Grammar rules for the word all

In this blog post, our resident grammar girl reviews the impossibly confusing rules for singular subjects that refer to plural groups; subject-verb agreements involving»each», «all», and «none»; and last (but not least!) «neither», «neither», and «nor» and how they relate to your verb choice.

1. One is the loneliest number, but it’s not always single

One of the grammatical concepts that confuse people most is the construction of sentences like this one. What makes it confusing? The singular subject that refers to part of a plural group. One is singular while grammatical concepts are plural. The verb in question is confuse – should it be confuse (plural) or confuses (singular)? In fact, there are multiple accepted explanations for what constitutes the correct usage. Generally, the plural is what sources use most. 

The New York Times After Deadline blog explored this theme in a post from 2009 called One of Those Things, in which the author demonstrates why the plural verb makes sense:

 In our example above, confuse is the verb that agrees with grammatical concepts, qualified by the pronoun that to form this relative clause. Grammatical concepts confuse people. The alternative – grammatical concepts confuses people – looks and sounds immediately incorrect. The difficulty arises because one grammatical concept confuses, so the singular form of the verb does not necessarily appear to be wrong when it is linked to the initial subject of one. When put together with the rest of the sentence, however, it makes more sense to use the plural, according to the New York Times Style Guide. Re-ordering the words more clearly reveals this logic:

Of the grammatical concepts that confuse people, one is the construction of sentences like this one.

2. Each of us wants to know the rule

Another related concept that poses challenges to subject-verb agreement involves the subjects «each», «all», and «none». 


Which sentence is correct?

            Each of the kids wants a Popsicle.

            Each of the kids want a Popsicle.

The first sentence is correct. To make this more apparent, substitute each one and it becomes Each one of the kids wants a Popsicle because one kid wants. Each always refers to one out of a group.

In cases in which each is not the subject, there may be a plural subject before it and therefore a plural verb that follows, such as in:

            They each want their own dessert.

(The alternative would be They each wants their own dessert, which is clearly wrong).


None is a little more nuanced. Unlike each, which is always singular, none can be singular or plural depending on the context, according to the Oxford English Dictionary and others.

When none stands in as a shortened form of no one, as was its original purpose, it can be followed by a singular verb. For example: None of us is tall. (Not one of us is tall.)

When none means not any, the subsequent verb is plural:

None of the students are absent. (Not any of the students are absent from school.)

None of the jewels were stolen. (Not any of the jewels were stolen).

The distinction is subtle, and in these instances, it would also be correct to use the singular verb.

Grammarians have identified a rule of thumb to follow in order to determine when none calls for a singular or plural verb. When the implied noun to which none applies represents a singular thing, use the singular verb: None (of the snow) was melting. When the implied noun to which none refers represents a plural thing, use the plural verb: None (of the plates) were clean.


The indefinite pronoun all may also be singular or plural depending on the thing to which it refers. All of the pieces complete the puzzle. The pieces are plural, and all of them together complete the puzzle. At the same time, all of the cake was eaten. The cake is singular, and all of it was eaten.  

When referring to people, this should appear clearer: all of the people were dancing. Since the word people is always plural, all of the people accordingly is always plural. The same goes for a plural pronoun: all of us were dancing.

3. You say either, I say neither

In constructions that use the words either and neither (however you choose to pronounce them), the context determines whether to use a single or plural verb. Grammatically, either and neither are considered singular.

Either works

When there is a choice between two items, use the word either with a singular verb to follow: 

Either of the restaurants is a good choice. It might be easier to think of this as either one of the restaurants, where one is singular, and either one is a good choice. Consider the alternative: either of the restaurants are a good choice. Although restaurants is plural, this sentence as a whole should sound incorrect because either is, NOT either are.

Some other examples of the correct use of either include:

Does either of you know a good restaurant? (NOT: Do either of you know) 

Let’s get some ice cream, if either of you wants it. (NOT: If either of you want)

Neither is the same

With neither, the subsequent verb is also singular when identifying a choice of two items. Neither restaurant was very good. Again, consider that neither one of the restaurants was very good.

The alternative should also sound incorrect: neither restaurant were very good.  

Some more examples include:

Neither of us wants to play tennis today. (NOT: Neither of us want)

Neither of these shops has the jacket in my size. (NOT: Neither of these shops have)


The singular rule holds true in either/or scenarios when both items being compared are singular: 

Either the blue shirt or the green shirt was my favorite.

My favorite was either the blue shirt or the green shirt.

Either my sister or my brother is going to make breakfast.

My sister is going to make breakfast, or my brother is going to make breakfast.

Either/or applies to positive comparisons, whereas neither/nor applies to negative comparisons.


Like the positive counterparts, neither/nor scenarios also contain singular verbs when comparing two singular items:

Neither the bracelet nor the necklace was silver.

Neither my brother nor my sister knows how to cook.

According to some, a rule of proximity suggests that a plural noun may follow in phrases with either and neither if the noun closest to the verb is plural. For example: 

Either the coach or the players receive the trophy.

(The coach receives the trophy, but the players receive the trophy. Because the plural noun players is the closest to the verb, the verb agrees accordingly with the plural noun.) 

Neither my brother nor my sisters have pets.

(My brother has no pets but my sisters have no pets. Since my sisters is within closer proximity to the verb, the verb agrees with the plural subject my sisters).

A comprehensive list of examples that demonstrate the correct use of either and neither can be found here.

All as a determiner

All means ‘every one’, ‘the complete number or amount’ or ‘the whole’. We use it most often as a determiner. We can use a countable noun or an uncountable noun after it:

All my friends are away at university.

All tickets cost 25 pounds.

All information about the new product is confidential.

As a determiner, all comes before articles, possessives, demonstratives and numbers.







trees had died.



family were at the party.



food must be eaten today.



students took the test.

All with no article

When all refers to a whole class of people or things, we don’t use the:

All children love stories. (i.e. every child in the world)

Not: All the children love stories.

We don’t use the with time expressions such as all day, all night, week, all year, all summer:

I spent all day looking for my car keys.

The party went on all night and some of the neighbours complained.

All of

We use all of before personal pronouns (us, them), demonstrative pronouns (this, that, these, those) and relative pronouns (whom, which). The personal pronoun is in the object form:

I need to speak to all of you for a few minutes.

He brought gifts for all of us.

We had to contact the insurance firm and the airline, all of which took a lot of time. (all of which = ‘contacting the insurance firm and the airline’)

With demonstratives (this, that, these, those) we can say all of or all without of:

[talking about a pile of kitchen waste]

All (of) this has to go out into the rubbish bin.

We often use of after all in definite noun phrases (i.e. before the, possessives and demonstratives), but it is not obligatory:

All (of) the workers were given a pay-rise at the end of the year.

I gave all (of) my old books to my sister when she went to university.

What shall we do with all (of) this cardboard? Throw it out?

All without of

We use all, not all of, before indefinite plural nouns referring to a whole class of people or things:

All cats love milk.

Not: All of cats love milk.

This book was written for all children, everywhere.

We use all, not all of, before uncountable nouns:

All junk food is bad for you.

Not: All of junk food is bad for you.

I love all music, not just classical.


We don’t normally say all people; we say everybody or everyone:

Everyone wants to achieve their personal goals in life.

Not: All people want to achieve

All with personal pronouns

When all refers to a personal pronoun which is the object in a clause, we can use pronoun + all or all of + pronoun. The pronoun is in the object form:

I used to have three pens but I’ve lost them all. (or … but I’ve lost all of them).

Not: … but I lost all them.

However, in short responses, all of must be used:


How many of these boxes are you going to need?

Not: Them all.

We use all of with the object form of the pronoun, even when the pronoun is the subject in the clause:

All of us are hoping for good news.

A long line of people waited to speak to the officer. All of them had a story to tell.

All as a pronoun

We can use all alone as a pronoun in formal situations:

All were happy with the outcome. (less formal: Everyone was happy with the outcome.)

All will be revealed to the public in 25 years’ time, when the cabinet papers are released. (less formal: Everything will be revealed to the public …)

Usually, all as a pronoun is premodified or postmodified:

More than 100 people came to the refugee centre. Almost all had lost family members or property or both.

All that we had been told turned out to be untrue.

All as an adverb

When all refers to the subject of a clause, it usually comes in the normal mid position for adverbs (between the subject and the main verb, or after the modal verb or first auxiliary verb, or after be as a main verb):

The kids all go to school on the same bus.

These items could all have been bought cheaper on the Internet.

The students are all here now. We can start.

All meaning ‘completely’ or ‘extremely’

We can also use all as an adverb meaning ‘completely’ or ‘extremely’, especially in informal styles:

He lived all alone in an old cottage in the woods.

He came back all covered in mud.

I lost a good friend, and all because of my stupidity.

Maggie got all upset when she found out the house had been sold. (informal)

All: not all

We can make all negative by using not in front of it:

Not all the buses go to the main bus station, so be careful which one you get.

We weren’t all happy with the result.

All: after all

We use after all in two main ways. We use it to mean ‘in spite of what happened before’. With this meaning it usually occurs in end position:

[spoken by someone who was previously not hungry]

I think I might have something to eat now after all.

She thought she would fail her driving test but she passed after all.

After all can also mean ‘it should be remembered that’:

Why don’t you invite Nadia? After all, you do work with her every day.


After all does not mean ‘finally’ or ‘at last’:

We spoke about it and finally decided to sign the contract.

Not: … and after all decided to sign the contract.

Commonly Confused Words! Choosing the right word is important, but some words are easy to confuse.

Commonly Misused Words in English.

All vs. Every vs. Each

ll, every, and each are all words used to indicate a group or collection of things, but they are used in different ways.

  • “All” refers to the entire group or collection without exception. For example, “All of the students passed the test” means that every single student passed.
  • “Every” is used to indicate that each member of the group or collection is being considered individually. For example, “Every student passed the test” means that each student passed individually.
  • “Each” is similar to “every” in that it also refers to each member of the group or collection individually, but it is often used in situations where the members are being considered one at a time. For example, “Each student passed the test” means that as each student was considered individually, they passed.

Confused words: All vs. Every vs. Each

Fewer vs. Less

“Fewer” and “less” are both used to describe a smaller amount of something, but they are used in different situations.

  • “Fewer” is used to refer to items that can be counted individually, such as books, people, or cars. For example, “I have fewer books than I used to” means that the speaker has a smaller number of books than they did before.
  • “Less” is used to refer to quantities that cannot be counted individually, such as time, money, or water. For example, “I have less time to finish this project” means that the speaker has a smaller amount of time to complete the project than they would like.

Fewer vs. Less

Must vs. Have to

“Must” and “have to” are both used to indicate that something is necessary or required, but they are used in slightly different ways.

  • “Must” is used to express a strong obligation or duty, and often reflects the speaker’s own personal beliefs or feelings. For example, “I must finish this project by tomorrow” means that the speaker feels that it is very important to complete the project by the specified time.
  • “Have to” is used to express a more general obligation or requirement, and often reflects external factors such as rules or laws. For example, “I have to finish this project by tomorrow” means that there is an external requirement or expectation that the project must be completed by the specified time.

Learn the differences between Modal Verbs: Must vs. Have to

Must vs. Have to

Should vs. Must

“Should” and “must” are both used to indicate that something is advisable or necessary, but they are used in slightly different ways.

  • “Should” is used to express a suggestion or recommendation, and often reflects the speaker’s own opinion or advice. For example, “You should take an umbrella, it’s going to rain” means that the speaker believes it’s a good idea for the person to take an umbrella.
  • “Must” is used to express a strong obligation or duty, and often reflects the speaker’s own personal beliefs or feelings or a rule or a law. For example, “You must wear a mask inside the store” means that it is a requirement or a rule to wear a mask inside the store, not just a suggestion.

Should vs. Must

Its vs It’s

“Its” and “it’s” are two words that are often confused because they look very similar, but they have different meanings and uses.

  • “Its” is the possessive form of the pronoun “it”, indicating that something belongs to or is associated with “it”. For example, “The cat licked its paw” means that the paw belongs to the cat.
  • “It’s” is a contraction of the words “it” and “is”. For example, “It’s raining outside” means “It is raining outside”

Its vs It's

Like vs. As

“Like” and “as” are both used to make comparisons, but they are used in slightly different ways.

  • “Like” is used to indicate similarity between things or people. For example, “She sings like an angel” means that the way she sings is similar to the way an angel sings.
  • “As” is used to indicate a specific role or function. For example, “He works as a doctor” means that he is a doctor and that is his specific role or function.

Like vs. As

May vs. Can

“May” and “can” are both used to indicate possibility or permission, but they are used in slightly different ways.

  • “May” is used to ask for or give permission, often in formal or polite situations. For example, “May I speak with you for a moment?” means that the speaker is asking for permission to talk to the person. “You may leave now” means that the speaker is giving permission to the person to leave.
  • “Can” is used to indicate ability or possibility. For example, “I can speak Spanish” means that the speaker has the ability to speak Spanish, or “I can come to the meeting” means that the speaker is indicating that it’s possible for them to come to the meeting.

May vs. Can

Both vs. Either vs. Neither

“Both”, “either”, and “neither” are all used to indicate choice or alternatives, but they are used in different ways.

  • “Both” refers to two things or people together. For example, “Both of the options are good” means that both of the options are good.
  • “Either” refers to one or the other of two things or people. For example, “You can have either the red or the blue shirt” means you can have one of the two options.
  • “Neither” refers to not one or the other of two things or people. For example, “Neither of the options is good” means that both options are not good.

Both vs. Either vs. Neither

List of Commonly Confused Words | Image

Commonly Confused Words in English: Grammar Rules and Examples 1

English Grammar

English grammar is a set of rules and guidelines that ensure the correct and standard use of the English language. It helps preserve the accuracy of the language by guiding its new learners as well as current users towards standard language use.

We have assembled an extensive list of topics that cover basic English grammar to advance in a manageable succession. We hope that the new learners can follow the list put together by our experts while the experienced ones can check back on their topic of necessity with ease.


  • Word: The Definition & Criteria


  • Sentence: Definition & Types
  • Simple sentence
  • Compound sentence
  • Complex sentence, and 
  • Compound-complex sentence.

Parts of speech

  • Parts of speech


  • Noun
  • Types of Noun
  • Proper Noun
  • Common Noun
  • Abstract Noun
  • Concrete Noun
  • Countable Noun
  • Non-countable Noun
  • Collective Noun
  • Compound Noun


  • Pronoun: Definition & Types
  • Subject Pronouns
  • Object Pronouns
  • Possessive Pronouns
  • Reflexive Pronouns
  • Intensive Pronouns
  • Relative Pronouns
  • Demonstrative Pronouns
  • Interrogative Pronouns


  • Adjective: Definition & Types
  • Descriptive Adjectives
  • Quantitative Adjectives
  • Proper Adjectives
  • Demonstrative Adjectives
  • Possessive Adjectives
  • Interrogative Adjectives
  • Indefinite Adjectives
  • Articles
  • Compound Adjectives
  • Degree of Adjectives


  • Verb: Definition & Types
  • Finite Verbs
  • Non-finite Verbs
  • Action Verbs
  • Linking Verb
  • Auxiliary Verbs
  • Modal Verbs
  • Past Participle
  • Present Participle


  • Adverb: Definition & Types
  • Conjunctive Adverbs
  • Sentence Adverbs
  • Adverbs of Time/Frequency (When?)
  • Adverbs of Place/Direction (Where?)
  • Adverbs of Degree (How Much?)
  • Adverbs of Degree (How Much?)


  • Preposition: Definition & Types
  • Prepositions of Time
  • Prepositions of Place and Direction
  • Prepositions of Agents or Things
  • Phrasal Prepositions

Use of Prepositions

Prepositions are the most confusing and difficult part of grammar because almost every definition of a preposition has exceptions and different meanings. There is no better technique to grasp the correct use of prepositions other than practicing to picture how each preposition functions in certain contexts. There are some certain common uses and expressions of different prepositions.

  • Prepositions of Time Usage
  • Prepositions of Places & Direction Usage
  • Use of Prepositions : Of, About, For, With, By


  • Conjunction: Definition & Types
  • Coordinating Conjunctions
  • Correlative Conjunctions
  • Subordinating Conjunctions


  • Interjection: Definition & Types


  • Article: Definition & Types
  • Rules of Using Articles with Examples
  • Use of Indefinite Article
  • Use of Definite Article


  • Present Tense
  • Past Tense
  • Future Tense

Present Tense

  • Present Indefinite Tense
  • Present Progressive (Continuous) Tense
  • Present Perfect Tense
  • Present Perfect Progressive (Continuous)

Past Tense

  • Past Indefinite Tense
  • Past Progressive (Continuous) Tense
  • Past Perfect Tense
  • Past Perfect Progressive Tense

Future Tense

  • Simple Future (Future Indefinite) Tense
  • Future Continuous Tense
  • Future Perfect Tense
  • Future Perfect Continuous Tense


  • Phrase: Definition, Types & Examples
  • Noun Phrase
  • Adjective Phrase
  • Adverbial Phrase
  • Prepositional Phrase


  • Number: Rules, Types & Examples
  • Singular Number
  • Plural Number


  • Clauses: Definition, Types & Examples
  • Independent Clause
  • Dependent Clause


  • Conditionals: Definition, Structure & Examples
  • Types of Conditionals
  • The Real Conditionals
  • The Unreal Conditionals

Modal Auxiliaries

  • Modal Auxiliaries


  • Mood: Definition, Types & Examples
  • Indicative Mood
  • Imperative Mood
  • Subjunctive Mood

Subject-Verb Agreement

  • Subject-Verb Agreement: Rules & Examples

Right Forms of Verbs

  • Right Forms of Verbs: Rules with Examples


  • Case: Definition, Types & Examples
  • Subjective Case
  • Objective Case
  • Possessive Case

Transformation of Sentences

  • Transformation of sentences


  • Modifiers: Definition, Types & Examples
  • Pre-modifiers
  • Post-modifiers


  • Narration: Reported to Reporting Speech

Determiners & Quantifiers

  • Determiners
  • Quantifiers


  • Prefixes: Definition with Examples


  • Suffixes: Definition with Examples


  • Types of Questions


  • Punctuation: Definition, Types & Usage Rules
  • Correct Use of Semicolons

Do-insertion / Do-support

  • Do-insertion or Do-support


  • Negation: Definition, Rules & Examples


  • Inversion: Definition with Examples

Other Topics

  • Comparatives
  • Subjunctive: Structures, Usage
  • Perfectives: Structures & Usage
  • Parallel Structure
  • Embedded Questions
  • Dangling Modifiers
  • Pronouns before the Gerunds & Infinitives
  • Antecedents of Pronoun
  • Infinitive: Definition and Types
  • Adjective followed by the Infinitives
  • Causative Verbs
  • Verbs followed by Gerunds
  • Verbs followed by Infinitives
  • Uses of Direct & Indirect Object
  • Correct Use of «Sequence of Tense» in Writing
  • Affirmative and Negative Agreement
  • Avoid Redundancy to Improve Your Writing
  • Singular They — Wrong or Right?
  • One VS You

Why Learn English Grammar?

The number of native and second-language speakers of English makes it the most widely used language in the world to date and that has peaked the importance of learning it. Learning grammar is often one of the first steps to learning the language itself so, it’s no surprise that the learners of English cannot but spend time getting used to its grammar. 

The five basic components of grammar in the English language are listed below —

  1. Phonology
  2. Morphology
  3. Syntax
  4. Semantics
  5. Pragmatics

Grammatical rules in English explain how letters form words, words become phrases or sentences, in what order they must come in a sentence and why. English grammar teaches the ropes to its learners by explaining and exemplifying each topic relevant to using the English language correctly.

The chief importance of learning it —

Know the Distinct Features of Language

By learning English grammar, students of the language get to know what features of the language set it apart from the rest. English as Second Language (ESL) learners often learn the grammatical rules in English by comparing them with the grammar of their native language. For example, it will be news to native Spanish and Arabic speakers learning English grammar that every English word is not gendered unlike that of Spanish and Arabic.

Learn the Correct Spellings and Pronunciations

Defining, theorizing and teaching the correct spellings and pronunciations of each word are among the biggest responsibilities of grammar. Phonology and phonetics deal with what spelling should sound like. For instance, grammar determines that “Saline” will always end with an “e” and the pronunciation will be IPA: /ˈseɪ.laɪn/ in the United Kingdom English and IPA: /ˈseɪliːn/ in the United States one.

The Formation, Meaning Making and Usage of Words

Morphology takes care of the word formations, meaning-making as well as usage in sentences to accurately express what people feel. As an example, grammar will explain the rules to add prefixes and suffixes to existing words including a demonstration as to how the meanings change with such additions.

Structure and Meaning of Sentences

Syntax and semantics are the sectors of grammar that deal with the formation of sentences as well as how and what they mean when particular words are used in succession. To specify, English grammar teaches how Subject + Verb + Object is the basic rule to construct any sentence in the language. 

History of English Grammar

If English is your target language, English grammar can explain what initially fails to make sense while coming across uncommon sentences or new words. One may be interested to know about the history behind its coming into being.

We must start right from the history of grammar itself. Though Sanskrit grammar had been orchestrated around the fifth century BC in India, the modern English grammar has found its roots in the Greek grammar developed around the first century BC and the subsequent Latin one based on the Greek only about two thousand years later.

Who Makes the Grammar Rules?

Grammarians and linguists make grammatical rules so that people can learn and use languages easily. Grammarians are the scholars who study, teach, write and research systax and grammatical rules for their sheer love and passion for it. They are often native speakers of the language they deal with.

Linguists, on the other hand, are language nerds who love dissecting languages and finding similarities and dissimilarities between different languages around the world. These language and grammar nerds list out the existing rules within a language (as well as their exceptions) and those become the grammatical rules.

Languages have a tendency to evolve and change with time depending on who use them and where. English grammar has been rather rigid in the sense that grammarians and linguists have laid down rules depending on what was believed to be the correct use of the language at the time. With time nevertheless, English has become the language of the entire world and so the grammatical rules started evolving with the cultures and linguistic differences of its new speakers depending on their geopolitical locations.

Our Words

Complete Handbook of English Grammar

Learning a language is like learning the most important aspect of a nation. English is a language which has crossed its national boundary for a long time now. English is spoken in almost all the countries of the world as an international language. As a result, this language has many varieties now. However, among these varieties, the standard form of English still is and will be regarded as the most prestigious and accepted form of English. Apparently, learning the standard form of English with the understanding of how it works incorporates paramount importance. This project is an attempt to provide the learners with the basic grammatical structures in an easily comprehensible style.    

This website will give you a complete understanding of the structures and the ways of developing sentences in English. You will find a complete list of the topics and sub-topics on the first page of the website and you will be able to access them easily. The topics are discussed thoroughly with lots of examples and explanations. You will also find the exception of the common structures noted and explained with each topic. This website will provide you with a complete grammar book and on top of that, you will find the topics interlinked so that you can access them easily.    

It is generally presumed that grammar only helps the ESL (English as a Second Language) learners to write correct English and native speakers do not need grammar to write without mistakes. However, a native speaker of English will find this website useful if s/he wants to understand how his/her mother tongue works. This website will also help the native speakers of English use their language consciously and correctly.      

We have tried our best to produce an innovative but comprehensible approach to learn English grammar. However, we know that there is a lot of scope for improvements. We will deeply appreciate your suggestions and comments and try to improve the contents.

Learning a language is like learning the most important aspect of a nation. There are many, many reasons why learning a new language is a good idea. It allows you to communicate with new people. It helps you to see things from a different perspective, or get a deeper understanding of another culture. It helps you to become a better listener and so on. So, for all these purpose you have to learn English.

What are tenses?

Tenses is the most essential part of English Grammar.

However, tenses are used to classify time reference with reference to the moment of speaking. Tenses are used to classify the time of your speech, that is, present, future and past. Thus, there are many tense less sentences which are used in different languages like Chinese.

Moreover, tenses are used to express time related to moment of speaking.

Uses of Tenses

However, Tense is understood as a category that expresses time reference, using grammatical means places a state or action in time.

Moreover, Tense is normally indicated by the use of a particular verb form either an inflected form of the main verb, or a multi-word construction, or both in combination.

Thus, Tenses are used in sentences to indicate a particular time whether it is past, present or future.

Types of Tenses

However, There are three main types of tenses. They are: Present tense, past tense, future tense.

You must read: Tense Chart in Hindi with Rules

1. Present Tense

In Present tense, we generally make sentences which refers to present situation.

For examples:

  • Ram is eating his dinner.
  • Priya is dancing.
  • Rahul is playing.

2. Past tense

In past tense, we generally make sentences which refers to past situation or the things which already took place.

For example:

  • He ate his icecream.
  • Sheena went home.
  • Garv had fish yesterday.

3. Future Tense

In future tense, we generally make sentences which refers to future situation or the things which will take place in future.

For example:

  • Riya will come tomorrow.
  • I will eat pizza tomorrow.
  • We will go to grandmother’s home next week.

Some examples of tenses are:

  • She is watching television.
  • He is watching a football match.
  • She will go Goa tomorrow.
  • He had been playing football.
  • She has won five matches so far.
  • I got a call yesterday.
  • I am suffering from fever.
  • She had a fight yesterday.
  • We are playing cricket.
  • He will give you his book next week.

Tenses are very essential in English Grammar as one can make sentences with the help of them easily.

English tense chart with formula and example, tense chart, tense rules, tense examples, tense sentences list and tense chart with rules and examples find here.

The word “Tense” is origin from the Latin word which means “Time”. Tense is a form of verb which is used to indicate the time of an action or state in relation to the time of speaking.

For Example: 

  • I go to college.
  • I went to college.
  • I will go to college.

Example of Tenses

  • Present Tense
  • Past Tense
  • Future Tense

1. Present Tense: Present Tense refers to an activity which is currently happening or going on or necessarily to be performed.

For Example: 

  • I go to school.
  • The sun rises in the East.
  • I jump in the lake every Saturday.

2. Past Tense: Past Tense refers to an activity which has been performed earlier or happened earlier or in past.

For Example: 

  • I went to school.
  • It rained yesterday.
  • I had completed my homework.

3. Future Tense: Future Tense refers to an activity which will performed in future or it not yet happened.

For Example: 

  • I will go to school.
  • I’ll see you tomorrow.
  • I will complete my homework.

Tense Table: Chart of Tenses in English with Examples

1. Present Simple (Indefinite) Tense Examples

  1. I eat Dal Chapati.
  2. We eat Dal Chapati.
  3. You eat Dal Chapati.
  4. He eats Dal Chapati.
  5. She eats Dal Chapati.
  6. It eats Dal Chapati.
  7. They eat Dal Chapati.

2. Past Simple Tense Examples

  1. I ate Malai Kofta.
  2. We ate Malai Kofta.
  3. You ate Malai Kofta.
  4. He ate Malai Kofta.
  5. She ate Malai Kofta.
  6. It ate Malai Kofta.
  7. They ate Malai Kofta.

3. Future Simple Tense Examples

  1. I shall travel to Washington.
  2. We shall travel to Washington.
  3. You will travel to Washington.
  4. He will travel to Washington.
  5. She will travel to Washington.
  6. It will travel to Washington.
  7. They will travel to Washington.

4. Present Continuous Tense

  1. I am eating a tomato.
  2. We are eating tomatoes.
  3. You are eating tomatoes.
  4. He is eating a tomato.
  5. She is eating a tomato.
  6. It is eating a tomato.
  7. They are eating tomatoes.

5. Past Continuous Tense

  1. I was eating a carrot.
  2. We were eating carrots.
  3. You were eating carrots.
  4. He was eating a carrot.
  5. She was eating a carrot.
  6. It was eating a carrot.
  7. They were eating carrots.

6. Future Continuous Tense

  1. I shall be eating pomegranate.
  2. We shall be eating pomegranates.
  3. You will be eating pomegranate.
  4. He will be eating pomegranate.
  5. She will be eating pomegranate.
  6. It will be eating pomegranate.
  7. They will be eating pomegranate.

7. Present Perfect Tense

  1. I have eaten a pomegranate.
  2. We have eaten pomegranates.
  3. You have eaten pomegranates.
  4. He has eaten a pomegranate.
  5. She has eaten a pomegranate.
  6. It has eaten a pomegranate.
  7. They have eaten pomegranates.

8. Past Perfect Tense

  1. I had eaten Dal Chapati.
  2. We had eaten Dal Chapati.
  3. You had eaten Dal Chapati.
  4. He had eaten Dal Chapati.
  5. She had eaten Dal Chapati.
  6. It had eaten Dal Chapati.
  7. They had eaten Dal Chapati.

9. Future Perfect Tense

  1. I shall have eaten Dal Chapati.
  2. We shall have eaten Dal Chapati.
  3. You will have eaten Dal Chapati.
  4. Ha will have eaten Dal Chapati.
  5. She will have eaten Dal Chapati.
  6. It will have eaten Dal Chapati.
  7. They will have eaten Dal Chapati.

10. Present Perfect Continuous Tense

  1. I have been eating Dal Chapati.
  2. We have been eating Dal Chapati.
  3. You have been eating Dal Chapati.
  4. He has been eating Dal Chapati.
  5. She has been eating Dal Chapati.
  6. It has been eating Dal Chapati.
  7. They have been eating Dal Chapati.

11. Past Perfect Continuous Tense

  1. I had been eating Dal Chapati.
  2. We had been eating Dal Chapati.
  3. You had been eating Dal Chapati.
  4. He had been eating Dal Chapati.
  5. She had been eating Dal Chapati.
  6. It had been eating Dal Chapati.
  7. They had been eating Dal Chapati.

12. Future Perfect Continuous Tense

  1. I shall have been eating Dal Chapati.
  2. We shall have been eating Dal Chapati.
  3. You will have been eating Dal Chapati.
  4. He will have been eating Dal Chapati.
  5. She will have been eating Dal Chapati.
  6. It will have been eating Dal Chapati.
  7. They will have been eating Dal Chapati.

Present Tense Chart | Definition | Uses | Examples

What is present tense?

Tenses is the most important part of English Grammar. Present tense is a part of Tenses.

However, tenses are used to classify time reference with reference to the moment of speaking.

Moreover, it is one of the type of Tenses.

However, the present tense is used for actions which are happening right now. Its principle function is to locate a situation or event in present time. In order to understand present tense, it is important to use time as a tool on which present, past and future tense are positioned.

Moreover, it describes a current event or a state of being.

Uses of present tense

Mostly, present tense is used to frame a sentence on a present situation.

  • It is used to give instructions and directions.  For example: You walk for ten meters, then you turn right.
  • It is also used to express fixed arrangements present or future. For example: Your race starts at 10:00.
  • To express general truths, habits, repeated actions or unchanging situations, emotions and wishes. For example: I drink tea (habit), I work in Australia (unchanging situations), California is an IT hub (general truth).
  • It is also used to express future time after some conjunctions such as; as soon as, after, when, until. For example: She’ll give it to you when you come next Friday.

Ways to form simple present tense

However, There are certain ways from which we can form its sentences.

do/does + [subject] + [root form of verb]

For singular:

  • First-person singular: I read.
  • Second-person singular: You read
  • Third-person singular: He/she/it reads (note the -s)

For plural:

  • First-person plural: We read.
  • Second-person plural: You read.
  • Third-person plural: They read.

Types of Present tense

There are four types of present tense in English Grammar. They are as follows:

  • Simple present: It is used to express habits and general truths.
  • Present Continuous: It is used to express an action which is taking place now.
  • Present Perfect: This form of tense is used for repeated actions, actions where time doesn’t has importance and actions that begin in the past and are not finished yet.
  • Present perfect continuous: Here process and result both are important. It is used to talk about ongoing actions.

Examples of Present tense

  • I am eating icecream.
  • She is cooking pizza for me.
  • He is reading my book.
  • She is coming here.
  • Complete your dinner.
  • Wear your shoes.
  • Ram is playing cricket.
  • Riya is studying.
  • Bring my bag.

Moreover, it is very useful in English Grammar. It can be used while framing sentences.

Present continuous tense | Definition | Uses | Examples

What is present continuous tense?

It is an essential part of present tense. It is generally used for action happening right now or for actions which are unfinished and can also be used when the action is temporary.

However, It indicated that the action is happening frequently, and may continue in the future.

Some examples of present continuous tense are:

  • She is swimming.
  • He is crying.
  • The girl is sleeping in her room.
  • He is eating his meal.
  • We are visiting the hotel in the evening.

Uses of present continuous tense

  • Present continuous tense is used to describe an action that is going on at this moment. For example: You are studying math, You are using my comb.
  • It is used to describe a temporary event or a situation. For example: He usually speaks in English but he is speaking in Hindi today.
  • It can also be used  to show that something will or will not happen in the near future. For example: She is not going to the school today.
  • Present continuous tense is used to describe an event of the future which is already planned and prepared. For example: I am meeting my best friend tonight.
  • Present continuous tense can be used in questions as well. For example: Is she laughing?, Are we going?, etc.
  • It can be used while we speak about current trends. For example: Online shopping is growing in popularity nowadays.
  • This tense is also important since it is a simple sentence structure that can show actions or events that are happening right now, either in the planned future, or even in the past.

Some examples of present continuous tense are

  • She is playing guitar.
  • What are you wearing tonight?
  • We are going to the museum.
  • He is playing with his basketball.

Hence, The above mentioned part of present tense is very useful in framing sentences in English Grammar.

Present Perfect Tense Chart | Definition | Uses | Examples

What is present perfect tense?

The present perfect tense is used to indicate a link between the present and the past. It is often used to describe about an past event that has present consequences. It is used in everyday conversation, in the news, on the radio, and when writing letters.

While using present perfect tense,  you require an auxiliary verb that helps your main verb to function. The main verb is always in a past participle form.

Uses of present perfect tense

  • The present perfect tense is used to describe an action or situation that started in the past and continues in the present.
  • It is used to describe an action that was completed in the very recent past. For example: I have just finished my dinner.
  • It is also used to describe an action that has not finished yet. For example: It has rained a lot this month.
  • To describe an event where time is not an important aspect. For example: He has lost his wedding ring.
  • To express a repeated action in an unspecified period between the past and now. For example: We have visited London several times.

Importance of Present perfect tense

It is used while talking about past experiences or about a change or situation that has happened in the past and still continues in the present. It states that the actions or events of the past has ab direct effect on present. That is why it is an important part of English Grammar.

Examples of Present perfect tense

  • I have lived in Jaipur.
  • I have lost my bag.
  • He has broken his hand.
  • There has been an accident.
  • We haven’t seen him today.
  • The children have made mess in the drawing room.

Hence, Present perfect tense holds a very important place in tenses. It can be used in framing sentences.

Affirmative: Subject+have/has+past participle

For Example: 1. I have tired sushi

2. My father is just gone to bed.

3. I have already ironed the shirts.

Negative Affirmative: Subject+have not (haven’t)/has not (hasn’t)+ past participle

For Example: 1. I have not tried sushi.

2.She has never studied Chinese.

3.We have not been to New York.

Interrogative Affirmative: Have/has + subject + past participle

For Example: 1. Have you tried sushi?

2. Have you lived here all your life?

3. Has there ever been a war in united states?

Present perfect continuous tense | Definition | Uses | Structure | Examples

What is Present Perfect Tense?

The present perfect tense is expressed when an action or event begins in past and continues in present or has recently stopped. It states an ongoing action that started at some point in the past.

It refers to an unspecified time between ‘before now’ and ‘now’. The process may still be going on, or may have just finished.

‘Since’ and ‘for’ are the words used in sentences to show the time of action. Since is the word used for exact starting time. For is used to express the amount of time.

Present Perfect Tense Uses

It is used for actions that started in the past and continue in the present. For example: She has been waiting for you all day, They have been travelling since January.

Present perfect tense is used when the actions have just finished. But we are interested in the results. For example:  It’s been raining, She has been sleeping since last night.

Structure of sentence

Main verb: Present participle(Base form+ ing)

Auxiliary verb: has been, have been, etc.

Positive sentences

They include Subject+ auxiliary verb+ main verb + time reference.

For example:

  • He has been living in Australia since 1999.
  • She has been listening to music from last two hours.
  • He has been playing cricket from last two hours.
  • She has been sleeping for five hours.

Negative sentences

They include Subject+ Auxiliary verb+ main verb+ time-reference.

For example:

  • She has not been studying her books for five days.
  • I have not been sleeping for three days.
  • I have not been meeting him since a month.
  • Kids have not playing games for three hours.

Examples of Present perfect continuous tense

  • He has been waiting for you all day.
  • Someone’s been eating my chocolates.
  • It’s been raining.
  • Has he been using her car for three years?

Hence, these are some of the examples of Present perfect continuous tense.

Simple past tense | Definition | Uses | Structure | Examples

What is Simple past tense?

Simple past tense is called preterite. This term is used for completed actions. Or the action and events that has already taken place in the past. It is the basic form of past tense in English Grammar.

The time of the action can be in recent past or distant past as the action duration is not considered important in this.

Uses of Simple past tense

Simple past tense can be used in following ways:

You can use it when an action occurred just a little while ago. For example: I ate an mango.

It can be used for an action that occurred on regular basis in past. For example: He worked in a shop.

We use it sentences to associate with certain past time experiences. For example: I often bought my lunch to collage.

Structure of the sentence

Main verb: Past simple form (2nd form of the form).

Auxiliary verb: Did.

Positive sentences

Subject+ main verb+ Object.

Subject+ Past simple form (2nd form of the verb) + object

For example:

  • I bought a mobile.
  • She met me in the park.
  • She laughed to see the circus.
  • He applied for an exam.

Negative sentences

Subject+ Auxiliary verb + NOT + main verb + Object.

Subject+ Did + NOT + Base form(1st form of verb) + Object.

For example:

  • He did not buy a scooter.
  • Riya did not help me.
  • He did not find any home.
  • She did not come here.

Some examples of simple past tense are:

  • Rishabh sailed to Europe in 1999.
  • My friend died last year.
  • He lived in Australia in 1980.
  • We crossed the bridge yesterday.

Moreover, here some of the examples of simple past tense are mentioned which will help you in framing sentences.

  • Simple Past Tense chart, sentence, examples, rules, formula, worksheet find here.
  • Simple Past Tense chart, sentence, examples, rules, formula, worksheet find here.

Simple past tense: Simple past tense refers to the activity or action which had happened before or exist in past.

For example: 1. I saw a movie yesterday.

2. I didn’t see a play yesterday.

3. Last year, I traveled to Japan.

Simple Past Tense Affirmative

Subject + VII + object ( H.V (Did) is not used)


  • Ram went to school.
  • They played football
  • You wrote a letter
  • He drank milk

Simple Past Tense Negative

Subject + (did) not + VI + object

(VI is always used with ‘did’)


  • Ram did not go to school.
  • They did not play football
  • You didn’t write a letter
  • He did not drink milk

Simple Past Tense Interrogative

Did + subject + VI + object?


  • Did ram go to school?
  • Did they play football?
  • Did you write a letter?
  • Did he drink milk?

Simple Past Tense Negative Interrogative

Did + subject + not + VI + object?

  • Did ram not go to school?
  • Did they not play football?
  • Did you not write a letter?
  • Did he not drink milk?

Simple Past Tense Interrogative with “Who -word”

“who-word” + did + subject + VI+ object?


  • When did ram go to school?
  • What did they play football?
  • What did you write a letter?
  • What did he drink milk?

Note: In “who-word” interrogative sentences “who-word” comes first then we put H.V “did” .

But if the “who-word” is “who” then direct main verb is used (only in affirmative)


  • Where did you learn English?
  • Who taught you English?
  • Who did not play cricket?

Past continuous tense | Definition | Uses | Sentences | Examples

What is Past continuous tense?

Past continuous tense is also known as past progressive tense. It refers to an continuing action or for a state or event that was happening at some point in the past.

However, it can also be used to describe an action that was continuously happening in the past and an another action interrupted it. It is used to describe conditions that existed in the past.

Basically, The past continuous can shed light on what was happening at a precise or particular time in the past.

Past Continuous Tense Uses

  • It is used to describe the background of a story written in the past tense. For example: The sun was shining and birds were flying as the lion came out of the jungle.
  • Past continuous tense is used to describe the change in mind. For example: I was going Hawaii in my holidays but now I’ve decided to go London instead.
  • It can also be used to describe an unfinished action or event that was interrupted by another event or action. For example: I was having a wonderful dream when the alarm clock rang.

Positive sentences

Subject + Auxiliary verb + main verb + Object

Subject+ Were/Was + Present participle + (Verb+ing)+ An object.

For example:

  • She was waiting for you.
  • He was writing a letter.
  • Rahul was driving his car.
  • I was planning about my future.

Negative sentences

Subject + Auxiliary verb + NOT + main verb + object.

A subject + were/was + NOT + Present participle + Object

For example:

  • She was not sleeping.
  • I was not walking alone.
  • She was not reading the book.
  • The kids were not playing in the park.

Some examples of past continuous tense:

  • They were waiting for the ambulance when the accident happened.
  • Sunny was skiing when she broke her leg.
  • When we arrived he was having a bath.
  • When the fire started I was listening radio.

Moreover, These are some of the examples of Past continuous tense which we can use while framing sentences.

Past perfect tense | Definition | Uses | Sentences | Examples

What is past perfect tense?

Past perfect tense indicates that an action was completed at some point in the past before something else happened.

However, It is used to express two types of actions which occurred or took place in the past. It gives a sense of completion of an activity in past. Past perfect tense can also be used to state an action that occurred somewhere in the past.


  • I had walked for two miles.
  • She had slept.
  • He had sent me his picture a year ago.
  • I had lost my phone.

The past perfect formula

The past perfect tense formula is had+ [past participle]. The formula doesn’t change no matter the subject is singular or plural.

Structure of sentence

Main verb: Past participle (3rd form of the form) e.g. gone, written, etc.

Auxiliary verb: Had

Positive sentences

Subject + Auxiliary verb + Main verb+ Object.

Subject + Had +Past participle + (3rd form of verb)+ Object.

For example:

  • She had cooked a cake.
  • He had bought a new mobile.
  • They had shifted to a new place.
  • I had lost my pen.

Negative sentences

Subject + Auxiliary verb + NOT + main verb + Object.

Subject + Had + Not + Past Participle + Object.

For example:

  • She had not finished her homework.
  • I had not visited him.
  • They had not cleaned their room.
  • He had not informed me about his pain.

Interrogative sentences

Auxiliary verb + Subject + main verb + Object

Had+ Subject + Past participle + Object.

For example:

  • Had you completed your homework?
  • Had you thought about your future?
  • Has she appeared for her exams?
  • Has he waited for you?

However, These are some of the examples of past continuous tense. You can use these rules while framing sentences.

Past Perfect Continuous Tense | Definition | Uses | Sentences | Examples

What is past perfect continuous tense?

Past perfect continuous tense is also known as past perfect progressive tense. It indicated that an action which started in the past continued up until another time in the past.

The formula for past perfect continuous tense is had been + the verb’s present participle (root + -ing).

It states an action or event that started in the past, continued up in the past and also ended at some definite point in the past.

The sentence include time-reference to show that when the action started in the past or for how long the action was continued in past. Two specific words are used for time reference. They are ‘since’ and ‘for’.

Structure of the sentence

Main verb: Present participle(base form verb+ ing). Ex. waiting, cooking, etc.

Auxiliary verb: Had been.

Positive sentences

Subject+ Auxiliary verb+ main verb+ Object+ time-reference.

Subject+ had been+ present participle( base form of verb+ing)+ Object+ time- reference.

For example:

  • They were playing cricket since 10:00 am.
  • I had been applying for jobs since January 2017.
  • She had been watching the movie for three hours.
  • I had been waiting for you since two hours.

Negative sentences

Subject+ Auxiliary verb+ main verb+ Object+ time-reference.

Subject+ had not been+ present participle+ Object+ time-reference.

For example:

  • She had not been eating vegetables for three years.
  • Kid had not been drinking milk for two hours.
  • You had not been reading this book for two months.
  • He had not been playing badminton since 3 O’ clock.

Interrogative sentences

Had+ subject+ been+ Present participle+ Object+ Time-reference.

For example:

  • Had he been using the same mobile since 2014?
  • Had he been working on the same project since 2017?
  • Had she been doing her homework since last night?
  • Had you been helping your parents for three years?

Hence, These are some of the examples of Past perfect continuous tense. We can use them while framing sentences.

Future tense | Definition | Uses | Type

What is future tense?

There are three types of tenses , that is, Present tense, Past tense, Future tense. Here, we will discuss Future Tense.

Future tense is a type of Tenses. It generally marks the event described by the verb that will happen in future and has not happened yet.

Moreover, it expresses a future event or a future state of being. The future expressed byit generally  means the future related to the moment of speaking.

Uses of Future tense

  • The most important use of it is to describe the events of Future or to talk about things that has not happened yet.
  • We can use the it to talk about an action or condition that will begin and end in the future.
  • We can use it to discuss about future plans or plan something which will take place in future.
  • It can also be used to ask about any event that will happen in future.

Types of Future Tense

  • Simple future tense: It is used for an action or an event that will happen or occur in future. For example: She will go, I will celebrate my birthday by flying to London.
  • Future progressive tense: The future progressive tense is used for an on-going action that will occur in the future. For example: She will be going,  I will be dancing for next two hours.
  • Future perfect tense: It is used to describe an action that will have been completed at some point in the future. For example: She will have gone, By the time you arrive, we will have finished the practice.
  • Future perfect progressive: Future perfect progressive is used for an on-going action that will be completed at some specific time in future. For example: She will have been going, In August next week, you will have been studying for five years.

Simple Future Tense | Definition | Uses | Sentences | Examples

What is simple future tense?

Simple future tense indicates an action or event that will occur or happen in the future. It describes an action that will happen in near or far future after said by the speaker.

It also refers to a time later than now, and expresses facts or certainty. There is no attitude in this case.

Structure of the sentence

Main verb: Base or 1st form of verb.

Auxiliary verb: “will”

The formula for simple future tense is will + [root form of verb]. It doesn’t matter if the subject is singular or plural, the formula for the simple future tense doesn’t change.

Uses of simple future tense

  • It is used to express willingness. For example: She’ll do the washing up.
  • To predict a future event. For example: I will go school tomorrow.
  • With you, to give orders. For example: You will do exactly what she says.
  • It is also used with I or We, to express a spontaneous decision. For example: I’ll pay for the laptop by credit card.
  • Simple future tense is also used in a negative form to express unwillingness. For example: The gill won’t eat her sandwich.

Positive sentences

Subject+ Auxiliary verb+ main verb + Object.

Subject+ will+ Base or 1st form of verb+  Object.

For example:

  • She will come here tomorrow.
  • He will send me a mail.
  • He will marry her next year.
  • I will give her a nice gift.

Negative sentences

Subject+ Auxiliary verb+ NOT+ main verb+ Object.

Subject+ will+ NOT+ base form of verb+ Object.

For example:

  • They will not play football.
  • He will not help you.
  • She will not come to college.
  • I will not study this book.

Hence, These are some of the examples of Simple future tense. You can use this information mentioned above while framing sentences.

Future Progressive Tense | Definition | Uses | Sentences | Examples

What is Future progressive tense?

Future progressive tense is used to indicate a continuing action that will occur at some point in the future. It is a English verb tense. It expresses that something will be in progress at a particular moment in future.

However, It is also called future continuous tense.

For example:

  • I will be studying.
  • She will be reading.
  • I will be leaving.

Uses of future progressive tense

  • Future progressive tense is used to indicate that something will happen or take place in near future. For example: You will be hearing from us in the coming months.
  • It is also used to talk about future events which are fixed or decided. Personnel intentions are not suggested here. For example: I will be seeing her one of these days.
  • It can also be used to predict the present. For example: Don’t call him now, he will be having shower.
  • The future progressive tense can also be used to make polite inquiries about people’s plan. For example: Will you be singing till the night.
  • Whenever we want to know listener’s plan, future progressive tense is used. For example: Are you coming to my house this Sunday?


It follows a specific structure or standard formula which is as follows:

It is created with “to be” verb conjugation” and the present participle of a verb (with an –ing ending).

We use Subject + will be + present participle of verbs to form the future progressive.

Some examples of future progressive tense:

  • I will be eating your chocolate.
  • I will be reading this newspaper.
  • She will be bargaining.
  • I will be seeing you soon.
  • Will you be coming at my place?

These are some of the examples which can be used while framing sentences.

Future Perfect Tense | Definition | Structure | Formula | Examples

What is future perfect tense?

Future perfect tense is a verb form which indicates an action or event that is expected or planned to happen before a time of reference in the future. It reflects that an action will have been completed at some point in the future. It gives a sense of completion.

Moreover, The construction of future perfect tense consists of  Auxiliary verbs(will or shall) to mark the future.

Form of the Sentence

The form of Future perfect tense is composed of two elements, that is, the simple future of the verb “to have” (will have) + the past participle of the main verb.

For example: She will have finished.

Structure of the sentence

Main verb: Past participle(3rd form of the verb).

Auxiliary verb: Will have.

Positive Sentences

  • Subject + Auxiliary verb + Main verb + Object.
  • Subject + will have + Past participle (3rd form of the verb) + Object.

For example:

  • She will have started a new job.
  • Teacher will have taken the test.
  • The kids will have played cricket in the school.
  • I will have taken my dinner.

Negative Sentences

  • Subject + Auxiliary verb + Main verb+ Object.
  • Subject+ WILL NOT have+ past participle + Object.

For example:

  • He will have not come here.
  • They will have not seen us.
  • She will have not reached her home.
  • The kids will have not eaten their food.

Interrogative sentences

Will + Subject + Have + Past participle + Object.

For example:

  • Will he have helped his siblings?
  • Will she have started her journey?
  • Would they have constructed a new house?
  • Will she have decided her decision?

However, they are some of the examples of future perfect tense. You can use the above mentioned formulas while framing sentences for future perfect tense.

Future Perfect Progressive Tense | Meaning | Structure | Sentences | Examples

What is future perfect progressive tense?

Future perfect progressive tense is also known as future perfect continuous tense. It is a verb form that indicates a continuous action that will be completed at some point in the future.

The future perfect progressive tense consists of certain elements such as will + have + been + the verb’s present participle (verb root + -ing).

In future perfect progressive tense, when we describe an action, we are projecting ourselves forward in time and looking back at the duration of the activity.

However,  progressive forms occur only with what are called dynamic verbs and not with stative verbs. The action is assumed to be continued for a specific time in future.

In this verb form, a time reference is used to show the starting point of the sentence or for how long the action continues.

Since and for are the two specific words used in the sentences for ‘time reference’.

Structure of the Sentence

Main verb: Present participle( Base or 1st form of the verb+ing) Example: going, leaving, working.

Auxiliary verb: Will have been.

Positive Sentences

Subject + Auxiliary verb + Main verb + Object + Time reference.

Subject+ will have been+ Present participle(1st form of the verb+ing)+ Object+ time-reference.

For example:

  • She will have been reading this book since Friday.
  • They will have been writing blogs for three hours.
  • The girl will have been sleeping since 11 pm.
  • He will have been singing songs for two hours.

Negative Sentences

Subject + Auxiliary verb + Main verb + Object + Time-reference.

Subject+ WILL NOT have been+ present participle(1st form of the verb+ ing)+ Object+ time-reference.

For example:

  • She will not have been dancing for three hours.
  • He will not have been using my car anymore.
  • He will not have been playing games since November 2016.
  • I will not have been waiting for you anymore.

Hence, these are some of the rules and formulas which you can use while framing sentences.

Learn 8 Parts of Speech in English

Name Functions Words Examples
Verb Action/State do, have, be, to be, can, must, work, like This is a blog. I like
Noun Name of thing, person, object USA, Taylor Swift, Pencil, Cow, River, Name, Village This is my village. She lives in USA. We read in books.
Adjective attribute of a noun or pronoun sweet, small, interesting, blue My shirt is blue. I like sweet mangoes.
Determiner a modifying word «determines» Few, Little, A, An, The, Many, Some, Much I have two cows and some buffaloes.
Adverb describes a verb, adjective or adverb well, badly, quickly, silently, very, really My cat eats quickly. When child is very hungry, she eats really quickly.
Pronoun replaces a noun It, I, we, you, he, she Laro is Italian. He is handsome.
Preposition links a noun to another word at, to, in, after, on, into They go to school on Tuesday.
Conjunction linking words and, but, when They like cows and they like buffaloes. They like cows and buffaloes. They like cows but I don’t like buffaloes.
Interjection Joy, feelings, exclamation well done!, oh!, ouch!, hurrah! uh-huh! Ouch! That struck! uh-huh! Well, I know. hurrah! we won.

A complete parts of speech and their
examples are giving here so it can understand easily. Online study
better for all who are like to read and search latest parts of speech
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Adjective: Definition and Examples

Definition –Adjective is a word whose main
role is to modify and describe a noun. Its making your writing and
speaking. Adjective is the one of the main part of speeches and English
language. Its change information by the noun.

Use –
Adjectives use for identify and quantify individual people and unique
things. Usually positioned before noun and pronoun that they modify same
sentences contain.

Type – 2 types of adjectives:

  1. Descriptive Adjective
  2. Limiting Adjective

Descriptive Adjective

1 Attributive Adjective

Generally more straightforward than their counterparts. Most
adjectives used in two positions. When they are used before the noun
they describe, they are called Attributive Adjectives. Attributive
Adjective are- black, English, fast etc.

Examples –

  • It is an English Rose.
  • A black dog.
  • A fast journey.
  • A White cow.

2 Predicate Adjective

When they are use after a verb such as be, become look, grow and
seem, they are called Predicate Adjective. It is contrasts with an
attribute adjective. Its part of the predicate hence. They modify the
subject of sentences. Its part of the predicate hence. They modify the
subject of sentences. Predicate Adjectives are- Gloomy, black, sweet

Examples –

  • Fruit is sweet.
  • The dog was black.
  • They were growing tired.
  • A future looks gloomy,.

Limiting Adjective

1 Possessive Adjective

Its show possession of describe whom thing belongs. And ownership of
something while we use then when we refer to people. Possessive
Adjective are- your, her, him, my etc.

Examples –

  • She loves your hat.
  • This is my phone.
  • The dog is sitting on its tail.
  • The shopkeeper sold her favorite thing.

2 Demonstrative Adjective

Its describes which noun and pronoun you are referring. That are used
to modify noun. Its helpful for make it clear which thing of person you
would like to talk. Whether person is far and near or singular and
plural. Demonstrative Adjectives are- these, that, those, this etc.


  • My parents preferred those plates.
  • She lives in this house.
  • That cat is so adorable.
  • This is boring.

3 Indefinite Adjective

Its used to describe to noun. Its type of adjective. Adjective
depending on context. Its singular or plural. Singular Indefinite
Adjective are- each, enough, either, everybody etc. and Plural
Indefinite Adjective are- both, few, many, other etc.


  • Both are beautiful.
  • Everybody come here.
  • Each state is under world.
  • Anybody seen this movie.

4 Interrogative Adjective

Its used with noun for ask the questions. Its used to modify
interrogative sentences. Its part of adjective.Similar use with noun and
pronoun. Interrogative Adjective are- what, which, why, who, where etc.


  • Where do you live?
  • What is your favorite subject?
  • Why are you laughing?
  • Which is your dress?
  • Where is Riya’s mother?

5 Cardinal Adjective

Adjective that modify the noun by numbers. Its sentences use with
numbers. Similar use with nouns and pronouns but simple use with
numerical sentences. Cardinal Adjectives are- one, two, three etc.


  • She is no. one girl.
  • They are two brothers.
  • Fifteen students are absent.
  • Total five family member in their home.
  • Three parrots are flying in the sky.

6 Ordinal Adjective

Its indicate the position of a noun in a series. Words are
representing the position of rank in a sequential order. The order may
be of size and importance etc. Ordinal Adjectives are- first, second,
third etc.


  • She comes on the first date.
  • Third month is wonderful for me.
  • He is sitting on third row.
  • She is born in second month.
  • Just once read it.

7 Proper Adjective

Adjective drive from proper name and sentence who is called proper
adjective. We are easily recognized. Its modified with nouns and
pronouns. Its alternative ending with each sentences. Proper Adjectives
are- Indian, Australian, American etc.


  • Italian food.
  • Russian opera.
  • I love Indian culture.
  • I like Japanese dress.


Definition of Adjective

are those words that are used to describe or modify nouns or pronouns.

Examples of Adjective

  • They live in a beautiful house
  • Riya is wearing the sleeveless dress today.
  • She wears a beautiful dress.
  • She writes meaningless messages.
  • This shop is much nicer.
  • Sappy is an adorable baby.
  • Deepika’s hair is gorgeous
  • This glass is breakable.

There are 7 Types of Adjective


In Adjective
there are 7 Types of adjectives are present in English Grammar.

  1. Descriptive
  2. Quantitative
  3. Demonstrative
  4. Possesive
  5. Interrogative
  6. Distributive
  7. Articles

Descriptive Adjectives Examples List

1 Descriptive Adjective

Definition of
Descriptive Adjective

adjectives are used to describe nouns and pronouns.

of Descriptive Adjective

  1. Rishi is a nice person.
  2. He is a cricketer.
  3. I bought a genuine kajal.
  4. I am a self reliant woman.
  5. She has a beautiful daughter.
  6. She is a clever girl.
  7. I have an old touring car.
  8. She want to buy a diamond ring.
  9. We ate some delicious food.
  10. She loves golden jars.

2 Quantitative Adjective

Definition of Quantitative

Quantitative Adjectives describe the quantity of something.

of Quantitative Adjective

  1. She has 40 horses.
  2. The forest has 2125 animals.
  3. The second world war still hunts some peoples.
  4. She ate half of my apple.
  5. Most people are people in this world.
  6. Kartik has many pencils in his bag.
  7. He is doing it for 66th times now.
  8. The fourth boy became first in the final exam.
  9. There are 30 girls and 32 boy in this class.
  10. Rohan completed the whole task.

3 Demostrative Adjective

Definition of Demonstrative Adjective

A demonstrative adjective describes “which” noun or pronoun you’re referring to.

of Demonstrative Adjective

  • Give me that pink water bottle.
  • This time I won’t fail you.
  •  I want those gorgeous marbles.
  • I wanted to propose you that day.
  • These mangoes are rotating.
  • I can’t forget that accident
  • I cannot give you money at this time.
  • That building is stronger than this hut.
  • Those people were mean to her.
  • Those rascals are back in the town.

4 Possessive Adjective

Definition of Possessive

Possessive Adjective show possession. They describe to whom a
thing belongs. Some of the most common possessive adjective.

Examples of Possessive Adjective

  • My computer is not working properly.
  • Your cycle has been stolen yesterday.
  • We are concerned about his performance.
  • Your child is not doing well in the school.
  • I could not understand her intentions.
  • Stop messing with my hair.
  • Her nails are so pretty.
  • I cannot believe that you are broke my glasses.
  • Her thoughts are too complex.
  • I don’t want to see his shadow again.

5 Interrogative Adjective

Definition of Interrogative

Interrogative adjective, meaning that they ask a question. These
adjectives are always followed by noun or pronoun, and are used to form

of Interrogative Adjective

  • Whose book is this?
  • Which pen do you like?
  • Which song is your favourite ?
  • What books are you buying today?
  • Whose dress did you wear today?
  • What product did you order from there?
  • Which is Rohan’s bat?
  • What recipe did you choose from the recipe book?
  • Which player did get a fifty yesterday?
  • Whose phone is this?

6 Distributive Adjective

Definition of Distributive

Distributive Adjective describe specific members out of a
group. These adjectives are used to single out one or more individual items or

of Distributive Adjective

  • Each book was written with a pen or a brush.
  • Every day there is much work to be done.
  • Either situation might be the case.
  • Neither of them had a clue what was on her mind.
  • It’s not a decision or a wish any more.
  • We know each other from last 10 years.
  • He was strong and ready for every duty.
  • I don’t like either the one or the other.
  • He heard neither the clock nor the birds.
  • Call me if there’s any change.

7 Article

Definition of Article

There are only three article in the English Grammar: A, An, The.
Articles can be difficult for English learners to use correctly.
Articles are their own parts of speech.

of Article

  1. There was a tree.
  2. He has been
    here about an hour.
  3. The horse did
    not stir.
  4. She tell me
    I walked the day I was a year
  5. He wanted
    needed an answer
  6. Ritika
    walks on the air all right.
  7. I suppose
    they are both a little
  8. I was not an easy decision.
  9. I like the black color dress.
  10. A warm hand
    rested on her waist.

Antonyms Examples List


A word that has the exact opposite meaning of another word its antonym.

Examples of Antonyms

Accurate Inaccurate Evening Morning
Achieve Fail Evil Good
Add Subtract Excited Bored
Admit Deny Exhale Inhale
Admit Reject Expand Shrink
Adore Hate Expensive Cheap
Against For Export Import
Agree Disagree Exterior Interior
Ahead Behind External Internal
Alive Dead Fake Real
All None Fall  Rise
Allow Forbid Famous Unknown
Alone Together Fast Slow
Always Never Fat Skinny
Amateur Professional Fat Thin
Amuse Depart Few Many
Ancient Modern First Last
Answer Question Float Sink
Authentic Imitation Foolish Wise
Back Front Forget Remember
Bad Good Forgive Blame
Beautiful Ugly Forward Backward
Before After Friend Enemy
Beg Offer Funny Sad
Begin End Generous Stingy
Beginning Conclusion Gentle Rough
Behind In Front
Giant Tiny
Beneath Above Give Take
Best Worst Guilty Innocent
Better Worse Harmful Harmless
Big Little Harsh Mild
Birth Death Healthy Sick
Bitter Sweet Heavy Light
Black White Hero Coward
Blunt Sharp Hide Show
Boring Interesting High Low
Borrow Lend Hungry Full
Bottom Top Husband Wife
Boy Girl Identical Different
Buy Sell Ignorant Educated
Calm Windy Important Trivial
Capable Incapable Imprison Free
Capture Release In Out
Carefull Careless Incomplete Complete
Catch Throw Increase Decrease
Change Remain Inside Outside
Child Adult Interesting Boring
Chilly Warm Junior Senior
Chreeful Sad Justice In
      Clean Dirty Kind Mean
Clever Foolish Large Small
Clever Stupid Laugh Cry
Close Open Lazy Dilligent
Cold Hot Lead Follow
Combine Separate Leave Stay
Comedy Tragedy Left Right
Complex Simple Legal Illegal
Conceal Reveal Like Dislike
Conquer Fail Live Die
Continue Interrupt Lock Unlock
Cool Warm Long Short
Correct Incorrect

Loose Tight
Correct Wrong Love Hate
Crazy Sane Lowful Unlowful
Create Destroy Loyal Disloyal
Cruel Kind Mature Immature
       Dangerous Safe Merry Sad
Dark Bright Narrow Broad
Dark Light Near Messy
Dawn Sunset Noisy Silent
Deep Shallow Notice Overlock
Demand Supply Obedient Disobediant
Despair Hope Reward Punishment

Different Same Right Wrong
Difficult Easy Rough Smooth
Discomfort Comfort Small Big
Doubt Trust Soft Hard
Downwards Upwards Spend Save
Drunk Sober Start Finish
Dry Wet Stay Go
Dusk Dawn Straight Crooked
Early Late Strengthen Weaken
Easy Hard Strong Weak
Effective Ineffective Sweet Sour
Enter Exit Tall Short   

A An The Articles

According to Dictionary “ARTICLES” refers to a particular item or object.

According to Grammar: Definition
1. The words A, An and The are called Articles (according to primary students).

2. Articles refers to the word which is used before noun in which
defines whether something is specific or unspecific and it is
type of adjectives (according to secondary students).

For Example: The Moon , The Earth , An Apple, A Boy etc.

Types of Articles

  • Definite Article
  • Indefinite Article

1. Definite Articles

Definite Article refers to “The“. It defines the noun which is specific or particularly one.

For Example:

  • The Earth is third planet in the solar System.
  • The cat is black.
  • The book is heavy.

2. Indefinite Article

Indefinite Article refers to “A and An“. It defines the noun which is unspecific or one thing, it is not used with non-countable nouns.

For Example:

  • Ram is a good boy.
  • I have a sports bike.
  • That is an excellent book.
  • I think this is an animal.

How to use Articles

The Use of “AN” – Before a singular noun beginning with a vowel sound.

For Example:

  • We are looking for an apartment.
  • An Apple

The Use of “A” – Before a singular noun beginning with a consonant sound.

For Example:

  • That man is a scoundrel.
  • A girl

The Use of “THE” – Before a singular or plural noun which is specific or particularly one in the World.

For Example:

  • The theory of relativity.
  • The Taj Mahal


Conjunctions are words that link other words, phrases, or clauses
together. Conjunctions are considered to be invariable grammar particle,
and they may or may not stand between items they conjoin.

In other words, Conjunction is a word that join words or sentences.
Here, join means to connect two or more words or two or more sentences.

Lavina and Ravina are sisters.

Here, and is a connector between two words Lavina and Ravina (It is the example of joining two words)

Janvi is a good girl. Vini is a good girl.

Janvi and Vini are good girls.

Here, and is used to joining two sentences.

And, but, for, nor, or, so, and yet — are the seven coordinating conjunctions. To remember them, the acronym FANBOYS can be used.

  1.  F = for
  2.  A = and
  3.  N = nor
  4.  B = but
  5.  O = or
  6.  Y = yet
  7.  S = so


There are three types of conjunctions.

  • Coordinating conjunctions
  • Subordinating conjunctions
  • Correlative conjunctions

1. Coordinating conjunctions:- Coordinating conjunction
is to join two words, phrases, or independent clauses, which are
parallel in structure. There are seven coordinating conjunctions which
are by far the most common conjunctions:  and, but, for, nor, or, so, yet.

It joins the following:-

  • Word+Word
  • Phrase+Phrase
  • Clause+Clause


  • I’ve just eaten dinner so, I’m not hungry.
  • She needs to be home for her kids.
  • She is neither tall nor fat.
  • I want to go to bed, so I am brushing my teeth.

2. Subordinating conjunctions:– A subordinating conjunction is a word or phrase that links a dependent clause to an independent clause.

A subordinating conjunction is also called subordinator.

It joins the following:-

  • Main clause+Subordinate clause
  • Subordinate clause+Main clause

A main clause is a group of words having a subject and a verb. It can
stand alone as a sentence because it can give complete meaning. But, A
subordinate clause can’t stand alone as a sentence because it can’t give
complete meaning. The subordinate clause is completely depend on main
clause to give a specific meaning.The subordinate clause with
subordinate conjunction.


  • I need to finish the homework before the mother arrives from Market.
  • She inspires me always because she believes in me.
  • My mother believes that I should be a doctor.
  • I started cooking when I was eleven.

3. Correlative conjunctions:-Correlative
conjunctions are paired words. Correlative conjunction is a phrase that
joins together two other words, phrases, or clauses.

The common correlatives conjunctions are as follows:-

  • Either….or
  • Neither….nor
  • Whether….or
  • Both….and
  • Not only….but also


  • Both the red and the black dress are beautiful.
  • She is not only intelligent, but also very funny.
  • Either I drive to the airport or I get a taxi.
  • This book is neither interesting nor useful.
  • I don’t know whether he will come or not. 


Interjection meaning according to the dictionary : an abrupt remark, especially as an aside or interruption.

Interjection refers to those words which are added in sentence to
express strong feeling and sudden emotions or sentiments such as
surprise, disgust, joy, excitement, pain, sorrow , attention , calling

Note: It is not related grammatically related with
any part of sentence.It is used to express feeling or emotions. an
interjection followed by an exclamation mark will be followed by an
exclamatory sentence in an sentence.

Use: The words are generally used in sentences are as follows: Oh! , Wow, Ouch, Oops, Aha, Yahoo, Eww etc.

For Example:

  • Wow! We won the match
  • You think this is good???-Eww
  • Oh! I am so sorry
  • Ouch!! You hurt me.

Types of interjections

Interjections has been divided in to many types which are greeting, joy, surprise, approval, sorrow, attention, and calling.

Why do we use interjections?

Interjections is the part of speech.It is generally used in informal
manner or language. It gives an identification to our emotions and

It is necessary to use interjections?

It is not necessary to use interjections in a sentence. It generally
use to convey the speaker or individual feeling and emotions.However if
it use , it shows an expression of feeling or sentiment in message
which makes your message more reliable.

We hope that this matter will help you a lot in knowing
Interjections. For more grammar notes you can visit our website daily.
Thank you!!!! 


The simplest definition of a noun is a thing and nouns are the basic building blocks of sentences. These
things can represent a person, animal, place, idea, emotion – almost
anything. A noun is a part of speech, and parts of speech simply refer
to types of words.

Noun, Types of Noun, Noun Chart 2023

What is a Noun? What is a Noun for Kids?
Types of Nouns Classifying Noun
Possessive Nouns Collective Nouns
Irregular Plural Nouns Singular and Plural Nouns
Common and Proper Noun Common Proper Noun Worksheet

The simple definition is: a person, place or thing. Here are some examples:

  • person: man, woman, teacher, John, Mary
  • place: home, office, town, countryside, America
  • thing: table, car, banana, money, music, love, dog, monkey.

In other words, a noun is a word of a person, animal, thing or a place which contains a special meaning.

“We can touch and feel is a noun.”

Types of Noun

There are five types of noun:-

  • Common noun
  • Proper noun
  • Collective noun
  • Material noun
  • Abstract noun

1. Common noun – A common noun is a name which can
be used commonly for persons, animals, places or things. It represents a
whole class of its kind. Example:-

  • Boy
  • Girl
  • Dog
  • Cow
  • Pen
  • Ball
  • Delhi
  • Jaipur

2. Proper noun:- A proper noun is the particular
name of the person, place, animal or thing. Proper nouns like Rajasthan,
Rajesh or Ball are capitalized to show their distinction from common
nouns, such as “state,” “man” or “thing.” Example:-

  • Boy – Shivam
  • Girl – Neha
  • Place – Chittorgarh
  • Thing – Table

3. Collective noun:- A collective noun is the name
given to a collection of common noun considered as common noun. It refer
to a group of something in particular. Examples:-

  • An army of soldiers
  • A band of musicians
  • A heap of stones
  • A group of people
  • A jury of judges

4. Material noun:- A material noun is a thing which
is extracted from the earth or is used to make other things. It refers
to materials or substances from which things are made. Example:-

  • Cotton
  • Wheat
  • Sugar
  • Copper
  • Wheat

5. Abstract noun:- An abstract noun is the name of
some quality, action, state, feeling, or idea. It something which we can
feel or think about, but cannot touch it. Example:-

  • Bravery
  • Goodness
  • Strength
  • Freedom
  • Sickness

Noun, Definition, Noun Types

Of Noun

A noun is a
word that identify the name, place or thing.

Riya Jodhpur Table
Priya Mumbai Spoon
Reeta Hydrabad Cap
Kajal Jaipur Tap
Divya Kolkata Bag
Poonam Nepal Box
Rinky Delhi Pen
Kavita Japan Car
Ravi Agra Chair

There are 8 type of Noun in English Grammar.

1.  Common Noun

Definition of Common Noun

A common noun that is the name of a group of similar things.

of Common Noun

  • Watch
  • Nail
  • Foot
  • Shoe
  • Train
  • Mouse
  • Wallet
  • Dress
  • Waterfall
  • Pillow

2. Proper Noun

Definition of Proper Noun

A Proper
Noun is the name of a particular name, place or thing. Proper Noun is always
start with capital letter.

Examples of Proper Noun

  • 1.Virat Kohli is the best cricket player.
  • 2. Riya was born in India.
  • 3. Her friend name is Kavita.
  • 4. Harbhajan Singh plays for Mumbai Indian in IPL.
  • 5. She has a dog named Poppy.

3. Concrete Noun

Definition of Concrete

nouns are that we can experience with our touch, feel, sight, hearing or smell.

Examples of Concrete

Apple, Ambulace, Ball, Chair, Hat, Lamp, Man, Paper, Pencil, Purse,
Restaurant, Shampoo, Suit, Table, Water, Oil, Rose, Mall, Library,
Jacket, Hen, Gift, Ears, Eyes, Nose, Hair, Nail, Tea, Coffee, Rice.

4. Abstract Noun

Definition of Abstract

Noun refer to intangible things, like actions, feelings, ideals, concepts and

Examples of Abstract

Beauty, Bravery, Charity, Ego, Goodness, Kindness, Honor, Hope,
Loyalty, Jealousy, Sensitivity, Weakness, Trust, Maturity, Patience,
Love, Pain, Death, Idea.

5. Collective Noun

Definition of Collective

A collective
noun is a type of noun that identifies the groups of people and things.

Examples of Collective

  • A group of Girls: Giggle
  • A group of Boys: Rascal
  • A group of cats: Clutter
  • A group of musicians: Band
  • A group of singers: Choir
  • A group of players: Team
  • A group of students: Class
  • A group of flowers: Bouquet
  • A group of trees: Forest
  • A group of stars: Galaxy

6. Compound Noun

Definition of Compound

A compound noun is a noun that is made with two or more words. A
compound noun word is usually made with noun+ noun or noun + adjective.

of Compound Noun

Any + More = Anymore
Birth + Day = Birthday
Every + Day =  Everyday
Foot + Print = Footprint
Girl + Friend = Girlfriend
Heart + Beat = Heartbeat
Ear + Rings = Earings
Butter + Fly = Butterfly

7. Countable Noun

Definition of Countable

Countable noun is a noun that can be in singular or plural form, or we can count easily.

Examples of Countable

Restaurants, Café, Books, Glass, Mobile, Laptop, Elephant, School,
College, Table, Chapters, Car, Calender, Computer, Apple, Chocolates,
Egg, Tomato, Girl, Boy.

8. Uncountable Noun

Definition of Uncountable

uncountable noun is noun that can not count, only we can touch or feel.

Examples of Uncountable

Water, Petrol, Oil, Ghee, Cheese, Information, Garbage, Juice, Gas, Milk, Coffee, Tea, Salt, Hairs, Time, Honey

English Pronoun Chart | Rules | Types | Examples

Words which are use instead of noun are known as pronoun. However, in
grammar it is being defined as the word or the phase which are
substituted in place of the noun. Thus, words which can be replaced in
known as the pronoun’s antecedent. Moreover, the work performed by the
noun can also be done by this as well. So, it can easily act as
a subject, direct object, indirect object, object of the preposition and
more. Thus, there are various words which are of very short words.

  • He
  • She
  • They
  • It
  • We
  • Who

Examples of Pronoun:

  • I have lost my pen. Buy a new pen for me.
  • We are getting bored. Let us go for a movie.
  • She sang very well. Everyone clapped for her.
  • Look at Mary she is dancing.
  • They are glad to see her.
  • Ann and Lily have come to see her.
  • This is her pen.
  • The girl who is simple is respected by all.
  • He is going home.
  • We are going on vacation.

Rules of Pronoun:

However, there are few important rules for using this. So, go through
them read the examples and notice how the rules are followed. So, that
you can learn the way to use this.

  • Use subject in the sentence. Example: We did a great job.
  • However, you must also use subject to rename the subject. Example: It was she who decided we should go to Hawaii.
  • Moreover,
    the Indefinite pronouns don’t have antecedents. As they are capable
    enough of standing on their own. For example: No one likes the sound of
    fingernails on a chalkboard.
  • They are also capable of Object
    pronouns are used as direct objects, indirect objects, and objects of
    prepositions. These include: you, me, him, her, us, them, and it.
    Example: David talked to her about the mistake.
  • Moreover, the Possessive pronouns show ownership. Thus, they do not need apostrophes. Example: The cat washed its whiskers.

Types of Pronoun:

However, this can be divided into numerous categories. Thus, these are:

  • Personal Pronoun.

  • Reflexive Pronoun.
  • Indefinite/Distributive Pronoun.
  • Demonstrative Pronoun.
  • Possessive Pronoun.
  • Relative Pronoun.
  • Interrogative Pronoun.
  • Reciprocal Pronoun.

You study about pronoun that pronoun can do everything that noun do, right! Pronoun can take place of noun.

Surprise to Know about Types of Pronoun

In our books, there are 8 types of pronouns, but it may be 9. So
which counting is correct? Don’t think. It is an old English and modern
English game. Generally there are 8 types of pronouns. If you can clear,

Definition of Pronoun

Pronoun is a word which used in place of a noun.

There are 3 kinds of Pronouns.

  • Personal Pronoun

  • Interrogative Pronoun
  • Relative Pronoun


Definition of Personal Pronoun

These pronouns are used for person.

These are 3 kinds:

  • First Person

  • Second Person
  • Third Person

First Person: In a Sentence, a person who talks is first person. Example- I, We

Second Person: To whom, the person talks is second person. Ex- you

Third Person: About whom, the person talks is third person. Ex- He, She , it, they

  • First person- I, We जो बोल रहा है
  • Second Person-you जो सुन रहा है
  • Third Person- He, She, it, they जिसके बारे में बात की जा रही रही है

2 Interrogative Pronoun

Definition of Interrogative Pronoun

These are also call “ Question Words” or wh-words”. In interrogative
sentences, helping verb used after wh-words. Question Mark? Is put up
after interrogative sentence

Word Meaning in Interrogative Pronoun Meaning in relative pronoun
Who (living person) कौन जो
What ( idea or non living person) क्या जो
Where (place) कहाँ वहाँ, जहाँ
Why (reason) क्यों इसलिए
When (time) कब ज़ब
How (manner of work) कैसे जैसे
How many (plural, in numbers) कितने उतने, जितने
How much (singular, quantity) कितना उतना, जितना
Which (slection) कौनसा जो
Whom (indirect object) किसकों जिसको
Whose (possession) किसका, किसकी जिसका, जिसकी

3 Relative Pronoun

Definition of Relative Pronoun

Relative Pronoun is used to connect two sentences.

When “wh-word” are used in the middle of sentence, they perform as a “ Relative Pronoun”.

Example of relative pronoun

  • What are you doing?

In the above sentences “what” is performing as “interrogative pronoun”.

  • I don’t know what are you doing?

In the above sentence “what” is performating as “relative pronoun” because it connects two sentences.

Verb, Types, Exercises, Verb List

Definition: Verbs are the action words in a sentence that describe what the subject is doing. Verbs are doing words. A verb can express a physical action, a mental action, or a state of being.

In other words, verbs are action words that describes the action o the state of the subject.

Different Types of Verbs

  • Non-finite verbs
  • Finite verbs
  • Action verbs
  • Linking verbs
  • Auxiliary verbs
  • Modal verbs

1. Finite verbs:- They are the actual verbs which are called the roots of sentences A finite verb is a verb which has a subject and shows tense. In short, it is a verb being a verb (i.e., a doing word) as opposed to a verbal (which is another part of speech formed from a verb).


  • He is excited to see the amusement park.
  • The water level is rising day by day and it is alarming.
  • He painted all the walls.

2. Non-finite verbs:- They are not the actual verbs. A non-finite verb (also known as a verbal) is the term used to describe a verb that is not showing tense.

In other words, it a verb form that does not act like a verb (or, at least, the type of verb you need to form a sentence). Therefore, a non-finite verb is never the main verb in a sentence.


  • We are ready to play.
  • Sleeping in the afternoon is not healthy.
  • We ate a lot of roasted meat.
  • I respect the working disabled people.

3. Action verbs:- An action verb is a verb that expresses physical or mental action. The action verb tells us what the subject of our clause or sentence is doing-physically or mentally.


  • He hit a home run at the last game.
  • They bought a new house.
  • I just want to sit down and relax.
  • He is throwing the football.

Action Verb can be of two types

  • Transitive verbs.
  • Intransitive verbs.

1. Transitive verbs:- A transitive verb is a verb that can take a direct object. In other words, the action of a transitive verb is done to someone or something. Most verbs are transitive. A transitive verb contrasts with an intransitive verb, which is a verb that does not take a direct object.


  • He painted the car. (The verb ‘paint’ demands an object to be painted)
  • He is reading the newspaper. (The verb ‘read’ asks the question “what is she reading?” – the answer is the object)

2. Intransitive verbs:- An intransitive verb is simply defined as a verb
that does not take a direct object. That means there’s no word in the
sentence that tells who or what received the action of the verb. Intransitive verbs are complete without a direct object.


  • He smiled. (The verb ‘smile’ cannot have any object since the action of ‘smiling’ does not fall upon anything/anyone)
  • He wake up at 4 AM. (No object is needed for this verb)

4. Linking verbs:- Action verbs are verbs that specifically describe what the subject of the sentence is doing. These types of verbs carry a great deal of information in a sentence and serve to make the sentence complete.


  • Banana tastes delicious.
  • She appears upset about the announcement.
  • He became suspicious.
  • Building the house proves difficult for them

5. Auxiliary verbs:- Auxiliary verbs are also called helping verbs. An auxiliary verb extends the main verb by helping to show time, tense, and possibility. A verb used in forming the tenses, moods, and voices of other verbs. The primary auxiliary verbs in English are be, do, and have ; the modal auxiliaries are can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, will, and would.


  • She is writing a message to her mother.
  • Didn’t I waste a lot of planned trips?
  • She had planned it another way.
  • Does he play volleyball?

6. Modal verbs:- A modal verb is a kind of an auxiliary verb. It assists the main verb to indicate possibility, potentiality, ability, permission, expectation, and obligation.

The modal verbs are can, could, must, may, might, ought to, shall, should, will, would.


  • I can speak English.
  • You must not smoke in the hospital.
  • It may rain tomorrow.
  • He will go there. 

Linking Verbs. Definition, Examples And Exercise

Definition: Unlike action verbs, linking verbs show a
relationship between the subject of the sentence and a noun or
adjective being linked to it.

I am putty in his hand.

Dream come true when we believe in them.

  • The most common linking verbs are forms of the verb to be: am, is, are, was, were, being, been.
  • Other common linking verbs include: appear, become, feel, grow, look, remain, seem, smell, sound, stay, taste, and turn.

Your plans for the wedding sound nice.

You look exhausted after studying all night.

To check if these are being used as linking verbs, try replacing them with the correct form of to be. If they make sense and have almost the same meaning, they are linking verbs.

  • Anthony has been a dream the last few weeks.
  • Building the house proves difficult for them.

Find out linking verbs from the examples for exercise:

  1. William is excited about his promotion.
  2. She appears upset about the announcement.
  3. He went red after tripping on the rug.
  4. Tom acted nervous when the teacher found the note.
  5. The crowd stayed calm in spite of the imminent threat.
  6. Bob felt sleepy after eating the whole pizza.
  7. The cinnamon rolls taste heavenly.
  8. All the children seem satisfied with the bouncy castle.
  9. All the kittens were playful.
  10. Your friend might be disappointed if you don’t go.

Active and Passive Voice, Definition, Examples, Exercise

There are
two kinds of voices

  1. Active Voice
  2. Passive Voice

Active Voice

When subject itself is achieve in sentences then it is called
Active Voice or is in Active Form.

Passive Voice

When object is active in a sentence or object works like
subjct than the sentence is in Passive Voice.

Only those verbs be converted into passive which have objects
or verbs have effect on subject. Those verbs are called transitive verbs.

Rules for
Converting Voices:

  • Objects are put at the place of subjects and subjects are put in the place of objects.

  • VIII form of verb is used with helping verbs.
  • Only transitive verbs can be changed into passive.
Subject Object
I Me
We Us
You You
They Them
She Her
He His
It It
  • The forms of Be- is, are am, was, were, be, being,

(Be, being, been) are used first after helping verbs.

  • ‘by’ or any other preposition is used for passive.

Definition: If you are active, you are doing something. In a sentence
written in active voice, the subject of the sentence is doing the verb.

Harry ate six shrimp at dinner.

We are going to watch a movie tonight.

Definition: If you are passive, something is done to you. In a
sentence written in passive voice, the subject of the sentence is having
the action of the verb done to it by something else.

At dinner, six shrimp were eaten by harry.

A movie going to be watched by us tonight.

  • When you write sentences with active voice, you can use more interesting verbs and your writing seems to move more quickly.

I ran the obstacle course in record time.

  • When you write sentences with passive voice, you end up using
    more helping verbs, but it can be effective if you want to slow down the
    action of your writing and focus on a scene. The obstacle course was run by me in record time.

Find out active and passive voice from the examples for exercise:

  • 1. Some people raise sugar cane in Hawaii.(active)
  • Sugar cane is raised by some people in Hawaii. (passive)
  • 2. The kangaroo carried her baby in her pouch. (active)
  • The baby was carried by the kangaroo in her pouch. (passive)
  • 3. The team will celebrate their victory tomorrow. (active)
  • The victory will be celebrated by the team tomorrow. (passive)
  • 4. The director will give you instructions. (active)
  • Instructions will be given to you by the director. (passive)
  • 5. Alex posted the video on Facebook. (active)
  • The video was posted on Facebook by Alex. (passive)
  • 6. Who ate the last cookie? (active)
  • The last cookie was eaten by whom? (passive)
  •  7. The science class viewed the comet. (active)
  • The comet was viewed by the science class. (passive)
  • 8. Susan will bake two dozen cupcakes for the bake sale. (active)
  • For the bake sale, two dozen cookies will be baked by Susan. (passive)
  • 9. The wedding planner is making all the reservations. (active)
  • All the reservation will be made by the wedding planner. (passive)
  • 10. The two kings are signing the treaty. (active)
  • The treaty is being signed by the two kings. (passive)


A preposition is a word. Its show direction and time and location or
introduce an object. Preposition is followed by many objects as like
noun, pronoun. A preposition may appear at the end of a clause or
sentence. but only when its object comes earlier.

A preposition is a word which is to link the nouns, pronouns or
phrases to other words within a sentence. Here link means to provide
relationship between noun and other words in any sentence that makes the
sentence complete (these other words may be noun, verb or adjective).

They act to connect the people, objects, time and locations of a
sentence Prepositions are usually short words, and they are normally
placed directly in front of nouns. In some cases, you’ll find
prepositions in front of gerund verbs. Example:-

The dog is sitting near the car.

Here, near(preposition) is used to link the car
which is a noun and sitting placement of the dog. If we do not use the
near and write the same it is like:- The dog is sitting the car.
We are not able to get what is the relationship between the sitting of
the dog and the car. By using, near we are confirmed that the dog is sitting near the car. Hence, near is a preposition here.

Some more examples of preposition:-

  • There is some milk in the fridge.
  • He sat on the chair.
  • The car went through the tunnel.
  • I walked down the streets.
  • I prefer to read in he library.
  • He swam across the pool.
  • Take your sister with you.


There are three types of prepositions, including time prepositions, place prepositions, and direction prepositions.

  • Preposition of time
  • Preposition of place
  • Preposition of movement

1. Preposition of time:- The preposition which describes when an event happened are defined as Preposition of time. On, at, in, from, to, for, since, ago, before, till/until, by, etc. are the most common preposition of time. Example:-

  • He started sleeping at 9 PM.
  • The company called meeting on 13 March.
  • There is a meeting on Saturday.
  • She has been ill since Wednesday.

Preposition of Time usage

It show the relationship of time between the nouns to the other parts of a sentence.

Common preposition of time: On, at, in, from, to, for, since, ago, before, till/until, by, etc. are the most common.


At always indicates an exact and specific time.


  • I started sleeping at 11 PM.
  • The meeting starts at 9 AM.
  • The mall opens at 11 AM.

Note: Exceptions are that we say – at the weekend, at night, at Christmas, at Easter, at the moment, etc.


On generally indicates a fixed date or a day.


  • I’ll see him on Monday.
  • She broke a glass on Sunday evening.
  • She has a meeting on 11 March. 


In generally indicates an indefinite and unspecific time of months, seasons, years, centuries, etc.


  • I will get a new mobile phone in February.
  • She was born in 1999.
  • I love watching TV in night

Note: Some very common exceptions are – in the
morning, in the evening, in the afternoon, in five minutes, in six days,
in two years, etc.

From – To

From….to  indicates a fixed time-span with the beginning and the end.


  • I worked there from 10 AM to 6PM.
  • I usually sleep from 10 PM to 6 AM.
  • I will stay there from 10 AM to 6 PM.


Until/till indicates a specific or unspecific time/event up to a point.


  • He will not return until Monday.  
  • Stop for me until I came back
  • He does not give up until he is succeeded.
  • I will be stayed there until March.


Since indicates a time-span beginning in a time in the past and still continuing in the present (now).


  • Raghav has been in the flat since night.
  • She has been reading from book since morning.
  • Ram and Shyam have been enemies since childhood.


For indicates a period of time (amount of time) in the past, present or future.


  • She stayed there for fifteen days.
  • He will be staying there for two years.
  • They will work with them for two days.
  • She was staying there for a long time.


Before indicates a prior event/ period of time from a point. 


  • Nandini was very happy before the marriage.
  • He want to leave before the dinner.
  • Children should not get out before the tea break.
  • Before going, close all the door.


After indicates a following event/period of time from a point. This preposition is the exact opposite of before.


  • She felt unhappy after the defeat.
  • I want to leave after dinner.
  • After playing football, we went home.


During indicates a period of time throughout the course or duration of any event or action.


  • Shanaya was sleeping during the study.
  • He don’t talk during working.
  • Taniya doesn’t usually eat during sleeping time.


By means ‘within the extent or period of; during’ something.


  • He will not complete the project by Monday.
  • She will return by 2 PM.
  • They will submit the assignment by 6 PM.

2. Preposition of place:- The preposition that describes where anything is in context to other are defined as preposition of place.Example:-

  • He is at home.
  • He came from England.

Preposition of place usage


In indicates something to be present in a
place or enclosure. It does not say particularly where but gives an
enclosure to the noun it connects with.


  • Dheeraj works in that mall.
  • She lives in Mumbai.
  • Your Dress is in the Wardrobe. (Does not indicate an exact place)
  • The dogs are in the kennel.


At indicates an exact place.


  • They are at the terrace.
  • We can meet at the crossroads.
  • She is at home.
  • We will meet at the airport.


On indicates a position above but touching the object.


  • The sculpture hangs on the wall
  • She is on the tenth floor.
  • The images are on the page.
  • The cat is on the table.


Above indicates a much higher position than the preposition on does. It also indicates something out of reach.


  • Hold your hands above your head.
  • Stars are above the sky.
  • There’s a mirror above the sink.
  • She waved the letter excitedly above his head.
  • He’s rented a room above a shop.


Over means a position between on and above which is not touching.


  • What are you doing over here?
  • He is famous all over the world.
  • My House is over that mall.
  • You see it all over the Internet.


Under is the opposite of on and means ‘below the surface of’ something.


  • He was sleeping under the tree.
  • I had everything under control.
  • I work better under pressure.
  • I hid under the table.
  • She’s still under age.


Below indicates something at a slightly lower position than what under indicates.


  • I have a scar just below my right eye.
  • Your work is below average.
  • Please, don’t write below this line.
  • It’s six degrees below zero.
  • Their price is below ours.

3. Preposition of movement:- Preposition of movement
are those to understand as they are less abstract than prepositions of
place and time. They describe how something or someone moves from one
place to another.

Preparation of movement


To indicates a motion in the direction of a place.


  • Theye went to college.
  • She has gone on vacation to France.
  • He walked from the farm to the beach.
  • They will go to bed when they are tired.
  • They will go to the zoo if they finish their errands.


Through indicates a motion in the middle of something.


  • They drove through the tunnel.
  • We came through a forest.
  • She came through a wedding gate.
  • He led his armies through many countries.


Across means going to the other side of a river or road or something straight.


  • She went across the river.
  • I walked across the road.
  • She was sitting at a table across and down from them.
  • I couldn’t get my idea across to the class.


Up means a motion towards a higher place or position.


  • He picked up his coffee.
  • She stared up at him.
  • What’s going on up there?
  • Climb up the tree.
  • She didn’t look up.


Into indicates a motion towards/going inside something. It has many uses.


  • Go into the lab.
  • The police broke into the bar.
  • She walked into the garden.
  • The little fellow ran into the street.


Down indicates the opposite meaning of up. It means a motion towards a lower place or position.


  • He bent down and picked up a rock.
  • They sat down at the table.
  • Go down the stairs.
  • She sat down on the bed


From indicates the point of place at which a motion, journey, or action starts.


  • Get away from here.
  • They walked from the beach to the farm.
  • Keep away from me.
  • He leaped from his horse.
  • I am from Brazil. 

Synonyms Examples List

A synonyms is a word that means exactly or nearby the same as another word or phrase in the same language.

Amazing surprising, Outstanding, Stunings
Bad awful, terrible, horrible
Beautiful attractive, pretty, stunning
Benefit profit, revenue, yield
Big large, huge, giant
Brave courageous, valiant, heroic
Cold: chilly, freezing, forsty
Comparioion connection, illustration, relation
Criteria foundation, rule, law
Cunning keen, sharp, Slick
Display unfolding, front, presentation
Easy simple, effortless, straightforward
Explanation details, information, answer
Fair just, objective, impartial
Fertile fruitful, abudant, productive
Gauge meter, rule, thickness
Guide advice, leader, inspiration
Happy content, joyful, mirthful
Hardworking determined, industrious, enterprising
Honest honourable, fair, sincere
Hot burining, fiery, boiling,
Hungry empty, ravenous, starved
Ideal goal, standard,patern
Illustration clarification, representative, sample
Instance occurrence, sample, particular
Intelligent brillant, clever, smart
Kind considerate, amirable, gracious
Lazy idle, lethargic, indolent
Lead advance, point, direction
Light angle, condition, education
Lucky auspicious, fortunate
Materializaion inclusion, externalization,
Mean unfriendly, unpleasant, difficult
Measure scale, type, method
Objectification collection, formation, symbol
Old elderly, aged, senior
Organisation association, institution, management
Pacify appease, placate
Panoply arrangement, exposure, shine
Partner associate, colleauge, companion
Personalization inclusion, realization, conformation
Piece fragment, section, segment
Polite courteous, cordial, gracious
Portion piece, part, segment
Positive optimistic, cheerful, sanguine
Problem teaser, twister, illustration
Rich affluent, wealthy, well-off
Risky dangerous, perilous, treacherous
Senseless absurd, illogical, unreasonable
Sleepy drowsy, listless, sluggish
Small Tiny, little, mini
Standard mean, requirement, measure
Strong stable, secure, solid, tough
True genuine, factual, accurate, correct, real
Unhappy sad, depressed, melancholy, miserable
Vacant empty, deserted, uninhabited
Valid authorized, legitimate
Warning intimation, lesson, prediction
Weak frail, infirm, puny, fragil
Wet damp, moist, soggy
Yardstick guide, meter, indicator
Young budding, fledging, tenderfoot   

Word | Definition | Meaning | Examples

A collection or group of letters with some meaning, called as ‘word’. The definition of a word is a letter or groups of letters that has meaning when spoken or written.


  • A dog
  • A boy
  • A girl
  • A cat
  • A ball
  • An apple
  • A car

A word is a speech sound or a combination of sounds, or its representation in writing, that symbolizes and communicates a meaning.

English has four major word classes: nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. They have many thousands of members, and new nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are often created. Nouns are the most common type of word, followed by verbs. Adjectives are less common and adverbs are even less common.


All types of words is known as ‘word classes’ or ‘part of speech’.

There are two types of classes

  • Open classes
  • Closed classes

Open classes

These are classes of word which are always open to change: new words are formed, while old ones drop out of use. The open classes are: noun, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.

It is also known as ‘content’ or ‘lexical’ words.

Example:- 1. Bad – badly. 2. Happy – happily

Closed classes

On the other hand, pronouns, determines, prepositions, conjunctions are closed classes because there are no such additions to or deletions from them.

These words contain ‘structural’ words that contribute to the grammatical structure of the sentences.

Example:- 1. He – H(no meaning) 2. She – Sh(no meaning) 

Sentence | Definition | Meaning | Examples

A sentence is a group of words that are put together to mean something. A sentence is the basic unit of language which expresses a complete thought.

In simple words, a sentence is a set of words that contain a subject and a predicate.

  • A subject ( what the sentence is about, the topic of the sentence).
  • A predicate ( what is said about the subject).

There are three important characteristics of a sentence:-

    It expresses a complete thought or idea. 

Example:- green tree is the (it is a group of words but it is not a sentence because it is meaningless)

The Tree is green (it is a sentence because it is meaningful)

2. It must have a subject and a verb. Sometimes, subject is not given but it is understandable.

Example:- Put the pen there (in this subject is not given but you is implied subject here)

3. It is the most important characteristic of sentence. The meaning of any sentence is different based on different expression. This expression may be of a statement, a question, a command or any exclamation.


  • Declarative sentence
  • Interrogative sentence
  • Imperative sentence
  • Exclamatory sentence

1. Declarative sentence:- Declarative sentences are those to tell information about anything. They end with a period. Example:-

He is a handsome boy. (Here we are defining the beauty of a girl). They all are end with a period.

2. Interrogative sentences:-Interrogative sentences are used to ask a question. They are end with a question mark. They starts with Wh words Like- who, where, whom, what, when,why and so on. Whenever we ask a question we use Interrogative sentences. For example:-

  • Where are you?
  • Whose pencil is this?
  • What are you doing?
  • When it happens?

3. Imperative sentences:-Imperative sentences are those which are gives command or instruction and ask for request. They end with period and exclamation mark depending on how forcefully say any sentence. If sentence is spoken more forcefully and the exclamation mark is used otherwise a period is used. Example:-

  • Shut the front door
  • Wait for me!

Whenever we are giving a command and asking for the request these sentences(Imperative) are used.

4. Exclamatory sentences:-Exclamatory sentences are used to express strong feelings and emotions ( end with a exclamation mark). When we are happy, angry or surprised we are used exclamation to express out our emotion. Example:-

  • What a beautiful dress.
  • She is a such a nice girl.

English Sentences We Use in Our Daily Life

English Sentences We Use in Our Daily Life:There are many words and sentences, we use daily. Our communication will incomplete without words and sentences.

Some special words and sentences are used in our daily life. It can know as daily routine words.

in Hindi in English
सीधे खड़े रहो, झुको नहीं | Stand
upright, don’t bend.
आमदनी से ज्यादा खर्च करो | Don’t spend more than you earn.
हिसाब साफ़ रखो | Keep the accounts clear.
मेरे पास नकद रुपया नहीं है | I don’t have any cash.
रूपये की कमी है | There is shortage of funds/ cash.
मैं पैसो का भूखा नहीं हूँ | I am not after money.
क्या आप मुझे 100 रुपया उधार देंगे? Can you lend me 100 Rupees?
यह खोटा सिक्का नहीं है | This is not the base coin.
सब रुपये खर्च हो गए हैं | All the money has been spent.
अपनी आदतें सुधारो |  
Mend your ways.
जितना हो सके साफ़ लिखो | Write as neatly as you can.
मेहनत की आदत डालो| Cultivate the habit of hard
मुझे यह जानकार दुःख हुआ| I was sorry / pained to hear this.
मैं आपसे माफ़ी चाहता हूँ | I beg your pardon.
माफ़ी मत मांगिये , कोई बात नहीं| Don’t apologize, it does not
आप आपे से बाहर क्यों हो रहे हो ? Why are you losing your temper?
सावधान| यह दोबारा मुंह से न
Beware! Don’t utter it again.
तुम बड़े चिडचिडे स्वभाव के हो| You are very short-tempered.
उसमे मेरी नाक में दम कर रखा हैं | He has got on my nerves.
जो हो सो हो| Come what may!
मैंने तुम्हारा क्या बिगाड़ा है ? What harm/ wrong have I done to
तुम्हे अपने आप को सुधारना पड़ेगा | You will have to mend your ways.
क्यों इससे व्यर्थ में झगडा मोल
लेते हो ?
Why do you quarrel with him
आवेश में न आओ | Don’t get worked up or excited.
अब किसी न किसी तरह बात को निपटाओ | Now settle the matter somehow.
क्या आपके होश ठिकाने हैं ? Are you in your senses?
मेरी आँखों से दूर हो जाओ | Get out of my sight.
आपका हमारी बातों से क्या सम्बन्ध ? How are you concerned with our
बात को अधिक न बढाओ| Don’t stretch the matter further.
भाड में जाओ | Go to hell.
झगडे का फैसला हो गया | The quarrel is settled.
आप बुरा न माने| Please don’t mind.
मैं तो मज़ाक कर रहा था| I was just kidding.
माफ़ कीजिए, मैं समय पर नहीं आ सका| I am sorry, I got late.
कोई हर्ज़ नहीं | That’s all right.
चुल्लूभर पानी में डूब मरो | Shame on you or you should be
ashamed of yourself.
तुम बड़े चालू आदमी हो | You are an extremely cunning man.
तुम बड़े नीच / धूर्त हो | You are a mean/ cunning fellow.
बक बक मत करो | Don’t talk none sense. or Stop
मैं तुम्हारी सूरत नहीं देखना चाहता
I don’t want to see your face.
यह सब तुम्हारे कारण हुआ | It’s all because of you.
तुम इससे बच नहीं सकते | You can’t escape from this.
तुम्हे कभी माफ़ नहीं किया जा सकता | You can never be forgiven.
इसके ज़िम्मेदार तुम हो| You are responsible for this.
मैं हूँ जो हूँ | I am who I am.
जल्दी काजिये | Make it quick.
मुंह मत बनाओ | Don’t make faces.
हमें किसी चीज़ की कमी नहीं है | We lack nothing.
यह मुफ्त का है| It’s for free.
मुझ पर हमला किया गया | I was assaulted.
क्यों गला फाड़ के चिल्ला रहे हो ? Why are you shouting at the top of
your voice.
मैं वैसे ही चला गया| I dropped in casually.
मुझे बहुत सी बातें करनी है | I have a lot to talk about.
कल मिलेंगे । See you tomorrow.
बैठ जाओ । Sit down.
खड़े हो जाओ । Stand up.
दूर ले जाओ । Take away.
ध्यान रखना । Take care.
यह लो । Take it.
भगवान का लाख लाख शुक्र है । Thank God.
पक्ष लेने के लिये धन्यवाद । Thanks for the favour.
इस सम्मान के लिये धन्यवाद । Thanks for the honour.
बहुत है । That is much.
बहुत ज्यादा है । That is too much.
बस काफी है । That’s enough.
कहीं नजर ना लगे! Touch wood!
अच्छी बात है । Very good.
बहुत अच्छा । Very well.
बाहर इंतज़ार करो । Wait outside.
आइए ! Welcome!
क्यों नही? Why not?
हां जरूर (सभी तरह से) Yes, by all means.
हां Yes/Yep
दूर जाओ Go away.
सीधे जाओ Go straight.
वहां जाओ Go there.
अच्छा चलते है! Goodbye!
बहुत है It’s too much.
मैं अभी रहा हूँ Just coming.
चुप रहो Keep mum.
चुप रहो Keep quiet.
कभी नही Never.
कोई बात नही No problem.
नही, कभी नही No, not at all.
थोड़ा सा भी नही Not a bit.
जरा सा भी नहीं! Not the least!
और कुछ नही Nothing else.
कोई खास बात नही Nothing special.
अच्छा O.K.
बेशक/हां, हां Of course.
बन्द करो/समेटो Pack up.
भरोसा रखें Rest Assured.
फिर मिलेंगे See you again.
एकदम/बिल्कुल Absolutely
और कुछ? Anything else?
जैसी आपकी मर्जी As you please/As you like.
जैसा आप चाहे As you wish.
सावधान रहो Be careful / Be cautious.
गंभीर बनो Be serious.
आपको विदा! Bye bye!
हां जरूर Certainly
शांत रहिये Chill please.
इसे साफ करो Clear it.
यहां आओ Come here.
पास आओ Come near.
अब चाहे जो हो! Come what may!
कोई बात नही Doesn’t matter.
शरारती मत बनो Don’t be naughty.
अच्छी बात है Fine.
उतर जाओ Get off
निकल जाओ Get out
तैयार हो जाओ Get ready/Be ready
तुरन्त जाओ Go at once.
मुद्देपरआओ Come to the point.
अपने काम पर ध्यान दो Mind your own business
जगह खाली करो Vacate your place.
जैसी आपकी मर्ज़ी As you wish.
कृपया बैठिए Please be seated.
कृपया थोड़ा सा इंतज़ार करें Please wait for a bit.
बकवास मत करो Do not talk nonsense.
खाली मत बैठो Do not Seat idle.
दूसरों पर मत हंसो Do not laugh at others.
कृपया यहाँ हस्ताक्षर कीजिये Please sign here.
बाद में वापस आता हूँ Be back later
अभी वापस आता हूँ Be right back.
वैसे By the way.
मुझे नहीं पता I don’t know.
मेरी राय में In my opinion.
बाद में बात करते हैं Talk to you later.
असल ज़िन्दगी में In real life.

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When it comes to English speaking skills, you should not pay too much attention to grammar rules at first. However, this does not mean that we should ignore English grammar completely.

Needless to say, basic English grammar rules play an important role in learning English, both written and spoken. Without grammar rules, you can sometimes make yourself understood with short and simple expressions. However, you may fail most of the time with more complicated expressions that require the correct orders or structures of words.

As a beginner, you must know basic English grammar rules, as they show you how to arrange vocabulary and make meaningful expressions.

Below is a series of 40 basic English grammar lessons covering most of the English grammar tenses and most-used structures. All the lessons are designed with clear definitions, explanations and forms, followed by lots of examples.

Don’t try to learn by heart all the forms without doing any meaningful training. What you really need to do is take advantage of all the English grammar practice through sample sentences – in other words, you must understand how to use each rule and apply it to your daily speech.

P/S: If you find these lessons useful, please consider sharing with people and let us know what you think in the comment section below. Thanks!

Normally, sentences in the English language take a simple form. However, there are times it would be a little complex. In these cases, the basic rules for how words appear in a sentence can help you.

Word order typically refers to the way the words in a sentence are arranged. In the English language, the order of words is important if you wish to accurately and effectively communicate your thoughts and ideas.

Although there are some exceptions to these rules, this article aims to outline some basic sentence structures that can be used as templates. Also, the article provides the rules for the ordering of adverbs and adjectives in English sentences.

Basic Sentence Structure and word order rules in English

For English sentences, the simple rule of thumb is that the subject should always come before the verb followed by the object. This rule is usually referred to as the SVO word order, and then most sentences must conform to this. However, it is essential to know that this rule only applies to sentences that have a subject, verb, and object.

For example

Subject + Verb + Object

He loves food

She killed the rat

Sentences are usually made of at least one clause. A clause is a string of words with a subject(noun) and a predicate (verb). A sentence with just one clause is referred to as a simple sentence, while those with more than one clause are referred to as compound sentences, complex sentences, or compound-complex sentences.

The following is an explanation and example of the most commonly used clause patterns in the English language.

check markInversion

The English word order is inverted in questions. The subject changes its place in a question. Also, English questions usually begin with a verb or a helping verb if the verb is complex.

For example

Verb + Subject + object

Can you finish the assignment?

Did you go to work?

SVOMPT word order

SVOMPT word order

check markIntransitive Verbs

Some sentences use verbs that require no object or nothing else to follow them. These verbs are generally referred to as intransitive verbs. With intransitive verbs, you can form the most basic sentences since all that is required is a subject (made of one noun) and a predicate (made of one verb).

For example

Subject + verb

John eats

Christine fights

check markLinking Verbs

Linking verbs are verbs that connect a subject to the quality of the subject. Sentences that use linking verbs usually contain a subject, the linking verb and a subject complement or predicate adjective in this order.

For example

Subject + verb + Subject complement/Predicate adjective

The dress was beautiful

Her voice was amazing

check markTransitive Verbs

Transitive verbs are verbs that tell what the subject did to something else. Sentences that use transitive verbs usually contain a subject, the transitive verb, and a direct object, usually in this order.

For example

Subject + Verb + Direct object

The father slapped his son

The teacher questioned his students

check markIndirect Objects

Sentences with transitive verbs can have a mixture of direct and indirect objects. Indirect objects are usually the receiver of the action or the audience of the direct object.

For example

Subject + Verb + IndirectObject + DirectObject

He gave the man a good job.

The singer gave the crowd a spectacular concert.

The order of direct and indirect objects can also be reversed. However, for the reversal of the order, there needs to be the inclusion of the preposition “to” before the indirect object. The addition of the preposition transforms the indirect object into what is called a prepositional phrase.

For example

Subject + Verb + DirectObject + Preposition + IndirectObject

He gave a lot of money to the man

The singer gave a spectacular concert to the crowd.

check markAdverbials

Adverbs are phrases or words that modify or qualify a verb, adjective, or other adverbs. They typically provide information on the when, where, how, and why of an action. Adverbs are usually very difficult to place as they can be in different positions in a sentence. Changing the placement of an adverb in a sentence can change the meaning or emphasis of that sentence.

Therefore, adverbials should be placed as close as possible to the things they modify, generally before the verbs.

For example

He hastily went to work.

He hurriedly ate his food.

However, if the verb is transitive, then the adverb should come after the transitive verb.

For example

John sat uncomfortably in the examination exam.

She spoke quietly in the class

The adverb of place is usually placed before the adverb of time

For example

John goes to work every morning

They arrived at school very late

The adverb of time can also be placed at the beginning of a sentence

For example

On Sunday he is traveling home

Every evening James jogs around the block

When there is more than one verb in the sentence, the adverb should be placed after the first verb.

For example

Peter will never forget his first dog

She has always loved eating rice.

check markAdjectives

Adjectives commonly refer to words that are used to describe someone or something. Adjectives can appear almost anywhere in the sentence.

Adjectives can sometimes appear after the verb to be

For example

He is fat

She is big

Adjectives can also appear before a noun.

For example

A big house

A fat boy

However, some sentences can contain more than one adjective to describe something or someone. These adjectives have an order in which they can appear before a now. The order is

Opinion – size – physical quality – shape – condition – age – color – pattern – origin – material – type – purpose

If more than one adjective is expected to come before a noun in a sentence, then it should follow this order. This order feels intuitive for native English speakers. However, it can be a little difficult to unpack for non-native English speakers.

For example

The ugly old woman is back

The dirty red car parked outside your house

When more than one adjective comes after a verb, it is usually connected by and

For example

The room is dark and cold

Having said that, Susan is tall and big

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