Gone from the word jeans

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Jeans (Jeans) — history of jeans.

Jeans history
For one and a half centuries of the existence jeans stopped being simply cheap working uniform; today it not only convenient casual clothes for people of any age and a floor, but also an inspiration subject for many fashionable designers.
The background of modern jeans traces the roots back on several centuries ago, to Europe. It is considered that the word «jeans» (jean) went from the name of the city of Genoa where local seamen with pleasure wore strong cotton trousers; later trousers from this material began to make in large numbers in England. The word «denim» designating stronger denim came from France where in the sixteenth century used fabric from the city to Them which takdeny, and was called as «serge de Nimes» (denim); silk and wool were its part.
The American weavers from local cotton made the fabric, very similar to a denim differing in high wear resistance; gradually cotton the shortcoming in which of the country wasn’t, managed to force out other components from composition of fabric. Initially from jeans sewed easier clothes, and the denim was used for production of working clothes where the increased durability was required.
Most of slaves on plantations wore similar trousers from cotton, but, probably, it isn’t absolutely correct to call them jeans; to emergence of that today we call «jeans», the world is obliged to the young German immigrant by the name of Livay Strauss.
Initially Strauss which arrived to California at the height of the Gold-rush thought to earn on sale of fabric for tents and vehicles, but it appeared that gold diggers much more needed usual working trousers. Then the young German decided to sew trousers which soon began to have success in gold prospectors from the material which was available for him.
Name of one more person, whose contribution to creation of jeans it is also very considerable, it is known slightly less, than the industrialist Strauss, however his role in the history of one of the products, most popular in the world, is also great is a tailor from Nevada Jacob Davies; in spite of the fact that Strauss began business on production and sale of trousers independently, cooperation with Davies provided significant increase in sales and prompt growth of the company.
Arrived to the USA from Latvia, Davies irrespective of Strauss resolved an important issue as at production of trousers to provide the sufficient durability of pockets, namely thought up to fasten the right places with metal rivets. The idea promised to make huge profit, but, of course, provided that anybody, except Davies, couldn’t use it. To secure itself against similar disorders, the inventor should take out the patent, but at it it wasn’t banal on it money (the demanded sum of sixty eight dollars was available to not everyone one and a half centuries ago). Then Davies decided to offer Strauss cooperation which the enterprising businessman couldn’t refuse.

Новые вопросы

1) Вы проводите информационный поиск в ходе выполнения проектной работы. Определите, в каком из текстов A — F содержатся ответы на интересующие Вас вопросы 1 — 7. Один из вопросов останется без ответа.

1. What should the main New Year tree of the country look like?
2. What is one of the legends of the Christmas tree?
3. What are the advantages of artificial Christmas trees?
4. What rules did people follow in the past when decorating the Christmas tree?
5. Who changed the date of New Year’s Day in his country?
6. How did the technological progress change Christmas decorations?
7. How did the tradition of decorating the tree with coloured glass balls start?

A. Why do people decorate Christmas trees at home? There are several stories about the start of the tradition. One of them is about Martin Luther, the founder of the protestant faith. While he was walking through a forest on a Christmas Eve, he looked up and was impressed by the beauty of the stars that were shining through the tree branches. He cut down a small tree and took it home. There, he decorated the tree with candles as a present for his family.

B. The tradition of decorating a Christmas tree comes from Germany. Until the 17th century, people decorated their Christmas tree in a certain order. Firstly, a star was fixed on the top. Then people hung apples on lower branches of the tree. Finally, they placed biscuits, gingerbread and sweets underneath. The Christmas tree in the fairy tale Nutcracker was decorated in exactly this way.

C. The Christmas tree tradition came to Russia with Peter the Great in the 18th century. He enjoyed the celebration tradition in Germany and issued a law according to which all families had to decorate their houses with pine tree branches. It also announced that people should have fun on that day. Peter the Great also decided to move New Year’s celebration from 1st September to 1st January.

D. The most popular Christmas decoration was invented by a German glass-blower. He made a ball and decorated it with angel figures and snowflakes. The man gave it as a gift to his daughter. The girl decided to put the ball on the Christmas tree. It was so beautiful that the glass-blower made many more decorated balls and sold them. Now people all over the world choose to decorate their Christmas trees in this way.

E. In the 18th century, people started decorating Christmas trees with candles. Later, with the discovery of electricity, electric lights were put on Christmas trees. It was Edward Johnson, an assistant of Thomas Edison, who first used electric lights for Christmas tree decoration. People liked his idea. However, it took several years before the electric lights became available to the general public.

F. Nowadays, Christmas trees are found everywhere – in houses, on the streets and squares. Most of them are artificial trees. However, in the centre of Moscow, in the Kremlin, you can always see a natural Christmas tree. The most important tree of the country is carefully chosen in the forest – it should be tall and beautiful. Professional designers decorate it to create an unforgettable fairytale tree for thousands of children and their parents.

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Jeans cloth was named after a city.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated

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Levi Strauss had a few friends among gold miners.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated

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Levi Strauss began to make trousers for miners from the material which was used for tents.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated

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Levi Strauss found denim in a local American shop.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated

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The original colour of denim was blue.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated

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After World War II jeans became popular with Europeans.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated

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Nowadays more jeans are produced in Europe than in the USA.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated

Today it is very difficult to find such a person,who does not wear jeans. The origin of the word, however, which we so often use in everyday life, is unknown to almost anyone. In order to better understand what we are saying, and learn a little more about such familiar and convenient things, we decided to write this article. A lot of interesting facts, which will be given below, will tell you not only about how the first jeans appeared. The origin of the word, the term, as well as its adaptation in Russian speech, is what we are going to reveal.

Romance history

Since the beginning of the 16th century in the Italian provinceGenoa was very developed weaving. Among the whole variety of materials that were produced there was also a very rough twill with a diagonal weave. The fabric was not in great demand among the aristocracy, because in those days it did not even have its own name. Over time, this material interested the French and, buying it in Genoa, they called it — Gene. When the fabric was already more or less adapted in France, the name was transformed into Janne. From there already and moved to English a little bit modified — Jean, which remains until our days. Thus, it turns out that the history of the origin of the word «jeans» does not apply to American immigrants, to cowboys from the wild west and horsemen. The word is purely European, which only later fell into the vastness of America.

jeans origin of the word

Denim, who has not changed at all

Surely each of us is familiar with the term»Denim». In many modern and ancient sources it is used as a synonym for the word «jeans». The origin of this word is also a very fascinating story. After they began to supply Italian fabric to France, the designers drew attention primarily to its unattractive color — light brown. Because it was decided to paint the material in a blue tone, and all this was done in a town called Nim. So the term «denim» appeared, which now can mean both a certain color tone, and an element of the wardrobe of a man or a woman.

history of the origin of the word jeans

Coping in antiquity

According to some sources, for the first timesuch a fabric was used by people as early as 300 AD. e. In this period, the story of the origin of the word «jeans» begins, as in the documentation the material is written under the names denim and gene. It is curious that a very extensive supply of such a fabric could be traced from Genoa to the UK. The English, when they received this product, renamed it in their own way, and the word jean was known to us. Later, in 1429, Christopher Columbus set out on his expedition to find a new way to India. The sails with which his ship was capped were sewn from a denim unpainted cloth. However, it is officially believed that the origin and history of the word «jeans» originate directly from the 16th century. After Columbus discovered the New Earth, his «canvas» also became famous. It was from this matter, which was then called then jen, then denim, that most Italian sailors began to wear pants. By the way, by their cut they had a lot in common with modern jeans.

the origin of the word jeans

Looking for answers in painting

In the USSR it was customary to believe that jeans pants- this is the work of American designers, in fact, like the material itself. In fact, if you look closely at some old canvases, you can find a funny thing. Some canvases depict people who are clothed in clothes from a given fabric or simply in ordinary jeans. The origin of the word just dates from the same years as the work of unknown masters. In one of the paintings you can see a woman standing in a dark blue skirt. By the type of fabric, you can determine that it is denim. There is also a canvas where a boy in a denim shirt is depicted, from beneath which a white lining sticks out. Many sailors and even vagabonds who lived in Europe in the 16th century, were sealed by artists in denim trousers straight cut. It’s funny that it was not possible to establish the identity of the artist (or artists) to whom these paintings belong. Therefore, conditionally in history he was given the name «Master of blue jeans».

origin and history of the word jeans

Distribution of the term and clothing itself

The origin of the word «jeans» in a more modernunderstanding can really be attributed to America. During the period when the Wild West was being built, when the middle and southern parts of America were populated by farmers from Europe, it was for them that they began to sew jeans outfits. Since the majority of the population spoke precisely in English, the name of the material that was supplied here for sewing working uniforms was attributed to the letter s. This indicates, as it were, the plural of an uncountable noun — a fairly common occurrence in the English language (trousers, shorts). By the beginning of the 20th century, this «uncountable noun» moved to the expanses of the Russian Empire, although only the richest people knew of it, who had the opportunity to purchase foreign goods. In our country, the word «jeans» was turned into a plural according to our rules, in the course of which the «jeans» that everyone knew today turned out.

the origin of jeans

The official history of jeans

Due to the fact that for all cowboys and othersworkers who came to the States, it was necessary to sew massively the working form, it was decided to use the described fabric as the main material. The patent for the production of a new type of clothing was first acquired by Leib Strauss (or Levi Strauss), the son of a certain Jew who had long been living in America. According to the official version, it was he who came up with the very design of jeans, which for many years was considered a classic. At that time, such a development was a real sensation. Pants had a total of four pockets. Two were located in front, one behind, and one on the front of the pants — small, for the clock. Pants for the working class, which were sold in America, were painted in the color of indigo — saturated blue. At that time, their price was $ 1 and 46 cents for one unit of the product.

official history of jeans

Unofficial version of creating jeans

All sources, describing the origin of jeans,for some reason, with full certainty that this is the work of Levi Strauss. But if you dig more carefully in history, then very interesting facts come to light, which point to the opposite. In accordance with them, the design of new work clothes was developed by Jacob Davis (by the way, a native of Russia). It was he who came up with pants that can be sewn from natural and durable fabric, and plus to this make them a real design discovery. He designed pockets, pants, and rivets. Money for a patent was not found in the workaholic, therefore he borrowed them from Strauss. The same one took the discovery to himself, and everyone forgot about Davis.

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Сейчас пришел с ОГЭ и нашел некоторые задания в интернете. Хотелось бы проверить,правильно ли я сделал, но вот ответов никак найти не могу.

Jeans — a clothing item that is typical in every wardrobe today. One of the
most comfortable and most stylish pieces of clothing, it is liked by one and all,
regardless of age, size, sex, economic background, and so on.
The history of jeans goes as far back as the 16th century when sailors in
Genoa (Italy) wore a material that eventually became the material used in jeans.
The word ‘jean’ derives from the name of the Italian port city Genoa, as it was a
custom to name a material after its place of origin. By the late 16th century, jean
material was already produced in Lancashire, England.
It was the California Gold Rush of 1849 that started the evolution of
American trousers that would one day become blue jeans. The gold miners wanted
clothes that were strong and did not tear easily. The person who suggested an
appropriate type of clothing was a German businessman Levi Strauss, who had
moved to America. Levi Strauss sold many different things but their main product
was a tough canvas material used for tents and wagon covers. Understanding the
urgent need of the gold miners Levi Strauss decided to make trousers out of the
tough canvas he was selling. The miners liked the new ‘working’ trousers, though
they were uncomfortable to wear as the material was too rough.
To improve the trousers for miners, Levi Strauss began looking for a
different material and soon he found a suitable one in France. The material was
called ‘serge de Nimes’. American just called it ‘de Nimes’, and this name soon
became its short form ‘denim’. Denim was a bit lighter and softer than the material
Levi Strauss used for his working trousers. It was very strong and did not wear out
quickly, even after many washes. The trousers made of denim became quite
popular among the miners.
The only problem was that original denim was almost white and the trousers
got dirty as soon as the miners started working! For that reason Levi Strauss
decided to use coloured denim, and he chose dark blue. In 1873 he began to make
dark blue denim trousers with metal fasteners to make them stronger. This was a
radical new idea and ‘Blue jeans’ had arrived!
Levi’s jeans were so popular, that his company got bigger and bigger. Other
firms were making blue jeans too. Miners liked them, but so did cowboys and
other working men.
Levi’s jeans were work trousers. Male workers wore them all the time but a
gentleman would not even think of wearing jeans. Things changed when western
movies became popular. All the cowboys wore jeans and people thought they
looked heroic, attractive and cool. Also jeans were greatly popularized in Europe by American off-duty soldiers who wore them during World War II. They made
jeans seem like casual American trousers, a symbol of the American lifestyle.
In the 2000’s, the sale of classic blue jeans stopped growing. Young people
were not particularly interested in traditional jeans styles, mainly because of their
parents, who adored jeans. Since no teenager would wear the clothes their parents
were wearing, the latest generation of youth turned to other fabrics and styles.
They still wear denim, but it had to be in new cuts, shapes and styles.

Jeans were named after a city.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
Levi Strauss worked as a gold miner for some time.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
Levi Strauss began to make trousers for miners from the material which was used
for tents.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
Denim was more comfortable to wear than canvas.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
The original colour of denim is blue.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
Levis Strauss used metal fasteners to make his trousers more fashionable.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
Cinema promoted blue jeans to the American upper classes.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
Modern teenagers share their parents’ traditional taste in blue jeans.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

Pairs of blue jeans on table

Like so many great inventions and innovations in history, blue jeans were created for a simple reason: there was a need for them. In a story that is truly American, blue jeans are put together with fabric from the other side of the world and they were invented thanks to the efforts of an immigrant running his own store, a creative western tailor in a mining town and an annoyed wife. So why were jeans invented? Because one wife had just had enough with pants that weren’t tough enough.

Really Tough Pants

Tailor Jacob Davis was working in Reno, Nevada in the late 1800s. Back then, Reno was a western mining town. One day in 1871, a miner’s wife came into the tailor shop. She was angry. She wanted to know why her husband’s pants were always wearing out, particularly around the pockets and the button fly. There were always tears that she had to fix constantly.

She told Davis to do better and create a tougher pair of pants, the type of pants that could actually withstand the harsh conditions in the mines.

Rivets on blue jeans

Davis told her he’d do his best and he started to think about the problem. He thought about the metal fasteners used on harnesses to add strength to their overall design. That’s when he came up with the idea for a pair of riveted pants. In his design, the high-stress areas of the pants were strengthened with rivets. He made the pants out of tough cotton canvas material.

He didn’t know he was holding a multi-billion-dollar idea in his hands. But a retailer in San Francisco immediately saw the potential.

A Business is Born

Jacob Davis needed tough fabric to make more trousers, so he went to a store owned by German immigrant Levi Strauss. He showed the pants to Strauss, who took an interest in the design. Together, the two filed a patent and began a business. When their patent was issued on May 20, 1873, it was the beginning of the blue jean industry.

Putting the Blue in Blue Jeans

So, blue jeans were created by two entrepreneurs living in the American west trying to fulfill a demand for tough, rugged clothing suitable for gold miners. What an American story, right? Oh yeah, they’re also made with a pretty blue material that comes from Nimes, France.

Eiffel Tower in Paris, France

Wait, what?

It’s true. Though blue jeans have a distinctly American history and they are a totally American look, denim itself is as French as it gets. At least, it used to be.

In the late 1700s, Nimes was a bustling textile city that was known for producing lots of different fabrics. A river flowed right through the city where workers crouched to dye reams of cotton, silk and wool.

One of those textile mills, or perhaps one of the workers, created denim using cotton warp-faced cloth that is made with a diagonal weave. The warp threads were colored using indigo dye, while the weft threads were left their natural white. This is what created the unique look and texture of denim and what set it apart from other fabrics. More than a century later, indigo is still associated with denim and with blue jeans.

People noticed the unusual material, called denim because it originated in Nimes. The name is derived from “serge de Nimes,” which means “sturdy fabric from Nimes.” One person who noticed it was Levi Strauss, who left Europe in 1851 to set up a general store in America. Here, he established Levi Strauss & Co. So when a tailor named Jacob Davis showed him a pair of pants, Strauss knew exactly which material they should use to make them.

Soon, jeans made with the indigo-dyed blue denim fabric became more popular than those made with the brown canvas duck cloth that Davis first used to create his riveted trousers. Today, Levi Strauss is still synonymous with blue jeans…an industry that has blossomed into big business that’s worth $91 billion a year.

And none of it would have happened if one angry wife hadn’t gone to a shop one day to give a tailor an earful.

Related: Types of Jeans

The World’s Favorite Trousers

Denim Overalls

Suffice it to say, the miner’s wife was pleased. The copper rivet innovation on the tough fabric made for one hard-wearing pair of paints. Levi Strauss jeans were durable, they were strong at the stress points. They were perfect work pants. They were just what she wanted. It turns out, the new pants were just what everyone else wanted, too. Originally marketed as waist overalls, the Levi jeans quickly caught on with the miners. Other laborers noticed the tough pants. Levi Strauss & Co., along with Jacob W Davis, continued to make jeans. Other companies, like Wrangler, decided to make their own denim jeans and market them.

Over the years, denim jeans took over the fashion world. They spread from miners and other workers to Hollywood celebrities like James Dean, Marilyn Monroe and Marlon Brando in the 1950s. More jeans makers arrived on the scene and soon, designer jeans became a thing. Big-name designers like Calvin Klein soon created their own blue jeans, even copying the metal rivets associated with hard work (not with walking on a catwalk). The denim pants had become high fashion.

Today, jeans are sold in a dizzying array of styles and colors. You can get baggy jeans, carpenter jeans, skinny jeans, boyfriend jeans and more types of jeans that most people can possibly name. They come in a variety of finishes, including washed, faded and more.

Levi’s jeans have more competition, but the name is still the most famous name in blue jeans and still continues to produce trousers that everyone wants to wear around the world.


From early workwear to the look associated with cowboys to wide-legged bell bottoms and close-fitting skinny jeans to high-end designer wear, perhaps no item of clothing has been adapted into more styles than blue jeans. Everyone owns a pair and everyone knows which is their favorite pair. Now, you know a little bit more about why denim jeans were invented in the first place. But if you still have lingering questions about jeans, no worries. We’ve got the answers to all the most frequently asked blue jeans questions.

Are blue jeans business casual?

Wearing jeans in any sort of professional setting has long been frowned upon, despite the fact that jeans were created for working people in the first place. But in these modern days of business casual, are jeans a go or a no-go?

The answer to that question depends entirely upon the workplace. In many relaxed office settings, blue jeans are fine on casual Friday as long as you aren’t meeting with clients. And if you’re wearing them, make sure to wear a pair that isn’t ripped, faded or ill-fitting. Sagging jeans are out of the question, obviously. Stick to darker denim that fits well. Don’t wear something low-rise or something very tight-fitting. Dress like you’re still in a workplace.

In a more conservative office environment, jeans are not business casual. Law firms, corporate offices and other businesses that court a high-paying clientele will generally frown on blue jeans, even on casual Friday.

Are blue jeans illegal in some countries, like North Korea and Russia?

In North Korea, it both is and isn’t illegal to wear blue jeans. All those who live in North Korea are barred from wearing blue jeans. However, black denim is fine. Tourists can get away with wearing blue jeans in some places but they are absolutely prohibited at the Kim II Sung and Kim Jong II memorials. [Source: Brightside]

During the Cold War between the U.S. and the USSR, blue jeans were very much frowned upon in the Soviet part of Russia. Jeans were banned in schools, dances halls and other public places. Despite the effort to discourage jeans-wearing, Russian youth loved them. Jeans became incredibly difficult to get and ultimately became a hot commodity on the black market in the 1970s.
With the fall of the Berlin Wall and the ultimate fall of the USSR, jeans and many other items became more widely available in Russia and former Soviet nations.

Can you wear blue jeans to a funeral?

For the most part, jeans aren’t generally the most appropriate attire for solemn and formal events, such as funerals and weddings. [Source: Huffington Post]

Can you dye or bleach blue jeans?

If you’ve got a pair of jeans and you love the fit but not the look, you can change them. It is possible to bleach jeans on your own and give the finish a makeover. You’ll need to lay down a thick coat of plastic sheet on your work area and put on heavy rubber gloves to protect your hands. Don’t forget safety glasses. Open up some windows and turn on a fan to circulate air. Maintain good ventilation. If you feel dizzy or lightheaded in any way, step outside and breathe deeply for several moments.

Create a solution of one part bleach and three parts water. Thoroughly wet down the jeans and use a sponge to apply the bleach solution, dabbing it on all over the denim until you’ve treated the jeans entirely. This is the best way to apply bleach without getting bleach spray or spill in the surrounding area. After bleach has been dabbed on, soak the jeans in the bleach solution for about 30 minutes. Swirl them around in there once or twice to more evenly distribute the coverage.

Rinse the jeans for at least five minutes, soaking and ringing them out and repeating it many times. Machine-wash your jeans with no detergent added and then air dry the jeans. [Source: WikiHow]

You can also dye blue jeans, though the procedure can be incredibly involved and complex. Bluing jeans is a process where you sort of freshen up and brighten up the denim color. To do this, the jeans must be soaked in a solution of liquid bluing agent and water, then machine washed and dried.

When using fabric dye, you’ll need to create a solution using dye, hot water and salt. The jeans must be stirred in the dye solution for about 30 minutes to an hour, then machine-washed. [Source: The Spruce]

Can blue jeans be altered?

Blue jeans can be altered and changed to your liking, but only up to a point. As long as your jeans fit around your widest points (hips, rear, thighs), the fit can be changed to feel more comfortable. The waistband can be altered and the length adjusted. The leg can be tapered and the belt loops can be changed around.

Some things are harder to change. Zipper length and pocket placement are difficult, if not impossible, to change. [Source: Vogue]

Should you wash blue jeans?

Unlike your standard khakis, jeans are made with a thick material that doesn’t need to be washed often. Jeans also tend to fit your body better the more you wear them, naturally conforming to your shape. This makes them look even better. You don’t want to wash away that fit and end up feeling uncomfortable.

Unless your jeans get dirty, you can wear them about 10 times before you actually wash them. You can always toss them in the dryer for a few minutes with some fabric softener to hang them up in the bathroom to steam them while you shower if you want to freshen them up. [Source: Real Simple]

Why were ripped blue jeans invented?

Prior to the 1970s, having ripped jeans was a sign of economic hardship or hard work. You might wear them to do labor but if you were wearing them for a social function or to run errands, clearly you were on hard times. This all changed with the rise of heavy rock music, such as metal and punk rock, that appeared in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Rock and rollers cultivated a distinct look that included ripped denim, leather, metal accessories, chains and lots and lots of black fabric.

The ripped jeans look caught on and became part of popular fashion trends in the 1980s, becoming a staple of fashion of the era. In more modern times, ripped jeans have made a comeback…only now, they’re labeled as “distressed denim.” [Source: Apparel Search]

When and why were skinny jeans invented?

Close-fitting and even skintight pants are nothing new. Tight-fitting breeches and hose were standard for men in the medieval and Renaissance eras. But skinny jeans are much more modern…right?

Fitted jeans that fit close to the body were quite popular in the 1950s as part of standard beatnik fashion. These jeans were high-waisted and made with dark denim and they were the definite grandparent of the future skinny jean style. It wasn’t until the late 1970s that true skinny jeans made an appearance when they were popularized by punk rockers, a counterculture movement associated with a rebellion of organized systems of rule. Skinny jeans surged again in the 2010s, when suddenly they were everywhere. [Source: Refinery29]

Where does the word jeans come from?

The word “jean” comes from “jean fustian,” a French term that refers to a type of cotton cloth that is made in Genoa, Italy. [Source: Dictionary.com]

The word likely became associated with fabric due to the sailors who came to France from Genoa. “Genes” is the French word for Genoa. The sailors wore tough pants made with the fustian material, which were known as jeans. [Source: Encyclopedia.com]


  • BBC – How the birthplace of denim is making jeans again
  • Fashion Beans – Are Jeans Business-Casual?
  • Gentleman’s Gazette – The Denim Jeans Guide – Their History & How to Buy for Your Body Type
  • Levi Strauss & Co. – Blue Jeans and the Fall of the Berlin Wall
  • Levi Strauss & Co. – The History of Denim
  • Smithsonian Magazine – The Origin of Blue Jeans

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задайте нужный запрос с помощью ключевых слов, отвечающих вашим критериям.
Общайтесь с посетителями страницы, обсуждайте тему. Возможно, их ответы
помогут найти нужную информацию.

Forward 6Вербицкая М. В. Forward. Английский язык для 6 класса. Unit 12 Shopping

Ex. 1 page 32 Listen to the conversation without looking at the text. Then answer the questions: — Послушайте разговор, не глядя в текст. Затем ответьте на вопросы:
Where does the conversation take place? — Где разговор состоялся?
What things did they like? – Какие вещи им нравятся?
Did they like the same things? – Им нравятся одни и те же вещи?

Nevita: What do you think of those jeans? — Что ты думаешь о тех джинсах?
Rachel: I like them. – Они мне нравятся.
Nevita: Excuse me. How much are those jeans? – Извините. Сколько стоят те ждинсы?
Man: They’re £25. – 25 фунтов.
Nevita: Mmm… and how much are these trousers? – Ммм… а сколько стоят эти брюки?
Man: They’re £18.50. – 18 фунтов 50 пенсов.
Nevita: Thank you… – Спасибо.

Rachel: What do you think of this belt? – Что ты думаешь об этом ремне?
Nevita: I don’t like it. It’s old-fashioned. – Он мне не нравится. Он старомодный.
Rachel: No, it’s not. I like it. How much is this belt, please? – Нет. Мне он нравится. Сколько стоит этот ремень?
Man: It’s £8.95. – 8 фунтов 95 пенсов.
Rachel: Here you are. – Вот, пожалуйста.
Man: Thank you. – Спасибо.
Rachel: Do you like that hat? – Тебе нравится та шляпа?
Nevita: Yes, I do. I like it very much. Excuse me, how much is that hat? – Да. Она мне очень нравится. Извините, сколько стоит та шляпа?
Man: That hat? Let me see. It’s £12.50. – Та шляпа? Дайте взглянуть. Она стоит 12 фунтов 50 пенсов.
Nevita: Oh… I’ve only got £10. – О… У меня только 10 фунтов.
Rachel: Here. I’ve got £2.50. Buy it. – Вот. У меня есть 2 фунта 50 пенсов. Покупай ее.
Nevita: Thanks. – Спасибо.
Rachel: What do you think of him? – Что ты о нем думаешь?
Nevita: Not bad! – Он не плох!
Rachel: Shhh… — Тссс …

Ex. 7 page 33 Read the text and answer the question: What is the origin of jeans? — Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопрос: каково происхождение джинсов?

Who invented jeans?
Jeans were first made by a sail-maker, Oscar Levi-Strauss, in San Francisco in the 1850s.
The word jeans may come from ‘jene fustien’, a strong cotton cloth, first made in Genoa, Italy. The original jeans were brown until denim was used. The word denim, in its turn, comes from the name of the French manufacturing town Nim. In French, de Nim means ‘from Nim’. However, jeans are believed to be a 100% American invention and Levi’s is still one of the most popular brands!
Nowadays, people all over the world, men and women, rich and poor, wear jeans on all occasions: in classrooms and at parties, to theatres as well as to work.

Кто изобрел джинсы?
Джинсы были впервые сделаны изготовителем парусов, Оскаром Леви-Страусом, в Сан-Франциско в 1850-е годы.
Слово джинсы может происходить от «Jene fustien», прочная хлопковая ткань, впервые изготовленная в Генуе, Италия. Оригинальные джинсы были коричневого цвета, пока не был использован деним. Слово деним, в свою очередь, происходит от имени французского производственного города Ним. По-французски, де Ним означает «из Нима». Тем не менее, джинсы, как полагают, являются 100% американским изобретением и Леви по-прежнему является одним из самых популярных брендов!
В настоящее время люди во всем мире, мужчины и женщины, богатые и бедные, носят джинсы на все случаи жизни: в классах и на вечеринках, в театры, а также на работу.

Ex. 12 page 35 Now read the dialogues in pairs. A — shop assistant, С — customer. – Теперь прочитайте диалоги в парах. А – продавец, С – покупатель.

A: Can I help you? – Могу я вам помочь?
C: Yes, can I have a look at those shoes? – Да, могу я взглянуть на те туфли?
A: What size? – Какой размер?
C: 7 ½ . Can I try them on? — 7 ½. Могу я примерить?
A: Of course, take a seat. – Конечно, присаживайтесь.
C: Mmm… They’re a bit small. – Ммм… Они маловаты.
A: I’m afraid we don’t have a bigger size. Any other shoes you fancy? – Боюсь, что у нас нет большего размера. Примерите другие туфли?
C: No, thank you. – Нет, спасибо.

A: Can I help you? – Могу я вам помочь?
C: Yes, please. What size is this dress? – Да, пожалуйста. Какого размера это платье?
A: It’s size 10. – Оно 10 размера.
C: Oh, good. Can I try it on? – О, хорошо. Могу я его примерить?
A: Yes, sure. The fitting room is to your right. – Да, конечно. Примерочная справа от вас.
C: How does it look? – Как оно выглядит?
A: It looks very good. – Очень хорошо.
C: How much is it? – Сколько оно стоит?
A: It’s 50 pounds. – 50 фунтов.
C: OK. That’s not expensive. I think I’ll buy it. – Хорошо. Оно не дорогое. Я думаю, я куплю его.

C: Excuse me, can you help me, please? – Извините, вы не могли бы мне помочь, пожалуйста?
A: Yes, of course. – Да, конечно.
C: I’m looking for a red pullover. – Я ищу красный пуловер.
A: Big, small, medium? – Большой, маленький, средний размер?
C: Medium. – Средний.
A: I’ll just go and see if we’ve got any. – Я сейчас пойду и посмотрю, есть ли у нас.
C: Thank you. – Спасибо.

A: Can I help you? – Могу я вам помочь?
C: Where is the fitting room? – Где примерочная?
A: It’s down there on the right. – Она вон там справа.
C: And where do I pay? – А где можно оплатить?
A: You pay over there. – Платите вон там.

Ex. 16 page 36 In pairs, read the school rules about uniforms. – В парах прочитайте школьные правила по поводу формы.

The standard British school uniform — Стандартная британская школьная форма
All pupils should wear: — Все ученики должны носить:
a plain white shirt or blouse with collar (no polo shirts); — простая белая рубашка или блузка с воротником (не поло);
a school tie; — школьный галстук;
a plain black jacket/blazer; — простой черный жакет / пиджак;
plain black trousers or a plain black skirt; — простые черные брюки или простая черная юбка;
black shoes. — черные туфли.
Jeans, cords or similar casual clothes should not be worn. — Джинсы, брюки из рубчатого плиса и аналогичную повседневную одежду не должны носить.
Jewellery may be worn as long as this is done in an appropriate way for school. — Украшения можно носить если они будут сделаны в соответствии со школьным образом.

Ex. 18 page 37 Which of these presents are really the worst? Which would you like to get for yourself? – Какие из этих подарков действительно самые плохие? Какие вы хотели бы получить сами?

The worst gift for a pop-star
For Christmas and the New Year we may receive not only gifts we were dreaming about, but also some presents that we don’t like at all.
For example, Britney Spears remembers that her grandmother adored giving her socks. ‘Your relatives’ attention is important and every gift is good, but the socks — it’s too much.’
However, such a gift is more practical than the slippers that were given to Kylie Minogue at the age of 17. The slippers had the picture of Bugs Bunny. ‘When you are 17 you want to look cool. I was offended!’ remembers Kylie. ‘But of course I pretended to appreciate the slippers a lot and wore them at home. Thanks, granny!’
Sting is too polite to say what the worst gift he ever had was: ‘I received many presents I didn’t like too much, but I kept them all.э
(отрывок из текста)

Самый плохой подарок для поп-звезды
На Рождество и Новый год, мы можем получить не только подарки, о которых мы мечтали, но также некоторые подарки, которые нам не нравятся вообще.
Например, Бритни Спирс вспоминает, что ее бабушка обожала дарить ей носки. Внимание «ваших родственников» чрезвычайно важно и каждый подарок хорош, но носки — это слишком».
Тем не менее, такой подарок является более практичным, чем тапочки, которые были подарены Кайли Миноуг в возрасте 17. На тапочках была картинка Bugs Bunny. «Когда вам 17, вы хотите выглядеть круто. Я была оскорблена!», вспоминает Кайли. «Но, конечно, я сделала вид, что очень оценила тапочки и носила их у себя дома. Спасибо, бабушка!»
Стинг слишком вежлив, чтобы сказать, какой худший подарок он когда-либо получал: «Я получал много подарков, которые мне не очень нравились, но я храню их все».
Сэр Элтон Джон не так вежлив, как его друг и хорошо помнит ужасные подарки детства, среди них модели самолетов, которые он должен был построить. Он ненавидел их. То, что он очень хотел – это CD!
Для Эммы Бантон худшим подаром был светильник украшеный искусственными цветами. Это был подарок бабушки. Позже она спрятала светильник в шкаф — он был таким некрасивым!
Певица Дженни Фрост из Atomic Kitten тоже побаивалась подарков бабушки. «Моя бабушка очаровательная леди», говорит Дженни Фрост. «Но она была без ума от магазинов, где вы можете найти самые бесполезные мелочи. И именно там она купила сережки, которые сверкали и даже играли мелодию с Рождеством».
Одна из Spice Girls, Виктория Бекхэм, думает, что не приятно критиковать подарки, но она призналась, что получала одежду, которая ей не очень нравилась. «Люди говорили мне: «О, вы такая стильная, я уверен, что вам понравится!» И я подумала: «Неужели вы думаете, что это мило?! Я никогда не буду носить это!»

Ex. 23 page 38 Before you read, guess brand names for the shops.

A Lloyds — bank
В McDonald’s — fast food restaurant
С Tesco — supermarket
D Boots — chemist’s
E WH Smith’s — newsagent’s
F Our Price Records — music shop

Ex. 24 page 38 Read the text (p. 39) again and say if these sentences are true or false. — Прочитайте текст снова и скажите, являются эти предложения истинными или ложными.

1 Small shops are now more common in British High Streets. False — Небольшие магазины в настоящее время распространены на британских Хай Стритс.
2 Barclays, Lloyds, NatWest and TSB are banks. True — Barclays, Lloyds, NatWest и TSB банки.
3 Small post offices often sell newspapers and stationery. True — Малые почтовые отделения часто продают газеты и канцелярские принадлежности.
4 There are a lot of foreign restaurants: Indian, Chinese, Mexican, Greek, Italian and French. True — Есть много иностранных ресторанов: индийский, китайский, мексиканский, греческий, итальянский и французский.
5 There are a lot of British restaurants in most towns. False — Есть много британских ресторанов в большинстве городов.

Page 39 British High Street
British High Streets are becoming very similar these days. In the past there were a lot of small shops but now these small private shops are disappearing. Now big shops which belong to large companies are more common.
In a typical British High Street you can find a Chemist’s, often called Boots. In Boots you can of course buy medicines but you can also buy other things, like perfume, cameras, film, CDs and radios.
In most High Streets there is also a department store, for example Marks & Spencer’s or Littlewoods; a stationer’s and a newsagent’s, like WH Smith’s; banks like Barclays, NatWest, Lloyds and music shops like Our Price Records. There is usually a post office in every town, although the smaller post offices now also sell newspapers and stationery.
(отрывок из текста)

Британские Хай Стритс (Высокие Улицы) становятся очень похожими в наши дни. В прошлом было много небольших магазинов, но теперь эти маленькие частные магазины исчезают. Теперь большие магазины, которые принадлежат крупным компаниям являются более распространенными.
На типичной британской Хай Стрит вы можете найти аптеки, часто называемые бутс. В бутс вы, конечно, можете купить лекарства, но вы также можете купить другие вещи, такие как духи, камеры, фильмы, CD и радио.
На большинстве Хай Стрит есть также универмаги, например Маркс & Спенсер или Littlewoods; канцтовары и газетные киоски, такие как WH Smith; банки, такие как Barclays, NatWest, Lloyds и музыкальные магазины, как Our Price Records. Есть также почтовые отделения в каждом городе, хотя мелкие почтовые отделения теперь продают газеты и канцелярские принадлежности.
Наиболее распространенные супермаркеты Sainsbury `s, Waitrose и Tesco. И, конечно, в почти каждом городе, как во всем мире, есть рестораны быстрого питания, такие как Макдональдс, Kentucky Fried Chicken и Венди.
Есть также много иностранных ресторанов: индийский, китайский, мексиканский, греческий, итальянский и французский рестораны наиболее распространены, но не много британских ресторанов. Вы можете попробовать английскую кухню в большинстве пабов. Каждый город или село в Великобритании имеет по крайней мере один паб!

Ex. 27 page 40 Look at these sentences which describe the town. Are they true or false? — Посмотрите на эти предложения, которые описывают город. Являются ли они истинными или ложными?

1 The cinema is next to the restaurant. True — Кинотеатр рядом с рестораном.
2 The department store (Marks & Spencer’s) is opposite the newsagent’s. False — Универмаг (Маркс & Спенсер) напротив газетного киоска.
3 The church is next to the school. True — Церковь рядом со школой.
4 The railway station is next to the sports centre. False — Железнодорожная станция находится рядом со спортивным центром.
5 The bank is between the department store (Marks & Spencer’s) and the chemist’s. False — Банк между универмагом (Маркс & Спенсер) и аптекой.
6 The swimming pool is next to the sports centre. False — Бассейн находится рядом со спортивным центром.
7 The chemist’s is between the supermarket and the hi-fi shop (Dixons). True – Аптека находится между супермаркетом и магазином электроники (Dixons).
8 The supermarket is in the shopping centre. True — Супермаркет находится в торговом центре.

Ex. 29 page 41 Work in pairs. Follow these directions on the map on page 40 and insert the name of the shop. Start from ‘You are here’. — Работа в парах. Следуйте этим указаниям на карте на странице 40 и вставьте название магазина. Начните с «Вы находитесь здесь».

1 Go straight on, then turn left at the bank and the supermarket is on your right between the chemist’s and the shopping centre. — Идите прямо, затем поверните налево у банка и супермаркет находится справа между аптекой и торговым центром.
2 Go straight on, then turn right at the post office. Then turn right again at the newsagent’s and Marks and Spencer’s is on your left opposite the library. — Идите прямо, затем поверните направо у почтового отделения. Затем снова поверните направо у газетного киоска и Маркс и Спенсер будет слева напротив библиотеки.
3 Go straight on, turn left at WH Smith’s and the restaurant is on your left, next to the cinema. — Идите прямо, поверните налево у WH Смит и ресторан находится слева, рядом с кинотеатром.
4 Go straight on, turn right at the post office then turn left at The Bell pub and the swimming pool is on your right next to McDonald’s. — Идите прямо, поверните направо у почтового отделения, затем поверните налево у паба Колокол и бассейн находится справа рядом с Макдональдс.

Ex. 32 page 41 Read this paragraph about the town of East Sheen. — Прочтите этот абзац о городе Ист-Шин.

My town — East Sheen
I live in East Sheen, near London. There are a lot of shops in East Sheen. In the High Street there are two banks, Lloyds and Barclays, and a post office. There are two supermarkets, Waitrose and Tesco and a lot of shops including a bookshop, Boots the chemist’s, a sports shop, a stationery shop and a pet shop. In Sheen Lane there is a library, two newsagent’s, a railway station, four restaurants, two pubs (The Railway and The Ship) and a music shop. There aren’t any cinemas or department stores in East Sheen and there isn’t a swimming pool, either.

Мой город — Ист Шин
Я живу в Ист Шин, недалеко от Лондона. В Ист Шине есть много магазинов. На Хай-стрит есть два банка, Lloyds и Barclays, и почтовое отделение. Есть два супермаркета, Waitrose и Tesco и много магазинов, включая книжный магазин, аптеку, спортивный магазин, магазин канцелярских товаров и зоомагазин. В Sheen Lane есть библиотека, два газетных киоска, железнодорожная станция, четыре ресторана, два паба (Железная дорога и Корабль) и музыкальный магазин. В Ист Шин нет кинотеатров или универмагов и также нет бассейна.

Workbook. Unit 12 Shopping

Ex. 3 page 81 Find Russian equivalents of these English sentences – Найдите русские эквиваленты этих английских предложений.

1 Excuse me. How much are those jeans? — Е Извините, сколько стоят те джинсы?
2 This belt is old-fashioned. — D Этот пояс старомодный.
3 The word jeans may come from the Italian name of a strong cotton cloth. — А Слово jeans, возможно, произошло от итальянского названия прочной ткани из хлопка.
4 The original jeans were brown. — F Первые джинсы были коричневыми.
5 The word denim, in turn, comes from French. — В Слово denim, в свою очередь, пришло из французского языка.
6 People wear jeans on all occasions, to theatres as well as to work. – С Джинсы носят по любому случаю: и в театр, и на работу.

Ex. 4 page 81 Read the answers and write the questions. – Прочитайте ответы и напишите вопросы.

1 Do you like these socks? — Yes, I do. I like them very much. — Вам нравится эти носки? — Да. Мне они очень нравятся.
2 Do you like Ann? — I don’t like her. — Вам нравится Энн? – Она мне не нравится.
3 Do you like 50 Cent? — I like them. They’re my favourite band! — Вам нравится 50 Cent? — Они мне нравятся. Они моя любимая группа!
4 Do you like Sam? — No, I don’t. He’s boring. — Нравится ли вам Сэм? — Нет. Он скучный.
5 Do you like my new dress? — I like it. The colours are beautiful. — Вам нравится мое новое платье? — Мне оно нравится. Цвета красивые.
6 Do you like chat rooms on the Internet? — I like them. I use my computer every day. — Нравятся ли вам чаты в Интернете? — Они мне нравятся. Я пользуюсь компьютером каждый день.

Ex. 5 page 82 Complete these sentences with personal pronouns. – Дополните эти предложения личными местоимениями.

1 Have you got your jacket? — Yes, I’ve got it. — У вас есть пиджак? – Да.
2 Do you like animals? — Yes, I like them. — Вам нравятся животные? — Да, я люблю их.
3 Do you like Angela? — No, I don’t like her. — Нравится ли вам Анжела? — Нет, она мне не нравится.
4 Has Peter got his bicycle? — Yes, he’s got it. – У Питера есть велосипед? – Да, он у него есть.
5 What do you think of these jeans? — I like them. — Что вы думаете об этих джинсах? — Они мне нравятся.
6 Do you like these trainers? — Yes, I like them. — Вам нравятся эти кроссовки? — Да, они мне нравятся.
7 What do you think of George? — I don’t like him. — Что вы думаете о Джордже? – Он мне не нравится.
8 Have you got your hat? — Yes, I’ve got it. – Есть ли у вас шляпа? – Да, она меня есть.

Ex. 6 page 82 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with pronouns this, that, these or those. Role-play the dialogues. — Посмотрите на фотографии и дополните предложения местоимениями это, то те или иные. Ролевая игра диалоги.

1 Do you like this hat? – Yes, I do. — Нравится ли вам эта шляпа? — Да.
2 What do you think of those socks? – They’re all right. — Что вы думаете о тех носках? — Они нормальные.
3 Look at that car! – It’s fantastic! — Посмотрите на эту машину! — Она невероятна!
4 These shoes are very nice. — Эти ботинки очень милые.
5 Do you know that boy? — Yes, I do. His name’s George. — Знаете ли вы этого мальчика? — Да. Его зовут Джордж.
6 Do you like these trousers? — No, I don’t. — Вам нравится эти брюки? – Нет.
7 What about those trainers? — I like them very much. — А как насчет тех кроссовок? — Мне они очень нравятся.
8 What do you think of this jacket? — I think it’s great. — Что вы думаете об этой куртке? — Я думаю, она великолепна.

Ex. 7 page 83 Complete the questions and write the answers. Role-play the dialogues. – Дополните вопросы и напишите ответы. Ролевая игра диалоги.

1 How much is this pair of trainers? – It’s sixty-five pounds. — Сколько стоит эта пара кроссовок? — Шестьдесят пять фунтов.
2 How much are these socks? – They’re four pounds ninety-nine. — Сколько стоят эти носки? — Четыре фунта девяносто девять.
3 How much is that coat? – It’s one hundred and thirty pounds. — Сколько стоит это пальто? — Сто тридцать фунтов.
4 How much are those shoes? – They’re twenty-nine pounds ninety-five. — Сколько стоят эти туфли? — Двадцать девять фунтов девяносто пять.
5 How much is this shirt? – It’s sixteen pounds. — Сколько стоит эта рубашка? — Шестнадцать фунтов.
6 How much is this jacket? – It’s fifty-two pounds. — Сколько стоит эта куртка? — Пятьдесят два фунта.

Ex. 8 page 83 Listen again to the kids giving their opinions of school uniforms and make some notes in the table. Then tell the class what some Bristol schoolchildren think of school uniform. – Послушайте снова детей, выражающих свое мнение о школьной форме и сделайте заметки в таблице. Затем скажите классу, что некоторые школьники из Бристоля думают о школьной форме.

Hayley — school uniform is a good idea, everyone looks the same. There is no difference between rich and poor children. — Хейли — школьная форма хорошая идея, каждый выглядит одинаково. Нет разницы между богатыми и бедными детьми.

Sam – it’s boring, grey school uniform – grey person. It’s a school not an army. — Сэм — это скучно, серая школьная форма — серый человек. Это школа не армия.

Abbie – school uniform is very expensive. Even with uniform you can see the difference between rich and poor kids. — Эбби — школьная форма – это очень дорого. Даже с формой вы можете увидеть разницу между богатыми и бедными детьми.

Andrew – the tradition to wear school uniform is very important. I like school uniform because it’s very smart. — Андрей — традиция носить школьную форму очень важна. Мне нравится школьная форма, потому что это очень стильно.

Ex. 9 page 84 Look at the picture and write questions and answers. – Посмотрите на картинку и напишите вопросы и ответы.

1 How much is this rucksack? – It’s ten pounds fifty. — Сколько стоит этот рюкзак? — Десять фунтов пятьдесят.
2 How much is that TV? – It’s one hundred and fifty pounds. — Сколько стоит этот телевизор? — Сто пятьдесят фунтов.
3 How much is this guitar? – It’s one hundred and twenty pounds. — Сколько стоит эта гитара? — Сто двадцать фунтов.
4 How much is that desk? – It’s sixty-five pounds. — Сколько стоит этот стол? — Шестьдесят пять фунтов.
5 How much are these cassettes? – They’re five pounds. — Сколько стоят эти кассеты? — Пять фунтов.
6 How much are those books? – They’re sixty pennies. — Сколько стоят эти книги? — Шестьдесят пенсов.
7 How much are these CDs? – They’re seven pounds. — Сколько стоят эти диски? — Семь фунтов.
8 How much are those comics? – They’re fifty pennies. — Сколько стоят эти комиксы? — Пятьдесят пенсов.
9 How much is this computer? – It’s fifty pounds. — Сколько стоит этот компьютер? — Пятьдесят фунтов.
10 How much are those computer games? – They’re eight pounds. — Сколько стоят эти компьютерные игры? — Восемь фунтов.

Ex. 10 page 84 Complete these sentences with personal pronouns. – Дополните эти предложения личными местоимениями.

1 I like watching television. I watch it every day. — Мне нравится смотреть телевизор. Я смотрю его каждый день.
2 What do you think of Angelina Jolie? I like her. — Что вы думаете об Анджелине Джоли? Она мне нравится.
3 Do you like Brad Pitt? Yes, I do. I like him very much. — Нравится ли вам Брэд Питт? Да. Я его очень люблю.
4 Look at those shoes. What do you think of them? I like them. — Посмотрите на эти туфли. Что вы думаете о них? Они мне нравятся.
5 What do you think of The Simpsons cartoons? I don’t like them. — Что вы думаете о мультфильмах Симпсоны? Я не люблю их.
6 Do you like Disney films? Yes, I do. I like them very much. — Нравится ли вам фильмы Диснея? Да. Мне они очень нравятся.
7 What do you think of this T-shirt? I don’t like it. The colours are awful. — Что вы думаете об этой футболке? Она мне не нравится. Цвета ужасные.

Ex. 11 page 84-85 Do you know these words? Spell them correctly. – Вы помните эти слова? Напишите их правильно.
1 shirt — рубашка 8 skirt — юбка
2 trousers — брюки 9 dress — платье
3 jaket — жакет 10 hat — шляпа
4 coat — пальто 11 T-shirt — футболка
5 trainers — кроссовки 12 belt — ремень
6 jeans — джинсы 13 boots — сапоги
7 socks — носки 14 gloves — перчатки

Ex. 13 page 85 Read again the text on page 39 (Student’s Book, Part 2) and mark the statements as true (T) or false (F). – Прочитайте текст на странице 39 (учебник, часть 2) и отметьте предложения как истинные или ложные.

1 British High Streets are all alike nowadays. True — Британский Хай Стритс все похожи в настоящее время.
2 There are many small shops in High Streets today. False – Сегодня есть много небольших магазинов на Хай Стритс.
3 You can buy medicines at Boots. True — Вы можете купить лекарства в бутс.
4 Littlewoods is a Chemist’s. False – Littlewoods – аптека.
5 Nat West and Lloyds are music shops. False — Nat West и Lloyds – музыкальные магазины.
6 Perfume is sold at WH Smith’s. False — Духи продаются в WH Smith.
7 Fast food restaurants and supermarkets are located in High Streets. True — Рестораны быстрого питания и супермаркеты расположены на Хай Стритс.
8 You can find many British restaurants in High Streets. False — Вы можете найти много британских ресторанов в Хай-стрит.
9 English food is served in pubs. True — Английская кухня подается в пабах.
10 There is at least one pub in every town. True — Существует по крайней мере один паб в каждом городе.
11 There is a post office in every town. True — В каждом городе есть почтовое отделение.
12 Tesco is a supermarket. True — Tesco — супермаркет.

Ex. 15 page 86 Complete the dialogue. Get ready to perform it in class. – Дополните диалоги. Будьте готовы представить его в классе.

Assistant: Good morning. – Доброе утро.
You: Good morning. How much are these jeans? – Доброе утро. Сколько стоят эти джинсы?
Assistant: These jeans? They’re £25. – Эти джинсы? 25 фунтов.
You: And how much are those brown trousers? – А сколько стоят те коричневые брюки?
Assistant: They are £30. – Они стоят 30 фунтов.
You: Have you got any blue trousers? – А у вас есть синие брюки?
Assistant: Yes, we have. Here you are. – Да. Вот, пожалуйста.
You: How much are they? – Сколько они стоят?
Assistant: £28.99. – 28 фунтов 99 пенсов.
You: Oh, fine. Here’s £30. – О, отлично. Вот 30 фунтов.
Assistant: And here’s one pound one penny change. – Вот 1 фунт и 1 пенс сдачи.
You: Thank you. – Спасибо.
Assistant: Goodbye. – До свидания.
You: Goodbye. – До свидяния.

Ex. 16 page 87 Imagine you have received this letter from Rachel. Read it and write your answer to it. — Представьте, что вы получили это письмо от Рэйчел. Прочитайте и напишите ответ на него.

Dear …,
Thank you for your letter. Yes, I like buying clothes too. These are my favourite clothes.
I like jeans — they’re fantastic, but I don’t like skirts because they’re boring. I wear a skirt at school — a grey skirt — yuk! I like T-shirts and I also like big pullovers. I don’t like socks and I don’t like sandals. I prefer trainers. I’ve got a pair of orange trainers. They’re great!
What sort of clothes do you like?
Please write to me.
Best wishes,

Дорогой …,
Спасибо за твое письмо. Да, я тоже люблю покупать одежду. Вот мои любимые одежды.
Мне нравятся джинсы — они фантастические, но я не люблю юбки, потому что они скучные. Я ношу юбку в школе — серая юбка — тьфу! Мне нравятся футболки, и я также люблю большие свитера. Я не люблю носки, и я не люблю сандалии. Я предпочитаю кроссовки. У меня есть пара оранжевых кроссовок. Они великолепны!
Какая одежда тебе нравится?
Пожалуйста напиши мне.
С наилучшими пожеланиями,


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«Where does the word ‘jeans» come from?». It is asking for the origin of the word, how it was formed or created. (It comes from the French «serge de Nimes», Nimes being a French town…).

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Что значит where does word jeans come from??

  • Why do we say jeans but denim jacket? Can we say denim jeans or jean jacket?


    Jeans are the first type of product made with denim material.
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Published August 21, 2016

Whether they’re boot-legged, low-rise, or skinny, most Americans have at least one pair that they can’t live without. Blue jeans are as American as apple pie, right?

Well, kind of. The word “jean” comes from the French jean fustian. Fustian is a type of twilled cotton cloth originally from Genoa, Italy. But the plural form of the word was first used in the United States, in 1843. Levi Strauss designed a pair of durable work trousers for laborers, complete with copper rivets that reinforced wear-and-tear seams. Eventually, average Joes and Janes adopted jeans, and they became the preferred casual pants for many Americans.

A lot of jeans are made of denim, “a heavy, Z-twist, twill cotton for jeans, overalls, and other work and leisure garments,” which derives from the French serge de Nîmes. Serge is another another twill fabric, “from Nimes,” a town in Southern France!

And of course, “pants” is short for pantaloons, a type of tights that were popular centuries ago. But what you might not know is that pantaloons were associated with “Pantaloun“, a silly old man character in Italian comedy who wore tight trousers over his skinny legs. The character was originally San Panteleone, a Christian martyr and a popular saint in Venice.

Read more!

So, whether you prefer jeans or some other kind of trousers, here’s one last bit of trivia for the next time someone tells you to do something by the seat of your pants (which means “by human instinct”). Supposedly, the expression was originally used to refer to pilots who were able to sense the condition of the plane by the engine vibrations they felt through the seat of their pants. But we have to wonder—what was the best fabric for their flying attire?

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