Послепредложение в английском языке
Послепредложение (Gap-Sentence Link) – английское выразительное средство присоединения противоположного по смыслу дополнительного предложения. Читателю остаётся понять контекст этого запоздалого раздумья.
It was not Capetown, where people only frowned when they saw a black boy and a white girl. But here… And he loved her – Это был не Кейптаун, где люди хмурились при виде чёрного мальчика с белой девочкой. Но здесь… И он любил её.
It wasn’t his fault. It was yours. And mine – Это была не его вина. А твоя. И моя.
Послепредложение основано на особенностях речи и присуще персонажному голосу – диалогу, косвенной речи. Оно обозначает личный взгляд, пробуждая в читателе предположение, ассоциации и условия существования предложения.
English Joke
Winnie the Pooh does not want to marry, but the idea of a honeymoon was driving him crazy!
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Gapped sentences – вид упражнений, предназначенных для проверки употребления лексических единиц в контексте. Обычно даются три предложения с пропусками, в которые нужно вставить одно и то же слово (не обязательно одну и ту же часть речи).
Такие упражнения вызывают определённую сложность у учащихся, так как в них часто употребляются так называемые collocations или лексические словосочетания. Следовательно, знания лексики недостаточно, важно знать оттенки значения определённого слова в разных сочетаниях. Для того, чтобы ученик привык к подобного рода упражнениям и не испытывал перед ними страха, попробуйте вначале использовать в упражнениях хорошо изученную лексику.
Возьмём для примера слово bitter – горький. Изучим словарную статью с данным словом. Используем для этого Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary 8th Ed.
Прямое значение слова bitter – горький, переносное – злой/неудачный. Выражение со словом bitter to the bitter end — до конца. Получаем три предложения с данным словом:
- I’ve learnt from *** experience not to trust what he says.
- Black coffee leaves a *** taste in the mouth.
- She remained loyal to her husband to the *** end.
Таким образом, мы получили не очень сложную «трёшку».
Теперь представим обратную сторону медали – нужно не составить упражнение, а его выполнить. С чего начнём? С перевода предложений, определения пропущенной части речи, и завершим тем, что вспомним всевозможные сочетания с предполагаемым словом.
В нашем случае подсказкой послужит прямое значение слова bitter taste.
Небольшое упражнение на закрепление.
They had gone in the wrong ***.
The project was under the *** of a well-known academic.
Has the wind changed ***?
Turn *** at the lights.
Hold your fork in your *** hand and your knife in your right hand.
Look *** and right before you cross the road.
I don’t like the *** she smiles.
I’ll buy it on my *** home.
Do you know the *** to the train station?
A bus took us on a sightseeing *** of the city.
We met a group of cyclists on a *** in the Lake District.
He works as a *** guide in Bangkok.
The road *** is very busy.
He was looking straight *** (= straight forward, in front of him) .
Sophie is way (= far) *** of the other children in her class.
The car was travelling at full *** when the accident happened.
There are *** restrictions on this road.
The hurricane has picked up *** and turned towards the coast.
Those who live in glass *** should not throw stones.
The museum *** the biggest collection of antique toys in Europe.
The bill has been approved by both *** of Congress.
direction, left, way, tour, ahead, speed, houses
На мой взгляд, «трёшки» полезны не только учащимся, которые встречаются с подобными упражнениями в олимпиадных заданиях районного и выше уровня, но и учителям, постоянно совершенствующим свои языковые и лексические навыки.
About Author
It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.
When I am trying to Justify
text paragraph in MS Word, random space is generating between words. How can I set equal
gap between words and how can I change the setting of Justify
13.3k26 gold badges44 silver badges52 bronze badges
asked Jul 20, 2010 at 10:43
You are probably justifying the text in Center mode, which means that the text must reach both ends of the page, left and right.
If the text-line is not exactly of the width of the printed page, the only way for Word to make both ends meet is by adding space in-between the words. Word in effect distributes the missing width pixels among the white-space in the line.
Word has a nice algorithm for this, and it’s not at all random.
answered Jul 20, 2010 at 10:51
439k30 gold badges506 silver badges885 bronze badges
Justify is meant to spread the text out over the width of the current container and shouldn’t be used if you want equal widths between your words. To change the width of the space between the words you should change the font settings of the text: You can do this by selecting the text, do a right click and click Font, then go to the advanced tab where you can change the character spacing settings.
answered Jul 20, 2010 at 10:51
Tamara WijsmanTamara Wijsman
56.8k27 gold badges184 silver badges256 bronze badges
Character Spacing in the Font dialog adjusts spacing between letters of the selected text. It barely adjusts the spacing between words. Word does not have a nice algorithm for spacing in my opinion. It is a lame attempt to emulate a publishing layout tool, which it is not. If you want to justify text and control the spacing to the 1/1000th of a em, use a professional layout application like Adobe InDesign. I never justify paragraph text in Word. It creates unsightly rivers (uneven white space between words that flows down the page).
To increase the spacing between words, say in a title that is ALL CAPS, use two spaces. And if that creates too large a gap, reduce the font size of the spaces only. If you’re thinking you could just increase the font size of a single space, then you’ll discover this also affects the vertical line spacing (unless you’ve specified an exact line height).
answered Jun 10, 2014 at 17:15
Found no way to get rid of that ugly spaces. All I could do is to select the gapped text with some more lines below it, then cut and paste using the option text only. that worked for me.
answered Nov 30, 2020 at 9:26
Used with adjectives:
«There is a huge gap under the door.«
(huge, big, large, wide)
«She has a narrow gap between her front teeth.«
(narrow, small, tiny)
«There was a long gap in between his two jobs.«
(long, short)
«There was an awkward gap in the middle of our conversation.«
(awkward, strange)
«There is a big gap between the two runners in the race.«
(big, enormous, large, substantial, significant, huge)
«There seems to be a growing gap between the two generations.«
(growing, widening)
«They are trying to address the current cultural gap.«
(cultural, gender, racial, generation, age, wealth)
«We are discussing the current income gap.«
(income, wage, pay)
Used with verbs:
«Make sure you leave a gap for the window trim.«
«We need to seal the gap around the door.«
(seal, fill)
«Can you find something to span the gap?«
(cover, conceal, span)
«As they got closer, a gap appeared between the rocks.«
«A gap in the traffic finally opened up.«
(opened up)
«They are trying to bridge the gap in the different learning levels.«
(bridge, address, close, eliminate, narrow, reduce, span)
«The gap between the rich and poor is widening.«
(be + widening, be + growing, be + increasing)
«Her departure left a gap in the organization.«
(left, created)
«Let me know when you see any gaps in the plan.«
(see, identify)
Used with prepositions:
«They slipped through a gap in the fence.«
«Leave a small gap between each piece.«
«She wants to fill the gap in her schedule.«
«She returned to the workforce after a long gap.«
зазор между
gap betweenclearance betweena separation between
щель между
gap betweencrack betweenthe slot between
The gap between the potential and actual SHD profile is the SHD
Расхождение между потенциальным и фактическим профилем УРЧП представляет собой
The gap between the AML/CFT capabilities of countries will grow;
Различия между странами в отношении возможностей ПОД/ ФТ будут увеличиваться;
That gap between the law and its implementation in practice called for an explanation.
There’s a gap between knees and calves, your calves and your ankles.
Oh, a gap between the now and the now, as Sergeant Benton put it.
Ох, щель между сейчас и сейчас, как сказал сержант Бентон.
Vizontele will narrow the gap between our town and the world.
The Pucelle’s bowsprit, ragged with its broken yard, pushed into the gap between the two ships.
Наконец истерзанный бушприт« Пуссели» втиснулся в щель между вражескими кораблями.
The gap between the bus and the crossing was 10 metres.
The gap between each ring is 15 cm. Spring-mounted
scrapers are located in
чистики с подпружиненными направляющими.
The gap between the working contacts of the cutout should be
at least 3mm.
Расстояние между разведенными контактами выключателя должно составлять 3 мм
как минимум.
Where is the gender gap between men and women the greatest?
As the gap between them is always equal, the merge will always succeed.
The gap between lintels and block work above the lintel should be filled with mortar.
Зазоры между перемычками и блоками должны быть заполнены строительным раствором.
This represents an almost threefold gap between the most and least favourable country situations.
Это означает почти трехкратную разницу между наиболее благоприятной и наименее благоприятной ситуацией в стране.
There was also a gap between expert meeting recommendations and Commission decisions.
Имеют место также расхождения между рекомендациями совещаний экспертов и решениями комиссий.
Обеспечить наличие воздушных зазоров между штабелями и поддонами.
By varying the gap between the cones, the size of product produced can be controlled.
Путем изменения зазора между конусами, можно управлять размером конечного продукта.
There must be no large gap between the two halves of the housing.
Не должно быть большого зазора между двумя половинами корпуса.
The two panels should be positioned side by side, with no gap between them.
Два образца должны быть расположены вплотную друг к другу, без зазора между ними.
That, in turn, contributed to widening the gap between countries.
Europe’s»crisis of democracy» is a gap between elites and voters,
Что» кризис демократии» в Европе является пропастью между элитами и избирателями.
The same is true about the gap between village Tem and village Proshinev.
In the photo- the hornet’s uterus during wintering in the gap between the logs:
На фото- матка шершня во время зимовки в щели между бревнами:
Adhesive tape to fix sample and to seal the gap between sample and its box.
Клейкая лента для крепления образца и герметизации зазора между образцом и его коробом.
Results: 2758,
Time: 0.1836
difference between
discrepancy between
disparity between
variance between
divide between
mismatch between
inconsistency between
disconnect between
gulf between
chasm between
distinction between
clearance between
lag between
divergence between
rift between
interval between
time between
differential between
variation between
imbalance between