Grammar use of the word even

how to use even“Even” is an interesting word. It can be used for a variety of specific meanings that may be hard to generalise, and can raise particular confusion when it comes to its place in a sentence. It can add emphasis to examples (“I don’t like ducks – not even small ones.”) or verbs (“I didn’t even know the man!”). It can show unavoidable results (“Even when we tried our hardest, we failed.”). It can even show contrasts (“I like them, even though I hate their dog.”). So, how can you use it in sentences?

The meaning of “even”

As an adverb, on its own, even gives the idea of a surprising extreme. It describes verbs, other adverbs or adjectives. Even says something is ‘more than expected’.

  • She can even speak Chinese.
  • That dog is fast. But the cat is even faster.

Not even is used for extreme negatives, suggesting ‘less than expected’.

  • He is not even nice to children.

Where to place “even” in a sentence

When used with a verb, even usually comes with a verb, in the middle position. This means it comes after auxiliary verbs such as have, do, and be (important for the perfect and continuous tenses and question, negative or modal forms); or it comes before a main verb on its own.

I have heard every genre of music. I have even heard gypsy swing music. (After auxiliary verb, before main verb.)

  • He broke all the plates. He even broke her favourite plate. (Before main verb.)

When even refers to a subject, it usually goes before the subject, for instance at the start of clause.

  • Even the young boy was disappointed with the clown’s performance.

It can also before other words or phrases that you want to emphasise.

  • Peter collects many types of coins, even plastic ones.
  • I swim in the sea every day, even when it is raining.

With negatives, even comes after not.

“even if”, “even though” and “even when”

You should not use even as a conjunction, on its own, but with if, when or though it can be used as a conjunction. These emphasise contrasting clauses, as something that is surprising or unexpected.

  • Even if I won the lottery, I would live in this house.
  • I had a good time, even though I spilt my drink.
  • He was unhappy, even when they bought him a new car.

The three expressions cannot always be used in the same way. Certain rules can help separate them:

Even though should be used for general rules or facts. It is particularly common for states.

  • I like chocolate even though it is unhealthy.
  • We met at the park even though it was raining.

Even if is used with imagined or rare ideas.

  • I would not kiss him even if he was the last man on Earth.

Even when is used for events, which can be occasional, regular or one-off. It often shows an unavoidable result.

  • He sits in the park, even when it rains.

“even so”

Even so is usually used at the start of a clause, meaning ‘however’, ‘in spite of that’, but particularly focusing on surprising or unexpected results. It is used to present a contrast to an idea that has already been given (unlike ‘even though’, which joins two ideas with a contrast).

  • It is sunny now. Even so, I am staying at home.
  • Even though it is sunny now, I am staying at home.

“Even so” is very much like the word “but” or “however.” “Even so” is different in that it is used with surprising or unexpected results.

Other uses of “even”

Even can also be used to mean something is flat, equal or neutral. For example an even surface is flat.

When a debt is paid, or something has been settled (such as a dispute), the involved subjects may be considered even.

  • He owed me two pounds, but he paid, so we are even.

Even is also used to describe numbers that can be divided by 2 (2, 4, 6, 8 etc.). These even numbers are alternate numbers starting at 2. Alternate numbers starting at 1 (1, 3, 5, etc.) are called odd numbers.

Сегодня мы рассмотрим наречие, которое не описывает действие, а придаёт дополнительный окрас сказанному. Речь идёт о наречии even, правило употребления которого мы и будем рассматривать.

Изучение темы, как обычно, начнем с примера.

Even правило

Kate always wears a jacket. Even in hot weather. (Кейт всегда носит куртку. Даже в жаркую погоду)

В русском языке «even» имеет значение «даже».

Мы используем наречие even, когда хотим подчеркнуть что-то необычное или несвойственное в какой-то ситуации.

В примере выше Кейт носит куртку даже в жаркую погоду, что является удивительным в такой ситуации.


  • We went to a chinese restaurant yesterday. Even Kate liked their food. (Вчера мы ходили в китайский ресторан. Даже Кейт понравилась их еда);
  • Everybody refused to help me. Even my best friends. (Всё отказались мне помочь. Даже мои лучшие друзья);
  • She didn’t tell anyone what she bought. She didn’t even tell her husband. (Она никому не сказала, что купила. Она не сказала даже мужу).

Где располагается наречие even — правило употребления

У наречия even нет чёткого расположения в предложении. Оно располагается перед тем членом предложения, которому следует придать окрас.

  • Even John would like that film. (Даже Джону бы понравился этот фильм);
  • They’re so rich. They even have a private jet. (Они такие богатые. У них даже есть свой самолёт);

Отрицания с even

Мы можем использовать наречие even в отрицательных предложениях. Правило образования предложений в данном случае ничем не отличается от обычных отрицательных предложений (вспомогательные или модальные глаголы с частицей not).

  • I’m useless at cooking. I can’t even boil an egg. (На кухне я бесполезен. Я даже яйцо сварить не могу);
  • She was so mad at me. She didn’t even call. (Она была так на меня рассержена. Она даже не позвонила);

Перед even может также стоять одиночная частица not.

  • Not even my wife listened to me. (Даже моя жена меня не слушала).

  • I knew it would be cheap. But it turned out even cheaper. (Я знал, что это будет дёшево. Но оказалось даже дешевле).

Even though/even when/even if

Часто наречие even употребляется в таких выражениях, как:

  • Even though
  • Even when
  • Even if

Данные конструкции образуют придаточное предложение. В них мы не можем употреблять одиночное наречие even.

  • Even though I was tired, I keep on working. (Хотя я и был уставшим, я продолжал работать);

Неверно — Even I was tired.

  • He always stays cool even when he’s angry. (Он всегда остаётся спокойным, даже когда злится);
  • I won’t frogive her even if she apologises. (Я её не прощу, даже если она извинится) 

Наречие even, правило употребления — упражнения на закрепление

Even can be used as an adjective or an adverb. In this lesson we look at the adverb side of it, when it’s mainly used for emphasis. It can emphasize a word, a phrase or a clause beginning with a word like if, as or though.

Position of even

Even goes in mid position with the verb. If there is no auxiliary verb, it goes before the main verb.

  • She even called me names. (NOT She called even me names.)

If there is an auxiliary verb, even goes after it.

  • I don’t even know his name. (NOT I even don’t know his name.)

If the main verb is a form of be (is, am, are, was, were), even goes after it.

  • China is even larger than India. (NOT China even is larger than India.)
  • She is even taller than her husband.

Even now

Even now is used for saying that it is surprising that something still continues.

  • Even now the practice of dowry exists in many parts of Asia.

Even then

This phrase is used for saying that something is surprising because it was supposed to be different.

Even as

This phrase is used to talk about two actions or events that are happening at the same time.

  • Even as they discussed the merits and demerits of the project, people were protesting in the streets.

Even if

This phrase is used for emphasizing that a particular situation will remain the same no matter what happens.

  • I’m determined to prove my innocence even if that means going to the highest court in the land.
  • I’ll go even if you forbid me to.

The structure even though means exactly the same.

  • I’ll go even though you forbid me to.

Even so

Even so means in spite of that. This expression is used for introducing a statement that might seem surprising after what you have said before.

  • The tickets were expensive, but, even so, the match was worth watching.


The word “even” is used very often in English, but most students don’t use it. I think that is because they are unsure of how to use it properly, so they avoid it. In today’s blog entry, I will explain it.

There are two basic ways to use this word as an adverb. The first one is used with comparative adjectives such as “better”, “worse”, “louder”, “more interesting”, etc. In these cases the word “even” means that the thing or person you are describing has become more intense than before, or something that is more intense than something else. For example:

My mom’s lasagna was always very good, but last week she added mushrooms to the recipe, and now it’s even better.

Your grades in high school were bad, but mine were even worse.

My old neighbors were very loud at night, but my new neighbors are even louder than the old ones. I’m going to make a complaint.

I loved the first season of that TV show. In the second season, the producers made some changes, and now it’s even more interesting than ever.

The second way we use “even” is when we are giving an example of an extreme situation and explaining that something that most people consider simple or normal is not a factor in that situation. For example:

My friend doesn’t know how to cook at all. She can’t even fry an egg.

Victor doesn’t like alcohol. He says even one sip of beer makes him feel sick.

I’m sorry, but we’re sold out of wine. There’s not even one bottle left.

My father hates travelling. He won’t even travel to his hometown one hour away.

So, in the first example, many people can’t cook, but most of them can still fry an egg. We use “even” to show that my friend is an extreme example of a person who can’t cook. In the second example, many people don’t like alcohol, but most of them won’t get sick after one sip of beer, so Victor is an extreme example of a person who doesn’t like alcohol. In the third example, we’re emphasizing that there are no bottles of wine left by saying that there’s “not even one bottle left”. In the fourth example, many people hate travelling especially long distances but most of them are willing to drive one hour. However, my father is example of a person that won’t do that simple thing, so we use “even” to emphasize this fact.

January 6, 2015

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On today’s Tear-Up Your Textbook Tuesday, Lindsay and Michelle talk about four situations for using the term ‘even’, and how to use your tone of voice to make it work in an English conversation!

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The word ‘even’ has many uses in English and can be confusing.  To make it even more confusing, in some cases the intonation is as important as the word itself!  Here are the four most common ways to use ‘even’:

For something that’s surprising.  When using it this way, stress the word ‘even’.

  • “I get lost even when I have a map!”
  • “I went to class and didn’t even remember my notebook!”

To compare and emphasize.  Using it this way, stress the comparative word.

  • “That coat is on sale for a great price but will be even cheaper next week.”
  • “There are a lot of people here but there were even more last night.”

To be in balance.  This means to be equal, or potentially to get revenge.  In this situation, ‘even’ does not require any intonation.

  • “We’re even now.”
  • “I have to find a way to get even with my brother.”

To talk about a kind of number.  The even numbers are 2, 4, 6, 8, etc.  The odd numbers are 1, 3, 5, 7, etc.  Again, ‘even’ does not require intonation when used this way.

  • “Eighty four is an even number.”

Can you tell us something about yourself using the word ‘even’?

Share with us in the comments section below!

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  • English Expressions

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