Getting the word out meaning

Idioms browser

  • get the show on the road
  • get the silent treatment
  • get the sniffles
  • get the snuffles
  • get the spunk up
  • get the spunk up (to do something)
  • get the stick
  • get the story straight
  • get the stuffing kicked out of (one)
  • get the stuffing knocked out of (one)
  • get the third degree
  • get the time
  • get the upper hand
  • get the upper hand of (someone or something)
  • get the upper hand on (someone or something)
  • get the upper hand over (someone or something)
  • get the vapors
  • get the W
  • get the weather gage of (someone or something)
  • get the whetstone
  • get the whip hand
  • get the wind knocked out of (one)
  • get the wind up (one)
  • get the wooden spoon
  • get the word
  • get the word out
  • get the works
  • get the worst of (something)
  • get the worst of it
  • get the wrinkles out
  • get the wrinkles out (of something)
  • get the wrong end of the stick
  • get the wrong idea (about someone or something)
  • get the wrong number
  • get the/(one’s) blood flowing
  • get the/(one’s) blood pumping
  • get the/(one’s) creative juices flowing
  • get the/a hard sell
  • get thee behind me
  • get there
  • get there (the) firstest with the mostest
  • get thin on top
  • get this
  • get this party started
  • get this show on the road
  • get three square meals (a day)
  • get three squares (a day)
  • get through
  • get through one’s head
  • get through thick skull
  • get through to (someone or something)

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  • get the wind knocked out of
  • get the wind knocked out of (one)
  • get the wind knocked out of her
  • get the wind knocked out of him
  • get the wind knocked out of it
  • get the wind knocked out of me
  • get the wind knocked out of one
  • get the wind knocked out of someone
  • get the wind knocked out of something
  • get the wind knocked out of them
  • get the wind knocked out of us
  • get the wind knocked out of you
  • get the wind up
  • get the wind up
  • get the wind up
  • get the wind up
  • get the wind up
  • get the wind up (one)
  • get the wind up (someone)
  • get the wind up her
  • get the wind up him
  • get the wind up me
  • get the wind up one
  • get the wind up them
  • get the wind up us
  • get the wind up you
  • get the wobbly boot on
  • get the wobbly boots on
  • get the wooden spoon
  • get the word
  • get the word out
  • get the works
  • get the worst of
  • get the worst of
  • get the worst of (something)
  • get the worst of it
  • get the worst of it
  • get the worst of something
  • get the wrinkles out
  • get the wrinkles out (of something)
  • get the wrinkles out of
  • get the wrinkles out of it
  • get the wrinkles out of something
  • get the wrong end of the stick
  • get the wrong end of the stick
  • get the wrong end of the stick
  • get the wrong end of the stick
  • get the wrong end of the stick
  • get the wrong end of the stick
  • get the wrong idea
  • get the wrong idea (about someone or something)
  • get the wrong idea about
  • get the wrong idea about her
  • get the wrong idea about him
  • get the wrong idea about me
  • get the wrong idea about someone
  • get the wrong idea about something
  • get the wrong idea about them
  • get the wrong idea about us
  • get the wrong idea about you
  • get the wrong number

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

распространении информации

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Getting the word out is vital to keep everybody safe.

Getting the word out about your online course isn’t going to be easy or happen quickly.

Getting the word out, old school.

Getting the word out about this horrible project of mass greed taking place on the mountain.

Рассказать об этом ужасном проекте массовой жадности, происходящем там.

Getting the word out about your business doesn’t have to be expensive.

Слово о вашем малом бизнесе не должно быть дорогостоящим.

Getting the word out allowed Homeland Security to stop four other attacks, but two buildings just came down.

Getting the word out about your book is also on you.

Grow your enterprise by working hard, surrounding yourself with great staff, and getting the word out about your product or service.

Развивайте свое предприятие, упорно работая, окружая себя отличным персоналом и узнавая о продвигаемом продукте или услуге.

Thank you for getting the word out about my wedding.

Start getting the word out about the process of relocation, its benefits, the speed required.

Начинай узнавать информацию о процессе реконструкции, ее преимуществ, нужную скорость.

It’s going to be very difficult getting the word out to cancel at such short notice.

Ну, будет довольно сложно найти подходящие слова, чтобы все отменить, в такой короткий срок.

We thought that prevention meant getting the word out to people and educating them about safe procedures.

Мы считали, что профилактика означает информирование людей и просвещение их в вопросах безопасности.

Your organisation inspires people to make a difference, but getting the word out isn’t always easy.

Ваша организация стремится сделать людей небезразличными, но донести свои слова не всегда просто.

Then we start getting the word out.

Let these people know what you are doing well in advance and ask for their support in getting the word out.

Пусть эти люди знают заранее, что у вас получается хорошо и попросите у них поддержку в распространении информации.

Records sales came from playing the clubs and getting the word out through newspapers, music magazines and television.

Записи продаж поступают от игры в клубы и получения информации через газеты, музыкальные журналы и телевидение.

A major task of every single work day for an online business is working on getting the word out about the business.

Основная задача каждый рабочий день для онлайн-бизнеса заключается в распространении информации о бизнесе.

It has become the primary means of getting the word out about your business.

Implementing effective marketing strategies is indispensable in creating a buzz or getting the word out.

Внедрение эффективных маркетинговых стратегий является незаменимым при создании ажиотажа или распространении информации.

A few people thanked me for highlighting the issue and getting the word out about treatment programs.

Несколько человек поблагодарили меня за освещение проблемы и за то, что я подняла тему лечебных программ.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 80. Точных совпадений: 80. Затраченное время: 127 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

  • #1

Hi Group,

«Get the word out» is the same thing as «spread the word» or not?

    • #3

    Antonio said:

    Hi Group,

    «Get the word out» is the same thing as «spread the word» or not?

    I assent. As far as I know to get the word out means to let something become known to the general public.


    • #4

    They both can be used in a public or private sense.

    • #5

    Thanks VenusEnvy, when I saw the movie Daredavil in the final scene were Daredavil fights KingPin. Daredavil says in one of the final scenes «Don’t you know, the word is out on the KingPin».

    Here in this context what does it mean or what they’re trying to say? I’m a little bit confused so far because they dropped the «Get» here in this dialogue. Can someone please help me out.


    • #6

    Antonio said:

    «Don’t you know, the word is out on the KingPin».

    Here in this context what does it mean or what they’re trying to say? I’m a little bit confused so far because they dropped the «Get» here in this dialogue. Can someone please help me out.

    «Get the word out» is a command.
    «The word is out» is a sentence stating a fact.

    The two carry the same meaning, they are just different parts of speech.
    Is this clear?

    • #7

    Antonio said:

    Thanks VenusEnvy, when I saw the movie Daredavil in the final scene were Daredavil fights KingPin. Daredavil says in one of the final scenes «Don’t you know, the word is out on the KingPin».

    Here in this context what does it mean or what they’re trying to say? I’m a little bit confused so far because they dropped the «Get» here in this dialogue. Can someone please help me out.

    Don’t you know, the word is out on the KingPin».[/B]

    Is it that you do not know yet? The message has been spread all over the KingPin/ the kingpin knows about this issue already/ the kingpin has already received this instruction :)

    • #8

    Hi Group,

    Just to make sure we’re on the same page «To get the word out» has the same meaning as «Spread the word»?

    on the other hand, «The word is out on somebody» means the same thing as to get the word out but in another context?

    • #9

    Just to make sure we’re on the same page «To get the word out» has the same meaning as «Spread the word»? :tick:

    on the other hand, «The word is out on somebody» means the same thing as to get the word out but in another context?:cross:

    To get the word out means to reveal news to the world, to disclose what has been a secret.
    The word is out on somebody is what you would say when the news is public knowledge, when the secret has already been revealed.

    • #10

    «Get the word out» is a command.
    «The word is out» is a sentence stating a fact.

    The two carry the same meaning, they are just different parts of speech.
    Is this clear?

    «To get the word out» means to use media in order to make word have its effects on people’s mind and behavior.


    • #11

    «To get the word out» means to use media in order to make word have its effects on people’s mind and behavior.

    «Getting the word out» does not necessarily require using the media; one could do it by word of mouth, putting up posters, and other means. Nor does it have anything to do with affecting people’s minds or behavior.


    If you get the word out, you inform or let people or the public know about something.

    Country: International English |
    Subject Area: General |
    Usage Type: Both or All Words Used

    All idioms have been editorially reviewed, and submitted idioms may have been edited for correctness and completeness.

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    See also:

    • View examples in Google: Get the word out
    • Idiom Definition
    • Idiom Quizzes

    Англо-русские и русско-английские словари и энциклопедии. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries and translations

    Meaning of GET THE WORD OUT in English

    tell the message, spread the word The easiest way for us to get the word out is on the Internet.

    English idioms vocab.

         Словарь английских идиом и выражений.

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