German word for one way

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We offer the possibility of one-way bookings for your next business or leisure trip.

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Gerne offerieren wir Ihnen für eine Urlaubs- oder Geschäftsreise auch One-Way Bookings.

One-way and two-way communication are both supported options.

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Einseitige und zweiseitige Kommunikation sollte unterstützt werden.

One-way OGG to WAV converting at high speed!

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Einweg OGG in WAV konvertieren mit hoher Geschwindigkeit!

One-way communication from PC to MC6 control via push messages/ Popups.

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Einseitige Kommunikation von PC zur MC6-Steuerung über Push-Messages/Popups.

HANDsoft The very soft one-way nonwoven washglove for the elderly care and nursing.

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HANDsoft Der sehr weiche Einweg Vliesstoff-Waschhandschuh für die Alten-, Kranken- und Patientenpflege.

One-way trip: 3.50 Euro; return ticket: 6.00 Euro.

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Einfache Fahrt 3,50 Euro; Hin- und Rückfahrt 6,00 Euro.

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Big Magnum Einweg Grip 23er Flach in hoher Materialqualität.

One-way tickets are valid only upon the day of travel.

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Einfache Fahrscheine sind nur am Fahrtag gültig.

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Einweg WMA in WAV konvertieren!

Two synchronization options are available: one-way synchronization and two-way synchronization.

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Es sind zwei Synchronisationsoptionen verfügbar: Einseitige Synchronisierung und wechselseitige Synchronisierung.

Sustainable solutions for one-way and returnable, PET and glass.

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Nachhaltige Lösungen für Einweg und Mehrweg, PET und Glas.

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Members of this group can create incoming, one-way trusts to this forest.

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Mitglieder dieser Gruppe können eingehende unidirektionale Vertrauensstellungen zu dieser Gesamtstruktur erstellen.

Airport shuttle fee: EUR 45 per room one-way.

November December 6 return flights from 6 one-way flights from 6.

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November Dezember 6 Rückflüge ab 6 einfache Flüge ab 6.

No, ready2mains uses one-way communication and broadcast.

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Nein, ready2mains verwendet einseitige Datenkommunikation und -übertragung.

Airport shuttle fee: HKD 140 per person one-way.

That’s right, it’s one-way, you jerk!

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WG to USB(analog keyboard), one-way conversion WG-> USB keyboard.

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WG zu USB(Analog-Tastatur), Einweg Umwandlung WG-> USB-Tastatur.

Secure, one-way communication for classified environments.

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Basierend auf einer Nur Oneway Reise.

Itinerary Follow the signs along the greenway to Saint-Mars-la-Jaille distance one-way 36 km.

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Folgen Sie der Beschilderung entlang der Greenway nach Saint -Mars- la- Jaille Entfernung Einweg 36 km.

They are also in the wrong direction a one-way retracted.

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Zudem sind sie in der falschen Richtung in eine Einbahnstraße eingefahren.

You will find the enlisted airlines with their price offers for one-way and return flights.

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Finden Sie die eingetragenen Fluggesellschaften mit ihre Preis-Angebote für unidirektionale und Rückflüge.

Airport shuttle fee: DKK 15 per person one-way.

Airport shuttle fee: HUF 10900 per vehicle one-way.

DPI-: turn DPI down, one-way adjustmentdefault position⑧).


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DPI-: DPI unten, Einweg Einstellung Standardposition⑧) 9.


The Zurich-Vilnius flights are available from CHF 69 one-way.

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Die Flüge nach Vilnius sind bereits ab CHF 69(oneway) erhältlich.

Fares are available both one-way and round-trip.

Results: 417,
Time: 0.0402





These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Passwords go through one-way encryption before being stored on the server.

Passwörter werden einseitig verschlüsselt bevor sie auf dem Server gespeichert werden.

It becomes a one-way sensual domination of her white opponent.

So wird dieser Kampf zu einer einseitig sinnlichen Domination des weissen Mädels.

Berlin to Istanbul, one-way, in cash.

Berlin nach Istanbul, einfach und in bar.

That’s a one-way flight from Berlin to San Francisco.

Das entspricht einem einfachen Flug von Berlin nach San Francisco.

Generally, I don’t talk to people about one-way listening.

Im Allgemeinen spreche ich nicht mit Leuten über einseitiges Zuhören.

The one-way signals can only be passed by trains coming up from ahead.

Dabei können die einseitigen Signale nur von vorne durchfahren werden.

The app is only for one-way communication from your community to the smartphone.

Die App dient lediglich der einseitigen Kommunikation von Ihrer Gemeinde an das Smartphone.

A one-way ticket upstairs, away from all of this.

Ein einfache Fahrt nach oben, weit weg von all dem.

I wanted to be honest with her even if it’s one-way.

Ich wollte offen sein, auch wenn sie das nicht wäre.

Looks like you just bought yourself a one-way ticket to paradise.

Sieht aus als hätten Sie soeben ein Einwegticket fürs Paradies gekauft.

The passes are linked so that they go in a one-way direction.

Die Bahnen werden verkettet, sodass sie in eine Richtung führen.

The greatest advantage of one-way in comparison to reusable is the hygiene.

Der größte Vorteil von Einweg im Vergleich zu Mehrweg ist die Hygiene.

A single price will include a one-way journey for the route booked.

Ein einzelner Preis beinhaltet eine Hinfahrt für die gebuchte Strecke.

We only offer e-tickets and all flights are essentially one-way.

Wir bieten nur E-Tickets an und alle Flüge sind oneway.

In this case, only the one-way trip supplement will be refunded.

In diesem Fall wird nur der Zuschlag der Einwegfahrt erstattet.

There is no simple answer as to what a one-way rental costs.

Was eine Einwegmiete kostet, kann nicht pauschal beantwortet werden.

The service is available one-way only from hotel to the station.

Der Service wird nur in einer Richtung angeboten, vom Hotel zur Station.

Surcharge for one-way cruise is payable in cash upon acceptance of the boat.

Der Aufpreis für Hinfahrt ist zahlbar in bar bei Übernahme des Boots.

To see an app as a one-way broadcasting device is simply wrong.

Eine App als Einbahnstraße zu sehen, ist schlichtweg falsch.

She ended up with a one-way ticket to rehab.

Sie endete mit einem One Way Ticket in der Reha.

No results found for this meaning.

Suggestions that contain one-way

Results: 8805. Exact: 8805. Elapsed time: 182 ms.


You leave your hotel and bundle yourself up against the winter cold in Kiel, northern Germany.

It’s your first night and you’re not too sure where you are in town, so you glance at a street sign to make sure you know where to get back to. The directions in German read Einbahnstraße. Perfect.

After a while of walking it gets later and later and you can’t seem to remember any of the landmarks you thought you remembered.

Not to worry, you speak German! You stop a passerby, and in your best accent ask, Wo ist Einbahnstraße?

The person you stop smirks, having marked you as a foreigner right away. “Einbahnstraße,” comes the reply, “means ‘one-way street.’”

A pretty spooky story, and it could happen to you! Unless, that is, you learn all there is to know about German directions.

Mastering the directions in a foreign language is freeing for two simple reasons. First, you can feel quite confident asking anybody nearby about the city.

Second, if you happen to give advice to a local, you’ll feel like a master-class German speaker! Here’s how you can learn that superpower.

1. Where is it?

Asking Directions

The German question for where something is located is almost painfully similar to English.

  • Wo ist…?

    “Where is…?”

Be extra-careful here that you don’t confuse the other question pronoun wer, meaning “who,” for the English “where.” It’s the kind of mistake that’s easy to make as a learner when you’re just starting out with German, but don’t worry—after a couple of months of studying, you’ll be surprised that it was ever confusing.

A more complex and formal way to ask is to use the phrase Wo befindet sich…? Don’t get confused because of the befindet. It might look like this sentence translates to “Where finds itself (the)…?” but the preposition be- turns the verb finden from “find” to “located.” You might hear this used to describe particular parts of a building, or perhaps a famous building.

  • Das Hotel befindet sich in Paris.

    “The hotel is located in Paris.”

When asking directions in German or receiving them, prepositions are your friends. Of course, there are definitely rules about using certain prepositions with certain cases, but don’t let that slow you down. One of the best ways to actually acquire that knowledge is to learn set phrases like this:

  • Sie wohnt an der Hauptstraße.

    “She lives on the High Street.”

The simple phrase an der Straße is easy to commit to memory, and it is in fact the dative form of the word die Straße.

The same with this phrase:

  • Bist du neu hier in der Stadt?

    “Are you new here in the city?”

Again, we have a feminine noun—die Stadt—that changes its article to der Stadt when in the dative case. The dative case is usually used for describing directions in Germany because it implies stationary locations, and buildings don’t shift around too much.

  • Die Bäckerei ist neben dem Büro.

    “The bakery is next to the office.”

2. How far is it?

Blurred Road

Even if you’re not familiar with the specifics of German direction words just yet, you can always speak in general terms.

  • Das ist weit weg von hier.

    “That’s far away from here.”

Imagine you’re exploring Berlin with one of your local friends, and you would like to go to the Potsdamer Platz, so you ask if it’s okay to go there now. But your friend politely declines with:

  • Der Potsdamer Platz, das ist weit weg von hier.

    “The Potsdamer Platz, that’s far away from here.”
  • Das ist in der Nähe.

    “That’s right in the vicinity (right nearby).”

Have you ever heard of the famous Mustafas Gemüse Kebab in Berlin? Let’s say you’ve arrived at the U-Bahn Station Mehringdamm, and you ask a woman if she knows where it is. She might answer:

  • Mustafas Gemüse Kebab? Das ist hier in der Nähe.

    “Mustafas Vegetable Kebab? That’s right nearby.”

Now, some general questions. These are simple, easy ways of asking for directions in German:

  • Ist es weit?

    “Is it far?”
  • Wie weit ist es zur Stadt?

    “How far is it to the city?”

Here you should know a couple of great prepositions for distances.

  • Die Gebäude sind weit entfernt.

    “The buildings are very far away.”

Entfernt literally means “removed,” and if you visit German online forums, you’ll see that word used to mean “deleted” for a post or video. You can easily modify it with time expressions.

  • Ich bin 10 Minuten entfernt von der Stadt.

    “I’m ten minutes away from the city.”

Or distance expressions:

  • Sie sind etwa zwei Kilometer entfernt.

    “They’re about two kilometers away.”

Etwa is a bit informal, but it’s used all the time and has the excellent function of softening whatever guess you’re making about time or distance. What if you want to be a little more exact with your directions, though?

3. Giving Directions in German

Directions in German

Whether you’re getting directions in German from a hard-of-hearing old man in a village or giving directions to your taxi driver, you’ll definitely want to be able to understand the verb “to turn.” This verb is a hugely essential part of directions vocabulary in German.

  • Biegen Sie hier ab.

    “Turn here.” [Formal]

The words links, meaning “left,” and rechts, meaning “right,” are quite close to their English counterparts. Interestingly, in English and in German, the word for “the opposite of left” and “legal rights” come from the same root!

  • Haben Tiere Menschenrechte?

    “Do animals have human rights?”

Anyway, in order to give those directions, just stick your direction word into that phrase. Remember that abbiegen is a separable-prefix verb, so the prefix ab- will often go at the end.

  • Biegen Sie da links ab.

    “Turn left there.”

To ask a direction question that requires a specific answer, use this phrase:

  • Wie komme ich zu…?

    “How do I get to…?”

Zu is one of several prepositions in German that are always followed by the dative case, so pay attention to the article you use.

  • Wie komme ich zu den Apartments?

    “How do I get to the apartments?”

We’ve learned left and right, how about forward and back? There are two ways to tell somebody to go back. The first one is:

  • Sie müssen umkehren.

    “You have to turn.”

Um is a preposition indicating that the movement should happen in a circle, while kehren just means “to turn.” Literally, umkehren means something like “turn in a circle.”

  • Gehen Sie geradeaus bis…

    “Go straight ahead until…”

4. Get out your map of Germany

Woman Holding Map /></a>

To be honest, you can just learn those few phrases and call it a day. Asking and giving directions in German isn’t that complicated!

But you came for more than that, and that’s what you’ll get. As a foreign visitor, it’s likely that people you meet will ask you where you’ve traveled, and also what part of your own country you’re from.

That means you should also <a href=know the cardinal directions in German: Nord, Süd, Ost, West. If you can read enough English to understand this article, I bet you can understand that this means: “north, south, east, west!”

To say that you come from or have been to a particular place before, you have to change the article and the noun itself very slightly.

  • Ich wohne im Norden.

    “I live in the North.”
  • Ich war schon im Osten.

    “I was already in the East.”

These two sentences assume that there’s already been some kind of context like:

  • Aus welchem Teil von Amerika kommen Sie?

    “What part of America do you come from?”

If you must specify, then simply tack on the name of the country and you’ll be all set.

  • Meine Mutter wohnt in Norddeutschland.

    “My mom lives in the north of Germany.”

Bonus for people whose country name includes a cardinal direction: add the word der Teil, meaning “part,” to make things clear!

  • Meine Heimatstadt ist im Westen Teil von Südsudan.

    “My hometown is in the western part of South Sudan.”

5. Driving directions in German


Back at the beginning of this article, we discussed the word for “one-way street.” For a total novice learner, it’s an easy mistake to make because so many street signs in German end in Straße, or “street.” Ein means “one” and bahn means “way” or “path,” so the German word, when broken down, is really identical to the English translation.

What are some other things you should know about driving on German roads? And how does one give or receive street directions in German?

Well, for one, it’s perfectly legal in Germany to drive with a foreign license from many different countries, including the United States. And since you just need to be eighteen or older, plenty of people end up renting cars in Germany for their trips.

If you drive on the famous German Autobahns (“highways”), you’ll notice that there really is no Tempolimit, or “speed limit.” Just stay safe and watch out for supercars!

On the highway you’ll frequently see a sign saying Ausfahrt. That’s not a town name, that’s “exit” in German! Its components are aus-, meaning “out,” and Fahrt, meaning “trip” or “journey.”

  • Welche Ausfahrt ist für Berlin?

    “Which exit do I take for Berlin?”

The opposite of the prefix aus- is ein-. Yes, it does happen to have the same form as the word for “one” in Einbahnstraße. That’s just an irregularity of the German language.
But putting that aside for now, what’s the opposite of “exit?” “Entrance,” of course!

  • Die Einfahrt zum Flughafen ist geradeaus.

    “The entrance to the airport is straight ahead.”

6. Conclusion

Basic Questions

With this serious stock of German phrases and vocabulary, you’ll be ready to hit the ground running when you actually get to a German-speaking country.

One great way to practice this in a low-stakes environment is to ask, in German, for directions to places you’ve just been.

Strangers are kind and glad to help tourists, as long as you ask politely. Ask how to get to the hotel you just came from, and since you already know kind of what to listen for, you’ll be more likely to understand the full answer.

Not yet in a German-speaking country? No worries!

You’re already in the best place to learn German online! Just follow the links in this article to our fantastic lessons that dive a little deeper into directions in German, and follow along with our podcasts to learn more.

As always, feel free to reach out in the comments with any questions you have! We’re always glad to help you out.

Picture of a dictionary entry.

The official German A1 vocabulary includes, according to the German Goethe Institut, 650 words – that’s the bad news. Wow, that’s a lot, you may think. The good news is: You’re already on the way, and we’re am here to help you.

Now, you may assume that you will be fluent in German if you learn all the words on this list. But if this is your question, then our answer to this would be:

“Hold the horses, my friend, slow down. One step after the other, we’ll get there.”

To begin with, memorizing 650 words by heart would be extremely repetitive, boring, and ineffective. To put it another way, you’ll forget them more quickly than you’ll learn them. Your brain needs to create connections (bridges) to those words first, and simply repeating the word-translation pair will not assist you in retrieving these words when you need them.

Learning in-depth and building upon know-how is much more enjoyable and efficient. Here’s what we’re here for.

We want to give you a few tips on how to deal with your A1 vocabulary list in the most effective way that would be beneficial for the actual use. One way to approach this is to go online and look for the most commonly used words. There are lists for all different levels, so you can always find something that suits you. For example, feel free to look for “The 500 Most Frequently Used German Words” and learn a few of those each day or each week.

Learn German with stories by Readle

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How To Learn German A1 Vocabulary Most Effectively:

  1. When you come across a word you’ve seen before, you won’t be able to memorize it if you look up the translation right away. The chances of learning this word are much higher if you try to remember what the word means before checking the translation.
    On the other hand, when you encounter a new term, look up its meaning (or different meanings), usage information, and sample sentences apart from the translation – this will help you build a bridge to that word.
  2. Pick a word you have a hard time memorizing and then put it in every learning session you have. Flashcards are a really great tool for that purpose. By repeating new words, we put them into our long-term memory. Moreover, if you’re using traditional flashcards, you can practice written German as well as improve your reading skills. And remember – flashcards can be used both for learning vocabulary and grammar, so try to use them to the fullest.
  3. Sometimes, it can really help to see a word in context – for example, in a sentence. If a word is new to you, type it into a search bar and check example sentences. There are many platforms on the internet that can help you with that – for example, an amazing website to help you find sentence examples is On the other hand, if you’re using a good language learning app, it should provide you with the translation of new words right away.
A woman holding folders.

The Top 10 Most Frequently Used Words In the German Language:

1. ich
• I
• me

2. sie
• they
• she
• them
• her

3. das
• the
• that
• this
• it

4. ist
• be

5. du
• you

6. nicht
• not
• no

7. die
• the
• which
• that
• who

8. und
• and

9. es
• it

10. der
• the
• which

This is Just a Start

A person writing in a notebook.

Of course, these are just a few common German words. If you want to become fluent, visit Germany, or make friends among native speakers, you need to learn other words as well and constantly try to improve your vocabulary.

You can create your own list of words that interest you, or you can choose those that you feel you might need the most. A fun way to learn vocabulary is to choose 5 to 10 words each day in your own language you think you will need that day, look up the German word for it, write them both down, and learn them throughout the day. Here are our top-7 words:

Words Of The Day For You:

  1. Hallo = Hello. Every conversation starts with a “Hallo!”, which means “Hello” in German.
  2. Liebe = Love. It’s all about love. Love is a universal feeling, and we should all talk about it, feel it and give it each day. Are we right?
  3. Blume = Flower. Flowers are beautiful – we love all kinds of flowers. Which one is your favorite?
  4. Katze = Cat. They can be cute, and they can be evil. Are you a cat or a dog person?
  5. Hund = Dog. A human’s best friend – this is what they say about dogs. Do you have dogs? Do you want to get one?
  6. Lächeln = Smile. The world is more friendly if you put a smile on your face. A smile can also help you communicate with people better and get all the answers you need.
  7. Ja = Yes. People say “no” so often, so it’s pretty thoughtful to cultivate saying “yes” more. Say “yes” to learning German.

Fun Facts!

Did you know that the German language is well known for having some of the world’s longest words? This is due to the fact that Germans use compound terms to express whole sentences – especially when it comes to commercial and government terms. As a result, the typical German word has more than ten letters.

Do­nau­dampf­schif­fahrtselek­tri­zi­tä­ten­haupt­be­triebs­werk­bau­un­ter­be­am­ten­ge­sell­schaft” is the longest German word in history, and it has letters. Lucky enough, this is not one of the most common German words. In any other language, the word would refer to the Association for officials subordinated to the head office management of the Danube steamboat electrical services, which consists of over ten terms.

Are Germans crazy? Don’t ask us. We didn’t come up with this idea.

However, this is one of the most uncommon German words. So breathe easy, you can already forget this one again. On the other hand, there is one pretty long word, which is unfortunately used quite a lot, and it is the word “Rechts­schutz­ver­si­che­rungs­ge­sell­schaf­ten.” It refers to the legal security provided by insurance companies. The word has, believe it or not, 40 letters – and it is the longest German word in daily usage, according to the Guinness Book of World Records.

With terms like these, it’s no surprise that Mark Twain made a joke once, saying that “some German words are so long that they even have a perspective.” Well, touché. Can’t argue this one.

A picture of Scrabble.

Soul Food For Your Brain

Mastering a language surely requires more than just basic vocabulary. If you want to learn German and become fluent in it, you need to acquire several skills that draw on one another. In that situation, learning by yourself can be challenging, unstructured, and simply boring, but have you tried the Readle App yet?

There, you can not only find interesting stories for every level, from beginner to advanced, but you can also find the translation of each and every word just by clicking on it. Moreover, you get audio recorded by native speakers, so you can practice your listening and pronunciation skills. Readle is fun and effective, even if you learn only for a couple of minutes each day. Just remember – it’s all about regularity and persistence. Üben, üben, üben – practice, practice, practice, and you will get there.

Zwei stilistisch einwandfreie Varianten sind «übrigens» und «apropos».

Übrigens, hier meine Telefonnummer

Apropos, hier meine Telefonnummer.

«Apropos» ist aber selten und für den Alltag meist ein bisschen zu bildungssprachlich.

«BTW» in einem deutschen Brief oder sonst einem Text zu verwenden, ist nicht ratsam. Der Leser — sofern des Englischen mächtig — wird es zwar verstehen, aber es würde möglicherweise als achtloser Umgang mit der Sprache (und somit mit dem Leser) gewertet. In manchen Kreisen (zum Beispiel unter Betriebswirtschaftlern und Physikern) mag es modisch sein, allerlei englische Wörter in den Satz zu streuen, aber at the end of the day ist das einfach BS.

Wenn es aber um eine superknappe Art von Kommunikation in Kurznachrichtenformen wie SMS geht (und das legt die Eingangsfrage ja letztlich nahe), und wenn man eben nicht das englische BTW verwenden will, wie wäre es dann mit:

Übgs, hier meine Tlfn-Nr.

Last updated:

January 1, 2023

German’s got some unique benefits going for it.

The German language is often parodied for its love of mushing together a bunch of words to create one super-long one.

Like Kraftfahrzeughaftpflichtversicherung (automobile liability insurance) and the previous titleholder for longest German word, Rindfleischetikettierungsueberwachungsaufgabenuebertragungsgesetz (law delegating beef label monitoring — thankfully the law it describes was repealed.)

On the flip-side, Germans are also good at something that involves a bit more brevity: summing up complex concepts and emotional states in just one word.


  • Where to Learn New German Words
    • 1. Weltschmerz
    • 2. Fremdscham
    • 3. Treppenwitz
    • 4. Mutterseelenallein
    • 5. Unwort
    • 6. Gemütlichkeit
    • 7. Backpfeifengesicht
    • 8. Sprachgefühl
    • 9. Aufschnitte
    • 10. Streicheleinheit
    • 11. Sehnsucht

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Where to Learn New German Words

Many websites and apps can help you learn uniquely German words that’ll help you more accurately sum up your web of emotions.

  • Deutsche Welle has a regular feature called Word of the Week that features interesting German words and a brief explanation of how they’re used. They also provide an audio file. Download this and learn how to pronounce some of those more tongue-tying words.
  • FluentU aims to get your brain in “German mode” so you understand how native speakers use the language in real life. Every video comes with interactive subtitles, flashcards and fun quizzes so you remember what you’ve learned. Check it out with the free trial.
  • Easy Languages on YouTube has a feature called “Learning German from the Streets” where they ask passersby to explain German words. There’s even an episode on Weltschmerz. The videos are very easy to follow because they have both German and English subtitles, so it’s a great way to hear complex concepts explained by everyday Germans.

11 Oddly Specifc German Words That Make Other Languages Jealous

Words like these would definitely come in handy in English. You know, when you want to describe a very specific scenario that everyone knows. Instead, we’re limited to giving the same long-winded explanations again and again.

That’s why sometimes it’s just easier for us to stick to the original German words, like Zeitgeist (spirit of the time) or Doppelgänger (look-alike or double).

Here are a few more examples that the English language should consider adding.

1. Weltschmerz

11 oddly specific german words that make other languages jealous

Literally translated to “world pain,” Weltschmerz describes the feeling of having the weight of the world on your shoulders.

You know those days where you watch some moving documentary on Netflix about starving children in some far-off place and suddenly you feel hopeless about the state of our plant?

You have Weltschmerz.

When you read the news, see all the horrible things happening and feel deep resignation about your own inability to do anything about any of it? Weltschmerz. The next time your outlook is too dark and glum to bear seeing another photo exhibit on AIDS, just let your friends know you can’t. Du hast Weltschmerz.

2. Fremdscham

11 oddly specific german words that make other languages jealous

This feeling may arise when you see a Facebook friend post a long-winded rant about something that turns out to be a gag article from The Onion.

Or when you watch one of those clips from America’s Funniest Home Videos where someone gets hurt in a stupid way.

Some might feel Schadenfreude, a German word that is somewhat commonly used in English, which means taking joy in others’ pain.

Instead of this though, you cringe and feel embarrassed for them, almost as if you made the mistake yourself. That’s Fremdscham, literally “stranger shame.”

One might feel this at a party when someone else insults the host’s cooking, only to have the host walk up right behind them. Ouch — that stinging feeling in your stomach? Total Fremdscham.

3. Treppenwitz


English-language comedians have built dozens upon dozens of sitcoms entirely upon the premise of Treppenwitz, like in the Seinfeld episode “The Comeback.” Yet we still don’t have a good way to describe it.

Well, I’ll take a stab at it. You know those times when you get into an argument with someone and you want so badly to say a snappy comeback, but that snappy comeback doesn’t dawn on you until long after the altercation?

That’s a Treppenwitz.

The word literally means “staircase joke,” as in you don’t think of the retort until you’re on the stairs, leaving the scene. Then you kick yourself for not thinking faster. Shoot! Why didn’t I think of that? 

4. Mutterseelenallein

11 oddly specific german words that make other languages jealous

This one might come the closest to representing the internet meme “forever alone,” but the imagery it evokes cannot be matched in English.

Mutterseelenallein literally translates to mean “mother’s souls alone,” as in no soul, not even your mother’s, is with you. You’re so alone that not even your mother can stand being with you. Cue the sad violin music.

5. Unwort

11 oddly specific german words that make other languages jealous

Ever the clever linguists, Germans know that sometimes there are words that aren’t really words. They decided that those words deserve their own word to describe them.

That word is Unwort, or un-word. The term is generally used to describe newly created, and often offensive, “words.” There’s even a panel of German linguists that selects an “Un-word of the Year.”

6. Gemütlichkeit

11 oddly specific german words that make other languages jealous

If you tell a German “oh, we have a phrase for Gemütlichkeit in English — feeling cozy,” they’ll instantly correct you.

For German speakers, it’s so much more than that.

The word describes the whole atmosphere of your surroundings. It’s not just the state of being on a soft couch that gives you Gemütlichkeit. It’s being on a soft couch. Under a warm blanket. Surrounded by family. With a cup of hot chocolate in your hands. And maybe a knit cap on your head. It’s the whole experience and feeling that you have of being physically warm, but also metaphorically feeling warm inside your heart.

7. Backpfeifengesicht

11 oddly specific german words that make other languages jealous

In English, one might say someone has “a face only a mother could love.” In German, such faces might also deserve getting punched. Backpfeifengesicht, a “face that should get a slap that whistles across the cheek,” is a face that makes you want to smack that person.

8. Sprachgefühl

11 oddly specific german words that make other languages jealous

Some people just have a knack for learning languages, collecting five, six or seven in their lifetime. It’s like they have a sixth sense for knowing when to say der, die or das. There’s a German word for this: Sprachgefühl, or “language feeling.” According to Wiktionary, it’s the “instinctive or intuitive grasp” of a language.

9. Aufschnitte

11 oddly specific german words that make other languages jealous

This translates to “cold cuts,” but it’s often used not only to describe the pieces of meat on the table, but the whole meal. Often Germans will have a meal of Aufschnitte where they sit down to eat a selection of breads with various fresh cheeses, smoked salmon and thinly sliced meat. It’s often a more convenient alternative to cooking for the whole family after a long day at work and driving on the Autobahn. What’s for dinner? Let’s just have Aufschnitte.

10. Streicheleinheit

11 oddly specific german words that make other languages jealous

Many online dictionaries translate this word to be a noun for “caress,” but when you break down the word, it sounds quite technical.

The word comes from the verb streicheln — to stroke or pet — and the noun Einheit  a unit of measurement. So it literally means “a unit of petting.”

But the way it’s used in practice is more along the lines of what in English might be shortened to TLC — tender love and care. A German might say Wir alle sehnen uns nach Streicheleinheiten” — we’re all yearning for love and affection. And isn’t that the truth.

11. Sehnsucht

11 oddly specific german words that make other languages jealous

This is another word that describes a complex set of emotions. It comes from sehnen, which means “to yearn or long for,” and Sucht, an obsession, craving or addiction.

Literally, it would mean something like “an obsessive yearning” for something, but that doesn’t quite capture it. It could be used to describe an inconsolable yearning for happiness and the unattainable. It could illustrate that you’re intensely missing something or someone. It may also express a longing for a far-off place.

Either way, it’s a pretty profound emotion to be boiled down into just two syllables.

Feeling Sehnsucht to get out there and start using these unique German words? We are!

Emma Anderson is an American journalist based in Berlin. She regularly writes for Berlin-based, English language publications The Local and EXBERLINER magazine.

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Traveling in, around, or through Germany? Then you must get to know German transportation vocabulary! Knowing terms and phrases related to how to get around in the German language will really help make all your travel desires easier.

The German word for transportation is Transport. In fact, a number of German words for transportation sound like they do in English translations, or very similar anyways.

Let’s begin by learning a bit about Germany and why you might want to travel there. Afterward, you can be sure we’ll cover the most important German transportation vocabulary you need to know!

Germany – The Basics

Here are some key travel facts about Germany

Famous German places

  • Location: Central Europe
  • Bordering nations: Denmark, Poland, Czechia, Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, France, Luxembourg, Belgium, Netherlands
  • Capital: Berlin
  • Population: Over 83 million
  • Other Major Cities: Hamburg, Frankfurt, Berlin, Munich, Düsseldorf
  • Climate: Temperate and marine
  • Weather: between 23°C (73°F) and 26°C (79°F) during the summer and 0°C (32°F) during winter
  • Main transportation mode: Bus or public transport
  • Public transportation system: U-Bahn, S-Bahn
  • Interesting places to visit:
    • Neuschwanstein Castle
    • Berlin Zoological Garden
    • The Black Forest
    • The Rhine
    • The Berlin Wall
    • Brandenburg Gate

In order to visit each of these attractions, you’ll need to know some German language to get around. Let’s get learning!

Common Modes Of Transportation In Germany

transportation vocabulary in German

Even though the majority of people in the larger cities get around on bus or public transport, it’s handy to know familiar and new words related to transportation. Here are some common types of transportation in German.

English Word German Word Pronunciation
Airplane das Flugzeug

Bike/bicycle das Fahrrad

Boat das Boot

Bus der Bus

Car das auto/der Wagen

Container Ship das Containerschiff

Cruise Ship das Kreuzfahrtschiff

Ferry die Fähre

Helicopter der Hubschrauber

Moped das Moped

Motorcycle das Motorrad

On foot zu Fuss

Sailboat das Segelboot

Scooter der Roller

Ship das Schiff

Streetcar die Straßenbahn

Subway/Metro die U-Bahn

Taxi das Taxi

Tractor der Traktor

Train der Züg

Tram die Straßenbahn

Trolleybus der Obus

Places To Get Transportation

It’s important to know the names of the places where you need to catch your bus, plane, or train! So here they are!

English Word German Word Pronunciation
Airport der Flughafen

Bus station/Bus stop die Bushaltestelle

Highway die Autobahn

Metro Station die U-Bahn Station

Metro stop die U-Bahn-Haltestelle

Road/Street die Straße

Train station der Bahnhof

Tram stop die Straßenbahnhaltestelle

S-Bahn Station die S-Bahn Station

S-Bahn stop die S-Bahn-Haltestelle

How To Ask About Transportation In German

What do you do if you can’t find the place you need or if you aren’t sure what to do when you get there? Ask! Here are some useful questions to help you get around Germany.

English Question German Question Pronunciation
Where is the train station? Wo ist der Bahnhof?

Which train station do I get off at? An welchem ​​Bahnhof steige ich aus?

Where is the nearest metro station? Wo ist die nächste Metrostation?

Where can I get a taxi? Wo bekomme ich ein Taxi?

How can I get to the airport? Wie komme ich zum Flughafen?

What’s the quickest way to get to the train station? Wie komme ich am schnellsten zum Bahnhof?

Where is the entrance to the highway? Wo ist die Einfahrt zur Autobahn?

I’ll take my bike Ich nehme das Fahrrad.

Where does the bus leave from? Von wo fährt der Bus ab?

Can I get off at the next station? Kann ich an der nächsten Station aussteigen?

Where is the next bus stop? Wo ist die nächste Bushaltestelle?

Different Kinds Of Transportation Tickets

Transport words in German

You can’t go anywhere without a ticket! Make sure you know how to ask for one and understand if people are asking you to show your ticket.

English Question German Question Pronunciation
Bus ticket der Busfahrschein

Metro ticket das U-Bahn-Ticket

One-way der Einweg

Plane ticket das Flugzeugticket

Round trip die Rundfahrt

Ticket die Fahrkarte

Ticket office der Fahrkartenschalter

Train ticket die Fahrkarte

Tram ticket das Straßenbahnticket

How To Ask About Transportation Tickets In German

English Question German Question Pronunciation
How much is the bus ticket? Wie viel kostet das Busticket?

How much for a one-way ticket? Wie viel kostet ein One-Way-Ticket?

How much for a round-trip ticket? Wie viel kostet ein Hin- und Rückfahrticket?

Do you have discounts for students? Haben Sie Ermäßigungen für Studenten?

Where can I buy a train ticket? Wo kann ich ein Zugticket kaufen?

Are there any tickets available? Gibt es Tickets?

Public Transport Related Vocabulary In German

Public transportation in German

Seeing as public transportation is so incredible in Germany, you’ll be using it a lot. Here are some words you can use to help you find and use public transportation in Germany.

English Word German Word Pronunciation
Passenger der Fahrgast

Public transportation der öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel

The bus der Bus

The platform der Bahnsteig

The stop die Haltestelle

The subway die U-Bahn

The ticket die Fahrkarte

The timetable der Fahrplan

The train der Zug

The train station der Bahnhof

The tram die Straßenbahn

To catch erwischen

To change umsteigen

To reserve reservieren

To stand stehen

To validate entwerten

Car Related Vocabulary In German

German car vocabulary

You may find that you’d rather rent a car than take the train or other modes of transport to get around. Here are some useful terms you should know when driving a car.

English Word German Word Pronunciation
to drive fahren

Driver’s license der Führerschein

Fuel/gas das Gas

Gas tank der Gasbehälter

Number plate (license plate) das Kennzeichen

to park parken

The brake die Bremse

The bumper die Stoßstange

The car das Auto

The door die Autotür

The driver der Fahrer/die Fahrerin

The engine der Motor

The gas station die Tankstelle

The gears der Gang

The headlight der Scheinwerfer

The pedal das Pedal

The seat der Sitz

The steering wheel das Lenkrad

The tire das Rad

Turn signal (blinker) der Blinker

Windscreen die Windschutzscheibe

Car Related Conversational Phrases In German

English Phrase German Phrase Pronunciation
Where can I rent a car? Wo kann ich ein Auto mieten?

How much is the car rental? Wie viel kostet die Autovermietung?

The engine has stopped working Der Motor funktioniert nicht mehr

The car won’t start Das Auto springt nicht an

Where’s the nearest gas station? Wo ist die nächste Tankstelle?

What kind of fuel does it use? Welche Art von Kraftstoff wird verwendet?

The car has a flat tire Das Auto hat einen platten Reifen

Bicycle-Related Vocabulary In German

Bicycle in German

After public transport, cycling is the German’s favorite way to get around. Here are the words to help your bicycle around too.

English Word German Word Pronunciation
Bicycle das Fahrrad

Cyclist der Radfahrer/die Radfahrerin

The pedal das Pedal

The tire der Reifen

Helmet der Helm

To ride fahren

Airplane-Related Vocabulary In German

airplane vocabulary in German

Airplanes are most commonly taken to fly in and out of Germany, rather than within it. It’s most likely that you’ll be traveling by train, but just in case, here is vocabulary relating to plane travel.

At The Airport

English Word German Word Pronunciation
Airport der Flughafen

Arrival die Ankunft

Boarding pass die Bordkarte

Cancelled abgesagt

Check-in das Check-in

Connection die Verbindung

Delayed verspätet

Departure die Abfahrt

Gate der Tor

Gate Number die Gate-Nummer

Jet engine das Düsentriebwerk

Luggage das Gepäck

On-time pünktlich

One-way ticket das One-Way-Ticket

Roundtrip ticket die Hin- und Rückfahrkarte

Seat booking die Sitzplatzreservierung

Security check die Sicherheitskontrolle

Terminal das Terminal

Ticket die Fahrkarte

Transit die Durchreise

On The Airplane

English Word German Word Pronunciation
Airplane das Flugzeug

Aisle seat der Gangplatz

Board/boarding die Verpflegung/Verpflegung

Economy class die Economyclass

Crew die Besatzung

Flight attendant der Flugbegleiter

Hand luggage das Handgepäck

Land das Land

Passport der Reisepass

Pilot der Pilot/die Pilotin

Window seat der Fensterplatz

Airplane Travel Related Phrases In German

English German Pronunciation
Is the plane on time? Ist das Flugzeug pünktlich?

How long will the plane be delayed? Wie lange wird das Flugzeug Verspätung haben?

Where is my gate? Wo ist mein Tor?

Which terminal do I go to? An welches Terminal gehe ich?

I’d like a window seat Ich hätte gerne einen Fensterplatz

I’d like an aisle seat Ich möchte einen Gangplatz

Train Related Vocabulary In German

Train vocabulary in German

You also be likely to take a train while traveling through Germany, especially if you have a Eurorail pass

English Word German Word Pronunciation
Aisle der Gang

Canceled ankunft

Delayed abgesagt

On-time verspätet

Platform der Bahnsteig

Seat number die Sitznummer

Train der Zug

Train number die Zugnummer

Train station der Bahnhof

Window das Fenster

Train Travel Related Phrases In German

English German Pronunciation
Which platform do I go to? Auf welche Plattform gehe ich?

Where is the seat number (insert number)? Wo ist die Platznummer

Do I get off here? Steige ich hier aus?

How long will the train ride take? Wie lange dauert die Zugfahrt?

Is there food available on the train? Gibt es Essen im Zug?

Are there washrooms on board? Gibt es Waschräume an Bord?

Sea Or Ship Related Vocabulary In German

Boat vocabulary in German

Part of Germany borders the ocean so you might end up on a boat at some point. Just in case you do, here are the German words you’ll need.

English Word German Word Pronunciation
Anchor der Anker

Boat das boot das boot

Bow der Bug

Cabin die Kajüte

Dock das Dock

Life jacket/ life saving device die Rettungsweste/das Rettungsgerät

Lifeboat das Rettungsboot

Port der Hafen

Sailboat das Segelboot

Sea das Meer

Ship das Schiff

Stern der Stern

Traffic And Driving Related Vocabulary In German

Traffic German transportation vocabulary

Important signal signs with their German meaning and pronunciation are below to help you drive around easier.

English Word German Word Pronunciation
Greenlight das Grünes Licht

One-way street die Einbahnstraße

Red light das Rotlicht

Speed limit die Erlaubte Höchstgeschwindigkeit

Stop sign das Stoppschild

Traffic light die Ampel

U-turn die Kehrtwende

Yellow light das Gelbes Licht

Want To Learn More German?

Now that you’ve learned some German transportation vocabulary Ling is here for you to help you know even more!

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Have you been looking to improve your conversational skills and effectively tackle a lot of new vocabulary? Check out our post on the 1000 Most Common German Words below.

When learning a new language the amount of vocabulary can be daunting. Have you heard people say things like: “We only use around 700 words when we talk?” This is true to some degree. The number of words to learn to speak a language really depends on your purpose. Remember that 300 to 600 words may be enough to travel, but at least 1000 words are necessary for a conversation. The most important thing is not knowing how many words you need to speak a language, but which words to know. Complete fluency is in the 10,000 word range. According to the economist: “Most adult native test-takers range from 20,000–35,000 words. Average native test-takers of age 8 already know 10,000 words. Average native test-takers of age 4 already know 5,000 words. Adult native test-takers learn almost 1 new word a day until middle age”

10,000 words. Wow. That does seem daunting when you are first starting out. But like anything new, you just have to start small and keep adding to it.

That’s why we wrote this blog article: which features the  1000 most frequently used German words.

Why these 1000 words?

Let’s imagine that you just got a job as a bartender. Would you try to learn every cocktail known to man, or would you focus on the cocktails that are most popular in your area? We developed this list of words based on the idea of the 80/20 principle (the cornerstone of results-based living). This strategy developed by David Kock says “The 80/20 Principle asserts that a minority of causes, inputs or efforts usually lead to a majority of the results, outputs or rewards” So instead of learning 10,000 words in no particular order, learn the most common 100 words, then the most common 500 words, and then the most common 1000 words. If you want to check out this classic business book, you can order it here.

Other great ways to improve your vocabulary:

  1. Watch Netflix in Original language with original language captions
  2. Check out a great book like this: 2500 most frequently used German words
  3. Do some quick daily exercises on DuoLingo or any other free language learning app
  4. Take some classes with us at Strømmen and speak to a real human in person or online 
Number German in English
1 wie as
2 ich I
3 seine his
4 dass that
5 er he
6 war was
7 für for
8 auf on
9 sind are
10 mit with
11 sie they
12 sein be
13 bei at
14 ein one
15 haben have
16 dies this
17 aus from
18 durch by
19 heiß hot
20 Wort word
21 aber but
22 was what
23 einige some
24 ist is
25 es it
26 Sie you
27 oder or
28 hatte had
29 die the
30 von of
31 zu to
32 und and
33 ein a
34 bei in
35 wir we
36 können can
37 aus out
38 andere other
39 waren were
40 die which
41 tun do
42 ihre their
43 Zeit time
44 wenn if
45 werden will
46 wie how
47 sagte said
48 ein an
49 jeder each
50 sagen tell
51 tut does
52 Satz set
53 drei three
54 wollen want
55 Luft air
56 gut well
57 auch also
58 spielen play
59 klein small
60 Ende end
61 setzen put
62 Zuhause home
63 lesen read
64 seits hand
65 Hafen port
66 groß large
67 buchstabieren spell
68 hinzufügen add
69 auch even
70 Lande land
71 hier here
72 muss must
73 groß big
74 hoch high
75 so such
76 folgen follow
77 Akt act
78 warum why
79 fragen ask
80 Männer men
81 Veränderung change
82 ging went
83 Licht light
84 Art kind
85 aus off
86 müssen need
87 Haus house
88 Bild picture
89 versuchen try
90 uns us
91 wieder again
92 Tier animal
93 Punkt point
94 Mutter mother
95 Welt world
96 in der Nähe von near
97 bauen build
98 selbst self
99 Erde earth
100 Vater father
101 jeder any
102 neu new
103 Arbeit work
104 Teil part
105 nehmen take
106 erhalten get
107 Ort place
108 gemacht made
109 leben live
110 wo where
111 nach after
112 zurück back
113 wenig little
114 nur only
115 Runde round
116 Mann man
117 Jahr year
118 kam came
119 zeigen show
120 jeder every
121 gut good
122 mir me
123 geben give
124 unsere our
125 unter under
126 Name name
127 sehr very
128 durch through
129 nur just
130 Formular form
131 Satz sentence
132 groß great
133 denken think
134 sagen say
135 Hilfe help
136 niedrig low
137 Linie line
138 abweichen differ
139 wiederum turn
140 Ursache cause
141 viel much
142 bedeuten mean
143 vor before
144 Umzug move
145 Recht right
146 Junge boy
147 alt old
148 zu too
149 gleich same
150 sie she
151 alle all
152 da there
153 wenn when
154 nach oben up
155 Verwendung use
156 Ihre your
157 Weg way
158 über about
159 viele many
160 dann then
161 sie them
162 schreiben write
163 würde would
164 wie like
165 so so
166 diese these
167 sie her
168 lange long
169 machen make
170 Sache thing
171 sehen see
172 ihm him
173 zwei two
174 hat has
175 suchen look
176 mehr more
177 Tag day
178 könnte could
179 gehen go
180 kommen come
181 tat did
182 Anzahl number
183 klingen sound
184 nicht no
185 am meisten most
186 Menschen people
187 meine my
188 über over
189 wissen know
190 Wasser water
191 als than
192 Anruf call
193 erste first
194 die who
195 können may
196 nach unten down
197 Seite side
198 gewesen been
199 jetzt now
200 finden find
201 Kopf head
202 stehen stand
203 besitzen own
204 Seite page
205 sollte should
206 Land country
207 gefunden found
208 Antwort answer
209 Schule school
210 wachsen grow
211 Studie study
212 noch still
213 lernen learn
214 Anlage plant
215 Abdeckung cover
216 Lebensmittel food
217 Sonne sun
218 vier four
219 zwischen between
220 Zustand state
221 halten keep
222 Auge eye
223 nie never
224 letzte last
225 lassen let
226 Gedanken thought
227 Stadt city
228 Baum tree
229 überqueren cross
230 Bauernhof farm
231 schwer hard
232 Beginn start
233 Macht might
234 Geschichte story
235 Säge saw
236 weit far
237 Meer sea
238 ziehen draw
239 links left
240 spät late
241 laufen run
242 unterlassen Sie don’t
243 während while
244 Presse press
245 Schließen close
246 Nacht night
247 realen real
248 Leben life
249 wenige few
250 Norden north
251 Buch book
252 tragen carry
253 nahm took
254 Wissenschaft science
255 essen eat
256 Zimmer room
257 Freund friend
258 begann began
259 Idee idea
260 Fisch fish
261 berg mountain
262 Stopp stop
263 einmal once
264 Basis base
265 hören hear
266 Pferd horse
267 Schnitt cut
268 sicher sure
269 beobachten watch
270 Farbe color
271 Gesicht face
272 Holz wood
273 Haupt- main
274 geöffnet open
275 scheinen seem
276 zusammen together
277 nächste next
278 weiß white
279 Kinder children
280 Start begin
281 bekam got
282 gehen walk
283 Beispiel example
284 erleichtern ease
285 Papier paper
286 Gruppe group
287 immer always
288 Musik music
289 diejenigen those
290 beide both
291 Marke mark
292 oft often
293 Schreiben letter
294 bis until
295 Meile mile
296 Fluss river
297 Auto car
298 Füße feet
299 Pflege care
300 zweite second
301 genug enough
302 Ebene plain
303 Mädchen girl
304 üblich usual
305 jung young
306 bereit ready
307 oben above
308 je ever
309 rot red
310 Liste list
311 obwohl though
312 fühlen feel
313 Vortrag talk
314 Vogel bird
315 bald soon
316 Körper body
317 Hund dog
318 Familie family
319 direkt direct
320 Pose pose
321 verlassen leave
322 Lied song
323 messen measure
324 Tür door
325 Produkt product
326 schwarz black
327 kurz short
328 Zahl numeral
329 Klasse class
330 Wind wind
331 Frage question
332 passieren happen
333 vollständig complete
334 Schiff ship
335 Bereich area
336 Hälfte half
337 Stein rock
338 bestellen order
339 Feuer fire
340 Süden south
341 Problem problem
342 Stück piece
343 sagte told
344 wusste knew
345 passieren pass
346 seit since
347 obere top
348 ganze whole
349 König king
350 Straße street
351 Zoll inch
352 multiplizieren multiply
353 nichts nothing
354 Kurs course
355 bleiben stay
356 Rad wheel
357 voll full
358 Kraft force
359 blau blue
360 Objekt object
361 entscheiden decide
362 Oberfläche surface
363 tief deep
364 Mond moon
365 Insel island
366 Fuß foot
367 System system
368 beschäftigt busy
369 Prüfung test
370 Rekord record
371 Boot boat
372 gemeinsam common
373 goldenen gold
374 möglich possible
375 Flugzeug plane
376 statt stead
377 trocken dry
378 Wunder wonder
379 Lachen laugh
380 tausend thousand
381 vor ago
382 lief ran
383 überprüfen check
384 Spiel game
385 Form shape
386 gleichsetzen equate
387 heiß hot
388 Fehl miss
389 gebracht brought
390 Wärme heat
391 Schnee snow
392 Reifen tire
393 bringen bring
394 ja yes
395 entfernt distant
396 füllen fill
397 Osten east
398 malen paint
399 Sprache language
400 unter among
401 Einheit unit
402 Macht power
403 Stadt town
404 fein fine
405 sicher certain
406 fliegen fly
407 fallen fall
408 führen lead
409 Schrei cry
410 dunkel dark
411 Maschine machine
412 note note
413 warten wait
414 Plan plan
415 Abbildung figure
416 Stern star
417 Kasten box
418 Nomen noun
419 Feld field
420 Rest rest
421 richtig correct
422 fähig able
423 Pfund pound
424 getan done
425 Schönheit beauty
426 Antriebs drive
427 stand stood
428 enthalten contain
429 Front front
430 lehren teach
431 Woche week
432 Finale final
433 gab gave
434 grün green
435 oh oh
436 schnell quick
437 entwickeln develop
438 Ozean ocean
439 warme warm
440 kostenlos free
441 Minute minute
442 stark strong
443 besondere special
444 Geist mind
445 hinter behind
446 klar clear
447 Schwanz tail
448 produzieren produce
449 Tatsache fact
450 Raum space
451 gehört heard
452 beste best
453 Stunde hour
454 besser better
455 wahr true
456 während during
457 hundert hundred
458 fünf five
459 merken remember
460 Schritt step
461 früh early
462 halten hold
463 Westen west
464 Boden ground
465 Interesse interest
466 erreichen reach
467 schnell fast
468 Verbum verb
469 singen sing
470 hören listen
471 sechs six
472 Tabelle table
473 Reise travel
474 weniger less
475 Morgen morning
476 zehn ten
477 einfach simple
478 mehrere several
479 Vokal vowel
480 auf toward
481 Krieg war
482 legen lay
483 gegen against
484 Muster pattern
485 schleppend slow
486 Zentrum center
487 Liebe love
488 Person person
489 Geld money
490 dienen serve
491 erscheinen appear
492 Straße road
493 Karte map
494 regen rain
495 Regel rule
496 regieren govern
497 ziehen pull
498 Kälte cold
499 Hinweis notice
500 Stimme voice
501 Energie energy
502 Jagd hunt
503 wahrscheinlich probable
504 Bett bed
505 Bruder brother
506 Ei egg
507 Fahrt ride
508 Zelle cell
509 glauben believe
510 vielleicht perhaps
511 pflücken pick
512 plötzlich sudden
513 zählen count
514 Platz square
515 Grund reason
516 Dauer length
517 vertreten represent
518 Kunst art
519 Thema subject
520 Region region
521 Größe size
522 variieren vary
523 regeln settle
524 sprechen speak
525 Gewicht weight
526 allgemein general
527 Eis ice
528 Materie matter
529 Kreis circle
530 Paar pair
531 umfassen include
532 Kluft divide
533 Silbe syllable
534 Filz felt
535 groß grand
536 Kugel ball
537 noch yet
538 Welle wave
539 fallen drop
540 Herz heart
541 Uhr am
542 vorhanden present
543 schwer heavy
544 Tanz dance
545 Motor engine
546 Position position
547 Arm arm
548 breit wide
549 Segel sail
550 Material material
551 Fraktion fraction
552 Wald forest
553 sitzen sit
554 Rennen race
555 Fenster window
556 Speicher store
557 Sommer summer
558 Zug train
559 Schlaf sleep
560 beweisen prove
561 einsam lone
562 Bein leg
563 Übung exercise
564 Wand wall
565 Fang catch
566 Berg mount
567 wünschen wish
568 Himmel sky
569 Board board
570 Freude joy
571 Winter winter
572 sa sat
573 geschrieben written
574 wilden wild
575 Instrument instrument
576 gehalten kept
577 Glas glass
578 Gras grass
579 Kuh cow
580 Arbeit job
581 Rand edge
582 Zeichen sign
583 Besuch visit
584 Vergangenheit past
585 weich soft
586 Spaß fun
587 hell bright
588 Gases gas
589 Wetter weather
590 Monat month
591 Million million
592 tragen bear
593 Finish finish
594 glücklich happy
595 hoffen hope
596 blume flower
597 kleiden clothe
598 seltsam strange
599 Vorbei gone
600 Handel trade
601 Melodie melody
602 Reise trip
603 Büro office
604 empfangen receive
605 Reihe row
606 Mund mouth
607 genau exact
608 Zeichen symbol
609 sterben die
610 am wenigsten least
611 Ärger trouble
612 Schrei shout
613 außer except
614 schrieb wrote
615 Samen seed
616 Ton tone
617 beitreten join
618 vorschlagen suggest
619 sauber clean
620 Pause break
621 Dame lady
622 Hof yard
623 steigen rise
624 schlecht bad
625 Schlag blow
626 Öl oil
627 Blut blood
628 berühren touch
629 wuchs grew
630 Cent cent
631 mischen mix
632 Mannschaft team
633 Draht wire
634 Kosten cost
635 verloren lost
636 braun brown
637 tragen wear
638 Garten garden
639 gleich equal
640 gesendet sent
641 wählen choose
642 fiel fell
643 passen fit
644 fließen flow
645 Messe fair
646 Bank bank
647 sammeln collect
648 sparen save
649 Kontrolle control
650 dezimal decimal
651 Ohr ear
652 sonst else
653 ganz quite
654 pleite broke
655 Fall case
656 Mitte middle
657 töten kill
658 Sohn son
659 See lake
660 Moment moment
661 Maßstab scale
662 laut loud
663 Frühling spring
664 beobachten observe
665 Kind child
666 gerade straight
667 Konsonant consonant
668 Nation nation
669 Wörterbuch dictionary
670 milch milk
671 Geschwindigkeit speed
672 Verfahren method
673 Orgel organ
674 zahlen pay
675 Alter age
676 Abschnitt section
677 Kleid dress
678 Wolke cloud
679 Überraschung surprise
680 ruhig quiet
681 Stein stone
682 winzig tiny
683 Aufstieg climb
684 kühlen cool
685 Entwurf design
686 arm poor
687 Menge lot
688 Versuch experiment
689 Boden bottom
690 Schlüssel key
691 Eisen iron
692 Einzel single
693 Stick stick
694 Wohnung flat
695 zwanzig twenty
696 Haut skin
697 Lächeln smile
698 Falte crease
699 Loch hole
700 springen jump
701 Kind baby
702 acht eight
703 Dorf village
704 treffen meet
705 Wurzel root
706 kaufen buy
707 erhöhen raise
708 lösen solve
709 Metall metal
710 ob whether
711 drücken push
712 sieben seven
713 Absatz paragraph
714 dritte third
715 wird shall
716 Hand held
717 Haar hair
718 beschreiben describe
719 Koch cook
720 Boden floor
721 entweder either
722 Ergebnis result
723 brennen burn
724 Hügel hill
725 sicher safe
726 Katze cat
727 Jahrhundert century
728 betrachten consider
729 Typ type
730 Gesetz law
731 Bit bit
732 Küste coast
733 Kopie copy
734 Ausdruck phrase
735 still silent
736 hoch tall
737 Sand sand
738 Boden soil
739 Rolle roll
740 Temperatur temperature
741 Finger finger
742 Industrie industry
743 Wert value
744 Kampf fight
745 Lüge lie
746 schlagen beat
747 begeistern excite
748 natürlich natural
749 Blick view
750 Sinn sense
751 Hauptstadt capital
752 wird nicht won’t
753 Stuhl chair
754 Achtung danger
755 Obst fruit
756 reich rich
757 dick thick
758 Soldat soldier
759 Prozess process
760 betreiben operate
761 Praxis practice
762 trennen separate
763 schwierig difficult
764 Arzt doctor
765 Bitte please
766 schützen protect
767 Mittag noon
768 Ernte crop
769 modernen modern
770 Elementes element
771 treffen hit
772 Schüler student
773 Ecke corner
774 Partei party
775 Versorgung supply
776 deren whose
777 lokalisieren locate
778 Rings ring
779 Charakter character
780 insekt insect
781 gefangen caught
782 Zeit period
783 zeigen indicate
784 Funk radio
785 Speiche spoke
786 Atom atom
787 Mensch human
788 Geschichte history
789 Wirkung effect
790 elektrisch electric
791 erwarten expect
792 Knochen bone
793 Schiene rail
794 vorstellen imagine
795 bieten provide
796 zustimmen agree
797 so thus
798 sanft gentle
799 Frau woman
800 Kapitän captain
801 erraten guess
802 erforderlich necessary
803 scharf sharp
804 Flügel wing
805 schaffen create
806 Nachbar neighbor
807 Wasch wash
808 Fledermaus bat
809 eher rather
810 Menge crowd
811 mais corn
812 vergleichen compare
813 Gedicht poem
814 Schnur string
815 Glocke bell
816 abhängen depend
817 Fleisch meat
818 einreiben rub
819 Rohr tube
820 berühmt famous
921 Dollar dollar
822 Strom stream
823 Angst fear
284 Blick sight
825 dünn thin
826 Dreieck triangle
827 Erde planet
828 Eile hurry
829 Chef chief
830 Kolonie colony
831 Uhr clock
832 Mine mine
833 Krawatte tie
834 eingeben enter
835 Dur major
836 frisch fresh
837 Suche search
838 senden send
839 gelb yellow
840 Pistole gun
841 erlauben allow
842 Druck print
843 tot dead
844 Stelle spot
845 Wüste desert
846 Anzug suit
847 Strom current
848 Aufzug lift
840 stiegen rose
850 ankommen arrive
851 Stamm master
852 Spur track
853 Elternteil parent
854 Ufer shore
855 Teilung division
856 Blatt sheet
857 Substanz substance
858 begünstigen favor
859 verbinden connect
860 nach post
861 verbringen spend
862 Akkord chord
863 Fett fat
864 froh glad
865 Original original
866 Aktie share
867 Station station
868 Papa dad
869 Brot bread
870 aufladen charge
871 richtig proper
872 Leiste bar
873 Angebot offer
874 Segment segment
875 Sklave slave
876 ente duck
877 Augenblick instant
878 Markt market
879 Grad degree
880 besiedeln populate
881 küken chick
882 liebe dear
883 Feind enemy
884 antworten reply
885 Getränk drink
886 auftreten occur
887 Unterstützung support
888 Rede speech
889 Natur nature
890 Angebot range
891 Dampf steam
892 Bewegung motion
893 Weg path
894 Flüssigkeit liquid
895 protokollieren log
896 gemeint meant
897 Quotient quotient
898 Gebiss teeth
899 Schale shell
900 Hals neck
901 Sauerstoff oxygen
902 Zucker sugar
903 Tod death
904 ziemlich pretty
905 Geschicklichkeit skill
906 Frauen women
907 Saison season
908 Lösung solution
909 Magnet magnet
910 Silber silver
911 danken thank
912 Zweig branch
913 Spiel match
914 Suffix suffix
915 insbesondere especially
916 Feige fig
917 ängstlich afraid
918 riesig huge
919 Schwester sister
920 Stahl steel
921 diskutieren discuss
922 vorwärts forward
923 ähnlich similar
924 führen guide
925 Erfahrung experience
926 Partitur score
927 apfel apple
928 gekauft bought
929 geführt led
930 Tonhöhe pitch
931 Mantel coat
932 Masse mass
933 Karte card
934 Band band
935 Seil rope
936 Rutsch slip
937 gewinnen win
938 träumen dream
939 Abend evening
940 Zustand condition
941 Futtermittel feed
942 Werkzeug tool
943 gesamt total
944 Basis basic
945 Geruch smell
946 Tal valley
947 noch nor
948 doppelt double
949 Sitz seat
950 fortsetzen continue
951 Block block
952 Tabelle chart
953 Hut hat
954 verkaufen sell
955 Erfolg success
956 Firma company
957 subtrahieren subtract
958 Veranstaltung event
959 besondere particular
960 viel deal
961 schwimmen swim
962 Begriff term
963 Gegenteil opposite
964 Frau wife
965 Schuh shoe
966 Schulter shoulder
967 Verbreitung spread
968 arrangieren arrange
969 Lager camp
970 erfinden invent
971 Baumwolle cotton
972 geboren born
973 bestimmen determine
974 Quart quart
975 neun nine
976 Lastwagen truck
977 Lärm noise
978 Ebene level
979 Chance chance
980 sammeln gather
981 Geschäft shop
982 Stretch stretch
983 werfen throw
984 Glanz shine
985 Immobilien property
986 Spalte column
987 Molekül molecule
988 wählen select
989 falsch wrong
990 grau gray
991 Wiederholung repeat
992 erfordern require
993 breit broad
994 vorbereiten prepare
995 Salz salt
996 Nase nose
997 mehreren plural
998 Zorn anger
999 Anspruch claim
1000 Kontinent continent


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