Getting word count in word

Show word count

Word counts the number of words in a document while you type. Word also counts pages, paragraphs, lines, and characters.

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When you need to know how many words, pages, characters, paragraphs, or lines are in a document, check the status bar.

Partial word count

For a partial word count, select the words you want to count. The status bar shows the word count for that selection and for the entire document.

Tip: Find the number of characters, paragraphs, and lines by clicking on the word count in the status bar.
Word count detail

Count the number of characters, lines, and paragraphs

You can view the number of characters, lines, paragraphs, and other information in your Word for Mac, by clicking the word count in the status bar to open the Word Count box. Unless you have selected some text, Word counts all text in the document, as well as the characters, and displays them in the Word Count box as the Statistics.

Word count dialog box

Count the number of words in a part of a document

To count the number of words in only part of your document, select the text you want to count. Then on the Tools menu, click Word Count.

Just like the Word desktop program, Word for the web counts words while you type.

Word Count

If you don’t see the word count at the bottom of the window, make sure you’re in Editing view (click Edit Document > Edit in Word for the web).

Click the word count to switch it off and on.

Word Count Disabled

Maybe you noticed that Word for the web gives you an approximate word count. That’s because it doesn’t count words in areas like text boxes, headers, footers, and SmartArt graphics. If you need an exact count, click Open in Word, and look at the word count at the bottom of the Word document window.

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Are you looking for an easy way to check the word count in your Microsoft Word document? Word has an easy-to-use, built-in tool that keeps track of your word count in each of its versions, including desktop, mobile or online. This wikiHow article will teach you how to view the word count for a section of text or your entire document in Microsoft Word.

  1. Image titled Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word Step 1


    Launch Microsoft Word. This can be done by double clicking on the Word icon on your desktop, in your Taskbar (Windows) or Dock (Mac). If you don’t see an icon, click on the ‘Start» menu in the lower left of your PC’s screen. Click on the ‘All Programs» drop down and select Microsoft Word.[1]

    • On Mac, click on the Launchpad (a gray rocketship) icon in your dock. Type ‘Word’ in the search bar at the top of the screen.
  2. Image titled Convert a Microsoft Word Document to PDF Format Step 16


    Navigate to an existing document. To open a document, go to the File menu, and then click on Open. A dialog box will appear with a list of available documents.[2]


  3. Image titled Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word Step 3


    Select a document. In the dialog box, navigate to the document you wish to open. Select the document, and once it’s highlighted, click on Open in the lower right of the dialog box.

  4. Image titled Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word Step 4


    Select Tools. Once your document is open, select the Tools menu at the top center of the window.[3]

    • This step only applies to a MAC OS.
  5. Image titled Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word Step 5


    Scroll to Word Count. In the Tools menu dropdown, click on «Word Count.»

    • If you’re not using a Mac, you won’t see any Tools heading at the top. In this case, go to the Review tab at the top of your document. Once there, you’ll see «Word Count» on the left-hand side of the section.
  6. Image titled Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word Step 6


    Review your word count. A box will open displaying the number of words, as well as the number of characters, paragraphs, lines and pages, contained in your document.

    • In many documents, the word count is displayed live on the left side of the bottom bar of the document window. Click on this word count to get additional information, such as the number of pages and characters.
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  1. Image titled Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word Step 7


    Place your cursor at the beginning of the text you wish to count. Click on the beginning of the sentence, paragraph or section of text for which you want a word count.

  2. Image titled Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word Step 8


    Highlight the section of text. Drag your cursor to the end of the text section, which should now be highlighted in blue.

  3. Image titled Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word Step 9


    Click on the Tools menu. Select the Tools menu at the top center of the document window.

  4. Image titled Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word Step 10


    Click on Word Count. Select Word Count from the Tools menu dropdown. A box displaying the number of words, characters, lines, pages and paragraphs will appear on the screen.

    • The word count for a selected portion of text will usually be displayed in the bottom bar of your document.
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  1. Image titled Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word Step 11


    Launch the Microsoft Word mobile app. On your smartphone or tablet, tap on the Word app to launch it.

  2. Image titled Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word Step 12


    Open a document. The app will usually open the last document you were working on. If not, you will see a list of recently-opened files. Tap on the file you wish to work on.

  3. Image titled Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word Step 13


    Tap the Edit menu. Once your document is open, tap on the Edit menu (a capital «A» with a pencil icon) on top center of your screen. The Edit menu will open in the bottom half of your screen.

    • In Word for iPad, simply tap on the «Review» menu at the top center of the tablet’s screen.
  4. Image titled Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word Step 14


    Tap on «Home.» Home is located on the left side of the Edit menu bar. This will open a pop-up menu.

  5. Image titled Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word Step 15


    Tap on «Review.» The Review menu is near the bottom of the Edit menu pop-up.

  6. Image titled Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word Step 16


    Tap on «Word Count.» Word Count is near the bottom of the Review menu. When you tap it, the number of words, characters and pages in your document will be displayed.

    • In Word for iPad, word count is an icon, several lines with the numbers «123» displayed in the upper left, in the main menu bar under the Review menu.
    • Highlight a section of text by tapping on it with your fingers, then tap on Word Count to display the number of words in the highlighted portion of your document.
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  1. Image titled Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word Step 17


    Launch Word online. Navigate to and log in with your Microsoft ID and password or choose to use the free version.

  2. Image titled Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word Step 18


    Open a document. On the left side of your screen, select a recent document.

    • If you don’t see the document you want to edit, select Open from One Drive or Open from Dropbox in the lower left corner of the window.
  3. Image titled Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word Step 19


    Review the word count. Once you have an open document, check the bottom left, side of the document. The word count automatically appears in the lower scroll bar.

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  • Question

    How do I select the area to word count in Word 2016?

    Community Answer

    Highlight the passage; it should show the word count.

  • Question

    When I am in the header area, Word will not show me a word count. What can I do?

    Community Answer

    Select all of the words in the header and the word count for the words you highlighted will be displayed in the word count box on the status bar.

  • Question

    I don’t see Word Count in the lower left corner. Why not?

    Community Answer

    Right click on the status bar and click on «Word Count» so that it has a tick next to it.

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  • On Word for PC/Mac, make sure the Microsoft Word window is fully maximized. Otherwise, the window can be moved within your viewable area, and the Word Count in the lower portion of the document could be hidden.

  • To ensure the word count is always visible in your documents, select View from the Preferences menu in the upper left corner of your Mac or PC. The check the box to the left of «Live Word Count.»

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About This Article

Article SummaryX

1. Open the document.
2. Find the word count at the bottom-left corner.
3. Click the word count for more info.
4. Highlight a section to see the word count for that section.

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  • Способ 1: Строка состояния
  • Способ 2: Средства рецензирования
  • Добавление информации о количестве слов в документ
  • Вопросы и ответы

Как посчитать количество слов в Ворде

Способ 1: Строка состояния

Майкрософт Ворд считает количество слов во всем текстовом документе в фоновом режиме, по мере их ввода. Эта информация отображается в строке состояния, доступной к просмотру из любой вкладки программы, и имеет следующий вид: «Число слов: N», где N – текущее значение.

Информация о количестве слов в документе Microsoft Word

Если выделить фрагмент текста, надпись сменит свой вид на «Число слов: X из N», где X – количество слов в выделенной части, N – во всем документе.

Информация о количестве слов в фрагменте документа Microsoft Word

Нажатие на данную надпись открывает окно «Статистика», в котором указывается количество следующих элементов:

  • Страниц;
  • Слов;
  • Знаков (без пробелов);
  • Знаков (с пробелами);
  • Абзацев;
  • Строк.

Вызов окна Статистика для просмотра данных о количестве слов в документе Microsoft Word

Дополнительно можно определить, будет ли Word «Учитывать надписи и сноски». Если в текстовом файле, с которым вы работаете, есть такие элементы и их нужно или, наоборот, не нужно учитывать при подсчете общего количества слов/символов, установите или, наоборот, снимите галочку напротив этого пункта.

Читайте также: Как добавить / удалить сноски в Ворде

После ознакомления с информацией окно «Статистика» можно закрыть.

Важно! Если «Число слов» не отображается, то есть такой надписи в принципе нет в строке состояния, кликните по ней правой кнопкой мышки и отметьте галочкой соответствующий пункт в контекстном меню.

Добавление информации о числе слов в докумнете Word в строку состояния

Читайте также: Как посчитать количество символов в документе Ворд

Способ 2: Средства рецензирования

Еще один вариант просмотра информации о количестве слов в текстовом файле Word заключается в использовании средств рецензирования, посредством которых тоже можно вызвать рассмотренное выше окно «Статистика».

  1. Перейдите во вкладку «Рецензирование».
  2. Переход во вкладку Рецензирование документа Microsoft Word

  3. Нажмите на кнопку «Статистика», расположенную в группе инструментов «Правописание».
  4. Вызов окна Статистика через средства Рецензирования в документе Microsoft Word

  5. Ознакомьтесь с информацией о количество слов (и не только их) в документе.
  6. Просмотр данных о количестве слов в документе через средсва рецензирования Microsoft Word

    Читайте также: Рецензирование текстовых документов Ворд

Добавление информации о количестве слов в документ

Информацию о числе слов в документе можно вывести на любую его страницу, в любое удобное место, например, для того чтобы она отображалась в печатной версии. Логичнее всего добавлять ее в начало или конец.

  1. Установите указатель курсора (каретку) в то место текстового файла, где хотите видеть информацию о числе слов в нем, и перейдите во вкладку «Вставка».
  2. Переход во вкладку Вставка программы Microsoft Word

  3. В группе инструментов «Текст» разверните меню кнопки «Экспресс-блоки» и выберите пункт «Поле…».
  4. Добавление экспресс блока Поле в документ Microsoft Word

  5. В открывшемся окне в блоке «Поля» выберите «NumWords». Если есть такая необходимость, определите «Свойства поля», а именно его «Формат» и «Числовой формат». Сделав это, установите галочку напротив пункта «Сохранять формат при обновлении». Нажмите на кнопку «ОК» для подтверждения.
  6. Параметры поля для подсчета слов в программе Microsoft Word

    В выбранном вами месте файла появится информация о количестве слов в нем – небольшое поле с числом. Обратите внимание на то, что указанные данные могут отличаться от тех, что отображаются в строке состояния. В первую очередь это связано с тем, что программой это поле воспринимается как еще одно слово.

    Поле с информацией о количестве слов в документе Microsoft Word

    Причиной более крупных расхождений является то, что в фоновом режиме эти сведения не обновляются, то есть по мере ввода и/или редактирования текста они не будут изменяться. Для того чтобы актуализировать информацию, нажмите правой кнопкой мышки на этот блок и выберите пункт «Обновить поле». Также имеется возможность «Изменить поле» — это действие вызывает окно, через которое мы его добавляли.

    Возможность обновить и изменить поле с количеством слов в документе Microsoft Word

    Можно сделать и так, чтобы Word автоматически обновлял сведения в данном блоке перед печатью. Для этого через меню «Файл» программы перейдите в ее «Параметры», откройте вкладку «Отображение» и в блоке «Параметры печати» установите отметку напротив пункта «Обновлять поля перед печатью». Для подтверждения и закрытия окна нажмите «ОК».

    Отображать поле с числом слов при печати документа Microsoft Word

    Читайте также: Печать документов в Майкрософт Ворд

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Get an accurate character count and word count in Microsoft Word

Updated on October 4, 2019

When you work on blog posts, technical manuals, academic papers, and other documents, you may need to know how many words are in the document or the number of characters in the title. Microsoft Word contains multiple ways to get an accurate count of the number of words or characters in a document. Word also calculates the number of words or characters in selected blocks of text.

Instructions in this article apply to Word for Microsoft 365, Word 2019, Word 2016, Word 2013, Word 2010, and Word Online.

How to Display Word Count in Microsoft Word

To turn on the word count in Word:

  1. Open Word.

  2. Right-click the Status bar at the bottom of the window.

  3. Select Word Count.

  4. The word count for the entire document displays in the Status bar.

    In Word Online, if the word count doesn’t display at the bottom of the window, select Edit Document and choose Edit in Word for the web.

  5. To display the word count for a particular selection, highlight the text you want to count.

How to Get Detailed Information on Word Count

To view more detailed information about the word count:

  1. Open the Word document.

  2. Go to the Review tab.

  3. In the Proofing group, choose Word Count.

  4. The Word Count dialog box lists the number of pages, word count, character count, paragraph count, and line count. You can opt not to include text boxes, footnotes, and endnotes.

How to View Word Count in Microsoft Word With a Shortcut

To use a keyboard shortcut to view the word count and other information:

  1. Open the Word document.

  2. Press Ctrl+Shift+G.

  3. In the Word Count dialog box, clear the Include text boxes, footnotes and endnotes checkbox if you don’t want to include these in the word count.

  4. Select Close when you’re finished.

In Word for Mac, to count part of the words in a document, select the text you want to count, go to the Tools menu, then select Word Count.

How to Show the Word Count in a Field

Another way to display the word count of a document in Word is to add a field to the document.

To display the word count in a field:

  1. Place the cursor where you want the word count to appear.

  2. Go to the Insert tab.

  3. In the Text group, select Quick Parts, then choose Field.

  4. In the Field names list, choose NumWords, then select OK.

  5. Right-click the field and select Update Field to update the word count.

Word updates the word count automatically when you print the file. Select File > Options > Display, then go to the Printing options section and select Update fields before printing.

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Here, we’ll take a look at how to find the word count in Microsoft word, which allows you to keep track of the number of words in your document. 

When you’re using Microsoft Office to type documents, it’s likely that you don’t need all of the features that Word has to offer. Page numbers, page count, and text boxes can help you organize your writing, but the word count tool is one of the essential tools for keeping track of the length of your Microsoft Word document before and during the proofing process. 

Finding the word count of your entire document is simple. Usually, the word count appears on the lower-left area of the document as you type. If the word count is not visible, click Review on the toolbar, then click word count. After you click word count, the word count dialog box will appear. This box will show you a breakdown of the words and characters used in your document.


  • Finding The Word Count And Character Count In Word
  • Selected Text
  • Google Docs
  • Final Word On Where Word is Count In Word
  • FAQ On Where Is Word Count In Word
  • Author

Finding The Word Count And Character Count In Word

How to find the word count in Microsoft Word?

When you’re trying to hit a specific word count in a Word document, it’s essential that you’re able to keep an eye on your progress. 

Finding the word count in your Word document is usually pretty simple, as you can keep an eye on the status bar in the bottom left area of your Word document. Usually, this is a simple way to watch your word count climb as you complete your work. 

Word count in Microsoft word

You can use your cursor to click on the review tab in the toolbar of your Word document

In some versions of Word, you may not be able to see the word count of your document in the bottom left area of the document. In this case, you can use your cursor to click on the review tab in the toolbar of your Word document. This will bring up a pop-up dialogue box that tells you the number of words and the number of characters in your document. 

Usually, Word works the same on a PC as it does on a Mac, but you may have to get used to some slight difference when you switch operating systems (such as looking for the word count and the number of pages in a different place than you’re used to). 

Selected Text

Sometimes, you don’t need to know the word count of an entire document. Instead, you may only need to see the word count of a particular section of selected text. For example, this may be true if you’re only working through a small part of a document at a time and need to hit a specific word count per section (such as a 500-word introduction to a paper). 

Google Docs

Sometimes, it can be easier to work on a document in Google Docs instead of Microsoft Word. There are many similarities between the two programs, but some of the dropdown menu options are different. 

To find the total word count for your work in a Google doc, navigate to the tools option of the menu bar and select word count from the dropdown menu. When you click on the word count option, you’ll get a pop-up box that shows the total number of words in your document. 

You’ll also notice that Google docs offer a helpful option to view the word count of your document as you continue to work. Just like the bottom-left section of a Word document, checking the option to view your word count continuously as you work allows you to keep an eye on how long you have to go before you hit your desired document length. 

Final Word On Where Word is Count In Word

There’s no need to spend tons of time trying to navigate the tools menu to show word count in Microsoft Word. In most cases, the word count is displayed readily (no need to watch fancy tutorials, use apps, or learn keyboard shortcuts to figure out how to see the number of words in your document). 

If you are using Microsoft Word for your writing project, you might be interested in learning how to install Grammarly on Word also. 

FAQ On Where Is Word Count In Word

Is the word count displayed automatically in a Word document?

In most cases, yes. You should be able to see the word count of your document in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen. 

How can I find the word count if it isn’t displayed on the bottom left?

Click on the Review tab in the menu bar and select word count.

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