Grammar use of the word also

We often see “and also” casually written alongside one another. Although, you may have noticed that this is a seemingly odd combination. Because of this, you may be curious to know – is it actually grammatically correct to use “and also”?

To be forthright, no, it is generally not considered grammatically correct to use “and also” in writing or verbal communication. Although some folks still choose to utilize this phrase, this is not proper nor perfect English and is considered redundant in meaning.

and also grammatically correct

When we say that a term or phrase is “redundant”, we mean to express that it is not needed or is no longer useful.

We use the word “and” to join together two clauses in a sentence. Similarly, we use the word “also” to express “in addition” or “too”. Therefore, the terms “and” and “also” are consistent – causing the use of the terms together to be considered redundant.

While some argue that the use of both terms alongside one another offers direct emphasis to a statement, this is not always the case. Often, it causes a sentence to become entirely nonsensical. Here is an example depicting this:

  • He went to the carnival and also did I.
  • He went to the carnival and so did I.

However, if we are writing or speaking informally, most will not bat an eye at the correct usage of the adverbs “and also”. This is especially true in the case of emphasizing an important point or making nouns at the end of the list. For example:

  • Hiking is a great form of physical exercise and also an enjoyable pastime.

Therefore, while not necessarily considered incorrect in an informal sense, “and also” is generally not considered highly acceptable in the professional or academic community. This is because redundancy does not always come across as a necessary attribute in an official article, paper, report, etc.

Can I Use “And Also” At The Beginning Of A Sentence

It is not considered proper English to begin a sentence with a clause. While often used in informal conversations or writing, this is not necessarily grammatically correct. Not only is “and also” redundant in meaning, but it will not come across as proper to an academic or professional audience.

In some languages, redundancy is used to establish emphasis over a point or statement. However, for the sake of clarity to an audience, in the technical usage of any language where we need to express ourselves in the fewest possible terms, redundancy is best avoided.

Essentially “and” adds nothing to the beginning of a sentence, as “also” already means in addition. If “and also” is used, its purpose is generally to mark nouns at the end of a list, rather than clauses at the beginning of a sentence. However, we are able to use these terms to begin a sentence colloquially or informally, although, this would more often be done using one term or the other.

Is It Appropriate To Use “And Also” In An Email?

While it is often considered grammatically incorrect and redundant to use this phrase in any formal manner, we can informally utilize this phrase. Therefore, if the email that we are composing is not considered to be professional or academic, then we could choose to use this phrase.

We should use this phrase sparingly; only for emphasis purposes. We will use this phase to give extra significance to a specific item or perhaps a further addition to a list that you are creating.

Should I Use “Also” Instead Of “And Also”?

Generally, yes, you should use “also” in place of “and also” in a sentence. As to not be redundant or add unnecessary cheesiness to a formal sentence, we would just use “also”. However, it is important to note that beginning a sentence with “also” is considered a colloquialism.

A “colloquialism” is defined as a word or phrase that is not literary or formal. Typically we would use this in an ordinary or familiar conversation. Because of this, colloquialisms do not often come across as appropriate or necessary to an academic or professional reader. Therefore, it’s best to just opt for another term whenever applicable.

Examples Of How To Use “And Also” In A Sentence

We’ll now go over some examples of sentences using the phrase “and also”. It’s important to keep in mind that these sentences may not be deemed appropriate or proper by some. However, if being used strictly informally, then it shouldn’t be an issue or bother to any reader or audience.

Here are the examples:

  • He’s an incredibly talented singer and also a fine actor.
  • Travelling to New York is an outstandingly fun experience and also highly educational.
  • I can hum and also whistle.
  • To say thank you for all the help, I am going to buy you some beer and also dinner this evening.
  • We are travelling to Florida so that we can go to Disney Land and also Sea World.
  • We rented a cabin in the woods so the whole family can spend Christmas together and also New Year’s Eve.
  • I have to study for my math exam and also practice for the dance recital on Friday.
  • Working out is a great way to get fit and also have an enjoyable time.
  • The weather network was saying that we’re supposed to get a snowstorm and also hail tonight.
  • I need to ensure that the baby’s nursery is finished and also pack my hospital bags by this weekend.

Examples Of How To Use “Also” In A Sentence

Lastly, we will go over some examples of sentences using the term “also”, considering it is generally a more acceptable term to use. It’s important to remember that the use of “also” at the beginning of a sentence is considered a colloquialism, however, it is still generally acceptable.

Here are the examples:

  • Thomas Edison is famous for inventing the lightbulb, but he also invented the phonograph.
  • I don’t think we should go out tonight because it is dark, but also snowing heavily.
  • My neighbors also attended the party last night!
  • She was fluent in English, but she was also in the process of learning French.
  • My Grandma also works as a greeter at Walmart!
  • It will also help to strengthen our cities economy if we choose to open the factory.
  • It is a very small house that also requires an immense number of repairs.
  • She also had a large sense of responsibility when it came to her job.
  • Your essay was very well written. Also, I enjoyed your oral presentation on the topic.
  • The work you put forth today was very impressive. Also, it’s important to note that the owners took notice of your dedication to the company.

You may also like: 10 Best Words to Use Instead of “And” to Start a Sentence

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

All are grammatically correct, but can have slightly different meanings.

You also are allowed to see your son.

This could mean that in addition to other things that you are allowed to do, you are allowed to see your son. Depending on context, it could mean that in addition to others being allowed, you are too. E.g. «Your son’s wife is allowed to see him. You also are allowed to see him.»

You are also allowed to see your son.

Pretty much the same as the previous. We would be less likely to use this form to say #2 above, i.e. that you are allowed along with others who are allowed. This would more likely mean #1, in addition to other things, you are also allowed, etc.

Also, you are allowed to see your son.

In addition to other things, you are allowed to see your son. This differs from the first two in that it can be used when the other things are not permissions, while the first two would generally be used only to discuss several different permissions. That is, for example:

You are allowed to have a lawyer present during questioning. You are also allowed to see your son.


Your deposit will be refunded. Also, you are now allowed to see your son.


You are allowed to see your son also.

This one is most different. It would normally be used if there are specifically others that you are allowed to see, and your son is one of those. Like, «You are allowed to see your daughter. You are allowed to see your son also.» You wouldn’t use this form with other permissions or with other things that are not permissions.

But note that if you put a comma between «son» and «also», then it becomes the same as «Also, you are …»

Also, as well and too are adverbs and mean in addition.


Also is commonly used in writing, but is less common in speaking. Also occupies different positions in a sentence.

We use also in front position to emphasise what follows or to add a new point or topic:

It’s very humid. Also, you can easily get sunburnt.

[on the telephone]

OK, I’ll phone you next week and we can discuss it then. Also, we need to decide who will be going to Singapore.

We use also in the normal mid position for adverbs, between the subject and main verb, or after the modal verb or first auxiliary verb, or after be as a main verb. In this position, the meaning of also usually connects back to the whole clause that comes before:

She works very hard but she also goes to the gym every week.

I’ve been working in the garden this week, and I’ve also been reading a lot.

In end position, also normally connects two phrases. We use as well and too instead of also, in end position, especially in speech:

She contacted him in the office but he didn’t answer the phone. His mobile phone was silent also. (or His mobile phone was silent too. or … was silent as well.)

As well

Spoken English:

As well is much more common in speaking than in writing, and is more common in speaking than also.

As well almost always comes in end position:

[In a restaurant. Customer (A) is ordering from a waiter (B)]


I’ll have steak please.


And I’ll have the mixed vegetables as well.


We usually put too in end position:

Gill’s having chicken. I’ll probably have chicken too.

She looks really tired and she must be really hungry too.

Too can occur immediately after the subject, if it refers directly to the subject. It does not normally occur after a modal or auxiliary verb. We sometimes write commas before and after too:

I too thought she looked unwell.

We, too, have been very pleased to receive the prize on her behalf.

Not: We have too been very pleased

Too is especially common in responses to fixed expressions such as giving good wishes, and in responses consisting of a single object pronoun:


Thanks. You enjoy your evening too. (preferred to You enjoy your evening as well. or You also enjoy your evening.)


I need to go to the gym.


Yeah, me too. (preferred to Yeah, me also. or Yeah, me as well.)

In imperative clauses, as well and too are normally preferred to also:

[customer in a post office, buying books of first and second class stamps]

Give me a book of ten first and a book of ten second as well then please. (preferred to … and a book of ten second also then please.)

Linking negatives

We use either not also, as well or too to connect two negative ideas:

Bill’s not here. I don’t think Dave is either, is he?

Not: I don’t think Dave is also/as well/too.


That’s not in paperback yet. It’s not been in any book clubs either, has it?

Not: It’s not been in any book clubs also/as well/too, has it?

Also, as well and too: typical error

  • We don’t use as well at the beginning of a clause. As well usually comes at the end of a clause:

I just ignored it. I think everybody else did as well.

Not: As well I think everybody else did.

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What is the difference between also, too, and as well? You may think that they can be used at any time, but there are actually a few differences. In this English grammar lesson, we will look at those differences. First, I will teach you the meaning of each of these words and their function in a sentence. Hint: two of them are adverbs, and the other is a phrase. Then, I will show you how they are normally used, as well as some special cases. It’s important to know how to use these words in order to avoid sounding too repetitive. If you always use too, you can change it up and use also or as well, but you need to know how to use them correctly. So watch the lesson, and then do the quiz to practice what you’ve learned!

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Test your understanding of the English lesson by answering these questions. You will get the answers and your score at the end of the quiz.



Also and too are the two words which have similar meaning and hence are very confusing. But the fact is their usage is not the same, so before using it in a sentence, you need to recognize the meaning. Understanding its correct meaning will improve your English comprehension. As you know grammar is the nitty-gritty of effective communication, unless your concepts of grammar are clear, it is hard for you to frame grammatically correct sentences. Let’s learn the usage of also and too.

Use Also


Also is used in positive sentences, to show agreement or something in common.

· Sane speaks English. Julia also speaks English.
· I love doughnuts. I also love pizza.
· She likes to eat. She also likes to cook.

Also comes after to be.

· Renita is also speaking in  Spanish
· She is also going to the library.

With verbs other than to be, also comes before single verb forms.

· I also dance.
· They also helped us.

Similarly, since modal verbs are usually followed by a second verb, «also» comes after modal verbs and before the infinitive.

· He can also speak Spanish.
· I should also be present there.

Use Too


Just like also, “Too” is used in positive sentences, to show agreement. The meaning of too is the same as also but the placement of too in the sentence differs.

· Mita can join us. Helen can join us too.
· Mithoon speaks English. Moushmi speaks English too.

Too is used to modify adjectives. When we use it in negative sentence, it means that something is at a higher degree than is desirable. In a positive or less strong use, it means very.

· My coffee is too hot to drink.
· Thank you for your help, you are too kind.

Too comes at the end of the sentence.

· I can speak English too.
· I am studying Sociology too.

When we use “too” to modify an adjective, too comes before the adjective it modifies.

· This place is too dirty. I cannot sit here.

. I am too tired and cannot come for the movie.

Let’s take a test:

1. My friends are going to college next year. I am_____ going to college next year.
2. I love swimming. My son _____ loves it.
3. Paris is a big city. Madrid is ______ a big city.
4. French is a difficult language to learn. Latin is a difficult language to learn ______.
5. A bear can run very fast. A tiger runs very fast ______.

Answers: 1. also 2. also 3. also 4. too 5. too

With the above explanation and examples you might have got a clear idea about the usage of also and too. By joining an online spoken English course you can learn more concepts related to English and master it.

About EAgeTutor:

Earlier today on another site in the network, a user posted a question like this:

Is there a better way to use [x]?

There was a lot more to it, but the very first comment addressed this question directly and explicitly:

Why do you want to use [x] and not [y]? Also have you considered using [z]?

I took this latter sentence as:

You should consider using [z] instead of [x].

And proceeded to explain why [z] is not a valid alternative to [x].

The commenter vehemently insists that it should be clear and obvious that by starting the sentence with “also,” I should know that they actually meant:

You should consider using [z] in addition to [x].

Can someone please explain from an English and grammar standpoint why having “also” at the beginning of the sentence – with or without a comma – does not associate with the thoughts in that sentence the way he/she thinks that it does?


“Also” when used in the beginning of a phrase is usually used to introduce a new point. (In any case “also” usually refers to the previous clause)

“Also, have you considered using [z]?” – here “also” is just used to introduce a new topic and the meaning is equivalent to “Why do you want to use [x] and not [y]? Have you considered using [z]?” Whether ‘z’ was meant to be used in addition or as a replacement to ‘x’, or to ‘y’, is unspecified.


“Have you also considered using [z]?” = you should consider using [z] – again, whether [z] is an addition or a replacement and to what, [x] or [y], is not known.

“Have you considered also using [z]?” = you should consider using [z] as well as [y] or [x] – whether [z] is an addition to [x] or [y] is still unknown but in this case it is not a replacement

The question of whether [z] would be in addition/replacement to [x] or [y] might be obvious from context but not from the grammar:

“Why do you want to drink water and not tea? Also, have you considered drinking coffee?” – is coffee in addition or as a replacement? And to what, tea or water?

Source : Link , Question Author : Aaron Bertrand , Answer Author : msam

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