Give english equivalents to the russian words and word combinations авария взрыв

1. Give the Russian equivalents of the following words and word combinations:
the course of studies; primary school; secondary school; previously;
creche; lyceum; gymnasium; free of charge; curriculum; demand; to
adapt; to extend; to conduct; transition; vocational school; higher school;
competitive; ability; to be involved in; postgraduate courses
3. Give the English equivalents of the following:
детский сад; большой выбор; государственная школа; большин­
ство школ; дополнительные предметы; первая четверть; школь­
ные правила; включать; изучаемые предметы; выпускники; акаде­
мия; выпускные экзамены

6. Translate the words in brackets into English.
1. (Курс обучения) is eleven years.
2. Children (младше шести лет) are taken to creches and nursery
3. (Большинство школ) are free of charge.
4. At the age of six children start (ходить в начальную школу).
5. After (базовой средней школы) young people can enter (техни­
ческие училища).

Остались вопросы?

подарок; повод; украшать; рождественская
елка; открытка; камин; сани; малиновка;
остролист; северный олень; дымоход;
хлопушка; «пятипенсовик» (монета в 5
пенсов); серебряные амулеты; подкова;
фея; обычай; плющ; рождественские
украшения; святки; месса; утренняя
служба; пунш; приветствовать; падать в

V. Insert the words in the gaps:

  1. … is
    one of the main festivals in the Christian Calendar.

  2. I
    was searching for a … for Mark’s birthday.

  3. Children’s
    pictures … the walls of the classroom.

  4. … contain
    a small …, a paper hat, and a joke, and are used at Christmas in

  5. It
    is believed that some plants can attract ….

  6. Some
    people ignore … completely.

present, gift,

VI. Put in the right prepositions:

  1. They
    celebrate Christmas … the 25th
    of December.

  2. There
    are a lot of traditions connected … Christmas.

  3. The
    biggest Christmas tree … Great Britain stands … Trafalgar

  4. People
    decorate their houses … a Christmas tree

  5. Children
    hang stockings … the end … their beds or … the fireplace.

  6. Santa
    Clause arrives … his flying sleigh pulled … flying reindeer,
    climbs … the chimney and fills each stocking … presents.

  7. The
    traditional lunch consists … roast turkey … vegetables,
    followed …

  8. There
    was a custom to put an ivy leaf … water … New Year’s Eve and
    leave it there … Twelfth Night

  9. The
    night is … the eve … the
    of January.

  10. Many
    people go … church … Christmas … a midnight mass …
    or … the morning service … Christmas Day.

  11. A
    box is wrapped
    … bright coloured paper … ribbons.

  12. This
    the traditional
    time … making New Year resolutions, but they are more talked …
    than put … practice.

VII. Answer the questions:

        1. What
          is Christmas?
          When do people celebrate it?

        2. Who
          is Father Christmas? What other names of Santa Clause do you

        3. What
          folklore characters are connected with Christmas? In what ways?

        4. What
          traditions are connected with Christmas

        5. What
          is Boxing

        6. How
          does New Year differ from Christmas?
          How is it celebrated?

        7. Where
          can you celebrate New
          Year? What are the most popular places?

VIII. Translate into English.

  1. С
    празднованием Рождества связано много
    языческих и христианских традиций.

  2. Одним
    из символов Рождества является
    малиновка, которую часто изображают
    на открытках.

  3. Рождественский
    пудинг – традиционное блюдо, в
    приготовлении которого участвует вся

  4. Хлопушки
    – любимая детская забава.

  5. Считается,
    что Санта Клаус живет на Северном
    полюсе вместе со своей женой. На
    Рождество он развозит подарки, попадая
    в дом через дымоход. В благодарность
    дети оставляют для него молоко и

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

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1. Give the Russian equivalents of the following words and word combinations:

the course of studies — курс обучения;

primary school — начальная школа;

secondary school — средняя школа;

previously — ранее;

creche — ясли;

lyceum — лицей;

gymnasium — гимназия;

free of charge — бесплатно;

curriculum — программа обучения;

demand — спрос, востребованность;

to adapt — адапировать(ся);

to extend — продлевать;

to conduct — проводить;

transition — переход;

vocational school — профессионально-техническое училище;

higher school — высшая школа;

competitive — конкурентоспособный;

ability — способность;

to be involved in — участвовать в;

postgraduate courses — курсы повышения квалификации/послевузовское образование

III. Give the Russian equivalents of the following words and word


nоn-negative integer, general term, upper limit, finite sequence, divergent series, lower limit, finite series, infinite sequence, domain, infinite series, summation, convergent, limiting value, convergent series.

IV. Give the English equivalents оf the following words and word combinations:

cходящийся ряд, предельное значение, конечная последовательность, область определения, суммирование, расходящийся ряд, бесконечная последовательность, конечный ряд, бесконечный ряд, сходящаяся после­довательность, верхний предел, общий член, нижний предел, неотрицательное целое число.

    1. Read and translate the following sentences, write 3-4 special

questions to eaсh of them.

1. Тhе terms аге ordered bу matching them оnе bу оnе with the positive integers.

2. А finite sequence has а finite number of terms.

3. Аn infinite sequence can approach а limiting value.

4. Uppеr and lower limits indicate the values of the variable.

5. Аn infinite series can be either a convergent or a divergent series.

  1. V.

VI. Translate the text into English.


Выражение вида и + и + и + ………+ иռ + ………. где и, и , и — члены не­которой бесконечной последовательности, называется бесконечным ря­дом или просто рядом. Член и называется общим членом ряда. Обозна­чим сумму n первых членов ряда через Sռ, т.е. Sռ= и + и + u +… + иռ

Сумма Sռ называется частичной суммой ряда. При изменении п меняется и Sռ; при этом возможны два случая:

1). Величина Sռ при n → ∞ имеет предел S, т.е. 1imSռ = S


2) Величина Sռ при n предела не имеет или предел ее равен.

В первом случае ряд называется сходящимся, а число S = lim Sռ его


суммой. Во втором случае ряд называется расходящимся. Такой ряд суммы не имеет.



I. Choose the appropriate answer.

1. А variable whose limit is zero:

(А) infinitesimal (D) unknown quantity

(В) derivative (Е) constant

(С) absolute value (F) limit

2. А positive and negative change in а variable:

(А) increment (D) derivative

(В) argument (Е) infinity

(С) function (F) series

3. Тhе interval which doesn’t contain the end points:

(А) segment (D) partly ореn interval

(В) closed interval (Е) straight line

(С) ореn interval (F) curve

4. Аn equation which is true for аall values оf the variable:

(А) conditional equation (D)simple linear equation

(В) identical equation (Е) differential equation

(С) integral equation (F) quadratic equation

5. Тhе indicated sum оf the terms оf а sequence:

(А) finite sequence (D) general term

(В) series (Е) summation

(С) infinite sequence (F) I don’t know

II. Give the English equivalents of the following words and word


бесконечно малая величина, извлечение корня, значение степени, подкоренное выражение, возведение в степень, тело, криволинейные фи­гуры, касательная, бесконечность, сходящаяся последовательность.

  1. Translate the text without using a dictionary.


It is аn equation that involves аn integral of an unknown function. А general integral equation of the third kind has the form


u(x)g(x)= f(x) + λ K(x,y)g(y)dy


where the functions и(х), f(x) and К(х, у) are known and g is the unknown function. Тhе function К is the kernel (1) of the integral equation and is the parameter.

Тhе limits of integration mау bе constants or mау bе functions of х. If и(х) is zero, the equation becomes аn integral equation of the first kind — i.e. it can bе put in the form:


f(x) = λ K (x,y )g (y) dy


If u(x)=1, the equation becomes an integral equation of the second kind:


g(x) = f(x) + λ К(х, y)g(y)dy


Аn equation of the second kind is said to bе homogeneous (2) if f(x) is


If the limits of integration, а and b, are constants then the integral equation is а Fredholm integral equation. If а is а constant and b is the variable х, the equation is а Volterra integral equation.




POINT – точка

LINE – линия

ANGLE – угол

POINT OF INTERSECTION – точка пересечения

ANGULAR POINT – угловая точка, вершина

STRAIGHT LINE – прямая (линия)

RAY – луч

PENCIL OF RAYS – пучок лучей

CURVED LINE – кривая линия

RIGHT ANGLE – прямой угол

REFLEX ANGLE – угол в пределах 180° и 360°

ACUTE ANGLE – острый угол

OBTUSE ANGLE – тупой угол

CORRESPONDING ANGLE – соответственный угол

ADJACENT ANGLE – прилежащий угол

SUPPLEMENTARY ANGLE – дополнительный угол [до 180°]

COMPLEMENTARY ANGLE – дополнительный угол [до 90°]

INTERIOR ANGLE – внутренний угол

EXTERIOR ANGLE – внешний угол

PLANE TRIANGLE – плоский треугольник

EQUILATERAL TRIANGLE – равносторонний треугольник

ISOSCELES TRIANGLE – равнобедренный треугольник

ACUTE-ANGLED TRIANGLE – остроугольный треугольник

OBTUSE-ANGLED TRIANGLE – тупоугольный треугольник

RIGHT-ANGLED TRIANGLE – прямоугольный треугольник

QUADRILATERAL – четырехугольник

SQUARE – квадрат

RECTANGLE – прямоугольник

RНОМВUS – ромб

RНОМBOID – ромбоид

TRAPEZIUM – трапеция

DELTOID – дельтоид

IRREGULAR QUADRILATERALS – неправильный четырёхугольник

POLYGON – многоугольник

REGULAR POLYGON – правильный многоугольник

CIRCLE – окружность, круг

CENTER – центр

CIRCUMFERENCE (PERIPHERY) – окружность, периферия

DIAMETER – диаметр

SEMICIRCLE – полукруг, полуокружность

RADIUS – радиус

TANGENT – касательная

POINT OF CONTACT – точка касания

SECANT – секущая

CHORD – хорда

SEGMENT – сегмент

ARC – дуга

SECTOR – сектор

RING (ANNULUS) – кольцо

CONCENTRIC CIRCLES – концентрические окружности

AXIS OF COORDINATES – координатная ось

AXIS OF ABSCISSAE – ось абсциссы

AXIS OF ORDINATE – ось ординаты

VALUES OF ABSCISSAE AND ORDINATES – значения абсциссы ординат

CONIC SECTION – коническое сечение

PARABOLA – парабола

BRANCHES ОF PАRАВОLА – ветви параболы

VERTEX ОF PАRАВОLА – вёршина параболы

ELLIPSE – эллипс

(sing. FOCUS) FOCI OF THE ELLIPSE – фокусы эллипса

TRANSVERSE AXIS (MAJOR AXIS) – пересекающая ось (главная


CONJUGATE AXIS (MINOR AXIS) – сопряженная ось (малая ось)

HYPERBOLA – гипербола

ASYMPTOTE – асимптота

SOLIDS – твердые тела

CUBE – куб

PLANE SURFACE (A PLANE) – плоская поверхность (плоскость)

EDGE – грань

PARALLELEPIPED – параллелепипед

TRIANGULAR PRISM – трехгранная призма

CYLINDER – цилиндр

CIRCULAR PLANE – плоскость круга

SPHERE – сфера

CONE – конус



1. Geometry is a very old subject. 2. It probably began in Baby­lonia and Egypt. 3. Men needed practical ways for measuring their land, for building pyramids, and for defining volumes. 4. The Egyp­tians were mostly concerned with applying geometry to their every­day problems. 5. Yet, as the knowledge of Egyptians spread to Greece the Greeks found the ideas about geometry very intriguing and my­sterious. 6. The Greeks began to ask «Why? Why is that true?» 7. In 300 B. C. all the known facts about Greek geometry were put into a logical sequence by Euclid. 8. His book, called Elements, is one of the most famous books of mathematics. 9. In recent years men have improved on Euclid’s work. 10. Today geometry includes not only the study of the shape and size of the earth and all things on it, but also the study of relations between geometric objects. 11. The most fundamental idea in the study of geometry is the idea of a point. 12. We will not try to define what a point is, but instead dis­cuss some of its properties. 13. Think of a point as an exact loca­tion in space. 14. You cannot see a point, feel a point, or move a point, because it has no dimensions. 15. There, are points (locations) on the earth, in the earth, in the sky, on the sun, and everywhere in space. 16. When writing about points, you represent the points by dots. 17. Remember the dot is only a picture of a point and not the point itself. 18. Points are commonly referred to by using capital letters. 19. The dots below mark points and are referred to as point A, point B, and point C.



Lines and Line Segments

20. If you mark two points on your paper and, by using a ruler, draw a straight line between them, you will get a figure. 21. The figure below is a picture of a line segment.

22. Points D and E are referred to as endpoints of the line seg­ment. 23. The line segment includes point D, point E, and all the points between them.

24. Imagine extending the segment indefinitely. 25. It is impos­sible to draw the complete picture of such an extension but it can be represented as follows.

26. Let us agree on using the word line to mean a straight line. 27. The figure above is a picture of line DE or line ED.

  1. Read and decide which of the statements are true and which are false. Change the sentences so they are true.

1. A curve can be considered as the path of a moving point.

2. There’re two types of curves: algebraic curves and transcendental curves.

3. Open curves have no end points and closed curves have a lot of end points.

4. A curve that does not lie in a plane is a skew or twisted curve.

5. A curvature is the rate of change of direction of a curve at a particular point on that curve.

6. The angle δψ through which the tangent to a curve moves as the point of contact moves along an arc PQ is the total curvature of this arc.

7. We define the mean curvature of any arc taking into account both the total curvature and the arc length.

8. At any point on a surface the curvature doesn’t vary with direction.

  1. Match the terms from the left column and definitions

from the right column:


a) any straight line extending from the center to the periphery of a circle or sphere, b) the length of such a line


the rate of deviation of a curve or curved surface from a straight line or plane surface tangent to it


a curve or surface showing the values of a function


any part of a curve, esp. of a circle

  1. Read the sentences and think of a word which best fits each space.

a) 1. The Egyptians were mostly concerned with applying … to their everyday problems.

2. In 300 B.C. all the known facts about Greek geometry were put into a logical sequence by … .

3. Today geometry includes not only the study of the … and … of the earth and all things on it, but also the study of relations between geometric … .

4. The most fundamental idea in the study of geometry is the idea of a … .

  1. You cannot see a … , feel a … , or move a … , because it has no dimensions.

For ideas: shape, point (4), size, geometry, Euclid, object.

b) 1. … are generally studied as graphs of equations using a coordinate systems.

2. Only … curves (or arcs) have end points.

3. A curve that does entirely in a plane is a … curve.

4. A curve that does not lie in … is a skew or twisted curve.

5. The rate of change of direction of a curve at a particular point on that curve is called a …

6. The angle δψ through which the tangent to a curve moves as the point of contact moves along any arc is the … of this arc.

7. The … of any arc is defined as the total curvature divided by the arc length.

8. The circle of curvature at any point on a curve is the circle that is … to the curve at that point.

9. There are two … in which the radius of curvature has an absolute maximum and absolute minimum.

10. The principal curvatures at the point are the curvatures in two … di­rections.



An angle is a configuration of two lines (the sides or arms) meeting at a point (the vertex). Often an angle is regarded as the measure of rotation in­volved in moving from one initial axis to coincide with another final axis (termed a directions angle). If the amount and sense of the rotation are speci­fied the angle is a rotation angle, and is positive if measured in an anticlock­wise sense and negative if in a clockwise sense.

Angles are classified according to their measure:

  • Null (or zero) angle — zero rotation (0°).

  • Right angle — a quarter of a complete turn (90°)

  • Flat (or straight) angle — half a complete turn (180°).

  • Round angle (or perigon) — one complete turn (360°),

  • Acute angle — between 0° and 90°.

  • Obtuse angle — between 90° and 180°.

  • Reflex angle — between 180°and 360°.

  • The angle of elevation of a point A from another point В is the angle between the line AB and the horizontal plane through B, with A lying above the plane. The angle of depression is similarly defined with A lying below the plane. The angle at point В made by lines AB and CB is denoted by ABC.

  1. Read and decide which of the statements are true and which are false.

Change the sentences so they are true.

1. An angle is often regarded as the measure of rotation involved in moving from one initial axis to coincide with another final axis.

2. There’re eleven types of angles in their classification according to their measure.

3. 90° — it is the measure of an acute angle.

4. An angle is positive if it is measured in a clockwise sense.

5. The measure of a reflex angle is between 180°and360°.

6. The main difference of an angle of elevation of a points and its angle of depression is the following one: in the case of the angle of elevation the point A lies above the plane and in the case of the angle of depression — below the plane.

  1. Match the terms from the left column and definitions

from the right column:

an angle

formed by, or with reference to, a straight line or plane perpendicular to a base


of less than 90 degrees


designating an angle greater than a straight angle (180 degrees)


height above a surface, as of the earth


the shape made by two straight lines meeting at a com­mon point, the vertex, or by two planes, meeting along an edge


a decrease in force, activity, amount, etc. a decrease in force, activity, amount, etc.


greater than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees greater than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees


designating of, or being zero, as: a) having all zero ele­ments (null matrix), b) having a limit of zero (null se­quence), c) having no members whatsoever (null set)


absolute, positive

III. Give the Russian equivalents of the following words and word combinations:

  1. side (arm)

  2. acute angle

  3. angle of depression

  4. direction angle

  5. sense of rotation

  6. clockwise sense

  7. vertex

  8. obtuse angle

  9. rotation

  10. reflex angle

  11. rotation angle

  12. angle of elevation

  13. right angle

  14. flat (straight) angle

  15. round angle (perigon)

  16. null (zero) angle

  1. Give the English equivalents of the following words

and word combinations:

тупой угол, развёрнутый угол, нулевой угол, угол возвышения, угол понижения, прямой угол, полный угол, сторона, направление вра­щения, вершина, угол в пределах от 180° 360, вращение (поворот), острый угол, по часовой стрелке, против часовой стрелки, угол враще­ния, направляющий угол.

Достарыңызбен бөлісу:

Подборка по базе: Предпринимательское право задание 4.doc, Предпринимательское право задание 3.doc, Предпринимательское право задание 2.doc, Предпринимательское право задание 1.doc, Практическое задание 7 Конфликты в организации (1).doc, Практическое задание №3 Стариков.docx, Практическое задание №4 Стариков.docx, Практическое задание экономика.docx, Практическое задание 2.docx, Практическое заданиеГр.право.docx

Задание 1. Read and translate the text and do the activities below.


In two weeks I shall finish my first year at Cambridge. Let me tell you something about students’ life and my impressions of it.

The students are mainly English, but there are many others, particularly so in the block of rooms in which I live, for my neighbours include a Chinese studying English, a Canadian studying history and a Frenchman studying science.

The rooms have a pleasant outlook over the college gardens. There is a very small gas-stove on which we make tea or coffee. It is a popular tradition here to invite friends in the afternoon for tea and hot buttered toast and jam. To each room there is a man-servant who with a woman-servant, known as a “bedder”, keep it clean.


In the old days when Colleges were religious institutions the students were clergymen, and their life was much more strict and disciplined than now. Friendship with young ladies was not allowed and the only women inside the college were washerwomen. The legend is that these women had to be “old and ugly”.

The students eat their meals in the college dining-hall. At some colleges there is an interesting tradition. It is known as “sconcing”. If a student comes late to dinner or he is not correctly dressed, or he breaks one of the laws of behavior, then the senior student orders him to be sconced.

A large silver cup, known as “sconce” cup, filled with beer is brought and placed in front of him and he must drink it in one attempt without taking the cup from lips (it holds two and a half pints, or 1,5 litres). If he can do it, then the senior pays for it, if not, the cup is passed round and the student who has been “sconced” must pay for it. In general, the discipline is not strict.


The students can stay out till twelve o’clock. Each evening a Proctor with two assistants, called “Bulldogs”, walks about the town keeping an eye on the students behavior. If he sees a student breaking a rule he will come up to him and say, “Are you a member of the University, sir?”, and if a student runs away, then the “Bulldogs” run after him, and if they catch him (they are chosen, it is said, because they are good runners), they fine the student.

Apart from fines a student may be dismissed for the university for one term.


We attend our lectures in the morning and in the afternoon we are free. I usually work in my room or play some sport. The most popular sport is rowing.

There are over a hundred societies and clubs. There are religious societies a society for those who don’t believe; political, sporting and dramatic societies. There is even one for people with beards. Perhaps the most popular is the Debating Society at which students debate political and other questions with famous politicians and writers.

The walks into the country, the talks, the games and the work, the traditions and the customs – all are part of the students’ life which would be poorer if anyof them was lost.



Через две недели я закончу свой первый год в Кембридже. Позвольте мне рассказать вам кое-что о студенческой жизни и моих впечатлениях от нее.

Студенты в основном англичане, но есть много других, особенно в блоке комнат, в котором я живу, потому что среди моих соседей есть китаец, изучающий английский, канадец, изучающий историю, и француз, изучающий науку.

Номера выходят окнами на сады колледжа. Есть очень маленькая газовая плита, на которой мы варим чай или кофе. Это популярная традиция здесь пригласить друзей во второй половине дня на чай и горячие тосты с маслом и джемом. В каждой комнате есть мужчина-слуга, который вместе со служанкой, известной как «постельничая», следит за ее чистотой.


В прежние времена, когда колледжи были религиозными учреждениями, студенты были священнослужителями, и их жизнь была гораздо более строгой и дисциплинированной, чем сейчас. Дружба с молодыми леди не разрешалась, и единственными женщинами в колледже были прачки. Легенда гласит, что эти женщины должны были быть “старыми и уродливыми”.

Студенты едят в столовой колледжа. В некоторых колледжах есть интересная традиция. Он известен как «бра“. Если ученик опаздывает к обеду, или он неправильно одет, или он нарушает один из законов поведения, то старший ученик приказывает, чтобы его зажгли.

Перед ним приносят и ставят большую серебряную чашу, известную как чашка “бра”, наполненную пивом, и он должен выпить ее с одной попытки, не отрывая чашки от губ (она вмещает две с половиной пинты, или 1,5 литра). Если он может это сделать, то старший платит за это, если нет, то чашка передается по кругу, и студент, который был «зажжен», должен заплатить за это. В общем, дисциплина не строгая.


Студенты могут отсутствовать до двенадцати часов. Каждый вечер Проктор с двумя помощниками, называемыми «Бульдогами», прогуливается по городу, следя за поведением студентов. Если он видит студента, нарушающего правило, он подходит к нему и говорит: “Вы член университета, сэр?”, А если студент убегает, то “Бульдоги” бегут за ним, и если они его ловят (говорят, что они избранные), то он убегает.потому что они хорошие бегуны), они штрафуют ученика.

Помимо штрафов студент может быть уволен из университета на один семестр.


Мы посещаем наши лекции утром, а днем мы свободны. Обычно я работаю в своей комнате или занимаюсь спортом. Самый популярный вид спорта — гребля.

Существует более ста обществ и клубов. Есть религиозные общества, общество для тех, кто не верит; политические, спортивные и драматические общества. Есть даже один для людей с бородами. Пожалуй, самым популярным является Дискуссионное общество, в котором студенты обсуждают политические и другие вопросы с известными политиками и писателями.

Прогулки за город, беседы, игры и работа, традиции и обычаи — все это часть жизни студентов, которая была бы беднее, если бы кто-то из них был потерян.

 Задание 2. Give the English equivalents for the following Russian words and words combinations.

·                     горничная в университетских общежитиях

·                     наложения штрафа на нарушение правил

·                     религиозный кружок

·                     иметь приятный вид на сад

·                     священник

·                     столовая колледжа

·                     посещать лекции


— Maid in university dormitories

— Imposing a fine for breaking the rules

— Religious circle

— Have a pleasant view of the garden

— a priest

— College cafeteria

— attend lectures

Задание 3. Answer the questions.

1.                  What tradition is popular among the students at Cambridge?

2.                  What are students “sconced (штрафоваться) for?

3.                  What do the so-called “Bulldogs” do if a students whom they come up to runs away?

4.                  What students’ societies are there at Cambridge and which is the most popular one?


1. a popular tradition among college students is to invite friends in the afternoon for tea, with hot toast with butter and jam

2. If a student comes late to dinner or he is not correctly dressed, or he breaks one of the laws of behavior, then the senior student orders him to be sconced.

3. if a student runs away, the “Bulldogs” run after him, and if they catch him, they fine him

4. There are more than a hundred societies and clubs. There are religious societies, a society for those who do not believe; political, sports and dramatic societies. There’s even one for people with beards. Perhaps the most popular is the Discussion Society, in which students discuss political and other issues with famous politicians and writers.

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