пд 2 курс
Read the text. Прочитайте и переведите текст. выполните упр 1, 2 письменно.
Federal Bureau of Investigation, United States Department of Justice
a) General Investigation Division
The FBI, formally called the Bureau of Investigation, was created primarily to handle criminal investigations for the Department o f Justice.
The FBI responsibilities continue to grow each year.The FBI handles over 180 different investigations including Federal criminal violations, internal security matters and civil inquiries in which the Government has an interest. Since 1945, over 95 percent of the cases investigated by its agents which came before the courts have resulted in convictions.
Special Investigation Division Organized crime is a lawless empire involved in gambling, narcotics, prostitution, extortion, etc. where easy money can be made. For years organized crime operated behind a nearly impenetrable wall built on fear, intimidation, bribery, and force.
Squads of highly trained FBI Agents are devoting their full efforts to bringing the crime lords to justice. The objective is to collect sufficient evidence to build a strong prosecutive case so gang leaders can be brought to justice swiftly. Cooperation is vital in the fight against organized crime. The FBI works closely with state and local enforcement agencies.
This Division also supervises investigations under the Security of Government Employees programme. Fugitive investigations often involve a great deal of manpower. In addition to FBI fugitives, this Division directs the efforts of FBI Agents to locate and apprehend escaped Federal prisoners, deserters from the Armed Forces.
b) Identification Division
The largest collection of fingerprints in the world is maintained in the
Identification Division of the FBI. A dangerous fugitive, wanted in one state, may be located through fingerprint identification after his arrest on a minor chargc under a different name by a police agency in another state. Fingerprints often are the only means of identifying victims o f various crimes.
Laboratory Division
The FBI Laboratory is the greatest criminological laboratory in the world.
During the first 35 years of its existence, this laboratory made approximately 4.000.000 scientific examinations. Today, this laboratory is a large complex of scientific equipment, staffed with over 300 employees most of whom have technical training. Included in this group are over 100 Special Agents with specialized training in a wide range of scicntific fields. Many crimes are solved and many defendants convicted on the basis of material evidence submitted to the laboratory for examination, laboratory examinations on many occasions have proved the innocence
of persons suspected of having committed crimes.
Domestic Intelligence Division
The FBI fights against all elements which pose a threat to the security of the people in the United States, to the Nation’s security.
c) Files and Communications Division
Often some of the most valuable leads in an investigation result from
information already contained in the files o f law enforcement agencies.
A teletype network provides constant twenty-four-hour contact between FBI headquarters and all Field Divisions. In addition, the FBI has a radio network, completely independent of commercial facilities.
Crime Records Division
The personnel of the Crime Records Department has the task of carefully studying the information on crime poured into the Headquarters from the FBI’s field officer. local police agcncies and other sources.
Training Division
All FBI Agents arc trained at facilities in Washington, D.C., and at the FBIAcademy in Quantico, Virginia. Today, the new Agents receive: fourteen weeks of instruction. Two week retraining courses arc held periodically for all Agents. Although the theory of the various Law enforcement arts and scicnccs is taught, the greater emphasis is placcd on those practical skills and techniques demanded by day-to- day investigations. The courscs range from the Constitution and Federal Criminal Procedure to Investigative Techniques and the Collection, Identification and Preservation of Physical Evidence. Thorough training is given in firearms, j and defensive tactics in order that an agent may defend himself in those extreme situations where life may be in danger. The Training Division also provides instructors for thousands police
schools conducted by local; enforcement agcncics in communities across the Nation.
d) Administrative Division
The Administrative Division’s major responsibilities arc to see that the
operations o f the Bureau run smoothly and expenditures arc kept within the limits of the annual appropriation granted by Congress. Another duty of this Division is to recruit and assign the personnel nccessary to fulfill the various functions o f the FBI.
Inspection Division
The staff is composed of experienced, competent men who periodically review, inspect the total work performance of each field office; and the headquarters staff. The inspections have as their goal the improvement of management and investigative practices.
Following are the matters within the FBI jurisdiction:
Atomic Energy Act
Bank Robbery and Embezzlement
Fraud Against the Government Internal Security
Theft o f Government Property, etc.
Federal criminal violation — нарушение федеральных законов
civil inquiries — расследование гражданских дел
have resulted in convictions — закончились осуждением обвиняемых
operated behind a nearly impenetrable wall — действовала за почти
непроницаемой стеной
are devoting their full efforts to bringing the crime lords to justice —
направляют все свои усилия, чтобы преступных магнатов привлечь к суду
to build a strong prosecutive case — построить сильное обвинение
the Security o f Government Employees programme — программа no
обеспечению безопасности высших правительственных служащих
which pose a threat — которые представляют угрозу
Crime Records Division — уголовный архив (отдел, где хранятся отчеты о совершенных преступлениях)
the FBI’s field officer — сотрудник ФБР, курирующий определенный
регион или сферу деятельности following are the matters within the FBI jurisdiction — вот вопросы (дела),
которые находятся в пределах юрисдикции ФБР
Ex. 1. Find in the text the answers to the following questions: (ответьте на вопросы к тексту)
1. What docs the FBI handle?
2. What arу the main divisions o f the FBI you can name?
3. What arc the matters within the FBI jurisdiction?
4. In what way arc the FBI Agents devoting their efforts to the fight against organized crime?
5. Who directs the efforts to locate and apprehend fugitives, escaped
Federal prisoners, deserters from Armed Forces?
6. Where can valuable leads in an investigation be found very often?
7. Where is the largest collection o f fingerprints in the world?
8. What is the value o f fingerprints in a number o f crimes?
9. On the basis of which evidence arc many crimes solved and many
defendants convicted?
Ex. 2. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following:(переведите на английский язык)
a) Федеральное Бюро Расследования; имеет дело с; нарушение
федеральных законов; вопросы внутренней безопасности; привести косуждению; организованная преступность; основанная на страхе, запугивании, взяточничестве и силе; азартные игры, наркотики, проституция, вымогательство; отряды высококвалифицированных агентов ФБР; собрать достаточно улик; выстроить сильное обвинение; привлечь к суду; бороться против организованной преступности; местные правоприменительные органы;
осуществлять надзор за расследованием; расследование дел о беглецах; обнаружить местонахождение и задержать убежавших из тюрьмы заключенных;
b) самая большая в мире коллекция отпечатков пальцев;
разыскиваемый опасный беглец; посредством идентификации отпечатков пальцев; единственное средство опознания потерпевшего; научные экспертизы; специальные агенты с особой подготовкой; раскрыть преступления; осудить обвиняемого; на основе материальных улик; лабораторная экспертиза; доказать
невиновность лица; подозревать в совершении преступления;
c) картотека; наиболее ценные версии; обеспечивать постоянную
связь; уголовный архив; изучать информацию о преступлениях; главное управление ФБР; курсы переподготовки; практические навыки и техника; следственная техника; сбор, идентификация и сохранение вещественных доказательств; тщательная подготовка; самбо; огнестрельное оружие; экстремальная ситуация; в опасности;
d) главные обязанности; набирать штат; выполнять различные
функции ФБР; опытные компетентные люди; совершенствование управления и практики расследования; в пределах юрисдикции ФБР; ограбление банка; хищение; взяточничество; мошенничество против правительства; кража правительственного имущества; вымогательство; борьба против рэкета.
Ex. 3. Write out only the words which are the names o f crimes: (выпишите слова, которые означают различные виды преступлений)
defendant, racketeering, embezzlement, extortion, deserter, victim, fugitive, fraud, prisoner, espionage, employee, theft, robbery, field officcr, FBI agent, bribery, conviction, innoccnce.
Ex.4 Complete the: sentences using the words in brackets:(завершите предложения, используя слова из скобок)
(bribery, intimidation, fugitive, identify, convicted, leads, organized crime,
responsibilities, fingerprint, robbery, the collcction, identification, preservation, to handle).
1. The FBI was created primarily … criminal investigations for the
Department of Justice.
2. The fight against … involves a great deal of efforts in the work of the
FBI Special Investigation Division.
3. То fight against a threat to the Nation’s security is one of the … of the
4. In a number of crimcs some o f valuable … in an investigation result from information contained in the files of law enforcement agencies.
5. Many crimes are solved through … identification.
6. The dangerous … was located and arrested on the basis of the
information of the witnesses.
7. Laboratory examination proved the innocence of the defendant suspected of having committed…
8. Laboratory examination of the fingerprints found on the murder victim
helped … the murderer.
9. The gang leaders were … on the basis of sufficient evidence collcctcd by the FBI Agents together with the officers of the local enforcement agency.
10. Practical skills and techniques arc paid great attention to in the course of training and retraining FBI Agents. The courses involve … and … of physical evidence.
11. Organized crime is built on fear ,. . . , . . . , and force.
Ex. 5 Give all possible word combinations: (запишите все возможные словосочетания )
crime (организованная, совершить, расследовать, подозревать, бороться против, раскрыть, доказать);
to handle (преступления, уголовные расследования, отпечатки пальцев, информация, внутренняя безопасность);
fingerprints (ценные, идентифицировать, обращаться с, сохранить);
fugitive (установить местонахождение, задержать, разыскиваемый,
опасный, найти, арестовать);
evidence (материальные, вещественные, достаточные, обеспечить,
идентификация, собрать, сохранение);
to fight against (рэкет, организованная преступность, хищение
взяточничество, нарушение законности, азартные игры, мошенничество, вымогательство);
investigation (тщательный, иметь дело, уголовное, надлежащее).
Ex. 6. Speak in a brief way on:(сделайте краткое сообщение на одну из предложенных тем)
1. FBI, its composition and the matters within its jurisdiction.
2. Special Investigation Division.
3. Identification Division.
4. Laboratory Division.
Ex. 1. Read
the following. Mind the stress.
‘fiction |
de’tection |
poli’ticians |
‘warden |
de’tective |
investi’gation |
‘diplomat |
fa’miliar |
qualifi’cations |
‘guard |
in’tensive |
under’go |
‘sergeant |
con’temporary |
‘circumstances |
pro’tect |
pre’vent |
Ex. 2. Complete
the list of derivatives. Use a dictionary if necessary.
Verb |
noun (agent) |
noun (concept) |
to identicate |
to detect |
to order |
to drive |
to train |
to investigate |
investigator |
investigation |
to guard |
to maintain |
to keep |
to convict |
Ex. 3.
Pair the words in column B with the ones from
column A.
B |
internal |
A |
agents |
material |
skills |
detective |
training |
odd |
stories |
professional |
regulations |
academic |
qualification |
intensive |
helmet |
police |
authority |
parking |
force |
controlling |
offences |
national |
security |
special |
evidence |
Ex. 4.
which verbs you would use with the noun phrases you have identified
in ex.
identify, to recruit, to handle, to be familiar with, to have, to
form, to obey, to gain, to deal with, to call, to be responsible
for, to undergo;
Ex. 5.
are the following ideas expressed in the text.
against law breaking; -
expression of an intention to hurt, punish, cause, pain; -
official body of men whose duty is to protect people and property,
to catch criminals; -
policeman whose special job is to find out information that will
lead to criminals being caught; -
condition in which laws and rules are obeyed by most of the people
and the government or the person(s) in charge can keep control; -
certain type of clothing which all members of a group wear, esp. in
the army or the police; -
official who helps to see that certain laws are obeyed; -
do what one is asked or ordered to do by someone; -
offence of driving faster than the lawful limit; -
examine the reason for something, the character of someone; -
go at regular times round an area or building to see that there is
no trouble, that no one is trying to get in or out unlawfully; -
keep safe, esp. by watching for danger; -
unpleasant, undesirable that happens unexpectedly or by chance; -
with its rights and duties according to the law; -
of proving who one is.
Ex. 6.
Match English phrases and their Russian
1. traffic |
a) полицейские |
2. to |
b) прибыть |
3. to |
c) оградить |
4. to |
d) приобретать |
5. the |
e) носить |
6. professional skills |
f) пройти |
7. to keep law and |
g) профессиональные |
8. to gain a certain |
h) быть |
9. to |
i) соблюдать |
10. to wear uniforms |
j) уполномоченный |
11. to obey the |
k) обнаруживать |
12. to be regularly |
l) поддерживать |
13. to |
m) оказывать |
14. to patrol airport |
n) быть |
15. to assist at |
o) выполнять |
16. to deal with lost |
p) охранять |
17. to perform road |
q) патрулировать |
18. to detect |
r) иметь |
19. miscellaneous |
s) разнообразные |
20. fail |
t) не |
21. criminalistics |
u) эксперт-криминалист |
22. preliminary |
v) предварительный |
23. providing |
w) оказание |
the English equivalents for the following:
a) главные
обязанности; набирать штат; выполнять
различные функции; опытные компетентные
люди; совершенствование управления и
практики расследования; в пределах
юрисдикции; ограбление банка; хищение;
взяточничество; мошенничество против
правительства; кража правительственного
имущества; вымогательство; борьба против
b) самая
большая в мире коллекция отпечатков
пальцев; разыскиваемый опасный беглец;
посредством идентификации отпечатков
пальцев; единственное средство опознания
потерпевшего; научные экспертизы;
специальные агенты с особой подготовкой;
раскрыть преступления; осудить
обвиняемого; на основе материальных
улик; лабораторная экспертиза; доказать
невиновность лица; подозревать в
совершении преступления;
c) картотека;
наиболее ценные версии; обеспечивать
постоянную связь; уголовный архив;
изучать информацию о преступлениях;
главное управление; курсы переподготовки;
практические навыки и техника; следственная
техника; сбор, идентификация и сохранение
вещественных доказательств; тщательная
подготовка; огнестрельное оружие;
экстремальная ситуация; в опасности;
d) иметь
дело с; нарушение федеральных законов;
вопросы внутренней безопасности;
привести к осуждению; организованная
преступность; основанная на страхе,
запугивании, взяточничестве и силе;
азартные игры, наркотики, проституция,
вымогательство; отряды высококвалифицированных
агентов; собрать достаточно улик;
выстроить сильное обвинение; привлечь
к суду; бороться против организованной
преступности; местные правоприменительные
органы; осуществлять надзор за
расследованием; расследование дел о
беглецах; обнаружить местонахождение
и задержать убежавших из тюрьмы
ick out the types of crimes:
racketeering, embezzlement, extortion, deserter, victim, fugitive,
fraud, prisoner, espionage, employee, theft, robbery, field officer,
FBI agent, bribery, conviction, innocence.
9. omplete
the sentences using the words in the box:
bribery, intimidation, fugitive, identify, convicted, leads,
organized crime, responsibilities, fingerprint, robbery, the
collection, identification, preservation, to handle.
FBI was created primarily… criminal investigations for the
Department of Justice. -
fight against… involves a great deal of efforts in the work of the
FBI Special Investigation Division. -
fight against a threat to the Nation’s security is one of the… of
the FBI. -
a number of crimes some of valuable … in an investigation result
from information contained in the files of law enforceent
agencies. -
crimes are solved through … identification. -
dangerous … was located and arrested on the basis of the
information of the witnesses. -
examination proved the innocence of the defendant suspected of
having committed… -
examination of the fingerprints found on the murder victim helped
… the murderer. -
gang leaders were … on the basis of sufficient evidence collected
by the FBI Agents together with the officers of the local
enforcement agency. -
skills and techniques are paid great attention to in the course of
training and retraining FBI Agents. The courses involve … and …
of physical evidence. -
crime is built on fear, …, … and force.
10. Give
all possible word combinations:
совершить, расследовать, подозревать,
бороться против, раскрыть, доказать); -
уголовные расследования, отпечатки
пальцев, информация, внутренняя
безопасность); -
идентифицировать, обращаться с,
сохранить); -
местонахождение, задержать, разыскиваемый,
опасный, найти, арестовать); -
вещественные, достаточные, обеспечить,
идентификация, собрать, сохранение); -
организованная преступность, хищение,
взяточничество, нарушение законности,
азартные игры, мошенничество,
вымогательство); -
иметь дело, уголовное, надлежащее).
Ex. 11. Fill
in the missing words in the sentences below. Choose from the
abolished |
coroner |
inquest |
loot |
alibi |
custody |
internment |
martial law |
amnesty |
damages |
judicial |
on parole |
bail |
euthanasia |
justice |
statement |
clues |
illicit |
law-abiding |
warder |
conviction |
injunction |
legislation |
warrant |
_____________ of political prisoners is quite common in some
countries. Britain tried it unsuccessfully in Northern Ireland to
combat the IRA. -
government is thinking of introducing ___________ making it
compulsory for every citizen to carry an identity card. -
person who looks after prisoners is called a prison officer or a
____________. -
there was something very suspicious about the man’s sudden death,
the __________ was held at the Town Hall. -
Britain, capital punishment in the form of death by hanging was
____________ in 1969. -
court issued an ____________ forbidding the newspaper from
publishing any more photographs of the Princess of Wales at a
private Health Club. -
police have issued a ____________ for her arrest. -
by jury is an important part of the British system of _____________. -
new governor issued a general ____________ to all the rebels. -
the unsuccessful attempt to overthrow the government, the whole
country was put under ___________ for a month. -
____________ for the night of murder was that he had been at his
girlfriend’s, watching TV. -
successfully sued the newspaper for libel and was awarded nearly
in __________. -
judge refused to grant him ___________, as it was feared that he
would try to leave the country before his trial came up. -
the police took him away, the thief told his wife where he had
hidden the ___________. -
were prosecuted for dealing in _____________ substances. -
doctor was found guilty of ____________ when he turned off the
life-support system of a patient who was terminally ill with cancer. -
police took down the man’s ___________, read it back to him, then
asked him to sign it. -
still haven’t found any ____________ as to the whereabouts of the
two missing 13-year-old schoolchildren. -
robbers were taken to the police station and held in ____________
until their trial. -
couldn’t possibly have done it. She’s the most honest,
____________ citizen I’ve ever met. -
was his seventh ____________ for stealing cars. -
all countries have the same political or ____________ systems. -
was released ____________ to go to his mother’s funeral.
Ex. 12.
the best alternative to complete the following sentences
the twentieth
/ eighteenth
century the English police forces have become well known throughout
the world / only in Great Britain. -
are to be seen in towns and cities walking
in the streets / sitting in the
offices. -
modern policeman needs ordinary
qualification / a great variety of new professional skills. -
police force is controlled by
central government / a committee of local county councillors and
magistrates. -
Royal Commission on the Police listed eight
/ ten main
functions of the contemporary police force. -
a quarter of the police strength of the country is in Scotland
Yard / the Metropolitan Police of London. -
practice the police don’t
help the court much / bring almost all criminal cases
court. -
polls show that majority
/ minority
of the public sympathises with the police.
Ex. 1.
Complete the following sentences in part
A by
adding the phrases given in part B.
essential responsibility of the central government for the
preservation of law and order in Great Britain is… -
regular forces deal with… -
duties of the uniform branch in dudes… -
courts of law constables are responsible for… -
English police force have become well-known … -
regular reader of English detective stories is familiar with … -
members of the police must … -
are Regional Crimes Squads in England and Wales with … -
certain circumstances specially trained police officers can be … -
decision to commence criminal proceedings in England and Wales
is … -
duties of the police are ranging from … -
main functions of the contemporary police force are:
but only with the permission of a magistrate. -
at accidents to safeguarding public order. -
detective officers. -
entirely by the police. -
the world from the great mass of fiction about crime. -
gained a certain level of academic qualification. -
figure of the ordinary policeman sometimes called the “bobby”. -
maintain law and order, to prevent crimes, to detect criminals. -
in the police powers granted by Parliament to the Home Secretary. -
of crime and the protection of life and property. -
marshalling of crowds, the inspection of places of public
entertainment and many others. -
witness, ensuring the privacy of the jury.
Ex. 2.
Choose the best way to complete the sentences.
police may arrest a person without a warrant
a) issued by a magistrate
b) according to the local
Head of the Police Service
c) not in any case.
arrested person has the a right to consult a solicitor
a) only after he or she
has been charged
b) under the permission
of the Head of the Police Service
c) it is common practice
Is the use of scientific aids
widespread in all areas of police work?
a) to investigate the
most complicated cases
b) is not exercised at
c) very often nowadays
Any regular reader of English
detective stories is familiar with the detectives from
Yard -
Investigation Department -
Crime Squads
Each separate police force is
headed by
Superintendent -
Constable -
The object of the Squads is
patrol airports -
perform road traffic duties -
provide trained flexible mobile groups of crime investigation.
The duties of the police are
controlled by
government -
committee of local county councillors and magistrates -
Crown Court
Only a few policemen are
regularly armed
who guard politicians and diplomats -
wardens -
The main duties of police are
listed by
Metropolitan Police of London -
Royal Commission on the Police -
Home Secretary
Ex. 3. Mark
the statements which are true.
founder of the police force is Theodore Roosevelt -
has its national police force. -
police are helped by members of public working voluntarily. -
police are not responsible for controlling offences like speeding,
careless driving. -
police forces are armed. -
Metropolitan Police of London is responsible for the whole area of
Great Britain. -
practice the police bring about 97% of all criminal cases to court.
Ex. 4.
Choose someone to act as the Chief Constable
and answer the visitors questions.
What is (are) |
the figure of an ordinary |
What do you mean by |
a great variety of |
Could you explain to me |
to keep law and order |
Can you tell me about |
there are a number of ranks |
Who is (was) |
Britain has no national uniformed the the the work |
Ex. 5.
the words in the box, make sure you understand them and predict the
armed police, to seal off the
scene, jewellery; display case, to chase, head injuries; forensic
Ex. 6.
Fill in the chart.
Type of crime |
What happened |
What are the police doing? |
Ex. 7.
on the police force in Great Britain.
Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]
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Computer hacking — high-tech crime
I. Copy out the new words from the text,
read and translate it.
You can rob a bank without leaving a house these days. Who needs
stocking masks, guns and get away cars? If you are a computer whizz-kid, you
could grab your first million armed with nothing more dangerous than a personal
computer (PC), a telephone and a modem to connect them. All you have to do is
dial into the networks that link the computers in large organizations together,
type in a couple of passwords and you can rummage about in the information that
is stored there to your heart’s content.
Fortunately it isn’t always quite as easy as it sounds. But, as more
and more information is processed on computer,
crime seems set to grow.
No one knows exactly how much money
is stolen by key-board criminals-banks and other companies tend to be
very secretive if it happens to them. It doesn’t exactly fill customers with
confidence of they think their bank account can be accessed by anyone with a PC!
Some experts believe that only around a tenth of all computer crimes
are actually reported.
Most computer crimes are “inside jobs”, where staff with access to
the company’s computers fiddle with the records. A comparatively small amount
are committed by the more glamorous – and headline – grabbing –hackers.
The true hacker, it seems, doesn’t t do it for financial gain. The
thrill appears to be not in getting rich, but in beating the system.
“It has never been my intention to steal anything”, said Singh, one
of the Britain’s
notorious hackers. “I really see myself as a highly skilled software engineer.”
Edward Singh first came to public attention after claiming that he had hacked
into American and British government and military computers.
His mission seems to be to prove just how insecure their systems
As with everything else, hackers start young in the States. A 12
year-old boy in Detroit was accused of entering a company’s credit rating
computer and distributing the numbers he found there. His mother told reporters
that he spent up to 14 hours on his computer during the weekend. ”He didn’t
bother me “, she said. “ I figured computers, that’s the thing of the day.”
Prevention is probably easier than detection, and many companies now
spend lots of time and money devising programs using passwords and codes.
Of course, all this is no use at all if computer users tell each
other their passwords.
There are plenty of software companies who specialise in writting
software that make computers hacker-proof. One company in the States set out to
prove that its system can defeat hackers by asking over 2000 of them to try to hack in. The hackers were given two
weeks to discover the secret message stored on two PCs in offices in New York and San
Francisco. The
message reads: ‘The persistent hunter who wins his prize sooner or later
becomes the hunted.” But not one hacker managed it.
Translate the words into Russian and give all possible
word-combinations with them:
detect – detective – detection
Give all
possible word-combinations with the word “computer”:
эксперт (особенно в юном возрасте)
Task Three
Translate the word-combinations into Russian:
crime; computer hacking; key-board criminals; armed with a personal computer;
to rummage about in the information; to be held to ransom by a gang of hackers;
to be the scourge of organizations; to compete for the title of the best
hacker; to do something for financial gain; insecure computers; a highly
skilled engineer.
Task Four
Give the Russian equivalents to the following English
войти в сеть; доступ в компьютер; взломать систему компьютера; ограбить
банк; персональный компьютер; привлекать внимание общественности; проводить
время за компьютером; пароль сети; тратить много времени и денег; нанести
поражение хакерам; в обмен на …
Choose the
answer which you think fits best:
Banks may pay
computer criminals
to give back information they
have stolen;
to explain what their technique
not to commit the same crime
not to pass on information they
have stolen.
Companies do not always report
computer crime because they
think it would create bad
don’t expect the criminals to
be caught;
don’t want the police to
think the criminals are members
of their staff.
The computer hackers’ motive
seems to be
to make a lot of money;
c) to overcome a challenge;
to appear in the newspapers.
The mother of the 12 year-old
hacker in Detroit
had been worried about the time
her son spent at his computer;
thought her son’s interest in
his computer was normal;
had been involved in her son’s
criminal activity;
had tried to prevent her son’s
criminal activity.
What was the result of one
software company’s attempt to prove that it’s security systems were effective?
It was a complete success.
It was a partial success.
d) The results were inconclusive.
Find out the
answers to the following questions:
What is
computer hacking?
What does a hacker have to do
to grab his first million armed with nothing more dangerous than a PC ?
Why do the hackers do what they
How seriously are the companies
taking the problem of making computers hacker –proof?
Тема 16
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Text №1
1. Some new words for the text:
Headquarters главное управление, центр, штаб-квартира
Advance прогресс, развитие
To set standards устанавливать стандарты
Field officer офицер, курирующий определенный район
Extortion вымогательство
Larceny воровство, хищение
Fraud мошенничество
Robbery грабеж
Burglary кража со взломом
Motor vehicle транспортное средство
Treason государственная измена
Espionage шпионаж
2. Read and translate some general information about Federal Bureau of Investigation:
About FBI
(general information)
The most famous Federal Government Agency in the United States is the Federal Bureau of Investigation (the FBI). It was established in 1908 by Attorney General Charles Joseph Bonaparte in response to President Theodore Roosevelt’s need for an investigative agency to handle «land thieves» in the West and big business «trusts» in the East. The agency began as a small group of investigators in the Department of Justice.
In 1924, when the Attorney General Harlan Fiske Stone appointed 29-year-old J. Edgar Hoover as the director of the bureau, a major advance began. Hoover instituted an immediate reorganization, setting new standards of qualifications for appointment as special agent and a system of specialized training for all personnel.
Under Director Hoover’s leadership, by the end of the 1960’s, the FBI, with headquarters in Washington, D.C., had field offices in 59 major cities and 526 resident offices serving 50 states. There were offices in 11 major foreign cities. The investigative work was performed by more than 16, 000 employees: 7,200 special agents and 9,100 clerical, stenographic, and technical personnel.
The FBI investigates over 180 different matters, including espionage, sabotage, treason, federal criminal violations and other activities affecting internal security; kidnapping, extortion, bank robbery, burglary and larceny in federal institutions; bribery, interstate transportation of stolen motor vehicles, aircraft, or property; fraud against government or theft of government property and any other matters in which the Government has an interest.
3. Read and translate the following international words without dictionary:
Bureau, criminal, interest, agents, special, narcotics, prostitution, cooperation, local, deserter, identification, collection, arrest, police, laboratory, criminological, material, communications, control, teletype, contact, information, instruction, practical, situation, nation, function, inspection, limit, competent, atomic, energy.
4. Write and read the words from which the following ones are formed:
investigation —————- responsibility ———————
organization —————- security —————————-
appointment —————- suspect —————————-
government —————— criminal —————————
5. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following
— нарушение федеральных законов
— генеральный прокурор
— штат сотрудников
— подкуп
— саботаж
— государственная измена
— кража со взломом
— мошенничество
— государственная собственность
— назначение.
6. Make and translate short sentences with the following:
matters pertaining to internal national security
crime detection
economic crimes
science of fingerprinting
crime science searchers
firearms and self-defence
7. Match the English and Russian equivalents:
Espionage убийца
Sabotage кража
Treason кража со взломом
Burglary убийство
Theft шпионаж
Murder саботаж
Killer государственная измена.
Text №2
1. Some new words for the text:
Security – безопасность, охрана, защита
Violation — нарушение
Inquiry – расследование, следствие, исследование
Responsibility – обязанность, ответственность
Gambling – азартные игры
Extortion — вымогательство
Fear — страх
Intimidation – запугивание, устрашение
Bribery — взяточничество
Sufficient evidence – достаточные, неопровержимые улики
Local – местный, локальный
To locate – обнаруживать местонахождение
To apprehend — задерживать
Fingerprint – отпечатки пальцев
Identification – опознание, идентификация
Means — средство
Scientific examinations – научные исследования
To convict – осуждать, выносить обвинительный приговор
To prove — доказывать
To suspect — подозревать
To commit crime – совершить преступление
To pose a threat to – представлять угрозу (кому-либо)
Valuable leads – ценные версии
File — картотека
Retraining courses – курсы переподготовки
Preservation – сохранение, сохранность
Physical evidence – вещественные улики
To recruit – набирать, комплектовать
To assign — назначать
To fulfil — выполнять
Robbery — грабеж
Embezzlement – растрата, присвоение денежных средств
Fraud – обман, мошенничество
Property – имущество, собственность
2. Read and translate the text. Pay attention to the notes after the text
Federal Bureau of Investigation
United States Department of Justice
There are some basic components providing the effective work of the Bureau. They are Identification Division, Laboratory Division, Domestic Intelligence Division, Files and Communications Division, Crime Records Division, Training Division and Special Investigation Division.
Identification Division
The largest collection of fingerprints in the world is maintained in the Identification Division of the FBI. A dangerous fugitive, wanted in one state, may be located through fingerprint identification after his arrest on a minor charge under a different name by a police agency in another state. Fingerprints often are the only means of identifying victims of various crimes.
Laboratory Division
The FBI Laboratory is the greatest criminological laboratory in the world. During the first 35 years of its existence, this laboratory made approximately 4.000.000 scientific examinations. Today, this laboratory is a large complex of scientific equipment, staffed with over 300 employees most of whom have technical training. Included in this group are over 100 Special Agents with specialized training in a wide range of scientific fields. Many crimes are solved and many defendants convicted on the basis of material evidence submitted to the laboratory for examination. Laboratory examinations on many occasions have proved the innocence of persons suspected of having committed crimes.
Domestic Intelligence Division
The FBI fights against all elements which pose a threat* to the security of the people in the United States, to the Nation’s security.
Files and Communications Division
Often some of the most valuable leads in an investigation result from information already contained in the files of law enforcement agencies.
A teletype network provides constant twenty-four-hour contact between FBI headquarters and all Field Divisions. In addition, the FBI has a radio network, completely independent of commercial facilities.
Crime Records Division
The personnel of the Crime Records Department has the task of carefully studying the information on crime poured into the Headquarters from the FBI’s field officer*, local police agencies and other sources.
Training Division
All FBI Agents are trained at facilities in Washington, D.C., and at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia. Today, the new Agents receive fourteen weeks of instruction. Two week retraining courses are held periodically for all Agents. Although the theory of the various Law enforcement arts and sciences is taught, the greater emphasis is placed on those practical skills and techniques demanded by day-to-day investigations.
The courses range from the Constitution and Federal Criminal Procedure to Investigative Techniques and the Collection, Identification and Preservation of Physical Evidence. Thorough training is given in firearms and defensive tactics in order that an agent may defend himself in those extreme situations where life may be in danger. The Training Division also provides instructors for thousands police schools conducted by local enforcement agencies in communities across the Nation.
Special Investigation Division
Organized crime is a lawless empire involved in gambling, narcotics, prostitution, extortion, etc. where easy money can be made. For years organized crime operated behind a nearly impenetrable wall* built on fear, intimidation, bribery, and force.
Squads of highly trained FBI Agents are devoting their full efforts to bringing the crime lords to justice*. The objective is to collect sufficient evidence to build a strong prosecutive* case so gang leaders can be brought to justice swiftly. Cooperation is vital in the fight against organized crime. The FBI works closely with state and local enforcement agencies.
The Division also supervises investigations under the Security of Government Employees programme*.
Fugitive investigations often involve a great deal of manpower.
In addition to FBI fugitives, this Division directs the efforts of FBI Agents to locate and apprehend escaped Federal prisoners, deserters from the Armed Forces.
operated behind a nearly impenetrable wall – действовала за почти непроницаемой стеной
are devoting their full efforts to bringing the crime lords to justice – направляют все свои усилия, чтобы преступных магнатов привлечь к суду
to build a strong prosecutive case – построить сильное обвинение
the Security of Government Employees programme – программа по обеспечению безопасности высших правительственных служащих
which pose a threat – которые представляют угрозу
Crime Records Division – уголовный архив (отдел, где хранятся отчеты о совершенных преступлениях)
7) the FBI’s field officer – сотрудник ФБР, курирующий определенный регион или сферу деятельности
3. Look through the following synonyms. Translate into Russian.
Action – operation
Crime – offence
Criminal — offender
Investigation – inquiry
Security – safety
Staff – personnel
To identify – to establish
Matter – affair
To handle – to deal with
To apprehend – to arrest
Division – department
Property – estate
To operate – to function – to fulfil – to do – to make
4. Give the corresponding verbs of the same root (корень) from the following nouns. Translate them:
Conviction, apprehension, intimidation, assignment, appointment, arrest, limit, violation, extortion, dependent, control, fulfillment.
5. Make as many different word-combinations as you can:
1) to give a) crime
2) to identify b) suspect
3) to solve c) evidence
4) to commit d) innocence
5) to investigate e) organized crime
6) to prove f) fingerprint
7) to fight against g) guilt
6. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following:
посредством идентификации отпечатков пальцев
разыскиваемый опасный беглец
единственное средство опознания потерпевшего
осудить обвиняемого
научные экспертизы
на основе материальных улик
доказать невиновность лица
подозревать в совершении преступления
наиболее ценные версии
уголовный архив
главное управление ФБР
курсы переподготовки
огнестрельное оружие
тщательная подготовка
идентификация и сохранение вещественных улик
основанная на страхе, запугивании, взяточничестве и силе
собрать достаточно улик
выстроить сильное обвинение
расследование дел о беглецах
собрать достаточно улик
выстроить сильное обвинение
привлечь к суду
осуществлять надзор за расследованием
обнаружить местонахождение и задержать
сбежавшие из тюрьмы заключенные.
7. Write out the only words which are the names of crimes:
Defendant, racketeering, embezzlement, extortion, deserter, victim, fugitive, fraud, prisoner, espionage, employee, theft, robbery, field officer, FBI agent, bribery, conviction, innocence.
8. Give all possible word combinations:
Crime (организованная, совершить, расследовать, подозревать, бороться против, раскрыть, доказать);
To handle (преступления, уголовные расследования, отпечатки пальцев, информация, внутренняя безопасность);
Fingerprints (ценные, идентифицировать, сохранить);
Fugitive (установить местонахождение, задержать, найти, арестовать, опасный);
Evidence (материальные, вещественные, достаточные, собрать, сохранение, идентификация);
To fight against (рэкет, организованная преступность, хищение, взяточничество, азартные игры, мошенничество, вымогательство);
Investigation (иметь дело, уголовное, тщательное).
9.Use the verbs in correct forms and translate the sentences:
1. The F.B.I. (to create) in 1908.
2. The Identification Division of the F.B.I. (to found) in 1924.
3. One of the aims of the Division (to be) to provide a national collection of
4. The Division (to keep) records on all political suspects and actual criminals.
5. The F.B.I. (to supply) information for evidence and crime problems throughout the country.
6. Training schools for Special Agents (to set up) in Washington.
10. Complete the sentences using the words in brackets:
( bribery, intimidation, fugitive, identify, convicted, leads, organized crime, responsibilities, fingerprint, robbery, the collection, identification, preservation).
1. The fight against … involves a great deal of efforts in the work of the FBI Special Investigation Division.
2. To fight against a threat to the Nation’s security is one of the … of the FBI.
3. In a number of crimes some of valuable … in an investigation result from information contained in the files of law enforcement agencies.
4. Many crimes are solved through … identification.
5. The dangerous … was located and arrested on the basis of the information of the witnesses.
6. Laboratory examination proved the innocence of the defendant suspected of having committed …
7. Laboratory examination of the fingerprints found on the murder victim helped … the murderer.
8. The gang leaders were … on the basis of sufficient evidence collected by the FBI Agents together with the officers of the local enforcement agency.
9. Practical skills and techniques are paid great attention to in the course of training and retraining FBI Agents. The courses involve … and … of physical evidence.
10. Organized crime is built on fear, …, …, and force.
11. Read and translate the following sentences without dictionary:
1. The FBI headquarters is the largest in the world.
2. The FBI closely cooperates with state and local police agency.
3. The collection of fingerprints is the largest in the world.
4. They always relay on scientific training, selection of personnel and cooperation.
12. Read, translate and reproduce the following dialogue
Imagine that you are a journalist interviewing the FBI’s Agent.
You: Good morning, sir!
Special Agent: Good morning!
You: I’d like to ask you some questions about the FBI and its work if possible.
S.A.: Of course you can.
You: What was the purpose of creating the FBI?
S.A.: It was created primarily to handle criminal investigations for the Department of Justice.
You: And what matters does it deal with?
S.A.: The FBI handles over 180 different investigations including Federal
criminal violations, internal security matters and civil inquiries in which the
Government has an interest.
You: And what divisions does it consist?
S.A.: It is composed of many divisions: General Investigation Division, Special Investigation Division, Identification Division, Domestic Intelligence Division, Files and Communications Division, Training Division and others.
You: It’s very curious to learn something about the FBI Agent’s training. Where are they trained?
S.A.: All FBI Agents are trained at facilities in Washington, D.C., and at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia.
You: How long does the training last?
S.A.: Today, the new Agents receive fourteen weeks of instruction. Two week retraining courses are held periodically for all Agents.
You: Thank you very much. This information will be of great interest for our readers.
S.A.: Not at all. Good-bye.
You: Good-bye.
13. Find in the text above the answers to the following questions:
What does the FBI handle?
What are the main divisions of the FBI you can name?
What are the matters within the FBI jurisdiction?
In what way are the FBI Agents devoting their efforts to the fight against organized crime?
Who directs the efforts to locate and apprehend fugitives, escaped Federal prisoners, deserters from Armed Forces?
Where can valuable leads in an investigation be found very often?
Where is the largest collection of fingerprints in the world?
What is the value of fingerprints in a number of crimes?
On the basis of which evidence are many crimes solved and many defendants convicted?
14. Guess the words in the blanks, the first and the last letters are given:
If the police want to enter and search a building, they need a w____t, which they obtain from a local s_____f. They do not need one of these if they need to get into a building to a____t someone, to s____e someone’s life, or to prevent d____e or d___e.
15. Speak in a brief way on:
FBI, its composition and the matters within its jurisdiction.
Special Investigation Division.
Identification Division.
Laboratory Division.
Just for fun
The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), the FBI, and the CIA are all trying to prove that they are the best at apprehending criminals. The President decides to give them a test. He releases a rabbit into forest and each of them has to catch it.
The CIA goes in. They place animal informants throughout the forest. The question all plant and mineral witnesses. After three months of extensive investigations they conclude that rabbits do not exist.
The FBI goes in. After two weeks with no leads they burn the forest, killing everything init, including the rabbit, and they make no apologies.
The LAPD goes in. They come out two hours later with a badly beaten bear. The bear is yelling: «Okay! Okay! I’m a rabbit! I’m a rabbit!»
Additional exercises to the topic
1. Change the verbs to the Past Simple or the Past Continuous. Then retell the story.
The unlucky burglar
One evening Alf (watch) the television and (eat) his supper when the door suddenly (open) and a burglar (come) in. He (wear) a mask and (carry) a sack. Before doing anything else he (tie) Alf to the chair. Then he (go) upstairs to look for money. Although he (not find) any money he (find) a lot of jewellery, which he (put) into his sack. In his rush to get downstairs he (not see) the dog which (lie) at the bottom of the stairs and he (fall) over it, loosing his glasses. While the burglar (look for) them, Alf (try) to free himself. Finally, Alf (manage) to escape and he (phone) the police. As soon as the burglar (find) his glasses he (run) out of the house. However, unfortunately for him, the police (wait) for him at the end of the garden.
This is a story told by an American tourist who has recently been to Italy. Fill in the blanks the words from the bracket, and translate the sentences.
(the jungle, robbed, kidnapped, customs, laws, protect, rely on, fear, prescribe, imperfect)
Every country has its …. That’s perfectly true. When I first came to a tiny Italian village I was shocked: everyone was smiling and waving at me. The … of hospitality … local people to … the foreigners from any trouble. In daylight and even at night you can go out without … of being … or …. Though the Italian laws are … like all the laws, in the country you can … … open-heartedness and every possible support of the natives. The law of … is for huge industrial cities.
3. Complete the following sentences with the words and phrases from the bracket:
(Arrested; offender; commit; shop-lifting; charged; embezzlement; witness; burglary)
The number of young people who —- crimes has risen sharply in recent years.
Another house was broken into last week. This is the third — in the area in the past month.
The shop decided to install closed-circuit television in an effort to combat the problem of —-.
He was — by the police outside a club in Chicago and — with murder.
An — is a person who breaks the law.
A — is someone who sees a crime being committed.
The bank manager admitted taking 250,000 dollars of the bank’s money during the previous five years. He was found guilty of —.
Supplementary reading
Some newspaper articles
Read and translate the following newspaper article.
Some new words to the text:
To dig копать
To dig up вскопать, раскопать
Ring кольцо, группа
Borough район
Spokesman представитель
Joint совместный
Task force оперативная группа
Warrant ордер, предписание
To point указывать
Homicide убийство
To bury захоронить
To shoot (shot, shot) выстрелить
Shot выстрел
Mob воровская шайка
Mobster член воровской шайки
Bouncer вышибала (сленг)
US police dig up yard for ex-boxer
Livingston, New Jersey – Police dug up the back yard of a New Jersey house Friday searching for the body of a former Russian Olympic boxer. The authorities believe he was killed by members of a Russian organized crime ring.
« The Russian ex-boxer, of the Brooklyn borough of New York, was last seen in November four years ago», FBI spokesman Joseff Valiquette said.
The Joint Eastern European Organized Crime Task Force, made up of the FBI and New York City Police, won a federal search warrant to dig up the yard of a home in suburban Livingston, New Jersey. Valiquette would not say what led the authorities to the house but said the information points to a homicide.
«The information we have which led to the search warrant indicates that he was buried there, which logically would indicate that he was murdered. So yes, we do believe that he was the victim of a homicide», Valiquette said.
New York’s Daily News reported that the ex-boxer was shot in the garage by three Russian mobsters days after an incident at the bar where he worked as a bouncer.
Answer the following questions:
Do you know the name of this ex-boxer?
How do you think the police leaned where the boxer was buried?
Was his body found in the yard?
Were the murderers identified and arrested?
Is it an exceptional case?
Write out all the information on each point from the newspaper item:
the Russian ex-boxer
the suspected murderers
the place and time of the murder
the investigation
4. Agree or disagree:
1. The police dug up the back yard of the house where the ex-boxer lived.
2. The FBI alone was investigating this case.
3. Most probably the General Attorney issued a federal research warrant.
4. Joseff Valiquette was a member of the task force.
5. The newspaper had all the facts in their hands.
Read and translate the following newspaper article.
Some new words to the text:
Brute жестокий, грубый
Brutality жестокость, грубость
To brutalize обходиться грубо
To tarnish запятнать
Even and odd numbers четные и нечетные числа
To be at odds with smb не ладить с кем-либо
To drop падать
Lobby коридор
Apparently очевидно
To reach for smth потянуться за чем-либо
Bullet пуля
Conscious осознанный
To cite критиковать
To launch запускать, начинать
Police brutality
Outside police headquarters in New York City, the protesters show up each day. In the courts, the biggest criminal cases are against cops. And at City Hall, the law-and-order record of Mayor Rudolph Guiliani appears tarnished.
A combination of brutality charges, federal investigations and public relations problems has thrown the United States’ largest police department into its worst crisis in years. Police and the city’s minorities seem increasingly at odds, and morale in the department is dropping.
The department’s troubles come just two years after it was riding high on news that the city’s crime rate was dropping for the first time in 28 years.
What’s created the most anger is the case of Amadou Diallo, an unarmed West African immigrant shot to death by police in an apartment lobby. The police, apparently believing Diallo was reaching for a gun, fired 41 bullets at him. He was hit by 19 shots.
Now the four white officers who killed him are on trial accused of murder. The defence says it was a tragic accident; the prosecution accepts that the officers did not set out that night to kill a black man but says that they made a conscious decision to shoot him once they got out of their car.
And the protesters have other cases to cite in their charge of police misconduct.
In New York’s borough of Brooklyn, jury selection is to begin Monday for the trial of three other officers accused of brutalizing a Haitian immigrant Abner Louima. The trial centres on allegations the officers brutalized him in a precinct station.
Federal and state prosecutors have launched investigations of the NYPD (New York Police Department). The commission will hold hearings in May on whether the police tactics violate the public rights, especially in minority neighbourhood.
(from The Guardian)
Check if you remember:
About what country and police does this newspaper item speak?
Where are the protest organized?
Are the biggest criminal cases against the cops?
Is the Mayor of New York involved?
What testifies to the crisis in the New York Police Department?
With what part of the population do the police confront most?
3. Sum up what newspaper item said about:
— the morale of the NYPD in the past
— the case of Amadou Diallo and the trial
— the case of Abner Louima
— the federal and state investigations of the NYPD.
Text №3
1. Read the following text and translate the sentences given in bold type in writing:
Police Technology in the USA
Request for police services are generally transmitted to headquarters by telephone and then by radio to officers in the field. Police have long operated on the theory that fast response time results in more arrests and less risk or injury to victims. The current trend is toward handling calls by priority, with emergency response reserved for cases involving an injured party or those in which a reasonable chance exists to prevent a crime or make an arrest at the scene. Modern computer-assisted dispatching systems permit automatic selection of the nearest officer in service. In some cities, officers can receive messages displayed on computer terminals in their cars, without voice communication from headquarters. An officer, for example, can key in the license number of a suspect car and receive an immediate response from the computer as to the status of the car and owner’s identity.
An increasing number of agencies are now using computers to link crime patterns with certain suspects. Fingerprints found at crime scenes can be electronically compared with fingerprint files.
In recent years technological advances have been made in such areas as voice identification, use of the scanning electron microscope, and blood testing which is an important tool because only 2 persons in 70,000 have identical blood characteristics. Some of the new laboratory techniques, although highly effective, are extremely expensive, so their use is limited to the most challenging cases.
Answer the following questions:
What are the current trends in police work in the USA?
What cases are handled by priority under the new approach?
How do computers assist in police work?
What technological advances have been made in law-and-order
Why is blood testing an important tool in crime detection?
3. Find in the text above the English equivalents for the following words and expressions:
— пострадавшая сторона
— предотвратить преступление
— осуществить арест на месте происшествия
— отпечатки пальцев
— быстрое реагирование
— печатать, вводить с клавиатуры
— технический прогресс
4. Render the following text into English paying attention to the words and
expressions given in bold type:
Большое число расследований уголовных преступлений, ведущихся американскими правоохранительными органами, вынудило ФБР приступить к созданию новой криминалистической лаборатории. Лаборатория будет оснащена новейшим оборудованием для баллистической, химической, судебно-медицинской и других видов экспертизы, необходимых для расследования различных преступлений.
Лаборатория ФБР, которая находится в Вашингтоне, на протяжении многих лет остается крупнейшей и лучшей в стране. Однако в последнее время она не справляется с огромным потоком заданий, поступающих не только от головного ведомства, но и из других правоохранительных органов.
Необходимость создания новой лаборатории продиктована так же тем, что ФБР все чаще приходится заниматься расследованием сложнейших дел, связанных с международным терроризмом, организованной преступностью и контрабандой наркотиков.
Руководство ФБР планирует создание единой компьютерной базы данных всех правоохранительных органов США, которая будет содержать информацию о преступниках и их сообщниках и вещественных доказательствах, собранных в ходе расследований.
Text №4
Read and translate
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