Global warming word problem

The modern world faced the problem of global warming which is considered to be the growth of Earth’s average temperature within oceans and air. It is necessary to underline the fact that this climate change has started to develop since the 20th century and is still in a progressive state of continuation. The true causes of the greenhouse effect are still open to discussion; it should be stressed that there are some debates among the scientists arguing whether human activities or natural processes are the reasons for the global warming threat. By Climate Change Intergovernmental Panel, human activities are the central causes for the increase of greenhouse gas through the burning of fossil fuel, and deforestation. Nevertheless, according to some sources, the real effects of the natural changes are produced by the nature itself through some gases releases. So, the paper will investigate the key supporting argument as to the causes for global warming spreading based on natural and human processes analysis.

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Following contemporary scientific analysis, the true causes for global warming are considered to be contradictory enough; it is necessary to underline the fact that human activities produce the most vivid effects on the changes in natural processes. The ecosystem, consisting of several living organisms, is under the threat of harmful influence produced through numerous human activities in a modern industrialized era. Climatologists state, that the beginning of global warming can be referred to as the nineteenth century, though in that period the problem was not considerably stressed in the society. They managed to investigate that human activities contributed to the enhancement of the greenhouse effect. It is necessary to underline the fact that the greenhouse effect impacts the Earth’s surface warming through several complex processes, such as gases, sunlight, and atmosphere practices (Horner, 2007).

The analysis of global warming effects should be based on the fossil fuels burning covering oil, coal, and natural gas; this human activity involves the land clearing introducing and causing some changes in the natural processes. The burning is the result of automobiles’ effects, as well as electric power plants and factories providing energy for office buildings and houses. Carbon dioxide, created as a result of fossil fuel burning, has the chemical formula of a greenhouse effect CO2, slowing the heat escape into space. The plants sponge CO2 from the air in the process of photosynthesis, as it is necessary for their food production. Speaking about land clearing, it is necessary to underline the fact it influences the CO2 buildup through reduction of the gas rate at which it is completely removed from the atmosphere, or through dead vegetation decomposition (Langdon, 2003).

It should be noted that scientists argued as to greenhouse gases increase providing no clear differences in the temperature fluctuations; according to their theory, global warming may be the result of natural processes. To explain this fact they highlighted the impact of the sun’s emitted energy (Global Warming Causes. 2005).

Nevertheless, pollution is recognized as one of the principal causes of global warming; it is necessary to underline the fact that environmental pollution, as well as air one, produces negative effects on nature’s health. The concentration of greenhouse gases in the air appeared to be the result of modern industrialization and technological progress. According to the report by Schweiger, being the president of the National Wildlife Federation, the problem of global warming is a sharp threat to the modern environment, ‘It is our future that is now uncertain. It is past time to act and solve global warming with the urgency and determination with which Americans have successfully confronted other threats to our security and wildlife.’ (Schweiger, 2007) the problem of land use as the basic human threat to nature can be expressed through the following reasons:

  • Nowadays a lot of agricultural practices have been introduced for animals’ breeding, cereals growing, as well as vegetables and fruits for human consumption; these practices develop the basic greenhouse gases, such as nitrous oxide and methane;

  • Land clearance for human activities expansion;

  • Tropical deforestation covering the firing of forests leading to the release of pollutants, for example, carbon dioxide (Houghton, 2004).

Speaking about natural causes of global warming in more detail, it is necessary to underline the idea that solar output changes lead to climate transformations and instability; according to scientific researches, the change in output even by 1% can become the cause for rapid alterations in the average temperature. Besides, it should be stressed that the changes in the Earth’s orbit characteristics around the sun and also, Earth’s axis tilt, can lead to the alteration of solar energy total amount received by the planet. As a result, the temperature changes as well. To understand the causes for the problem spreading it is necessary to underline the most important and influential anthropogenic greenhouse gases developed in nature and harming the environment; they are the following: methane (CO4), sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), nitrous oxide (N2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), and fluorocarbons (HFC). One of the most central gases is considered to be carbon dioxide; methane and nitrous oxide are referred to as the less harmful gases. Taking into account the calculations demonstrated by the scientists, the potential threat of the gases influence on the global warming development will be increased within the next one hundred years, disclosing the following figures:

  • Methane – about 20%;

  • Carbon Dioxide – 73%;

  • Nitrous Oxide – 9%.

Despite the danger of gases impact outlined by the scientists, it is necessary to stress that not all greenhouse air pollutants provide a negative effect on global warming directly. It was proved that in the air they are transformed into other actual gases; thus, CO, carbon monoxide, can be changed into CO2, carbon dioxide, and produce an indirect contribution to climate warming. Besides, there are several precursor gases, being referred to as non-greenhouse gases; they are the following: nitrogen oxides, NOx, carbon monoxide, CO, and VOC, that is volatile organic compounds (Major Findings of climate change. 2006).

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The neutralization of the global warming causes and consequences have been analyzed through the analysis of possible ways and methods aimed at global warming emissions reduction. So, the examination of the problem causes demonstrated the most profound impact of carbon dioxide on the development and spreading of the greenhouse effect. It is necessary to stress that the ways of the problem solution are closely connected with the lifestyle of the modern generation. By governmental considerations, the average footprint of carbon reaches about 42000 pounds annually. This figure is predominantly based on the setting and way of life; the first step in the problem solution is connected with switching to green power. It should be stressed that the production of conventional energy leads to air pollution. Per US Energy Department, green power kilowatt requires less than one pound of CO2. It is necessary to underline the fact that green electricity generated from solar energy, wind, and water is much better for the environment (Maslin, 2007).

The second step in the problem solution is based on insulation and sealing of duct system; the scientists explain that this measure influences the reduction of CO2, as well as costs spent for cooling and heating (Global Warming Solutions. 2008).

Then, fuel-efficient car driving can influence the reduction of hazardous gas in the air; this step will reduce the costs by 8000 pounds annually. Besides, it is necessary to replace the old water heater with the new efficient one. It is necessary to stress that heating water uses about 13% of typical energy, and the replacement can lead to CO2 reduction and more than 3000 pounds every year (Schneider, 1990).

People are to be concentrated on the heating temperature controlling; it was found out that the thermostat lowering will result in the energy cutting by 3%, which is very important for environmental protection. Scientists managed to identify the impact of air conditioners on the irrational usage of energy. Thus, they underlined the necessity to change it with the energy-efficient one, which will help to reduce CO2 emissions. It should be stressed that central air conditioning used in every house influences the affection of the released energy on greenhouse effect development. The usage of the new rational technology will help to save about 2000 pounds annually (Pringle, 2001).

The amount of CO2 is closely connected with fuel consumption without taking into account the vehicle; certainly, fuel economy is reached through the usage of sport-utility vehicles or compact family sedans. The fuel waste can be reduced by 33%; a 6% reduction can be reached through the appropriate usage of recommended motor oil.

It is necessary to underline the idea that technological development is an integral part of C2 release as well; so, Consumer Reports found out that letting the computer system sleep will economize the energy released and reduced more than 576 pounds of CO2 every year.

The final step of the global warming solution is connected with refrigerator and washing machine efficient energy release. To benefit the environment one is to use Energy Star qualified technologies reducing the emissions of CO2 by 25%. The purchase of the most efficient model can contribute to the growth of annual savings in energy release.

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The paper managed to investigate the seriousness of the global warming problem, as well as its causes and possible solutions. One is to outline the principle idea of the research lies in the disclosure not only of human activities harm, but natural processes’ impact on greenhouse effect through the release of hazardous things in the atmosphere.

The paper managed to outline the key methods of neutralizing the problem based on human lifestyle change. People are to concentrate on the problem’s seriousness and its effects; the basic goal of humanity is to protect the environment we live in through policies and investments into economizing and rationality. The modern generation living in the period of industrialization is to be aware of global warming consequences and take measures to tackle the problem.


Global Warming Solutions. 2008. Environment: National Geographic.

Global Warming Causes. 2005.

Global Warming. 2008. World Book at NASA.

Horner, Ch. 2007. The politically incorrect guide to global warming and environmentalism. Regnery Publishing.

Houghton, J. 2004. Global Warming: the complete briefing. Third Edition. Cambridge University Press.

Langdon, K. 2003. Human Activity and Global Warming. Gift of Fire.

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Maslin, M. 2007. Global Warming: Causes, Effects, and the Future. MBI Publishing Company LLC.

Major Findings about climate change. 2006.

National Geographic. 2007. Is Bleaching Coral’s Way of Making the Best of a Bad Situation?

Pringle, L. 2001. Global Warming: The Threat of Earth’s Changing Climate. Sea Star Books.

Schneider, S. 1990. Global Warming: are we entering the greenhouse century? James Clarke & Co.

Schweiger, L. 2007. Pollution Causing Global Warming. News and Views.

The causes of Global Warming. 2008.

Weart, S. 2003. The Discovery of Global Warming. Harvard University Press.

Изменение климата

Упражнение 4, с. 51

4. Match the words in bold in the text with their synonyms: changeable, often, getting warmer, be all around sth, die out, in danger, die from hunger, make smaller, catches, disappear. — Сопоставьте слова, выделенные жирным шрифтом в тексте, с их синонимами: изменчивый, часто, становится теплее, быть повсюду вокруг, вымирать, в опасности, умирать от голода, уменьшаться, ловить, исчезать.

heating up: getting warmer
нагревание: становится теплее

surround: be all around sth
окружать: быть повсюду

traps: catches
задерживать: поймать

vanish: disappear
исчезают: исчезают

under threat: in danger
под угрозой: в опасности

starve: die from hunger
голодать: умирать от голода

become extinct: die out
вымирают: вымирают

frequently: often
часто: часто

unpredictable: changeable
непредсказуемо: изменчиво

reduce: make smaller
уменьшать: уменьшаются

Упражнение 5, с. 51

5. Complete the summary with words from the Check these words box in the correct form. Compare with your partner. — Заполните резюме словами из Check these words в правильной форме. Сравните с вашим партнёром.

Global warming happens because we burn 1) fossil fuels which produce 2) greenhouse gases. These will 3) heat up our by up to 3°C, which means big 4) trouble! Mountain giaciers and the 5) polar ice caps are 6) melting fast! Parts of the world in 7) low-lying areas may  8) vanish completely in 100 years. Many animals are also 9) in great danger, like the polar bear, which may become 10) extinct. Extreme weather such as hurricanes and 11) droughts will also become more frequent.

Глобальное потепление происходит потому, что мы сжигаем ископаемое топливо, которое производит парниковые газы. Они нагреют нас до 3°C, что означает большие неприятности! Горные ледники и полярные ледяные шапки быстро тают! Части мира в низменных районах могут полностью исчезнуть через 100 лет. Многие животные также находятся в большой опасности, как, например, белый медведь, который может вымереть. Экстремальные погодные условия, такие как ураганы и засухи, также станут более частыми.

Speaking & Writing

Упражнение 6, с. 51

6. Think! Why is global warming such a serious problem for our world? In three minutes write a few sentences. Read your sentences to the class. — Подумайте! Почему глобальное потепление является такой серьёзной проблемой для нашего мира? За три минуты напишите несколько предложений. Прочитайте свои предложения классу.

Global warming is a big problem for our world because the planet is in danger. The polar ice caps are melting and the sea levels are rising. Countries may be lost under water and animals like the arctic polar bear will become extinct if we do not do something to stop it. Also, sea temperatures affect the weather and make it more unpredictable and extreme.

Глобальное потепление является большой проблемой для нашего мира, потому что планета находится в опасности. Полярные ледяные шапки тают, а уровень моря поднимается. Страны могут быть потеряны под водой, и такие животные, как арктический белый медведь, исчезнут, если мы не сделаем что-то, чтобы остановить это. Кроме того, температура моря влияет на погоду и делает её более непредсказуемой и экстремальной.

Упражнение 7, с. 51

7. Think! If animals could speak, what would they tell us about the problems they face because of global warming? In three minutes write a few sentences. Tell the class. — Подумайте! Если бы животные могли говорить, что бы они рассказали нам о проблемах, с которыми они сталкиваются из-за глобального потепления? За три минуты напишите несколько предложений. Расскажи классу.

I think they would tell us that they can no longer live in the places they need to because they are now flooded or dry. They would say that their waterholes have dried up and that the ice caps have melted. They would say that they don’t have enough to eat because it’s too hot for the plants to survive. Other animals would say that their hunting grounds are underwater.

Я думаю, они сказали бы нам, что больше не могут жить в тех местах, где им нужно, потому что они сейчас затоплены или высохли. Они сказали бы, что их колодцы высохли и что ледяные шапки растаяли. Они сказали бы, что им не хватает еды, потому что слишком жарко, чтобы растения могли выжить. Другие животные сказали бы, что их охотничьи угодья находятся под водой.

Упражнение 8, с. 51

8. Find more facts about the effects of global warming. Present your facts to the class. — Узнайте больше фактов о последствиях глобального потепления. Представьте свои факты классу.

Global warming and climate change can have a serious effect on the weather. There will be more forest fires because of the higher temperatures. There will be more cyclones and tornadoes because of the warmer air and the sea levels will also make more coastal flooding happen. More rain in certain areas can cause soil erosion, and so some areas of land will become deserts, especially in Africa. In other areas, more rain will cause constant flooding.

Глобальное потепление и изменение климата могут оказать серьёзное влияние на погоду. Из-за более высоких температур будет больше лесных пожаров. Из-за более тёплого воздуха будет больше циклонов и торнадо, а уровень моря также приведёт к большему затоплению прибрежных районов. Увеличение количества дождей в некоторых районах может вызвать эрозию почвы, и поэтому некоторые районы земли превратятся в пустыни, особенно в Африке. В других районах больше дождей вызовет постоянные наводнения.

Vocabulary Bank 3 p. VB7

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ГДЗ по английскому языку. Starlight. Звёздный английский. Учебник. 7 класс. Баранова К.М., Дули Д., Копылова В.В.

Рабочая тетрадь. Starlight. 7 класс. Workbook

Английский язык. 7 класс

Представлено сочинение на английском языке Глобальное потепление/ Global Warming с переводом на русский язык.

Global Warming Глобальное потепление
Global warming has become a serious problem in modern world. It is referred to potential changes in climate, which can lead to the rise of global temperature. This term has been presented by scientists. They work hard trying to solve the problem. Otherwise, global warming can produce really dangerous climatic changes apart from a rise in temperature. For example, over the past 100 years the average temperature rise was about 1 degree. Глобальное потепление стало серьезной проблемой в современном мире. Речь идет о возможных изменениях климата, которые могут привести к повышению глобальной температуры. Этот термин был представлен учеными. Они упорно трудятся, пытаясь решить эту проблему. В противном случае, глобальное потепление может привести к очень опасным климатическим изменениям, помимо повышения температуры. Например, за последние 100 лет средняя температура выросла примерно на 1 градус.
According to some scientists global warming is the result of the industrial revolution. If it continues, it can destroy our civilization. По мнению некоторых ученых глобальное потепление является результатом промышленной революции. Если так будет продолжаться, это может уничтожить нашу цивилизацию.
One of the most important reasons of global warming is the air pollution. More and more factories are being built in different countries. By burning oil, coal, gasoline, even natural gas, they add more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Cars also influence the atmosphere badly by burning many liters of oil and releasing harmful gases into the air. As a result the ozone layer of our Earth is being destroyed. All these activities unfavourably change the Earth’s heat balance. This is what we get in return: the ground becomes very dry, a lot of rivers and lakes dry up, the forests start burning, the glaciers melt, people and animals start to faint. And these are not all the outcomes of global warming. Nature becomes really angry with us. Одним из наиболее важных причин глобального потепления является загрязнение воздуха. Все больше и больше заводов строятся в разных странах. При сжигании нефти, угля, бензина, даже природного газа, они добавляют больше углекислого газа в атмосферу. Автомобили также плохо влияют на атмосферу при сжигании большого количества бензина и выпуская вредные газы в атмосферу. В результате озоновый слой нашей Земли разрушается. Все эти действия неблагоприятно влияют на тепловой баланс Земли. Вот, что мы получаем взамен: земля становится очень сухой, много рек и озер высыхают, леса начинают возгораться, ледники тают, люди и животные плохо себя чувствуют. И это не все последствия глобального потепления. Природа начинает по-настоящему злиться на нас.
We need to become more attentive and caring to it if we want to save our planet. There are several ways to do it. At first, we should start saving natural resources, such as water, wood, land and air. It would be a good idea to recycle the things that we don’t use anymore. Cars should switch to electric refueling, while factories shouldn’t isolate carbonic gas. We should also reduce the use of different sprays and lacquer, which destroy the ozone layer. Мы должны быть более внимательными и заботливыми по отношению к ней, если мы хотим сохранить нашу планету. Есть несколько способов сделать это. Сначала, мы должны начать беречь природные ресурсы, такие как вода, дерево, земля и воздух. Было бы хорошей идеей утилизировать то, что мы больше не используем. Автомобили должны перейти на электрические заправки, в то время как заводы не должны выпускать углекислый газ. Мы также должны сократить использование различных спреев и лаков, которые разрушают озоновый слой.
If we take these simple measures, we might save our planet. Если мы предпримем эти простые меры, мы можем спасти нашу планету.

This model answer is for global warming essay.

In this post, we have covered the global warming essay quite comprehensively. This article will help you know:

  • What are the leading causes of global warming
  • Long-term & short-term effects of global warming
  • What can Individuals do about it?
  • Role of government
  • Possible Solutions


  • 100 words ( for the students of lower grade)
  • 200 words (for the students of the higher class)
  • 300 words (for the students of IELTS & PTE Academic )
  • 800 words (Take the help of this article to structure your essay)

Global Warming Essay

Global Warming Essay

 1. Global Warming Essay  [100 words]

Why do you think temperature goes too high in summers and too low in winters? Well, such a phenomenon is known as Global Warming.

Global Warming is the extreme rise or increase in the temperature of the surface of the Earth.
Earth’s surface includes both land and water which means that the temperature of not only land increases but that of water as well. Such heat creates many problems for all the living beings like plants, animals and human beings on Earth.

Global Warming is majorly the result of the increased Greenhouse effect. Because of this phenomenon, the water level of both sea and ocean has increased. Such a high increase in the level of water is unwanted and risky too as it can even result in a natural calamity like a flood.

We must take strict actions to prevent such natural disasters and to save our planet Earth.

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2. Essay on Global Warming [200 words]

What is Global Warming?

In the most straightforward words –it is the heating up of the Earth’s atmosphere due to non-stop rise in temperature. The primary cause of temperature rise is greenhouse gases.

Global Warming happens because the amount of greenhouse gases like Carbon dioxide, Nitrous Oxide, Methane, etc. has increased mostly in last few years. These gases in the atmosphere soak up or absorb all the heat and raise the temperature which is known as greenhouse effect. This heat creates problems for all the living beings (plants, animals, and humans).

The greenhouse effect is necessary also because it keeps the Earth warm which makes life possible else Earth would freeze. But because of increasing greenhouse effect –Global Warming is taking place.

Global Warming leads to many serious effects which affect the environment severely. Some of the common ones are high sea and ocean level, destruction of aquatic life, high temperature, extreme weather conditions, melting of ice and glaciers, etc.

There are some prevention steps like the planting of trees, forestation, decreasing the use of hazardous chemicals, using of public transport, using wind and solar energy, etc. These measures can reduce the effect of global warming to an extent.

Global Warming is an important topic that can create enormous problems for the existence of life on Earth. Hence, taking measures to reduce Global Warming has become very important.

Must Read: Social Media Essay – Effect Of Social Media on Individuals & Society

3. Global Warming Essay – A threat to human race [300 words]

Topic: Global warming is one of the most severe issues that the world is facing today. What are the causes of global warming and what measures can governments and individuals take to tackle the problem? Write 250-300 words

**Note: Global Warming essay meets the standards required by PTE Academic and IELTS. Check more PTE Essay Topics.

Model Answer:

Scientists have observed that the earth’s average temperature has risen substantially over the past centuries. Humans can be blamed for this as they have augmented the greenhouse emissions which is the leading cause of increasing temperatures. This essay will analyse the causes of global warming and will suggest remedies to lower the risk associated with this alarming problem.

Modernization, urbanisation, and Industrialization remain the cause of the rise in the overall temperature on the earth’s surface. Industries and vehicles emit a lot of harmful gases which leads to the pollution of air as well as increases the heat. Burning fossil fuels is the primary reason for global warming. Coal and gas are used to generate electricity which results in the emission of carbon dioxide in the air. Deforestation is another reason for this problem.

We can curb global warming by taking small steps like switching off lights and electrical appliances when not in use, using solar energy to heat water, switching to electric cars, growing plants, etc. These are some steps we can take care of at an individual level. The government should also promote the use of renewable energy instead of fossil fuels. In addition to that, monitoring factories, car industries and the cutting of trees will help reduce global warming.

To conclude, although global warming is a serious issue, there are steps that governments and individuals can take to reduce its effects. We must collectively come forward to save our planet.


Global warming is a phenomenon due to which the temperature of the earth’s surface; land, water, and atmosphere, is rising year-by-year due to many natural and human-made causes.

Causes of Global Warming

 The primary reason for global warming is the increase in the levels of greenhouse gases within the earth’s atmosphere. These gases absorb much of the heat that’s radiated out of the earth’s atmosphere. As the concentrations of these gases in the atmosphere increase, more and more heat energy that otherwise leaves the atmosphere is absorbed. Hence, resulting in an overall increase in the temperature of the earth’s atmosphere, land, and water. The rising levels of greenhouse gases are the primary cause of the phenomenon: Global Warming.

The level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is rising due to natural as well as human-made factors. The most prominent contributors to the rise in the level of greenhouse gases would be overpopulation, deforestation, farming, and electricity generation.

Effects Of Global Warming

The impact of global warming is both: short-term and long-term. The long-term effects, however, are much more significant. A reduction in the snow cover surrounding the poles is one significant long-term effect. In fact, as things stand today, the poles are already melting.

  • Rising Sea Level

Sea-level consequently, is already growing. If things continue to move along this trajectory, it’s predicted that shortly many coast-line countries such as Singapore, Fiji, Egypt, Bangladesh etc. will soon be underwater.

When countries go underwater, there will be widespread damage to flora and fauna that live in these countries. The loss of life will be immeasurable. People who lived in these countries will migrate to other countries. Such migration will cause many economic and political complications in the countries that they choose to relocate. Many people will be fighting for the same land, the same food, the equal job opportunities.

  • Desertification

What’s worse is that one of the other long-term effects of global warming is desertification. Desertification is a type of land degradation in which a relatively dry area of land becomes increasingly arid, typically losing its bodies of water as well as vegetation and wildlife. The impact of widespread desertification is that the land which was earlier available for cultivation is no longer arable. Hence, there will be lesser land to grow food. Smaller area to grow food for more people equals to disaster. It’s a glimpse into the adverse impact that global warming can have in the long-run.

Solutions To Global Warming

Global warming is not a problem with a direct answer. We can not stop this phenomenon entirely, but it can be slowed down. To slow down global warming, every individual on this planet needs to take ownership of this problem that’s been created by them. The crux of the solution lies in reducing the abundance of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere.

  • Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Out of all the human activities that contribute towards the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, none is more harmful than the burning of gasoline. E-vehicles which do not use gas and instead run on electricity are gaining traction in the marketplace today. Car companies around the world have taken some initiative towards reducing pollution by manufacturing E-vehicles. Volvo, for example, has come out in public and stated that they would soon stop producing petrol and diesel powered engines in favour of E-vehicles and hybrid vehicles.

  • Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is one of the most effective tools we have in the fight against climate change. Generating electricity using these renewable sources will significantly slow-down the global warming process. Generate electricity using renewable sources like wind energy, solar energy, geothermal energy

  • Recycling

Adopting the habit of recycling, too, will help slow down the process of global warming. The more we recycle, the lesser we waste. And the lesser we waste, the lesser we pollute the earth.


The human being is a selfish race. If we want to survive, we need to change our selfish ways. If we do not change our selfish means, then it’s highly possible that the children of the present generation may not live a life like the one they are living today. We must come forward to save our planet, Earth.

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The attacks on global warming are no different than the attacks the cigarettes companies used to use to say that cigarettes don’t cause cancer.”

Leonard Mlodinow

causes, effects and solutions for global warming

Climate change can be defined as a change in the earth’s climate system which results in new weather patterns.

These patterns can remain for a few decades or even for millions of years.

Comprising 5 different interacting parts, the climate system includes the hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere, cryosphere and lithosphere.

Almost all the energy of our climate system comes from the sun, a rather tiny fraction comes from the earth’s interior.

Some of the climate system’s energy is lost to outer space.

The outgoing and incoming energy determines the energy budget of the earth.

If there is more incoming than outgoing energy, it leads to global warming.

If there is more outgoing than incoming energy, it leads to global cooling.

Global warming is a serious problem for humanity as well as to the whole environmental system.

There were always periods of global warming in the history of the earth, however, since the mid of the 20th century, changes in global temperature have increased much faster than in previous periods.

In the following, the causes and effects of global warming are displayed.

Moreover, solutions to the global warming problem are given at the end.

Leading scientists estimate that during the 21st century, the global surface temperature will increase further in the range of 4.1 to 4.8 degrees Celsius (7.4 to 8.6 degrees Fahrenheit) until the end of the 21st century in the absence of political measures to fight global warming.

By taking actions to mitigate global warming, scientists expect that humanity can confine the increase of global air temperature in the range of 2.5 to 3.2 degrees Celsius (4.5 to 5.8 degrees Fahrenheit), depending on the model assumptions that have been made for the calculations of the different values.

The extent of global warming mainly depends on climate feedback effects as well as on the rate of future greenhouse gas emissions.

  1. Orbital variations
  2. Solar radiation
  3. Volcanism
  4. Plate tectonics
  5. Increase in the emission of greenhouse gases
  6. Changes in land use
  7. Aerosols
  8. Feedback effects
  9. Deforestation
  10. Agriculture

Variations in the motion of the earth result in changes in the seasonal distribution of sunlight reaching the surface and in its distribution across the earth.

These changes can contribute to the climate change problem.

Both short- and long-term variations in solar intensity are likely to affect our climate.

Over the last 4 billion years, the intensity of the sun increased and will continue to do so in the future.

Thus, this increase in solar intensity is likely to also increase the earth’s global temperature in the future.

For volcanoes to have a notable impact on our climate for more than one year, they must emit huge amounts of SO2 and sulfate aerosols when they erupt.

These chemicals have optical properties which scatter or absorb solar radiation and thus contribute to climate change.

Over a time horizon of millions of years, the motion of tectonic plates reshapes ocean and land areas and thus create topography.

This process can contribute to a change in global as well as in local climate.

Through greenhouse gases, heat radiating from the earth to space is trapped.

This heat gets absorbed by gases in the atmosphere and leads to the warming of the earth’s surface.

Major greenhouse gases include water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane and ozone.

Since the industrial revolution, human activity has increased the emission of greenhouse gases to a great extent and therefore also the carbon footprint has increased.

Moreover, domestic flights and our travel behavior exacerbated the problem of excessive greenhouse gas emissions.

Our production of greenhouse gases like methane or CO2 from the combustion of fuel plays a major role in the context of climate change.

There are additional factors that indirectly contribute to global warming, like the depletion of the ozone layer, deforestation and animal husbandry.

Changes in land use change the surface of the earth which in turn affects the reflection of sunlight back into space and how much heat is lost by evaporation.

For example, changing woodland into grassland leads to a lighter surface and thus reflects more sunlight.

Aerosols usually have a cooling effect on the earth’s climate since they reflect incoming sunlight.

Since the concentration of aerosols has been declining since 1990, the reflection effect of aerosols has been lowered and thus global warming has been increased.

There are several feedback effects related to global warming which makes it hard to accurately predict the future increase in temperature.

There are negative as well as positive feedback effects related to climate change.

Significant positive feedback effects include the ice-albedo effect, the water vapor effect and the net effect of clouds.

Radiative cooling to space as infrared radiation increases with increasing temperature, making it the main negative feedback effect to global temperature change.

Deforestation can be a significant cause of global warming. Since trees absorb greenhouse gases like CO2 from the air and turn it into oxygen, they are a natural greenhouse gas storage.

However, if the forests are cut down in order to get more space for settlement or housing, large quantities of CO2 are released into the atmosphere and the global warming process will be enhanced due to this.

A prominent example of this issue is the behavior of farmers in the Amazonian Rainforest.

It is quite common that farmers burn down trees intentionally in order to get more farmland to grow soy or other crops since it is more profitable for them than selling wood.

Thus, the Amazonian Rainforest is cleared at alarming speed and one of the biggest natural CO2 storages of our earth is destroyed.

An additional cause of global warming is agriculture. In order to be able to meet the worldwide meat demand, large amounts of meat have to be produced on a daily basis.

However, the cattle for this meat production emit significant amounts of methane which is a much more serious greenhouse gas than CO2.

Moreover, farmers often use fertilizers that contain nitrous oxides, which in turn can lead to a release of nitrogen-related gases which are also known to enhance global warming.

  1. Effects on the physical environment
  2. Rise in sea levels
  3. Increase in heatwaves
  4. Increase in average temperature
  5. Increase in rainfalls and wind speeds
  6. Effects on the biosphere
  7. Social tensions
  8. Effects on agriculture
  9. Shortage of drinking water
  10. Human health effects
  11. Migration
  12. Change in land use

Global warming changes the physical appearance of our environment.

For example, glaciers will melt due to global warming and will eventually disappear.

Moreover, sea levels will rise and small islands will be covered by the sea.

In addition, natural disasters and weather extremes due to global warming like droughts are likely to increase in number.

Thus, affected areas will often change from fertile land to deserted areas which will no longer be suitable for farming purposes.

The global sea levels are rising due to global warming which destroys the habitat for several plants, animals and humans.

The meltdown of glaciers and ice shields in the Antarctic could account for up to 90% of the rise in sea levels and thus is the biggest source of sea-level increase.

Antarctic glaciers are melting due to an increase in ocean temperature.

Due to the rise in sea levels, many people will lose their homes.

People who live in countries or islands which are located just a few feet above the sea level right now will lose their livelihood since the land that they currently inhabit will just be underwater in the near future.

Since the year 1950, heatwaves and droughts have appeared more frequently.

Moreover, extremely dry or wet periods during the monsoon season have increased.

These increases in extreme weather conditions are likely to continue in the future.

Making things worse, scientists estimate that heatwaves will become even more likely in the future due to the global warming issue.

These heat waves will result in many other problems, including a shortage of drinking water in many poor countries.

Moreover, apart from weather extremes, there will also be a significant increase in average temperature over time.

There are many different estimates on the scale of global warming, depending on the models underlying for the estimation.

Most scientists agree that until the year 2100, the average air temperature will increase by 0.3-1.7 degrees.

However, there are some scientists that believe that the extent of global warming may be much more severe. Even estimates of 4.8 degrees exist in scientific discussions.

How big the increase will eventually be will be determined by human behavior.

If we are able and willing to take suitable measures against global warming, we may be able to confine it to a certain extent.

Additionally, wind speed and maximum rainfalls from typhoons and hurricanes are increasing. Hurricanes usually get their power from warm ocean water.

Since trough global warming, not only air temperature, but also water temperature will increase, hurricanes and other tropical storms are likely to get stronger in the near future.

This may have severe impacts on the coastal cities, which may be hit by enormous winds.

These winds may be powerful enough to destroy significant infrastructure and may also cause many deaths.

Global warming has led to an expansion of drier climatic zones, e.g. the expansion of deserts in the subtropics.

These changes in the structure and composition of ecosystems will move forward in the future if global warming cannot be mitigated.

This effect is likely to lead to a reduction in diversity of the ecosystem and to an extinction of many species.

This also includes species living in the ocean.

Although the ocean heated more slowly than land, even small changes in ocean temperature can cause large adverse effects on sea animals, plants and corals.

There will be severe adverse effects of global warming on humans in the future.

Since some regions of the world will be hit much harder than others, there will be large social tensions.

Global inequality will even rise in the future because of the effects of global warming.

Also, agricultural production will be affected differently in different parts of the globe.

While global warming is likely to have negative effects on crop yields in low-latitude countries, it may have positive effects on crop harvests in the northern latitudes.

Overall, there is a severe risk of global food scarcity, desertification and an increase in global inequality if the global warming process continues.

Moreover, also the supply with drinking water will become an even bigger problem in low-latitude countries.

By 2050, up to 600 million people are likely to experience increased water stress due to climate change in Africa.

There are also severe impacts of global warming on human health.

This includes effects from extreme weather leading to losses of lives and injuries and also adverse effects from undernutrition due to crop failures.

Moreover, there has been found evidence that increases in temperature could cause an increasing number of suicides.

Climate change also increases the probability of conflicts driven by economic shocks and poverty.

It also contributes to a rise in crime rates and serious conflicts.

It can also lead to a spread of diseases and even to new human forms of diseases.

As sea levels continue to rise, many islands will be flooded and human settlements and infrastructure will be destroyed.

Since many people are likely to lose their livelihood and their homes, people will be forced to leave their home countries in order to find a better future.

This will likely lead to increased migration from low-latitude to high-latitude countries since the living conditions of high-latitude countries will be much better after the adverse effects of global warming manifested.

Many areas of land which are currently not suitable for agriculture since it is too cold right now will become suitable for farming purposes due to global warming in the future.

Thus, global warming will have an upside for countries with large areas of land in cold climate zones.

Due to global warming, they will be able to farm these areas of land and to harvest significant amounts of crop yields.

  1. Reduction of greenhouse gases
  2. Climate engineering
  3. Political measures
  4. Change in daily consumption behavior
  5. Education
  6. Convince others
  7. Adaption

The main reasons for an increase in greenhouse gases in the last decades of the 20th century have been population growth as well as an increasing GDP per capita.

This in turn has led to an increase in consumption and thus to increased combustion of fossil fuels which finally leads to an increase in greenhouse gases.

The global warming issue can be mitigated by a reduction in greenhouse gases.

A reduction in greenhouse gases can be accomplished by energy conservation, an increase in energy efficiency, a carbon tax and the switch from fossil to renewable energies.

Climate engineering is an additional way to mitigate the global warming issue.

It can be defined as a deliberate modification of the climate.

Techniques that could be applied may include CO2-removal and solar radiation management.

However, recent studies show that these measures are either ineffective or even have severe side effects.

There is a big responsibility for governments all over the world to unite and fight global warming by setting proper regulations.

First steps in this direction have been made through the UNFCCC.

In this framework, governments all over the world try to prevent adverse human interference with the climate system.

This includes a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in conjunction with sustained economic development and the security of food production.

This framework also requires developing countries to be aware of the greenhouse gas problem.

Although per capita emissions are relatively low in developing countries, this may change dramatically since developing countries strive to higher living standards and thus the emission of greenhouse gases is likely to increase dramatically.

In 2015, the Paris Agreement has been ratified in order to prevent the rise in temperature from exceeding two degrees.

This should also be accomplished by supporting developing countries financially in order to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.

Greenhouse gases are also produced for our daily consumption of things.

By reducing our consumption behavior, each of us can contribute to the mitigation of climate change.

This can mean avoiding to use your car and use public transport instead.

It can also mean turning off your lights when you do not need them in order to save energy.

Education is a crucial measure to mitigate the global warming issue.

Global warming can only be stopped or at least slowed down if people behave in an environmentally friendly way.

Therefore, it is quite important to educate people about the adverse negative consequences of global warming and to show them how their daily life behavior contributes to climate change.

This education should start at a quite young age.

On the one hand, children can convince their parents to behave in a way that slows down global warming.

On the other hand, when these children become adults, they are more likely to behave in an environmentally friendly way.

Thus, education is key in order to be able to fight the global warming issue.

Your contribution to the reduction in greenhouse gases matters, that’s for sure!

However, also convincing other people to follow your behavior will even have a bigger impact on the mitigation of global warming.

By convincing many people to change their consumption behavior and also change other peoples’ minds, everyone of us can make a big difference in our daily lives.

It is likely that we will not be able to fully stop global warming.

Thus, it is crucial that humanity is able to adapt to these new temperature conditions.

This means that governments and industries have to take the necessary steps in order to prepare our global society for our new environment.

This includes a solution to the migration problem that will result from global warming.

Many people will lose their home and their sources of income and will try to find a better future in other countries.

This will be especially true for low-latitude countries which will be affected by global warming the most.

We are talking about many million people.

Constructing a world in which we can all live together without wars and other adverse occurrences will be a huge challenge to humanity as a whole.

Global warming is one of the biggest challenges humanity faces today and in the future.

If we are not able to stop global warming, our planet will be impacted dramatically.

Many species of animals and plants will die out.

Moreover, many people will lose their homes and their belongings.

The effects of global warming are especially severe in low-latitude countries.

Global warming will lead to an increasing number of migrants which will strive to find a better future in countries in northern latitudes.

Thus, these countries will face enormous challenges regarding how to deal with migration in the future.

Humanity as a whole has to take measures in order to secure a livable environment in the future.

This also includes the adaption on a higher earth temperature.

We can limit global warming to a certain extent, but we will not be able to fully stop global warming.

However, everyone can contribute their part by a reduction in their daily consumption behavior.

The production of things leads to an emission of greenhouse gases which in turn fosters global warming.

Through the reduction of our consumption behavior and by convincing others to also change their daily consumption behavior, everyone can make a huge impact to mitigate the global warming issue.

If you want even more information on global warming, check out the climate change facts and stats.


About the author

My name is Andreas and my mission is to educate people of all ages about our environmental problems and how everyone can make a contribution to mitigate these issues.

As I went to university and got my Master’s degree in Economics, I did plenty of research in the field of Development Economics.

After finishing university, I traveled around the world. From this time on, I wanted to make a contribution to ensure a livable future for the next generations in every part of our beautiful planet.

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