Girls using а word

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December 17, 2014 by Jayachandran Vellingiri 5 Comments

Guess the 8 letter word.

1. girls use it.
2. boys love it
3. parents hate it?

This question is a variant of this riddle.

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All in one name

A group called has created a new video featuring girls as young as 6-years-old repeating the F-word over and over, ostensibly, to raise awareness of gender inequality.

According to the creators of the clip, “these adorably articulate little ladies in sparkling tiaras turn thewith words and statistics society should find shocking such as ‘payinequality’ and ‘rape.’” Note that this clip is definitely not safe for work. isn’t just another 501(c)(3) seeking attention for progressive causes. It’s a company. In fact, it’s a T-shirt company. In other words, the video of the cursing 6-year-olds is really an advertisement.

The company’s about page reads, “ is a for-profit T-shirt company with an activist heart and apassionate social change mission: arming thousands of people withpro-LGBT equality, anti-racism and anti-sexism T-shirts that act as ‘mini-billboards’ for change.”

The video has already been viewed more than half a million times thanks largely to Upworthy, the progressive video sharing site. Upworthy’s Angie Aker, who is apparently a single mom, pronounced it a “fine piece of work” without mentioning that it’s an advertisement for a for-profit T-shirt company.

Upworthy apparently did get some blow-back on the clip, not because of the content but because of a previous controversy involving There is now a disclaimer on the site saying, “FCKH8 is definitely a far-from-perfect organization, and boy, do weshare some of the concerns our audience might have with the organizationitself regarding its practices.”

That a reference to controversy surrounding a similar ad the group released last month featuring black children from Ferguson, MO reading a script about racism. The clip became controversial when some people noticed it was connected to a for profit site. A news site called ColorLines accused the group of trying to profit off “black death” and racism. Another blogger called the company “accidentally racist” and “oblivious.”

In addition, a parent of two of the children in the Ferguson clip later complained that had only paid her kids about $50 even after the clip went viral and, presumably, sold a lot of T-shirts. Luke Montgomery, who produced the clip, told the Riverfront Times the criticism made him sad and added, “It hasn’t even broken even in terms of production costs.”

As for the video of cursing kids, many of the comments on the group’s Vimeo page seem to be critical of the clip. Is there still a line between activism and for-profit advertising? seems determined to find out.

Update: The company had two versions of this clip on Vimeo. At some point they deleted one clip from Vimeo entirely and switched to a new one. They then switched to the new clip on their own site. I switched out the video above as well. Darleen Click suggests this may have been an attempt to rid themselves of all the negative comments that were accumulating on the Vimeo page.

High School kids are dumb.  They believe dumb things. They do dumb shit.  There aren’t really any exceptions.

Some High School kids commit crimes. Some High School kids do things that cause serious harm.  

Over the pandemic I’ve been watching juvenile court Judge Allen Kim as he adjudicates highschool-aged kids on everything from running away from home to marijuana, including a remarkable amount of Chuck E. Cheese based capital murders.

As a society, we cut highschool-aged kids some slack, we give them lower criminal penalties, offer counseling support, and most often expunge criminal records. 

Even in Texas court you can see the attempt to combat systemic racial stereotyping in treatment and sentencing.

This month’s series began with a tragedy at a highschool near me which resulted in the death of a Black football player and the shooting of his friends by a Latino student and his friend. 

The Latino Community will no doubt ask for compassion, leniency, and forgiveness due to the students’ ages and the history of racial strife in the suburban school district. 

It’s likely the courts and the public will take mercy for the murder as details arise.

If there’s one thing as a society we can agree must never be forgiven…


Minnesota is the home of the nation’s first teachers union strike. Like the native homeland of many of its Finnish immigrants, Minnesota is known for very high education spending. 

Despite Progressive policies (the Duluth Model, segregation, eugenics labs, rich white kids burning down Black neighborhoods for social justice, sanctuary cities, etc.) Minnesota still manages to have significant disparities that we don’t talk about. 

Well, we don’t talk about financial disparities, because that would be rude, but oh, do we talk about racial disparities, like BLONDE GIRLS ACCUSED OF USING THE N-WORD!!!

This has been a huge problem for the Black Indiginous Students of Color in three of the wealthiest, most well-funded, highest performing school districts in the country.  

Starting back in April 9 2021, in White Bear Lake,  Minnesota, a BLONDE GIRL WAS ACCUSED OF USING THE N-WORD!!!

White Bear LAKE

Local media and activists were ablaze covering the tragedy and the ensuing student walkouts, [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8] protests and the righteous indignation of students and parents in one of the best funded school districts in the country. 100’s of students, parents, and anti-racist activists from around the Twin Cities showed up to share their emotional outrage. 

Then it happened.  

The BLONDE GIRL ACCUSED OF USING THE N-WORD had the unbridled audacity to say she didn’t do it and on FOX NEWS, no less! 

Soon, this was picked up by far right news outlet, Newsweek and known conspiracy site, The Daily Mail.

Apparently her blond girl tears got the school district to do an “investigation” who said the Instagram hate-posts were “confirmed” to be by a student of color. The WHITE MALE Superintendent went on to further outrage one of the wealthiest communities in the state by calling this a “Hoax.”

As we’ve stated in an earlier article, some people consider “Hoax” to be a deeply offensive racial slur. 

Prior LAKE

In November, a video of a BLONDE GIRL ACCUSED OF USING THE N-WORD, and telling a BLACK girl to kill herself, went viral through Prior Lake High School and the nation. 

Local activists and parents once again organized student walkouts, [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10] demonstrations, and shared their collective outrage on local media.

This time she couldn’t blame it on the Black Indigenous Video Publisher of Color who was coaxing her off screen to say it.  She SAID it!  Rather than claim it was a “h0@x” she went straight for the, “My Boyfriend is Black” defense.

Classes were canceled at Prior Lake High School and a global hashtag went out demanding this BLONDE GIRL ACCUSED OF USING THE N-WORD be expelled and not accepted by any college or university.  

This BLONDE GIRL ACCUSED OF USING THE N-WORD, as an enrolled member of a Native American Tribe of this suburban Twin Cities Indian Reservation, would be entitled to tuition at any school she could get into.

Twitter alighted worldwide with the hashtags  #PriorLakeHighSchool

While this copy of the video, with 235K views containing her name and phone number was reported, Twitter has still not taken it down.  I block it out now so the white supremacists don’t try to platform her.

At a press conference, WHITE MALE Principal Dr. John Bezek said the school took “immediate action.”

WHITE District Superintendent Teri Staloch said they are “listening to the voices and the needs of our students,” and “condemning the racist” video. In a written statement she said, “Regarding the student seen in the video, that student is no longer enrolled in Prior Lake-Savage Area Schools.”

WHITE Savage Police Chief Rodney Seurer said, “We are investigating and working with the School District and the Scott’s County Attorney and our Detectives are investigating,”  after he made a point to thank everyone for coming out on “VETERANS DAY.”

Of course, he failed to acknowledge the land they were on was Stolen Indigenous Land, adjacent to still held Native Land, that is among the wealthiest 2,000 square acres pieces of land in the history of the world. He also failed to mention the Duluth Lynchings or the Sioux Uprising, which was the biggest single-day mass execution in US History.   

WHITE Scott County Communications Manager Emily Gunderson REFUSED to say whether charges would be filed.

Newly hired WHITE MALE ADJACENT, Race, Equity, and Inclusion Director, Sam Ouk, suggested the 20 people on the Racial Equity Diversity and Inclusion (REDI) Task force can not do this alone. 

Of course, they need the help and resources but didn’t say exactly what they were going to do to protect students of color in the extraordinarily well-funded majority WHITE school district.

Superintendent Teri Staloch’s statement went on to read, “To be clear, our school does not tolerate racism or hate speech. Our hearts go out to the student victim and her family. We have been in contact with them and are seeking ways to support them.”

Outraged students walked out in outrage of the continued existence of the person no longer allowed within their school district.

Full Meeting (FB | Archive) 

Outraged activists took to the extremely well funded School Board meeting.

Aspiring rapper, Lavish Mack, professional suburban white lady yeller-atter was going to make the white ladies leave the meeting using his white privilege and a bull horn, but decided to do it analog, old school. 

The victim’s relative, Elizabeth Sigin, gave a revealing, heartfelt speech at the extremely well-funded School District’s Board meeting.

“I never knew what racism was till I became a Laker,” she said. The district’s commitment to Social Emotional Learning and Equity and Inclusion was obviously working.

“You all are white and you all raise racist children … you do not care about any of us in this room, and I hope every day that your children feel what we feel … and go through everything we have to go through.”

“When I went to the middle school, Twin Oaks, there was a Confederate flag that greeted me outside the school every day.”

This clearly drives home the pain from US racism in nearly one full generation since her family emigrated to the wealthy district, barely 150 years after the end of the US Civil War.

The school board returned once again to close the meeting, when a visibly upset Elizabeth Sigin, the sister of Nya, approached them and shouted: “You do not listen to anything we have to say.”

The victim turned activist is inspired by the community support she’s received. She has received money, attention and the Minnesota Vikings made her a private guest and gave her tickets to the SuperBowl, which was racist. 

Elizabeth and Nya Sigin.[KSTP-TV]


Then, last week, we have yet another BLONDE GIRL ACCUSED OF USING THE N-WORD.   

This time she denied it again.  The WHITE school administrators tried to make her Black Indigenous Accusers of Color asking for “evidence” or “proof” before they could expel the BLONDE GIRL ACCUSED OF USING THE N-WORD.   

This time, they went right to the source.  

They once again called local activist and aspiring rapper, Lavish Mack, professional suburban white lady yeller-atter, and the call went out.  International activist Shawn King, who never dares use the N-Word also chimed in a show of support. “It’s working.  All the pressure on them is working.”

They set up a petition to have the student expelled and have her mom fired, and they were successful, they both left. 

The protest was called off for student safety.

girl | American Dictionary

We have two girls, a six-year-old and an eight-year-old.

  • Many adult women consider it offensive to be called girls by other people, esp. men, although this was common in the past, and they might still call themselves or their friends girls.

(Definition of girl from the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

Examples of girl


What happens when boys try to join in girls’ games?

Fifty-two girls and forty-three boys studied the recorder, fourteen girls and ten boys the violin, and six boys and nine girls learned guitar.

More boys than girls appeared to be concerned about the importance of friends opting for the same subjects.

The girls did pay attention, and work in classes, and the boys didn’t.

The majority of boys thought that they were better at this than girls (forty-two) and the majority of girls disagreed with this (forty-seven).

One outcome of the analysis is the development of a concept of ‘female musical subculture’ to interpret girls’ and women’s participation in the compositional world.

There was only a small, 6% difference in the overall accuracy of response given by girls versus boys.

The teachers assessed both boys and girls to be progressively more skilful, the worse the quality of provision in the school.

The bilingual children (12 boys, 9 girls; mean age 4;6 years) had three different backgrounds.

The intervention group included 13 boys and 17 girls, selected from the six classrooms that participated in the intervention, five children per classroom.

There were 13 boys and 15 girls from the preschool and 14 boys and 18 girls from the first grade.

Adolescent girls were also involved in fish-processing, helping adult women: they cleaned grills, packed fish, filled cans with different preservatives and so on.

The only sequela of the operation is then the sternotomy scar, which can cause psychological prejudice, especially in girls.

On infection, girls become normal boys and boys become normal girls.

Boys may be required to verbalize and express themselves more than girls.

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.

Collocations with girl

These are words often used in combination with girl.

Click on a collocation to see more examples of it.

adolescent girl

Adolescent girls were also involved in fish-processing, helping adult women: they cleaned grills, packed fish, filled cans with different preservatives and so on.

attractive girl

A very attractive girl, she only has small part in the episode.

baby girl

One said she would give birth to a baby boy and the other said she would give birth to a baby girl.

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.

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All girls are different and are turned on by different things, so you will need to individualize the things you say to the girl you are saying them to; however, there are a few words of advice that can turn on almost any girl, provided that you’re already dating. Make sure you have a good amount of time to talk to the girl, as a slow, sexy pace will achieve much better results than a rushed one.

  1. Image titled Turn a Girl on With Words Step 3


    Ask her a good question. Ask her something that will give her a chance to give a long answer, like «So tell me about what you did today,» or «What exciting things do you have planned for the weekend?» This will get her talking and will show her that you care.

    • Asking her a good question will show her that you’re interested in what she has to say.[1]
      Girls want to be sexy and interesting; for her, a good conversation is a way to set the tone.
    • If she answers with a short answer, pepper her with more questions, showing her you care and really want to know. You want to get her on a roll, talking about things she’s interested about, all while you’re doing a good job listening.
    • Be funny and playful, if you can. Girls love people with a sense of humor, along with people who know how to have fun.[2]
      If you’re making her laugh and keeping her on the tips of her toes, it’ll be easier to turn her on. Look up and practice some jokes you think she might like, or start developing your own inside jokes with her that you can lean on when you know you need a laugh.
  2. Image titled Turn a Girl on With Words Step 4


    Keep complimenting her, when appropriate. If she asks you how your day was, let her know that you were thinking about her. Add a slight twist by complimenting her features. Don’t make it too smutty though; something like «I couldn’t stop thinking about you and your sexy smile» does the job.

    • Keep the conversation going by asking questions about her and showing interest in her answers. The way that you start turning her on is by dropping plenty of little compliments. Make sure you think of little things to say just about her to make her feel special.
    • Girls like it when you notice something about them that they also like. So if you know she likes the color of her eyes, compliment the color of her eyes («I love the way your eyes shine when you smile»). If she likes her hair, say something like «Your hair looks so smooth and comfortable, do you know how pretty it makes you look?»[3]
    • Start making the compliments slightly more sexy.[4]
      If she is saying things like «Stop!» or «You don’t mean that» while giggling, keep giving her the sexy compliments. You’re definitely on the right path.


  3. Image titled Turn a Girl on With Words Step 5


    Start describing the not-too-scandalous things you want to do to her. Make sure that the things you are saying are sexy and romantic, not dirty and gross. Start with some ambiguous innuendos so you don’t come on too strong.[5]
    You need to build up anticipation first.

    • You will need to come up with your own suggestions, but an example might be: «If we were together, I’d run my fingers slowly through your hair while we kissed. I’d massage your back while I kissed your neck. I would lie next to you and trace my fingers over the soft curves of your beautiful body.» etc. Be creative. Using lots of imagery and imaginative words can also help.
    • Here are some other compliments that you can use: «I thought about you when I woke up today. Just like I thought about you when I went to sleep last night. You know what I was thinking about? I was thinking about us, together, curled up in bed. That makes me happy.»
    • Something else you might say: «You give me goosebumps. Every time you touch me I go crazy inside, because I know it’s only you who can do that to me. No one else does that. Even a smile from you is like a punch in the gut, but in a good way.»
  4. Image titled Turn a Girl on With Words Step 1


    Try to use your words in person. When you are getting a girl turned on using words it’s important that she can hear your voice. It can be done over text, but your words will have a much better effect if the girl you are talking to can hear the sexy tones in your voice.

    • Try to use your deepest-sounding voice when you talk to your girl. Studies show that people with deep voices have more sexual partners and that girls are more attracted to people with deep voices.[6]
      Now, that doesn’t mean you should lower your voice if it sounds unnatural, because that won’t turn your girl on. But if you’re always in the higher pitched level of your voice, try to go down to the lower level when you’re talking with your girl.
  5. Image titled Turn a Girl on With Words Step 2


    Set the mood. When you start talking to her, it’s important to set the mood for the entire conversation by saying things like «I can’t stop thinking about you,» or «I’ve been wanting to hear your voice all day.» This will help establish closeness, and let her know that you’re feeling intimate. Make sure you’re alone and in a comfortable, sexy environment; you may not want to turn her on in public.

    • Other things to say are: «I never knew it until I spent time away from you, but I missed you today,» or «You look stunning, as usual.» Keep it short and sweet; a very elaborate compliment might come off wrong or be misinterpreted by her.
    • Don’t compare her to other women. Even if what you’re saying is that she’s smarter, or prettier, or more fun to be around, avoid the comparison. She doesn’t even want you to compare her to other women, because she doesn’t want you to think about other women. She wants you to think about only her. If she thinks you may be thinking about other women, it’s a turn-off for her.
    • Have a fun, positive energy when you’re flirting with someone since it will make you more approachable and easy to talk to.[7]
  6. Image titled Turn a Girl on With Words Step 6


    Make her feel special. In your own way, make her feel like the sexiest woman alive. Get her thinking sexy thoughts about you and it’s guaranteed that she won’t stop thinking about you when the conversation is over. This is the most important thing when it comes to turning your girl on; you don’t want her to feel like a piece of meat.

    • While you try to turn her on with your words, make sure you let her see that you wouldn’t talk to just any girl this way. Let her see how lucky you feel to be with her.
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  1. Image titled Turn a Girl on With Words Step 7


    Say that you want her. One of the most basic things you can say when you want to turn up the heat are these simple words: “I want you.” You can add other variations, but saying this makes the girl see how much you want to be physically close with her and may be enough to turn her on. Look her in the eyes and show that you’re not shy about saying what you want and need. Here are some other things you can say:

    • “I want you so bad right now.”
    • “I’ve been wanting you all day long.”
    • “I’ve never wanted you so badly in my life.”
    • “That dress you’re wearing makes me want you more than ever.”
  2. Image titled Turn a Girl on With Words Step 8


    Say something nice about her body. As you move forward, you can compliment your girl’s body in a less-PG way. As long as you’re sure she’s playing along and that she would welcome compliments about parts of her body other than her face, you can start to take it up a notch by complimenting the parts of her body that turn you on. Just make sure you’re not offending her and that your comments are welcome. Here are some things you can say:

    • “Your chest looks amazing in that dress.”
    • “Your legs are incredible.”
    • “I love the way your hips are moving.”
  3. Image titled Turn a Girl on With Words Step 9


    Say what you want to do to her. Now that you’ve described what you want to do to your girl’s body, you can go a step further and tell her what you’d like to do to her body. You can be a bit more graphic if you want, but in general, just say enough to have her imagine you having your hands all over her body, which should be more than enough to turn her on. Here are some things you can say:

    • “I want to run my hand down your thighs.”
    • “I can’t wait to kiss the nape of your neck.”
    • “I want to caress and kiss every part of your body.”
    • «I want to run my hands through your hair while I kiss you.»
  4. Image titled Turn a Girl on With Words Step 10


    Say what you want her to do to you. Now, as you continue to turn your girl on with your words, you can tell her what you wish she would do to you. This would paint a sexy image in her mind and will have her turned on in no time at all. Of course, make sure she has done many of these things before so you don’t surprise her or come off sounding too graphic or explicit. Here are some things you can say to her:

    • “I want you to take my shirt off.”
    • “I want you to kiss my chest and shoulders.”
    • “I want you to get on top of me and start kissing my neck.”
  5. Image titled Turn a Girl on With Words Step 11


    Describe how she makes your body feel. If you want to turn your girl on, then you should have no shame about telling her how turned on you are just by the sight of her. She’ll be turned on just by the idea that being around her is making you turned on. Here are some ways you can tell her how she makes you feel:

    • “I am so turned on just by being around you.”
    • “You make me so excited.”
    • “My whole body is tingling just from looking at you. You have no idea how good you make me feel.”
  6. Image titled Turn a Girl on With Words Step 12


    Reveal your fantasies. Another way to turn your girl on is to tell her some fantasies you have about being with her. They can be related to role-playing, can be about explicit things you’d like to do to her or would like her to do to you, or can be about a place where you’ve always wanted to hook up. Don’t be afraid to tell her what you’ve always dreamed about and see if you can make it come true together.

    • Let her reveal her fantasies, too. This can turn both of you on even more.
  7. Image titled Turn a Girl on With Words Step 13


    Consider sending her a message later to keep her feeling sexy. Though turning your girl on with words is best done in person, you can leave her feeling sexy even after you’ve said your goodbyes by sending her a sexy text message later on in the day that shows her that you’re still thinking of her and her body. Keep it sweet and simple but also make sure there’s enough subtext to get her turned on and ready for your next encounter. Here are some things you can say:

    • “I can’t stop thinking about what happened last night. I can’t wait to see you again.”
    • “When I close my eyes, all I see is your gorgeous body.”
    • “I had such an amazing time with you last night. I can’t wait to have you in my arms again.”
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  • Don’t make a pattern of this behavior. She will begin to notice that your flattery simply means you want sex, and it could ruin a relationship pretty easily.

  • Let her feel like she is wanted, and she is interested in you. If you find her being quiet start asking her romantic questions while maybe holding her hand, but be creative. Remember, perverted things could ruin a relationship.

  • Painful silences can be avoided by going slow and only increasing the heat when she is ready.

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  • If at any point you’ve ruined the mood and the conversation is completely dead, end it. You can always try again another time.



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Article SummaryX

To turn a girl on with words, start by setting the mood by telling her “I can’t stop thinking about you,” or “I’ve been wanting to hear your voice all day.” Then, engage her in some good conversation by asking her a quality question, like “Tell me about what you did today.” Find small openings in the conversation to keep complimenting her, like telling her “My day was pretty frustrating because I couldn’t stop thinking about your sexy smile.” If she responds positively to these compliments, add some more romantic descriptions, like “I’d love to massage your back while kissing your neck.” When you’re ready to turn up the heat, tell her “I want you so bad right now.” Then, tell her what you want to do, like “I want to kiss every part of your body.” To learn how to tell her about your fantasies, keep reading!

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