General word for newspapers and magazines is the

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Means of conveying information has greatly changed since ancient times, with the development of more advanced methods. The invention of phones, the internet, magazines, and newspapers have made the world into a small village. Newspapers and magazines provide vital information to the general public, hence are widely used as a mode of communication. Although they mainly serve the same purpose, they are distinct differences between the two. 

What is a Newspaper?

A newspaper is a serial publication that mainly contains current news. It also contains other educational and entertaining articles. They are widely used all over the world, with it being categorized as a primary source of reliable, new, and authentic information. Most newspapers are published daily, but some are published weekly and biweekly. To keep the prices down, the quality of the paper used is of poor quality. 

What is a Magazine?

A magazine is a periodic publication that contains information on different subjects, such as sports, fashion, health, food, medicine, technology, and finance. They are published either weekly or monthly and are suited to be catchy to the targeted clientele. They are informal with lots of pictures. The writing is also based on a person’s opinion but not so much of facts. 

Similarities between Newspapers and Magazines

  • Both are effective modes of communication
  • Both provide information to the public
  • Both are portable
  • Both offer unique advertising capabilities

Differences between Newspapers and Magazines

  1. Content included in Newspapers and Magazines

The content in newspapers is current news and developments on ongoing issues in the world, with short articles. Magazines, on the other hand, have specific content such as fashion, medicine, and sports, with long articles. 

  1. Target Audience

While newspapers have a broad audience as they provide information on current matters, magazines target a specific audience based on the information being provided. 

  1. Design

Newspapers have a simple layout and design. Magazines, on the other hand, have a complex design with an aim of catching the readers’ eye. 

  1. Pricing for Newspapers and Magazines

Newspapers are generally affordable. Magazines, on the other hand, are more expensive. 

  1. Article Length

While newspapers contain short articles, magazines contain longer articles.  

  1. Paper Quality

So as to make newspapers cheaper, the quality of paper used is poor. On the other hand, magazines use high-quality paper which is more durable and also appeals to the target audience. 

  1. Pictures

Newspapers offer on more information as opposed to pictures. Magazines, on the other hand, have a lot of pictures such as celebrities, fashionable wear, and latest cars and devices. 

  1. Language Used

Newspapers use formal language while magazines use informal language. 

  1. Frequency of Publication

Newspapers are published more frequently, with most being daily or weekly. Magazines, on the other hand, do not have to be published frequently, with some being published after a span of even six months or a year. 

  1. Entertainment

Newspapers are not fun to read as that is not their scope. However, magazines are fun to read as thy aim to attract more readers. 

  1. Number of Staff

While newspapers employ a large number of staff in terms of reporters, writers and editors, magazines may not employ a large number of workers and may rely on freelance writers. 

Newspapers vs. Magazine: Comparison Table

Summary of Newspapers vs. Magazines

Both newspapers and magazines have been used for a long time to convey information. Newspapers provide information based on current matters worldwide; hence the client base is wide. Magazines, on the other hand, provide specific information which may not appeal to everyone. It is important to keep up with current issues and also trends in various industries. Magazines and newspapers provide a good read for vital information. 

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Tabitha graduated from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology with a Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce, whereby she specialized in Finance. She has had the pleasure of working with various organizations and garnered expertise in business management, business administration, accounting, finance operations, and digital marketing.


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Njogu, T. (2019, June 24). Difference Between Newspaper and Magazine. Difference Between Similar Terms and Objects.

Njogu, Tabitha. «Difference Between Newspaper and Magazine.» Difference Between Similar Terms and Objects, 24 June, 2019,

newspaper vs magazineEvery morning we start our day with a cup of tea/coffee, and a newspaper in hand, so we all are very well aware of this word. Newspaper is the best source of clear, brief and objective information to many people. On the contrary, a magazine often stresses on specific and peculiar topics and current issues, which are of general interest.

Newspapers and Magazines are the two most common forms of print media which not only educates you about the recent issues, events or happenings locally, nationally and internationally, but they also keep you updated with the latest fashion, trends, technology, lifehack and so forth.

They have also played a critical role in breaking the stereotype and changing the perspective of the people to a great extent, which helped in the upliftment of society. Now, we are going to discuss the difference between newspaper and magazine in detail.

Content: Newspaper Vs Magazine

  1. Comparison Chart
  2. Definition
  3. Key Differences
  4. Conclusion

Comparison Chart

Basis for Comparison Newspaper Magazine
Meaning Newspaper refers to a printed material arranged in folded sheets, often unstapled, which presents news, articles, information, advertisements and correspondence. Magazine implies a booklet, which comprises of interesting articles, interviews, stories and illustrations, on a specific subject, which targets a particular readership.
Readers Newspapers have a broad reader base, as they are read by almost everyone. Magazines have a limited reader base, as they cater to a specific group of people.
Publication frequency Daily, fortnightly, weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually. Periodically
Text to images Text is more as compared to images. Balanced mix of text to images.
Background White or grey Colored
Layout Simple and consistent layout and design. It does not stick to a single layout and design.
Length of the articles Short and precise Long and detailed
Rates Economical, that even a common man can afford to buy. Expensive
Paper Low-quality paper is used. High-quality paper is used.
Life Read once and then discarded. One can read multiple times.
Socio-cultural and political issues Discussed objectively and briefly. Discussed analytically and deeply.

Definition of Newspaper

Newspaper can be understood as a serially printed periodical, which aims at delivering news reports to the public, in an up-to-date, objective and accurate manner. It consists of information related to current events of public interest, printed in black ink, on a white or grey coloured thin paper. They are delivered by hawkers on subscription, and also available at crossings, newsstand, stores and railway stations.

A newspaper contains various sections, as per the news, content and field, i.e. from business to sports and from politics to health. The breaking news appears on the front page of the publication.newspaper

Further, it contains specific columns for weather forecasts, entertainment, notices and tenders, editorial cartoons, crossword puzzles and sudoku, obituaries, etc. It also contains supplementary papers, which contains specific information, or additional sections. There are two forms of newspaper advertising, i.e. display advertisement and classified advertisement.

Basically, newspapers are printed by agencies and delivered to the people, on their subscription. Nowadays, one can read the newspaper online, on the concerned newspaper’s website, which is freely accessible.

Definition of Magazine

A magazine is a form of printed publication, which is issued on a predefined schedule, comprising of a wide range of information, in the form of articles, stories, interviews, essays, product reviews, features, survey reports, advertisements, etc. Magazines are usually subject-specific, as well as they target a specified group of people. These are printed on a glossy paper. It is delivered by hawkers on subscription, and also available at newsstand, stores and railway stations.

The word “magazine” is taken from an Arabic term “makhazin”, which refers to “storehouse”. A magazine is a storehouse of facts and fiction, which are covered together in the complete package.


The language and presentation style is a lot different from other media forms. It is known for the variety and richness in content.

A magazine turns out as successful due to the following reasons: observation, imagination and consistency in coherently delivering the views on all issues and matters. Magazines often include thought-provoking articles and sensuous pictures, to attract the readers.

In general, magazines are issued once a month, however, there are also some magazines which are published weekly, fortnightly or quarterly. Nowadays, one can have access to the digital magazine, also known as an online magazine on the concerned website.

Upcoming points explain the difference between newspaper and magazine:

  1. A newspaper is a form of print media, issued at regular intervals, in a folded collection of papers, which contains news, views, stories, reviews, surveys and other such information of general interest. On the other hand, the magazine is a thin book, which comprises of interesting articles, interviews, stories, features and illustrations, on a specific subject, which targets a particular readership.
  2. Talking about readership, the newspaper has a strong reader base, due to its easy availability and affordability. In contrast, the magazine’s reader base is less in comparison to the newspaper. The target audience of the newspaper is ascertained by its geography and broad focus, whereas the target audience of the magazine is decided by demographics and interest.
  3. There are different types of newspapers, some of which are published daily, while others are published weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually, etc. Conversely, magazines are published at regular intervals, which is predefined.
  4. When it comes to images in the newspaper, there are only a few articles contains images which depend on the availability and importance. On the other hand, you can find a number of images, in a magazine, indeed sensuous images are there which make it more attractive.
  5. Newspapers often have a white or grey background, whereas magazines have a colourful background, which is just to grab the attention of the audience.
  6. A newspaper has a simple design, wherein there is a section-wise arrangement. However, the most important information or issue is provided at the top, of the front page. On the contrary, a magazine has a striking and sophisticated design and overall layout. Further, multiple colours, fonts, pictures and infographics are used.
  7. Newspaper articles are usually short and precise, as they follow strict and straight writing, which is based on the facts, figures and details. However, the length of content provided also depends on the importance of the news. As against, magazine articles are long and detailed, as a magazine writer has the freedom to express the topic subjectively and creatively.
  8. When it comes to pricing, the price of a newspaper is very nominal and so even a poor man can afford to buy it daily. As opposed, a magazine is a bit high priced than newspaper.
  9. The newspapers are published in a newsprint paper, which is folded. The paper used in a newspaper, is of low quality, as it is made from a mix of recycled material and wood pulp and that is why it does not last long. On the flip side, magazines are published in high-quality glossy paper.
  10. A daily newspaper remains fresh for 24 hours only, i.e. it has a very short life. Magazines are a bit different, which does not report about the daily happenings, but it discusses the current topics and topics of interest, which can be read twice or thrice, till its subsequent issue arrives.
  11. When it comes to socio-cultural and political issues, magazines discuss them quite deeply and analytically, whereas, the newspaper only provide a precise discussion and views of the general public on socio-cultural and political issues.


According to many experts, reading newspaper and magazine is a very good habit, as it increases your knowledge base and level of understanding, but also helps you, when you take part in any discussion related to current affairs, sports, style or anything else, with your friends, relatives, colleagues and acquaintances.

Newspaper and Magazine are two modes of communication via print media that is used by millions of people all over the world. Though both newspaper and magazine seem to have the same purpose and feature, there are distinct differences between these two print media. The main difference between newspaper and magazine is that newspapers contain relatively short articles on current news  while magazines contains  longer articles on a variety of subjects. Let us first briefly observe their features separately, before comparing the difference between Newspaper and Magazine.

What is a Newspaper

Newspaper is a serial publication that contains current news and other informative articles. They are a primary source of new, reliable information. The earliest newspaper dates back to 17th Century Europe and “Berrow’s Worcester Journal” is the World’s first (English) newspaper which is still operating. Newspapers are traditionally printed in an inexpensive, low-grade paper. Newspapers can be categorized into fields like Frequency (i.e. daily, weekly, Sunday editions), Geographical Scope and Location (i.e. local or regional, national), Subject (i.e. newspapers for youth, children, businessmen etc.) and Technology (traditional newspaper and online newspaper). Yomiuri Shimbun (Japan), The Times of India (India), Blid (Germany), The Sun (United Kingdom), The Wall Street Journal (The United States) are some of the most famous newspapers in the world.

Key difference between newspaper vs. magazine

What is a Magazine

Magazine is generally a periodical publication that contains information on a variety of subjects. A magazine is usually published weekly or monthly. Magazines belong to various fields like science and technology, fashion, medicine, sports, finance, etc. They are more colorful and glossy than newspapers.“Erbauliche Monaths Unterredungen”, a literary and philosophy magazine which was launched in 1663 in Germany is said to be the earliest example of magazines. People, National Geographic, Awake! Readers’ Digest are some famous magazines in the World.

 difference between newspaper and magazine

Difference Between Newspaper and Magazine

The most noted difference between newspaper and magazine exists in their content. Newspapers mostly write about current news in the world and their articles are short (generally under 900 words). However, magazines have longer articles on a variety of subjects such as fashion, sports, movies, medicine, etc. Another difference between newspaper and magazine is their audience. Newspapers have a broad audience as they provide articles for people of all ages and interests while magazines have a specific and targeted audience as they provide information on a specific subject area.

Design and attraction is another difference between newspaper and magazine. Newspapers have simple design and layout, and the content is usually in black and white. However, a magazine is complex in design; it uses a variety of colors and fonts, making the appearance of magazines more attractive than newspapers. A magazine is also more expensive than a newspaper. Another difference that can be observed between these two media is headlines; a newspaper uses catchy headlines in order to attract readers whereas a magazine uses baseline concepts.infogram- village vs city

About the Author: Hasa

Hasa has a BA degree in English, French and Translation studies. She is currently reading for a Masters degree in English. Her areas of interests include literature, language, linguistics and also food.

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Newspapers, magazines
Newspaper is a publication that presents and comments on the news. Newspapers play an important role in shaping public opinion and informing people of current events.
The first newspapers were probably handwritten news- sheets posted in public places. The earliest daily newssheet was «Acta Diurna» («Daily Events») which started in Rome in 59 B.C. The first printed newspaper was Chinese publication called «Dibao» («Ti — pao») started in A.D.700s. It was printed from carved wooden blocks. The first regularly published newspaper in Europe was «Avisa Relation» or «Zeitung», started in Germany in 1609.
Newspapers have certain advantages over other mass media — magazines, TV and radio. Newspaper can cover more news and in much detail than TV or radio newcast can do. Magazines focus on major national and international events of the preceeding week. But newspaper focuses on local news as well and provides information and comments faster than magazine can do.

There are about 1 700 daily and 7 500 weekly newspapers in the US. The circulation of some weeklies is no more than a few hundred of copies per issue and the circulation of some dailies is over a million of copies.
There are daily newspapers and weekly newspapers. Daily newspapers print world, national and local news. Many dailies are morning papers, others are afternoon papers. Sunday issues of the dailies are usually larger than the weekday ones. They may include special sections on such topics as entertainment, finance and travel or Sunday magazine, a guide to TV programs, colored comics. The major dailies in the US are «Christian Science Monitor», «New York Times», «USA Today», «Wall Street Journal», «Washington Post».
Weekly newspapers serve usually for smaller areas. They are printed in small communities where people know each other and are interested in activities of their friends and neighbours. Weeklies report of weddings, births, deaths and news of local business and politics. Most weeklies do not print world or national news.

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3. How many newspapers are there in the US?
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Газета — это издание, которое представляет и комментирует новости. Газеты играют важную роль в формировании общественного мнения и информировании людей о текущих событиях.
Первыми газетами, вероятно, были написанные от руки листовки, которые вывешивались в общественных местах. Самой ранней ежедневной листовкой была «Acta Diurna» («События дня»), которую начали издавать в Риме в 59 году до н.э. Первой печатной газетой было китайское издание, которое называлось «Дибао» («Ти-пао»), которую начали издавать в VIII веке. Она печаталась с резных деревянных досок. Первой регулярно издаваемой газетой в Европе была «Avisa Relation» или «Zeitung», которую начали издавать в Германии в 1609 году.
Газеты обладают определенными преимуществами по сравнению с другими средствами массовой информации: журналами, телевидением и радио. Газета может осветить больше новостей и в больших подробностях, чем обзор новостей на радио и телевидении. Журналы концентрируются на главных событиях прошедшей недели в стране и за рубежом. Газета же концентрируется и на местных новостях тоже, а также предоставляет информацию и комментарии быстрее, чем журнал.
В Соединенных Штатах насчитывается около 1700 ежедневных и 7500 еженедельных газет. Тираж некоторых еженедельников не превышает нескольких сотен экземпляров в выпуске, а тираж некоторых ежедневных газет превышает миллион экземпляров.
Существуют ежедневные и еженедельные газеты. Ежедневные газеты печатают всемирные, национальные и местные новости. Многие из ежедневных газет являются утренними газетами, другие — вечерними. Воскресные выпуски ежедневных газет обычно больше по объему, чем обычные. Они могут включать специальные разделы по таким темам, как развлечения, финансы и путешествия или воскресное приложение, программу передач, цветные комиксы. Крупными ежедневными изданиями являются «Кристчн Сайенс Монитор», «Нью-Йорк Таймс», «Ю-Эс-Эй-Тудэй», «Уолл Стрит Джорнал», «Вашингтон Пост».
Еженедельные газеты, в основном, обслуживают небольшие районы. Они печатаются в маленьких общинах, где люди знают друг друга и интересуются жизнью друзей и соседей. Еженедельники сообщают о свадьбах, рождениях, смертях и новостях местной деловой жизни и политики. Большинство еженедельников не печатают международные и национальные новости.

Magazine is one of the major mass media. Magazine is a collection of articles and stories. Usually magazines also contain illustrations.
The earliest magazines developed from newspapers and booksellers catalogs. Such catalogs first appeared during the 1600’s in France. In the 170Q’s pamphlets published at regular intervals appeared in England and America. They were literary publications. One of the first British magazines «The Gentleman’s Magazine» was published from 1731 to 1914. The first American magazine was called the «American Magazine», or «АMonthly View».
Magazines provide information on a wide range of topics such as business, culture, hobbies, medicine, religion, science, and sports. Some magazines entertain their readers with fiction, poetry, photography or articles about TV, or movie stars.
Magazines are designed to be kept for a longer time in comparison to newspapers and that is why they are printed on a better paper and have covers and binding. Magazines, unlike newspapers, do not focus on daily, rapidly changing events.
There are specialized magazines intended for special business, industrial and professional groups, and consumer magazines intended for general public. There are several kinds of consumer magazines.
Children’s magazines contain stories, jokes, articles on subjects especially interesting for children and instructions for making games or Useful items.
Hobby magazines are intended for collectors of coins, stamps, and other items; people interested in certain sports or games; photography enthusiasts.
Intellectual magazines provide analysis of current cultural and political events. Many of them publish fiction and poetry as well.
Men’s magazines focus on such topics as adventure, entertainment, men’s fashion and sports.
Women’s magazines deal with child-raising, fashion trends, romance. They offer ideas on cooking and home decorating. Many of the monthlies with big circulations are women’s magazines.

1. What did magazines develop from?
2. What is the name of the first US magazine?
3. What kinds of information do magazines provide?
4. What is the difference in contents between a magazine and a newspaper?
5. What kind of magazines are there?
6. What do they deal with?

Журнал является одним из важнейших средств массовой информации. Журнал является сборником статей, рас-сказов. В большинстве случаев журналы содержат также иллюстрации.
Самые ранние журналы развились из газет и каталогов книготорговцев. Такие каталоги впервые появились в XVII веке во Франции. В XVIII веке в Англии и Америке появились брошюры, издаваемые регулярно. Это были литературные издания. Один из первых британских журналов «Зе Джентльменз Мэгэзин» издавался с 1731 по 1914 год. Первый американский журнал назывался «Америкэн Мэгэзин» или «Мансли Вью».
Журналы предоставляют информацию по широкому спектру вопросов, таких, как бизнес, культура, хобби, медицина, религия, наука и спорт. Некоторые журналы развлекают своих читателей художественными произведениями, поэзией, фотографиями или статьями о кино- и телезвездах.
Журналы предназначены для более продолжительного хранения по сравнению с газетами, поэтому они печатаются на лучшей бумаге и имеют обложку и переплет. Журналы, в отличие от газет, не сосредоточиваются на однодневных, быстро меняющихся событиях.
Существуют специализированные журналы, предназначенные для специалистов в области бизнеса, промышленности и медицины, и массовые журналы, предназначенные для широкой публики. Есть несколько видов массовых журналов.
Детские журналы содержат рассказы, шутки, статьи на темы, особенно интересные для детей, и указания о том, как сделать игру или какую-нибудь полезную вещь.
Журналы об увлечениях предназначены для коллекционеров монет, марок и т.п., для людей, интересующихся определенными видами спорта или играми, для фотографов любителей.
Общественно-политические журналы предлагают анализ современных культурных и политических событий. Многие из них публикуют также художественные произведения и поэзию
Мужские журналы сосредоточиваются на таких темах, как приключения, развлечения, мужская мода и спорт.
Женские журналы имеют дело с воспитанием детей, тенденциями моды, романтической литературой. Они предлагают идеи о приготовлении пищи и домашнем интерьере. Большинство еженедельников с большими тиражами являются женскими журналами.

Источник: 100 тем английского языка. Авторы Каверина В. Бойко В. Жидких Н.

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