German word for chosen one




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If you want to know how to say chosen one in German, you will find the translation here. We hope this will help you to understand German better.

Here is the translation and the German word for chosen one:


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«Chosen one in German.» In Different Languages, Accessed 14 Apr 2023.



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He’s the chosen one people have been talking about.

Er ist der Auserwählte, über den das Volk gesprochen hat.

If you like me, then you’re the chosen one today.

Wenn ich dir gefalle, dann bist du heute der Auserwählte.

An awakened preacher is therefore a chosen one among the called.

Ein erweckter Prediger also ist ein Auserwählter unter den Berufenen.

But I’m not a chosen one or anything.

You are a chosen one who must save everybody’s dreams.

Du bist der Auserwählte, der die Träume bewahren muss.

Spoken and sophisticated, the chosen one will certainly not be unpleasant.

Redegewandt und niveauvoll fällt die Auserwählte bestimmt nicht unangenehm auf.

The chosen one who will rule with a strong hand.

Der Auserwählte, der mit starker Hand regieren wird.

You are the chosen one, who is supposed to represent our people.

Sie sind die Auserwählte, die unser Volk vertreten soll.

You are the chosen one to experience this adventure.

Du bist der Auserwählte, dieses Abenteuer zu erleben.

It is important for them that the chosen one belongs entirely to him.

Für sie ist es wichtig, dass der Auserwählte ganz zu ihm gehört.

But her chosen one, in fact, is not necessary.

Aber ihre Auserwählte ist in der Tat nicht notwendig.

And the question about the underneath may only be answered by your chosen one.

Und die Frage nach dem Darunter darf eben nur Deine Auserwählte beantworten.

Or you already have a chosen one and you go in the partner look.

Oder du hast bereits eine Auserwählte und ihr geht im Partnerlook.

Impress your beautiful chosen one with your charming character and your awesome clothing taste.

Beeindrucke Deine Auserwählte mit Deinem Charme und einem erlesenen Geschmack für Bekleidung.

The chosen one has vowed to grant the goddess of eternal loyalty and security.

Die Auserwählte hat sich geschworen, der Göttin ewige Treue und Sicherheit zu gewähren.

Unfortunately, not always your chosen one lives nearby.

Leider lebt Ihre Auserwählte nicht immer um die Ecke.

Pay attention to the health of the chosen one.

Achten Sie auf die Gesundheit der Auserwählte.

You, sir, are the chosen one.

You are the chosen one; otherwise you would be frozen along with the others.

Du bist der Auserwählte; sonst würden Sie zusammen mit den anderen eingefroren werden.

Besides, she knows he’s the chosen one.

Außerdem weiß sie, dass er der Auserwählte ist.

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I have chosen
in a sentence and their translations

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Ich wählte während dieser geistigen Übungen für Schutzheilige, S.

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Ich wählte diesen Tag für die monatliche geistige Zurückziehung.

I have chosen this profession because


was born after wwii ended in Japan.

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Ich wählte diesen Beruf, weil


am Ende des Krieges geboren wurde.

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I have chosen to buy waterproof nylon and fabricarme one capeline and a poncho.

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Der von mir gewählte Lebensstil ist ein nur selten beschrittener Weg.

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If you’ve just started learning German, you might be struggling to get past the beginner stage.

Maybe you feel overwhelmed by the Germanic umlauts on vowels (ä, ö, ü), or maybe that eszett letter (ß). Perhaps it’s the pace of spoken German that’s made you question your decision to start learning.

While there’s definitely truth to those concerns, worry not. There are several short and easy-to-learn words in German that can serve as a springboard while you become familiar with the language. 

Memorizing even a few basic German words for beginners will be enough of a stepping stone to help you eventually learn more. This is because many German words are composed of several shorter words that, when combined, have a unique meaning.

Take Kühlschrank, for example. This word is composed of Kühl- which means “cool,” and -schrank which translates to “cupboard.”

Combine the two and you get “cool cupboard,” which is a funny way to describe a refrigerator—the actual meaning of the word Kühlschrank.

Pretty relieving to know this, right? 

German isn’t that hard after all. The most difficult part is to summon up the courage to begin. 

That’s why we took the time to put together a categorized masterlist of the most essential words in German for beginners. 

Without further ado, let’s get right into it…


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Table of Contents

  1. Pronouns
  2. Numbers
  3. Nouns
  4. Verbs
  5. Adjectives
  6. Conjunctions
  7. Others
  8. Conclusion

1. Pronouns

The first set of words you should add to your German vocabulary are pronouns. These are the words we use to refer to people, places, or things without actually using their names:

  • Susan ate the chocolate bar. = She ate the chocolate bar. 

Here, we’ll be covering three types of pronouns in German: personal, demonstrative, and interrogative. 

Personal Pronouns

We’ll start with personal pronouns, given their importance in sentences. These are crucial for almost any sentence, and we recommend you memorize them by heart before you start with any other words.

English German 
I ich
you du
he er
she sie
it es
we wir
you (plural) ihr
they sie
me mich / mir
you dich / dir
him ihm / ihn
her ihr
us uns
them ihnen

Demonstrative Pronouns

Demonstrative pronouns are especially critical for indicating which objects or people you’re referring to in your dialogue. These four basic German words are important to master at the beginner stage.

English German 
this dieses 
that das 
these diese
those jene

Interrogative Pronouns / Question Words

Interrogative pronouns, or the “Five Ws,” are the words we use to ask questions. 

English  German 
who wer
whom wen / wem
whose wessen
what was
which welche

In a similar vein, there are a few interrogative adverbs you should learn at this stage as well: 

English German
when wann
where wo
why warum
how wie

2. Numbers

Multicolored Numbers

The numbers from one to ten in German are rather similar to those in English. Just like with most languages, learning the first ten digits will help you understand and easily learn the rest of the numbers.

Numbers English  German 
0 zero null
1 one eins
2 two zwei
3 three drei
4 four vier
5 five fünf
6 six sechs
7 seven sieben
8 eight  acht
9 nine neun
10 ten zehn

3. Nouns

Nouns are one of the most important parts of speech, so you should memorize as many of them in German as you can. When used with verbs, they create a complete sentence—in a pinch, you can even use them alone to get an urgent point across! Below, you’ll find lists of beginner German nouns you should focus on right away. 


Wall Clock

Time is king, especially in a country like Germany where punctuality is paramount. Learning time-related vocabulary will come in handy in your day-to-day interactions.

English German 
hour  Stunde
minute Minute
morning Morgen
afternoon Nachmittag
evening Abend
day Tag
month Monat
year Jahr
Monday Montag
Tuesday Dienstag
Wednesday Mittwoch
Thursday Donnerstag
Friday Freitag
Saturday Samstag
Sunday Sonntag


These are the words you’d learn in the first lesson of probably any German beginner copybook. 

English  German 
butcher Metzger (m.) / Metzgerin (f.)
woodman Holzfäller (m.) / Holzfällerin (f.)
police officer Polizist (m.) / Polizistin (f.)
doctor Arzt (m.) / Ärztin (f.)
nurse Krankenpfleger (m.) / Krankenschwester (f.) 
firefighter Feuerwehrmann (m.) / Feuerwehrfrau (f.)
teacher Lehrer (m.) / Lehrerin (f.)
father Vater
mother Mutter
sister Schwester
brother Bruder
Mr. Herr
Ms. Frau

Places Around Town

A Building in South Africa

If you’re traveling in Germany, whether in one town or around the country, these words will help you get by and even ask for directions.

English  German 
hospital Krankenhaus
supermarket Supermarkt
school Schule
downtown Innenstadt
university Universität
city hall Rathaus
main square Hauptplatz
bank Bank
museum Museum
restaurant Restaurant
café Café
police station Polizeistation
train station Bahnhof
bus station Bushaltestelle

School/Office Essentials

Man Shaking Hand in Office

If you have to study or work in Germany, these words will be helpful when you’re in class or at the office.

English  German
pen Kugelschreiber
notebook Notizbuch
computer Computer
pencil case Federmappe
headphones Kopfhörer
mouse Maus
keyboard Tastatur
wifi WLAN
charger Ladegerät
cable Kabel
backpack Rucksack
desk Schreibtisch
copybook Heft

Body Parts

English  German 
eye Auge
nose Nase
ear Ohr
face Gesicht
arm Arm
chest Brust
cheek Wange
forehead Stirn
mouth Mund
chin Kinn
armpit Achselhöhle
abdomen Bauch
leg Bein
toe Zeh
finger Finger
ankle Knöchel
hip Hüfte
forearm Unterarm
elbow Ellbogen
wrist Handgelenk


Germans are proud of their cuisine and German culture values eating healthy, fresh food rather than buying frozen or ready-to-eat meals. Here’s a list of words for your next grocery shopping spree.

English German 
ٍٍvegetables Gemüse
fruit Obst
meat Fleisch
milk Milch
egg Ei
coffee Kaffee
yogurt Joghurt
bread Brot
bacon Speck
pie Kuchen
ham Schinken
chicken Huhn
juice Saft
sausage Wurst

4. Verbs

As a beginner in German, you’ll greatly benefit from picking up the most commonly used verbs. Learning them together with nouns will give you a headstart when it comes to forming sentences and communicating with others. 

Daily Routine Verbs

If you’re into daily journaling, doing that in German will require you to know a set of daily routine-related verbs. Here’s a list to get you started:

English  German 
to get up aufstehen
to eat essen
to drink trinken
to go gehen
to work arbeiten
to study studieren
to drive fahren
to ride reiten
to sleep schlafen
to wake up aufwachen
to hang hängen
to do laundry Wäsche machen
to nap ein Nickerchen machen
to work out trainieren
to go out ausgehen
to prepare vorbereiten
to cook kochen
to clean  putzen
to wash waschen
to tidy up aufräumen
to connect verbinden
to communicate kommunizieren
to wear tragen
to warm up aufwärmen
to grab greifen
to mix mischen
to hold halten
to freeze einfrieren
to change wechseln
to move bewegen

Other Common Verbs

English  German 
to give geben
to get bekommen
to do tun
to make machen
to let lassen
to ask fragen
to smile lächeln
to find finden
to use benutzen
to take nehmen
to come kommen
to look schauen
to hear hören
to smell riechen
to talk sprechen
to exit gehen
to call rufen 
to feel fühlen
to answer antworten
to laugh lachen
to cry weinen
to steal stehlen
to run rennen
to walk gehen
to meet treffen
to create erschaffen
to finish beenden

5. Adjectives

Using adjectives in your speech or writing can add a layer of meaning and help you better express yourself. To get you started, here are a few beginner German adjectives in different categories. 

Describing Objects

English  German 
big groß
small klein
long lang
short kurz
round rund
rectangular rechteckig
smooth glatt
rough rau

Describing People

English  German
pretty hübsch
handsome gutaussehend
tall groß
short  klein
disgusting ekelhaft
sociable kontaktfreudig
funny lustig
beautiful schön
lovely lieblich
caring fürsorglich
selfless selbstlos
arrogant arrogant 
humble bescheiden
courageous mutig
weak schwach
strong stark
quirky schrullig

Describing Emotions

Being able to describe our own emotions is critical for well-being and also helps us better understand others. Here’s a list of adjectives for describing emotions:

English German 
happy glücklich
sad traurig
joyful freudig
angry sauer
depressed depressiv
anxious ängstlich
stressed out gestresst
jolly fröhlich

Describing Weather

English  German 
rainy regnerisch
wet nass
humid feucht
dry trocken
arid dürr
cool kühl
frigid kalt
foggy neblig
windy windig
stormy stürmisch
breezy luftig
windless windstill
calm ruhig

6. Conjunctions

English  German 
and  und
but aber
then dann
because weil
so so / also

7. Others

Below is a short list of filler words that Germans use in their conversations. Using these will make you sound like a native and they’ll come in handy in many situations.

English German 
I see (sudden understanding) ach so
sure klar
simply halt
well tja
already schon

8. Conclusion

Armed with these German beginner words, you’ll be able to understand even more of the spoken language than you may have thought (thanks to those nifty word combinations!). How many of these words were new to you? And how many did you know already? We look forward to hearing from you in the comments! 

As you read more German, pay attention to how different words are composed. You’ll often notice they can be broken down into parts, which will help you derive their meanings more easily. 

Your goal should be to learn around 1000 German words; statistically, that’d cover 85.5% of all words you hear.

In other words, if you learn 1000 words, you’ll be able to speak German almost fluently. You’ll only have issues expressing yourself 14.5% of the time.

Memorize the 200+ from our list, and you’ll only be 800 words away from fluency.

Wondering where and how to learn those other 800 words?

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Here, you can access lessons and word lists for the most important day-to-day vocabulary. Our lessons all feature the most effective learning tools, such as flashcards, slideshows, slowed-down audio, line-by-line breakdowns, and more.

You can also opt for 1-on-1 guidance from a language expert to answer your questions. Your private tutor can even give you a personalized learning program to match your learning goals.

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Possible base forms for «chosen»

      choose (Verb)  


    to choose sth.  | chose, chosen |   etw.acc. auswählen  | wählte aus, ausgewählt |
    to choose sth.  | chose, chosen |   etw.acc. wählen  | wählte, gewählt |
    to choose sth.  | chose, chosen |   (sichdat.) etw.acc. aussuchen  | suchte aus, ausgesucht |
    to choose so.  | chose, chosen |   jmdn. küren  | kürte, gekürt |
    to choose so./sth.  | chose, chosen |   jmdn./etw. auserwählen  | erwählte aus, auserwählt |
    to choose from sth.   aus etw.dat. auswählen  | wählte aus, ausgewählt |
    to choose so.  | chose, chosen |   jmdn. erküren  | erkürte, erkürt |   chiefly  (Switzerland)
    to choose  | chose, chosen | [LIT.]   erkiesen  | erkor, erkoren | [form.]   archaic
    to choose  | chose, chosen |   belieben  | beliebte, beliebt |
    to choose to do sth.   es vorziehen, etw.acc. zu tun
    to choose so. as a companion   jmdn. als Partner wählen
    to choose so. by lot   jmdn. durch das Los bestimmen
    to pick and choose   wählerisch sein
    to pick and choose   sichdat. die Rosinen herauspicken
    to pick and choose   wählerisch vorgehen
    to choose the very best   das Allerbeste auswählen

Forum discussions containing the search term

lot-chosen Last post 09 Aug 07, 19:11
Draco introduced the lot-chosen Council of Four Hundred. (wikipedia) 1 Replies
jeder beliebigen — any chosen Last post 19 Jun 09, 08:44
mit jeder beliebigen Methode -> with any chosen method richtig? 1 Replies
As chosen by s.o. Last post 02 Jul 10, 11:53
Guess that makes you «Psyren Drifters» as chosen by Nemesis Q 2 Replies
die gewählten…. — the chosen ones??? Last post 18 Jan 08, 09:55
other research methods, the chosen ones acquire definite and axiomatic results, which will e… 1 Replies
Why I have chosen this book? Last post 30 Mar 10, 16:25
Welche Begründungen könnten für das Wählen eines Buches noch angeführt werden? Ist das Englisch 8 Replies
the feeling to be/of being chosen Last post 20 Mar 11, 18:44
Which expression is correct? Thank you! 4 Replies
ist zu wählen — can be chosen freely Last post 18 Oct 07, 13:09
Das Kabelende und der Anschluss auf der Seite des Glases ist zu wählen. The end of the cabl… 8 Replies
auf beliebige Weise — in any chosen manner Last post 18 Jul 11, 13:56
Der Ring kann auf beliebige Weise an dem Gehäuse befestigt sein. -> The ring can be fixed in… 2 Replies
in beliebiger Weise — in any chosen way Last post 22 Jul 09, 10:54
Die Hubeinrichtung kann in beliebiger Weise ausgebildet sein. -> The lifting means can be de… 0 Replies
I have not been chosen for this position Last post 16 Oct 08, 17:53
How would you translate the following sentence: «I am sorry I have not been chosen for the … 1 Replies


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