Grammar vocabulary underline the correct word

File test 9 Grammar Vocabulary and Pronunciation
Underline the correct word or phrase.
1.That’s a BEAUTIFUL/BEAUTIFULLY sweater.Is it new?
2.Hussein worked HARD/HARDLY and passed the exam.
3.I don’t have a very HEALTHY/HEALTHILY lifestyle.
5.don’t walk home. It isn’t SEFE/SAFELY there at night.
6.Matteo sings quite GOOD/WELL.
7.It’s raining.Please drive REAL/REALLY carefully.

Underline the correct word.
e.g. It is/are raining today.
21. They is/are having a party.
22. She is/are washing the car.
23. They is/are watching a film.
24. Is/Are she listening to the radio?
25. Is/Are you eating my sandwich?

Английский язык 6 класс Spotlight Test Booklet Английский в фокусе Ваулина. TEST 5 B (Module 5). Номер №D


Перевод задания
Подчеркните правильное слово.
например, Сегодня is/are идет дождь.
21. Они is/are устраивают вечеринку.
22. Она is/are моет машину.
23. Они is/are смотрят фильм.
24. Is/are слушает ли она радио?
25. Is/are ты ешь мой бутерброд?

21. They is/ are having a party.
22. She is/are washing the car.
23. They is/ are watching a film.
24. Is/Are she listening to the radio?
25. Is/ Are you eating my sandwich?

Перевод ответа
21. Они устраивают вечеринку.
22. Она моет машину.
23. Они смотрят фильм.
24. Она слушает радио?
25. Ты ешь мой бутерброд?


Sort out the nouns, countable or uncountable.

Countable nouns

Uncountable nouns





a lemon



a pineapple

ice cream


olive oil










Underline the correct item.

a bowl/a bottle of rice

a glass/a packet of milk

a bag/a bar of olive

a box/a bottle of olive oil

a jar/a bar of jam

a piece/a bowl of cake


Listen and complete the shopping list.


Fill in the missing sentences to complete the dialogue. One sentence is extra.

— How about rice with fish for dinner today?

— Have we got everything we need?


We’ve got a lot of rice.

— Are there any onions?

but there aren’t any lemons.


— There is some but there isn’t any fish. There aren’t many carrots. I like carrots.

—  . I’ll go shopping.

That’s sounds great

What about some fruit?

Let’s look in the cupboards

There are a lot of onions

Is there any olive oil

Let’s make a shopping list


Fill in the missing words.

a bowl of sugar

a cup of tea

a bottle of water

a box of cereal

a loaf of bread

a carton of apple juice


Choose some/any.

1. There are some/any eggs.

2. There arent some/any onions.

3. There isnt some/any butter.

4. There is some/any cheese.

5. There arent some/any apples.

6. There is some/any bread.


Put the words in the correct order.







































Read the text and cross the correct word out.

A typical English breakfast consists of

bowl of cereal, a slice of toast, orange juice and a cup of coffee. A

of children have a bowl of cereal.

Most children at school and people at work have a packed lunch.

consists of a sandwich, a packet of crisps, fruit and a drink.

A typical English meal for dinner is meat with vegetables. Vegetables like potatoes, carrots, peas, cabbages

onions are very popular



Fill in: some, any, much, many.

A: We need

pizzas for the party.

B: Good idea. How

do we need for twelve people?

A: Four large ones. How

 ice cream do we need.

B: I think a lot! Have we got


A: There is

in the fridge.

B: How

bottles are there?

A: Six. 


Listen and fill in the missing words 1-5.

Birthday Party Plan

Date: Friday 22nd January


Number of people:


3 large pizzas

10 burgers

1 packet of chocolate


of lemonade

 Activities: party




Write your birthday party plan.



Number of people




Thursday, 8th August

6 bottles of lemonade


dance, sing, party games

3 large pizzas 12 burgers 3 packets of chocolate biscuits

4 p.m.


Fill in: some, any, many, much.

A: What do we need for the chocolate cake?

B: Well, I need some flour,

eggs and


A: How

eggs do you need?

B: Four eggs.

A: OK. Here they are. And how


B: Half a kilo.

A: Do you need


B: Of course! I need one glass of milk.

A: How

butter do you need?

B: Not

About fifty grams.

A: Right. I think we have everything. Oh no, we don’t have


B: Don’t worry. I have

sugar. And

cocoa too.

A: Great! Shall we start then?


Underline the correct word.

1A: Have we got a/any/some onions?

    B: We have got a/any/some but we need more.

2A: How many/much/any rice have we got?

    B: Not many/much/some. We need to buy a packet/a loaf/a bowl.

3A: Would you like a cup/a bottle/a bowl of tea?

    B: Yes, Id love to/much/one.

4. A: Can I have some/any/no apples?

    B: Yes. How many/much/any would you like?


Colour the odd word.

1cheesebuttermilk salmon


3. beansbeefonionspeppers


5. cabbagecauliflowerlettuceyoghurt

Страница 10 из 53

*A. Fill in the correct word. Вставьте правильное слово.

• fireworks • special dish • gardening • flowers • costumes • celebrate • dusting • cake • phone • decorations • homework

e.g. Everyone is getting ready to celebrate New Year’s Day.  Все готовятся встретить Новый год.

1. At Halloween, we all wear strange costumes.
2. Ian is doing the gardening. He loves plants and flowers.
3. She loves to watch the fireworks in the sky on Guy Fawkes’ Night.
4. Myra is making a special dish for dinner tonight.
5. He gives his mother flowers on her birthday.
6. The room looks lovely with all the decorations on the walls.
7. Can I make a phone call?
8. The living room is dirty. We must do some dusting.
9. I’m sorry. I can’t go out tonight because I’m doing my homework.
10. Mum is making a cake for my birthday!


1. На Хэллоуин мы все носим странные костюмы.
2. Ян занимается садоводством. Он любит растения и цветы.
3. Она любит смотреть фейерверк в небе в ночь Гая Фокса.
4. Сегодня Майра готовит особенное блюдо на ужин.
5. Он дарит маме цветы на ее день рождения.
6. Комната прекрасно смотрится со всеми украшениями на стенах.
7. Могу ли я позвонить по телефону?
8. В гостиной грязно. Мы должны немного убрать пыль.
9. Мне очень жаль. Я не могу выйти сегодня вечером, потому что делаю домашнее задание.
10. Мама печет торт на день рождения!

*B. Underline the correct word. Подчеркните правильное слово.

e.g. He is doing/making the decorations for the party. 

11. It’s your turn to do/make the dusting.
12. I don’t want to do/make the washing−up.
13. Help your Dad do/make the shopping.
14. Mum is doing/making a special dish.
15. They are doing/making wreaths.


Он делает украшения для вечеринки
11. Теперь ваша очередь вытирать пыль.
12. Я не хочу мыть посуду.
13. Помоги папе сделать покупки.
14. Мама готовит особое блюдо.
15. Они плетут венки.

*C. Choose the correct item. Выберите правильный вариант.

e.g. It’s a great party! Come _ and have some fun.
      A. over  B. under  C. to

16. On St Patrick’s Day, we like to _ the parade.
      A. listen   B. watch   C. eat
17. That looks like a great game. Can I _ in?
      A. join   B. go   C. come
18. After the party you can help me to _ up.
      A. work   B. take   C. clean
19. It’s great fun when we _ gifts.
      A. exchange   B. lose  C. return
20. Let’s play a game of _ chairs.
      A. talented   B. musical   C. dramatic

16 – B, 17 – A, 18 – C, 19 – A, 20 – B.


16. В день Святого Патрика мы любим смотреть парад.
17. Похоже, отличная игра. Могу я присоединиться?
18. После вечеринки вы можете помочь мне убраться.
19. Обмениваться подарками − это очень весело.
20. Давайте поиграем в музыкальные стулья.

*D. Underline the correct word. Подчеркните правильное слово.

e.g. It is/are raining today. Сегодня идет дождь.

21. He is/are washing the car.
22. We is/are having a party.
23. I is/am eating a sandwich.
24. Is/Are they watching TV?
25. Is/Are she listening to music?


21. Он моет машину.
22. У нас проходит вечеринка.
23. Я ем бутерброд.
24. Они смотрят телевизор?
25. Она слушает музыку?

*E. Write the correct form of the verb in brackets. Напишите правильную форму глагола в скобках.

This e.g. is (be) Craig Bellows and his mother, Claire. They 26) are (be) from Scunthorpe. Craig Claire 27) has (have) the same blond hair and blue eyes. In the picture, Craig 28) is sitting (sit) on a swing and Claire 29)  is holding (hold) him. They 30) are having (have) a great time.


Это − Крейг Беллоуз и его мать Клэр. Они 26) из Сканторпа. Крейг Клэр 27) имеет такие же светлые волосы и голубые глаза. На фото Крейг 28) сидит на качелях, а Клэр 29) держит его. Они 30) проводят время отлично.

*F. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. Расставьте слова в правильном порядке, чтобы получились предложения.

e.g. to/Peter/going/the/festival/is.
Peter is going to the festival.

31. is / wearing / what / she ?
      What is she wearing?
32. watching / not / Susan / is / a / film.
      Susan is not watching the film.
33. you / enjoying / your / holiday / are ?
      Are you enjoying your holiday?
34. is / drums / not / Cynthia / today / playing / the.
      Cynthia is not playing the drums today.
35. the / eating / are / why / not / sandwiches / they ?
      Why are they not eating the sandwiches?


31. Во что она одета?
32. Сьюзен не смотрит фильм.
33. Вы наслаждаетесь своим отпуском?
34. Синтия сегодня не играет на барабанах.
35. Почему они не едят бутерброды?

*G. Match the responses to the questions. Сопоставьте ответы и вопросы.

e.g. Are you having fun?                                                            F        A. A dozen white roses.

36. What do you think of the party?              C     B. No, not really.
37. Are you doing anything at the moment?  B     C. It’s brilliant.
38. What do you have in mind?                     A     D. Yes, please. I have it ready.
39. What are the sandwiches like?                E     E. They’re horrible.
40. Would you like to include a card?            D     F. Yes, we are.

36 – C, 37 – B, 38 – A, 39 – E, 40 – D.


например Весело ли тебе? 
36. Что вы думаете о вечеринке?
37. Вы что−нибудь делаете в данный момент?
38. Что у тебя на уме?
39. Каковы эти бутерброды?
40. Хотели бы вы приложить карту?

A. Дюжина белых роз.
B. Нет, не совсем.
C. Это великолепно.
D. Да, пожалуйста. У меня это готово.
E. Они ужасные.
F. Да.

*H. Read the text and answer the questions. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.

This is a picture of my brother at his birthday party. His name is Paul and in this picture he is wearing his favourite T−shirt and a party hat. Our house is full of decorations and Paul is having a great time. He is blowing a party horn and drinking some orange juice. His friends are eating sandwiches and everybody is listening to happy music. You can’t see our parents in this picture because they are in the kitchen. They are making all the food and drinks.

Это фотография моего брата на его дне рождения. Его зовут Пол, и на этой фотографии он одет в свою любимую футболку и праздничную шляпу. Наш дом полон украшений, и Пол прекрасно проводит время. Он трубит в рог и пьет апельсиновый сок. Его друзья едят бутерброды, и все слушают веселую музыку. На этой фотографии наших родителей не видно, потому что они на кухне. Они готовят всю еду и напитки.

e.g. What is Paul wearing?    например, Во что одет Пол?
His favourite T−shirt.             В его любимую футболку.

41. What kind of hat is Paul wearing?
      A party hat.
42. What is Paul drinking?
      Orange juice.
43. What are Paul’s friends eating?
44. What is everybody listening to?
      Happy music.
45. Where are Paul’s parents?
      In the kitchen.


41. В какую шляпу одет Пол?
Пол одет в праздничную шляпу.
42. Что пьет Пол?
Пол пьет апельсиновый сок.
43. Что едят друзья Пола?
Друзья Пола едят бутерброды.
44. Что все слушают?
Все слушают веселую музыку.
45. Где родители Пола?
Родители Пола на кухне.

*I. For questions 46−50, listen and tick the correct box. Для вопросов 46−50, послушайте и отметьте правильный квадрат.

e.g. What is Marian doing to prepare for the party? Что делает Мэриан, чтобы подготовиться к вечеринке?
     a)    b) √   c)

46. What is Gladys buying Brenda for her birthday?
     a)    b) √   c)
47. What is Ian wearing?
     a) √   b)    c)
48. What is Leroy taking to the party?
     a)    b) √   c)
49. What is the weather like in Wigan today?
     a)    b)      c) √
50. What date is the festival?
     a)    b) √   c)

46 – b, 47 – a, 48 – b, 49 – c, 50 – b.


например, Что делает Мэриан, чтобы подготовиться к вечеринке?
а. делать украшения b. вытирать пыль √ c. делать покупки
46. Что Глэдис покупает Бренде на день рождения?
47. Во что одет Йэн?
48. Что Лерой берет с собой на вечеринку?
49. Какая погода сегодня в Уигане?
50. Какого числа фестиваль?

Аудио к заданию:

What is Marian doing to prepare for the party? (2 раза)
− Hi, Marian! You look busy.
− Yes, I’m really tired. There’s so much dust here.
− Why don’t you take rest while I’ll put away the shopping?
− Great idea! Then we can make the decorations together.
What is Gladys buying Brenda for her birthday? (2 раза)
− Hi, Gladys! What are you doing here?
− Hi! I’m buying a present for Brenda’s birthday.
− Really? Are you getting a handbag?
− No, that’s my handbag. I’m buying her this lovely watch.
What is Ian wearing? (2 раза)
− Oh, I need some new clothes.
− Why? That T−shirt looks great!
− Thanks. But my boss likes me to wear a suit and a tie.
− That must be expensive.
What is Leroy taking to the party? (2 раза)
− Hey, Leroy, what are you taking to the party?
− Well, Jane is making some sandwiches and I’m brigning a cake.
− OK. I’ll bring some Cola then.
What is the weather like in Wigan today? (2 раза)
− Hi, Wigan! The weather is terrible here. It snows every winter.
− But it’s summer, Alan.
− I know but it’s raining. And that’s why the weather is still awful.
What date is the festival? (2 раза)
− Oh, I can’t wait for the festival to start.
− Does it start on the 17th this year?
− No, it starts on the 18th and finishes on the 21st.

Перевод аудио:

Что делает Мэриан, чтобы подготовиться к вечеринке? (2 раза)
− Привет, Мэриан! Ты выглядишь занятой.
− Да, я очень устала. Здесь столько пыли.
− Почему бы тебе не отдохнуть, а я разложу покупки?
− Отличная идея! Потом мы сможем вместе делать украшения.
Что Глэдис покупает Бренде на день рождения? (2 раза)
− Привет, Глэдис! Что ты здесь делаешь?
− Здравствуй! Я покупаю подарок на день рождения Бренды.
− В самом деле? Ты берешь эту сумочку?
− Нет, это моя сумочка. Я покупаю ей эти прекрасные часы.
Во что одет Иэн? (2 раза)
− Ой, мне нужна новая одежда.
− Зачем? Эта футболка выглядит великолепно!
− Спасибо. Но моему начальнику нравится, когда я ношу костюм и галстук.
− Это должно быть дорого.
Что Лерой берет с собой на вечеринку? (2 раза)
− Привет, Лерой, что ты возьмешь на вечеринку?
− Ну, Джейн готовит бутерброды, а я принесу торт.
− ОК. Тогда я принесу колы.
Какая погода сегодня в Уигане? (2 раза)
− Привет, Уиган! Погода здесь ужасная. Каждую зиму идет снег.
− Но сейчас лето, Алан.
− Знаю, но идет дождь. И поэтому погода так или иначе ужасная.
Какого числа фестиваль? (2 раза)
− Ой, не могу дождаться начала фестиваля.
− В этом году он начнется 17 числа?
− Нет, он начинается 18−го и заканчивается 21−го.

Name ____________________________

Class ____________________________

Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation A


1 Underline
the correct word(s).

Example: You won’t pass the
exam unless / if you study harder.

1 She won’t go if / unless
Rob goes, because she can’t drive.

2 They said they’d phone us as
soon as / until
their plane lands.

3 Don’t eat anything now! Wait
until / when dinner’s ready.

4 You won’t get there on time
unless / if you don’t leave work early.

5 This is an urgent message.
Please call me as soon as / if you get home.


2 Complete
the sentences. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets.

Example: If we had arrived
(arrive) earlier, we would have got better seats.

1 She wouldn’t help you if she
________ (not want) to.

2 I ________ (buy) you a present
if you are good.

3 He ________ (not do) such a
dangerous job unless he enjoyed it.

4 If you ________ (not ask) for a
pay rise, you won’t get one.

5 If I ________ (have) better
qualifications, I could be a professor.

6 I ________ (not complain) if I
had their lifestyle!

7 If he ________ (not pass) the
exam, he’ll be so disappointed.

8 His teacher won’t be angry if
he ________ (tell) her the truth.

9 If I were you, I ________ (buy)
a more reliable car.


3 Complete
the sentences with used to / didn’t use to / Did …
use to
, or the present simple + usually.

Example: I used to behave
(behave) badly at school, but now I study hard.

1 He ________ (not / be) so
quiet. He must be tired today.

2 ________ (you / work) in the
Union Street office before you came here?

3 When we were children, we often
________ (go) swimming in the river.

4 I ________ (go) to the cinema
on Wednesdays, as it is cheaper on that day.

5 I ________ (not / like) Jason
much, but now we get on really well.

6 I ________ (be) a sales
manager, but then I trained to be a designer.





4 Complete
the sentences with the correct verb.

Example: Pupils in Britain can
leave school when they’re 16.

1 I’ve never tried to c________
in an exam, because I think it is wrong.

2 I never want to t________
an exam again. I hate them!

3 I don’t know why I went to
school today. I didn’t l________ anything.

4 Our English teacher always
gives us a lot of work to d________ at home.

5 The teacher said if I didn’t
b________, he’d send me out of the class.

6 I want to s________
French at university because I’d like to live in France when I

7 If you f________ one of
your exams, you can take it again next year.

8 I have a really important exam
tomorrow so I need to r________ tonight.


5 Underline
the odd one out.

Example: armchair sink wall
chest of drawers

1 cottage house flat garage

2 town city country village

3 terrace kitchen garden

4 sink bedside table chest of
drawers coffee table

5 shower washbasin armchair

6 suburbs block of flats
residential area city centre


6 Underline
the correct word(s).

Example: I have known /
met John in 1998.

1 Michael and his sister are /
a lot in common.

2 I’ve been trying to keep
in touch / get in touch
with Angela all day.

3 We met / knew our new
boss for the first time today.

4 I’m meeting my close friend
/ colleague
today. I haven’t seen her for ages.

5 I think you’ll like David
when you get to know / get on well with him.

6 We had lost / kept in touch
with each other but met again through the website Friends





7 Match
the words with the same sound.

school suburbs
advertise pupil physics

Example: fish physics

1 snake ________

2 boot ________

3 zebra ________

4 up ________

5 university ________


8 Underline
the stressed syllable.

Example: pupil

1 literature

2 entrance

3 computer

4 patio

5 friendship




Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total



the article and tick ()
A, B, or C.

green is your house?

the UK’s cities expand rapidly, problems are being caused for
councils who have to meet the demand for housing. In addition to
this, energy prices and pollution levels continue to increase.

solution has been developed by the Peabody Trust who have worked with
environmental experts to build the Beddington Zero Energy housing
development (BedZED) in Sutton, England.

unique development is an environmentally-friendly community of a
hundred homes including gardens, offices, and childcare facilities
with plenty of surrounding green areas. BedZED’s designers have
created an attractive, affordable, urban village whose unique
features benefit instead of harm the local community and environment.
BedZED is a ‘zero energy’ development – no fossil fuels (coal
and gas) are used and homes do not waste energy. Building materials
are mostly natural, renewable or recycled. Houses face the south so
that they get plenty of sunlight and their roofs are also fitted with
solar panels, which change the sun’s energy into electricity. The
windows consist of three layers of glass to stop heat from escaping.
The homes are also fitted with the most modern energy-saving
appliances. It is estimated that families’ electricity bills could
be reduced by up to 60% whilst heating bills could be reduced by as
much as 90%.

hope to achieve a 50% reduction in fossil-fuel use by residents’
cars over the next decade by reducing the need to travel. Some
residents will have the opportunity to work within walking distance
of their homes. The Peabody Trust also aim to set up Internet
shopping so that food can be delivered by local supermarkets.

the need for environmentally-friendly, low-energy housing increases,
BedZED may change from being a unique model, to a model for all
future houses.

Example: Cities in the UK

A are getting expensive
B are getting larger very quickly   

C have too many politicians

1 Councils are having problems
because ________.

A there are too many houses
B there aren’t enough houses     

C houses cost too much to build     

2 The Peabody Trust ________ an
answer to the housing problem.

A have found     
B may have found     
C have to find     

3 The BedZED community is

A very friendly     
B good for the environment     

C designed for people with children     

4 The designers have created
houses which are ________.

A quite expensive     
B reasonably priced     
C over priced     

5 The homes ________.

A don’t use any energy     
B don’t use more energy than they need     

C use more energy than they need     

6 ________ of the materials used
in the buildings are environmentally-friendly.

A Some     
B All     
C Nearly all     

7 Specially-designed ________
keep heat inside the houses.

A appliances     
B solar panels     
C windows     

8 ________ bills could be cut by
as much as 60%.

A Heating     
B Electricity     
C Fossil-fuel     

9 In the next decade some
residents will be able to ________.

A work at home     
B take the bus to work     
C walk to work     

10 BedZED is going to ________.

A develop further     
B become a town     
C remain unique     




a description of the school you go / went to. Include the following
information: (140–180 words)

  • a brief introduction: the kind
    of school, size, location, your age when you went there, number of
    pupils in each class

  • homework, uniform, discipline,

  • subjects – best / worst

  • your general opinion of the
    school – good / bad? Why?



and Writing total


Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

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Spotlight Test 6 (Module 6) + KEY to test — цитаты Теста № 6 с ответами из сборника контрольных заданий УМК по английскому языку серии «Английский в фокусе 9 класс» для учащихся общеобразовательных организаций (авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина и др./ М.: Просвещение).

Вернуться в ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ


.A. Circle the correct answer.
1 The postal ……. delivered the parcels yesterday morning.
A officer В worker C attendant
2 Mr Anderson is giving a presentation on green transport at the town …… this evening.
A station В office C hall
3 Sarah has joined a community action group which helps find foster …… for animals that have nowhere to live.
A homes В shelters C farms
4 A number of students in our school …… old books and school supplies to local charities every year.
A donate В encourage C support
5 John looked after the injured bird until it made a……..recovery.
A natural В full C worthwhile
6 Ian couldn’t drive in the rain because one of his windscreen …….. was broken.
A wipers В headlights C seats
7 Cindy …….. into tears when a car almost hit her dog as it ran into the street.
A took В made C burst
8 My grandmother has joined a senior ……… club, where she can go on trips and do interesting activities with other people around the same age as her.
A members В citizens C persons
9 Although you can’t really tell by her untidy desk, Kate is actually a very …… secretary who does her job well and quickly.
A efficient В organised C practical

. Underline the correct word.

10 We had been driving for an hour before we found a petrol stop/station to fill the car with fuel.
11 Sharon loves children and often gets involved/volunteers with children’s charities.
12 I think the secretary/cashier at the supermarket made a mistake and gave me more change than she should have.
13 When you get to Sheffield, just follow the street signals/signs telling you which direction to take to get to the university.
14 Thomas is an excellent surgeon, as he has a lot of experience and very skilful/careful hands.


.C. Fill in the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets.
15 The Eiffel Tower ….. is visited…… (visit) by about six million people each year.
16 The exhibits in the museum must not ….. be touched…… (touch).
17 Luckily, the fire ….. was put out……. (put out) before anyone got hurt.
18 Jason believes that all types of public transport ….. will be powered…… (power) by natural gas in the future.
19 You don’t need to go to the post office. The parcel ….. has already been sent…….(already/send).
20 A new swimming pool …… was built…… (build) in the leisure centre last month.

.D. Rewrite the sentences using the causative.
21 A professional painter is drawing Jane’s portrait.
Jane is having her portrait drawn (by a professional painter)
22 A famous architect has designed Lucy’s London flat.
Lucy has had her London flat designed by a famous architect.
23 Susie’s father will fix the handlebars on her bike.
Susie will have the handlebars on her bike fixed (by her father).
24 The doctor examined Jennifer’s arm yesterday.
Jennifer had her arm examined (by a doctor) yesterday.

.E. Fill in: however, whenever, whichever, whatever or wherever.
25 Whichever country she visits, Ann always buys a souvenir to take back home with her.
26 Whatever you do, don’t forget to take a seaplane tour while you’re in Sydney; you’ll have an amazing time.
27 Annabel’s puppy follows her wherever she goes.
28 However busy you are, you can always find a little extra time to help out in your community.
29 Alex always visits Palermo whenever he’s in Italy.

.F. Complete the sentences using the correct reflexive pronoun.
30 The Andersons renovated their summer house …. themselves….. because it was cheaper than hiring someone to do it.
31 I made the costumes for the charity Fun Festival …… myself……
32 Behave ….. yourselves…… children, or we’ll leave the party immediately.
33 We were very pleased with …… ourselves…….. when we found the puppy a new home.
34 The dog’s owner ….. himself…… has admitted that he hasn’t been taking very good care of

Everyday English

.G. Complete the exchanges using the phrases below. There is one extra phrase
35 A: How often do the buses to the city centre run?
B: About every ten minutes.
36 A: Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the police station?
B: Go past the bank and turn left into Smith Street.
37 A: Is the library far from here?
B: No, just a ten-minute walk away.
38 A: Is there a toy store around here?
B: Yes, there’s one just around the corner.
39 A: The department store is on Nicholson Street, across the park.
B: Is it a long way from here?


.H. Read the text and match the headings (A-F) to the paragraphs (40-44). There is one extra heading you do not need to use.

The Bolshoi Theatre

The Bolshoi Theatre — one of the world’s biggest and most spectacular theatres — is known in all four comers of the world as the home of the outstanding Bolshoi Opera and Ballet companies.
Located near Red Square in Moscow, the Bolshoi Theatre was built in 1824. Over 2,000 people can sit inside this magnificent theatre on red velvet seats, underneath elaborate lights and beautiful gold decorations. It is simply impossible not to be amazed by a visit to the incredible Bolshoi Theatre — and that’s before a performance has even begun!
During its long history, the theatre has seen performances by some of Russia’s most famous artists and by some of the world’s best-loved composers. It has also survived some
tough moments: three fires, the construction of the Moscow metro line underneath it and bombing during the war.
In 2005, engineers announced that the Bolshoi Theatre was extremely unstable and that it could fall down at any time. So that same summer, the theatre was closed and repair work began at great cost Currently, the reconstruction of the Bolshoi Theatre is expected to be completed around 2011.
When the theatre reopens, several things will have changed. But one thing won’t which is the theatre’s appearance. Every step is being taken to make absolutely certain that this magnificent theatre, when it reopens, will look exactly as it always did.


.I. You will hear two friends talking. Listen and mark statements 45-48 True, False or Not stated.
45 At the moment, Alex’s Wednesday afternoons are free.
A True В False C Not stated
46 Ben volunteers at the hospital a couple of nights a week.
A True В False C Not stated
47 Ben’s mother is a doctor.
A True В False C Not stated
48 Alex says that he would like to be a hospital volunteer too.
A True В False C Not stated

Вы смотрели: Spotlight Test 6 (Module 6) + KEY to test — цитаты Теста № 6 с ответами из сборника контрольных заданий УМК по английскому языку серии «Английский в фокусе» для учащихся 9 класса общеобразовательных организаций. Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина и др.

Вернуться в ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ

Spotlight 6 Test 5 ОТВЕТЫ — контрольная работа № 5 по английскому языку в 6 классе с ответами из сборника контрольных заданий УМК серии «Английский в фокусе» для учащихся 6 класса общеобразовательных организаций. Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина и др./ М.: Просвещение. Цитаты из пособия указаны в учебных целях.

Spotlight 6 Test 5A Module 5 ОТВЕТЫ


          A Fill in the correct word.
1 At Halloween, we all wear strange………. • costumes.
2 Ian is doing the….. • gardening…….. He loves plants and flowers.
3 She loves to watch the……. • fireworks……in the sky on Guy Fawkes’ Night.
4 Myra is making a….. • special dish……for dinner tonight.
5 He gives his mother….. • flowers…..on her birthday.
6 The room looks lovely with all the……. • decorations………. on the walls.
7 Can I make a……. • phone…….call?
8 The living room is dirty. We must do some …….• dusting.
9 I’m sorry. I can’t go out tonight because I’m doing my……. • homework.
10 Mum is making a….. • cake……..for my birthday!

         B Underline the correct word.
11 It’s your turn to do/make the dusting.
12 I don’t want to do/make the washing-up.
13 Help your Dad do/make the shopping.
14 Mum is doing/making a special dish.
15 They are doing/making wreaths.

        C Choose the correct item.
16 On St Patrick’s Day, we like to ……….. the parade.
A listen    В watch    C eat
17 That looks like a great game. Can I…….. in?
A join   В go   C come
18 After the party you can help me to……… up.
A work   В take   C clean
19 It’s great fun when we……… gifts.
A exchange   В lose   C return
20 Let’s play a game of…….. chairs.
A talented   В musical   C dramatic


       D Underline the correct word.
21 He is/аге washing the car.
22 We is/are having a party.
23 I is/am eating a sandwich.
24 ls/Аге they watching TV?
25 Is/Are she listening to music?

        E Write the correct form of the verb in brackets.
This e.g. is (be) Craig Bellows and his mother, Claire. They 26)…….are…….. (be) from Scunthorpe. Craig and Claire 27)…..have…….. (have) the same blond hair and blue eyes. In the picture, Craig 28)…….is sitting……….(sit) on a swing and Claire 29)… holding………… (hold) him. They 30)…..are having……… (have) a great time.
       F Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
31 is/wearing/what/she?   What is she wearing?
32 watching/not/Susan/is/a/film.   Susan is not watching a film.
33 you/enjoying/your/holiday/are?   Are you enjoying your holiday?
34 is/drums/not/Cynthia/today/playing/the.   Cynthia is not playing the drums today.
35 the/eating/are/why/not/sandwiches/they?   Why are they not eating the sandwiches?

Everyday English

        G Match the responses to thequestions.
36 What do you think of the party?   C) It’s brilliant.
37 Are you doing anything at the moment?   В) No, not really.
38 What do you have in mind?   A) dozen white roses.
39 What are the sandwiches like?   E) They’re horrible.
40 Would you like to include a card?   F) Yes, we are.

         H Read the text and answer the questions.
 This is a picture of my brother at his birthday party. His name is Paul and in this picture he is wearing his favourite T-shirt and a party hat. Our house is full of decorations and Paul is having a great time. He is blowing a party horn and drinking some orange juice. His friends are eating sandwiches and everybody is listening to happy music. You can’t see our parents in this picture because they are in the kitchen. They are making all the food and drinks.
41 What kind of hat is Paul wearing?   A party hat.
42 What is Paul drinking?   Orange juice
43 What are Paul’s friends eating?   Sandwiches.
44 What is everybody listening to?   Happy music.
45 Where are Paul’s parents?   In the kitchen.


        I For questions 46-50, listen and tick the correct box. e.g. What is Marian doing to prepare for the party?
46 What is Gladys buying Brenda for her birthday?  — b
47 What is lan wearing? — a
48 What is Leroy taking to the party? — b
49 What is the weather like in Wigan today? — c
50 What date is the festival? — b

Spotlight 6 Test 5B Module 5 ОТВЕТЫ


        A Fill in the correct word.
1 The room looks lovely with all the…… • decorations………. on the walls.
2 Can I make a…….. • phone…….call?
3 The living room is dirty we must do some ……• dusting
4 I’m sorry. I can’t go out tonight because I’m doing my……. • homework.
5 Mum is making a….. • cake…….for my birthday!
6 At Halloween, we all wear strange…….. • costumes.
7 Susan is doing the ……. • gardening………. She loves plants and flowers.
8 He loves to watch the…… • fireworks…….in the sky on Guy Fawkes’ Night.
9 Are you thirsty? Molly is making some…….. • tea.
10 He gives his mother….. • flowers……on her birthday.

          В Underline the correct word.
11 They do/make wreaths at this time of year.
12 Dad does/makes a special dish on his birthday.
13 Please do/make the dusting today.
14 She is doing/making the washing-up.
15 Mum is doing/making the shopping.

          C Choose the correct item.
16 The house is very messy. You can help me to ….. up.
A work   В take   C clean
17 On New Year’s Day, we like to……. TV.
A listen   В watch   C eat
18 This is a great game. Why don’t you ……. in?
A join   В go   C come
19 She wants to play a game of ……… chairs.
A talented   В musical   C dramatic
20 I love it when we ……. gifts.
 A exchange   В lose  C return


          D Underline the correct word.
21 They is/are having a party.
22 She is/are washing the car.
23 They is/are watching a film.
24 Is/Are she listening to the radio?
25 Is/Are you eating my sandwich?

          E Write the correct form of the verb in brackets.
26) ….Are….. (be) from Barnsley. Everyone says Mandy 27) …..looks…. (look) like Liz. In the picture, she 28)….is sitting…… (sit) on a boat. Mandy and Liz 29) …… are smiling…… (smile) and they 30)….are having…….(have) a great time.

        F Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
31 are/wearing/what/they?   What are they wearing?
32 is/guitar/not/Susan/today/playing/the.   Susan is not playing the guitar today.
33 the/eating/is/why/not/sandwiches/he?   Why is he not eating the sandwiches?
34 watching/not/Brian/is/TV.   Brian is not watching TV.
35 they/enjoying/their/holiday/are?   Are they enjoying their holiday?

Everyday English

         G Match the questions to the responses.
36 Do you like the party? C) Yes, it’s fantastic.
37 What do you have in mind?  В) A dozen white roses.
38 Would you like to include a card?   A) Yes, please. I have it ready.
39 What are the sandwiches like?   E) They’re horrible.
40 Are you doing anything at the moment?   D) No, not really.

          H Read the text and answer the questions.
This is a picture of my sister at her birthday party. Her name is Claire and in this picture she is wearing her favourite T-shirt and a party hat. Our house is full of decorations and Claire is having a great time. She is laughing with her friends. They are eating sandwiches and everybody is listening to happy music. You can’t see our parents in this picture because they are in the kitchen. They are making all the food and drinks.
41 What kind of hat is Claire wearing?   A party hat.
42 What is Claire doing?   Having a great time./ Laughing with her friends.
43 What are Claire’s friends eating?   Sandwiches.
44 What is everybody listening to?   Happy music.
45 Where are Claire’s parents?   In the kitchen.


         I For questioins 46-50, listen and tick the correct box.
46 What is Gladys buying Brenda for her birthday? — b
47 What is Ian wearing? — a
48 What is Leroy taking to the party? — b
49 What is the weather like in Wigan today? — c
50 What date is the festival? — b

Spotlight 6 Test 5 Module 5 ОТВЕТЫ — контрольная работа № 5 по английскому языку в 6 классе с ответами из сборника контрольных заданий УМК серии «Английский в фокусе» для учащихся 6 класса. Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина и др.

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