Getting to know each other in one word

getting to know each other — перевод на русский

We shall have to get to know each other all over again.

Теперь нам придется заново узнать друг друга.

I think we ought to get to know each other better, Daphne.

Думаю, нам следует узнать друг друга получше, Дафна.

— To get to know each other again.

— Снова узнать друг друга.

Give us a chance to get to know each other, eh?

Дайте нам шанс узнать друг друга, ага?

Your mother thought it would be a good way for us to get to know each other.

Твоя мать подумала, что это будет лучшим способом узнать друг друга.

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It’ll give us a chance to get to know each other a little better.

Это даст нам шанс получше узнать друг друга.

I mean, even if Sarah and I do love each other, maybe we did need more time to get to know each other.

А то, что даже если мы с Сарой и любим друг друга, наверное, надо было подождать и получше узнать друг друга.

«and we could get to know each other better.

«и мы могли бы получше узнать друг друга.

And what we should be doing right now is getting to know each other.

А для нас сейчас самое главное — получше узнать друг друга.

You need to get to know each other better… and then you can be comfortable going all the way with it.

Вам надо получше узнать друг друга… и тогда вам станет гораздо проще.

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Do you want to stay and get to know each other?

Ты хочешь остаться и познакомиться поближе?

Yeah, get to know each other.

Ага, познакомиться поближе.

Come on, Alice… now we can really get to know each other.

Не стесняйся, Элис… теперь мы можем познакомиться поближе.

I just thought it’d be fun if we had beers and got to know each other.

Было бы неплохо взять пива и познакомиться поближе.

— A month. We ought to get to know each other better.

Тогда нам нужно познакомиться поближе.

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We’ll get to know each other. Take a risk!

Плаза завтрак по-английски познакомимся по-настоящему.


давай познакомимся и посмотрим что получится.

Let’s get to know each other first.

Давай сначала познакомимся.

Yeah, there is… Let’s get to know each other a little bit first.

Да, есть -давай сначала познакомимся получше.

Let’s get to know each other.

Давайте познакомимся.

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You’re supposed to get to know each other.

Казалось, вы должны лучше узнать друг друга.

My two favorite girls, making an effort to get to know each other. How great is that?

Две мои любимые девочки хотят лучше узнать друг друга, правда мило?

It wouldn’t hurt to get to know each other.

Не мешало бы лучше узнать друг друга.

We can still get to know each other…

Мы можем еще лучше узнать друг друга

It’s just a chance for us to get to know each other.

Это просто шанс лучше узнать друг друга.

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Because I was hoping that you and I could get to know each other better.

Потому что я надеялся, что мы могли бы узнать друг друга поближе.

You’re getting to know each other.

Вы собираетесь узнать друг друга поближе.

To eat, talk, and get to know each other better.

Поужинать, поговорить и узнать друг друга поближе.

I just thought, you know, maybe we could get to know each other.

И я просто подумал, может нам стоило узнать друг друга поближе.

I know you probably want to talk and get to know each other.

Знаю, ты, наверное, хочешь поговорить, узнать друг друга поближе.

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Please get to know each other. Don’t be bothered that you speak different tongues.

Прошу познакомиться друг с другом и не беспокойтесь, что почти у всех из вас разные родные языки.

Getting to know each other with playful banter.»

Познакомиться друг с другом в шуточной беседе»

You know, get to know each other, just talk more about this.

Познакомиться друг с другом и просто побольше поговорить об этом.

Getting to know each other a little bit better, it’s not gonna stop us from saving the world.

Познакомиться друг с другом немного ближе не помешает нам в спасении мира.

..let’s just take the day off and get to know each other and.. ..also bid farewell to the one and only M.

Я не умею произносить речи… давайте сегодня просто познакомимся друг с другом, …и попрощаемся с единственным и неповторимым Эм!

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Well, get to know each other better.

Ну, знакомьтесь, товарищи!

You’ll have plenty of time to get to know each other.

Знакомьтесь, доктор Бёргс и доктор Смит.

And if we’re getting to know each other, I guess I should tell you they’re both dead.

И раз уж мы знакомимся, стоит отметить, что они оба погибли.

We’re just getting to know each other — even more. — Mm-hmm.

Как раз знакомимся ещё ближе.

I’ll let you get to know each other.

А вы пока знакомьтесь.

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Well, now that everything has been cleared up, maybe we could talk… get to know each other a little?

Ну, после того как теперь все прояснилось, может, мы можем поговорить… узнать немного друг о друге?

We’ll have plenty of time to get to know each other when I visit you in prison.

Мы успеем узнать побольше друг о друге когда я стану посещать тебя в тюрьме.

It’s been my experience that the prejudices people feel about each other disappear when they get to know each other.

Люди избавляются от предубеждений, когда ближе узнают тех, против кого они направлены.

But she won’t say hello. We have to get to know each other.

Но ты еще не знаешь Яся, не знаешь Яся, но узнаешь.

Now we’ve gotten to know each other and helped each other out, maybe we could share information about…

А теперь, когда мы узнали и помогли друг другу,… может, мы могли бы делиться информацией.

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For two people who started off as enemies, it seems we get to know each other pretty well.

Для двух людей, которые начинали врагами, похоже, мы знаем друг друга довольно хорошо.

I know we’re just getting to know each other and we really don’t know where this is going, but I just really feel like I should tell you this.

Я понимаю, что мы еще не знаем друг друга хорошо и совсем не знаем, к чему это все приведет но я действительно считаю, что должен тебе это сказать

I’m sorry we haven’t gotten to know each other.

Мне жаль, что мы не знаем друг друга.

«When two people get to know each other too well,

«Когда два человека знают друг друга слишком хорошо, приходит время расставаться…

The two of you… Never got to know each other in any traditional sense.

Вы двое…по сути друг друга и не знали.

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Смотрите также

  • узнать друг друга
  • получше узнать друг друга
  • познакомиться поближе
  • познакомимся
  • лучше узнать друг друга
  • узнать друг друга поближе
  • познакомиться друг с другом
  • знакомьтесь
  • узнать
  • знаем друг друга

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

узнаем друг друга

узнавая друг друга

знакомства друг с другом

знакомство друг с другом

познакомиться друг с другом

узнают друг друга

узнавали друг друга

узнавания друг друга

знакомимся друг с другом

познания друг друга

получше узнать друг друга

знакомитесь друг с другом

узнали друг друга

чтобы лучше узнать друг друга

начали узнавать друг друга

We’re still getting to know each other, learning all these little things.

I’m really happy that we’re getting to know each other.

This is a great game for getting to know each other.

The event started with getting to know each other.

Little by little I am gaining the confidence of my team-mates and we’re getting to know each other better.

Понемногу я завоевываю доверие моих товарищей по команде, и мы узнаем друг друга лучше.

We’re getting to know each other and adapting to each other.

At the start of the season while we are all getting to know each other.

It’s too soon to think about marriage, we’re still getting to know each other.

Later JYP confirmed that they were in the process of getting to know each other.

They are getting to know each other more with good feelings.

В настоящее время они узнают друг друга, обмениваясь между собой хорошими чувствами».

Just getting to know each other.

So we found ourselves in the living room getting to know each other.

They continued to talk for some time, getting to know each other.

Avoid misunderstanding and keep getting to know each other better.

Building a deep personal relationship precedes business; therefore you can expect your first meeting to be largely about getting to know each other.

Построение глубоких личных отношений предшествует бизнесу; поэтому ожидайте, что ваша первая встреча будет в основном направлена на то, чтобы узнать друг друга.

It involves neighbors getting to know each other and preventing crime by being aware of what is happening in their neighborhoods.

Это предполагает, что соседи узнают друг друга и предотвращают преступность, зная, что происходит в их окрестностях.

The funded grad students had shared offices, which naturally led to them getting to know each other.

Накопительной студентов имели общий офисы, что, естественно, привело к их знакомство друг с другом.

The soldiers spend the first day and night getting to know each other.

and invest time in getting to know each other

We decided we didn’t want to jeopardize our relationship by getting to know each other too well.

Мы решили, что не хотим ставить под угрозу наши отношения пока не узнаем друг друга достаточно хорошо.

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In these little communities we create the group consciousness of the festival through special

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В этих небольших сообществах, используя специальные упражнения и медитации, делясь информацией,

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Мы решили, что не хотим ставить под угрозу наши отношения пока не узнаем друг друга достаточно хорошо.

It’s not about talking


lessen tensions, but talking about the problems and

possible shared solutions as a way of people eventually getting to know each other and building trust with one another.


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Речь идет не о разговорах, призванных снизить напряженность между сторонами, а об обсуждении

проблем и возможных совместных действий- именно таким образом люди, в конечном итоге, узнают друг друга и укрепляют доверие





The workshops provide a forum for communication and the exchange of experiences and for getting to know each other better-

and not only between the target countries themselves but also between them and the OECD expert speakers from around the world.


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Сами семинары представляют собой форум для общения и обмена опытом, а также для того,

речь идет об общении между ними и экспертами ОЭСР со всего мира, которые выступают на семинарах




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Results: 30,
Time: 0.0909





Whenever you have a group of people together, they need to get to know each other before participating in the event, activity, or project you have planned. This does not only mean just learning each other’s names, but also involves getting the leader familiar with the group members. Additionally, the group needs to become comfortable working together. Our group of fun get to know you games provides activities to meet all three of these requirements. We have divided our list by ages to make it easy for you to find the perfect activity for any occasion.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Get to Know You Games for Kids
    • 1.1 Kiss the Kids!
    • 1.2 Name Tapping
    • 1.3 My Bear
    • 1.4 Our Names Book
  • 2 Get to Know You Games for Adults
    • 2.1 Cocktail Party
    • 2.2 Commonality
    • 2.3 Seven Word Biographies
    • 2.4 Pillow Toss Name Game
  • 3 Get to Know You Games for Teens
    • 3.1 Octopus Tag
    • 3.2 Who Am I?
    • 3.3 Name and Number Game
    • 3.4 Find Another Seat
    • 3.5 Human Pizza
  • 4 Get To Know You Activities
    • 4.1 Who Is This?
    • 4.2 Acrostic Poem
    • 4.3 About Me Shield
    • 4.4 It’s What I Like About You
    • 4.5 Inside, Outside Circle
    • 4.6 Name and Action
    • 4.7 Related Posts

Get to Know You Games for Kids

Kiss the Kids!

For this easy getting-to-know-you activity for kids, you will need some chocolate kisses and a set of age-appropriate questions. Begin with the children seated randomly or in a circle. The leader asks questions and if a student can respond positively, they stand up. You can stop at any time or wait until all the kids are standing. At that point, say, “Everyone needs at least one kiss a day!” and give each participant a candy “kiss.” You can use the following list of questions or make up some of your own:

  • If you traveled to another state or country for your last vacation, stand up.
  • If you have a brother (sister), sit down. If you are the youngest (oldest) of all the children in your family, stand up.
  • If you own a pet, sit down.
  • If you have a sister, stand up.
  • If your family owns a computer, sit down.
  • If you live in an apartment, stand up.
  • If you are in ____ grade, stand up.
  • If you have blond (brown or black) hair stand up. (You can use this as the last question and use all three colors if you wish to give a chocolate kiss to every child playing.)

Name Tapping

A fun game for learning everyone’s name, this kid’s icebreaker game takes no advance preparation or materials. It is particularly good if you have a few new members joining a group. The children sit in a circle facing each other. Choose one child to be “It” first. This child walks around the outside of the circle tapping the heads of the other children, saying their names. The leader can prompt this child, if necessary. Choose a group name – the name of a flower works well. The second time around the circle, if there is a name the child playing “it” cannot remember, they can say the group name. The child whose name is not remembered becomes “it.” They now walk around the outside of the circle tapping heads and saying names. Continue until all the children appear to know the names of all the group members.

My Bear

A get-to-know-you icebreaker game, you will need a printout of a bear or other animal suitable for coloring and crayons or colored pencils. The goal of this activity is to help each child realize how unique they are and to share with other children in the group. The leader will ask questions and the answer determines which color the children will use to color a particular part of the animal’s body. For younger children, use fewer questions.

  • Do you have any sisters or brothers? If you have a sister, color the animal’s tummy red. If you have a brother, color it blue. If you have both a sister and a brother, color the animal’s tummy purple.
  • Do you have any pets? If yes, color the animal’s feet green. If no, color the animal’s feet black.
  • What do you like to do most, read a book or draw a picture? If you like to read a book, color the animal’s nose grey. If you like to draw a picture, color the animal’s feet orange.
  • Do you like summer or winter best? If you like summer best, color the animal’s fur brown. If you like winter best, leave the animal’s fur white.
    When the children are finished, have them look at one another’s animals and spot similarities and differences.

Our Names Book

Although not really a game, we have included this activity because it is such a good getting-to-know-you activity for a group of children. Give each child a thin, long rectangle of colorful paper. Also, provide a supply of crafty materials – crayons, glitter glue, ribbon, buttons, etc. Have the children write their names in big letters on their strip of paper and then decorate it any way they like. After the children finish their creations, have them share what they have designed. Then, when all the glue has dried, staple the pages together inside a colorful cover. This works especially well for a class or group that meets more than once. As new kids join the group, they can add a page to the “book.”

Get to Know You Games for Adults

Get to Know You Games for Adults

Cocktail Party

A roll-playing game that is fun, Cocktail Party quickly loosens participants up, relieves social tensions, and helps one learn about themselves and others. This game involves pretending to meet people under different circumstances and acting out how you would talk and act in a given situation. Players should begin by introducing themselves. Suggest some questions participants can use in their conversations such as:

  • Hi, how are you?
  • What kind of work do you do?
  • Where are you from?
  • Do you like the food (carpet, curtains, music, etc.)?
  • How long are you staying?

Suggested situations are the cocktail party (of course), on the beach, in a nightclub, at the funeral of a mutually loved friend or family member, as competing athletes before tennis match, and as prisoners arriving in jail.


An icebreaker game that helps people meet others with whom they have things in common, this game works well for dividing people into teams. Provide a paper and pencil for each player. If you know all of the participants, you can save some time by listing their names on paper beforehand and pass these papers out. Explain that everyone has something in common – at least one thing – with everyone else in the room and their job is to discover commonalities. The players are to mingle and find others with whom they have something in common. It should not be things that are visible, such as hair color or clothing worn. It should be something intangible, such as, “I met a President of the United States.” The winner is the first person to find something in common with all the other players. If you wish to use this game to form teams, set a number of commonalities and when people have found the set number, they form a team.

Seven Word Biographies

A challenging and fun icebreaker game, the goal is for players to write their life story in seven words exactly. Begin by passing out paper and a pen or pencil for each player. Tell players to think carefully and use words that will sum up their life experiences. The stories will end up cryptic and very interesting. The listeners are bound to ask for elaboration and each player has two minutes to answer questions or tell more about their life. You may have such “biographies” as the following:

  • Jail time, reformed, married, millionaire, happy!
  • Jobless, college graduation, success, married, divorced, France.

Pillow Toss Name Game

As the name implies, you will need a small pillow for this game. The goal of this icebreaker game is for players to learn the names of the group. There are four stages to this game:

  1. Have the players form a circle. Have one person begin, throwing the pillow to another person as they say their name. The person who catches the pillow says his or her name and quickly throws the pillow to someone else. Keep doing this until everyone has said his or her own name several times.
  2. Have the players hold the pillow, say someone else’s name, and throw the pillow to that person. Repeat this until each person receives the pillow several times.
  3. Have players throw the pillow, saying the name of the person and whom they should throw it to next. For example, “Dave, throw the pillow to Susan.” When Dave catches the pillow, he will throw it to Susan, who will name someone else, and who that person needs to toss the pillow to.
  4. Give players the opportunity to name everyone in the group.

If you wish, you can have players say their names and favorite person, place, or thing to end the game.

Get to Know You Games for Teens

Get to Know You Games for Teens

Octopus Tag

A fun and frantic variation of tag, you will need a large area with boundaries set. This game pairs hand-in-hand teens. One pair begins as “It” and runs to catch another pair. Once they catch a pair, they join the first pair. At this point, only the people at the end of the line may tag others. However, if the line breaks, a catch is invalid. Also, if a running pair breaks their hold or runs out of bounds, they are automatically caught. If you have a very large group, you can start with two or more pairs serving as “It” and use this as a team game.

Who Am I?

Give each teen a 3 x 5 card and have them write their name at the top and four things about themselves they are sure no one else in the room knows. Collect the cards and hand out paper and pencils to each player. Give everyone a lined piece of paper and tell the teens to number each line. Read the cards one at a time and have the teens write down to which they believe the card is referring. When you have read all the cards, have the teens exchange papers, and read the correct answers for the teens to check the sheets. Whoever has the most right answers is the winner.

Name and Number Game

Another game using 3 x 5 cards, this icebreaker game will help teens get to know each other and get the group ready for whatever activity or event comes next. When teens first arrive, provide each with an index card. On one side, have them write their name and on the other side, give them a number. Make sure you keep a master list of everyone’s number and name. Have teens mingle, introducing themselves to each other. Make sure you tell them to meet as many other teens as possible. After everyone arrives, give the players a few minutes to mingle. Then have each guest turn their nametag around so only their number is showing. Give each teen a piece of paper with only the numbers on it and have them fill in the names of each person next to their number. The winner is the one who get the most names right.

Find Another Seat

A fun and active game, Find Another Seat takes quick thinking. Have the teens sit on chairs in a circle, with one chair missing. The teen without a chair stands in the middle and tells their name. Then the teen calls out a characteristic, or color or type of clothing. For example, the teen may call out, “Everyone wearing orange!” All the teens who are wearing orange must get up and find another seat, but not one immediately to their right or left. The teen in the middle races to grab a seat and the person left standing becomes the next caller in the middle.

Human Pizza

An icebreaker game that works well for a larger group of teens, you need to prepare ahead of time. Using 3 x 5 cards, write pizza ingredients on each card making sure you have enough for each teen. All the ingredients needed to make one pizza will make up one team. Tape the cards to the teen’s backs, making sure they do not know which ingredient they have. They are to form themselves into groups with each group having all the ingredients and toppings for a pizza. The trick is, they must do so asking only “yes” or “no” questions. The first group to do so is the “winner.” You can use the assembled teams for other games and activities.

Our fun collection of fun get to know you games not only will help you learn the names of the members of a group, but also help them learn each other’s names. Additionally, many of the games help people know something about other group members. Have fun using and sharing this collection of getting-to-know-you icebreaker games.

Get To Know You Activities

Get To Know You Activities

Having a few well-planned “get to know you games” will add laughter and fun to any party, the first day of school or camp, or any size group for people of all ages!

A list of supplies is mentioned at the beginning of each game if needed.

Who Is This?

You will need: paper, pencils, blank paper, something like a magazine or file folder, or a table, etc. to give the artists a hard surface to lay their paper to draw; pre-cut slips of paper, and a master list of each person’s name

This game is especially great as a shower game, or the first day of school for children and teens 8 years and older, and adults. It helps to have everyone in a big circle for this activity.

Write a master list with every person’s name, and write each person’s name on a slip of paper. Put the slips of papers with names in a bag or bowl and have each person pick a paper.

Make sure that everyone in the circle has either been introduced or is wearing a name tag. Each person has to draw a picture of the person whose name they drew. Remind the artists to add details (glasses, earrings, jewelry, patterns or pictures on clothes), that might help other people guess who that person is.

  1. Artists cannot tell anyone who they are drawing. Once a person has finished drawing, the leader takes the picture, quietly finds out the name of the person in the picture, and gives that paper a number. The leader writes the same number by that person’s name on the master list.
  2. Hand everyone a blank paper and have them number their paper, for example: number to 25, if there are 25 people playing the game. To begin, give each person a picture to guess, and have them write the person’s name on their paper by the number written on the picture. Players will pass their picture to the person next to them on the leader’s signal. Each picture will be passed to each person in the circle.
  3. When every picture has been seen by every player and the names written on each person’s paper; then it is time for the leader to read the correct numbers and the person that goes with that number. The person(s) who get the most correct win the game.

Acrostic Poem

You will need: paper and a pencil or pen for each person in the group. Something like a magazine, a file folder, or a table, etc. to give the writers a hard surface to lay their paper to write

This activity works extremely well for the first days of school, or at the beginning of the “get to know you” games. It can be used with ages 8 and older.

Each person writes his or her name going down the paper only using capital letters for each letter. Then, he or she writes attributes, strengths, or funny things that begin with that letter. These are written on the line next to the letter that begins those words.


Takes 3 point shots and makes them             Kind and funny

You know I love cheeseburgers                       Everyone’s friend

Sisters make me crazy                                                I don’t like cats

Only boy in my family                                        Rainbows are my favorite

Nice to everyone                                               Airplane trip is my goal

The Acrostic poems can be shared in small groups or table groups. Depending on the group size, they can also be shared with the whole group

About Me Shield

You will need: examples of shields for demonstration, paper, pencils, or colored markers; something like a magazine, file folder, or a table, etc. to give the artists a hard surface to lay their paper to draw;

  1. Hand out a paper and a pencil to each person, or let them share colored markers for this “get to know you” activity. Children ages 4 through adults can successfully complete this activity. For younger children, I would have copied a picture of a shield with the four boxes ready for them to use, with extra copies if needed. Older children and adults are able to draw and divide the shield themselves.
  2. Each person draws a large shield on a paper, and divides it into 4 parts. In the first box, have each of them draw or write something they like to do (a hobby). Next, in the second box, each person can draw or write something(s) they love. In the third box, everyone will draw or write a place they like to go, or would like to visit. And, in the fourth box, each person will write or draw a picture of their favorite movie, or TV show.
  3. There are several ways to share each person’s shield, depending on the size of the group and the ages of the people: partner sharing, small group or table sharing, or whole group if it is possible, for each person to share their shield information with the entire group.

It’s What I Like About You

You will need: cardstock-heavy paper sheets with the title, “It’s What I Like About You,” at the top, and a blank for the person’s name ; 2 holes, one on each side, punched at the top of the paper; and a long piece of string or yarn to tie at each punched hole, and go around a person’s neck and hang down their back; and a pen or pencil

This is a wonderful way to end a “get to know you” group experience when everyone is comfortable and familiar with each other. It works best for ages 8 and above. I have done this activity with older children, teenagers, and adults, and it works beautifully with every group.

Each person gets a paper with the string or yarn attached ready to begin. Have every person in the group write his or her name on the blank of their paper, and put the paper so it hangs down their back with the string around their neck.

Tell the group that they are going to move around the area and write strengths, funny or nice things on as many papers as they would like; while letting everyone who wants to, write strengths or nice things on their paper do so. Make sure that each person understands that only kind, positive things can be written on the papers. They cannot write mean or rude comments. Help each person to understand that the object of this “get to know you” activity is to help each person feel good about themselves.

The person writing can sign their name, or leave their message unsigned. If your group is young, brainstorm examples of kind and nice things to write; so that it might be a self-esteem building experience for everyone. It may help younger children to have their brainstorm ideas written down for the group to see and use for ideas. I have done this activity three times myself, and each paper is a treasure of my strengths and good things that others see in me.

Inside, Outside Circle

Inside, Outside Circle

You will need: questions prepared ahead of time to ask your group as they share with each other.


  • Where is a place that you would love to go? Why?
  • Would you rather sail across the ocean, or fly in an airplane? Why?
  • If you could, would you rather live in the old west, or in the future? Why?
  • Who is a person living now, that you would like to meet? Why?
  • Would you rather go to a movie, or stay home and watch TV? Why?
  • What would you do if you won a million dollars?
  • What is something you like about yourself?
  • If you could be any animal, what would it be? Why?

This “get to know you game” takes a few minutes to move people to the inside circle facing out, or around the outside circle facing in, but it is worth it! Pair up each person in the inside circle with a person on the outside circle. If there is an odd number of people, one of the leaders can be the partner needed.

Ask the inside people to tell their partners the answer to the question. Outside partners only listen to their partner now. Then, ask the outside circle to move two people to the right, and to tell their answer of the same question, to the new inside partner who is just listening. Give each group about 30 seconds to one minute to tell their answer to the question.

Keep the circles moving so that each person gets to listen and to share ideas with different people. Move three to the left, answer a question; move one to the right, answer a question. etc. The challenge for the leader calling directions and moves, is to not pair people together that have already been partners.

Be aware to end the game before players lose interest or run out of new people to have as a partner.

Name and Action

Children, teens, and adults enjoy this game because it gives each person a chance to be noticed and remembered. If your group is more than 12 – 15 people, divide the people into two groups.

Let your group(s) know that they will say their name, and demonstrate some type of an action that the group can do. Start with a leader who can demonstrate what to do.

Example: “My name is Michael,” (action) swings a pretend baseball bat. The next person does player one’s name and action, “Michael,” (action) swings a pretend baseball bat. Then, adds his or her own name and action, “I’m Nichole,” (action) does a dance move. The third person begins with player one and two’s names and actions “Michael,” swings a baseball bat. “Nichole,” does the dance move. Then says his or her own name and does the action, “My name is Brittany,” (action) sings in an opera-like voice, etc.

Remembering and telling each player’s name and action continue around the circle until everyone has had a turn The last person will tell the name and do the action of every person in the circle beginning with the first person, and ending with their name and action.

Susan Mann

Susan majored in English with a double minor in Humanities and Business at Arizona State University and earned a Master’s degree in Educational Administration from Liberty University. She taught grades four through twelve in both public and private schools. Subjects included English, U.S. and world history and geography, math, earth and physical science, Bible, information technologies, and creative writing.

Susan has been freelance writing for over ten years, during which time she has written and edited books, newspaper articles, biographies, book reviews, guidelines, neighborhood descriptions for realtors, Power Point presentations, resumes, and numerous other projects.

Read full bio

In this article you will learn:

  • A scientifically proven questionnaire with 36 questions that make people fall in love.
  • Flirty, funny and deep questions to get to know him, and each other more passionately.
  • How a questions game can help you form a deeper connection with someone.
  • 34 things you can ask to get to know his inner personality. (Works great both on a date and in your relationship.)
  • The “Lilla” list of 31 crazy questions to break the ice, and get to know each other better on a date.

How to get to know someone better by asking flirty, funny and deep questions

Couple talkSo you want to get to know him better? That’s cool.

But sometimes that’s more difficult than it seems.

Because at times, you simply don’t know what to ask a guy to really get to know him better.

Let’s say that you’re on a first date and you’ve covered the standards. You know what he does for a living and what his hobbies are.

But then the conversation dies off a little bit. Maybe you don’t know what to say, or the answers he gives are not all that interesting.

Use this First Aid Kit with 101 get-to-know-you questions

First Aid Kit

Here is a first aid kit for you. A list that’s always available whenever you need them.

You can use them when you are on a date, chatting with a guy online, or if you want to get to know each other better in your relationship.

I’m sure you’ve had moments in your life when you’ve had an incredibly boring conversation with a guy. You know how uncomfortable that can be. But with this list, you have plenty to talk about for weeks.

One great way of using them is as an icebreaker or questions game.

For example, you can take turns asking each other a question to get to know each other more passionately. That’s quite a fun game to play on dates or also at home with your man.

But before I start with the list, I have to mention something.

If you often suffer from uncomfortable dates or superficial conversations, it may be due to asking the wrong things.

For many people, a date then turns into a job interview where all kinds of facts are discussed.

This is because people often ask the following type of questions:

  • About work
  • About facts (such as your favorite restaurant, etc)
  • Or about hobbies

What’s the problem with these topics?

Not that much in theory. But the thing is that everyone always asks about these topics, and the conversation doesn’t move forward.

And you don’t really get to know each other better by asking them.

If you want to do that, you need to be asking the right questions.

You will have a much more exciting conversation with him when you talk about:

  • Passions and dreams
  • (Crazy) Character attributes
  • Desires and wishes

Actually, all questions regarding his personality work very well. When you talk about these subjects you get to know each other on a deeper level, and you build a connection faster. It also makes for a much more fun conversation.

Don’t worry if you don’t think men want to talk about these things, we love to talk about ourselves.

And to help you get started, here are 101 questions that you can ask him.

The “Arthur Aron” list: 36 questions that can make you fall in love

Couple says goodbyeIt may sound a little crazy, but this is a questionnaire that can make you fall in love with someone. Psychologist Arthur Aron used this questionnaire to make two people fall in love in his laboratory.

He came up with this experiment:

You sit across from the other person and ask each other 36 questions.

The idea behind it is that you get to know each other better because you both have to open up and be vulnerable. The last part of the test is to look at each other in the eyes for four minutes.

One thing that happened is that a number of his test subjects actually got into a relationship afterward.

Since then, this list has been used in hundreds of studies and become world-famous. A reporter from the New York Times recently said that she fell in love with someone by using these questions.

Cool, right?

The love questions are listed below. They’re divided into three sets, each of which is a little more intimate than the previous one.

But beware. It’s scary how well this works, and there’s a good chance that you’ll fall in love (over 50% do in some studies).

 Here are the 36 questions that can make you fall in love:

  1. Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?
  2. Would you like to be famous? In what way?
  3. Before you call someone, do you ever rehearse what you’re going to say? Why?
  4. What would a perfect day look like for you?
  5. When did you last sing to yourself? Or to someone else?
  6. If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the mind or the body of a 30-year-old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you want?
  7. Do you have a secret hunch about how you’ll die?
  8. Name three things you and your partner have in common.
  9. For what in your life do you feel most grateful?
  10. If you could change the way you were raised, what would it be?
  11. Take four minutes and tell your partner your life story in as much detail as possible.
  12. If you could wake up tomorrow having gained one quality or ability, what would it be?
  13. If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future or anything else, what would you want to know?
  14. Is there something you’ve dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven’t you done it?
  15. What’s the greatest achievement of your life?
  16. What do you value most in a friendship?
  17. If you had to choose one, what’s your most treasured memory?
  18. What’s your most terrible memory?
  19. If you knew that in a year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you’re now living? Why?
  20. What does friendship mean to you?
  21. What roles do love and affection play in your life?
  22. Alternate sharing something you consider a positive characteristic of your partner. Share a total of five things.
  23. How close and warm was your family? Do you feel your childhood was happier than most other people’s?
  24. How do you feel about your relationship with your mother?
  25. Make three true “we” statements each. For example, “We’re both in this room and feeling…”
  26. Complete this sentence: “I wish I had someone with whom I could share…”
  27. If you were going to become a close friend with your partner, please share what would be important for him or her to know.
  28. Tell your partner what you like about them. Be very honest, saying things that you might not say to someone you’ve just met.
  29. Share an embarrassing moment in your life.
  30. When did you last cry in front of someone else? When by yourself?
  31. Tell your partner something you already like about him/her.
  32. What, if anything, is too serious to be joked about?
  33. If you were to die this evening with no opportunity to communicate with anyone, what would you most regret not having told someone? Why haven’t you told him/her yet?
  34. Your house, containing everything you own, catches fire. After saving your loved ones and pets, you have time to save one more thing. What would it be and why?
  35. Of all the people in your family, whose death would you find the most disturbing, and why?
  36. Share a personal problem and ask your partner’s advice on how he/she would handle it. Also, ask your partner to reflect on how you seem to be feeling about the problem you’ve chosen.

If you want more advice on how to make him fall in love, read this article.

The Proust questionnaire: 34 questions to get to know each other’s personalities better

Woman gives attention to manAlthough its name would suggest it, Proust (a famous writer) did not create this list himself.

But Proust’s answers became quite famous when he penned them at the end of the 19th century, in a friend’s confession book (similar to the friendship books that children still use).

Some of these may be a little dark, and it’s better to leave those out during your first date. But a lot of them are fun, and also work great online with Tinder and other dating apps.

 Here is Proust’s list:

  1. What do you think falls below the lowest point of sadness?
  2. Where would you most like to live?
  3. What do you think perfect happiness is?
  4. What’s your idea of being naturally happy?
  5. What mistakes would you admit the most?
  6. Who are your favorite fictional heroes?
  7. Who are your favorite historical characters?
  8. Who are your favorite heroes in real life?
  9. Who’s your favorite painter?
  10. Who’s your favorite musician?
  11. What quality in a man do you admire the most?
  12. What quality in a woman do you admire the most?
  13. What’s your favorite occupation?
  14. What would you have liked to be?
  15. What’s the most distinct of your traits?
  16. What do you value most in a friendship?
  17. What’s your biggest defect or flaw?
  18. In your mind, what would be the biggest setback?
  19. What would you most like to be?
  20. What’s your favorite color?
  21. What’s your favorite flower?
  22. What’s your favorite bird?
  23. On what occasion do you lie?
  24. What do you most dislike about your appearance?
  25. Who are your favorite writers?<
  26. What are your favorite names?
  27. What’s your greatest fear?
  28. What do you hate the most?
  29. Which historical figures do you despise the most?
  30. What event in military history do you admire the most?
  31. Which talent would you most like to have?
  32. How would you like to die?
  33. What’s your current state of mind?
  34. What’s your motto?

The Lilla list: 31 questions to get to know each other better on a date

Couple on a date

This list is my personal favorite. Lilla is a friend of mine who always comes up with the craziest questions.

This way, she gets to know people very quickly, and another nice byproduct is that all men like her because they get the opportunity to talk about themselves.

These topics are a little lighter than the ones from the first two lists, and therefore more suitable for things to talk about on a first date. I’ve been using her list for several years now, and every time I don’t know what to say, or when the conversation gets a little boring on a date, I use them.

This list not only helps you to get to know someone better, but it also leads to an exciting conversation every time.

 Here are the 31 first date questions:

  • What would you like to have done more of this year?
  • Do you prefer a private plane or a private island? And why?
  • Do you think you could kill somebody if you were sure you’d get away with it?
  • How do you think a writer would describe you in a novel?
  • What’s your weirdest dream ever?
  • Is there something you’d like everyone to know about you?
  • What if you had to choose between:
    – Knowing when you die / knowing how you die
    – Being able to read thoughts / travel through time
    – Traveling at light speed / being invisible
    – Being immortal / being able to be reborn as someone else
  • If you were God for one day, what would you do?
  • If you could control people with your thoughts, how would you use that power?
  • Would you rather…
    – Have a football stadium named after you or a university?
    – Have your greatest wish fulfilled or your greatest question answered?
    – Be a millionaire or a ninja?
    – Go on with your current life or start again with your life?
    – Have the ability to control people and objects with your mind or the ability to look into the future?
    – Be happy for the rest of your life or live much longer?
  • Where would you rather go on holiday, Hawaii or Alaska? Why?
  • What habit of yours are you most proud of?
  • What does your perfect pizza look like?
  • What question do you most hate to answer?
  • If you were to describe your life in three words, what words would you choose?
  • Did you meet anyone this year who’s changed you?
  • Have you ever had a huge wish or dream that you couldn’t fulfill yourself?
  • Which word best describes you: a giver or a taker?
  • What’s the easiest thing in your life right now?
  • What makes you most happy right now?
  • Do you think humans and animals are equal?
  • Have you ever made a list of things you want to do before you die? What’s the first thing on that list?
  • If you were to describe your life with five pictures, what pictures would you choose?

Before you go on your date with him, I recommend that you check out the 27 must-know first date tips for women to easily get the guy.

Well, now you should have enough things to talk about for a while… but watch out for these things:

Don’t sit on your next date with a paper questionnaire.

And don’t just fire questions at him the whole time either.

I understand that you probably know this, but it needed to be said. Just to be on the safe side;)

Do this instead…

When you go on your next date, keep some of the best ones on your phone, and when you go to the bathroom, have a quick look if you need to.

Have fun!

And of course, don’t forget to let me know in the comments how your date went ;).


Here are some other great articles that you might like:

  • How to text a guy to make him fall in love with you.
  • The 27 signs that he likes you.
  • 23 creative first date ideas and fun things to do on a date.

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