Game phrase that use word

Need some funny Telephone phrases to play this awesome game with your kids? Here are lots of ideas to get you started.

Another name for the Telephone Game is “Broken Telephone,” but it can also be called “Whispers” or “Pass the Message.” It’s a popular game that’s been around for ages. 

It’s the perfect carpet game – and dinner table game – and is wonderful for developing listening skills.

If you’re playing with young kids, especially preschoolers, it’s important to use words or phrases that are simple to understand and age-appropriate, or the game won’t be fun.

Here are 100 Telephone game short phrases and words so you won’t run out of ideas to make this game super fun.

Child whispering into friend's ear. Text reads "100 fun telephone phrases. Get your child laughing with these fun sayings".

How Do You Play the Telephone Game?

This game can be played with a small or large group of children and you don’t need any props, except some imagination.

How do you play Telephone?  

  • Seat children in a circle (or in a line in you prefer).
  • Whisper a phrase into the first child’s ear.
  • That child must whisper the message into the next child’s ear, who whispers it to the next child, and so it continues until the message has been passed around the circle.
  • The last person in the circle calls out the message and then the first person confirms if the message is correct or if it has been “broken.” 

If playing with young children, the adult should start the round by choosing and whispering a phrase to the first child. 

Older children are more mature and able to think of suitable and even funny telephone game phrases.

What is the purpose of the Telephone game? The purpose is to pass a message around the circle and keep it intact. 

In other words, children must listen carefully to decipher the message and also pass it along clearly so that the next child hears it.

What does the telephone game teach us?

This game teaches kids good speaking and listening skills, but can also be used to practise skills like rhyming, phonological awareness, taking turns, memory and cooperation. It builds vocabulary too.

What is a Good Phrase for the Telphone Game?

The best Broken Telephone game phrases for young kids are short alliterations, tongue twisters, rhymes, funny statements or even nonsense phrases.

They should be suited to the age of the kids who are playing, so don’t make them too long or complicated to be remembered.

Here are some fun ‘pass the message’ game sentences. Use them as they are or let them inspire you to make up your own.

What’s great about these ideas is you can use the game to teach kids about alliterations, rhyming words and generally build their auditory perception as you play with sounds and funny words.

You can use any phrase, really. When the kids get used to playing, get them to help you by making up the Telephone phrases themselves.

Girl whispering in mother's ear


Try these sets of words that begin with the same sounds:

  • Pretty pink Petunias
  • The shark has shiny shoes
  • Clever cats can count
  • Find four funny fish
  • Seven silly seals are sailing
  • Blue bubbles in the bath
  • Mom has many magazines
  • Silly sisters sing songs
  • Alice ate apples
  • Dozens of diving dolphins

Super Short Sentences

Use very short, descriptive broken telephone phrases with young preschoolers who aren’t yet familiar with the game and are still developing their listening abilities.

Or, simply use the names of the kids in the group and they will love it.

Little girl whispering in boys ear

Anything will do – familiar characters or songs, descriptive words, common phrases, etc.

  • Cheeky monkeys
  • Naughty kids
  • Topsy turvy
  • Yellow ducks
  • Jungle gym
  • Simon says
  • Humpty Dumpty
  • Fairy godmother
  • Ready, set, go!
  • It’s raining, it’s pouring 

Words That Go Together

You can also give pairs of words that are usually found together:

  • Peanut butter and jelly
  • Salt and pepper
  • Shoes and socks
  • Hugs and kisses
  • Nuts and bolts
  • Bread and butter
  • Macaroni and cheese
  • Bacon and eggs
  • Fish and chips
  • King and queen


Here are some Telephone game ideas using simple rhymes:

  • Can you bat a cat?
  • My bird is absurd.
  • Where is the square?
  • My pig has a big wig.
  • Don’t fall over the ball.
  • Why does your owl growl?
  • The cap is on my lap.
  • I wish I had a dish.
  • Can you drink nine glasses of wine?
  • The king can sing.

Funny Phrases

Funny, nonsensical phrases make great Telephone game sentences:

  • I’m wearing green underwear.
  • My mom is a dinosaur.
  • Don’t worry, be silly.
  • Elephants have six toes.
  • Pass me the potatoes.
  • Will you dance with my pet tiger?
  • My favourite food is roasted slugs.
  • Swimming in spaghetti is fun.
  • I’m sending a silly message.
  • If you kiss me I’ll turn into a frog.  
Little girl whispering in friend's ear

Tongue Twisters

These fun tongue twisters from Flintobox will have the kids in stitches, as they stumble over their words. 

  • Red lorry, yellow lorry
  • She sells sea shells on the seashore
  • Sheep should sleep in a shed
  • She sees cheese.
  • Zebras zig and zebras zag
  • The blue bluebird blinks 
  • Four fine fresh fish for you
  • He threw three balls
  • Greek grapes, Greek grapes, Greek grapes
  • Cooks cook cupcakes quickly

Funny Words

Use these words that sound funny to say. After each round, teach your kids what these funny words mean.

Boy whispering in girls ear
  • Gobbledygook
  • Flabbergasted
  • Hodgepodge
  • Wishy-washy
  • Namby-pamby
  • Mollycoddle
  • Gibberish
  • Hullabaloo
  • Hogwash
  • Stumblebum

Long Words

Try some rounds with words that are a little longer than usual. Don’t forget to also use Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!

  • Alphabetical 
  • Extraterrestrial 
  • Electrifying 
  • Enthusiastically 
  • Autobiography 
  • Subterranean 
  • Encyclopedia 
  • Momentarily 
  • Hypochondriac 
  • Capitalization

Can you think of any other phrases for the Telephone game? Make them up as you go along or change the ones I’ve listed here.

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This telephone game is also known as ‘Broken Telephone,’ ‘Chinese Whispers,’ or ‘Pass The Message.’

Regardless of what you call it, it’s a fun game that you can play anywhere, anytime, and with any number of people.

It’s a simple party game, as you don’t need anything to play except a few good telephone game phrases to get you started.

The telephone game is a fun icebreaker activity, great to play at parties, and even a fun camping activity.

Table Of Contents+

  • How to Play the Telephone Game
  • Telephone Game Rules
  • Where Can You Play Broken Telephone Game?
  • How Do You Choose a Good Phrase?
  • Telephone Game Phrases & Sentences
    • Easy Telephone Game Phrases
    • Short Telephone Game Phrases
    • Funny Telephone Game Phrases
    • Hard Telephone Game Phrases
    • Dirty Telephone Game Phrases
    • Cool Telephone Game Phrases
    • Best Telephone Game Phrases
    • One Word Telephone Game Phrases
  • Telephone Game Variations
    • Rumors
    • Team Telephone Game
    • Read My Lips Whisper Challenge
    • Charades Telephone Game
    • Drawing Telephone Game
    • Online Telephone Game Translations

🤓 You might also like to check out these great word games for kids.

How to Play the Telephone Game

How to Play the Telephone Game

Step 1

Teens should stand in a straight line or form a circle. They should stand close enough to whisper in each other’s ear, but be mindful that other participants should not be able to hear them.

Step 2

Choose an appropriate word or phrase depending on the age of the group of people playing the game.

The first person must whisper the word, phrase, or sentence to the next person in line. They must try to say it as clearly as possible and may not repeat it.

The following person must then whisper what they heard to the next person in line.

Step 3

Each person will whisper what they heard to the person standing next to them until the message is delivered to the last player in line.

Step 4

The last person then says the message out loud for everyone to hear.

In most cases, the final message is very different from the original message.

The first player then reveals what the original message was.

The participants will find it hilarious to hear how the original phrase or word has been distorted.

🤓 If you have a small group, then you might like to choose some games to play with 3 people. 

Telephone Game Rules

  1. Participants should whisper the word, phrase, or sentence only once and may not repeat it. Even if the next person could not hear or understand what was correctly whispered, make sure they continue playing because that is the point of the game.
  2. Even though you should whisper the words, you should speak slowly and clearly so that the person can hear you.
  3. Uncommon phrases or hard-to-pronounce words make the game more fun. The word or phrase should never be too familiar; you want to make sure it changes as it is whispered.
  4. Words that rhyme and alliteration are great to use as well.
  5. The original message should only be shared with the first player at the beginning and kept secret until the end of the game.
  6. The facilitator of the game may wish to have the original phrase or word written down.

Where Can You Play Broken Telephone Game?

  • at parties
  • at a sleepover
  • in the classroom
  • at church youth group settings
  • at a summer camp
  • at home on family game night
  • in a restaurant
  • with friends
  • at the office party
  • at a team building
  • in a language class
  • waiting in lines
  • on a road trip

🤓 You might enjoy reading: Road Trip Games To Play In The Car (with kids & family)

How Do You Choose a Good Phrase?

To make this popular game fun, it is essential to have some good broken-telephone game phrases.

It will be best to have a few phrases ready before the game starts.

If you want to make it even more entertaining, you should pick words and phrases that are challenging and easy to misunderstand when whispered.

Make the phrase silly enough for teens to have funny facial expressions as they pass the message along.

Alliteration, tongue twisters, rhymes, funny statements, or nonsense phrases are the best terms for children to use in telephone games.

However, when playing with tweens or younger children, make the phrases appropriate for their age. Don’t make them too long or complex for the kids to pronounce or remember.

Watch Jimmy Kimmel playing broken telephone with the Avengers:

Telephone Game Phrases & Sentences

It is best to start with easier words, phrases, or sentences before moving on to more challenging ones.

Here are a few telephone game starter ideas.

Easy Telephone Game Phrases

Easy Telephone Game Phrases

When playing telephone games with tweens and younger kids, it is best to use easy phrases to get them started.

Below are a few examples:

  1.  Holy Night.
  2. Topsy turvy.
  3. Gobbledygook.
  4. Baby shark.
  5. Crazy fox.
  6. Grumpy Grandpa.
  7. Fairy godmother.
  8. Dainty dishes.
  9. Hugs and kisses.
  10. Sparkling water.
  11. Black crow.
  12. Mickey Mouse.
  13. Olive juice.
  14. Hogwash.
  15. League of legends.
  16. Flabbergasted.
  17. Bluebird blinks.
  18. Salty and spicy.
  19. Shark tank.
  20. Greek grapes.
  21. Eat Egg.
  22. Taco Bell.
  23. Snowflake Sunday.
  24. Netflix and chill.
  25. Just do it.
  26. Angry birds.
  27. Sugar and spice.
  28. Jingle Bells.
  29. Guinea pig.
  30. Grain of salt.

Short Telephone Game Phrases

Short Telephone Game Phrases

This is a list of short, simple, easy-to-guess whisper challenges for the beginning of the game.

After a while, you can shift to the funnier and more challenging phrases, which can be harder to guess.

  1.  Jack and Jill.
  2. Foggy London awaits.
  3. It takes two to tango.
  4. Stop screaming.
  5. Speak louder.
  6. She sells seashells.
  7. Once in a blue moon.
  8. Oh, never mind.
  9. You are an angel.
  10. I like you.
  11. School is lame.
  12. I like eggs.
  13. It’s raining. It’s pouring.
  14. Pickles on Buns.
  15. I speak French.
  16. Nice to meet you.
  17. Let’s get fast food.
  18. What do you do.
  19. Sing a song.
  20. Macaroni and cheese.
  21. I got two pickles.
  22. Cars for cash.
  23. Pikachu, I choose you.
  24. I’m growing old.
  25. I don’t know.
  26. Pretty pink Petunias.

Funny Telephone Game Phrases

Funny Telephone Game Phrases

Whether the final message passed along is correct or not, these hilarious whisper challenge phrases will make your teens laugh out loud.

These nonsensical phrases are some of the funniest game sentences we found.

  1. Would you like to sign my petition to have “badminton” changed to “goodminton”?
  2. Don’t worry, be silly.
  3. Chocolates make my teeth hurt.
  4. Swimming in spaghetti is fun.
  5. These shoes don’t fit my hands.
  6. The secret password is cock-a-doodle-doo-diddle-doodad.
  7. Catch your fridge. It’s running away.
  8. Is my breath awful right now, or is it just me?
  9. I have an itch that I can’t scratch.
  10. Oh no, I dropped all my gizmos!
  11. I’m sending a silly message.
  12. Would you rather put toffee in your coffee or brie in your tea?
  13. Don’t move! There’s a massive spider behind you!
  14. If you kiss me, I’ll turn into a frog.
  15. I have no idea what I’m doing.
  16. Ghostly gum tastes gooey.
  17. A camel cannot see its own hump.
  18. Restless roosters sit on yoga mats.
  19. Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?
  20. I’ve got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell!
  21. Minions must wear very large contacts.
  22. Don’t worry, I know how to speak llama.
  23. Do you know the muffin man?
  24. My underpants are funderpants.

Watch how quickly the game can go horribly and hilariously wrong:

Hard Telephone Game Phrases

Hard Telephone Game Phrases

This is one of the few games that becomes more enjoyable and exciting when the phrases seem impossible to understand.

Complex lines are much more difficult to remember and can be easily distorted.

Here are some more challenging alliterations phrases for you to try.

  1. The angry birds ate candy and crushed the subway surfer.
  2. Jokers, jesters, and jugglers jingled, jumped, and jigged for the King of Jordan.
  3. Rabbits rumble, giants grumble, dogs bark in the dark and the cat sat in the hat.
  4. Did you order dark drool or Jamba juice for lunch?
  5. We need moldy mothballs to keep the moody mummies quiet.
  6. I have four fine fresh fish for you.
  7. A dog named Moose ran loose through the spruce forest chasing a goose.
  8. Your pet guinea pig ate my pink balloon on a rainy afternoon!
  9. Pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows!
  10. Musical mice made the muffin mix while humming a melancholy melody.
  11. The entrance is guarded by a fire-breathing, near-sighted dragon with a fear of heights.
  12. Rubber baby buggy bumpers.
  13. Brave soldiers in a blue coat on a blue boat shouted bing bong.
  14. A pink pig and a pesky donkey flew a kite at night.
  15. Ice cream, candy floss, and colored candies.
  16. Black mice chased Micky Mouse into loose piles of leaves.
  17. Two-colored cans of sweet sugar.
  18. White flowers smell wonderful.
  19. Purple plum people pulled potatoes.
  20. Fit flamingoes ate fat flying flies.

Dirty Telephone Game Phrases

Dirty Telephone Game Phrases

Although these phrases sound a bit awkward, they are difficult to guess.

  1. I’m sorry I haven’t changed my socks in days.
  2. I farted, and it smells like a cheesy burger.
  3. Can you tell me where babies come from?
  4. He left me high and dirty.
  5. Eat your heart out.
  6. Can I nibble on your earlobe?
  7. Ride him, cowboy!
  8. I want to lick your toes.
  9. Coming in like gangbusters.
  10. I can’t feel my lips. Can I feel yours?
  11. Knock your socks off.
  12. Walk softly but carry a big stick.
  13. Stick it to the big man.
  14. Can you rub this oil in my back?
  15. What do you want me to do to you?

Cool Telephone Game Phrases

Cool Telephone Game Phrases

There is nothing more fun and interesting than games with cool and funny ideas.

You can use some of these cool and funny phrases while you play the broken telephone game.

  1. I have no idea what I’m doing, but I know I’m doing it well.
  2. When I grow up, I want to be a pokemon trainer.
  3. I only Riverdance when I’m happy.
  4. The best chips are chocolate ones.
  5. Minions would look weird wearing contacts.
  6. Kaleidoscopes, Calliopes, and Christopher Columbus.
  7. Koala bears are cute, and pandas are cuddly little bears.
  8. The only thing better than a tall, dark, and handsome man is one carrying a pizza box.
  9. Dumbo’s real name is Jumbo Junior.
  10. A Taco Bell chicken quesadilla with extra creamy jalapeno sauce.
  11. Wednesday is hump day but is the camel happy about it.
  12. Lightning McQueen likes loaded lunches.
  13. Education is important, but big muscles are importanter.
  14. Can you catfish a cactus for practice?
  15. Bob The Builder couldn’t fix Noddy’s car with a toy robot.

Best Telephone Game Phrases

Best Telephone Game Phrases

In a telephone game, the best phrases are those that are difficult, hilarious, and bizarre.

The weirder a phrase sounds, the funnier the responses at the end of the round.

The following are some of the challenging yet interesting phrases you can use in your next game:

  1. Forsooth! What ho! Hey, nonny nonny! Prithee! Yowzers!
  2. The sound of a raspberry is pppphhbbbbhhtttt.
  3. I like to read in the shower.
  4. Get high, climb a tree.
  5. Don’t move! There’s a gigantic spider behind you!
  6. The Eagle has landed.
  7. When I was six, I had a pet guinea pig that I named “Sir Piggysworth.”
  8. Chinese food is made with sugar and spice, and lots of rice.
  9. I was voted most likely to become a cat lady in high school.
  10. Nobody’s favorite food is cabbage.
  11. I’m growing parsnips, rhubarb, zebras, and hairbrushes in my garden.
  12. Candy crunching coconut lovers eat tons of toadstools.
  13. Too blue to make it through to you too.
  14. I had to fight thorny kumquats with thorny stems all my life.
  15. Who put a raw fish in my suitcase?

Extra Tip: To make the game more challenging or exciting have players whisper the phrase in a different language or add sound effects to the message.

One Word Telephone Game Phrases

One Word Telephone Game Phrases

You might think that playing the game only saying one word will be easy. However, I’ve found some pretty tricky words to pronounce.

When playing one-word telephone games, one thing to consider is that words should be relatively long and open to misinterpretation.

Here are some one-word broken telephone game phrases that are hard to say:

  1. Extraterrestrial
  2. Proposition
  3. Courageous
  4. Sequacious
  5. Triumphant
  6. Enthusiastically
  7. Dissimulation
  8. Eloquent
  9. Subterranean
  10. Manipulation
  11. Edinburgh
  12. Abibliophobia
  13. Obsolete
  14. Murmured
  15. Pauciloquent
  16. Regulator
  17. Typical
  18. Qantas
  19. Hypochondriac
  20. Mitochondria
  21. Yarborough
  22. Autobiography
  23. Anticipation
  24. Momentarily
  25. Marrakech
  26. Bloviate
  27. Capitalization
  28. Incredible
  29. Flibbertigibbet
  30. Impignorate
  31. Comeuppance
  32. Erinaceous
  33. Absquatulate
  34. Whitsuntide
  35. Snickersnee
  36. Quire
  37. Loanword
  38. Anglicized
  39. Taradiddle
  40.  Encyclopedia
  41.  Bumbershoot
  42. Saqqara
  43. Gardyloo
  44. Bibble
  45. Hogwash
  46. Nasdaq
  47. Pentecost

Telephone Game Variations

It can be boring to play the same old game repeatedly. While it is fun to play broken telephone, some players might want to try something different.

If you want to add a fun twist to the game, try one of the following variations!


There is a variation of the telephone game called Rumors, in which players intentionally alter one or two words.

Watch how the words become twisted as they spread, just as a rumor does!

Team Telephone Game

The Telephone Game is great for large groups, especially with many players. It works well as a team-building activity.

You can either give both teams the same word or phrase, or you can let them choose one themselves.

Whoever ends the sentence closest to the original will win.

Read My Lips Whisper Challenge

In this version of the telephone game, players must wear noise-canceling headphones so that they cannot hear what the other players are saying.

The first person gets a word or phrase and says it out loud to the next player.

Each person repeats out loud what they think they said until it’s revealed in the end.

Watch BTS play the Whisper Challenge Game in this video below:

Charades Telephone Game

Here’s a wacky version of the game that combines charades with a telephone game. In this variation, the person must act the word or phrase with body language and facial expressions instead of whispering the word.

Watch how to play Charades Telephone Game in the video below:

Drawing Telephone Game

With this variation, the first player selects a word and begins the illustration of that word by drawing a single line.

The next player is quietly informed of the word and must continue drawing with just one line.

At the end of the round, the word is not revealed to the last player, and they must guess it from the drawing!

A board game version of this Telestrations.

Every player gets a sketchbook and has to sketch a word from their card. The sketchbook is then passed to the player next to them and they have to guess and write down what they think the drawing is. This process of drawing and guessing continues until you get your original sketchbook back. Then you go through each sketchbook together and see where it went wrong.

Telestrations Family Board Game

USAopoly Telestrations Original 8 Player, Family Board Game, A Fun Family Game for Kids and Adults, Family Game Night Just Got Better, The Telephone Game Sketched Out, Multicolor

Watch how to play Telestrations in the video below:

Text Message Telephone

This is the modern spin on the old-fashioned game of telephone.

Instead of whispering phrases to each other down a line, players send text messages instead using their phones. 

The first person writes a short message on a piece of paper and shows it to the next person in line.

The recipient has fifteen seconds to memorize the message.

Then they write a text message, trying to make an exact copy of what they just read.

The first player then shows the message to the second player on their phone for 15 seconds, then takes it away.

Each person gets a turn to read and type the message. Finally, the last person reads their text message aloud.

The group then compares their texts with the original message.

Online Telephone Game Translations

You can download apps for Apple and Android devices that will translate your original phrase into different languages. When it eventually comes back to the original language, you’ll get some hilariously incorrect translations.

Interference on Google Play or Pass It On! on App Store 

Word Association Games

A word association game is a game in which a word is given to a student and then that student must say an associated word or phrase. Word association games are a fantastic way to help students practice using their existing vocabulary and to learn new English words.

While playing word association games, students are likely to encounter words that they have not heard before. These words are associated with the vocabulary they already know, and so it is very easy for students to guess the meanings of these new words. This makes word association games fantastic for learning new words.

Let’s look at some different ways in which you can play word association games with your students.

Simple Word Association

The simplest way to play word association games in class is to simply give one student a word and ask that student to say the first thing that comes to mind. For example, if you say the word “drink” a student might say the word “juice”. Then, the next student should say the first word which comes to their mind, for example, “orange”.

If you’re playing this game with kids, then to make it even more fun you could get them to pass a ball as they play. When a student has the ball it is their turn, and once they have said their word they should pass the ball to the next player.

However, if you are playing word association games while social distancing in the classroom, then it is probably best not to pass a ball around. Instead, you could ask your students to stand up from their desks when it is their turn.

Word Association Topics

Another fun way to play word association games in class is to choose a particular topic and ask students to say words associated with that topic. Usually, when playing word association games, students would start at one word, and after a few turns, the words might become completely unrelated to the original topic.

But when playing a word association game with a particular topic, all words must be related to the main topic. For example, if you choose the topic ‘food’ then every word must be a kind of food. If a student says ‘milk’ for example, then that student would be out as it is a drink and not a food.

Here are some topics you could use for your next word association game:

  • Types Of Food
  • Types Of Drinks
  • Countries
  • Hobbies
  • Sports
  • Superheroes
  • Colors
  • Furniture in a house
  • School Subjects
  • Types Of Weather

Guess The Secret Word

A really fun way to get your students thinking while playing a word association game is to have them try and guess a secret word. Rather than have students say any associated word that comes to mind, instead think of a secret word and tell them some words associated with that.

Then students should try to guess what the secret word is. To make it more fun you could even ask students to guess other words which might be associated to the secret word.

For example, if the secret word was ‘yellow’ you could say the word “banana” to your students. Then they might guess something like “apple” and you can tell them it is not related. But when they say something like “lemon” you can tell them that it is associated with it.

After some time students will be able to guess the secret word. This way of playing a word association game is a fantastic way to get students to practice their thinking skills while learning new vocabulary.

Ryhming Words

This way of playing word association games can lead to some hilarious answers. Simply give students a word and ask them to come up with a word which rhymes. In this game, the words don’t necessarily have to be related. They just need to rhyme.

For example, you might say the word “cold” and students might say “old”, “mold”, “bold”, “told”, etc. The first student who can’t come up with a rhyming word is out.

Chain Game

This last word association style game is one you have probably played at some point in your life. In this game a student would say one word and then the next student must say a word which starts with the last letter of the previous word.

For example, if the word was ‘pizza’ then the next student must say a word beginning with ‘a’. Then, the next student might say “apple” and so the next student must say a word beginning with ‘e’. And so, on. The first student who cannot say a word is out.

Thanks for reading. I hope you found some inspiration for your next word association game.

Before you go, don’t forget to check out our free lesson materials, including ESL Games, PowerPoint Games, ESL Worksheets, ESL PowerPoints, and ESL Printables.

The telephone game is one of those fun games we can play anytime anywhere at parties or get together with a number of friends and family. The more the number of people the much more fun the game session will be.

So, today we are here to discuss more this game and also will tell you how to play this game. And we will be even sharing the +200 best Telephone game phrases and ideas you can use to make the game more fun and interesting.


  • 1 What are Telephone Game?
  • 2 How To Play Telephone Game?
    • 2.1 Rules For Playing Telephone Game
  • 3 Cool & Funny Telephone Game Phrases
    • 3.1 Cool Telephone Game Phrases
    • 3.2 Funny Telephone Game Phrases
  • 4 One Word Telephone Game Phrases
  • 5 Telephone Game Sentences
  • 6 More Ways To Play Telephone Game
  • 7 Conclusion

What are Telephone Game?

Best Telephone Game Phrases

The Telephone Game or The Chinese Whisper Game is played among a group of people. You can organize yourselves either in a circle or in a straight line. Basically, the game all is about testing everyone’s communication and coordination abilities.

One of the most important issues in relationships and coordination is misunderstanding and this game fits perfectly here as an example as one should not trust in everything they hear as the information here gets a little distorted as it travels.

How To Play Telephone Game?

Best Telephone Game Phrases

Maintain the following steps for playing this game.

  • Tell your friends to gather at one open space.
  • Organize them either in a circle or in a line and then ask them to sit.
  • Sit in a proper amount of distance that no one gets to hear what a person is whispering to someone.
  • Now, anyone from the group can start the game.
  • One person will have to speak a phrase or a word slowly into the person’s ear sitting next.
  • Then that person will have to whisper the same phrase or the word to the next one.
  • And like so, the game continues till the phrase or the word reaches the person who started the game.
  • The person will speak out loud that what he/she exactly said at first and what he/she received at the end.
  • And the game will end with a huge burst of laughter because usually the phrase or the word totally changes while traveling from one person to another and that’s the best part here.
  • You can begin the game again with someone else starting the game this time.

Rules For Playing Telephone Game

Best Telephone Game Phrases

Here are the 3 important rules you need to follow while playing this game.

  • The word or phrase can be whispered only once, so everyone must pay good attention to it.
  • The word or phrase must not be very common. You will need to make sure it changes as it is whispered from one friend to another.
  • Only one person (the first) should know the exact word or the phrase. He/she may also write down the original phrase or word in order to remember it correctly.

Cool & Funny Telephone Game Phrases

Best Telephone Game Phrases

We all love cool and funny ideas in games which makes them more fun and Interesting. So here are some of the best cool and funny Telephone Game Phrases that you can use while playing this game.

Cool Telephone Game Phrases

  1. Don’t move! There’s a gigantic spider behind you!
  2. A dog named Moose ran loose through the spruce forest chasing a goose.
  3. If I could go back in time, I would yell at Troy, “It’s a trap!”
  4. Kaleidoscopes, Calliopes, and Christopher Columbus.
  5. Jokers, jesters, and jugglers jingled, jumped, and jigged for the King of Jordan.
  6. My favorite thing to do on a rainy afternoon is watching Lord of the Rings and party like a hobbit.
  7. Wend who likes to play, Bing Bong, Bing Bong!
  8. You’re a sad, strange little man, and you have my pity.
  9. I still think Nicolas Cage would’ve made a great Superman.
  10. Musical mice made the muffin mix while humming a melancholy melody.
  11. Minions would look really weird with contacts.
  12. Have you ever noticed that it only ever seems to rain when you have to go somewhere?
  13. Facebook is perfect for aunts who want to creep on nieces and nephews and tattletale on them for holding a beer.
  14. The easiest way to make an adult man cry is to force him to watch Toy Story 3.
  15. Ted’s toolbox fixes Fred’s friend’s Ford.
  16. Don’t tell me name brands and generics are the same until you’ve tried generic mac and cheese.
  17. For Christmas this year, I’m asking Santa for an Amazon gift card.
  18. The only thing I like better than reading a book is watching the movie and never reading the book.
  19. A Taco Bell chicken quesadilla with extra creamy jalapeno sauce.
  20. The best chips are chocolate ones.
  21. Education is important, but big muscles are importanter.
  22. If I were a dinosaur, I’d be an Ankylosaurus, a tough, armored exterior but with a leafy loving heart of gold!
  23. Chinese food is made with sugar and spice, and lots of rice.
  24. People who know me would say that my best quality is my unwavering optimism or my sarcasm.
  25. I really need to break my habit of opening a million new tabs I’ll never look at.
  26. My guilty pleasure is watching FailArmy.
  27. I’m cursed with the terrible fate of relentlessly interrupting everyone around me.
  28. The entrance is guarded by a fire-breathing, near-sighted dragon with a fear of heights.
  29. I have no idea what I’m doing, but I know I’m doing it really well.
  30. The only thing better than a tall, dark, and handsome man, is one carrying a pizza box.
  31. Sally sells sushi by the seashore.
  32. None could sink our friendship!
  33. In high school, I was voted most likely to become a cat lady.
  34. When I grow up, I want to be an excavator.
  35. You’ve been voted off the island.
  36. My sexy dance moves have been described as a blend of Beyonce and Mr. Bean.
  37. Koala bears are cute and pandas bears are cuddly.
  38. I’m going to sleep like a two-year-old after eating pizza.
  39. Dumbo’s real name is Jumbo Junior.
  40. When I was six, I had a pet guinea pig that I named “Sir Piggysworth.”
  41. When you’re in an exam and can’t stop coughing.
  42. I like Voltage better than Code Red, but not as much as Livewire.
  43. Nobody’s favorite food is cabbage.
  44. I only Riverdance when I’m happy.
  45. Unlucky Laura lost her lunch at the library last week.

Funny Telephone Game Phrases

  1. Noisy Ned needs nuggets
  2. Ghostly gum tastes gooey
  3. Scarecrows steal soft sandwiches
  4. Junie B Jones likes Jamba Juice
  5. Dracula drinks dark drool
  6. __ makes math mash-ups (fill in your child’s teachers name )
  7. Moody Mummies munch on moldy mothballs
  8. Walking in a Winter Wonderland
  9. Snowflakes will slide softly soon
  10. Leaves like loose piles
  11. Teachers take tons of toadstools
  12. Recess rocks restless roosters
  13. Counting cars quietly
  14. Lightening McQueen likes loaded lunches
  15. Classmates climb cars for cash
  16. I’d love eating toasted cheese and tuna sandwiches.
  17. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog and says hello to the cat.
  18. The angry birds ate candy and crushed the subway surfer.
  19. A pink pig and a pesky donkey flew a kite at night.
  20. Rabbits rumble, giants grumble, dogs bark in the dark, and wolves woo in the blue.
  21. Wednesday is the hump day, but is the camel happy about it.
  22. Alex the Alsatian ate eleven Éclairs in the evening with an Espresso.
  23. The Martians invested in shares when the NASDAQ dropped several feet.
  24. Roger racketed seventeen balls against Sylvester alone.
  25. Bob the builder rented Oswald’s apartment and borrowed Noddy’s car.
  26. a guppy in a shark tank
  27. candy crunching coconut lovers
  28. red roses with thorny stems
  29. doorknobs and doorjambs with hasps and hinges
  30. More maids mop hotels.
  31. The shark tank has a guppy.
  32. Cold crunching coconut covers.
  33. White flowers with thorny stems.
  34. Blue chair on the table.
  35. Suitcase with a new suit.
  36. Ten cups in the cupboard.
  37. Green bag burst big bubbles.
  38. Too blue to make it through.
  39. It is nice to have black mice.
  40. She sells sea shells.
  41. The big box on the road.
  42. The door closed behind the poor.
  43. Sparkling sweet sugar.
  44. Popping pure purree.
  45. Low light looks gloomy.
  46. Micky Mouse enjoys raw fish.
  47. The ice cream was melting.
  48. Candy floss is my favourite snack.
  49. My ponytail got stuck in my shirt.
  50. My dad got me a pink balloon.
  51. I broke my toy robot.
  52. Lane did not wash the dishes.
  53. I wish I had a pet bunny.
  54. The eggs just broke on the way.
  55. The store ran out of yoga mats.
  56. Chocolates make my teeth hurt.
  57. I once saw a rainbow in London.
  58. I learned to swim when I was 14.

One Word Telephone Game Phrases

Best Telephone Game Phrases

One-word names are quite easy yet tricky to remember rather than long phrases and sentences in time-consuming games. So here we have come up with several one-word Telephone Game phrases that you can use to make the game more fun and tricky.

  1. Abibliophobia
  2. Absquatulate
  3. Additional
  4. Anglicized
  5. Anticipation
  6. Artemisinin
  7. Bibble
  8. Bloviate
  9. Borborygm
  10. Brouhaha
  11. Bumbershoot
  12. Bumfuzzle
  13. Cattywampus
  14. Collywobbles
  15. Comeuppance
  16. Courageous
  17. Dissimulation
  18. Donnybrook
  19. Edinburgh
  20. Erinaceous
  21. Flibbertigibbet
  22. Gardyloo
  23. Gubbins
  24. Hogwash
  25. ImpignorateIncredible
  26. Inuktitut
  27. Iqaluit
  28. Loanword
  29. Lollygag
  30. Malarkey
  31. Manipulation
  32. Marrakech
  33. Mitochondria
  34. Murmured
  35. Musk-ox
  36. Nasdaq Nincompoop
  37. Nudiustertian
  38. Nunavut
  39. Obsolete
  40. Pandiculation
  41. Pauciloquent
  42. Pentecost
  43. Pinyin
  44. Pontacq
  45. Potentilla
  46. Proposition
  47. Qantas
  48. Qaqortoq
  49. Qhythsontyd
  50. Qigong
  51. Qindarkë
  52. Qinghaosu
  53. Quire
  54. Ratoon
  55. Regulator
  56. Sambuq
  57. Saqqara
  58. Saqqara
  59. Sequacious
  60. Eloquent
  61. Snickersnee
  62. Snollygoster
  63. Taradiddle
  64. Triumphant
  65. Typical
  66. Whitsuntide
  67. Widdershins
  68. Xertz
  69. Yaqona
  70. Yarborough

Telephone Game Sentences

Best Telephone Game Phrases

Here are more Telephone Game sentences for you in this write-up that you can also go for to make your game more interesting.

  1. Two tiny toads ate fat flying flies.
  2. The funny bunny hid the colored candy in the colored can.
  3. The queen sat on her throne and ate thorny kumquats.
  4. Many maids mop motels.
  5. Dogs dig holes for big bones.
  6. A bunch of yellow bananas launched on a blue boat.
  7. Twelve tumbling purple people pulled turnips.
  8. Don’t move! There’s a gigantic spider behind you!
  9. If I could go back in time, I would yell at Troy, “It’s a trap!”
  10. A dog named Moose ran loose through the spruce forest chasing a goose.
  11. Jokers, jesters, and jugglers jingled, jumped, and jigged for the King of Jordan.
  12. Kaleidoscopes, Calliopes, and Christopher Columbus.
  13. My favorite thing to do on a rainy afternoon is watch Lord of the Rings and party like a hobbit.
  14. You’re a sad, strange little man, and you have my pity.
  15. Musical mice made the muffin mix while humming a melancholy melody.
  16. I still think Nicolas Cage would’ve made a great Superman.
  17. Minions would look really weird with contacts.
  18. Who’s your friend who likes to play, Bing Bong, Bing Bong!
  19. Facebook is perfect for aunts who want to creep on nieces and nephews and tattletale on them for holding a beer.
  20. Have you ever noticed that it only ever seems to rain when you have to go somewhere?
  21. Don’t tell me name brands and generics are the same until you’ve tried generic mac and cheese.
  22. The easiest way to make an adult man cry is to force him to watch Toy Story 3.
  23. The only thing I like better than reading a book is watching the movie and never reading the book.
  24. For Christmas this year, I’m asking Santa for an Amazon gift card.
  25. Education is important, but big muscles are importanter.
  26. A Taco Bell chicken quesadilla with extra creamy jalapeno sauce.
  27. If I were a dinosaur, I’d be an Ankylosaurus, a tough, armored exterior but with a leafy loving heart of gold!
  28. Ted’s toolbox fixes Fred’s friend’s Ford.
  29. I really need to break my habit of opening a million new tabs I’ll never look at.
  30. People who know me would say that my best quality is my unwavering optimism or my sarcasm.
  31. My guilty pleasure is watching FailArmy.
  32. The entrance is guarded by a fire-breathing, near-sighted dragon with a fear of heights.
  33. I’m cursed with the terrible fate of relentlessly interrupting everyone around me.
  34. The only thing better than a tall, dark, and handsome man, is one carrying a pizza box.
  35. Chinese food is made with sugar and spice, and lots of rice.
  36. The best chips are chocolate ones.
  37. Not even an iceberg could sink our friendship!
  38. Sally sells sushi by the seashore.
  39. In high school, I was voted most likely to become a cat lady.
  40. I have no idea what I’m doing, but I know I’m doing it really well.

More Ways To Play Telephone Game

Best Telephone Game Phrases

Several other ways to play the Telephonic Game are as follows.

Paper Telephone Game: The paper telephone game is played with the help of a paper and pencil by drawing something related to the phrase or word said instead of whispering it to your friend.

Telephone Charades Game: Here the person will have to act the word or the phrase using body language and facial expressions rather than whispering it to a friend.

Translation Telephone Mashup Game: Here, a Google Translate API passes a chosen original phrase or word through 20 different languages and then brings it back to the original language making it hilariously different from the real one.

Related: Crew Names: 1000+ Cool, Funny, & Unique Team Names For 2021

Online Telephone Game Apps Names:

  • Interference
  • Telesketch
  • Pass It On


The process of this game is very easy, with only no cheating. The original phrase must be with the one who starts the game, he/she should not tell it to anyone else.

So, the next time you meet with your family or friends anywhere and feel quite bored, ask them to gather up at a place and start playing this game, they will definitely admire it.

With an estimated 3.24 billion video gamers in the world, gaming can be an exhilarating and practical way to improve your language skills. To succeed at many of the most popular online games, you need to co-operate and communicate with other players – often against the clock. So, when it comes to those games popular with English speakers, the better you know gamer slang, the better your gaming experience will be.

If you’re new to it, gaming language can seem a world away from formal English. Get online and you’ll soon find that gamer talk is peppered with acronyms, slang and distinctive words that describe everything from a player’s gaming style to the enemies you encounter in the virtual world.

The good news is that getting to grips with English gaming phrases isn’t difficult. Even if you’re a noob, learning the most common gaming vocabulary will give you a great start – whether you’re playing Minecraft, Fortnite, League of Legends, World of Warcraft or any of the other hugely popular Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOs / MMOGs) that are out there.

To get you started, we take a look at 25 common English gaming phrases and what they mean. To make things simple, we’ve put them into two groups – Gaming Acronyms and Gamer Slang. GLHF!

Gaming Acronyms

  1. BRB. This means ‘Be Right Back’ – handy for when you need to grab a drink. If you’re away from the game for longer, use AFK (‘Away From Keyboard).
  2. CU / CYA. Leaving the game? These mean ‘see you’ / ‘see ya’ (goodbye).
  3. DLC. This stands for Downloadable Content – extra features that you can download from within the game, like characters, tools, costumes, levels and other items. Some DLCs are free, while others cost money.
  4. GG / GGWP. If someone has played well, say so with GG (Good Game) or GGWP (Good Game, Well Played). But be careful – GG can also be used sarcastically to taunt a losing player (i.e. it means ‘Bad Game’!) or to brag about a victory (GG EZ means ‘Good Game, Easy’).
  5. GLHF. Good Luck, Have Fun. Often used in a friendly way to wish other players luck at the beginning of a game.
  6. IRL. In Real Life – this is used to refer to something happening in the real world, not the game.
  7. MP. Magic Points or Mana Points – these measure your power to use special magical abilities.
  8. OTW. This is ‘On The Way’. You can say this to tell other players you’re on the way to help them.
  9. WTT. ‘Want To Trade’. Use this to tell another player you want to trade an item or items.
  10. XP. These are (E)Xperience Points – as you progress through levels, gain new skills and powers, you build up XP.

Gamer Slang

Had enough of acronyms for the time being? Then try out these words and phrases…

  1. Adds. These are ‘additional enemies’ which you often have to fight during ‘boss’ encounters (see no. 13)
  2. Bots. A bot is an automated, non-human opponent – some games let you play against bots if you’re not online. Sometimes you’ll see human players calling other people bots, but it’s best to avoid this as it’s an insult.
  3. Boss A ‘boss’ is a really tough enemy who frequently appears at the end of a level or a game. Defeating them can take a hard-won combination of skills, weapons or powers.
  4. Buff / Nerf. Any change that makes in-game characters or weapons more powerful is called a ‘buff’. The opposite is a ‘nerf’. The term ‘nerf’ comes from a brand of toy guns with soft bullets (i.e. ones that are designed to not cause injury!)
  5. Camping. This phrase refers to staying or hiding in one place or area of an online world. Some players do this to surprise and ambush enemies. Lots of players frown on this behaviour.
  6. Cheesing. If you’re cheesing, you’re using powerful strategies that are easy to deploy and nearly impossible for an opponent to beat. Sometimes people do this by taking advantage of a glitch in a game.
  7. Easter Eggs. An Easter egg is a hidden feature, reference, in-joke or message in a game. This article has 15 of the best over the years.
  8. Farming / Grinding. Grinding refers to a player performing repetitive tasks to gain benefits such as weapons, loot or XP. Farming is similar, but is used when a character repeatedly acquires loot from a single source.
  9. Hacking / Hacker.Hacking / Hacker. These words mean cheating or a cheater – if someone is being called a hacker, other players are accusing them of cheating in some way.
  10. Get Rekt / Git Rekd. These mean ‘get wrecked’. You’d use them to describe a player who has suffered a major defeat. It’s often used as an insult, so be careful when using it.
  11. Mats. Short for ‘materials’, such as wood, stone, brick and metal in games like Fortnite.
  12. Pwned. A misspelling of ‘owned’, if you’ve been pwned it means you’ve been beaten in a game.
  13. Noob. This word means ‘newbie’ – someone who’s an inexperienced player.
  14. Ragequit. This is when someone gets so enraged during a game that they stop playing and leave.
  15. Stomp. A stomp is a very one-sided game – if someone on your team says ‘we’re getting stomped’, it means they think things are going badly!

Why gaming phrases boost your English learning

As you can see, the language of gaming is rich, amusing and ingenious, as well as great fun to use. The beauty of using online games to improve your English is that you can interact with thousands of different players worldwide – while enjoying yourself so much that you almost forget you’re learning.

So, whether you’re into role-playing games, no-nonsense first-person shooter games, simulations, strategy games or something completely different, use them to develop your knowledge of gaming phrases. As you’ll discover in English Online’s live online classes, the key to learning a language is to experiment and practise in ways you enjoy – not to ragequit!

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