German word for cat

What does Stardenburdenhardenbart mean?, This word does not mean anything in a literal sense. However, according to Urban Dictionary, it is slang for getting someone’s attention. It has surfaced the web after a short series of Tiktok videos went viral: Stardenburdenhardenbart! Seems to be a made-up word.

Furthermore, How do you say cat in German?, The universal word is (die) Katze, pronounced [ˈkatsə] in the IPA transcription. Don’t forget that it is feminine (die). Even a male cat is referred to as die Katze in German unless you need to specify the gender (more about that later). The plural form is Katzen.

Finally,  How do Germans talk to cats?, Some Germans call their cat a Stubentiger, which translates to ‘room tiger’ (die Stube – room/lounge; der Tiger – tiger). Meow is miau in German. And finally, how do you call a cat in German? If you want the equivalent to ‘here, kitty, kitty kitty’, try ‘miez miez miez’!

Frequently Asked Question:

What gender is the word cat in German?

Der Hund (dog) is masculine. Die Katzte (cat), however, is feminine. Das Pferd (horse) is neuter. Das Hemd (shirt) is also neuter.

What does the German word kitten mean?

Kätzchen. More German words for kitten. das Kätzchen noun.

What is cat in German Stardenburdenhardenbart?

Stardenburdenhardenbart is originated from Germany. It has many versions, but this one can mean a lot of things for example “I love you” “hey” “look at me” “come here”. It’s used to get the attention of animals. And it works because it’s funny and has a really interesting pronunciation.

How do German people call a cat?

For any Germans reading this, we do know that you’d normally refer to your cat as katze or call it over with ‘miez-miez-miez’ and that stardenburdenhardenbart is simply gibberish made up for effect. However, it weirdly seems to attract all cats.

What is the longest German word?

So the longest word to be found in the German dictionary is Kraftfahrzeughaftpflichtversicherung – “motor vehicle indemnity insurance”. As Mark Twain said “a word so long it has a perspective”.

How you call a cat in German?

For any Germans reading this, we do know that you’d normally refer to your cat as katze or call it over with ‘miez-miez-miez’ and that stardenburdenhardenbart is simply gibberish made up for effect. However, it weirdly seems to attract all cats.

Do you say cat in German?

The universal word is (die) Katze, pronounced [ˈkatsə] in the IPA transcription. Don’t forget that it is feminine (die). Even a male cat is referred to as die Katze in German unless you need to specify the gender (more about that later). The plural form is Katzen.

How do German cats get attention?

Stardenburdenhardenbart is originated from Germany. It has many versions, but this one can mean a lot of things for example “I love you” “hey” “look at me” “come here”. It’s used to get the attention of animals. And it works because it’s funny and has a really interesting pronunciation.

What language do cats respond to?

Cats lack the cognitive skills to interpret human language, but they recognize when you talk to them. To put it another way, cats comprehend human language in the same way that we understand meowing. It’s similar to how you interpret your cat’s language by “reading” how they arch their back or swish their tail.

How do you call a cat?

To call a cat, call out a verbal cue such as “Here, kitty, kitty” in a high-pitched voice. In the beginning, try calling your cat during feeding times, since the cat is more likely to come to you when it’s hungry.

Is cat always feminine in German?

German language is very inconsistent when it comes to naming animals. A cat (Katze) is feminine, without regards of the true gender of the animal, so “Katze” both describes a female cat and just any cat. The word for a male cat is “Kater”, so each Kater is a Katze, but not every Katze is a Kater.

What is the gender of the word cat?

Cat is a common Gender. So males are called Male cat and Females are called Female cat.

How do you know if a word is masculine or feminine in German?

The gender of German nouns can be identified by the article they take; der for masculine, die for feminine and das for neuter.

What does Stardenburdenhardenbart mean in German?

Stardenburdenhardenbart is originated from Germany. It has many versions, but this one can mean a lot of things for example “I love you” “hey” “look at me” “come here”. It’s used to get the attention of animals. And it works because it’s funny and has a really interesting pronunciation.

Do Germans really say Stardenburdenhardenbart?

Stardenburdenhardenbart doesn’t mean anything. It’s no real german word.

What is Stardenburdenhardenbart?

‘Stardenburdenhardenbart’ is originated from Germany. It has many versions, but this one can mean a lot of things for example “I love you” “hey”, “look at me”, “come here”. … More. It’s used to get the attention of animals. And it works because it is funny and has a really interesting pronunciation.

What is the longest German word in English?

The longest standard German dictionary word is Kraftfahrzeug-Haftpflichtversicherung – meaning motor vehicle liability insurance. But at 36 letters, it’s rather puny. As for English we have a few hypersyllabic words of our own.

Common Compound Words Related To Cats

How to pronounce ‘Katze’ (Cat) in German? | German Pronunciation

We cant forget the German penchant for compound words. Lets look into some of them that contain the word Katze.

  • Wildkatze wild cat Kleine Wildkazten sind genauso verspielt wie kleine Hauskatzen. Young wild cats are as playful as young house cats. In this sentence, you can see another compound word Hauskatze.
  • Katzenkratzer this one looks like a tongue-twister. It is pronounced and it means a cat scratch.
  • Katzenallergie you suffer from this if you are allergic to cats. Ich hoffe, du hast keine Katzenallergie. I hope you arent allergic to cats.
  • Katzengold fools gold. You can use this word when talking about something its owner thinks to be valuable, but it is really not.
  • Katzenvogel birds and cats usually hate each other, but Katzenvogel is a name for a beautiful bird species.
  • Dont forget to take a look at our revolutionary German Frequency Dictionaries. We have carefully selected 10,000 most common German words. Each entry also has a phonetic transcription to help you pronounce it correctly. 10,000 German-English example sentences show you word usage in context, which makes learning a new language fast and effective.

    How Many Hitlers Are Left

    The Hitler family has five remaining members of the bloodline. If they have their way it will end with them. Wikimedia CommonsAdolf Hitler with his longtime lover and short-lived wife Eva Braun. Peter Raubal Heiner Hochegger and Alexander Louis and Brian Stuart-Houston are all vastly different men.

    Can I Name My Child God

    Go for it! In spite of these famous names you cant actually name your child anything you wantat least in the United States. Although the right to choose your childs name is protected by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment most states do have some restrictions in place that might surprise you.

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    How Do You Say Kitty In All Languages

  • The Spanish word for this is Gatito. Scroll down to see more content
  • The French word for Chaton is Chaton
  • Mandarin Xi*o m*o
  • The Czech name for this is Kot*
  • The word Ktzchen is German.
  • The name of the company is Kassipoeg, Estonia
  • The Filipino language is Tagalog
  • Icelandic word for kettlingur.
  • Myths About Cats In Different Countries

    How Do You Say Cat in German? Phrases &  Idioms  MostUsedWords

    There are many myths about this cute animal. A black cat is believed to be unlucky in the United States and many other places in the United Kingdom, it is thought to be good luck.

    According to Japanese culture, calicos with three colors are lucky. Russia considers it good luck for the first person in a new house to be a cat. A Chinese myth states that the Cat detests the Rat because he deceived it.

    Cat as a hunter, there is a myth in Nigeria that cats hate rats because she was blamed for a theft committed by the rat or mouse. According to Italian folklore, cats are either good or bad tricksters. A snow leopards destructiveness causes Mongolians to distrust cats.

    Throughout Native tribes of the Appalachians, tales of the Wampus cat are told, but the Cherokee believe Wampus represents the spirit of a woman who fought a demon to avenge her husband.

    Depending on how they are treated, Fair Folk may cause mischief or bestow great blessings, according to Celtic legend. Some Asian countries believe that a cat is the aunt of a lion.

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    Beyond The Fun Why Learn German Animal Sounds

    Yes, learning how to say the sounds in Old MacDonald is a fun task, but what other reasons do you have to remember German animal sounds for your learning process?

    Youll notice a surprising amount of times where you might have to use an animal sound to communicate with a German native. Lets say you cant think of what the word for steak is at a restaurant. Mooing is another alternative.

    In addition, making animal noises is a fun and easy way for you to incorporate the learning process in with your children. Also, many German books, movies and TV shows use animal sounds, so you wont be able to understand them unless you know what they sound and look like.

    With that, lets start making some animal sounds!

    Inspirations For German Pet Names

    Literary Germanic names include Kafka, Goethe, Freud and Nietzsche. Famous Germanic music figures include Amadeus, Mozart or Beethoven. The names of German pop singers like Falco , Udo Lindenberg, or Nena are also popular for pets.

    The names of figures out of German literature include Siegfried or Kriemhild from the Nibelungenlied, or Goethe’s Faust versus Mephistopholes. On the lighter side, you could go with Idefix, the dog in the popular European “Asterix” cartoon series, the rotund Obelix character or the hero Asterix himself.

    Germanic names or words with a certain meaning include Adalhard , Baldur , Blitz , Gerfried , Gerhard , Hugo , Heidi , Traude/Traute or Reinhard . Although few Germans today would be caught dead with such names, they’re still great pet names.

    Other categories for pet names include movie characters , colors , drinks and other characteristics of your pet.

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    Talking About Cats In German

    Die Katze

    This is the ordinary, learn-it-from-a-textbook way to say cat in German.

    Der Kater

    Der Kater refers specifically to a male cat. It is also the German word for hangover. You can read more on this subject by

    Das Kätzchen

    This is the word for kitten. Its also a diminutive of die Katze, so even if your cat is not a kitten, but you want to talk about them affectionately, you can call them a Kätzchen. to learn about German diminutives.

    Die Mieze

    Mieze is the equivalent to kitty in German. It is more affectionate than Katze. You could even go one step further with your affection by calling your cat die Miezekatze, or das Miezekätzchen !

    Der Stubentiger

    Some Germans call their cat a Stubentiger, which translates to room tiger .

    Meow is miau in German.

    And finally, how do you call a cat in German? If you want the equivalent to here, kitty, kitty kitty, try miez miez miez!

    However, if that doesnt work, you could always give Stardenburdenhardenbart a go.

    Photo by Cyrus Chew on Unsplash

    Bis bald!

    Der Stubentiger: A German Word For Cat With Feeling

    How to Say CAT in French? | How to Pronounce Chat?

    If youre a cat lover, you should add this whimsical German word to your vocabulary immediately. Composed of the words, der Tiger , and die Stube , der Stubentiger is a fantastic nickname that Germans sometimes jokingly use to refer to their pets: its a living room tiger.

    And were not just talking about striped tabby cats, since all cats – love em or hate em – undeniably possess a certain kind of fearless aloofness that brings a certain grouchy big cat to mind.

    Der Stubentiger can also be used to affectionately refer to a man with a tough exterior who, as soon as he comes home from work, puts on his comfies and snuggles down on the sofa with a beer.

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    What Is Stardenburdenhardenbart

    The name Stardenburdenhardenbart comes from Germany. There are many versions of this song, but this one can mean a lot, for example, I love you, hey, look at me, come here. More. Animals are used to it as a means of getting attention. The pronunciation is really interesting, and its funny as well.

    Do Cats Know Their Names

    Not always.

    From the age of 0 to 6 months, kittens soak up information like furry little sponges. During this time, they can learn their name. Their ears perk up, head turns, and tail swishes.

    However, unlike humans, they dont truly have a sense of self. Behaving in a certain manner upon hearing their name is more a response to stimuli. Yes, they will react. But this is more from their owners voice than it is them thinking, Hey, thats me!

    Ultimately, no matter what language your cat speaks, so long as you communicate with love, they will understand your intentions.

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    What Do Dogs Do In German

    They have amazing abilities and can be trained to perform countless tasks. What are the common verbs related to dogs?

  • One of their favorite pastimes is barking. In German, you would say for example: Bellen diese Hunde? Do these dogs bark?
  • They can growl, too: Fritz knurrte mich an. Fritz growled at me.
  • Have you ignored the warning signs? Der Postbote wurde von deinem Pudel gebissen. The postman was bitten by your poodle. Gebissen is the past participle of beißen . Dont forget to change the sharp S into ss in the past forms of this verb .
  • If you dont want any unpleasant surprises in unexpected places, you should take it for a walk regularly. Könntest du bitte Adler morgen früh ausführen? Could you take Adler out for a walk tomorrow morning?
  • Happy dogs wag their tails. In German, you would say, for example, er wedelt mit dem Schwanz.
  • How To Say Sit In German

    100+ German Cat Names: Ideas for Organized &  Intelligent Cats

    wikiHow is a wiki, similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time.There are 12 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been viewed 18,166 times.

    If you want to learn how to say sit in German, it’s a fairly easy word to remember. The word “sit” can be used in a variety of ways, though, and mastering German pronunciation requires some practice and knowledge.

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    Is It Illegal To Name A Child Adolf In Germany

    In fact it is perfectly legal to call a child Adolf in modern Germany and there are 46000 people with the name living in the country according to a study by the University of Leipzig. Germany has some of the strictest laws in Europe on what you can name a child. Adolf was a common name before World War II.

    How To Say Cat In Many Languages

    Here is a list of how to say “Cat” in many languages

    Afrikaans Kat   Katjie  Algonquin Sinta Arabic Qit or Besseh Bahasa Melayu  Kuching British English Moggy Bulgarian Kotka Cantonese Maow Chinese Mao Czech Kocour   Kocka  Danish Kat Dutch Kat  Poes   Kater  Egyptian M? Eskimo Pussi Esperanto Kato Ethiopian Domadh Farsi Gorbeh   Bache Gorbeh  Finnish kissa French Chat   Minou  Gaelic Pisc? German Kater miau Greek Gati  Gata   Gatos   Gataki  Gypsy Muca Hawaiian Popoki or kike  Hebrew Chatul   Chatula  Hungarian Macska or Cica Icelandic K?tur Indonesian Kutjing Irish Cat Italian Gatto   Gattina  Japanese Neko Kmer Chma Korean Koyangi Latin Feles, Felix Loglan Katma Maltese Qattus   Qattusa  Mayan Miz Mexican Felino   Felina  Norwegian Katt Pakistani Shimii Philipino  Pusa Plains Cree Indians Minoos   Minoosis  Polish Kot   Kotka  Portuguese Gata   Gato  Romanian Pisica Romansch Giat Russian Kot   Koshka   Kotyonok  Serbo-Croatian Macka Slovak Mizhu or Kotsur   Machka  Spanish Gato   Gata  Swahili Paka Swedish Katt Swiss-German B?i or Chatz Tamil Poonai Thai Maa-oh Tsalagi  We'sa Turkish Kedi Vietnamese Con M? Welsh Cath Yiddish Kats 

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    What Is Howdoyousaynet

    If you were wondering how to say a word or a phrase in Spanish, French, German, Italian, Chinese, Japanese or Russian, this site will help you to get the answer. HowDoYouSay.Net provides translations, pronunciation and other vocabulary help for words and phrases in some of the most popular languages of the world.

    Owl Schreien Or Rufen

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    When walking around at night you may have the privilege of hearing from those stereotypically wise owls. A hoot is represented as either schreien or rufen. Eine Eule is the best term when talking about an owl, and although most owls live solitary lives, a group is called a parliament. The direct translation for that in German is Parlament.

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    + German Animal Names

    James Johnson

    Full disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. ?

    If your childhood was anything like mine animals played a huge role in your language development.

    Youâd read brightly coloured books with vivid pictures of farmyard animals. Youâd watch shows like Sesame Street that took you on constant âtripsâ to the zoo. And youâd even sing songs about animals people owned.

    They played a crucial role in learning how to read, write, pronounce words, use nouns and apply descriptive adjectives to what you could see.

    But learning about animals is something many adult German learners overlook. Which is a shame, because the benefits of learning this vocabulary donât just apply to children.

    Learning about German animals can help you:

    • Discover how âderâ, âdieâ and âdasâ are applied to different words
    • Improve your pronunciation
    • Find a better understanding of how long German compound words work
    • Sound more fluent

    If that sounds like enough reason for you to start learning German animal words, letâs get straight into your new vocabulary list. Then weâll explore how you can remember them, the articles, and learn some German idioms.

    Learn These Everyday German Animals To Make Future Learning Easier

    German has a great way of pushing two or three words together to make a new word. This is no different when it comes to naming animals, either.

    When this happens, the final word in the sequence is usually a normal everyday animal that you could find in German.

    This is excellent news for a language hacker. Why?

    Because if you learn these common animals and their articles, you can make learning some of the more complicated and rare animals much more comfortable in the future. Let me show you what I mean.

    Letâs take the German word for pig, â Schweinâ. Itâs one of the most commonly used ways to describe less common animals like:

    • Guinea Pig

    Because the last word in a sequence is always connected to the article used before the word, you know that every word that ends in â-schweinâ starts with âdasâ.

    Here are some other common animals you can learn to maximise this language hack:

    • die Kröte

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    Example Sentences With Sound Clips

    KatzeThat is not my cat.KatzeI see the fast cat.KatzeI see a fast cat.KatzeI have a cat and a dog.KatzeI have always wanted a cat.KatzenI should have fed the cats.KatzeA cougar is like a big cat.KatzenHe liked dogs more than cats.KatzenThere are some cats in the alley.KatzeYour cat is grey, ours is white.KatzeHer cat plays with a ball of wool.KatzeMy cat is black and yours is white.


    Cat In Different Languages From All Around The World

    SHELTER SUNDAY: Meet Dorothy (German shepherd mix) and Carly (calico ...

    Cats are popular pets in many different countries and we must learn more about cat in different languages.

    Where a black cat is considered unlucky in the United States and many other countries, it’s considered good luck in the United Kingdom.

    In Japan, it’s the three colored calico that’s considered lucky. In Russia, it is good luck to let a cat be the first one to walk into a new house. In Chinese mythology, the cat was deceived by the Rat and has hated him ever since.

    In Nigeria, its said that cats hate rats because she got blamed for a theft carried out by the rat. In Italian folklore, cats are portrayed as tricksters who may be good or bad. Mongolians mistrust cats due to the destructiveness of snow leopards.

    Tales of the Wampus cat are known throughout Native tribes of the Appalacians, but the Cherokee believe Wampus is the spirit of a woman who fought a demon to avenge her husband.

    In Celtic legend, the Fair Folk sometimes took the form of cats and could do great mischief or bestow great blessings depending on how they were treated.

    Quick Navigation

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    What Names Are Illegal In Germany

    Germany has a number of baby-naming restrictions including: no gender-neutral names no last names names of objects or names of products as first names and no names that could negatively affect the childs well-being or lead to humiliation. Banned names: Matti Osama Bin Laden Adolf Hitler Kohl Stompie.

    German Animal Phrases And Idioms

    German is an excellent language for turns of phrase and idioms. And, by learning to use them, you can sound more fluent to a native speaker.

    Here are seven familiar and fun to learn idioms German idioms to help you boost your vocabulary and understand some of those tricky sayings that sound weird out of context.

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    Famous Myths About Cats

  • Keeping cats is a low-maintenance task
  • When a cat falls, it always lands on its feet
  • Cows milk is what cats are supposed to drink
  • Cats are always better off living outdoors
  • Water is disgusting to cats
  • Cat and dogcant live together
  • It is dangerous for pregnant women to keep a cat as a pet
  • Cats cannot be trained
  • A cat can see perfectly in total darkness
  • A cat that lives indoors cannot get sick
  • Some words used for the cat in different languages are very strange for English speakers. Korean word for cat is goyang-I and the Vietnamese word for cat is con mèo. For more interesting words for cats, see our table.

    Big Cat Or Bear Brllen Or Brummen

    How to Pronounce Calico Cat? (CORRECTLY)

    The roar is not only reserved for one animal, but while wandering around in the forest or in the mountains you may have the chance to hear a lion, bear or tiger let one out. In that case, the German sound for roar is either brüllen or brummen. Also, a lion is called ein Löwe, a tiger is ein Tiger and a bear is ein Bär.

    From a dogs bark to a lions roar, weve touched on some of the most common German animal sounds for you to have fun with your kids, joke around with your friends and even talk to animals. Just dont start making the noises while at work!

    This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you can take anywhere.

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    Cats are very popular pets in Germany and have been so for centuries (or possibly millennia). It’s estimated that 12 – 15 million cats live in German households. This popularity also shows in their appearance in many German fairy tales and fables. So today we’ll look at cats from a German perspective.

    How do Germans call a cat?

    The German word for cat is Katze.

    All nouns in the German language have a gender and Katze is feminine, so “the cat” translates as “die Katze.”

    The fact that “Katze” is feminine anyway also leads to the fact that Katze is both the name for the species as well as the word for a female cat.

    When you want to refer to a male cat, you would talk of a “Kater.” And as Kater is masculine, the article changes to “der Kater.”

    And the German translation of “kitten” is “Kätzchen.” As Kätzchen means both male and female baby cats, it’s grammatical gender is neuter and the article is “das Kätzchen.”

    English Noun German Noun
    cat (species) die Katze
    female cat die Katze
    male cat der Kater
    kitten das Kätzchen
    cat food das Katzenfutter
    cat fur das Katzenfell
    cat hump der Katzenbuckel
    cat jump der Katzensprung
    cat litter die Katzenstreu
    cat silver das Katzensilber
    cat toilet die Katzentoilette
    cat toy das Katzenspielzeug
    cat tree der Kratzbaum
    cat wash die Katzenwäsche
    cat’s eye das Katzenauge
    catnip die Katzenminze
    felines die Katzenartigen
    kitty die Mieze
    whiskers die Schnurrhaare

    German Nicknames for Cats

    There are a number of pet names Germans use instead of “Katze.”

    One of the most common is Mieze or Miezekatze, which is the equivalent of the English kitty.

    Other words include Haustiger (house tiger) or Stubentiger (parlor tiger).

    Puss, Pussie and Muschi are equivalents of the English puss or pussy.

    And the one I like most is Samtpfötchen, which translates as “velvet paws.”

    cat hump

    The cat arched when she saw him. — Die Katze machte einen Buckel, als sie ihn sah. — Image by Alek B from Pixabay

    Phrases with Cat in German

    Apart from idioms and sayings, there are also a number of German phrases regarding cats.

    Cats are said to have seven lives. That’s similar to the nine lives we speak of in English and is probably based on their ability to almost always land on their feet when they fall.

    One of the funniest expressions is “das geht ab wie Schmidts Katze,” which means something happens very fast or a vehicle which accelerates rapidly. The literal translation is “sth. goes off like Schmidt’s cat.” The most common explanation is that blacksmiths (German: Schmied) used to have a cat in their forge to keep rodents at bay. But when the blacksmith started hammering, the cat got scared and ran away.

    There is also a candy named after cats: die Katzenzunge. It’s a piece of chocolate vaguely formed like a cat’s tongue.

    Katzenaugen are the equivalent of our cat’s eyes, little pieces of glass which reflect the light back into the direction where it came from.

    One German word with “cat” even made it into the English language: Katzenjammer!

    When you have “katzenjammer“, you feel miserable, especially after a long night with too many drinks. Which brings us to the next expression, as the word “Kater” not only means a tomcat. No, it’s also the German word for hangover. “Einen Kater haben” means to have a hangover.

    The so called Katerfrühstück, is a breakfast the next morning which is meant to cure the hangover. It often includes pickled fish, as it contains a lot of salt. The salt makes you drink more water, so you even out the loss of water and minerals from too much alcohol.

    And when something is “nur einen Katzensprung entfernt,” it means it’s only a stone’s throw (just a cat jump away).

    Cats in Folklore

    Even though cats have been pets for about 10,000 years, there were also times when they were seen as evil. In the middle ages there were often associated with witchcraft. And in many German fairy tales , black cats are companions of an evil witch.

    Even today some people are superstitious and and believe that black cats bring bad luck when they cross one’s path.

    But at least in one fairy tale written down by the brothers Grimm, the cat is the hero: puss in boots or der gestiefelte Kater in German.

    black cat
    Unfortunately, black cats are often associated with misfortune. — Image by PDPics from Pixabay

    German Sayings and Idioms about Cats

    This popularity for cats popularity shows in the many German expressions and sayings referring to cats. I’ll be with Katers for next morning. It was an itch that came from my hangover.

    • am Katzentisch sitzen — to sit at the cat table (usally a smaller side table for the children)
    • die Katze aus dem Sack lassen — to let the cat out of the bag (meaning to reveal which intentions one really has)
    • die Katze im Sack kaufen — to buy a cat in a sack (similar meaning as “to buy a pig in a poke”)
    • da beißt sich die Katze in den Schwanz — that’s where the cat bites its own tail
    • die Katze lässt das Mausen nicht — the cat doesn’t leave mousing (similar to “the leopard doesn’t change his spots”)
    • für die Katz sein — to be for the cat (to be in vain)
    • wenn die Katze aus dem Haus ist, tanzen die Mäuse auf dem Tisch — when the cat is out of the house, the mice dance on the table
    • wie Hund und Katze — like dog and cat (in the sense of not getting along with each other)

    Category: How

    Author: Jeremiah Carlson

    Published: 2020-11-15

    Views: 1149

    How do you say cat in german?

    In German, the word for cat is Katze. The plural form is Katzen.

    Interestingly, the Turkish word for cat is kedi, which is very similar to the German word. This is likely because both German and Turkish are descended from the same root language, Proto-Indo-European.

    So, how do you say cat in German? Just say Katze!

    Learn More: How to make your cat a lap cat?

    YouTube Videos

    How do you say «cat» in German?

    «Cat» in German is «Katze». The word «Katze» is derived from the Latin word «cattus». «Katze» is a feminine noun, and the plural form is «Katzen».

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    How do you pluralize «cat» in German?

    There are a few different ways to pluralize «cat» in German. One way is to add an «s» to the end of the word, as in «Katzen.» Another way is to add an «n» to the end of the word, as in «Katzen.» yet another way is to add an «en» to the end of the word, as in «Katzen.» And finally, you can also add an «e» to the end of the word, as in «Katze.»

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    Photo of Lichtenstein Castle

    What is the genitive form of «cat» in German?

    The genitive form of cat in German is Katze. This is because the word cat (Katze) is a feminine noun, and the genitive form is used when referring to a female cat. The word for cat in German is actually gender neutral, so you could use it for a male cat as well, but the genitive form is only used for feminine nouns.

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    What is the dative form of «cat» in German?

    The dative form of the word «cat» in German would be «der Katze.» When used in a sentence, the dative form is typically used to denote the indirect object of the verb, which is the person or thing that is affected by the verb’s action. For example, the sentence «I gave the cat a treat» would be translated to «Ich habe der Katze ein Leckerli gegeben.» As you can see, the indirect object is placed in the dative case, whereas the direct object (the treat) remains in the accusative case.

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    What is the accusative form of «cat» in German?

    In German, the accusative form of «cat» is «die Katze.» The accusative is used when the noun is the direct object of a verb, as in «I see the cat.» It is also used after certain prepositions, such as «ohne» (without), «entlang» (along), and «bevor» (before).

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    How do you say «cats» in German?

    The word for «cat» in German is «Katze». There are a variety of ways to say «cat» in German, depending on the context. «Katze» is the most common word for «cat», but there are also other words that can be used, such as «Kater» (male cat), «Kätzchen» (kitten), and «die Katze» (the cat). «Katzen» is the plural form of «cat».

    When referring to a specific cat, you would use the definite article «die» (the): «die Katze». For example, «Ich habe eine Katze» (I have a cat) or «Die Katze ist schwarz» (The cat is black).

    If you want to say » I like cats», this would be «Ich mag Katzen».

    To say «I have three cats», this would be «Ich habe drei Katzen».

    The word «katzen» is also used in some compounds, such as «Katzenjammer» (hangover) and «Katzenstreu» (cat litter).

    Learn More: What to do for cat with a cold?

    How do you pluralize «cats» in German?

    German is a language with many rules when it comes to pluralization. With regular nouns, the plural is typically formed by adding an -s to the end of the word (e.g. Katze — Katzen). However, there are also many irregular plural forms in German, which means that the plural of a word can sometimes be completely different from the singular form. For example, the plural of Hase (hare) is Häuser, and the plural of Mann (man) is Männer.

    When it comes to pluralizing cats in German, there are a few different ways that it can be done. The most common way is to simply add an -s to the end of the word, so the plural form would be Katzen. However, depending on the region and/or the context in which the word is being used, the plural form Katzen might not always be appropriate. In some cases, the word Katzen might be used to refer to a group of cats that are considered to be a single entity, such as a colony of feral cats. In this case, the word Katzen would be used as a singular noun, and the plural form would be Katzenkolonie (cat colony).

    Another way to pluralize cats in German is to use the word Katzenhorde (cat pack/gang). This word is typically used to refer to a group of cats that are considered to be a nuisance, such as a group of stray cats that might gather around a trash can. Katzenhorde can also be used to refer to a group of cats that someone owns, such as a large number of cats that live in a house.

    Finally, the word Katzenfamilie (cat family) can be used to refer to a group of cats that are related to each other. This word is used most often to refer to a group of kittens that are born to a mother cat, but it can also be used to refer to a group of adult cats that are brothers and sisters, or cousins.

    So, there are a few different ways to pluralize cats in German. Which word you use will depend on the context in which the word is being used.

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    What is the gender of «cats» in German?

    Not only is the word for «cat,» Katze, feminine in German, but all small animals are considered to be female. So, a «tomcat» is a male Katze, but he is still referred to as she. Interestingly, this is not the case with large animals. A «stallion,» for example, is masculine, as is «Hund» (dog).

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    Related Questions

    What do you call a female cat in German?

    In German, the female cat is called a Katerina.

    What is the gender of a dog in German?

    The gender of a dog in German is either masculine or feminine, depending on the Dog’s original breed. Some specific breeds like poodles typically have more feminine looks, while dachshunds tend to have more of a masculine look. As long as the dog conforms to the breed, it will have the same gender in German.

    Is a Katze a male or female cat?

    A Katze can be either male or female, but the most common name for a cat is Katze.

    Is there such a thing as a male cat called?

    There is not such a thing as a male cat called.

    What do you call a male cat in German?

    The Kater refers specifically to a male cat. It is also the German word for hangover.

    What do you call a female cat?

    Generally, a female cat is referred to as Molly. Its origins and how it derived is not known. Enjoying this?

    Why are female cats called Queens?

    The name “Queens” may have originated from the feline birthing process known as “queening”. During labor, a queen cat will lead her group of cats in an effort to birth their litter quickly and assertively.

    What is the gender of the German word Der Hund?

    The word «Der Hund» is masculine, so the pronoun «er» is used to refer to it.

    How do you say gender in German?

    To say the gender of a noun, you use the der, die, and das markers.

    What is a German pronoun for a female dog?

    How to say «girl» in German — MyGermanState

    How many genders are there in German?

    There are three genders in German, masculine, feminine, and neuter.

    Do you call a male cat a Katze?

    Typically, people call male cats Katzes. However, this is not a universal practice and there are some cultures where people do not call male cats Katzen.

    What is the difference between a cat and a Katze?

    A cat is a female animal without regard to its true gender, while a Katze is the masculine form of a cat.

    What are the differences between male and female cats?

    Generally, male cats are more laid back and relaxed than female cats. Additionally, male cats do not typically get pregnant and generally don’t have to worry about raising kittens.

    What is a male cat called in English?

    A male cat is called a tom or tomcat.

    What do you call a male cat that is ready to mate?


    What do you call a male cat that has been neutered?

    A » tomcat .»

    Used Resources

    German Word For Cat. Over 100,000 german translations of english words and phrases. Regardless, you want a german name for your cat, and we’re here to help with a list that includes both real german names and fun german words to consider.

    When i looked this word up, a lot of photos of cats came up, too. Der hund (the dog) der welpe (the puppy) die katze (the cat) 700) domestic cat, from west germanic (c. That’s because the german word der kater has two meanings:. It is distinguished from a calque, or loan translation, where a meaning or idiom from another language is translated into existing words or roots of the host.

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    Peter Germany — 633 words for the day, and Raven’s got … from
    Find more german words at! You use this word during a time when you feel immense stress or pressure and have to make a strategic decision. It refers to a law for regulating the labeling of beef—all in one word, which is why it is so long. As a bonus tip, a pack of dogs is called a hundemeute. A german expression in english is a german loanword, term, phrase, or quotation incorporated into the english language.

    This was a 1999 german word of the year, and it also won a special award as the longest german word for that year.

    A small domestic animal known for catching mice. Here’s a list of the most common haustiere you’ll find in german households and how they translate to english: It is distinguished from a calque, or loan translation, where a meaning or idiom from another language is translated into existing words or roots of the host. That’s because the german word der kater has two meanings:. Visit to learn over 600 german words and phrases absolutely free! The german language is estimated to be made out of a total of 300000 words with the largest german dictionary having over 135000 words. Kater is the german word for a male cat. A german expression in english is a german loanword, term, phrase, or quotation incorporated into the english language. Find more german words at! The german equivalent of kitty is mieze or miezekatze (pussycat). 75 c.e.), byzantine greek katta (c. You use this word during a time when you feel immense stress or pressure and have to make a strategic decision. German words for cat include katze, raubkatze, typ and raupe.

    The cat cast a giant shadow onto the moonlit porch. When i looked this word up, a lot of photos of cats came up, too. The german language is estimated to be made out of a total of 300000 words with the largest german dictionary having over 135000 words. A german expression in english is a german loanword, term, phrase, or quotation incorporated into the english language. You use this word during a time when you feel immense stress or pressure and have to make a strategic decision.

    Why Choose the German Language To Learn? Details Inside

    Why Choose the German Language To Learn? Details Inside from
    As a bonus tip, a pack of dogs is called a hundemeute. That’s because the german word der kater has two meanings:. Stardenburdenhardenbart cat calling in different languages (german always works).my insta: You use this word during a time when you feel immense stress or pressure and have to make a strategic decision. A german expression in english is a german loanword, term, phrase, or quotation incorporated into the english language.

    You use this word during a time when you feel immense stress or pressure and have to make a strategic decision.

    But it also means hangover. It refers to a law for regulating the labeling of beef—all in one word, which is why it is so long. German words for cat include katze, raubkatze, typ and raupe. The cat cast a giant shadow onto the moonlit porch. In germany, it’s the people with birds you have to look out for. Find another word for cat. The german equivalent of kitty is mieze or miezekatze (pussycat). Can use one of the names or a combination. Cat definition, a small domesticated carnivore, felis domestica or f. Kitgut was a small fiddle. When the cat’s away, the mice will play. 2. You only need to know roughly 5% of the total words to be fluent in german. Die katze streicht auf den straßen herum, auf der suche nach einer anderen katze.

    A small domestic animal known for catching mice. I am the creator of those videos. You may only know the german word for cat as being die katze, but if you want to get specific about things, die katze refers to a female cat, while der kater is a male cat. That’s because the german word der kater has two meanings:. Find another word for cat.

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    Regardless, you want a german name for your cat, and we’re here to help with a list that includes both real german names and fun german words to consider. As usual, if you had too much, you might not remember everything that happened. This can seem a really big and frightening number to someone wanting to start learning german, but here’s the good news: Cat (n.) old english catt (c. Der hund (the dog) der welpe (the puppy) die katze (the cat)

    You may only know the german word for cat as being die katze, but if you want to get specific about things, die katze refers to a female cat, while der kater is a male cat.

    A small domestic animal known for catching mice. German words for cat include katze, raubkatze, typ and raupe. I am the creator of those videos. How to say black cat in german. 75 c.e.), byzantine greek katta (c. It does seem odd to have the same word (der kater) for two completely. As usual, if you had too much, you might not remember everything that happened. The german language is estimated to be made out of a total of 300000 words with the largest german dictionary having over 135000 words. The word dog is also helpful to know when matching up animal sounds, so you can say dog with the german word der hund. The cat is prowling on the streets in search of another cat. These german words with no english translation are a reminder of how tricky yet refreshing it is to learn this charming language. In this article we’ll find out why and how to use it. It is distinguished from a calque, or loan translation, where a meaning or idiom from another language is translated into existing words or roots of the host.

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