Give a word for owned up

What is another word for owned up?

213 synonyms found


[ ˈə͡ʊnd ˈʌp], [ ˈə‍ʊnd ˈʌp], [ ˈəʊ_n_d ˈʌ_p]

Table of Contents

  • v.

    admit (verb)

    • confide,
    • affirm,
    • approve,
    • yield,
    • confirm,
    • proclaim,
    • enumerate,
    • divulge,
    • disclose,
    • cop a plea,
    • concede,
    • expose,
    • let on,
    • bring to light,
    • indicate,
    • avow,
    • declare,
    • tolerate,
    • unveil,
    • talk,
    • spill,
    • subscribe to,
    • own up,
    • open up,
    • recite,
    • reveal,
    • adopt,
    • uncover,
    • recognize,
    • permit,
    • consent,
    • acquiesce,
    • allow,
    • agree,
    • concur,
    • relate,
    • number,
    • grant,
    • bare,
    • let,
    • make known,
    • credit,
    • tell,
    • go into details,
    • communicate,
    • narrate,
    • profess,
    • own.

    avow (verb)

    • assert,
    • avouch,
    • confess,
    • admit,
    • cross one’s heart,
    • acknowledge,
    • aver,
    • swear,
    • maintain,
    • swear on bible,
    • swear up and down.

    come clean (verb)

    • confess all,
    • explain,
    • incriminate oneself,
    • implicate oneself,
    • acknowledge information,
    • make clean breast.

    come out with (verb)

    • deliver,
    • say,
    • lay open,
    • bring out,
    • chime in,
    • utter,
    • come clean,
    • state,
    • throw out.

    concede (verb)

    • cede,
    • relinquish,
    • give up,
    • quit,
    • capitulate,
    • hand over,
    • cave in,
    • go with the flow,
    • knuckle under,
    • waive,
    • ditto,
    • yes one,
    • go along with,
    • throw in the towel,
    • play ball with,
    • fold,
    • fess up,
    • say uncle,
    • surrender,
    • bury the hatchet,
    • cry uncle,
    • award.

    confess (verb)

    • prove,
    • rat on,
    • open one’s heart,
    • vent,
    • clue in,
    • spill the beans,
    • sing,
    • post,
    • snitch,
    • manifest,
    • sound off,
    • humble oneself,
    • attest,
    • evince,
    • spit out,
    • make clean breast of,
    • unload,
    • weasel,
    • squeal,
    • dump on,
    • leak,
    • come out,
    • tip hand,
    • level with,
    • finger,
    • blow,
    • blurt out,
    • fink,
    • chirp.

    divulge (verb)

    • discover,
    • promulgate,
    • tattle,
    • blab,
    • blow the whistle,
    • give away,
    • go public,
    • tip off,
    • let hair down,
    • broadcast,
    • impart,
    • cough up,
    • publish,
    • mouth,
    • gossip,
    • spring,
    • let slip,
    • betray,
    • exhibit.

    grant (verb)

    • come around,
    • invest,
    • donate,
    • give,
    • give in,
    • bestow,
    • give thumbs-up,
    • give out,
    • sign off on,
    • allot,
    • transmit,
    • confer,
    • present,
    • drop,
    • suppose,
    • transfer,
    • allocate,
    • consent to,
    • come across,
    • vouchsafe,
    • sign on,
    • come through,
    • stake,
    • assume,
    • shake on,
    • agree to,
    • gift with,
    • give the nod,
    • bless,
    • assign,
    • convey.

    let on (verb)

    • imply,
    • suggest,
    • hint,
    • let out.

    own (verb)

    • tell the truth,
    • assent to.

    profess (verb)

    • depose,
    • feign,
    • certify,
    • predicate,
    • asseverate,
    • announce,
    • purport,
    • allege,
    • say so,
    • stump,
    • Constate,
    • spiel,
    • soapbox,
    • blow hot air,
    • pretend,
    • get on soapbox,
    • talk big,
    • vouch,
    • dissemble,
    • claim,
    • get off chest,
    • fake,
    • spout,
    • make out,
    • act as if,
    • cross heart,
    • croon.
  • Other synonyms:

    Other relevant words:

    • accede,
    • accord,
    • accept.

    Other relevant words (noun):

    • admitted,
    • confessed.

How to use «Owned up» in context?

«owned up» is a term used when a person reveals or admits to something. The term is often used in the context of breaking someone’s trust and can be considered a form of apology. When someone «owns up,» it is often seen as a sign of seriousness and seriousness of purpose. Owning up can also be seen as a commitment to taking responsibility for one’s actions.

Word of the Day

narrowed down

calm down,
cut down,

Nearby words

  • owned by me
  • owned by us
  • owned exclusively
  • owned property return
  • owned to
  • Owned up
  • (oh,) what a shame
  • (oneself to)
  • …only to do something
  • …or bust
  • …or something (like that)


  • OWNED UP synonyms at
  • OWNED UP synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
    — OWNED UP synonyms
  • Collins Dictionary — synonyms of OWNED UP
  • YourDictionary
    — another words for OWNED UP

откровенно признаваться, безропотно подчиняться, покорно соглашаться


- откровенно признаваться

you had better own up — вам лучше во всём признаться
he owned up to a crime — он сознался в (совершённом) преступлении

- покорно соглашаться

Мои примеры


own up — признаться в выпускании газов; откровенно признаваться; сознаться  

Примеры с переводом

No one owned up to taking the money.

Никто не сознался в краже этих денег.

1) To do exceedingly well at something.

2) To defeat someone or something impressively, particularly in a casual, yet brutal way — i.e routing all challengers and opposition.

3) Lapping up applause — especially after performing a difficult/impossible feat.

Also: Own Up, Owning It Up, Owned It Up, Owns it Up… Etc

«Wow, he was literally just Owning It Up back there, those noobs didn’t know what hit them.»

«Just give me a sec, I just need to go back and Own It Up for a while, bbl bbz.»

«He/She just Owns It Up like a pro — I’ve never seen anything like it. «

Get the Own It Up mug.

  • accept
  • affirm
  • agree
  • allow
  • approve
  • concede
  • confirm
  • declare
  • disclose
  • grant
  • indicate
  • permit
  • recognize
  • reveal
  • talk
  • tell
  • accord
  • acquiesce
  • adopt
  • avow
  • bare
  • communicate
  • concur
  • confide
  • consent
  • credit
  • divulge
  • enumerate
  • expose
  • let
  • narrate
  • number
  • own
  • proclaim
  • profess
  • recite
  • relate
  • spill
  • tolerate
  • uncover
  • unveil
  • yield
  • bring to light
  • cop a plea
  • go into details
  • let on
  • make known
  • open up
  • subscribe to
  • acknowledge
  • admit
  • affirm
  • allow
  • assert
  • aver
  • avouch
  • concede
  • confess
  • declare
  • grant
  • maintain
  • proclaim
  • swear
  • cross one’s heart
  • swear on bible
  • swear up and down
  • acknowledge information
  • admit
  • confess
  • confess all
  • explain
  • implicate oneself
  • incriminate oneself
  • make clean breast
  • reveal
  • spill
  • acknowledge
  • bring out
  • chime in
  • come clean
  • declare
  • deliver
  • divulge
  • lay open
  • own
  • say
  • state
  • tell
  • throw out
  • utter
  • accept
  • admit
  • allow
  • capitulate
  • cave in
  • cede
  • confess
  • give up
  • grant
  • hand over
  • quit
  • relinquish
  • surrender
  • yield
  • accord
  • avow
  • award
  • ditto
  • fold
  • own
  • waive
  • bury the hatchet
  • cry uncle
  • fess up
  • go along with
  • go with the flow
  • knuckle under
  • let on
  • play ball with
  • say uncle
  • throw in the towel
  • yes one
  • acknowledge
  • assert
  • blurt out
  • concede
  • confide
  • declare
  • disclose
  • divulge
  • profess
  • prove
  • recognize
  • relate
  • reveal
  • affirm
  • allow
  • attest
  • aver
  • avow
  • blow
  • chirp
  • evince
  • finger
  • fink
  • grant
  • leak
  • manifest
  • narrate
  • own
  • post
  • sing
  • snitch
  • squeal
  • unload
  • vent
  • clue in
  • come clean
  • come out
  • dump on
  • humble oneself
  • let on
  • level with
  • make clean breast of
  • open one’s heart
  • rat on
  • sound off
  • spill the beans
  • spit out
  • tip hand
  • weasel
  • admit
  • blab
  • communicate
  • disclose
  • give away
  • leak
  • publish
  • reveal
  • uncover
  • betray
  • broadcast
  • declare
  • discover
  • exhibit
  • expose
  • gossip
  • impart
  • mouth
  • proclaim
  • promulgate
  • spill
  • spring
  • tattle
  • tell
  • blow the whistle
  • cough up
  • fess up
  • go public
  • let hair down
  • let slip
  • open up
  • spill the beans
  • tip off
  • accept
  • accord
  • allocate
  • allot
  • assign
  • award
  • bestow
  • cede
  • donate
  • give
  • invest
  • permit
  • transfer
  • accede
  • acknowledge
  • acquiesce
  • admit
  • assume
  • avow
  • bless
  • concede
  • confer
  • convey
  • drop
  • impart
  • own
  • present
  • profess
  • relinquish
  • stake
  • suppose
  • surrender
  • transmit
  • vouchsafe
  • yield
  • agree to
  • come across
  • come around
  • come through
  • consent to
  • gift with
  • give in
  • give out
  • give the nod
  • give a thumbs-up
  • go along with
  • shake on
  • sign off on
  • sign on
  • allow
  • avow
  • betray
  • concede
  • confess
  • disclose
  • divulge
  • give away
  • grant
  • hint
  • imply
  • indicate
  • let out
  • make known
  • mouth
  • own
  • reveal
  • say
  • spill
  • suggest
  • tell
  • uncover
  • unveil
  • allow
  • avow
  • concede
  • confess
  • declare
  • disclose
  • grant
  • recognize
  • assent to
  • come clean
  • let on
  • make clean breast of
  • tell the truth
  • acknowledge
  • admit
  • affirm
  • avow
  • confess
  • feign
  • pretend
  • proclaim
  • stump
  • allege
  • announce
  • asseverate
  • aver
  • avouch
  • certify
  • claim
  • confirm
  • croon
  • depose
  • dissemble
  • fake
  • maintain
  • own
  • predicate
  • purport
  • sing
  • spiel
  • spout
  • state
  • vouch
  • act as if
  • blow hot air
  • come out
  • constate
  • cross heart
  • get off chest
  • get on soapbox
  • make out
  • open up
  • say so
  • soapbox
  • swear on bible
  • swear up and down
  • talk big

On this page you’ll find 505 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to own up, such as: accept, affirm, agree, allow, approve, and concede.

antonyms for own up

  • conceal
  • contradict
  • decline
  • deny
  • disagree
  • disallow
  • disapprove
  • dispute
  • dissent
  • hide
  • invalidate
  • listen
  • misunderstand
  • oppose
  • protest
  • refuse
  • reject
  • repudiate
  • veto
  • argue
  • cover
  • differ
  • disown
  • keep
  • object
  • prevent
  • secrete
  • sell
  • suppress
  • withhold
  • confute
  • debar
  • dismiss
  • eject
  • exclude
  • expel
  • gainsay
  • oust
  • repel
  • shut
  • conceal
  • condemn
  • contradict
  • deny
  • disavow
  • dispute
  • dissent
  • hide
  • ignore
  • refuse
  • reject
  • repudiate
  • veto
  • censure
  • disclaim
  • disown
  • renounce
  • hide
  • hold
  • secret
  • hide
  • secret
  • defend
  • deny
  • disallow
  • disapprove
  • dispute
  • fight
  • hold
  • keep
  • refuse
  • reject
  • repudiate
  • veto
  • win
  • contradict
  • disacknowledge
  • disagree
  • dissent
  • conceal
  • contradict
  • deny
  • disavow
  • hide
  • keep
  • refuse
  • reject
  • repudiate
  • secrete
  • suppress
  • condemn
  • veto
  • withhold
  • disown
  • mask
  • conceal
  • cover
  • hide
  • keep
  • suppress
  • withhold
  • protect
  • secrete
  • deny
  • disagree
  • disallow
  • fight
  • hold
  • keep
  • refuse
  • reject
  • take
  • withhold
  • conceal
  • condemn
  • contradict
  • disapprove
  • disavow
  • dispute
  • dissent
  • hide
  • protest
  • refrain
  • renounce
  • repudiate
  • veto
  • deny
  • disacknowledge
  • conceal
  • condemn
  • deny
  • disapprove
  • disavow
  • disclaim
  • disown
  • dispute
  • hide
  • refuse
  • reject
  • repudiate
  • secrete
  • conceal
  • deny
  • disavow
  • disown
  • dispute
  • hide
  • refuse
  • renounce
  • repudiate
  • be quiet
  • contradict
  • invalidate
  • question
  • reject

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • accept
  • accord
  • acquiesce
  • adopt
  • affirm
  • agree
  • allow
  • approve
  • avow
  • bare
  • bring to light
  • communicate
  • concede
  • concur
  • confide
  • confirm
  • consent
  • cop a plea
  • credit
  • declare
  • disclose
  • divulge
  • enumerate
  • expose
  • go into details
  • grant
  • indicate
  • let
  • let on
  • make known
  • narrate
  • number
  • open up
  • own
  • own up
  • permit
  • proclaim
  • profess
  • recite
  • recognize
  • relate
  • reveal
  • spill
  • subscribe to
  • talk
  • tell
  • tolerate
  • uncover
  • unveil
  • yield
  • accepts
  • blesses
  • buys
  • concedes
  • enters
  • entertains
  • gives access
  • gives the nod
  • gives thumbs up
  • grants
  • harbors
  • houses
  • initiates
  • introduces
  • is big on
  • lets
  • lets in
  • lodges
  • o.k.’s
  • permits
  • receives
  • shelters
  • signs
  • signs off on
  • suffers
  • takes
  • takes in
  • acknowledge
  • admit
  • affirm
  • allow
  • assert
  • aver
  • avouch
  • concede
  • confess
  • cross one’s heart
  • declare
  • grant
  • maintain
  • own up
  • proclaim
  • swear
  • swear on bible
  • swear up and down
  • acknowledged
  • brought out
  • came clean
  • chime in
  • declared
  • delivered
  • divulged
  • lay open
  • owned
  • owned up
  • said
  • stated
  • threw out
  • told
  • uttered
  • acknowledge information
  • admit
  • confess
  • confess all
  • explain
  • implicate oneself
  • incriminate oneself
  • make clean breast
  • own up
  • reveal
  • spill
  • acknowledge
  • bring out
  • chime in
  • come clean
  • declare
  • deliver
  • divulge
  • lay open
  • own
  • own up
  • say
  • state
  • tell
  • throw out
  • utter

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

a) Find the prepositions that follow these words in the text. Use them in sentences of your own.

• famous

• work

• cope

• lose control

• give

b) Explain the words in bold.

Английский язык 7 класс Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина. 3c. Against all odds. Номер №3


Перевод задания
а) Найдите в тексте предлоги, следующие за этими словами. Используйте их в собственных предложениях.
• известный
• работать
• справиться
• терять контроль
• давать

Объясните слова, выделенные жирным шрифтом.



• famous

• work

• cope

• lose control

• give

Our city is famous for its Kremlin.

My father works on his new book.

It was difficult for her to cope with her disease.

You don’t have to lose control of your car when you drive.

Never give up!


laws of the universe – законы вселенной
diagnosed − диагностированный
muscles – мышцы, мускулы
started a career – начал карьеру
blinking − моргание
wheelchair – инвалидное кресло
enabled – возможный
gave up on − сдался
achieve − достигнуть

Перевод ответа


• известный (чем−то)
• работать над
• справляться с
• потерять контроль над
• сдаться (что−то делать)
Наш город знаменит своим Кремлем.
Мой отец работает над своей новой книгой.
Ей было трудно справиться с болезнью.
Вам не нужно терять контроль над автомобилем, когда вы ведете машину.
Никогда не сдавайся!


laws of the universe – законы вселенной
diagnosed − диагностированный
muscles – мышцы, мускулы
started a career – начал карьеру
blinking − моргание
wheelchair – инвалидное кресло
enabled – возможный
gave up on − сдался
achieve − достигнуть

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