Future tense of word can

Задавались ли вы вопросом: как использовать can в будущем времени? Наверняка да, потому что вы находитесь на этой странице.

Все мы знаем, как и когда употребляется модальный глагол can в настоящем времени и даже в прошедшем. А вот с будущим временем не все так очевидно. Не думаю, что кому-то придет в голову написать:

I will can go to the party.

С этим примером предложения явно что-то не то. Глагол can нельзя употреблять в будущем времени с помощью частицы will. Но как тогда поступить?

Дело в том, что у can есть синоним, который не является модальным глаголом и может употребляться в будущем времени с помощью частицы will.

Просто заменим «can» на «to be able», и мы сможем спокойно образовать будущее время, при этом не меняя смысл исходного предложения.

То есть:

I will be able to go to the party. (I’ll be able to go to the party).  — Я смогу пойти на (эту) вечеринку.

Теперь все абсолютно правильно. Попробуем теперь образовать негативную и вопросительную форму данного предложения. Все очень просто. Будем использовать правило, которое нам давно известно.

I will not be able to go to the party. (I won’t be able to go to the party). — Я не смогу пойти на эту вечеринку.

Will you be able to go to the party? — Ты сможешь пойти на (эту) вечеринку?

Вот и все правило. Как видите, ничего сложного. Попрактикуйтесь в образовании будущего времени глагола can с помощью следующих примеров:

Can you go there with me?

The teacher can help you to solve the problem.

I can’t perform on a stage.

Если у вас не получается, оставьте свой комментарий, и мы вам поможем!

The word ‘can’ simply refers to certainty. It is used in the future tense. Now, we shall explain its use in the future tense.

We definitely use the modal verb ‘can’ in the future tense. Through its use, we see that the action will certainly be held in the future.

Let us explain how the word ‘can’ is used in the future tense with 7 facts.

Forms of can used in future tense:

The modal verb ‘can’ is used in the future tense with the formation of another main verb. Look at the formation below.

The verb ‘can’ is used with the main verb after it. The 1st form of the main verb is used. The base form is added to the verb ‘can’. Then it becomes like the following words.

The words are ‘can do, ‘can go’, ‘can see’, ‘can come’, etc. The forms are used in every subject. We need not do any changes to the above forms in any subject while framing sentences.

How can is used in future tense?

 Now, we shall explain how we use the word ‘can’ in the future tense.

We use the word ‘can’ to inform the ability of the speakers in any respect of the term. It shows the actions will be done surely in the future.

Ex- The players can win the next match very easily.

Explanation- In the above sentence the word ‘can’ is used to show that the players will certainly defeat the opponent and gain success.

When can is used in future tense?

Here we shall discuss when the word ‘can’ is used in the future tense.

The word ‘can’ has no form in the future tense.  It also indicates the ability and possibility of an action that will be especially after a long time.

Ex- My cousin can perform well in the sports competition next week.

Explanation- Here we see that the ability of my cousin is shown. It is in the future tense.

4. Why can is used in future tense?

The word ‘can’ is used in the future for a particular reason. Let us explain the reason.

We use the word ‘can’ in the future tense in order to express the assurance of doing some work in the future. There will be no doubt in doing this action. By using the word ‘can’ we uphold our sense of obligation.

Ex- We can surely score good marks on the final test.

Explanation- In this sentence, we have come to know that the word ‘can’ is used in order to show that the action will be done in the future definitely.

5. Formula and structure of can used in future tense?

Here we shall explore the formula and structure of the word ‘can’ that is used in the future tense. Let us see it.

When we frame any sentence in English we have to follow some proper formula of the word. The structure of the word that we use in the future tense is shown here in all the forms with the help of a table. Let us see the table.

We shall show the use of the word ‘can’ in the future tense with the help of the main verb ‘defeat’.

Sl Person Affirmative  Negative Interrogative
1. 1st I can defeat them in the next game. I cannot defeat them in the next game. Can I defeat them in the next game?
2. 2nd You can defeat them in the next game. You cannot defeat them in the next game Can you defeat them in the next game?
3. 3rd He/ She can defeat them in the next game. He/ She cannot defeat them in the next game. Can he/ She defeat them in the next game?
The formula and structure of ‘can’ are used in the future tense.

6. Examples of can used in future tense:

 The following sentences deal with the word ‘can’ used in the future tense.

The examples are given below in the table.

Sl Examples Explanations
1. We can visit the monument next month. This example shows that the word ‘can’ is used to show future actions that will be done in the near future.
2. The poor man can feed the people of the village at the next festival. In this example, we see that the word ‘can’ indicates an action that will be accomplished in the future.
3. Santanu can go to Kolkata alone tomorrow. In this scenario, it is seen that the certainty of the future action has been expressed through the word ‘can’.
4. The new movie can delight the audience in the next show. Here it is found that the future action is shown and a certain criterion is revealed.
5. The tornado can destroy the rice fields today. Here we see that a certain future action is shown with the help of the modal word ‘can’.
6. My daughter can please the teachers in the recitation competition. Here the modal verb ‘can’ is used to reveal a future action.
7. Can they walk on the muddy road next week? Here we find that the word ‘can’ is used to reveal certain future actions in the future.
8. They can travel the stony roars during their next adventure. In this sentence, we find that the word ‘can’ is used to reveal the future certain action.
9. Can the farmers plow fields during the next monsoon? This interrogative sentence shows that the word ‘can’ is used to show certain actions in the future.
10. Can you go to America next month? Here the word ‘can’ is going the function of certainty. It is used to frame a question.
11. Dipak cannot do the sums in the next class. Here the word ‘can’ shows the future action in a certain manner. 
Examples of ‘can’ in the future tense.


The structure, formula, examples, and explanations of the use of the modal verb ‘can’ in the future tense are explained in detail. The discussion will help us a lot to use the word ‘can’ in the future tense while framing any sentence.

There is no such way of casting any of the modal verbs can/could, may/might, must, shall/should, will/would in future form with will.

This is because the modal verbs are all defective: they have only two forms, past and present (must has only one), so they lack the infinitive form which follows auxiliary will.

There are two ways around this.

  1. The simple present of most verbs can be used with future reference, so one thing you can do is simply use can with some indication of futurity.

    I cannot do that tomorrow.
    I may do that tomorrow.

  2. The other thing you can do is employ the infinitive of a «periphrastic» construction as the complement of will. With can, for instance, the periphrastic construction is BE able to; with will it’s BE going to.

    I will not be able to do that.
    I will be going to do that.

    Other periphrastics which come in handy for this are:

    for may/might: be permitted/allowed to: He will be permitted to do that.
    for must: be obliged/required to: He will be obliged to do that.
    for should: be expected to: He will be expected to do that.
    for will: be going to: He will be going to do that.

    There are more, because all the modals have a wide variety of meanings, and many of these meanings have one or more periphrastics.

Note that the modal verbs have no participles either, so they can’t be cast in the perfect construction or employed as gerunds or adjectives. Again, the way around this is to employ the appropriate periphrastic:

I have been able to do that.
Being able to do that would be helpful.

Modal verbs are intransitive and can’t be cast in the passive, and they’re stative and therefore can’t be cast in the progressive, so you don’t have to worry about those forms.

The future (simple) tense of verb «can» is «will be able to»

Can is a defective verb, which means it does not have all valid forms used in different tenses. For example it is not used in Future tenses, but it can be replaced with a phrase «to be able to» which has all forms and can be used in any tense (excluding continuous/progressive tenses which are not used for modal verbs can, must, should etc.).

The forms of phrase «be able to» consist of appropriate form of verb «to be» + «able to». Examples:

Future Simple: will be able to

Present Perfect: have/has been able to

Future Perfect: will have been able to


Поговорим об использовании модального глагола ‘can’в будущем времени и узнаем, в чем разница между «be able to» и «can».

Главное правило, которое нужно запомнить, это:
в будущем времени ‘will’ + ‘can’ НЕ используются.

Нельзя сказать I will can drive.. Это не правильный вариант.

Как правильно употреблять модальный глагол ‘can’ в будущем времени

‘Can’в будущем времени можно сказать двумя способами: формальным и более разговорным:

  • Will be able to — формальный вариант, используется реже.
  • Can + уточнение времени — наиболее часто употребляемый вариант.
    При уточнении времени используются слова: «позже, завтра, вечером, в понедельник в следующий раз» и т.д.
Примеры c ‘Will be able to’

I will be able to come.
Я смогу приехать.

Will you be able to teach me to cook?
Ты сможешь научить меня готовить?

I will be able to walk.
Я смогу ходить.

I won’t be able to walk.
Я не смогу ходить.

Will she be able to solve this problem?
Сможет ли она решить эту проблему?

He won’t be able to play the piano anymore.
Он больше не сможет играть на пианино.

I will be able to see you next week.
Я смогу увидеться с тобой на следующей неделе.

I won’t be able to meet you in Moscow.
Я не смогу встретить тебя в Москве.

You will be able to speak perfect English very soon.
Очень скоро ты сможешь говорить на английском.

Примеры c ‘Can’ в будущем времени

I can help him tomorrow. Я смогу помочь ему завтра.
I can go later today. Я смогу прийти сегодня позже.
I can’t come on Wednesday. Я не смогу приехать в среду.
Can you help me later? Ты потом сможешь мне помочь?
Can she drive tonight? Она сможет приехать сегодня вечером?
I can come to your house. Я могу заехать к тебе.

Отличия ‘Will be able to’ — ‘Can’

— Can озна­ча­ет, что вы можете сделать какое-то действие в принципе.
— Will be able to озна­ча­ет быть в состоянии. иметь возможность / время, силы / сделать что-то.


При использовании в своей речи ‘Will be able to’ или ‘Сan’ опирайтесь на контекст.
Так как часто, по значению, они оба взаимозаменяемы.


He will be able to do it.
Он сможет это сделать. / у него будет время, возможность, желание, силы/.

He can do it.
Он справится. / он умеет и сделает это/.

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