Good word for my self

Good Words to Describe Yourself (+ Example Answers)

  • Diligent / Loyal / Reliable. I am always the first person my friends call because they know I am always there for them. …
  • Creative / Innovative / Visionary. …
  • Motivated / Ambitious / Leader. …
  • Honest / Ethical / Conscientious. …
  • Friendly / Personable / Extrovert.

Secondly, How do you write 5 sentences about yourself?

Some statements you should be able to include:

  1. I am proud of myself.
  2. I am making a difference.
  3. I am happy and grateful.
  4. I am making my time count.
  5. I am honest with myself.
  6. I am good to those I care about.

Also What are 3 words to describe yourself? Words you can use to describe yourself

  • Adventurous.
  • Ambitious.
  • Analytical.
  • Attentive.
  • Balanced.
  • Communicative.
  • Creative.
  • Curious.

In fact How do you tell someone about yourself?

A. Do’s

  1. Give a Short Personal Description About Yourself. It’s true that interviewers want to find someone who fits the job requirements. …
  2. Talk About Your Achievements So Far. …
  3. Talk about your work experience and skills. …
  4. Talk About The Biggest Challenges You Faced and Overcame. …
  5. Sell Your Skills Relevant For The Job.

How do you introduce yourself in 100 words?

You can add some of your basic biodate for your point in your introduction in 100 words. For example, your name, your age, the date of birth, your favorite color etc. So, in yhat way you can introduce yourself in 100 words. Highlight only those events that impacted your life.

What are 5 sentences?

5 sentences:

  • My mom taught me to finish everything on my plate at dinner.
  • The only problem with a pencil, is that they do not stay sharp long enough.
  • Our school building is made of bricks.
  • Every night I get woken up by the sound of a barking dog across the street.
  • Salad is for rabbits.

How do you write 10 lines about yourself?

Ten Lines on Myself

  1. My name is Aditya Ranade, and I am 8 years old.
  2. I study in BAV Public School in the fourth standard.
  3. My father’s name is Mr. …
  4. I have one younger sister who studies in the first standard in the same school.
  5. I like watching cartoons, and my favourite cartoon character is Doraemon.

How can I introduce myself in English?

Here are some examples:

  1. Morning! I don’t think we’ve met before, I’m Aryan.
  2. Hey there! I’m Surya. I’m new—I just moved to the building a couple of days ago. …
  3. Hi Amy. I heard it’s your first day so I thought I could reach out and introduce myself. We haven’t officially met but I’ll be working with you on this project.

How would you describe yourself in one sentence?

Sample answers:

I am a hard-working and driven individual who isn’t afraid to face a challenge. I’m passionate about my work and I know how to get the job done. I would describe myself as an open and honest person who doesn’t believe in misleading other people and tries to be fair in everything I do.

How do I write about myself for a job?

You can follow these steps to write about yourself:

  1. Introduce yourself.
  2. Include the most relevant professional experience.
  3. Mention significant personal achievements or awards.
  4. Introduce personal details.
  5. Use a casual and friendly tone.

How can you describe yourself in one word?

To describe myself in one word, I’m a very ambitious person. I take up all learning opportunities that enhance my skills and know-how to cope up with failures. I like challenging myself to find creative solutions as quickly as possible and resolve any issues at hand.

Can you tell a little about yourself?

The basic principle of a good “Tell me a little about yourself” response is to cover as much territory as you can in as small a space as possible; you don’t know what’s going to pique the interviewer’s interest, so you want to include as many things as possible that might get the conversation going, with a focus on …

Whats an interesting fact about myself?

List of 51 Examples of Fun Facts about Yourself to Tell Others

  • “One of my favorite things to do is…. …
  • “Right now, I’m reading about….” …
  • “If I could have any superpower, it would be….” …
  • “One thing I know I do well (or better than most) is….” …
  • “I look up to….” …
  • “One thing I cannot live without is….”

What are your strengths?

Some examples of strengths you might mention include: Enthusiasm. Trustworthiness. Creativity.

How can I describe myself in one word?

To describe myself in one word, I’m a very ambitious person. I take up all learning opportunities that enhance my skills and know-how to cope up with failures. I like challenging myself to find creative solutions as quickly as possible and resolve any issues at hand.

How do you write 5 sentences?

The classic five sentence paragraph uses the following format:

  1. Tell them what you are going to tell them.
  2. Tell them.
  3. Tell them.
  4. Tell them.
  5. Tell them what you told them.

What is English sentence?

A sentence is the basic unit of language which expresses a complete thought. It does this by following the grammatical basic rules of syntax. For example:”Ali is walking”. A complete sentence has at least a subject and a main verb to state (declare) a complete thought.

What are the 7 types of sentences?

The other way is based on a sentence’s structure (simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex).

  • Statements/Declarative Sentences. These are the most common type of sentence. …
  • Questions/Interrogative Sentences. …
  • Exclamations/Exclamatory Sentences. …
  • Commands/Imperative Sentences.

How can I introduce myself in 10 lines in English?

Here’s how you introduce yourself in English in 10 lines. You will learn this in 2 to 3 minutes.

10) I enjoy listening to music.

  1. I enjoy listening to music.
  2. I enjoy eating.
  3. I enjoy watching television.
  4. I enjoy learning languages.
  5. I enjoy exercising.
  6. I enjoy reading.

What is the my self?

language note: Myself is the first person singular reflexive pronoun. A speaker or writer uses myself to refer to himself or herself. Myself is used as the object of a verb or preposition when the subject refers to the same person. I asked myself what I would have done in such a situation.

How do you write 20 lines about yourself?

These 20 Lines on Myself are for class 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10.

  1. My name is Kartik Solanki.
  2. I am eleven years old boy.
  3. My birthday is on 6 th March.
  4. I study in class 5 in Central School.
  5. I live in a joint family with my grandparents, parents and sister.
  6. I love my family very much and enjoy spending time with them.

How should I introduce myself as a fresher?

Talk about yourself, your name and where you come from. Ensure good body language and communication. For fresher job interviews, you must talk about your educational qualifications and achievements.

How can I introduce myself in interview in English?

So, here’s a self-introduction sample that you can use to introduce yourself to people other than your interviewer. “Hello, My name is (your name). I have an interview appointment with Mr. X (name of the person) at 12 pm for the position of (mention the role).”

What should we write in self-introduction?

Follow these steps when writing a self-introduction email to your team:

  1. Write a friendly subject line. …
  2. Choose your tone based on the company culture. …
  3. Explain why you’re writing. …
  4. Describe your background and new role. …
  5. Show your enthusiasm. …
  6. Send follow-up messages.

Join our Business, Advices & Skills Community and share you ideas today !

120 Self-Love Affirmations to Become Kinder to Yourself

Here is an extensive list of the top 100 self-love affirmations to grow your self-esteem.

A woman sitting with her arms raised

We all deserve to feel loved, especially by ourselves. These self-love affirmations will help grow your self-esteem and worth, and most importantly, give you the love that you deserve.  

Self-love is an important part of a happy life. When we love ourselves, it becomes easy to go through life. There’s no judgment, fear, or low self-esteem, and instead, there’s immense gratitude and compassion towards our own selves.

The best thing is that self-love helps us have healthier relationships with the people in our lives. It’s a true win-win situation.

And, here’s where affirmations for self-love come into play. Affirmations help us use the power of positive words in reshaping our mindset. Think about how you feel when someone says encouraging words to you. It truly raises your self-esteem, doesn’t it?

With self-love affirmations, you can do the same for yourself!

In this post, you will find:

  1. Daily self-love affirmations
  2. Positive affirmations for self-love
  3. Self-esteem affirmations
  4. Sell-care affirmations
  5. Self-love affirmations for anxiety

Give yourself the blessing of your own love, care, and acceptance as we go through these affirmations below:

Self-love affirmations guided session

Daily Self-Love Affirmations

  1. I love myself just as I am today.
  2. I choose to be kind to myself.
  3. I am my own best friend.
  4. It is natural for me to love myself.
  5. I am grateful to be the person I am.
  6. I love each part of myself.
  7. I honor my life.
  8. I appreciate all the ways that I am unique.
  9. I accept my awesomeness.
  10. I love who I am.
  11. I am calm and relaxed in all situations.
  12. My muscles are relaxed.
  13. My tension is melting away.
  14. I am relaxed and calm.
  15. I am comfortable around other people.
  16. I am thankful and grateful for the good in my life.
  17. Calmness washes over me with every deep breath I take.
  18. I am releasing all negative emotions from my system.
  19. I deserve a peaceful and loving life.
  20. I am breathing slowly and deeply, filling myself with calmness.
  21. I am letting go of all my worries and fears.
  22. I deserve happiness and joy.
  23. I am calm and at ease.
  24. I surround myself with peace and pleasant emotions.
  25. I choose to move my focus on happy experiences.
  26. Despite how I feel, I understand this feeling and situation are temporary.
  27. Serenity, tranquillity, and other pleasurable emotions engulf my being.
  28. My thoughts are slowing down.
  29. My breathing is anchored from within my core and this breathing is relaxing to my body and mind.
  30. As my body and mind become more relaxed, I can problem-solve more effectively.
  31. I am reclaiming my power.
  32. I am naturally stress-free.
  33. I am letting go of my worries.
  34. I am in control of my life.
  35. I am a positive person who attracts positive things into my life.
  36. I am equipped to handle this situation effectively.
  37. This situation will pass, so I choose to deal with it calmly.
  38. I trust my intuition and I am always guided to make wise decisions.
  39. My peace is my power.
  40. Today, and every day, I choose joy.

Related: 50 Insightful Self-Love Journal Prompts

Positive Affirmations for Self-love

  1. I trust the Universe is looking out for my higher good.
  2. Everything is going to be okay.
  3. One day at a time, one step at a time.
  4. I am in harmony and balance with life.
  5. Releasing stress is easy.
  6. I choose to feel peaceful.
  7. I am a good person who deserves happiness, health, and peace.
  8. There are some things I can’t change, and I’m OKAY with that.
  9. Good things continually happen to me.
  10. Feeling relaxed is my normal state.
  11. I am worthy of good things.
  12. I am inhaling confidence and exhaling fear.
  13. I am accepting myself unconditionally.
  14. I have endless strength.
  15. I am so much stronger than I realize.
  16. I have the power to face any difficulty.
  17. I am powerful.
  18. It will all be okay.
  19. Everything is easy for me to handle.
  20. I am learning to support my best self.
  21. With each passing moment, I am feeling calmer.
  22. I deserve to be kind to myself.
  23. I go through life one step at a time.
  24. I am in control of my thoughts.
  25. I am proud of myself.
  26. I am capable of handling my responsibilities.
  27. I allow myself time to heal.
  28. I am releasing myself from stress.
  29. I am relaxing each part of my body.
  30. I appreciate my life with all of my heart.

Self-Esteem Affirmations for Self-Love

  1. I am at home in my body.
  2. All is well in my world. I am calm, happy, and content.
  3. I listen with love to my body’s messages.
  4. I deserve all that is good.
  5. My happy thoughts help create my healthy body.
  6. Everything is working out for my highest good.
  7. I make the decisions for myself.
  8. I am independent and in control of my life.
  9. I am worthy of good experiences.
  10. I am becoming calm with every breath I take.
  11. I accept all of me unconditionally.
  12. Every situation is easy for me to handle.
  13. I am capable.
  14. My life is a blessing.
  15. I am strong and confident.
  16. I allow myself to be who I truly am.
  17. I am feeling light and at ease.
  18. Everything is under control.
  19. I am attracting positive healing energy to myself.
  20. I have all that I need to get through this day.

Related: 107 Highly Empowering Quotes to Boost Your Self-Worth

Self-Care affirmations

  1. I take time to nourish my whole self.
  2. I am a priority in my own life.
  3. I choose to live in the moment and take things one day at a time.
  4. My self-care is worth making time for every day.
  5. I take great care of my body, for it is a temple and I treat it with respect.
  6. I have the right to complete all my needs.
  7. I am responsible for taking care of myself.
  8. Self-care is important to me.
  9. I always make time to nourish my body, mind, and soul.
  10. Every day, I put focus on caring for myself as I care for others.

Self-Love Affirmations for Anxiety

  1. I am safe at this very moment.
  2. I am becoming stronger every second.
  3. I am gradually opening up to feel inner peace.
  4. The truth is I am blessed, loved, and supported.
  5. I am stronger than I think I am.
  6. I trust the process of life.
  7. Life is always working for me.
  8. My body is calm.
  9. I am relaxing each part of my body.
  10. I am safe and in control.
  11. I appreciate my life and find things to be grateful for.
  12. I have the ability to overcome setbacks.
  13. I believe in my ability to get through tough times.
  14. I am blessed, loved, and supported.
  15. I accept myself and bring peace to my mind and heart.
  16. I believe in myself here and now!
  17. I am healing.
  18. I love myself.
  19. I am worthy of good things.
  20. I respect myself and treat myself with kindness and love.

Continue Reading: 101 Daily Affirmations for Mindful, Joyful Days

Image with list of self-love affirmations

Take the 15-day New Year Challenge

Aarushi Tewari

The writer and affirmations speaker at Gratitude, Aarushi believes that one of the most effective ways of feeling inner peace is by being grateful and having a loving self-relationship.

There are so many descriptive words out there…

And yet sometimes you may still struggle to find the right words to describe yourself.

Hey, we don’t blame you. Choosing the words to describe yourself can be a tricky task.

On the one hand, you want to show your positive traits. On the other hand, you might not want to overdo it with self-praise.

Things get even trickier when you’re applying for college or a job and you need to find the most suitable words to describe yourself.

Honestly, we know the struggle — this is why we wrote this article.

  • 95+ Best Words to Describe Yourself 
  • 45 Words to Describe Yourself in a Job Interview
  • 40 Words to Describe Yourself in a Resume
  • 40 Words to Describe Yourself on a College Application
  • Words NOT to Describe Yourself

95+ Best Words to Describe Yourself 

They say actions speak louder than words, but sometimes you can only rely on words to describe yourself.  

For example, before you can prove your professional or academic capabilities, you first have to express yourself through your college application, your interview with recruiters, or your resume. 

Your online personae — from your social media usernames to the adjectives you use to describe yourself on various platforms (e.g. a dating app) — is also defined by your choice of words. 

Considering how important all of the above is, there’s no doubt you’d want to nail the words to describe yourself. 

To help you pick the right words, we’ve compiled a list of the best 100 words to describe yourself in any situation: 

Best Words to Describe Yourself: 

  • Adaptable
  • Adept
  • Adventurous
  • Affectionate
  • Ambitious
  • Artistic
  • Assertive
  • Attentive
  • Authentic
  • Approachable
  • Balanced
  • Bright
  • Broad-minded
  • Candid
  • Cheerful
  • Chill
  • Clever
  • Communicative
  • Compassionate
  • Competitive
  • Charismatic
  • Considerate
  • Constructive
  • Courageous
  • Creative
  • Curious
  • Dependable
  • Determined
  • Direct
  • Dynamic
  • Easygoing
  • Eclectic
  • Emotional
  • Energetic
  • Enthusiastic
  • Extroverted
  • Exuberant
  • Fearless
  • Flexible
  • Forgiving
  • Friendly
  • Fun
  • Funny
  • Generous
  • Genuine
  • Joyful
  • Happy
  • Helpful
  • Honest
  • Imaginative
  • Independent
  • Romantic
  • Risk-taker
  • Intelligent
  • Intuitive
  • Inventive
  • Inspiring
  • Knowledgeable
  • Kind
  • Logical
  • Loyal
  • Loving
  • Mature
  • Modest
  • Motivated
  • Open-minded
  • Optimistic
  • Original
  • Outgoing
  • Passionate
  • Patient
  • Perceptive
  • Persistent
  • Pleasant
  • Practical
  • Reliable
  • Respectful
  • Responsible
  • Self-reliant
  • Sensible
  • Sensitive
  • Sincere
  • Sociable
  • Socially conscious
  • Straightforward
  • Strong
  • Successful
  • Sympathetic
  • Tenacious
  • Thoughtful
  • Tolerant
  • Tough
  • Trustworthy
  • Understanding
  • Upbeat
  • Versatile
  • Vibrant
  • Warmhearted
  • Wise

job interview masterclass

45 Words to Describe Yourself in a Job Interview

A common job interview question is “what are 3 words to describe yourself?” 

When recruiters ask you to describe yourself, they are looking to find out two things: 

  • Do your personality and skills match the job requirements?
  • Are you honest in your answers?

Keep this in mind and it will be much easier to answer this typical interview question successfully. 

Now, if you’re wondering how, exactly, you should answer this question, here’s what we recommend:

  1. Choose adjectives that are relevant to the position you’re applying for (as long as they fit you, of course). 
  2. Back up your answer with examples of how you embody the quality or skill. This will prove that you are answering honestly.

Let’s see how this works through an example. Say you’re applying to be a teacher and you’re asked “what are three words to describe yourself?”   

Here’s how NOT to go about it: 

  • I am creative, competitive, and tenacious.

Now, there’s nothing technically wrong with these adjectives; however, the answer isn’t the best possible for two main reasons: 

  1. Competitiveness and tenacity are not the most sought-after skills for teachers. 
  2. The claims are not backed up with concrete examples. You could really be creative, or you could be exaggerating. Without backing it up, the recruiter can’t tell which one it is.

Here’s a more interview-friendly way to answer this question: 

  • To begin with, I am creative — in my last school, I came up with an SAT exam preparation technique that raised the graduating class’s success rate by more than 30%. I am helpful, both to my students and colleagues — I often stay after class to clarify any questions students may have and I fill in for other teachers whenever I can. Finally, I am very passionate about my work and my students. I’ve been in the field for over 10 years, and I plan on sticking with it for as long as I can.

Here’s a list of words you can use to describe yourself in a job interview: 

Words to Describe Yourself in a Job Interview 

  • Attentive
  • Artistic
  • Ambitious
  • Analytical
  • Caring
  • Committed
  • Consistent
  • Cooperative
  • Devoted
  • Diplomatic
  • Experienced
  • Extroverted
  • Focused
  • Good listener
  • Hardworking
  • Helpful
  • Insightful
  • Innovative
  • Methodical
  • Meticulous
  • Motivated
  • Objective
  • Observant
  • Organized
  • Persevering 
  • Persuasive
  • Proactive
  • Problem solver
  • Productive
  • Professional
  • Proficient
  • Resourceful
  • Results-oriented
  • Disciplined
  • Team player
  • Thorough
  • Tireless
  • Trustworthy
  • Sociable 
  • Skilled
  • Strategic
  • Systematic


Wondering what other questions might come up in a job interview? Check our list of 35+ interview questions and answers

40 Words to Describe Yourself in a Resume

When it comes to your resume, you won’t be directly asked to find three words to describe yourself. That doesn’t mean, however, that you shouldn’t care about the adjectives you choose to describe yourself on your resume. 

On the contrary — before even inviting you at the job interview, it’s your resume that speaks for you. So, your choice of words to describe yourself there is arguably even more important.

Of course, it’s not enough to just insert some adjectives here and there and call it a day. Instead, you need to find the right way to “sell yourself.” In this section, we’ll teach you just how you can do that.

Your resume profile is the first place to add the right words to describe yourself. Be it through a resume summary, or a resume objective, you’ll need to find at least one strong adjective to describe yourself and make a good — and lasting — impression. 

If you ask us, that’s pretty essential, considering that most recruiters spend an average of 7.4 seconds skimming through a resume. Talk about first impressions mattering, right?

Keep in mind, though — 

Just like with the interview, plugging in some adjectives to describe yourself won’t cut it. 

  • First, you should make sure to choose adjectives relevant to the job. 
  • Second, remember to always back up your claims with examples — or, in this case, achievements. 

Let’s assume that you’re a recent college graduate applying as a Communications Assistant. Your resume objective would look something like this:

Hard-working and passionate college graduate looking to apply up-to-date skills and strategies as a Communications Assistant at the Regional Youth Cooperation Office. 1+ years of practical experience as an intern at the Mayor’s Communications Office.  

Even if you’re a seasoned professional with many achievements to show, you’ll need an adjective to describe yourself. In such a case, your resume summary would look something like this: 

Task-driven professional experienced in data entry, customer service, and reception duties. Able to perform accurate and efficient entry of data into administrative software. 

Get the idea? Here are some more adjectives to choose from: 

Words to Describe Yourself in a Resume

  • Accomplished
  • Accountable
  • Bold
  • Collaborative
  • Competent
  • Confident
  • Conscientious
  • Cooperative
  • Data-driven
  • Detail-oriented
  • Eager
  • Efficient
  • Emotionally intelligent
  • Entrepreneurial
  • Ethical
  • Experienced
  • Expert
  • Flexible
  • Gregarious
  • Motivated
  • Organized
  • People person
  • Persistent
  • Personable
  • Professional
  • Proficient
  • Resourceful
  • Self-assured
  • Self-starter
  • Skilled
  • Skillful
  • Sociable
  • Strategic
  • Team player
  • Thoughtful 
  • Tireless
  • Unconventional

40 Words to Describe Yourself on a College Application

The majority of college applications require that you submit a personal statement. 

Personal statements are a way to promote yourself and show why you are the right candidate for a certain program. Unlike motivation letters, where you’re supposed to explain your academic objectives, personal statements allow space for creativity. 

Thus, you can get more expressive and personal with the words to describe yourself in a college application, as opposed to your resume or job interview. As an undergrad candidate, you are supposed to highlight your strengths and show what makes you unique. 

Here are some adjectives you can use for inspiration:

Words to Describe Yourself in a College Application 

  • Artistic
  • Athletic
  • Authentic 
  • Brave
  • Committed
  • Compassionate
  • Courageous
  • Curious
  • Daring
  • Dedicated
  • Diligent
  • Down-to-earth
  • Enthusiastic
  • Extroverted
  • Fearless
  • Generous
  • Genuine
  • Go-getter
  • Idealistic
  • Imaginative 
  • Independent
  • Inspired
  • Loyal
  • Motivated
  • Musical
  • Open-minded
  • Outdoorsy
  • Positive
  • Productive
  • Resilient
  • Respectful
  • Risk-taker
  • Scholarly
  • Self-reliant
  • Sincere
  • Social butterfly
  • Studious
  • Supportive
  • Unique

10 Words NOT to Describe Yourself (Professionally)

As you can imagine, there are also words you should refrain from using to describe yourself — especially in the professional context. 

Not that these adjectives are bad per se — however, they might not arouse the expected reaction when you use them out of context. What do we mean?

Take the following example. Imagine using these words to describe yourself in a job interview: 

“How would I describe myself? Let’s see, I’m amazing, funny, and unique.” 

Now, it’d be more than OK if a colleague — or anyone, for that matter — described you this way. Calling yourself amazing in front of recruiters, however? Might be a bit too much, without really saying anything at all.

Here’s a list of our top 10 words NOT to describe yourself (outside of your friends’ circle):

  1. Amazing 
  2. Awesome 
  3. Dynamic 
  4. Funny
  5. Honest
  6. Humble
  7. Intelligent 
  8. Talented
  9. Visionary
  10. Unique

Key Takeaways 

And that’s a wrap! We hope that by now you’re equipped with many more words to describe yourself. 

Let’s go over some of the main points we covered in the article: 

  • Many situations will require that you find the right words to describe yourself. A resume, job interview, or college application are among the most common. 
  • During a job interview, make sure to use words to describe yourself that are relevant to the job and to back up your claims with examples. 
  • Your resume profile is your chance to make a memorable first impression — scan the job ad to choose adjectives that are relevant to the position and back them up with your achievements. 
  • There are some words you should not use to describe yourself — if it can’t be backed with concrete examples if it sounds generic, or if it’s an adjective that makes more sense being said for you (and not by you), then stay away.  

Whether you’re preparing for the classic interview question “Tell me about yourself” or writing your resume profile, describing yourself can be tricky. You want to be honest, but not brutally so. You want to impress, but without coming off as narcissistic.

Fortunately, as long as you follow a few guidelines when choosing the right words to describe yourself, you can create a great, long-lasting first impression.

Read on to learn pick the best words to describe yourself and see lists of: 

  • Positive words to describe yourself in any situation
  • Words to describe yourself in an interview
  • Words to describe yourself on a resume

Want to save time and have your resume ready in 5 minutes? Try our resume builder. It’s fast and easy to use. Plus, you’ll get ready-made content to add with one click. See 20+ resume templates and create your resume here.

Create your resume now


Sample resume made with our builder—See more resume examples here.

Looking for other word lists? Check out:

  • Resume Action Words, Power Verbs, and Adjectives
  • Resume Keywords to use
  • Skill Words for Resume
  • Strengths for Resume

1. Positive Words to Describe Yourself

Describing yourself in a few words to someone who doesn’t know you is tough. It’s worth spending some time figuring out how you can make a great first impression, because once formed, first impressions are hard to shake. 

Regardless of the situation, the key to describing yourself is to stay upbeat and positive. Now is not the time for humility. The best words to describe yourself will be those that honestly capture your positive qualities. 

Here’s a list of positive words that can be used to describe yourself for any situation:

Positive Words to Describe Yourself

Positive Words to Describe Yourself



































































 Positive Words to Describe Yourself

When making a resume in our builder, drag & drop bullet points, skills, and auto-fill the boring stuff. Spell check? Check. Start building a professional resume template here for free.

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When you’re done, Zety’s resume builder will score your resume and tell you exactly how to make it better.

2. Words to Describe Yourself in an Interview 

One common interview question goes something like this: “What are 5 words to describe yourself?”. The stakes are higher, but the same rules from above apply (stay positive and be honest). The only difference is now you have to be more specific. 

When the hiring manager asks this question, they are trying to assess whether you have the personality and the skills needed to excel on the job. The key to nailing this job interview question is to stay relevant and provide evidence

If the adjectives you use to describe yourself are irrelevant to the job, chances are the HR manager won’t be impressed. Likewise, anyone can say they are creative and hardworking. You need to follow up the adjectives with examples of how you demonstrate that quality. 

Let’s say a nurse is applying for a job at a hospital and the interviewer asks “What are three good words to describe yourself?” Let’s see an example that misses the mark.

I’m reliable, cheerful, and … shy.

Cue the awkward pause when the HR manager is waiting for a follow-up that never comes. 

And of course there’s nothing wrong with being shy, but shyness is irrelevant to the position at hand.

Okay, how can we improve the above response?

What Are 3 Words to Describe Yourself

Let’s see. I’m reliable—I was so consistent in updating patient’s charts that I was promoted to a position responsible for training new hires. I’m very cheerful—Studies show that positivity can have a huge effect on patient recovery times, so I smile often and crack jokes whenever the time is right. And I’m energetic—In my last position at a long-term care facility, I was single-handedly caring for up to 15 patients per shift. That required me to move fast while still paying attention to small details.

Wow—Now that’s an answer. 

Highly relevant, honest, solid work experience and with evidence to back it all up. 

Example of an answer to what are 3 words to describe yourself

Here’s a list of professional words to use in case you’re asked “What are the three best words to describe yourself?” in an interview:

Words to Describe Yourself in an Interview 

Words to Describe Yourself in an Interview
























Team player
















Read more: How to Answer the «Tell Me About Yourself» Interview Question

3. Words to Describe Yourself on a Resume

A resume is your golden ticket to getting the call. There are no two ways about it. And no matter what type of resume you’re writing, a short resume profile at the top can be a great way to make an elevator pitch that you’re the right candidate for the job. After all, recruiters are pressed for time. According to hiring statistics, corporate job offers receive 250 applications on average.

The secret to describing yourself in a resume introduction is to use adjectives relevant to the job and mention achievements that will wow the recruiter. You also want to tailor your resume introduction to the job posting, but don’t copy the job ad word for word! A survey found that 44% of hiring managers automatically reject resumes that appear to duplicate the job posting. 

Here’s a list of positive words to describe yourself on a resume:

Words to Describe Yourself on a Resume

Words to Describe Yourself on a Resume

















Team player

















Problem solver



Read more: «What’s Your Greatest Weakness» Interview Question: How to Answer

Words to Describe Yourself on a Resume

Plus, a great cover letter that matches your resume will give you an advantage over other candidates. You can write it in our cover letter builder here. Here’s what it may look like:

matching set of resume and cover letter

See more cover letter templates and start writing.

That’s a wrap! Do you have any questions regarding these words to describe yourself? How do you describe yourself in interviews or on a resume? I’d love to hear from you. Let’s chat in the comment section!

Creating a resume with the best words to describe yourself

73% of job seekers say that the process of looking for a job is one of the most stressful events in life. There’s one question that probably plays a significant role. “How would you describe yourself?”, “What are the words to describe yourself?”, and “Tell me a little about yourself?”.

This interview question and its many variations remain one of the interviewer’s most beloved questions. You can see the anticipation in their eyes right before they ask it, and you’d be lucky to leave an interview room before hearing it.

However, you’ll soon notice that interviewers don’t share a similar enthusiasm for this noble inquiry. To them, it remains the mother of all tough interview questions. That said, any unprepared interviewee who’s been at the other end of this question owes you a story.

Gone wrong, you’re a few words away from coming out as a narcissist, proud, insecure, or apprehensive, and a few steps closer to fumbling the interview altogether.

Words to Describe Yourself Professionally

Did you know that 85% of people lie on their resumes? At an interview, or while writing that resume, you should be aiming to be the other 15% that don’t.

Your interviewer will probably ask this question, curious to know about your skills and their relevance to the profession or job you’re applying to.

With that in mind, relevance is the name of the game. Saying that you’re funny (even if you are) may be relevant for a comedy audition, but it won’t cut it for other professions you will be applying to.

Examples of words to describe yourself:

  1. Analytical
  2. Consistent
  3. Decisive
  4. Diligent
  5. Disciplined
  6. Dependable
  7. Industrious
  8. Ethical
  9. Insightful
  10. Innovative
  11. Logical
  12. Organized
  13. Proactive
  14. Precise
  15. Reliable
  16. Skillful
  17. Tenacious
  18. Thorough
  19. Versatile
  20. Visionary
Words to Describe Yourself Professionally
self-descriptive words for resume

Words to Describe Your Personality

Companies want to know the kind of person they’re onboarding. More so, they’re curious if your personality traits will be perfect for their company culture.

Always have the company culture in mind when answering this question. You may learn a bit traditional, but that would be better left unsaid if you ever find yourself being interviewed for a progressive firm.

In describing your personality, you’re allowed to lie through omission; you’re under no obligation to mention that you’re shy or socially anxious unless asked. Mention positive words about yourself and leave your weaknesses for now.

A common mistake you may make when writing a resume without experience is self-depreciation. Many hope that by self-depreciation they may score a few points for honesty. Don’t.

By telling the interviewee that you’re shy, inexperienced, or insecure, you do them the honors of eliminating yourself.

Examples of words to describe yourself:

  1. Ambitious
  2. Adaptable
  3. Bold
  4. Cheerful
  5. Changeable
  6. Driven
  7. Confident
  8. Energetic
  9. Idealist
  10. Loyal
  11. Open-minded
  12. Motivated
  13. Meditative
  14. Optimistic
  15. Passionate
  16. Reflective
  17. Realist
  18. Witty
  19. Upbeat
  20. Unconventional
Words to Describe Your Personality

Words to Describe How You Relate With Others

Your interaction with the teams that form your company is of particular interest to your interviewers. That said, not all your traits deserve a mention, only those relevant to the company.

In your ten essential resume sections, there will always be a few sections where you will have to reveal the nature of your interaction with other team members. Remember, not mentioning anything about teamwork or team spirit in itself is a red flag.

Moreover, when describing your relationship with others, beware of coming out as a “pick me”.

These are people who believe in winning validation from people by being overly nice and letting everything pass.

With that in mind, ensure to punctuate that “loving, affectionate, empathetic” with mentions of values like “assertiveness, bold, honest.”

Words and adjectives to describe a person’s relation with others include:

  1. Attentive
  2. Amiable
  3. Cooperative
  4. Empathetic
  5. Easy-going
  6. Energetic
  7. Flexible
  8. Frank
  9. likable
  10. Helpful
  11. Understanding
  12. Personable
  13. People person
  14. Respectful
  15. Resourceful
  16. Sincere
  17. Tolerant
  18. Team player
  19. Thoughtful
  20. Tenacious

Words to Describe Yourself on a Resume

hand holding a pen writing words to describe yourself on resume

words to describe yourself in a cv

As a beginner writing a resume, you will probably be lost for words to describe yourself, the best of your qualities, without coming off as proud and egotistical. You are not alone.

If you’ve been writing resumes for a while now, you’re also looking for improvement and curious about any words you might add to your arsenal.

As you write your resume, the trick is to avoid overused words like “resource-driven,” which will have the panel rolling their eyes on the other end as they read.

Your definition, especially in a written resume, should also be balanced, touching on professionalism, leadership, character, and personality.

Some of the words you can consider adding to your resume include:

ways to describe yourself:

  1. Articulate
  2. Accomplished
  3. Ambitious
  4. Authentic
  5. Conscientious
  6. Data-driven
  7. Experienced
  8. Enterprising
  9. Innovative
  10. Intuitive
  11. methodical
  12. Sociable
  13. People driven
  14. Persistent
  15. Proficient
  16. Meticulous
  17. Relaxed
  18. Skillful
  19. Strong-willed
  20. Thorough

Words to Describe Your Leadership

Have you ever auditioned for a leadership role?

Leadership roles also come with their own set of personality requirements that interviewers will be scouting for in their candidates. The only difference this time is that it’s much stricter.

Take a look at the following 3- word definitions from a leadership perspective:

“I am experienced, hardworking, and accomplished.”

“I am rational, accountable, and diplomatic.”

The second definition beats the first by simply showing that the writer views leadership as a service and not a privilege.

The art of describing leadership skills comes in handy in your structured resume writing. In a resume, you will have more freedom over the use of descriptive words.

  1. Accountable
  2. Approachable
  3. Assertive
  4. Balanced
  5. Candid
  6. Comradely
  7. Competitive
  8. Composed
  9. Diplomatic
  10. Devoted
  11. Inspirational
  12. Warm
  13. Helpful
  14. Humorous
  15. Open-minded
  16. Perceptive
  17. Rational
  18. Reasonable
  19. Risk-taker
  20. Transparent

How to Go About Describing Yourself?

Confidence goes a long way when it comes to self-description, especially in an interview. You’ve heard of people that go blank the moment they’re told to describe themselves; you don’t want to be one of them.

1. Consider Your Audience

Whenever you’re describing yourself, either in an interview or a resume, always have your audience in mind.

Remember that these “describe yourself in three words” questions have as much to do with the company as they have to do with yourself.

That said, there are probably hundreds of words to describe yourself. Well, only choose the ones that are relevant at the moment or to the people making an inquiry.

Don’t tell them you’re sexy unless you’re auditioning at the Gentleman’s club. A better approach is to write all your personality descriptions and select those that are relevant to that company and its culture.

2. Perform Self Analysis

The reason why many people struggle with self-descriptive questions is their self-awareness (or lack of). Most people are outward-looking and have never found time for self-reflection and analysis.

A better, reliable, and long-term solution to answering self-description questions will be to leverage self-analysis. While at it, discover your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, writing them down for reference.

With your strengths at your fingertips, you will find it easier to answer this question at an interview without going blank.

3. Get Inquiries from Close People

Another tested and tried method as far for self-awareness is getting inquiries from other people. One thing you should have in mind is that they should be close and people you’ve spent a lot of time with.

Take the phone, dial your mom and ask her to describe you. In between the cute and the lovely (which all mothers say), there will be some truths about your character that you can take to the bank.

If you feel that your mom is describing more of an angel and less of you, don’t be afraid to make inquiries from close colleagues and friends who will be more honest.

4. Go Easy On the Exaggeration

The temptation to overvalue yourself can be too much at times. Believing in yourself is great. However, there is a thin line between confidence, exaggeration, and borderline lying.

While writing a resume, be honest with your capabilities. Don’t describe yourself as “experienced “while you just came out of campus a year ago.

Also, avoid subjective terms that are not measurable in any way. However awesome or amazing you believe you are (you are), don’t use it as self-description on your resume.

What you read as “I am awesome,” your interviewer will read as “I am a Narcissist.” Better yet, they may take your word for it and ask you how?

Seasoned interviewers who have read thousands of resumes can tell a liar from a mile; it’s not worth the trouble.

5. Do Not Self-Depreciate

On the opposite end of exaggeration, and preferably worse, is self-depreciation. Remember, there is no such thing as a sympathy job.

Nobody ever wrote a resume so sad that the panel was like, “Poor thing, let’s give this guy the job.”

Don’t bother mentioning your weaknesses, insecurities, life struggles, or career mistakes. Even worse, don’t use words and adjectives or a tone that shows you look down on yourself.

Guard your frame, and if you don’t leave with the job, at least leave with your dignity.


1- What are the 3 words that best describe yourself?

  • “I’d characterize myself as motivated, extroverted, and trustworthy.
  • “I’m well-organized, kind, and supportive. …
  • “First of all, I’m passionate.
  • “I’d define myself as friendly in the first place. …
  • “Three adjectives I’d use to sum up my personality are enthusiastic, self-assured, and amiable.

2- How I describe my personality?

Powerful language that hiring managers desire to hear should be included in an appropriate response to a personality question. These terms include savviness, taking risks, being attentive, energetic, innovative, and organized.

Others include being brave, sincere, motivated, focused on getting things done, positive, organized, methodical, and adventurous, among others.

3- How do you describe yourself in one sentence?

I am a motivated and hardworking person that doesn’t back down from a task. I have a strong work ethic and the skills necessary to complete the task. I consider myself to be open-minded and truthful, and I don’t believe in deceiving others or trying to be unfair in anything I do.

4- How do I write about myself for a job?

  • Include any relevant professional experience you have. …
  • Include notable honors and accomplishments. …
  • Share any pertinent personal information. …
  • Finish on a friendly yet professional note. …
  • Select the appropriate vantage point. …
  • Update as necessary.

5- Can you describe yourself in three to five words?

“If I had to sum up who I am in 5 words, I’d say I’m a quick thinker, a hard worker, dependable, responsive, and flexible. I am aware that I am still learning a lot and that the workplace is far more competitive than it is in the classroom.

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