Give the definitions of the word challenging dull and tiresome

Контрольная работа 11 класс (2 четверть)


I. Аудирование. (EE 11 класс SB p 75. )

1 Listen to a career officer talking about the importance of a person’s first job and

decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F).

1 Everyone likes his/her first job.

2 Money is the main reason you get your first job.

3 Your first job helps you to feel independent.

4 Your first job teaches you responsibility.

5 You don’t have to show up to your first job.

6 If you are sick, your supervisor will find somebody to fill in.

7 If you don’t do a good job, you will lose your position.

8 You will use all your skills in your first job.

9 You will feel more adult because of your first job.

10 Your first job will help you to grow personally.

II. Лексика и грамматика.

1.Guess the person who does work to improve bad social conditions and help

people in need.

a) a social worker c) a mechanic

b) a journalist d) a computer operator

2. Choose the appropriate word.

For my boss home exists only in his ______.

a) imagine c) imagination

b) imaginary d) imaginable

3.Choose the correct form of the verb.

Next year all the school-leaving exams ______ by the end of June.

a) will be taken c) will have taken

b) will take d) will have been taken

4. Give the definition of the word responsible.

a) well-informed

b) pleased and happy

c) difficult and complex

d) having a duty to be in charge of doing something

5.Make the right word combinations.

1) dead-end a) skills

2) interpersonal b) estimate

3) rough c) person

4) self-confident d) job

6. Open the brackets and fill in the appropriate form of the words.

1) This job is not________(to enjoy), it is rather


2) We would like to be self-employed____(busy) people.

7. Fill in the gaps with the correct words.

Career choice

Making a career choice is one of the most difficult and most important

decisions we will ever make in our lives. It has to be made with much_____ (1) and

deliberation. Moreover, career choices cannot be made based on just a few criteria

alone. Your job may carry great monetary benefits and perks, but if you do not enjoy

what you do then you are_____ (2) wasting a large part of your life. At the same time,

remember that money is also important for you need it to survive. So, if a job is

all____ (3) but no pay, things can get difficult.

Before you start choosing a perfect career, you need to know yourself first.

But sometimes all this self-analysis leads to ___(4) . We end up more____ (5) than we

were at the beginning. Then, the best way to deal with the dilemma is to think

about _______ (6) a career counselor.

A career development professional will use various tools to help you evaluate

your interests, personality, _______ (7) and values. He or she will then show you how

all these things, combined, play a role in choosing a career. You can also learn about

a career by interviewing people who are already in that profession.

1. a) think b) thought c) thinking d) thinkable

2. a) fool b) foolish c) foolishly d) fooling

3. a) satisfaction b) satisfy c) satisfying d) satisfied

4. a) somewhere b) anywhere c) where d) nowhere

5. a) confusion b) confused c) confusing d) confusable

6. a) consulting b) consult c) consulted d) consultive

7. a) skillful b) skilled c) skills d) unskilled

III. Письмо

1.Write the three most important personal qualities and the three most important

professional qualities or skills for each job.

a) I think that a pilot should be very responsible, ______, _____, _____.

b) Besides, it is important for him to be able to solve problems, _____, _____, ____.

Контрольная работа 11 класс (2 четверть)


I. Аудирование. (EE 11 класс SB p 75. )

1 Listen to a career officer talking about the importance of a person’s first job and

decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F).

1 Everyone likes his/her first job.

2 Money is the main reason you get your first job.

3 Your first job helps you to feel independent.

4 Your first job teaches you responsibility.

5 You don’t have to show up to your first job.

6 If you are sick, your supervisor will find somebody to fill in.

7 If you don’t do a good job, you will lose your position.

8 You will use all your skills in your first job.

9 You will feel more adult because of your first job.

10 Your first job will help you to grow personally.

I. Лексика и грамматика.

1. Guess the person who repairs the pipes in the bathroom.

a) a physician c) a plumber

b) a surgeon d)

a school teacher

2. Choose the appropriate word.

My relatives were very … when I made a career.

a) support c) supported

b) supportive d) supportable

3. Choose the correct form of the verb.

They … their school certificates by next Friday.

a) will be given

b) will give

c) will have given

d) will have been given

4. Give the definition of the word challenging.

a) dull and tiresome

b) making you feel happy and satisfied

c) irritating and often overwhelming

d) difficult in an interesting or enjoyable way

5. Make the right word combinations.

1) full-time a. person

2) self-employed b. skills

3) engineering c. job

4) telephone d. profession

6. Open the brackets and fill in the appropriate form of the words.

1) This job is not well paid but it is quite_______ (satisfaction).

2) Does your friend have any unusual_______ (ambitious)?

7.Fill in the gaps with the correct words.

Career choice

When school is over, young people need to make a choice of what they want

to do further. Our grandparents often say that life used to be safer and less_____(1)

when they were young. That may be true, but I think that our generation have more

opportunities than they had. We have a wider career choice and we can shape our life

______ (2) our inclinations and abilities. I’m sure that there are no good or bad jobs

but there are right and wrong ones for every particular person. One and the same job

could be very______(3) and enjoyable for one person and absolutely inappropriate for

another one. It’s also natural that different people have different job_____ (4). Some

of us seek a prestigious job, some look______(5) a well-paid job, and some people

want to work freelance and don’t care about money or______ (6) they just want to

be their own bosses and plan their own days. Distance jobs are gaining popularity for

the same reasons. You see that we can choose not only the industry we want to

devote_____(7) to, but the format of the job too.

1. a) complicated b) comfortable c) communicative d) competent

2. a) because of b) due to c) according to d) in spite of

3. a) refreshing b) retraining c) relaxing d) rewarding

4. a) preferences b) benefits c) opportunities d) responsibilities

5. a) at b) after c) for d) forward

6. a) salary b) payment c) costs d) prestige

7. a) ourselves b) yourselves c) us d) yours

II. Письмо

1.Write the three most important personal qualities and the three most important

professional qualities or skills for each job.

a) I think that a businessman should be very responsible, ______, _____, _____.

b) Besides, it is important for him to be able to solve problems, ______, _____, ____.

Tiresome vs Dull — What’s the Difference?




Definition as Verb
  • make dull in appearance
  • become dull or lusterless in appearance; lose shine or brightness
  • make less lively or vigorous
  • make dull or blunt
  • deaden (a sound or noise), especially by wrapping
  • make numb or insensitive
  • become less interesting or attractive
Definition as Verb

Definition as Adjective
  • lacking in liveliness or animation
  • emitting or reflecting very little light
  • (of color) very low in saturation; highly diluted
  • not keenly felt
  • not having a sharp edge or point
  • blunted in responsiveness or sensibility
  • so lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness
  • slow to learn or understand; lacking intellectual acuity
  • darkened with overcast
  • being or made softer or less loud or clear
  • (of business) not active or brisk
  • not clear and resonant; sounding as if striking with or against something relatively soft
Definition as Adjective
  • so lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness


  • boring, deadening, ho-hum, irksome, slow, tedious, tiresome, wearisome
  • dense, dim, dumb, obtuse, slow
  • leaden
  • muffled, muted, softened
  • slow, sluggish
  • thudding
  • blunt
  • muffle, mute, damp, dampen, tone down
  • numb, benumb, blunt
  • pall

  • boring, deadening, dull, ho-hum, irksome, slow, tedious, wearisome


  • «he was so dull at parties»; «a dull political campaign»; «a large dull impassive man»; «dull days with nothing to do»; «how dull and dreary the world is»; «fell back into one of her dull moods»
  • «a dull glow»; «dull silver badly in need of a polish»; «a dull sky»
  • «dull greens and blues»
  • «a dull throbbing»; «dull pain»
  • «the knife was too dull to be of any use»
  • «a dull gaze»; «so exhausted she was dull to what went on about her»- Willa Cather
  • «a boring evening with uninteresting people»; «the deadening effect of some routine tasks»; «a dull play»; «his competent but dull performance»; «a ho-hum speaker who couldn’t capture their attention»; «what an irksome task the writing of long letters is»- Edmund Burke; «tedious days on the train»; «the tiresome chirping of a cricket»- Mark Twain; «other people’s dreams are dreadfully wearisome»
  • «so dense he never understands anything I say to him»; «never met anyone quite so dim»; «although dull at classical learning, at mathematics he was uncommonly quick»- Thackeray; «dumb officials make some really dumb decisions»; «he was either normally stupid or being deliberately obtuse»; «worked with the slow students»
  • «a dark day»; «a dull sky»; «the sky was leaden and thick»
  • «the dull boom of distant breaking waves»; «muffled drums»; «the muffled noises of the street»; «muted trumpets»
  • «business is dull (or slow)»; «a sluggish market»
  • «the dull thud»; «thudding bullets»
  • «Age had dulled the surface»
  • «the varnished table top dulled with time»
  • «Middle age dulled her appetite for travel»
  • «Too much cutting dulls the knife’s edge»
  • «The shock numbed her senses»

  • «a boring evening with uninteresting people»; «the deadening effect of some routine tasks»; «a dull play»; «his competent but dull performance»; «a ho-hum speaker who couldn’t capture their attention»; «what an irksome task the writing of long letters is»- Edmund Burke; «tedious days on the train»; «the tiresome chirping of a cricket»- Mark Twain; «other people’s dreams are dreadfully wearisome»

Parts of Speech


  • Dull vs boring
  • Dull vs deadening
  • Dull vs ho-hum
  • Dull vs irksome
  • Dull vs slow
  • Dull vs tedious
  • Dull vs tiresome
  • Dull vs wearisome
  • Dull vs dense
  • Dull vs dim
  • Dull vs dumb
  • Dull vs obtuse
  • Dull vs leaden
  • Dull vs muffled
  • Dull vs muted
  • Dull vs softened
  • Dull vs sluggish
  • Dull vs thudding
  • Dull vs blunt
  • Dull vs muffle
  • Dull vs mute
  • Dull vs damp
  • Dull vs dampen
  • Dull vs tone down
  • Dull vs numb
  • Dull vs benumb
  • Dull vs pall
  • Dull vs dull
  • Tiresome vs boring
  • Tiresome vs deadening
  • Tiresome vs ho-hum
  • Tiresome vs irksome
  • Tiresome vs slow
  • Tiresome vs tedious
  • Tiresome vs tiresome
  • Tiresome vs wearisome
  • Tiresome vs dense
  • Tiresome vs dim
  • Tiresome vs dumb
  • Tiresome vs obtuse
  • Tiresome vs leaden
  • Tiresome vs muffled
  • Tiresome vs muted
  • Tiresome vs softened
  • Tiresome vs sluggish
  • Tiresome vs thudding
  • Tiresome vs blunt
  • Tiresome vs muffle
  • Tiresome vs mute
  • Tiresome vs damp
  • Tiresome vs dampen
  • Tiresome vs tone down
  • Tiresome vs numb
  • Tiresome vs benumb
  • Tiresome vs pall
  • Tiresome vs dull

See also


Example Sentences

All those stories about his childhood can become tiresome after a while.

what a tiresome church service that turned out to be

Recent Examples on the Web

Say goodbye to the tiresome jack-stand boogie and hello to the quick driveway oil change.

Katherine Keeler, Car and Driver, 21 Mar. 2023

There were the tiresome, mundane jobs.

The Indianapolis Star, 16 Mar. 2023

Everyone finds unnecessary repetition and menial tasks tiresome.

IEEE Spectrum, 21 Feb. 2023

Looking across the landscape this year, with films like Infinity Pool and Divinity, there’s still a place for edgy cinema at Sundance … That’s what filmmaking is about, making something different and not always being so boxed in by these tiresome notions of what a film is supposed to be.

Chris Gardner, The Hollywood Reporter, 19 Feb. 2023

Rock reverted to tiresome misogynoir that, at this point, is just exhausting and repetitive – not provocative.

Tayo Bero,, 9 Mar. 2023

Discussions of them can descend quickly into tiresome pretense — and plenty of people online are gleeful to call out any such whiffs.

Bill Addisonrestaurant Critic, Los Angeles Times, 25 Feb. 2023

Nice to see this verbal creativity coming into the now tiresome, but seemingly never ending, ESG debate.

Robert G. Eccles, Forbes, 21 Feb. 2023

This classic-meets-modern, Greek-meets-Black production traverses a lot of ground in its two-and-a-half-hour running time, making the journey feel tiresome by the end.

Maya Phillips, New York Times, 26 Feb. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘tiresome.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

First Known Use

circa 1520, in the meaning defined above

Time Traveler

The first known use of tiresome was
circa 1520

Dictionary Entries Near tiresome

Cite this Entry

“Tiresome.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


More from Merriam-Webster on tiresome

Last Updated:
6 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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