God will have the last word

“Letter To The U.S. Joint Chiefs Of Staff: God Will Have The Last Word”

May 20, 2008

Dear Sirs,

By special request I am writing this today. 

I wanted to say something to somebody during this festive week of Talmudic lies.  This is it: 

Jews are going into nurseries, taking Gentile infants, and dropping them on the floor, so to cause brain damage and psychosis.  They are going into day care centers and kicking Gentile toddlers in the head for the same purpose. 

Jews are forcing the children to ingest substances that make the toddlers and newborns nauseous, making them vomit, and forcing them to lick it off the floor.  They are raping these children, and some of the children are chosen to be tortured to death in the Jews’ secret rituals, others will be chosen for child sex shows, where they are raped and their minds absolutely shredded by forcing them to eat garbage, and with more garbage being inserted into their rectums, then forcing these children, five and six years old, to do a little song and dance for the Jewish congregation, then forcing them to vomit and defecate the garbage on the floor, eating it, and then doing it all over again.  Then the children will be raped and tormented so much, that in anguish they will scratch off their own genitals and gouge out one of their eyeballs, and then they will be gang raped and massacred and eaten onstage by the congregation.  It is a bloodbath and an atrocity so horrible that for most minds it is absolutely unthinkable, and it has driven one or more of the more sensitive Jews to swear that he would see vengeance on his own people for it.

In another of their special and chosen rituals, Jews will take a young Gentile child around the age of five, insert a hook into the girl’s vagina, or into the boy’s rectum, and dangle the child upside down by a chain, and walk around in their congregation area, and make comments about the new handbag.  The Jews taunt the child, as they taunt all the Gentiles who are being tortured to death, while the child is screaming her lungs out for her mommy or daddy to get her.  Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, Gentile children are being massacred and tortured to death by Jews, in the Jews’ ongoing quest to recapture the Holy Spirit for their people, or at least kill it in others, and in their ongoing efforts to instill into their own people the idea that they are indeed the more special and important of the two species, as they have the ability and authority to do this to the Gentiles and get away with it. 

Virtually every Jew – perhaps someone slips through the cracks, but it is unlikely, given the absolute control the rabbis wield over their congregation – goes through a ritual at around the age of eight or nine, where he is taken down into a dungeon and torture chamber, and watches one of his parents, normally the mother, take a captive Gentile child and eat off the child’s face while the child is alive and screaming in torment.  This is a rite of passage for the Jewish child, one of many, that trains the Jews to see themselves as different and above the Gentiles as a bloodline. 

Evidence of this sense of difference and superiority can be seen daily in the events in Palestine, and in Israeli politics, that defy all standards of human decency and respect for established international laws, by destroying the Palestinian people in cold blood, denying any right of return to their homes, in the name of “Jewish Democracy”, ignore international laws concerning the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, by claiming their case is “different” from the cases of all other nations with nuclear capabilities, because they are Jews.  While all other nations are presumedly obligated to obey international mandates for inspection of nuclear weapon facilities, Israel claims the right not to have to say anything about their own weapons capablity, in the name of self-defense – the implication of course being that they are entitled to special privileges concerning their self-defense because they are Jews.

If you think that the Gentiles in the U.S. miltary are immune from Jewish terror and torture privileges, think again.  The American Gentile soldiers are going to see their own children tortured to death, taken into captivity, their spouses murdered, tortured, or taken captive, or just leave, their household destroyed, all in the name of Jewish privileges and birthright.  The U.S. military is being destroyed from within by the Jews, who do not see in the Gentiles comrades, but the enemy, and who quietly work to destroy them so Israel can rule completely in this nation through terror. 

Jews are trained from childhood to see the Gentiles as inferior and irreconciably different from themselves, and totally expendable.  This includes the Jews in the U.S. military, whose allegiance is to Israel and the ubiquitous rabbi, and not to the U.S. Constitution.  The Jews are trained to see themselves as clean, while the Gentiles are “dirty”.  Because of this, they are trained not to help the Gentiles when they are in trouble, but to just let them die.  This even goes to the point of setting the Gentiles up to be hurt or get in accidents, so the Jews can taunt them in their distress.  This is childhood training and is totally ingrained, and will not leave the Jews who are working inside the U.S. military.

One of the G.I.s fighting in Iraq said one thing to me psychically the other day, “Please get us out of here!”  They don’t want to be there.  They know it’s wrong.  The U.S. Government, however, is being prodded by the pan-Jewish establishment, for the sake of helping the Israeli terror regime feel safe among the 250,000,000 or so Arabs who may not take it well that they are expected to suck Jewish ass as slaves if they want to survive anymore in the world.  Who would take that idea well?  I don’t think our Gentile American G.I.s take it well when they find themselves taken into slavery, rods rammed down their throats to train them to vomit on command, sticks and fingers forced up their rear ends and up the women’s vaginas, forced into homosexual activity and slavery, and some are so miserable that they are soiling their bunks in the barracks, at best, or committing suicide to get away from the terror.  Undoubtedly, many or most of the Gentile American soldiers are going to find themselves overlooked for promotion or assignments, while the choice jobs and favors increasingly go to the less worthy Jews.  This is standard for the Jews, and I have no doubt this is happening in the U.S. military, as it is happening everywhere.

The U.S. military currently is so rotted with Jewish wormholes that the Jews have their own military websites and their own command inside the U.S. miltary establishment, both of which are inaccessible to the Gentiles, even those of higher rank, including the Generals.

Do you think it’s smart at all to do this to the people you expect to defend you, or your nation?  Currently, a part of our military, that has sworn an oath to defend the U.S. Constitution and the American people, are under the leadership of a U.S. General who is making his operatives rape and torture American citizens to death, including children. This is happening in this country, and nobody is doing anything about it.  This maneuver is called the Israeli takeover of the U.S., in the name of Jewish birthright.

I have not even begun to describe the atrocities that are happening to this country by the nation that we are funnelling all of our money and our military strength to defend.  I am told that Gentiles in the military are now expected to love Israel with all their heart and soul and strength, and if they don’t they are severely punished, including being forced to vomit or defecate on themselves in public, in total humiliation, or perhaps they will find something horrible happening to a family member, something that is made to look like an accident. 

I personally am acquainted with a Jewish whore who seduced her way all the way up to the top of the military establishment, and through her seductions and sorceries, humiliated a top ranking General by making him defecate in his pants at a meeting, at a time when he was trying to speak out for the rights of the Arab nations and the Palestinians.  This use of Jewish whores is the primary means that Israel employs to attack the U.S. military, by bringing them in to seduce the hapless and lonely Gentile soldiers, to seduce them into captivity for Israel.

I understand it now that perhaps half at least of the Gentiles in the U.S. military have been lobotomized, in order to keep them subdued and under Israeli terror authority.  Perhaps some of you have looked in the mirror one day, and seen your eyes bulging a bit more than you remember.  Perhaps some of you are noticing that things seem to be happening outside of your control, or in ways that you just can’t understand how they happened, because you can’t remember.  Perhaps you have found that you just don’t have the same depth of feeling you used to have, less sense of joy, or even anger, or love.  You have most likely been lobotomized by our dear friends of democracy and human dignity, the ones that don’t lie or can do no wrong, the Jews. 

It is very likely also that many of the Gentile soldiers have suffered an inordinate number of sleepless or near sleepless nights, when they were expected to perform well the next day.  This, also, is Jewish terror, happening right on base, happening alongside ongoing rapes, electric shocks, and other tortures that work to instill a dread and recoiling from the Jewish authority, and who may be the guy in the bunk next to you.  These tortures also work to break the Gentile mind, which is the ultimate goal of the Jew, so the Jew can dominate and control the Gentile as a slave who poses no threat to his rule.

The Jews are stupid animals, and they believe that they can win a secret war against the Gentiles by taking a nation’s military captive in this manner, and forcing it to defend them while the Jews destroy the rest of the nation, including the military itself.  This is called shitting in your own nest, deluxe. 

The Jews truly are stupid animals, and they raise their children in this manner.  They do it deliberately, as they believe raising them in this manner will make them stronger than the human beings.  They begin their training from in utero, and the baby is born knowing little or no joy, as its days as a fetus were spent nauseous and tweaked and sexualized, and they are born already trained to thrill to the sound of lies, and to vomit on command.  At six weeks they are roasted in an extremely hot oven, in a ritual called passing the seed to molech, which renders the baby braindead, if it survives, and which, in addition to the subsequent rape and tweaking, instills in them the spirit of satan, which is the spirit of carnality, bloodlust, and desolation.  They are trained to hide their true nature, and the false face they present to the Gentiles is that of a human.  But they are not human, they are the serpent, which is another species.

This is what the U.S. military is spending all its money and hardware and manpower on, the right for this nation to die by torture, degradation, and starvation, at the hands of a subspecies that is murdering our own children and destroying this nation and the rest of the world. 

The U.S. military is fighting for a nation that dominates others by forcing them to submit to carnalities, rape, seductions and deceptions, in order to destroy the fabric of society, which is the family, the culture, and the values of human decency and faith in God. 

Currently in the U.S. military, not only do you see the ongoing rape and capture of the Gentile soldiers, apparently you also see the promotion of gender segregation and devisiveness by making hateful references among the men about women’s crotches and lesbian activity, and the same among the women toward the men.  This is a part of the standard Jewish maneuvering of gender segregation and animosity, so to promote a homosexual culture, isolation, and non-bonding, and the destruction of the family.

The Jews hate the Gentile family, as in normal healthy heterosexual bonding there is found not only the foundation of human society, but also the light of God, which is something that has been raped out of the Jews.  They work to destroy this healthy bonding, because it is only through its destruction that the Jews can rule.  The tragedy here is that these are the very values that serve as the strength and the spirit of the U.S. military, as in most other militaries of the world, and the very hope of these G.I.s, who are finding themselves fighting to defend the very thing that is working to destroy them.

The Jews work to destroy the Gentile family through seduction, deceptions, and rape, and terror.  They train and employ Jewish women to move into military communities and seduce naive Gentile G.I.s, and who will end up marrying them as captive slaves.  The Jews do this in order to secure their bloodline by breeding with the genetically stronger Gentiles, and to help ensure that the Jewish community won’t genetically regress into monkeys. 

Apparently, Israel has taken charge of the U.S. military by this manner, through the seduction of the male Gentile soldier, more than by any other means.  The Jewish whores will frequent special parties held for the young G.I.s, and will seduce them there, eventually introducing instruments in their lovemaking that work to induce trauma and mental breakdown.  The Gentile soldier’s mind is broken before he knows what is happening, and the soldier will be forced to serve the interests of Israel as a captive homosexual slave.  This captive Gentile man will find himself trapped in life of sorrows, in which he will be forced to see his children roasted in ovens, sometimes dying in this manner – and if they die the parents are required to eat them as food – and then growing up braindead and Jews, who believe themselves superior to their own father, and then who will be expected to rape and brutalize him in order to instill in them the sense of the difference between themselves and their Gentile father.  The wife will continue to subjugate her husband by bizarre sexual acts, that will leave the man feeling inferior, broken, and confused.

Gentile women will find themselves forced into homosexual slavery, and, as their bloodline is not desirable for the Jewish community, eventually many or most of the Gentile women who fall into capivity will be forced to be sterilized by hysterectomy, to ensure there is no more procreation among the Gentiles.  This is called genocide, and nothing is being done to stop it anywhere, for it is considered Jewish birthright. 

Due to the upbringing of the Jewish women, there is intense animosity among them against the Gentile women, due to the fact that the Gentile females still have the spirit of natural heterosexual feelings, and because by this they have children who will be born with a spirit of humanity that resides outside of Jewish authority.  This spirit of the Gentile women is also attractive to the men, both Gentile and Jewish, as they sense that these women still actually like men instead of other women.  Because of this, the Gentile women are brutalized, and captive Gentile women will find that the Jewish women will punch and beat at their breasts and abdomens, and inflict wounds around and inside their genitals.  Many of these captive women will get their breasts cut off and eaten in front of them by the Jewish women, in acts of utter hatred of their natural spirit. 

This is a part of the silent sorrows that are suffered by Gentiles of both genders. 

Some of the fatal flaws for Israel, are first, that they are so chaotic as a people, that they are dependent on other people’s talents to help them survive.  They truly are a slave society, although this is not something they will admit to.   Evidence of this can be found in the ongoing demands on the part of Israel for economic favors by other nations, and their panic and belligerence when there is any threat of favors or funding being stopped or curtailed.  The withdrawal of support sends the Jews into a panic, because they can’t support themselves.

The second fatal flaw, is that they believe that once a person has been taken captive, there is no way out for him.  This simply isn’t true. Many or most of the captivity will hold it in their heart the hope that someday their captivity will be broken.  This means that there remains always some capacity to take action when it is time.

The third fatal flaw is that while the Jews are dependent on their slaves and privileges, meaning their belief system that determines them to be a “superior” species, at the same time they can’t help but brutalize the very people they are dependent on for their survival.  It is the Pentagon and the Gentile talents that the Jews look to for reassurances that they will be defended, while they turn around and torture the children of these same people who are defending them.  The Jews believe that there is nothing the U.S. military can do but to continue defending them, even while American children are being raped and tortured and murdered in cold blood.  This is wrong.  One of the big problems here is that the captive Gentile soldiers simply don’t know the truth about the Jews they are devoting their lives to defend.

The fourth fatal flaw is that the Jews’ only strength is in the fact that their operations are covert, so nobody is aware of what is really going on.  The Jews’ power comes from the shadows, so it is nearly impossible to counter because you don’t know what you are looking at, and occult terror and torture are overwhelming.  This is why the Jews have survived for so long.  As soon as the secrets come to light, the Jews’ power is gone.

It is imperative for the Pentagon to understand that if the United States continues its path of mindless support of Israel and its submission to Jewish privileges, we are going to die.  You simply cannot force a lie.  I truly don’t believe that most of the U.S. military establishment wants this nation to die, not to mention the human species.  Jewish privileges, and Israel’s claim to Palestine, are lies, and our support of these lies is going to destroy this nation.

The United States is described in Revelations 13 as the lamblike beast, that has two horns like a lamb, but that speaks like the dragon.  Honestly, if you think about the implications here, you can see that this isn’t very promising for us.  We are giving all our technology to the beast, to make the world worship the beast, which is the creature that suffered the mortal wound and lived.  This is the mortal wound of the Holocaust, the event that the Jews brag about incessantly as proof that they are indestructible.  If you read Revelations 13, you will notice that three times reference is made to the fact that the beast had suffered a mortal wound but lived, which means that this event plays an important part in our understanding of the beast, and of the beast’s operations at this time.

As everyone knows, the Jews also invoke the Holocaust as justification for committing any atrocity they choose, using it as a kind of sacred victimhood.  There are Israeli operatives here, presumedly under the authority of General Petraeus, who work in this community to subdue the Gentiles, and who rape and torture Gentile children to death.  Incessantly these operatives invoke their victimhood at the hands of Adolf Hitler and the Holocaust to justify the torture and murder of five year old children, as well as the torture of adults.  Undoubtedly this is not an isolated incident, as you can read daily invocations of the Holocaust and Hitler to establish some authority of sacredness in Jewish activities.

God’s judgment is against this country for our role in the Israeli slaughters of Palestinians, and our own mindless massacres in Iraq and Afghanistan.  God’s judgment is against this country for many other reasons, including allowing our own people, adults and children to be tortured to death by Jews, and many others being taken into slavery, while no one does anything to stop it. 

I want to point out two particular passages in Scripture that I want the Pentagon to think about.  First, please look at Isaiah 65:11-12, and then look at Revelations 13:13-15.

First, in Isaiah 65:11-12, you have the declaration that God spoke, but they didn’t listen, and he called but they didn’t answer, but did evil in front of Him, and did things that He did not delight in.  God promises that because they refused to answer or to be decent, they are going to die.  This is because they are unchanging and unbending in their abominations.

I want to ask you this:  Was it really more reasonable to pretend that the Palestinians had no right to complain, that they were expected to put up with the total theft of their land and massacre of their people than to try and make it right for them?  Were their complaints so unreasonable that it was a better thing to turn a deaf ear to their cries for help, and to pump billions and billions into Israel, to support a desolate subspecies that delights in torture and despair?  Was this the way of reason and excellence for this nation?

One of the key words here is delight.  Is it the delight of God to allow the Jews to commit ongoing atrocities and destruction, in the name of something called Jewish democracy?  Is the value of being of the Jewish bloodline, while engaging in murders and atrocities, more of a delight to God than the value of trying to reason the problem through, acknowledging the truth, and having respect for human dignity?  Please remember that God promises that these who are turning the deaf ear to the truth are going to the slaughter.

In Revelations 13:13-15, you have this same judgment against bad choices.  Here, we have what is obviously a description of advanced technology, mass media, and sophisticated weaponry, being spoken of as “wonders” that are used to deceive humanity into worshipping the beast, including making fire come down from heaven, and making an image of the beast that talks.  Here, we have an interesting logic:  what is actually happening here isn’t good, but its very nature makes people think that it is good, and therefore, being under the authority of the beast, it is reasonable or at least imperative to worship the beast.  In other words, the deception of our advancements in technology, as we are under the authority of the beast, is that because of these advancements, what they represent are supposed to be the good thing.  Another aspect of this is the idea that because our military technology is so advanced, we simply can force the world to worship the beast by virtue of military strength. 

Yet, through all of this, the beast obviously is not the good thing, and, if you read on, you see immediately it is the beast that is going to be destroyed in a bloody and glorious manner.

My question here is, if judgment against the beast is brutal and bloody, what is God’s judgment against the lamblike beast?

In both instances in these Scripture passages, you have judgment against Israel and those who support her, and you have judgment against the values that they represent.  Currently we read in the news Bush’s announcement about this special goal of making all of the Middle East “democracies”, and condemning the presumed “oppression” and “extremism” of the current governments in the Middle East.  The value of democracy, under the authority of the beast Israel, an authority established through terror, rape, and abominations, becomes the highest value, and is expected to mesmerize the world into believing in its significance, while the Palestinian people are being destroyed, and Gentile children are being tortured to death in dungeons, screaming for someone to help them.  The Palestinian people are judged as being wrong simply for the fact that they tried to defend their land, while the world has looked on and done nothing.

These two Scripture passages are just a tiny fragment of what is said there about judgment against Israel and the beast.  I made reference to them today because they address a very important issue at this time, the confusion of moral values, and our lack of grounding.  This is very important, because the West, but especially the U.S., being under the influence of the carnal and petit-brained Jew, has lost its ability to judge the truth and meaning of events appropriately.  They have taken rationally grounded values, ones that were developed over hundreds of years of trials and sorrows and human reason, and, on account of our inability to contend with the truth about the Jewish atrocities, have abandoned the logic of that very grounding, and are wielding the values as bludgeoning instruments in defense of the atrocities our philosophers and founding fathers had tried to overcome by those ideas.

The values that the United States is espousing in defense of Israel are wrong.  By the very fact that the U.S. espouses these values in the presence of the beast, these values cannot be considered reasonable.  Likewise, we are told in Isaiah 65:11-12, that we refused to listen to the voice of God, which in this case is simply having the human decency to choose to help someone in distress and to correct a bad situation, instead of practicing haughtiness and self-importance, by turning away and defending wickedness and abominations.  Christ tells us of the same judgment, in Matthew 25:34-46, that those who refused to help the poor will face judgment.  The values of Jewish-majority democracy, American liberalism, or any illegitimately founded pro-West governments at the expense of human lives, and at the cost of such extreme suffering, are absolutely wrong.  They are lies.

God will have the last Word here, and God’s wrath is against Israel and those who support her.

The only hope for the United States is to remove all support from Israel, and let her die.  Israel had no claim to the land, and continuing to force their horrible and murderous presence onto the Palestinians threatens to destroy this country.  Continuing to force the false values of pro-Israel governments and Jewish-dominated marketplaces in the Middle East, and the Western values of carnalities and confusion and lies onto the Muslim nations, also is going to bring us nothing but heartache and desolation.

The Jews are destroying this country, and their plans for us are as vicious and aggressive as they are for Palestine and the rest of the Middle East.  Already our children are being raped and brutalized in daycares, and tortured and murdered in secret exclusive Jewish bunkers.  Jews from Israel, trained in psychological tortures and military skills, are coming into this area, with the intention of setting up a settlement just as they have in Palestine.  This is one of most likely many nascent Jewish/Israeli settlements being set-up in this country, with the same goals as those held in Palestine, the total devastation of the land and the destruction of the indigenous people, meaning us.

The information I am sharing with you today is good, and it is seeping into the world, and most particularly at this time into the U.S. military, and it works to convince that fighting for the Jews or Israel is not really in anyone’s best interest.  Much of what I am writing about today is already understood at some level by many or most of the Gentiles in the U.S. military, because many or most of the American Gentile military have fallen some way into captivity by Israel.  My references to Scripture only serve to reinforce by the Word of God what most people understand through personal experience:  The Jew is the devil, and those who work for the devil are going to be destroyed.  You simply cannot depend for long on an army that has been insulted and raped, and that is being attacked from within by the very people they are expected to defend.  The wisest choice for the Pentagon is to get the U.S. away from the Jew and stop support of Israel.

The Pentagon and the U.S. military can work on three goals at this time:  First and foremost, the United States must withdraw all military and financial support from Israel.  Second, the Palestinians must be taken care of and provided for with an ongoing influx of food and other supplies to help them get through this horrible siege against their land and people.  Third, a coordinated effort must be made to help bring Jewish atrocities to light.  How this is going to happen, I have only one idea, which is to continue with the testimony from the deep that I have already started reporting.  However the Pentagon can help with this effort, until sufficient truth is brought to the surface that can instigate a real change, it would be greatly appreciated.

It is written in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 that the only way the end is going to happen, is when the man of sin is revealed.  This is the only way the world is going to fully understand what needs to be done.  The secrets of the so-called holy people must be seen in all their horror.  If this isn’t done, judgment isn’t going to happen and we are all doomed, and humanity will not survive.  The only way this is going to happen is by the testimony by witnesses, until sufficient information has surfaced to instigate a real change in our approach to the problem, so to end it completely.  The testimony I am trying to gather should be supported in any way you can.

I am going to close.  I wanted to say something in remembrance of Al Nakba day, or day of catastrophe, the day that Israel declared itself a state in the land of Palestine.

Heil Hitler!

Susan F. Smith

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Speaking where the bible speaks, and silent where the bible is silent.

Mankind may challenge the Word of God in this life, but there comes a day when it will no longer be up for debate. The truth of God is worth defending, contending, and proving, because it is unwavering, unchangeable, and is forever settled in heaven. Argue it if you must, reject it if you will, but God will have the last Word.

Philip 1:15-18; Jude 3; 1 Thess 5:21; 1 Tim 6: 3-5; 2 Tim 2:14; Ps 119:89; Jn 12:48; 2 Cor 5:10

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The Latin Rite archbishop of Lviv, western Ukraine’s largest city, spoke with CNA. ‘Rest assured, our prayers can change the course of this conflict.’

A Catholic archbishop has emphasized God’s power over Ukraine’s worsening crisis with Russia, urging people to continue to pray for peace.

During a Feb. 21 interview with Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) in Königstein, Germany, Archbishop Mieczyslaw Mokrzycki said that God has the final word, not political leaders.

“The general public and the media are focusing only on the human factors of this equation: political leaders, diplomats, strategies, armies … but at the end of the day, God will always have the last word,”  the Latin Rite archbishop of Lviv, western Ukraine’s largest city, told CNA.

“Whatever [God] permits, will be the decisive factor,” he continued. “That is why we cannot stop begging for prayers time and again and from all the world, as Pope Francis continues to do. Rest assured, our prayers can change the course of this conflict.”

Fears that Russia is beginning a full-scale invasion of Ukraine were heightened this week after Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that he would recognize the breakaway Ukrainian regions of Lugansk and Donetsk as independent entities. 

The eastern regions, which are run by Russian-backed separatists, include land currently held by the Ukrainian armed forces.

Major Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk, the leader of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, said on Tuesday that Russia’s recognition of independence for these areas had put humanity in danger.

“Today all of humanity has been placed in danger — that the powerful have a right to impose themselves on whomever they wish, with no regard for the rule of law,” he said in a Feb. 22 appeal.

Archbishop Mokrzycki told ACN on Monday that, “as long as people are still talking, there is a glimmer of hope.”

“War does not bring any solutions, only destruction, suffering and lack of peace,” the 60-year-old archbishop added.

Originally from Poland, Archbishop Mokrzycki has led the Lviv Archdiocese since 2008. He served as John Paul II’s deputy personal secretary from 1996 until the Polish Pope’s death in 2005. He then spent two years as secretary to Pope Benedict XVI.

Ukraine is a country of 44 million people bordering Belarus, Russia, Moldova, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia and Poland. Around two-thirds of the population are Orthodox Christians.

Europe’s second-largest country by area after Russia is home to the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, the biggest of the 23 Eastern Catholic Churches in full communion with the Holy See.

There are also other Catholic communities in Ukraine, including the Ruthenian Greek Catholic Church, the Armenian Catholic Church, and the Latin Church.

Thirty years ago, when Ukraine declared independence from the Soviet Union, the structures of the Latin Church were renewed. Today, it has seven dioceses, three major seminaries and three theological institutes.

Archbishop Mokrzycki said the Catholic Church all across Ukraine was preparing for the possibility of a wave of Ukrainians to be displaced from their homes, especially from the eastern area. 

“We are ready to welcome people into our churches and provide them with food and water,” he said. “We have organized first-aid courses for priests, religious and laity, so that in an emergency they can care for the wounded.”

Some eastern Ukrainians have already moved to the west, he said, and, in anticipation of possible refugees, “we have already rented some empty houses that will provide accommodation for them.” 

The archbishop added that the prayers and support of people around the world had profoundly moved him. 

“We are most grateful to the entire universal Church, and especially to Pope Francis, who has issued a worldwide appeal for prayer for Ukraine,” he said. “I would like to repeat this appeal: Continue this prayer. Keep on praying, until the final peace comes.”

The Russo-Ukrainian War began in February 2014, focused on the east of Ukraine. The conflict has claimed more than 14,000 lives and driven 1.3 million people from their homes, according to Caritas Internationalis, a Vatican-based confederation of Catholic charities.

In July 2020, the parties agreed to a cease-fire, but in recent weeks, Putin has sent at least 150,000 troops to the Ukrainian border.

During his weekly general audience on Wednesday, Pope Francis appealed to believers and nonbelievers alike to pray and fast for peace in Ukraine.

The Pope said on Feb. 23: “I invite everyone to make next March 2, Ash Wednesday, a day of fasting for peace. I encourage believers in a special way to devote themselves intensely to prayer and fasting on that day. May the Queen of Peace preserve the world from the madness of war.” 

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Whether times are peaceful or tumultuous, God is always in control. Here are ten core truths, along with corresponding Bible verses, about the sovereignty of God to help us quiet our hearts and fix our gaze on him, the Creator of all:

1. God is sovereign over the plans of humans.

The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps. (Proverbs 16:9; see also Prov. 19:21)

2. God’s will shall prevail.

“I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted. (Job 42:2; see also Ps. 138:8)

3. God has mercy on people according to his will.

So then he has mercy on whomever he wills, and he hardens whomever he wills. (Romans 9:18; see also John 15:16 and Eph. 1:4-5)

4. God rules over all kingdoms.

The king’s heart is a stream of water in the hand of the Lord; he turns it wherever he will. (Proverbs 21:1; see also Ps. 103:19; see also Ps. 22:28 and John 19:10-11)

5. All things, including “thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities,” were created for the Son.

For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. (Colossians 1:16;see also Luke 1:32-33)

6. God brings about good from evil events.

As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today. (Genesis 50:20; see also Rom. 8:28)

7. God will have the last word over evil.

“He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” (Revelation 21:4; see also Prov. 16:4)

8. God will hold every person accountable to him.

So then each of us will give an account of himself to God. (Romans 14:12; see also Rev. 20:12)

9. Even though the nations rage, it is God’s Son to whom every knee shall bow.

Kiss the Son,
lest he be angry, and you perish in the way,
for his wrath is quickly kindled.
Blessed are all who take refuge in him. (Psalm 2:12; see also Phil. 2:10)

10. God will raise up everyone who believes in Christ Jesus on the last day.

And this is the will of him who sent me, that I should lose nothing of all that he has given me, but raise it up on the last day. (John 6:39; see also John 3:16 and Rom. 8:38-29)

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You will do what you will, and God will have the last word.

Even when the powers of Hell are unleashed, Christians must rise to the summons, their heads held high, and be ready to brave blows in this battle over which God will have the last word.

Даже когда развязаны силы ада, христиане должны откликнуться на зов, высоко поднять головы и быть готовыми пойти на битву, последнее слово в которой принадлежит Богу.

«What I see around me would drive me insane, if I did not know that no matter what happens, God will have the last word.»

«То, что я вижу и слышу свело бы меня с ума, если бы я ко всему не относился с помыслом, что последнее слово все равно останется за Богом».

St. Paisios once said «What I see around me would drive me insane if I did not know that no matter what happens, God will have the last word.»

Как говорил Великий старец Паисий Святогорец: «Я бы сошел с ума, глядя на то, что происходит в мире, если бы твердо не знал, что последнее слово будет за Богом».

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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