Funny word to say to a girl

Funny Things to Say to a Girl in 2022: If you are the one who feels conscious while talking to girls then I guess you need an entire training program to make her laugh. Every girl likes a guy who can keep her smiling all day long. Usually, guys are not able to come up with perfect funny stuff to say to a girl on perfect timing.

This happens with almost all the guys, but some of them work on it and present themselves confidently. See, confidence is the key making a girl laugh. If you feel shy talking to her in person then you can also use funny things to say to a girl in the text.

Well, you need not get nervous at all because I can sure help you with this. Be it her girlfriend or friend or anyone else, I have this amazing collection of funny things to say to a girl to make her laugh.

Funny Things to Say to a GirlThis ultimate collection has various different kinds of one liners and funny things to say to your girlfriend to make her fall for you once again. You can also send these funny things to say to a girl over text too. You just need to go right and I am sure you will definitely make her smile.

1). Do you find me cute enough or I should better pour some more drink in your glass?

2). Actually, I could not control myself from telling you that I must take your license away because you are driving me crazy.

3). You must get ready to give me CPR because I am losing my breath from the moment I saw you.

This one is really flirty and hilariously funny compliments for girls. Your first impression is going to be amazing on her after it.

Read Next: 60 Dirty Things to Say in Bed

4). I don’t know your age but I am really sure they invented the word beautiful from you only.

5). Hey girl, tell me when you are free, I just wanted to renovate my home with your beautiful smile.

6). You are paying me $100 because I lost a bet because of you. They were saying I have no chance standing in front of someone so beautiful and see where I am standing now.

7). Hi Miss, I am sorry but you cannot walk like that in public as other girls are feeling offended with your beauty.

This is seriously epic. Fun and wit and humor and flirt, such funny things to say to a girl are filled with every essence needed to woo a girl.

8). You would have to stop raising the temperature. The poor thermometer just broke off because of your hotness.

9). I was thinking, we must save the fuel. Allow me to drop you home in my arms.

10). Before, I go lost in your eyes, let me be prepared with my GPS and maps first.

11). They people are wasting millions and billions but the actual cause of global warming is sitting right in front of me.

12). Hey, we must serve the society. So, why don’t you give up your apartment to someone and move in with me!

You may also like: Sweet Things to Say to Your Girlfriend

Nothing can take the cherry from the cake like this one. Funny things to say to your girlfriend must be humorous but at the same time flirty too and I guess this is just perfect.

13). If you are going to look at me in the same way, you will surely get arrested in charges of my murder.

14). Lady, take me to the hospital! I just broke my knee falling for you.

15). I think there is something stuck over your face! Oh my God, that beauty is for real?

16). You must donate something to electricity department, I cannot handle that much of brightness.

This is what we call wit coming up with humor. Nothing can do wonders like such funny things to say to a girl.

17). Hey girl, I think my drink lacks some sweetness! Would you mind pouring a finger in it?

18). Come on lady, give me my heart back. How do you think I am going to live without it?

19). Thank God, you just walked in here! The decorator forgot to put enough lights in this area.

20). They must impose a law to arrest people for killing so many hearts with their beauty.

Also Read: Cute Things to Say Your GirlFriend

21). I guess there should be a new law to arrest people for being so beautiful.

22). Have you fallen for me or should I make a second chance to make the first impression in front of you?

23). Hey I guess we have so much of similarity, I know nothing about you and you know nothing about me. So I think we are just perfect for each other.

24). Mam, you would have to pay my hospital bills! I just saw you and fell for you so hard.

25). Hey, why don’t we make a pact? I will give you a kiss and if you don’t like it you can give it back to me.

Thinking about wooing your girlfriend with your humor? Well, you can surely go for such funny thing to say to a girl for sure.

26). I guess my phone is not working well. You should better put your number in it and I guess it will be ok.

27). Are you a human Barbie or what? How do you have so much of sparkle in your eyes?

Hand Picked For You: Really Dirty Things to do In Bed

28). If you were a food item, I would have eaten you all by now.

29). You must charge people for even smelling you. You are like the fresh cup of coffee, enough to arouse people!

Let’s go naughty with some sass and style. Don’t forget to keep the things subtle and normal with such funny jokes to tell a girl.

30). Are you actually going to kiss me or am I just going to lie to my friends?

31). Mam, I think you would have to leave this place. The place is burning with your hotness like a fire oven.

32). Do you want me to try really hard or are you going to drink some more?

33). Hey, are you the one even angels are jealous of? Girl, you are going to have a tough time in heaven.

Impress her by praising her beauty. You can never go wrong with such kind of funny things to say to a girl.

34). People are wasting millions on decoration and you are here wasting your shine and twinkle in this bar.

35). If Batman had a girl like you, I am sure he would have left the cave to live with you.

Recommended: Things to Talk About With Your Girlfriend

36). Hey, you got some extra cash? Well, I have some and we can share food on our first date. Isn’t it so romantic?

37). Your name must be beautiful because my name is ‘very’. Aren’t we just made for each other?

38). If you are doing nothing tonight, then may I have the pleasure to do nothing with you?

39). God is summoning all his angels. I guess 10 pm would be ok for me to drop you by there? Are you ok with it?

Now, this one is something what we call sense of humor and flirt at the same time. Tell her how beautiful she is through such funny things to say to a girl.

40). Has anyone already applied for it or am I lucky enough to be the first one to patent you to make the best perfume ever?

41). I was just wondering, if you would like to hold this hand of mine while I go out for a walk? Actually my hand really wants the company of yours.

42). Girl, you should immediately visit a doctor because I guess you are suffering from too much of beauty all over your body.

43). I was constantly practicing it, but when the moment I looked into your eyes I forgot my pick up line.

Check Out: Dirty Truth or Dare Questions

44). I think they should have an open bar, I just walked straight into that wall and bumped my head while my eyes were busy looking at you.

Now, this is something every girl would smile or in fact laugh on. You can confidently try out such funny things to say to a girl easily.

45). I am feeling really lost, please give me the map of your eyes now.

46). If you want to make a Guinness World Record of having two hearts then allow me to give you mine.

47). People may love you from their heart, but I guess even my body would not be enough to love you fully.

48). Are they actually using heaters, or is it just you raising the temperature this much?

49). I totally forgot why I was here, so can I just check you out rather?

This is what we call checking out a girl with all the clearances and license. Such funny things to say to a girl never fail to woo her.

50). I don’t think anybody out here is as lucky as this glass you are holding. This lucky buddy is tasting your lips at least.

51). I think you are from moon. (No) Well, then how can you be so dreamy and beautiful?

Another Interesting Collection: 100 Questions to Ask Your Crush

52). Do you know what looks even more amazing than you? This is you and me standing together.

53). They say going down the history is really important for self-analysis. I guess I would rather love to go down on you.

Planning to flirt with your girl to make her feel special? Such funny compliments are going to set her mood to amazing in just seconds.

54). You can save so much of sugar on this earth. You just put your finger in the drink and it will be sweeter than sugar itself.

55). Nothing in this world is luckier than the dress who is getting the chance to hug your body.

56). If you are liking me then I came here all by myself, and if you are going to slap me let me tell you my friends dared me to come here talk to you.

57). Hey, they are casting for wonder woman, I think the movie would not be able to do great without you in it.

It is the time to ditch Gal Gadot and love your lady instead. Funny things to say to a girl not only make her smile but set her mood right too.

58). Was that an earthquake or it was just you who shook my entire world in a second?

59). I am not a pro but I can assure you nothing can look good as much as picturing us together.

60). You are a dream for photographers. There is no angle which can hide your beauty even a bit.

61). You are pretty and perfect, you put shame to even strawberries.

62). Hello Mam, I am your new bodyguard and I can protect you even from your own jealous mirror.

63). Did you just put your finger in my drink because I am feeling intoxicated by you.

This is nice to say to a girl meeting at the bar. Such funny things to say to a girl never ceases to impress her.

64). If I were a traffic light, I would have shown red signal every time you pass by to stop you by my side.

65). If I had to drink water for every time I see a girl as beautiful as you, then I must have died already depriving of water.


One thing that I would surely like to mention that you must no go vulgar and stay in the line of funny only. Even the girl most comfortable with you may not like it at all. Use these cute jokes for her to make her laugh not uncomfortable.

Apart from all the things, I am sure that these funny one liners and several dialogues are going to win you over her. Use these funny things to say to a girl and befriend her for a lifetime with your charm.

funny things to say to a girl - main

via: Pexels / Andrea Piacquadio

It can be hard to know how to talk to girls, especially at a busy place like a bar or party, so we came up with this list of funny things to say to a girl. These are sure to get her attention off the social chaos and directed onto you. 

These pick up lines are the perfect things to say to a girl you like — they’re witty, quick, and let her know right away you’re into her. So, don’t be shy! Memorize a few funny things to say to your crush, and try out a couple of well timed lines. You’re sure to get a few laughs and maybe a number or two.

59 Funny Things To Say To A Girl — These will make her laugh (Animated)


funny things to say to a girl - Best Funny Things To Say To a Girl.jpeg

via: Unsplash / Artem Beliaikin

Near the top of the list of any girl’s dream guy list is an awesome sense of humor. Stand out from the pack with these funny lines that let her know you’re willing to go to all lengths to make her smile. 

Remember there is a fine balance between humor and offense. Find the line, and ride it! Be bold, be funny, but be careful — you don’t want to go too far. These funny things to say will give you a guide.

1. I tried rearranging the alphabet, but for some reason, U and I would never separate.

Maybe there is a reason you’ve run into each other!

2. I think I have a heart attack every time I am with you. My heart skips beats and races a mile a minute when I feel your touch.

Paramedics — this one is for you.

3. Do you have a Band-Aid? I just scraped my knee falling for you.

This will get her attention, and make her laugh! Plus, it’s super nonthreatening.

4. Is your name Gillette? Because you are the best a man can get.

Always a classic!

man shaving his beard

via: Unsplash / Supply

5. I seem to have lost my phone number. Can I have yours?

Hello, operator! She’ll love this classic line.

6. You’re so beautiful, I just forgot my pick-up line.

Smooth and funny — she’ll love it.

7. I have thought about this long and hard. Your father must be an alien. There is not another person on the planet that’s like you.

It’s the only possible solution!

8. I am going to call the cops. It must be illegal to be as fine as you are.

Pair this with a faux disapproving smirk for maximum effect.

9. Who knew I would be an organ donor so early in life? I already gave my heart to you.

And this story has two happy recipients!

man giving flower to his girlfriend

via: Pexels / Min An

10. Am I cute enough yet or do you need more of those vodkas?

Maybe it’s beer goggles — but you’ll take it.

11. Are you going to kiss me or do I have to lie to my diary?

Come on, it’s clear you’re head over heels!

12. My knees are getting weak since I fall for you daily.

Ask her to help a guy out!

13. Girl I bet you belong to prison for killing every guy with your killing looks.

Hopefully she’s not an ACTUAL felon…

woman sitting outside

via: Unsplash / Daria Litvinova

14. Was that an earthquake or did you just shake my entire world in a second?

All you know is, everything changed when she walked in!

15. Hey, we have so much in common! I know nothing about you and you know nothing about me — we are just perfect for each other!

This one is a little long, but it’s pretty funny! I’d go for this.

16. Is your father a terrorist? Because you are the bomb.

This one is risky (you know, PC) but would still be funny if said lighthearted enough.

Ultimate List of Funny Things To Say To A Girl

15 Funny Sweet Things To Say To A Girl

man carrying his girlfriend

via: Pexels / Josh Willink

Girls like guys to be funny, but they want them to be nice, too! You can’t be all laughs! These sweet things to say to a girl show her a glimpse of your seriously romantic side.

Use a couple of these pickup lines to show her that you are a softie at heart! Let her know that you have a whole bunch of sweet nothings to whisper to her. Girls love a guy that can sweep them off their feet.

17. I was going to buy you a flower, and then I realized that you’re far more beautiful than any rose I could pick.

Gets you out of picking up a bouquet, and it’s sweet!

18. Our love is a mocha latte. You’re hot like coffee, sweet like sugar and filled with a little extra pep to make it simply perfect.

Plus, it’s everyone’s favorite!

19. Girl, you are so delightful, cheerful, and bright, you can make Batman rent an apartment and abandon his cave!

Girls love to hear they light up the room.

20. Did it hurt? When you fell out of heaven?

Take her to go look for a bandage, somewhere quieter.

21. Baby you’re so sweet, you put Hershey’s outta business.

She should be their spokeswoman!

person holding Hershey chocolate

via: Unsplash / Allie Smith

22. Are you lost ma’am? Because heaven is a long way from here.

Always a smooth line.

23. You must be a hell of a thief because you stole my heart from across the room.

It’s ok, she can keep it.

24. Damn, if being sexy was a crime, you’d be guilty as charged.

But you won’t hold her crimes against her.

25. If I were diabetic, I would be in trouble because you’re so sweet I would go into shock.

Maybe she’s a little spicy too, to even it out.

26. My doc said that I don’t have an arrhythmia, but your presence is sure proving him wrong!

Perfect if she makes your heart skip a beat.

man and woman having a conversation

via: Unsplash / Start Digital

27. What are you doing this evening? (Girl — nothing) Let’s do nothing together then!

I’ll bet you can find some fun things to do!

28. Have you ever been to the moon? (Girl — no) Wow, me neither. Gosh we’re so much alike!

Take her for a walk and check it out together.

29. Are you a dictionary? You add meaning to my life.

Tell her you’re the first definition of “her boyfriend.”

30. Hey, they are casting for wonder woman, I think the movie would not be able to do great without you in it.

Sexy and strong — she’s a perfect cast!

31. Are you religious? You’ve been the answer to all of my prayers.

She’s hitting all the marks on your dreamgirl list.

14 Funny Cute Things To Say To a Girl

woman in white sleeveless top

via: Pexels / Andrea Piacquadio

It’s good to have some cute things to say to a girl to let her know you’re different from other guys. You’re more than machismo and belt notches — you have a sensitive side and you aren’t afraid to show it!

Let your sense of humor be your wingman and sneak a couple of these cute pick up lines into your conversation! Being cute definitely scores you a few extra moments of attention -use that!

32. Hamsters run in wheels all day, and I’d totally run after you.

She’s worth it all!

33. How was heaven when you left it?

I hope she’s not in a hurry to get back!

34. Excuse me, but I think I dropped something. My Jaw!

Tell her she is earthshakingly gorgeous!

35. There is something wrong with my cell phone. It doesn’t have your number in it.

I’m sure she is tech savvy enough to fix it.

36. Smoking is hazardous to your health… and baby, you’re killing me!

Maybe you two can find a less hazardous hobby!

no smoking logo

via: Unsplash / JJ Shev

37. Sit down and give those legs a rest. You’ve been running through my mind all day.

This spin on a classic gets her right at your table.

38. I’m addicted to «Yes», and I’m allergic to «No». So what’s it gonna be?

Let her know she has all the power!

39. Would you be so kind enough to hold this (your hand) while I go out for a walk?

Too sweet to turn down.

40. If you were Christmas, I would be the Grinch who stole you!

She’d be worth any punishment!

41. My next drink is on you! Cause I saw you and dropped mine.

This one is quite tongue in cheek while also being a funny conversation starter.

a girl bartender

via: Pexels / mentatdgt

42. Excuse me, I just noticed you noticing me and I just wanted to give you notice that I noticed too.

A tongue twister to catch her attention.

43. Can I have directions? (Girl — To where?) To your heart.

Commit to taking notes for extra points.

44. Do you see my friend over there? He wants to know if you think I am cute.

This should definitely earn you a smirk.

45. I was thinking we should save fuel. Let me drop you home in my arms.

Show her you’re a gentleman AND you care about the environment. Win win!

14 Funny Nice Things To Say To a Girl

couples listening to music

via: Pexels / Dziubi Steenbergen

Whoever said “nice guys finish last” must not have known any actual girls. Girls want a guy that can play multiple parts — lover, protector, and best friend!

These lines are nice things to say to a girl to show her that you are multidimensional. Funny? Sweet? Nice? Check check check! You’re making a serious case for a date over here!

46. Come on girl, give me my heart back. How do you think I am going to live without it?

Maybe if she stays close to you, that will work well enough. Worth a shot!

47. People are wasting millions on research, but the true cause of global warming is sitting right in front of me.

Luckily, she’s so cool, I’m sure it will even out.

48. If my life was a puzzle, you would be the final piece that makes it complete.

Does she want to stay in the picture?

49. I have a million dreams at night, and they all start and end with you.

She’s what good dreams are made of!

Christmas light-filled bottle

via: Pexels / Pixabay

50. Rainbows are supposed to have a treasure at the end of them. So I followed one, and that is the day I found you.

This is an even better line if she’s a redhead.

51. You can’t eat any more cupcakes. If you get any sweeter, you’ll burst into little bits of sugar.

Let her know she truly is sweet as can be.

52. I can’t give you the world – you deserve it – but I can promise to give you my world.

Tell her everything you have is hers.

53. I don’t need a camera to make me smile, I just need to look at you!

She lights up your face!

54. Hello. Are you taking any applications for a boyfriend?

Assure her you’ll ace any exams.

colleagues having discussion

via: Pexels / Buro Millennial

55. Are you a parking ticket? Cause you’ve got fine written all over you.

Don’t worry, you’ll waive the fee.

56. I’m sorry I wasn’t part of your past, can I make it up by being in your future?

You got here as fast as you could!

57. Your parents must be bakers to produce such a cutie pie.

Sweet and innocent and brings in her parents — classy move.

58. Are you from Hogwarts? Because you are so magical.

I don’t know a girl that wouldn’t love this one.

59. Have you ever been arrested? You are breaking all the laws by looking that good.

This one is even funnier if you are a cop! Let her know she is stopping traffic.

How to Pick the Best Funny Things To Say To a Girl

a guy is staring out of the window.

via: Unsplash / Laurenz Kleinheider

So you’ve read through this thorough list of funny things to say and now you’re thinking — what do I do? If you’re wondering where to start, I’ve written a few quick tips that will help you know how to start using these funny lines.

The truth is — these funny things to say are just the first step to landing the date, but it’s an important one! Read these tips to learn how to use these pick-up lines to get her attention long enough to get to the next stage!

1. Find your voice

men talking to each other

via: Pexels / nappy

There are a lot of different ways to make an impression, but the best way is to be yourself! Read through this list of funny things to say, and choose a few that resonate with your actual personality.

Girls like a funny guy, but they like a guy that acts naturally even more. Have some swagger? Are you a true romantic? Best friend — boyfriend material? Choose a line that says that!

2. Practice Practice Practice

man and woman having conversation

via: Unsplash / Etienne Boulanger

Once you’ve picked out a few lines, try them out! Memorize them so that they roll off the tongue. Reword them if you need to, just keep the punchline!

Overall, you want to come off as smooth! So don’t be afraid to try a few lines out in the mirror — we won’t tell. And be confident — these lines are funny! You’re already ahead of the game.

3. Pull The Trigger

Friends on a hiking trip

via: Unsplash / Felix Rostig

This isn’t a surprise — none of these lines work if you don’t say them! Work up the guts, and try your funny pick up lines out the next time you meet a girl you’re into!

And don’t get discouraged if it doesn’t work. It’s probably not the line, finding a love connection takes more than a witty quip! Try again, with another line or another girl. These lines are sure to open the door to a date or two where you meet that special someone you’re waiting for!

Downloadable and Printable List of Funny Things To Say To A Girl

Here is a downloadable and printable list of Funny Things To Say To A Girl (right click the image and select Save Image As..):


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I make her feel special?

What makes a girl feel loved and appreciated?

Why is it important to make your girl feel special?

How can I make a girl blush over words?

More Awesome Tips To Talk to Girls

  1. Did these pick up lines work as expected?? Prepare for the next phase with some sweet things to say to your girlfriend.
  2. Seal the deal on a date with these cute things to say to your crush.
  3. Finding yourself with some dead airtime on your date? Use my list of questions to ask a girl to get the conversation flowing.
  4. Humor works wonders! Here are some funny questions to ask when you’re trying to get to know each other.
How to make a girl laugh over text: 100+ funny things to say to a girl

Maintaining a lively relationship entails a lot of things, and sometimes, the ones we ignore seem to be the most important. Whether you are looking to get a beautiful lady’s attention or are already in a relationship, you should frequently communicate with your girlfriend to nourish your bond. Sending her a funny text can help brighten her day and make her know that you truly cherish her. So, if you were wondering how to make a girl laugh over text, this article gives various ways to do so.

How to make a girl you like laugh over text

Funny things to say to a girl. Photo:, @Andrea Piacquadio (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Communication between partners takes different forms nowadays. Texting proves to be advantageous, especially for guys who do not have the guts to talk to girls they are attracted to when they are together. If you are shy about going straight to the point, you should know how to make a girl laugh over text. How do you do so? Read on for the tactics.

With almost everyone having a mobile phone, funny things to say to a girl to make her laugh over text are a great way to start a conversation and capture their attention. By learning the best joke to make a woman laugh, you can use the knowledge to compose unique texts whenever the need arises.

If you have nothing in mind to text her, do not worry because here is a compilation of options on how to make a girl laugh over text. You will be spoilt for choice.

How to make a girl laugh over text through flirty jokes

If you are looking for tips on how to make a girl laugh over text jokes, the first step is sharing the joke. If you wish to use them to draw her attention and make her know you are interested in her, consider these flirty jokes:

  • I hope you know CPR because you take my breath away!
  • My love for you is like dividing by zero; it cannot be defined.
  • If we combined my IQ and your body, we would begin a race of super genetic children who would conquer the earth.
  • I am attracted to you so strongly; scientists will have to develop a fifth fundamental force.
  • If I had a star for every time you brightened my day, I would have a galaxy in my hand.
  • Guess what I am wearing? The smile you gave me.
  • You are the reason Santa even has a naughty list.
  • Was that an earthquake, or did you rock my world?
  • You are so beautiful; you made me forget my pick-up line.
  • Was your dad a baker? Because you have got a nice set of buns.
  • Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?
  • Somebody call the cops because it has to be illegal to look that good!
  • Did you have lucky charms for breakfast? Because you look magically delicious!
  • Can you kiss me on the cheek so I can at least say a cute girl kissed me tonight?
  • There are 20 angels in the world 11 are playing, eight are sleeping, and one is standing in front of me.
  • I cannot take my eyes off of you. Unless, of course, you notice me. Then I will quickly look away And act as though nothing happened.
  • The only thing your eyes have not told me is your name.
  • Was your dad king for a day? He must have been to make a princess like you.
  • When God made you, he was showing off.
  • It looks like you dropped something, my jaw!

How to make a girl you like laugh over text

how to make a girl laugh over text examples

Funny romantic quote. Photo:, @Ketut Subiyanto (modified by author)
Source: UGC

If you trust your sense of humour, you should not worry about how to make a woman laugh uncontrollably. Meanwhile, these jokes to make someone laugh over text would go a long way in drawing her attention:

  • I am not a professional photographer, but I can picture us together.
  • I think my phone is broken (girl – what is wrong with it?) For some reason, your number is not in it.
  • Have you ever been to another planet? [no.] Wow, we have so much in common!
  • I will tell the government that you are smoking hot and is the leading cause of global warming.
  • Your father must be a gangster because you are like dynamite.
  • I love all the stars in the sky, but they are nothing compared to the ones in your eyes!
  • Life is full of beautiful things: soft sunsets, painted rainbows, delicate blossoms, love & laughter, quiet moments & a wonderful someone like you.
  • As long as you hold one hand, I can capture the world with the other.
  • Your hug is my favourite place to be, your name is my favourite word, and your voice is my ideal sound.
  • You like pizza. So why does the round pizza come in a square box?
  • I am not a gambler, but I have just allowed my heart and mind to bet that I will never stop loving you.
  • I love you only on days that end with y.
  • I have missed you for the last 24 hours, 1440 minutes, and 86400 seconds.
  • My life without you is like a beautiful vase waiting to be filled with a flower called you. I love you.
  • Is it hot in here, or are you just raising the temperature?
  • Girl, give me my heart back because you stole it when I first laid eyes on you.
  • Are they casting for Wonder Woman? Because I have the perfect person for the role.
  • When I’m with you, I feel I’m in heaven.
  • I’ll always fight for you, even when things get tough.
  • I don’t need a camera to laugh or smile; I do it just by looking at your face.

How to make a girl laugh when she’s sad over text

How to make a girl laugh over text jokes

Best joke to make a woman laugh. Photo:, @Andrea Piacquadio (modified by author)
Source: UGC

If you are thinking of the best joke to make a woman laugh, you should consider these funny jokes to tell a girl over text:

  • There is nothing I want more right now than to see your smile. I cannot stop thinking about how amazing of a woman you are.
  • I never knew life could be this good, and I am glad you are the reason for it.
  • I am glad I wished on that shooting star so long ago because it gave me you, the girl of my dreams.
  • Heaven does not always mean a place to be in. Sometimes it is a person to be with. For me, heaven is being with you all the time!
  • I thought my heart was made of stone. But I never knew your beauty could melt a stone like wax. Please save my melting heart!
  • I met you and realized you have precisely the face I dream of every night. When I am with you, I wonder If I am awake or dreaming!
  • I know staring at people for too long is considered rude. So, I wanted to ask for your permission.
  • Even the purest, most vital heart can melt before the beauty of your face. And I am not even a saint! I can only stop myself from desiring you when I am dead!
  • I really never thought I would feel this way about someone. But then you came along. You have made me believe in soul mates.
  • You are my favourite human being on the planet.
  • There is not other soul on this planet that is more caring and understanding than you.
  • When I think of you, it keeps me awake. When I dream of you, it helps me sleep. When I am with you, I feel alive.
  • Our world is loaded with madness and chaos. The one thing that will never change is my true love for you and only you.
  • We breathe unconsciously, and my love for you comes just as easily. I need your love to breathe. That is how important you are to me.
  • Your hug is the best place to be, your name is my favourite word, and your voice is my ideal sound!
  • Love is when I walk to the other side of the classroom to sharpen my pen so that I can you. Only to realize that I am holding a pen.
  • Can I borrow a kiss from you? I promise you that I will give it back.
  • I’m not going to lie; we go together like Nutella and a spoon. I’m the Nutella.
  • I believe your parents must be bakers to produce such a cutie pie as you.
  • I’m not a professional, but I’m pretty sure we would look amazing together in a photo.

How to make a woman laugh uncontrollably

how to make a girl laugh over text examples

Best joke to get her attention. Photo:, @Ketut Subiyanto (modified by author)
Source: UGC

What is the best joke to get her attention? Check out this list of options. All these funny questions to get her attention are awesome, but each one is unique.

  • There is just something about you. I have not figured out what it is yet. Do you know?
  • You know you look beautiful tonight, right? Am I a lucky guy?
  • What is the one thing you could talk about forever?
  • Do you think that guys should always make the first move?
  • What was the most romantic gesture that a guy made to impress you?
  • How do you feel about being single for a long period?
  • I could not hold back my stares, so I walked up to you to have a better look. Is the seat close by taken?
  • You seem to have a very cheerful personality. What makes you tick?
  • If I ask you what you do for a living, will I be too curious for you?
  • What should I know about you that I would never think to ask about?
  • If a genie appeared to grant you one wish, what would you wish for?
  • What is your favourite song to sing in the shower?
  • Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?
  • They say nothing lasts forever. So, will you be my nothing?
  • Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I pass by you again?
  • My job is secure. No one else wants it.
  • You better direct that beauty somewhere else, or I’ll lose my mind.
  • You’re so stunning I just forgot my pick-up line.
  • I would wait for you for decades unless you asked me to. That’s how much I care about you.
  • I sure hope, girl, that you know CPR because you make my heart skip a beat.

The best things to say to a girl to make her laugh over text

how to make a girl laugh over text examples

Funny SMS to impress her. Photo:, @Andrea Piacquadio (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Are you looking for a funny SMS to impress a girl? If so, you should check out these options:

  • I just saw something that reminded me of you.
  • I think my soul was dancing the night I met you.
  • I am still smiling! Last night was amazing. Let us do it again.
  • Even your texts have a weird accent. Where are they from?
  • Sweet dreams! I hope I am in them tonight.
  • I feel comfortable being myself when I am around you.
  • Your hand fits mine like it was made just for me.
  • What would you say if I asked you to come over?
  • Did you smile when you saw my name pop up on your phone just now?
  • I do not have anything to talk about, but I still want to talk to you, so, hi beautiful.
  • Meeting you has made me smile for no reason.
  • Tell me a line that got your heart head over heels for a man.
  • All the beauty was packaged in you.
  • You are not my number one, but my only one, darling.
  • My job is secure. No one else wants it.
  • Do you have a Band-Aid? I hurt my knee falling for you.
  • If you were Christmas, I would be the Grinch who stole you.
  • I hate when I hug someone really hot, and my face hits the mirror.
  • Seriously? It has to be illegal to look that good.
  • Do you feel guilty about global warming? Because your hotness is melting the world.

Questions to make a girl laugh over text

how to make a girl laugh over text jokes

Funny text message. Photo:, @Andrea Piacquadio (modified by author)
Source: UGC

These examples of how to make a girl laugh over text help you relax as you keep the conversation going. Try them out.

  • Everything about you is romantic, so if I bought you flowers and chocolate, would that make me more romantic?
  • I know clowns make you cry. Since I want to see you smiling every day, what can I do today to make you happy?
  • What is a hot girl like you doing on Tinder?
  • I love Gucci, Channel, Louis Vuitton, Adidas, and Balenciaga. Was the top you wore yesterday from a top designer brand?
  • If I could take you on a romantic holiday, where would your top three destinations be?
  • Where should we go for a romantic holiday on our honeymoon? Paris, Dubai, or an island in Fiji?
  • You know you are the most amazing woman in my life, right?
  • Hey beautiful, do you know why you are the only woman that makes me nervous?
  • Is it too early to tell my lady she is beautiful?
  • I am thinking of you right now. The crazy thing we do and how you make me laugh? What else should I think about?
  • What do you do to make your lips so sweet?
  • Hey beautiful, who should I thank for giving me a fantastic superwoman like you?
  • What type of man do you want? Hopefully, it is tall, dark, handsome, and wealthy because I will have all these qualities in a few years.
  • What is the craziest thing you have ever done for love?
  • Would you rather your breath smell like garlic or rotten fish?

If you were sceptical about shooting your shot, these options on how to make a girl laugh over text must have built your confidence. They are a great way to spice up the conversation and send hints about how you feel.

READ ALSO: 100+ words to build trust in a relationship and make it stronger recently shared an article on the best words to build trust in a relationship. Trust is essential for any relationship. Trusting each other enables you to be more frank.

You are more likely to be understanding of your partner’s flaws or undesirable actions. Positive words to build trust in a relationship will assist you in resolving trust issues and strengthening your relationship.

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50+ Funny text messages to make her laugh and make her attracted to you

What is the secret to falling in love? Well, nobody knows. However, there are ways of making your crush fall for you. Funny text messages to make her laugh is one way to go. These messages are not only witty and hilarious but also convey a hidden love message. Here are 50+ of these messages to help you catch the attention of your love interest.

Funny text messages to make her laugh

Photo:, @keira-burton (modified by author)
Source: UGC

In this age and era, text messages are one of the most used means of communication. Phones have become part of us, and utilizing them for communication and entertainment is ideal. So, use your phone today and smitten your love interest with these love paragraphs for her messages below.

If you are stuck and don’t know how to make a girl laugh over text, worry not. Below is a compilation of some of the hilarious text messages you can use on your love interest.

  • I’m not a professional photographer, but I can picture us together.
  • I think my phone is broken because, for some reason, your number isn’t on it.
  • If you are cute, you can call me baby. If you are nice, you can call me sweetie. But if you are hot, you can call me tonight!
  • I think you are one of the leading causes of global warming because you are smoking hot.
  • Your father must be a mobster because you are the bomb like dynamite.
  • I love all the stars in the sky, but they are nothing compared to the ones in your eyes!
  • Life is full of beautiful things: soft sunsets, painted rainbows, delicate blossoms, love & laughter, quiet moments & a wonderful someone like you.
  • As long as you are holding one hand, I can capture the world with the other one.
  • Your hug is the best place to be, your name is my favourite word, and your voice is my ideal sound!
  • I want to acquire you the way Facebook acquired Instagram. I love you!
  • I’m not a gambler, but I’ve just allowed my heart and my mind to bet that I will never stop loving you.
  • I’d love to see you only on days that end with y.
  • For the last 24 hours, 1440 minutes, 86400 seconds, I’ve missed you.
  • My life without you is like a beautiful vase waiting to be filled with a flower called you.
  • Hey beautiful, I don’t think you were meant to stay on earth because you’re an angel sent from heaven.
  • The doctor told me that I have a healthy heart, but for some reason, it skips a beat whenever I see you.
  • My mother tells me that when I was a little kid, I cried a lot. I realized today it was because I was missing you.
  • Hey, Let’s commit the perfect crime, I’ll steal your heart, and you steal mine.
  • Last night I hugged my pillow and dreamt of you… I wish that someday I’d dream about my pillow, and I’d be hugging you.
  • They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but when I look at yours, I’m speechless!

Funny text to send a girl

Funny text messages to make her laugh

Photo:, @georges_mjanja (modified by author)
Source: UGC

What can I text a girl to make her laugh? There are many things a man can say to a girl and make her smile. So, if you are stuck and have run out of ideas, try these text messages below. These messages are among things to say to a girl to make her feel special.

  • I’ve been getting wrinkles from smiling so much. Stop being too sweet! You’re driving me insane.
  • Me without you is like a nerd without braces, a shoe without laces, aSentenceWithoutSpaces.
  • Never kiss a police officer, she will say, hands up. Never kiss a doctor, she will say, next, please. Always kiss a teacher, she will say, repeat it five times.
  • Love is like peeing your pants; everyone can see it, but only you can feel it. Thanks for being the pee in my pants.
  • You make things hard. I like that.
  • Do you know what my favourite thing in the world is? The second word of this text.
  • I know staring at people for too long is considered rude. So, I wanted to ask for your permission.
  • I love you. You’re my pudding. But how come you’re not in the bakery?
  • True love is like a pillow. You can hug it when you’re in trouble. You can cry on it when you’re in pain. You can embrace it when you’re happy, So when you need true love, Buy a pillow!
  • I don’t play chess, but you’re definitely my queen.

Funny things to say to a girl

What would make a girl laugh? When said correctly, the unexpected might be the most amusing. For some folks, a short funny statement is sufficient since they grasp the humour quickly. Others may require some time to think about it. In any case, when it eventually comes down, laughter is unavoidable.

  • Am I cute enough yet, or do you need more of these vodkas?
  • I sure hope, girl, that you know CPR because you make my heart skip a beat.
  • Girl, will you stop getting any hotter? You are killing the poor thermometer!
  • You must go and see a doctor, girl! Because you have ‘BEAUTY’ all over your face!
  • Girl, you are like dandruff because I cannot get you out of my head.
  • Why do men like to fall in love at first sight? Because doing so saves them a lot of money.
  • Can I borrow a kiss from you? I promise you that I will give it back.
  • Never laugh at your significant other’s choices because you happen to be one of them.
  • Are you familiar with that tingly feeling that you get in your body when you start to develop feelings for someone? That feeling is all of your common sense, leaving your body.
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Pauline. Pauline, who? I think I’m Pauline in love with you.
  • You are in my heart, my mind, and in my entire body. In fact, my doctor says that you must be a parasite!
  • The brain is the most impressive organ in our whole body. From the day you are born, it works 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, right up until you fall in love.
  • Love is when I walk to the other side of the classroom to sharpen my pen so that I can you. Only to realize that I am holding a pen.
  • Do you have a Band-Aid? I just scraped my knee falling for you.
  • Are you from Tennessee? Because you’re the only ten, I see!
  • I have a crush on your mind, I fell for your personality, and your looks are just a big bonus.
  • Wait a minute. Why did it take you so long to enter my life? I’m angry.
  • Your dad must have been a thief because he stole all the stars in the sky and put them in your eyes!
  • I have had an awful day, and it always makes me feel better to see a pretty girl smile. So, would you smile for me?
  • I may annoy you, and you might want to kill me… I permit you but on one condition. Don’t shoot me in the heart because that’s where you are!

Jokes to make a girl laugh

Funny text messages to make her laugh

Photo:, @kampus (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Is it difficult to make her laugh? The trick is simple enough for anyone to learn. The key is to make your jokes appear natural and relatable. A far-fetched joke will appear phoney and hollow. But, if you can inject some reality into the joke, you’ll have a winner. Here are some beautiful examples to follow.

  • Why shouldn’t you fall in love with a pastry chef? He’ll dessert you!
  • What does the ghost call his true love? My ghoul-friend.
  • What did the little boat say to the yacht? Can I interest you in a little row-mance?
  • What did the guy with the broken leg say to his nurse? «I’ve got a crutch on you.»
  • What do you call two birds in love? Tweet-hearts!

There are many funny text messages to make her laugh. The above collection of messages will make your girl smile. Laughter is the best medicine, and making your love interest laugh is one way to get closer to her heart. If you’re stuck for jokes to tell your crush, the ones listed above will come in handy. recently published a fascinating article on the 100+  I love you quotes, sayings, and messages for her. Consider the best words, romantic phrases, and thoughtful quotes when writing I love you more messages for her. Do not be haphazard, as this will not benefit your girl. Instead, choose words that she might want to hear.

Nice words go a long way toward strengthening romantic bonds. But how do you put deep love into words? Discover more with these simple 100+ quotes for your loved one.

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Words have immense power.

We’ve all been in an argument before, and what we say can have a long-lasting impact.

Whether it’s out of anger or revenge, these words have the potential to hurt someone deeply – especially when said to girls.

They can make you feel loved, appreciated, and valued, or they can tear a person down, making them question their worth.

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Unfortunately, when it comes to girls – especially teenage girls – there are some words that cut more deeply than others.

While negativity should be avoided at all costs in any conversation with anyone, it’s especially important to know what not to say when talking to a girl, particularly those aged 13-17 who may be struggling with self-esteem issues related to body image or peer relationships.

In this blog post, we’ll look at 10 mean things people should never say to a girl, not only because they can cause immense emotional pain but also because they have serious consequences for the power dynamics between genders in society as a whole.


We’ve all said something hurtful, whether in the heat of the moment or out of spite.

But some words can cause more damage than others.

That is why it is critical to choose your words carefully, especially if you are attempting to resolve a conflict with someone who will not listen to reason.

So here are 25 mean things to say to a girl that may have lasting consequences:

  • If you were more attractive, I’d date you.
  • There’s no way anyone could ever love you.
  • Women can’t drive.
  • Go make me a sandwich.
  • I’ve never seen someone as dumb as you.
  • Oh, so you’re just looks after all…
  • Are you sure you want to eat that?
  • You’re nothing without me.
  • You’re too ugly/fat to be worth my time.
  • I wish I’d never met you.
  • The only thing you can offer is your body.
  • You are too emotional/sensitive/overdramatic/needy/etc…
  • Your opinion doesn’t matter here./You don’t know what you’re talking about!
  • You shouldn’t have cut your hair that short, it makes you look fat.
  • Too bad you don’t have any balls to back up your claim.
  • That dress makes you look fat.
  • You look so much older than your age.
  • Your best friend and sister are way prettier than you.
  • Why do you wear so much makeup?
  • You’re ugly inside and out.
  • You are pretty smart, for a girl.
  • Oh, is it that time of the month again?
  • You’re pretty, but you’d be better if you lost a few pounds.
  • You’re not good enough for me.
  • I didn’t love you anyway.
  • I was pretending the whole time.

If you’re looking for a way to really hurt a woman, any of these 25 mean things to say will do the trick.

Just be sure that you’re prepared for the consequences if she retaliates – because she probably will. And believe us, you don’t want to see a wrathful woman in action.

So think twice before you open your mouth and say something you can never take back.

You might enjoy: Here’s What to Say When Someone Calls you Rude (25 Things!)

Funny mean things to say to a girl


Everyone has that one female friend or partner who loves a good joke and can take a joke.

A hilarious insult or two might be just what she needs to lighten the mood, especially in times of stress.

The following is a list of 10 funny mean things you can use with your female friends or even your crush:

  • You’re so fake, you make Barbie look real!
  • You talk so much; I think everyone else should start paying you rent!
  • I’d give you a nasty look, but you already have one.
  • Wow, you have more drama than a soap opera!
  • The only thing missing from your face is intelligence!
  • Are those real teeth or did you borrow them from someone else?
  • If looks could kill, you’d already be dead.
  • You’re like a broken pencil: pointless.
  • I don’t have the time or the crayons to explain this to you on your level.
  • It’s a joke, not a d*ck, don’t take it so hard.

Insults can often seem mean-spirited or hurtful if said in the wrong context, but when used among close friends, they can actually bring people closer together by providing an opportunity for laughter and humor in otherwise stressful situations.

With these 10 funny insults specifically tailored towards women in mind, your female friends will enjoy getting poked fun at every once in a while – as long as they know it comes from love!

You might find it interesting: 50 Dirty Comebacks and Insults to Win Every Argument

Final Thoughts

No one deserves to be spoken to harshly or cruelly, especially not girls who are already dealing with sexism, misogyny, double standards, and so many other societal pressures on top of everything else going on in their lives right now (and always).

So the next time you find yourself about to say something mean or uncalled for out loud towards someone else (especially a female!), take some deep breaths before speaking – think twice first before engaging your mouth before your brain kicks in!

Remember: words have power, so use yours wisely!

Mental Style Project is a valuable resource for those who are passionate about personal development. It serves as a trusted guide to help you navigate life’s challenges by providing you with the necessary tools and resources to elevate your existence. Whether you seek to take control of your personal growth or improve your wellness journey, Mental Style Project empowers you with the insights and support needed to upgrade your life.

After writing sweet things to say to a girl, we will tell you about some of the funny things to say to a girl. You can win a girl’s heart easily if you are very good at tickling her funny bones. She may like to spend quality time with you if she finds you interesting and witty. Well, you can be a humorous person by putting right words at the right time in your conversation. You just need a little confidence and be a little extrovert to make things fall in the correct place. When you share some light moments with a girl then it becomes easy for her to open up with you and both of you becomes comfortable with each other too.

Funny Things to Say to a Girl

Cute  and Funny Things to Say to a Girl to Make Her Smile

1. “Living without you is like a faulty pencil, incompetent.”

2. “I can capture the world with one hand as long as you are holding the other.”

3. “I can keep you always.”

4. “Are you a dictionary? You add meaning to my life.”

5.  “Our love is like the refreshing cup of coffee.”

6. “I don’t mind to live in hell if I will live with you. But I would certainly not want to live in heaven without you.”

7. “I wish I could pause the moment when I am with you.”

9. “Growing old with you is the only thing I desire to do.”

10. “First thing I want to see in the morning is your face.”

11.  “We must be matched in heaven.”

12. “I don’t need a camera to smile. I just need to look at you.”

13. “I am lost in your deep blue eye.”

14. “I have donated my heart to you.”

15. “Every flower reminds me of your beautiful face.”

16. “You must not need to add sugar you are already sweet enough.”

17. “I never wanna be right if loving you is wrong.”

18. “If I lost you I’ll also lose my world.”

19. “Darling, you are a burglar because you seized my heart.”

20. “You remind me of a magnet always attracting me to your way.”

21. “Your parents must be bakers to produce such a cutie pie.”

22. “My knees are getting weak since I fall for you daily.”

23. “Nothing makes sense when you are not around.”

24. “Your voice is my ideal sound, your hug is my favorite site and your name is my favorite word.”

25. “Bees love honey, people love money, Flower love dew, But… I LOVE YOU.”

26. “I wish to wake up right next to you, every time I sleep.”

27. “You make my heart race without doing a thing.”

28. “I don’t have enough words to say what you mean to me.”

29. “Falling in love with you was the second best thing because meeting you was the first one.”

30. “You changed my life and obviously in a better way.”

31. “Girl I bet you belong to prison for killing every guy with your killing looks.”

32. “Are you the love mascot because you just look made up of love?”

33. “Ma’am you have got to give me your name and number because I fell for you and injured my heart when I first looked at you.”

34. “Is it really legal to look that amazing?”

35. “Are you from Hogwarts because you are so magical?”

36. “Well, there is a party in my heart wanna come?”

37. “Wanna drink and know things?”

38. “I bet my all life on you, wanna play a game of who falls in love first?”

39. “I think my cell phone is useless can you fix it for me by saving your number in it?”

40. “Let’s make a deal, let me kiss you and if you don’t like it return it back.”

1. “Can I have directions? (Girl- To where?) Certainly, to Your Heart.”

You may use this tricky line to make your girlfriend smile. She may show deep interest in letting you know the directions to her heart as well. You can also use this line to flirt with a girl you met for the first time. She may not find it offensive at all as it is definitely cute one and she will love it for sure. But, only try these lines when you have an idea about that girl’s likeness towards you or if you think she might get interested in you. You need to use low-pitched and soft voice while the conversation with her. An innocent expression on your face may make you appear more interested and alive. Try to act natural and not over expressive as it might not make her fall for it. Your goal should be to make her laugh first of all then to make her fall for you.

2. “I think I am going to buy a Polar Bear. (Girl- Why?) I am going to use it to break the ice between us.”

This is an ice-breaking line, don’t you think the same? Because after listening to it, chances are that she may get frank and easily open up. This eventually means that she has started developing her interest in you. She may laugh over it for sure. Making a girl laugh is obviously an easy way to get to her heart. You can speak your heart out once she has laughed on this funny line. She may pay attention to your words which mean that she is actually interested. This is also one of the best ice breaking lines which you can use to get to know even a stranger.

3. “What are you planning to do this evening? (Girl- Nothing) Great, we can do nothing together then.”

The main motive here is to think out of the box. When you will give a girl the most obvious answer then they are less likely to fall for it. She may be expecting a different question but a slight twist, in the end, can give this conversation a humorous tone. You can take advantage of this funny line and you may end up fixing a date with her so easily, without putting in much efforts. This is one of the funny things to say to a girl and to make her find you as an interesting person.

4. “Do you see my friend over there? He wants to know if you think I am cute.”

While saying this you can point out at any guy standing at some distance as your friend and she will easily believe you. It is a nice pickup line when you want to start a conversation with a girl. She may get it right and may tell you if you are cute enough to flatter her or not. But, you should look confident while throwing this question to her. It is one of the funny things to say to a girl. This line has an advantage over other lines as it would give you a straight answer of what is in her mind for you.

5. “You need to kiss me if you think I am wrong, but dinosaurs still exist right?”

You are being too smart by saying this line to her. Don’t you feel the same? You can be a little flirty in your approach by having a flirty and mischievous smile on your face. She may fall for you if you say it perfectly and all the things fit in, in the right manner. However, you may use this line on your girlfriend as well. Probably, you may even get a kiss from her as a compliment or as a reward for your hard try. Trying this line over a total stranger could be a bit risky therefore use it over someone you know for a while.

6. “Your hand looks heavy. Let me hold it for you.”

You can use this funny line to make a girl smile. She may let you hold her hand too if you are confident while saying it. It is indeed, one of the funny things to say to a girl. You may even pull out your hand to make the perfect gesture while asking to hold her hand. Do not forget to do this gesture with a smiling face.

7. “Have you ever been arrested? You are breaking all laws by looking that good.”

It is such a nice compliment for a girl when a guy admires her beauty. Her self-confidence may get a boost for sure. You are definitely going to get a tight hug because she will be feeling good. If you want to make a girl happy then you can tell her that she looks absolutely awesome. However, it ought to be a genuine compliment because if you fake it she may catch you right away.

8. “Do you find me cute enough yet? Or shall I bring more of that vodka for you?”

This is indeed one of the funny things to say to a girl. She may tease you back if she is your girlfriend or she may like you to buy a drink for her. It is a good conversation starter if you are meeting a random girl in a bar or club. Funny one-liners can help you show off a cool image.

9. “Hey girl, my love for you is like diarrhea, I just can’t hold it in.”

You may compare your love with diarrhea as everything is fair in love and war and what could be funnier than this. She may certainly find it funny. This is such a hilarious comparison after all. There is no way to hold it inside. It is flowing out to her. Use the correct expression to make it funnier. But, before cracking such jokes, make sure that the girl is of jovial nature and will enjoy your jokes instead of feeling offensive and getting angry.

10. “You know you can be unique and different, just by saying ‘yes’.”

This is a simple, short and funny line to make her say ‘yes’. She may giggle in response to it and may say that she is not that unique. Girls like being witty and responsive to all those funny one liners. You can easily make them talk to you if you can make them laugh. This line is funny and clever at the same time and she is going to fall for at least one of these qualities.

11. “My drink is on you. (Girl- Why?) I saw you and dropped mine.”

You can start a conversation with a girl with this one-liner, especially when you are in a bar or club. She may get to notice you and may find you interesting. She will definitely get a smile on her face. You can flirt with her to impress her if she likes to have a drink with you. Well, do not actually let her buy you a drink unless she insists as many girls may conclude that you are not interested and just want a free drink.

12. “I am a lot shorter than this in reality but I am just sitting on my wallet.”

You can be funny by being a little boasting to make a girl like you. You can say this line to her just to show her that you have got millions in your bank account. It is just like saying to her that “come here baby, I am extremely rich”. It is a bit cheesy but funny as well. You have to express it in a funny way to make it work for you, eventually hitting the right spot. Use it when you do not find it bad to boast about your money. As many may find it a bit offensive.

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Making a girl happy is a way to get into her heart straight, and once you do it, she will be yours forever.

But what are some funny things to say a girl to make her laugh?

Studies show that humor is among the top traits that women find attractive in men. Therefore, you should never miss a chance to let her know how you possess an amazing sense of humor.

Here are some of the best funny things that you can do or say to make a girl laugh out loud.

These funny things are going to be very useful if you have currently started dating a girl. You can explore her more deeply by doing such humorous communications. And a little blend of funny jokes and admiring words can make her more comfortable with you.

Apart from that, the mobile phone is helping source to send some funny messages, cute jokes, and romantic quotes to a girl over text.

Brighten Up My with your smile.
I Always Love To Do Funny Things To Make Her Laugh.

You can easily make a girl bush by chatting with her few romantic, sexy, and funny lines through text. That will surely make her attentive, and she will find you interesting to know.

See how smartly you can make a mark on the target.

1. Try Some Jokes to Tell A Girl Over Text:

A good sense of humor can be a real asset when you want to impress a girl. Usually, funny guys are famous among lots of girls. Girls like to hang around them and feel more comfortable having silly, witty conversations with them.

Similarly, sometimes it’s not essential to have good manners and the ability to take, but you must know the best joke to impress a girl.

  •  I think you are a magician because whenever I look at you, everyone else disappeared. I think I have met you before, or maybe you look a lot like my next girlfriend.

  •  I have lost my phone number; can I take yours to call me?

  •  Everyone believes in fairy tales; how was heaven when you left it?

  •  My phone is having an issue; can you fix it? [why what’s wrong with it?] I think it doesn’t have your number.

  •   I will always love but only on days that end with y.

  •  I was missing you for the last 24 hours, 1440 minutes, 86400 seconds.

  •  Hello! I want to tell you that I must take your licensee away because you are driving me crazy.

  •  You must help me to give CPR because I lost my breath whenever I see you.

  • I need to fix my GPS navigation system because I just got lost whenever I look into your eyes.

  • Do you like Mexican food? Because I want to wrap you in my arms and make you my BAEritto.

2. Funny Romantic Lines to Make Her Smile:

Your humorous sense of humor can inspire a girl when you meet her for the first time. But if you already love her, it is essential to hold that string tightly.

Gifts, flowers, chocolates, and few romantic words from your heart will surely make her blush. She will surely respond to you with a cute smile.

Somehow, romanticizes situations with jokes and funny gestures can make your bond strong, whether it is your first date or fifth anniversary.

check out some funny jokes to tell a girl.

  •  I love you more when you can’t stop laughing because I am the reason behind that smile.

  •  Promise me to always stay by my side, around me, beside me, and on top of me.

  •  Work out is healthy for a heart; So, kiss me and burn more than five calories.

  • No matter that you are a good girl or a bad girl because every good girl became bad when she is with someone special.

  •  My mind goes blank whenever you close my eyes and kiss me. I must say there should be a new law to arrest people for being so beautiful.

  •  Can I hold your hand? I want to find my love line in your hand.

  • You know you can be the most amazing girl in my life; You need to call on my number.

  •  Hey! when you would go to smile again? I need brightness to take a selfie.

  •  Hey! Do you a have map? I constantly keep getting lost in your eyes.
Some Funny Romantic lines are the best thing to say a girl.

You Are The Real Gem Of My Heart.

3. Funny Questions to Ask A Girl to Get Her Attention:

1.  What fun thing you have in your mind to do with a guy?

This one must be interesting for you to understand your girl, that what she wants to do with you. You can explore her in a better way, and maybe you will find what she likes most about a guy. Is she wants to go with you for long drives, or go with you for a long walk? That will reflect her plan to get you a better understanding of what fun she wants to do with you.

2. What is your romantic fantasy? Cooking? Or sleeping with a guy?

Girls are high and intensive in emotions. They usually prefer romantic activities instead of being physically intimated at first. They want to make a mental understanding first to get close to a guy.

This question will help you to get the correct answer.

Who knows? Maybe she will be the one whom you are looking for.

Cooking with your partner is fun to discover more about her/his. A girl loves to have a supportive guy in her life because she only wants to be emotionally connected with her partner.

3. Do you like when someone tries a flirty pick-up line on you?

Not many of them, but some girls like some cheesy pick-up lines, to make them laugh at the moment. Yes, you can try some tricky and flirty words to get her attention.

4. Do you like to have me as a naughty or a nice one?

This question will undoubtedly make a girl blush at first. She will think for a while about what to say, but if you insist to justify the answer, she will tell you her secrete desires with more laughs and giggles.

5. Do you know people of Poland are called Poles, then why not the people of Holland called Holes?

Cracking a joke and asking silly questions can make anyone laugh out loud.

6. What would you like to do if we had a chance to get invisible for one day?

It is the best way to engage your partner constantly. It will make her think, fantasize and laugh instantly, and she can imagine a hundred things to do with you if she got a chance to get invisible for one day.

7. Do you know what looks good on you? Me!

She will surely blush and smile after hearing these words from you.

8. You wanna know what is the best thing in my life? The first word of this sentence.

Make her realize how important she is for you, will win heart easily.

9. Are you a camera? Because every time I look at you my heart smile says ‘CHEESE’.

This question can surely make her smile after getting to know that she is the reason for your happiness.

Make you smile completes me and this is the best funny thing i can do for you.
Watching You Smiling, Is The Best view For My Eyes.

4. Funny Quotes to Make A Girl Smile When a Girl is Sad:

A smile is a reflection of her love that entails many things in your relationship. When you are intact in a relationship with a girl you must know how to cherish her with your vibrant ties.

Specifically, when a girl is sad, she expects some kind gestures from a guy. That can be the right time to realize that how important and valuable she is for you.

Sending her funny memes and quotes can make it easier to forget her sadness for a while and smile again.

Let’s check some funny quotations to make her laugh, especially when she is sad.

  • Hey! Spent some time with me because I think you are suffering from a lack of vitamin ME.

  • You stole my heart; I am planning revenge; I will go to make you mine forever.

  • I always wake up with a smile on my face, and it is your fault.

  • I love you because you make me complete.

  • I will never stop falling in love with you.
Holding you in my arms is the best way to make you smile
To Hold You In My Arms Is The Best Thing In The World.

5. Funny & Sexy Pick-up Lines To Make A Girl Blush:

You don’t need to be sexy all the time with your girl, but only if you are dealing with long-distance relationships. You can keep connecting with your partner with few funny jokes, sexy lines, jokes, poetry, and fun emojis to make her feel closer to you.

Long-distance does not matter only when you make it short with your love and care.

Check out some cheesy pick-up lines to make a girl attracted to you.

  • You always make me smell you because you are like a fresh hot cup of coffee, enough to arouse me every day.

  • What are doing today? If nothing, then let’s do this nothing together.

  • Can you kiss me; I promise I will return it to you.

  • Send a kiss emoji to me. I want to check; Is your phone is working well.

  • I want to order a cold drink now because you always make me hot with your looks.

  • Sorry I was busy. Are you looking for me? Or Are you looking for me right now?

  • I think your hotness is the real cause of global warming.

  • Hi, my name is Sam, but you call me “TONIGHT”.

  • I love to eat butter in the morning because you are my Butter-Half.

  • I want you badly, so get out of my head and fell into my arms right away.
some Romantic. sexy pick-up line can be the best funny things to say a girl and make her blush.
Your Smile Always Make Me Crave For You.

6. Funny, Romantic Pictures & Loves Messages to Say A Girl.

Whether you are dating are girl recently or having a long historical relationship with someone. It is always a need to make your girlfriend realize that what you feel for her.

Sending her some funny romantic love messages and pictures can be the best idea to make her feel how much you care about her happiness.

It is not necessarily a must to send gifts and love text only on valentine’s day. Every single moment of your life has its significant value, and you must express your love to your partner regularly.

Funny love messagesfunny love messagesfunny love messagesfunny love messages

Are You Still Confused? To Know What Funny Things to Say A Girl? 

If you are attracted to a girl and want to make her happy, you must focus on finding what way you can get into her heart. Most of the girls like those boys who make them laugh with and also laugh with them.

Never try to be a comedian all the time because your good sense of humor reflects your personality. Therefore, you must be selective and amusing in your conversations.

If it is still hard to know what funny things can make your girl smile, you need to find more about her by spending quality time with her.

To know more funny things to say to a girl, try some humorous stories and your personal life experiences to engage her. Show her the fun side of your personality and your fantasies to be with her.


I must say, now it doesn’t remain difficult to approach a girl. This guide must be helpful to find funny things to say to a girl, especially when you have many sources to connect.

  • Never be afraid to show a sensitive aspect of your personality.
  • She must know that you are more than machismo and belt notches.
  • Always remember the difference between humor and offense and use your words carefully and be classic.

Similarly, being honest and open about your life can help you get her attention immediately. She will show interest to know more about you and start liking to spend many hours with you.

If you want to win her heart, then you should make her laugh. Don’t stress about it though because here are some funny things to text a girl.

77 Funny Things to Text a Girl and Make Her Laugh & Love You Over Text

Women say they love mysterious men, and though it may be true, the mystery doesn’t last forever. Women end up going for the guy who makes them laugh. Because, sure, the mystery is exciting, but it fades when you get to know the person. What really sticks around is personality, especially one that knows all the right kinds of funny things to text a girl.

So, ditch the mysterious vibes because, at the end of the day, jokes will win her heart. That being said, some guys don’t think they have what it takes to make women laugh. And, that makes sense.

It can be nerve-wracking to make someone laugh, especially if you’re not sure if you’re funny. But everyone has a sense of humor.

Laughter is the best route to any girl’s heart. We’ve all heard that saying, but different people find different things funny. But it doesn’t hurt to have some funny things to say to a girl over text regardless of how corny they may seem. 

They can be used to ease into a comfortable conversation flow or just to get her attention. All of these funny things will come in handy too, even when you are on a dating app. 

[Read: 12 types of humor and how they each affect relationships]

Do you have the same sense of humor?

Some people have dry humor, others are more expressive—so don’t feel pressure to be funny. You are funny, just understand the type of humor you possess. It may not necessarily match her sense of humor, and that’s okay. Not everyone is the same, which is what makes things interesting.

Regardless, make the first step and crack a couple of funny lines to see where things are, and what her sense of humor is like. [Read: How to be a funny guy – All the secrets you need to know]

Funny things to text a girl

Let’s make her laugh… or at least smirk with these. First, we’ll start with some funny pick-up lines to text a girl.

Funny pick up lines to text a girl

1. Nothing is luckier than the dress that’s on your body. 

[Read: How to keep a girl interested – 13 exciting ways to keep her happy]

2. Girl, give me my heart back because you stole it when I first laid eyes on you. 

3. Is it hot in here or are you just raising the temperature? 

[Read: Make them swoon – 20 swoon-worthy romantic words]

4. Are they casting for Wonder Woman? Because I have the perfect person for the role. 

5. Do you feel guilty about global warming? Because your hotness is melting the world. 

6. I’m sorry I acted awkward when I first saw you. I guess I’m suffering from seeing too much beauty. 

7. Are you gonna kiss me or do I have to lie to my diary? 

8. Was that an earthquake or did you just shake my world? 

9. I’m addicted to ‘Yes’, and I’m allergic to ‘No.’ So, what’s it gonna be? 

10. Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I pass by you again? 

[Read: 70 hilarious cheesy pickup lines to get any girl laughing]

11. I’m not a professional, but I’m pretty sure we would look amazing together in a photo. 

12. I think I need CPR after seeing your face. 

13. My job is secure. No one else wants it. 

14. Girl, I know what you did this summer. Wanna do something similar this winter/fall/spring? 

15. Do you have a Band-Aid? I hurt my knee falling for you. 

16. You better direct that beauty to somewhere else or else I’ll lose my mind. 

17. My doctors said that I can never have an arrhythmia. But talking to you proves them wrong. 

18. My phone isn’t working well, can you put your number on it? Maybe it’ll start working then. 

[Read: How to make someone laugh over text just by being yourself]

19. I’m sorry I wasn’t part of your past, can I make it up by being in your future? 

20. Is your dad, Liam Neeson? Because I’m Taken with you. 

21. If grapes make skin beautiful, then you must be living in a vineyard. 

22. You’re so stunning I just forgot my pick-up line. 

23. If you were Christmas, I would be the Grinch who stole you. 

24. Seriously? It’s got to be illegal to look that good. 

[Read: 100 sweet things to say to a girl and make her heart soar]

25. Do you have a Band-Aid? I just scraped my knee falling for you. 

26. I don’t play chess, but you’re definitely my queen. 

27. Am I cute enough yet, or do you need more of these vodkas? 

28. I sure hope, girl, that you know CPR because you make my heart skip a beat. 

29. Girl, will you stop getting any hotter? You are killing the poor thermometer! 

30. You must go and see a doctor, girl! Because you have ‘BEAUTY’ all over your face!

31. Girl, you are like dandruff because I cannot get you out of my head. 

[Read: How to make someone laugh over text – 18 secrets fun texters know]

32. Are you from Tennessee? Because you’re the only ten, I see! 

33. I have a crush on your mind, I fell for your personality, and your looks are just a big bonus. 

34. Wait a minute. Why did it take you so long to enter my life? I’m angry. 

35. Your dad must have been a thief because he stole all the stars in the sky and put them in your eyes! 

36. I have had an awful day, and it always makes me feel better to see a pretty girl smile. So, would you smile for me? 

[Read: 38 Ways to start a conversation over text and make each text fun to reply to]

Funny jokes to text a girl

If you don’t think she would laugh at a cheesy pickup line being texted to her, then you can try sending some of these corny jokes to make her burst into laughter.

1. What do runners eat before a race? Nothing, they fast!

2. Do you want to hear a joke about construction? Never mind, I’m still working on it!

3. What do you call a dog magician? A Labracadabrador!

4. Why did the skeleton go to the party alone? He had no body to go with him.

[Read: 53 flirty things to say to a girl to compliment her and make her blush]

5. What did one shark say to the other while eating a clownfish? Well, this tastes a little funny.

6. What do you call a pony with a cough? A little hoarse.

7. What did the little boat say to the yacht? Can I interest you in a little row-mance? 

8. What did the guy with the broken leg say to his nurse? “I’ve got a crutch on you.” 

9. What do you call two birds in love? Tweet-hearts! 

10. What do you call someone with a rubber toe? Roberto.

[Read: 22 ways to make a girl think about you with texts and how you behave]

11. Why do melons have weddings? Because they cantaloupe.

12. What do you call a factory that only markets passable products? A satisfactory!

13. Why shouldn’t you fall in love with a pastry chef? He’ll dessert you! 

14. What does the ghost call his true love? My ghoul-friend. 

15. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Pauline. Pauline, who? I think I’m Pauline in love with you. 

[Read: How to make a girl smile – 50 things you can do to make her happy]

Funny puns to text a girl

If you’re more into giving out puns, then here are some for you to choose from.

1. How would you reply if I said: “you deserve better”? I don’t know about you, but I would say: “you read my mind”!

2. Hey. Do you like Star Wars by any chance? Because Yoda only one for me!

3. What do you think you would be named if you were a burger at Mcdonalds? I know! McGorgeous.

4. Do you want to know what I’m in the mood for right now? Pizza. Well, more like a pizza you.

5. How much money does a pirate pay for corn? A buccaneer.

[Read: How often should you text a girl? 24 must-know rules of texting]

6. Are you sure you’re not a chicken? Because I don’t know about anyone else, but to me, you look impeccable. *I’m-peck-able*

7. Do you know why seagulls fly over the sea? Well, they can’t fly over the bay! Then they would be bagels.

Other corny, funny, and cute things to text a girl

If you are looking for other things beyond pickup lines, jokes, and puns, then here are some other more general – yet funny – things to text a girl.

1. I hate when I’m about to hug someone really sexy and my face hits the mirror. 

2. I’ve been getting wrinkles from smiling so much. 

[Read: How to be funny – 28 must-know tips to make everyone love your humor]

3. Stop being too sweet! You’re driving me insane. 

4. Me without you is like a nerd without braces, a shoe without laces, aSentenceWithoutSpaces. 

5. Never kiss a police officer, she will say, hands up. Never kiss a doctor, she will say, next, please. Always kiss a teacher, she will say, repeat it five times. 

6. Love is like peeing your pants; everyone can see it, but only you can feel it. 

7. You make things hard. I like that. 

[Read: Am I texting too much? 16 signs they think you’re a clingy texter]

8. Do you know what my favorite thing in the world is? The second word of this text. 

9. I know staring at people for too long is considered rude. So, I wanted to ask for your permission. 

10. I love you. You’re my pudding. But how come you’re not in the bakery? 

11. True love is like a pillow. You can hug it when you’re in trouble, you can cry on it when you’re in pain, and you can embrace it when you’re happy. So when you need true love, buy a pillow! 

12. Why do men like to fall in love at first sight? Because doing so saves them a lot of money. 

13. Can I borrow a kiss from you? I promise you that I will give it back. 

[Read: How to tease a girl over text and 15 ways to get her to flirt back]

14. Never laugh at your significant other’s choices because you happen to be one of them. 

15. Are you familiar with that tingly feeling that you get in your body when you start to develop feelings for someone? That feeling is all of your common sense, leaving your body. 

16. You are in my heart, my mind, and in my entire body. In fact, my doctor says that you must be a parasite! 

17. The brain is the most impressive organ in our whole body. From the day you are born, it works 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, right up until you fall in love. 

[Read: Double texting – What it is, how to avoid it & 15 must-follow rules]

18. Love is when I walk to the other side of the classroom to sharpen my pen so that I can see you. Only to realize that I am holding a pen. 

19. I may annoy you, and you might want to kill me… I permit you but on one condition. Don’t shoot me in the heart because that’s where you are! 

What you need to remember if you want to be a funny texter

One thing you need to remember about comedy is good timing.

You don’t need to be funny all the time to make her like you. You can also do other things like asking her the right questions to get to know her.

Just keep it lighthearted, and you will keep a girl entertained over text – and yourself too.  

[Read: How to use self-deprecating humor to impress a girl]

You’ve been texting a girl you’re interested in. Now it’s time to put a smile on her face and show her your sense of humor with these funny things to text a girl.

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120+ funny text messages for her to send and make her laugh

Are you still trying to figure out hilarious things to say to her? Finding the right words can be challenging. If you have a female crush, a girlfriend, or a wife and would like to bring a smile to her face, use these funny text messages for her.

funny message for her

A smiling lady. Photo:, @Antony Trivet (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Humour plays a significant role in numerous relationships, including romantic ones, friendships, and even colleagueship. People generally love to be around someone who can make them smile and laugh.

What are some funny text messages for her?

Humour improves communication between loved ones. The most romantic ones are wordplays, puns, and exaggerated praises. Look no further for perfect funny text for her. Below are hilarious messages that make ladies smile from ear to ear.

Funny text messages for wife

Texting is a great way to connect with your spouse. Add humour to your messages to make her smile as she reads them. Below are some funny jokes to make a wife laugh through text:

  • I’ve missed you for the last 24 hours, 1440 minutes, and 86400 seconds.
  • I love you more than pizza…and I really, really love pizza.
  • If you were a vegetable, you know what you’d be? A cute-cumber.
  • Do you have a sunburn, or are you always this hot?
  • Do you work at Starbucks? Because I like you a latte.
  • I’m not a photographer, but I still picture you and me together…in bed.
  • I heard that a kiss can burn 6.4 calories per minute. You wanna workout?
  • You make me smile. I’m also super horny, but that’s not the point.
  • Without you, I am like a nerd without braces, shoes without laces and ASentenceWithoutSpaces.
  • I’m not going to lie; we go together like Nutella and a spoon. I’m the Nutella.
  • If you kiss me, I’m not responsible for what happens next.
  • I felt a little off today, but you turned me on.
  • I can’t decide what I want more, food or you? Food…no! You… Maybe food on you!
  • I wanted to send you something that would make you smile, but the mailman told me to get it out of the mailbox.
  • I’m not going to lie; you’re hotter than the bottom of my laptop after I’ve watched way too much Netflix.

Funny text messages to send a girl on Instagram

funny text messages for her

A woman using her phone and laptop in the office. Photo:, @RODNAE Productions (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Flirty and funny text messages for your girlfriend make the conversation flow smoothly. Humour is always a good idea to initiate communication when she is upset. Find jokes to make her laugh from this list:

  • Can you move out of your house and live in my heart? Rent is free.
  • It seems you are hot enough to melt the ice of my heart.
  • Your father must be a mobster because you are the bomb.
  • Have you ever been to Alaska? Oh, me neither. We are so much alike!
  • I look at your photo and think: «It seems like my girlfriend is a new Miss Universe.»
  • If you were a smartphone, you would be called iGorgeous X.
  • I’m so hungry every time I see a cutie pie like you.
  • I had a dream in which you kissed me. This dream was prophetic, right?
  • I need to look in my passport now because your beauty has deprived me of my memory, and I even forgot my name.
  • All my thermometers go wild when I look at you. This is because you are too hot, my baby.
  • I look at your photos and understand that my dream is to be your mirror so I can look at your beauty daily.
  • I look at your photo and think, «Girl, why didn’t you tell me that you are a supermodel?»
  • You are so bright in this photo, like a fragrant flower, and I am a bee!
  • You must be a professional thief because you manage to steal my heart repeatedly.
  • Well, for the next date, I need to find a lifebuoy to protect myself from drowning in the depths of your eyes.
  • I listen to the radio, and I find it surprising that every love song is about you.
  • We are a wonderful couple; I am a sweet tooth — you are candy.
  • Your kind smile heals me. So I am not afraid to get sick now because you are my medicine.
  • I was lucky to find the treasure I had dreamt about my entire life. I understand this when I look at you; I will keep this treasure and never give it to the bank.
  • Once, in a dream, I saw a goddess; it was so surprising. And now I look at your photo and guess that it was you. Hope to see you again in the next dream.
  • Let me be your doctor, honey. I prescribe bed rest because your hotness is dangerous to you and me.

Jokes to make a girl laugh over text

funny words to make her fall in love

A woman with a smartphone sitting on a couch. Photo:, @Sora Shimazaki (modified by author)
Source: UGC

If you wondered how to make a girl long for your chatting moments, start conversations with this brilliant collection of jokes to make her laugh over text:

  • Am I handsome enough yet, or do you need one more beer bottle?
  • Will you give me a kiss or do I have to lie in my diary?
  • Can you kiss me on the cheek so I can at least say a cute girl kissed me tonight?
  • Did it hurt when you landed? You must have fallen from heaven, right?
  • Did you have lucky charms for breakfast? Because you look magically delicious!
  • Did you hear about the kidnapping at school? It’s okay. He woke up.
  • Did you hear about the mathematician who was afraid of negative numbers?
  • Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk past you again?
  • Do you feel guilty about global warming? Because your hotness is melting the ice caps.
  • Do you have a bandage? I hurt my knee when I fell for you.
  • Do you know the tingly feeling one gets when falling in love? That feeling is all their common sense leaving their body.
  • Do you want to hear a joke about a construction site? Never mind, I’m still working on it!
  • Girl, give me my heart back because you stole it when I first laid eyes on you.
  • Girl, you are like dandruff because I cannot get you out of my head.
  • Guess what I am wearing tonight? The smile you gave me when we first met.
  • Have you ever tried eating a clock? It’s time-consuming, especially if you go for seconds.
  • Did you hear about the new restaurant called Karma? There’s no menu; You get what you deserve.
  • Hello princess, can I borrow a kiss from you? I promise to give it back.
  • Here, I bought you a calendar. Your days are numbered now.
  • I don’t think you were meant to stay on earth because you’re an angel sent from heaven.

Funny words to make her fall in love

jokes to make her laugh

A lady holding her phone. Photo:, @Andrea Piacquadio (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Funny guys have a certain charm most girls cannot resist. Who wants to be with someone who is always serious anyway? Find funny SMS to impress a girl from this list:

  • I could not hold back my stares, so I am planning on walking up to you to have a better look.
  • I don’t play chess, but you’re my queen.
  • I hope you know how to perform CPR because you take my breath away!
  • I know staring at people for too long is considered rude. So, I wanted to ask for your permission to stare at you.
  • I love all the stars in the sky, but they are nothing compared to the ones in your eyes!
  • I only miss you once, and that is when I breathe.
  • I only want to see you only on days that end with you.
  • I saw some people searching for beauty, not knowing all the beauty was given to you.
  • I think my phone is broken because, for some reason, I cannot see your number on it.
  • I think you are one of the leading causes of global warming because you are smoking hot.
  • My love for you is like dividing by zero; it cannot be defined.
  • I’m not a professional photographer, but I can picture us together.
  • Is it hot in here, or are you just raising the temperature?
  • It looks like you dropped something, my jaw!
  • It must be illegal to look that good.
  • My phone isn’t working well. Would you put your number in it so it can function again?
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Pauline. Pauline, who? I think I’m Pauline in love with you.
  • Somebody call UNEP. I just discovered why the earth is so hot.
  • The only thing your eyes have not told me is your name.
  • There are 20 angels in the world. 11 are playing, eight are asleep, and one is in front of me.

Make her laugh text messages, puns, and wordplay

funny love messages to make her laugh

A lady smiling at her phone. Photo:, @Andrea Piacquadio (modified by author)
Source: UGC

The more times a man tries to be funny, the more times a woman laughs. Use witty wordplay to create jokes when you are around her. Look for a perfect funny text to make her laugh from these hilarious puns:

  • I tried to sue the airport for misplacing my luggage. I lost my case.
  • What does the ghost call his true love? My ghoul-friend.
  • When God made you, he must have been showing off.
  • Why did the chicken go to the séance? To get to the other side
  • Why did the orange stop? It ran out of juice!
  • Why did the teddy bear say no to dessert? Because she was stuffed
  • Why do melons have weddings? Because they cantaloupe.
  • Why shouldn’t you fall in love with a pastry chef? He’ll eventually dessert you!
  • What did 0 say to 8? Nice belt!
  • What did one man say to the other while eating a clownfish? Well, this tastes a bit funny.
  • What did the left eye say to the right eye? Between us, something smells!
  • They say nothing lasts forever. So, will you be my nothing?
  • What did the little boat say to the yacht? Can I interest you in a little row-mance?
  • What did the man with the broken leg say to his nurse? «I’ve got a crutch on you.»
  • What do runners eat before a race? Nothing, they fast!
  • What do you call a factory that only markets passable products? A satisfactory!
  • What do you call a pony with a cough? A little hoarse.
  • What do you call someone with a rubber toe? Roberto.
  • What do you call two birds in love? Tweet-hearts!
  • Why are volcanos so nice? They lava you.

Short funny jokes to make a girl laugh through text

make her laugh text messages

A lady using her laptop. Photo:, @Andrea Piacquadio (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Ladies love men who are both funny and sensible. Are you looking for a simple funny SMS to impress a girl? Choose funny texts to send your girlfriend from this list:

  • If you were Christmas, I would be the Grinch who stole you.
  • Lately, I have been getting wrinkles from smiling so much.
  • Hey girl, are you from Tennessee? Because you’re the only ten, I see!
  • I want to acquire you the way Meta acquired Instagram. I love you!
  • I got my friend a fridge for her birthday. I can’t wait to see her face light up when she opens it.
  • If you are cute, you can call me baby. If you are nice, you can call me sweetie. But if you are hot, you can call me tonight!
  • I hate when I am about to hug someone extremely stunning, and then my face hits the mirror.
  • I have a crush on your mind, I fell for your personality, and your gorgeous, magnificent, unbelievable looks are just a big bonus.
  • If I got a star for every time you brightened my day, I would have a galaxy in my hand.
  • Hey, my dear, let us be part of the perfect crime. You steal my heart, and I steal yours.
  • How does Moses make tea? He brews it.
  • I am attracted to you so much that scientists will have to develop a fifth fundamental force.
  • I cannot take my eyes off you. Unless, of course, you notice me. Then I will quickly look away and act as though nothing happened.
  • My doctors said that I could never have an arrhythmia. But talking to you proves them wrong.
  • My job is secure. Nobody else wants it.
  • Love is like p*eing your pants; everyone can see it, but only you can feel it.
  • My mother tells me that when I was a little kid, I cried a lot. I realized today it was because I was missing you.
  • I may annoy you, and you may even want to kill me. I give you permission, but on one condition, do not shoot me in the heart because that’s where you are!
  • I’m not a gambler, but I’ve just given my heart and my mind permission to bet that I will never stop loving you.
  • Love is when I walk to the other side of the classroom to borrow a pen so that I can see you. Only to realize that I am holding a pen.

How to make girlfriend laugh while chatting

jokes to make her laugh over text

A lady in a blue dress. Photo:, @El glingo photo (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Women want funny men, and men want women who laugh at their jokes. Some men do not have comic characters. It is fine if you are one of them, and you do not have to try so hard to find a word to make her laugh. Find a funny text to send a girl from this list:

  • You are so beautiful; you made me forget my pickup line.
  • You are the reason Santa Claus even has a naughty list.
  • You had better direct that beauty to somewhere else, or else I’ll lose my mind.
  • Do you know what I saw today? Everything I looked at.
  • You must go and see a doctor, girl! Because you have beauty all over your face!
  • Your dad must have been a thief because he stole all the stars in the sky and put them in your eyes!
  • My life without you is like a beautiful vase waiting to be filled with a flower called you.
  • Never laugh at your significant other’s choices because you happen to be one of them.
  • Princess, will you stop getting any hotter? You are killing the poor thermometer!
  • Roses are red; violets are blue; I have no idea how that joke ends.
  • The brain is the most impressive organ in our whole body. From the day you are born, it works 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, right up until you fall in love.
  • The doctor told me that I have a healthy heart, but for some reason, it skips a beat whenever I see you.
  • There is just something about you. I have not figured out what it is yet. Do you know what it is?
  • They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but when I look at yours, I’m speechless!
  • Wait a minute. Why did it take you so long to enter my life? I’m angry.
  • Was that an earthquake, or did you just shake my world?
  • Was your dad a baker? Because you have got a nice set of buns.
  • Was your dad king for a day? He must have been to make a princess like you.
  • Why do men often fall in love at first sight? Because doing so saves them a lot of money.
  • You are in my heart, mind, and entire body. In fact, my doctor says that you must be a parasite!

word to make her laugh

A woman wearing an Ankara top. Photo:, @Godisable Jacob (modified by author)
Source: UGC

How to make her laugh over text?

  • Use funny emojis.
  • Send her short videos.
  • Use GIFs.
  • Text a random fact or detail of your day.
  • Text her a silly pickup line.

How do I stop being a dry texter?

Dry texting means replying to messages with short answers and taking too long to reply to an SMS. If you are doing these things unintentionally, you are a dry texter. You can get rid of this habit by replying to messages as soon as you can.

Start texting her first, remember details of your previous conversations and bring them up, ask her questions, use a sentence instead of one-word replies like «Yes,» «Nope,» or «Ok,» and GIFs, memes, and emojis to your text to express emotions.

How do you text a laugh?

You can express laughter via text using GIFs, memes, and emojis. You can also use abbreviations like LOL (laugh out loud), ROFL (rolling on the floor laughing), LMAO (laughing my apples off), and teehee (hehe).

How do you become a fun loving person?

You cannot make someone you love happy if you are not a fun loving person. The best way to become a happy man for your lady is to take care of your mental health, go with her on adventures, and live in the moment.

Are you looking for perfect funny text messages for her to laugh? This guide has everything you need, from messages for the occasional laugh to those meant to make her fall in love with you.

READ ALSO: Top 30+ best funny jokes for girls in 2022: Impress them recently published an article about the best funny jokes for girls. A sense of humour can become a real asset when you want to impress a girl.

Girls and boys often tend to enjoy varying jokes. Something that sounds hilarious to a guy might sound totally boring to a girl. What are the best jokes for a girl?


Having a hard time wooing a girl? Just know that you are not alone as lots of guys experience the same thing. But this should not be a problem when you have the right words to use, by right words we mean, sweet words and it works like magic. Naturally, ladies go by what they hear while guys go by what they see, so to win a girl over simply tell her some sweet things and she is all yours. Now, this must be done in moderation else she might start seeing you as a pest. Here are some of the sweetest things to say to a girl.

Sweet Things To Say To A Girl

1. I haven’t met a person who’s as nice and caring as you.

2. I love you so much I can’t explain it even if I tried.

3. You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met.

4. I love the way your skin feels so soft when I run my hands over it.

5. I want to spend the rest of my life trying to make you happy.

6. I can’t wait to be with you.

6. I want to be with you forever.

7. I love the way you hold me.

8. I cannot bear to part with you for so long.

9. I feel like I am dreaming when I am with you.

10. I have never been loved like this before…

11. I would like to wake up next to you forever.

12. It hurts to see you in pain.

13. I’d rather not be with anyone than you.

14. You are my Juliet.

15. A kiss for your every wish

16. You look so cute when you laugh.

17. You brighten up my day every time I see you.

18. I dreamt of you last night.

19. I think of you and kiss my pillow before I fall asleep every night.

20. I could stare at you forever and I’d still feel like I haven’t had enough of you.

21. I love the way you smell.

22. You have a wonderful sense of humour, you are so funny…

23. I love the way you brighten up the room…

24. I love the way you love me

25. I love the way you make me feel

Sweetest Things To Say To A Girl

26. You make me feel at the top of the world!

27. I never want you to stop loving me

28. No, you’re not fat. You’re perfect and just the way I like it.

29. You could have any guy in the world, and yet you chose me.

30. You make me feel weak in the knees when I touch you.

31. I want to make time stand still when I’m with you but time always finds a way to fly past.

32. I wish I could have met you years ago.

33. Just hearing your voice in the morning makes my day.

34. You have changed my life completely

35. I can’t be thankful enough for the time we have been together…

36. I will lay down my life for you!

37. I’d rather not live than live without your love.

38. I love the way you look up to me.

39. I trust you with all my heart

40. I can’t thank you enough for your love…

41. You look so beautiful and angelic, I feel like I’d dirty you just by touching you.

42. I think God was in his best elements when he created you because there’s no one else who comes so close to perfection.

43. You’re the one thing I’m most thankful for having in my life.

44. I love the way you say you love me when I kiss you goodnight over the phone.

45. I love the way your hair feels as I run my fingers through them.

46. You fill my world with hope and love…

47. You complete me so well

48. You make me feel so special and lucky

49. You just made my day

50. You make my days beautiful and nights wonderful

51. I can’t get enough of your hugs and kisses…

Sweetest Things You Can Say To Your Girlfriend

52. I am sorry if I ever hurt you

53. I love your smile and the way you make me smile.

54. I love the way you walk, talk and laugh.

55. You just make me feel so good.

56. I will call you honey, darling, sweetheart…

57. You are the best, you are amazing!

58. You make me want to be a better man just so I can be more worthy of your love.

59. I get butterflies in my stomach when you run your hands over my face.

60. I love the way you feel in my arms when I hug you goodbye.

61. I want to kiss every inch of you.

62. I start my day with you on my mind and end my day with you in my dreams.

63. I love you so much I could worship you.

64. I can’t get enough of you…You drive me wild!

65. You know me so well, inside and out.

66. I love you so much…

67. I love you with my heart and soul…

68. I love everything about you, inward and outward

69. You make me laugh all the time!

Sweetest Things To Say To A Girl You Like

70. You keep my spirits so high

71. You give meaning to my life.

72. I can’t imagine my life without you in it.

73. How do you look so beautiful all the time?

74. You make me feel so lucky when I’m around you.

75. You always know how to surprise me.

76. I promise to love and cherish you forever

77. You are the one for me, my soul mate…

78. I don’t need anyone else in my life

79. You satisfy me completely

80. Marry me and make me the luckiest man in the world!

81. I have always loved you and will always love you

82. I cherish your love for me

83. I don’t know what I would do without you in my life

84. I miss you terribly.

85. I am so lonely without you…

86. My world is empty without you.

87. The way you look every time I say goodbye makes it so hard for me to walk away from you.

88. You’ve made my dreams come true.

89. Don’t ever change, because I love you just the way you are.

90. You make me feel like an excited child at a theme park when I’m with you.

91. It hurts me more to see you sad.

92. Your eyes are so expressive and beautiful I can’t help but get lost in them.

93. You make me feel so happy when I’m with you, my jaws hurt.

94. Spending time with you is the highlight of my day.

95. You are such a good dancer.

96. You understand me so well, it’s like you can read my mind.

97. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.

98. I feel so happy just spending time with you.

99. You make me feel like the luckiest guy in the world

100. I enjoy every moment with you.

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