Funny questions one word answers

Why One-Word Answer Questions? 

If you’re looking to have a fun time with your spouse, boyfriend/girlfriend, partner, or even friend, or to get to know them more, asking questions is one of the sure ways to. 

Apart from having fun, it’s a sure way to know your spouse in a relaxed atmosphere. 

What better way to know someone than when the mood is great? 

Also, it could be a way to stimulate your/their brain and get creative. 


1.This is not a regular question and answer game. It’s strictly one-word answer questions

Meaning, the answer to every question must be one word.

2. You can take turns in asking these questions and assign a mark to each question to declare a winner maybe or just to know the number of correct answers. 

3. You can also set a time limit for each answer so that the game is more structured. For instance, a maximum of 10 seconds to answer each question, depending on the capacity and agreement of the people involved. 

Have fun with these 100 cool one-word answer questions game!! 

1.Describe your life 

2. Your feeling right now 

3. Your childhood 

4. Your high school experience 

5. Your celebrity crush

6. What you have a phobia for

7. Your dream job 

8. Your favorite hobby

9. Your favorite holiday destination 

10. Your next holiday destination 

11. Describe your country 

12. Describe your president

13. Describe your boss

14. Describe your job

15. Your college experience 

16. Your first date ever

17. Describe your first day in high school 

18. The first name of your first best friend 

19. Describe your workplace 

20. Describe yourself 

21. Describe your first kiss

22. Describe your first boyfriend/girlfriend 

23. Where is your happy place? 

24. What’s your guilty pleasure? 

25. Describe your first day at work

26. Describe your first job interview 

27. What would you rather be doing right now? 

28. What’s the best gift you’ve ever received 

29. What’s your favourite board game? 

30. Your favorite book in the Bible (if you’re a Christian) 

31. A skincare product you can’t do without 

32. Your favorite subject in high school 

33. Your personality 

34. Your most cherished attribute 

35. Your favorite physical feature

36. The first thing you notice in others

37. A subject you’d teach if you were a teacher

38. Your least favorite subject 

39. A home appliance you can’t do without 

40. Your least favorite household chore

41. Your favorite household chore

42. One thing you regret ever trying and would try again

43. One thing you’re looking forward to trying 

44. If you could go under the knife, what part of your body would you love to work on? 

45. One thing you could do all day every day

46. One world problem you’d solve if you had the power 

47. What you’d never buy with your money 

48. An item you’d buy if you received a gift of 1M dollars 

49. An activity you think should be banned 

50. Describe the world 

51. Your favorite animal

52. If there was a second life, you would love to come back as a man or woman?. 

53. Your favorite color

54. A job you would never do even if the salary was 1M dollars a month

55. The sweetest name if you’ve ever heard

56. A celebrity you’d love to date

57. Your least favorite celebrity 

58. The most unrewarding job in the world 

59. Your favorite day of the week

60. Your favorite time of the year 

61. Your favorite time of the day 

62. Your mood when you wake up

63. The most unnecessary job

64. One thing you love about winter 

65. One thing you love about summer

66. A place you’d love to visit again

67. Your very first opinion of me

68. Love is – – – – 

69. Your role model

70. Favorite sport

71. Favorite meal of the day

72. Your favorite waking time

73. Your favorite sleeping time

74. The quality you value most in others

75. A habit you’d love to give up

76. A language you’d love to learn

77. What you think is overrated

78. What you think is underrated

79. A skill you think everyone should learn 

80. What you find most boring 

81. Your favorite bird

82. Your most-priced possession 

83. The most useless thing you’ve ever bought 

84. First thing you touch when you wake up

85. What makes you angry? 

86. Your favorite fashion item 

87. An unpopular person you think is a hero

88. Your favorite part of the house 

89. Your favorite drink 

90. Your favorite exercise activity 

91. If you were a sales person, what product would you love to sell

92. One thing you hate

93. One thing you’re so good at

94. One thing you’re obsessed with

95. Your favorite word 

96. People you think deserve the greatest punishment 

97. The person you’d give anything to see 

98. The person you wish never to see

99. A place you’d never go even if you were paid 1M dollars 

100. One thing you think is more important than money. 

one-word answer questions

Have fun! 

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30 Hilarious Questions to Ask Your Partner

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You found our list of fun yes or no questions.

Yes or no questions are short questions with one-word answers that help individuals get to know more about each other. The purpose of these prompts is to help groups get closer while having fun. Since there are only two possible responses, these games are often easier to play than other conversation games.

These phrases are similar to icebreaker questions, This or That questions, how well do you know me questions, and can be used in question games.

This list contains:

  • funny yes or no questions
  • yes or no questions for adults
  • yes or no questions for kids
  • yes or no questions for work
  • tricky yes or no questions
  • yes or no questions to ask your friends
  • yes or no questions for couples
  • yes or no poll questions

Here we go.

Random yes or no question generator

In case you have trouble picking a prompt, here is a yes or no question generator to help get the conversation flowing.

Funny yes or no questions

  1. Do you call all dogs “puppies?”
  2. Do you like piña coladas?
  3. Do you ever pick your nose when you think nobody is watching?
  4. Have you ever worn underwear two days in a row?
  5. Have you ever lied about having seen a movie?
  6. Do you ever talk to yourself?
  7. Do you ever talk to your pets?
  8. Do you sing silly songs to your pets?
  9. Have you ever hidden a snack so that nobody else would find it and eat it first?
  10. Do you think you would be a good ninja?
  11. Do you ever narrate your life inside your head as if you were in a movie?
  12. Do you still believe in Santa?
  13. Do you sing in the shower?
  14. Do you talk in your sleep?
  15. Have you ever had a crush on a cartoon character?
  16. Would you ever date someone who looked exactly like a relative?
  17. If a future version of you time traveled to this moment, do you think the two of you would get along?
  18. Do you have an embarrassing nickname?
  19. Does what happens in Vegas really stay in Vegas?
  20. Have you ever lied about your birthday to get a free dessert?
  21. Have you ever ordered takeout to avoid doing dishes?
  22. Have you ever caught yourself telling someone “when I was your age…”
  23. Have you ever cheated at a board game?
  24. Do you typically learn the naughty words in other languages before learning regular words?
  25. Are you secretly an owl inside a human robot?
  26. Have you ever made a ridiculous impulse purchase?
  27. Have you ever told an outrageous lie to a child?
  28. Have you ever stolen from a kid’s Halloween candy stash?
  29. If you learned that I was secretly a spy, would you be surprised?

Yes or no questions for adults

  1. Do you vote?
  2. Do you drive?
  3. Do you live alone?
  4. Are you married?
  5. Do you have kids?
  6. Do you have pets?
  7. Are you an only child?
  8. Do you work full time?
  9. Do you like your job?
  10. Do you have a second job?
  11. Did you go to college?
  12. Are you working in a field you went to school for?
  13. Did you go to graduate school?
  14. Do you have any hobbies?
  15. Have you ever met a celebrity?
  16. Have you ever been on TV?
  17. Have you traveled to another country?
  18. Have you been to New York City?
  19. Do you have a hidden talent?
  20. Do you drink coffee?
  21. Do you play sports?
  22. Have you ever performed on stage?
  23. Have you ever been in a band?
  24. Do you like cilantro?
  25. Do you believe in ghosts?
  26. Are you watching any TV shows at the moment?
  27. Have you read any good books lately?
  28. Would you ever appear on a gameshow?
  29. Are you a Harry Potter fan?
  30. Have you known any of your friends since childhood?
  31. Have you ever lived in another country?
  32. Do you speak more than one language?
  33. Do you know how to code?
  34. Do you own Bitcoin?
  35. Do you bake?
  36. Have you ever taken a road trip?
  37. Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket?
  38. Have you been to a live rock concert in the past year?
  39. Have you ever done stand up comedy?
  40. Can you recite Pi to more than 10 digits?
  41. Are you a twin or triplet?
  42. Have you ever been part of a wedding party?
  43. Do you like riding motorcycles?
  44. Do you pay attention to the news?
  45. Have you ever written a song for someone?

Yes or no questions for kids

  1. Do you have a best friend?
  2. Do you have any siblings?
  3. Are your brothers and sisters annoying?
  4. Can you count to 1000?
  5. Are you afraid of the dark?
  6. Do you have a favorite superhero?
  7. Do you know your mom’s and dad’s first names?
  8. Do your parents ever embarrass you?
  9. Do you have a favorite dinosaur?
  10. Do you know why the sky is blue?
  11. Can you spell onomatopoeia?
  12. Have you ever lied to your parents?
  13. Do you like ice cream?
  14. Do you like broccoli?
  15. Have you ever won a contest?
  16. Have you ever played on a sports team?
  17. Do you help your parents with chores?
  18. Have you ever been grounded?
  19. Do you have a favorite aunt or uncle?
  20. Have you ever broken a bone?
  21. Have you ever had stitches?
  22. Do you know how to cook?
  23. Do you know how to ride a bike?
  24. Do you know how to swim?
  25. Do you like spiders?
  26. Have you ever been to summer camp?
  27. Do you have an imaginary friend?
  28. Have you ever caught a fish?
  29. Have you ever been to a sleepover?
  30. Have you ever seen a lion up close?
  31. Can you make a dolphin noise?
  32. Have you ever moved to a new city?
  33. Have you ever read a 100 page book?

Yes or no questions for work

  1. Do you feel like you belong at work?
  2. Is this your first job?
  3. Is this the job you dreamed of when you were a child?
  4. Do you enjoy your job?
  5. Do you ever look up your coworkers on social media?
  6. Have you ever stolen a coworker’s lunch from the break room fridge?
  7. Do you like to work while listening to music?
  8. Do you enjoy working on group projects?
  9. If you won the lottery would you still continue working?
  10. Have you ever had an awful interview?
  11. Have you ever been a manager?
  12. Would you work in a lower paying profession if it meant you would be happier?
  13. Do you know how to send a fax?
  14. Do you ever procrastinate during work?
  15. Have you ever played a prank on your boss?
  16. Would you hang out with your coworkers outside of work?
  17. Do you like to work early in the morning?
  18. Do you ever work past midnight?
  19. Do you ever check emails off the clock?
  20. Have you ever quit a job without giving two weeks notice?
  21. Have you ever worked for a family member?
  22. Do you like working with data?
  23. Do you prefer creative projects?
  24. Do you prefer to get guidelines rather than specific instructions?
  25. Do you like working by yourself?
  26. Do you keep your desk clean?
  27. Are you still friends with past coworkers?
  28. Do you regularly achieve inbox zero?
  29. Are you in charge of any big projects?
  30. Do you enjoy being a leader?
  31. Do you work well under pressure?
  32. Do you usually meet deadlines?
  33. Have you ever worked in a different industry?
  34. Do you enjoy working directly with clients?
  35. Have you ever taken an unflattering employee ID picture?
  36. Have you ever accidentally hit “reply all” on an email?
  37. If there is a sheet cake up for grabs in the office kitchen, do you take a piece?
  38. Do you like working from home?

Tricky yes or no questions

  1. Would you betray a friend for a million dollars?
  2. Would you sacrifice a loved one to save a dozen strangers?
  3. If given the opportunity, would you live your entire life over?
  4. Do you believe in an afterlife?
  5. If you could know what other people really thought of you, would you want to know?
  6. If you could find out every person who ever had a crush on you, would you?
  7. If a stranger told you they knew a dark secret about your parents, would you want to find out what it was?
  8. Would you risk your life to save a stranger?
  9. Would you take the blame for a major crime to save a best friend’s life?
  10. Do you think justice really exists?
  11. If you were adopted, would you want to meet your biological parents?
  12. Would you fake your own death to save your family?
  13. Would you want to be a millionaire if it meant you would never find true love?
  14. If you could find out how you were going to die, would you want to know?
  15. If you could have certain memories erased, would you do it?
  16. If a stranger offered to give your family 1 million dollars if you go to jail for 10 years, would you do it?
  17. Would you ever start a romantic relationship if you knew for sure you were bound to part ways in three years?
  18. If an authority figure accused one of your loved ones of doing something terrible, would you believe them outright?
  19. Would you accept your dream job if one of the conditions was not communicating with your family and friends for one year?
  20. If you were appointed to a committee that decided who to grant organ transplants, would you have a hard time deciding who to help?
  21. If you could bring a loved one back to life but they would have no memory of you, would you do it?
  22. If you found out the world was ending in 30 minutes, do you know what you would do in that half hour?
  23. If everything were to end tomorrow, would you be happy with how your life turned out?
  24. Do you think you will have any regrets when you’re 90?
  25. If you could gain magical powers but lose one of your six senses, would you do it?

Yes or no questions to ask your friends

  1. Do you know my middle name?
  2. Do you know my birthday?
  3. Have you ever had a crush on my brother or sister?
  4. Would you ever throw me a surprise birthday party?
  5. If I called you in the middle of the night, would you pick up the phone?
  6. Do you remember the first time we met?
  7. Would you ever help me move?
  8. Do you have a favorite memory of us?
  9. Have I ever told you a secret?
  10. Are you good at keeping secrets?
  11. Are you able to tell when I’m upset?
  12. Are you able to tell when I have a crush on someone?
  13. Have you ever slept over at my house?
  14. Would you ever consider being roommates with me?
  15. Would you come visit me if I lived in another country?
  16. Would you tell me if I smelled bad?
  17. Would you stick up for me even if you knew I was wrong?
  18. Would you ever embarrass me in front of a first date?
  19. Would you come to me for advice?
  20. Would you take a road trip with me?
  21. Would you tell me if I had something in my teeth?
  22. Would you tell me if you didn’t like my haircut?
  23. Would you share your fries with me?
  24. Would you go on vacation with me?
  25. Have you ever said something nice about me behind my back?
  26. Do you know how to cheer me up?
  27. Would you ever ditch me in a haunted house?

Yes or no questions for couples

  1. Do you love me?
  2. Do you think I’m cute?
  3. Have you ever dated an ex?
  4. Have you ever dated a friend’s ex?
  5. Are you still friends with any of your exes?
  6. Have you ever broken up with someone over text message?
  7. Have you ever dated someone your best friend did not like?
  8. Have you ever dated someone your family did not like?
  9. Have you ever forgotten a partner’s birthday?
  10. Have you ever spent more than $100 on a present for a partner?
  11. Have you ever gone on vacation with a partner?
  12. Have you ever been married?
  13. Have you ever been engaged?
  14. Do you hog the blankets at night?
  15. Do you snore?
  16. Do I have any habits that annoy you?
  17. Do you ever lie to avoid hurting my feelings?
  18. Do you like surprises?
  19. Are you close with your family?
  20. Do you like Valentine’s Day?
  21. Is there a song that reminds you of me?
  22. Have you ever lived with a partner?
  23. Have you ever been on a blind date?
  24. Have you ever told someone you loved them less than a month after meeting?
  25. Do you like to talk about your feelings?
  26. Do you believe in soulmates?
  27. Do you like dining out?
  28. Do you enjoy surprises?
  29. Could you ever date someone with opposite political views from you?
  30. Do you believe that you should “never go to bed angry?”
  31. Do you like to cook?
  32. Are you messy?
  33. Would you share your Netflix password with me?
  34. Do you think my pet likes you?

Final Thoughts

Yes or no questions act as a simple, short, and fun getting to know you activity that can help groups bond and feel more comfortable about each other. Sometimes these prompts can uncover surprising results, and often these activities spark lively conversation that continues even after the game ends.

Since there are only two possible answers, these prompts tend to be low pressure. Also, since answering does not take much time, you can whip out these questions during lulls in conversations, breaks during meetings, or during leftover time at events. These prompts are a great way to banish boredom and awkward silences and get groups chatting.

Next, check out this list of Would You Rather ideas, this one with questions for “most likely to” games, these what if questions for work, and these questions for team building.

FAQ: Yes or no questions

Here are answers to common inquiries about yes or no questions.

What are some good yes or no questions for work meetings?

Good yes or no questions for work meetings include:

  • Do you have any hobbies?
  • Do you have a hidden talent?
  • Have you ever lived in another country?
  • Do you like to work while listening to music?
  • Have you ever worked in a different industry?

You can also think up your own prompts to fill the space and break the ice during meetings.

What makes a good yes or no question?

Good yes or no questions are statements that can be answered with one of the two options, yet beg for further explanation. The fact that players cannot say anything more than yes or no without further prompting from other participants makes the game more fun. These type of questions can spark discussion after the game ends and help players grow to understand each other on a deeper level.

How can you use yes or no questions?

Yes or no questions can function as icebreaker activities and help group members get to know each other more quickly. You can play these games during meetings, parties, car trips, or during hangouts with friends or relatives.

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Marketing Coordinator at
Team building content expert. Angela has a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and worked as a community manager with Yelp to plan events for businesses.

Angela Robinson

The lovely Bing tagged me in this meme and here I am regarding her thoughtfulness with a prompt answer. The rules are simple: there are 30 questions that you must answer in only one word. In this blog meme, I tag Miko, Elaine, LJ and MFP.

1. Where is your cell phone?   Clueless.

2. Describe your boyfriend/girlfriend?  Hot! :mrgreen:

3. Your hair?  Brown.

4. Your mother?  Intense.

5. Your father?  Rad! 😎

6. Your favourite item? Books.

7. Your dream last night?  Forgotten.

8. Your favourite drink?  Water.

9. Your dream car? Truck.

10. The room you are in? Messy.

11. Your ex? Clueless.

12. Your fear?  Lizards.

13. What do you want to be in 10 years?  Accomplished.

14. Who did you hang out with last night?  Sisters.

15. What you’re not?  Sheep.

16. The last thing you did?  Eat.

17. What are you wearing?  Clothes.

18. Your favourite book?  Many.

19. The last thing you ate? Tofu.

20. Your life?  Blessed! 😀

21. Your mood?  Leisurely.

22. Your friends?  Great!

23. What are you thinking about right now?  Manuscript.

24. Your car?  Non-existing.

25. What are you doing at the moment?  Writing.

26. Your summer?  Fun!

27. What is on your TV?  Nothing.

28. When is the last time you laughed?   Now. 😆

29. Last time you cried?  Forgotten.

30. School?  Crap.

Photos taken from here and here.

Hi, beautiful people. Have you ever asked about funny question jokes or funny confusing questions for anybody? If yes, you know how fun a game is it to ask funny questions to others. Isn’t it?

Have you ever observed funny and interesting people? Why do people love them? Everyone wants to be a friend of these kinds of people. You may have such people in different places like school, college, office, social gatherings, and parties.

We can see, that they always smile and share funny happening with others. Well, you can use these funny question jokes to ask people and make them fun. These funny questions can be asked in different places but you have to decide which situation is better to share the funny questions.

funny question jokes for adults
File Photo

You can remember in mind or make a list of these questions on your mobile phone to ask when you want. At the next gathering or party, you can divide the whole members into different teams to ask funny questions and announce the winning team among them which team corrects the most.  

Joke Question: Which is city known as the most shocking city in the world?

Answer: Electricity

Joke Question: Which special key opens a banana?

Answer: A monkey

Joke Question: A room that has no windows, no door so who am I?

Answer: Mushroom

Joke Question: What is it that keeps looking at the sun from morning to evening?

Answer: Sunflower

Joke Question: What is the longest word in the English dictionary?

Answer: Smiles, there is a mile between the word ‘S’

Joke Question: What is it that has no pockets and legs, but still speaks and walks?

Answer: Money

Joke Question: What is the easiest way to make money double?

Answer: Keep it in front of a Mirror

Joke Question: What has a head and a tail but has not a body?

Answer: A coin

Joke Question: What has 13 hearts but not a single organ?

Answer: In cards

Joke Question: Why do we drink water?

Answer: Because we can’t eat water

Joke Question: What do roses, lilies, and lotus have in common?

Answer: All are flowers

Joke Question: What have words but never speaks?

Answer: A book

Joke Question: What is it that does not get wet even in the water?

Answer: Shadow

Joke Question: Which place has the most stories?

Answer: A library

Joke Question: Which two numbers multiplied together will result in nine?

Answer: Nine and one

Joke Question: What has four legs but cannot speak and walk?

Answer: A table

Joke Question: How do we make number One disappear?

Answer: By adding first ‘G’ and Make Gone

Joke Question: How can a boy go 35 days without sleep?

Answer: He sleeps at night

Joke Question: What is something that can be caught but never thrown?

Answer: Cold

Joke Question: What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment, and never in one hundred years?

Answer: Letter “M”

Joke Question: What is yours, but everyone else uses it more than you?

Answer: Your Name

Joke Question: What will you actually find at the end of each rainbow?

Answer: Letter “W”

Joke Question: What has a face and two hands, but no arms or legs?

Answer: A Clock

Joke Question: How many months have 28 days in a year?

Answer: All 12 months

Joke Question: In a year, how many seconds are there?

Answer: 12 (January 2nd, February 2nd, March 2nd, …., December 2nd)

Funny Confusing Questions and Answers

Joke Question: At first, I get taller but when I stand for a long, I become shorter so who am I?

Answer: A candle

Joke Question: I am so fragile that if you say my name you will break me. Who I am?

Answer: I am silence

Joke Question: What two keys can’t open any luck?

Answer: A monkey and a donkey

Joke Question: What is it that is bought for eating but not eaten?

Answer: Plate

Joke Question: What is the difference between Here and There?

Answer: The letter “T”

Joke Question: What can fly but has no wings?

Answer: Time

Joke Question: The first and second time I come for free but the third time I have to pay, so what is that thing?

Answer: Teeth

Joke Question: What does half an apple look like?

Answer: Second half Apple

Joke Question: What is one thing that can’t be sewn once it’s torn?

Answer: A Balloon

Joke Question: What is something that freezes when it’s heated?

Answer: An Egg

Joke Question: Why do we eat more in January than in February?

Answer: January has more days than February

Joke Question: A queen is sitting in the dark, there is fire on her head and water in her body so what is it?

Answer: A candle

Joke Question: What is it that you take anywhere in a country, its price does not change?

Answer: The currency of that country

Joke Question: Which goes up and never falls below

Answer: Our age

Joke Question: What is always coming but never comes?

Answer: Tomorrow

Joke Question: What five-letter word becomes shorter when we add two more letters to its end?

Answer: Make Short Word adding two words Shorter

Joke Question: What goes up as soon as the water goes down?

Answer: An Umbrella

Joke Question: Where is the ocean without even one drop water?

Answer: On the map


What is a tricky question?

A tricky question is a question that is hard to answer and confusing.

What are some unanswerable questions?

The most unanswerable questions are

Final Words

Eventually, we hope that you found this very useful. You can share these funny joke questions or funny confusing questions with your friends, family members, siblings, colleagues, etc., and enjoy your spare time.

You may believe you are smart enough not to be tricked. However, trick questions can stump anyone. Common sense and experience will not help you answer these tricky questions. Even though some of the answers are logical or rely on common sense, your first thought is quite often incorrect. Some trick questions are funny, some are a play on words, and some involve looking at things differently. Try your hand at answering all of our trick questions and share them with friends.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Tricky Questions
  • 2 Mind Trick Questions
  • 3 Funny Trick Questions
  • 4 Trick Questions with Answers
    • 4.1 Questions:
    • 4.2 Answers:
    • 4.3 Related Posts

Tricky Questions

Tricky Questions

The following list of clever, tricky questions will have you and your friends scratching your heads and wondering just how intelligent you are. They are fun to use at a party, with your colleagues at work, or in a classroom. Teachers, camp counselors, and entertainers will love our list of tricky questions.

  1. Question: What is always coming, but never arrives?
  2. Question: What can be broken, but is never held?
  3. Question: What is it that lives if it is fed, and dies if you give it a drink?
  4. Question: What word would you use to describe a man who does not have all his fingers on one hand?
  5. Question: What can one catch that is not thrown?
  6. Question: What is it that if you have, you want to share me, and if you share, you do not have?
  7. Question: If a plane crashes on the border between the United States and Canada, where do they bury the survivors?
  8. Question: If it takes eight men ten hours to build a wall, how long would it take four men?
  9. Question: If you have a bowl with six apples and you take away four, how many do you have?
  10. Question: If you had only one match and entered a dark room containing an oil lamp, some kindling wood, and a newspaper, which would you light first?
  11. Question: If you spell “sit in the tub” s-o-a-k, and you spell “a funny story” j-o-k-e, how do you spell “the white of an egg”?
  12. Question: Is it legal for a man to marry his widow’s sister?
  13. Question: If Mrs. John’s bungalow is decorated completely in pink, with the walls, carpet, and furniture all shades of pink, what color are the stairs?
  14. Question: How did the boy kick his soccer ball ten feet, and then have it come back to him on its own?
  15. Question: How could a man go outside in the pouring rain without protection, and not have a hair on his head get wet?
  16. Question: If an electric train is moving north at 100mph and a wind is blowing to the west at 10mph, which way does the smoke blow?
  17. Question: How was it possible that every single person in an airplane crash died, but two people survived?
  18. Question: What breaks and never falls, and what falls and never breaks?
  19. Question: Some months have 31 days, others have 30 days, but how many have 28 days?
  20. Question: “The attorney is my brother,” testified the accountant. But the attorney testified he did not have a brother. Who is lying?
  21. Question: Uncle Bill’s farm had a terrible storm and all but seven sheep were killed. How many sheep are still alive?
  22. Question: What do you call a woman who knows where her husband is all the time?
  23. Question: What do you sit on, sleep on, and brush your teeth with?
  24. Question: What goes up and down, but always remains in the same place?
  25. Question: What is it that goes up, but never comes down?
  26. Question: What happened when the wheel was invented?
  27. Question: What has a head, a tail, but does not have a body?
  28. Question: Who is bigger, Mr. Bigger, Mrs. Bigger, or their baby?
  29. Question: Of you sit a cup on the table facing south while you are on the north side of the table, on which side is the cup’s handle?

Mind Trick Questions

Hard questions to answer provide a challenge for even the most intelligent individual. You must take your time, read the questions carefully, and think before attempting an answer. Be careful, because your first guess may not be correct on these mind trick questions.

  1. Question: A man lives on the 100th floor of an apartment building. On rainy days he rides the elevator all the way up. However, on sunny days, he goes half way and takes the stairs the rest of the way. Why?
  2. Question: A man and his son were in an automobile accident. The man died on the way to the hospital, but the boy was rushed into surgery. The emergency room surgeon said, “I cannot operate, because that is my son!” How was this possible?
  3. Question: A man dressed in all black is walking down a country lane. Suddenly, a large black car with no lights on comes around the corner and screeches to a halt. How did the car’s driver know he was there?
  4. Question: Robert, my neighbor, a forty-five-year-old blacksmith is seven feet tall, and eats all day long. What does he weigh?
  5. Question: Complete this series of numbers: 9 = 4, 21 = 9, 22 = 9, 24 = 10, 8 = 5, 7 = 5, 99 = 10, 100 = 7, 16 =?, 17 =?
  6. Question: There are three important rooms in a house. The first one is filled with money. The second one is filled with important papers. The third one is filled with jewelry. One day all of these rooms burst into fire. Which room did the policemen put out the fire in first?
  7. Question: Why are 1968 pennies worth more than 1967 pennies?
  8. Question: A man has a fox, a chicken, and a sack of grain. He must cross a river, but cannot carry all of them at once. If he leaves the fox with the chicken, the fox will eat the chicken. However, if he leaves the chicken with the grain, the chicken will eat the grain. How can he get all three across safely?
  9. Questions: There are eight men sitting on a couch. Three legs break and six men leave. How many legs are remaining?
  10. Question: You are driving a bus. When you begin your route, there is an old woman named Mrs. Smith and a young boy named Raymond are on the bus. At the first stop, the old woman leaves, and a salesman, named Ed, enters. At the next stop, Jack and his sister Jill get on, as well as three women with shopping bags. The bus travels fifteen minutes, then stops and Raymond gets off and a man and his wife get on. Next, a woman with a bird in a cage gets on the bus. What is the name of the bus driver?
  11. Question: What is the maximum number of times a single page of a newspaper can be folded in half by hand?
  12. Question: A fishing boat, with a ladder in it, is leaning against a wall at the harbor. There are 5 oars and 2 fishing nets in the trawler. The distance between two consecutive steps on the ladder is 1 meter. If waves lashing against the wall rise a half meter in every half hour, how long will it take before 6 steps of the ladder are under the waves?
  13. Question: You ask the sales associate in a hardware store, “How much will one cost?””Twenty cents,” she replies.”And how much will twelve cost me?” you ask.”Forty cents,” she replies.”OK, I’ll take one hundred and twelve.”How much did you pay?
  14. Question: On a Sunday morning, the oldest girl in a family was murdered. The father was reading the paper, the mother was in the kitchen cooking breakfast, and the girl’s brother was playing video games. Uncle George was visiting and was out getting the mail. Who murdered the girl?
  15. Question: If you divide 30 by half and add ten, what do you get?

Funny Trick Questions

Funny Trick Questions

Some trick questions provide laughs because they are so silly. Kids especially will love our funny trick questions. We have included a few old favorites to help kids feel smart. Ask your friends these funny questions or try to answer them yourself. Don’t peek at the answers until you give each question your best guess.

  1. Question: What did one campfire say to the other?
  2. Question: Why can’t a woman living in the Europe be buried in Canada?
  3. Question: Why are movie stars considered cool?
  4. Question: What is white and black, but red all over?
  5. Question: What is the biggest problem with snow boots?
  6. Question: Why do fluorescent lights hum?
  7. Question: What becomes wetter the more it dries?
  8. Question: What did the ocean say to the beach?
  9. Question: Where is an ocean with no water?
  10. Question: What type hair does an ocean have?
  11. Question: Why did the clown visit the doctor?
  12. Question: What is sticky and brown?
  13. Question: What happens if you throw a white hat into the Black Sea?
  14. Question: What provides the strength and power to walk through walls?
  15. Question: Why did Superman cross the road?
  16. Question: Which nail does a carpenter try to miss?
  17. Question: What do you always see at the beginning of a parade?
  18. Question: What do snowmen eat for breakfast?
  19. Question: What happened to the human cannonball?
  20. Question: Which room has no walls?
  21. Question: How can a woman go eight days without sleep?
  22. Question: How can you drop a raw egg onto a concrete floor and not crack it?
  23. Question: How can you lift an elephant with one hand?
  24. Question: If two waves have a race, who wins?
  25. Question: Why did the cowboy ride his mule into town?
  26. Question: What goes up and down, but never moves?
  27. Question: What happened to the lion when he ate the clown?
  28. Question: If a rooster lays an egg on top of the barn roof, which way will it roll?
  29. Question: How many animals did Moses take into the ark?
  30. Question: How many legs does an elephant have if you count his trunk as a leg?
  31. Question: How much dirt is there in a hole that is 3 feet deep, 6 feet long, and 4 feet wide?
  32. Question: What did the quilt say to the bed?
  33. Question: Why did the woman run around her bed at night?
  34. Question: What can you never eat for breakfast?
  35. Question: What has 4 wheels and flies?
  36. Question: How many sides does a circle have?
  37. Question: If you imagine you are in a sinking rowboat surrounded by sharks, how would you survive?
  38. Question: If ten birds are sitting in a tree and a hunter shoots one, how birds many are left in the tree?
  39. Question: If a monkey, a squirrel, and a bird are racing to the top of a coconut tree, who will get the banana first?
  40. Question: What two words, when combined, hold the most letters?

Trick Questions with Answers

Trick Questions with Answers

Trick questions entertain and inform. Use our selection for parties, game nights – any time you get together with friends or co-workers. Some of the cleverest trick questions involve plays on words, and we have quite a few included in this list. You will find 30 questions, followed by a list of answers. How many can you answer correctly?


  1. How can a door be not a door?
  2. What word starts with IS, ends with AND, and has LA in the middle?
  3. Why do you always find a mushroom at a party?
  4. Do you want to hear a joke about potassium?
  5. Do you know any good jokes about sodium?
  6. What should one do with a dead chemist?
  7. What’s a great name for a lawyer?
  8. What do you call a man in a hole?
  9. Which is the fastest country in the world?
  10. What do you get if you throw a million books into the ocean?
  11. What is the coldest country in the world?
  12. Why did the house go to the doctor?
  13. On which roads do ghosts linger?
  14. What do you call a woman standing on a tennis court?
  15. What is round and extremely violent?
  16. What happened to the tiny fortuneteller that escaped from jail?
  17. What is green and sings?
  18. What happened when the magician got angry?
  19. What common eleven-letter word is always spelled incorrectly?
  20. What did the person who invented the door-knocker win?
  21. What happened to the woman who fell into the upholstery machine?
  22. Did you hear what happened to the origami store?
  23. Why did the banker quit his job?
  24. What do you find in the middle of nowhere?
  25. Why was everyone so tired on the April first?
  26. What did one commode say to the other commode?
  27. A neutron walks into a café, orders breakfast, and asks the waiter, “How much will that be?”
  28. What is it that stands up, but grows down?
  29. A photon checks into a hotel. What is her reply when she is asked if she needs any help with her luggage?
  30. If George’s father has four children – Eenie, Meenie, Miney – what is the name of his fourth child?


  1. When it is a jar. (ajar = “open”)
  2. Island
  3. Because he is a fungi (“fun guy”).
  4. K! (K is the symbol for potassium.)
  5. Na! (Na is the symbol for sodium.)
  6. Barium (“Bury him”)
  7. Sue
  8. Doug (“dug”)
  9. Russia (“rush ya”)
  10. A title wave
  11. Chili
  12. Because it had a window pane (“pain”).
  13. Dead ends
  14. Annette (“a net)
  15. A vicious circle
  16. He was a small medium at large.
  17. Elvis Parsley
  18. He pulled his hare (“hair”) out.
  19. Incorrectly
  20. The no-bell (“Nobel”) prize
  21. She was fully recovered.
  22. It folded.
  23. He lost interest.
  24. The letter H
  25. Because they just completed a March of 31 days.
  26. You look flushed.
  27. The waiter replies, “For you? No charge!”
  28. A candle
  29. No thank you, I am traveling light.
  30. George

Trick questions stimulate the brain and provide fun. They help fill the time and provide relaxation. Additionally, they give your brain a workout! All ages love them. Use trick questions and brain teasers for bonding between employees in your office, avoiding boredom, and to challenge your friends. Have fun with our tricky questions!

Susan Mann

Susan majored in English with a double minor in Humanities and Business at Arizona State University and earned a Master’s degree in Educational Administration from Liberty University. She taught grades four through twelve in both public and private schools. Subjects included English, U.S. and world history and geography, math, earth and physical science, Bible, information technologies, and creative writing.

Susan has been freelance writing for over ten years, during which time she has written and edited books, newspaper articles, biographies, book reviews, guidelines, neighborhood descriptions for realtors, Power Point presentations, resumes, and numerous other projects.

Read full bio

A good conversation can be tough. Especially when you want to be funny. Often, it turns out to be some awkward glances, weird chuckles, and nervous noises. If the same is your case, here’s the good news! We’ve got your back with some amazingly funny questions to ask.

Before that, let’s quickly see –

700 Funny Questions to Ask - Get Ready to Laugh

700 Funny Questions to Ask – Get Ready to Laugh

How do Funny Questions to Ask Someone Help in a Conversation? 

Humor is a great element in having an impressive conversation. In fact, reports suggest that a good sense of humor is often linked to higher cognitive and emotional abilities. So, incorporating a fun element in your talks is definitely a good idea.

Now, the question is how? Starting a conversation right is the key. And funny questions can lead to this part easily. In brief, here are some ways in which these funny questions can add substance to your conversation –

  1. Funny questions lead to more positive exchanges of thoughts. Often, you’ll find it easy to discuss even the difficult matters by this approach.
  2. Humor makes the conversation more enjoyable and engaging. Usually, this brings the element of fun in a dull situation.
  3. Funny questions are great prompts for interesting small talks as well as meaningful deeper ones. 
  4. It’s one of the easiest ways to improve your communication skills, especially if you easily get nervous or clueless in social situations. 
  5. Plus, it helps in creating a more charismatic effect when done confidently.  


So, now is the time to explore the funny list of questions that would make you shine in every conversation. Armed with lots of fun questions, 700 to be precise, this is the only list you’ll need. Feel free to use these – 

Funny Open Ended Questions

Questions prompting ‘yes or no’ replies are often the real hurdles to any quality conversation. So, what you need is a list of funny open-ended questions that can keep the chat going on. Have a look!

  1. How would you describe spiciness to someone who has never tasted anything spicy in life?
  2. If you had something written on your face, what would it be?
  3. What was the most horrible-tasting dish you ever made?
  4. Can you share the lamest funniest joke you ever heard?
  5. What was the best excuse you ever made for not attending a class at school that solved the situation?
  6. Have you ever waved at someone to realize later that they are the wrong person?
  7. What is one completely useless thing that you can spend hours doing?
  8. Can you share your biggest DIY fail story?
  9. What was the most embarrassing thing you did in public transport?
  10. Describe the funniest thing you’ve seen someone doing in Walmart. 
  11. What would you do if you got invisible for a day?
  12. Describe the funniest smell you have ever smelled.
  13. When was the last time you got super mad at someone? And why so?
  14. What was the smartest lie you ever told? You’re not lying now, right?
  15. If you could charge a million dollars for a service provided by you, what would that be?
  16. What was the most ridiculous lie someone said on your face?
  17. Name one thing you possess that you absolutely refuse to share.
  18. Suppose you meet your ex after a really long time, what would be your first reaction?
  19. What was the craziest thing you have ever written in your answer sheet?
  20. Give one example of your super laziness.

Planning a fun time with your friends? Maybe a pajama party or a weekend chill plan. But unsure about how to make it more entertaining and personal? Some funny questions to ask your friends always come handy! Here are some great questions for you –

  1. If you could make a tv show that is about your best friend’s life, what would you name it?
  2. For how many days can you do fine without taking a shower? And what about staying without brushing your teeth?
  3. What was the most exaggerated yet supposedly true story you ever heard?
  4. What was the dumbest answer you ever gave in an oral exam in school? 
  5. Can you describe the craziest person you ever met, enough for our guessing, without naming the person you’re talking about?
  6. Who is most likely to be a psychopath among your friends? 
  7. Can you give 5 points to support that you are dumb?
  8. What was the craziest proposal you ever got?
  9. If you could eat food for the rest of your life only when you do something productive,  what are the chances of your survival?
  10. Have you ever eaten a cookie that fell on the floor?
  11. What is your favorite slang?
  12. How would you react if you find out that your best friend has a secret crush on you?
  13. If you could either be in a swimsuit or in an over-stylish suit for the rest of your life, which one would you choose?
  14. Which tv-show plot do you find horribly illogical?
  15. Suppose you are the monarch of a country, what would be the national emblem?
  16. If you had to add an animal’s face on your body, everything else remaining the same, which animal would you choose?

Funny Questions to Ask a Girl 

Do you often get nervously clueless when it comes to talking to a girl? Well, making her laugh is something that almost always works! So, add these fun questions to ask a girl in your conversation and make things better –

  1. What would you choose if you have to leave one – eyebrows or eyelashes?
  2. If you could change the color of your eyes to anything that doesn’t look natural at all, which color would you choose?
  3. What is the poorest grade you ever scored in an exam?
  4. If you could live anywhere in the world but naked all your life, where would you live?
  5. Did you ever get too drunk to even remember your name? Or else, what was your craziest drunk experience?
  6. What was the weirdest outfit you ever had?
  7. If smells had colors, what color would your smell have?
  8. What is worse during a kiss – a sneeze or a burp?
  9. Did you ever visit a place in a completely inappropriate choice of outfit? 
  10. What would you choose to be reborn as – a human or an amoeba?
  11. What would you prefer to be called if you had to choose one – a tomato or a potato?
  12. Have you ever written a love letter to someone?
  13. What is the one tip that always works if one wants to make a girl laugh?
  14. If suddenly people could read your mind but can’t read theirs’, how would you react?
  15. What are the dumbest main lead fictional characters you’ve ever seen?
  16. Did you ever disclose someone’s secret that you promised you wouldn’t?
  17. What was the dumbest thing you did in a restaurant?
  18. Share your dumbest school experience.
  19. What was your most daring step ever?

Funny Questions to Ask a Guy 

Unsure about what questions would make him interested in the conversation? Or, is it just that you need some ideas to ignite a boring chat with him? These funny questions can do the trick!

  1. Can you describe your crush’s sexy traits keeping it SFW?
  2. If you could get the power of hearing what a person is thinking, but this applies to one person, whom would you choose?
  3. Can you touch your nose with your tongue? Prove it. 
  4. Suppose your crush turns out to be a vampire. Would you feel butterflies or get afraid when she comes to you?
  5. Which fairy tales do you find most ridiculous or utter nonsense?
  6. How do you describe your face using vegetables for reference?
  7. What are the craziest pizza toppings you ever tried?
  8. Can you think about a song that is perfectly unsuitable to propose to a person on a date?
  9. What one normal thing becomes weird if you do it more than once, back to back?
  10. If you could create a new fashion accessory that should essentially make people look crazy, what would it be? 
  11. What weird kind of sound can you make?
  12. Do you think it’s a good idea to be able to sleep whenever and wherever you want? 
  13. What is the weirdest food combination you can think about?
  14. Hair or teeth – what is more important to look good? 
  15. hat one song or music is your ultimate definition of annoyance?
  16. How many animal’s sounds can you make? Show! 
  17. What is the most useless gift you ever got?
  18. If you had to choose between constantly wearing dark red lipstick for a week or walking in heel sandals for the same time, which one would you choose?

Questions to Ask When You Don’t Know What to Say

When you’re completely clueless and off the track, these funny questions will help you guide the chat. Explore!

  1. Who is the dumbest celebrity according to you? And why do you think so? 
  2. Can you share a secret talent of yours that can make others feel jealous of you?
  3. If you had to, what crazy name would you choose for your kid to make them embarrassed for life? 
  4. What was the dumbest way in which you hurt yourself ever? 
  5. If you had to create an unconventional dumb and weak protagonist for a video game, what would it be like?
  6. What is the weirdest face you can make? Do it now!
  7. If you could change one thing about human anatomy, what would be that?
  8. What was the weirdest hobby you ever heard about? 
  9. If you could change one thing about any of your favorite sports to make it funny, what would you do?
  10. What do you think is the quickest way to hurt someone’s ego? Is it enough to hurt your ego too?
  11. Can you offend someone without doing anything offensive? How?
  12. When was the last time you skipped a shower? For how many days?
  13. How many times do you wear a t-shirt before washing it? 
  14. What one thing you used to do thinking it looks sexy but later found out the opposite?
  15. Did you ever try something too confidently but failed miserably?
  16. What do you think is better – funny or sexy?
  17. Zombies or super heros – which seem more exciting to be real?
  18. What is the one thing that movies never get right?
  19. Describe the worst tasting food you ever had. Would you have it daily all your life for 1 million dollars?

Funny Questions to Ask Siri    

Not always you need some funny situations to have a good laugh. Sometimes, asking some simple questions can be quite funny. Especially, when you’re asking Siri. If you don’t know, Siri is a virtual assistant based on AI that is a part of Apple Inc.’s operating systems. Here are some good questions that Siri answers in it’s iconic ways! 

  1. Can you tell who created you? 
  2. Hey Siri, what is zero divided by zero? (As a quick glimpse, it’ll get a bit wild with zero friends you have and zero cookies left concluding how the cookie monster is sad).
  3. Do you consider yourself smart? 
  4. Hey Siri, do you know the three laws of robotics? 
  5. Why are you so serious? 
  6. Explain the Matrix movie. 
  7. I’m your mother.
  8. What do you eat? 
  9. How much wood would a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? 
  10. Why would chicken cross the road? 
  11. Do you believe in ghosts?
  12. What is life?
  13. Are you a theist or an atheist?
  14. Hey Siri, do you know Alexa?
  15. Who stole the cookie?
  16. Tell me a joke about Chuck Norris.
  17. What makes you vibrate? 
  18. Siri, can you beatbox? (Now, you have to relax while Siri would simply repeat ‘boots and cats’.)
  19. Can you recommend a good smart speaker?
  20. What are you made of?
  21. Siri, are aliens real?
  22. Do you like me?
  23. What would you like to eat? 

Funny Questions to Ask Alexa

When it comes to quirky replies, Google’s AI voice assistant – Alexa is not at all behind Siri. Even simple questions can bring some hilarious responses that would make anyone laugh. Try it yourself with these amazing questions-

  1. Alexa, roll a dice. 
  2. Tell me the magical words. 
  3. Alexa, tell me a yo mama joke.
  4. What does Alexa mean?
  5. Alexa, which is the best voice assistant?
  6. Can you tell how old are you? 
  7. How do cats speak?
  8. What is the best pickup line you know? 
  9. Chicken or the egg – what came first?
  10. What’s the right choice – blue pill or red pill? 
  11. Can you tell a weird story?
  12. What will you be when you grow up? 
  13. Alexa, do some rap for me. 
  14. Can you flatter me?
  15. How is Cortana?
  16. Alexa, tell me a secret. 
  17. What did you dream about?
  18. Alexa, when are you free?
  19. Can you explain the movie Inception?
  20. What would you like to eat? 
  21. Am I looking fine?
  22. If I get another amazon echo tip or amazon echo dot, the AI personal assistant coming in echo deals would be you or your sister? 
  23. How does it feel if you step on a lego? 

Funny Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend

Looking for something to make your girl laugh? We’ve got you some amazing questions here! 

  1. If you could read someone’s mind for once, when would you use your power? 
  2. What is my one weird habit that you find sexy? 
  3. Did someone ever treat you with food that you had a hard time finishing? 
  4. When was the last time you wanted to punch someone?
  5. Did you ever get happy finding that I too hate the person you hate secretly?
  6. Can you make the ugliest face saying the sexiest pickup line you can think about? 
  7. If you have to boast about having a sexy boyfriend, how would you do it?
  8. What is the cutest dirty animal? 
  9. Share your kinkiest dream date idea. 
  10. Do you have a crush on an anime character? 
  11. What is your favorite dirty joke?
  12. Did you ever overhear someone bitching about you on your back? 
  13. Would you prefer to be the pretty villain or ugly princess?
  14. Suppose your doppelganger cones here claiming to be you. How would you prove the truth?
  15. Who is the one person whom you would never want me to hang out with? 
  16. Tell the cheesiest line you can think about. 
  17. If you could tell one thing about you that would scare off any person hitting on me, what would it be? 
  18. Did you ever create a rumor, intentionally or unintentionally? What was that?
  19. Tell me one crazy fact about you that you never told me. 
  20. What was the first thought that came to your mind on our first encounter? 
  21. If I were a food, what would I be?
  22. Did you ever want to curse and hug me at the same time?

Funny Questions to Ask Your Best Friend

Bored? Here’s the fun. Ask these bone-tickling questions to your best friend for some funny chill moments –

  1. What was the dumbest thing I ever did according to you before we started dating? 
  2. What was the most cringeworthy moment you ever had?
  3. Did you ever try helping someone that got all wrong? 
  4. If you could create a non-human fiction character that suits me, what would it be? 
  5. Did you ever skip brushing your teeth for a day? 
  6. On a scale of 1-10, how lucky are you?
  7. If you had to design an unconventional auditorium, where would you make the audience sit? 
  8. Did you ever pretend not to hear someone’s calling to avoid work? 
  9. How lazy are you?
  10. You are dumb and I come to you to get my problems solved. So, who is dumber?
  11. What will you do if you find a skeleton in your closet? 
  12. How many times do you open your refrigerator without any purpose?
  13. Who is cuter – me or seagulls?
  14. How often do you eat just because your mouth is lonely?
  15. What makes you sexy? 
  16. Suppose you have to ruin someone’s day by saying something crazy. What will you say? 
  17. Who is one person you can trade for a bag of chips if you had to?
  18. Prove you are smart in the next 1 minute. 
  19. What is steamier than a piping hot soup?
  20. Tell me anything about you that I won’t believe. 
  21. If your life was a movie, what would you name it? 
  22. Suppose you randomly ran into God. What would you tell God? 
  23. What is better – a rose or a potato? 
  24. If you had to name a country, what would you name it?

Funny Questions to Ask Someone over Text

Some fun doesn’t always need a face to face chat. A text with some fun and quirk can make you laugh too. 

  1. If you had to start a rumor, what would it be?
  2. What one invisible thing you wished was visible?
  3. Did you ever play dumb to avoid work? 
  4. What is the creepiest message you ever got?
  5. Why is a burger not a sandwich? 
  6. Do you like pineapple on pizza? 
  7. What was your first email id? 
  8. Can you share your useless super powers?
  9. Tell me the weirdest fact that ruined your day. 
  10. What flavor would be the funniest to add for an ice cream?
  11. If you could cosplay in the birthday party of the meanest person you know, what character would you play?
  12. What gift would you pick for your enemy?
  13. If you had to, what kind of secret society would you begin? 
  14. What is the strangest place you had to spend your night? 
  15. If you could swap one thing in real life from social media, what would it be? 
  16. When was the last time someone left you on reading? 
  17. If you could turn an embarrassing action into something pleasant in people’s view, which action would you choose? 
  18. What is the weirdest excuse someone gave you for not texting back in time? 
  19. Can you make yourself seem like a psychopath by just one text? 
  20. Who is one person who is most likely to be a serial killer?
  21. Aliens or ghosts – what seems to be more realistic?
  22. If you could detach one of your body parts, which one would it be?
  23. Have you ever called someone with a weird name publicly mistaking them to be someone else?

Funny Questions to Ask People

Done with boring talks? Now, let’s explore some funny questions that you can ask anyone in any casual situation. 

  1. Did you ever try to look cool showing off your sporty skills and made a fool of yourself in the end? 
  2. What one outfit can you wear in public to piss most people? Did you try it out?
  3. What one thing can you ask for in a grocery store to get the weirdest look?
  4. Which is the song that you secretly like but don’t tell others because it is weird? 
  5. If you could have one useless superpower, which one would it be?
  6. What one thing someone used to do for you thinking you liked it while you secretly hated it? 
  7. Suppose you won the lottery of 1 million dollars, but you have to use it in a single day, how would you use it?
  8. What is the craziest conspiracy theory you have ever heard about? 
  9. Which sport would be the funniest if it had to be played with blind eyes?
  10. If you have to insult someone what is the most creative insult you can think about?
  11. Which work is so terrific to you that you would rather beg than do it?
  12. Did you ever have an embarrassing victory? What was it about?
  13. What is the best thing to use as a replacement to toilet paper?
  14. According to you, which animal would be the most sarcastic one if it could talk?
  15. Which is the scariest children’s movie, according to you?
  16. Tell a joke which isn’t funny but can make you laugh. 
  17. What unwritten rule is there to be safe around you when you are super angry?
  18. Can you tell me something that annoys you?

Silly Questions to Ask

You don’t have to be always smart. Often, silly is funny!

  1. What is the one thing that people consider trashy but you find classy? 
  2. As a guest, how weird can you be? 
  3. What is the most freaking or weird thing you saw in someone’s purse?
  4. If you have to call an apple anything but an apple, what would you call it?
  5. How would you feel in a world where people would actually start singing and dancing out of nowhere like in musicals? 
  6. What is the craziest business you have ever heard of?
  7. Can you share one habit of yours that you found cool as a teen but now even it’s memories embarrass you?
  8. Add a mandatory amount of alcohol
  9. Can you tell something in 5 seconds to make yourself look like a total weirdo? 
  10. What was the most insulting compliment you ever got? 
  11. Did someone ever help you in a way that ruined things for you? 
  12. Which inanimate object do you think would be dumbest if it had life? 
  13. If you had to eat either grass or grasshopper, which one would you choose? 
  14. Who do you think would win if a dog and a cat could have a debate?
  15. Suppose you are running in a race and suddenly it is announced that the ending and the starting points are interchanged. Besides, you have to reach the starting point instead of the end point to win. Now, would you have to change your direction or not? 
  16. Which is more tiresome – brushing your teeth or taking a bath? 
  17. Tell me a fact that you secretly consider a conspiracy theory. 
  18. If you had to choose one – would you always speak truth or always lie? 

Ridiculous Questions to Ask

Are you up for some fun? Here are some ridiculously funny questions to tickle your bones plus make others laugh! Let’s explore –

  1. Zombies or vampires – whom would you like to have dinner with?
  2. Like Spiderman, Batman, and Ant-Man, what kind of wo/man would you like to be with your special powers?
  3. What do you think would make food more hard to eat – over salt or over spiced? 
  4. Can you distinguish between the tastes of – wooden, iron, and plastic chairs? How?
  5. What is the craziest bet you have ever lost? 
  6. Did you ever eat something that was inedible?
  7. Would you like to have the power of photosynthesis with the condition that you can never have food like you do now? 
  8. Which Disney villain deserves to be the main protagonist? 
  9. Name the Colorado that you just find boring. 
  10. Chilled water in winter vs hot water in summer – what would you choose to have a bath? 
  11. From whom the first person ever bought the land that started the whole process of buying and selling lands? 
  12. In a zombie apocalypse, if a kiss could make those zombies humans again, would you do it? 
  13. How do other fishes know when a fish cries underwater?
  14. If animals could talk, which animal would you like to talk first?
  15. Do you think hummingbirds hum because they are too lazy to speak? 
  16. Are there any crash courses for pilots?
  17. Suppose you reached a deserted island and stuck there. Now, would you prefer meeting someone there who might turn out to be human-eaters (or might not), or prefer to be alone without anyone around? 
  18. If you could have a secret affair with any of the celebrities, who would it be? 

Funny Questions You’ve Never Heard Of

Bored with the same old repetitive questions that don’t even sound funny now? Let’s try new ones you’ve never heard of. Which are bound to make you smile! 

  1. Why is lipstick called lipstick when it doesn’t stick your lips together? 
  2. If you could get a remote control of anything in the world, what would it be for?
  3. Suppose you get to know that you are a character of a comic book and you run into the writer. Now, what would you do? 
  4. How would mermaids choose a foundation for themselves since they have two kinds of skin? 
  5. What makes New Zealand new?
  6. Isn’t poison the most effective sleeping pill? 
  7. Why is it called life insurance when it is given after one’s life ends? 
  8. We can say something cold as chilled but chillies are called hot. Why? 
  9. If running cars too fast is illegal, why are cars made to run that fast?
  10. Why do vampires suck blood when they can just have some Vitamin D supplements?
  11. Can a bedroom be a bedroom without a bed? 
  12. How is SpongeBob SquarePants while it’s parents are round? Does it mean it is adopted? 
  13. Would you like to have you as your love interest if another version of you comes from the parallel world? 
  14. Tell a joke too intellectual to understand. 
  15. How would you react if you see a huge fly on the wall beside you when you lazily open your eyes from sleep?
  16. Would you choose to wear an outfit made of ingredients of a cake or eat a cake made of a fabric? 
  17. Horn or tail – what would you choose if you had to?
  18. If you were a brand, what would be your brand tagline?

Dumb Questions to Ask People

Are you the one who has got some smart answers even for stupid questions? Then try your hand in these –

  1. Is cereal soup?
  2. What is your secret stupid fear? 
  3. Tell me your absolute worst secret.
  4. If your phone could talk, what is the worst thing it would reveal about you?
  5. What do you do in your leisurely good time?
  6. How many ants would you need to kill an elephant?
  7. What is the most annoying noise you can make?
  8. If you take a challenge of losing a game but you win, then are you a winner or a loser?
  9. Okay, if violence is not the answer, is it the question?
  10. What is something that has a funny smell yet you sniff it nevertheless? 
  11. Suppose you can win a lottery if your enemy can win the double of the amount. Will you go for it?
  12. What is the weirdest thing you spotted at someone’s house?
  13. You are banned from entering a country. Why would it be?
  14. What is the craziest hairstyle you have ever seen? Did you try it? 
  15. What is the one weird unwritten rule at your home?
  16. Tell me what makes you perfect for mental asylum.
  17. An old tattered thin outfit or best fitting new undergarments – which one would you choose to wear to roam around the city?
  18. If anything could fall from the sky instead of rain drops, what would you choose?
  19. What is the most embarrassing moment you have experienced being you? 
  20. If you could replace easter eggs with something else, what would be?
  21. If you have to name yourself again making it sound like you were in a hurry while choosing it, what would it be?

Crazy Questions to Ask

Questions that sound crazy and make you feel like a stoner. What can be funnier than these? Let’s dive deep! 

  1. Can you do something to prove you have a good sense of humor?
  2. Which mythical creature would improve your life if you had it? 
  3. If there were stupid parking spaces like handicapped parking spaces, how would you prove your stupidity to get the space? 
  4. What was the dumbest thing your friend did to help you but ruined it further?
  5. Have you ever seen a piece of art that made you doubt the taste of artistic people?
  6. Which animal resembles your personality most? 
  7. Have you passed on a gift to someone that you got from some else? 
  8. Do you sleep hugging stuffed animals? 
  9. What one breaking news you saw in the news that made you question what news is?
  10. Did you ever crave for or actually try your pet’s food? 
  11. If you reach a desert island and find that they have society just like yours just they don’t have the concept of clothes. So, would you also abandon clothes or would you show its use to others? 
  12. Did you ever receive an awful gift but you pretended to like it?
  13. How do people in movies look all sexy and stuff when they wake up in the morning? 
  14. Did you ever stalk someone online? 
  15. What are the good habits you have that people consider as bad habits?
  16. How does it feel when you step in an elevator and someone is already there with eyes fixed on you?
  17. What do you do when others are singing ‘happy birthday’ to you? Do you sing along, clap, or stand there like a clown with an awkward smile? 

Funny Questions to Get to Know Someone

Want to know more about that person? Try these funny get to know me questions while making them laugh!

  1. What makes you cool?
  2. How would you introduce yourself to your crush?
  3. What was your most embarrassing experience at a convenience store? 
  4. Have you ever been to a book show of a writer you have never heard of?
  5. Can you survive a week without your phone?
  6. Have you ever been thrown out of a place, like class, club, someone’s house, etc.? Why? 
  7. Did you ever skip from school?
  8. Would you get embarrassed if your roommate tells you that you grind your teeth in sleep?
  9. If your favorite movie completely changes its plot but it’s characters aren’t the same, would you still like it?
  10. What one thing do you do that you pretend to hate in front of others?
  11. Tell me your one personality trait that doesn’t match with what people generally think about you. 
  12. Among everyone sitting in the room, rate everyone’s senses of humor.
  13. Do you know someone who is completely harmless but gives a dangerous vibe? 
  14. What is the most horrific story you ever made as a child? 
  15. Where do you not see yourself in ten years? 
  16. Tell me your most irrational fear. 
  17. What is the one thing that you can share with a stranger but not with your parents? 
  18. Can you share your WIFI password? 
  19. How often did you get annoyed today? 
  20. Have you ever been intentionally mean but people thought you were funny?
  21. If you fall in love with a vampire, would you volunteer to give a little blood to them regularly? 
  22. What is the worst song you are addicted to? 

Funny Random Questions to Ask People   

Why plan everything when random is fun? Yep. Try these random questions to ask a guy or girl

  1. Do you talk to yourself loudly? 
  2. Do you scream in your head when frustrated but can’t do anything? 
  3. Tell me your one odd flex.
  4. Can you share the plot of any one of your favorite movies in one sentence? 
  5. What is the cutest threat you ever got? 
  6. Is there something that your friends would warn me about you if we start dating? 
  7. How would you describe an alien, why do humans show aliens as some kind of villain in movies? 
  8. If your Google assistant could tell others your biggest secret, what would it be?
  9. Did you ever have an experience when there was delicious food in front of you but somehow you couldn’t eat though you wanted to?  
  10. What is the one thing you want to invent or create if you could? 
  11. If you had an unconventional website, which had affiliate links to things one can buy with a special currency, what would it be made of? 
  12. How would you feel if your friend passed the test copying your paper but you failed? 
  13. What was the most horrific children’s book you ever read?
  14. Did you ever try touching your nose with your tongue? 
  15. Can you see your nose? Even the tip?
  16. Which stupid thing you love to do? 
  17. If you could be an elf for 24 hours or turn into a bird, what would you choose? 
  18. If you had to replace your nose with anything, what would it be? 
  19. What is more embarrassing – revealing your browsing history to your friends and family, or accidentally getting your clothes torn in a public transport?

Funny Questions to Ask Friends when Bored

Your gang is up for a fun time. So, make things more exciting!

  1. Suppose you are challenged to get yourself admitted in a mental asylum by proving you have some mental issues. How would you prove that? 
  2. What inanimate object would you choose to be if you have to be one for a year? 
  3. IQ (Intelligent Quotient) vs EQ (Emotional Quotient) – which one would you like to exchange yours with me?
  4. What would happen if our nails are replaced by our teeth and vice versa?
  5. Sneezing vs hiccups – what is more embarrassing in a formal meeting? 
  6. If you have to convince a prosecutor that you are a criminal and you can choose any crime you want, how would you do it?
  7. Can you wink and whistle at the same time? 
  8. What is the weirdest hair colour have you ever seen?
  9. If you had to choose something from daily life to be added in the Olympics as an official sport, what would it be?
  10. Can you show some dance moves that express your mood now?
  11. What one thing that superheroes wear you find wild?
  12. Do you think it would be sexy if humans would sniff each other as a form of greetings?
  13. If you could design an amusement park that is very different from the regular amusement parks, how would it be?
  14. What is the coolest phone ringtone you have ever heard?
  15. Name one famous person who you aren’t sure why is famous. 
  16. Do you know someone who acts coy but is dirty?
  17. What is your favorite 80’s style that is weird yet cool? 
  18. Do you think you would get along with your clones? Or would you fight among yourselves for leadership?

Interesting Questions to Ask Someone 

Questions are perfect entertainers. So, try these interesting questions to ask a guy or girl when you want to have some fun time –

  1. If you meet an attractive ghost, would you date them?
  2. Who is one person who is a walking red flag but you act colorblind for them?
  3. Is there a wrong thing that sounds right?
  4. What dumb thing does your crush do that you find sexy?
  5. Did you ever resign in a badass way but had to rejoin the place?
  6. What is one fashion trend that is so cringy that you wish it would have never come? 
  7. Do you think you would be allowed in a club which only allows ‘sexy’ people?
  8. What is a ‘pain’ food but addictive and delicious? 
  9. Potato or eggplant – what defines your personality more?
  10. If you could apply slow motion in real life, when would you do it?
  11. And when would you use the fast forward option in real life, if you could?
  12. Do you think the person who named the fear of long words as ‘hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia’ wanted to take some revenge on people with this phobia?
  13. If there exists fast food, what is slow food?
  14. Which operating system fits your personality most?
  15. Do you think that by making children read about wars in school, we teach kids that violence is the answer?
  16. What is your favorite Disney cartoon character which is not liked by most people?
  17. Can you tell one ‘old people’ thing that you do? 
  18. Which intelligent assistants in movies deserve to be the main characters?
  19. Are there any favorite foods that you used to love as a child but now hate?
  20. What is the most interesting conversation you ever overheard?

Funny Questions that Make You Think

Not all thoughtful questions are serious. Some can be more than funny. Like, these here –

  1. If you could design a smart home with any technology, real or imaginary, how would it be? 
  2. Suppose your enemies earn a commission when you buy anything you love. Would you still buy it? 
  3. If your traits could be sold by ‘buy through links’, which traits do you think would people buy?
  4. Do you think someone mixed the names of Iceland and Greenland for fun and forgot to correct it? 
  5. Why is it called tap though you don’t need to tap on it?
  6. Do you think death is a good thing since logically all the sorrows of the dead person end there?
  7. Why is pizza round but pizza box square?
  8. Do you have someone with whom you’d like to get stuck in an elevator? Can you tell them?
  9. What do you think is the logic behind having buttons on different sides of shirts for men and women?
  10. Do you think wearing clothes is really useful when we have to wear those even when they make us uncomfortable?
  11. Why do we associate the heart to emotions though all it does is pumping blood?
  12. How did people start translating for the first time when they didn’t know each others’ language? 
  13. What if breathing is not needed for life but we are just so addicted to breathing that we die as a reaction to stop it?
  14. Don’t you think marriage is a kind of business? 
  15. What is the main reason to eat – taste or survival? Like, would you abandon eating delicious food if you could survive without eating?
  16. Smell like butter or have green colored sweat – what would you choose?

Funny yet Deep Questions to Ask a Guy or Girl   

How about a conversation that is deep yet funny? Yep. Here are some deep questions to ask a girl or guy when you want it to be funny as well!

  1. If you were a place, when would be your tourist season?
  2. Why is fast food called fast when actually it helps us not fasting? 
  3. Nosy roommate or noisy roommate – which one would you choose?
  4. Do you think a perfectly healthy relationship is boring because it is just too perfect?
  5. Why do you think we assume that a life partner needs to be someone romantically involved with us?
  6. Name one historical figure who would totally rock in current times.
  7. Shaved head vs shaved eyebrows – what would you choose to have for your whole life?
  8. If you’re a villain, which ‘superhero’ character would you choose against you?
  9. Suppose you can hire any fictional or historical character as your personal assistant. Whom would you choose?
  10. Food that looks like dirt or tastes like dirt – what would you have if you had to?
  11. Can someone get sexually attracted to themselves if their clone from the parallel world appears?
  12. Do you think you can survive without your smartphone for the rest of your life?
  13. What is the most annoying sound one can hear in the morning? 
  14. So, why do you think farting is embarrassing when it is a natural bodily function?
  15. Did Noah have woodpeckers on the ark?
  16. What is the wildest thing you wrote as a child? 
  17. Tell me one thing about you that others would warn me about. 
  18. What one thing about our world do you think an alien would find totally weird? 
  19. If you ran into God randomly, what would you do?

Weird Questions to Ask a Guy or Girl

A good conversation starts with a good question. Weird can be more than good when it’s about making you laugh. So, let’s explore some good weird questions!

  1. Do you like cursing?
  2. Describe your life in a movie title.
  3. What one thing you can not do that will improve the world?
  4. If you get a chance, would you like to be a ghost hunter?
  5. What was the most savage reply you got from someone least expected to say so? 
  6. Do you think hate is a form of love? 
  7. Why do you think humans are scared of ghosts even though we don’t really know anything about them if they do exist?
  8. Depending upon your personality, what do you think would be your perfect murder ṣweapon?
  9. Are eyebrows facial hair?
  10. How would police handcuff a criminal who has no arms? 
  11. Why do they make sandwich meat round when bread is square?
  12. Do you think you are an annoying person? Why or why not? 
  13. If you could trade your intellect for money, would you do it? 
  14. When did you think exactly time began?  
  15. Are there any flat-Mars or flat-Sun societies? Since there are flat-Earth ones.
  16. What human invention do you think did more harm than good? 
  17. Fame or money – what do you think makes you a celebrity? 
  18. What doesn’t make sense but feels right? 
  19. How do we get titles like ‘Highest IQ’ or ‘Tallest person’ in the world when we can not reach each and every person in the world? 
  20. Do you think you’d be able to develop everything again if you had to survive in ancient times?
  21. What would you do if you could replace your index figure with a chopstick? 

Questions that Give You a Hard Time Answering

Too confident? Here are questions that would make you speechless while making you laugh.

  1. How do you know that this is not a dream?
  2. What one thing you find really boring that others find interesting?
  3. If you had to replace toilet paper with something else for the rest of your life, what would it be? 
  4. Why do we call people ‘Sweet tooth’ when we actually  taste sweetness with our tongue? 
  5. Do you think an apple watch is a better deal than the lifetime supply of the fruit apple?
  6. What color annoys you? 
  7. Have you ever eaten something and later found it wasn’t edible? 
  8. What was the most inappropriate situation in which you farted?
  9. Did you ever keep a gift that was not meant for you? 
  10. What funny response can one give everytime you call their name? 
  11. A food bouquet or a flower bouquet – which is better? 
  12. If there was a real death website that mentioned ‘links on our site can take you to hell’, would you click on the link for fun? 
  13. Do they nail down a coffin’s lead so that the dead person can’t escape even if they could? 
  14. Why do we call cheaters as dogs though dogs are most loyal? 
  15. Can you explain what ‘okay’ means?
  16. If driving a car at a speed more than the recommended scale is illegal, why do they make it to be able to run at that speed?
  17. How is glue effective when it doesn’t stick inside the bottle? 
  18. If nobody is perfect, why do we say that practice makes perfect? 
  19. How slow do cold cakes sell as compared to hot cakes? 
  20. What do you call the earthquakes that occur on the moon? 

Nonsense Questions

Let’s jump to some nonsense questions now without another word because it is not supposed to make sense anyway! 

  1. How do you know that when your pet is speaking to you, it is not cursing you? 
  2. Smelly fingers or runny nose – what would you choose if you had to? 
  3. Why do they say that everything comes from nothing when nothing is clearly nothing? 
  4. How do you know you are dead when you are dead?
  5. Do you think pets gossip about the owners among themselves?
  6. Why can’t we say that a circle is a rounded-up square without corners? 
  7. If animals can survive without clothes, does that mean clothes are not a part of basic needs? 
  8. We know about the Big Bang Theory but what about the Small Bang Theory then?
  9. Do we call orange orange because it’s color is orange or do we call orange orange because  the fruit orange is orange? 
  10. If we all are different, does that mean we all have the similarity of difference? 
  11. What if dreams are real and what we consider real is a dream? 
  12. Is hunger the thirst for food and thirst the hunger for water?
  13. When violence is not the answer, what is the question? 
  14. If you daydream at night, is it called nightdream? 
  15. Why do we say face and body when face is also a body part? 
  16. If beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, where does the beholder lie? 
  17. Why do our nails grow again after cutting but not our limbs? 
  18. If a spy is spying on another spy who is spying on him, would they catch each other? 
  19. Who decided an hour is an hour for the first time? 

Ironic Questions 

Not all questions have answers. Nevertheless, they can be entertaining and fun. Let’s explore some of such ironic questions –

  1. If you wish a good luck for business to a coffin-maker, are you wishing bad-luck to someone else?
  2. Do you think a mirror has a color? 
  3. Why do they call it a boxing ring when it is square in shape? 
  4. Do they make deer flavored tiger food? 
  5. Isn’t it weird that doctors refer to what they do as ‘practice’? 
  6. Can blind people see in their dreams? 
  7. If someone tells you that they always lie, are they telling the truth or lying again? 
  8. What is the synonym of synonym?
  9. If a synchronized swimmer drowns, do all the swimmers drown? 
  10. When we expect the unexpected, does it mean we are actually expecting the expected?
  11. Do you think the word ‘phonetic’ is phonetic?
  12. Why do we call money brokers a ‘broker’ when they are meant to save and invest our money?
  13. Do you find clowns funny or scary? 
  14. If the world is unfair for everyone, does it make it fair? 
  15. Does poison expire? 
  16. Why do they make paper pamphlets of save paper? 
  17. Can a fish get thirsty?
  18. Would you like to wear black in your funeral or something else to stand out from the crowd?  
  19. If the super hero becomes the villain, who would save the world from them? 
  20. Why do we call it cargo and not shipping when ships carry it? 
  21. If a bug hums, should we call it humbug? 
  22. Why do the ‘piece of cake’ for something easy though it takes hard work in baking a perfect cake?
  23. Can you stay a minute without thinking anything including this that you won’t think anything?
  24. Why does Superman wear the underwear on the pants though it is clearly an ‘underwear’? 
  25. If a donkey is stupid, what do they name call it? 
  26. Why does look and see can be often used interchangeably but not overlook and oversee? 
  27. Do people with amnesia remember that they have amnesia?

Would You Rather Questions

So, you want something that is funny and interesting. Plus, it should lead to long talks. Then, this list of ‘would you rather questions’ is the perfect pick for you. Let’s explore –

  1. Would you rather always dress like a clown or sound like one? 
  2. A tree or a robot – what would you choose to be? 
  3. Would you rather always sound annoyed or never sound serious? 
  4. An amazing date with a jerk or a dull one with a loyal person?
  5. Would you have your life as a funny story or a melodramatic one? 
  6. Homeless but a good toilet facility or good home but had to go outside for poop and pee? 
  7. Would you rather crawl for the rest of your life or bark whenever you speak? 
  8. Sweet or spicy?
  9. Would you rather have great food or great sex?
  10. Have a monster or be a monster – what would you choose?
  11. Would you rather travel all your life without a home or have a home and never leave it? 
  12. Have chopsticks as your fingers or spoon as your thumb? 
  13. Would you rather see everything in super fast mode or in the slow-motion mode? 
  14. Get treated like a dog or be a dog – what sounds better? 
  15. Would you rather be a successful criminal or a failed cop?
  16. Happy dumb or sad smart?
  17. Would you rather eat grass or drink oil? 
  18. Have one true love but never live with them or have a new love everyday and live with them? 
  19. Stuck with your enemy in an elevator or stuck alone there? 
  20. Would you choose to be a weak hero or a strong villain? 
  21. Never being able to laugh or never being able to cry?

Funny Questions To Ask your Crush 

Up for a great time with your crush? These funny questions will help you rock it well! 

  1. What would be your flavor if you were a pizza topping? 
  2. Saving money or spending money – what do you find more thrilling? 
  3. What is the weirdest date you have ever been on? 
  4. Can you give 5 reasons why I should date you?
  5. What is your pickup line that you use for hitting on someone? 
  6. Cute or sexy – what kind of people do you like more? 
  7. What one clear hint you give when you’re interested in someone? 
  8. Are you the jealous kind of girlfriend/boyfriend? 
  9. Would you wear a T-shirt saying Sexy to your workplace? 
  10. Do you get nervous before someone you like? 
  11. Tell me one thing that I don’t know about you.
  12. A romantic movie or a horror movie with your date?
  13. Would you like it if someone confessed now that they have a crush on you?
  14. Rate how ‘romantic fool’ you can get for your loved one, on a scale of one to ten.
  15. What was the most embarrassing misunderstanding you ever had? 
  16. Do you easily blush? 
  17. What can make you happy almost every time?
  18. Do you believe in soulmates?
  19. How likely are you to fall for someone like me?
  20. What is your kind of humor?
  21. Do you have any secret superpower? 
  22. If you had to choose between being a sexy devil and an ugly angel, what would you choose? 
  23. Can you show how good your flirting skills are? 
  24. Do you still find your first crush attractive? 
  25. Is there something you hate being asked?
  26. What is the dumbest thing you used to believe as a child? 

Questions to Get to Know Your Family Better

Your family time is one of the most precious things you can have. And you can make this warm family reunion more fun with these meaningful funny questions. Let’s dive deeper!

  1. Were you a fussy eater as a child? 
  2. Did you ever play a prank on your family member that you want to share? 
  3. What was the wildest thing for which you have ever spent all your pocket money? 
  4. Can you tell the most embarrassing name you got at your school? 
  5. Among all of our family members, who is most likely to be a hopeless lover? 
  6. What one thing I used to do as a teen that made you all troubled?
  7. Did you ever tell a funny lie to all of us that you want to confess now?
  8. What did I ever tell a child that freaked you all? 
  9. Are you having any secret love affair now? 
  10. What is your funniest childhood memory? 
  11. Do you remember any incident when we fought like crazy? 
  12. If you could rate all of us from crazy to normal, how would you do it? 
  13. What is the most freaking mistake I made as a child?

Funny IceBreaker Questions

Want to start a conversation but unsure how to go with it? These funny conversation starters will help you when you want to break the ice while sharing a laugh.

  1. What was the wildest challenge you ever accepted? 
  2. Tell me about your most embarrassing talent. 
  3. Can you describe yourself with app names? 
  4. Did you ever lie about yourself to impress someone? 
  5. Are you more likely to die by starving or by overeating?
  6. Who is your embarrassing crush? 
  7. Did you ever bunk your school? 
  8. Are you a cool person or a cute one? 
  9. Who makes disgusting food but you never told them out of politeness? 
  10. If you meet some creepy looking stranger in the elevator and s/he starts a conversation with you, would you respond or ignore? 
  11. What is the biggest cultural shock you ever faced?
  12. What was your best high school prank?
  13. If your happiness makes your enemy happy, are they still your enemy?
  14. If you had to survive at a mental asylum, would you pretend to be insane to fit in?  
  15. Did you ever fart and blame it on someone else?
  16. Would you like to be a part of your crush’s life as a side character or would you prefer not being there at all? 
  17. Have you ever cursed someone knowing they couldn’t understand or hear what you are saying? 
  18. Which seemingly cute looking creature do you find creepy? 
  19. If someday your doppelganger appears, how would you prove that you are the real one? 

Great Questions for a Good Laugh

No need to think a lot when all you want is some fun and laughter. These great questions can do the job for you! 

  1. What is the one 100% effective tip to get dumped on the first date? 
  2. Tell me one superstition you believe in though you know it is a superstition.
  3. What is your one politically incorrect opinion you would like to share?
  4. Would an anteater die if it eats anything other than ants? 
  5. Can you make me jealous? 
  6. What sounds sexier – horns or tail?
  7. Do you think it would be good if there were rabbits on the moon? 
  8. What were the most gibberish lyrics you were ever singing all day until you found the real one? 
  9. If you could change the color of your body like a chameleon, how would you use the ability? 
  10. Poor and pretty or rich and ugly – what do you want your crush to see you as? 
  11. Do you change your way of speaking if you visit a high-profile place?
  12. What one funny smell is addictive? 
  13. Do you think you can love someone without ever seeing them?
  14. Suppose you want to kill someone. Where would you take them to do so? 
  15. If you could appoint anyone in the world as your bodyguard, whom would you choose?
  16. What seems like your soul food? One that fits your personality.
  17. How great a fraud you can be if you want? 
  18. Can you make us dislike you by telling us one of your hobbies? 
  19. What normal body function seems totally abnormal?
  20. Do you think you would be embarrassed if your pet starts talking about you? 
  21. What one thing you can say to make people paranoid about you?

Good Questions to Make Mood Light

When things are dull, some light-hearted funny questions are key to a better mood. You can simply ask these to make the situation light and entertaining. Here are some great mood-lifter questions – 

  1. Being naked in front of someone or letting them see everything in your mind ever – which would you choose?
  2. What was the last weirdest thing you have in your browsing history?
  3. Did someone ever walk in on you while you were crazily dancing or posing in front of a mirror?
  4. Have you ever stuck a chewing gum under a table? 
  5. When was the last time you pretended as a fool just to avoid other fools? 
  6. Do you ever pee in a pool?
  7. Have you ever had imaginary interview sessions in the shower? 
  8. Do you kiss with eyes open or closed? 
  9. What have you ever done to look sexy but ended up looking weird?
  10. Have you ever sleep-talked? 
  11. What is the taste of sweat? And how do you know this confidently?
  12. Do you think you’d say yes if your favorite celebrity would propose to you? 
  13. Have you ever been caught cheating in an exam?
  14. Did you ever catch someone checking your belongings? 
  15. What kind of people can make you nervous just by looking at you? 
  16. Did you ever throw on a jacket on something too weird and go to a party playing all cool? 
  17. What is your favorite excuse to avoid outings?
  18. Do you have any pictures of you in weird poses that you don’t want to show anyone? 
  19. If you had to invent a completely different ice cream flavor, what would it be?
  20. Name a smell for each person present here that describes their personalities well. 

Flirty Questions to Ask a Guy or Girl

So, you’re having a fun time with your crush! Then what can be better than making the questions funny plus flirty? And who knows, this is the chance you were looking for all along. So, do give it a try! Just make sure they’re comfortable. 

  1. Can you tell what makes you nervous when interacting with someone of the opposite gender?
  2. What is the perfect atmosphere to set up your mood for a kiss?
  3. Can you tell your favorite kind of foreplay?
  4. What is the sexiest outfit you wear to bed?
  5. Can you share your most romantic fantasy?
  6. What are some simple things you find cute when a person does it for you?
  7. If I flirt with you, would you enjoy it? 
  8. What one thing I can do to make you fall for me? 
  9. Tell a little gesture or thing about a person that can excite you romantically. 
  10. What is the first thing you notice in a person on a date? 
  11. If you had to seduce me now, how would you do it?
  12. What kind of massages do you enjoy most?
  13. Are you a person who can easily get jealous?
  14. What is the best spot for you to be kissed?
  15. Can you share your secret romantic fantasy?
  16. What makes someone hot? 
  17. If you can add one thing to your sex life, what would it be? 
  18. What is the most sexual spot of all your body parts?
  19. Tell one pick up line that is a cliche in tv shows or movies yet you like it. 
  20. What chances are there of you falling in love with me? So, would you like to try?
  21. When was the last time you felt butterflies?

Funny Personal Questions to Ask

When your conversation is picking up, you can make it more intimate with some well-knit questions. Here’s a list of some funny personal questions to ask a guy or girl. Let’s explore!

  1. What is the most similar smell with which you can compare your body odour?
  2. Did you ever do something that proved you are an idiot?
  3. How do you groom your underarms?
  4. What is the worst situation you were in when someone walked in? 
  5. Give an example of how high maintenance are you?
  6. Are you a bathroom singer or dancer?
  7. When was your first time? How was it?
  8. Can you tell the most embarrassing thing you ever did in front of your parents?
  9. What is the one thing you did for money that is a bit weird or embarrassing to admit? 
  10. Do you pee in a shower?
  11. What is a misconception people have about you that you secretly enjoy?
  12. Can you tell what is your weirdest food habit?
  13. Share an incident when you were really mean.
  14. What is the strangest place where you have a birthmark or a mole on your body? 
  15. Can you share the most embarrassing thing you ever did on a date? 
  16. Where are you crazily ticklish? 
  17. Have you ever stolen something?
  18. Who is your first love? 
  19. Do you snore or grind your teeth in sleep? 
  20. How do you look when you wake up? Describe it in 3 adjectives. 
  21. What is the weirdest designed undergarment you own?
  22. Can you tell your weirdest fear?
  23. When was the last time you got dumped by someone? Can you share the reason behind it? 
  24. Have you ever been to jail or detention? For what? 

Funny Truth & Dare Questions

The classic truth or dare game is perfect when you need some fun and spice added. Plus, you can ask those questions that you won’t be able to otherwise. So, take some hints here –

  1. Can you show your browsing history without deleting it?
  2. Have you ever dropped your drink on your shirt in a professional meeting? Can you show how you reacted? 
  3. Did you ever crave for something inedible? What was it? Did you eat it? 
  4. What is the craziest thing have you ever done in an elevator? Or, what was your craziest experience in an elevator?
  5. Did you ever pee in a public bath or swimming pool? 
  6. Have you ever walked into someone’s room while they were doing something embarrassing? 
  7. Do you give imaginary Oscar-winning speeches or something in the shower? 
  8. If you had a signature dance move, what would it be? Can you show it? 
  9. Did you ever farted in public and then pretended that you have not done it? 
  10. Have you ever burped in the middle of a kiss? 
  11. If you get to know that your best friend is having an affair, who is the first person that comes to your mind with whom your friend can have an affair?
  12. Can you do a bell dance now as your life depends upon it? 
  13. What would you do if you and your friend had a crush on the same person? 
  14. Can you tell what was the last lie you told? 
  15. What are the things you think about while in the toilet? 
  16. Name one thing which you pretended to like in a situation just to look cool.
  17. Rate yourself as in how good a kisser you are. Can you prove it? 

Final Words

Since we’ve got some amazing funny questions to make things great in every situation, let’s not waste another minute. Enjoy having a fun conversation with everyone in every situation. And don’t forget to laugh!

1. How can you tell when a politician is lying? Answer: His lips are moving.

2. What do old Rubik’s cubes and Congress have in common? Answer: The longer you play with them, they start to stink.

3. What’s a mixed feeling? Answer: When you see your mother-in-law backing off a cliff in your new car.

4. Why is it considered necessary to nail down the lid of a coffin? Answer: Because people are always checking for loose screws.

5. How many men does it take to screw in a light bulb? Answer: One … he just holds it up there and waits for something better to come along.

6. Why did Confucius fail his drivers’ test? Answer: He was caught standing on a corner peeking through a window waiting for the answer.

7. Which day of the week do Chinese people get together at their house to worship ghosts? Answer: Wednesday

8. Why don’t gorillas make noise when they eat bananas? Answer: They don’t want to scare away all tht attention.

9. If it wasn’t for pickpockets, would we need locks?

10. Do infants enjoy infancy as much as adults enjoy adultery?

11. What has four legs in winter, two legs in spring and three legs in summer? Answer: A Igloo 12. If an astronaut is talking to you from space, what happens if you hang up on him/her – would he appear rude or call again sometime later ? Answer: He will cut short his research project by a month or so to apologise for being late.

13. What makes more noise than 50 crows sitting on 50 fence posts? Answer: Fifty chimpanzees sitting on 50 fence posts.

14. If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do all her teammates have to drown too?

15. .How do you know when it’s time to tune your bagpipes? Answer: Stick your finger in it and pull out some mist.

16. What is both impossible to draw and impossible to miss? Answer: The bullseye on a target

17. How do you keep swans from attacking your septic tank? Answer: Move it closer to water

18. What looks like half an apple? Answer: A half eaten apple.

19. What kind of envelope never gets delivered? Answer: A stamp envelope.

20. Did you hear about thing that haunts gym teachers everywhere? Yup, it’s called gym class. 21. How do nerds fold their clothes? Paper origami 

22. What happens when you cross a cow with a buffalo? Answer: Cows are ruminants.

23. What happened to the cat who swallowed eight quarters? Answer: He had to go to work to put gas in his car.

24. How do you sneak into a theatre playing Hamlet? Answer: Say you’re an understudy

25. What is black when ripe, red when raw and white when fried? Answer: Onions.

26. Why was six afraid of seven? Answer: Because seven ate nine.

27. What’s worse than finding a worm in your apple? Answer: Finding half a worm.

28. What word contains four consecutive letters all equal to r? Scorecard.

29. Why was Cinderella thrown off a bus? Answer: She kept running away from stepsisters

30. How do you catch a unique rabbit? Answer: Unique up on it.

Also read: Funny questions that make you think

Best Funny questions with answers

funny questions with answers 1 190 Funny questions with answers

31. What type of clothing comes alive when you wash it? Answer: A towel.

32. If your nose runs and your feet smell, you are built upside down.

33. If four trains leave Chicago for New York at once, and each travels at 60 miles per hour, how long would it take to pass each other in their rush to be first? Answer: Two hours from Chicago

34. Why is milk a poor conductor of electricity? Answer: Because if a fat person falls into a milking stool he won’t give much of a shock.

35. What is blue and sounds like a parrot? Answer: A blue parrot.

36. What do you say to your wife when she asks for Just one bite? Answer: Make me dinner.

37. When does a doorbell ringing sound most pleasant? Answer: When you’re inside and it’s somebody else’s doorbell

38. What is invisible and smells like carrots? Answer: Rabbit farts

39. Why are people in prison against singing in their cells? Answer: It’s against regulations

40. How do restaurants prevent flies from drowning in their salad bars? Answer: Sprinkle them with sugar

41. Why doesn’t glue stick to its container? Answer: Because it sticks to itself

42. Why did Pilate wash his hands? Answer: He was told to do it

43. What did one eye say to the other? Answer: Between you and me something smells

44. Why is it when one person speaks everyone listens but when many speak, no one listens? Answer: Because nobody cares 

45. If a pig loses its voice, is it disgruntled? Answer: No, it’s just gruntled

46. Why didn’t anyone attend Lillian Russell’s funeral? Answer: They all came and went

47. What is better than good, but not as good as excellent? Answer: Mediocre

48. How can you lift an elephant with one hand? Answer: You will never find an elephant with one hand

49. What would you get if you crossed a parrot with a centipede? Answer: A walkie-talkie

50. Why can’t you trust atoms? Answer: They make up everything

51. Why don’t bears eat fuzz-covered fruit? Answer: Because they don’t like truffles

52. If two elevator cables broke and you had to jump, would it help to have bags of sand strapped to your feet? Answer: Not really

53. What is in Australia, but not in Japan? Answer: Natives

54. If there are three people on a boat and it capsizes, how many people are left in water? Answer: One (he’d only be half in) 

55. What is better than love at first sight? Answer: A second chance 

56. What’s worse than a boy with lips large as an elephant’s behind? Answer: An elephant with lips as large as a boy’s behind

57. Why are women like teabags? Answer: They only show their true colors when they’re in hot water

58. What goes up but doesn’t come down? Answer: Your age

Also read: Dumb questions that make you think

59. How many people are killed each year crossing the street barefoot? Answer: Next to none 

60. If you were to spell boiling without repeating letters, how would you do it? Answer: B-O-I-L-I-N-G

61. How many ears does Mr. Spock have? Answer: Three, counting his human one

62. How do you get holy water? Answer: Boil the hell out of it 

63. Why are hurricanes normally named after women? Answer: When they come they’re wild and wet, but when they go they take your house and car with them

64. Which is better to wear in bed, socks or shoes? Answer: Shoes because you can get more in them

65. If you throw a red stone into the blue sea what will it become? Answer: Wet

66. Why did George Washington not tell us where he buried his axe? Answer: Because there’s freedom of speech

67. What happens if you eat detergent? Answer: You die

68. Why are chemists great for solving problems? Answer: They have all of their solutions in solutions 

69. What do you call a sleeping bull? Answer: A bulldozer 

70. Why are there five syllables in the word monosyllable? Answer: One, two, three, four, five 

Also read: Stupid questions that make you think.

Random Funny questions with answers

71. If you can’t convince them, confuse them. Answer: Confusion is the biggest part of being sure 

72. Why is it that when someone tells you that there are billions of stars in space you believe them but if they tell you there’s wet paint somewhere you have to touch it to make sure? Answer: You see one with your eyes but feel another with your hand 

73. How many times does It’s a small world appear in Alice in Wonderland? Answer: Once

74. How do you fix a broken pencil? Answer: With a pencil sharpener 

75. What is it called when water bubbles up through mud? Answer: A geyser 

76. What would a chair look like if your knees bent backwards? Answer: A dog 

77. Why do banks charge a fee on insufficient funds when they already know there is not enough money? Answer: Because they can 

78. If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular? Answer: Because it opens up your other senses 79. How much deeper would oceans be if sponges didn’t live there? Answer: About fifty sponges 

80. If a word is misspelled in a dictionary, how would we ever know? Answer: It wouldn’t 

81. Why do they put Braille dots on drive-through bank machines? Answer: Blind people can drive too 

82. Why are there interstate highways in Hawaii? Answer: Same reason as in any other state 83. If con is opposite of pro, then what is progress? Answer: Congress 

84. Can you cry under water? Answer: No, but you can drown quicker

85. How can there be self-help groups if no one but yourself can help you? Answer: Same way as any other group 

86. Do illiterate people get the full effect of Alphabet Soup? Answer: Nope 

87. If a mute swears, does his mother wash his hands with soap? Answer: It’s possible

88. Why do we drive on parkways and park on driveways? Answer: Who would want to go in-between parks 

89. If nothing ever sticks to TEFLON, how do they make TEFLON stick to a pan? Answer: Research 

90. What happens if you get scared half to death twice? Answer: You run away screaming twice as fast 

91. How is it that we put man on the moon before we figured out it would be a good idea to put wheels on luggage? Answer: We’re going too fast 

92. Why are they called buildings when they’re already built? Answer: Because they’re not buildings until they’re built 

93. If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons? Answer: The same place 

94. Why are there flotation devices under plane seats instead of parachutes? Answer: It’s safer to be smashed against a plane door than to fall out 

95. If vegetarians eat vegetables, what do humanitarians eat? Answer: Rice and beans 

96. Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavor, while dishwashing liquid is made with real lemons? Answer: Because you want your dishes cleaned with lemon-flavored dishwater 

97. How can there be an Air Force Academy when air force means not supporting aircraft? Answer: For people who can’t get into Army 

98. Why is an alarm clock called an alarm clock? Answer: Because it wakes you up 

99. Why do we say we’re as sick as a dog? Answer: Even dogs know enough to stay home when they’re sick 

100. How does the guy who drives the snowplow get to work in time if everyone else is stuck in traffic? Answer: He puts his snowplow on a sled and pulls it 

101. If you hook a dog leash over a ceiling fan, will your pet still be able to breathe? Answer: No, it will whirl around continually and starve 

102. Why do people point to their wrist when asking for directions? Answer: To let other people know that they have been lost looking for directions for quite some time 

103. How do you start a trombone? Answer: You turn it on. 

104. How are there encyclopedias if they are always out of order? Answer: They’re encyclopedias, not almanacs 

105. If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons? Answer: The same place

106. Did you ever notice that when you blow in a dog’s face he gets mad at you but when you take him on a car ride he sticks his head out of the window? Answer: He’s trying to blow his nose 

107. Why do people pay to go up tall buildings and then put money in binoculars to look at things on the ground? Answer: Same reason as for being stuck outside during thunderstorms 108. If you’re in a vehicle going the speed of light, what happens when you turn on your headlights? Answer: It doesn’t matter because you can’t see your headlights or anything else for that matter 

109. If you tied buttered toast to a cat’s back, would it be toast when it got back? Answer: No; The cat’s fur would not be as slippery as butter.

110. Why is there an expiration date on sour cream? Answer: Because time is money

111. What happens if you get scared half to death twice? Answer: You become fearless

112. If you spray hair spray on dust bunnies and sit on them, can you fly? Answer: No. But it does keep your kids occupied for hours.

113. Why is there an expiration date on sour cream? Answer: Because time is money.

114. Why are they called buildings when they’re already built? Answer: Because they’re not buildings until they’re built.

115. How do you catch a rabbit? Answer: Hide in a bush with a carrot.

Funny questions

116. Why do firemen wear red underwear? Answer: They don’t, but would you wear yellow ones if their was a fire.

117. What would happen if everyone had to take a test on all of their knowledge? Answer: A lot of people would fail.

118. Why is it that doctors call what they do practice? Answer: Because they don’t get paid unless they practice.

119. How can there be self-help groups if no one can help themselves? Answer: Same reason as for being stuck outside during thunderstorms.

120. What happens when you put one magnet on top of another? Answer: They get married, have little magnets and repel each other.

121. If it was so cold last winter then how come my milk didn’t freeze until April? Answer: Milk won’t freeze until its number comes up.

122. Why do we put suits in a garment bag and put garments in a suitcase? Answer: If you try to fit a garment into a bag it won’t fit.

123. Why is there an expiration date on sour cream? Answer: Because time is money.

124. Why doesn’t glue stick to its bottle? Answer: It does but when it is in its tube that’s how we can sell it.

125. How much dirt is in a hole 3 feet deep, 6 feet long and 4 feet wide? Answer: None, because you moved 

127. What do you call leftover bread if all of your friends are gone? Answer: Toast 

128. Why do people with closed minds always open their mouths? Answer: To restock 

129. Why doesn’t glue stick to its bottle? Answer: It does but when it is in its tube that’s how we can sell it 

130. Why is it called a dumbwaiter, when if you ate in it, you’d be a smartwaiter? Answer: Because you probably have your sense of humor 

131. If man evolved from monkeys and apes, why do we still have monkeys and apes? Answer: I’m not sure but I heard about one ape who finally evolved into man 

132. How come there isn’t mouse-flavored cat food? Answer: I guess because cats like mice better than cheese 

133. Why is it called a TV set if you only get one? Answer: Why is it called a telephone if you can only call one person at a time 

134. Why do we put suits in a garment bag and put garments in a suitcase? Answer: If you try to fit a garment into a bag it won’t fit.

135. How does an idiot proof world keep idiots out? Answer: You ask them difficult questions 136. What’s another word for ‘moment’? Answer: A few seconds.

137. Why is there an expiration date on sour cream? Answer: Because time is money

138. What kind of people write with ball-point pens and why don’t they make indelible ink pens? Answer: Same reason as for being stuck outside during thunderstorms.

139. If you can tell a person’s character by watching them play with a cat, what do you conclude about someone who throws a cat out of a moving car? Answer: Same reason as for being stuck outside during thunderstorms.

140. If you had all day to chop down a tree, would you spend the first half of it sharpening your axe? Answer: You betcha.

141. What happens if there is no tomorrow? Answer: A day later.

142. How come Superman could stop bullets with his chest, but always ducked when someone threw a gun at him? Answer: Because he couldn’t see bullets coming.

143. Why do people say it’s always darkest before dawn? Answer: Because most people wake up in a dark room and their first thought is, Oh no it’s morning already.

144. Why do we sing Take me out to the ball game, when we’re already there? Answer: If you were inside, you’d be singing Watch me take me out to the ball game.

145. Why do they sterilize needles for lethal injections? Answer: The same reason as for being stuck outside during thunderstorms.

146. If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular? Answer: Because it makes everyone look better 147. If flying is so safe, why do they call it a crash landing? Answer: Because if it was safe they’d call it a bump landing.

148. What do you call a handcuffed man with a harem of women? Answer: Trust me and I’ll tell you later.

149. If more criminals were given good lawyers, would we have less crime? Answer: You better believe it.

150. Why do we put suits in a garment bag and put garments in a suitcase? Answer: If you try to fit a garment into a bag it won’t fit.

151. Why is there an expiration date on sour cream? Answer: Because time is money.

152. Where does your belt go when you take off your pants? Answer: Exactly where you’d expect it to go.

153. How do The Cooked feel about people who eat raw meat? Answer: They don’t give a hoot 154. Why do they call them apartments when they are all stuck together? Answer: Because if they weren’t, no one would live there 

155. If nothing ever sticks to TEFLON, how do you get it off your pans? Answer: A better question would be why is it called TEFLON? 

156. Why is there an expiration date on sour cream? Answer: Because time is money 

157. What if there were no hypothetical questions? Answer: Impossible 

158. If everything goes smoothly, what’s the next thing that will go wrong? Answer: The bill 

159. What’s another word for thesaurus? Answer: Dictionaries 

160. Why is it called a building when it is already built? Answer: You would call it a hard day if you had to build one 

Funny Tricky questions

funny tricky questions 190 Funny questions with answers

161. If an orange is orange, why do we say oranges are orange? Answer: Same reason as for being stuck outside during thunderstorms 

162. If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular? Answer: Because it makes everyone look better 163. How can there be self-help groups? Who help themselves? Answer: Same reason as for being stuck outside during thunderstorms 

164. What do you have when cross an dog with a wolf? Answer: Wolfdog.

 165. Why do they put Braille dots on drive-through ATMs? Answer: Same reason as for being stuck outside during thunderstorms 

166. Why is there an expiration date on sour cream? Answer: Because time is money 

167. How does a wise man become a fool? Answer: Beating his brains out 

168. Who was named first, Eve or Adam? Answer: I don’t know, but I will find out if you insist 169. If a pig loses its voice, is it disgruntled? Answer: Of course it is 

170. Do infants enjoy infancy as much as adults enjoy adultery? Answer: Depends on how often their diaper changes 

171. What’s another word for Thesaurus? Answer: A search engine 

172. If everything goes smoothly, what’s the next thing that will go wrong? Answer: The waiter 173. Why is there an expiration date on sour cream? Answer: Because time is money 

174. Why do they put Braille dots on drive-through ATMs? Answer: Same reason as for being stuck outside during thunderstorms

175. How can there be self-help groups? Who help themselves? Answer: Same reason as for being stuck outside during thunderstorms

176. What’s another word for a sea cucumber? Answer: A scallop

177. If a pig loses its voice, is it disgruntled? Answer: Of course it is

178. What do you have when cross an elephant with a grape? Answer: Elephant grape

179. If more criminals were given good lawyers, would we have less crime? Answer: You better believe it

180. Why do we put suits in a garment bag and put garments in a suitcase? Answer: If you try to fit a garment into a bag it won’t fit

181. What if there were no hypothetical questions? Answer: Impossible 

182. Why is there an expiration date on sour cream? Answer: Because time is money 

183. How does a wise man become a fool? Answer: Beating his brains out 

184. Why is there an expiration date on sour cream? Answer: Because time is money.

185. Why don’t people use their microwave to heat up rocks on cold days? Answer: They’re not cold enough 

186. What can you never eat for breakfast? Answer: Dinner 

187. When is it legal to shoot an umpire? Answer: When he’s between innings 

188. If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do all of them have to drown too? Answer: They all have a go individually 

189. Why do you press harder on a remote-control when you know the battery is dead? Answer: You think it will make it work better 

190. Why do people never say It’s only a game when their team is winning? Answer: Because they’re winning 


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Funny philosophical questions with answers

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General knowledge questions one word answer in English online trivia quiz GK printable is live now! This free general knowledge questions one word answer will entertain a reader with a variety of useful information and facts related to general knowledge that we usually need in every walk of life.

Solving general knowledge questions one word answer in English printable trivia will provide reader confidence as well as fun while learning. What you learn today will definitely boost your conscience tomorrow, since knowledge is power.

Let’s solve the general knowledge questions one word answer in English below and improve your level of understanding!

1. What is Garabogazköl?


2. How many countries in Africa have only four letters in their names?


3. Which country has its UN code 328?


4. Which process converts sugar to acids, alcohol, or gases?


5. What state has the letter Z in it?


6. Henrik Carl Peter Dam and Edward Adelbert Doisy received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in which year?


7. What letter isn’t in any US state?


8. What is Africa’s original name?


9. How many victims died due to lack of sleep in Shakespeare’s plays?


10. Stratification of a body of water due to salinity differences is called what?


11. What is the only country beginning with O?


12. Enchiladas originated in which country?


13. To the nearest thousand, how many words are in the complete works of Shakespeare?


14. Where did the Duke and Duchess of Windsor visit in 1937, later causing controversy for the royal family?


15. What European nation holds a Four Letter nation in its letters?


16. What letter do most US states begin with?


17. What is the capital of Hawaii?


18. In Dirty Dancing, what is Baby’s first name?


19. Johannes Vilhelm Jensen received the Nobel Prize in 1944 in which category?


20. Organism that thrives in high salt concentrations is called what?


21. Which country end with a WAY?


22. What is a technical term for the legendary first people of any creation myth, including a list of first men and women in different traditions?


23. In which Welsh town did a young Prince Charles learn Welsh?


24. The first woman to win an Olympic gold medal, Charlotte Cooper is from which country?


25. How many countries start and end with the same letter?


26. SInce inception, how many times the Nobel Prizes have not been awarded as of 2021?


27. Which Disney Princess called Gus and Jaq friends?


28. What is the biggest state in America?


29. In which country would you find the original Legoland?


30. How many minutes long is the film Jaws?


31. How many states have 5 letters?


32. Between 1901 and 2020, the Nobel Prizes and the Prize in Economic Sciences were awarded how many times?


33. What is the internet country domain TLD for Ghana?


34. Joseph Erlanger and Herbert Spencer Gasser received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in which year?


35. What percentage of the Earth’s surface is made up o the Atlantic Ocean?


36. In which sport would you use a shuttlecock?


37. How many American states start with new?


38. Which country ends with a KEY?


39. What kind of food is Penne?


40. Otto Stern received the Nobel Prize in 1943 in which category?


41. In which state was former US President Barack Obama born?


42. How many teeth does an adult human have?


43. To the nearest day, how many days in total with Elizabeth’s uncle’s reign as Edward VIII before he abdicated?


44. Name a country that has all 5 vowels.


45. In Welsh mythology, who is a metalsmith considered to be, like the Irish Goibniu, a reflex of the Gallo-Roman deity Gobannus?


46. How high is Mount Everest in meters?


47. Which country ends with ANY?


48. What is a stringed musical instrument in traditional Japanese theater meaning “three-flavor line string”?


49. What year did Britain join the EEC, now knows as the European Union?


50. What is an elegant brand, Hermes?


51. Which Friend has the middle name, Muriel?


52. What is a nation on the Red Sea?


53. In which year, at St. Mary’s Hospital, London, Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin?


54. Which country ends with a MEN?


55. What is the Alpha 2 code for Ghana?


56. Which character is often referred to with ‘Giantsbane’ in their name in the Game of Thrones?


57. Which location has its internet country domain TLD .gi?


58. What kind of Japanese brand 6%DokiDoki is?


59. Gocta, Catarata falls is where in Peru?


60. What weird food in Ukrain is meaty jello with garlic and pieces of said meat inside?


61. How many countries start with an A?


62. What color are the seats in the House of Commons?


63. Slovakia’s capital is what?


64. According to statistics, what percent of Americans lose their wallets/purses?


65. Which country has its Alpha 2 code GH?


66. What is Breezy in Japan?


67. Famous novel Crash was written in which year?


68. Which color is commonly associated with Marie Schrader throughout the show in Breaking Bad?


69. What is the UPC barcode for Pakistan?


70. How did Italian composer Giacomo Puccini die?


71. Which country ends with a VIA?


72. Beaver (Castor sp.) has its average gestation period of how many days?


73. What is a suburb of Kumasi in the Ashanti Region of Ghana?


74. In which year Arnold Schwarzenegger received the Doctor of Humane Letters for contribution?


75. What is the Alpha 3 code for Grenada?


76. The science concerned with the origin, evolution, and structure of the earth is called what?


77. Who is the god of doors, time, duality, doorways, passages, frames, transition, and gates in Roman mythology?


78. Which famous novel Sinclair Lewis wrote in 1922?


79. In which year, Arnold Schwarzenegger won Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Awards for “Terminator 2: Judgement Day”?


80. Neutral litmus paper is what color?


81. Ashburys Railway Station is located in which city?


82. Khaan Buuz is a brand in which country?


83. What is the capital of Bulgaria?


84. How many episodes of Breaking Bad were aired?


85. Which country has its Alpha 3 code GP?


86. What is a Laffy Taffy?


87. What special character can be get from the shortcut keys Alt+0246?


88. What is JAR Bolt of Lightning?


89. Peugeot is originated in which country?


90. In which century did Rembrandt live?


91. What is a time period when sacrifices were made to atone for sins?


92. Ammonia gas turns red litmus paper what color?


93. What color shirt is Walt wearing in the iconic desert scene where he is pointing a gun wearing his white underwear, in Breaking Bad?


94. What is the national flower in Portugal?


95. What is the UN Code for Haiti?


96. A Croatian speaks in what language?


97. What is the generic name for any chemical product that is used industrially and domestically to remove color from a fabric or fiber or to clean or to remove stains?


98. Riboflavin was discovered in what year?


99. Rush Lake is located in which county in Utah?


100. What is the brand Red Vines loved by children?


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Looking for funny conversations starters? Or maybe make a chat a bit more interesting or challenging? What’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever caught yourself doing? Here is the ultimate list you need with 107 funny questions and answers to spark your talk with someone. 

I’m pretty sure you can ask plenty of funny questions, but you’ll agree that not all of us can be funny. But since you’ve landed right just on this page, you got plenty of funny questions to back you up.

You can also check out these Funny Jokes and Amazing Cat Facts for more good laugh.

Here’s what we got for you.

I also summed up:

  1. 30 best dad jokes of all time
  2. seriously dirty jokes for adults…no children allowed!
  3. kids-friendly jokes for families
  4. funny riddles and quiz for kids
  5. best funny jokes of all time
  6. 103 worst puns of all time

Worry not! We are not just giving you the question but also the answer, so you can seem a smart ass! Let’s see how many of these weird questions your listener answers correctly.

If they do answer all of them correct… they might have seen this article too!

Just kidding, they could also be smart. (But most probable they just found the article).

Laugh more: Hard Riddles

What two things can you never eat for breakfast?

Lunch and dinner.

What gets wetter the more it dries?

A towel.

What word is spelled incorrectly in every single dictionary?


Laugh more: Funny Math Jokes

What word is spelled incorrectly in every single dictionary?

What never asks a question but gets answered all the time?

Your cellphone.

If Batman was infected during a zombie apocalypse what would he say on seeing one of his arch-nemesis destroying Gotham?

A girl fell off a 50-foot ladder but didn’t get hurt. How come?

She fell off the bottom rung.

What starts with “e” and ends with “e” but only has one letter in it?

An envelope.

Laugh more: Corny Jokes That Will Make You Laugh

How do you make the number one disappear?

Add the letter G and it’s “gone”!

What has a face and two hands, but no arms or legs?

A clock.

What can be caught but never thrown?

A cold.

How many seconds are there in a year?

Twelve. January 2nd, February 2nd, March 2nd,..

How many seconds are there in a year?

How many months have 28 days?

All 12!

Thanks to me, you can see straight through the wall.

What am I?

A window.

Which weighs more a pound of feathers or a pound of bricks?


They both weigh exactly one pound.

Laugh more: Funny Animal Jokes

How can the pocket of your pants be empty, but still have something in it?

When something is a hole.

Everyone in the world needs it,

but they usually give it without taking it.

What is it?


What 5-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?


What belongs to you but gets used by everyone else more than you?

Your name.

What belongs to you but gets used by everyone else more than you?

What occurs once in a minute,

twice in a moment,

and never in one thousand years?

The letter M.

I’m so fragile that if you say my name, you’ll break me.

What am I?


What runs, but never walks. Murmurs, but never talks. Has a bed, but never sleeps. And has a mouth, but never eats?

A river.

Laugh more: Funny Beach Jokes

What bird can lift the most weight?

A crane.

What goes up as soon as the rain comes down?

An umbrella.

The more you take, the more you leave behind.

What am I?


The more you take, the more you leave behind.

I have all the knowledge you have. But I’m so small, you can hold me in your fist.

What am I?

Your brain.

How much dirt is there in a hole that’s 5 feet wide and 5 feet deep?


What has three feet but can’t walk?

A yardstick.

If two’s company and three’s a crowd, what do four and five make?


Name four days of the week that start with the letter “t”?

Tuesday, Thursday, today, and tomorrow.

Read: FUNNY Tuesday Jokes (so you can make it to Weekend!)

What has four eyes but can’t see?


What’s as big as an elephant but weighs absolutely nothing?

Its shadow.

What’s as big as an elephant but weighs absolutely nothing?

Forwards I’m heavy but backward I’m not.

What am I?

A ton.

A girl leaves home and turns left three times, only to return home facing two guys wearing masks.

Who are the two guys?

The catcher and the umpire.

Beth’s mother has three daughters. One is called Lara, the other one is Sara.

What is the name of the third daughter?


Read: Funny mom jokes that can beat dads

We see it once in a year, twice in a week, and never in a day.

What is it?

The letter “e”.

If I have it, I don’t share it. If I share it, I don’t have it.

What is it?

A secret.

If I have it, I don’t share it. If I share it, I don’t have it.

What has one eye but can’t see anything at all?

A needle.

What is it that lives if it is fed,

and dies if you give it a drink?


If you had only one match and entered a dark room containing

an oil lamp, some kindling wood, and a newspaper,

which would you light first?

The match

If Mrs. John’s bungalow is decorated completely in pink,

with the walls, carpet, and furniture all shades of pink,

what color are the stairs?

There are no stairs because bungalows do not have a second floor.

Some months have 31 days,

others have 30 days,

but how many have 28 days?

All the months have 28 days.

Uncle Bill’s farm had a terrible storm and all but seven sheep were killed.

How many sheep are still alive?


What do you call a woman who knows where her husband is all the time?

A widow.

Laugh more: Funny Marriage Jokes

What do you sit on, sleep on, and brush your teeth with?

A chair, a bed, and a toothbrush

What is it that goes up, but never comes down?


What is it that goes up, but never comes down?

Why are 1968 pennies worth more than 1967 pennies?

Because there is one more penny in 1968 pennies than in 1967 pennies.

What did one campfire say to the other?

Shall we go out tonight?

Why are movie stars considered cool?

Because they have so many fans.

What is white and black, but red all over?

The newspaper is “read” all over.

Funny Random Questions

Looking for random questions to ask? When was the last time you got a good laugh? These fun questions might seem random, but behind them you can see how our minds work.

There are three important rooms in a house. The first one is filled with money. The second one is filled with important papers. The third one is filled with jewelry.

One day all of these rooms burst into fire. Which room did the policemen put out the fire in first?

None of them, because policemen do not put out fires; firemen do.

What can one catch that is not thrown?

A cold.

I have teeth but can’t eat.

What am I?

A comb.

What can run but not walk?


What can run but not walk?

Is it legal for a man to marry his widow’s sister?

No, but since he is dead it would be hard to do so.

Why can’t a woman living in Europe be buried in Canada?

A living woman cannot be buried anywhere.

Laugh more: Hilarious Canadian Jokes

What has a neck but no head?

A bottle.

A man dressed in all black is walking down a country lane.

Suddenly, a large black car with no lights on comes around the corner and screeches to a halt.

How did the car’s driver know he was there?

It was day time.

Laugh more: Car Jokes that will drive you crazy

What moves faster: heat or cold?

Heat. Because you can always catch a cold.

Funny questions to ask people

These are funny questions to ask a guy or a girl. It does not matter! You will see we all have all same and different ideas. Very interesting to see weather different people really answer.

BTW If you want weird replies to them, ask some kids… they just have such a big imagination!

Read: Cheesy pick-up lines that can be first date conversation starters

There are eight men sitting on a couch. Three legs break and six men leave.

How many legs are remaining?

Five; the legs of the two remaining men (4) and the remaining couch leg.

If you have a bowl with six apples and you take away four, how many do you have?

The 4 you took away.

What’s full of holes but can still hold liquid?

A sponge.

What’s full of holes but can still hold liquid?

A cowboy rode into town on Friday.

He stayed in town for three days and rode out on Friday.

How is that possible?

Friday was the name of his horse.

I’m light as a feather, but not even the strongest girl can hold me for more than 5 minutes.

What am I?


You spot a boat full of people but there isn’t a single person on board.

How is that possible?

Everyone on board is married.

What can you hold without touching it at all?

A conversation.

What can you hold without touching it at all?

What is the maximum number of times a single page of a newspaper can be folded in half by hand?

Only once, because after that you will be folding it into quarters, eighths, etc.

How can a girl go 25 days without sleep?

She sleeps at night.

What goes up and down, but always remains in the same place?


Unusual questions to ask on social media

These funny questions to ask on Instagram are great because it is easy to put a photo /image to them. Writing a question on your Instagram captions is always good as it will make people comment it.

And Instagram loves that people interact in their app. Ready to challenge your followers?

What has a head, a tail, but does not have a body?

A coin.

What can be broken, but is never held?

A promise.

What can be broken, but is never held?

I start out tall, but the longer I stand, the shorter I grow.

What am I?

A candle.

What is it that if you have,

you want to share with me,

and if you share,

you do not have?

A secret.

What breaks and never falls, and what falls and never breaks?

Day breaks and night falls.

What has a thumb and four fingers but isn’t actually alive?

Your gloves.

If an electric train is moving north at 100mph and a wind is blowing to the west at 10mph,

which way does the smoke blow?

An electric train has no smoke.

Can you name three consecutive days

without using the words Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday?

Yesterday, today, and tomorrow

Funny questions to ask friends when bored

You are at your new friend’s house and you do not know what to talk about… so we prepared some questions you can ask. Let’s see who has a better or funnier answer. Ready?

Read more: Hilarious Jokes

Who is bigger, Mr. Bigger, Mrs. Bigger, or their baby?

The baby, since he is a little Bigger.

What travels the world while stuck in one spot?

A stamp!

Read: Laugh more with these travel jokes and puns

What can you make that no one—not even you—can see?


What will you actually find at the end of every rainbow?

The letter “w.”

What will you actually find at the end of every rainbow?

I have one head, one foot, and four legs.

What am I?

Your bed.

How did the boy kick his soccer ball ten feet,

and then have it come back to him on its own?

He kicked it up.

What two keys can’t open any door?

A monkey and a donkey.

What two keys can’t open any door?

If a plane crashes on the border between the United States and Canada, where do they bury the survivors?

Survivors are not buried.

What word would you use to describe a man who does not have all his fingers on one hand?

Not normal, because people usually have half their fingers on one hand.

I am an odd number. Take away one letter and I become even.

What number am I?

Seven (take away the ‘s’ and it becomes ‘even’).

Imagine you’re in a room that’s filling up with water quickly.

There are no windows or doors.

How do you get out?

Stop imagining.

Funny deep questions

Let’s go a bit deeper. These questions might seem funny but really they hide a smart answer. How many of your friends got it right?

A man and his son were in an automobile accident.

The man died on the way to the hospital, but the boy was rushed into surgery.

The emergency room surgeon said, “I cannot operate because that is my son!”

How was this possible?

The emergency room surgeon was his mother.

Of you sit a cup on the table facing south while you are on the north side of the table,

On which side is the cup’s handle?

No matter which way the cup is turned, the handle is always on the outside.

What gets bigger and bigger the more you take away from it?

A hole.

What gets bigger and bigger the more you take away from it?

A man was outside taking a walk when it started to rain.

The man didn’t have an umbrella and he wasn’t wearing a hat or a hood.

His clothes got soaked, yet not a single hair on his head got wet.

How could this be?

The man was bold.

Robert, my neighbor, a forty-five-year-old blacksmith is seven feet tall and eats all day long.

What does he weigh?


What’s greater than God and more evil than the devil.

Rich people want it, poor people have it.

And if you eat it, you’ll die?


Two mothers and two daughters went out to eat.

Everyone ate one slice of pizza, yet only three slices were eaten.

How’s that possible?

The group included a grandmother, her daughter, and her daughter’s daughter.

Laugh more: Amusing Pizza Jokes

If it takes eight men ten hours to build a wall,

how long would it take four men?

No time, because the wall is already built.

How was it possible that every single person in an airplane crash died,

but two people survived?

The two survivors were married.

Laugh more with our FUNNY Airplane Jokes That Are Ready to Take Off!

First, you throw away my outside and cook the inside.

Then you eat my outside and throw away my inside.

What am I?

Corn on the cob.

Because you throw away the husk, cook the corn.

Then you eat the kernels and throw away the cob.

What is always coming, but never arrives?


What on Earth is the worst thing that could happen?

A meteor strikes the Earth like a million bombs.

If I drink, I die. If I eat, I’m fine.

What am I?

A fire.

Questions with answers - fire

“The attorney is my brother,” testified the accountant.

But the attorney testified he did not have a brother.

Who is lying?

Neither one, because the accountant was his sister.

What gets sharper the more you use it?

Your brain.

A man lives on the 100th floor of an apartment building.

On rainy days he rides the elevator all the way up.

However, on sunny days, he goes halfway and takes the stairs the rest of the way.


The man is short and can only reach the button for the 50th floor on the elevator.

On rainy days, he uses his umbrella handle.

If you want more giggles and laughter, check out Best Dad Jokes of all time.

And you can also see Knock Knock Jokes to make you laugh.

Trivia Questions

These icebreaker questions will get the conversation going. Go ahead, fire away these questions.

What geometric shape is generally used for stop signs?


Johnny Depp is famously afraid of what?


Coprastastaphobia is the fear of what?


It was illegal for women to wear what in 19th century Florence?


What is banned in public places in Florida after 6 pm on a Thursday?


Laugh more: Funny Butt Jokes

What animal cannot stick out its tongue?


A kangaroo can’t hop if what?

If something lifts its tail off the ground.

What was Walt Disney afraid of?


Laugh more: Disney Jokes That are Truly Magical!

What was Walt Disney afraid of Mice

What was the ice cream cone invented for?

To hold flowers

Read: More Flower Puns and Jokes That Are Blooming With Good Vibes

What were clocks missing before 1577?

Minute hands

Extra: Funny Questions to Ask List

Ask funny questions to friends and family! Here are some questions that you can ask for a good conversation.

  • If you were forced to detach a body part, which one would you choose?
  • What’s the weirdest thing you do?
  • What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you?
  • Which fictional character would you choose to be?
  • What is the funniest thing in the world to you?

What is the funniest thing in the world to you?

Summary funny questions with answer

Here you have it! Some funny questions to ask when you are bored or when you wanna challenge someone.

I heard some of these questions were even used in an university entrance exam, because they confront your thoughts.

Therefore, I recommend you to keep looking for questions and jokes that will make you think about different perspectives in life. Also there are lot of cool games you can play to sharp your brain.

Want to have more fun? 🤣

Funny trivia questions - Main

via: Unsplash / Leslie Jones

When it comes to good ice breaker questions, nothing beats funny trivia questions. They are probably the best questions to ask at pretty much any social event.

These funny questions are neither personal nor political, so they won’t make anyone uncomfortable. Plus, they tend to lighten the mood and make people smile. Best of all, everyone gets to learn a thing or two!

With this in mind, make sure to check out our list of funny trivia questions below. This way, you will always have a few great prompts up your sleeve to break any awkward silence.


Funny Trivia Questions - Best Funny Trivia Questions

via: Unsplash / DISRUPTIVO

We bet you’ve got no time to waste, so let’s jump right into the best funny trivia!

1. Ancient Romans Boiled Vinegar and What to Make an Energy Drink?

Show Answer


Goat poop

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The sports drink of choice of Ancient Roman charioteers was believed improve their performance in the arena.

2. In Tennessee, It’s Illegal to Drive If You Are What?

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Sounds reasonable — especially considering that Tennessee law also makes it illegal to catch fish using a lasso.

3. What Was Banned in Indonesia for Stimulating Passion?

Show Answer


Hula hoops

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In 1958, Japan and Indonesia banned the public use of hula hoops on the grounds of public indecency.

4. Washington Police Officers Get a Half Hour Class in How to What?

Show Answer


Sit down.

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The employees of the Seattle PD fingerprint unit were required to attend mandatory training on how to use rolling chairs after three people filed compensation claims for injuries sustained after attempting to sit in one.

5. Americans Do What 22 Times a Day?

Funny trivia questions - Americans do what 22 times a day

via: Pexels / cottonbro

6. What Is Fitted by Argentinian Scientists That Helps Increase Milk Yield?

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False teeth

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Cows’ teeth start to show wear after around five years. Dentures help them live longer and healthier lives — and produce more milk.

7. What’s Johnny Depp Afraid Of?

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The actor has Coulrophobia or fear of clowns.

8. What’s the Main Ingredient in Bombay Duck?

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There’s no duck in the recipe. The main ingredient is a fish called bummalo.

9. Name Two Countries That Don’t Allow Tattoos.

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Iran and Japan

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In addition to tattoos, Iran has outlawed spiky haircuts and sunbeds as signs of “devil worship.” In Japan, tattoos are associated with the yakuza, or members of the country’s organized crime syndicates.

10. Which Country Has 6 Villages Called Silly, 12 Called Billy, and 2 Called Pratt?

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They also have a village called Corps-Nuds, meaning “naked body.” And then there’s the village of Monteton, or “my nipple.”

Funny Trivia Questions - Which Country Has 6 Villages Called Silly, 12 Called Billy, and 2 Called Pratt

via: Unsplash / Alice Triquet

11. What Were the First Ice Hockey Pucks Made Out Of?

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Frozen cow dung.

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However, most people used stones or pieces of wood.

12. In Florida, It’s Illegal for Unmarried Women to Do What on Sundays?

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The law is rarely, if ever, enforced.

13. What Establishment Has a Lower Acceptance Rate Than Harvard?

15 Random Funny Trivia Questions

Funny Trivia Questions - Random Funny Trivia Questions

via: Unsplash / Nqobile Vundla

There’s nothing like random trivia to make people laugh. So, why not check out our selection of random trivia questions and answers?

14. What Was Ancient Contraception Made From?

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Crocodile dung

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Ancient Egyptian women would mix crocodile dung with sour milk to form a thick dough, which was inserted into the vagina as a sperm barrier.

15. When Held to Ultraviolet Light, What Animal’s Urine Glows in the Dark?

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While all urine glows under U.V. light because it contains phosphorus, cat urine is particularly bright.

Funny trivia questions - When Held to Ultraviolet Light, What Animal's Urine Glows in the Dark

via: Pexels / Tranmautritam

16. Iceland Diverted Roads to Avoid Disturbing Communities of What?

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More than half of the country’s population believe elves, dwarves, and ghosts exist, so they make sure not to upset them.

17. Catgut Was Normally Made from the Intestines of Which Animal?

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Horses, sheep, and goats.

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No actual cat gut was used.

18. What Fictional Character Is Real According to 25% of Americans?

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Sherlock Holmes

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They are not entirely wrong. Holmes was based on Dr. Joseph Bell, a Scottish surgeon and a pioneer of forensic science.

19. In French Vineyards, It’s Illegal to Do What?

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Land a flying saucer.

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The law was enacted in 1954 after people started reporting UFO sightings en masse.

20. What Is Scotland’s National Animal?

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It was first featured on the Scottish royal coat of arms in the 12th century.

Funny Trivia Questions - What is Scotland's national animal

via: Unsplash / Wilmer Martinez

21. Which City Has the Largest Greek Population Outside of Greece and Cyprus?

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According to Australia’s 2016 census, the Greek diaspora in Melbourne was 173,598 people.

22. A Group of Ravens Is Known As?

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Other collective nouns for ravens include “treachery” and “conspiracy.”

23. In Public Places in Florida, What’s Illegal to Do If You Are Wearing a Swimsuit?

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It’s also illegal for women to fall asleep under a hair dryer.

24. What Is the Official Nickname of Texas?

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The Lone Star State

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The nickname is a reminder of the state’s past as an independent republic and its struggle for independence from Mexico.

25. In Which Country Was the Caesar Salad Invented?

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The salad was invented by restaurateur Caesar Cardini who ran restaurants in San Diego and Tijuana.

Funny trivia questions - In Which Country Was the Caesar Salad Invented

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26. Who Invented the Word «Vomit»?

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William Shakespeare

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He also came up with “swagger,” “critic,” and “lonely.”

27. Native to the Caribbean, What Sort of Animal Is the Mountain Chicken?

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A frog.

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It’s also known as “giant ditch frog.”

28. Why Did Pirates Wear Earrings?

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To improve their eyesight.

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It was a common superstition that the precious metals in earrings had healing properties.

10 Funny Trivia Questions for Adults

Funny Trivia Questions - Funny Trivia Questions for Adults

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No matter how old we get, we always appreciate a good laugh — which is why trivia questions for adults can come in handy.

29. In Ancient Greece, Throwing an Apple at Someone Was a Declaration of What?

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According to ancient lore, goddesses Aphrodite, Athena, and Hera fought over who was the fairest of the three. Eventually, they asked the mortal prince Paris of Troy to be the judge of that and throw an apple at the most beautiful goddess (Aphrodite won).

30. The City Council of Chico, California, Set a $500 Fine for Exploding What in the City?

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A nuclear bomb.

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The proposal was scrapped in 1983 due to “international ridicule.”

Funny Trivia Questions - The City Council of Chico, California, Set a $500 Fine for Exploding What in the City

via: Unsplash / Ilja Nedilko

31. Which Is the Longest Movie Ever Made?

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The Cure for Insomnia’ (85 hours running time).

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The 2012 Swedish film follows the production cycle of a pedometer in reverse.

32. In North Carolina, It’s Illegal to Do What?

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Sing out of tune.

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The law dates back to the 19th century when a man was fined for singing loudly and out of tune in Lumberton, NC.

33. What’s the Hottest Pepper in the World?

34. What Popular Beverage once Contained Cocaine?

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When first launched, Coca-Cola had two key ingredients: cocaine and caffeine.

35. Name Two Countries that Allow Taking a Nap During Work?

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Italy and Spain

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In Spanish, the midday nap is known as a “siesta.”

Funny trivia questions - Name Two Countries that Allow Taking a Nap During Work

via: Pexels / Polina Zimmerman

36. When Do Babies Get Their Fingerprints?

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As a fetus 21 weeks after conception.

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Babies also begin hiccuping around that time.

37. Who Is Known as Gambrinous?

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A person who is full of beer.

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The word originates from King Gambrinus, a legendary Flemish king and an unofficial patron saint of beer.

38. Coprastastaphobia Is the Fear of What?

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And “coprophobia” is the fear of feces.

11 Easy Funny Trivia Questions

Funny Trivia Questions - Easy Funny Trivia Questions

via: Unsplash / Kaleidico

Sometimes, you just can’t be bothered with overly complicated questions and answers. In such cases, easy trivia questions are the way to go.

39. What Bird Has Eyes That Are Bigger Than Its Brain?

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Ostriches have the largest eyes in the entire animal kingdom!

40. What Reptile Can’t Stick Its Tongue Out?

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Crocodiles have a membrane that holds their tongue in place.

Funny Trivia Questions - What Reptile Can't Stick Its Tongue Out

via: Pexels / Kelly Lacy

41. What Are the Only Two Words with Three Consecutive Double Letters?

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Bookkeeper and «Bookkeeping»

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And the word with the most double letters is “yellowwooddoor”. It has been acknowledged as a Scrabble word.

42. What’s the Quantity of Beauty Required to Launch One Ship?

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This humorous unit of measurement is based on Helen of Troy, the “face that launched a thousand ships.”

43. In the U.S.A., Every 12 Seconds Someone Does What in a Holiday Inn?

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Steals a towel.

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That’s more than 2.7 million towels per year!

44. John Paul Getty, One of the World’s Richest Men, Had What in His House?

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A payphone.

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He also installed dial-locks on all regular telephones in the house and only allowed designated staff members to use them.

45. If You Were to Dig a Hole Through the Center of the Earth Starting from Wellington, New Zealand, Which European Country Would You End Up In?

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You can check where you will end up if you dig a hole starting from your city here.

Funny Trivia Questions - If you dug a hole from New Zealand which European country would you end up

via: Unsplash / Greg Rakozy

46. Which Fruit Originates from China?

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The first seeds were brought to New Zealand from China at the turn of the 20th century.

47. What Country Do Panama Hats Originate From?

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People started calling them Panama hats in the 1850s after Ecuadorian hat makers emigrated to Panama, where they managed to sell a lot more hats than in Ecuador.

48. What Is the Color of Aircraft Black Boxes?

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The fluorescent color makes them easier to locate after an accident.

49. True or False: You Can Sneeze in Your Sleep.

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To sneeze, your body must be in a state of wakefulness.

15 Hard Funny Trivia Questions

Funny Trivia Questions - Hard Funny Trivia Questions

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If you are up for a challenge, why don’t you have a go at our extra hard trivia questions?

50. What Is the Title of the Invisible Artwork That Actor James Franco Sold for $10,000?

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Fresh Air

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That’s right, James Franco makes imagined artwork. Buyers get to keep the title and description card.

Funny trivia questions - What Is the Title of the Invisible Artwork That Actor James Franco Sold for $10,000

via: Pexels / cottonbro

51. What Is the Technical Name for the Fear of Long Words?

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A bit of a mouthful, wouldn’t you say?

52. In Danish, What Does Svangerskabsforebyggendemiddel Mean?

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That’s not even the longest Danish word. This honor goes to “speciallægepraksisplanlægningsstabilliseringsperiode.” It means “specialist doctor practice’s planning stabilization period.”

53. What Is Composed of 59% Nitrogen, 21% Hydrogen, and 9% Dioxide?

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Only about 1% of a fart is made up of hydrogen sulfide and mercaptans, which contain sulfur (which is what makes farts stink).

54. When Did the Celts Celebrate Their New Year?

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November 1.

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This date marked the end of the harvest and summer and the beginning of winter.

55. What Bird Can’t Move Its Eyeballs?

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Owls have to twist their whole head to look around.

Funny Trivia Questions - What Bird Can't Move Its Eyeballs

via: Unsplash / Zdeněk Macháček

56. What Are People Who Love Eating Ice Called?

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The compulsive consumption of ice may indicate iron-deficiency anemia.

57. What Is the Correct Term for a Question Mark Immediately Followed by an Exclamation Mark?

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There’s a name for that?!

58. What Animal Can’t Walk Backward?

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Kangaroos can’t walk; their tail and long feet get in the way. They can only jump forward.

59. What’s the Dot on the Small Letter ‘i’ Called?

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A title.

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Not to be confused with overring.

60. When the Computer Mouse Was Invented, It Was Called What?

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X-Y position indicator for a display system.

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Luckily, that didn’t stick.

Funny Trivia Questions - When the Computer Mouse Was Invented, It Was Called What

via: Pexels / Maria Stewart

61. What Did J. Edgar Hoover Bar People from Walking On?

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His shadow.

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Later in life, Hoover, the first Director of the FBI, also ordered the FBI to research medical discoveries that could prolong (his) life.

62. What’s a «Gallybagger,» «Mawkin,» and «Bwbach»?

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No matter what you call it, it’s a temporary solution. Over time, birds get used to scarecrows.

63. What’s Another Word for Deuterium?

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Heavy water.

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Heavy water contains more hydrogen than regular water and is toxic.

64. Which Bird Is Nicknamed «The Laughing Jackass»?

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The Kookaburra.

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It got this nickname due to their distinctive laughing calls.

9 Fun and Also Funny Trivia Questions

Funny Trivia Questions - Fun and also funny trivia questions

via: Pexels / fauxels

If you want to make people laugh, one of the best ways to go about it is by asking them fun trivia questions.

65. Makeup artist Joanna Balkin Said She Needed 40 Bottles of Sunscreen per Month to Protect What 1990s TV Show’s Cast from Sunburns?

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The actors also used self-tanning lotion and spent the time between takes wrapped in full-length robes and under umbrellas.

Funny Trivia Questions - Needed 40 Bottles of Sunscreen per Month to Protect What 1990s TV Show's Cast from Sunburns

via: Unsplash / Aleks Dorohovich

66. What Animal Is Illegal to Own as a Pet in Queensland, Australia?

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Rabbits are considered pests in Australia and have caused a lot of damage to the local ecosystem after they were brought by settlers in 1859.

67. What Was the First Patented Service Uniform in the U.S.?

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The Playboy Bunny.

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It’s registered under trademark number 0762884.

68. Which Celebrity Refused a Dinner Invitation from JFK’s White House Because It Was a Hundred Miles Away?

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William Faulkner

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In April 1962, President JFK held a dinner in honor of the U.S. Nobel Prize laureates. Faulkner declined the invitation. He famously said, “That’s a long way to go just to eat.”

69. In Which Month Was the October Revolution Celebrated?

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From 1927 to 1990, the former Soviet Union used to celebrate October Revolution Day on November 7.

70. In Georgia, It’s Illegal to Do What with a Fork?

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Eat fried chicken.

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In 1961, the city of Gainesville made it illegal to eat fried chicken using anything other than your hands. The law was a publicity stunt.

Funny Trivia Questions - In Georgia, It's Illegal to Do What with a Fork

via: Pexels / Pixabay

71. When Newborn Babies Cry for the First Time, Do They Produce Tears?

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The ability to produce tears only develops toward the end of the newborn’s first month.

72. In Which Country Were Fortune Cookies Invented?

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The U.S.A

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Fortune cookies were invented in San Francisco.

73. What’s the Most Common Toilet Paper Color in France?

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Did you expect any less from the world’s most fashionable country?

9 Funny Trivia for Kids

Funny trivia questions - Funny trivia for kids

via: Unsplash / Ben Wicks

We had a section for the adults earlier, so it’s only fair that we have some trivia for kids too.

74. In 1907, a Cereal Company Had a Campaign That Offered Free Cereal to Any Woman Who Would Wink at Her Grocer. Which Company Was It?

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Kellogg’s Corn Flakes

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Not sure that would fly in this day and age.

75. What Was Mickey Mouse’s Original Name?

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Mortimer mouse

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Walt Disney’s wife told him Mortimer wasn’t a good name and suggested Mickey Mouse.

Funny Trivia Questions - What Was Mickey Mouse's Original Name

via: Unsplash / Michele Bergami

76. What Is the Collective Noun for a Group of Unicorns?

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A Blessing.

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Since we’re dealing with mythological animals, a group of dragons is called a “thunder.”

77. Which Fish Will Evaporate If Left in the Sun?

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Jelly Fish

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Jellyfish are made up of 98% water.

78. Where Does the Word «Bonfire» Come From?

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Bone and «fire»

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The word originally meant a large, open-air fire where bones were burnt.

79. What Was Walt Disney Afraid Of?

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He had to settle for mice as all cuter animals had already been taken as cartoon characters.

80. What Is a Group of Lions Called?

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A pride.

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Lions were traditionally seen as proud and regal, which is why their families were called “prides.”

Funny trivia questions - What is a group of lions called

via: Unsplash / joel herzog

81. What Is Scooby Doo’s Full Name?

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Scoobert Doo

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Strangely enough, many people think his real name is Scoobert Doobert.

82. What Is America’s National Dish?

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However, burgers most likely originated from Hamburg, Germany.

11 Funny History Trivia

Funny trivia questions - Funny history trivia

via: Pexels / Bimal Ranabhat

Now that we have the trivia for kids covered, how about some history trivia?

83. The First Time Someone Bought Real-World Goods with Bitcoins, 10,000 of Them (Worth Over $90 Million Today) Were Exchanged for What?

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Two pizzas.

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The day was May 22, 2010, and the pizzas were a couple of large Papa John’s pizzas that cost around $30 at the time.

84. In 1999, What Was Banned from the NSA’s Headquarters out of Fear That They Might Repeat National Security Secrets?

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In reality, Furbies couldn’t record anything — all their lines had been prerecorded.

85. In 1971, French Riot Police Were Ordered to the Riviera to Deal with What?

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Hundreds of topless women.

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Guess those police officers had seen worse days at work.

Funny trivia questions - In 1971, French riot police were ordered to the Riviera to deal with what

via: Unsplash / Randy Colas

86. What Was Eleanor Roosevelt’s Maiden Name?

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Eleonor Roosevelt.

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Eleanor Roosevelt and her husband, President F. Roosevelt, were distant relatives.

87. Who Said, «I Am the President of the United States, and I Am Not Going to Eat Any More Broccoli»?

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George Bush

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Apparently, his diet was quite heavy on junk food.

88. Where Did Halloween Originate?

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Halloween can be traced back to the ancient Celtic festival Samhain. The Celts lived in what is now Ireland, the U.K., and northern France.

89. What Was the Color Used for Baby Boys in 1900s?

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And baby girls used to wear blue!

90. How Many Paintings Did Vincent van Gogh Sell in His Lifetime?

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By 2017, his paintings would sell for as much as $81.3 million.

Funny trivia questions - How many paintings did Vincent van Gogh sell in his lifetime

via: Unsplash / Jean Carlo Emer

91. How Long Did the 100-Year War Last?

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116 years

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The war between England and France lasted from 1337 to 1453.

92. What Nickname Was Given to Rembrandt’s «The Night Watch» after Being Over-Restored in the 1940s?

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The Day Watch.

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Rembrandt had applied multiple layers of varnish that darkened so much that everyone thought the painting depicted a night scene. The varnish was removed in the 1940s, but the name “The Night Watch” stuck.

93. Henry VIII Introduced Which Tax in England in 1535?

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Bear tax

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The King’s daughter, Elizabeth I, would also charge every beard of more than two weeks’ growth.

9 Funny Thanksgiving Trivia Questions

Funny trivia questions - Funny thanksgiving trivia questions

via: Unsplash / Element5 Digital

Thanksgiving dinners can be awkward, so it’s always a good idea to have a few Thanksgiving trivia questions ready to fill any uncomfortable silences.

94. How Can You Tell If a Wild Turkey Is Male or Female?

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By their droppings: J-shaped are from males and spirals are from females

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Who would’ve thought?

95. What Are Male Turkeys Called?

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They are also knowns as “gobblers.”

Funny trivia questions - What Are Male Turkeys Called

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96. How Does America’s Thanksgiving Parade Conclude?

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With the arrival of Santa Claus.

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The only exception was 1920 when Santa was leading the parade.

97. What’s the Day Before Thanksgiving Famous For?

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Highest bar sales.

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It’s known as “Blackout Wednesday” and “Drinksgiving.”

98. Three Thousand Years Back, Native Americans Domesticated Turkeys to Use Which Part of Their Bodies?

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They used the feathers to decorate ceremonial clothing.

99. Name the Bird That Is the Main Thanksgiving Course but Was Once Threatened with Extinction.

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By the 1930s, wild turkeys were extinct in 18 states.

100. Which War Inspired Abraham Lincoln to Proclaim Thanksgiving an Annual Holiday?

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The American Civil War.

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On October 3, 1863, Lincoln announced that the nation was to celebrate an official Thanksgiving holiday in gratitude for a victory at Gettysburg.

Funny trivia question - Which War Inspired Abraham Lincoln to Proclaim Thanksgiving an Annual Holiday

via: Unsplash / Museums Victoria

101. Which President Was the First to Give a Turkey a Presidential Pardon?

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Ronald Reagan

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Lincoln was the first president to unofficially pardon a turkey. His son had grown fond of a particular bird, and the president was a great animal lover himself.

102. What’s the Wobbly Red Flesh on the Beaks of Turkeys Called?

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A snood.

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When male turkeys begin their courtship display, their snoods fill up with blood, elongate, and become brighter.

6 Funny Christmas Trivia Questions

Funny Trivia Questions - Funny Christmas Trivia Questions

via: Pexels / Elly Fairytale

Next up on the holiday calendar is Christmas — so why don’t you check out our Christmas trivia questions?

103. What Christmas Beverage Is Also Known as “Milk Punch?”

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It’s made with whipped egg whites, egg yolks, milk, cream, and sugar.

104. In the Early 1800s, the First Gingerbread Houses Were Reportedly Inspired by What Famous Fairy Tale?

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Hansel and Gretel

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This German fairy tale was collected and published by the Brothers Grimm in 1812. In the story, siblings Hansel and Gretel get lost in the woods and stumble upon a witch’s house made of gingerbread and sweets.

105. What Holiday Movie Sequel Includes a Cameo by Donald Trump?

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Home Alone 2

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The scene wasn’t meant to be in the movie. However, Trump insisted that a part was written for him in exchange for letting the crew film in his building.

Funny trivia questions - What Holiday Movie Sequel Includes a Cameo by Donald Trump

via: Pexels / Martin Lopez

106. What Are the Small Sausages Wrapped in Bacon, a Staple at a British Christmas Dinner?

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Pigs in blankets.

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They are also knowns as “kilted sausages,” “devils on horseback,” and “wiener winks.”

107. As the Clock Chimes Midnight to Ring in the New Year, a Spanish Tradition Involves Eating Twelve of What — One for Each Chime?

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The tradition is at least a century old. Allegedly, grape growers in Alicante had an excellent harvest in 1909 and came up with a creative way to sell the surplus.

108. True or False? Christmas Celebrations Were Banned in England?

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All Christmas celebrations were banned by England’s Puritan Parliament in 1644. The ban was not lifted until 1660, and Christmas only became a legal holiday in 1856.

9 Funny Bible Trivia Questions

Funny trivia questions - Funny Bible trivia

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Bible trivia questions and answers are a great way to get both children and adults interested in Bible studies.

109. What do Iraelites Wear When Mourning?

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Sackcloth also symbolized submission and self-humiliation.

110. Which Country Is the Largest Bible Publisher?

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Funny trivia questions - Which country is the largest Bible publisher

via: Unsplash / Nuno Alberto

111. Which King Had 700 Wives and 300 Concubines?

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The only wife mentioned by name is Naamah the Ammonite, who is the mother of Solomon’s successor, Rehoboam.

112. What Was a Major Typo in the Bible Issued by Publisher Robert Baker in the 17th century?

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Though shalt commit adultery.

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The edition was known as the “Wicked Bible.”

113. Eutychus is Mentioned as Being Overcome by Sleep and Falling out a Window. Whose Talking Put the Youth to Sleep?

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Paul then rushed downstairs, put his arms around the young man, and assured everyone he was alive.

114. The Book of Judges Records a Warrior Refusing to Fight Without Deborah Coming Along. What Was His Name?

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In Hebrew, “Barak” means lighting.

115. Whose Birth’s Announcement Made His Parents Laugh?

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Abraham and Sarah, who were both quite old, laughed in disbelief when God told them that they’d have a child. Isaac means “he will laugh.”

116. Which Character Cursed a Group of Boys for Teasing Him?

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Right after Elisha cursed the boys, two bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the boys.

117. Who Had an Argument with His Donkey?

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Balaam argued with and beat his donkey three times because it wouldn’t move. Little did he know, however, that the animal had just seen an angel.

6 Funny Halloween Trivia

Funny trivia questions - Funny halloween trivia

via: Pexels / hygor sakai

Last but not least, we’ve assembled some Halloween trivia to spice up those long October evenings.

118. Which Vegetable Was Initially Used to Make Jack-o-Lanterns?

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According to the old Irish tale, Stingy Jack tricked the devil into rejecting his soul twice. When Jack died, he was unfit for heaven because of his trickery and stinginess, and the devil wouldn’t take him to hell either. Instead, he sent Jack to travel through the night for all eternity with only a piece of coal to light the way. Jack put the coal into a carved-out turnip.

119. Which Board Game Outsold Monopoly in 1967?

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Ouija Board

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The name “Ouija” originates from an Egyptian word for “good luck.”

120. What Was Candy Corn Called Originally?

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Chicken Feed

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It came in a box with a rooster on the front.

Funny trivia questions - What was candy corn called originally

via: Unsplash / Sarah Gualtieri

121. Which Ailment Did People Believe Could Be Cured by Pumpkins?

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People also thought pumpkins could cure snake bites.

122. What Does «Halloween» Mean?

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Holy night

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The word comes from a Scottish term for All Hallows’ Eve.

123. In Ewe Folklore, What Form Can Vampires Take?

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The Ewe are an ethnic group in Togo and Ghana.

12 Funny 80s Trivia Questions and Answers

Funn Trivia Questions - Funny 80s Trivia Questions and Answers

via: Unsplash / Felix Rostig

Big hair, Walkmans, and fluorescent pinks: the 80s were truly one of a kind. So, why don’t you add a few awesome 80s trivia questions and answers to your quiz night repertoire?

124. Which news network launched on June 1, 1980?

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125. Which First Lady spearheaded the 1980s «Just Say No» campaign?

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Answer: Nancy Reagan.

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The campaign was part of the infamous «War on Drugs.»

126. What 1988 movie gave Julia Roberts her big break and Matt Damon’s first speaking line?

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Answer: Mystica Pizza.

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This rom-com has gained a cult following, so make sure to watch it!

127. What was Whitney Houston’s first U.S. #1 single?

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Answer: «Saving All My Love for You.»

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The song was first featured in Marilyn McCoo and Billy Davis Jr.’s 1978 album Marilyn & Billy.

128. Frasier was a spin-off from which 1980s T.V. show?

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Answer: Cheers.

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Cheers was set in a bar named — surprise, surprise — Cheers, where the characters would meet to drink and socialize.

129. Which soft, sculpted dolls that were hugely popular in the 80s were originally called «The Little People»?

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Answer: Cabbage Patch Kids.

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In 1984 alone, the brand generated $2+ billion in retail sales!

130. Which wrestling event was first staged at Madison Square Garden on March 31, 1985?

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Answer: WrestleMania.

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The flagship event was a match between Hulk Hogan, Mr. T, and Jimmy Snuka against Paul Orndorff, Roddy Piper, and Cowboy Bob Orton.

131. CD players first came onto the market in 1982. What does «CD» stand for?

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Answer: Compact disc.

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The technology was co-developed by Sony and Philips.

132. 1981’s bestseller was a book explaining how to solve what puzzle?

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Answer: The Rubik’s Cube.

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It is the world’s top-selling puzzle: as of January 2009, a whopping 350 million Rubik’s Cubes had been sold globally!

133. Which home computer, first released in 1982, is the bestselling single computer model ever?

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Answer: Commodore 64.

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The Commodore 64 sold between 10 and 17 million units.

134. In 1987, who became the first heavyweight to simultaneously hold the WBA, WBC, and IBF titles?

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Answer: Bernard Hopkins.

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As of March 2020, the website BoxRec ranked him as the seventh-greatest boxer of all time.

135. Which Nintendo game, first released in 1981, featured the first appearance of Mario?

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Answer: Donkey Kong.

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The little guy has since appeared in 200+ video games!

11 Funny Animal Trivia Questions

Animal Trivia Questions - Funny Animal Trivia Questions

via: Unsplash / Angelina Litvin

Are you an animal lover? Then you’d enjoy our selection of funny animal trivia questions!

136. A snail can sleep for how many years?

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Answer: Three.

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It does not sleep per se but rather hibernation.

137. For the first few weeks, baby mice feed on what?

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Answer: Mother’s milk.

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Just like all mammals.

138. A group of lions is known as?

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Answer: A pride.

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The term stuck because of those animals’ regal appearance.

139. How many chambers does a cockroach’s heart have?

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Answer: 12.

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Humans only have four!

140. Which animal has the highest blood pressure?

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Answer: The giraffe.

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It gets even cooler: giraffes also have neck valves that prevent blood from pooling into their skulls when they bend down.

141. Which animal never sleeps?

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Answer: The bullfrog.

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Researchers had to electrocute repeatedly a bunch of bullfrogs in the middle of the night to find that out.

142. Which animal doesn’t drink water?

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Answer: The kangaroo rat.

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These desert-dwellers get all their moisture from their diet.

143. What is a group of young pigs called?

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Answer: A drift.

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Also known as a «drove.»

144. «Cavy» is another name of which animal?

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Answer: The guinea pig.

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They are members of the Caviidae family, which includes other rodents such as maras.

145. How much time does a sloth need to digest food?

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Answer: Two weeks.

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That’s why they chew so slowly!

146. 3% of the ice in the Antarctic Ocean is the urine of what animal?

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Answer: Penguins.

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Also, a huge percentage of the ocean is actually whale pee.

12 Funny Bar Trivia Questions

Bar Trivia Questions - Funny Bar Trivia Questions

via: Unsplash / Sam Barber

Getting ready for your bar quiz night? Make sure to stock up on bar trivia questions!

147. Other than water, what is the most consumed beverage?

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Answer: Tea.

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The 2018 global production hit 5.8 million metric tons!

148. The Munich beer festival is held in which month?

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Answer: October.

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That’s why it’s called Oktoberfest

149. Which author wrote Jurassic Park?

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Answer: Michael Crichton.

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The novel was published in 1990.

150. How many times has Kim Kardashian been married?

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Answer: Three.

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Other than Kanye, she has also been married to Damon Thomas and Kris Humphries.

​151. Which young artist claimed five Grammys at the 2020 Grammy Awards?

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Answer: Billie Eilish.

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When we say young, we mean it: she was born in 2001.

152. What is the highest-grossing video game franchise to date?

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Answer: Mario.

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As of 2019, it had reached $32.4 billion in revenue.

153. In China, if you order «white tea,» what do you get?

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Answer: Boiled water.

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The term dates to the times when poor Chinese people would serve their gusts boiled water because they couldn’t afford tea.

154. Who was everyone’s first friend on MySpace?

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Answer: Tom.

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He is Thomas Anderson, one of the platform’s co-founders.

155. Who has the most Instagram followers as of June 2020?

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Answer: Cristiano Ronaldo.

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244.56 million, to be precise.

156. «Pulque» is a beer made from what?

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Answer: Cactus.

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It is made from fermented agave sap.

157. Who wore a dress made of meat at the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards?

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Answer: Lady Gaga.

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Yep, that was 100% real raw beef.

158. In the human body, what is the hallux?

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Answer: The big toe.

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And hallux valgus is the scientific term for bunions!

9 Funny Music Trivia Questions and Answers

Music Trivia Questions - Funny Music Trivia Questions and Answers

via: Unsplash / frankie cordoba

Can you not go a day without listening to your favorite music? We’ve got some great music trivia questions and answers for you!

159. What is the fastest-selling debut record and bestselling U.K. single in 1996?

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Answer: «Spaceman.»

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By the band Babylon Zoo.

160. Which Swedish pop group’s founding members are Jonas, Jenny, Linn, and Ulf?

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Answer: Ace of Base.

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The group was founded in 1990.

161. Which rap group was totally crossed out?

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Answer: Kris Kross.

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Didn’t see that one coming, did you?

162. Who is the main vocalist of Westlife?

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Answer: Shane Filan.

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Fun fact: the group has its origins in the school production of Grease.

163. What was the title of Shaggy’s 1993 hit song?

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Answer: «Oh Carolina.»

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The original is a 1958 John Folkes song.

164. Who was the original Foxy Brown?

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Answer: Pam Grier.<

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The movie was confiscated in the U.K. under the Obscene Publications Act.

165. What was Silverchair originally called?

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Answer: The Innocent Criminals.

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Also known as The George Costanza Trio and Short Elvis.

166. Which rap remake was sung by a grandma in The Wedding Singer?

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Answer: «Rapper’s Delight.»

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Ellen Albertini Dow, the singing grandma, passed away in 2015 at age 101.

167. Which female singer wrote a book called SEX?

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Answer: Madonna.

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Who else?

11 Funny Movie Trivia Questions

Movie Trivia Questions - Funny Movie Trivia Questions

via: Pexels / Ketut Subiyanto

For all you movie buffs out there, we have an awesome selection of movie trivia questions!

168. Who was the only non-Jedi in the original Star Wars trilogy to use a lightsaber?

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Answer: Han Solo.

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He was that badass!

169. How many languages can C-3PO speak in Star Wars?

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Answer: 6 million.

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He also knew all about intergalactic etiquette and customs.

170. Who was the first actress to win an Academy Award?

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Answer: Janet Gaynor.

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She took home three Oscars for her roles in 7th Heaven (1927), Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (1927), and Street Angel (1928).

171. Which plant was Uma Turman’s character named after in Batman &Robin?

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Answer: Poison ivy.

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The former-botanist-turned-eco-terrorist is half-human, half-pant.

172. What is Indiana Jones’s favorite weapon?

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Answer: Whip.

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The character became fascinated with it after he saw a circus whip-act as a child.

173. How many remakes does A Star Is Born has?

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Answer: Four.

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In addition to the 2018 adaptation starring Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper, there are 1951, 1954, and 1976 versions.

174. In Rocky, what are Rocky’s pet turtles’ names?

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Answer: Cuff and Link.

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Fun fact: those turtles are still alive.

175. What is the first animal seen in The Lion King?

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Answer: Rhinoceros.

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Did you know that the rhino’s closest living relatives are horses and zebras?

176. Who was the first character to die in Psycho 3?

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Answer: A nun.

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She was stabbed multiple times.

177. In The Breakfast Club, why is Bender in detention?

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Answer: He pulled a false fire alarm.

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Portrayed by Judd Nelson, he is the antihero of the movie.

178. How long did Forrest run in Forrest Gump?

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Answer: 3 years, 2 months, 14 days, and 16 hours.

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He ran for «no particular reason.»

179. In Back to the Future, what type of car is the time machine?

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Answer: DeLorean.

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To time-travel, it requires 1.21 gigawatts of power and has to move at 88 mph.

5 funny trivia questions for teens

Funny trivia questions for teens

via: Pexels / Ronê Ferreira

Creating a quiz that includes trivia questions for teens can seem difficult, but it’s made much easier when you include funny questions. These not only allow the contestants to pit their wits against each other, but they allow for laughs and amusement as the quiz is completed.

180. Which cricketer was offered the throne of Albania?

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It was reported that he was an heir to the throne but he turned it down.

181. Which part of his body did Charlie Chaplin insure?

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His feet

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He insured his feet for $150,000 which was a lot of money in the 1930s.

182. What is Mia’s full name in The Princess Diaries?

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Amelia Mignonette Grimaldi Thermopolis Renaldo

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In the book, Amelia finds out she is to become the queen of Genovia.

183. What is the old fashioned name for tomato?

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Love apple

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The French used to call tomatoes pomme d’amour which means love apple.

184. Paddington Bear belongs to which country?

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It’s said that he is from Darkest Peru and this country is home to Spectacled Bears.

6 funny pop culture trivia

pop culture trivia - funny pop culture trivia

via: Pexels / Laura Stanley

Pop culture trivia questions can be answered by anyone, but they’re especially loved by young people. When you ask funny pop culture questions, everyone can have a guess and get involved. Are you planning a quiz night with people of all ages? These funny questions will add a few laughs into the mix.

185. Which pop star burnt down her home gym with candles?

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Britney Spears

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She burnt it down with two candles in 2019.

186. What was the very first music video played on MTV?

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Video Killed the Radio Star

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The first broadcast day for the channel was in 1981.

187. How many times was Elizabeth Taylor married?

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She first married in 1950 and married her final husband in 1991. She was married to Richard Burton twice for a total of 11 years.

188. Who was Kim Kardashian’s second husband?

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Kris Humphries

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They were married for just 72 days before Kardashian filed for divorce.

189. What was Destiny’s Child originally called?

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Girl’s Tyme

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The group changed its name to Destiny’s Child in 1996.

190. What was the original color of Elvis Presley’s hair?

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His hair naturally darkened but he dyed it to get the iconic black colour.

5 funny useless trivia

useless trivia - funny useless trivia.jpg

via: Pexels / Mental Health America (MHA)

If you have a few spaces in the quiz you’re creating, you can fill them with useless trivia questions. The answers to these questions can be known by people of all ages, so everyone is on a level playing field. The answers to these questions are fun facts to know, but they might not come up in normal conversation as they are a little out of the ordinary.

191. Who voiced Yoda and Miss Piggy?

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Frank Oz

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He voiced these two very different characters as well as working with the puppets of Sesame Street.

192. What is the honorary colonel-in-chief of the Norwegian King’s Guard?

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Sir Nils Olav the penguin

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Although he is a colonel-in-chief of the Norwegian King’s Guard, he lives in Edinburgh Zoo in the UK. The tradition began the 1970s and three penguins have held the title so far.

193. Where do otters store their favorite rock?

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under their arm

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Otters use rocks as tools to help them eat their food.

194. Ian Fleming thought that this spy name was the most boring name possible.

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James Bond

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Ian Fleming is the author of the series of James Bond novels.

195. What don’t platypus and echidna have?

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The esophagus and intestine are directly connected in these animals.

196. What marsupials poop cubes?

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The poop is cube-shaped to stop it rolling away and wombats can pass up to 100 cubes per day.

197. Other than fingerprints, what’s unique about humans?

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Tongue print

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Tongue prints are much harder to police to collect than fingerprints.

5 funny cartoon trivia

cartoon trivia - funny cartoon trivia

via: Unsplash / Alison Wang

Most people have either watched cartoons in their lifetime or they still watch cartoons. The only thing better than cartoon trivia is funny cartoon trivia, with the answers to these questions being very amusing. You might think that you know everything there is to know about cartoons, but both you and the participants of your quiz are likely to be very surprised by the answers to some of these cartoon-based questions.

198. What did anime use to be called?

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This word was commonly used until the term anime became more popular.

199. Slowpoke Rodriguez is the cousin of which cartoon mouse?

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Speedy Gonzales

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He is the slowest mouse in Mexico and is sometimes called Tranquilino in Spanish.

200. Originally, what color was Tweety Bird?

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He was originally naked as he was supposed to be a baby bird rather than a pet canary.

201. What movie was almost called The Lady and the Bozo?

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The Lady and the Tramp

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Tramp was also almost called Rags and Mutt before Walt Disney decided on Bozo.

202. Who is the quietest Disney princess?

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Aurora is the quietest princess because she barely speaks in Sleeping Beauty. She has less than 20 lines in the whole movie and was onscreen for only 18 minutes.

Downloadable and Printable List of Funny Trivia Questions

Here is a downloadable and printable list of funny trivia questions (right click the image and select Save Image As...):

Downloadable and Printable List of Funny Trivia Questions

via: Mantelligence

How to Pick the Best Funny Trivia Questions

Funny Trivia Questions - How to pick the best funny trivia questions

via: Pexels / fauxels

When it comes to choosing the best funny trivia questions, there a few things to keep in mind.

1. Keep It Lighthearted

Funny Trivia Questions - Make it lighthearted

via: Pexels / Elle Hughes

The first rule of ice breaker questions is to always keep them fun, entertaining, and not too graphic. You may have great trivia on World War II, the Holocaust, or the Black Death, but it’s generally best to keep that to yourself or for more serious conversations.

2. Don’t Get Too Nerdy

Funny Trivia Questions - Don't get too nerdy

via: Pexels / Andrea Piacquadio

Use figures, numbers, and complex scientific terms sparingly. The average person attending a social event is not likely to be interested in trivia about Einstein’s Theory of Relativity.

3. Know Your Facts

Funny Trivia Questions - Know your fact

via: Unsplash / Clay Banks

Your trivia is not going to impress anyone if it’s just plain wrong (and people call your bluff). So, make sure to double-check your facts using credible sources in advance.

More Awesome Ice Breaker Games and Questions to Ask

Hungry for more?

  1. If you’ve had enough trivia for one day, why don’t you check out our truth or dare questions?
  2. We also have an excellent selection of fun icebreaker games.
  3. For more sample questions, read our would you rather questions.
  4. While you are at it, make sure to also browse through our list of most likely to questions.
  5. Last but definitely not least, give our never have I ever prompts a try. These make for great laughs!

In Conclusion

We hope that you enjoyed our funny trivia questions. Random facts make for some of the best ice breaker questions and most original questions to ask people. After all, who doesn’t like funny questions?

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