Other forms: got word; getting word; gets word; gotten word
When you get word of something, you find out about it. You might only get word that your school is canceled because of snow after standing at the bus stop shivering for an hour.
It’s most often an accident when you get word of something — you learn about it, rather than being told about it directly. You could also say that you «get wind» of something, or «catch wind» of it. If you get word that your neighbor’s having a pool party, you can either put on your suit and walk next door, or sit at home feeling annoyed that you weren’t invited.
Definitions of get word
get to know or become aware of, usually accidentally
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1. [get]
1) заработок, получка
2) прибыль
2. [get]
(got; амер., уст. p. p. тж. gotten2)
1. 1) доставать; добывать
to get tickets [money] — достать /добыть/ билеты [деньги]
where can I get something to eat? — а) где мне раздобыть чего-нибудь поесть?; б) где здесь можно поесть ()?
the thing is not to be got — это /эту вещь/ достать невозможно
2) доставать и приносить
can I get you a drink? — не хотите ли вы выпить? Я принесу
don’t answer the phone, I’ll get it — не подходи к телефону, я возьму трубку
3) добиваться, получать
to get fame [credit, glory] — добиваться известности [похвалы, славы]
to get the name (of) — завоевать /заслужить/ репутацию
to get one’s liberty — добиться свободы, завоевать свободу [ тж. 4)]
to get something for nothing — получить что-нибудь просто так /не дав ничего взамен/
to get one’s wish — получить то, что желаешь
to get an /the/ advantage /the start/ of /over/ smb. — получить преимущество /добиться преимущества/ над кем-л.
you’ll get little by it — вы мало чего этим добьётесь, вы немного от этого выиграете
you’ll get nothing by it — вам это ничего не даст [ тж. 4)]
to get permission from smb. to do smth., to get leave of /from/ smb. to do smth. — получить разрешение /позволение/ у кого-л. сделать что-л.
to get admission to — получать доступ /допуск/ в /к/
to get the prize — получить приз /премию/
to get a place — занять одно из первых мест в соревновании
4) зарабатывать, получать
to get (good) wages — получать (хорошую) зарплату, (хорошо) зарабатывать
to get a /one’s/ living — зарабатывать на жизнь
to get £6,000 a year [quite a lot] — получать /зарабатывать/ 6000 фунтов в год [довольно много]
to get one’s liberty — получить свободу, выйти на свободу [ тж. 3)]
if I am not working I get no pay — если я не работаю, мне не платят
to get nothing by /out of/ it — ничего не заработать на этом [ тж. 3)]
I will see what I can get for it — посмотрим, что я смогу за это получить, посмотрим, что мне за это дадут
you won’t get much for that old piano — за это старое пианино ты много не получишь /не выручишь/
5) получать
to get a letter [a postcard] — получить письмо [открытку]
to get good [bad] news — получить хорошее [дурное] известие
to get word — получить сообщение /известие/
to get smth. from abroad — получать что-л. из-за границы [ тж. 6)]
I got his answer this morning — я сегодня утром получил от него ответ [ тж. 3)]
this room gets no sun — в эту комнату не попадает /не проникает/ солнце
6) покупать, приобретать
to get a book — приобрести /купить/ книгу
to get a new coat [hat, suit] (at /from/ Harrod’s) — купить новое пальто [-ую шляпу, -ый костюм] (в магазине Хэррода)
to get commodities from abroad — покупать /приобретать/ товары за границей
to get smth. very cheap — купить что-л. очень дёшево
get milk as well! — и молоко купи!
I get my meat from the local butcher — я покупаю мясо в соседнем мясном магазине
2. 1) поймать, схватить
to get the thief — поймать /схватить/ вора
to get smb. by the throat — а) схватить кого-л. за горло (и начать душить); б) взять кого-л. за горло
got you! — ага, попался!
that’s got him! — вот он и попался [ тж. 4]
you’ve just said the opposite of what you said before, I’ve got you there! — ты сейчас говоришь совсем не то, что говорил раньше — вот ты и попался!
I’ll get you even if it takes the rest of my life — я до тебя доберусь, даже если на это придётся потратить остаток моей жизни
3) захватывать, увлекать, волновать
it doesn’t get me — это меня не волнует /не трогает/
4) раздражать
his rude remarks get me — меня раздражают его грубые высказывания /грубости/
3. 1) понимать, постигать
to get it /smth./ right — понять /что-л./ правильно
to get smb. wrong — не так /неправильно/ понять кого-л.
to get the hint /the cue/ — понять намёк
I didn’t get the last sentence — я не разобрал /не расслышал/ последнее предложение
let me get this clear: is she married or not? — объясните мне /я хочу точно знать/, она замужем или нет?
I don’t get you — я вас [этого] не понимаю
I don’t get your meaning /you/ — я не понимаю, что вы хотите сказать
I try to make him understand, but he never gets the message — я пытаюсь заставить его понять, но до него ничего не доходит
did you get it?, got me? — вы поняли?
she’s got it — а) она это поняла; б) у неё это получилось; [ тж. II А 6]
2) улавливать, замечать, наблюдать
I didn’t get your name — я не уловил /не расслышал/ вашу фамилию
did you get the look on his face? — вы заметили выражение его лица?
4. доводить до сознания; пронять
that’s got him! — это до него дошло!, это его задело [ тж. 2, 1)]
that sort of behaviour really gets me — такое поведение по-настоящему выводит меня из себя
what’s got him? — что с ним?, что его задело?, какая его муха укусила?
5. озадачить, поставить в тупик
6. попасть, угодить
the blow got him in the nose [the head, the knee] — удар пришёлся ему по носу [по голове, колену]
7. получить, «схлопотать»
1. заразиться; схватить ()
to get (a) cold — простудиться, схватить насморк
I got the impression that he was busy — мне показалось /у меня сложилось впечатление/, что он занят
from the style one gets the impression that the writing was dashed off hurriedly — по его манере /по тому, как он пишет/ создаётся впечатление, что всё это было написано наспех
3. получать (); подвергаться ()
he got three years — его приговорили к трём годам, он «заработал» три года
that’s what you get by talking too much — вот что получается, когда слишком много болтают
4. вычислять; получать (); устанавливать (); находить ()
we get 7.5 as the average — в среднем у нас получилось 7,5
when you add two and two you get four — если сложить два и два получится четыре, два плюс два — четыре
dividing nine by three we get three — девять, делённое на три, — три
5. 1) связываться, устанавливать контакт, связь (;
get through, get to)
did you get Paris? — ты связался с Парижем?
the line was busy and we couldn’t get him — телефон был занят, и мы не могли связаться с ним
2) поймать ()
can you get Moscow on your radio? — ты ловишь /можешь поймать/ Москву по своему приёмнику?
6. выучивать ()
to get smth. (off) by heart /by rote/ — выучить что-л. наизусть, запомнить что-л.
she’s got it — она выучила это [ тж. I 3, 1)]
7. готовить ()
8. съедать ()
I’ll get something to eat before I go out — я что-нибудь поем перед уходом
9. иметься, встречаться
you get many flowers in this region — в этом районе (имеется) много цветов
you get different answers to such riddles — у таких загадок много разных ответов
10. родить, производить на свет ()
1. попадать, прибывать куда-л.; добираться до какого-л. места; достигать какого-л. пункта
to get home — попасть домой, добраться до дому [ тж. ]
to get to Moscow [to London, to Paris] — прибыть в Москву [в Лондон, в Париж]
when do we get to New York? — когда мы будем в Нью-Йорке?
I’ll get home, then — ну, я отправляюсь /пошёл/ домой
what time did you get here? — в какое время /когда/ вы сюда прибыли /приехали, пришли/?
how do I get there? — как мне туда попасть?
how did this box get here? — как сюда попала эта коробка?, каким образом эта коробка очутилась здесь?
where’s my pen got to? — куда делась моя ручка?
where can he have got to? — куда он делся /запропастился/?
2. провожать кого-л. куда-л.; доставлять кого-л., что-л. куда-л.; перевозить, переносить кого-л., что-л. куда-л.
to get smb. home — проводить /доставить/ кого-л. домой
to get smb. to Moscow [to London, to Paris] — привезти кого-л. в Москву [в Лондон, в Париж]
to get smb., smth. upstairs — перенести /перетащить/ кого-л., что-л. наверх
to get smb. to bed — уложить кого-л. в постель
how will you get it here? — как вы это сюда доставите?
3. 1) входить куда-л.; влезать куда-л.; попадать, проникать куда-л.
to get into a room [into a building] — войти /попасть/ в комнату [здание]
to get into a car — влезать /садиться/ в машину
to get into society — попасть в высший свет, проникнуть в светское общество
2) выходить откуда-л.; вылезать, выбираться откуда-л.
to get out of a room [a building] — выбраться из комнаты [здания]
to get out of the train — выйти из поезда, сойти с поезда
the train has already got out of the station — поезд уже отошёл от станции
to get out of the wood — а) выбраться из лесу; б) выпутаться из затруднительного положения
to get out of prison — совершить побег, бежать из тюрьмы
3) выйти из какого-л. состояния, положения
to get out of the rain — а) укрыться от дождя; б) избежать неприятности
to get out of sight /hearing/ — скрываться
get out of my sight! — убирайся!, с глаз долой!
get out of my way! — прочь с дороги!
4. 1) вводить кого-л. куда-л.; проводить кого-л. куда-л.; протаскивать что-л. куда-л.; вводить, вкладывать, всовывать, втискивать что-л. куда-л.
to get smb. into a room — привести /провести/ кого-л. в комнату; затащить кого-л. в комнату
to get the key into the lock — вставить /всунуть/ ключ в замок
at last she got all her dresses into the suitcase — наконец она втиснула все свои платья в чемодан
2) выводить кого-л. откуда-л.; вынимать, доставать что-л. из чего-л.
to get smb. out of a room [a building] — вывести кого-л. из комнаты [здания]
to get the key out of the lock — вынуть /вытащить/ ключ из замка
to get a book out of one’s bag — вытащить /достать/ книгу из портфеля
to get smb. out of prison — «вытащить» кого-л. из тюрьмы; помочь кому-л. бежать из тюрьмы
to get smth., smb. out of the way — избавиться от чего-л., кого-л.; разделаться с чем-л., с кем-л.
5. выведывать, выспрашивать, выуживать что-л. у кого-л.
I could get nothing out of him — я у него ничего не смог выведать /добиться/
to get an answer from smb. — добиться ответа от кого-л.
we’ll never get anything out of him — мы ничего от него не добьёмся /из него не вытянем/, он никогда ничего не скажет
they could get no money out of him — они не смогли выпросить у него денег; денег он им так и не дал
6. избавляться от чего-л. /от какого-л. дела/
to get out of a job /doing a job/ — избавиться /уклониться/ от этой работы
to get out of going somewhere — избежать необходимости идти /ехать/ куда-л.; уклониться от поездки куда-л.
you should get out of that bad habit — ты должен избавиться от этой дурной привычки
you’ll have to talk to him, there’s no getting out of it — ничего не поделаешь, придётся тебе с ним поговорить
начинать делать что-л.
to get to know — узнавать; знакомиться
how did you get to know him? — как ты с ним познакомился?
how did you get to know that I was here? — как ты узнал, что я здесь?
if I get to see him I’ll ask him about it — если я его увижу, я спрошу (его) об этом
you’re getting to be a bad influence on my children — вы начинаете оказывать на моих детей дурное влияние
to get to like smth., smb. — полюбить что-л., кого-л.
it got to be quite pleasant there after a while — через некоторое время там стало довольно мило
he got working — он взялся за работу /приступил к работе/
things haven’t really got going yet — дела ещё не развернулись по-настоящему
now, get going /moving, cracking/! — давай действуй!
8. 1) заставлять, убеждать, уговаривать кого-л. делать что-л.
to get smb. to go [to read] — заставить кого-л. идти [читать]
to get a man to speak — а) заставить человека заговорить; б) убедить кого-л. выступить
to get smb. (to speak) on a subject — заставить кого-л. высказаться на определённую тему
to get them to listen to reason — заставить /убедить/ их прислушаться к голосу рассудка
I got him fo lend me £5 — я уговорил его дать мне взаймы 5 фунтов
I cannot get anyone to do the work properly — я не могу добиться, чтобы эту работу сделали как следует
2) :
to get a tree to grow in a bad soil — суметь вырастить дерево на плохой почве
can you get the door to shut? — ты можешь сделать так, чтобы дверь закрылась?
9. сделать что-л. ()
we are getting our apartment newly papered — нам /у нас/ заново оклеивают квартиру (обоями)
1) (серьёзно) изучать (
); овладеть ()
I am trying to get into Beethoven — я пытаюсь серьёзно заняться Бетховеном
2) привыкнуть (), научиться ()
I’ll soon get into the way of things here — я скоро ко всему здесь привыкну
11. попадать в какое-л. положение, состояние
to get into a rage /into a wax/ — взбеситься, рассвирепеть, прийти в ярость
to get into a tantrum — устроить /закатить/ истерику
to get into touch with smb. — устанавливать контакт /устанавливать непосредственную связь/ с кем-л.
to get into the habit of… — приобрести /усвоить/ привычку…
12. приводить что-л., кого-л. в какое-л. состояние
to get smb. into trouble — а) подвести кого-л.; б) быть виновником чьей-л. беременности
he got the girl into trouble — девушка забеременела /понесла/ от него
to get smth. ready — подготовить что-л.
try to get him into good humour — постарайтесь привести его в хорошее расположение духа
I cannot get the work done properly — я не могу добиться, чтобы работа была сделана как надо
can you get the work finished in time? — вы можете кончить работу вовремя?
to get one’s hands dirty — испачкать /измазать/ руки
he got his wrist broken [dislocated] — он сломал [вывихнул] руку в кисти
13. надевать что-л., напяливать одежду
get into your coat quickly! — быстро надень пальто!
I couldn’t get into the shoes — я не мог влезть в ботинки, ботинки не влезали
1) переходить, перелезать через что-л.; переправляться через что-л.
2) преодолеть ()
he will have to get over their objections — ему придётся поспорить с ними /настоять на своём/
3) оправиться, выздороветь; прийти в себя
4) переносить; свыкаться с мыслью
I cannot get over his abominable behaviour — я не могу привыкнуть к его отвратительному поведению
I can’t get over the fact that… — никак не могу поверить в то, что…
the horse got over the distance in 10 minutes — лошадь покрыла это расстояние за 10 минут
1) =
2) забыть кого-л., перестать страдать по ком-л.
16. = 1)
1) проходить; пробираться через, сквозь что-л.
2) кончить
he gets through an astounding amount of work — он успевает сделать огромное количество работы
they get through ten bottles a week — они выпивают по десять бутылок в неделю
3) выживать, выдерживать
how shall I ever get through this? — как я всё это вынесу?
how can I get through this week without you? — как я проживу /вынесу/ эту неделю без тебя?
1) добираться до кого-л.
he was difficult /not easy/ to get at — а) к нему было трудно попасть; б) к нему было трудно подступиться
2) нападать на кого-л., добираться до кого-л.
who are you getting at? — на кого ты нападаешь?
3) подкупить кого-л.
1) добираться до чего-л.
the books are locked up and we can’t get at them — книги заперты, и мы не можем их достать
put the food where the cat can’t get at it — спрячь продукты так, чтобы кошка до них не добралась
the house is difficult to get at — к этому дому трудно подобраться /подступиться/
2) постигнуть, понять что-л.; выяснить что-л.
to get at the result — выяснить /узнать/ результат
I found it hard to get at what drove them — я никак не мог понять, что ими движет /их мотивов/
3) дать понять
what are you getting at? — а) что вы хотите сказать?; б) чего вы добиваетесь?
4) приниматься за что-л.
I must get at this essay tonight — я должен сегодня же вечером взяться за /начать/ эту статью
I want to get at the redecorating this weekend — я хочу начать ремонт /приступить к ремонту/ в субботу
20. связаться с кем-л.
when we got to him… — когда мы с ним связались…; когда мы ему дозвонились…
1) приниматься за что-л., начинать что-л.
2) доходить до чего-л.
22. обмануть, перехитрить, обойти кого-л.; уговорить кого-л.
how did you get round him? — как тебе удалось перехитрить /провести/ его?
she knows how to get round him — она знает, как обвести его (вокруг пальца)
1) обходить ()
1) взбираться, влезать
2) садиться в ()
here is your horse, get on — вот ваша лошадь, садитесь
25. слезать с чего-л.
to get off a bicycle [a horse] — слезать с велосипеда [лошади]
get off that chair! — освободите кресло!
get off the grass! — не ходите по траве!
get off my back! — оставь меня в покое!, отцепись от меня!
26. убрать кого-л., что-л. откуда-л.
to get smb. off the train — снять кого-л. с поезда
27. проходить, пролезать под чем-л.
28. привести что-л. в какое-л. состояние, положение
to get smth. under control — а) установить контроль над чем-л. б) навести порядок в чём-л.
to get smb. under one’s sway /influence/ — подчинить кого-л. своему влиянию
1) связаться с кем-л.
I’ll get onto the director and see if he can help — я свяжусь с директором, может быть, он сможет помочь
2) разоблачать
he tricked people for years until the police got onto him — он годами обманывал людей, пока полиция не разоблачила его
what have you got there? — что это у вас там?
I haven’t got a penny — у меня нет ни пенса /ни гроша/
I’ve got an idea that… — я думаю, что…, мне кажется, что…
2) быть должным что-л. сделать
you’ve got to listen to what I say — ты обязан /должен/ меня выслушать
to get cool — а) становиться прохладным; охлаждаться; б) успокаиваться
to get free — а) освободиться, избавиться; б) освободиться ()
to get clear (of debts) — освободиться /избавиться/ (от долгов), разделаться (с долгами)
to get hot — а) разгорячиться; I’m getting hot — мне становится жарко; б) раздражаться
don’t get rough! — не груби!, не хами!; не давай волю рукам
to get done with smth., smb. — покончить с чем-л., с кем-л.
to get married — (по)жениться; выйти замуж
to get left — а) быть оставленным; б) остаться в дураках, быть одураченным, остаться с носом
to get beaten — а) быть избитым; б) быть побеждённым; потерпеть поражение
3. :
to get a fright /a scare/ — испугаться, напугаться, перепугаться
to get some sleep — вздремнуть, соснуть
to get a sight of smb., smth. — увидеть /заметить/ кого-л., что-л.
to get a glimpse [a peep] of smb., smth. — увидеть кого-л., что-л. мельком [украдкой]
to get to bed — лечь в постель; лечь спать
to get one’s breath /wind/ — отдышаться; перевести дыхание; прийти в себя
to get wind of smth. — почуять что-л.; узнать /пронюхать/ что-л.; своевременно разгадать что-л.
to get the wind up, to get cold feet — сдрейфить, струсить
to get the wind, to get to the windward — выйти на ветер
to get the wind of smb. — иметь преимущество перед кем-л., быть в более благоприятных условиях, чем кто-л.
to get to close quarters — а) сблизиться, подойти на близкую дистанцию; б) столкнуться лицом к лицу; в) сцепиться в споре
to get the upper hand — одержать победу, взять верх, одолеть; иметь превосходство /перевес/
to get the whip-hand of smb. — иметь кого-л. в своём полном подчинении
to get the better (end) of smb. — получить преимущество перед кем-л., взять верх над кем-л., превзойти /перехитрить/ кого-л.; ≅ за пояс заткнуть кого-л.
to get the worst of it — потерпеть жестокое поражение; быть в наихудшем положении; вынести всю тяжесть чего-л.
to get into smb.’s confidence — втереться кому-л. в доверие
to get it /smth./ into one’s head — вбить себе это /что-л./ в голову
to get smb., smth. out of one’s head /one’s mind/ — выбросить кого-л., что-л. из головы
to get smth. /it/ off one’s chest — а) облегчить душу, чистосердечно сознаться в чём-л.; б) разразиться речью по поводу чего-л.
to get smth. /it/ off one’s conscience — успокоить свою совесть ()
to get one’s (own) way — делать /поступать/ по-своему; настоять, поставить на своём, добиться своего
to get in the way /in smb.’s way, in smb.’s road/ — мешать /препятствовать/ кому-л., стоять у кого-л. на пути; стать кому-л. поперёк дороги
to get under way — а) отплывать, отходить; б) тронуться в путь, отправиться, выехать; в) начать проводить в жизнь, осуществлять; пускать в ход
where does that get us? — что нам это даёт?
now we’re getting somewhere! — ну, наконец-то мы сдвинулись с места!
you won’t get anywhere if you behave like that — вы ничего не добьётесь, если будете себя так вести
to get into a mess /into a muddle/ — попасть в беду /в трудное положение/, запутаться, «влипнуть»
to get into deep waters — находиться в тяжёлом /затруднительном, опасном/ положении
to get out of one’s depth — а) зайти слишком глубоко; попасть на глубокое место; не доставать дна; б) зайти слишком далеко
to get on smb.’s nerves, to get under smb.’s skin — действовать кому-л. на нервы, раздражать кого-л.
to get smb.’s back up, to get smb.’s goat — разозлить /рассердить/ кого-л., вывести кого-л. из себя
to get one’s blood /dander/ up — разозлиться, разгорячиться, рассердиться, вспылить, выйти из себя
to get in wrong with smb. — попасть в немилость к кому-л., заслужить чью-л. немилость
to get back (some of) one’s own, to get (some of) one’s own back — отомстить за обиду /оскорбление/, взять реванш
to get one’s own back on smb. — отомстить кому-л.
to get even with smb. — свести счёты /расквитаться/ с кем-л.
to get above oneself — зазнаваться, воображать
you’re getting above yourself! — не задирай нос!
to get hell, to get it, to get hot, to get it in the neck, to get a rap on /over/ the knuckles — получить выговор /(хороший) нагоняй, (хорошую, здоровую) взбучку, нахлобучку/; получить по шее; нарваться на выговор
to get rid of smb., smth. — избавиться /отвязаться, отделаться/ от кого-л., чего-л.
to get the mitten /the sack, the push, the gate/ — а) быть уволенным /выгнанным с работы/, «вылететь»; б) получить отказ /отставку/, быть отвергнутым ()
to get the boot /the kick/ = to get the mitten а)
to get the bird — а) = to get the mitten а); б) быть освистанным /ошиканным/ ( тж. to get the big bird /the raspberry/)
to get there /ahead/ — достичь своей цели, добиться своего; преуспеть, достигнуть успеха
to get somewhere — достигнуть чего-л.
to get nowhere — ничего не достигнуть; не достичь своей цели; не сдвинуться с мёртвой точки
to get home — а) достигать своей цели; преуспевать, иметь успех; б) восстановить утраченное; оправиться после денежных затруднений; занять прежнее положение; в) выиграть, одержать победу (); г) нанести удар; попасть в цель; попасть в точку; д) задеть за живое, ударить по больному месту; [ тж. II Б 1]
to get out of hand — отбиться от рук, выйти из подчинения /повиновения/, распуститься; выйти из-под власти /влияния, контроля/
to get one’s hands on smth. — достать /раздобыть/ что-л.
I got my hands on a pair of shoes that I really like — мне удалось достать пару туфель, которые мне по-настоящему нравятся
to get one’s hand in it, to get the hang /the feel/ of it — набить руку, приобрести навык /умение, сноровку/ в чём-л., освоиться с чем-л.
to get it down fine — основательно изучить /узнать/ что-л.
to get wise to smth. — узнать что-л., познакомиться с чем-л.; осознавать /понимать/ что-л.; раскрыть что-л.
to get down to brass tacks — а) перейти к делу; б) реально смотреть на вещи
to get to the heart of the matter, to get to the back of smth. — добраться /докопаться/ до сути чего-л.; понять сущность чего-л.
to get it on — приходить в восторг, быть охваченным энтузиазмом
to get religion — а) стать очень набожным; б) быть обращённым, принять веру
to get out of bed on the wrong side — ≅ встать с левой ноги
to have got it bad — «заболеть», сильно увлечься (чем-л.)
he’s got it bad for her — он здорово ею увлёкся /втюрился, втрескался в неё/
get! — убирайся!, вон!
get off it! — хвати!, кончай!
1 one of the units of speech or writing that native speakers of a language usually regard as the smallest isolable meaningful element of the language, although linguists would analyse these further into morphemes
Related adj →
lexical →
2 an instance of vocal intercourse; chat, talk, or discussion
to have a word with someone
3 an utterance or expression, esp. a brief one
a word of greeting
4 news or information
he sent word that he would be late
5 a verbal signal for action; command
when I give the word, fire!
6 an undertaking or promise
I give you my word, he kept his word
7 an autocratic decree or utterance; order
his word must be obeyed
8 a watchword or slogan, as of a political party
the word now is «freedom»
9 (Computing) a set of bits used to store, transmit, or operate upon an item of information in a computer, such as a program instruction
10 ♦
as good as one’s word doing what one has undertaken or promised to do
12 ♦
by word of mouth orally rather than by written means
13 ♦
in a word briefly or in short
a an exclamation of surprise, annoyance, etc.
b (Austral) an exclamation of agreement
15 ♦
of one’s word given to or noted for keeping one’s promises
I am a man of my word
16 ♦
put in a word or good word for to make favourable mention of (someone); recommend
17 ♦
take someone at his or her word to assume that someone means, or will do, what he or she says
when he told her to go, she took him at his word and left
18 ♦
take someone’s word for it to accept or believe what someone says
a the closing remark of a conversation or argument, esp. a remark that supposedly settles an issue
b the latest or most fashionable design, make, or model
the last word in bikinis
c the finest example (of some quality, condition, etc.)
the last word in luxury
20 ♦
the word the proper or most fitting expression
cold is not the word for it, it’s freezing!
b an exclamation of surprise, annoyance, etc.
a (of a report, transcription, etc.) using exactly the same words as those employed in the situation being reported; verbatim
b translated by substituting each word in the new text for each corresponding word in the original rather than by general sense
23 ♦
word of honour a promise; oath
24 modifier of, relating to, or consisting of words
a word list
25 tr to state in words, usually specially selected ones; phrase
26 tr; often foll by: up (Austral)
informal to inform or advise (a person), (See also)
(Old English word; related to Old High German wort, Old Norse orth, Gothic waurd, Latin verbum, Sanskrit vratá command)
n any word that seems to cause irrational fear
«communism» became a boo-word in the McCarthy era
buzz word
Informal a word, often originating in a particular jargon, that becomes a vogue word in the community as a whole or among a particular group
content word
n a word to which an independent meaning can be given by reference to a world outside any sentence in which the word may occur
Compare →
function word →
lexical meaning
four-letter word
n any of several short English words referring to sex or excrement: often used as swearwords and regarded generally as offensive or obscene
function word
n (Grammar) a word, such as the, with a particular grammatical role but little identifiable meaning
Compare →
content word →
grammatical meaning
the. sometimes cap a euphemistic way of referring to the word →
(from f(uck) + word)
ghost word
n a word that has entered the language through the perpetuation, in dictionaries, etc., of an error
loan word
n a word adopted, often with some modification of its form, from one language into another
nonce word
n a word coined for a single occasion
portmanteau word
n another name for →
blend →
(C19: from the idea that two meanings are packed into one word)
reserved word
n a word in a programming language or computer system that has a fixed meaning and therefore cannot be redefined by a programmer
1 (Christianity) the 2nd person of the Trinity
2 Scripture, the Bible, or the Gospels as embodying or representing divine revelation, (Often called)
the Word of God
(translation of Greek logos, as in John 1:1)
n combining form preceded by the and an initial letter a euphemistic way of referring to a word by its first letter because it is considered to be in some way unmentionable by the user
the C-word, meaning cancer
word association
n an early method of psychoanalysis in which the patient thinks of the first word that comes into consciousness on hearing a given word. In this way it was claimed that aspects of the unconscious could be revealed before defence mechanisms intervene
word blindness
n the nontechnical name for alexia and dyslexia
word-blind adj
word class
n (Linguistics) a form class in which the members are words
See →
part of speech
word deafness
n loss of ability to understand spoken words, esp. as the result of a cerebral lesion, (Also called)
auditory aphasia
word-deaf adj
word game
n any game involving the formation, discovery, or alteration of a word or words
word order
n the arrangement of words in a phrase, clause, or sentence. In many languages, including English, word order plays an important part in determining meanings expressed in other languages by inflections
word-perfect , (U.S.) letter-perfect
1 correct in every detail
2 (of a speech, part in a play, etc.) memorized perfectly
3 (of a speaker, actor, etc.) knowing one’s speech, role, etc., perfectly
word picture
n a verbal description, esp. a vivid one
word processing
n the composition of documents using a computer system to input, edit, store, and print them
word processor
a a computer program that performs word processing
b a computer system designed for word processing
word square
n a puzzle in which the player must fill a square grid with words that read the same across as down
word stress
n the stress accent on the syllables of individual words either in a sentence or in isolation
word wrapping
n (Computing) the automatic shifting of a word at the end of a line to a new line in order to keep within preset margins
v. gave (gāv), giv·en (gĭv′ən), giv·ing, gives
1. To make a present of: We gave her flowers for her birthday.
2. To place in the hands of; pass: Give me the scissors.
a. To deliver in exchange or recompense; pay: gave five dollars for the book.
b. To let go for a price; sell: gave the used car away for two thousand dollars.
a. To administer: give him some cough medicine.
b. To convey by a physical action: gave me a punch in the nose.
c. To inflict as punishment: was given life imprisonment for the crime.
a. To bestow, especially officially; confer: The Bill of Rights gives us freedom of speech.
b. To accord or tender to another: Give him your confidence.
c. To put temporarily at the disposal of: gave them the cottage for a week.
d. To entrust to another, usually for a specified reason: gave me the keys for safekeeping.
e. To communicate, convey, or offer for conveyance: Give him my best wishes. Give us the latest news.
a. To endure the loss of; sacrifice: gave her son to the war; gave her life for her country.
b. To devote or apply completely: gives herself to her work.
c. To furnish or contribute: gave their time to help others.
d. To offer in good faith; pledge: Give me your word.
a. To allot as a portion or share.
b. To bestow (a name, for example).
c. To attribute (blame, for example) to someone; assign.
d. To award as due: gave us first prize.
8. To emit or utter: gave a groan; gave a muted response.
9. To submit for consideration, acceptance, or use: give an opinion; give an excuse.
a. To proffer to another: gave the toddler my hand.
b. To consent to engage (oneself) in sexual intercourse with another person.
a. To perform for an audience: give a recital.
b. To present to view: gave the sign to begin.
a. To offer as entertainment: give a dinner party.
b. To propose as a toast.
a. To be a source of; afford: His remark gave offense. Music gives her pleasure.
b. To cause to catch or be subject to (a disease or bodily condition): The draft gave me a cold.
c. To guide or direct, as by persuasion or behavior. Used with an infinitive phrase: You gave me to imagine you approved of my report.
a. To yield or produce: Cows give milk.
b. To bring forth or bear: trees that give fruit.
c. To produce as a result of calculation: 5 × 12 gives 60.
a. To manifest or show: gives promise of brilliance; gave evidence of tampering.
b. To carry out (a physical movement): give a wink; give a start.
16. To permit one to have or take: gave us an hour to finish.
17. To take an interest to the extent of: «My dear, I don’t give a damn» (Margaret Mitchell).
1. To make gifts or donations: gives generously to charity.
a. To yield to physical force: The sail gave during the storm.
b. To collapse from force or pressure: The roof gave under the weight of the snow.
c. To yield to change: Both sides will have to give on some issues.
3. To afford access or a view; open: The doors give onto a terrace.
4. Slang To be in progress; happen: What gives?
1. Capacity or inclination to yield under pressure.
2. The quality or condition of resilience; springiness: «Fruits that have some give … will have more juice than hard ones» (Elizabeth Schneider).
Phrasal Verbs:
give away
1. To offer or provide at no cost to the recipient: The radio station gave away six tickets to the rock concert. I bought my toddler a small bed and gave her crib away.
2. To reveal or make known: I avoid movie reviews that gives away plot twists. I stopped reading the book when my friend gave the ending away.
3. To betray.
give back
To return: gave me back my book.
give in
1. To hand in; submit: She gave in her report.
2. To cease opposition; yield.
give of
To devote or contribute: She really gave of her time to help. They give of themselves to improve the quality of education.
give off
To send forth; emit: chemical changes that give off energy.
give out
1. To allow to be known; declare publicly: gave out the bad news.
2. To send forth; emit: gave out a steady buzzing.
3. To distribute: gave out the surplus food.
4. To stop functioning; fail.
5. To become used up or exhausted; run out: Their determination finally gave out.
give over
1. To hand over; entrust.
2. To devote to a particular purpose or use: gave the day over to merrymaking.
3. To surrender (oneself) completely; abandon: finally gave myself over to grief.
4. To cause an activity to stop: ordered the combatants to give over.
give up
1. To surrender: The suspects gave themselves up. To devote (oneself) completely: gave herself up to her work.
2. To cease to do or perform: gave up their search. To desist from; stop: gave up smoking.
3. To part with; relinquish: gave up the apartment; gave up all hope.
4. To lose hope for: We had given the dog up as lost. To lose hope of seeing: We’d given you up an hour ago.
5. To admit defeat.
6. To abandon what one is doing or planning to do: gave up on writing the novel.
give a good account of (oneself)
To behave or perform creditably.
give birth to
1. To bear as offspring.
2. To be the origin of: a hobby that gave birth to a successful business.
give ground
To yield to a more powerful force; retreat.
give it to Informal
To punish or reprimand severely: My parents really gave it to me for coming in late.
give or take
Plus or minus a small specified amount: The chalet is close to the road, give or take a few hundred yards.
give rise to
To be the cause or origin of; bring about.
give (someone) a piece of (one’s) mind
To tell someone frankly what one thinks about something, especially when angry.
give (someone) a hard time
1. To make life difficult for; harass.
2. To make fun of; tease.
give (someone) the eye
1. To look at admiringly or invitingly.
2. To look at with an expression of disapproval.
give the lie to
1. To show to be inaccurate or untrue.
2. To accuse of lying.
give up the ghost
To cease living or functioning; die.
give way
1. To retreat or withdraw.
2. To yield the right of way: gave way to an oncoming car.
3. To relinquish ascendancy or position: as day gives way slowly to night.
4. To collapse from or as if from physical pressure: The ladder gave way.
5. To yield to urging or demand; give in.
6. To abandon oneself: give way to hysteria.
[Middle English given, from Old English giefan and Old Norse gefa; see ghabh- in Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
vb (mainly tr) , gives, giving, gave (ɡeɪv) or given (ˈɡɪvən)
1. (also intr) to present or deliver voluntarily (something that is one’s own) to the permanent possession of another or others
2. (often foll by for) to transfer (something that is one’s own, esp money) to the possession of another as part of an exchange: to give fifty pounds for a painting.
3. to place in the temporary possession of another: I gave him my watch while I went swimming.
4. (when: intr, foll by of) to grant, provide, or bestow: give me some advice.
5. to administer: to give a reprimand.
6. to award or attribute: to give blame, praise, etc.
7. to be a source of: he gives no trouble.
8. to impart or communicate: to give news; give a person a cold.
9. to utter or emit: to give a shout.
10. to perform, make, or do: the car gave a jolt and stopped.
11. to sacrifice or devote: he gave his life for his country.
12. to surrender: to give place to others.
13. to concede or yield: I will give you this game.
14. (intr) informal to happen: what gives?.
15. (often foll by to) to cause; lead: she gave me to believe that she would come.
16. (foll by for) to value (something) at: I don’t give anything for his promises.
17. (Theatre) to perform or present as an entertainment: to give a play.
18. to propose as a toast: I give you the Queen.
19. (intr) to yield or break under force or pressure: this surface will give if you sit on it; his courage will never give.
20. give as good as one gets to respond to verbal or bodily blows to at least an equal extent as those received
21. (Military) give battle to commence fighting
22. (Medicine) to bear (offspring)
23. to produce, originate, or create (an idea, plan, etc)
24. give a person five give a person some skin slang to greet or congratulate someone by slapping raised hands
25. give ground to draw back or retreat
26. give it up for someone slang to applaud someone
27. give someone one slang Brit to have sex with someone
28. give rise to to be the cause of
29. give me informal I prefer: give me hot weather any day!.
30. give or take plus or minus: three thousand people came, give or take a few hundred.
31. give way See way24
32. give a person what for informal to punish or reprimand a person severely
a tendency to yield under pressure; resilience: there’s bound to be some give in a long plank; there is no give in his moral views.
[Old English giefan; related to Old Norse gefa, Gothic giban, Old High German geban, Swedish giva]
ˈgivable, ˈgiveable adj
ˈgiver n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
v. gave, giv•en, giv•ing,
n. v.t.
1. to present voluntarily and without expecting compensation: to give a birthday present to someone.
2. to hand to someone: Give me that plate, please.
3. to place in someone’s care: I gave the folders to your assistant.
4. to grant (permission, opportunity, etc.) to someone: Give me a chance.
5. to impart or communicate: to give advice; to give a cold to someone.
6. to set forth or show; present; offer: to give no reason for one’s actions.
7. to pay or transfer possession to another in exchange for something: They gave five dollars for the picture.
8. to furnish, provide, or proffer: to give evidence.
9. to provide as an entertainment or social function: to give a Halloween party.
10. to administer: to give medicine to a patient.
11. to put forth, emit, or utter; issue: to give a cry.
12. to assign or admit as a basis of calculation or reasoning (usu. used passively): These facts being given, the theory makes sense.
13. to produce, yield, or afford: to give good results.
14. to make, do, or perform: to give a lurch.
15. to perform or present publicly: to give a concert.
16. to cause; be responsible for (usu. fol. by an infinitive): They gave me to understand that you would be there.
17. to care about something to the value or extent of (something signifying “even a little bit”): I don’t give a hoot about their opinion. Frankly, I don’t give a damn!
18. to relinquish or sacrifice: to give one’s life for a cause.
19. to convey or transmit: Give Grandma my love.
20. to assign or allot: They gave him the nickname “Scooter.”
21. to bestow (the object of one’s choice), as if by providence: Give me the wide open spaces anytime.
22. to connect, as through a switchboard: Give me 235-7522.
23. to present to an audience: Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the governor of Texas.
24. to attribute or ascribe: to give the devil his due.
25. to cause: Strawberries give me a rash.
26. to apply fully or freely; devote: to give one’s attention to a problem.
27. to award by verdict or after consideration: A decision was given for the defendant.
28. to inflict as a punishment on another; impose a sentence of: The judge gave him ten years.
29. to pledge, offer as a pledge, or execute and deliver: She gave him her word.
30. to propose as the subject of a toast (fol. by an indirect object): Ladies and gentlemen, I give you our country.
31. to bear to a man; deliver (fol. by an indirect object): She gave him a beautiful baby boy.
32. to sire upon a woman; father (fol. by an indirect object): He gave her two children in four years.
33. to concede or grant, as a point in an argument.
34. to make a gift or gifts; contribute: to give to the United Way.
35. to yield somewhat, as to influence or force; compromise: Each side must give on some points.
36. to yield somewhat when subjected to weight, force, pressure, etc.: A horsehair mattress doesn’t give much.
37. to collapse; break down; fall apart: The old chair gave when I sat on it.
38. to be warm and open in relationships with others: a withdrawn person who doesn’t know how to give.
39. Informal. to divulge information: Okay now, give! What happened?
40. to afford a view or passage; face, open, or lead (usu. fol. by on, onto, etc.): This door gives onto the hallway.
41. give away,
a. to give as a present; bestow.
b. to present (the bride) to the bridegroom in a marriage ceremony.
c. to disclose, betray, or expose.
42. give back, to return (something), as to the owner; restore.
43. give in,
a. to acknowledge defeat; yield.
b. to hand in; deliver: to give in one’s timecard.
44. give of, to devote or contribute generously of: to give of oneself.
45. give off, to put forth; emit: The gardenia gives off a strong fragrance.
46. give out,
a. to send out; emit.
b. to make public; announce.
c. to distribute; issue.
d. to become exhausted or used up.
47. give over,
a. to put into the care or custody of; transfer.
b. to submit fully: She gave herself over to tears.
c. to devote to a specified activity: The day was given over to relaxing.
d. to cease; stop: to give over complaining.
48. give up,
a. to abandon hope; despair.
b. to desist from; renounce: to give up smoking.
c. to surrender; relinquish.
d. to devote (oneself) entirely to.
49. the quality or state of being resilient; springiness.
1. give it to, Informal. to reprimand or punish.
2. give or take, plus or minus a specified amount; more or less.
[before 900; Middle English given (with g- < Scandinavian; compare early Dan give), yiven, yeven, Old English gefan, giefan, c. Old Saxon, Old High German geban, Gothic giban]
giv′er, n.
syn: give, confer, grant, present mean that something concrete or abstract is bestowed on one person by another. give is the general word: to give someone a book. confer usu. means to give as an honor or as a favor; it implies courteous and gracious giving: to confer a medal. grant is usu. limited to the idea of acceding to a request or fulfilling an expressed wish; it often involves a formal act or legal procedure: to grant a prayer; to grant immunity. present, a more formal word than give, usu. implies a certain ceremony in the giving: to present an award.
Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
1. form and word order
Give is a very common verb that has several meanings. Its past tense is gave. Its -ed participle is given.
Give usually takes an indirect object. For some meanings of give, the indirect object must go in front of the direct object. For other meanings, it can go either in front of the direct object or after it.
2. physical actions
Give is often used to describe physical actions. When you use give like this, put the indirect object in front of the direct object. For example, say ‘He gave the ball a kick‘. Don’t say ‘He gave a kick to the ball‘.
He gave the door a push.
Ana gave Bal’s hand a squeeze.
3. expressions and gestures
Give is also used to describe expressions and gestures. When give is used like this, the indirect object goes in front of the direct object.
He gave her a kind smile.
As he passed me, he gave me a wink.
4. effects
You can also use give to describe an effect produced by someone or something. Again, the indirect object goes in front of the direct object.
I thought I’d give you a surprise.
That noise gives me a headache.
5. things
If you give someone something, you offer it to them and they take it. When you use give like this, the indirect object can go either in front of the direct object or after it. When you put the direct object first, you put to in front of the indirect object.
She gave Ravinder the keys.
He gave the letter to the teacher.
However, when the direct object is a pronoun such as it or them and the indirect object is not a pronoun, you must put the direct object first. Say ‘He gave it to his father‘. Don’t say ‘He gave his father it‘.
He poured some milk and gave it to Joseph.
6. information
You also say that you give someone information, advice, a warning, or an order. When give is used like this, the indirect object can go either in front of the direct object or after it.
Her secretary gave the caller the message.
He gave a strict warning to them not to look at the sun.
The captain gave an order to his team.
– give – invite
1. ‘offer’
If you offer something to someone, you ask them if they would like to have it or use it.
He offered me a chocolate. I shook my head.
2. ‘give’
If you put something in someone’s hand expecting them to take it, and they do take it, don’t say that you ‘offer’ it to them. You say that you give it to them.
She gave Minnie the keys.
He gave me a red jewellery box.
3. ‘offer to’
If you offer to do something, you say that you are willing to do it.
He offered to take her home in a taxi.
I offered to answer any questions.
4. ‘invite’
If someone asks you to do something that they think you will want to do, don’t say that they ‘offer’ you to do it. You say that they invite you to do it.
I was invited to attend future meetings.
She invited me to come for dinner.
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012
Past participle: given
Gerund: giving
Imperative |
give |
give |
Present |
I give |
you give |
he/she/it gives |
we give |
you give |
they give |
Preterite |
I gave |
you gave |
he/she/it gave |
we gave |
you gave |
they gave |
Present Continuous |
I am giving |
you are giving |
he/she/it is giving |
we are giving |
you are giving |
they are giving |
Present Perfect |
I have given |
you have given |
he/she/it has given |
we have given |
you have given |
they have given |
Past Continuous |
I was giving |
you were giving |
he/she/it was giving |
we were giving |
you were giving |
they were giving |
Past Perfect |
I had given |
you had given |
he/she/it had given |
we had given |
you had given |
they had given |
Future |
I will give |
you will give |
he/she/it will give |
we will give |
you will give |
they will give |
Future Perfect |
I will have given |
you will have given |
he/she/it will have given |
we will have given |
you will have given |
they will have given |
Future Continuous |
I will be giving |
you will be giving |
he/she/it will be giving |
we will be giving |
you will be giving |
they will be giving |
Present Perfect Continuous |
I have been giving |
you have been giving |
he/she/it has been giving |
we have been giving |
you have been giving |
they have been giving |
Future Perfect Continuous |
I will have been giving |
you will have been giving |
he/she/it will have been giving |
we will have been giving |
you will have been giving |
they will have been giving |
Past Perfect Continuous |
I had been giving |
you had been giving |
he/she/it had been giving |
we had been giving |
you had been giving |
they had been giving |
Conditional |
I would give |
you would give |
he/she/it would give |
we would give |
you would give |
they would give |
Past Conditional |
I would have given |
you would have given |
he/she/it would have given |
we would have given |
you would have given |
they would have given |
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun | 1. | give — the elasticity of something that can be stretched and returns to its original length
springiness, spring elasticity, snap — the tendency of a body to return to its original shape after it has been stretched or compressed; «the waistband had lost its snap» |
Verb | 1. | give — cause to have, in the abstract sense or physical sense; «She gave him a black eye»; «The draft gave me a cold»
infect — communicate a disease to; «Your children have infected you with this head cold» award, grant — give as judged due or on the basis of merit; «the referee awarded a free kick to the team»; «the jury awarded a million dollars to the plaintiff»;»Funds are granted to qualified researchers» yield, afford, give — be the cause or source of; «He gave me a lot of trouble»; «Our meeting afforded much interesting information» drive home, deliver — carry out or perform; «deliver an attack», «deliver a blow»; «The boxer drove home a solid left» |
2. | give — be the cause or source of; «He gave me a lot of trouble»; «Our meeting afforded much interesting information»
yield, afford open up, open — make available; «This opens up new possibilities» give — cause to have, in the abstract sense or physical sense; «She gave him a black eye»; «The draft gave me a cold» furnish, provide, supply, render — give something useful or necessary to; «We provided the room with an electrical heater» allow for, allow, provide, leave — make a possibility or provide opportunity for; permit to be attainable or cause to remain; «This leaves no room for improvement»; «The evidence allows only one conclusion»; «allow for mistakes»; «leave lots of time for the trip»; «This procedure provides for lots of leeway» |
3. | give — transfer possession of something concrete or abstract to somebody; «I gave her my money»; «can you give me lessons?»; «She gave the children lots of love and tender loving care»
cater, ply, provide, supply — give what is desired or needed, especially support, food or sustenance; «The hostess provided lunch for all the guests» cough up, pony up, spit up — give reluctantly; «He coughed up some money for his children’s tuition» rent, lease, let — grant use or occupation of under a term of contract; «I am leasing my country estate to some foreigners» support — support materially or financially; «he does not support his natural children»; «The scholarship supported me when I was in college» transfer — cause to change ownership; «I transferred my stock holdings to my children» pay — give money, usually in exchange for goods or services; «I paid four dollars for this sandwich»; «Pay the waitress, please» accord, allot, grant — allow to have; «grant a privilege» grant, allow — let have; «grant permission»; «Mandela was allowed few visitors in prison» present, submit — hand over formally bestow — give as a gift heap — bestow in large quantities; «He heaped him with work»; «She heaped scorn upon him» deal out, dish out, dispense, distribute, dole out, mete out, parcel out, shell out, lot, administer, allot, deal — administer or bestow, as in small portions; «administer critical remarks to everyone present»; «dole out some money»; «shell out pocket money for the children»; «deal a blow to someone»; «the machine dispenses soft drinks» proffer, offer — present for acceptance or rejection; «She offered us all a cold drink» chip in, contribute, kick in, give — contribute to some cause; «I gave at the office» return, render — give back; «render money» deposit, bank — put into a bank account; «She deposits her paycheck every month» cede, concede, yield, grant — give over; surrender or relinquish to the physical control of another loan, lend — give temporarily; let have for a limited time; «I will lend you my car»; «loan me some money» furnish, provide, supply, render — give something useful or necessary to; «We provided the room with an electrical heater» requite, repay — make repayment for or return something dispense with, part with, spare, give up — give up what is not strictly needed; «he asked if they could spare one of their horses to speed his journey» vest — place (authority, property, or rights) in the control of a person or group of persons; «She vested her vast fortune in her two sons» enfeoff — put in possession of land in exchange for a pledge of service, in feudal society; «He enfeoffed his son-in-law with a large estate in Scotland» give back, refund, repay, return — pay back; «Please refund me my money» take — take into one’s possession; «We are taking an orphan from Romania»; «I’ll take three salmon steaks» |
4. | give — convey or reveal information; «Give one’s name»
say, state, tell — express in words; «He said that he wanted to marry her»; «tell me what is bothering you»; «state your opinion»; «state your name» quote — name the price of; «quote prices for cars» cast — deposit; «cast a vote»; «cast a ballot» impart, pass on, give, leave — transmit (knowledge or skills); «give a secret to the Russians»; «leave your name and address here»; «impart a new skill to the students» |
5. | give — convey, as of a compliment, regards, attention, etc.; bestow; «Don’t pay him any mind»; «give the orders»; «Give him my best regards»; «pay attention»
pay communicate, intercommunicate — transmit thoughts or feelings; «He communicated his anxieties to the psychiatrist» offer, extend — offer verbally; «extend my greetings»; «He offered his sympathy» |
6. | give — organize or be responsible for; «hold a reception»; «have, throw, or make a party»; «give a course»
hold, have, throw, make direct — be in charge of |
7. | give — convey or communicate; of a smile, a look, a physical gesture; «Throw a glance»; «She gave me a dirty look»
throw communicate, intercommunicate — transmit thoughts or feelings; «He communicated his anxieties to the psychiatrist» |
8. | give — give as a present; make a gift of; «What will you give her for her birthday?»
gift, present dower, endow — furnish with an endowment; «When she got married, she got dowered» hand out, pass out, give out, distribute — give to several people; «The teacher handed out the exams» give away — make a gift of; «She gave away her antique furniture» raffle, raffle off — dispose of in a lottery; «We raffled off a trip to the Bahamas» bung, fee, tip — give a tip or gratuity to in return for a service, beyond the compensation agreed on; «Remember to tip the waiter»; «fee the steward» bequeath, will, leave — leave or give by will after one’s death; «My aunt bequeathed me all her jewelry»; «My grandfather left me his entire estate» cede, surrender, give up, deliver — relinquish possession or control over; «The squatters had to surrender the building after the police moved in» deed over, grant — transfer by deed; «grant land» treat — provide with a gift or entertainment; «Grandmother always treated us to the circus»; «I like to treat myself to a day at a spa when I am depressed» donate — give to a charity or good cause; «I donated blood to the Red Cross for the victims of the earthquake»; «donate money to the orphanage»; «She donates to her favorite charity every month» tender — offer or present for acceptance render, submit — make over as a return; «They had to render the estate» |
9. | give — cause to happen or be responsible for; «His two singles gave the team the victory»
yield create, make — make or cause to be or to become; «make a mess in one’s office»; «create a furor» generate, yield, render, give, return — give or supply; «The cow brings in 5 liters of milk»; «This year’s crop yielded 1,000 bushels of corn»; «The estate renders some revenue for the family» |
10. | give — dedicate; «give thought to»; «give priority to»; «pay attention to»
devote, pay cerebrate, cogitate, think — use or exercise the mind or one’s power of reason in order to make inferences, decisions, or arrive at a solution or judgments; «I’ve been thinking all day and getting nowhere» sacrifice, give — endure the loss of; «He gave his life for his children»; «I gave two sons to the war» |
11. | give — give or supply; «The cow brings in 5 liters of milk»; «This year’s crop yielded 1,000 bushels of corn»; «The estate renders some revenue for the family»
generate, yield, render, return produce, create, make — create or manufacture a man-made product; «We produce more cars than we can sell»; «The company has been making toys for two centuries» yield, give — cause to happen or be responsible for; «His two singles gave the team the victory» establish, give — bring about; «The trompe l’oeil-illusion establishes depth» |
12. | give — transmit (knowledge or skills); «give a secret to the Russians»; «leave your name and address here»; «impart a new skill to the students»
impart, pass on, leave convey — make known; pass on, of information; «She conveyed the message to me» tell — let something be known; «Tell them that you will be late» bequeath, will, leave — leave or give by will after one’s death; «My aunt bequeathed me all her jewelry»; «My grandfather left me his entire estate» give — convey or reveal information; «Give one’s name» |
13. | give — bring about; «The trompe l’oeil-illusion establishes depth»
establish create, make — make or cause to be or to become; «make a mess in one’s office»; «create a furor» introduce — bring in or establish in a new place or environment; «introduce a rule»; «introduce exotic fruits» generate, yield, render, give, return — give or supply; «The cow brings in 5 liters of milk»; «This year’s crop yielded 1,000 bushels of corn»; «The estate renders some revenue for the family» pacify — fight violence and try to establish peace in (a location); «The U.N. troops are working to pacify Bosnia» |
14. | give — leave with; give temporarily; «Can I give you my keys while I go in the pool?»; «Can I give you the children for the weekend?»
hand, pass on, turn over, pass, reach, give — place into the hands or custody of; «hand me the spoon, please»; «Turn the files over to me, please»; «He turned over the prisoner to his lawyers» |
15. | give — emit or utter; «Give a gulp»; «give a yelp»
let loose, let out, utter, emit — express audibly; utter sounds (not necessarily words); «She let out a big heavy sigh»; «He uttered strange sounds that nobody could understand» |
16. | give — endure the loss of; «He gave his life for his children»; «I gave two sons to the war»
sacrifice devote, pay, give — dedicate; «give thought to»; «give priority to»; «pay attention to» dedicate, devote, commit, consecrate, give — give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause; «She committed herself to the work of God»; «give one’s talents to a good cause»; «consecrate your life to the church» relinquish, resign, give up, release, free — part with a possession or right; «I am relinquishing my bedroom to the long-term house guest»; «resign a claim to the throne» |
17. | hand, pass on, turn over, pass, reach give — leave with; give temporarily; «Can I give you my keys while I go in the pool?»; «Can I give you the children for the weekend?» transfer — cause to change ownership; «I transferred my stock holdings to my children» sneak, slip — pass on stealthily; «He slipped me the key when nobody was looking» deal — give (a specific card) to a player; «He dealt me the Queen of Spades» fork out, fork over, fork up, hand over, turn in, deliver, render — to surrender someone or something to another; «the guard delivered the criminal to the police»; «render up the prisoners»; «render the town to the enemy»; «fork over the money» relinquish, resign, give up, release, free — part with a possession or right; «I am relinquishing my bedroom to the long-term house guest»; «resign a claim to the throne» entrust, intrust, confide, commit, trust — confer a trust upon; «The messenger was entrusted with the general’s secret»; «I commit my soul to God» entrust, leave — put into the care or protection of someone; «He left the decision to his deputy»; «leave your child the nurse’s care» |
18. | give — give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause; «She committed herself to the work of God»; «give one’s talents to a good cause»; «consecrate your life to the church»
dedicate, devote, commit, consecrate vow, consecrate — dedicate to a deity by a vow give — offer in good faith; «He gave her his word» rededicate — dedicate anew; «They were asked to rededicate themselves to their country» apply, employ, use, utilise, utilize — put into service; make work or employ for a particular purpose or for its inherent or natural purpose; «use your head!»; «we only use Spanish at home»; «I can’t use this tool»; «Apply a magnetic field here»; «This thinking was applied to many projects»; «How do you utilize this tool?»; «I apply this rule to get good results»; «use the plastic bags to store the food»; «He doesn’t know how to use a computer» sacrifice, give — endure the loss of; «He gave his life for his children»; «I gave two sons to the war» apply — apply oneself to; «Please apply yourself to your homework» |
19. | give — give (as medicine); «I gave him the drug»
dispense, administer — give or apply (medications) give — inflict as a punishment; «She gave the boy a good spanking»; «The judge gave me 10 years» apply, give — give or convey physically; «She gave him First Aid»; «I gave him a punch in the nose» |
20. | apply deal out, dish out, dispense, distribute, dole out, mete out, parcel out, shell out, lot, administer, allot, deal — administer or bestow, as in small portions; «administer critical remarks to everyone present»; «dole out some money»; «shell out pocket money for the children»; «deal a blow to someone»; «the machine dispenses soft drinks» give — give (as medicine); «I gave him the drug» tread — apply (the tread) to a tire administer — perform (a church sacrament) ritually; «administer the last unction» |
21. | give — bestow; «give homage»; «render thanks»
render communicate, intercommunicate — transmit thoughts or feelings; «He communicated his anxieties to the psychiatrist» dedicate — inscribe or address by way of compliment; «She dedicated her book to her parents» give — accord by verdict; «give a decision for the plaintiff» |
22. | give — bestow, especially officially; «grant a degree»; «give a divorce»; «This bill grants us new rights»
grant |
23. | give — move in order to make room for someone for something; «The park gave way to a supermarket»; «`Move over,’ he told the crowd»
ease up, give way, move over, yield abandon, give up — stop maintaining or insisting on; of ideas or claims; «He abandoned the thought of asking for her hand in marriage»; «Both sides have to give up some claims in these negotiations» move — move so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion; «He moved his hand slightly to the right» |
24. | give — give food to; «Feed the starving children in India»; «don’t give the child this tough meat»
feed dine — give dinner to; host for dinner; «I’m wining and dining my friends» scavenge — feed on carrion or refuse; «hyenas scavenge» fodder — give fodder (to domesticated animals) swill, slop — feed pigs regurgitate — feed through the beak by regurgitating previously swallowed food; «many birds feed their young by regurgitating what they have swallowed and carried to the nest» corn — feed (cattle) with corn malnourish, undernourish — provide with insufficient quality or quantity of nourishment; «The stunted growth of these children shows that they are undernourished» overfeed — feed excessively spoonfeed — feed with a spoon force-feed — feed someone who will not or cannot eat cater, ply, provide, supply — give what is desired or needed, especially support, food or sustenance; «The hostess provided lunch for all the guests» lunch — provide a midday meal for; «She lunched us well» breakfast — provide breakfast for breastfeed, give suck, lactate, wet-nurse, suckle, nurse, suck — give suck to; «The wetnurse suckled the infant»; «You cannot nurse your baby in public in some places» bottlefeed — feed (infants) with a bottle inject — feed intravenously aliment, nutrify, nourish — give nourishment to range — let eat; «range the animals in the prairie» pasture, graze, crop — let feed in a field or pasture or meadow |
25. | give — contribute to some cause; «I gave at the office»
chip in, contribute, kick in give — transfer possession of something concrete or abstract to somebody; «I gave her my money»; «can you give me lessons?»; «She gave the children lots of love and tender loving care» combine — add together from different sources; «combine resources» |
26. | cave in, collapse, fall in, give way, founder, break change — undergo a change; become different in essence; losing one’s or its original nature; «She changed completely as she grew older»; «The weather changed last night» implode, go off — burst inward; «The bottle imploded» abandon, give up — stop maintaining or insisting on; of ideas or claims; «He abandoned the thought of asking for her hand in marriage»; «Both sides have to give up some claims in these negotiations» buckle, crumple — fold or collapse; «His knees buckled» flop — fall loosely; «He flopped into a chair» break — curl over and fall apart in surf or foam, of waves; «The surf broke» slide down, slump, sink — fall or sink heavily; «He slumped onto the couch»; «My spirits sank» collapse, burst — cause to burst; «The ice broke the pipe» |
27. | give — estimate the duration or outcome of something; «He gave the patient three months to live»; «I gave him a very good chance at success»
estimate, gauge, approximate, guess, judge — judge tentatively or form an estimate of (quantities or time); «I estimate this chicken to weigh three pounds» |
28. | give — execute and deliver; «Give bond»
execute — carry out the legalities of; «execute a will or a deed» |
29. | give — deliver in exchange or recompense; «I’ll give you three books for four CDs»
recompense, repair, compensate, indemnify — make amends for; pay compensation for; «One can never fully repair the suffering and losses of the Jews in the Third Reich»; «She was compensated for the loss of her arm in the accident» |
30. | afford, open |
31. | give — present to view; «He gave the sign to start»
give — perform for an audience; «Pollini is giving another concert in New York» show — make visible or noticeable; «She showed her talent for cooking»; «Show me your etchings, please» |
32. | give — perform for an audience; «Pollini is giving another concert in New York»
performing arts — arts or skills that require public performance perform — give a performance (of something); «Horowitz is performing at Carnegie Hall tonight»; «We performed a popular Gilbert and Sullivan opera» give — present to view; «He gave the sign to start» |
33. | give — be flexible under stress of physical force; «This material doesn’t give»
yield stretch — become longer by being stretched and pulled; «The fabric stretches» buckle under, knuckle under, succumb, give in, yield — consent reluctantly |
34. | give — propose; «He gave the first of many toasts at the birthday party»
salute, toast, wassail, drink, pledge — propose a toast to; «Let us toast the birthday girl!»; «Let’s drink to the New Year» |
35. | give — accord by verdict; «give a decision for the plaintiff»
law, jurisprudence — the collection of rules imposed by authority; «civilization presupposes respect for the law»; «the great problem for jurisprudence to allow freedom while enforcing order» give — inflict as a punishment; «She gave the boy a good spanking»; «The judge gave me 10 years» render, give — bestow; «give homage»; «render thanks» accord, allot, grant — allow to have; «grant a privilege» |
36. | give — manifest or show; «This student gives promise of real creativity»; «The office gave evidence of tampering»
evince, express, show — give expression to; «She showed her disappointment» |
37. | give — offer in good faith; «He gave her his word»
pledge — give as a guarantee; «I pledge my honor» dedicate, devote, commit, consecrate, give — give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause; «She committed herself to the work of God»; «give one’s talents to a good cause»; «consecrate your life to the church» |
38. | give — submit for consideration, judgment, or use; «give one’s opinion»; «give an excuse»
submit, subject — refer for judgment or consideration; «The lawyers submitted the material to the court» |
39. | give — guide or direct, as by behavior of persuasion; «You gave me to think that you agreed with me»
lead — cause to undertake a certain action; «Her greed led her to forge the checks» |
40. | give — allow to have or take; «I give you two minutes to respond»
countenance, permit, allow, let — consent to, give permission; «She permitted her son to visit her estranged husband»; «I won’t let the police search her basement»; «I cannot allow you to see your exam» |
41. | give — inflict as a punishment; «She gave the boy a good spanking»; «The judge gave me 10 years»
inflict, impose, bring down, visit — impose something unpleasant; «The principal visited his rage on the students» give — accord by verdict; «give a decision for the plaintiff» give — give (as medicine); «I gave him the drug» |
42. | give — occur; «what gives?»
jargon, lingo, patois, argot, vernacular, slang, cant — a characteristic language of a particular group (as among thieves); «they don’t speak our lingo» hap, happen, occur, come about, take place, go on, pass off, fall out, pass — come to pass; «What is happening?»; «The meeting took place off without an incidence»; «Nothing occurred that seemed important» |
43. | give — consent to engage in sexual intercourse with a man; «She gave herself to many men»
give — proffer (a body part); «She gave her hand to her little sister» consent, go for, accept — give an affirmative reply to; respond favorably to; «I cannot accept your invitation»; «I go for this resolution» |
44. | give — proffer (a body part); «She gave her hand to her little sister»
give — consent to engage in sexual intercourse with a man; «She gave herself to many men» proffer, offer — present for acceptance or rejection; «She offered us all a cold drink» |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
5. present, contribute, donate, provide, supply, award, grant, deliver, commit, administer, furnish, confer, bestow, entrust, consign, make over, hand over or out This recipe was given to me years ago. They still give to charity despite hard economic times.
present get, take, keep, receive, accept
6. pass, hand, reach, let have Could you give me that pencil, please?
9. concede, allow, grant You’re a bright enough kid, I’ll give you that.
give in admit defeat, yield, concede, collapse, quit, submit, surrender, comply, succumb, cave in (informal), capitulate My parents gave in and let me go to the camp.
give something out
2. make known, announce, publish, broadcast, communicate, transmit, utter, notify, impart, disseminate, shout from the rooftops (informal) He wouldn’t give out any information.
give something up
1. abandon, stop, quit, kick (informal), cease, cut out, renounce, leave off, say goodbye to, desist, kiss (something) goodbye, forswear I’m trying to give up smoking.
2. quit, leave, resign, step down from (informal) She gave up her job to join her husband’s campaign.
give up stop trying, surrender, despair, cave in (informal), capitulate, cede, throw in the towel, fall by the wayside, admit defeat, throw in the sponge, call it a day or night After a few attempts he gave up.
«It is more blessed to give than to receive» Bible: Acts
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
1. To make a gift of.Also used with away:
2. To present as a gift to a charity or cause:
3. To relinquish to the possession or control of another:
4. To distribute (money) as payment:
5. To provide as a remedy:
6. To mete out by means of some action:
7. To let have as a favor, prerogative, or privilege:
8. To put in the charge of another for care, use, or performance.Also used with over:
Idiom: give in trust.
9. To devote (oneself or one’s efforts):
10. To set aside or distribute as a share:
11. To produce on the stage:
12. To organize and carry out (an activity):
13. To cause (a disease) to pass to another or others:
14. To bring forth (a product):
15. To discharge material, as vapor or fumes, usually suddenly and violently:
emit, give forth, give off, give out, issue, let off, let out, release, send forth, throw off, vent.
16. To be unable to hold up:
phrasal verb
give away
To disclose in a breach of confidence:
phrasal verb
give back
1. To put (someone) in the possession of a prior position or office:
2. To send, put, or carry back to a former location:
phrasal verb
give forth
To discharge material, as vapor or fumes, usually suddenly and violently:
emit, give, give off, give out, issue, let off, let out, release, send forth, throw off, vent.
phrasal verb
give inphrasal verb
give off
To discharge material, as vapor or fumes, usually suddenly and violently:
emit, give, give forth, give out, issue, let off, let out, release, send forth, throw off, vent.
phrasal verb
give out
1. To discharge material, as vapor or fumes, usually suddenly and violently:
emit, give, give forth, give off, issue, let off, let out, release, send forth, throw off, vent.
2. To cease functioning properly:
3. To suddenly lose all health or strength:
4. To lose so much strength and power as to become ineffective or motionless:
5. To make or become no longer active or productive:
6. To prove deficient or insufficient:
phrasal verb
give over
1. To yield (oneself) unrestrainedly, as to a particular impulse:
2. To cease consideration or treatment of:
phrasal verb
give up
1. To yield (oneself) unrestrainedly, as to a particular impulse:
2. To cease trying to accomplish or continue:
3. To desist from, cease, or discontinue (a habit, for example):
4. To cease consideration or treatment of:
The quality or state of being flexible:
bounce, ductility, elasticity, flexibility, flexibleness, malleability, malleableness, plasticity, pliability, pliableness, pliancy, pliantness, resilience, resiliency, spring, springiness, suppleness.
The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
إنْحِناء، إنْكِسار، سُقوطيَعْتَرف بِفَضـليُعْطييُعْطِييُعْطي، يُنْتِج
dátdát/dostat padákadávatmítodmrštit
givegive eftergiven efterholdesmide ud
antaaantaa periksi
gefahafna hranalegahaldaláta undan, brestareka; vera rekinn
…에게 …을 주다
abipusė nuolaidadaugiau ar mažiaugrąžintiišsisemtilaikyti ką dingusiu
datioddajatioddatiodreči sepodariti
[gɪv] (gave (pt) (given (pp)))
When give is part of a set combination, eg give evidence, give a lecture, give a party, give a yawn, look up the other word.
2. (= pass on) [+ message] → dar; [+ goods, document] → dar, entregar (more frm); [+ illness] → contagiar, pegar
give them my regards or best wishes → dales saludos de mi parte
can you give Mary the keys when you see her? → ¿puedes darle las llaves a Mary cuando la veas?
to give sb a cold → contagiar el resfriado a algn, pegar el resfriado a algn
to give sth into sb’s hands (liter) → entregar or confiar algo a algn
3. (= offer) [+ party, dinner] → dar
to give a party for sb → dar or ofrecer una fiesta en honor de algn
why don’t you give them melon to start with? → ¿por qué no les das melón para empezar?
she gave us a wonderful meal → nos hizo una comida buenísima
we can give them cava to drink → podemos darles cava para or de beber
what can I give him to eat/for dinner? → ¿qué puedo hacerle para comer/cenar?
4. (= provide) [+ money, information, idea] → dar; [+ task] → dar, confiar
can you give him something to do? → ¿puedes darle algo para hacer?
I’ll never be able to give you a child → nunca podré darte un hijo
they gave us a lot of help → nos ayudaron mucho
it gave us a good laugh → nos hizo reír mucho
give or take … 12 o’clock, give or take a few minutes → más o menos las doce
in A.D. 500 give or take a few years → aproximadamente en el año 500 después de J.C.
5. (= cause) [+ shock, surprise] → dar, causar; [+ pain] → causar, provocar
it gives me great pleasure to welcome you all → es un gran placer para mí darles la bienvenida a todos
to give sb a kick/push → dar una patada/un empujón a algn
to give sb to believe that → hacer creer a algn que …
I was given to believe that → me hicieron creer que …
to give sb to understand that → dar a entender a algn que …
8. (= sacrifice) [+ life] → dar
he gave his life for his country → dio la vida por su país
9. (= pay) → dar
what will you give me for it? → ¿qué me das por ello?
how much did you give for it? → ¿cuánto diste or pagaste por él?
I’d give a lot or the world or anything to know … → daría cualquier cosa por saber …
I don’t or I wouldn’t give much for his chances → no le doy muchas posibilidades
10. (= put through to) → poner con
could you give me Mr Smith/extension 3443? → ¿me podría poner con el Sr. Smith/con la extensión 3443?
13. (in toast) I give you the Queen → brindemos por la Reina
17. (= make) [+ speech] → dar, pronunciar (frm); [+ lecture, concert] → dar
to give way
18.2. (= break) [rope] → romperse
3. (US) what gives? → ¿qué pasa?, ¿qué se cuece por ahí?
C. NOUN (= flexibility) [of material] → elasticidad f
there’s a lot of give in this chair/bed → esta silla/cama es muy mullida
there’s a lot of give in this rope → esta cuerda da mucho de sí
there isn’t a lot of give in these proposals → estas propuestas no son muy negociables
how much give has there been on their side? → ¿cuánto han cedido ellos?
give and take you won’t achieve an agreement without a bit of give and take → no vais a conseguir un acuerdo sin hacer concesiones mutuas
a bit of give and take → un poco de toma y daca
give away VT + ADV
give back VT + ADV (= return) [+ sb’s property, freedom] → devolver (to a) Peter’s given her back her confidence → Peter le ha devuelto la confianza en sí misma
he wants to give something back to society → quiere ofrecer algo a or hacer algo por la sociedad en compensación
give in
A. VT + ADV (= hand in) [+ form, essay] → entregar
to give in one’s name → dar su nombre
give off VT + ADV [+ smell, smoke] → despedir; [+ heat, radiation] → emitir
give onto VI + PREP [window, door, house] → dar a
give out
3. (= give off) [+ smoke] → despedir
4. (Rad) [+ signal] → emitir
5. (= let out) [+ scream, cry] → dar
he gave out a scream of pain → dio un grito de dolor
give over VI + ADV (Brit) (= stop) give over! → ¡basta ya!
give over arguing! → ¡deja de discutir!
give over to VT + PREP
2. (= transfer) [+ property] → traspasar
give up
B. VI + ADV (= stop trying) → rendirse
I give up! (trying to guess) → ¡me rindo!, ¡me doy por vencido!
don’t give up yet! → ¡no te rindas todavía!
give up on VI + PREP
3. (= fail) the car gave up on us → nos falló el coche
Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
vb [gave] [ˈgeɪv] (pt) [given] [ˈgɪvən] (pp)
(= grant) … I’ll give you that → … je suis d’accord là-dessus
(= utter) [+ cry, sigh] → pousser
(= pay) → payer
How much did you give for it? → Combien (l’)avez-vous payé ?
vt sep [+ homework] → rendre
give off
vt sep [+ smell, fumes] → dégager
give out
(= be exhausted) [supplies] → s’épuiser
(= fail) → lâcher
give over
vt sep
to give sth over to sth (= devote) → consacrer qch à qch
to give o.s. over to sth (= devote o.s. to) [+ study, worthwhile pursuit] → se consacrer à qch (= indulge in) → s’adonner à qch
give up
vi (= stop trying) → abandonner
I couldn’t do it, so I gave up → Je n’arrivais pas à le faire, alors j’ai abandonné.
(= surrender) to give o.s. up → se rendre
The thief gave himself up → Le voleur s’est rendu.
[+ territory, right] → céder
give way
(= yield) [person] → céder
to give way on sth → céder sur qch
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
vb: pret <gave>, ptp <given>
When give is part of a set combination, eg. give evidence, give chase, look up the other word.
→ geben; to give somebody something or something to somebody → jdm etw geben; they gave us food and drink → sie gaben uns zu essen und zu trinken; the teacher gave us three exercises → der Lehrer hat uns drei Übungen gegeben or (as homework) → aufgegeben; we were given three exercises → wir haben drei Übungen bekommen or (as homework) → aufbekommen; she was given a sedative → man hat ihr or ihr wurde ein Beruhigungsmittel gegeben; they gave us roast beef for lunch → sie servierten uns Roastbeef zum (Mittag)essen; I’d give a lot/the world/anything to know … → ich würde viel/sehr viel/alles darum geben, wenn ich wüsste, …; what wouldn’t I give to be like you → was würde ich nicht darum geben, so wie du zu sein; to give somebody one’s cold (inf) → jdn mit seiner Erkältung anstecken; to give as good as one gets → sich kräftig wehren; he gave everything he had (fig) → er holte das Letzte aus sich heraus
? to give sth for sth (= pay) → etw für etw ausgeben; (= sacrifice) → etw für etw (her)geben; (= exchange) → etw gegen etw tauschen; what will you give me for it? → was gibst du mir dafür?; how much did you give for it? → wie viel hast du dafür bezahlt?
? give or take 11 o’clock, give or take a few minutes → so gegen 11 Uhr; six foot, give or take a few inches → ungefähr sechs Fuß
with abstract nouns trouble → machen; one’s love, attention → schenken; hospitality → gewähren; he gave the impression he didn’t care → er machte den Eindruck, als ob es ihm egal wäre; to give somebody help → jdm helfen or Hilfe leisten; to give somebody support → jdn unterstützen; (God) give me strength to do it → Gott gebe mir die Kraft, es zu tun!; give me strength/patience! → großer Gott! (inf); to be given a choice → die Wahl haben; to give somebody a look/smile → jdn ansehen/anlächeln; to give somebody a blow → jdn schlagen, jdm einen Schlag versetzen; to give somebody a push/kick → jdm einen Stoß/Tritt geben, jdn stoßen/treten; to give somebody’s hand a squeeze → jdm die Hand drücken; to give one’s hair a brush/wash → sich (dat) → die Haare bürsten/waschen; this incident gave him the basic plot of the story → durch dieses Ereignis bekam er die Grundidee für die Handlung der Geschichte; who gave you that idea? → wer hat dich denn auf die Idee gebracht?; what gives you that idea? → wie kommst du denn auf die Idee?; that will give you something to think about → da hast du etwas, worüber du nachdenken kannst; I’ll give you something to cry about → ich werde schon zusehen, dass du weißt, warum du weinst; give me Shakespeare/Spain (every time)! (inf) → es geht doch nichts über Shakespeare/Spanien!; give me Renoir and Rembrandt, not these surrealist artists → mir sind Renoir und Rembrandt viel lieber als diese Surrealisten
? to give way
→ nachgeben (→ to +dat); I’m not going to give way on this → ich werde in dieser Sache nicht nachgeben; to give way to pressure → unter Druck nachgeben; don’t give way to despair → überlass dich nicht der Verzweiflung; she gave way to tears → sie ließ den Tränen freien Lauf
to give way to something → von etw abgelöst werden; tears gave way to smiles → die Tränen machten einem Lächeln Platz; radio has almost given way to television → das Radio ist vom Fernsehen fast verdrängt worden
(Brit) give way to oncoming traffic → der Gegenverkehr hat Vorfahrt; who has to give way here? → wer hat hier Vorfahrt?; I was expecting him to give way → ich nahm an, er würde mir die Vorfahrt lassen; “give way” → „Vorfahrt (gewähren)“
= utter to give a cry/groan/laugh/sigh → aufschreien/-stöhnen/-lachen/-seufzen
= allow time → geben; they gave me a week to do it → sie gaben or ließen mir eine Woche Zeit, um es zu machen; give yourself time to recover → lassen Sie sich Zeit, um sich zu erholen; give yourself half an hour → rechnen Sie mit einer halben Stunde; I always give myself an extra hour in bed → ich genehmige mir eine Extrastunde im Bett; how long do you give that marriage? (inf) → wie lange gibst du dieser Ehe? (inf)
? I’ll give you that (= concede) it’s an improvement, I’ll give you that → es ist eine Verbesserung, das gestehe ich (dir) ein; he’s a good worker, I’ll give him that → eines muss man ihm lassen, er arbeitet gut
= report, tell information, details, description, answer, advice → geben; one’s name, particulars → angeben; suggestion → machen; (= let sb know by letter, phone etc) decision, opinion, results → mitteilen; the court hasn’t given a decision yet → das Gericht hat noch kein Urteil gefällt; he wouldn’t give me his decision/opinion → er wollte mir seine Entscheidung/Meinung nicht sagen; they interrupted the film to give the football results → sie unterbrachen den Film, um die Fußballergebnisse zu bringen; give him my regards → bestellen Sie ihm (schöne) Grüße, richten Sie ihm (schöne) Grüße von mir aus; give her my thanks → richten Sie ihr meinen Dank aus; to give no/the right answer → nicht/richtig antworten; to give somebody a warning → jdn warnen; his letter gave us the latest news → in seinem Brief stand das Neueste; she was given the news by John → John hat ihr das mitgeteilt; he forgot to give us the date → er hat vergessen, uns das Datum anzugeben or (verbally also) → zu sagen or (by letter, phone etc also) → mitzuteilen; who gave you that information? → wer hat Ihnen das gesagt or die Auskunft gegeben or erteilt?
= hold, perform party, dinner, play → geben; speech → halten; song → singen; toast → ausbringen (to sb auf jdn); give us a song → sing uns was vor; I give you Mary (as toast) → auf Mary!, auf Marys Wohl!; (as speaker) → ich gebe Mary das Wort
= devote → widmen (→ to +dat); he has given himself entirely to medicine → er hat sich ganz der Medizin verschrieben; he gave himself/his life to God → er weihte sich/sein Leben Gott
= give way lit, fig: = collapse, yield → nachgeben; (strength, health, nerve, voice) → versagen; (= break, rope, cable) → reißen; (cold weather) → nachlassen; when you’re under as much strain as that, something is bound to give (inf) → wenn man unter so viel Druck steht, muss es ja irgendwo aushaken (inf)
= be the matter esp US inf what gives? → was gibts? (inf), → was ist los? (inf); what gives with him? → was ist los mit ihm? (inf); what gives in this town? → was ist hier (in der Stadt) los? (inf)
= tell US inf OK, now give! → also, raus mit der Sprache! (inf)
? give away vt sep
(= give without charge) → weggeben; (as present) → verschenken; at £5 I’m practically giving it away → ich will £ 5 dafür, das ist fast geschenkt
(fig: = betray) → verraten (to sb an jdn); to give the game or show away (inf) → alles verraten; to give oneself away → sich verraten
? give back vt sep → zurück- or wiedergeben; (mirror) image → reflektieren
? give in vi (= surrender) → sich ergeben (to sb jdm); (in guessing game etc) → aufgeben; (= accede, back down) → nachgeben (→ to +dat); to give in to the majority → sich der Mehrheit beugen; to give in to blackmail → auf Erpressung eingehen; to give in to temptation → der Versuchung erliegen or nicht widerstehen vt sep document, essay → einreichen; to give in somebody’s/one’s name → jdn/sich anmelden
? give off vt insep heat, gas → abgeben; smell → verbreiten, ausströmen; rays → ausstrahlen
? give on to vi +prep obj (window) → hinausgehen auf (+acc); (door) → hinausführen auf (+acc); garden → hinausführen in (+acc)
? give out vi (supplies, patience, strength) → zu Ende gehen or (in past tense) → sein; (engine, feet) → versagen; (inspiration) → versiegen; my voice gave out → mir versagte die Stimme vt sep
(= announce) → bekannt geben; to give oneself out as something or to be something → sich als etw ausgeben
vt insep = give off
? give over vt sep
(= hand over) → übergeben (→ to +dat)
(= set aside, use for) to be given over to something → für etw beansprucht werden
vi (dial inf: = stop) → aufhören; give over! → hör auf! vi +prep obj → aufhören; give over tickling me! → hör auf, mich zu kitzeln!
? give up vi → aufgeben; I give up → ich gebe auf, ich gebs auf (inf) vt sep
(= surrender) land, territory → abgeben, abtreten (→ to +dat); authority → abgeben, abtreten (→ to an +acc); seat, place → frei machen (to für), abtreten (→ to +dat); ticket → abgeben (to bei); to give up one’s life for one’s country → sein Leben für sein Land opfern
(= hand over to authorities) → übergeben (→ to dat); to give oneself up → sich stellen; (after siege etc) → sich ergeben
(= disclose, yield up) secret, treasure → enthüllen (geh)
? give up on vi +prep obj person, project → abschreiben; to give up on life → am Leben verzweifeln
the expression on her face was a (dead) give → ihr Gesichtsausdruck verriet (wirklich) alles; it was a real give when he said … → er verriet sich, als er sagte …
(US: Rad, TV) → Preisraten nt
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
[gɪv] (gave (vb: pt) (given (pp)))
1. vt
a. (gen) → dare; (as gift) → regalare, dare (in dono); (description, promise, surprise) → fare; (particulars) → dare, fornire; (decision) → annunciare; (title, honour) → conferire, dare; (assign, job) → assegnare, dare; (dedicate, life, time) → consacrare, dedicare
to give sb sth or sth to sb → dare qc a qn
one must give and take → bisogna fare delle concessioni
how much did you give for it? → quanto (l’)hai pagato?
to give sb a kick/push → dare un calcio/una spinta a qn
to give sb a cold → passare or attaccare il raffreddore a qn
to give sb news of sth → dar notizie di qc a qn
to give sb something to eat → dare (qualcosa) da mangiare a qn
12 o’clock, give or take a few minutes → mezzogiorno, minuto più minuto meno
give or take ten miles → dieci miglia in più o meno
to give as good as one gets → rendere pan per focaccia
he gave it everything he’d got (fig) → ce l’ha messa tutta
I’d give a lot/the world/anything to know … (fam) → darei moltissimo/tutto l’oro del mondo/non so che cosa per sapere…
I can give you 10 minutes → posso darti 10 minuti
give them my regards → salutali da parte mia
give yourself an hour to get there → calcola un’ora per arrivare
that gave me an idea → mi ha fatto venire un’idea
he’s honest, I’ll give you that → è onesto, te lo concedo
b. (produce) → dare, produrre; (result, help, advice) → dare
3 times 4 gives 12 → 3 per 4 fa 12
to give the right/wrong answer → dare la risposta giusta/sbagliata
c. (perform, jump, smile) → fare; (deliver, speech, lecture) → fare, tenere; (utter, cry) → lanciare; (sigh) → tirare, fare
give us a song → cantaci qualcosa
he gave a good performance (musician) → è stata una buona esecuzione (actor) → ha recitato bene
give away vt + adv
give back vt + adv (return, sb’s property) to give back (to) → restituire (a), rendere (a), ridare (a)
give in
1. vt + adv (hand in, form, essay) → consegnare
to give in one’s name → dare il proprio nome
2. vi + adv (yield) to give in (to sb) → cedere (a qn); (in guessing game) I give in! → mi arrendo!
give onto vi + prep (subj, door, window) → dare su
give out
give over
1. vt + adv
a. (devote) to give over to → dedicare a
b. (transfer) to give over to → consegnare a
2. vi + adv (fam) (stop) → piantarla, smetterla
give over! → piantala!, smettila!
give up
1. vt + adv
c. (devote, one’s life, time) to give up (to) → dedicare (a)
to give up (for) (sacrifice, one’s life, career) → donare (per), dare (per)
give way vi + adv
see give 2b
c. (make room for) to give way (to) → lasciare il posto (a)
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(giv) – past tense gave (geiv) : past participle ˈgiven – verb
1. to cause to have. My aunt gave me a book for Christmas; Can you give me an opinion on this?
2. to produce (something). Cows give milk but horses do not; He gave a talk on his travels.
3. to yield, bend, break etc. This lock looks solid, but it will give under pressure.
4. to organize (some event etc). We’re giving a party next week.
the ability to yield or bend under pressure. This chair has a lot of give in it.
ˈgiven adjective
1. stated. to do a job at a given time.
2. (with to) in the habit of (doing) something. He’s given to making stupid remarks.
3. taking (something) as a fact. Given that x equals three, x plus two equals five.
given name
(American) a personal or christian name.
give and take
willingness to allow someone something in return for being allowed something oneself.
give away
1. to give etc (something) to someone (eg because one no longer wants it). I’m going to give all my money away.
2. to cause or allow (information etc) to become known usually accidentally. He gave away our hiding-place (noun ˈgive-away: the lingering smell was a give-away).
give back
to return something. She gave me back the book that she borrowed last week.
give in
1. to stop fighting and admit defeat; to yield. The soldiers were outnumbered and gave in to the enemy.
2. to hand or bring (something) to someone (often a person in authority). Do we have to give in our books at the end of the lesson?
give off
to produce. That fire is giving off a lot of smoke.
give or take
allowing for the addition or subtraction of. I weigh sixty-five kilos, give or take a little (= approximately sixty-five kilos).
give out
1. to give, usually to several people. The headmaster’s wife gave out the school prizes.
2. to come to an end. My patience gave out.
3. to produce. The fire gave out a lot of heat.
give rise to
to cause. This gives rise to a large number of problems.
give up
1. to stop, abandon. I must give up smoking; They gave up the search.
2. to stop using etc. You’ll have to give up cigarettes; I won’t give up all my hobbies for you.
3. to hand over (eg oneself or something that one has) to someone else.
4. to devote (time etc) to doing something. He gave up all his time to gardening.
5. (often with as or for) to consider (a person, thing etc) to be. You took so long to arrive that we had almost given you up (for lost).
give way
1. to stop in order to allow eg traffic to pass. Give way to traffic coming from the right.
2. to break, collapse etc under pressure. The bridge will give way any day now.
3. to agree against one’s will. I have no intention of giving way to demands like that.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
→ يُعْطِي dát give geben δίνω dar antaa donner dati dare 与える …에게 …을 주다 geven gi dać dar давать ge ให้ vermek cho 给
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
vi. dar;
pp., a.
given → dado-dada;
to ___ birth → ___ a luz;
to ___ and take → hacer concesiones mutuas;
to ___ out → repartir;
to ___ up → renunciar, perder la esperanza, darse por vencido;
given name → nombre de pila.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
- Could you give me a push? (US)
Can you give me a push? (UK) - Could you give me a ride to the repair shop? (US)
Can you give me a lift to the garage? (UK) - Please give me my passport back
- Could you give me some change, please? (US)
Can you give me some change, please? (UK) - She didn’t yield (US)
She didn’t give way (UK) - How much should I give?
- Please give me an injection
- Can you give me something for the pain?
- Is it usual to give a tip?
- How much should I give as a tip?
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
vt (pret gave; pp given) dar; (a disease) contagiar (form), pegar, (esp. STD) pasar; to — out (knee, etc.) fallar(le); Your knee gave out?..¿Le falló la rodilla?; to — up (smoking, etc.) dejar de; You have to give up smoking..Tiene que dejar de fumar; to — up on (diet, treatment, etc.) abandonar, suspender
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
transitive verb
: to grant or bestow by formal action
the law gives citizens the right to vote
: to accord or yield to another
: to put into the possession of another for his or her use
: to administer as a sacrament
: to administer as a medicine
: to commit to another as a trust or responsibility and usually for an expressed reason
: to transfer from one’s authority or custody
the sheriff gave the prisoner to the warden
: to execute and deliver
all employees must give bond
: to offer to the action of another : proffer
dated, of a woman
: to yield (oneself) to a man in sexual intercourse
: to present in public performance
: to present to view or observation
: to provide by way of entertainment
: to designate as a share or portion : allot
all the earth to thee and to thy race I give—John Milton
: to make assignment of (a name)
: to set forth as an actual or hypothetical datum
give the dimensions of the room
: to attribute in thought or utterance : ascribe
: to yield as a product, consequence, or effect : produce
: to bring forth : bear
: to yield possession of by way of exchange : pay
: to dispose of for a price : sell
: to deliver by some bodily action
: to carry out (a movement, facial expression, etc.)
: to inflict as punishment
: to award by formal verdict
judgment was given against the plaintiff
: to offer for consideration, acceptance, or use
gives no reason for his absence
: to suffer the loss of : sacrifice
gallantly gave his life for his country
: to offer as appropriate or due especially to something higher or more worthy
: to apply freely or fully : devote
gave themselves to their work
: to cause one to have or receive
mountains always gave him pleasure
: to cause a person to catch by contagion, infection, or exposure
: to allow one to have or take
: to lead or attempt to lead
—used with an infinitive
you gave me to understand you’d be late
: to care to the extent of
intransitive verb
: to make gifts or presents
gave generously to charities
: to yield to physical force or strain
: to collapse from the application of force or pressure
The canvas chair gave under her weight.
: to undergo or submit to change
for the strike to be settled, something has to give
: to afford a view or passage : open
the window gives onto the terrace
: to enter wholeheartedly into an activity
: capacity or tendency to yield to force or strain : flexibility
: the ability of a material to bend or stretch
The knitted fabric has a lot of give to it.
give birth
give birth to
: to produce as offspring
give chase
give ground
: to withdraw before superior force : retreat
give of
: to make available : provide generously
freely gave of their time
give or take
: as an estimate accurate within (an amount to be added or subtracted)
weighs 150 pounds, give or take a few pounds
give place to
: to be replaced or succeeded by
optimism gave place to worry
give rise to
: to be the cause or source of : produce
give the gun
: to open the throttle of : speed up
give the lie to
: to show to be false, inaccurate, or invalid
give tongue
of hounds
: to begin barking on the scent
give way
: to yield the right of way
: to yield oneself without restraint or control
: to yield to or as if to physical stress
The roof gave way under heavy snow.
: to yield to entreaty or insistence
After several hours of debate, the opposition finally gave way.
: to yield place
Farmland has given way to shopping malls.
Choose the Right Synonym for give
gave her a ride on a pony
give my love to your mother
present carries a note of formality and ceremony.
donate is likely to imply a publicized giving (as to charity).
donate a piano to the orphanage
bestow implies the conveying of something as a gift and may suggest condescension on the part of the giver.
confer implies a gracious giving (as of a favor or honor).
confer an honorary degree
afford implies a giving or bestowing usually as a natural or legitimate consequence of the character of the giver.
a development that affords us some hope
Example Sentences
She gave him a camera for Christmas.
Are you giving this to me or only lending it?
She has given money to many worthy causes.
They’re asking people to give money for a new hospital.
Please give to our charity.
We already gave at the office.
It is better to give than to receive.
He gave me the letter.
He gave her his coat to hold.
He gave me a head start.
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Recent Examples on the Web
The Blazers need an All-Star-caliber player to give Lillard a chance to bring a championship to Portland.
—Afentres, oregonlive, 11 Apr. 2023
The Air Force wants to give nearly three dozen F-22 Raptors an early retirement in order to reallocate budget dollars toward the stealth fighter’s future replacement, per its 2024 budget request.
—Kyle Mizokami, Popular Mechanics, 11 Apr. 2023
Hugh Freeze wanted to show off Auburn’s new-look passing attack on A-Day, even while trying not to give too much away in terms of overall scheme.
—Tom Green | Tgreen@al.com, al, 10 Apr. 2023
In an attempt to display strength, producers initially failed to show a willingness to give any ground.
—Meg James, Los Angeles Times, 10 Apr. 2023
The video, which has 1 million views on Twitter, appears to show the Nobel peace laureate attempting to give the boy a peck on the lips in the presence of an audience.
—Reuters, NBC News, 10 Apr. 2023
Kacsmaryk stayed ruling until Friday to give the Biden administration an opportunity to appeal.
—Matt Stout, BostonGlobe.com, 10 Apr. 2023
The low-cost airline, which typically charges extra for most of these types of perks, has partnered with StatusMatch.com to give travelers that hold status with 16 airline and 16 hotel loyalty programs access to its Free Spirit program.
—Alison Fox, Travel + Leisure, 10 Apr. 2023
Kacsmaryk, a conservative Trump appointee, stayed his ruling for seven days, giving the FDA time to appeal; mifepristone continues to be available.
—Emma Hinchliffe, Fortune, 10 Apr. 2023
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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘give.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
Word History
Middle English, of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Swedish giva to give; akin to Old English giefan, gifan to give, and perhaps to Latin habēre to have, hold
derivative of give entry 1
First Known Use
before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at transitive sense 1
1868, in the meaning defined at sense 1
Time Traveler
The first known use of give was
before the 12th century
Dictionary Entries Near give
Cite this Entry
“Give.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/give. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.
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Last Updated:
13 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences
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