General odbc error in excel

  • Hi,

    The error occurs when problem occurs with accessing the original data, which is dependent on how that data was set up. You may want to make some attempt to refresh
    the table manually to see if that functions properly. The error you are getting indicates an error with the query connection. You may also re-connect the Excel file with the SQL server database.

    The Refresh method causes Microsoft Excel to connect to the data source of the QueryTable object, execute the SQL query, and return data to the range that is based
    on the QueryTable object. Unless this method is called, the QueryTable object doesn’t communicate with the data source.

    When making the connection to the OLE DB or ODBC data source, Microsoft Excel uses the connection string specified by the Connection property. If the specified connection
    string is missing required values, dialog boxes will be displayed to prompt the user for the required information. If the DisplayAlerts property is False, dialog boxes aren’t displayed and the Refresh method fails with the Insufficient Connection Information

    After Microsoft Excel makes a successful connection, it stores the completed connection string so that prompts won’t be displayed for subsequent calls to the Refresh
    method during the same editing session. You can obtain the completed connection string by examining the value of the Connection property.

    After the database connection is made, the SQL query is validated. If the query isn’t valid, the Refresh method fails with the SQL Syntax Error exception.

    Please take your time to try the suggestions and let me know the results at your earliest convenience. If anything is unclear or if there is anything I can do for
    you, please feel free to let me know.

    Best Regards,

    Sally Tang

    • Marked as answer by

      Wednesday, June 9, 2010 12:47 AM

  • Click here follow the steps to fix Microsoft Excel General Odbc Error and related errors.



    To Fix (Microsoft Excel General Odbc Error) error you need to
    follow the steps below:

    Step 1:

    (Microsoft Excel General Odbc Error) Repair Tool

    Step 2:

    Click the «Scan» button

    Step 3:

    Click ‘Fix All‘ and you’re done!

    Windows 7, 8, Vista, XP

    Download Size: 6MB
    Requirements: 300 MHz Processor, 256 MB Ram, 22 MB HDD

    This download is a free evaluation version. To unlock all features and tools, a purchase is required.

    Microsoft Excel General Odbc Error Error Codes are caused in one way or another by misconfigured system files
    in your windows operating system.

    If you have Microsoft Excel General Odbc Error errors then we strongly recommend that you

    Download (Microsoft Excel General Odbc Error) Repair Tool.

    This article contains information that shows you how to fix
    Microsoft Excel General Odbc Error
    (manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to Microsoft Excel General Odbc Error error code that you may receive.

    This article was updated on 2023-04-08 and previously published under WIKI_Q210794


    •   1. What is Microsoft Excel General Odbc Error error?
    •   2. What causes Microsoft Excel General Odbc Error error?
    •   3. How to easily fix Microsoft Excel General Odbc Error errors

    What is Microsoft Excel General Odbc Error error?

    The Microsoft Excel General Odbc Error error is the Hexadecimal format of the error caused. This is common error code format used by windows and other windows compatible software and driver vendors.

    This code is used by the vendor to identify the error caused. This Microsoft Excel General Odbc Error error code has a numeric error number and a technical description. In some cases the error may have more parameters in Microsoft Excel General Odbc Error format .This additional hexadecimal code are the address of the memory locations where the instruction(s) was loaded at the time of the error.

    What causes Microsoft Excel General Odbc Error error?

    The Microsoft Excel General Odbc Error error may be caused by windows system files damage. The corrupted system files entries can be a real threat to the well being of your computer.

    There can be many events which may have resulted in the system files errors. An incomplete installation, an incomplete uninstall, improper deletion of applications or hardware. It can also be caused if your computer is recovered from a virus or adware/spyware
    attack or by an improper shutdown of the computer. All the above actives
    may result in the deletion or corruption of the entries in the windows
    system files. This corrupted system file will lead to the missing and wrongly
    linked information and files needed for the proper working of the

    How to easily fix Microsoft Excel General Odbc Error error?

    There are two (2) ways to fix Microsoft Excel General Odbc Error Error:

    Advanced Computer User Solution (manual update):

    1) Start your computer and log on as an administrator.

    2) Click the Start button then select All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, and then click System Restore.

    3) In the new window, select «Restore my computer to an earlier time» option and then click Next.

    4) Select the most recent system restore point from the «On this list, click a restore point» list, and then click Next.

    5) Click Next on the confirmation window.

    6) Restarts the computer when the restoration is finished.

    Novice Computer User Solution (completely automated):

    1) Download (Microsoft Excel General Odbc Error) repair utility.

    2) Install program and click Scan button.

    3) Click the Fix Errors button when scan is completed.

    4) Restart your computer.

    How does it work?

    This tool will scan and diagnose, then repairs, your PC with patent
    pending technology that fix your windows operating system registry
    basic features: (repairs system freezing and rebooting issues , start-up customization , browser helper object management , program removal management , live updates , windows structure repair.)

    I can’t solve your problem, but I can help you debug it.

    The first question is: what does that error message mean? Is it telling you that there’s an error with the query or command you’re running on the data, or is something preventing you connecting to the database?

    It is actually possible to write informative error messages, and whatever misguided genius at Redmond implemented the Query Table chose not to pass through the detailed error information emitted by the database server and the connection libraries.

    Fortunately, we do some of that work ourselves.

    The QueryTable object has a connection property — it’s a string, not a fully-featured connection object, but you can examine it in more detail and test it against the ADODB connection object. Try this function for testing connection strings, and see if there’s any useful information:

    Public Sub ConnectionTest(ConnectionString As String)
    ' Late-binding: requires less effort, but he correct aproach is ' to create a reference to 'Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects' -
    'Dim conADO As ADODB.Connection 'Set conADO = New ADODB.Connection
    Dim conADO As Object Set conADO = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    Dim i As Integer
    conADO.ConnectionTimeout = 30 conADO.ConnectionString = ConnectionString
    On Error Resume Next
    If conADO.State = 1 Then Debug.Print "Connection string is valid" Else Debug.Print "Connection failed:"

    For i = 0 To conADO.Errors.Count With conADO.Errors(i) Debug.Print "ADODB connection returned error " & .Number & " (native error '" & .NativeError & "') from '" & .Source & "': " & .Description End With Next i

    End If
    Debug.Print "Connection String: " Debug.Print vbTab & Replace(.Connection, ";", ";" & vbCrLf & vbTab) Debug.Print

    Set conADO = Nothing

    End Sub

    …And insert it into your code:

    Dim objQueryTable As Excel.QueryTable
    Dim strConnect as String
    set objQueryTable = ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:=connstring, Destination:=Range("A1"), Sql:=sqlstringFirma)
    With objQueryTable strConnect = .Connection .BackgroundQuery = False .RefreshStyle = xlOverwriteCells .Refresh ' "General ODBC error" hereeee End With
    ConnectionTest strConnect ' view the output in the debug window/immediate pane

    If you can see errors in that, it might just be that my implementation of an ADODB connection doesn’t work in your Mac Office environment: but it’s entirely possible that you have either:

    1. Created a connection, seen it working, and eliminated the
      possibility that your connection string or DSN is the source of the
    2. …Or spotted an error in the connection parameters which you can

    If the connection’s working, it’s probably the query or command you’re running at the database that’s the source of the problem — and the error messages I’ve seen in your question do point in that direction — so we need to delve a little deeper.

    Unfortunately, I have no way of knowing whether the tools I use for that will work for you: this is developers’ debugging code, and you’ll need to tinker with it to get it to work.

    The reason it’s so fiddly is that the Office team who implemented the QueryTable made some interesting decisions: the ‘connection’ and ‘recordset’ properties exposed by the QueryTable aren’t fully-featured objects — I think that they are interfaces which allow the QueryTable to make use of objects called ‘connection’ and ‘recordset’ from a variety of different providers, and expose a common set of properties and methods. It’s a good decision for cross-platform usability, but it means that a developer who needs to interrogate those objects can’t rely on any given method being present at runtime — so this is for decompiled code in ‘debug’ mode only.

    You’ll also need to register Microsoft DAO and ADO references in the IDE: late-binding with ‘CreateObject’ is the wrong tool when you need to be able to view these objects in the ‘Locals’ window:

    Public Sub ConnectionDetails(objQueryTable As Excel.QueryTable)
    Dim rstADO As ADODB.Recordset Dim conADO As ADODB.Connection
    Dim rstDAO As DAO.Recordset Dim conDAO As DAO.Connection
    Dim i As Integer

    Set objQueryTable = Sheet1.ListObjects(1).QueryTable
    With objQueryTable

    Debug.Print "Connection String: " Debug.Print vbTab & Replace(.Connection, ";", ";" & vbCrLf & vbTab) Debug.Print

    Debug.Print "Query Type: " & .QueryType ' Documented here: Debug.Print "Query: " & .CommandText Debug.Print "Database request type: " & .CommandType ' XlCmdType documented here:

    .MaintainConnection = True
    On Error Resume Next If TypeOf .Recordset Is DAO.Recordset Then

    On Error Resume Next Set rstDAO = .Recordset

    rstDAO.OpenRecordset For i = 0 To DAO.Errors.Count With DAO.Errors(i) Debug.Print "DAO Recordset '" & Left(rstDAO.Name, 24) & "' returned error " & .Number & " from '" & .Source & "': " & .Description End With Next i

    Set conADO = DAO.DBEngine.OpenConnection(.Connection) For i = 0 To DAO.Errors.Count With DAO.Errors(i) Debug.Print "DAO Connection '" & Left(conDAO.Name, 24) & "' returned error " & .Number & " from '" & .Source & "': " & .Description End With Next i

    ElseIf TypeOf .Recordset Is ADODB.Recordset Then

    On Error Resume Next Set rstADO = .Recordset

    If rstADO.State <> 0 Then rstADO.Close rstADO.Open Set conADO = rstADO.ActiveConnection For i = 0 To conADO.Errors.Count With conADO.Errors(i) Debug.Print "ADODB Recordset '" & Left(rstADO.Source, 24) & "' connection returned error " & .Number & " (native error '" & .NativeError & "') from '" & .Source & "': " & .Description End With Next i
    ElseIf Err.Number <> 0 Then

    Debug.Print Err.Source & " Error " & Err.Number & ":" & Err.Description


    Debug.Print "recordset type is: '" & TypeName(.Recordset) & "': for further information, place a breakpoint in the code and use the 'Locals' window."

    End If
    End With
    End Sub

    What the code does — or attempts to do — is quite straightforward: it interrogates the database and retrieves the detailed error messages.

    They will probably tell you that there’s a syntax error, or a missing parameter in the SQL — which can be misleading if the database is MS-Access: ‘missing parameter’ might mean a field name or function name is unknown. It might also mean that you can’t run that SQL outside an MS-Access user session.

    If it fails to work, go back to the ConnectionTest code and run the command text against the conADO connection object:
    conADO.Execute strCommandText
    …And interrogate the errors collection again.

    That’s pretty much it for the debugging tools I can bring to bear on this problem: hopefully another ‘Stacker can suggest other approaches.

    Run A Query On External Data(odbc) Criteria Based On Input Of A Ce — Excel

    I have an access database that I would like to put a DATE into a cell and
    have it auto run a query with that date criteria. I have done this with the
    query wizard and manualy but would like to automate the process by just
    typing the date and pressing the enter any one who could lead me in the
    right direction or who has done this before I would appreciate the help

    thank you TR

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    Sql Server Odbc Error — Excel

    I have an Excel 2000 sheet based on a MS Query to a SQL Server 2000 database.
    When I refresh the query, the ODBC connection fails with this error:

    SQLState: ‘01000’
    SQL Server Error: 11001
    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][TCP/IP Sockets][ConnectionOpen
    Connection failed:
    SQLState: ‘08001’
    SQL Server Error: 6
    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][TCP/IP Sockets]Specified SQL Server not

    An Access database with links to this SQL Server data source works just
    fine. I tested the ODBC connection and it works fine.

    The problem cropped up after the database and Excel sheets were moved to a
    new physical server.

    I tried to edit the Query in hopes of recreating it from scratch but I can’t
    see the Query because the ODBC error appears and won’t open the query editor.
    How can I fix the error or open the query so I can manually recreate it?



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    Ms Query Odbc Connection — Excel

    I have an excel sheet that I have MS Query attatched to. Recently, our servers were renamed to something different. I have changed my ODBC connections on my computer and updated my other excel sheets to point to the correct server via Script Editor, however, on one particular spreadsheet, the script editor is disabled and I can’t update the path.\trap-true, etc.

    How can I tell this worksheet to point to the new server? There has to be something in the background where I can tell it to go.

    BTW…..I’ve tried opening the Query and because the new server is down, it will not connect to allow me to cut and paste the SQL code to another worksheet.

    Please help

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    Fetch Data From Oracle To Excel With Oracle Odbc Driver Using Vba — Excel

    Is there anybody know how to extract data from Oracle RDBMS to a Excel worksheet using VBA. Is it possible to create a db connection & a query in VBA code? Please advise. Thanks in advance.


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    Filtering Odbc Data — Excel

    I have created an ODBC link into an SQL server using the Import External Data
    function in Excel 2003. The data is coming through without any problems
    except that there is too much of it. Excel has a limit of 65,000 lines and
    there is around 300,000 lines of data trying to get through, and the data I
    want is at the bottom.

    I want to put a filter on one of the columns in the table but don’t know
    how. I can see the Edit Query box but i’ve never really used SQL before.

    Can anybody help?

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    Odbc Imports Numbers As Text — Excel

    When I use ODBC to import data into Excel, all numbers come through with a
    leading apostrophe so that Excel sees them as text.
    e..g INSERT INTO [Sheet1$] VALUES (10) will come into Excel as ’10

    View Answers

    How Do I Export Data From Excel Into An Odbc Client / Or Plain Tex — Excel

    I have an excel workbook containing many sheets, of which I wish to export
    the data residing on one worksheet only. I would like to know how to do 2
    1) export the data into an email so that it appears as flat text, not an
    embedded picture, so that I am able to have a robot scrape the data to go
    into an HTML ODBC. There will be approx 6 columns by 60 lines and the
    workbook has many macros embedded in it.
    2) export the data directly into an HTML ODBC
    I am not a developer, but asking the questions for one, so appreciate layman
    terms if possible, but happy to accept any and all help.

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    Ora-12154 Tns Error For Odbc Connection Via Excel — Excel

    I have set up an ODBC connection via the Admin tools under control panel and it connects fine.

    However, when I try to use the same connection to update from Excel, I receive the error ORA-12154: TNS: could not resolve the connect identifier specified.

    I have validated that the tnsnames.ora file is in my current path.

    I’m using the Oracle in instantclient10_2 driver to create the ODBC Data Source.

    Any help would be SOOOO appreciated!


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    Embed Password In Vba For Odbc Connection — Excel

    My code executes a query from an oracle db. Everytime I try to run it, it asks for the ODBC password. I was wondering if it’s possible to embed the password in the code so it doesn’t ask for it. Below is my attempt from piecing together what I found through googling, but does not seem to work. any help would be appreciated, thanks.


       Dim SQLStr As String
       Dim connection As ADODB.connection
       Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
       Dim intRow As Integer
       SQLStr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & Range("DBPath") & ";Persist Security Info=False;" & _
                    "Jet OLEDB:Database Password='kchu_6789';"
       Set connection = New ADODB.connection
       connection.Open SQLStr
       Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

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    Odbc Excel Driver Login Failed — Excel

    Hello guys,

    I have a problem for which I can not find a solution within the net.

    I have an excel file that uses MSQuery to extract data from other excel files and a VBA that updates all the queries automatically when the file is opened. It works just perfect but the problem is that if I try to open the file from different computers I get the «ODBC Excel Driver login failed»

    I have installed all add-ins on each computer and they all have one and the same version of excel.

    Could anybody advise what the problem could be?

    Thanks a lot!

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    Updating Mysql Database With Excel Using Odbc? — Excel


    I have managed to export my SQL db to excel using the mysql ODBC driver but is there any way for me to update mySQL database using the ODBC driver?

    View Answers

    Refresh Pivot Same Time As Odbc Refresh — Excel


    I have a spreadsheet connected to our in house system via ODBC. When I refresh sheet2(data) I need sheet1(summary) — which is a pivot table using the data from sheet2(data) to update as well.

    Any help on how I could achieve would be great.

    Many thanks

    Jon D

    View Answers

    Preserving Data On Odbc Refresh — Excel

    I download a table from SAGE accounts package using an ODBC link and MSQuery.
    I have a series of additional columns in which I manipulate the linked data in various ways.
    At some later time I need to refresh the link. Typicaly this will add some new data, relink some existing data and some of the existing data will no longer meet the criteria of the Query and will «drop off». I need to preserve the manipulation of the retained «old» data and have some flag to tell the program that the «new» data needs to be manipulated.

    An initial download brings about 300 records. Each refresh adds about 30 and drops off about 30 records.
    I thought that this would be easy, but the refresh seems to destroy the row and column relationships so I get spurious results.
    can anyone help me with this please?
    John Southern

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    Loop Thru And Delete All Odbc Connections — Excel


    I have a workbook that I created to import any table on our SQL server via ODBC and once I am done with table I completely clear the worksheet to it’s original state (as if I just inserted a brand new sheet) and before I import another table, I would like to be able to loop through all the existing connections and delete them. I attempted this with the code below, however I don’t really know how to work with the ODBC object model.


    Sub DeleteConnections()
    Dim Conn As ODBCConnection
    For Each Conn In ThisWorkbook.Connections
          'Not sure what to put here. 
    Next Conn
    End Sub

    Please HELP!!!

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    Check Odbc Connection Before Refresh — Excel


    I have an Excel spreadsheet linked through to a sql table via and ODBC connection and I have a macro to refresh the data. I want the macro to first check that the ODBC connection exists before trying to refresh the data. So it would look like:

    IF ODBC Connection exists THEN refresh data ELSE return warning message.

    becoz when connection cannot be made, its gives me error. and i have to manually press ok button.

    Any ideas….?


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    How To Fix ‘-2147467259 (80004005)’: [microsoft] [odbc Microsoft Access Driver] Not A Valid Password. — Excel

    Adding records to Database getting following error…
    Getting error message exact as below


     '-2147467259 (80004005)': [Microsoft]  
     [ODBC Microsoft Access driver] not a valid password  

    Actual Code: error on BLUE line below.

    I would really appriciate any help. Just stucked just dont know how to proceed…just same error already asked by someone too but doesnt solve me problem.


     Sub CallAddTransfer() 
       ' Used to call the code from page 480 
       Dim WS As Worksheet 
       Dim Qty As Integer 
       Set WS = Worksheets("AddRecords") 
       FinalRow = WS.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row 
       Ctr = 0 
       For i = 7 To FinalRow 
           Style = Cells(i, 1).Value 
           FromStore = Cells(i, 2).Value 
           ToStore = Cells(i, 3).Value 
           Qty = Cells(i, 4).Value 
           Ctr = Ctr + 1 
           Application.StatusBar = "Adding Record " & Ctr 
           AddTransfer Style, FromStore, ToStore, Qty 
       Next i 
       Application.StatusBar = False 
       MsgBox Ctr & " records added." 
     End Sub 
     Sub AddTransfer(Style As Variant, FromStore As Variant, ToStore As Variant, Qty As Integer) 
       ' Page 480 
       Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection 
       Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset 
       Dim pwd As String 
       MyConn = ThisWorkbook.Path & Application.PathSeparator & "Transfers.mdb" 
       MyConn = "Driver=Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb);DBQ=" & MyConn 
       pwd = "mypass" 
       ' open the connection 
       Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection 
       With cnn 
           '.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" 
            .Open MyConn, mypass  
       End With 
       ' Define the Recordset 
       Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset 
       rst.CursorLocation = adUseServer 
       ' open the table 
       rst.Open Source:="tblTransfer", _ 
       ActiveConnection:=cnn, _ 
       CursorType:=adOpenDynamic, _ 
       LockType:=adLockOptimistic, _ 
       ' Add a record 
       ' Set up the values for the fields. The first four fields 
       ' are passed from the calling userform. The date field 
       ' is filled with the current date. 
       rst("Style") = Style 
       rst("FromStore") = FromStore 
       rst("ToStore") = ToStore 
       rst("Qty") = Qty 
       rst("tDate") = Date 
       rst("Sent") = False 
       rst("Receive") = False 
       ' Write the values to this record 
       ' Close 
     End Sub 

    The code is from Bill’s Latest book i guess .

    Thanks again

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    Populate Combobox From Odbc Sql Query? — Excel


    Wondering if is it possible to populate a combobox with values from a single column sql query.

    1: I do not want to have the recordset returned to a query table and then have combobox populate from query table (trying to cut out the «middleman»)
    2: I have odbc connections only, I do not have the privledges to add on the ADO add-ons, and if I can get it, my clients will not have it.

    The connectionstring I use is this


    Dim varconnection As String
            varconnection = "ODBC;DRIVER={SQL Server};Server=MyServer;DATABASE=MyDatabase;UID=that dude;PWD=password"

    Any help would be greatly appreciated

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    Vba To Connect To Database Using Odbc Data Source — Excel

    I like to connect to a SQL 2005 database from my Excel VBA project.

    I have setup a ODBC data source called MSSQLDEV that connects to the SQL 2005 database

    How do I build the connection string using this ODBC data source to connect to the SQL 2005?

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    Vba: Using Querytables.add And Odbc To Query Mysql. Problem: Not All Columns Are Being Returned In Excel! — Excel

    Alright, I’ve setup a little macro in excel based on VBA code which runs a query against a MySQL database. This setup has been working great for us without any problems until now.

    It seems the SQL query I’m trying to run is breaking QueryTables somehow. This query I’m trying to run is complex and involves a «UNION ALL». This SQL query runs perfectly fine in MySQL Query Browser.

    However, when I try and run this query using QueryTables.Add and ODBC, some of the columns are not being returned.

    Specifically, I have found that the only columns not being returned are ones which do not have matching UNION «Field Types».

    aka: On the top part of my UNION, the first column returned is an INT, and on the bottom of my UNION (the second query), the first column is a VARCHAR. For some reason MySQL Query Browser is perfectly okay showing these results, but QueryTables can’t handle it, and drops these columns.

    ANY help would be VERY APPRECIATED!!

    Here is my VBA code:


    Sub SQLGetNewData()
    Dim sConn As String
    Dim sSql As String
    Dim sDateFrom As String
    Dim sDateTo As String
    Dim oQt As QueryTable
    'Sets the database connection
    sConn = "ODBC;DSN=Database_Name;UID=username;PWD=password"
    'get query parameters
    'build the query.
    ' I have not included the original complex SQL query here, and I have created a "VIEW" in MySQL to replicate the query. Because I have created a VIEW, I simply need to query this view just like it's a table.
    sSql = "SELECT * from view_revenue "
    Worksheets("Query Info").Activate
    [B7].Formula = sSql
    'clear the data area
    'clear existing data connections
    For Each oQt In ActiveSheet.QueryTables
    Next oQt
    If ActiveWorkbook.Connections.Count > 0 Then
        i = 1
        Do While ActiveWorkbook.Connections.Count > 0
            i = i - 1
    End If
    'get new data
    With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:=sConn, _
            Destination:=Range("A1"), Sql:=sSql)
        .Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
        .RefreshPeriod = 0
        .RefreshOnFileOpen = False
    End With
    End Sub

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    Vba To Get Database Name From An Established Odbc Connection? — Excel

    Ok, here is the issue…

    I’ve written an add-in that is used in a couple of locations. In each location, users have an ODBC connection to a database. The name of that ODBC connection is the same at each location.

    However, the name of the actual database that it connects to varies…

    For instance, in one location it is «Database»

    But in another location it is «DATABASE»

    The database holds the same information at both locations, but I’ve found my queries are case sensitive when it comes to establishing a connection.

    Right now, I’m getting around it by using an inputbox, bt there has to be a better way…

    Is there any way to use VBA to look at an existing ODBC connection and then get the name of the DB from there?

    Any help or advice is appreciated.

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    Odbc Microsoft Access Driver Login Failed — Excel


    A query has landed on my desk — which i’m struggling to figure out.

    I have an Excel 2007 workbook which pulls data from a shared Access database.

    The user has complained that it is not working properly.

    To test it I attempted to refresh the connections, and get an error message:

    ODBC Microsoft Access Driver Login Failed

    Which then continues to say that it cannot find the mdb file. However, the path that it states the file should be in is different to where it is. This was working fine yesterday.

    We also had a mandatory service update overnight — would this potentially cause this?

    I’m trying to figure out if the file has been moved, whether it is a problem with the ODBC setup (and therefore infrastructure can have a look), or whether I have inadvertently changed something within the database itself (although I have only been creating queries).

    Any help would be much appreciated!


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    Odbc / Shared File On A Network Question — Excel

    I have a file on a netowk that has an ODBC sql feed set up.

    When I choose to share the file, the «REFRESH DATA» icon is shaded out — thus meaning the user can not refresh on demand.

    Im using excel 2003 is there a route round this?

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    Set Up Odbc Datasource Via Vba If User Doesn’t Have It Already — Excel

    Hello All,

    I have a query table that is refreshed from a sql server. I have the connection string figured out



    but, when I try to use it on someone’s computer who doesn’t have a datasource setup, it prompts them to do so with the ODBC Administrator program. Is there a way I can do this programatically?

    user’s connection is to a SQL database.

    Update: Okay, found out about DSN-less connections currently using


    varConnection = "ODBC;DRIVER={SQL Server};Server=myserver;DATABASE=mydatabase;UID=me;PWD=mypassword"

    However, the «Select Datasource» window still crops up. How do I set up the connect to avoid any prompts to «select Datasource» as that is a manual, technical process

    Update: for servername, had to specify ip address as some end users were accessing remotely.

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    Multiple Sql Statements Off One Odbc Connection — Excel


    I was wondering if it was possible to have more than one SQL statement off one ODBC Connection?

    And if the answer is ‘Yes’ how?

    Many Thanks


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    Run-time Error 3146 Odbc —call Failed — Excel

    I’m working with this Access 2000 database and am trying to export some information but continue to get the following error after I select the location to save…

    Run-time error 3146 ODBC —call failed
    When I attempt to debug the error it’s high-lighting the following code…

    DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel8, «TargSO», strFolderName & («Open_Sales») & Format(Date, «yymmdd») & «-» & Format(Time, «hhnn») & «.xls», True
    MsgBox («File Created!»)

    could anyone shed some light on whats going on or point me in the right direction?

    any help would be muchly appreciated — thanks in advance.

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    Odbc Connection To Oracle — Prompting For Server Name — Excel

    Hi Folks:

    I have a VBA script that communicates with Oracle — when I click on the refresh button, a dialog box pops up and asks for the Server Name …. I was wondering if I can pass this variable to the connection instead of having the users have to enter it each time — the problem is that they likely don’t even know what the server name is.



    Query is below:

    If global_username = «» Then Call password_entry

    strConOracle = «Driver={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle}; CONNECTSTRING=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP) «
    strConOracle = strConOracle & «(HOST=» & HOST & «)(PORT=1521))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=» & DBNAME
    strConOracle = strConOracle & » ))); uid=» & ORACLE_USER_NAME & » ;pwd=» & ORACLE_PASSWORD & «;»

    Set oConOracle = CreateObject(«ADODB.Connection»)
    qstr = » Select * from query_result «

    oConOracle.Open strConOracle

    splitsql = SplitString(qstr)

    ‘ On Error Resume Next

    With ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Add(SourceType:=xlExternal)
    .Connection = «OLEDB;» & oConOracle
    .CommandType = xlCmdSql
    .CommandText = splitsql
    .CreatePivotTable TableDestination:= _
    «‘[ABCHAMP_resp_prof_JUL10 v17.xls]MainMenu’!R23C3″, TableName:=»PivotTable1», _
    End With

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    Macro To Change Odbc Connection Settings — Excel

    Running the macro recorder I got this:


    With ActiveWorkbook.Connections("YearBS").ODBCConnection
    .BackgroundQuery = False
    .CommandText = Array( _
    "sp_report BalanceSheetStandard show Label, Amount parameters DateFrom = {d'2009-01-01'}, DateTo = {d'2010-12-31'}, " _
    , "SummarizeColumnsBy = 'Month'")
    .CommandType = xlCmdSql
    .Connection = Array(Array( _
    "ODBC;DSN=QuickBooks Data;DFQ=I:ACCOUNTINGtest.QBW;SERVER=QODBC;OptimizerDBFolder=%UserProfile%QODBC " _
    ), Array( _
    "Driver for QuickBooksOptimizer;OptimizerAllowDirtyReads=N;SyncFromOtherTables=N" _
    .RefreshOnFileOpen = False
    .SavePassword = False
    .SourceConnectionFile = ""
    .ServerCredentialsMethod = xlCredentialsMethodIntegrated
    .AlwaysUseConnectionFile = False
    End With

    Now I want the 2 YEARS to be able to change based on cell data… Or if it helps the 2 cells are just This Year and last year (ie. NOW() and NOW()-365 but formatted as custom = YYYY)

    So I have this, but it seems to throw me an error everytime I try it:


     With ActiveWorkbook.Connections("YearBS").ODBCConnection
            .BackgroundQuery = False
            .CommandText = Array("sp_report BalanceSheetStandard show Label, Amount parameters DateFrom = {d'" + Range("D7").Text + "-01-01'}, DateTo = {d'" + Range("D8").Text + "-12-31'}, SummarizeColumnsBy = 'Month'")
            .CommandType = xlCmdSql
            .Connection = Array(Array( _
            "ODBC;DSN=QuickBooks Data;DFQ=I:ACCOUNTINGtest.QBW;SERVER=QODBC;OptimizerDBFolder=%UserProfile%QODBC " _
            ), Array( _
            "Driver for QuickBooksOptimizer;OptimizerAllowDirtyReads=N;SyncFromOtherTables=N" _
            .RefreshOnFileOpen = False
            .SavePassword = False
            .SourceConnectionFile = ""
            .ServerCredentialsMethod = xlCredentialsMethodIntegrated
            .AlwaysUseConnectionFile = False
        End With

    The error I get now in Microsoft VB is

    Run-time error ‘1004’:
    Application-defined or object-defined error

    I also tried changing


    .CommandText = Array("sp_report BalanceSheetStandard show Label, Amount parameters DateFrom = {d'" + Range("D7").Text + "-01-01'}, DateTo = {d'" + Range("D8").Text + "-12-31'}, SummarizeColumnsBy = 'Month'")



    .CommandText = Array( GetSQLString() )

    after making


    Public Function GetSQLString()
        GetSQLString = "sp_report BalanceSheetStandard show Label, Amount parameters DateFrom = {d'" + Range("D7").Text + "-01-01'}, DateTo = {d'" + Range("D8").Text + "-12-31'}, SummarizeColumnsBy = 'Month'"
    End Function

    I also tried


    .CommandText = Array(Sheet3.Range(D10))

    after setting D10 on sheet3 to =GetSQLString()

    Thanks for your help!

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    How To Test Odbc Connection — Excel

    I have created a system DSN to an SQL Database programmatically and would like to test the database connection via a command button before executing any queries against the database.

    Can anyone help me write this?

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    Odbc Connection To Ms Project — Excel

    I need to create a database query within execl so I can update my excel sheet directly from a ms project source file.

    Background story — currently have a massive programme plan. We also have an excel sheet which contains an extract of all the milestones from the programme plan. The excel sheet is updated on a weekly basis — updates made on RAG status, milestone end date and % complete. We are using a ‘milestone code’ to reference from excel to project. Because its a manual process of checking each individual milestone in the programme plan (140 milestones) its a long and tiresome process.

    I was thinking that if we could automate this using an ODBC connection so it updates the data automatically it would cut down an hours work to the click of a button. So basically I was just wanting to know if that is possible. If not, are there any other suggestions to update the information automatically.

    Thanks in advance.

    P.S. I have attached a picture of a sample spreadsheet and project file as a reference. Hopefully it should give people an idea of what they look like and what Im trying to achieve.

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    Vba To Modify Existing Odbc Data Source — Excel — Excel

    Alright I have an existing data connection to an ODBC data source. I am curious how I can modify one of the query parameters programatically.

    So for instance, my data connection properties which already has a connection setup includes this statement.statement:

    SELECT «DataTable».»User Name»
    FROM «DataTable» «DataTable»
    WHERE («DataTable».»Office Location»= ‘Dallas TX’)

    And I can refresh this query via VBA with Activeworkbook.RefreshAll or something similiar.

    My question is, is there any way to programmatically change the queries parameter on the fly?

    So I would like to define a variable called «Location» and then insert that into the Office Location part of the query…

    I think if someone could help me get my data connection completely into VBA, instead of on the Data Connections tab, I could probably figure it out myself.


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    Odbc Connection To Sql Server With Excel — Excel


    We regularly develop queries from Excel via MS query to an SQL Server 2005 database.

    We have had issues where if an Alias is used in the SQl Database and the Alias contains spaces MS query complains to the effect ‘Incorrect syntax near «whatever». On replacing the spaces with underscores all is well. Now to the point, we developed a spreadsheet using the above connections (even having the alias with spaces) and all was fine. It has now decided to erratically complain with ‘incorrect syntax etc.» message. Sometimes it will run correctly on my collegues machine but wont run correctly on mine. Strangley enough the client can dial in remotley and run the query fine.

    We have SQL server 2005 and excel 2003 and 2007 and run windows xp professional.

    Has anyone had this one before?



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    Odbc Query With Current Date — Excel

    I am trying to pull data into excel from another program using the ODBC query. This is the code that i have:

    WHERE («BV:CallTracker».»Create-date»>={ts ‘2010-07-05 00:00:00’ })

    where the date is located is what I am trying to change. I need it to just pull the current date without me having to manually enter it in.

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    Change Odbc Connection In Excel Vba — Excel


    I have this connection which is working fine now. But i like it to be dynamic and picking up the new range from excel. I tried changing the cells in red to fPath but it wouldn’t work.

    Hope someone can enlighten. Thanks.

    Currently, cell E3 read as: C:DATADEMO17_DB.mdb

    Sub SQLQuery()

    Dim varConnection
    Dim varSQL
    Dim fPath As String

    fPath = Range(«E3»).Value


    varConnection = «ODBC; DSN=MS Access Database; DBQ= C:DATADEMO17_DB.mdb ; Driver{Driver do Microsoft Access(*.mdb)}»


    With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:=varConnection, Destination:=ActiveSheet.Range(«A1»))
    .CommandText = varSQL
    .Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
    End With

    End Sub

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    Vba Macro To Refresh Odbc Connection Only Works Once — Excel

    Hello all,

    I’m trying to use a macro to refresh a pivot table obtained thru an ODBC connection. At the same time, i want to change the CommandText field to change the dates i’m using (I only want to get one year of data). I did this by recording the refresh and then changing the CommandText. Here is the code I have at the moment:


        FullString = "V_DATE_ACT>={ts '" + Dinicio + " 00:00:00'}) AND (V_LOGONE_DB.DLV_DATE_ACT

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    Broken Odbc Links Within Excel — Excel

    I have a client that has hundreds of spreadsheets that use database queries created within excel (not vb) to link to data stored in a third-party database (Pervasive) via ODBC.

    Recently that datbase moved from Drive D: to Drive E:. I updated the ODBC connection to reflect the move. Unfortunately, now none of the excel queries work. I get an ODBC connection error.

    If I create a brand new query using the same DSN, it works fine. The DSN also works fine in Access and Word.

    I guess when the query is stored in Excel, it stores the the data location within the spreadsheet and no longer references the DSN. Is there any way to view or modify this connection short of creating new queries in hundreds of spreadsheets.


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    Connect To Oracle Via Odbc Without Any Dialog For Password — Excel

    I have the same problem!!!

    Does anyone no this?

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    Excel Odbc — Excel


    I am using Excel 2007 and Tally 9. I was able to export some master data from Tally into excel using ODBC but am unable to export transactions data

    I someone could help me would really appreciate it

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    Increasing Activeworkbook.refreshall Performance For Odbc Connection…. — Excel

    I have a spreadsheet that has over 30 ODBC queries to a MS Access database. Via VBA I programmed a command button to do a simple refresh all:


    This takes about 30 minutes to complete…it seems to take a long time to Connect to the datasource (based upon the status bar message).

    If I change the code to have 30 entries of the code below it takes less than 1 minute:

    ‘A1 is the location of the query table
    Selection.QueryTable.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False

    The workaround is worth it from a performance perspective but NOT from a maintenance perspective. Any advice on how to make the ActiveWorkbook.RefreshAll run in a reasonable amount of time.

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    General Odbc Error — Run Time Error 1004 — Excel

    Please help me before this laptop becomes a Frisbee!

    I almost have this working but I’m getting stuck on this error every time I execute it. I have an ODBC with read-only privileges and I recorded part of the code from the macro. The «from» and «to» date fields I added ( I think I’m correct). I would truly appreciate the help.

    Here’s the code:

    Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    Dim smpldatea As Date
    Dim smpldateb As Date

    Dim fdate1 As String
    Dim fdate2 As String

    smpldatea = UserForm1.TextBox1.Text
    smpldateb = UserForm1.TextBox2.Text

    fdate1 = Format(smpldatea, «m/d/yyyy hh:mm:ss»)
    fdate2 = Format(smpldateb, «m/d/yyyy hh:mm:ss»)



    With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:=Array(Array( _
    ), Array( _
    «;FDL=10;LOB=T;RST=T;GDE=F;FRL=Lo;BAM=IfAllSuccessful;MTS=F;MDI=Me;CSR=F;FWC=F;PFC=10;TLO=O;» _
    )), Destination:=Range(«A1»))
    .CommandText = Array( _
    , _

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    Automating Ado/odbc Connection — Excel

    I have a client with an excel spreadsheet that is based on several ODBC queries. He is writing a macro to automate the data refresh. He has the username/password for the server coded in the connection string as described on Microsoft’s support site: «DSN=; UID=; PWD=
    ;» and the password is saved in the ODBC connection as well. However, when he runs the Macro to refresh, it still prompts him for the password as it refreshes each query. The username populates correctly but the password field stays blank. Any ideas?

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    Odbc Connection Error — Excel


    I am modifying the macro in Excel, which was written by my colleague before he quits the company. I have been assigned to continue coding the macro in Excel. The objective of this macro would be » get the required data from a local DB by calling the SQL query and plot the graph based on the data gathered » .

    I am quite new to this environment and I am slowly learning the VBA scripts coded by my colleague. When I run the macro, I am getting the Run time error

    «Run Time Error 3146 ODBC — call failed». I searched in the internet to resolve this problem, but I couldn’t. May be if I am aware of those kind of Excel macros, I could have solved this run time error.

    I have pasted below the code

    Public FileContents As String ‘global variable to contain the SQL query string
    Public RowCounter As Integer
    Public ColCounter As Integer
    Public RowCounter1 As Integer
    Public ColCounter1 As Integer
    Const FTP_ip = «»

    Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

    Dim strDBName As String
    Dim strDBUser As String
    Dim strDBPwd As String
    Dim strDSNName As String
    Dim strConnectionStr As String
    Dim strQueryFile_path As String ‘filepath of SQL Query file
    Dim wrkODBC As Workspace
    Dim conDb As Connection
    Dim rstTemp As Recordset

    strDBName = «tpfdb»
    strDBUser = «root»
    strDBPwd = «admin»
    strDSNName = «tpfdatabase»
    strQueryFile_path = ThisWorkbook.Path & «Queries»

    ‘ Create ODBCDirect Workspace object.
    Set wrkODBC = CreateWorkspace(«NewODBCWorkspace», strDBUser, strDBPwd, dbUseODBC)

    ‘ Open read-only Connection object based on information
    ‘ you enter in the ODBC Driver Manager dialog box.
    strConnectionStr = «ODBC;DATABASE=» + strDBName + «;UID=» + strDBUser + «;PWD=» + strDBPwd + «;DSN=» + strDSNName
    Set conDb = wrkODBC.OpenConnection(«localdb», dbDriverComplete, False, strConnectionStr)
    Set rstTemp = conDb.OpenRecordset(«SET GLOBAL sql_mode=’ANSI’;», dbOpenDynamic)

    I am getting the error while executing the command highlighted above. As I said i am new to this environment, can anyone help me to resolve this?

    Also it would be great if anyone can give me some reference/websites that tells about ODBC in Excel.

    Many Thanks in Advance!!!!!!!!!!




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    Excel Odbc Connection To Sql Server Table Failed — Excel


    Here is the situation: The company I work for has several Excel spreadsheets that are linked to our SQL Server 2000 database via an Access file. All has worked for years until now. When I try to Refresh the spreadsheet for Company3, I get an ODBC Connection Failed Error. Basically, the configuration is as follows:

    SQL Server: Database has 3 tables for each company which we will call respectively — Company1, Company2, Company3.

    AccessFile.mdb contains linked tables to those tables.

    Excel Spreadsheets have a Microsoft Query defined using a Microsoft Access ODBC driver. From there, the linked table
    Company3 and its appropriate columns are selected. (it is interesting to note the connection seems to work as it will show the column names when I click (+) to expand the table.) However, as soon I try to run the query, it fails with a ODBC Connection Error.

    +++ Note +++ If I select a SQL Server ODBC driver instead of a Microsoft Access ODBC driver in the Microsoft Query Wizard, it will work fine. Data gets refreshed with no problem.

    Here is what I have tried and observed:

    1. Tested the OBDC connection through the ODBC Datasource Adminstrator. Works fine.

    2. In Microsoft Query, selected SQL Server 2000 ODBC Driver.
    Refreshed the Excel Spreadsheet. Works as mentioned above.
    (The current configuration worked previously using an Access ODBC Driver to the linked SQL table.)

    3. Created a new Access database with a link to Company3, thinking maybe the mdb file is corrupt. Still didn’t work.

    4. I created a new Excel spreadsheet and Microsoft Query to
    to the linked table. Same results.

    5. Compared the datatypes for Company3 against Company1 and Company2. Looked ok.

    6. Copied Company3 into a test table. Tried Refreshing the Excel spreadsheet with Access ODBC Driver and the test table (all records). ODBC Connection failed. I even tried deleting all but one record in the table, but I obtained the same results.

    7. Tried SQL Profiler to see if could give any useful information why the conncection failed. All I could find that it was testing the connection, but I could find any information why it failed.

    9. Turned on ODBC tracing. Here is a snapshot of the log file:

    msqry32 580-eb0 ENTER SQLDriverConnectW
    HDBC 00892BD0
    HWND 00000000
    WCHAR * 0x74329A38 [ -3] «****** 0»
    SWORD -3
    WCHAR * 0x74329A38
    SWORD 2
    SWORD * 0x00000000

    msqry32 580-eb0 EXIT SQLDriverConnectW with return code -1 (SQL_ERROR)
    HDBC 00892BD0
    HWND 00000000
    WCHAR * 0x74329A38 [ -3] «****** 0»
    SWORD -3
    WCHAR * 0x74329A38
    SWORD 2
    SWORD * 0x00000000

    DIAG [IM006] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver’s SQLSetConnectAttr failed (0)

    DIAG [IM008] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Dialog failed (0)

    msqry32 580-eb0 ENTER SQLErrorW
    HENV 00892B58
    HDBC 00892BD0
    HSTMT 00000000
    WCHAR * 0x0012D488 (NYI)
    SDWORD * 0x0012D4D4
    WCHAR * 0x02417260
    SWORD 4095
    SWORD * 0x0012D4C0

    msqry32 580-eb0 EXIT SQLErrorW with return code 0 (SQL_SUCCESS)
    HENV 00892B58
    HDBC 00892BD0
    HSTMT 00000000
    WCHAR * 0x0012D488 (NYI)
    SDWORD * 0x0012D4D4 (0)
    WCHAR * 0x02417260 [ 66] «[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver’s SQLSetConnectAttr failed»
    SWORD 4095
    SWORD * 0x0012D4C0 (66)

    msqry32 580-eb0 ENTER SQLErrorW
    HENV 00892B58
    HDBC 00892BD0
    HSTMT 00000000
    WCHAR * 0x0012D488 (NYI)
    SDWORD * 0x0012D4D4
    WCHAR * 0x024172F6
    SWORD 4020
    SWORD * 0x0012D4C0

    msqry32 580-eb0 EXIT SQLErrorW with return code 0 (SQL_SUCCESS)
    HENV 00892B58
    HDBC 00892BD0
    HSTMT 00000000
    WCHAR * 0x0012D488 (NYI)
    SDWORD * 0x0012D4D4 (0)
    WCHAR * 0x024172F6 [ 48] «[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Dialog failed»
    SWORD 4020
    SWORD * 0x0012D4C0 (48)

    msqry32 580-eb0 ENTER SQLErrorW
    HENV 00892B58
    HDBC 00892BD0
    HSTMT 00000000
    WCHAR * 0x0012D488 (NYI)
    SDWORD * 0x0012D4D4
    WCHAR * 0x02417368
    SWORD 3963
    SWORD * 0x0012D4C0

    msqry32 580-eb0 EXIT SQLErrorW with return code 100 (SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND)
    HENV 00892B58
    HDBC 00892BD0
    HSTMT 00000000
    WCHAR * 0x0012D488 (NYI)
    SDWORD * 0x0012D4D4
    WCHAR * 0x02417368
    SWORD 3963
    SWORD * 0x0012D4C0

    msqry32 580-eb0 ENTER SQLFreeConnect
    HDBC 00892BD0

    msqry32 580-eb0 EXIT SQLFreeConnect with return code 0 (SQL_SUCCESS)
    HDBC 00892BD0

    msqry32 580-eb0 EXIT SQLExecute with return code -1 (SQL_ERROR)
    HSTMT 00891B18

    DIAG [S1000] [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] ODBC—connection to ‘CompanyDatabase’ failed. (-2001)

    Not sure what is causing this error. I am leaning that it has to so some thing with the table (Company3) itself. Permissions? Any assistance on issue would be greatly appreciated.:-)

    By the way, does anyone know why sometimes you get a login dialog when you open a datasource and sometimes not?

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    Odbc Connect Via Macro — Excel

    I wish to import a Oracle table via a macro and have done it via the wizzard and recorded that. when i run it i get a 1004 error at the refresh. I then scripted it myself and it fails at the connect line. Can you help me please. I got the driver from a record macro script…

    My script:

    Dim oConn As Object, oRS As Object
    Password = InputBox(«input password», «enter password»)
    Set oConn = CreateObject(«ADODB.Connection»)
    oConn.Open «Driver={Oracle ODBC Driver};» & _
    «Dbq=RPTCCB;» & _
    «Uid=JSHAPER;» & _
    «Pwd=» & Password

    Set oRS = CreateObject(«ADODB.RecordSet»)

    Range(«A1»).CopyFromRecordset oRS

    Thank you in advance to anyone that spends any time helping me figure this out…

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    Sql Query (odbc) With Cell Reference — Excel

    I have a SQL query (through an ODBC connection) that populates an Excel spreadsheet. The thing is that I want add a criteria «WHERE x = [cell reference]». I know this question has been asked repeatedly in different forms but it seems that connecting with Excel 2007 through an ODBC connection doesn’t behave the way others do. I’ve tried using the following syntax:

    WHERE A.EMPLID = ‘» & Range(«B1») & «‘

    A.EMPLID is my SQL field name
    B1 is the cell where I enter my A.EMPLID filter value

    If I manually edit the query (as below) it returns a perfect set of data. I’m just trying to avoid having to manually edit the query every time I want a new data set.

    WHERE A.EMPLID = ‘81726354’

    The query with the cell reference doesn’t cause any errors but it doesn’t return any results either. I’ve also named the cell as a range but don’t know how I’d reference that in a SQL query (if that’s even possible). I’m trying to avoid doing it with VBA.

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    What Does This Mean? : Microsoft Odbc Access Driver Too Few Parameters Expected 1 — Excel

    I have had this message pop up on a workbook that has been running flawlessly for monthe. The table goes to an Access book and queries a table and imports the reuslts. And suddenly today I am getting this message. Does anyone know what it means?

    [Microsoft] [ODBC Access Driver] Too few parameters: Expected 1

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    Vba Code For Getting Data From Oracle — No Odbc — Excel

    Hi All,

    I need your help. Could you please provide me a sample code which will allow me to connect to Oracle 10g Database and get some rows out of it. I want to do it without using ODBC


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    Macro To Change Odbc Connection String — Excel

    I am trying to change the SQL command to an odbc database connection


    Sub Macro1()
    ' Macro1 Macro
        With ActiveWorkbook.Connections("YearBS").ODBCConnection
            .BackgroundQuery = False
            .CommandText = Array( _
            "sp_report BalanceSheetStandard show Label, Amount parameters DateFrom = {d'2009-01-01'}, DateTo = {d'2010-12-31'}, " _
            , "SummarizeColumnsBy = 'Month'")
            .CommandType = xlCmdSql
            .Connection = Array(Array( _
            "ODBC;DSN=QuickBooks Data;DFQ=I:ACCOUNTINGQuickbooksRed Tail Networks, Inc.QBW;SERVER=QODBC;OptimizerDBFolder=%UserProfile%QODBC " _
            ), Array( _
            "Driver for QuickBooksOptimizer;OptimizerAllowDirtyReads=N;SyncFromOtherTables=N" _
            .RefreshOnFileOpen = False
            .SavePassword = False
            .SourceConnectionFile = ""
            .ServerCredentialsMethod = xlCredentialsMethodIntegrated
            .AlwaysUseConnectionFile = False
        End With
        With ActiveWorkbook.Connections("YearBS")
            .Name = "YearBS"
            .Description = ""
        End With
    End Sub

    I recorded that in excel and then when I try to run it I get an error of:
    When I debug it highlights this line:


            .CommandText = Array( _
            "sp_report BalanceSheetStandard show Label, Amount parameters DateFrom = {d'2009-01-01'}, DateTo = {d'2010-12-31'}, " _
            , "SummarizeColumnsBy = 'Month'")

    Any help would be appreciated thank you.

    Now I also found this:…has-1-rpt.html

    which makes it out to be a bug in excel and that I need to change the type of connection, then change the string, then change the type of connection back. I am not really sure how to do this but below is the post that seems important from the link above:


    I wrote the following functions which I call right before and after I update the CommandText.

    Private Sub dbODBCtoOLEDB()
    Dim pcPivotCache As PivotCache
    Dim strConnection As String
    For Each pcPivotCache In ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches
    If pcPivotCache.QueryType = xlODBCQuery Then
    strConnection = _
    Replace(pcPivotCache.Connection, «ODBC;DSN», «OLEDB;DSN», 1, 1, vbTextCompare)
    pcPivotCache.Connection = strConnection
    End If
    Next pcPivotCache
    End Sub

    Private Sub dbOLEDBtoODBC()
    Dim pcPivotCache As PivotCache
    Dim strConnection As String
    For Each pcPivotCache In ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches
    If pcPivotCache.QueryType = xlOLEDBQuery Then
    strConnection = _
    Replace(pcPivotCache.Connection, «OLEDB;DSN», «ODBC;DSN», 1, 1, vbTextCompare)
    pcPivotCache.Connection = strConnection
    End If
    Next pcPivotCache
    End Sub

    If anyone could help me adapt this to my connection that would be incredible. It is important to note I will be running this 3 times to change seperate pivot tables and that I also have other pivot tables that connect to a different database that I do not need changed. Thanks!

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    Using Function In In Access Odbc Query — Excel

    Hey Guys,

    I have an access database as a store for some data. I have a custom function in my MDB that is basically a CASE statement. It works when build queries within the MDB itself…is there a way I can call on this function when querying the tables externally via an access ODBC connection?

    I am using microsoft query to pull the data into excel.


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    Odbc —call Failed — Struggling With This For Weeks — Excel


    I just started working with access and I am getting this error every two queries that I run. What I need to do is close Access and start it again and then I get to run two more queries and it crashes again.

    I dont know why this is happening but obviously something it wrong. I Googled it and could not find an answer.

    The error message I get is:

    ODBC—call failed.
    [MySQL][ODBC 5.1 Driver]….-highperf-b13-log]MySQL server has gone away (#2006)

    Does anyone know why this is happening and what I can do to fix it?

    Please let me know.

    — Lior

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    Column Limit Using Excel To Excel Odbc — Excel

    Currently I have an excel 2007 spreadheeet with around 400 columns of data, I was then hoping to make an ODBC connection to this from a worksheet on a second spreadsheet. Unfortunately only 250 odd columns are actually being recognised using this ODBC link, is there a way around this?

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    StartDate = InputBox("Please enter the start date")
    EndDate = InputBox("Please enter the end date")
        With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:=Array(Array( _
            "ODBC;DSN=Remedy;ARServer=server.blah.blah;UID=xxx;PWD=xxx;ARAuthentication=;ARUseUnderscores=1;ARNameReplace" _
            ), Array("=1;SERVER=NotTheServer")), Destination:=Range("A1"))
            .CommandText = Array( _
            "SELECT ""MNT:Maintenance"".RequestID, ""MNT:Maintenance"".Region, ""MNT:Maintenance"".System, ""MNT:Maintenance"".""Device Alias+"", ""MNT:Maintenance"".PlannedStartDate, ""MNT:Maintenance"".""HCF Fibernode""" & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & "FROM """ _
            , _
            "MNT:Maintenance"" ""MNT:Maintenance""" & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & "WHERE (""MNT:Maintenance"".PlannedStartDate>{ts '" & Format(StartDate, "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss") & "'} And ""MNT:Maintenance"".PlannedStartDate<{ts '" & Format(EndDate, "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss") & "'})" & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & "ORDER BY ""MNT:Maintenance""." _
            , "Region, ""MNT:Maintenance"".System")
            .Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
        End With

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