Give English equivalents to these word combinations and make up true sentences with them
Пример : Нам показали — We were shown a new film
1.Тебе отдолжили
2.Им заплатили
3.Ему сказали
4.Мне предложили
5.Ей отказали
6.Вас спросили
7.Им отослали
8.Нам дали
9.Тебе разрешили
10.Им показали
Светило науки — 9927 ответов — 180294 помощи
1) You were lent a lot of money.
2)They were paid for their help.
3) He was said that his bus hadn’t arrived yet.
4) I was offered to go in the mountains.
5) She was refused in getting more time to finish the project.
6) You were asked to tell more about your sport club.
7) They were sent to a parcel with some souvenirs.
We were given an interesting detective story to read.
9) You were allowed to dance at the school concert.
10) They were shown a rare stamp.
1) Тебе одолжили много денег.
2) Им заплатили за помощь.
3) Ему сказали, что его автобус еще не прибыл.
4) Мне предложили поехать в горы.
5) Ей отказали дать больше времени, на то, чтобы закончить проект.
6) Вас попросили рассказать о вашем спортивном клубе.
7) Им отправили посылки с сувенирами.
Нам дали почитать интересный детектив.
9) Тебе разрешили танцевать на школьном концерте.
10) Им показали редкую марку.
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Главная » Английский язык » Give English equivalents to these word combinations and then make up and write sentences with them. 1) Тебе одолжили 2) Им заплатили 3) Ему сказали 4) Мне предложили 5) Ей отказали 6) Вас спросили 7) Им отослал и Нам дали 9) Тебе разрешили 10) Им
Опубликовано 30.09.2017 по предмету Английский язык от Гость
3.Give English equivalents to these word combinations and make up true sentences with them.
M O D E L: I was shown the new edition of William Shakespeare’s sonnets.
1) мне показали 6) вас спросили
2) нам одолжили 7) ей отказали
3) им заплатили
им отправили
4) ему сказали 9) ей дали
5) мне предложили 10) тебе позволили
Ответ оставил Гость
I was shown
We were lent
They were paid
He was told
I was offered
You were asked
She was turned down
They were sent out
She was given
You were allowed
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Данное упражнение относится к четвёртому разделу учебника (Unit 8 Sport in Our Life) по английскому языку для школьников 7 класса. В этом задании необходимо выбрать правильное слово по контексту предложений. Комментарии, дополнительные вопросы по упражнению и теме можно оставлять на странице обсуждения.
Описание и ответ задания[править | править код]
Give English equivalents of these word combinations and make up true sentences with them.
Example: I was shown the new edition of William Shakespeare’s sonnets.
- Мне показали приз — I was shown a prize
- Нам одолжили лодку — We were rent a boat.
- Им заплатили за праздники — They were paid for holidays.
- Ему сказали интересную историю — He was told an interesting story.
- Мне предложили хорошую идею — I was offered a good idea.
- Нас просили об этом уникальном месте — You were asked about this unique place.
- Ей отказали в получении кредита в банке — She was refused to get a loan in the bank.
- Им отослали письмо -They were sent a letter.
- Ей дали ещё один шанс сдать экзамен — She was given one more chance to pass the exam.
- Тебе разрешили взять больше денег на отпуск — You were allowed to have more money on vocation.
Другие задачи учебника[править | править код]
other day two medical students had a very interesting talk with
Victor. Victor had graduated from the University two years before. He
had been working as an ambulance doctor at the First Aid Station
for two years. The two friends were greatly interested in the work of
the First Aid Station. Victor was glad to answer their questions.
Victor said that in case of an accident or a sudden severe illness
calls were made to the First Aid Station which was on duty all day
round. 1
First Aid Station has many ambulances which are equipped with
everything necessary for giving first aid and making a diagnosis. The
ambulances carry artificial
apparatuses, different medicines, such as painkillers, tonics
and sedatives; dressings, first aid instruments, such as pincers,
scalpels, syringes and others; sets of splints and stretchers. There
are special ambulances equipped with everything necessary for
reanimation of the organism. 2
All ambulances are radio equipped. This is a very important thing 3
for the ambulance doctor, because it enables him to send the
necessary information to the hospital, so that the hospital can
prepare beforehand
the necessary instruments for an urgent operation, a blood
transfusion or anything else.
main thing in the work of the ambulance doctor is to make a correct
diagnosis quickly. The ambulance doctor must have a deep
knowledge of emergency surgery, toxicology, emergency therapy,
obstetrics and gynaecology, because he must always do his best 4
to give the patient a proper aid on the spot.
working as an ambulance doctor Victor had had some interesting cases.
Last June, for example, a call was made to the First Aid Station. It
turned out that a man had been run over by a car. When Victor reached
the place of the accident he examined the victim. The man was badly
injured, he had an open bleeding wound in his leg, his arm was
fractured, there were many injuries, abrasions and bruises on his
face and forehead. The man lost his consciousness and was
moaning all the time.
Victor tried to arrest profuse arterial bleeding; he elevated the
injured extremity carefully and applied a tourniquet to it. Next he
applied a sterile gauze dressing on the man’s face and forehead to
prevent contamination. Then Victor examined the arm and applied a
splint to it. The injection of morphine and camphor having been
given, the man recovered his consciousness, but he complained of
nausea. It was necessary to transport the patient to the nearest
hospital without delay, because the patient was in a very poor state,
in which shock might develop as well. 5
stretcher-bearers laid the patient down on the stretcher carefully
and in 15 minutes the patient was brought to the hospital. If the
ambulance doctor hadn’t given the patient emergency help, the patient
would have died.
Victor had to give first aid to a boy who was badly burned. He
removed only that clothing which was absolutely necessary. The
remaining pieces of the clothing were removed from the burned surface
with pincers. Victor didn’t carry out any other measures to treat the
burn, as excessive handling of the burned part could increase pain
and cause shock. If Victor had done so, shock would have developed.
The burn was covered with a sterile, dry dressing. Doing this Victor
tried to handle the burned part as little as possible. As it was a
severe burn involving the whole leg and the knee-joint, a splint was
applied over the dressing for the immobilization of the injured
the other day Victor was called to a patient with myocardial
infarction. Being questioned the patient said he had been suffering
from a severe, squeezing pain in the substernal area for two hours.
The patient had had such a pain before, but it had been relieved by
nitroglycerin. This time the pain was much more severe and it didn’t
subside after nitroglycerin. Besides the pain radiated to the left
shoulder and arm. The examination suggested myocardial infarction.
came up to the ambulance and called up a thromboembolic team.
Before the arrival of the thromboembolic team Victor gave the patient
an injection of 1% promidole and 0.1% atropine, after which the pain
considerably subsided. If Victor had not given the patient these
injections, the pain would have been too severe. The thromboembolic
team having arrived, the electrocardiogram was taken, the blood
analysis was made, the prothrombin time was determined.The
electrocardiogram and the blood analyses confirmed the diagnosis of
myocardial infarction. The patient was transported to the
hospital without delay.
all day round — круглые
— для оживления (реанимации) организма
реанимацией подразумевается ряд лечебных
процедур, например, массаж сердца и
др., способствующих оживлению организма,
выведение его из состояния клинической
This is a very important thing — Это
внимание на перевод слова thing
после прилагательного:
main thing is to make a correct diagnosis. Главное
— это поставить правильный диагноз.
— он всегда должен делать все возможное
— мог также развиться шок; to
— развиваться, появляться.
the following questions:
With whom did medical students have a very interesting talk the
other day? 2. When did Victor graduate from the University? 3. Where
had Victor been working for two years? 4. What do ambulances carry?
5. What is the main thing in the work of the ambulance doctor? 6.
What knowledge must the ambulance doctor have? 7. What did
Victor do to arrest profuse arterial bleeding? 8. Why did Victor
apply a sterile gauze dressing? 9. What injection did Victor give the
man? 10. What did the man complain of after he recovered his
consciousness? 11. Why was it necessary to transport the man to the
nearest hospital without delay? 12. What did the stretcher-bearers
do? 13. What had happened to the boy whom Victor gave first aid?
14. How did Victor remove the remaining pieces of the clothing from
the burned surface? 15. With what was the burn covered? 16. What did
the burn involve? 17. Why was a splint applied over the dressing? 18.
What patient was Victor called to just the other day? 19. What did
the patient suffer from? 20. What did the examination of the patient
suggest? 21. What effect did the injection of promidole and atropine
produce on the patient’s condition? 22. What procedures were carried
out after the arrival of the thromboembolic team? 23. What did the
electrocardiogram and the blood analyses confirm?
English equivalents for the following word combinations and
Обследование наводило на мысль об
инфаркте миокарда; 2. тяжелый ожог,
поразивший всю голень и коленный сустав;
3. при несчастном случае; 4. шина была
наложена поверх повязки для иммобилизации
пораженной конечности; 5. излишнее
соприкосновение с ожогом усиливает
боль и вызывает шок; 6. оказалось, что
мужчина попал под машину; 7. мужчина
все время стонал; 8. он жаловался на
тошноту; 9. оказать первую помощь
мальчику; 10. для предупреждения заражения;
11. неотложная хирургия; 12. старался
как можно меньше касаться обожженной
поверхности; 13. анализ крови на свертывающие
факторы; 14. срочная операция; 15. дежурит
круглые сутки; 16. остановить сильное
артериальное кровотечение; 17. было много
травм, ссадин и кровоподтеков; 18. санитары
осторожно положили больного на носилки;
19. наложил жгут.
into Russian stating the tense-forms of the verbs in bold type.
The victim of a street accident had been moaning since he was run
over by a car. 2. How long has the patient been complaining of
nausea? 3. The signs of heart impairment had been developing for
a week before the woman was examined by a cardiologist. 4. The
doctors have been arresting profuse arterial bleeding for five
minutes but the male patient is still bleeding. 5. My mother had been
suffering from a severe stomachache for an hour before we made a call
to the First Aid Station. 6. Since when has the pain been radiating
to the left arm and shoulder?
the questions paying attention to the tense-forms:
What language are you studying now? Since when have you been studying
it? 2. Do you learn Physiology? How long have you been learning it?
3. Whom are you friendly with? How long have you been friendly with
him (her)? 4. What is your father? Since when has he been working
as an engineer (doctor…)? 5. Who is the head of the Chair of
Anatomy? Do you know how long he has been working at this chair?
the rules of the Sequence of Tenses change the sentences below
into the past tense:
The ambulance doctor says the victim of the street accident is in a
bad state. 2. The doctor in charge says that patient Nikolaev is
quite alert. 3. The patient says he has several injuries of the left
lower extremity. 4. The surgeon says there are many bruises and
abrasions on the patient’s body. 5. My mother says she feels rotten.
6. It turns out this patient’s respiration is accelerated. 7. My
father says he is suffering from indigestion. 8. The doctor says my
little sister must take cod liver oil every day. 9. The doctor
thinks that you can take the patient’s blood pressure yourself.
10. The doctor believes contamination may develop quickly. 11. The
doctor says she has already made an order for the X-ray
examination. 12. The ambulance doctor says he has already given first
aid to the injured. 13. The mother says her daughter suffered from
chicken-pox in her early childhood. 14. They say this man was run
over by a car yesterday. 15. The surgeon thinks the fractured bone
was -set properly. 16. The surgeon is sure this operation
will-prevent the rupture of the spleen. 17. The nurse says my wound
will be dressed after the doctor completes his round. 18. It is well
known that a tourniquet is applied in case of profuse bleeding.
equivalents for the words and expressions in bold type:
One of the methods to arrest bleeding is to use an instrument for the
compression of blood vessels. 2. Can anybody render medical help to
an injured person on the spot? 3. Examining
the victim of a street accident the ambulance doctor revealed serious
fractures of the leg. He had to use a strip of wood to fix the
fractured bones. 4. A person badly injured in a street accident was
brought to the hospital by ambulance. 5. The patient had serious
damages. 6. Instruments for giving intramuscular and intravenous
injections were on the nurse’s table. She was going to sterilize
them. 7. I have hurt my hand badly. 8. The burn was so severe and
large that it spread over the whole leg. 9. The patient in Ward 5 was
making long, low sounds expressing pain. 10. Falling down he got
some injuries to the body so that the skin changed its colour and
became blue.
up direct questions.
your friend:
the surgical nurse sterilizes syringes; what surgical
instruments are sterilized before the operation; when he made a
call to the First Aid Station; why the call was made to the First Aid
Station; when the students of his group will study Obstetrics;
in which year Gynecology will be studied by his fellow students;
why he is moaning; why he is coughing; what lecture he was taking
notes of; why the doctor has elevated the injured extremity; why the
injured extremity has been elevated.
the following sentences into English using the active vocabulary of
this Unit:
1. Пострадавшему была оказана первая
помощь на месте происшествия. Врач
скорой помощи наложил жгут на поврежденную
ногу и перевязал ее. 2.Пострадавший
получил такие тяжелые травмы, что он
находился в шоке.З. Все больные с тяжелыми
ожогами должны направляться в больницу
немедленно. 4. Паралич поразил обе верхние
конечности и правую нижнюю конечность.
5. Чтобы предупредить заражение, нужно
тщательно обработать рану и наложить
стерильную повязку. 6.Больной жаловался
на тошноту после еды.7. Чрезмерное как
наружное, так и внутреннее кровотечение,
может привести к смерти. 8.Что с вами?
Почему вы так стонете? — Я чувствую
ужасную боль в коленном суставе. 9.Вы
уже простерилизовали шприцы? — Нет еще.
Я собираюсь сделать это сейчас. 10. Что-то
не в порядке у меня с желудком. Время от
времени я чувствую сжимающую боль в
правой верхней части. 11. Когда мальчик
попал под машину, мы немедленно вызвали
скорую помощь. Первая помощь была
оказана пострадавшему быстро.
1. Она бы не жаловалась на сильные головные
боли, если бы была на свежем воздухе как
можно больше. 2. Если бы мы вчера не
вызвали скорую помощь, то моя сестра
могла бы умереть, так как у нее был
сильный сердечный приступ. 3. На вашем
месте я бы занимался в аспирантуре. 4.
На вашем месте я провела бы этот опыт
сама. 5. Почему вы не поговорили с этим
больным? Ваши слова успокоили бы его.
6. Если бы ему не сделали операцию, он
несомненно бы умер.
бы сильный ожог не распространился на
всю голень и коленный сустав, тогда не
наложили бы шину для иммобилизации
the following questions:
1.What must you do to make a call to the First Aid Station? 2. When
do you usually make a call to the First Aid Station? 3. Who of you
has ever given first aid to anybody? 4. What year medical
students can give first aid to a victim?5.
are medical students taught to give first aid to a victim? 6. What
must the ambulance doctor know to give quick and qualified aid? 7.
What do we do with a syringe? 8. What must a nurse do with a syringe
before giving an injection? 9. How long must syringes be sterilized?
10. What do we do with a splint? 11. What are splints made of? 12.
Who usually applies splints? 13. In what cases does an ambulance
doctor apply splints? 14. How must an ambulance doctor apply splints?
15. When will you study Emergency Therapy? 16. What doctors must know
especially well both Emergency Therapy and Emergency Surgery?
17. What injuries did you get? 18. When did you get these injuries?
19. How did the doctor treat your injuries? 20. Why do patients moan?
21. What medicine does a doctor prescribe if a patient has an
elevated blood pressure? 22. Why must an ambulance doctor elevate a
bleeding extremity? 23. When is a tourniquet applied? 24. What
remedies are administered to prevent contamination? 25.Have you
ever suffered from nausea? 26. What did you take for nausea? 27. Who
are stretcher-bearers? 28. What do stretcher-bearers usually do?
29. What may excessive reading cause? 30. What must a doctor do if a
fracture involves a knee-joint? 31. What medicine can relieve a
squeezing pain in the substernal area?
1. What would a doctor do if a man lost his consciousness? 2.
Would you make a call to the First Aid Station in
case of an accident or a sudden severe illness? 3. Would you have a
scalding foot-bath if you caught a cold? 4. Where would you go if you
were on your vacation? 5. What would you do if your sister complained
of a severe pain in the substernal area? 6. What would you do if
something were wrong with your stomach? 7. What would happen if the
ambulance car didn’t arrive in time in case of a street accident? 8.
What would you do if you had a sore throat? 9. What would have
happened to a victim if profuse arterial bleeding hadn’t been
arrested in time? 10. In what case would you give an injection of
up your own situations using the following words:
a burn; to give first aid; to handle; to cause shock; to involve; to
remove; a sterile dressing; to injure; an upper extremity
arterial bleeding; a wound; to apply a tourniquet; to elevate; to
lose one’s consciousness; to develop; to lay smb down on a stretcher
an artificial respiration apparatus; to equip; an ambulance; to
carry; first aid instruments; a splint; a stretcher
to squeeze; much more severe; to call up; to subside; to give an
injection; to determine the prothrombin time; to confirm; to
transport to the hospital
topics for oral narrations:
The equipment of an ambulance car.
You are an ambulance doctor. Tell us something about your work.
Describe first aid given to a victim of a street accident.
Your friend has been badly burned. Describe what first aid you must
give him.
and Sayings
apple a day keeps the doctor away.
can’t be cured must be endured.
1. |
abrasion |
1. |
2. |
accident |
2.несчастный |
— |
a |
— |
3. |
aid |
3.помощь |
— |
to |
-оказать |
— |
First |
-станция |
4. |
artificial |
4.искусственный |
— |
artificial |
-искусственное |
— |
an |
-аппарат |
5. |
bruise |
5.синяк, |
6. |
burn |
6.ожог |
— |
a |
-сильный |
— |
a |
-ожог |
7. |
burn |
7.обжигать, |
— |
to |
-сильно |
— |
the |
-обоженная |
8. |
to |
8.попасть |
9. |
contamination |
9.заражение, |
— |
to |
-внести |
— |
to |
-предотвратить |
— |
bacterial |
-бактериальное |
10. |
without |
10.без |
11. |
elevate |
11. |
— |
to |
— |
— |
the |
-повышается |
— |
blood |
-содержание |
12. |
emergency |
12.срочный, |
— |
an |
-экстренный |
— |
an |
-экстренный |
— |
emergency |
-экстренная |
13. |
excessive |
13.чрезмерный, |
— |
excessive |
-излишнее |
— |
excessive |
-чрезмерное |
14. |
injure |
14.ранить, |
— |
to |
-повредить |
— |
to |
-быть травмы) |
— |
injury |
-повреждение, |
— |
internal |
-внутреннее |
15. |
involve |
15.распространяться, |
16. |
knee-joint |
16.коленный |
17. |
moan |
17.стонать |
— |
to |
-стонать |
18. |
nausea |
18.тошнота |
— |
to |
-иметь |
— |
to |
-вызвать |
19. |
obstetrics |
19.акушерство |
20. |
to |
20.находиться |
— |
to |
-вызвать |
— |
to |
-вывести |
— |
shock |
-шоковая |
21. |
splint |
21.шина |
— |
sets |
-наборы |
— |
to |
-наложить |
22. |
squeeze |
22.сжимать(ся),сдавливать;выжимать,выдавливать |
— |
squeezing |
-стенозирующая |
23. |
stretcher-bearer |
23.санитар-носильщик |
24. |
syringe |
24. |
25. |
tourniquet |
25. |
— |
to |
-наложить |
26. |
wound |
26.рана |
— |
an |
-открытая |
— |
an |
-рана |
— |
A |
-гнойная |
— |
to |
-промыть |
— |
to |
-закрыть |
27. |
to |
27.набрать |
28. |
to |
28.вывихнуть, |
— |
to |
-вывихнуть |
29. |
an |
29.резаная |
30. |
a |
30.рваная |
31. |
a |
31.колотая |
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