Gano excel in uzbekistan


  2. Gano Excel Was Born
  3. Ganoderma Lucidum
  4. World’s Largest Organic Ganoderma Plantation
  5. Expanded Worldwide
  7. Corporate Overview
  9. Supreno Premium Coffee
  10. Gano Cafe 3-In-1
  11. Gano C’real Spirulina
  12. Gano Cafe Classic
  13. Gano Cafe Mocha
  14. Oleaf Gano Rooibos Drink
  15. Gano Schokolade
  21. Cordyceps
  22. Gano Fresh
  24. Gano Transparent Soap
  25. Kibnabalu Bath Soap
  26. Noble Garden Gano Koppe 3 in 1
  27. Noble Garden Black Koppe
  28. Noble Garden Brown Romance
  29. Noble Garden C’real
  30. Oleaf Gano Rooibos Drink
  31. Noble Garden Gano Mocha
  32. Noble Garden Excellium
  33. Noble Garden Ganoderma
  34. BellaGene
  35. Hazelnut Coffee
  36. GANOCAFÉ Ginseng Tongkat Ali
  37. Reishi Gold
  38. Excellium Gold


  • Gano Excel Was Born

    Founded in 1995 by Mr. Leow Soon Seng with an intention to bring health, wealth & happiness to the community.

    Ganoderma Lucidum

    Long known as one of the best and most beneficial herbal remedies. Its herbal history was documented in the oldest Chinese pharmacopeia, «Shen Nong’s Herbal Classic».

    World’s Largest Organic Ganoderma Plantation

    Every bit of Ganoderma goodness from Gano Excel comes from our in-house 100% organic Ganoderma Plantation.

    Expanded Worldwide

    Distributed in over 70 countries and currently has over 8 million customers and growing.

    We leverage upon market opportunities that are created through Gano Excel’s innovative wellness products; made it possible through intensive R&D in creating our proprietary formulation using superior quality Ganoderma Lucidum grown organically at our Ganoderma plantation, know as the largest in the world.

    Form mycelium and Ganoderma cultivation, extraction till the final Ganoderma infusion into our proprietary blended products — these are all prepared in house within a stringent and controlled standard operating system. We in control of all the processes without relying on any suppliers and that makes our Ganoderma a superior quality priced at an affordable price that keeps us ahead in this industry.

    Gano Excel started with a humble root but we were brimming with a vision to take us forward. Today, we have proven that we are a global corporation that is synonymous with innovation, performance and quality service standards.

    Apart from our product efficacy, we have grown by leaps and bounds because we offer a sustainable revenue stream with international opportunities for our members and business partners.

    With our long history in producing Ganoderma Lucidum and our strong business presence globally enabled us to mold our business and marketing plans to suit each local market at its core. We are here today not by coincidence but through a long process of invention.

    Gano Excel transcends all boundaries in delivering the promise of health and wealth — and sharing these with other. We believe in mutual benefits, mutual growth and mutual partnerships.

    The root of Gano Excel remains the same throughout the years. We introduced our in-house Ganoderma products 20 years ago via a small community, one at a time; I remember when we first started, most of the people haven’t heard about Ganoderma and its benefits. We had to share the knowledge and educate the people on the therapeutic value provides by the Ganoderma Lucidum. Our CSR program that provides products to those facing health problems has created awareness and the testimonials shared by them were amazing that has made many to believe in Gano Excel Ganoderma Lucidum products.

    With this success, we have carved our name as the pioneer and leader in Ganoderma Lucidum products.

    More than likely, everyone would like to stay healthy and actively pursue a good health. Our business strategy emphasizes on product differentiation meeting today’s evolving healthcare needs. We believe that if you stay healthy, you feel better and able to do more for your family and to your community. In today’s ever increasing healthcare cost, many cannot afford to get the best medical treatment and with that in mind, people should focus on preserving your health to minimize the healthcare expenditures and to adopt a prevention measure rather than cure.

    At Gano Excel, we promote health & wealth, with only one reason, Good Health gives Good Wealth. We want all our distributors to prioritize health above wealth because once they pursue health, they can start earning a lucrative income with Gano Excel’s business opportunity.

    If one is interested to build good health and wealth, Gano Excel is the right choice!

    Gano Excel capitalizes on the immense potential of the wellness industry. Over the years, the marketing concept has evolved and we have redefined and extended our marketing strategies that have enabled Gano Excel to flourish and remain as a true leader in this industry.

    Gano Excel had always been very careful with its planned approach to execution as strategic goals cannot be attained without a good planning. For the past 20 years, Gano Excel had always focused on people, product and plan that created such a massive growth for the company. At Gano Excel, we too strive for excellence and we believe, innovation can help us to discover and anticipate the future trends that will keep us stay ahead of our competition as markets, technologies or trends shift.

    Our R&D team constantly innovating and improving our product ranges which is very crucial to our long term performances of our business and that makes us different. So, be proud that you are part of Gano Excel — a visionary company.

    As we come together to commemorate twenty glorious years in the founding of Gano Excel, in my capacity as the Founder and President, I am indeed honored to greet our leaders, members, employees and friends from across the globe. I would also like to express my thanks and appreciation to all of you for your loyalty, dedication and support throughout these two decades of success.

    This 20th Anniversary would not have been possible without your support. Truly, I acknowledge the fact that you especially our distributors around the world, have significantly contributed to our growth, success and longevity.

    Although the past twenty years have been challenging on one hand, they were also exciting and rewarding on the other hand. Within this span of time, with your contribution, loyalty and support, Gano Excel has weathered turbulent years and emerged a strong, highly competitive, well-respected network marketing company, not just in Malaysia but globally.

    If we remain the same over the next twenty years, we will be left behind. Change and evolution are vital for us to remain as a leader thus making us the peoples’ choice of Ganoderma company. Success often appears to be a race against time. Gano Excel’s metrics of success is measured by the number of peoples’ lives being changed for the better as reflected in our previous mission statement, «Bringing Health & Wealth to Every Family Globally. We give utmost importance to help mankind achieve good health, wealth and happiness. For some reason or another, some may not be able to follow and fulfill their dreams thus I want Gano Excel to act as a platform for them to leverage upon our products, proven business model, rewards system and continuous nurturing to build and achieve their dreams.

    Therefore, as we look forward to another twenty years of success, Gano Excel reiterates its promise to all its members that we will carry out the business with the highest degree of commitment and will exert our best efforts at all times to maintain and sustain our niche as the best Ganoderma company by being innovative and creative in developing various Ganoderma immunology products.

    At Gano Excel, the one thing that will never change is the fact that we are committed to helping everyone and anyone within our family to realize their dreams. With Gano Excel’s new mission and vision, we shall together «Be Empowered & Be Excellent» to conquer the world and to make Gano Excel the Number One Ganoderma Company in the world.



    Corporate Overview

    Gano Excel, founded in the year 1995, with an intention to touch and change the lives of people around the world, is one of the leading Network Marketing Company offering effective and meaningful fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) products globally.

    Gano Excel was born in Malaysia but has won international recognition as a global leader in the research, cultivation, production, distribution and marketing of innovative world-class Ganoderma immunology products. Gano Excel has crafted a name for itself as «Born to Be Global» and «The Pioneer» in the research, production and marketing of Ganoderma-based products. Within 20 years, Gano Excel has grown from a little startup to a multi-million dollar company with an international network of over 60 countries around the globe, making us the largest Ganoderma company in the world.

    Gano Excel continues to evolve within the wellness sector, pioneering the innovative development of Ganoderma-based products and crafted a multi-million dollar brand that differentiates it to competitors.

    Gano Excel has created a path for the international community to enjoy a borderless business opportunity platform so that people from all walks of life can fulfill their dreams of having a healthier and wealthier lifestyle by starting this business with minimal investment. With hard work, commitment, leadership and positive action, Gano Excel distributors known as independent Distributors, have the opportunity to achieve their financial success and enhance the lifestyle of their loved ones. By improving one’s income level, one can contribute to their society and community as part of their own social responsibility programs.

    At Gano Excel, our greatest strength is our stakeholders. The founder and corporate executive of Gano Excel have instilled a strong culture in our stakeholders’ mind that “WE ARE A FAMILY” and we shall grow together collectively in achieving our dreams.

    At Gano Excel, we are very committed and dedicated in providing the right education and new business methodologies as to strengthen the knowledge and skills of each and every one of our distributors so that they can be referred as a Professional Network Marketer. Our aim is to focus on improving the health, wealth and achievement of financial freedom by every family in every corner of the world without any exception. This has been our basic approach ever since the inception of Gano Excel, for a simple reason, Gano Excel has all the resources to make it happen for everyone.

    Gano Excel’s business opportunity is about creation of Health, Wealth and Happiness thus leading to a long term financial success. Gano Excel’s business opportunity is your opportunity to acquire your freedom of time, money and health.



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    Supreno Premium Coffee

    Supreno Premium Coffee is specially blended for those who enjoy smooth and creamy coffee. The combination of Tongkat Ali, Ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum extract has created a distinctive flavor whilst preserving its original aroma. Supreno Premium Coffee is a perfect energy-boosting beverage for all occasions.

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    Gano Cafe 3-In-1

    Nutritious beverage that is made from Ganoderma lucidum extract, quality coffee, non-dairy creamer and sugar. GANOCAFÉ 3-IN-1 is the first known beverage in the world that comes in a combination of coffee and Ganoderma lucidum.

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    Gano C’real Spirulina

    GANO C’REAL Spirulina, the best way to start your day. Enriched with Ganoderma Lucidum extract, spirulina, cereal, non-dairy creamer and sugar, it is a nutritious food suitable for the entire family. Spirulina provides daily nutritional needs for the body. Cereal is believed to help the digestion and for weight control. Combined with Ganoderma Lucidum extract, you will have a great instant nutritious quick-on-the-go meal.

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    Gano Cafe Classic

    GANOCAFÉ CLASSIC is an instant black coffee blended from quality coffee enriched with Ganoderma lucidum extract. Rich in aroma and classic in taste, GANOCAFÉ Classic is your satisfying cup of coffee.

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    Gano Cafe Mocha

    GANOCAFÉ MOCHA is an exclusive combination of premium coffee powder, cocoa powder and Ganoderma lucidum extract. It is specially blended to give you an authentic cup of smooth and creamy coffee. It is distinctively local, yet international in flavour.

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    Oleaf Gano Rooibos Drink

    GANOTEA O’LEAF is a beverage formulated from Rooibos Tea (Asphalathus linealis) which comes from South Africa. Ganoderma lucidum Rooibos Tea is also known as SOD Tea. It contains the effective substance SOD, a powerful antioxidant that helps to eliminate free radicals.

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    Gano Schokolade

    A nutritious and energizing drink formulated from Ganoderma lucidum extract, high quality cocoa, non-dairy creamer and skimmed milk. It is an excellent drink for ALL ages.

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    GANODERMA capsule is produced from a combination of 6 species of Ganoderma — the “Miraculous King of Herbs”. Ganoderma supplement may help to support general well being and nurture the body’s natural defenses.

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    EXCELLIUM is the mycelium of Ganoderma lucidum which contains a spectrum of ingredients such as vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Gano Excel is the world pioneer in producing and commercializing mycelium.

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    A combination of selected traditional herbs with medicinal values such as Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma longifolia Jack) and Ganoderma lucidum, which is known as the “Miraculous King of Herbs”. Traditionally, Tongkat Ali is believed to increase a person’s well-being, strength and vitality.

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    ROYAL EXCELLIUM is a combination of Royal Jelly and Ganoderma lucidum Mycellium which helps to boost the immune system and delays the aging process. It helps in restoring some biological functions for the elderly and promotes longevity. ROYAL EXCELLIUM acts as an antioxidant that helps to improve general health.

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    GANO GARCINIA contains a natural substance called Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA), which is derived from the tropical fruit Garcinia atroviridis. With the combination of Ganoderma lucidum, it creates a unique food supplement that is specially formulated to enhance body weight control.

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    eternity CORDYCEPS is made from 100% Cordyceps sinensis. It may help to maintain healthy respiratory and lung function at its optimum level as well as enhance physical stamina and fight fatigue.

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    Gano Fresh

    The fresh mint and Ganoderma lucidum extract toothpaste. GANO FRESH is formulated to help to keep your teeth, gums and mouth fresh all the time. Its refreshing flavour leaves your mouth feeling clean and minty every day.

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    Enriched with Ganoderma lucidum and Goat’s Milk. To cleanse, treat, moisturize and beautify skin. Your Skin will Feel The Difference.

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    Gano Transparent Soap

    GANO TRANSPARENT SOAP is produced from Ganoderma lucidum extract, aloe vera and papaya. It moisturizes and rejuvenates skin.

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    Kibnabalu Bath Soap

    Enriched with Ganoderma lucidum and Goat’s Milk. To cleanse, treat, moisturize and beautify skin. Your Skin will Feel The Difference.

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    Noble Garden Gano Koppe 3 in 1

    Nutritious beverage that is made from Ganoderma lucidum extract, quality coffee, non-dairy creamer and sugar. Noble Garden Koppe 3in1 is the first known beverage in the world that comes in a combination of coffee and Ganoderma lucidum

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    Noble Garden Black Koppe

    Noble Garden Black Koppe is an instant black coffee blended from quality coffee enriched with Ganoderma lucidum extract. Rich in aroma and classic in taste, Noble Garden Black Koppe is your satisfying cup of coffee

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    Noble Garden Brown Romance

    A nutritious and energizing drink formulated from Ganoderma lucidum extract, high quality cocoa, non-dairy creamer and skimmed milk. It is an excellent drink for ALL ages.

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    Noble Garden C’real

    Noble Garden C’real, the best way to start your day. Enriched with Ganoderma lucidum extract, spirulina, non-dairy creamer and sugar, it is a nutritious food suitable for the entire family. Spirulina provides daily nutritional needs for the body. Combined with Ganoderma lucidum extract, you will have a great instant nutritious quick-on-the-go meal.

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    Oleaf Gano Rooibos Drink

    Oleaf Gano Rooibos Drink is a beverage formulated from Rooibos Tea (Asphalathus linearis) which comes from South Africa. Ganoderma lucidum Rooibos Tea is also known as SOD Tea. It contains the effective substance SOD, a powerful antioxidant that helps to eliminate free radicals.

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    Noble Garden Gano Mocha

    Noble Garden Gano Mocha is an exclusive combination of premium coffee powder, cocoa powder and Ganoderma lucidum extract. It is specially blended to give you an authentic cup of smooth and creamy coffee. It is distinctively local, yet international in flavour.

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    Noble Garden Excellium

    Noble Garden Excellium is Ganoderma Lucidum Mycelium, the young plant, harvested in three weeks. It contains a rich spectrum of ingredients such as vitamins, minerals, enzymes, carbohydrates and protein. Capsules may help significantly boost effective brain function, being known to contain thought-enhancing proteins, enzymes and amino acids.

    Gano Excel is the world pioneer in the production and spread of this very powerful catalyst, Mycelium. Noble Garden Excellium is also known as brain tonic and is considered essential for brain development and functioning.

    Noble Garden Excellium is recommended for both adults and children.

    It helps to oxygenate the blood, regulates blood sugar, purifies blood, fights chronic fatigue, increases cell metabolism, fights allergies, it’s a cardiovascular disease adjuvant.

    Noble Garden SERIES
    Available in all following Countries Except :Bulgaria | Czech | Hungary | Poland | Romania | Slovakia | Turkey —>

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    Noble Garden Ganoderma

    Noble Garden Ganoderma is the extract of Ganoderma Lucidum and is produced from a combination of six species of Ganoderma, the Red Mushroom. You will feel the influence of this medicinal mushroom called „King of Herbs” on your body, mind and soul

    The Ganoderma mushroom helps the body’s immune system and facilitates the healing natural process. It also has the ability to increase resistance to disease and it’s been said to be 8-10 times more powerful than Ginseng.

    It helps to increase immunity, detoxification, the inhibition of cancer cells to regulate cardiovascular functions, digestive and kidney functions. Protects the liver, regulates metabolism, maintains balance for endocrine pancreas regulates functions, combats rheumatism, dermatological problems are diminished.

    Noble Garden SERIES
    Available in all following Countries Except :Bulgaria | Czech | Hungary | Poland | Romania | Slovakia | Turkey —>

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    Bellagene is a special strawberry flavoured drink specially formulated with a combination of collagen, grape seed extract & aloe vera.

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    Hazelnut Coffee

    Adding hazelnut to Ganoderma Lucidum results in both a healthy and a great-tasting coffee, Ganocafe Hazelnut Coffee, which has the same benefits as any regular coffee, but is bolstered with a delectable nutty flavor — the premium blend for coffee lovers.

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    GANOCAFÉ Ginseng Tongkat Ali

    Gano Excel has found a new way to bring you the best of both worlds — of enhanced energy and a truly sensuous new coffee experience — Ginseng, Tongkat Ali by Ganocafe. Made from an exotic blend of coffee, Ganoderma Lucidum (the nutrient-rich Red Mushroom), Panax Ginseng and Tongkat Ali, this Ganocafe has been formulated to be the ultimate coffee for lovers. and lovers of great coffee. Blended specially with natural sweeteners and non-dairy creamer to give it added richness, this is one beverage that brings you the ultimate appeal to the senses — all of them.

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    Reishi Gold

    Reishi Gold is the soluble extract of scientifically proven medicinal mushroom, Ganoderma lucidum, which contains various active elements such as polysaccharides, adenosine, organic germanium and triterpenes. Research has shown that these active elements help to boost up bodily immune system, regulate blood sugar, cleanse toxins and anti- allergy to name a few.

    Made from fresh in-house cultivated Ganoderma, Reishi Gold is a good choice for you and your family to maintain optimum health!

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    Excellium Gold

    Produced from the mycelia of Ganoderma lucidum, Excellium Gold contains the active elements of the fruitbody as well as a variety of proteins, enzymes and minerals that are essential for your daily health.



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    «GANO EXCEL» часто находят по следующим запросам:

    • Где находится «GANO EXCEL»?

      «GANO EXCEL» находится по адресу: Узбекистан, Ташкент, Мирзо-Улугбекский район, ул. Олмачи, 32

    • Номер телефона «GANO EXCEL»?

      Позвонить в компанию «GANO EXCEL» Вы можете по номерам 71 2675888, (+99894) 6565066, (+99890) 9204652, (+99890) 1096664, (+99893) 5300600

    • Как добраться до «GANO EXCEL»?

      Построить маршрут до «GANO EXCEL» Вы можете с помощью карты на нашем сайте

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    Gano Excel — bu Xalqaro tashkilot.
    Ko’p millatli korporatsiya dunyoning 100 dan ortiq davlatlarida, 1995 yildan buyon muvaffaqiyatli ish faoliyatini olib bormoqda.

    Гано 1

    Gano Excel butun dunyo bo’yicha insonlarni hayot tarziga ta’sir qilish va uni o’zgartirish maqsadida 1995 yilda tuzilgan. Butun dunyoda kundalik talabdan kelib chiqib natijali va ahamiyatli mahsulotlarni yetkazib berish bo’yicha e-marketingning peshqadam kompaniyalaridan sanaladi.

    Gano Excel Malayziyada tuzilgan, lekin Ganodermaning immunologik innovatsion mahsuloti jahon darajasida tadqiqot, yetishtirish, ishlab chiqarish sohasida peshqadamlik sifatida ommaviy e’tirof etilgan. Gano Excel Ganoderma mahsulotlarini tadqiq etishda, ishlab chiqishda va sotishda o’ziga «Olamshumul bo’lish uchun yaratilgan», «Kashfiyotchi» degan nomni oldi. 20 yil davomida Gano Excel kichkinagina firmadan dunyo bo’ylab 60 dan ortiq mamlakatlar bilan xalqaro hamkorlikda ko’p millionli kompaniyaga aylandi, shuningdek biz Ganodermani ishlab chiqarishda eng katta kompaniyaga aylandik.

    Gano Excel boshqa raqiblaridan farqli o’laroq, multimillion brendni yaratib, Ganodermaga asoslangan mahsulotning birinchi novatorlik tadqiqoti tufayli sog’lomlashtirish sektorida rivojlanishni davom ettirmoqda.

    Barcha sohada ish olib boruvchi odamlar o’zlarining orzularini amalga oshirishlarida, sog’ va farovon bo’lishlarida, biznesga minimal mablag’ sarflab chegarasiz biznes sharoitlardan foydalanishlari uchun Gano Excel xalqaro jamiyatga yo’l ochib berdi. O’z vazifalarini puxta bajarib ishga naf keltirgan Gano Excelning distribyuterlari Mustaqil Distribyutorlar deb taniladilar va peshqadamlikga o’tib, yutuqqa erishishlari va o’zlarining ham oilalarining ham farovonligiga erishish imkoniyatiga egalar. Kimningdir hayot tarzini yaxshilashga ko’maklashib, siz jamiyatga o’z hissangizni qo’shasiz va jamiyat oldidagi burchingizni ado etgan bo’lasiz.

    Gano Excelning eng katta kuchi — bu uning aksionerlari. Gano Excelning asoschilari va a’zolari har bir ishtirokchi ongiga «Bir oila» madaniyatini singdiradilar.

    Gano uzb

    Kompaniyaning afzalliklari:

    • 20-yildan ortiqroq ish tajribasi
    • Dunyo bo`ylab 30 milliondan ortiq iste`molchilar
    • Qarzlardan ozodlik
    • 65 dan ortiq dunyo mamlakatlarida ofislar
    • Biznesni targ`ib etish uchun internet orqali eng zamonaviy  elektron kommersiya
    • Kompaniya faoliyatinig xar bir etapi tadqiqotlar olib borilishi, ishlab chiqarish, qadoqlash, bozorga tarqatish jaroyonlarida sifatni kafolatlaydi.
    • Organik Ganodermani etishtirish va ishlab chiqarishda dunyo bo`yicha birinchi o`rinda.
    • Yuqori sifatli maxsulot GMP, ISO va HACCP sertifikat standartlariga javob beradi.
    • Maxsulotga talab juda yuqori
    • 100dan ortiq mamlakatlarda millionlab iste`molchilarda xayratlanarli natijalar
    • Ulkan bozor potensialiga ega.

    Гано 4

    Direktorlar murojaati

    Sog`lom hayot tarzini t`arg`ibot  qilish sanoatida yetakchi sifatida  Gano Excel so`nggi 20 yil davomida dunyo bo`ylab odamlarni Sog`lom va Boyroq qilmoqda. Biz muvaffaqiyatlarimiz kalitini   a`lo darajadagi maxsulotlarimiz sifatida deb bilamiz.

    Bizning maxsulotlarimiz bozorda katta talabga ega bo`lib, u sizga muvaffaqiyatingizning har qanday darajasida o`zingizni xavfsiz ximoyada deb bilishingizda as qotadi.

    Biz kompaniyani juda oddiy g`oya bilan boshqaramiz ya`ni – atrofdagilarga yordam, sog`liq, boylik, omad, baxt ulashish.

    Гано 3

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