Good for you word reference

  • #1

Good afternoon,

What’s the difference between good on you and good for you ?

Thank you,


  • timpeac

    • #2

    claude23 said:

    Good afternoon,

    What’s the difference between good on you and good for you ?

    Thank you,


    Well, a rottweiler looks good on a double-glazing salesman but is not good for him. Does that explain it?:)


    • #3

    Steering clear of timpeac’s rotty for a moment, the question might be understood differently when taken with a sprinkling of punctuation.

    What is the difference between: «Good on you!» and «Good for you!».

    I’ll have a go at answering that version of the question, in case that was what Claude23 meant.

    They both mean more or less the same, «Congratulations, I think that you have done very well.»

    «Good for you!» would be heard quite often in BE, but would not appear in formal written English.

    «Good on you!» really should appear as «Good on you, mate!» and seems to me to be more typical of Australian English.

    Incidentally, the stress in these two exclamations is completely different.

    Good on you. Good for



    • #4

    «Good on you» is rarely heard in Canadian English (AE as well I would assume), I agree with panjandrum that I think it’s an Australian saying.


    • #5

    I agree it is probably Australian in origin but I hear it every day here in London — probably because people spend half their lives watching Australian soaps. Fair play to you is often used a synonym for this too.

    • #6

    ‘Good on you’ is a lot more common than ‘good for you’ in Australia, and yes, ‘good on you’ basically means ‘well done’ (unless of course it’s said sarcastically, and then it means the opposite!) It can be shortened to ‘onya’.

    eg. Onya, so-and-so
    This means ‘good on you, so-and-so.’

    On the other hand, I have never heard ‘good for you’ used to mean that. I would expect ‘good for you’ to be used more to mean ‘I don’t really care.’

    eg. A: Guess what I’m doing tomorrow while you’re at school? Going to the movies!
    B: Good for you.
    (B could add, ‘get lost’, ‘tell someone who cares’ etc.)

    So basically, ‘good on you’ is heaps more common in Australia, and if I ever hear anyone say ‘good for you’, it would probably mean ‘I don’t really care’.

    Mr X.

    • #7

    I think “Good for you” is “Bien por ti” An example: (using the same example of Mr. X)

    Guess What I’m doing tomorrow while you are at school? I’m going to the movies!
    Good for you.

    In spanish:

    ¿Adivina que voy a hacer mientras tu estas en la escuela? ¡Voy a ir al cine!
    Bien por ti

    It is another way to tell “get lost!”



    • #8

    ggca said:

    I think “Good for you” is “Bien por ti” An example: (using the same example of Mr. X)

    Guess What I’m doing tomorrow while you are at school? I’m going to the movies!
    Good for you.

    In spanish:

    ¿Adivina que voy a hacer mientras tu estas en la escuela? ¡Voy a ir al cine!
    Bien por ti

    It is another way to tell “get lost!”


    Not necessarily in British Engish — it could mean that if the tone was nasty — but the general phrase is positive. I hear it all the time.


    • #9

    Here’s an AE view, which adds little to what has been said.

    -Hearing ‘Good on you’ would bring Australia to mind, instantly.
    -Good for you has two distinct meanings, depending on context and tone of voice
    ….1) Well done, or I’m happy for you.
    ….2) Eat my shorts! You are certainly full of yourself, you worm turd. May you further inflate your sorry self until you burst with pride or just plain burst.

    • #10

    Well, I must say I had a different take on the «good on you» phrase completely. I, actually was thinking more along the lines of something looking «good on you», as in when my husband gets all decked-out (dressed-up) to go out and he stands before me for my appraisal. «Mmmmm. . . that looks mighty good on you, babe!» would be a typical comment from me. Or if he were wearing one of his sexy colognes, I’d say, «Oooo, that smells really good on you!»;)

    I’ve never heard the phrase, «Good on you!» on its own.

    I’m in complete agreement about «Good for you!» It can be said in an enthusiastic tone and be a cheer or congratulations, or it can be said in a snide, sarcastic manner and mean the opposite.

    So, was I off-base with the first expression?


    • #11

    I’ve seen scant evidence of «good on you» in AE, but in each case it was being used by Vietnam veterans. There were Aussie units there, of course, and taking your R&R in Melbourne wasn’t real common, but it was one of the options.

    te gato

    • #12

    I agree with the others…

    Good on you..brings the Aussie to mind..
    Good for you…can be used for both positive and negative….
    « won a million dollars..good for you!» (you deserve it)
    « won a million dollars..good for you!» (like you need another Porsche jerk)
    So using ‘good for you’ depends on the situation and how well you like that person…

    “Good for you” is one of those idioms in English that you need to be careful about using based on your audience. Most of the time, you should be fine, but it is always worth having alternatives at the ready if you want to congratulate someone and think you might use the wrong tone.

    What Does “Good For You” Mean?

    “Good for you” means congratulations. It is used when somebody wants to congratulate someone else for succeeding in a task or participating in something. “Good” means something worth congratulating has happened, and “for you” means that that good thing has happened to you. So, when the phrase is combined with “good for you,” people are congratulating you for what you have done.

    How “Good For You” Can Also Be Used Sarcastically

    Okay, so right now, “good for you” looks like a delightful phrase; and it is. It’s really nice to say to someone, but it’s only nice to say to someone when you actually mean it. If you say “good for you” without meaning it, then chances are you’re going to offend somebody. But you might be wondering what about the phrase could be offensive, even if you don’t mean it.

    “Good for you” is a particularly common phrase to use sarcastically just as much as congratulatory. In fact, the two different meanings for the sayings are finely balanced, and sometimes even when you say “good for you” with good intentions, someone might misunderstand your meaning and be offended by what you said.

    To use “good for you” sarcastically, it is said without meaning and often in one tone. There is no expression of congratulations or happiness on the speaker’s face when they say “good for you” in this way. It’s most common when someone has achieved something that you’re not all that happy about, or if they achieved something that you would like to have achieved yourself.

    It’s associated closely with jealousy, and people often say it when they’re upset that they didn’t get the spoils that the person they’re saying it to did. If you’re unsure whether you’re saying it in the right context or the right way, you’ll be better off looking for another word or phrase to say instead that doesn’t come with any potential sarcastic ulterior motives.

    Is It Rude To Say “Good For You”?

    As we’ve mentioned, it’s incredibly rude to say “good for you” in a sarcastic way. However, the good thing about this phrase is that because it’s so personal (using “you” in it), people don’t often have the ability to say it to your face. It’s a really harsh thing to say, so unless you really dislike the person, you’ll often avoid saying it (even if you mean it). That’s why it’s more commonly seen in text than anything else because you don’t have to deal with the face-to-face repercussions.

    However, the actual phrase “good for you” isn’t rude at all. When you mean it and intend for it to be said as “congratulations,” then people will often understand. They’ll never think twice about what you could have meant and won’t be worried that you’re sarcastic. It’s still a common saying that people use positively, and as long as you show that you mean it nicely, people will respond kindly.

    Let’s look at a few examples using “good for you” in a sentence. This way, you’ll learn the context of the phrase a little better. Examples are some of the most useful ways for you to learn more about the English language and all the rules and quirks that might come with it, so let’s get cracking.

    • Good for you for winning that competition.
    • Good for you for showing up today.
    • You passed your test! Good for you!
    • Good for you on graduating!
    • Did you get a medal? Good for you.
    • Good for you for teaching your children respect.
    • You’ve had a baby girl! Good for you!
    • Good for you for looking after her in her time of need.
    • Good for you for making the mature decision.
    • Good for you for being there for him.

    Other Ways To Say “Good For You” (So That You Don’t Risk Seeming Sarcastic)

    If you’re struggling with saying “good for you” without seeming sarcastic, there’s one last thing you can do. You can use alternatives. If you struggle with your speaking tone (or even writing tone), then this might be the best option for you! We encourage anyone to do this who is worried about potentially coming across the wrong way.

    • I’m happy for you

    This variation isn’t used sarcastically as often as “good for you.” No one is going to think you’re sarcastic if you say this in place of “good for you,” and it shows you took a little extra time to deliver your message.

    • Congratulations!

    Again, it’s not often you see this word used sarcastically. However, it is the most commonly used word to congratulate someone, so if you’d like to be seen putting more effort in, you might want to choose something else.

    • I’m pleased for you

    Exactly like the first example, but instead of “happy,” we’re using “pleased.” This one is considered a little calmer as a congratulation and is better for formal congratulations.

    • I’m proud of you.

    This is a really nice way to say congratulations that a lot of people respond well to. It’s human nature to want to make somebody “proud” of you, so it works a treat.

    • Good job!

    This one is short and to the point. Instead of an easy “congratulations,” we’re working a little harder to make sure they know we mean it.

    How To Respond To Someone Saying “Good For You”

    If someone does say “good for you” to you, make sure you listen for their tone and delivery. If they meant it, then you should respond with a “thank you” because they’re kind to you. However, if they’re sarcastic to you, you don’t have to respond at all. It’s better to leave the situation and the conversation alone because that rude person isn’t worth your time!

    martin lassen dam grammarhow

    Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

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    good for (someone or something)

    1. Having a positive effect on someone or something. More sunlight will be good for your drooping plants. Let’s go to the playground. A bit or fresh air and exercise will be good for you!

    2. Able to pay a debt owed. I’m good for the money, don’t worry. I’ll get it to you first thing tomorrow.

    3. Able to work or function for some amount of time. I know it’s a used car, but it ought to be good for a few more years.

    4. Valid or in effect for some amount of time. How long is this warranty good for? Is this coupon really good for 50% off our total purchase?

    5. An expression of approval or support of someone for something they have done or accomplished. I heard you got the promotion—good for you! Good for him. Getting an A in that class is no easy feat.

    Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

    Good for you!

    a complimentary expression of encouragement for something that someone has done or received. Sue: I just got a raise. Bill: Good for you! Jane: I really told him what I thought of his rotten behavior. Sue: Good for you! He needs it.

    McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

    good for

    1. Beneficial to, as in Milk is good for children. [Tenth century a.d.]

    2. Financially reliable, able to pay or repay, as in They know he’s good for a big tip. [Mid-1800s]

    3. Able to serve or continue to function, as in This furniture’s good for at least ten more years, or I hope you’re not tired-I’m good for another three miles or so. [Mid-1800s]

    4. Equivalent in value; also, valid for. For example, These coupons are good for a 20 percent discount, or This contract is good for the entire life of the book. [Second half of 1800s]

    5. good for someone. An expression of approval, as in Good for Bill-he’s sold the car, or Good for you! You passed the exam. This usage differs from the others in that orally a slight emphasis is placed on you or whoever is being mentioned. [Mid-1800s]

    The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

    See also:

    • good for
    • good for (someone or something)
    • good for you, him, etc.
    • be good for (someone or something)
    • be good for something
    • do (one) a/the world of good
    • Let’s dump
    • let’s dump (someone or something)
    • rush up (to someone or something)
    • leave it at that

    good-on-youВсем известно, что «good FOR you» — это один из способов сказать «ай да молодец!», на английском. Также известны фразы «good job» или «well done», имеющие такое же значение. Кто же начал говорить «Good ON you» вместо этой фразы? Мы решили поинтересоваться, с каких пор «Good on You» стало правильной фразой, и заглянули в словарь сленга The New Partridge Dictionary of Slang, где узнали, что «Good on you» происходит из Австралии. Оказывается, в этой англоговорящей стране принято говорить именно так, но хотя такая форма является общеупотребляемой, она все же рассматривается как сленг.

    Согласно информации, опубликованной кафедрой лингвистики Австралийского Национального Университета, фраза «good on you» — это выражение, которое поначалу использовалось представителями рабочего класса, а впоследствии получило широкое распространение, выражает глубокий оптимизм. Хотя «good on you» часто используется в качестве поздравлений или похвалы за хорошую работу, у него все же другое значение: вы можете сказать «good on you» другу, который принял решение бороться с тяжелой болезнью. В такой ситуации никак не подойдет фраза «well done», «good job» или «congratulations!», которые используются в качестве похвалы исключительно за выполненную работу. «Good on you» можно перевести как «прекрасно! отлично!, похвально! неплохо!», то есть, выразить одобрение чьих-то действий или поступков.


    Разумеется, «good for you» можно употреблять в аналогичных ситуациях.

    ‘Good on You’ или ‘Good for You’?

    Насколько распространена фраза «Good on you»?

    Как показали наши исследования, «good on you» употребляется как в британских, так и американских книгах, но в американских изданиях преобладает.

    Мы можем сделать вывод, что поскольку «good on you» фигурирует в сленговом словаре, а в обычном проходит под маркой «разговорный», будет справедливо утверждать, что хотя это и общеупотребительная фраза, ее нельзя считать standard English, и поэтому в классических учебниках вы ее вряд ли встретите.

    Примечание: Есть еще одна распространенная фраза «It looks good on you!» — «тебе идет! тебе это к лицу!«. В данном случае on нельзя заменить на for.


    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


    Focus on what feels good for you.

    Сосредоточиться на том, что чувствует себя хорошо для вас.

    You probably know fiber is good for you.

    I really thought this would be good for you.

    Я на самом деле думаю, что это было бы очень хорошо для тебя.

    Recent research provides another reason why eating vegetables is good for you.

    Недавние опыты дают еще одну причину, по которой употребление овощей полезно для вас.

    Understand what’s good for you and start doing it.

    Слушайте себя, что хорошо для вас, и начинайте это делать.

    Emptying your mind is good for you.

    Consider only what’s good for you.

    Think of what is good for you.

    You know exercise is good for you.

    Stay away, if you know what’s good for you.

    Current research indicates they are as good for you as food sources.

    Текущие исследования показывают, что они так же полезны для вас, как и источники пищи.

    Even bad trips can be good for you.

    Too much isn’t good for you.

    I did what was good for you.

    She says exercise is good for you and the baby.

    Она говорит, что такие упражнения полезны для вас и вашего ребёнка.

    Me keeping my job is good for you.

    Если я сохраню свою работу, тебе это только на пользу.

    I think that radiation isn’t good for you.

    But they are still good and good for you.

    No really good for you if questioned.

    Someday, someone will do something good for you.

    И, может быть, однажды кто-нибудь сделает что-нибудь хорошее и для вас.

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

    Предложения, которые содержат good for you

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    • 1
      good for you!

      браво!, молодцом!

      During his speech there were many shouts of «Good for you» and similar expressions of approbation. (‘New York Evening Post’, DAE) — Во время его речи то и дело слышались крики «браво» и другие одобрительные возгласы.

      I’ve just heard you’ve taken 1st Class Honours in your exam. Good for you, old fellow! Many congratulations! (SPI) — Только что узнал, что ты отлично сдал экзамен. Молодец, старина. Сердечно поздравляю!

      Large English-Russian phrasebook > good for you!

    • 2
      good for you

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > good for you

    • 3
      good for you!

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > good for you!

    • 4
      good for you


      1. хорошо для тебя; твое счастье
      2. ай да молоде́ц!

      Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > good for you

    • 5
      Good for you!

      Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > Good for you!

    • 6
      Good for you!

      Браво! Молодцом! Тем лучше для вас [тебя]!

      Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > Good for you!

    • 7
      good for you!

      The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > good for you!

    • 8
      know what is good for you

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > know what is good for you

    • 9
      if you know what’s good for you

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > if you know what’s good for you

    • 10
      meat is not good for you

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > meat is not good for you

    • 11
      it is very good for you

      Новый англо-русский словарь > it is very good for you

    • 12
      good for what ails one

      The new dictionary of modern spoken language > good for what ails one

    • 13
      good rest is just the thing for you

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > good rest is just the thing for you

    • 14
      Bully for you!

      Bully для Вас!

      Англо-русский синонимический словарь > Bully for you!

    • 15
      if one knows what’s good for one

      If you know what’s good for you, you’ll call and apologize — Тебе бы лучше позвонить и извиниться, если не хочешь скандала

      The new dictionary of modern spoken language > if one knows what’s good for one

    • 16
      firm is good for

      English-Russian base dictionary > firm is good for

    • 17
      confession is good for the soul


      I’ve got plenty of money, still. That’s what I wanted… money. And I got it. How… you two’ve got a pretty good idea. But confession’s good for the soul, Father Flynn says, and I’ve got to make restitution for some of me [= my] misdeeds. (K. S. Prichard, ‘Winged Seeds’, ch. XXXV) — Впрочем, денег у меня достаточно, куча денег… Этого ведь я и добивался — денег. Ну что ж, и добился. А как?.. Это вы не хуже меня знаете. Но покаяние облегчает душу, если верить отцу Флинну, и, кажется, уже настало время замаливать грехи.

      Large English-Russian phrasebook > confession is good for the soul

    • 18
      be good for

      be good for (health; you; children)
      быть полезным для (здоровья; вас; детей)

      English-Russian mini useful dictionary > be good for

    • 19
      I’m good for now

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > I’m good for now

    • 20
      all you’re good for is to spend money

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > all you’re good for is to spend money


    • Следующая →
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5
    • 6
    • 7

    См. также в других словарях:

    • good for you — good for (you) I am pleased about someone s success or good luck. “I told him I wasn t going to get involved.” “Good for you.” “He s started jogging again.” “Good for him.” Usage notes: usually said as a reaction to what someone has said …   New idioms dictionary

    • good for you — good work, at a boy, good on you    When Dad saw my high marks, he said, Good for you, Nick …   English idioms

    • good for you — adjective promoting health; healthful (Freq. 1) a healthy diet clean healthy air plenty of healthy sleep healthy and normal outlets for youthful energy the salubrious mountain air and water C.B.Davis carrots are good for you …   Useful english dictionary

    • good for you — 1. adjective healthy Eating fruit is good for you. Ant: bad for you 2. interjection An exclamation of encouragement or congratulation …   Wiktionary

    • good for you! — ► good for (or on) you! well done! Main Entry: ↑good …   English terms dictionary

    • good-for-you bacteria — n. Bacteria that are beneficial to health. Also known as probiotics. Example Citation: Probiotics, or good for you bacteria, are being marketed as live cultures in yogurt that function to ensure a healthy intestinal tract, increase calcium… …   New words

    • good for you — way to go!, congratulations! (expression of good wishes); so what! (expression of sarcasm) …   English contemporary dictionary

    • Everything Bad Is Good for You — Infobox Book name = Everything Bad Is Good for You title orig = translator = image caption = Everything Bad Is Good for You Cover author = Steven Berlin Johnson illustrator = cover artist = country = language = English series = subject = genre =… …   Wikipedia

    • Makin’ Love Is Good for You — Studio album by B.B. King Released 2000 …   Wikipedia

    • if you know what’s good for you — if you know what’s good for you spoken phrase used for warning someone that they should do something if they do not want something bad to happen to them Thesaurus: ways of warning or advising someonesynonym Main entry: good * * * if you know what …   Useful english dictionary

    • What’s Good For You — Infobox Television show name = What s Good For You caption = Old What s good for you logo used in 2006 and 2007 format = Health camera = picture format = 576i (SDTV) runtime = 60 minutes (including commercials) creator = executive producer =… …   Wikipedia

    What does this phrase mean? And in what cases is it appropriate to use it?

    asked Nov 30, 2010 at 13:34

    Pavel's user avatar


    Two phrases:

    • «X is good for you.» This just means something is healthy for you, beneficial for you, etc.
    • «Good for you!»
      • This can be used in seriousness, such as Bruno said. It can either mean «Congratulations!» and «That’s great!», or as a word of praise.
      • The phrase can also be used sarcastically, especially if delivered with an overly enthusiastic tone. In this case, it carries the connotation of, «Wow, that’s great. Do you want a pat on the back or something?»

    answered Nov 30, 2010 at 15:39

    Claudiu's user avatar


    10.8k17 gold badges63 silver badges88 bronze badges


    Definition from Cambridge Dictionaries Online:

    Good for you! (Australian also Good on

    used to show approval for
    someone’s success or good luck.

    You passed your exam — good for you!

    Two additional examples that I extracted from the COCA:


    I don’t think you would want to know
    either. Good for you for not knowing.

    He’s going to make lots and lots of money! Good for you, congratulations!

    Community's user avatar

    answered Nov 30, 2010 at 13:37

    b.roth's user avatar


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    «Good for you» generally has an abrasive expression in itself.
    When someone boasts too much about one’s qualities which are of least inclination for the other person, then he would say «Good for you».

    answered Jan 5, 2012 at 8:38

    EnthuDeveloper's user avatar


    Good for you is usually used to express approval toward a person, but in some contexts it has a different meaning.

    I’m taking my driving test next month.
    Good for you!

    I have a new car.
    Good for you.

    The meaning of the more generic phrase good for is «having a advantageous effect on».

    Eating spinaches is good for you.

    answered Feb 23, 2011 at 11:02

    apaderno's user avatar


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    good for you — Рад за тебя
    good for you! амер. — а) тем лучше для вас!; б) браво!
    meat is not good for you — мясо вам вредно
    this is good enough for me — мне это подходит, меня это устраивает
    hanging is too good for him — ≅ его (за это) повесить мало
    to say a good word for smb. — замолвить за кого-л. словечко
    to put in a good word for smb. — произнести оправдательную речь в адрес кого-л.
    he got good value for his money — он удачно /недорого/ купил (что-л.)
    he drinks more than is good for him — он чересчур много пьёт; он пьёт во вред здоровью
    He is not half good enough for you. — Он тебе совсем не пара.

    to put in in a (good) word for smb. — замолвить словечко за кого-л.
    she could make a good mother for them — она могла бы стать им хорошей матерью
    for (the) good of smb., for smb.’s good — на пользу /на благо/ кому-л., ради кого-л.
    to say /to put in/ a good word for smb. — хвалить или отстаивать кого-л.; замолвить за кого-л. словечко
    he has set a good example for me to follow — он подаёт мне хороший пример
    this would be a good place for us to picnic — это хорошее место для пикника
    this would be a good place for us to picnic in — это хорошее место для пикника
    to reward smb. for his good [for his long] service — награждать кого-л. за хорошую [за долгую] службу
    it’s good for him to spend plenty of time out of doors — ему полезно побольше быть на свежем воздухе

    ещё 9 примеров свернуть

    Автоматический перевод

    повезло тебе

    Перевод по словам

    good  — хороший, добрый, благой, хорошо, добро, благо, польза
    you  — вы, вам, вами, вас, ты, тебя, тебе, тобой


    Milk is good for you.

    Молоко тебе полезно.

    Exercise is good for your ticker.

    Физические упражнения полезны для «моторчика».

    George is a good lad, too good for you!

    Джордж — хороший парень, и ты его не заслуживаешь!

    Watching too much TV isn’t good for you.

    Тебе вредно слишком много смотреть телевизор.

    Fresh fruit and vegetables are good for you.

    Тебе полезны свежие фрукты и овощи.

    Do as he says, if you know what’s good for you!

    Делай, как он говорит, если не хочешь неприятностей!

    Try to get the medicine down, it’s good for you.

    Постарайся проглотить лекарство, оно принесёт тебе пользу.

    ещё 23 примера свернуть

    Примеры, отмеченные *, могут содержать сленг и разговорные фразы.

    Примеры, ожидающие перевода

    You’ll keep your mouth shut about this if you know what’s good for you!  

    Well, that’s my good deed for the day (=something good you try to do for someone else every day).  

    Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

    good for you — перевод на русский

    And I don’t care whether it’s good for me or bad for me.

    И мне плевать, хорошо это, или плохо для меня.

    You’ll see what’s good for you, since you wanted to come along…

    Скоро увидишь как это будет хорошо убегать

    It’s stimulating; it’s good for you

    — Приподнимитесь. Хорошо.

    After all, it’s not good for us to mope around inside all day because we’re still very priveleged, and I think we need to realise this once again.

    В конце концов, не хорошо хандрить целыми днями. Потому что мы всё ещё привилегированны, мы должны это помнить.

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    It’s good for you.

    Ёто тебе полезно.

    Go, on. Go, on. It’s good for you.

    Давай, тебе полезно.

    — It’s good for you.

    Тебе полезно.

    Beer is even good for you.

    Пиво даже полезно.

    It’s very good for you.

    Вот. Очень полезно.

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    Good for you, Kuzma!

    Молодец, Кузьма!

    — Well, good for you.

    — А, молодец.

    Good for you, Martha.

    Молодец, Марта.

    Good for you.

    Молодец. — Так.

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    The ride was good for me.

    Поездка пошла мне на пользу.

    Kids are good for me.

    Материнство мне на пользу.

    I think a change of scenery might be good for you.

    Перемена климата пойдет тебе на пользу.

    Two days of sun and seeing Mr. Andrews will be good for you.

    Два солнечных дня и мистер Эндрюс пойдут тебе на пользу.

    Indeed, a little flaw, at times, but little, can even be good for it.

    Разумеется, маленький недостаток, маленький может идти на пользу.

    Показать ещё примеры для «мне на пользу»…

    — Oxygen is good for you, isn’t it Doctor?

    — Но кислород тебе поможет, правда, доктор?

    Try to drink, come on. It will be good for you.

    Выпей, это тебе поможет.

    Is there anything at all I can do to make things better for you tonight?

    Я могу сделать хоть что-то, чтобы помочь?

    I thought this climate was good for your cough.

    Я думал, что здешний климат поможет тебе.

    Like that it’s good for you, otherwise is useless!

    Только так поможет, иначе без толку!

    Показать ещё примеры для «тебе поможет»…

    The best for our soldiers.

    Лучшее для наших солдат.

    Now, it’s my job here to think not only of what’s good for you but what’s good for the community in which you live.

    И моя обязанность решить, что будет лучшим не только для тебя… но и для общества, в котором ты живёшь.

    But you’re to good for him.

    Но ты заслуживаешь лучшего.

    Minoru’s still growing up. I think this would be best for him.

    Минору вырастет и это будет для него самым лучшим

    — Let him be. This is the best for him.

    Сейчас это самое лучшее для него.

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    If we weren’t famous… but people are talking a lot — it’s not good for you.

    Мы ведь знамениты… О нас ходят слухи… это вредно для тебя…

    Please, it isn’t good for you.

    Прошу тебя, тебе это вредно. Расслабься.

    Is no good for you.

    Это вредно.

    Even if they wanted to, it’s not good for them.

    Но даже если бы и захотели, для них это все равно вредно.

    Too much water is not good for you.

    Много воды тебе вредно.

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    We only want what’s best for you.

    Только мы хотим тебе добра.

    A reverend father wants the best for you, Georgie.

    Преподобный отец желает тебе добра, Джорджи.

    Too good for me.

    – Вы слишком добры ко мне.

    — I’ll be good for you.

    — Буду для тебя добрым. — Не сомневаюсь.

    He’s kind and he wants the best for us.

    Он хороший и хочет нам добра.

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