German word for time

The German word for time is



The gender of Zeit is feminine. E.g. die Zeit.


The plural of Zeit is Zeiten.

German Definition

     [1] kein Plural: Zeit
     [2] Linguistik: Tempus, (grammatische) Zeit
          [1] Sorry, what time is it?
            Entschuldigung, wie spät ist es?

Translations for time and their definitions

     n-f. time
     n-f. (grammar) tense
     n-n. time (as in the first time; many times)
     n-n. occasion, case, occurrence
     n-n. mark, sign
     n-n. mole (on skin)
     adv. times; indicating multiplication of two numbers
          sechs mal sieben ist zweiundvierzig
            six times seven is forty-two — 6 × 7 = 42
     adv. (chiefly informal) alternative form of einmal sometime, ever, once, but at times not quite interchangeable, and then acceptable in written style
          Wenn du in Köln bist, musst du mal bei deiner Tante anrufen.
            When you’re in Cologne, you must call your aunt sometime.
     adv. (chiefly colloquial) a modal particle of remote translatability, often giving a slightly softer or more comfortable sound to a phrase; also frequently used as a term of politeness replacing “bitte” wh
          Ich geh mal zum Kaffeestand. (“I’m off to the coffee stall.”) — Friendly and normal way of stating the fact, implying the speaker will be back afterwards.
            Ich geh zum Kaffeestand. — Sounds brief; might imply that the speaker is bored and will not come back.
          Hätten Sie wohl mal Feuer? (“Do you have a lighter, please?”) — May be considered appropriate towards a stranger; politeness is reinforced by the subjunctive (hätten) and the additional adve
            Haste mal Feuer? (“D’ya have fire?”) — Appropriate way of asking among friends and close acquaintances.
          Haste Feuer? — Might mean that the speaker wants to offer their lighter rather than ask for one, otherwise rather blunt-sounding.
     v. imperative singular of malen
     v. (colloquial) first-person singular present of malen
     n-n. age; era (historic period of time)
     n. time, time of day (time according to the clock)
          Können Sie mir die Uhrzeit sagen? — Could you tell me the time?
     n. plural of Zeit times.
     n-m. moment (instant of time), point in time


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How to tell time in German

In order to function in a German-speaking country or simply talk in German to other people, it is important to understand the basics of telling time. Not only will it give you the opportunity to make plans or get to the train station on time, but it will also give you some necessary knowledge for determining which grammar tense should be used when.

Fortunately, it is enough to know some key vocabulary words and phrases related to time, as well as understand how to use them in sentences. To help you get the hang of German time words, we have prepared this short guide.

So, check the main rules and exceptions below, get familiar with the examples, and make sure you learn the necessary skill of telling time in German.

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How to Ask For the Time in German?

The German word for “time” is Zeit. You’ll use this term when talking about::

  • Time as a concept (as in “Time is running out”)
  • Time of day (in that case, it would be a short form of Uhrzeit)
  • Period or era in the past (for example, “In the ancient times…”)
  • Grammar tenses (Grammatik Zeitformen)

On the other hand, you won’t use Zeit when asking for the time. When you want to ask someone «What time is it?»… you would use either the word Uhr (something like “o’clock”) or spät (which literally means “late”). So, you basically have two expressions you can choose from:



What’s the time?, literally “How late is it?”

What’s the time?, literally “How many o’clock is it?”

You can also play with them a little by adding the word “now” – and, of course, don’t forget about the German alternative of “excuse me.” A polite and full version would be:



Entschuldigung, wie spät ist es jetzt?

Excuse me, what time is it now?

Or, you can also rephrase it a bit:



Wissen Sie, wie spät es jetzt ist?

Do you know what time it is now?

There is also a very formal option that you can use when asking someone on the street for time:



Entschuldigung, können Sie mir bitte sagen, wie viel Uhr es ist?

Literally: Excuse me, do you have the time?

How to tell time in German

How to Tell Time in German

Telling time in German is not that different from telling time in

English. You would need to say “It is…”, then the number, and then add the German word Uhr (o’clock) after the number. Make sure you learn the German numbers beforehand!

Remember about that last part: the “o’clock” in the German language, is, unlike in English, mandatory.

For example:



It is one o’clock.

If you need to add minutes, add them after the word Uhr.



It is 4:02.

Es ist zwei Uhr sechzehn.

It is 2:16.

There is one exception here with the number one. On informal occasions, it is allowed to omit the word Uhr when talking about one o’clock. However, in that case, we use the other word for “one”: eins. So, you can say, for example:

Important Note: 24-Hour Clock

In Germany, people mostly use the 24-hour clock (or military time) for schedules, appointments, signs, and official information. So, don’t be shocked if you hear from someone:



It is fifteen o’clock.

Nevertheless, many people still use the 12-hour clock in casual situations, such as talking to friends or classmates. In that case, an alternative to the English “am” and “pm” is used – and it’s as simple as “in the morning” or “at night.” You can choose from a variety of words for specifying the time; here, German is rather flexible.

  • Morgens for “in the morning”
  • Abends – “in the evening”
  • Mittags – “in the afternoon”
  • Nachts – “at night”
  • Vormittag – “before midday”
  • Nachmittag – “after midday”
How to tell time in German

Rounding Up: Half Past, Quarter Past, and Quarter To

If you’re used to rounding up the time to the half hour in English, there’s good news: in German, you can do the same. Bad news: Germans do it differently.

What would you call this number? 4:30. Yes, “half past four” – or “half four” in British English. In Germany, however, the halves are expressed with the next hour. So 4:30 would be:



Half five (literally something like “half of five”)

Fortunately, just saying Es ist vier Uhr dreißig (It is four thirty) still works – in case you can’t get used to the new system fast enough.

But what about quarters? Fortunately, the situation is simpler. There are two alternatives to the English versions:



It is quarter past…

For example:



Es ist viertel nach drei.

It’s quarter past three.

And, to make your journey of learning German a bit more interesting, there’s one more rounding that German people use: for 25 minutes (to or past). This is the German logic in action – they say it’s “five minutes before/past half hour.”

Let’s see a few examples:



Es ist fünf vor halb sieben.

It’s five minutes before half past six. (06:25)

Es ist fünf nach halb zwölf.

It’s five minutes after half past eleven. (11:35)

Of course, all of these can make your everyday life in Germany complicated – so if you can’t bear with them, remember that just using regular numbers is also okay.

How to tell time in German

General German Vocabulary You Need to Know

Knowing how to tell and ask for the time in German is just the basics. To ensure that you can get along with your German friends and understand what time and day each of you is talking about, it’s also necessary to learn some general German words. Here’s a short list:

Other German Time Expressions

And, in case you want to boost your vocabulary a little bit more, here are some other time expressions that might come in handy when talking to German speakers:

Telling Time in German is Easy: Just Practice a Bit

How to tell time in German

Although telling time in German may seem complicated at first, with a bit of practice, it will get much easier. Often, you don’t even need to remember the different words and phrases for expressing time – in most cases, saying something like “It’s one ten” is enough.

However, this doesn’t mean that you should avoid practicing. If you want to learn German well and speak it fluently, knowing all the different time vocabulary won’t only boost your speaking skills but will also give you some insights into German grammar and pronunciation. So, what are you waiting for? Start practicing today!

Do you know what time it is? How about the date? If you are in a German-speaking country, you will want to know how to ask and answer those questions in German. There are some tricks, so first review how to tell time in German. Now let’s explore terms for ​the clock, calendar, seasons, weeks, days, dates, and other time-related vocabulary.

Noun genders: r (der, masc.), e (die, fem.), s (das, neu.)
Abbreviations: adj. (adjective), adv. (adverb), n. (noun), pl. (plural), v. (verb)


after, past (prep., with time.) nach
after ten o’clock nach zehn Uhr
quarter past five viertel nach fünf
five past ten fünf nach zehn

afternoon (n.) r Nachmittag
afternoons, in the afternoon nachmittags, am Nachmittag

ago vor
two hours ago vor zwei Stunden
ten years ago vor zehn Jahren

AM, a.m. morgens, vormittags
Note: German schedules and timetables use 24-hour time rather than AM or PM.

annual(ly) (adj./adv.) jährlich (YEHR-lich)

The word jährlich is based on das Jahr (year), the root word for many similar words in German, including das Jahrhundert (century) and das Jahrzehnt (decade).

April (der) April
in April im April
(See all of the months below, under «month.»)

around (prep., with time) gegen
around ten o’clock gegen zehn Uhr

at (prep., with time) um
at ten o’clock um zehn Uhr

autumn, fall r Herbst
in (the) autumn/fall im Herbst


balance wheel (clock) (n.) e Unruh, s Drehpendel

before (adv., prep.) (be)vor, vorher, zuvor
the day before yesterday vorgestern
before ten o’clock (be)vor zehn Uhr
years before Jahre früher

Because the English word «before» can have so many meanings in German, it is wise to learn the appropriate phrases or idioms. Part of the problem is that the word (in both languages) can function as an adverb, an adjective, or a preposition, AND can be used to express both time (previous to, earlier) and location (in front of). In clock time vor is used to mean before or to, as in «ten to four» = zehn vor vier.

behind (prep., time) hinter (dative)
That’s behind me now. Das ist jetzt hinter mir.

behind (n., time) r Rückstand
(be) behind schedule/time im Rückstand (sein)
weeks behind Wochen im Rückstand


calendar (n.) r Kalender

Both the English word calendar and German Kalender come from the Latin word kalendae (calends, «the day when accounts are due») or the first day of the month. Roman dates were expressed in «kalendae,» nonae» (nones), and «idus» (ides), the 1st, 5th, and 13th days of a month (the 15th day in the months of March, May, July, and October) respectively. The names for the months of the year came into English, German and most of the Western languages via Greek and Latin.

Central European Daylight Saving Time Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit (MESZ) (GMT + 2 hours, from the last Sunday in March until the last Sunday in October)

Central European Time Mitteleuropäische Zeit (MEZ) (GMT + 1 hour)

chronometer s Chronometer

clock, watch e Uhr

The word for clock/watch—Uhr—came to German via French heure from Latin hora (time, hour). That same Latin word gave English the word «hour.» Sometimes German uses the abbreviation «h» for Uhr or «hour,» as in «5h25» (5:25) or «km/h» ( Stundenkilometer, km per hour).

clock face, dial s Zifferblatt

clockwork s Räderwerk, s Uhrwerk

count (v.) zählen (TSAY-len)

CAUTION! Do not confuse zählen with zahlen (to pay)!

day(s) r Tag (die Tage)

day after tomorrow (adv.) übermorgen

day before yesterday (adv.) vorgestern

day by day, from day to day (adv.) von Tag zu Tag

daylight saving time e Sommerzeit
standard time (n.) e Standardzeit, e Winterzeit

Germany first introduced Sommerzeit during the war years. MESZ (Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit, Central European DST) was reintroduced in 1980. In coordination with other European countries, Germany uses MESZ from the last Sunday in March until the last Sunday in October.

dial (clock, watch) s Zifferblatt, e Zifferanzeige (digital display)

digital (adj.) digital (DIG-ee-tal)
digital display e Zifferanzeige, s Display


escapement (clock) e Hemmung

escapement wheel (clock) s Hemmrad

eternal(ly) (adj./adv.) ewig

eternity e Ewigkeit

evening r Abend
evenings, in the evening abends, am Abend


fall, autumn r Herbst
in the fall/autumn im Herbst

fast (clock, watch) (adv.) vor
My watch is running fast. Meine Uhr geht vor.

first (adj.) erst-
the first car das erste Auto
the first day der erste Tag
the first door die erste Tür

See German Numbers for an English-German guide to ordinal (1st, 2nd, 3rd…) and cardinal numbers (1, 2, 3, 4…).

fortnight, two weeks vierzehn Tage (14 days)
in a fortnight/two weeks in vierzehn Tagen

fourth (adj.) viert-
the fourth car das vierte Auto
the fourth day der vierte Tag
the fourth floor die vierte Etage

Friday r Freitag
(on) Fridays freitags

Note that all of the German days of the week are masculine (der). The days of the German week (which starts with Monday) fall in this sequence: Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag, Freitag, Samstag (Sonnabend), Sonntag.


GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) (n.) e Greenwichzeit (GMT) (Also see UTC)

grandfather clock, longcase clock (n.) e Standuhr

Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) (n.) e Greenwichzeit (time at the prime meridian)


h (abbreviation) e Stunde (hour)

Latin hora (time, hour) gave English the word «hour» and German the word for «clock» ( Uhr). Sometimes German uses the abbreviation «h» for Uhr or «hour,» as in «5h25» (5:25) or «km/h» (Stundenkilometer, km per hour).

half (adj./adv.) halb
half past one (five, eight, etc.) halb zwei (sechs, neun, usw.)

hand (clock) r Zeiger (see hour hand, second hand, etc.)
big hand großer Zeiger
little hand kleiner Zeiger

hour e Stunde
every hour jede Stunde
every two/three hours alle zwei/drei Stunden

GENDER TIP: Note that all of the German nouns having to do with clock time are feminine (​die): e Uhr, e Stunde, e Minute, usw.

hour glass, sand glass e Sanduhr, s Stundenglas

hour hand r Stundenzeiger, r kleine Zeiger (little hand)

hourly (adv.) stündlich, jede Stunde


infinite (adj.) unendlich, endlos

infinity (n.) e Unendlichkeit


last, previous (adv.) letzt, vorig
last week letzte Woche, vorige Woche
last weekend letztes Wochenende

late spät
be late Verspätung haben


minute (n.) e Minute (meh-NOOH-ta)

minute hand r Minutenzeiger, r große Zeiger

Monday r Montag
(on) Mondays montags

Montag, like English «Monday,» is named for the moon (der Mond), i.e., «moon-day.» On German (European) calendars, the week begins with Montag, not Sonntag (the last day of the week): Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag, Freitag, Samstag (Sonnabend), Sonntag. This has the benefit of putting the two weekend days together rather than separated, as on Anglo-American calendars.

month(s) r Monat (die Monate)

Months in German: (all der) Januar, Februar, März, April, Mai, Juni, Juli, August, September, Oktober, November, Dezember.

morning r Morgen, r Vormittag
this morning heute Morgen
tomorrow morning morgen früh, morgen Vormittag
yesterday morning gestern früh, gestern Vormittag


next (adv.) nächst
next week nächste Woche
next weekend nächstes Wochenende

night(s) e Nacht (Nächte)
at night nachts, in der Nacht
by night bei Nacht

number(s) e Zahl (Zahlen), e Ziffer(n) (on clock face), e Nummer(n)


oversleep sich verschlafen


past, after (clock time) nach
quarter past five viertel nach fünf
five past ten fünf nach zehn

pendulum s Pendel

pendulum clock e Pendeluhr

PM abends, nachmittags

Note: German schedules and timetables use 24-hour time rather than AM or PM.

pocket watch e Taschenuhr


quarter (one fourth) (n., adv.) s Viertel
quarter to/past viertel vor/nach
quarter past five viertel sechs


sand glass, hour glass s Stundenglas, e Sanduhr

Saturday r Samstag, r Sonnabend
(on) Saturdays samstags, sonnabends

season (of yeare Jahreszeit
the four seasons die vier Jahreszeiten

second (n.) e Sekunde (say-KOON-da)

second (adj.) zweit-
second-largest zweitgrößte
the second car das zweite Auto
the second door die zweite Tür

second hand r Sekundenzeiger

slow (clock, watch) (adv.) nach
My watch is running slow. Meine Uhr geht nach.

spring (n.) e Feder, e Zugfeder

spring (seasonr Frühling, s Frühjahr
in (the) spring im Frühling/Frühjahr

spring balance e Federwaage

standard time e Standardzeit, e Winterzeit
daylight saving time (n.) e Sommerzeit

summer r Sommer
in (the) summer im Sommer

Sunday r Sonntag
(on) Sundays sonntags

sun dial e Sonnenuhr


third (adj.) dritt-
third-largest drittgrößte
the third car das dritte Auto
the third door die dritte Tür

time e Zeit (pron. TSYTE)

time clock e Stempeluhr

time zone e Zeitzone

The world’s official 24 time zones were created in October 1884 (1893 in Prussia) by an international conference in Washington, D.C. in response to the needs of railroads, shipping companies, and increasing international travel. Each hour’s zone is 15 degrees in width (15 Längengraden) with Greenwich as the prime (zero) meridian (Nullmeridian) and the International Date line at 180º. In practice, most time zone boundaries are adjusted to conform to various political and geographic considerations. There are even some half-hour time zones.

Thursday r Donnerstag
(on) Thursdays donnerstags

today (adv.) heute
today’s newspaper die heutige Zeitung, die Zeitung von heute
a week/month from today heute in einer Woche/einem Monat

tomorrow (adv.) morgen (not capitalized)
tomorrow afternoon morgen Nachmittag
tomorrow evening morgen Abend
tomorrow morning morgen früh, morgen Vormittag
tomorrow night morgen Nacht
a week/month/year ago tomorrow morgen vor einer Woche/einem Monat/einem Jahr

Tuesday r Dienstag
(on) Tuesdays dienstags


UTC UTC (Coordinated Universal Time, Universel Temps Coordonné) — Also see GMT.)

UTC was introduced in 1964 and is headquartered at the Paris Observatory (but calculated from the prime meridian at Greenwich). Since 1972 UTC has been based on atomic clocks. A UTC radio time signal (Zeitzeichen) is broadcast around the world. UTC is coordinated with solar time (UT1). Because of irregularities in the earth’s rotation, a leap second must be introduced from time to time in December or June. 


watch, clock e Uhr, e Armbanduhr (wristwatch)

Wednesday r Mittwoch
(on) Wednesdays mittwochs
Ash Wednesday Aschermittwoch

week(s) e Woche (die Wochen)
a week ago vor einer Woche
for a week (für) eine Woche
in a week in einer Woche
two weeks, fortnight (n.) vierzehn Tage (14 days)
in two weeks/a fortnight in vierzehn Tagen
this/next/last week diese/nächste/vorige Woche
days of the week die Tage der Woche

Days of the Week with Abbreviations: Montag (Mo), Dienstag (Di), Mittwoch (Mi), Donnerstag (Do), Freitag (Fr), Samstag (Sa), Sonntag (So).

weekday (Mon.-Fri.) r Wochentag, r Werktag (Mo-Fr)
(on) weekdays wochentags, werktags

weekend s Wochenende
a long weekend ein verlängertes Wochenende
at/on the weekend am Wochenende
at/on weekends an Wochenenden
for/over the weekend übers Wochenende

weekly (adj./adv.) wöchentlich, Wochen— (prefix)
weekly newspaper Wochenzeitung

winter r Winter
in (the) winter im Winter

wristwatch e Armbanduhr


year(s) s Jahr (YAHR) (e Jahre)
for years seit Jahren
in the year 2006 im Jahr(e) 2006

yesterday (adv.) gestern

Word Image

Talking about Time in German

23 words

Word Image

Talking about Time in German

23 words

Die Verkehrsbedingungen auf der Autobahn sind heute Morgen normal.

Traffic conditions on the highway are normal this morning.

Ich werde in einer Stunde von der Arbeit zurück zu Hause sein.

I’ll be home from work in an hour.

Es sind sechzig Sekunden in einer Minute.

There are sixty seconds in a minute.

Today I want to show you different ways how to tell time in German.

Telling time in German - Learn German Easily

By the way, time in German means ‘Zeit’.

Today you need all numbers in German up to 60, because one hour has 60 minutes.

If you don’t know the German numbers yet, I suggest you click on the pink link first.

How to tell time in German

In the following I will explain you all the possibilities of how to tell time in German. But before we start, I want to teach you some important vocabulary.

Es ist … It is …
Uhr o’clock
Viertel quarter
halb half
nach past (after)
vor to (before)
Wie spät ist es? What time is it?

Did you see the word ‘spät‘?

It has an a umlaut.

If you follow the pink link, I will explain how to correctly pronounce the umlauts.

Example No 1

When we have a full hour we put the word ‘Uhr‘ at the end.

1 Uhr:
Es ist ein Uhr. = It’s one o’clock.

10 Uhr:
Es ist zehn Uhr. = It’s ten o’clock.

Example No 2

To tell the exact time you say the hour and then the minutes but make sure you put the wordUhrthis time between the hour and the minutes when you speak it.

2:16 Uhr:
Es ist zwei Uhr sechzehn.
It’s two sixteen.

3:25 Uhr:
Es ist drei Uhr fünfundzwanzig.
It’s three twenty-five.

7:34 Uhr:
Es ist sieben Uhr vierunddreißig.
It’s seven thirty-four.

5:45 Uhr:
Es ist fünf Uhr fünfundvierzig.
It’s five fourty-five.

Example No 3

Another way of telling the time is to use the word: nach.

But be careful – this time you say the minutes first.

10:05 Uhr:
Es ist fünf nach zehn.
It’s five past ten.

12:10 Uhr:
Es ist zehn nach zwölf.
It’s ten past twelve.

4:02 Uhr:
Es ist zwei nach vier.  
It’s two past four.

Example No 4

If we have less than 30 minutes to the next hour we can use the word: vor.

2:50 Uhr:
Es ist zehn vor drei.
It’s ten to (before) three.

3:40 Uhr:
Es ist zwanzig vor vier.
It’s twenty to (before) four.

Example No 5

You can divide an hour like a pie into quarters (4×15 minutes) and use the words: Viertel vor and Viertel nach.

8:45 Uhr:
Es ist Viertel vor neun.
It’s (a) quarter to nine.

6:15 Uhr:
Es ist Viertel nach sechs.
It’s (a) quarter past six.

Example No 6

In German it is a little tricky when we have 30 minute left to the next hour. You use the word: halb but then you add the next hour!

Be careful!

8:30 Uhr:
Es ist halb neun.
It’s half past eight.
(In the sense of: It’s half way to nine.)

9:30 Uhr:
Es ist halb zehn.
It’s half past nine.

Example No 7

We Germans use the 24-hour system.

If you see an hour greater than 12 just subtract 12 to get the p.m. time.

13:00 Uhr:
Es ist dreizehn Uhr. 
It’s 1pm. (13 – 12 = 1)

15:00 Uhr:
Es ist fünfzehn Uhr. 
It’s 3pm. (15 – 12 = 3)

17:30 Uhr:
Es ist siebzehn Uhr dreißig. 
It’s 5:30pm. (17 – 12 = 5)

19:16 Uhr:
Es ist neunzehn Uhr sechzehn. 
It’s 7:16pm. (19 – 12 = 7)

20:45 Uhr:
Es ist zwanzig Uhr fünfundvierzig.
It’s 8:45pm. (20 – 12 = 8)

Remember: In order to tell every possible time you just need the examples No 1 and No 2. Let’s practice a little with the examples of No 1 and No 2.

Next, you can practice telling the time in German yourself (see the exercises below).

You can also follow the pink links to some other interesting German lessons such as the weekdays in German or what about a grammar subject like the German imperative. Take a look around, there is a lot to discover on my website.

Exercise on – How to tell time in German

Tell the time in German

Part B

The Question and Answer Part

This technique will help you to store new information easily in your long-term memory. 

Listen to the questions and answers a few times then try to answer the questions out loud. Try to imitate the pronunciation.

Repeat this unit until you can answer all questions easily.

Fragen und Antworten:

1:00 Uhr

Wie spät ist es?
What time is it?

Es ist ein Uhr.
It’s one o’clock.

10:00 Uhr
Wie spät ist es?
Es ist zehn Uhr.

13:00 Uhr
Wie spät ist es?
Es ist dreizehn Uhr.

4:02 Uhr
Wie spät ist es?
Es ist vier Uhr zwei.

10:05 Uhr
Wie spät ist es?
Es ist zehn Uhr fünf.

12:10 Uhr
Wie spät ist es?
Es ist zwölf Uhr zehn.

17:30 Uhr
Wie spät ist es?
Es ist siebzehn Uhr dreißig.

3:25 Uhr
Wie spät ist es?
Es ist drei Uhr fünfundzwanzig.

5:45 Uhr
Wie spät ist es?
Es ist fünf Uhr fünfundvierzig.

7:34 Uhr
Wie spät ist es?
Es ist sieben Uhr vierunddreißig.

19:16 Uhr
Wie spät ist es?
Es ist neunzehn Uhr sechzehn.


Zeit ist das, was wir am meisten wollen, aber was wir am schlechtesten nutzen.

Time is what we want most, but what we use worst.
~ William Penn

Here is more interesting information about the time in Germany


The Time System in Germany

We Germans use the 24-hour system.

If you see an hour greater than 12 just subtract 12 to get the p.m. time.

For example: 14:00 Uhr
It’s 2pm. (14 – 12 = 2)

Counting in German is not difficult. Can you do it?

What is Daylight Saving Time?

Daylight Saving Time (DST) also called „Sommerzeit“ in Germany (summer time) is a seasonal time change so that evening daylight lasts longer.

The clocks are set forward one hour in the spring and backward one hour in the autumn. 

How many time zones has Germany?

Germany has only 1 time zone.

Germany is GMT/UTC + 2 hours during Daylight Saving Time and GMT/UTC + 1 hour during Standard Time.

All German states have the same time zone.

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