFs
( has and not).
Слайд 25
The Problem of Word
The phrasal verb make up
in She made up her
Слайд 26
The Problem of Word
The phrasal verb make up (as
in She
made up her face) :
— two orthographic
— two phonological words,
— one lexical item (because
of its
unpredictable meaning, it must be entered
separately in the dictionary).
— has several GWFs ( make up, makes up,
made up, making up).
Слайд 27
The Problem of Word
make up
( She made up
a story)
Слайд 28
The Problem of Word
make up ( She made up
a story) :
— a different lexical item from the
preceding one (a separate dictionary
entry is required),
— this lexical item exhibits the same
orthographic, phonological and
grammatical forms as the first.
Слайд 29
The Problem of Word
the word is not a
definable linguistic unit.
Слайд 30
The Problem of Word
For the sake of linguistic description,
we will proceed from the following
— the word
is a meaningful unit
differentiating word-groups at the
upper level
and integrating
morphemes at the lower level;
Слайд 31
The Problem of Word
— the word is the main
expressive unit of human
language, which ensures the
function of
Слайд 32
The Problem of Word
the word It is also
the basic
nominative unit of language with
the help
of which the naming
function of language
is realized;
Слайд 33
The Problem of Word
— in the structure
language the word belongs
to the upper stage of
morphological level;
Слайд 34
The Problem of Word
— the word is
unit of the
sphere of «language» and it
only through its
speech actualization;
Слайд 35
The Problem of Word
one of the most
features of the
word is its indivisibility.
Слайд 36
The Problem of Word
the word is a bilateral
WORD = ———————
sound image
Слайд 37
2. The Notion of the
Word -Form
The term «word-form“ shows
that the
word is a carrier of grammatical
E.g.: speaks — the present tense third
person singular
speak, spoke, is speaking
Here the relational property of
grammatical meaning is revealed. 3
Слайд 38
The Notion of the
Word -Form
Grammatical meanings of a word-
are very abstract and general .
They are peculiar
of a whole class of
words, unite it so that
each word of
the class expresses the corresponding
grammatical meaning together with
its individual, concrete semantics.
Слайд 39
The Notion of the
Word -Form
the meaning of the
plural is
rendered by the regular plural suffix
phonemic interchange and a
few lexeme-bound suffixes.
Слайд 40
The Notion of the
Word -Form
Due to the generalized character
of the
plural, we say that different groups of
nouns «take» this form with strictly
defined variations in the
mode of
The variations can be of more systemic
( phonological conditioning ) and less
systemic ( etymological conditioning )
Слайд 41
The Notion of the
Word -Form
Cf.: faces, branches, matches,
books, rockets,
boats, chiefs, proofs;
dogs, beads, films,
stones, hens;
lives, wives, thieves, leaves;
oxen, children, brethren;
swine, sheep, deer;
men, women, feet, teeth, geese, mice, lice;
formulae, antennae;
data, errata, strata, addenda, memoranda;
radii, genii, nuclei;
crises, bases, analyses, axes;
phenomena, criteria. 3
Слайд 42
The Notion of the
Word -Form
The lexical meaning of the
word is
irrelevant for the detection of the type
of the word-form.
Слайд 43
The Notion of the
Word -Form
A word-form may be analytical
structure. In this case it is equivalent
one word as it expresses one
unified content of a
word, both from
the point of view of grammatical and
lexical meaning.
E.g.: has spoken
Слайд 44
The Notion of the
Word -Form
Words (as well as morphemes)
directly observable units by nature as
they are
characterized by a definite
material structure of their own.
can be registered and enumerated
in any language.
Слайд 45
The Notion of the
Word -Form
The system of morphological units
is a
closed system. It means that all its
are on the surface and can be embraced
an inventory of forms.
Слайд 46
The Notion of the
Word -Form
Every word is a unit
of grammar as a
part of speech .
Слайд 47
The Notion of the
Word -Form
Parts of speech are usually
a lexico-grammatical categories since:
they show lexical groupings
of words;
these groupings present generalized
classes, each with
a unified, abstract
meaning of its own.
Слайд 48
3. The Notion of
Notional words combine two meanings
in their semantic structure:
Слайд 49
The Notion of
Lexical meaning is the individual
of the word
E.g.: table — a definite piece of
with a flat top supported by one or more
upright legs,
speak – to express thoughts aloud,
using the voice.
Слайд 50
The Notion of
Grammatical (morphological)
meaning is not individual.
It is the meaning of the whole class or
E.g.: table (grammatical meaning of the
of nouns ( thingness / substance )
and the grammatical meaning of a
subclass – countableness ) . 3
Слайд 51
What are grammatical meanings of:
— verbs;
Слайд 52
The Notion of
There are some classes of
that are devoid of any
lexical meaning and possess
the grammatical meaning
Слайд 54
The Notion of
Function words
Слайд 55
4.Types of
The grammatical meaning may be:
Слайд 56
Types of
The implicit grammatical meaning is
not expressed
E.g.: table (the meaning of inanimate
Слайд 57
Types of
The explicit grammatical meaning
is always marked
E.g.: — s in cats ( the grammatical
meaning of plurality );
‘s in cat’s ( the grammatical
meaning of possessiveness );
is …ed in is asked ( the
grammatical meaning of
passiveness )
Слайд 58
Types of
Types of the implicit
grammatical meaning :
Слайд 59
Types of
general ( the meaning of the
whole word-class, of a part of
E.g.: thingness
of nouns
Слайд 60
Types of
dependent (the meaning of a
within the same part of
E.g.: the verb (transitivity/
terminativeness / non-terminativeness,
stativeness / non-stativeness);
the noun (countableness / uncountableness,
animateness / inanimateness)
Слайд 61
Types of
The dependent grammatical meaning
influences the realization
of grammatical
categories restricting them to a subclass.
the number category for the
subclass of countable nouns;
the category of case for the
subclass of animated nouns;
the category of voice for transitive
verbs, etc. 3
Слайд 63
5. The Notion of
A grammatical category is a
linguistic category which has the
effect of modifying the
forms of
some class of words in a
Слайд 64
The Notion of
Its structure displays two or
forms applied to a
definite class of words and
used in somewhat different
grammatical circumstances.
Слайд 65
The Notion of
Grammatical categories are
made up by
the unity of
identical grammatical
meanings that have the
form and meaning
E.g. singular : plural
Слайд 66
The Notion of
Due to dialectal unity of language
and thought,
grammatical categories correlate, on the one
with the conceptual categories and, on
the other hand, with
the objective reality:
Слайд 67
The Notion of
grammatical categories are references of
corresponding objective categories.
E.g.: the objective category of time
the grammatical category of
the objective category of quantity
→ the grammatical category of number. 3
Слайд 68
The Notion of
Grammatical categories that have
references in
the objective reality are
referential .
Objective correlate
Lingual correlate
Слайд 69
The Notion of
Grammatical categories that do not
to anything in the objective
reality and correlate only
conceptual matters are significational.
They are few
(e.g. the categories of
mood and degree).
Conceptual correlate
Lingual correlate 3
Слайд 70
The Notion of
Classifications of Gr. Categories
1. According to
the referent relation:
— reflective.
Слайд 71
The Notion of
Immanent gr. categories are:
1) innate
for a given lexemic class,
organically connected with its
E.g.: the number category of nouns,
the substantive-pronominal
2) closed within a word-class
E.g.: the tense category of verbs,
the comparison of adjectives and
adverbs 3
Слайд 72
The Notion of
Reflective gr. categories are of
secondary, derivative semantic value
E.g.: the number category
of verbs,
the verbal person
Слайд 73
The Notion of
2. According to the changeability of
exposed feature
— unchangeable / derivational (constant
feature categories)
the gender category of nouns represented by the
system of
the 3 rd
person pronouns
— changeable / demutative (variable
feature categories)
E.g.: the number category of nouns,
the degrees of comparison 3
Слайд 74
The Notion of
1. The notion of grammatical category
applies to the plane of content of
morphological paradigmatic
Слайд 75
The Notion of
2. It refers to grammatical meaning
as a
general notion;
Слайд 76
The Notion of
3. It does not nominate things
expresses relations, that is why it has to
be studied in terms of oppositions;
Слайд 77
The Notion of
4. Grammatical categories of language
a realization of universal
categories produced by human thinking
in a set of interrelated forms organized
as oppositions;
Слайд 78
The Notion of
5. Grammatical categories are not
they vary in accordance with
the part of speech
they belong to and the
meaning they express;
Слайд 79
The Notion of
6. The expression of grammatical
in language is based upon
close interrelation between their
and the meaning they convey.
Слайд 80
6 . The Notion of
The concept of opposition
is that
it distinguishes something.
Слайд 81
The Notion of
One thing can be distinguished
from another
only if it can be
contrasted with something else
or opposed to it.
Слайд 82
The Notion of
Any grammatical category must be
represented by
at least two grammatical
E.g. the grammatical category
number : singular and plural forms.
Слайд 83
The Notion of
the relation between two
grammatical forms that
in meaning and external signs
is called opposition
Слайд 84
The Notion of
The most widely known opposition is
binary «privative» opposition .
In it one member of
the contrastive
pair is characterized by the presence
of a
certain feature which the other
member lacks
Слайд 85
The Notion of
E.g. table::tables
“ unmarked” “marked”
(weak) member (strong) member
↓ ↓
non -plural plural
↓ ↓
more general and abstract more particular and
(used in a wider range of contexts) 3
Слайд 86
The Notion of
Some scholars, however, hold the
opinion that
oppositions can be
gradual (different degree of a
E.g.: big — bigger — biggest
equipollent (different
E.g.: am — is — are.
Слайд 87
The Notion of
A grammatical category is
definable only on
the basis of
Слайд 88
The Notion of
Means of realization of grammatical
(near — near er );
analytical (beautiful
— more
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