Good word that starts with a


There are many positive words that start with A in the English language. We use them to describe something in a positive way.

The wider our vocabulary in a language is, the better we will be able to express ourselves, and the better we will be able to understand others while speaking it. When we speak, we like to say good things, of course. That’s why positive words exist.

If you’ve clicked on this article, your goal is probably expanding your English vocabulary with some positive words. And what better letter there is to start off with that than A, the king of alphabets? It will help us a lot if we know some inspirational words that start with A.

That’s why we have made this list of positive words that start with A. If you go through these positive words beginning with A, you will be able to learn many new good words, hopefully.

In this section, we cover a full list of 305 positive words that start with A.

  • Abide
  • Abiding
  • Abjunctive
  • Ablaze
  • Able
  • Able-bodied
  • Able-minded
  • Abloom
  • Abound
  • Abounding
  • Aboveboard
  • Abracadabra
  • Absolute
  • Absolutely
  • Absolve
  • Absolved
  • Absorbed
  • Abstract
  • Abundance
  • Abundant
  • Academic
  • Accelerate
  • Accelerated
  • Accentuactivity
  • Accept
  • Acceptable
  • Acceptance
  • Accepted
  • Accepting
  • Accessible
  • Accession
  • Accessory
  • Acclaimed
  • Accolade
  • Accommodate
  • Accommodated
  • Accommodating
  • Accommodation
  • Accomplish
  • Accomplished
  • Accomplishment
  • Accord
  • Accordant
  • Accordingly
  • Accountability
  • Accountable
  • Accredited
  • Accrue
  • Accuracy
  • Accurate
  • Accustomed
  • Ace
  • Achieve
  • Achievement
  • Achiever
  • Acknowledge
  • Acknowledged
  • Acknowledgement
  • Aclarity
  • Acquainted
  • Actability
  • Action
  • Activate
  • Active
  • Actual
  • Acuminous
  • Acute
  • Adamant
  • Adamantine
  • Adaptability
  • Adaptable
  • Add
  • Addition
  • Adept
  • Adequate
  • Adherent
  • Adjusted
  • Admirable
  • Admire
  • Admired
  • Admiring
  • Admissible
  • Adonic
  • Adonis
  • Adorable
  • Adore
  • Adored
  • Adoring
  • Adroit
  • Adroitness
  • Adulatory
  • Advance
  • Advanced
  • Advantage
  • Advantaged
  • Advantageous
  • Adventure
  • Adventuresome
  • Adventurous
  • Advice
  • Advisable
  • Advise
  • Aerial
  • Aesthetic
  • Aesthetical
  • Affable
  • Affecting
  • Affection
  • Affectionate
  • Affective
  • Affiliated
  • Affined
  • Affinity
  • Affirm
  • Affirmation
  • Affirmative
  • Affluence
  • Affluent
  • Affluential
  • Afford
  • Affordable
  • Aged
  • Ageless
  • Agile
  • Agility
  • Agleam
  • Aglow
  • Agree
  • Agreeable
  • Aholic
  • Aid
  • Ailment
  • Aim
  • Air
  • Airy
  • Alacritous
  • Alacrity
  • Alert
  • Alertness
  • Alight
  • Alimental
  • Alive
  • All
  • Allegiance
  • Allegiant
  • Allied
  • All-important
  • All-knowing
  • Allocate
  • Allow
  • Allowing
  • Allure
  • Alluring
  • Aloha
  • Alright
  • Alternate
  • Altruism
  • Altruistic
  • Always
  • Amative
  • Amatory
  • Amazed
  • Amazing
  • Ambidextrous
  • Ambition
  • Ambitious
  • Ambrosial
  • Ameliorative
  • Amenable
  • Amiable
  • Amicable
  • Amin
  • Amity
  • Amorous
  • Amorousness
  • Ample
  • Amuse
  • Amused
  • Amusement
  • Amusing
  • Anamnestic
  • Anew
  • Angel
  • Angelic
  • Animate
  • Animated
  • Animating
  • Annual
  • Anticipation
  • A-OK
  • A-one
  • Aphrodisiac
  • Aplenty
  • A-plus
  • Apollonian
  • Appealing
  • Appeasive
  • Appentency
  • Appetent
  • Appetite
  • Appetizing
  • Applaud
  • Applied
  • Apposite
  • Appreciate
  • Appreciated
  • Appreciation
  • Appreciative
  • Appreciativness
  • Apprehensible
  • Approachable
  • Appropriate
  • Approving
  • Apropos
  • Apt
  • Aquatic
  • Aquiver
  • Arboreal
  • Ardent
  • Ardor
  • Argent
  • Ariose
  • Aristocrat
  • Aristocratic
  • Aroma
  • Aromatic
  • Arouse
  • Aroused
  • Arousing
  • Arrange
  • Arranged
  • Arresting
  • Artful
  • Articulate
  • Artistic
  • Ascendant
  • Ascending
  • Ascertain
  • Aspirant
  • Aspire
  • Aspiring
  • Assent
  • Assert
  • Assertive
  • Assertiveness
  • Assiduous
  • Assistant
  • Assistive
  • Associate
  • Associated
  • Associative
  • Assorted
  • Assuasive
  • Assurance
  • Assure
  • Assured
  • Assurgent
  • Assuring
  • Astir
  • Astonish
  • Astonished
  • Astonishing
  • Astonishment
  • Astounding
  • Astronomical
  • Astute
  • Athletic
  • Attain
  • Attainable
  • Attendant
  • Attentive
  • Attentiveness
  • Attest
  • Attract
  • Attraction
  • Attractive
  • Attune
  • Atypical
  • Audacious
  • Audacity
  • August
  • Aureate
  • Auroral
  • Auspicious
  • Authentic
  • Authenticity
  • Authoritative
  • Authorized
  • Autonomous
  • Available
  • Avid
  • Awaited
  • Awake
  • Award
  • Aware
  • Awareness
  • Awash
  • Awe
  • Awed
  • Awesome
  • Awesomeness
  • Awestruck
  • Axiological
  • Aye
  • Azure

Positive Words That Start with A to Describe a Person

Often, we need words to explain or mention something specific or good about another person. So these words starting with A to describe a person positively might come in handy.


  • Definition:  someone who is highly trained or skilled in a particular activity
  • Synonyms: expert, master, proficient, skilled
  • Example: Mr Roberts is a very accomplished businessman.

2. Ambivert

  • Definition: a person who has a balance of extrovert and introvert features.
  • Synonyms: florid, irascible
  • Example: She has an ambivert personality, so you can’t expect her to be hyper all the time.

3. Atypical

  • Definition: not conforming to the usual type
  • Synonyms: unique, unconventional
  • Example: Her atypical approach to the poem is what made her the winner.

4. Affable

  • Definition:  someone you can be friendly with
  • Synonyms: amiable, agreeable, charming
  • Example: Their daughter is quite an affable person, so you needn’t worry.

5. Awake

  • Definition: the state of not being asleep
  • Synonyms: awaken, rouse
  • Example: She was awake the whole night thinking about the matter.

6. Alert

  • Definition:  someone who is properly attentive to something
  • Synonyms: keen, observant, attentive
  • Example: Her strongest quality is that she is always alert.

7. Accredited

  • Definition: given official approval to act after meeting certain criteria
  • Synonyms: certified, approved
  • Example: She is an accredited therapist, so she might be able to help you out.

8. Approving

  • Definition: someone who approves of something
  • Synonyms: allowing, accepting
  • Example: The father is approving of his children’s dreams.

9. Affectionate

  • Definition: someone who displays a strong fondnessfor someone
  • Synonyms: loving, caring, doting, fond
  • Example: He was raised in an affectionate family; that’s why he is so full of love.

10. Adventurous

  • Definition: someone who is daring and can take risks
  • Synonyms: brave, audacious, courageous
  • Example: Their adventurous nature is what led them to the bottom of the mystery.

Positive Words That Start with A to Encourage Yourself

Some positive words can be used for practising self-encouragement. In that case, take a look at these good words that start with A.

1. Admirable     

  • Definition:  arousing or deserving of respect
  • Synonyms: commendable, respectable
  • Example: Your attempts at always doing your best is very admirable.

2. Active

  • Definition: engaging or ready to engage in physically energetic pursuits
  • Synonyms: mobile, energetic
  • Example: Don’t be lazy; always try to be active!

3. Amazing    

  • Definition: causing great surprise or wonder
  • Synonyms: astonishing, bewildering, astounding
  • Example: You are an amazing individual.

4. Ambition     

  • Definition: a strong desire to achieve something   
  • Synonyms: goal, aim, aspiration, objective
  • Example: Your ambition to become a writer will certainly be fulfilled one day.

5. Achievement

  • Definition: something done successfully with effort and courage
  • Synonyms: attainment, winning, acquirement
  • Example: The smallest improvement is the biggest achievement.

6. Advanced     

  • Definition: situated or going ahead, at a higher level than the rest
  • Synonyms: Developed, progressive, ahead
  • Example: After years of tireless practice, now their skills in coding are very advanced.

7. Ace

  • Definition:  being an expert in some activity
  • Synonyms: champion, star, master
  • Example: Lia is the ace of her softball team.

8. Apt  

  • Definition: someone who is quick to understand or learn
  • Synonyms: ready, willing, fit, suitable
  • Example: You are apt at whatever you do, which is great quality.

9. Accomplish   

  • Definition: achieve or complete successfully
  • Synonyms: fulfil, attain, conclude
  • Example: Today, you have accomplished something admirable.

10. Alive     

  • Definition: continuing in existence
  • Synonyms: existing, living, surviving, breathing
  • Example: You’re alive right now, and that’s all that matters.

Positive Words That Start with A to Compliment Others

When someone does something good, we like to compliment them. Here are some nice words that start with A used for praising others.

1. Agile

  • Definition: someone who can move quickly and easily
  • Synonyms: fast, quick, sporty
  • Example: Since you are very agile, you can do well in almost any sports.

2. Astute

  • Definition: having the ability to assess situations and turn it into one’s advantage correctly
  • Synonyms: sharp, quick, witty
  • Example: She is an astute businesswoman, that’s why she is so successful.

3. Alluring

  • Definition: powerfully and mysteriously attractive or fascinating
  • Synonyms: attractive, enticing, appealing
  • Example: His beauty is so alluring that it’s hard to take your eyes off him.

4. Attractive    

  • Definition: a person who is pleasing or appealing to look at
  • Synonyms: beautiful, good-looking, gorgeous, lovely
  • Example: This band consists of an attractive and talented bunch of young men.

5. Artistic    

  • Definition: having a natural creative skill
  • Synonyms: creative, imaginative, expressive
  • Example: You can see a glimpse of her artistic mind through these paintings.

6. Aesthetic  

  • Definition: giving or designed to give pleasure through beauty
  • Synonyms: ornamental, graceful, elegant
  • Example: Her fashion style is so aesthetic that she easily becomes the centre of attention everywhere.

7. Angelic  

  • Definition: sweet, kind, and beautiful
  • Synonyms: celestial, divine, cherubic
  • Example: Moon Taeil’s angelic voice can captivate anyone.

8. Adorable    

  • Definition: someone who is cute and lovable 
  • Synonyms: charming, delightful, sweet, cute
  • Example: Their smallest child is an adorable ball of sunshine.

9. Athletic  

  • Definition: physically strong and fit for sports
  • Synonyms: sturdy, sporty, robust, able-bodied
  • Example: Yuta’s athletic self easily won the match though the odds were against his favour.

10. Acuminous

  • Definition: characterised by acumen
  • Synonyms: sharp, keen
  • Example: Her acuminous personality makes her one of the best among all the candidates.

Positive Words That Start with A to Help Through Difficulties

Difficult times frequently come in our life. During those times, these encouraging words that start with A might be able to offer you some help.

1. Accompany

  • Definition: having a company
  • Synonyms: support, partner
  • Example: Even if we’re alone right now, one day we will all have someone to accompany us.

2. Alacritous

  • Definition: someone who is lively 
  • Synonyms: brisk, cheerful, eager
  • Example: Don’t drown in melancholy; let’s be more alacritous!

3. Alight  

  • Definition:  something that is illuminated
  • Synonyms: aglow, lighted, lit
  • Example: Though life seems to be dark right now, one day, the road will be alright, showing you the way.

4. Amative   

  • Definition: pertaining to love 
  • Synonyms: amorous, amatory, loving
  • Example: Be amative and fill others with your love, then one day someone will love you back for sure.

5. Alright

  • Definition: a state of everything being okay
  • Synonyms: unharmed, safe, well
  • Example: It’s hard now, but you will be alright.

6. Apollonian    

  • Definition: clear and restrained, harmonious
  • Synonyms: melodious, serene, calm
  • Example: When you’re feeling anxious, you should listen to Apollonian music to calm down.

7. Aquiver    

  • Definition: trembling or shaking with strong excitement
  • Synonyms: quivering, trembling, tremulous
  • Example: One day, you too will experience the happiness that will make your heart aquiver.

8. Assured  

  • Definition: characterised by security and certainty 
  • Synonyms: confident, secure
  • Example: Rest assured, soon everything will be alright.

9. Astir    

  • Definition: being in motion 
  • Synonyms: active, stirring
  • Example: Time is a river, and life is an astir boat; everything shall pass.

10. Astronomical 

  • Definition: of enormous magnitude
  • Synonyms: magnanimous, immense, vast
  • Example: The universe is astronomical, filled with endless possibilities.

Positive Words That Start with A to Uplift Our Mind

When we’re feeling down or low, these motivational words that start with A can uplift us for another day of hard work.

1. Accomplishment    

  • Definition: something that has been successfully achieved
  • Synonyms: deed, effort, attainment, achievement
  • Example: The fact that you’ve come this far is already a big accomplishment.

2. Altruism     

  • Definition: selfless concern for the well-being of others.
  • Synonyms: selflessness, self-sacrifice
  • Example: You will definitely get the rewards of your altruism one day. 

3. Aim     

  • Definition: a purpose to fulfil
  • Synonyms: goal, intention, objective
  • Example: Aim for the stars so that you can reach the sky.

4. Abounding    

  • Definition: existing in large numbers or amounts
  • Synonyms: numerous, superabound
  • Example: There is an abounding amount of love hidden within all of us; let it out.

5. Advantage   

  • Definition: the opportunity to gain something
  • Synonyms: profit, favour, benefit
  • Example: Take advantage of what you have instead of waiting for what you can’t have.

6. Aspiration   

  • Definition: the desire to achieve something
  • Synonyms: longing, desire, wish, expectation
  • Example: We all should strive to fulfil our aspirations.

7. Anticipation 

  • Definition:  The action of expecting something
  • Synonyms: expectation, prediction
  • Example: The anticipation of the next day will keep you alive.

8. Attentive     

  • Definition: paying close attention to something
  • Synonyms: alert, watchful, concentrating
  • Example: If you are attentive in whatever you do, you will surely gain success.

9. Awe     

  • Definition: a feeling of reverential respect mixed with wonder
  • Synonyms: wonder, amazement, astonishment
  • Example: If you keep working hard like this, one day the world will stare at you in awe.

10. Ablaze

  • Definition: burning fiercely
  • Synonyms: alight, aflame
  • Example: Keep the fire of passion in your heart ablaze.

List of Positive Words That Start with A to Keep Us Stay Positive

Staying positive is the key to handling the hardships of life, so these positive words starting with A will remind you that.

1. Abloom

  • Definition: something that is blooming
  • Synonyms: flowering, flourishing, blooming
  • Example: Keep the hope abloom in your heart.

2. Above

  • Definition:  At a higher level than something
  • Synonyms: over, higher, up
  • Example: Rise above yourself, only then you will achieve a sense of fulfilment.      

3. Aloha   

  • Definition: (Hawaiian term) love and friendship
  • Synonyms: love, affection, amity
  • Example: Be full of aloha, and spread the aloha!

4. Aglow    

  • Definition: something that is glowing
  • Synonyms: radiant, glowing, bright
  • Example: Keep your smile aglow, for it’s not the end of it all.

5. Abstract    

  • Definition: existing as a thought or idea instead of something concrete
  • Synonyms: intangible, conceptual
  • Example: Abstract concepts like love are, in fact, the strongest concepts of all.

6. Affirmation  

  • Definition: the assertion that something exists or is true
  • Synonyms: confirmation, ratification
  • Example: Your own deeds are the only affirmation of who you are today or who you will be in the future.

7. Avid    

  • Definition: having a keen interest in something
  • Synonyms: keen, eager, ardent
  • Example: As long as you are avid at whatever you do, you will certainly find happiness from it.

8. Absolve    

  • Definition:  declare free from guilt
  • Synonyms: exonerate, acquit
  • Example: Him being absolved proves that truth always wins.

10. Adoring   

  • Definition: feeling or expressing deep affection and love
  • Synonyms: admiring, caring, affectionate
  • Example: He is very adoring towards his little sister.

Commonly Used Positive Words That Start with A

Some positive words that start with A are used commonly in daily life, but we might not know the meaning or usage of those.

1. Always

  • Definition: something that happens all the time
  • Synonyms: forever, continuous
  • Example: He is always trying his best to outdo himself.

2. Ample

  • Definition: enough or more than enough
  • Synonyms: plentiful, sufficient, adequate
  • Example: There are ample love and courage hidden in our hearts.  

3. Able    

  • Definition: having the power, means, opportunity, etc. to do something 
  • Synonyms: capable, competent
  • Example: He was able to get into the university he wanted.

4. Add  

  • Definition: join something to something else
  • Synonyms: attach, append
  • Example: Her beautiful smile only added to her already alluring beauty.

5. Agree   

  • Definition: have the same opinion about something 
  • Synonyms: concur, accord, consensus
  • Example: We all agreed to go to the beach this summer vacation.

6. Amazed    

  • Definition: greatly surprised
  • Synonyms: astonished, astounded
  • Example: I was amazed at how fun the rides in the amusement park were.

7. Angel   

  • Definition: A person of exemplary conduct or virtue.
  • Synonyms: saint, gem
  • Example: He is so kind; it’s as if he is an angel on Earth.

8. Aged    

  • Definition: having existed for a long time
  • Synonyms: old, elderly, matured
  • Example: Though he has aged physically, he is still a child inside.

9. Accept  

  • Definition: give an affirmative answer to something
  • Synonyms: undertake, agree, embrace
  • Example: I accept the fact that you are an amazing singer.

10. All

  • Definition: the whole quantity or extent of something
  • Synonyms: every, whole
  • Example: All of them passed the exam.

Positive Words That Start with A for Attractive Resumes

By using certain positive words that start with A, we can create a good impression through our resumes. So check these out.

1. Applied  

  • Definition: having a practical use or purpose
  • Synonyms: practised, implemented
  • Example: I have a degree in Applied Chemistry. 

2. Acumen  

  • Definition: the ability to make good judgements and quick decisions
  • Synonyms: acuity, sharpness, awareness
  • Example: You have displayed a great deal of acumen today.

3. Alacrity    

  • Definition: brisk and cheerful readiness
  • Synonyms: eagerness, willingness, readiness
  • Example: I am always taking in new challenges with alacrity.

4. Aspiring

  • Definition: seeking advancement or recognition for something.
  • Synonyms: desiring, ambition, pursuing
  • Example: For a long time, I have been an aspiring dentist.  

5. Articulate   

  • Definition: expressing yourself clearly, readily, effectively
  • Synonyms: precision, clarity
  • Example: I have the ability to be articulate in whatever I do and say.   

6. Accolade     

  • Definition: recognition of accomplishment 
  • Synonyms: compliment, encomium, honour
  • Example: I believe I have earned the accolade of a “philanthropist”.

7. Adaptable   

  • Definition: able and willing to change
  • Synonyms: adjustable, flexible
  • Example: I also have an adaptable personality, so I can always match the wavelength of the customers.

8. Authentic  

  • Definition: something that is real and genuine.
  • Synonyms: actual, correct, true
  • Example: I will strive to provide only the most authentic information.

9. Advantageous    

  • Definition: something that can bring about advantages
  • Synonyms: beneficial, favourable
  • Example: I am confident that having me on your team will be very advantageous for your company.

10. Actability     

  • Definition: the capacity to be successfully performed
  • Synonyms: operability, performability
  • Example: I have displayed satisfactory actability in all the plays I have participated in before.

Final Thoughts on Positive Words That Start with A

We went through quite a long list of positive words that start with the letter A. These words can be used in different stages of our lives. Depending on how they are used in a sentence, their meanings and significance might change. That’s the beauty of a language!

We hope that you were able to expand your vocabulary to some extent through our list of positive words that start with A. Keep reviewing the new words you learned repeatedly so as to not forget them. Soon, you’ll be able to develop an admirable English vocabulary.

Ps. See also adjectives words that start with A, nouns that start with A and verbs that start with A.

Words have the power to transform our moods and uplift our spirits. The letter A, in particular, is a treasure trove of such words that can inspire us to live our lives with purpose and passion. Not to mention that A is one of the most common letters in English words!

Below you will find a list of all positive A words, beautiful words starting with this letter, and several dozen adjectives that start with A to describe a person. For faster navigation, you can use the table of contents below.

The most commonly used positive words starting with A include awesome, admire, accept, admire, adjust, amorous, attentive, angel, analyze, or affordable. Here are 500 more words.

List of All Positive Words Starting With A

Abound, Abounding, Aboundable
Abbreviate, Abbreviationachie
Abide, Abiding, Abidingly
Able, Ability
Abnormal, Abnormality
Abound, Abounding
Above, Above-below
Absorb, Absorbed, Absorbing, Absorbant
Abstract, Abstractly
Abundance, Abundant, Abundantly
Absolute, Absolutely

Absolve, Absolved, Absolving
Academy, Academic, Academically
Accept, Acceptable, Accepting, Acceptance
Accelerate, Accelerated
Acclaimed, Acclamation
Accommodate, Accommodation, Accommodating, Accommodated
Accomplish, Accomplishing, Accomplishment, Accomplisher
Accord, Accordant
Accordance, According
Accuracy, Accurate, Accurately
Acute, Acutely
Achieve, Achievement, Achieving, Achiever, Achievable
Acknowledged, Acknowledge

Acrobatic, Acrobat
Act, Actability
Action, Actionable, Action-taking, Action-oriented
Activate, Activated, Activation
Active, Activity
Activist, Activism, Activistic
Actual, Actualize, Actually, Actuality
Adapt, Adaptability, Adaptable, Adeptness
Adjust, Adjustable, Adjusting
Admire, Admirable, Admirer
Adoption, Adopt, Adoptable
Adorable, Adore, Adorer, Adoring, Adoringly
Advance, Advanced, Advancing, Advantage, Advantageously
Advocate, Advocating, Advocacy
Add, Addition, Additional, Additionally
Adventure, Adventuresome, Adventurous
Advertise, Advertisement, Advertising
Advice, Advise, Advisable, Advising
Aesthetic, Aesthetically, Aesthete

Affirm, Affirmable, Affirmation, Affirmative, Affirming
Affluence, Affluent, Affluently, Affluential
Afford, Affordability, Affordable
Ageless, Age
Agile, Agilely, Agility
Agree, Agreeable, Agreed, Agreeing
Aggregate, Aggregation
Africa, African, Afro
Ahoy, Ahoj
Aim, Aiming, Aimingly
Airy, Air, Aired, Airing

Alert, Alerted, Alertness
Alibi, Alibist
Alien, Alien-like

positive words that start with a

positive words that begin with a

Alleged, Allegedly
Alleviate, Alleviation
Allocation, Allocate
Align, Alignment, Aligning
Allow, Allowed, Allowing
Allure, Alluring, Alluringly
Aloof, Aloofness

Amaze, Amazement, Amazes, Amazingly
Ambient, Ambiently, Ambience
Ambition, Ambitious
Ambivalent, Ambivalence
Ameliorate, Amelioration
Amenable, Amenably, Amended
Amiability, Amiably

Amor, Amorous, Amorousness, Amorevolous
Ample, Amply, Amplify
Analysis, Analyst, Analytical, Analytically
Analyze, Analyzer
Anarchy, Anarchist

Anfractuous, Anfractuously
Angel, Angelic, Angelical, Angels, Angelically
Animate, Animated, Anime
Anon, Anonymous, Anonymously
Anticipate, Anticipation
Apologetic, Apologia, Apologize, Apologizing, Apology
Apostles, Apostolic

Apple, Apple-cider
Application, App, Applicant
Applaus, Applaud, Applauding, Applauded
Applaud, Applauding
Appreciate, Appreciation, Appreciating
Approval, Approve, Approving, Approved, Approvingly
Approachable, Approach, Approaching
Arcade, Arcadian
Archangel, Archangelic
Archive, Archived, Archiving
Aristocrat, Aristocracy
Aroma, Aromatherapy, Aromatic
Arousal, Arouse, Arousing
Arrest, Arresting, Arrested

Articulate, Articulating, Articulation
Artificial, Artificially, AI
Art, Artist, Artistic, Artsy
Ascend, Ascension
Aspiration, Aspire, Aspiring
Associate, Association, Associated, Associating
Astra, Astral, Astrological, Astrology, Astrologist
Atmosphere, Atmospheric
Attain, Attaining, Attained
Attention, Attention-grabbing, Attentive, Attentively
Attend, Attending, Attendee
Attitudinally, Attitude
Attraction, Attractive, Attract, Attracting
Attribute, Attributing
Attute, Attuned, Attuning
Athletic, Athlete
Atom, Atomic
Augment, Augmented

Aurora, Auroral
Authentic, Authenticity
Available, Availability
Awake, Awakening, Awakened
Award, Awarding
Aware, Awareness
Awe, Awed
Awesome, Awesomeness, Awesomely

Words To Describe A Person

positive words that start with a to describe a person

Here are the most commonly used A words and adjectives to describe a person (or even an animal) positively.

Affable – Easy to talk to and approachable.

Ambitious – Striving for success and working hard to achieve their goals.

Amiable – Friendly and kind, with a pleasant disposition.

Assertive – Confident and self-assured when expressing their opinions.

Authentic – Individuals that are true to themselves and genuine in their interactions with others.

Adventurous – When someone is adventurous, they are open to new experiences and willing to take risks.

Articulate – People that are expressing themselves clearly and effectively.

Attentive – Someone who is thoughtful and considerate of others’ needs and feelings.

Appreciative – A person that shows gratitude and appreciation for others’ efforts and contributions.

Accomplished – Someone who has achieved significant success or accomplishments in their life or career. You can use this word to describe someone determined.

Authentic – Authentic people are true to themselves, genuine, and sincere.

Altruistic – A person who is selfless and always open to helping others or putting the needs of others before their own.

Assertive – Confident and able to express their opinions and desires in a clear and direct manner.

Articulate – Able to express themselves effectively in speech or writing. For example, the sun sign of Gemini is known to be very articulate.

Attentive – A person who is thoughtful and considerate can be characterized as observant and attentive to details.

Adept – An individual who possesses great abilities and expertise in a specific field.

Astute – Clever, perceptive, and quick-witted.

Affectionate – Warm and loving, and showing their feelings for others in a positive way. Animals can be affectionate, too.

Appreciative – Grateful for the people and things in their life, and expresses their gratitude in a positive way.

Attractive – Someone who has physical beauty or appealing qualities that draw (attract) others towards them like a magnet.

abracadabra meaning

These are some of my favorite beautiful words starting with A. Most of them are unusual, aesthetic, and foreign-sounding. And that’s the magic I love.

Apricity – Apricity is a word that you may not have come across very often, but its meaning is quite lovely. It refers to the warmth of the sun in winter – that feeling of basking in the sun’s rays on a chilly day. The word apricity comes from the Latin word “apricus,” which means “warmed by the sun.” It’s a relatively obscure word, but it’s a beautiful one that brings to mind images of cozy winter afternoons spent outside in the sunshine.

Anaxiphilia – When combined, the term anaxiphilia means “love for rulers” or “love for lords.” In modern times, anaxiphilia can be understood as a fascination or admiration for those who hold positions of power and authority.

Abendrot – Abendrot is a German word which translates to “evening redness” in English. It refers to the reddish glow that can be seen on the western horizon just after the sun sets.

Aisling – In Gaelic, the word “aisling” means “dream” or “vision.” It’s often used as a girl’s name, although it can also be used as a boy’s name in some cases.

Anam Cara – The term translates to soul friend in English and refers to a deep and meaningful connection between two individuals. In Celtic tradition, the anam cara was considered to be a person with whom one could share their innermost thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment or betrayal.

Arcane – Something that is mysterious, secretive, or obscure. The word comes from the Latin word “arcanus,” which means “hidden” or “secret.”

Abscond – A verb that means to leave quickly and secretly, especially to avoid being caught or punished. Essentially, it means to run away or escape from daily stress and hide yourself somewhere.

Ataraxia – This beautiful word is often used to describe a state of calmness, tranquility, and freedom from disturbance. In essence, ataraxia is the perfect state of mind where one feels completely content and at peace with oneself and the world around them.

Aubade – A beautiful French word that has a poetic meaning. It refers to a song or poem that is sung or recited at dawn, usually about love or the beauty of nature.

Aliferous – Having wings (for example, angels or butterflies.)

Astrophile – A person fascinated or in love with stars.

Avenoir – A strong desire to see memories (even though they are not memories yet.)

Absquatulate – To leave a room or a place without saying a single word.

Cool Words

The most commonly used cool A words include awesome, ahoy, adventure, adrenaline, aloha, ambient, anarchy, amused, or aesthetic.

Loving Words

Amor, amorous, adorable, adoring, affectionate, affection, appetite, arousal, arousing, and attuned are among the most loving words that start with A.

Spiritual Words

Some of the spiritual words that start with A include aura, angel, angelic, astrology, astral, awakening, Allah, alignment, awareness, or amen.

Other Positive Words

A words B words C words D words E words
F words G words H words I words J words
K words L words M words N words O words
P words Q words R words S words T words
U words V words W words Y words Z words

Looking for words that start with A? You will get a complete Good, Spanish, Descriptive, Positive, Negative, Common, for Kids words starting with A here. People like to play word games to exercise their brain muscles. No need to worry about searching for a word that starts with A anymore. Some of the word games are very addictive. Train your brain in the smartest way.

Word games are some of the world-famous puzzle activities. Just like you need words that start with the letter A. Some want for securing points. Many for growing building their vocabulary. Crosswords are fun word puzzles. It can keep entertain you for hours. Word games are the best ways to exercise your brain. Challenge your observational skills.

You can read Word Games a fantastic way to focus your competitive streak. Words games are fun because they are simple. Never take the game like a child’s play. Kids these days can play words game better than you. Rewarding games can also motivate you to push your limits. You may fail initially. You will get a good command of the words with more practice.

Top 10 Good Words That Start With A

A list of good words that start with A. This 10 list of word that starts with A is good for playing word games.

Descriptive Common
Assault Applaud
Antenna Ancient
Aerodynamics Analyst
Aspirational Arrival
Astrobiologies Academy

Spanish Words That Start With A

Know Spanish words that start with A. Good short word that starts with A meaning is also shared alongside.

abacorar abedul
abajeño abeja
abajeño abeja albañila
abajo abeja carpintera
abajofirmante abeja de miel
abalanzar abeja machiega
abalanzar abeja maesa
abalanzar abeja maestra
abiertamente abeja neutra
abierto abeja obrera
abigarradamente abenuz
abigarrado aberración
abigarrado aberrante
abjasio aberrar
abjurar abertal
ablación abertura
ablacionar abetal
ablandar abetal
ablandarse abeto
abacería ablativo
abacero aborrecimiento
abacial ablución
abacista abnegación
abacora abalorio
abacorar abaluartar
abaldonadamente abalear

Descriptive Words That Start With A

Easy to define descriptive words that start with A complete collection. You will get some math word that starts with A.

15 Letter Words Starting With A

Anticholinergic Astronautically
Acclimatization Attentivenesses
Anthropocentric Autographically
Agranulocytosis Antidevelopment
Aluminosilicate Antifashionable
Assimilationism Antishoplifting
Archaebacterium Apocalyptically
Adenohypophysis Apprenticeships
Antepenultimate Atheroscleroses
Acetophenetidin Authoritatively
Antivivisection Automatizations
Autotransformer Anthropomorphic
Acanthocephalan Accountantships
Anthropopathism Aerodynamically
Ancylostomiasis Autoradiography
Ariboflavinosis Autotetraploidy
Assertivenesses Aerosolizations
Arteriographies Agribusinessman
Antispeculation Algorithmically
Apolipoproteins Anagrammatizing
Archiepiscopate Antiferromagnet
Anthropophagies Agribusinessmen
Antiabortionist Anonymousnesses
Anticlimactical Antisegregation
Antieducational Antituberculous
Antiliberalisms Anthropophagous
Affordabilities Antimaterialist
Ambisexualities Antiradicalisms
Amorphousnesses Agranulocytoses
Authentications Azidothymidines
Accessibilities Accommodational
Acculturational Adversarinesses
Agriculturalist Allotetraploids
Ambitiousnesses Alphabetization
Amphitheatrical Alternativeness
Anthropological Analyzabilities
Antimonarchical Aromatherapists
Antiquarianisms Acknowledgments
Antiseparatists Adenocarcinomas
Arrondissements Autotrophically
Autobiographies Associationists
Autotransfusion Archaeopteryxes
Accountableness Atherosclerosis
Advisablenesses Anticompetitive
Affectabilities Autocorrelation

14 Letter Words Starting With A

Antidepressant Accountability
Apolipoprotein Actinomorphies
Antiarrhythmic Actinomycetous
Anticonvulsant Administrating
Antiperspirant Acetifications
Antineoplastic Alliteratively
Arrondissement Alloantibodies
Adrenocortical Apoplectically
Antimetabolite Apprehensively
Apocalypticism Articulateness
Aminopeptidase Astrobiologies
Administratrix Abstractedness
Architectonics Antepenultimas
Azidothymidine Antiliberalism
Automatization Allopolyploidy
Archiepiscopal Ambassadresses
Autoradiograph Anathematizing
Aeroelasticity Ankylosauruses
Achondroplasia Affectionately
Associationism Aggressiveness
Antiphlogistic Accomplishable
Abstractionism Accursednesses
Autosuggestion Acknowledgedly
Ammonification Anticorrosives
Antiderivative Antihomosexual
Anthropophagus Antimonarchist
Anticensorship Antisocialists
Annexationists Antitechnology
Allopolyploids Abortivenesses
Aggrandizement Accidentalness
Antiepileptics Accreditations
Antihistorical Aerodynamicist
Antimanagement Affectednesses
Antimilitarist Afforestations
Appendicectomy Allelomorphism
Approximations Anagrammatical
Anticonvulsive Analphabetisms
Anthropometric Anaphrodisiacs
Antigovernment Archaebacteria
Aphoristically Accommodations
Apostrophizing Apostrophising
Apparentnesses Appreciatively
Astrobiologist Administration
Arboricultural Accomplishment
Ascertainments Aforementioned

13 Letter Words Starting With A

Autobiography Anthroposophy
Accommodating Ambidexterity
Authoritarian Antisatellite
Amplification Autoradiogram
Accompaniment Anticollision
Assemblywoman Antirejection
Approximation Apprehensible
Antimicrobial Aminophylline
Antibacterial Adrenalectomy
Argumentative Argentiferous
Apportionment Autocephalous
Acculturation Actinomycosis
Antipsychotic Antifertility
Acrylonitrile Autocatalysis
Acetaminophen Aeromechanics
Acetylcholine Agglutinative
Argumentation Animadversion
Agglomeration Anisometropia
Accelerometer Antilogarithm
Antisubmarine Aminoaciduria
Anthropogenic Anagrammatize
Amniocentesis Autoinfection
Adventuresome Amphiprostyle
Anticoagulant Archidiaconal
Armamentarium Affenpinscher
Antihistamine Anfractuosity
Arteriovenous Antiscorbutic
Audiocassette Aldosteronism
Agglutination Allopolyploid
Antiterrorist Actinomorphic
Architectonic Autopolyploid
Aspergillosis Administrated
Archbishopric Adversenesses
Autochthonous Aerobiologies
Abortifacient Agamospermies
Antipersonnel Accommodators
Aggiornamento Acquiescences
Amitriptyline Amusingnesses
Anthropometry Anachronistic
Arteriography Antiparasitic
Anticlockwise Assistantship
Archaeopteryx Antidiarrheal
Arboriculture Antisymmetric
Archimandrite Accreditation
Antispasmodic Appropriation
Antinomianism Administrator
Antipollution Accommodation
Atherogenesis Authoritative
Asthenosphere Advertisement
Anthraquinone Authorization

12 Letter Words Starting With A

Accomplished Augmentative
Anticipation Anticlerical
Acceleration Aestheticism
Accumulation Alliterative
Advantageous Adventitious
Authenticity Acetonitrile
Anthropology Agrichemical
Acquaintance Artilleryman
Apprehension Antiabortion
Assimilation Ambidextrous
Articulation Auscultation
Astronomical Anthelmintic
Appreciative Abolitionism
Alphabetical Antifeminist
Amalgamation Alimentation
Astonishment Antiparallel
Affectionate Agroforestry
Apprehensive Antediluvian
Amphitheater Assimilative
Asymptomatic Antipathetic
Afterthought Astrobiology
Augmentation Axisymmetric
Aromatherapy Autoantibody
Alphanumeric Aesthetician
Agribusiness Aforethought
Annihilation Autorotation
Acquiescence Antiparticle
Approachable Androcentric
Authenticate Atheoretical
Abbreviation Achlorhydria
Astrophysics Apperception
Angiogenesis Antineutrino
Antithetical Argillaceous
Aerodynamics Antibusiness
Astronautics Appurtenance
Amelioration Archdeaconry
Annunciation Antitakeover
Agrochemical Aestheticize
Arsenopyrite Autoxidation
Appendicitis Accouterment
Alliteration Actinomycete
Administrate Apochromatic
Appendectomy Appendicular
Acetaldehyde Anchorperson
Antiaircraft Appropriable
Aspirational Appreciation
Antimalarial Amortization
Accumulative Architecture
Azathioprine Announcement
Atmospherics Acknowledged

Positive Words That Start With A

Complimentable positive words that start with A. You can use these nice words that start with A in regular conversation.

11 Letter Words Starting With A

Advertising Appropriate
Appointment Alternative
Achievement Acquisition
Accordingly Application
Arrangement Association
Agriculture Anachronism
Anniversary Angiography
Accommodate Anaesthetic
Acknowledge Antioxidant
Advancement Assassinate
Approximate Arthroscopy
Accountable Appellation
Atmospheric Antiquarian
Arbitration Appeasement
Accelerator Addressable
Abstraction Anaesthesia
Adolescence Angiotensin
Affirmation Alternation
Affirmative Abomination
Adventurous Astigmatism
Archaeology Aphrodisiac
Ambivalence Antidumping
Aristocracy Androgynous
Abnormality Aerosolized
Attribution Amphetamine
Associative Amoxicillin
Appreciable Aquaculture
Aeronautics Aboveground
Absenteeism Approbation
Apocalyptic Affectation
Acupuncture Anaphylaxis
Adversarial Academician
Archipelago Anastomosis
Angioplasty Accompanist
Accumulator Ahistorical
Aerodynamic Acclamation
Aftermarket Anisotropic
Aggravation Accessorize
Assemblyman Agnosticism
Archdiocese Aspergillus
Allegorical Agglomerate
Acrimonious Acupressure
Antislavery Amyloidosis
Altercation Acquiescent
Acquisitive Adventurism

10 Letter Words Starting With A

Absolutely Apprentice
Aggressive Antibiotic
Atmosphere Aesthetics
Acceptable Arithmetic
Accessible Alienation
Applicable Actionable
Appreciate Allegation
Anticipate Acquainted
Adjustment Accusation
Assumption Ambulatory
Attendance Aspiration
Assignment Alcoholism
Altogether Anatomical
Automation Ambivalent
Accelerate Autoimmune
Artificial Assimilate
Affordable Aboriginal
Attraction Anticancer
Automotive Arbitrator
Accountant Asymmetric
Absorption Auctioneer
Ambassador Assemblage
Accustomed Adrenaline
Accomplish Antiquated
Attachment Antagonism
Adaptation Anesthetic
Autonomous Appendices
Administer Abstinence
Automobile Authorship
Archbishop Antagonist
Aggression Antithesis
Accidental Aberration
Articulate Accomplice
Attainment Astronomer
Adolescent Ascendancy
Alteration Abstracted
Admiration Apocalypse
Assortment Apologetic
Admittedly Archdeacon
Allegiance Antifungal
Ammunition Antiseptic
Accumulate Amphibious
Anesthesia Admissible
Accordance Adventurer
Auditorium Affliction

9 Letter Words Starting With A

Assistant Advertise
Assurance Addiction
Affecting Adjoining
Automatic Ancillary
Aggregate Alleviate
Analytics Ambiguity
Allowance Athletics
Associate Adherence
Alongside Avoidance
Attending Abdominal
Admission Artillery
Alexander Amplifier
Abandoned Appalling
Amendment Ascertain
Aerospace Analogous
Apartment Augmented
Architect Accessory
Adventure Auxiliary
Ambitious Adaptable
Appealing Abolition
Anonymous Allotment
Affiliate Admirable
Aesthetic Aluminium
Authentic Addictive
Appraisal Arrogance
Accompany Anomalous
Alternate Advisable
Applicant Accession
Academics Apologize
Ambulance Argentine
Attribute Antitrust
Animation Apartheid
Apparatus Astronomy
Aftermath Accretion
Affection Attentive
Assertion Amplitude
Arbitrary Appellate
Appliance Anthology
Alignment Agitation
Attendant Assertive
Amusement Avalanche
Abundance Arbitrage
Algorithm Available
Arthritis Agreement
Ambiguous Advantage

8 Letter Words Starting With A

Activity Alkaline
Advanced Audition
Addition Armchair
Achieved Additive
Accepted Amenable
Acquired Alphabet
Affected Arterial
Approval Airplane
Audience Activism
Alliance Aromatic
Aircraft Anterior
Anywhere Affluent
Academic Antelope
Accurate Analytic
Assembly Activate
Argument Altitude
Advisory Automate
Adequate Aquarium
Attitude Applause
Attached Arrogant
Apparent Asbestos
Accident Annoying
Accuracy Adhesive
Announce Auspices
Absolute Archival
Adjusted Adhesion
Assuming Avionics
Aluminum Almighty
Attorney Abrasive
Abstract Ancestor
Adjacent Aperture
Aviation Ancestry
Artistic Aerobics
Advocate Amortize
Appendix Auditory
Athletic Antidote
Autonomy Abnormal
Abortion Airborne
Affinity Although
Advocacy Analysis
Appetite Approach
Asserted Actually
Antibody Anything
Animated Analogue
Ambition Airfield

Common Words That Start With A

Daily life common words that start with A. It is easy words that start with A in word games.

7 Letter Words Starting With A

Already Artisan
Ability Accrual
Average Austere
Account Algebra
Address Anarchy
Achieve Aerosol
Applied Amnesty
Attempt Apparel
Article Anatomy
Advance Annuity
Acquire Apology
Absence Admiral
Attract Augment
Assumed Acclaim
Airport Aquatic
Advised Anomaly
Accused Agility
Anybody Applaud
Ancient Antigen
Analyst Abusive
Adverse Allergy
Arrival Anguish
Academy Analyse
Alleged Adjunct
Alcohol Audible
Assured Acrylic
Adviser Abolish
Auction Ambient
Airline Arrears
Assault Abreast
Anxiety Ammonia
Arrange Acreage
Anxious Airfare
Approve Antenna
Archive Adapter
Amateur Adamant
Actress Angular
Abandon Abdomen
Appoint Arduous
Arsenal Abiding
Awkward Amenity
Analyze Aspirin
Auditor Archaic
Anymore Aerobic
Alright Asphalt

6 Letter Words Starting With A

Almost Accord
Action Attach
Actual Asthma
Annual Attain
Amount Aerial
August Assert
Anyone Absurd
Active Assign
Answer Admire
Agency Arctic
Appear Adhere
Affect Artery
Accept Alpine
Advice Arroyo
Appeal Asylum
Attack Arcade
Author Amidst
Animal Ascent
Acting Airing
Assume Archer
Assist Abrupt
Attend Ageing
Anyway Armour
Aspect Aurora
Afford Anthem
Artist Abound
Avenue Accrue
Assess Airbus
Abroad Apiece
Afraid Anemia
Agenda Astute
Arrive Affirm
Advise Ashore
Allied Accuse
Arrest Analog
Affair Auburn
Absent Acumen
Adjust Aspire
Assure Ardent
Autumn Afloat
Accent Apache
Albeit Almond
Aboard Antics
Absorb Aching
Asleep Advert

5 Letter Words That Start With A

Award Alley
Allow Awake
Alone Aloud
Ahead Adobe
Apply Amend
Aware Armor
Avoid Await
Agent Align
Asset Altar
Agree Aging
Adult Atlas
Apart Alloy
Audio Amino
Aside Amber
Audit Aisle
Array Agony
Abuse Adept
Alive Avail
Argue Attic
Apple Agile
Acute Abide
Arise Arson
Adopt Avert
Angry Aroma
Admit Annex
Arena Aegis
Alike Abbot
Actor Apron
Anger Awoke
Alert Aspen
Album Arbor
Alter Acorn
Angle Aloft
Alarm Alias
Adapt Amiss
Angel Aback
Alpha Angst
Awful Adage
Arose Axial
Ankle Ahold
Ample Awash
Alien Aloof
Arrow Aloha
Assay Afoot
Abbey Abyss

Four Letter Words That Start With A

Acid Arum
Aged Ahem
Anna Aloe
Anti Abut
Acre Anon
Auto Aeon
Amid Aryl
Aunt Adit
Arch Apse
Axis Ahoy
Ally Agio
Alto Asci
Akin Abed
Alas Agon
Aide Abet
Apex Arvo
Avid Aver
Aura Achy
Atom Agog
Atop Axil
Anal Agin
Axes Alga
Arid Anta
Anew Alar
Ache Agha
Airy Acyl
Amen Ague
Ante Amyl
Aero Agma
Acne Ashy
Axle Ayin
Amir Alae
Aria Ankh
Aqua Ayah
Arco Avow
Awry Ambo
Afar Amah
Acme Alee
Alum Aril
Arty Alit
Axel Aery
Agar Alow
Amok Alky
Anus Alms
Ajar Abbe

Words That Start With A For Kids

Simple words that start with A for kids. Also used as a word that starts with A for kindergarten. Parents can also teach these as the preschool word that starts with A.

Three Letter Words That Start With A

Air Awn
Age Adz
Art Ais
Ask Ami
Add Aal
Amp Ads
Arm Aas
Aid Abo
Aim Aby
Ace Ama
Ate Ahs
Arc Aff
Ash Als
Ana Ags
Ave Ars
Aye Apo
Aha Awa
Asp Ays
Apt Att
Ark Ava
Awe Ail
Axe Azo
Ale Arf
Ant Avo
Ala Ani
Ass Amu
Abs Alb
Alt Awl
App Ane
Aft Auk
Ape Act
Ado Ago
Aba And
Ain Are
Arb All
Aga Any
Ahi Aah
Ait Alp

Two Letter Words Starting With A

Am Aw
Ad Ae
Ah Ax
Ag Ay
Ai Al
Aa As
Ab At
Ar An

Benefit Of Playing Word Games

The Crosswords, Scrabble, Consequences are three evergreen classic word games. Word searches require only one player. Most of the games are 2+ player games. You can improve your writing skills. Word games can really help you to write your own books. A good vocabulary will help you to create your own podcast channels.

Imagine you can explain consequences with appropriate words. Sounds magical if you think deeply. Word games will improve your way of thinking. Sound more confident. Stimulate learning skills at any age. Healthy exercise helps your brain cells remain active. That can reduce any risk of developing dementia.

Strong attracts power. You can build a connection with powerful people. Good command of vocabulary can boost your self-esteem. The people you hang out with will decide how successful you will become. It will strengthen your problem-solving skills.

1. What are the Christmas words that start with A?

Advent, Advent, Angel, Appreciative are Christmas word that starts with A.

2. What are the cool words that start with A?

Aura, Aeon, Adobe are cool words that begin with A.

3. What are the words that start with A to describe someone?

Agent, Adult, Angel are positive word that starts with A to describe a person.

4. What are negative words that start with A?

Abrupt, Ageing, Anti are negative words that begin with A.

5. What are some Canadian words that start with A?

Abbotsford is a Canadian word that begins with A.

Final Words

I hope the 150+ Beautiful Words That Start With A was helpful. We tried our best to feed your query by providing the best. Share to support our efforts.

There might be affiliate links on this page, which means we get a small commission of anything you buy. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Please do your own research before making any online purchase.

Do you ever struggle with finding the right words to describe yourself or someone else? You want to be precise, yet encouragingly present them. You rack your brain and the words are just out of reach. Trust me, the struggle is real. 

Thankfully, you don’t have to struggle any longer. In this post, we’ve listed 101 positive words that start with A (seems as good a place as any) that you can use when describing yourself or someone else.

Why Are Positive Words Important?

Positive words are important because they make a positive impact on the listener. In other words, positive words create positive vibes. These vibes can be about you or someone else. Furthermore, these vibes make the listener think positively about the person being described. After all, words matter.

A simple word can generate:

  • Encouragement
  • Confidence
  • Inspiration
  • Faith
  • Honesty

It’s also important to remember that we can affect people’s opinions of others by what we say. Positive words will encourage your listener to put their confidence and faith in the person mentioned. Even more, it can inspire the listener to appreciate that person more. Above all, positive words cause your listener to take an honest look at the person and search out these qualities for themselves. 

Often, we don’t realize the power our words have when speaking about someone. With our words, we can build up or tear down someone in the opinions of our listeners. This even holds true for ourselves. Using positive words is the key to unlocking some many of the things we seek to gain or be in life.

Situations When You Can Use Positive Words

Since it’s important to use positive words, you’ll want to use them whenever you can. Plus, the more often you use them, the easier it becomes to use them again. You build your vocabulary through repetition. With that in mind, look for opportunities to speak positively about someone. 

Positive Words about Someone to Others

These positive words can be used in:

  • A letter of recommendation
  • Team meetings
  • Referrals
  • When asked your opinion about someone
  • Social Media posts and comments

As you can see, opportunities to use positive words about someone else abound. This is true in both your professional and personal life. This is true for adults and children.

Let’s be honest. There’s enough negativity in the world. If someone looks hard enough, they can find fault with everyone. Instead of joining in the gripe session, choose the high road and offer positive words. This will positively affect your listener, the person you’re discussing, and yourself.

Positive Words Spoken Directly To the Person 

Not only can you speak positively about someone, but you can also speak positively directly to that person. Look for opportunities to praise someone – face to face. For instance, congratulate them on winning an award. Or thank them for their care and consideration during a time of need.

what are some positive a words | positive words that start from a to z | how to use positive words
Positive words will encourage your listener to put their confidence and faith in the person mentioned.

People need this type of encouragement. They may not show it, but someone may be in need of the positivity you have to offer, especially if they are experiencing difficulties. Reach out to them and use your positive words to lift them up. 

You can speak positivity into a person’s life when:

  • They didn’t get the job
  • They experienced loss
  • They experienced a breakup
  • They are suffering from an illness

As you can see, the opportunities to speak positive words to someone are endless. Your positive words will be a source of encouragement and support in a time of need. Your words will build them up, which inspires them to think positively about themselves. 

Speaking Positively About Yourself

Finally, it’s important that you speak positively about yourself. Often, we’re our own worst enemy when it comes to how we think and speak about ourselves. Negative self-talk leads to negative action or inaction.  It will keep you from trying your best. This will have negative results. Not only will it affect your performance, but it also affects how others perceive you.

Therefore, you need to speak positively about yourself. In fact, speaking positively about yourself increases positive thinking, which increases performance.

This includes how you describe yourself in:

  • Interviews
  • Resumes
  • Letters of interest
  • Emails
  • Social Media posts
  • Speeches

For example, how many times have you heard someone giving a speech start off their speech with, “I’m not a good speaker”? Right off, they’ve negated everything else they’re going to say. If you’re not a good speaker, why should anyone pay attention?

Instead, you should speak positively of yourself. Now, that doesn’t mean bragging. There’s a difference between speaking positively about yourself and bragging. Being positive means being honest about your accomplishments, skills, and character traits. That’s not bragging. It’s speaking positively about your strengths.

Now that you know why and when you should use positive words to describe yourself or someone else, it’s time to share with you these 101 positive words that start with A.

To help you incorporate these words better, we’ve listed them alphabetically and included a short definition.  But before you use them, here are some tips:

  • Make sure the word fits the occasion
  • Be honest
  • Be creative with them

With that being said, here’s the list.

  1. Abiding- continuing for a long time
  2. Ablaze- lit up with emotion
  3. Able- having the skill and knowledge to do something
  4. Absolutely- without any limitations
  5. Abounding- in great supply
  6. Abundant- large quantity
  7. Academic- related to studying and learning
  8. Ace- being an expert in something, 
  9. Acceptance- agreement with something
  10. Accessible- open to access
  11. Acclaimed- attracting approval or praise
  12. Accolade- praise and approval
  13. Accommodate- to provide what someone needs
  14. Accomplishment- the act of completing something
  15. Accountable- capable of giving an explanation
  16. Accredited- to recognize as meeting a standard
  17. Accrue- to acquire or multiply
  18. Accurate- hitting the intended target
  19. Accuracy- being exact, correct, or precise
  20. Achieve- to get results
  21. Acknowledge- to take notice of
  22. Active- engaging in movement
  23. Activate- to start or initiate something
  24. Adaptable- able to adjust to new conditions
  25. Adept- being skilled or proficient in something
  26. Advisable- recommended, sensible
  27. Alacrity- brisk and cheerful readiness
  28. Align- bring into agreement
  29. Ally- One who is united with something or someone else
  30. Amicable- displaying peace-loving characteristics
  31. Admirable- deserving respect or approval
  32. Ample- more than enough, in large supply
  33. Amusing- causing laughter or providing entertainment
  34. Adorable- inspiring, great affection, charming, delightful
  35. Advanced- ahead in development or progress
  36. Advantage- favorable or better position
  37. Adventurous- willing to try new things or ideas
  38. Advocate- to recommend or support
  39. Affable- friendly, easy to talk to 
  40. Affection- fondness or liking
  41. Affinity- natural liking or sympathy for someone or something
  42. Affirmation- emotional support or encouragement
  43. Affirmative- supportive, hopeful, encouraging
  44. Ageless- appearing not to grow old or last forever
  45. Agility- ability to move or think quickly and easily
  46. Aglow- glowing with excitement or happiness
  47. Agreeable- enjoyable, pleasant, willing to agree
  48. Alert- quick to notice
  49. Alive- full of life
  50. Allegiance- loyalty and commitment to something or someone
  51. Altruistic- selfless concern for the well-being of others
  52. Amazed- greatly surprised
  53. Amazing- causing great surprise or wonder
  54. Ambition- desire and determination to achieve success
  55. Amiable- having a friendly, pleasant manner
  56. Amity- a friendly relationship
  57. Amusement- finding something funny
  58. Anew- in a new or different, often more positive way
  59. Angelic- exceptionally beautiful, innocent, or kind
  60. Animated- full of life or excitement
  61. A-OK- gaining approval, satisfaction, agreement
  62. A-plus- added quality, outstanding
  63. Appealing- attractive or appealing
  64. Applaud- showing approval or praise
  65. Appreciation- recognizing the good qualities of someone or something
  66. Appreciative- showing gratitude 
  67. Approachable- friendly and easy to talk to
  68. Appropriate- suitable or proper for the situation
  69. Apt- appropriate or suitable
  70. Ardor- enthusiasm or passion
  71. Arousing- to evoke or awaken an emotion or response
  72. Articulate- speak fluently or coherently
  73. Artistic- having a natural creative skill
  74. Artistry- displaying a creative skill or ability
  75. Ascertain- to find out something for certain
  76. Aspire- directing one’s hope or ambition toward a goal
  77. Assistive- providing aid or assistance
  78. Associate- partner, colleague, or a connection
  79. Assurance- confidence, a promise
  80. Assuring- comforting, instilling confidence
  81. Astonishing- extremely surprising or impressive
  82. Astounding- surprisingly impressive or noteworthy
  83. Astronomical- exceedingly large or an extremely great amount
  84. Astute- ability to assess a situation and use it as an advantage
  85. Athletic- physically fit, active
  86. Attain- to succeed in achieving
  87. Attentive- paying close attention to something
  88. Attractive- pleasing, appealing, or inviting to the senses
  89. Attuned- aware, adjusted, or adapted
  90. August- respected or impressive
  91. Auspicious- conducive to success, favorable
  92. Authentic- genuine, original, or real
  93. Authoritative- commanded, self-confident, or reliable
  94. Avant-garde- new, normal, or experimental
  95. Avid- showing keen interest or enthusiasm for something
  96. Awake- fully conscious, alert, aware
  97. Award- prize or mark of recognition
  98. Aware- concerned, or well-informed
  99. Awareness- knowledge about a certain situation or fact
  100. Awe-inspiring- breathtaking, amazing, stunning
  101. Awesome- extremely impressive, inspiring admiration

Final Thoughts on Positive Words That Start With A

Speaking positively about someone, whether it’s yourself or someone else, is important for many reasons. It incites feelings of encouragement, inspiration, and confidence. Plus, it creates positive vibes about the person.

You should use positive words when talking about or to someone… as often as possible. This doesn’t mean you should “kiss up to them”, but just let them know you’re appreciative of their contribution to your life.  

This list of positive words that start with A makes it easy for you to do that. It can be hard to think of positive words on the spot, so this will help take off some of the pressure… or so that’s the idea. For more positive words, you can use, then read our other posts:

  • 365 Positive Words to Use Daily [A to Z for 2022]
  • 85 Positive Words That Start with the Letter B
  • 85 Positive Words That Start with the Letter C
what are some positive a words | positive words that start from a to z | how to use positive words

6 min read

Here is the list of Six Hundred (600) positive words that start with A. Check out good words, nice words, kind words, love words, beautiful words, inspirational words, and positive words starting with the letter A.

Allah All Almighty
Abandon Adam Apologize
Abide Aficionado Apology
Abiding Aflame Apotheosis
Ability Aflutter Apparent
Ablaze Aflatoxin Apparently
A Plus Afraid Appeal
Able-Bodied After Appealing
Able-Minded Afterglow Appear
Abloom Afternoon Appearance
Abound Again Appeasable
Abounding Against Appease
Abounds Agape Appetency
About Age Appetite
About Turn Ageless Appetizing
Above Agency Applaud
Above Board Agent Applaudable
Aboveboard Aggrandize Applause
Abracadabra Aggravation Apple
Abroad Aggressive Application
Absence Agile Apply
Absent Agilely Appoint
Absit Omen Agility Apposite
Absolute Agleam Appreciate
Absolutely Aglitter Appreciated
Absolution Aglow Appreciates
Absolve Ago Appreciation
Absorbed Agog Appreciative
Absorbing Agony Aunt Appreciative Joy
Abstain Agony Uncle. Appreciatively
Abstemious Agree Appreciativeness
Abstinence Agreeable Appreciatory
Abstract Agreeableness Approach
Abubble Agreeably Approachable
Abundance Agreement Appropriate
Abundant Agriculture Approval
Abuse Aha Approve
Abusive Ahead Approved
Abuzz Ahh Approving
Academic Aid Approvingly
Accelerate Aidant Approximate
Accentuactivity Aiding April
Accept Ailment Apropos
Acceptable Aim Apt
Acceptance Aimful Aptitude
Acceptant Air Aquifer
Accepted Airplane Arch
Accepting Airport Archangel
Acceptive Aisle Architect
Access Alacritous Ardent
Accessible Alacrity Ardently
Accessible Alarm Ardor
Accession Alchemist Ardor
Accessory Alere Area
Accident Alert Arena
Acclaim Alertness Argue
Acclaimed Alibi Argument
Acclamation Alight Aright
Accolade Align Arise
Accolades Alimony Aristocrat
Accommodate Alive Aristocratic
Accommodated All Arm
Accommodating All Clear Arm Candy
Accommodation All In Armpit
Accommodative All Right Army
Accommodate All-Around Aroha
Accommodative Allay Aroma
Accompany Allegiance Aromatic
Accomplish Allegiant Around
Accomplished Alleluia Arouse
Accomplishment All-Embracing Aroused
Accomplishments Allergy Arousing
Accord Alleviate Arrange
Accordant Alleviative Arrangement
According+To Alliance Arrest
Accordingly All-Important Arresting
Account All-Knowing Arrival
Accountability Allocate Arrive
Accountable Allow Arrow
Accountant Allowance Art
Accredit Allowing Artful
Accreditable Allure Article
Accredited Alluring Articulate
Accrue Alluringly Artificial
Accumulate Ally Artist
Accuracy Almighty Artistic
Accurate Almost As
Accurately Alms Ascend
Accuse Aloha Ascendant
Ace Alone Ascending
Ace In The Hole Along Ascension
Ache Alpha Ascertain
Achievable Alpha Female Ascesis
Achieve Alpha Male Ascetic
Achievement Alphabet Ashamed
Achievements Already Aside
Achiever Alright Ask
Achieving Also Asleep
Acknowledge Alter Aspirant
Acknowledged Alternative Aspiration
Acknowledgment Although Aspirational
A clarity Altogether Aspirations
Acme Altrucause Aspire
Acquiesce Altruism Aspirin
Acquiescent Altruist Aspiring
Acquire Altruistic Assent
Acquit Altruistically Assert
Across Always Assertive
Act Amateur Assertiveness
Act Of Contrition Amatory Assiduous
Actability Amaze Assignment
Action Amazed Assist
Actionable Amazement Assistant
Activate Amazes Assistive
Active Amazing Associate
Activism Amazingly Associate’s Degree
Activist Ambidextrous Assume
Activity Ambition Assurance
Actor Ambitious Assurances
Actress Ambitiously Assure
Actual Ameliorate Assured
Actually Amelioration Assuredly
Acuity Ameliorative Assuring
Acumen Ameliorator Astir
Acushla Amen Astonish
Acute Amenable Astonished
Adamant Amend Astonishing
Adamantine Amende Honorable Astonishingly
Adapt Amends Astonishment
Adaptability Amenity Astound
Adaptable Amiability Astounded
Adaptive Amiably Astounding
Adaptogen Amiable Astoundingly
Adaptogenic Amicability Astral
Add Amicable Astronomical
Addictive Amicably Astute
Addition Amigo Astutely
Additional Amin At
Address Amity Ataractic
Adept Amnesty Ataraxic
Adequate Among Ataraxy
Adhere Amorist Athlete
Adjourn Amoroso Athletic
Adjust Amorous Atingle
Adjustable Amorously Atmosphere
Adjusted Amorousness Atone
Administration Amount Atonement
Admirable Amour Attaboy
Admirably Amour Fou Attach
Admiration Amour Propre Attack
Admire Ample Attain
Admirer Amplify Attainable
Admiring Amply Attainment
Admiringly Amulet Attempt
Admissible Amuse Attend
Admission Amused Attention
Admit Amusement Attentive
Adonis Amusing Attentiveness
Adopt Amusingly Attest
Adoption An Attitude
Adorability Analeptic Attorney
Adorable Analgesia Attract
Adorableness Analgesic Attractant
Adorably Analogy Attraction
Adore Analysis Attractive
Adored Analytical Attractively
Adorer Analyze Attribute
Adoring And Attune
Adoringly Anew Au Courant
Adorn Angel Audacious
Adrenalized Angelic Audacity
Adroit Angelical Audience
Adroitly Anger Augment
Adroitness Angle August
Adulate Angry Aunt
Adulation Anguish Auspicious
Adulator Animal Autarkic
Adulatory Animate Autarky
Adult Animated Authentic
Advance Animating Authenticity
Advanced Animus Author
Advantage Ankh Authoritative
Advantaged Ankle Authority
Advantageous Announce Automatic
Advantageously Annoy Automobile
Advantages Annoying Autumn
Adventist Annual Avail
Adventure Annually Available
Adventuresome Annus Mirabilis Avant
Adventuristic Anoint Avant-Garde
Adventurous Another Ave
Advertise Answer Avenue
Advertisement Anthroposophy Average
Advice Anthroposophical Avid
Advisable Anticipate Avidly
Advise Anticipation Avoid
Advocate Antidepressant Avuncular
Advocated Antidote Awake
Advocates Antihistamine Award
Aesthete Anti-Infective Awardable
Aesthetic Anti-Inflammatory Awarded
Affability Anti-Malaria Awards
Affable Anti-Pyretic Aware
Affably Anxiety Awareness
Affair Anxious Away
Affect Any Awe
Affection Anybody Awe-Inspiring
Affectionate Anyone Awed
Affinity Anything Awe-Inspiring
Affirm Anyway Awesome
Affirmable Anywhere Awesomely
Affirmation A-Ok Awesomeness
Affirmative A-One Awestricken
Affirming Apart Awestruck
Affluence Apartment Axiom
Affluent Aphrodisiac Aye
Affluential Aplenty

Check out the list of positive words that start with B

Positive Words That Start With a to Describe a Person

Here is the list of positive words that start with a to describe a person.

Accommodating Adaptable Affable
Affectionate Affluent Agreeable
Altruistic Amazing Ambitious

Nice Words That Start With A

Here is the list of nice words that start with a

Abound Admire Appreciation
Accolade Affection Awesome
Accommodating Affirm Amplify
Accomplished Aglow Amusing
Accurate Agreeable Angelic

Kind Words That Start With A

Here is the list of kind words that start with a

Abound Admire Appreciation
Accolade Affection Awesome
Accommodating Affirm Amplify
Accomplished Aglow Amusing
Accurate Agreeable Angelic

Beautiful Words That Start With A

Here is the list of beautiful words that start with a

Abound Admire Appreciation
Accolade Affection Awesome
Accommodating Affirm Amplify
Accomplished Aglow Amusing
Accurate Agreeable Angelic

Inspirational Words That Start With A

Here is the list of inspirational words that start with a

Abound Admire Appreciation
Accolade Affection Awesome
Accommodating Affirm Amplify
Accomplished Aglow Amusing
Accurate Agreeable Angelic

Love Words That Start With A

Here is the list of love words that start with a

Adored Amazing Affectionate
Abiding Appreciative Accomplished
Articulate Angelic Amplify

Good Words That Start With A

Here is the list of good words that start with a

Abound Admire Appreciation
Accolade Affection Awesome
Accommodating Affirm Amplify
Accomplished Aglow Amusing
Accurate Agreeable Angelic

Cool Words That Start With A

Here is the list of cool words that start with a

Anarchy Abecedarian Adequate
Ageless Acoustic Ameliorate
Altruistic Acquaintances Astronaut
Abomination Agoraphobia Acquiesce
Astringent Acerbic Auspicious

Five Letter Words That Start With A

Here is the list of five letter words that start with a

Abuzz Achoo Adoze
Aeons Afrit Algae
Ambry Amour Aorta
Arvos Auger Azlon
Azoth Askew Angst

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