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  • 1. rac Iceexam papersFor the Revised CambridgeFCE
    ExaminationVirginia EvansExpress Publishing

2. Published by Express PublishingLiberty House, New Greenham
Park,Newbury, Berkshire RG19 6HWTel: (0044) 1635817363 — Fax:
(0044) 1635817463e-mail:
[email protected]://www.expresspublishing.co.uk
Virginia Evans, 2008Design Express Publishing, 2008First published
2008Third impression 2009Made in EUAll rights reserved. No part of
this publication may be reproduced,stored in a retrieval system or
transmitted in any form, or by anymeans, electronic, photocopying
or otherwise, without the priorwritten permission of the
publishers.This book is not meant to be changed in any way.ISBN
978-1-84862-250-0AcknowledgementsAuthors’ AcknowledgementsWe would
like to thank all the staff at Express Publishing who have
contributed their skills toproducing this book. Thanks for their
support and patience are due in particular to: Megan Lawton(Editor
in Chief); Mary Swan and Sean Todd (senior editors); Michael Sadler
and Steve Miller(editorial assistants); Richard White (senior
production controller); the Express design team;Sweetspot
(recording producers); and Kevin Harris, Kimberly Baker, Steven
Gibbs and ChristineLittle. We would also like to thank those
institutions and teachers who piloted the manuscript, andwhose
comments and feedback were invaluable in the production of the
book.Every etTort has been made to trace all the copyright holders.
If any have been inadvertently overlooked,the publishers will be
pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first
opportunity. 3. ContentsPractice Test 1
6Practice Test 2
18Practice Test 3
30Practice Test 4
42Practice Test 5
54Practice Test 6
66Practice Test 7
.. 78Practice Test 8
90Practice Test 9
102Practice Test 10
114Further Practice on Word Distractors
127Further Practice on ‘Key’ Word Transformations
……………………………………….. 134Further Practice
on Word Formation
140Glossary to Practice Tests (Paper 3 — Part I)
………………………………………………. 143Glossary
to Further Practice on Word Distractors
………………………………………. 152Answer Sheets
1633 4. DescriptionPaper Format & Timing Tasks & Marking
SchemeReading (1 hour)Part 1 multiple choice Part 1 a text followed
by 8 questions, each with 4options (A, B, C or D). Each
correctanswer receives 2 marks.Part 2 gapped text Part 2 a text
from which 7 sentences have beenremoved and given in jumbled order
afterthe text. Each correct answer receives 2marks.Part 3 multiple
matching Part 3 one long text or several shorter textspreceded by
15 multiple-matching questions.Each correct answer receives 1
mark.Writing (1 hour 20 minutes)Question 1 Part 1 writing a letter
or email based on writtenPart 1 letter/email (120-150 words) input
material givencompulsory taskQuestions 2-4Part 2 letter /article/
essay/report/review /story Part 2 writing one of the four
tasks(120-180 words)Question 5 (two
options)article/essay/letter/report/review based onone of two
prescribed reading texts(120-180 words) Each question carries equal
marks.Use of English (45 minutes)Part 1 mUltiple choice cloze Part
1 a cloze test with 12 gaps followed by4-option multiple-choice
itemsEach correct answer receives 1 mark.Part 2 open cloze Part 2 a
cloze test with 12 gapsEach correct answer receives 1 mark.Part 3
word formation Part 3 a text with 10 gaps to be filled in with a
wordderived from the stem given beside the textEach correct answer
receives 1 mark.Part 4 key word transformations Part 4 8 gapped
sentences to be completed withbetween two and five words one of
which isgiven, so that each means the same as thelead-in
sentenceEach correct answer receives up to 2 marks. 5. 6You are
going to read an extract from a novel. For questions 1-8, choose
the answer (A, B, C or D) whichyou think fits best according to the
text. Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.I chose a
small house on the edge of the city. It was an ideal place for me,
because I wanted freshmountain air, space, privacy, a place where
one could feel the presence of ancient gods and the spiritsof
nature. The house was merely an empty shell, but I chose it because
it was on the sunny side ofthe valley, high enough to have a good
view over the town, with sufficient breeze to diminish
theoccasionally stupefying heat. It took me a good year to make the
place inhabitable.The first thing that I did was to dig out the
well at the side of the house, which had caved in on itselfand was
full of mud and rocks. I was helped in this by a Frenchman named
Antoine, a man ofconsiderable culture who had chosen to live here
because he was attached to the people, with whomhe had arrived in
the original immigration. We repaired the walls and the roof of the
house, andpainted the rooms completely white so that they became
suddenly clean, bright, and spacious.Antoine and I managed, at some
danger to ourselves, to install electricity by connecting up a
cableto the faltering system invented by a teacher. This man was
Professor Luis, who had set up a row ofwindmills to generate power;
this was perfectly adequate for lighting, but was somewhat feeble
whenhigh amperage was required, so that the electric cooker that I
had flown in by helicopter turned outto be more use as a storage
cupboard.It often happens when setting up a house that one finds
quite suddenly that there is an urgent needfor some item overlooked
during the last expedition. The track down from my house was a
deeplyline 18 pitted one that served as a watercourse each time
that it rained, and although I have stabilised itsince, it was to
begin with only negotiable on foot or by mule, or by Antoine’s
ancient three-wheeledtractor. This tractor had been half-buried in
the mud of the flood at Chiriguana, but Senor Vivo’sfather, who is
in fact General Sosa, governor of Cesar, had it dug out and brought
in slung under avast helicopter gunship, at his son’s request. It
is commonly said in this country that General So sa isthe only
member of the military hierarchy who ever does anything
useful.There was, at the far end of the town, a tienda that sold
goods brought in by mule-train fromIpasueno, and so every few days
I would find myself rattling and bumping my way to it on
Antoine’sformidable old tractor. This shop was owned by a
middle-aged couple who left the running of it totheir daughter, a
girl of twenty or so years whose name was Ena, as I discovered by
overhearing thefather asking of her the price of a bottle of Ron
Cana.Ena was small and strongly built; usually she wore a plain,
faded blue dress, and her feet were alwaysbare. Sometimes I used to
think that her head was very slightly too large for her, but she
had anappealing and serene face framed by her long black hair. She
reminded me forcibly of a Greek girlwith whom I had once been in
love, for she had the same smooth and soft olive skin, and big
browneyes beneath eyebrows almost heavy enough to meet in the
middle. On her forearms were the tracesof soft black downy hair,
which to be frank, is something that has always driven me crazy,
and herfingers were slim and elegant.The best thing about her,
however, was her elfin spirit; she had an air of quiet amusement,
aninnocent devilry, that gave her the aura of having existed from
all eternity, and of being able to seethe funny side of everything.
I perceived that she had a streak of mischief in her. as was to be
revealedwhen I discovered how it was that she had kept me for so
long in ignorance. 6. What attracted the writer to the house?A
where it was locatedB how big it wase the view it gave of the
valleyD the condition it was inAccording to the writer, AntoineA
had recently arrived.B liked to keep to himself.e was a foreigner.D
painted for a living.3 What impression does the writer give of the
electricity supply?A It was too dangerous to use.B It didn’t always
work properly.e It only worked when it was windy.D It was a very
reliable system.Practice Test 1Read the text once quickly to geta
general idea of what it is about,before looking at the questions.4
The writer uses the phrase ‘served as a watercourse’ (line 18) to
show that the pathA had many deep holes.B was difficult to walk
on.e was sometimes flooded.D needed to be repaired.5 Why was
General Sosa unlike other military officers?A He liked helping his
relatives.B He was in charge of the area.e He managed to get things
done.D He had his own private helicopter.How did the writer find
out what Ena’s name was?A Her father told him when he asked.B
Someone mentioned her name.e He heard a customer asking for her.D
Antoine gave him the information.7 What criticism of Ena does the
writer make?A She never wore shoes .. B She wasn’t interested in
clothes.e Her eyebrows were too thick.D Her head seemed to be too
big.8 What did the writer like best about Ena?A her sense of
humourB her physical appearancee her innocent ignoranceD her
resemblance to someone7 7. 8Practice Test 1PART 2You are going to
read an article about a white-water rafting adventure. Seven
sentences have beenremoved from the article. Choose from the
sentences A-H the one which fits each gap (9-15). There is oneextra
sentence which you do not need to use. Mark your answers on the
separate answer sheet.A Coward’s AdventureEven though I’m a writer
for OutdoorAdventures Magazine, everyone at my office knowsin
actual fact I’m a bit wary of anything remotelyresembling an
«outdoor adventure.» That’s why myboss likes to give me these
projects. He thinks I’mthe perfect candidate because, like most
people,I’m often afraid to try something new. However,upon my
return from an assignment I have usuallynot only conquered any
fears I originally had, butalso become quite an enthusiast of the
activity aswell!This month’s hair-raising adventure —
whitewaterrafting — was no exception. The minuy m]boss told me
about it, I felt very nervous.1IBut now that I’ve completed the
assignment, I’mhappy to report that I found it extremely
enjoyable.In order to get some information about whitewaterrafting,
I called Nigel Dossett, who runsScotland’s foremost white-water
rafting centre inPerth. The first thing he told me was that not
allrafting trips are the same. liD It’s importantfor the public to
be aware of this before booking atrip, in order to determine how
hard or easy arafting course should be. The goal is to spend
moretime in the raft than in the water, so it’s best to takeit easy
the first time out.Upon my arrival at Nigel’s Extreme Raft
WorldCentre, I saw that there were several dOZr pr plethere for the
day’s rafting activities. m Wewere then given a safety briefing
about some of thedangers to watch out for, such as boulders,
fallentrees, sharp underwater rocks, waves and anythingelse that
could block a raft’s forward movement.We were put into groups of
six, plus a IgUi, e,based on skill and level of experience. lEI
Iput on my wetsuit, life jacket and crash helmet andclimbed aboard,
hoping he was right. With the firstfew strokes of the paddle, I
could feel excitementbegin to replace my fear. The river caught us
in agentle flowing motion, rocking and pulling ussmoothly towards
the first rapid.Suddenly our guide shouted «Forward paddle!»and
everyone started paddling excitedly. Westeered around boulders as
huge waves crashedover us, soaking the entire boat. 1110 It
wasremarkable how much team spirit had sprung upimmediately between
the members of my boat.We eventually stopped for lunch at a
lov~oton the river under a huge oak tree. II U Itwas satisfying to
see that such an exciting and funsport could be enjoyed by such a
wide variety ofpeople.My trip was much better than I had
expected,and the scenery, the accommodation, the rushingriver and
the thrill of the ride were all amazing. lEI 0 I recommend it for
anyone, from the fitto the couch potato, the young to the old, and
evenfor cowards like yours truly! 8. Practice Test 1A Nigel began
by explaining the differences in E Chatting as we relaxed, I found
thatthe difficulty levels and asked us to be honest everyone’s
background was different,about our paddling experience. including a
stockbroker and a housewife.B Without a doubt, white-water rafting
is one F It all depends on what each individual feelsof the most
exciting outdoor adventures. like doing on that particular day.C
Although we were drenched, everyone was G I was in a medium
difficulty group, and ourlaughing and yelling as we worked together
guide assured us that the ride would be lotsto drive the raft
forward. of fun without being too dangerous.D The thought of
battling raging river rapids in H He said that rapids are broken
down intoa flimsy rubber boat was almost enough to different
classifications — anything from verymake me call in sick. calm to
very dangerous.Don’t be alarmed by the amount of text in this part
— it is not necessary to understand everything inorder to answer
the questions correctly.9 9. 10Practice Test 1PART 3You are going
to read a magazine article about one-day travel destinations. For
questions 16-35, choosefrom the people (A-E). The people may be
chosen more than once.Mark your answers on the separate answer
sheet.~ Read the rubric and instructions carefully to identify the
type of text and what you have to read it for.admits that something
is not to her taste? _0enjoys watching people living their everyday
lives? . 0Which person or peoplementions the fact that something is
inexpensive? _0mentions a long tradition associated with the place
she visits? l1l:I0suggests she spends a lot of money at her
favourite destination? _ 0like an area where there are not a lot of
other people? _ 0 _ 0visits a place which gives her ideas related
to her job? _ 0sometimes has company when she visits her favourite
place? _ _0says she doesn’t visit as frequently as she would like?
discovered her favourite destination purely by chance? _
0appreciate a lack of noise? _0 _0l_-=ention how long it takes them
to get there? _0 _0 10. :Practice Test 1Great Escapes from
LondonFor Londoners with a busy lifestyle, it’s hard to get away
even for a day, butAmanda Hyslop spoke to five different women who
regularly do exactly that.Julia Finch is a busy lawyer who loves
naturebut doesn’t get nearly enough of it sitting in herLondon
office all day, so she often takesadvantage of Wisley Garden, only
an hour’sdrive from Central London. «My favourite thingis that
there is always something new to see.The garden collection has been
developing formore than 100 years and far surpasses anythingI’ve
ever seen. It’s a lovely, peaceful place for astroll, and it’s so
vast that it doesn’t get crowded.I get ideas for my own garden from
the greatdemonstration gardens full of practical ideasand
techniques. I can even incorporate myother favourite hobby of
photography bybringing my camera and clicking away. It ‘sperfect
for a great day out.»Jessica Green is a hardworking student
whoneeds a break from the books once in a while,and makes Brighton
her favourite one-daydestination. «I love being by the sea, and
it’s soclose to London that whenever I feel like it, Ijust jump on
a train and in 55 minutes I’m there.Brighton evolved from a small
fishing villageinto England’s most famous seaside resort, andoffers
all the traditional attractions, includingrestaurants, nightlife,
miles of sandy beachesand two piers. I always eat at this great
selfservicerestaurant, which is also modestly priced.My favourite
spot, though, is a small strip ofsand under one of the piers, where
I can just sitall alone and hear nothing but the sea.»Martha
Roberts is an architect who enjoysher job so much that her work is
also herhobby. «My favourite piece of architecture tostudy in my
free time is The Royal Pavilion inBrighton. I try to get some of my
co-workersto go with me, since it isn’t all that far fromLondon,
but they’re usually too busy. ThePavilion was built for King George
IV and ifever a building represented the concept of’over the top’,
this is it. The pseudo Indianpalace, with Chinese-influenced
interiors, is ariot of colour, expensive fabrics, crystal andgilt.
It’s not the sort of style I would ever likein my own house, but I
do find inspiration formy work in everything I look at.» Flora
Evans, a market analyst, feels shedeserves an expensive treat after
a busy week,which is why she often takes time to get away.»I go to
Bath to visit my favourite luxury spaand enjoy the pools, which are
fed by Britain’sonly natural hot springs. Sitting in the pool,with
only the soft, gentle sound of movingwater, is the ideal way to
relax. And of course,a day of pampering is never complete
withoutsome shopping. Bath is one of the bestshopping destinations
outside London, withmany specialist shops and a number of
antiqueshops tucked away in the narrow streets. Agood souvenir to
buy is hand-blown glass,which takes its blue colour from the city’s
hotsprings.»Elizabeth Dosset, a sales assistant at a popular
department store, happened upon her favouritedestination by
accident. «I was on a trip to Stonehenge, but the site was closed
and I ended up in thesmall market town of Salisbury, just a short
distance away. There are not many residents and notmany visitors,
either, which is perfect since I need a break from all the people I
deal with every day. Icouldn’t believe that a market still takes
place regularly in the town’s market place, just as it has
donesince the 13th century. My favourite thing to do is observe the
shopkeepers going about their businessand see people running
errands or just having some tea. The town is so charming and quaint
that I tryto go at least once a month. I wish I could go more
often, though.»11 11. 12PART 1You must answer this question. Write
your answer in 120-150 words in an appropriate style.1 Your school
head teacher has given your email address to an English exchange
student called Rupert,who will be attending your school for a term.
Rupert has written to you requesting certain information.Read his
email and the notes you have made. Then write an email to Rupert,
using all your notes.Read the rubriccarefully, underliningthe key
words/ phrases.They will help you dothe task.emailFrom: Rupert
EngletonSent: 25 MaySubject: Some QuestionsHello,I received your
email address from your head teacher a few weeks No, but …ago.
Can you please answer some questions for me? ~Firstly, I was
wondering whether the school has a pool, since I’m akeen swimmer.
——- Yes-answerhis questionsI was also wondering whether there
is a computer lab. If so, howmany computers are there and what are
the opening hours?Also, are there any after-school activities? Can
you tell me aboutsome of them?Finally, I would be interested to
know if you enjoy going to yourschool. If so, what do you
particularly like about it? _____Yours sincerely,RupertWrite your
email. You must use grammatically correct sentences with accurate
spelling andpunctuation in a style appropriate for the
situation.Yes-givedetailsTell him 12. PART 2Write an answer to one
of the questions 2-4 in this part.Write your answer in 120-180
words in an appropriate style.2 You have seen this announcement in
an international music magazine:MUSIC AROUND THE WORLDWe are
planning to publish a number of articles on different types of
music peoplelisten to.Write an article about the music people
listen to in your country. Tell us whatmusic people like to listen
to and why.The best article will be published in our magazine.Write
your article.You recently saw this notice in a travel magazine
called Destinations.Reviews needed!Have you been on a resort
holiday recently? If so, could you write us a reviewabout it?
Include information about the resort you went to (such as
facilities,accommodation, cost and so on) and say whether you would
recommend theholiday to other people.The best reviews will be
published next month.Write your review.Practice Test 1You are
studying English at a language school and have decided to enter a
short story competition whichthe school is organising . The
competition rules say that the story must begin with the following
sentence:Simon could not believe the news he had just received over
the phone.Write your story for the competition.When writing a
story, you must not change the given sentence in any way. Also
establish from thesentence what person and number the story is to
be written in.13 13. 14PART 1For questions 1-12, read the text
below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.
Thereis an example at the beginning (0). Mark your answers on the
separate answer sheet.Example:o A above B over C beyond D past o
ABC 0 c::J _ c::J c::JRead the whole text first to get an idea of
its theme(s) and content.——-ROLLS-ROYCEThe name Rolls-Royce has
been associated with high-quality cars for (0) ….. a century. The
first RollsRoycewas produced in 1905, as the result of the (1)
….. efforts of Charles Stewart Rolls and FrederickHenry
Royce.Rolls, an upper-class Londoner who was (2) ….. at Eton and
Cambridge University, started a company in1902 to sell motor-cars.
Royce, an engineering genius, (3) ….. from a working-class
background. He beganhis apprenticeship in a railway workshop at the
age of 14, but by the age of 21 he had (4) ….. up his
ownengineering business. Royce designed several motor-cars, and his
first experimental model (5) ….. in 1903.(6) ….. after that,
Charles Rolls and Henry Royce met, (7) ….. the Rolls-Royce
manufacturing firm in 1904.Royce designed the motor-cars and Rolls
sold them. Rolls, who had (8) ….. himself a reputation as a
keenracing motorist, also had a passion for flying. In 1910, at the
age of only 33, he sadly (9) ….. his death in aplane crash — in
(10) ….. , he was the first Englishman to die in this way. Royce,
however, continued workon their shared dream, and (11) ….. to
develop his first aero-engine in 1915. The Rolls-Royce Merlin
aeroenginelater powered British fighter aeroplanes in World War II.
On Royce’s death in 1933, the famousRolls-Royce monogram was
changed from red to black as a (12) ….. of respect for the great
man.—)1 A connected B mixed C combined D collected2 A educated B
schooled C taught D trained3 A grew B arrived C came D arose4 A put
B made C set D brought5 A appeared B showed C presented D
developed6 A Early B Shortly C Briefly D Quickly7 A shaping B
forming C building D constructing8 A earned B awarded C deserved D
succeeded9 A got B knew C found D met10 A spite B case C order D
fact11 A kept up B went on C got by D saw through12 A note B
message C signal D sign 14. Practice Test 1PART 2For questions
13-24, read the text below and think of the word which best fits
each gap. Use only one wordin each gap. There is an example at the
beginning (0).Write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate
answer sheet.Example: ~ I B I E I E I N I I I I I I I I I I I I1frJ
Read the title of the text carefully as it is a summary of what you
are going to read.Traditional Cooking_- new school of cookery has
opened in France. «The Friends of French Cookery» has (0)
………. started by_ group of grandmothers who are anxious to
keep traditional food and cooking techniques alive. They are19ainst
the modem-day use (13) ………. freezers, microwaves and TV
dinners._ — ne of these grandmothers have (14) ………. any
experience as professional cooks, and they run their001 (15)
………. being paid. They are motivated only by a desire to
produce good quality, tasty food. They-e especially keen to teach
the younger generation (16) ………. to cook traditional dishes,
and to convincethat traditional food is better (17) ……….
convenience foods and take-aways.- e grandmothers run cookery
courses two or three times a week, and the fee is about -20, (18)
……… .udes tuition and lunch.of the recipes are traditional,
and some of (19) ………. have ancient legends attached (20)
………. them.: seasonal ingredients (21) ………. used.»-‘- ..
courses are great fun, and tourists join (22) ………. with the
locals (23) ………. they work together tote a delicious meal.
(24) ………. midday they all sit down at long tables to eat a
three-course lunch.15 15. 16Practice Test 1PART 3For questions
25-34, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the
end of some of the lines toform a word that fits in the gap in the
same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).Write your
answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet.After
reading the text once quickly, identify what part of speech the
given word is and what sort ofchanges you need to make.Becoming a
Top AthleteTo be (0) …………… in a sport requires a number
of things includingambition and (25) ……………. Without these
qualities, it is very difficultto compete at a high level. Most of
the famous sportspeople we knowtoday began training during their
(26) …………… in order to reach theirpeak while still
comparatively young.Athletes should pay careful (27)
…………… to their diet, because(28) …………… food is
essential for maintaining a strong body which isless liable to
suffer injury. Diet is also important because it must beadequate to
support such (29) …………… activity.It is also necessary to
have the (30) …………… to succeed. Athletes willoften
encounter temporary (31) …………… on their road to
eventualsuccess, and they must mentally prepare themselves so that
this type of(32) …………… doesn’t have too strong a negative
effect on their future(33) ……………. Even if a sufficiently
talented athlete puts in the timeand effort required, they will
also need (34) …………… , and perhaps alittle luck, in order
16. Practice Test 1PART 4For questions 35-42, complete the second
sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence,using the word given. Do not change the word given. You
must use between two and five words,including the word given. Here
is an example (0).Example:o A very nice man gave us
.a very nice man.Example: ~ I WERE GIVEN DIRECTIONS BYRead the
whole sentence, look at the key wordand then try to work out what
the question istesting (passive, conditionals, etc).Write only the
missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet.35
Please don’t touch the exhibits.RAmERI
touch the exhibits.It’s a good thing you gave me a lift or I would
have been late for my interview.GIVENI would have been late for my
me a lift.Please do not drop litter in the park.REQUESTEDYou
drop litter in the park.He doesn’t get on with his
colleagues.TERMSHe is not
with his colleagues.Light travels faster than sound.TRAVELSound
as light.He could not explain why he was always late to
work.ACCOUNTHe could not
late to work.boss wouldn’t let us go home until we had done our
work .. tIDEboss
our work before we went home.had never been to a theme park
I had ever been to a theme park.17 17. 18PART 1You are going to
read an article about a music festival. For questions 1-8, choose
tl’1’e answer (A, B, CorD) which you think fits best according to
the text. Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.The
Glastonbury FestivalEntering the already crowded festival site,
Iwas a little uneasy. I’d heard discouraging tales ofmuddy fields,
shocking toilet facilities and notbeing able to find your tent
among so manyothers exactly the same as yours. I had, of
course,tried to prepare for every eventuality. In myrucksack were a
brightly coloured flag to raiseabove my tent so I could find it
easily, brightgreen wellington boots and — just in case the sundid
come out — some suncream. As it turned out,all of them proved to be
very useful.The three-day Glastonbury Festival of
ContemporaryPerforming Arts, held on WorthyFarm in Somerset every
June, is the largest openairmusic festival in the world. The
festival grewfrom humble beginnings in 1970 into the massiveevent
it is today. The main organiser of thefestival is the farm’s owner,
Michael Eavis, whostarted it all up because he likes music, and he
stillmakes the final choice of which big-name bandswill appear.
Over 100,000 tickets were sold thisyear, which is a lot of
organisation for one farmer.(In fact he does hire a music
promotionorganisation to help him sort out all thecomplications of
running such a huge festival, sohe isn’t quite all on his own.)But
it’s not just music at the festival. As Iwandered about the site,
looking for somewhereto pitch my tent, I realised that this was,
indeed, afestival of performing arts. There were theatretents,
dance performances, jugglers and mimeartists all over the site. You
certainly wouldn’tstarve in this place, either. I’d never seen so
manyfood stalls in my life. Whether you prefer Thai,Indian and
African, to mention just a few, or evengood old English staples
such as jacket potatoes,there was something for everyone.Mer a
pleasant evening of meeting peopleline 39 from every imaginable
walk of life and dancingthe night away at the dance village, I
awoke to thesounds of thunder and lightning. The downpouronly
lasted a couple of hours, but it was still oneof the worst
rainstorms of the past 100 years. Iwas one of the lucky ones.
Although my tentleaked a bit and my clothing was damper than Iwould
have liked, at least I was on high ground.Some poor souls who had
camped further downthe hill had to try to retrieve whatever
belongingsthey could from tents submerged under four feetof water.
The organisers did an efficient job ofmopping up most of the water
fairly quickly, butthere was no escaping the mud.
Festival-goersdidn’t let that dampen their spirits in the
least,though, and thanks to my green wellies, nor did 1.The famous
Pyramid Stage had its usual lineupof great bands and there were
plenty of bignames playing on the Other Stage, too. In fact,there
are so many stages, with so many differenttypes of music and things
going on, that it can bereally difficult getting to see and do
everythingyou want to. I found myself running from onevenue to the
next, trying to catch at least part ofmy favourite acts, and still
missed a fewaltogether.Then it was all over, and I had to pack up
mymud-caked belongings and head back to the realworld again. It had
been a pleasant surprise todiscover that 100,000 people crammed
intomuddy fields in basic conditions (the stories I’dbeen told
about the toilets were true) can stillmanage to have the’ time of
their lives. Ticketsaren’t cheap, but since over 1 million
inproceeds from the festival goes to charity, itwould be childish
to complain. I left clutching thehandcrafted souvenirs bought from
various stalls,and with a warm, happy feeling that I’m sure
isshared by anyone who has experienced the magicof the Glastonbury
Festival. 18. Practice Test 2’I’ 1 When the writer arrived at the
festival, sheA was afraid she might not enjoy it.B had to walk
across muddy fields.C was wearing wellington boots.D was shocked by
the toilets.Read only the question or questionstems, not the
options, and underlinethe key words. This will help youread more
effectively later.2 The organisation of the festivalA is managed by
Michael Eavis alone.B is difficult due to the size of the project.C
takes just a few days in the summer.D is completely controlled by a
music company.3 What impression did the writer get walking round
the festival?A There was too much food on sale.B It was a very
theatrical festival.C It was easy to get lost on the site.D There
was lots to see and do.4 The writer uses the phrase ‘from every
imaginable walk of life’ (line 39) to showA the lively way people
at the festival behaved.B what activities people were doing at the
festival.C there were a wide variety of p’eople at the festival.D
how many people she had met at the dance village.5 The flooding
didn’t affect the writer as much as some people becauseA her tent
didn’t let any water in.B she had set up her tent on a hill.C she
didn’t mind wearing damp clothes.D the organisers were good at
their job.What complaint did the writer have about the performances
at the festival?A She didn’t manage to see some performances.B She
became tired from running around the site.C There was too much
music on at the festival.D It wasn’t possible to see a full
performance.What feature of the festival had the writer not
expected?A Tickets for the festival were very expensive.B There
were over 100,000 people there.C Festival profits are donated to
charity.D It was enjoyable despite the lack of comfort.What was the
writer’s attitude to the festival by the end of it?A She realised
the discouraging stories she’d heard were untrue.B She felt that
attending the festival had been a special experience.C She thought
she had spent too much on tickets and souvenirs.D She was sad that
she would have to go back to a normal life again.19 19. 20Practice
Test 2PART 2You are going to read an article about a man who spent
a year as a volunteer. Seven sentences have beenremoved from the
article. Choose from the sentences A-H the one which fits each gap
(9-15). There is oneextra sentence which you do not need to use.
Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.After the
tsunamiPaul Green tells us about dedicating his time and skills to
helpingvictims of the 2004 Asian tsunami rebuild their homes.I
remember that day very clearly. It was 26December 2004 and as we
always did on this day, myfriends and I had a barbecue, then went
to the beachfor a surf. We had a great day, completely unaware
ofthe devastation that was about to be unleashed not sofar from our
hometown of Brisbane, Australia. WhenI returned home later that
night, I heard the terriblenews that a massive undersea earthquake
in the IndianOcean had triggered off a deadly tsunami. We
wouldlater learn, of course, that altogether it had killedaround a
quarter of a million people and left morethan one-and-a-half
million people homeless.My friends and I had returned from a
surfing tripto Indonesia earlier the same month, and I
wasparticularly saddened by the destruction that occurredthere, as
I had felt a strong affection for the people Ihad met during my
travels. 110 I was later tolearn that Indonesia had sustained the
worst physicaldamage of all the countries affected by the
tsunami.At the time, I was a successful florist in the citycentre.
I had spent years building up my client baseand training staff. I
really wanted to help, so I donateda percentage of the profits from
my shop to the worstaffectedareas in Indonesia. II 0 I leased
mybusiness and flew over to Indonesia.I joined an organisation of
volunteers calledShelter, committed to rebuilding homes. Mter
thetsunami, over 160 aid organisations and UN agenciesbegan
operations in Indonesia to provide shelter,food and schooling, so I
wasn’t alone. Shelter’s focuswas on rebuilding homes. 1110 I soon
realised,however, that we weren’t just rebuilding homes, wewere
creating hope for the future.I chose to join a housing charity,
rather than amedical one, because I had previously trained as
acarpenter and I believed I could make a differencewith my talents.
When I was a child, I was alwaysfixing things. III 0 I was just the
type of personShelter was looking for. Shelter found a role for me
onbuilding sites, teaching construction skills to the localsand
supervising the production of materials such asbricks and roofing
tiles.Disease was common because of poor water andsanit~ry
conditions, so Shelter tried to move thehomeless out of temporary
camps and into permanentproper homes as soon as humanly possible.
lEI 0Many of the volunteers also suffered from these. Ifrequently
experienced high fevers and rashes, and itwas during these times
that I most longed for thecomforts of home.Looking back, spending a
year as a volunteer wasthe best decision I had ever made, but it
wasn’t easy. 1110 Most people were happy to help, but a fewsaid
that if I was going to drop out of ‘real life’ for solong I’d have
to finance my humanitarian adventuresmyself. There was also the
sheer physical labour. Bythe end of the day I was both physically
and mentallyexhausted. Sometimes my muscles ached so muchthat I
couldn’t imagine continuing the next day.Back home in Brisbane, I
continue to supportShelter by giving presentations on my year
abroad andspreading the word about their charitable work. III 0 I
have also made countless lifelong friends.Furthermore, I am welcome
in many homes in thearea. My friends and I will definitely have
somewhereto stay during our next surfing trip! 20. Practice Test 2A
Common illnesses suffered by disaster victims E By the time I was
in my twenties I couldinclude diarrhoea, fevers, skin irritations,
make furniture and had helped many friendsrespiratory infections
and stomach problems. with renovations and repairs to their homes.B
I hoped that they had all escaped unharmed. F I had to live off my
savings, and when theyran out I asked friends and family for
loans.C My story has inspired dozens of new recruitsto sign up as
volunteers. G However, I soon realised that I wanted to domore than
give money.D Many people had lost loved ones and thesorrow of the
locals could be felt all around H 500,000 Indonesians didn’t have a
roof overus. their heads, so they were desperately needed.Quickly
read the text first to get a general idea of the meaning and
sequencing of events. Then read allthe sentences before you start
filling them in.~21 21. 22Practice Test 2PART 3You are going to
read about four different chefs and their work. For questions
16-30, choose from the chefs(A-D). The chefs may be chosen more
than once.Mark your answers on the separate answer
sheet.Underlining the key words in all questions will help you
focus on the kind of information you arelooking for.Which chefsays
their restaurant isn’t as popular as it once was?didn’t always have
an easy, successful life?mentions the effect that food can have on
health?suggests that their work can be stressful?says that the way
their food looks is important? ,creates their own versions of
traditional food?feels that they challenge people’s mistaken
beliefs?mentions differences in the training of chefs?thinks that
it is best to eat the way people did in the past?mentions being
concerned about their reputation?cares greatly about the atmosphere
in their restaurant?makes no apology for behaving rudely?says they
find time for a leisure activity?doesn’t mention anything about
what dishes they serve?gives food away for
free?_0_0_0_0_0__00__00_0_0_0_0_0_0 22. Practice Test 2Meet the
Chefsj !$SCQ 53GerardI am a classically trained French chef and I
amconcerned about the lack of quality in mostrestaurants today. It
seems that people can simplydo a short cooking course and then call
themselvesa chef these days. I was trained in the cordon
bleutradition and am particularly skilled in makingpastries. Both
the food and service are of a veryhigh standard at my restaurant.
For me,presentation is the key. When a customer is servedhis meal,
it should be pleasing to the eye. Fordessert at our restaurant, I
recommend oursignature dish: hazelnut and pecan nougat. It
willdefinitely have you wanting to return the nextevening for a
second helping!Critics have praised my creations and I havereceived
3 Michelin stars. Now my name isassociated with excellent cooking.
I know that themedia have published reports from former staffwho
claim I threw food and swore at them. But theway I see it, if you
can’t take the heat, get out of thekitchen! Everyone who works in a
celebratedrestaurant has to expect some pressthe. I havestandards
to maintain, after all.: ArpadMy ‘soup kitchen’, as I jokingly call
it, onlyserves soup and drinks, as I prefer to specialise.The most
popular soups are gazpacho, lentil,courgette and celery. I know
that people whoenjoy fine dining would not normally considergoing
to a soup restaurant, but after they havetasted the delicious soups
on our menu theychange their minds. I want to show how soup canbe a
meal in itself, not just a starter or somethingyou throw together
at the last minute.I grew up in poverty and often ate at the
soupkitchens in our neighbourhood. In honour of thevolunteers who
fed me in tough times, I nowdonate over 100 litres of soup to
charities everyweek. It’s the least I can do. The success of
thebusiness means that nowadays I have nothing todo with the daily
operations of the restaurant.Having handed most responsibilities
over to thestaff, I get to enjoy my other passion, which isgolf.E (
$ *ElisabethI only use organic ingredients. Too manypesticides and
insecticides are present in our foodtoday and I believe they are
causing widespreadillness. Apart from that, humane treatment
ofanimals is really important to many of ourcustomers. To be
certified organic, the animalsmust eat natural food, not be treated
withantibiotics, or be kept in cages. They must havespace to walk
freely. For these reasons, organicmeat is fr esher and of better
quality, and mycustomers say they can taste the difference .Organic
food should be eaten by everyone whocares about our planet.I always
purchase food from local producers.You see, pollution caused by
transporting foodlong distances is a serious problem. Just like
ourancestors, who didn’t have refrigeration or modemtransport, we
should only eat produce that isgrown close to home and in season.
My restaurantfollows that principle. RosemaryMy speciality is
Polynesian food. I havetravelled extensively and my places for
sourcingingredients are Samoa, New Zealand and Hawaii.I combine old
recipes with innovativt: ways ofpreparing food, and I try to
maintain the uniquecultural history of a dish while adding a
modemtwist.When I first opened my restaurant, there werequeues
lining up outside. People were curious.Things have quietened down
now, but on Saturdaynights, you can expect to wait over an hour for
atable. Booking is highly recommended.By placing frangipani and
gardenia around therestaurant, I have tried to recreate the
fragrancesof the region. I put hibiscuses in shell vases’ whichare
handmade by locals. The vases look magnificentin the evenings, when
the restaurant is lit up withcandles. Many of the customers tell me
that theflowers trigger memories of their own trips to theregion.
To add to the flowers, I have broughtback artefacts and fab rics
from my journeys toplace on the tabl es fo r customers to
admireduring their meal. Eating at my restaurant shouldbe an
unforgettable experience.23 23. 24PART 1You must answer this
question. Write your answer in 120-150 words in an appropriate
style.1 You have received an email from your friend, Jerry, who has
to plan a party at the language school youused to attend. Read
Jerry’s email and the notes you have made. Then write an email
toJerry.using allyour notes.emailFrom:Sent:Subject:Jerry West20
MayParty!When referring tothe input material, donot ‘lift’ straight
outof the text. Use yourown words wherepossible, but keepyour
writing naturaland close to themeaning.Bet you’re glad your studies
are over. I really miss you at the school.How is your office job
going? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ ~ExplainWe’re coming to the end
of the school year and I’ve just been askedto help organise the
school party. I was wondering if you could giveme some advice?
..There will be over fifty students going. I’m not sure whether to
hire aboat and have a party on the river, or to pick a good
restaurant. Whatdo you think?Give opinion,~with reasons I’d like to
invite you along. You studied here last year, so there maybe some
familiar faces at the party. It’s on 15th June. Hope you canmake
it. Yes!I have one last favour to ask. I have to write a speech,
but I don’t knowwhat to say. Any ideas? —_______________ _Make
some Write soon! suggestionsWrite your email. You must use
grammatically correct sentences with accurate spelling
andpunctuation in a style appropriate for the situation. 24.
Practice Test 2PART 2Write an answer to one of the questions 2-4 in
this part. Write your answer in 120-180 words in anappropriate
style.Remember that letters of application are written in a formal
style and you need to be consistent — i.e.you can’t use short forms
or other examples of everyday, informal language in a formal
letter.2 You have seen this advertisement for a job in a local
English-language newspaper.EXPERIENCED PERSON NEEDEDWe need someone
to work in our cafe in the evenings. You must speak English andhave
a friendly personality. You also need to have: experience of
working in a cafe or restaurant the ability to communicate well
with customers a willingness to work hardPlease write to Ms B
Lattimer explaining why you think you are suitable for the
job.~Write your letter of application. Do not write any postal
addresses.You recently saw this notice in a magazine called DVD
World.Films on DVD — reviews neededHave you seen a good film on DVD
lately? We have created a new Readers’Review section in our
magazine, and would like to invite readers to write a filmreview.
Include information on elements such as the plot, the acting and
thesoundtrack. Also, tell us whether or not you would recommend it
to others.If your review is one of the best, we will publish it in
next month’s issue of DVD World.-rite your review .. ou have had a
discussion in your English class about whether or not students
should have to wear school. arms. Your teacher has now asked you to
write an essay giving your views on the following statement:earing
a school uniform has both advantages and disadvantages.-rite your
essay.25 25. 26PART 1For questions 1-12, read the text and decide
which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There is anexample
at the beginning (0). Mark your answers on the separate answer
sheet.Example:o A decided B considered C referred D noticed o ABC 0
c:::J _ c:::J c:::J’fii!J Many of the missing words are parts of
set phrases.Machu PicchuThe city of Machu Picchu, in Peru, South
America, is (0) ….. to be one of the most breathtaking sights in
theworld. It was built by the Incas in about 1450, when the Inca
Empire was at its most powerful. What makesthis city so unusual is
that it is (1) ….. 2,430 metres above sea (2) .. … , on the top
of a mountain ridge in theAndes Mountains.Machu Picchu is so remote
that the Incas had to take a long, treacherous path through the
Andes to get toit. To this day, historians still (3) ….. how the
Inca people were able to build this stone city so high up (4)
…..the use of modem technology. The Incas were expert builders,
carving the rocks perfectly and (5) ….. themtogether so well that
you cannot slide a knife (6) ….. the stones .Astonishingly, the
(7) ….. of the world only learned of the city’s existence after
an American historian,Hiram Bingham, (8) ….. it on 24 July 1911.
Previously, only a few local people were (9) ….. of the city. It
hasnow become a popular tourist (10) …… People walk for up to
four days on the Inca Trail through the AndesMountains to (11)
….. this amazing city and admire the spectacular (12) ….. from
the top.——)1 A set B placed C situated D settled2 A line B
level C height D point3 A think B imagine C doubt D wonder4 A
without B except C apart D unless5 A fitting B suiting C fixing D
mixing6 A among B through C between D against7 A rest B other C
remainder D part8 A invented B discovered C created D realised9 A
aware B sensitive C alert D familiar10 A direction B destination C
position D location11 A arrive B reach C finish D achieve12 A scene
B image C view D look 26. Practice Test 2PART 2For questions 13-24,
read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap.
Use only one wordin each gap. There is an example at the beginning
(0).Write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer
sheet.Example: ~ I 0 I N I I I I I I I I I I I I I I- — ————
——- —Be aware of when verbs change tense in the text in order
to avoid filling in a wrong tense in youranswers.- — — ._- — —
— ———April Fools’ DayOn April Fools’ Day, people in many
countries play tricks (0) ………. each other. Usually, the
tricks involve:naking friends believe something ridicul

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FCE use of english sentence transformation key word transformation modals

Visual Distractors can measure game attention

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  • FCE Practice Exam Papers 2. For the Cambridge English First FCE / FCE (fs) Examination (REVISED)

FCE Practice Exam Papers 2. For the Cambridge English First FCE / FCE (fs) Examination (REVISED)

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Описание книги

The book is aimed at learners of the English language at CEF level B2 preparing for the Cambridge English First FCE/FCE(fs) Examination or any other examinations at the same level of difficulty.
The book consists of:
— 10 complete practice tests written in the same format as the examination itself.
— Further practice on Word Distractors, Open Cloze Sentences, Key Word Transformations and Word Formation.
— Glossary of all words tested in Paper 1 — Part 1 as well as in the Further Practice sectio…

The book is aimed at learners of the English language at CEF level B2 preparing for the Cambridge English First FCE/FCE(fs) Examination or any other examinations at the same level of difficulty.
The book consists of:
— 10 complete practice tests written in the same format as the examination itself.
— Further practice on Word Distractors, Open Cloze Sentences, Key Word Transformations and Word Formation.
— Glossary of all words tested in Paper 1 — Part 1 as well as in the Further Practice section. Книга «FCE Practice Exam Papers 2. For the Cambridge English First FCE / FCE (fs) Examination (REVISED)» авторов Virginia Evans, James Milton, Dooley Jenny оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 0.00 из 10.
Для бесплатного просмотра предоставляются: аннотация, публикация, отзывы, а также файлы для скачивания.

  • Просмотров: 123
  • Рецензий: 0

Информация об издании

  • Переводчики: не указаны
  • Серия:
    FCE Practice Exam Papers 1
  • ISBN (EAN): 978-1-4715-2682-4, 978-1-4715-7598-3
  • Языки: не указаны
  • Возрастное ограничение: не указано
  • Год написания: 2018

Эта книга еще не добавлена в подборки



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  •  · 2016-12-09 · Further Practice Section B c D E Key Word Transformations . Word Distractors Word Formation Prepositions Phrasal Verbs . Grammar Theory & Practice Section -Hodule

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