Give the russian equivalents for the words word expressions below baker

Задания для дифференцированного зачета по
специальности «Техническая эксплуатация и обслуживание электрического и
электромеханического оборудования»

Вариант 1

Read the text

     Practical electricity is produced by small atomic particles known as electrons. It is the movement of these particles which produce the effects of heat and light.
     The pressure that forces these atomic particles to move, the effects they encounter opposition and how these forces are controlled are some of the principles of electricity.
Accepted atomic theory states that all matter is electrical in structure. Any object is largely composed of a combination of positive and negative particles of electricity. Electric current will pass through a wire, a body, or along a stream of water. It can be established in some substances more readily than in others, that all matter is composed of electric particles despite some basic differences in materials. The science of electricity then must begin with a study of the structure of matter.
     Matter is defined as any substance which has mass (or weight) and occupies space. This definition should be broad enough to cover all physical objects in the universe. Wood, water, iron, and paper are some examples of matter. Energy is closely related to, but not to be confused with, matter. Energy does not have mass, and it does not occupy space. Heat and light are examples of energy.

The smallest particle of
matter which can be recognized as an original substance was thought to be a
unit called the atom. Recently scientists have found particles even smaller
than atoms, but our theories are still based on the atom. The atom consists of
a nucleus and a cloud of electrons. It is generally agreed that the electrons
are small particles of electricity, which are negative in nature. These
particles orbit the nucleus in much the same fashion that planets orbit a sun.

2. Guess the meaning of the following international words:

     Electricity, electron, effect,
structure, combination, material, mass, energy, atom, orbit

3. Give the English equivalents for the words below:

1) производить; 2) частица; 3) тепло и свет; 4) напряжение;
5) сила; 6) вещество; 7) положительный; 8) отрицательный; 9) электрический ток;
10) вес; 11) ядро

4. Translate into Russian the words and expressions from the text:

1) atomic particle; 2) effects of heat and light; 3) encounter
opposition; 4) principles of electricity; 5) composed (of); 6) pass through a
wire; 7) structure of matter; 8) occupy space; 9) physical objects; 10) a cloud
of electrons; 11) in the same fashion.

5. Complete the sentences using the text:
    1. Electricity is produced by …
     2. The effects of heat and light are produced by …
     3. According to the accepted atomic theory all matter is …
     4. Any object is composed of …
     5. Matter is defined as …
     6. Energy must not be confused with …
     7. The atom consists of …
     8. The smallest particle of matter is …
     9. Most theories are based on …

     10. Electrons are …

Вариант 2

№ 1 Read the text

The electric current is a quantity of electrons flowing in a circuit per second of time. The unit of measure for current is ampere. If one coulomb passes a point in a circuit per second then the current strength is 1 ampere. The symbol for current is I.
The current which flows along wires consists of moving electrons. The electrons move along the circuit because the e .m. f. drives them. The current is directly proportional to the e. m. f.        
In addition to traveling through solids, however, the electric current can flow through liquids as well and even through gases. In both cases it produces some most important effects to meet industrial requirements.
       Some liquids, such as melted metals for example, conduct current without any change to themselves. Others, called electrolytes, are found to change greatly when the current passes through them.
When the electrons flow in one direction only, the current is known to be d. c., that is, direct current. The simplest source of power for the direct current is a battery, for a battery pushes the electrons in the same direction all the time (i.e., from the negatively charged terminal to the positively charged terminal).
The letters a. c. stand for alternating current. The current under consideration flows first in one direction and then in the opposite one. The a. c. used for power and lighting purposes is assumed to go through 50 cycles in one second. One of the great advantages of a. c. is the ease with which power at low voltage can be changed into an almost similar amount of power at high voltage and vice versa. Hence, on the one hand alternating voltage is increased when it is necessary for long-distance transmission and, on the other hand, one can decrease it to meet industrial requirements as well as to operate various devices at home.

Although there are numerous
cases when d. c. is required, at least 90 per cent of electrical energy to be
generated at present is a. c. In fact, it finds wide  application for lighting,
heating, industrial, and some other purposes.

2. Guess the meaning of the following international words:

      electric, ampere, symbol, proportional, industrial, metal,
electrolyte, battery, generate.

3. Give the English equivalents for the words and word combinations below:

1) течь, протекать; 2) цепь, схема; 3) единица измерения;
4) провод; 5) электродвижущая сила; 6) твердое тело; 7) жидкость; 8) проводить
(ток); 9) источник энергии; 10) постоянный ток; 11) переменный ток; 12)

4. Give Russian equivalents for the following:
1) to meet industrial requirements; 2) melted metals; 3) to push in the same direction; 4) negatively (positively) charged terminal; 5) power and lightning purposes; 6) long-distance transmission; 7) to operate devices; 8) to find wide application. 
5. Say whether these sentences are true or false:
1. The symbol for current is I.
2. The electric current can flow only through liquids.
3. The current can be of two types: direct current and alternating current.
4. The alternating current flows in one direction.
5. A battery is the simplest source of power for the direct current.
6. Direct current finds wider application than alternating current.
7. Electrolytes don’t change greatly when current passes through them.
8. One of the great advantages of alternating current is the ease with which voltage can be changed.

Эталоны ответов

1 вариант

2 вариант

2. Guess the meaning of the following international words:











2. Guess the meaning of the following international words:










3. Give the English equivalents for the words below:

1) to produce;

2) the

3) heat and

4) voltage;

5) current;

6) substance;

7) positive;

8) negative;

9) electric

10) weight;

11) core

3. Give the English equivalents for the words and word combinations below:

1) the leak to

2) chain,

3) unit of

4) wire;

electromotive force;

6) the solid

7) the liquid;

8) To

9) the energy

10) direct

11) AC current;

12) voltage

4. Translate into Russian the words and expressions from the text:

1) атомная
частица; 2) эффекты высокой температуры и света; 3) оппозиция столкновения;
4) принципы электричества; 5) составленный (из); 6) проходят через провод; 7)
структура материи; 8) занимают пространство; 9) физические объекты; 10)
облако электронов; 11) таким же образом.

4. Give Russian equivalents for the following:
1) отвечать промышленным требованиям; 2) расплавленные металлы; 3) продвинуться в том же самом направлении; 4) отрицательно (положительно) заряженный терминал; 5)мощности и молнии целей 6) передачи на дальние расстояния; 7) управление устройствами; 8) найти

широкое применение.

5. Complete the sentences using the text:
1. Electricity is produced by by small atomic particles known as electrons 
2. The effects of heat and light are produced by the movement of these particles 
3. According to the accepted atomic theory all matter is electrical in structure 
4. Any object is composed of positive and negative particles of electricity 
5. Matter is defined as any substance which has mass (or weight) and occupies space
6. Energy must not be confused with matter
7. The atom consists of a nucleus and a cloud of electrons
8. The smallest particle of matter is the atom
9. Electrons are small particles of electricity
5. Say whether these sentences are true or false: 
T- 1. The symbol for current is I.
F - 2. The electric current can flow only through liquids.
T - 3. The current can be of two types: direct current and alternating current.
F- 4. The alternating current flows in one direction.
T - 5. A battery is the simplest source of power for the direct current.
T - 6. Direct current finds wider application than alternating current.
F - 7. Electrolytes don’t change greatly when current passes through them.
T - 8. One of the great advantages of alternating current is the ease with which voltage can be changed.


1. Give the Russian equivalents of the following words and word combinations:

the course of studies — курс обучения;

primary school — начальная школа;

secondary school — средняя школа;

previously — ранее;

creche — ясли;

lyceum — лицей;

gymnasium — гимназия;

free of charge — бесплатно;

curriculum — программа обучения;

demand — спрос, востребованность;

to adapt — адапировать(ся);

to extend — продлевать;

to conduct — проводить;

transition — переход;

vocational school — профессионально-техническое училище;

higher school — высшая школа;

competitive — конкурентоспособный;

ability — способность;

to be involved in — участвовать в;

postgraduate courses — курсы повышения квалификации/послевузовское образование

1. Give the Russian equivalents of the following words and word combinations:
the course of studies; primary school; secondary school; previously;
creche; lyceum; gymnasium; free of charge; curriculum; demand; to
adapt; to extend; to conduct; transition; vocational school; higher school;
competitive; ability; to be involved in; postgraduate courses
3. Give the English equivalents of the following:
детский сад; большой выбор; государственная школа; большин­
ство школ; дополнительные предметы; первая четверть; школь­
ные правила; включать; изучаемые предметы; выпускники; акаде­
мия; выпускные экзамены

6. Translate the words in brackets into English.
1. (Курс обучения) is eleven years.
2. Children (младше шести лет) are taken to creches and nursery
3. (Большинство школ) are free of charge.
4. At the age of six children start (ходить в начальную школу).
5. After (базовой средней школы) young people can enter (техни­
ческие училища).

Остались вопросы?

benefit from a package of financial products

put more firmly in control of….

give smb. unparalleled access to money


remove traditional banking limitations

enjoy the benefits of the global banking group

enjoy the difference

manage financial affairs more efficiently

avoid hefty transaction charges

save on currency exchange costs

of making deposits or cash withdrawals

conduct business conveniently

be on hand

speed you through automated procedures

prefer the personal touch


change a standing order

download your account details

see your balance change instantly

be content with

Task 6. Translate into Russian without using a dictionary:

    1. Modern
      banks offer a wide choice of facilities so that their customers
      could benefit from a package of financial products and services.

    2. People
      can enjoy the state-of-the-art banking technology that removes
      traditional banking limitations of time and location.

    3. If
      you want to avoid hefty transaction charges and save on currency
      exchange costs, you can easily initiate Internet Banking services
      and enjoy the benefits of the worldwide access to your money.

    4. Some
      customers prefer the personal touch, so traditional banking
      services are available in all high street branches where efficient
      bankers are on hand if you want their service or advice.

    5. The
      new state-of-the-art technology gives you unparalleled access to
      your money and sometimes you are offered a package of financial
      products and services that will change your expectations of a bank.

    6. As
      a rule, banks offer rather a wide range of services: they accept
      money deposits, collect and pay cheques, discount bills, grant
      loans, arrange for overdraft facilities, transact stock and share
      business and provide safe-deposit facilities.

    7. To
      conduct your business conveniently you can download your account
      details and enjoy the benefits of on-line banking. Short of making
      deposits or cash withdrawals, you have a choice of methods that
      will speed you though automated procedures.

    8. You
      can change your standing order or transfer funds and you have to
      devote valuable time to these routine transactions, or fit your
      business into banking hours.

    9. If
      you often travel or invest internationally, you want banking

    10. All
      modern banking techniques have been designed to dovetail with
      existing financial software, giving a customer a choice of account
      reporting and payment processing facilities and a smooth transfer
      of account formation to and from other packages.

Task 7. Summarizing the topic.

and translate the text into Russian.

Types of banks

banking system of a country is made up of a variety of different
institutions supervised by the country’s
central bank. We know state, private, commercial, investment,
merchant, and clearing banks. They
are all commercial institutions, and as such they have to sell their

the general public and many businesses, banking services are provided
by the Commercial banks. These banks offer a wide range of banking
services, e.g., accepting and holding deposits, managing customers’
accounts, providing credit cards, arranging loans, arranging
mortgages and insurance. Customers can open current (or cheque)
accounts, savings and deposit accounts. Commercial banks issue
Letters of credit, collect payments, discount bills of exchange,
handle foreign currency transactions, and trade in securities. They
act as profit-making companies as they sell their services. They make
a profit from the difference (known as a spread or a margin) between
the interest rates they pay to lenders or depositors and those they
charge to borrowers. Commercial banks invest into public and
corporate securities.


do not deal with the public but specialize in providing services to
companies, raising capital
for industry and financing international trade. They advise companies
on corporate finance, on flotation’s and takeover bids.
Banks issue and underwrite securities, and manage investment
portfolios of rich corporate and individual clients. They are
particularly active in arranging mergers and acquisitions.


provide finance for companies by buying stocks and securities and
selling them in smaller units to members of the public. They can only
act as intermediaries offering advisory services, and do not offer
loans themselves. These banks make their profits from the fees and
commissions they charge for their services.

distinction between different kinds of banking has become less clear
in recent years. Deregulation in
the USA and Britain is leading to the creation of ‘financial
supermarkets’, such conglomerates combining
the services offered by banks, stockbrokers, insurance companies and
so on. In some European countries, notably Germany, Switzerland and
Austria, there have always been universal banks combining deposit
and loan banking, share and bond dealing, investment services.

central bank

looks after the government’s finance and monetary policy and also
acts as banker to other banks. It has 4 main functions.

The first one is to implement monetary policy. There are roughly 3
ways to do it. First is setting interest
rate ceilings and floors, which means limiting the fluctuations of
the interest rate. The second way to implement monetary policy is
simply printing money, or destroying it – coins, banknotes. The
third is buying and selling government bonds to and from commercial

The second one is exchange rate supervision, mainly for floating
exchange rates. But even for a fixed exchange
rate the central bank still has to make sure that it has enough
reserves to counteract any upswing or downswing of this exchange

The third main task is commercial banking supervision – that is
making sure that the commercial banks
have enough liquidity, for instance, to avoid any bank run. The bank
run is a sort of panic, a situation
in which investors or customers run to the bank and take their money
out because they realize or they think they realize that their bank
is not trustworthy any more.

The fourth main task of the central bank would be to act as a lender
of last resort in case one of these commercial
banks goes bankrupt and the investors have to get back their money.

some countries the central bank is independent from the government,
in others it is controlled by the government.
In the former case the government will be unable to instigate
expansionary policies, either to boost an economy in a recession, or
to increase money supply before elections to favour employment. Of
this has a negative effect on inflation. It’s more efficient for a
separate body to implement monetary
policy while the government implements budgetary policy and taxation.

two most independent central banks are in Switzerland and Germany.
Italy has a quite an independent
central bank. The American Federal Reserve Board, the Fed, is
slightly independent. France is
being slowly privatized and made independent. But the Bank of
England, the Bank of Japan and the Chinese
central bank are examples of central banks, which are influenced by
the government. It is generally accepted that the independent bank is
a model for the future. Though it should not be completely
independent. The independence should be adapted to the economic
conditions in the country and outside the country.

Соседние файлы в предмете Английский язык

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Exercise 1:
1. Legislative power — Законодательная власть
2. Executive branch — Исполнительная власть
3. the Council of Federation — Совет Федерации
4. the Supreme Court — Верховный суд
5. international treaties — Международный договор
6. to appoint ministers — Назначить Министров
7. garbage collection — Сборка мусора
8. introduce a bill — Представлять законопроект
9. to become a law — Стать законом
10. To veto a bill — Запрет законопроекта
11. the Federal Assembly — Федеральное собрание
12. to consist of — Быть сделанным из
13. to be elected — Быть избираемым
14. a parliamentary republic — Парламентская республика
15. to fight wars — Сражаться против войн
16. tasteless things — Безвкусные вещи
Exercise 3:
to appoint ministers
to veto a bill
to introduce a bill
to elect ministers
to sign law
В 3 задании, возможно, получится еще несколько словосочетаний. Все переводы к ним сделаны в первом задании.

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