Give definitions to the following words and word combinations

full-time student, part-time student, applicant, academic year,
semester, va-

cation, campus, hall of residence, tuition fee, dean, Rector,
undergraduate stu-

dent, (post)graduate student, extra-mural student, curriculum.


III. Speech practice exercises

1. Agree or disagree with these statements. Give true information about yourself.

I’m a second-year part-time student of Far Eastern State


Our university is 100 years old.

Our university is a large modern higher education institution.

Our university trains specialists in medicine and pharmacology.

I study at the Institute of Economics; I’m going to become a
specialist in


I’ve passed my entrance exams successfully.

I am not going to miss classes.

I’m good at natural sciences.

I don’t pay tuition fee; I study free of charge.

10. There are 10 hostels and three buildings for classes on the

11. There are a lot of well-equipped laboratories, workshops and

centres in the university.

12. The university curriculum is very complicated.

13. I find it very easy to study at the university.

14. We have vacation at the end of each semester.

15. If you don’t pass your exams you may be expelled from the

2. Read these micro-dialogues. Reproduce them. Make up your own ones.

– What do you think of the exams?

I reckon they were deadly easy.

May be they were easy enough for you, but they were much too hard

for me.

Oh, come on. You’ve probably done better than you think.

– How’s your son been doing at school lately, Mr.Sanders? I hear
that he

likely to win all the prizes in the exams this year.

Yes, so his teachers say. But he deserves to do so. He’s always

conscientious and hard-working and he’s been slaving at his books

evening for months on end recently. He wants to go to Oxford
University next

year. May be he’ll become a university lecturer himself

– Vicky, what language do you study?


What’s the most difficult aspect of learning it?


Well, I’m very embarrassed when we have to speak English in front
of the

class. Terrible pronunciation and things like that. Also I think
listening compre-

hension is very difficult, because it’s always difficult to keep

Yes, studying languages is much harder than studying math or history

something. Especially, if you are not gifted.

– How did you do in your informatics test?

Oh, don’t ask!

Oh, dear. What did you get?

Twenty percent. I came last. I thought I was going to do really well.

– Can you help me with my math homework? We’re doing algebra.

Believe me, I would if I could, but I don’t know the first thing
about alge-

bra. Sorry.

3. Read and translate the text. A Student in Economics

(After George Milburn)

Charlie Wintage ran up the steps of the Administrative Building,

through the revolving doors and walked down the long hall to the
Dean of

Men’soffice. He was ten minutes late. Before he opened the
frosted-glass door

took out a pair of amber-coloured spectacles and put them on. Then he

and handed this summonsto the secretary.

“The Dean will see you in a moment”, she said. “Please take a

Charlie sat down and gave a glance about the office. Three freshmen

waiting with him. He recognized none of them, so he picked up a
week-old copy

a newspaper and started reading it. But the room was warm and he

diately went to sleep. The newspaper slipped down on the floor. His

coloured spectacles hid his eyes and no one could see that they were

was awakened by a secretary shaking him.

“Wake up and pay for your bed, old man!” one of the freshmen
called and

everyone laughed heartily.

sort of drowsed off. It’s so nice and warm here..” Charlie said

the secretary.

The Dean of Men got up as he entered and said: “Ah, this is
Charlie Win-

tage, isn’t it? How do you like the university by now, Wintage?
Eyes troubling


“Pretty well, sir. Yes, sir, a little. I wear these spectacles.”

The secretary brought his folder and the Dean looked through it

“Well, Wintage, I suppose you’re anxious to know why I sent for
you. The

unpleasant truth is, Wintage, you don’t seem to be doing well in
your studies.


Now, to be quite frank, Wintage, you’re on the verge offlunking out. Less than

third of the semester remains, and you have an F gradein
English andD

gradesin Psychology and Military Training. On the other
hand, you have anA

average in Spanish and Bin Economics. Wintage, how do you
account for your

falling English when you are an A student in Spanish?”

“To tell you the truth, sir, I got behindin my written
works in English, and I’ve

never been able to catch up. And I don’t really have to
study Spanish. My father is

railway section foreman in my hometown and he’s always has a gang
of Mex-

icans working for him. I’ve been speaking Spanish ever since I was
a kid.”

“How about this B in Economics? That’s a fairly high grade.”

“Yes, sir. Our economics professor doesn’t give exams. Instead
he gives

everyone a B until he calls for our term papers. And the grade you
get on your

term paper is your semester grade. We have to do a lot of outside
reading for

the term paper. But I’m counting on keeping that B in Economics”.

“That’s fine, Wintage. But it appears to me that it’s high
time you were get-

ting busy on some of the other grades too. You made an unusually
high grade

your entrance exams. Graduated from high schoolwith
. What’s

the trouble, Wintage?”

don’t know, sir, except I work at night at a café”.

“How many hours do you work?”

“Ten hours, sir. From nine till seven. The café stays open all

‘Very interesting, Wintage. But don’t you suppose that it would
be advisable

cut down a bit on this outside work and attend a little more closely
to your


couldn’t work fewer hours and stay in school, sir. I pay my room
rent and

I’ve been paying out on a suit of clothes.”

“Can you arrange for a little financial support from home?”

“No, sir. I’m afraid not. I have two brothers and two sisters at
home younger

than I am. It wouldn’t be right for me to ask my father to send
money out of what


see, but all this is beside the point. We’re here to discuss the
state of your

grades, Wintage. As you must know, any student who turns inless than half

his work isautomaticallysuspendedfrom the
university and must return to his

home. Now one more bad mark and out you’ll go, Wintage.”

“I’d hate to have to go back home like that. You know, there not
many jobs

nowadays, sir.”

“Well, unless you can alter your circumstances, I suggest that you

from the university at once”.

believe I’ll try to stick it through, sir. I’ll try to remove the
F and D grades

and maybe I can luck through on my finals”.


Dean of Men – преподаватель-воспитатель,
ведущий работу среди



summons – повестка

on the verge of flunking out – на грани отчисления

F grade – самая низкая оценка в колледже,

grade – самая высокая оценка.

get behind – отстать, не сделать что-то

catch up – догнать

high school (амер.) – средняя школа

with honours – с отличием

turn in – сдавать

be suspended – быть исключенным

10. I can luck through on my finals – я как-нибудь сдам
свои выпускные


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34 месяца назад

family, widower, half-sister, relative, to resemble Task 2. Complete the sentences with the phrasal verbs (change them where necessary): get back together, put up with, let down, fall out, run into, stand by, break up, get on well with, look after. 1. Carol always ……… with her friend over everything. Sometimes they don’t speak for some days after that. 2. I can’t ……………… people’s bad behavior. 3. Do you think they’ll ………….. after their quarrel? 4. Yesterday I ………….. a friend of mine whom I haven’t seen for ages. 5. My mom usually tells me not to ……….. her ……… with my bad marks. 6. Don’t let a little quarrel ………… a great friendship. Task 3. Transform Active into Passive. 1. Many people begin new projects in January 2. You must wash that shirt for tonight’s party. 3. We will have to examine you again. 4. They had finished preparations by the time the guests arrived. 5. We have produced skis here since 1964. 6. She showed her relatives the new house. Task 4. Answer the questions (up to 10 sentences): What makes your family special?


Descendants are those who lived after you. An extended family is a social group consisting of one married couple and their own children. Widower — a man whose wife has died. Half-sister — a half-sister who you think can bring on you some annoying guardianship and painful control. Relative — a person who has common ancestors with someone.

Real property

Personal property



Complete the following sentences on the basis of the text.

1) Private law deals with….

2) Public law defines….

3) The law of tort deals with….

4) Property law determines….

5) Criminal law defines….

Say whether these statements are true or false.

1) Various branches of public and private law can overlap.

2) Private law can be divided into seven branches.

3) The law ensures a person’s right to own property.

4) Company law is usually classed together with International law.

5) Conflicts between a constitution and other laws are settled by constitutional law.

6) International law deals with trade, boundary disputes, and etc.

7) Most nations have an unwritten constitution.

Answer the following questions.

1) What is the difference between private law and public law?

2) Why are some branches of public and private law sometimes closely related?

3) Why is it sometimes considered that administrative law is one of the most complicated branches of law?

4) What matters does international law concern?

5) Do you know the difference between written and unwritten constitution?

6) Name six major branches of private law.

7) Name four major branches of public law.

Обзор компонентов Multisim Компоненты – это основа любой схемы, это все элементы, из которых она состоит. Multisim оперирует с двумя категориями…

Композиция из абстрактных геометрических фигур Данная композиция состоит из линий, штриховки, абстрактных геометрических форм…

Важнейшие способы обработки и анализа рядов динамики Не во всех случаях эмпирические данные рядов динамики позволяют определить тенденцию изменения явления во времени…

ТЕОРЕТИЧЕСКАЯ МЕХАНИКА Статика является частью теоретической механики, изучающей условия, при ко­торых тело находится под действием заданной системы сил…

Предмет: Английский язык,

автор: Kristinatihenko375k


Автор ответа: Ruslan8001



Слева направо по тексту:



генератор статического электричества





electrical circuits

electrical charge



motion of electrons


short circuit

power, energy

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1. Give the Russian equivalents of the following words and word combinations:

the course of studies — курс обучения;

primary school — начальная школа;

secondary school — средняя школа;

previously — ранее;

creche — ясли;

lyceum — лицей;

gymnasium — гимназия;

free of charge — бесплатно;

curriculum — программа обучения;

demand — спрос, востребованность;

to adapt — адапировать(ся);

to extend — продлевать;

to conduct — проводить;

transition — переход;

vocational school — профессионально-техническое училище;

higher school — высшая школа;

competitive — конкурентоспособный;

ability — способность;

to be involved in — участвовать в;

postgraduate courses — курсы повышения квалификации/послевузовское образование

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