Future simple exercises word

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Will, to be going to + test

Future Simple predictions

Future Simple

Future Simple
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Future Simple

Future Simple

Future Simple

Future Simple - matching

Make predictions about your future. Solutions 8D


Speculating about the future

Future Simple

Will or not?

Will or not?
Случайные карты

7-й класс
Средняя школа
Среднее образование
Future simple

Simple Passives

Simple Passives
Пропущенное слово

Средняя школа
Future Simple passive
Past Simple Passive
Present Simple Passive

What will you do tomorrow?

First Conditional

Tenses Quiz

Tenses Quiz

past simple
present continuous
present simple

Make a sentence about you using Past Simple / Present Simple / Future Simple

Present/Past/Future Simple спутники времени

Let's discuss!

Let’s discuss!
Случайное колесо

Daily Routines
Future simple
past simple
present simple

Will / Won't

Will / Won’t
Случайное колесо

Fly High 3
Future Simple
Spotlight 4

Spotlight 4, Module 8 (TEST 4)

Spotlight 4, Module 8 (TEST 2)

Peppa Pig

Peppa Pig
Случайные карты

1-й класс
2-й класс
3 класс
4-й класс
Enjoy English 4
Future simple
irregular verbs
past simple
present simple

Future Perfect vs Future Continuous

Will/going to - RULE

Future continuous and future perfect

Future tenses

Spotlight 4, Module 8 (TEST 3)

Spotlight 4, Module 8 (TEST 1)

Present or Future Simple

Future Simple

FlyHigh 4 Future Simple

Future Simple

Future Simple

Future Simple

Future Simple

Future Simple

Future Simple

Future Simple

Future Simple

Future Simple

Future Simple

Future Simple

SM5_unit 7_Future Simple for offer and promise

In the 2050s... // may, might, definitely, probably

SM5_unit 7_offers, promise_future simple

Future Simple

Future Simple

Present Simple, Present Continuous, Future Simple

Future Simple

Future Continuous vs Future Perfect

Future - different ways of describing

Future Simple

 Future Simple

Future Simple

Future Simple

Future Simple

Future Simple

Future Simple +

Future Simple

Future Simple

Сегодня отработаем употребление простого будущего времени – Future Simple. Прежде всего предлагаю вам вспомнить все правила употребления Future Simple. Я предлагаю Вам множество разнообразных упражнений, которые помогут закрепить тему Future Simple.

 Future Simple. Exercises.

Упражнение 1. Write in l’ll, we’ll, he’ll, she’ll, they’ll, it’ll.

  1. I’d like to see animals. I think _______ go to the zoo today.
  2. Wendy likes dinosaurs. I think _______ go to the Natural History Museum.
  3. We like dancing. I think _______ go to the disco.
  4. My parents want to buy presents. I think_______ go to the gift shop. ‘
  5. Jim likes walking. I think_______ go to the park.
  6. Put on your scarf and hat. I think _______ be cold today.
  7. I want to watch a cartoon. I think _______ go to the cinema tomorrow.
  8. Mike is ill. I don’t think _______ go for a walk with him.

Упражнение. 2  Постройте предложения о том, чем будут заниматься члены Вашей семьи в воскресенье. It will be Sunday tomorrow. Say what you and your family will do, making use of the following table.


My Mummy

My Dad

My Granny

My sister

My brother


go to the park

walk out a dog

read a book

play games

listen to music

cook dinner

Упражнение 3. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в форме Future Simple (Indefinite)

  1. I think we_________ two return tickets. (to buy)
  2. Kate  ___________ ten tomorrow. (to be)
  3. My aunt  ___________ to Canada next summer. (to go)
  4. I  _____________ you in the evening. (to phone)
  5. I’m sure our 3-day tour __________ more than 5000 roubles. (to cost)

Упражнение 4. Вставьте ‘ll или won’t.

  1. Lucy was born in 1995. In 2007 she ________ be 12.
  2. It’s sunny today. It ________ rain.
  3. Kelly is eleven today. She ___________ be twelve until next year.
  4. Rob is nine. He __________ be ten on his next birthday.
  5. This month is May. It________ be June next month.
  6. Jenny: ‘Mum, the bus is late. I _______ be home until eight o’clock.
  7. It’s 25 degrees today. It _________ snow tomorrow.
  8. I sent the letter this afternoon. It __________ arrive until tomorrow.

Упражнение 5. Read the sentences in A and decide what to do. Use I think I’ll… and the words in B. Прочитайте предложения в колонке A и найдите решение в колонке B. Напишите свои решения начиная с I think I’ll…



1 It’s hot in this room.

2 I’m hungry.

3 My flat is in a mess.

4 I haven’t got any stamps

5 I want some new glasses.

6 I’m cold.

7 I’ve just missed my bus.

8 There’s a good film on TV

9 My watch is broken.

go to the optician’s

 open a window

 buy a new one

 turn on the heating

 watch it

 take a taxi home

 get something to eat.

 go to the post office

 tidy it

  1. I think I’ll open a window.

Упражнение 6. Сделайте предложения помощи, используя Future Simple.

1 It’s hot in here.

2 These boxes are heavy.

3 The windows are dirty.

4 I haven’t got any money.

Упражнение 7. Complete the sentences. Use ‘ll or won’t.

Amy’s brother is thirteen. He____ be fourteen on his next birthday.

I bought a lottery ticket, but I ____  win

My dad is thirty-nine. He ____  be forty on his next birthday.

My sister Mary is fifteen. She ____ be sixteen until next year.

My brother’s clever. He____  pass all his exams.

It’s raining now. But it____  be sunny later.

Debbie and Bob are always late. They____   arrive until eight o’clock.

Упражнение 8. Опишите свои планы на день. Write about your plans for this afternoon.

Begin like this:

First I’ll have dinner. Then I’ll go for a walk. After that …

Упражнение 9.Напишите в будущем времени.

1. You can speak to him.

__________________ to him.

2. You can dance there.

__________________ there

3. We must stay here.

__________________ here

4. I can help you.

__________________ you

5. She must make sandwiches.

__________________ sandwiches.

6. She can read English books.

__________________ English books.

7. They can go to the party.

__________________ to the party.

8. They must invite their friends

__________________ their friends.

9. You can buy food there.

 __________________  food there.

10. We can grow vegetables.

__________________  vegetables.

Упражнение 10. Напишите свои мысли по поводу будущего ваших одноклассников. Write predictions about your classmates’ future.


I think Nick will be an engineer.

Упражнение 11. Что Вы будете делать на летних каникулах. What will you do in the summer holidays? Use the words from the box.

go to the theatre, go to the river, go to the zoo, collect pebbles, read books, read magazines, watch films, make friends, go sunbathing, write a diary

I think I’ll ____________

I don’t think I’ll ______________

Упражнение 12. Вы на острове, что Вы будете делать? You are on an island. What do you think you’ll do?

1. Will you live in a cave or in a village?

I think I’ll live in a cave.

2.  Will you sleep on the grass or in the tree?

I think I’ll  ________________ .

3.  Will you eat caterpillars or snakes?


4.  Will you go fishing or collect fruit?


5.  Will you wash in the sea or in the river?


6.  Will you ride a horse or an ostrich?


7. Will you make friends with dolphins or with parrots?


8. Will you drink milk or water?


Упражнение 13. Напишите предложения помощи. Write sentences offering help. Use the words in the box.

answer it, help you, close the window, buy you a drink, get уou some fruit

The phone is ringing. I’ll answer it.

  1. It’s cold in here
  2. I can’t do my Maths homework.
  3. I’m really thirsty.
  4. I’m hungry.

Упражнение 14. Do you think that in the future, you will:

1  learn a new language?
2  travel a lot?
3  move to a different country?
4  learn a musical instrument or a new musical instrument?
5  be richer?

Write sentences.

I think  I’ll   _______________

Perhaps I’ll  __________________

I don’t think I’ll  __________________


I think I’ll learn a new language. or Perhaps I’ll learn a new language. or I don’t think I’ll learn a new language.

Упражнение 15. Imagine that you will be very busy next week. Saу what you will do? Use Simple Future.


go home

— After the lessons I’ll go home

  • see
  • go to
  • buy
  • meet
  • read
  • visit
  • play
  • learn

Упражнение 16. Прочитайте текст, ответьте на вопросы.

My name is Tanya. I am a pupil. Tomorrow I will not go to school. It will be Sunday. Father and Mother will not be at home. They will go to see their friends.

Answer the questions:

1.  Why won’t Tanya go to school tomorrow?

2.  Will her Mother and Father be at home?

3.  Where will they go?

4.  What will Tanya do when her parents go to see her friends?

Упражнение 17. Раскройте скобки, используя Future Indefinite.

I ___________ (to be) at home. I ___________ (to invite) my friend Nina to come home. We_________ ( play). She __________ ( be) Big Grey Angry Wolf and I ________ ( be) Little Red Riding Hood. And who ________ (be) Granny, who lives in the forest. I think we __________ (invite) Kate to come and play with, us too.

Упражнение. Раскройте скобки, используя Future Progressive.

Tomorrow John __________ (to get up) at seven. Then he _________ (to go) to school. He __________ (to have) dinner at one. He ____________ (to come home) at three. Then he _____________ (to play) in the yard. After that he ___________ (to do) his homework.

Упражнение 18. Прочитайте, переведите на русский, подчеркните глаголы в форме Future Simple.

DAVID: What will we do tomorrow?

SUSAN: We’ll go into space. We’ll see a space school.

 DAVID: Will we see computers there?

SUSAN: Certainly we’ll do.

DAVID: Will we play computer games?

SUSAN: Yes, we will.

DAVID: Do the pupils write and count at space schools?

SUSAN: No, they don’t. The computer counts and types instead.

DAVID: Will we come back tomorrow?

SUSAN: No, we won’t.

DAVID: Will we come back in two days?

SUSAN: I hope we will.

Упражнение 19. Прочитайте текст. Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в форме Future Simple (Indefinite).

 I like to go to school. I have many good friends there. But I like Sundays more.  Soon it ____ (1 be) Sunday, and all our family  _____ (2 be ) at home. I _____ (3 get up) at 9 o’clock, and then I_____ (4 do) my morning exercises and have breakfast together with my parents. After breakfast I ____ (5 help) my mother in the kitchen and my father ____ (6 go) shopping. Then we  (7 go) for a I walk in the park or to the cinema.

After dinner my friends ____  (8 come) to me, and we ____ (9 play) together at home or in the yard. In the evening my mother ____ (10 knit), my father ____ (11 watch) a concert on TV and I ____ (12 listen) to music or read a book. I know that I ____ (13 have) a lot of fun next Sunday.

b) Найдите ответы на следующие вопросы. Find the answers to the following questions in the text and read them aloud:

  1. Will all the family be at home on Sunday?
  2. When will the boy get up?
  3. What will he do in the morning?
  4. What will he do after breakfast?
  5. Who will come after dinner?
  6. What will they do at home or in the yard?
  7. What will they do in the evening?
  8. The boy will have a lot of fun next Sunday, won’t he?

Образование отрицания и вопросов во Future Simple /Indefinite. Упражнения.

Упражнение 20. Запишите предложения во Future Simple (Indefinite).

Example: She / travel by car / next summer

+ She will travel by car next summer.

? Will she travel by car next summer?

— She won t travel by car next summer.

I /  buy a present / tomorrow

+ ________________________

— ________________________

? ________________________

We / go to the cinema / after classes

+ ________________________

— ________________________

? ________________________

Упражнение 21. Задайте всевозможные вопросы к предложению.

Helga will read King tomorrow.

 Упражнение 22. Complete the questions and short answers.

(People travel) to other planets? +

Will people travel to other planets?

Yes, they will.

  1.  (France win) the next World Cup? X
  2.  (We pass) our exams next year? +
  3. (Britney be) Number One next week? X
  4.  (I go) to university? +
  5.  (Angelina Jolie win) an Oscar next year? X
  6. (You marry) an attractive, intelligent person? +

Упражнение 23. Какова будет жизнь через 100 лет? Составьте вопросы и дайте ответы на них. What will life be like in 100 years from now? Complete the questions with will and give answers.

1  children | go | to school in 100 years?

2  people | watch | more TV than they do now?

3  people | read | fewer books?

4  people | live | longer?

5  everyone | speak | the same language?

6  the world’s climate | be | different?

7  life I be I better?


Will children go to school in 100 years?

Children will go to school in 100 years. или  Children won’t go to school in 100 years.

Упражнение 24.  Ask your partner if  he will do the following thing, after the lessons. Give answers.


Will you stay at school after the lessons?

Yes, I think I will. I’ll go to the library.

sleep in the afternoon, have lunch at home, listen to music, invite somebody home, do his (her) homework, play in the yard, help his (her) parents, go shopping, do nothing

Упражнение 25. Составьте вопросы  и ответьте на них отрицательно. Ask questions to the following sentences and answer them in the negative.

  1. We will go to the zoo on Sunday.
  2. They will go to the park next Sunday.
  3. My father will go to the country next month.
  4. My friend will come to see me on Sunday.
  5. You will see an interesting film over TV next week.

Упражнение 26. Задайте вопросы. Ask questions.

Peter will learn English in Oxford next year.

a) Who? b) What? c) When? d) Where?

Упражнение 27. Задайте вопросы к следующим предложениям. Make questions for the following sentences.

1. He will buy tickets tomorrow.

When ______________?

2. Mike will go to the railway station in the afternoon.

Who ______________?

3. Sally will go to the airport on Monday.

How ______________?

4. I think the ticket will cost 100 pounds.

How much ______________?

Упражнение 28. Запишите вопросы-предложения помощи по образцу. Write questions as in the example.

Example: We have no bread, (to go to the shop) — Shall I go to the shop?

  1. There is an interesting film on the cinema, (to buy tickets)
  2. I can’t do the exercise. It’s very difficult, (to help)
  3. The room is dirty, (to clean)
  4. It’s very hot in the room, (to open the window)
  5. We are very hungry, (to cook pizza)

Понравилось? Сохраните на будущее и поделитесь с друзьями!

Упражнение 1. Поставьте глаголы в следующих предложениях в утвердительную, вопросительную и отрицательную формы Future Simple.

1. I (to do) morning exercises.

2. He (to work) at a factory.

3. She (to sleep) after dinner.

4. We (to work) part-time.

5. They (to drink) tea every day.

6. Mike (to be) a student.

7. Helen (to have) a car.

8. You (to be) a good friend.

9. You (to be) good friends.

10. It (to be) difficult to remember everything.

Упражнение 2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Future Simple.

1. Alice (to have) a sister.

2. Her sister’s name (to be) Ann.

3. Ann (to be) a student.

4. She (to get) up at seven o’clock.

5. She (to go) to the institute in the morning.

6. Jane (to be) fond of sports.

7. She (to do) her morning exercises every day.

8. For breakfast she (to have) two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea.

9. After breakfast she (to go) to the institute.

10. Sometimes she (to take) a bus.

11. It (to take) her an hour and a half to do her homework.

12. She (to speak) English well.

13. Her friends usually (to call) her at about 8 o’clock.

14. Ann (to take) a shower before going to bed.

15. She (to go) to bed at 11 p. m.

Упражнение 3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Future Simple.

1. My working day (to begin) at six o’clock.

2. I (to get) up, (to switch) on the TV and (to brush) my teeth.

3. It (to take) me about twenty minutes.

4. I (to have) breakfast at seven o’clock.

5. I (to leave) home at half past seven.

6. I (to take) a bus to the institute.

7. It usually (to take) me about fifteen minutes to get there.

8. Classes (to begin) at eight.

9. We usually (to have) four classes a day.

10. I (to have) lunch at about 2 o’clock.

Упражнение 4. Используйте слова в скобках для образования предложений в Future Simple. Обратите внимание, в какой форме должно стоять предложение (утвердительной, вопросительной или отрицательной).

1) They _____ football at the institute. (to play)

2) She _____ emails. (not / to write)

3) ____ you____ English? (to speak)

4) My mother ____ fish. (not / to like)

5) ____ Ann ____ any friends? (to have)

6) His brother _____ in an office. (to work)

7) She ___ very fast. (cannot / to read)

8) ____ they ____ the flowers every 3 days? (to water)

9) His wife _____ a motorbike. (not / to ride)

10) ____ Elizabeth_____ coffee? (to drink)

Упражнение 5. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Она будет занята. (to be busy)

2. Я не буду занят.

3. Вы будете заняты?

4. Они будут дома? (to be at home)

5. Его не будет дома.

6. Я не буду знать.

7. Они будут знать?

8. Она не будет знать.

9. Кто будет знать?

10. Никто не будет знать.

11. Он будет читать английские книги? (to read English books)

12. Они никогда не будут читать. (never / to read)

13. У неё будет квартира? (to have a flat)

14. У него ничего не будет.

15. Кто это будет?

Правильные ответы:

Упражнение 1. 1 – will do / Will I do — ? / I will not do — (=I won’t do), 2 — will work / Will he work — ? / He will not work — (=He won’t work -), 3 – will sleep / Will she sleep — ? / She will not sleep — (=She won’t sleep -), 4 — will work / Will we work — ? / We will not work — (=We won’t work -), 5 – will drink / Will they drink — ? / The will not drink — (=They won’t drink -), 6 – will be / Will Mike be — ? / Mike will not be — (=Mike won’t be -), 7 — will have / Will Helen have — ? / Helen will not have — (=Helen won’t have -), 8 – will be / Will you be — ? / You will not be — (=You won’t be — ), 9 – will be / Will you be — ? / You will not be — (=You won’t be — ), 10 – will be / Will it be — ? / It will not be — (=It won’t be -).

Упражнение 2. 1 – will have, 2 – will be, 3 – will be, 4 – will get, 5 – will go, 6 – will be, 7 – will do, 8 – will have, 9 – will go, 10 — will take, 11 – will take, 12 – will speak, 13 – will call, 14 – will take, 15 – will go.

Упражнение 3. 1 – will begin, 2 – will get, switch, brush, 3 – will take, 4 – will have, 5 — will leave, 6 – will take, 7 – will take, 8 – will begin, 9 – will have, 10 – will have.

Упражнение 4. 1 – will play, 2 – will not (=won’t) write , 3 – Will (you) speak, 4 – will not (=won’t) like, 5 – Will (Ann) have, 6 – will work, 7 – will be able to read, 8 – Will (they) water, 9 – will not (=won’t) ride, 10 – Will (Elizabeth) drink.

Упражнение 5. 1 – She will be busy, 2 – I will not (=won’t) be busy, 3 – Will you be busy?, 4 – Will they be at home?, 5 – He will not (=won’t) be at home, 6 – I will not (=won’t) know, 7 – Will they know?, 8 – She will not (=won’t) know, 9 – Who will know?, 10 – No one (=Nobody) will know, 11 – Will he read English books?, 12 – They will never read, 13 – Will she have a flat?, 14 – He will not (=won’t) have anything (=He will have nothing), 15 – Who will it be?

Будущее простое время употребляется для:

  • для выражения действий, запланированных на будущее: I will/shall go there tomorrow. Я пойду туда завтра.
  • выражение решений, принятых в момент речи: The phone is ringing. — I’ll get it. Телефон звонит. — Я возьму трубку.
  • предсказания будущих событий, основанного на наших предположениях. Обычно используются глаголы think (думать), believe (верить), expect (ожидать), а также выражения be sure (быть уверенным), be afraid (бояться) и наречия probably (наверно, вероятно), certainly (конечно, непременно), perhaps (возможно, может быть): They will probably call me later. — Они вероятно позвонят мне позже.
  • выражения обещаний, угроз, предупреждений, просьб, надежд и предложений. Will you help me with this task? Ты поможешь мне с этим заданием? I won’t tell anyone your secret. Я никому не расскажу твой секрет.
  • выражения действий, описания событий, которые непременно произойдут в будущем и на которые мы не можем повлиять. Jane will be five in January. Джейн исполнится 5 в январе.

Сейчас проверим, насколько хорошо Вы дружите с будущем простым временем).


  • 1 Exercise 1. Запишите предложения в Future Simple Tense.
  • 2 Exercise 2. Сделайте предложения отрицательными и вопросительными.
  • 3 Exercise 3. Дайте краткие ответы на вопросы.
  • 4 Exercise 4. Составьте вопрос к выделенным словосочетаниям.
  • 5 Exercise 5. Составьте предложения, расставив слова в верном порядке.
  • 6 Exercise 6. Дополните предложения правильной формой глагола в скобках и прочитайте шутку.
  • 7 Exercise 7. Переведите на английский язык.

Exercise 1. Запишите предложения в Future Simple Tense.

  1. Amanda/move/to a new flat/next month.
  2. Daniel/attend/language courses/next year.
  3.  His cousin/buy/the tickets for the plane/in two days.
  4.  Our students/study/philosophy/next term.
  5.  I/do the ironing/after dinner.
  6.  We/have/History exam/in three days.
  7.  Larry and Tom/go/to the skating-rink/in an hour.
  8.  You/write/the invitations/for the party/tomorrow.
  9.  Mark/go/to the swimming-pool/next Tuesday.
  10.  They/leave/for Berlin/in a week.

Answers:  1.Amanda will move to a new flat next month. 2. Daniel will attend language courses next year. 3.His cousin will buy the tickets for the plane in two days. 4.Our students will study philosophy next semester. 5. I will do the ironing after dinner. 6. We will have the History exam in three days. 7.Larry and Tom will go to the skating- rink in an hour. 8. You will write the invitations for the party tomorrow. 9. Mark will go to the swimming-pool next Tuesday. 10. They will leave for Berlin in a week.

Exercise 2. Сделайте предложения отрицательными и вопросительными.

синий экзорцист

  1.  They will sail this yacht next summer.
  2.  He will show you our city.
  3.  Nora will plant flowers tomorrow.
  4.  They will organize the meeting next Friday.
  5.  You’ll spend next month in the language camp.
  6. Monica and Sam will clean the flat tomorrow.
  7.  She will put on her warm sweater.
  8.  He will buy some fruit.
  9.  People will travel to other planets in future.
  10.  It will rain tomorrow.

Answers:  1.They won’t sail this yacht next summer. Will they sail this yacht next summer? 2. He won’t show you our city. Will he show you our city? 3.Nora won’t plant flowers tomorrow. Will Nora plant flowers tomorrow? 4. They won’t organize the meeting next Friday. Will they organize the meeting next Friday? 5. You won’t spend next month in the language camp. Will you spend next month in the language camp?
6. Monica and Sam won’t clean the flat tomorrow. Will Monica and Sam clean the flat tomorrow? 7. She won’t put on her warm sweater. Will she put on her warm sweater? 8. He won’t buy any fruit. Will he buy any fruit? 9. People won’t travel to other planets in future. Will people travel to other planets in future? 10. It won’t rain tomorrow. Will it rain tomorrow?

Exercise 3. Дайте краткие ответы на вопросы.


  1. Will they join us for the party? — Yes, … .
  2. Will you dance at the concert? — No, ….
  3. Will Pamela come to celebrate New Year with us? — Yes,….
  4. Will Peter and Frank meet us tomorrow? — Yes, … .
  5. Will Julia help me with the translation? — Yes, … .
  6. Will you feed the dog? — No, … .
  7. Will Henry repair my motor-bike? — No, ….
  8.  Will your parents buy you a new computer? — Yes, … .
  9. Will Diana prepare the documents? — Yes, ….
  10. Will this cat catch mice? — Yes…….

Answers:  1. Yes, they will. 2. No, I won’t. 3. Yes, she will. 4. Yes, they will. 5. Yes, she will. 6.No, I won’t. 7. No, he won’t. 8. Yes, they will. 9. Yes, she will. 10. Yes, it will.

Exercise 4. Составьте вопрос к выделенным словосочетаниям.


 специальные вопросы в будущем простом времени, слова размещают в таком порядке: вопросительное слово (Wh-word), вспомогательный глагол will, подлежащее, глагол-сказуемое.
Wh-word + will + you/he/she/it/they + V,?
What will he do tomorrow?
Where will they spend the holidays?
Who will come to you?


  1. The postman will deliver fresh newspapers in the morning.
  2. We will have a picnic in the park.
  3. Her brother will translate this article next week.
  4. Alex will return home at seven o’clock.
  5. You will read my report very attentively.
  6.  My friend will soon send me an e-mail letter.
  7. Her cousin will give you some discs in two days.
  8.  Jane will learn this poem.
  9.  My mother will feed the fish in the evening.
  10.  They will drive to the country next Sunday.

Answers:  1. What will the postman deliver in the morning? When will the postman deliver fresh newspapers? 2. Who will have a picnic in the park? Where will we have a picnic? 3.Whose brother will translate this article next week? What will her brother do next week? 4. Where will Alex return at seven o’clock? When (What time) will Alex return home? 5. Whose report will you read very attentively? How will you read my report? 6.Whom will my friend soon send an e-mail letter? What letter will my friend send me soon? 7.Who will give you some discs in two days? When will her cousin give you some discs? 8. What will Jane do? What will Jane learn? 9. Whose mother will feed the fish in the evening? What will my mother feed in the evening? 10.Who will drive to the country next Sunday? Where will they drive next Sunday?

Exercise 5. Составьте предложения, расставив слова в верном порядке.


  1.  they/trip/return/When/their/will/from?
  2.  tomorrow/the/sign/Our/morning/will/boss/documents.
  3. not/early/bed/will/to/tonight/I/go.
  4. publish/in/They/article/the/newspaper/will/your/local.
  5. problem/they/solve/this/will/How?
  6. for/will/birthday/What/give/you/her/her?
  7. after/They/not/me/classes/meet/will.
  8. receive/the/in/The/documents/morning/will/secretary/the.
  9. you/Where/from/the/will/flat/put/your/key?
  10. Next/will/in/train/minutes/arrive/twenty.

Answers:  1.When will they return from their trip? 2.Our boss will sign the documents tomorrow morning. 3. I will not go to bed early tonight. 4.They will publish your article in the local newspaper. 5. How will they solve this problem? 6. What will you give her for her birthday? 7. They will not meet me after classes. 8.The secretary will receive the documents in the morning. 9. Where will you put the key from your flat? 10.Next train will arrive in twenty minutes.

Exercise 6. Дополните предложения правильной формой глагола в скобках и прочитайте шутку.


One day a woman goes along the street and sees a beautiful bracelet in the window of a jewellery shop. She decides that she wants it. So she comes into the shop and asks the shop assistant, «… you … (to show) me this bracelet?» «Here you are, madam», answers the shop-assistant and gives her the bracelet. «Unfortunately, I haven’t enough money with me, but I want to buy it very much. … you … (to hold) the bracelet for me if I pay you a small deposit?» asks the woman. «I … (to hold) this bracelet if you pay £50», answers the shop assistant. «But when … you … (to come) to pay the rest of money and collect it?» «My husband … (to come) and pay for the bracelet as soon as he does something unforgivable. Perhaps he … (to come) this weekend», answers the woman.

Answers:  So she comes into the shop and asks the shop assistant, «Will you show me this bracelet?» «Here you are, madam», answers the shop assistant and gives her the bracelet. «Will you hold the bracelet for me if I pay you a small deposit?» asks the woman. «I will hold this bracelet if you pay £50», answers the shop assistant. «But when will you come to pay the rest of money and collect it?» «My husband will come and pay for the bracelet as soon as he does something unforgivable. Perhaps he will come this weekend», answers the woman.

Exercise 7. Переведите на английский язык.


  1.  Я помогу вам организовать выставку.
  2.  Мы будем обедать через пол часа.
  3.  Она не пойдет в школу завтра. Она будет готовится к соревнованиям.
  4. Мои друзья не будут принимать участия в концерте.
  5. Вы будете пить чай с нами? — Да.
  6.  Куда они поедут следующим летом? — Они поедут в Италию.
  7.  Мне показать вам дорогу к отелю? — Да, пожалуйста.
  8.  Когда твой муж закончит работу? — Думаю, он придет домой через час.
  9. Не посетить ли нам твоего двоюродного брата на выходных?  — Хорошая идея.
  10. Что твоя бабушка приготовит на обед?? — Она приготовит суп и рыбный пирог.
  11.  Нам помыть посуду? — Нет, спасибо.
  12.  Вы возьмете такси? — Нет, мы поедем на автобусе.
  13.  Где мальчики будут играть в футбол? — Они будут играть в футбол возле нашего дома.
  14. Мне заказать пиццу? — Нет, мы сами приготовим пиццу.
  15.  Он позвонит вам вечером? — Да.

Answers:  1.I’ll help you to organize the exhibition. 2.We’ll have dinner in half an hour. 3. She won’t come to school tomorrow. She’ll prepare for the competition. 4. My friends won’t take part in the concert. 5. Will you have tea with us? — Yes, I will. 6. Where will they go next summer? — They will go to Italy. 7. Shall I show you the way to the hotel? — Yes, please. 8. When will your husband finish the work? — I think he will come home in an hour. 9. Shall we visit your cousin at the weekend? — Good idea. 10. What will your Granny cook for dinner? — She will cook soup and a fish pie. 11. Shall we wash the dishes? — No, thank you. 12.Will you take a taxi? — No, we’ll go by bus. 13. Where will the boys play football? — They will play football near our house. 14. Shall I order pizza? — No, we’ll make pizza ourselves. 15. Will he phone you in the evening? — Yes, he will.




  1. Павличенко О.М. Английский язык. Грамматический практикум. II уровень. — 2-е изд., испр. и доп. — X.: Ранок, 2012. — 304 с.

Данный урок посвящен тренировке употребления времени Future Simple (простое будущее) в английском языке.

В этом уроке 8 упражнений с ответами, и вы сразу же можете проверить правильность их выполнения.

Изучать также: 

  • Примеры предложений в Future Simple

Let’s go!

Упражнение 1. Соотнесите полную и краткую форму

Далее в упражнениях можно использовать полную форму will или сокращенную форму ‘ll, в отрицательной форме will not или won’t.

Упражнение 3. Заполните пропуски глаголом из рамочки в Future Simple

study         clean         ride         speak        go         play         call          wear           eat

Упражнение 4. Напишите глаголы в отрицательной форме Future Simple

Упражнение 5. Перетащите подходящие глаголы в нужные предложения

Упражнение 6. Составьте вопросы в Future Simple

Упражнение 7. Допишите краткие ответы

В утвердительных кратких ответах в Future Simple не используется совращенная форма ‘ll.

Упражнение 8. Отметьте предложения без ошибок


Вам может быть интересно:

  • Тест на Future Simple в английском языке
  • Упражнения на will и going to с ответами
  • Упражнения на Present Continuous с ответами
  • Упражнения на времена английского с ответами
  • Тест на времена английского глагола

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