Going to the theatre read the word

Use of English B2 for all exams

UNIT 2 Section 2 (C)

Examination Practice

A. Read the text below and decide which
answer A, B, C or D best fits each space.


Going to the theatre brings back happy memories, as it
(1)________________________ me of my very first performance on stage,
(2)________________________ was thirty years ago. Parts of that particular
night are so vivid that I can still picture myself as though it were
yesterday. The excitement amongst the actors, the (3)________________________
applause and the party after the opening night are memories which will
remain with me for (4)________________________ . I don’t know how we
managed to do so well. The rehearsals were far from satisfactory because we
thought that we could just have two rehearsals a week
(5)________________________ in fact we needed more. The background (6)________________________
to the last act weren’t ready until an hour before the beginning of the
play despite the set builder’s best (7)________________________ .The director
was not satisfied (8)_________________________ anything and he didn’t even
want to show up on the first night. Admittedly, I wouldn’t have wanted to either.
(9)________________________ the night finally arrived, we were all a bit
worried. I remember (10)________________________ through the curtain ten
minutes before the start and being amazed (11)________________________ the (12)________________________
of a full house. Finally, it was time for the curtain to go up. In the end,
we proved the director wrong and everything went like clockwork.


































a while











































































B. Complete the text below with the
correct form of the words in capitals.


Many people consider (1)______________________ to be


most important (2)______________________ they can have.


It is (3)______________________ to have a friend you
can talk


to and share (4 )______________________ experiences with.

However, it is important to choose friends


(5)_______________ .


An ideal friend should be (6 )______________________


and when any difficulties arise, hopefully be there
for us.

Of course, there will be times when we might be

(7)______________________ of our friends. But, we


always talk things through in a (8)______________________

way and find a solution to our problems. Moreover,


we should be careful not to be (9
)______________________ .

Without honesty, the bond between friends is


(10)______________________ and not worth anything at all.


















































английского языка по теме «В мире театра» (
The world of theatre).

7 — 8

Цель урока – приобщение
учащихся к культурной жизни средствами театра.


Учебная: активизировать тематическую лексику в
устной речи учащихся в диалогической и монологической форме в процессе развития
иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции учащихся;

Образовательная: расширить знания учащихся о театрах;

Развивающая: развивать способности к логическому
изложению, к догадке, развивать способность осуществлять продуктивные и
репродуктивные речевые действия, развивать коммуникабельность;

Воспитательная: воспитывать культуру посредством театра. 

Задачи урока:

1.Ввести и научить употреблять в диалогической и монологической
речи лексические единицы по теме «Театр».

2.Закрепить использование лексико-семантической группы слов по

3.Лингво-страноведческая задача: работа с текстом, ознакомление с
историей театра и приемами театральной педагогики.

Тип урока: смешанный.


  • Индивидуальная
  • Фронтальная
  • Парная
  • Групповая

Оснащение урока: распечатки из пособия по теме «Театр»,
карточки с заданиями, опорная схема здания театра, аудиозапись фрагментов представлений
различных театров мира, изображения театров на картинках, презентация, портреты


3 минуты. Оргмомент, мотивация, выход на
тему, деление на группы. Подготовка учащихся к учебной деятельности на
английском языке:

Организация групп; уч-ся покупают
и делятся на 2 группы (рассаживаются в зависимости от номера
на билете).

I want you to buy
tickets at the box office.

Ассимилятивнопроблемная установка;

I am glad to see you. Sit down, please. I hope
you are ready for your English lesson. Look at the pictures. What connects them
together? Say only one word. Fantastic! You are absolutely right! It’s THEATRE.
Did you guess what we are going to speak about? Yes, will speak about theatre.

What do you know about this year? (2019 — год театра).

Let’s go to the theatre!

итоге должны получиться мини-проекты (плакаты – афишы о театре).  


— Now
I’d like you to train some sounds and words:

sound [
межзубной] – think, I think, theatre

sound [
э] – ballet, tragedy, backstage, actor, actress, dramatist, talented,

sound [
эй] – stage, play, make

sound [
о:] – audience, performance, hall, stalls

sound [
о] – opera, box, operetta, drop

sound [
ай] – price, lights, designer, director

sound [
ё] – curtain, circle, rehearsal

sound [
и:] – seat, scene

sound [
а] – company, usher, conductor

sound [
а:] – star, drama, cast

Речевая зарядка. Words and phrases:

1 Theatreтеатр

2 Spectator

3 Cloak room

4 a house / auditorium
зрительный зал

5 a dressing roomраздевалка, гримерная

6 Company труппа

7 Ballet dancerбалерина

8 make upмакияж, грим

9 Make-up man

10 Stage-hand
рабочий сцены

11 Prompter – суфлер.

12 Performance – представление, спектакль

13 Talented — талантливый

14 Successful

English-speaking atmosphere creation.

1 What is a theatre?

is a special building where actors play, sing, dance and wear
costumes. People can see different plays at the theatre.

2 What is your favourite kind of theatre? Which do you like
better: drama, opera or ballet?

3 Are you a theatre goer? How often do you go to the theatre?

4 When did you last go to the theatre? Whom do you go to the
theatre with?

5 Do your parents like to go to the theatre? Do you usually
discuss the play?

21 мая – Всемирный
день культурного разнообразия во имя диалога и развития.

театров и театральных представлений.

Teacher –
Now I would like to refresh in your memory different kinds of theatres and

1 group: What types of theatres do you know?

– Opera and Ballet theatre – оперный

драматический театр

Comedy theatre
театр музыкальной

Young People’s
театр для

театр юного

эстрадный театр (варьете)

Puppet theatre
— кукольный театр

Amateur theatre
– самодеятельный (любительский) театр.

2 group: What theatrical performances can we see in a

a tragedyтрагедия

a comedyкомедия



Musical мюзикл


Play пьеса

Do you
know any famous theatres (
театры мира)?

Видеоролик № 1
“The world’s most beautiful theatres”

1 group: Guess-game “Theatres of the world”. Try to find a suitable picture to each
recording and guess what nation it belongs. Then listen to the information
about these theatres.

№ 1- Traditional Japanese theatre
No Theatre)

№ 2 — Moscow
Bolshoi Theatre (
Russian Ballet Theatre)

№ 3 — the Classical Peking Opera of China

№ 4 — The Sydney Opera House

№ 5 – Convent Garden (The Royal Opera House)

№ 6 — La Scala

2 group: Правила поведения в театре.

Видеоролик № 3

Theatre Rules:

      Follow the dress code of the event. Always
wear tidy and elegant clothes.

      Sit only on your place (seat).

      Always come in time (never be late).

      During the performance listen attentively.

      Never eat, don’t make noise and don’t talk
loudly during the play.

      All devices must be switched off or
switched to silent mode.

      Don’t leave before the end of the play.

      Be always calm, polite and well-wishing.

Love theatre and never
miss the chance to touch the great art.

Taking pictures and
video recording is not allowed.

Show your appreciation
by clapping.

Видеоролик № 2 “What is theatre

1 group: Театральные профессии (в ролике):

Backstage crew

Stage manager

Set designer



Работники театра. What people take part
in theatrical productions? Say who is who by
making sentences with the expressions below

Actorактёр / actress
актриса (Someone who entertains the public)

2)    Controls and fits the light on stage and
auditorium (a light engineer)

3)    a very famous and popular actor or actress
(a star)

4)    writes plays to stage them in a theatre (a
dramatist) —

5)    people who take part in a particular show or
performance (a cast) –
состав исполнителей, труппа

6)    Artistic director (rehearses the parts with actors) – режиссёр, художественный руководитель

7)    a person who sells playbills and shows
people where their seats are (an usher) –
капельдинер, билетер, швейцар

8)     Costume designerхудожник по костюмам (A person whose job is to
design clothes for actors by making drawings of them)

9)    Sells tickets to public
in the box office (a cashier) —

and fits the sound on stage and auditorium (a sound operator) –


(Someone who stands in front of a group of musicians or singers and directs
their playing or singing) —

Builds the set for the
performance (set / stage designer) –
сценограф, оформитель спектакля.


(слова крупно напечатаны и развешиваются).

На листочках (распечатки) – подписать, как что называется в

Read the definition, write the word or word-group on a card and
put it in a proper place in the scheme of a theatre:

1 a place where a performance takes place (the stage) – сцена

2 the office where spectators book or buy tickets (box office)

3 where the orchestra plays; the hall is separated from the stage
by it (the orchestra pit) –
оркестровая яма

4 this thing covers the stage (the curtain) — занавес

5 they illuminate the stage from above (toplights)

6 they illuminate the stage from beneath (footlights)

7 the seats on the ground floor nearer the stage are (the
) —

8 the passages between the rows of stalls are (aisles) – проход между рядами

9 the small private compartment nearer the stage (the box)

10 the seats in the first floor (the balcony)

11 the farthest and cheapest seats where standing room
is available for the lowest admission fee (the gallery) —

12 a sad or serious play in the theatre (a tragedy)

13 something actors or actresses put on their faces to change
their appearances (make up)

14 a room where a performer can get dressed (a dressing room)

15 the part of a theatre where the audience sits (a house)

16 a large area inside the theatre where people meet or wait, walk
in the interval (a foyer)

Театральные суеверия и приметы.

Видеоролик № 4 “Top theatre superstitions

Good   and   bad luck theatre superstitions

      To wish “Break a leg!”

      Only fake flowers can be used on stage

      To pinch the beginning actor

      To kiss the hem of a dress (if you step on

      Ghosts in every theatre (The Ghost night)

      To perform Cinderella

      Dolls and lucky charms in the dressing room

      Dance on spilled powder

      A bad rehearsal

      To wear a wig on stage

      Cats on stage during the rehearsal

      The Scottish play (“Macbeth”)

      Flowers before the play

      3 candles

      Real mirrors or jewelry

      To knit while in a play

      Peacock feathers

      Whistling in the theatre

      To open a play on Friday or on the 13th
of the month

      To use yellow, blue or green on stage

      To open an umbrella on stage

Shoes placed on a


Мимика и жесты

Ходим по театру,
смотрим реквизит, играем с ним.

предметы / вещи
(props — реквизит, бутафория). Look at these objects. (shows some theatre objects to
the class). Can you tell me what all these things have in common?

(превращения предметов).

1 group

Карандаш –
волшебная палочка.

Указка – меч,

Передай книгу так,
как будто это… (кирпич…)

2 group

Линейка –
подзорная труба.

Лист бумаги –

Возьми ручку так,
как будто это …

кроссворда на листках и при помощи презентации. Учитель задает вопрос, дети
отвечают и записывают ответы в кроссворд.


УчительThe first word in our crossword is “here we can read the
name of the play, characters and actors.” (Posters)

Учитель: The second word is “a group of people who sing together” (Chorus)

УчительThe third word is “A traditional Russian puppet
toy” (Punch)

УчительThe fourth word is “money we pay for the ticket” (Price)

УчительThe fifth word is “a part of a show” (Scene)

УчительThe six word is “what do actors do on the stage” (Act)

Учитель: The seventh word is “a place where we sit in the
theatre” (Seat)

УчительThe eighth word is “a role that actor plays” (Character)

УчительThe ninth word is “a man who plays a role” (Actor)

УчительAnd the last tenth word is ”some seats in one line” (Row)

УчительWhat word do we have here? (Puppet show)

22 мая 1907
года – родился Лоуренс Оливье
, британский актёр театра и кино, режиссёр,

Рассказ учителя: Laurence Olivier — Один из крупнейших актёров XX века, репертуар которого
включал как античную драму и произведения Шекспира, так и современные
американские и
 британские пьесы.

Сэр Лоуренс Оливье –
cоздатель Королевского Национального театра, лучший интерпретатор шекспировских
ролей, человек, посвященный в рыцари. Знаменитый актер сыграл 120 театральных

Он обладал непревзойденным уровнем актерского мастерства, и
многие считали его величайшим актером.

Видеоролики № 5, 6 – Оливье и Смоктуновский (Быть или не быть)

William Shakespeare

Работа с текстом о Шекспире и его творчестве.

УчительVery well! Do you like acting? Did you join any drama club
or drama centre? Well, I see most of you like theatre. It’s great! would you like to be an actor or actress? Why? Why

Актерское мастерство (Acting technique
and artistic skills).

And what do
actors do before they start a show?! They train their mouths!


      James plays with
trains and planes.

      A girl sees three
big geese.

      Kate bakes eight
tasty cakes.

      Here is a rose,
the rose is red.


Say it with
different intonation (try to express some feelings and emotions).

Достают пальчиковые
и говорят с разной интонацией, выражая различные чувства и эмоции.

Act out an

Generous, kind
Santa Clause – Yes, of course! Let me see…

Clever, smart cat –
Yes, of course! Let me see…

Greedy dragon –
Yes, of course! Let me see…

Angry, rude shark –
Just a minute!

Shy, modest frog –
Just a minute!

Brave, glad punch
– Just a minute!

Surprised parrot –
What is it? Fire?

Sad elk – What is
it? Fire?

Lazy, sleepy panda
– What is it? Fire?

Frightened, scared
mouse – What is it? Fire?

Proud elephant –
Come here! Sit down.

Loving, happy deer
– Come here! Sit down.

Hateful, cruel
bird – Come here! Sit down.

Sly, cunning fox –
Come here! Sit down.

Nursery Rhymes:

Little cat, little

Where have you

I’ve been up to

To look at the

Pussy cat, pussy

What did you see

I saw a little
mouse under the chair.

Little mouse,
little mouse,

Where is your

Pussy cat, pussy

I have no flat.

I am a poor mouse,

I have no house.

Proverbs and

1 Business before

2 Two heads are
better than one.

3 Early to bed,
early to rise makes the man healthy, wealthy and wise.

4 To be as busy as
a bee.

Let’s practice acting out sad and happy characters and read the
dialogue. It’s important HOW you say the words, not just WHAT WORDS you say.

Just remember
an event from your life when you felt really sad (you lost or broke something,
your dog ran away). Act out a dialogue as if it were a tragedy. OK.

remember a happy day in your life (you were given a nice present, you got a
five in your test) and act out the same dialogue as a happy character.

№ 7

Мимика и жесты.

Try to show (act
out, mime) some actions using only your face, gestures and body.

Sit as if you are a
king, a child.
так, как сидит царь, наказанный ребенок.

Walk as if you are
an old man, a vain, proud person.
Походить так, как ходит старик, гордец.

Без слов (without words):

Прогоните (drive away, banish),

пригласите (invite),

внимание (
draw attention),

укажите (show, point),

предупредите (warn),

откажите (refuse, deny),

поблагодарите (thank),

объяснитесь в любви (make a declaration
of love). 

Зеркало. Mirror (do the same /
repeat after your partner).

Guess (What are
you doing?)
“I am cleaning my teeth / brushing my hair / reading a textbook / writing a
difficult test/ swimming / yawning / sleeping / doing shopping / choosing and
eating a sweet / crying / playing badminton / playing chess”.  

5-second objects (washing machine;
vacuum cleaner; fan; crane).


(I’m a strong man / a real hero / a cat / a squirrel / a naughty child / a

Professions: a conductor / a
make-up man / a prompter / a ballet dancer.

Greetings (Good
All students start milling about the room. Ask them to greet each other,
perhaps just by shaking hands. Students just shake hands, move on, and greet
the next student they meet. Then ask the students to greet each other in a more
specific way. Possibilities are: like a lost friend, like someone you don’t
really trust, someone you hate, an ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend, someone you
are secretly in love with, someone with bad breath.

22 мая –
день основания Третьяковской галереи (в 1856 году).

культура актера и режиссера. Зрительное восприятие и наблюдательность. Внимание
и память (картины).

Look at the pictures very attentively and try to remember all
the details.

1 The Morning in a Pine Forest (Утро в сосновом лесу) is a painting by Russian artist Ivan Shishkin.
1889. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia.

How many bears are there in the picture?

2 Girl with Peaches (Девочка с персиками) is an 1887 painting by
the Russian painter Valentin Serov.

How many peaches are there in the picture?

What colour is the girl’s blouse?

What is there on the wall?

3 Bogatyrs • 1881 (Богатыри). VASNETSOVViktor Mikhaylovich

What colour are Ilya’s and Dobrynya’s horses?

4 Ivan Tsarevich riding the Gray Wolf by Viktor Vasnetsov, 1889 (Иванцаревич на сером волке).

What colour is
Elena’s clothes and Ivan’s hat?

5 Low (bad) Marks Again (Опять двойка) is a painting by Fyodor Pavlovich Reshetnikov,
created in 1952.

How many people are there the picture?

What colour is the dog?

6 Pavel FedotovMajor’s
marriage proposal
Сватовство майора, 1848 г). 

How many people are there in the picture?

What animal can we see in the painting?

Freeze (Sculpture gallery).
Family portraits.
Изобразить без слов любую картину.

7 минут. 27
мая – общероссийский день библиотек

передвижная книжная выставка. Учитель рассказывает о известных драматические произведениях
и их героях.

Видеоролик № 8 – Весь мир театр

Tragedy about the ghost of father

Romeo and
Juliet           Romantic story about unhappy love

Jealousy and killing of wife

Murders and power

There are a lot of people who becomes theatre-goers. They go to
the theatre…

either to see the play or to listen to an opera.

see ballet  

enjoy actors playing

feel the magic of music

for pleasure

Usually we buy tickets to the performance …

in the box-office in advance

at the theatre agency

right before it

The audience in the theatre…

seats for a play

leaves their cloths in the cloakroom

buys a programme

prepares opera glasses

watches the performance

applauds the actors

Before the performance…

the lights go down

the musicians tune up

the curtain rises

Mostly  I like …

tragedies and dramas

comedies and musicals

let`s speak about theatres and cinemas. You have to complete the sentences
using the parts of the table:

now design your own theatre posters. Make theatre one-pagers to represent
visually the world of theatre (
обе группы
учащихся оформляют
афишыпостеры о театре).

Thanks a lot for your work.

4 минуты. Рефлексия
(театральные маски – веселые или грустные). Выводы
. Оценки.

Why do you think the theatre is so important in the lives of

On your desks there are two kinds of masks. Choose one
mask which reflects your mood now.

Home task. to find
information about Tyumen theatres.


T: You
worked hard at the lesson. This work was interesting and useful for everybody.
You have learned some information about theatre. What new things have you
learned? Did you like the lesson? Who did the best to get a five at the lesson?
Give your ideas.

answers: Now I know thathow…, I have learned…, Now I can…, etc.).

Thank you for the lesson, children. See you tomorrow. Good-bye!


Nursery Rhymes:

Little cat, little

Where have you

I’ve been up to

To look at the

Pussy cat, pussy

What did you see

I saw a little
mouse under the chair.

Little mouse,
little mouse,

Where is your

Pussy cat, pussy

I have no flat.

I am a poor mouse,

I have no house.

Proverbs and

1 Business before

2 Two heads are
better than one.

3 Early to bed,
early to rise makes the man healthy, wealthy and wise.

4 To be as busy as
a bee.

Sit as if you are a
king, a child.
так, как сидит царь, наказанный ребенок.

Walk as if you are
an old man, a vain, proud person.
Походить так, как ходит старик, гордец.

Без слов (without words):

Прогоните (drive away, banish),

пригласите (invite),

внимание (
draw attention),

укажите (show, point),

предупредите (warn),

откажите (refuse, deny),

поблагодарите (thank),

объяснитесь в любви (make a declaration
of love). 

Зеркало. Mirror (do the same /
repeat after your partner).

Guess (What are
you doing?)
“I am cleaning my teeth / brushing my hair / reading a textbook / writing a
difficult test/ swimming / yawning / sleeping / doing shopping / choosing and
eating a sweet / crying / playing badminton / playing chess”.  

5-second objects (washing machine;
vacuum cleaner; fan; crane).


(I’m a strong man / a real hero / a cat / a squirrel / a naughty child / a

Professions: a conductor / a
make-up man / a prompter / a ballet dancer.

Greetings (Good
All students start milling about the room. Ask them to greet each other,
perhaps just by shaking hands. Students just shake hands, move on, and greet
the next student they meet. Then ask the students to greet each other in a more
specific way. Possibilities are: like a lost friend, like someone you don’t
really trust, someone you hate, an ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend, someone you
are secretly in love with, someone with bad breath.

Look at the pictures very attentively and try to remember all
the details.

1 The Morning in a Pine Forest (Утро в сосновом лесу) is a painting by Russian artist Ivan Shishkin.
1889. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia.

How many bears are there in the picture?

2 Girl with Peaches (Девочка с персиками) is an 1887 painting by
the Russian painter Valentin Serov.

How many peaches are there in the picture?

What colour is the girl’s blouse?

What is there on the wall?

3 Bogatyrs • 1881 (Богатыри). VASNETSOVViktor Mikhaylovich

What colour are Ilya’s and Dobrynya’s horses?

4 Ivan Tsarevich riding the Gray Wolf by Viktor Vasnetsov, 1889 (Иванцаревич на сером волке).

What colour is
Elena’s clothes and Ivan’s hat?

5 Low (bad) Marks Again (Опять двойка) is a painting by Fyodor Pavlovich Reshetnikov,
created in 1952.

How many people are there the picture?

What colour is the dog?

6 Pavel FedotovMajor’s
marriage proposal
Сватовство майора, 1848 г). 

How many people are there in the picture?

What animal can we see in the painting?

Freeze (Sculpture gallery).
Family portraits.
Изобразить без слов любую картину.

Tragedy about the ghost of father

Romeo and
Juliet           Romantic story about unhappy love

Jealousy and killing of wife

Murders and power

There are a lot of people who becomes theatre-goers. They go to
the theatre…

either to see the play or to listen to an opera.

see ballet  

enjoy actors playing

feel the magic of music

for pleasure

Usually we buy tickets to the performance …

in the box-office in advance

at the theatre agency

right before it

The audience in the theatre…

seats for a play

leaves their cloths in the cloakroom

buys a programme

prepares opera glasses

watches the performance

applauds the actors

Before the performance…

the lights go down

the musicians tune up

the curtain rises

Mostly  I like …

tragedies and dramas

comedies and musicals

1 It’s a masterpiece!

2 It’s super!

3 Excellent!

4 Very good.

5 Well done.

6 Not bad.











Топик ниже средней сложности — My Going to the Theatre — Поездка в театр

I should say that it is impossible not to love theatre. It shows us how beautiful, strong and clever people are, how wonderful and interesting life is. That’s why it is almost impossible to get tickets when a good play is on. You have to buy tickets beforehand either at the box-office of the theatre itself or at one of the agencies.

When you go to the theatre you should know that the best seats are those in the stalls, the circle and the upper circle. Then comes the pit and last of all the gallery where the seats are the cheapest. Boxes, of course, are the most expensive. It is true to every theatre where you can see opera, ballet, comedy, drama, musical comedy or a variety show. Most theatres and music-halls have good orchestras with popular conductors. So if you have chosen a good play you will enjoy it thoroughly from the moment the curtain goes up to the end of the last act.

Frankly speaking, the same was with me when I saw «Swan Lake» by Pyotr Ilyitch Chaykovsky, the great Russian composer. I had heard a lot about the «Swan Lake» and was eager to see it. Once I learnt that the ballet would be on at our Opera and Ballet House. But I was in doubt whether I could get tickets as the house is usually sold long before the performance. Luckily, I managed to get two tickets to the evening performance.

Long before the performance I and my friend were at the theatre impatiently waiting for the beginning of the ballet. The audience came and all the seats were engaged though the house held very many people.

Soon the lights went down, the curtain rose and we caught our breath when we saw a lake in the moonlight and tender sounds of music touched our ears. From that time on we couldn’t take our eyes off the stage where delicate > charming «swans» were flying in their wonderful dance. I was absolutely thrilled with the dance of the «black swan», treacherous and beautiful. It goes without saying, that the actress dancing the leading part was at her best and captivated the audience. We couldn’t help admiring the selfless fight of love against evil and witchcraft.

When the final curtain fell and the lights went up the theatre burst into stormy applause. Curtain call followed curtain call. The performance was a success indeed and it left an unforgettable impression on me. 

Chaykovsky created «Swan Lake» in 1876. And there is no one who is indifferent to this masterpiece. Perhaps, it is because the musician of genius Chaykovsky had a rare gift of responding with his heart to sufferings and joys of all people.

Going to the theatre is a way of spending an evening which can be at t перевод - Going to the theatre is a way of spending an evening which can be at t русский как сказать

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Going to the theatre is a way of spending an evening which can be at the same time most entertaining and educative. Despite competition from the cinema, wireless and television, the theatre still plays an important part in the life of the average Englishman. There are over 220 professional theatres in Britain. The center of theatrical activity is in London where there are some 30 principal theatres in the “West End” and several more in the suburbs, but some important performances are taking place in the provinces. In London there are theatres for all tastes: some people prefer musical comedy and shows of that kind, with their catchy tunes are very popular. Variety shows, in which actors entertain the audience with sentimental and comic performances also draw full houses and greatly influence the artistic tastes of the public.

Those who do not care for musical comedy or variety will find other shows to their taste. Some theatres stage modern plays: Shakespeare and other classics are played mostly at Old Vic, the Royal Opera shows opera and ballet. The evening performances usually begin at 19.30 or at 20.00 and finish at about eleven. Seats are expensive and a night out at a theatre is quite a luxury for the average Englishman. Only a few theatres have their own permanent companies. Groups are formed for a season, sometimes even for a single play. Regular seasons of opera and ballet are given at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden and the National Theatre.

Some theatres concentrate on the classics and serious drama, some on light comedy and revue, some on musicals. Most theatres have a personality of their own: from the old such as the Theatre Royal in the Haymarket, to the very new such as the Mermaid Theatre in the city of London built on the banks of the Thames. A visitor to London is always surprised when he sees the Royal Opera House standing almost inside Covent Garden, the city’s great fruit, flower and vegetable market. Because of its location it is usually referred to simply as “Covent Garden” and if someone tells us that he is going to the Covent Garden we immediately think of the opera and not greengrocery. The first Covent Garden Theatre was built in 1732. It was more a theatre of drama than of opera. Yet many of Handel’s operas were performed here for the first time. The famous singers such as Adelina Patty, Tetrazziny and Caruso sang here many times. The great Russian Shaliapin also sang in Covent Garden. The composers Gounod and Berlioz came to see their operas performed. Now the theatre is busier than ever: it is one of the well-known opera houses open for eleven months in the year and it employs over 600 people both of the opera company and the Royal Ballet.


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


Going to the theatre is a way of spending an evening which can be at the same time most entertaining and educative. Despite competition from the cinema, wireless and television, the theatre still plays an important part in the life of the average Englishman. There are over 220 professional theatres in Britain. The center of theatrical activity is in London where there are some 30 principal theatres in the “West End” and several more in the suburbs, but some important performances are taking place in the provinces. In London there are theatres for all tastes: some people prefer musical comedy and shows of that kind, with their catchy tunes are very popular. Variety shows, in which actors entertain the audience with sentimental and comic performances also draw full houses and greatly influence the artistic tastes of the public. Those who do not care for musical comedy or variety will find other shows to their taste. Some theatres stage modern plays: Shakespeare and other classics are played mostly at Old Vic, the Royal Opera shows opera and ballet. The evening performances usually begin at 19.30 or at 20.00 and finish at about eleven. Seats are expensive and a night out at a theatre is quite a luxury for the average Englishman. Only a few theatres have their own permanent companies. Groups are formed for a season, sometimes even for a single play. Regular seasons of opera and ballet are given at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden and the National Theatre. Some theatres concentrate on the classics and serious drama, some on light comedy and revue, some on musicals. Most theatres have a personality of their own: from the old such as the Theatre Royal in the Haymarket, to the very new such as the Mermaid Theatre in the city of London built on the banks of the Thames. A visitor to London is always surprised when he sees the Royal Opera House standing almost inside Covent Garden, the city’s great fruit, flower and vegetable market. Because of its location it is usually referred to simply as “Covent Garden” and if someone tells us that he is going to the Covent Garden we immediately think of the opera and not greengrocery. The first Covent Garden Theatre was built in 1732. It was more a theatre of drama than of opera. Yet many of Handel’s operas were performed here for the first time. The famous singers such as Adelina Patty, Tetrazziny and Caruso sang here many times. The great Russian Shaliapin also sang in Covent Garden. The composers Gounod and Berlioz came to see their operas performed. Now the theatre is busier than ever: it is one of the well-known opera houses open for eleven months in the year and it employs over 600 people both of the opera company and the Royal Ballet.

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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


Ходить в театр это способ провести вечер, который может быть в то же время наиболее интересные и образовательные. Несмотря на конкуренцию со стороны кинотеатра, беспроводной и телевидения, театра до сих пор играет важную роль в жизни среднего англичанина. Есть более 220 профессиональных театров в Великобритании. Центром театральной деятельности в Лондоне, где есть около 30 главных театров в «West End» и еще несколько в пригороде, но некоторые важные выступления происходят в провинции. В Лондоне есть театры на любой вкус: некоторые люди предпочитают музыкальной комедии и шоу такого рода, с их броские мелодии очень популярны. Варьете, в котором актеры развлекать аудиторию с сентиментальными и комических спектаклей также собирают полные залы и значительно влиять на художественные вкусы публики. Те, кто не заботиться о музыкальной комедии или сорта найдут другие шоу по своему вкусу. Некоторые театры этап современные пьесы: Шекспир и других классиков играют в основном на Олд Вик, Королевский оперный показывает оперу и балет. Вечерние спектакли обычно начинаются в 19.30 или в 20.00 и закончится в одиннадцать. Сиденья стоят дорого и ночь в театре довольно роскошь для среднего англичанина. Лишь немногие театры имеют свои постоянные компаний. Группы формируются за сезон, иногда даже для одного спектакля. Регулярные сезоны оперы и балета даются в Королевском оперном театре Ковент-Гарден и Национального театра. Некоторые театры сконцентрироваться на классике и серьезной драмы, некоторые на легкой комедии и ревю, некоторые на мюзиклах. Большинство театров имеют личность самостоятельно: от старого, такие как в Королевском театре в Сенной, на самый новый, такие как Русалка театра в городе Лондоне, построенный на берегах Темзы. Посетитель Лондоне всегда удивлены, когда он видит в Королевском оперном театре стоя почти внутри Ковент-Гарден, большой плод города, цветок и овощной рынок. Благодаря своему расположению он обычно называют просто «Ковент-Гарден» и если кто-то говорит нам, что он собирается в Ковент Гарден мы сразу же думать о оперы и не овощном. Первого Ковент-Гарден театр был построен в 1732 году было больше театр драмы, чем оперы. Тем не менее, многие из опер Генделя проводились здесь в первый раз. Известные певцы, такие как Юлия Пэтти, Tetrazziny и Карузо пел здесь много раз. Великий русский Шаляпин пел в Ковент-Гарден. Композиторы Гуно и Берлиоз пришли посмотреть их опер. Теперь театр занят, чем когда-либо: это один из известных оперных открытых в течение одиннадцати месяцев в году в ней работает более 600 человек обоих оперной труппы и Королевского балета.

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  • опухоль
  • reges
  • Great Britain (official name — the Unite
  • Great Britain (official name — the Unite
  • heres my profile http://6oeuCU39JEo.veri
  • 1) He knows several foreign languages 2)
  • ex nobilitate
  • пол,дорога,стол,поверхность
  • Канал подязычного нерва
  • I can swim like a fish
  • Great Britain (official name — the Unite
  • 1) He knows several foreign languages 2)
  • опухоль стоп
  • Мой любимый предмет в школе был математи
  • Слышь дебил Я Русский и не собираюсь с н
  • 1 Please don’t laugh … him. I’m sorry
  • Большое отверстие
  • Мой любимый предмет в школе был математи
  • There are numerous everyday uses for the
  • Я не люблю писать письма
  • There are numerous everyday uses for the
  • 1 Please don’t laugh … him. I’m sorry
  • be someone’s fault
  • Моя жизнь это моя семья

Subscribe to Gill's channel on YouTube

In this vocabulary lesson, I’ll be giving you some useful words connected with a visit to the theatre in England. Have you visited the box office or read a programme? I’ll also give you practical tips on what to expect while you’re there, as well as how to chat with a friend about the show. You will learn words like foyer, auditorium, usher interval, fringe, set, scenery, characters, plot, and more. I will give you lots of ideas of what to talk about after the performance. After watching, you will know exactly what to expect from a visit to the theatre in the UK. No need to buy a ticket because all you have to do is click, and the performance will begin!

engVid quiz

Test your understanding of this English lesson

Test your understanding of the English lesson by answering these questions. You will get the answers and your score at the end of the quiz.




Вопрос по английскому языку:

Ребят помогите я дам за ответы (99б)-пожалуйста!
Listen to the text and write T fo True, F for False.
The writer went to the theatre._______
He cried all the way through the new film.______
This restaurant does actually exist.______
The owner of the restaurant was very angry with the director.______
In the film in the restaurant everything goes right.______
The film company paid her much money.______
Jane was afraid that people will stop coming.______
She decided to contact with famous magazine._______
II. Fill in articles, where is necessary.
How many bridges were there in … London at …beginning of … 11th century?
Did you travel to …North?
We had …wonderful time in … Windsor Safary Park?
… Mr.West lives in … small town in … west of … England.
Do you like to travel by … plane or by … car?
Where is … Red Square?
III. Choose the right option and fill in the gaps.
1. You shouldn’t be rude to people who are trying to help you. … advice if you don’t like it, but behave yourself.
a) ignore b)deserve c)confess d)follow
2. Nobody except us knew about the plan. It means that the person who …us is here in this room.
a) had betrayed b)betray c)has betrayed d)was betrayed
3. I envy her because she is so good at languages. She … Italian for only a year and can already speak it perfectly.
a) have been learning b)had learnt c)has been learning d)was learning
4. When the fire began, I found out that the door was locked. It was my roommate who … me from the fire.
a) rescued b)has rescued c)had been rescuing d)rescues
5. Wherever we live and … language we speak we all need friends.
a) whoever b)however c)whatever d)whenever

IV. Read the words and find their definitions.
1) a chatterbox a) to behave dishonestly towards a person who believes you
2) a bore b) it’s hard to believe
3) to appreciate c) to be grateful for something
4) to betray d) someone who is boring
5) to deserve e) to have a bad feeling towards somebody
6) to envy f)someone who talks too much
7) incredible g) to earn something by actions
V. Choose the right answer.
1) He ___ in the garden when Tom ___.
A) sat; was coming B) was sitting; came
2) I ___ a message from Kelly last Saturday.
A) have got B) got
3) My mother wasn’t at the shop when I ___.
A) had come B) came
4) For long month she ___ his secret.
A) had been keeping B) had kept
5) Our car ___ at the moment.
A) is being cleaned B) is cleaned
6) He doesn’t try hard,___?
A) do he B) doesn’t he C) does he
7) His name ___ in the book.
A) hasn’t been mentioned B) wasn’t mentioned
8) I think he ___ the address already.
A) has found B) has been found
9) There is nobody there,___?
A) is there B) isn’t there C) does there
10) Mary has just written a letter,___?
A) has she B) doesn’t she C) hasn’t she

Трудности с пониманием предмета? Готовишься к экзаменам, ОГЭ или ЕГЭ?

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Ответы и объяснения 1



№3( choose the…)
1- a
2- c
3- c
4- a
5- c
№ IV(read the word and find…)
1- f
2- d
3- c
4- a
5- g
6- e
7- b
#V(choose the right answer)
1.b) 2.b) 3.b) 4.a) 5.a) 6.c) 7.b) 8.b) 9.b) 10.c.
1. How many bridges were there in _ London at the beginning of the 11th century?
2. Did you travel to the North?
3. Do you like to travel by _ plane or by _ train?
4. Did you go to the country by _ car?
5. Can we get to the nearest railway station by _ metro?
6. It takes me an hour to get to the nearest church.
7. We had a wonderful time in _ Windsor Safari Park.
8. A safari park is a large area of land where _ wild animals live.
9. Let’s go to the South of England. We can stay at the King’s Hotel.
10 Mr West lives in a small town in the west of _ England.

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Чтобы добавить хороший ответ необходимо:

  • Отвечать достоверно на те вопросы, на которые знаете
    правильный ответ;
  • Писать подробно, чтобы ответ был исчерпывающий и не
    побуждал на дополнительные вопросы к нему;
  • Писать без грамматических, орфографических и
    пунктуационных ошибок.

Этого делать не стоит:

  • Копировать ответы со сторонних ресурсов. Хорошо ценятся
    уникальные и личные объяснения;
  • Отвечать не по сути: «Подумай сам(а)», «Легкотня», «Не
    знаю» и так далее;
  • Использовать мат — это неуважительно по отношению к

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  • Going round to have a word
  • Going on at the same time word
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