Funny one word sentences

  • 1

    I am a nobody. Nobody is perfect. Therefore, I am perfect.

  • 2

    I’ll buy you 11 Roses; 10 real and 1 fake. And I’ll love you until the last rose dies.

  • 3

    I stepped on a Cornflake, and now I am a cereal killer.

  • 4

    Isn’t having a smoking section in a restaurant like having a peeing section in a swimming pool?

  • 5

    What happens if you get scared half to death twice?

  • 6

    Nobody dies a virgin, because life fucks us all.

  • 7

    Future depends on your dreams. So go to sleep.

  • 8

    The more you learn, the more you know, the more you know, and the more you forget. The more you forget, the less you know. So why bother to learn.

  • 9

    You all laugh because I’m different — I laugh because you’re all the same.

  • 10

    You are the light of my life. Before I met you, I walked in the dark.

  • 11

    Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

  • 12

    There are two theories to arguing with women. Neither one works.

  • 13

    Always remember you’re unique, just like everyone else.

  • 14

    Children in backseats cause accidents. Accidents in backseats cause children.

  • 15

    Why do psychics ask your name?

  • 16

    If parents say, «Never take candy from strangers» then why do we celebrate Halloween?

  • 17

    I heard you were dating my ex — how do I taste?

  • 18

    Practice makes perfect.. But nobody’s perfect.. so why practice?

  • 19

    I don’t get older. I level up.

  • 20

    I grew up with six brothers. That’s how I learned to dance — waiting to get into the bathroom.

  • 21

    Life is just a game, but atleast the graphics are awesome!

  • 22

    When I was born I was so surprised, I couldn’t talk for a year and a half.

  • 23

    Smile, it makes people wonder what you are thinking.

  • 24

    I am on a seafood diet. I see food, and I eat it.

  • 25

    If money doesn’t grow on trees then why do banks have branches?

  • 26

    People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.

  • 27

    There are two rules to success in life: 1) Dont tell everything that you know.

  • 28

    Whenever you feel sad, just remember that somewhere in this world there’s an idiot pulling a door that says «PUSH».

  • 29

  • 30

    Call me cursed or call me blessed. If you can’t handle my worst, you ain’t getting my best.

  • 31

    I’m not clumsy! The floor just hates me, the table and chairs are bullies, and the walls get in my way.

  • 32

    Anyone who says «nothing is impossible» has obviously never tried to staple jello to a tree.

  • 33

    You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say will be misquoted, then used against you.

  • 34

    Would you like to hear the pencil joke? Well, it’s pointless.

  • 35

    Save water. Shower with your girlfriend.

  • 36

    I was born intelligent — education ruined me.

  • 37

    A foolish man tells a woman to STOP talking, but a WISE man tells her that she looks extremely BEAUTIFUL when her LIPS are CLOSED.

  • 38

    Opinions are like assholes; everybody’s got one, and they’re often full of shit.

  • 39

    Why do people never say «it’s only a game» when they’re winning?

  • 40

    I am in shape. Round is a shape.

  • 41

    How much deeper would the ocean be if sponges didn’t grow in it?

  • 42

    Money is not everything. There’s MasterCard and Visa.

  • 43

    A balanced diet is a chocolate chip cookie in each hand.

  • 44

    Right now I’m having amnesia and deja vu at the same time. I think I’ve forgotten this before.

  • 45

    If the FBI breaks your door down do they have to pay for it?

  • 46

    Are children who act in rated ‘R’ movies allowed to see them?

  • 47

    If an ambulance is on its way to save someone, and it runs someone over, does it stop to help them?

  • 48

    Do the English people eat English muffins, or are they just called muffins?

  • 49

    How come you never see a billboard being put up by the highway?

  • 50

    Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

  • 51

    Men are the best cooks, because with two eggs, one sausage, and a little bit of milk, he can fill a girl’s tummy for nine months.

  • 52

    I started out with nothing & still have most of it left.

  • 53

    Make yourself at home! Clean my kitchen.

  • 54

    An unbreakable toy is useful for breaking other toys.

  • 55

    I changed my password to «incorrect» so whenever I forget what it is, the computer will say «your password is incorrect.»

  • 56

    On the side of a milk carton:
    Allergy advice — May Contain Traces of Milk

  • 57

    Be kind to your dentist. He has fillings, too.

  • 58

    A cartoonist was found dead in his home. Details are sketchy.

  • 59

    Kids in the back seat cause accidents; accidents in the back seat cause kids.

  • 60

    Broken pencils are pointless.

  • 61

    Haunted French pancakes give me the crêpes.

  • 62

    Why are iPhone chargers not called
    apple juice?

  • 63

    In just two days, tomorrow will be yesterday.

  • 64

    My wife says picking my nose is disgusting, so now I have to do it myself.

  • 65

    I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.

  • 66

    If you are born ugly blame your parents, if you died ugly blame your doctor.

  • 67

    On the other hand… you have different fingers.

  • 68

    Behind every successful man, there is a woman. And behind every unsuccessful man, there are two or more.

  • 69

    How do you handcuff a one-armed man?

  • 70

    Only drug dealers and software companies call their customers ‘users’.

  • 71

    You’re never too old to learn something stupid.

  • 72

    I haven’t slept for ten days, because that would be too long.

  • 73

    Let’s eat grandpa.
    Let’s eat, grandpa.
    Correct punctuation can save a person’s life.

  • 74

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.

  • 75

    If ghosts can walk through walls and glide down stairs, why don’t they fall through the floor?

  • 76

    Everyone has a photographic memory, some just don’t have film.

  • 77

    I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger. Then it hit me.

  • 78

    If you get this message, call me, and if you don’t get it, don’t call.

  • 79

    What do you do when you see an endangered animal that is eating an endangered plant?

  • 80

    There should be a better way to start a day than waking up every morning.

  • 81

    The early bird might get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

  • 82

    At a Budapest zoo:

  • 83

    «Build a man a fire, and he’ll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he’ll be warm for the rest of his life.» — Terry Pratchett

  • 84

    At a movie theater which arm rest is yours?

  • 85

    My parents made me what I am today. I’m thinking of suing.

  • 86

    In a cementery:

  • 87

    If a doctor suddenly had a heart attack while doing surgery, would the other doctors work on the doctor or the patient?

  • 88

    On an Athi River Highway:

  • 89

    When lightning strikes the ocean why don’t all the fish die?

  • 90

    If practice makes perfect, and I am doing it wrong, then I am doing it perfectly wrong.

  • 91

    I got a job at a bakery because I kneaded dough.

  • 92

    Where ever you go, there you are.

  • 93

    I didn’t like my beard at first. Then it grew on me.

  • 94

    Do you wake up or open your eyes first?

  • 95

    Just remember…if the world didn’t suck, we’d all fall off.

  • 96

    Everybody lies, but it doesn’t matter since nobody listens.

  • 97

    Why put a towel in the dirty clothes basket if when you get out of the shower you are clean?

  • 98

    I tried to catch some fog, but I mist.

  • 99

    Notice at a Public Bar:

  • 100

    «Behind every successful man is a woman, behind her is his wife.» — Groucho Marx.

“Funny” or “fun”? Clear Your Confusion about These English Words

Hi there! I’m your English coach Christina, welcome to Speak English with Christina, where you’ll learn American culture and business know-how to become confident in English.

Sometimes the English language is just confusing. Some words look the same, but mean different things! For instance, take the words “funny” and “fun.”

English learners often use one for another, but that’s a mistake you don’t want to make! Their meaning is close, but still very different.

What’s the difference? How can you use them correctly? Don’t worry, I’m here to help!

Let’s go!

“Fun” vs “Funny” Sentence Examples

Let’s look at some contrasting examples, so you can see the difference.

Do not say: “Our trip to Disneyworld was funny. The kids loved it.”
But: “Our trip to Disneyworld was fun. The kids loved it.”

Do not say: “I had a funny time at the football game.”
But instead: “I had a fun time at the football game.”

Don’t say: “My friend has a dark sense of humor that’s very fun.”
But: “My friend has a dark sense of humor that’s very funny.”

These are mistakes that I often hear! So what’s the rule?

The “Fun” vs. “Funny”: What’s the difference?

“Funny” meaning
“Funny” means “something that makes you laugh.” Like a joke, a comedian or a TV show.

For example:
“Have you ever seen Saturday Night Live? It’s such a funny show!”
“Your jokes are very funny. You’re a funny guy!”

“Fun” meaning
On the other hand, “Fun” means “enjoyable.” Like a good time, a game or an adventure!

For example:
“I love visiting new countries, it’s always fun!”
“Thanks for inviting me to your party yesterday, it was fun!”
You don’t always need to laugh to have fun, but funny things and fun experiences often come together.
For example: “We spent a really fun evening at that comedy show. It was so funny!”

“Fun” or “Funny”: Advanced definitions

A fun experience means an enjoyable experience. A fun person is when you enjoy spending time with them–and with whom you often do fun activities!

Fun isn’t always an adjective, it can be a noun as well. Especially in the expression “to have fun” : it means to have a pleasurable time.

For instance:
“Julia is a fun girl! She’s really fun to be around, she always has crazy ideas for things to do.”
“Good luck for your football game, but more importantly, have fun!”

And finally, we also use “funny” as a synonym for “strange,” “surprising” or “unexpected.”

For instance:
“I know Paul? That’s funny you ask, I just met him!” (= it’s a surprising coincidence)
“The milk had a funny taste, I threw it away.” (=a strange, unexpected taste)
“I hope your brother is alright, he was acting a little funny when I saw him yesterday.” (acting funny = to have a strange behavior)

Funny in a Sentence

  1. You have got such a funny smile.
  2. There was nothing funny about his story.
  3. I have a funny feeling we’re going to lose this game by three goals to one
  4. She’s funny, like a clown.
  5. She broke into a funny dance
  6. That funny cat is mine
  7. My parents think Tom is funny.
  8. It was so funny watching her dance like that.
  9. After all these years, I can still remember how funny you looked.
  10. I may be funny, but you’re super-funny!
  11. All of our customers love this dog because it is so funny.
  12. Grandma’s hearing aid keeps making funny noises.
  13. The story was so funny that we were rolling on the floor!
  14. These are the funny memes that I’ve seen.
  15. You are a funny person.
  16. The movie is funny, but it is far from being a classic.
  17. Well done! You’ve made this pun funny with your “chugging” comment.
  18. Some people think soccer fans are funny, but I find their silly costumes amusing.
  19. Jane told a funny joke at the dinner party.
  20. Make sure to remove any funny labels before giving it as a gift.
  21. The police found the suspect to be a funny character.
  22. She’s known for her funny antics on stage.
  23. It was such a funny story; I couldn’t stop laughing.
  24. We enjoyed the concert, but it wasn’t funny.
  25. We won the match in a funny way, with a last-minute goal.
  26. Terry, it is illegal to throw rocks at cars. It’s not a funny thing to do.
  27. I couldn’t believe that funny was acting so friendly!
  28. He sent me a link to this site when I asked him for funny jokes.
  29. I like funny people because they always make me laugh during difficult times.
  30. You’re so funny – you almost made me laugh!
  31. It seems funny to think that once, people liked having wars like that!
  32. He’s funny; sometimes, he makes me laugh so hard that I fall off my chair.
  33. I am just not the kind of person who is funny.

Funny in a SentencePin

Funny in a Sentence

Read also

  • Sentences with Brevity
  • Sentences with Semicolon
  • Sentences with However
  • Sentences with Used to
  • Simple Sentences Examples
  • What are Simple Sentences
  • Imperative Sentences
  • Simple, Compound and Complex Sentences
  • 16 Tenses in English Grammar
  • Sentences with Could Have, Couldn’t & Could
All sentences (with pause)

Used with adverbs:

«He is extremely funny.«
(extremely, very, fairly, quite, rather)

«His performance was hysterically funny.«
(hysterically, genuinely, incredibly, wildly, outrageously)

«She is surprisingly funny.«

«This situation is almost funny.«
(almost, mildly, not remotely, unintentionally)

«That’s a very funny question to ask.«
(very, rather)

«This situation seems a little funny to me.«
(a little, slightly)

Used with nouns:

«She told me a funny story about when she was in college.«
(story, tale)

«That’s a funny coincidence.«

«That was a really funny show.«
(show, movie, scene, impression, joke, parody, gag)

«I have a funny feeling about this.«

«She gave me a funny look.«

«There’s a funny smell coming from that room.«

«I just heard a funny sound outside.«

«She has a funny voice.«
(voice, face)

Used with verbs:

«This show is really funny.«
(be: is, seems, looks, sounds)

«This movie gets funnier every time I watch it.«
(gets, becomes)

«I find it funny that she never mentioned you before.«

«Does this smell funny to you?«
(smell, taste)

From Leo Rosten’s 1968 book The Joys of Yiddish, beloved by, among others, Harlan Ellison

Notice that the meaning of the same sentence changes completely,
depending on where the speaker places the emphasis:

I should buy two tickets for her concert?–meaning:
“After what she did to me?”

I should buy two tickets for her concert?–meaning:
“What, you’re giving me a lesson in ethics?”

I should buy two tickets for her concert?–meaning:
I wouldn’t go even if she were giving out free passes!

I should buy two tickets for her concert?–meaning:
I’m having enough trouble deciding whether it’s worth one.

I should buy two tickets for her concert?–She
should be giving out free passes, or the hall will be empty.

I should buy two tickets for her concert?–Did
she buy tickets to our daughter’s recital?

I should buy two tickets for her concert?–You
mean, they call what she does a “concert”?

Nice companion piece to Twain’s priceless “The Awful German Language”

“Surely there is not another language that is so slipshod and systemless, and so slippery and elusive to the grasp. One is washed about in it, hither and thither, in the most helpless way; and when at last he thinks he has captured a rule which offers firm ground to take a rest on amid the general rage and turmoil of the ten parts of speech, he turns over the page and reads, “Let the pupil make careful note of the following exceptions.” He runs his eye down and finds that there are more exceptions to the rule than instances of it. So overboard he goes again, to hunt for another Ararat and find another quicksand. Such has been, and continues to be, my experience. Every time I think I have got one of these four confusing “cases” where I am master of it, a seemingly insignificant preposition intrudes itself into my sentence, clothed with an awful and unsuspected power, and crumbles the ground from under me. For instance, my book inquires after a certain bird — (it is always inquiring after things which are of no sort of consequence to anybody): “Where is the bird?” Now the answer to this question — according to the book — is that the bird is waiting in the blacksmith shop on account of the rain. Of course no bird would do that, but then you must stick to the book. Very well, I begin to cipher out the German for that answer. I begin at the wrong end, necessarily, for that is the German idea. I say to myself, “Regen (rain) is masculine — or maybe it is feminine — or possibly neuter — it is too much trouble to look now. Therefore, it is either der (the) Regen, or die (the) Regen, or das (the) Regen, according to which gender it may turn out to be when I look. In the interest of science, I will cipher it out on the hypothesis that it is masculine. Very well — then the rain is der Regen, if it is simply in the quiescent state of being mentioned, without enlargement or discussion — Nominative case; but if this rain is lying around, in a kind of a general way on the ground, it is then definitely located, it is doing something — that is, resting (which is one of the German grammar’s ideas of doing something), and this throws the rain into the Dative case, and makes it dem Regen. However, this rain is not resting, but is doing something actively, — it is falling — to interfere with the bird, likely — and this indicates movement, which has the effect of sliding it into the Accusative case and changing dem Regen into den Regen.” Having completed the grammatical horoscope of this matter, I answer up confidently and state in German that the bird is staying in the blacksmith shop “wegen (on account of) den Regen.” Then the teacher lets me softly down with the remark that whenever the word “wegen” drops into a sentence, it always throws that subject into the Genitive case, regardless of consequences — and that therefore this bird stayed in the blacksmith shop “wegen des Regens.””


In German, all the Nouns begin with a capital letter. Now that is a good idea; and a good idea, in this language, is necessarily conspicuous from its lonesomeness. I consider this capitalizing of nouns a good idea, because by reason of it you are almost always able to tell a noun the minute you see it. You fall into error occasionally, because you mistake the name of a person for the name of a thing, and waste a good deal of time trying to dig a meaning out of it. German names almost always do mean something, and this helps to deceive the student. I translated a passage one day, which said that “the infuriated tigress broke loose and utterly ate up the unfortunate fir forest” (Tannenwald). When I was girding up my loins to doubt this, I found out that Tannenwald in this instance was a man’s name.

Every noun has a gender, and there is no sense or system in the distribution; so the gender of each must be learned separately and by heart. There is no other way. To do this one has to have a memory like a memorandum-book. In German, a young lady has no sex, while a turnip has. Think what overwrought reverence that shows for the turnip, and what callous disrespect for the girl. See how it looks in print — I translate this from a conversation in one of the best of the German Sunday-school books:

“Gretchen: Wilhelm, where is the turnip?
Wilhelm: She has gone to the kitchen.
Gretchen.: Where is the accomplished and beautiful English maiden?
Wilhelm: It has gone to the opera.”

Now I’m off with my Turnip to the Opera.

Time to laugh; funny tales from here and there.

It was some sort o gibberish dey called gulluhtalk, an it soun dat funny.

«Well, that is funny, you surly Julius.

«I thought it was funny,« said he, «that a man in your position couldn’t raise one dollar and twelve cents.

By MARGARET PRESCOTT MONTAGUE From Atlantic Monthly I. «Lord, but English people are funny!«

But after all, it wasn’t really funny, it was pathetic.

«WHAT are those funny little white things?« «That‘s a pair of mittens belonging to Tabby Kitten; I only have to iron them; she washes then herself.

Now that he knew her better, Richard was more at ease with her, and returned her playful sallies until even Ethelyn wondered to see him so funny.

It is the privilege of one acquainted in no common degree with languages and their history to expose that dreary joke of the dialect of the oppressed, which superficial people have so long found funny or contemptible.

It is funny, and it is sad.

Funny thing about im was he didn’t seem to know about is good looks, and he was one o the quietest, bestbehaved men that ever came up the London river.

I told her the last time I saw herbefore she got these funny notions in her head.

It‘s funny a preacher should be such an allround sort of fellow, isn’t it?«

Hasn’t he been funny tonight, with his solemn hoping we‘re satisfied?

The gentlemen chose the dryest spots, raised their umbrellas, and sat under them, telling amusing anecdotes, and saying funny things to cheer us, until the rain ceased, and at nine o’clock in the evening we were gladdened by the intelligence that we had reached the pier at Mackinac.

There were hundreds upon hundreds of rowboats bearing girls in duck and men in flannels, and a funny sight it was to Americans to see fully half of them with the man lying at his ease on cushions at the end of the boat, while the girls did the rowing.

To us it sounded deliciously funny to hear this selfstyled African call us «Leddies,« and say «Halways« and say «Aven’t yer, now?«

Funny how some wimmin made a man feel like he wanted to just about worship them, and not because they did anything except be just themselves.

So the pleasant peddler addresses other strange and funny words to the ring of yellow light, and instantly it stands still, and quivers its bushy tail, and pants.

More of the peddler‘s funny conjuration, and up springs the mungooz into the air, like a Birman‘s wicker football, and, alighting on the kitten‘s back, clings close and fast.

It sounded funny to me.

«Partner, if it wasn’t for something funny about his eyes, I wouldn’t be no more afraid of that gunman than I am of a tabbycat.

«Funny thing,« began O’Brien, to make conversation, «how many fellers go west at sunset.

«Why, that‘s funny, ma, that you should forget it, too.

« FOND BUT «TOUCHY« PARENT»I’ve no doubt that‘s meant to be very funny, Bill Smith; but as it appens you‘re only exposin your ignorance; they ain’t natives in Francethey’re as white as wot we are.

How to use funny in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «funny» and check conjugation/comparative form for «funny«. Mastering all the usages of «funny» from sentence examples published by news publications.

Monica was funny/bratty, Joey was funny/dopey, Ross was funny/nerdy, Phoebe was funny/floopy, and Rachel was…not really that funny actually.
They’re funny, I’m never mean, it’s funny, it’s funny mean.
You’ve got to be funny, and when I say funny, I mean really funny.
We did, and I think it hit via two audiences, because the show is really funny, John is really funny, Janet Varney’s really funny, Deborah Baker Jr. is really funny, Nate Mooney’s really funny.
She was the most generous, fun, gifted, smart, kind, funny funny funny person I’ve ever met.
I bet that’s funny — she’s funny, and Kristen Bell and Katherine Hahn, all very funny girls.
You’ve done funny things before, but there’s a difference between doing funny things and being funny.
One of the things … Trump isn’t funny, but it has resulted in funny, funny stuff online.
Jon Stewart as President George W. Bush Get More: Comedy Central,Funny Videos,Funny TV Shows Get More: Comedy Central,Funny Videos,Funny TV Shows Get More: Comedy Central,Funny Videos,Funny TV Shows As hilarious as he was, Ferrell didn’t hold a monopoly on Bush-isms.
For example, you think that funny Meek Mill/Drake moment: funny for some, not funny for others.
«It’s funny, funny, funny, and then it suddenly turns on a dime, and it’s deeply sad,» he said.
Gene Wilder: funny doing something & funny doing nothing. pic.twitter.
» Suddenly «lying was funny, and hatred was funny, and bigotry was funny,» and the entire country becomes «a lurid graphic novel.
She really is funny, she says some pretty funny things.
It’s funny how we made the exact same funny face.
Funny scenes are followed by scenes where nothing funny happens.
«He’s so funny and such a funny improviser,» says Wiig.
It means she says funny things or does funny things.
I think it’s funny, apparently everyone else thinks it’s funny.
He thinks he is funny but he is not funny.
That’s how funny she was, and how funny Mozart is.
People start thinking it’s funny, but never is harassment funny.
Sometimes it’s very funny, other times it’s not so funny.
It has gone from being a variety of ways to tickle a person — real life, funny because it’s true, ironic funny, deadpan funny, parody funny, no-duh funny, slapstick, farce, absurdity, pratfalls, a real variety — to merely, glumly reflecting what a terrible world this has become.
When it’s funny, it’s really funny, and the actors all glow.
Not intentionally funny, but they are funny without meaning to be.
It’s funny because it’s funny, but it hurts because it’s true.
It’s also genuinely funny, and funny in a specifically visual way.
The jar-smellers are funny, until they are not so funny.
«He’s easily very funny, a naturally very funny guy,» Maddon said.
A dozen details make this moment funny, disturbing and disturbingly funny.
She was incredibly witty, funny, funny like nobody you’ve ever met.
It was funny forty years ago, and it is funny today.
But not all funny writers are necessarily funny in that way.
But anyone funny is … Or many funny people are funnier on Twitter.
If you were a funny dude, you’d need to consistently be funny.
We often think of memes as images, funny words on funny pictures.
Funny as hell, but there’s nothing funny about his Lying Fratboy Ass!!!
Women are funny on purpose — not funny because they’re dumb or inebriated !
«I have very funny friends and a very funny wife,» Theroux said.
«It’s funny now, but didn’t feel funny at the time,» Roman said.
That’s a funny kind of agency and a funny kind of control.
There’s nothing worse than trying to be funny and not being funny.
Man I want yo say something funny but this ain’t funny man.
Funny memories, or funny stories people remember about the person who died.
It was funny, or no, actually not funny, just disorienting, slightly grotesque.
And you were a funny pair; you were a weird, funny pair.
It’s not just funny because it’s gay, it’s funny because it’s Zeus.
I guess Roseanne Barr thought she was being funny, but it wasn’t funny — and if it’s offensive and not funny, then it’s not a joke.
WILLIAMS We’re funny, but for every couple of black ladies that are funny, there are a million other black ladies that are also very funny.
I think a lot of my lyrics are funny but I don’t think I’ve made them funny enough for other people to always think they’re funny.
BARTIROMO: That&aposs a funny — that&aposs very funny and a good point.
Something like ‘Is this really funny or is it only funny to me?
«If this guy said you were funny, then you were funny,» Hart says.
It is funny (and not-so-funny) how it does have this relevance.
It tugs at the heartstrings, but also very funny…and sad, and funny.
And it was funny, those were the days when they had funny Bonds.
«I don’t care what your politics are, funny is funny,» he tweeted. «Enjoy.»
God’s Problem Child is funny, wise, grizzled, touching, downcast, and then funny again.
It’s funny, it’s not funny that it’s controversial, it’s sad that it’s controversial.
They were funny in the way that relentlessly reading lists can be funny.
Like «fuck, this should not be funny, but this is kind of funny«?
The question wasn’t if she’d be funny, it was how she’d be funny.
«It’s funny; it’s actually funny after the episode you just saw,» he promised.
Why is a funny cowboy dance hysterical but a funny sailor dance confusing?
Sometimes they are funny or their reactions are funny and I enjoy that.
I’ve got to be a colored funny man, not a funny colored man.
«If you think it’s funny, chances are it’s probably funny,» Mr. Reppond said.
Somewhere along the line, PRAIRIE OYS got into my head as a funny phrase that might work in a puzzle, but I had two concerns: first, would it be funny to editors and solvers (funny to me isn’t funny to everyone)?
For us, it’s always down to whether it’s funny or not, and sometimes people find it really funny and other times they only find it kinda funny.
We just made our own website with funny pictures and funny videos on it.
It’s not funny because it’s true; it’s only funny because Opera Man sang it.
He’s pretty funny, and he’s been in a lot of iconic and funny movies.
The painting is funny in a horrible way and horrible in a funny way.
The thinking was that he is smart but funny, she is funny but smart.
Bo is such a funny character, Kelly is so funny, the actors are phenomenal.
Delivered in his deadpan Yorkshire accent, this initially seems like a funny, funny joke.
We’re jokers at punch line… We’re funny, but what’s happening is not fucking funny.
The Leftovers has always been funny in the way that Mad Men was funny.
Fit, kind and funny (but not too funny because that was my job) 4.
I turned the incidents into funny stories, stories that don’t seem so funny now.
It’s funny the way Kafka is funny, albeit with more car chases and explosions.
This was funny in the way a slightly-too-real wedding toast was funny.
Also, something that you think is funny might not be funny to someone else.
I don’t think that very funny men wanted to headline with very funny women.
My funny side — when I was 14 I used to post all these funny videos all the time, just me being like, super weird and funny and myself.
Most see funny jokes, and they see the funny in the stuff that leads up to the funny joke, and for some reason, they can’t tell the difference.
It&aposs funny to joke about it, but it&aposs not funny in another way.
I didn’t know that I wanted someone funny until I was actually with someone funny.
There are lovable, murdering teens, and funny teens, and, even, different funny teens battling cancer.
» —Paddington, created by Michael Bond «Some people say funny things, but I say things funny.
She was really, really funny, and the magnet was just another funny thing of hers.
Yeah, no, just… it’s quite funny, just some snaps of us drivers, it’s quite funny.
And at the end of the day, what’s funny and true is funny and true.
» Or, «She’s super funny, but she’s also an escort, but that’s what makes it funny!
It’s difficult to convey just how funny this show is, or why it’s so funny.
«He was a funny, funny kid,» Ms. Soto said, recalling his goofy sense of humor.
And not just funny ‘for a kid’ — or funny ‘for a person battling something awful’.
Making Hollywood Homicide was a funny experience—and I hope the movie is still funny.
They think it’s funny now, but they didn’t think it was funny at the time.
People say, ‘For a funny book about Afghanistan and Pakistan, it’s just not that funny.
«When humans find something funny, we may not know why it is funny,» Taylor said.
I was worried that I was going to be doing funny things that weren’t funny.
And anything funny — if I hear audio that I think is funny, I’ll use it.
Like it’s not just a tee-hee funny story … Although it’s totally fucking funny. Right.
The result, even when it’s funny (and it is funny, at times), is vaguely insulting.
Interesting, though, Benioff is very funny — he is, comparatively — and Jeff Bezos is not funny.
Ostrovsky is funny in the elemental way that sports mascots or rubber balls are funny.
«I have never, ever spent time with somebody as funny, as brilliantly funny,» he said.
Again … the outbreak ain’t funny, but Max has a funny way of educating the public.
Well, no, the play is very funny, we know that, we hope we are funny.
It’s often quietly funny and then a little (or very) sad and then funny again.
No, but it’s … KS: That is a whole bit, that’s … Okay, that’s funny, that’s funny.
Which is to say that it’s funny—not haha funny, but funny nonetheless—that Apple is doing a bad job of making it easy for people to give it money.
It’s so funny how a lot of those things, it’s funny when you sort of look back on it, but when you’re in it in the moment, it’s not funny.
So, you know, in terms of what’s funny, if it’s driving viewership, it’s funny to somebody.
«He’s funny without meaning to be, which is why it’s funny,» she revealed with a laugh.
He’s a blur of a character, by turns lecherous, sensitive, funny (or «funny«), impulsive, or terrified.
Although I try to make the show funny first, but there is … It’s not all funny.
But hey, there are worse things than a smart, funny woman who plays smart, funny women.
None of this sounds funny, and yet all of it is – often laugh-out-loud funny.
But a funny — and to many of Colbert’s liberal-minded viewers, not so funny — thing happened.
Was it funny like funny ha ha, or are we tragically erasing all its glorious melodrama?
Because that’s the thing about a joke; it’s only funny until it isn’t funny at all.
You have to be overweight and funny, but if you’re pretty, then you’re not that funny.
If you think I’m funny, then I’m funny—if not, then it is what it is.
Sometimes I can’t tell the difference between what’s funny and what’s funny because you made it.
It flies in the face of two adages: that girls aren’t funny, and lesbians aren’t funny.
«It was funny in a way I didn’t know you could be funny,» Sun told me.
I think they’re very funny, and I think a lot of people find them very funny.
» I go, «No, I laugh at funny shit, but that isn’t funny, that was super hostile.
But artists, unlike comedians, also have a convenient out if their funny art isn’t really funny.
These investigations weren’t funny because discrimination is funny—they were funny because, if minorities can’t laugh about the bullshit we deal with, this country would be headed for another Civil War.
It was a funny thing—funny «haha» and «god’s handiwork» funny—tonight when, after ol’ Al B. stopped by for catch-up and tea and grilled cheeses, we went off to Kinkos.
Funny or not, it’s Bee’s hard-earned job to turn this lemon of an election into comedy lemonade, and she’s racking up the ratings making funny out of not-so-funny material.
It’s just so close to being funny — and yet entirely misses the point of what is funny.
Funny moment though when we asked Griffin when he’s finally gonna propose — his response is pretty funny.
Robert Christgau, Expert Witness God’s Problem Child is funny, wise, grizzled, touching, downcast, and then funny again.
«I tell the story in the speech — it’s funny now, but it wasn’t funny then,» said Guthrie.
That’s only funny if you think contextless threats of violence indistinguishable from real online harassment are funny.
The first episode is funny — and McDermott is very funny, unexpectedly so — but it’s not not claustrophobic.
WEDNESDAY PUZZLE — Some of you will find this riproaringly funny, or maybe it’s not funny at all.
Having specialized in playing funny women, tell me about transitioning to playing a woman who is funny.
It was super meta and intelligent and funny, it’s a really funny script with really likable characters.
«I mean we thought it was funny, but I didn’t know it was this funny,» she said.
It’s funny because being in the theater last night, people were laughing because he’s a funny person.
That scene feels funny to me, and I don’t get to do funny much in this show.
«Not funny ha-ha, like a Woody Allen movie, but funny strange, like a Woody Allen marriage.»
Jeff: If «pitch in» means «make funny comments,» and «funny» means «annoying,» then my wife agrees wholeheartedly.
Michaela is telling me a story, a funny story with bits in it that aren’t so funny.
But Best of Nextdoor skips past that troubling facet and just serves up funny tweet after funny tweet.
It’s also a pretty funny — if occasionally corny — ’80s comedy-drama written in partnership with Funny or Die.
But we do have her to thank for this funny, bizarre moment — and the funny tweets that followed.
They’re trying to be flippant or funny or amusing or thinking that threats to an individual is funny.
And the difference between it being funny and not funny might be how well that effect is rendered.
Captain Marvel gives us the rare female action hero who is funny, knows she’s funny, and enjoys it.
His plaintive, lilting delivery makes every line funny – and they’re funny lines to begin with («a freaky circle»).
«You should probably wait until the audience says your [sic] funny before saying ‘I’m Funny&apos» he added.
May’s answer is a mysterious, somewhat terrifying consistency—when you’re funny, you’re just funny, forever, no matter what.
It was only a little funny in season four; it’s not at all funny in season seven. 152.
Also, the catch with comedy is if you’re funny in real life it doesn’t mean you’re funny onscreen.
A hit is rarely just funny; it must also be funny in a way that’s distinct and surprising.
You don’t need to—although getting punched in the dick is funny, it will never not be funny.
Even sometimes he would laugh, even if the content necessarily wasn’t funny—his laughter would make it funny.
I had talked about writing a funny book for years, but it’s not necessarily the most natural thing in the world… You have to get in a funny space to be able to write funny.
KS: That one guy is funny, what’s his name, Dave … LG: The sick of wolves guy is really funny.
We thought that disconnect was so funny and so real and wanted to make something funny that explored that.
Fifty percent of them have vaginas, and that’s funny, and 50 percent of them have weiners, and that’s funny.
The road can do a really funny thing to you and it can play funny tricks on your mind.
«DD: «We tried to populate this story with some real funny characters: Benny, the taxi driver was pretty funny.
He’s a very funny character and he began telling jokes, talking about adventures, funny stories, and I started laughing.
Not more funny than some random tweet I read this morning but definitely not less funny than Salt Bae.
Below each piece of content is a set of special LOL reaction buttons for «Funny«, «Alright», and «Not Funny«.
So I thought, I could be funny, but I’ll just write funny commercials, and that’ll be my creative outlet.
Not in his act necessarily, but being around him — really funny in a way that I think is funny.
I put together funny anchor reels of them off camera doing funny stuff to use later on the show.
«Everyone thinks falling is funny, everyone thinks dramatic dying is funny,» said Molly Levine, director of Clowns Without Borders.
But I’m serious about it — just because it can be funny and I’m funny doesn’t mean it’s a parody.
But I think what makes it extra funny is what is funny about it has gotten away from him.
«I was told that Carl was a very funny guy, a little crazy, but very funny,» Ms. Cohen said.
Think low-key house party with free pizza, some very funny guests and no pressure to be funny yourself.
«The Antipodes» is also deeply funny, but it’s naturally funny, and if it’s a satire, it’s an organic one.
But it’s also really smart, and really interesting, and funny — laugh out loud funny… It’s so smart, like Get Out.
Finally, we see a college student doing something with alcohol that is funny and inventive instead of funny and regrettable.
You have to be confident to be funny, to trust yourself to say what is funny and sell the joke.
«Is it a little book that’s funny, or a book that’s a little funny?» she asked as he scampered off.
LAUGHING TOGETHER My wife is really funny, and my kids are really funny, so we do a lot of laughing.
Sure, it’s funny to watch Viola try to become a guy, but there’s nothing funny about why she’s becoming one.
Probably… Unfunny people can be funny if they’re just themselves; when they fail is when they try to be funny.
The joke is funny because — well, how can an invisible car knocking people over like bowling pins not be funny?
«If you asked me if my daughter was funny I would never say that she was funny,» Ms. Sibblies said.
However, static art that attempts to be funny rarely succeeds at being both funny and art at the same time.
«You can always do anything; it’s just you might do it funny, so I definitely do things funny,» Hockenberry said.
When my little blond friend’s mother learned I belonged to the black family that had funny foreign cars and funny foreign people in funny clothes who came and went, she told me to go home and not return.
Anyway, we’re having you on the show because, obviously, Washington is so funny these days, in such a non-funny way.
He’s also funny — really funny — as he shepherds Emma Stone’s Mia towards her dream of becoming an actress with heartfelt emotion.
«Cancer isn’t at all funny, but a big part of dealing with it has been finding the funny moments,» she said.
The State Department is learning that there’s a big difference between thinking you’re being funny on Twitter and actually being funny.
It’s a funny (though not «Best Motion Picture — Musical or Comedy» funny) movie with a great cast and a warm heart.
It’s funny how art can mean nothing, depending on whether or not you’re listening; funny how an opera can change everything.
I do think it’s funny that the outlaw country thing is so big right now, calling it that even is funny.
The fuzz should not be funny on social media, because the fuzz are not (and, again, should not be) funny people.
This blesses you with a serious demeanor that helps you make very funny, wry jokes—at least you’ll think you’re funny.
He would never want to let us know that it was funny, because then we’d be trying to make it funny.
It’s a scene that’s clearly designed to be funny and sexy, and Shakespeare knew his stuff; it is funny and sexy.
DC: Kara, everyone you’ve mentioned at the Post you’ve said is not particularly funny, every single … KS: But Dave is not funny.
The People V. Kanye from Funny Or Die The hilarious folks of Funny or Die have cut Kanye into The People v.
«[The scene was supposed to be funny] in the way a shot of my butt would be funny,» Fogelman admitted to THR.
TC: I don’t think it’s ever been funny and that’s what makes it seem like it’s funny, the bleakness of it all.
Why is a man slipping on a banana peel funny, but not as funny as a man choking on a banana peel?
«He’s a funny guy and what he did to me was funny and I’ll probably end up looking pretty stupid,» Walsh said.
The game looks funny, too—the enemies look funny when you smash them off the screen (having first upended them from below).
I want to write a comedy that’s funny because I feel like comedy movies haven’t been that funny for a long time.
Barney, the town wino, is funny because he’s a drunkard, he explains; Smithers, Mr. Burns’s sycophantic assistant, is funny because he’s closeted.
But to me, the worst possible thing is a person who thinks that they’re funny, or wants to be funny and isn’t.
If that had been really funny, it would have been O.K. All judgment goes out the window if something is really funny.
«Absolutely Fabulous: The Movie» is not that funny, but the more discomforting question is: How funny does it really want to be?
In the end, we found that it was funny in the room, but after putting it all together it wasn’t that funny.
Get More: Comedy Central,Funny Videos,Funny TV Shows Just the phrase «rape joke» is enough to set one’s teeth on edge.
Why don’t you start at … Talk to me about the beginning, because you go into … You obviously come from a funny family; you are all cracking up, you’ve got a pair of aunts that are very funny, your dad is funny.
«He just tries to tell jokes that he thinks are funny, but they’re mostly just funny to us because they’re dumb,» Emma said.
It’s likely that a lot of comedians or people who are funny have gone through something in their life that makes them funny.
«Some might see her comic and say ‘that’s not funny,’ but it’s not meant to be funny,» Sasha’s father said in an email.
Danny Elfman’s «TRUMP STALKS HILLARY» from Funny Or Die Thankfully, Funny or Die teamed up with composer Danny Elfman to do just that.
But here’s what I’m imagining it will be: A white man sitting at a desk reciting funny, funny jokes about the daily news.
So what you get from those live shows is a true understanding of what’s funny, like a marrow-based understanding of what’s funny.
People with autism can be as funny as everybody else; we just don’t know how to pretend to find a bad joke funny.
He plays it far past the point of being funny, then back to being funny, then not again—like nearly to the end.
And Stephen Colbert talked about the president in that funny-but-not-Colbert Report-funny way he’s settled into on The Late Show.
It is an uncomfortable truth that a joke can be both funny and racist, which is different than saying that racism is funny.
«He’s a funny man, so it’s funny, but it’s sad we’re not there,» said Ayden Mallory, an N.Y.U. student who returned from Florence.
He really understands what this book is and how, even though it is a funny character, it is a not a funny book.
» I’ve even seen historic phrases like «it’s lol funny,» which only make sense if we interpret them as «it’s laugh-out-loud funny.
Funny Baby Bibs, available on Etsy, from $7.99The only thing that makes spaghetti violently thrown around a kitchen funny is one of these. 
I just remember needing to tell her something, despite having promised the landlord I’d say nothing, and it being important that the thing be funny, because I felt funny in a way that I didn’t know yet was different than ha-ha funny.
And it’s not funny, it’s not funny to see that image of your daughter and to be mocked like she’s crap, and she’s not.
So you know Alan Alda is that douchebag, but he always goes like, «If it bends, it’s funny; if it breaks, it’s not funny«?
That’s especially true if they’re dominated by bland one-sided witticisms, because women like funny men and men like women who find them funny.
This photo, which somehow looks like funny everyman Tom Hanks and funny funnyman Bill Murray, makes it seem like that’s the most logical answer.
It’s funny because it’s true, and it’s funny because it hurts, and sometimes we just need to deal with news by laughing at it.
I hope that if they go that way at least they’ll be funny, and if they’re not funny at least hopefully it’ll be sexy.
Madeline Martha Mackenzie It’s not right to say that Madeline’s public breakdown at the elementary school is funny, but it was a little funny.
We could have KAI respond with flirts and funny jokes, or we could choose to answer with a funny joke, but not a flirt.
It can seem funny, like when you see people tweeting stuff, but it’s actually probably not funny, it’s actually probably something bad’s going on.
If this doesn’t sound very funny, you’ve obviously never heard Tig’s standup which is deadpan, silly, and darkly funny all at the same time.
If a comic says funny things, and a comedian says things funny, as the cliché goes, Mr. Scovel is firmly in the second camp.
Funny or Die’s political aspirations Obama’s appearance on «Between Two Ferns» in 503 wasn’t the first time Funny or Die had ventured into politics.
» (2012, United States; 2010, Canada), «You have to know where the funny is, and if you know where the funny is, you know everything.
«It’s a lot like the old ‘Ghostbusters,’ except that it stars four funny women instead of, you know, four funny men,» our critic writes.
This deals with the implications of that and I think that’s why I ended up being funny because I think it’s a funny thing.
And I was always the funny girl in the group, but still the girl, and never considered as funny or able to keep up.
It’s funny because it’s so far from the Zola we’ve seen thus far, but it’s the kind of funny that sticks in your throat.
Beyond Philip’s charm and wit, beyond the joy of talking to him about anything and everything — sharp and eloquent and funny, funny, funny right up to the end — it was these kinds of offhand reflections about craft from a master craftsperson that always struck me.
It’s sometimes funny, but it’s less funny when the food is hot and burns a kid bad enough to send them to the emergency room.
Fanny Brice, Funny Girl (1968)Played by: Barbra Streisand As vaudeville comedienne Fanny Brice, Barbra Streisand was funny, beautiful, and unabashedly proud of her Jewishness.
In the old divide between comics who say funny things and those who say things funny, Woods has always belonged firmly in the second camp.
However, her departure proves that being funny woman in Paradise will get you nowhere — being funny will get you a lot of things in life.
Lucky for me, no one tries to be funny in the trailers below, unless you think baby pandas rolling around in the grass is funny.
There are a lot of funny moments in the book, from meeting Oprah to intersectional feminism, interracial dating, and funny anecdotes about being a woman.
«It wasn’t funny the first time we heard it, and it isn’t funny after we’ve heard it 62,000 times,» a Costco employee from Minnesota said.
You’ll probably also notice that, more often than not, the laughter is in response to something that wasn’t very funny — or wasn’t funny at all.
«I asked Alex to do it because I knew how funny he was and he never gets roles where he could be funny,» she says.
«The Humans» was warmhearted, sharply observed and often laugh-out-loud funny, funny enough to forgive Haig’s alien his regrettable fondness for fortune-cookie philosophy.
It’s not funny the same way that Succession is funny, but it’s that same cloak and dagger-y behavior with people you love to hate.
We watched it and said it would be funny to share this for friends and family, but now it’s funny for people all over the world.
«When [your] 22 month old drops [an] F-bomb and it is (not funny) except it’s really funny and you can’t laugh,» he captioned the photo.
It’s funny because sometimes when I’m super dark like that is when I tend to write songs that are funny feeling and have a silly vibe.
It’s basically just finding a community of people that you find funny and that find you funny and that have a similar view on the world.
I had boxes of these weird candy wrappers that I thought were funny; they’d have funny faces on them or just the packaging was really cool.
Like the slapstick, expressive brilliance of Mr. Bean, The Little Hours will be funny in 50 years, and it would have been funny 50 years ago.
«Ketones do smell funny, so it doesn’t surprise me that folks have bad breath or a funny odor from their vaginas on the diet,» she says.
«She’s very funny, and people always say this about her privately, that she’s very funny and witty and that she seems more stiff publicly,» she says.
The show is pointedly and self-consciously funny, savoring its own raucous wit, which paradoxically means that it just isn’t as funny as it should be.
The first time my now-husband drove me someplace, I noticed what struck me as a funny habit — or, more accurately, a funny possession of his.
The deadpan extremity of his performance is almost funny, except that in light of what we know now about Neeson’s past, it’s not funny at all.
There’s the «I’m going to retweet someone» or «I’m going to add one line of funny commentary that probably is less funny than I think» of Twitter.
There’s a sense of incredible deliberation that hangs in the air around the pieces, and even as they are funny, they take being funny kind of seriously.
Like no metaphors, just this is what it is and it’s maybe kind of funny but it’s funny because it’s real and a bit mundane as well.
You want someone that’s killing it in their own life, tall and has everything — you want them to be not funny, and then he was really funny.
There’s just absurdity in all of this that I think might be funny years from now, or decades from now, but isn’t always funny as it’s happening.
Though she was funny as a mean sorority girl (and is still funny as a vexed slasher heroine), she deepens that performance with some unexpectedly emotional scenes.
Intelligent without conceit, funny without focusing on funny people, and with an ever-changing aesthetic identity, it really is a magazine at the vanguard of print culture.
When I won my first Emmy and I wanted to do a speech that was funny because I think it’s funny when people thank Jesus for awards.
A fall equals funny, and there’s a lot of falling on this show, so I think we have a lot of funny coming for quite some time.
But I do hope that next year will be a lot more funnyfunny based stuff, more comedy based stuff instead of a lot of political stuff.
Simon Cowell said ‘This is a very curious thing to me’, he said, ‘I don’t like comedy, I don’t find comedians funny but I find you funny.
There was no ’90s-NYC-bestie-sitcom quite as funny as Friends (JK there totally was), and there was no Friend quite as funny as Chandler Bing.
But as the debate was nearing its end, it appeared Jones found little to laugh at:Man I want yo say something funny but this ain’t funny man.
«Well, and then, funny, ha ha, not funny, but now, what they’re doing is wailing, «well, Trump and uh, uh, his Trumpeters,226 they’re not conservative enough.
» The inmates, she said, «are trying to be funny, and it’s not funny, and they think it’s hysterical—and that’s kind of a punch in the head.
She was beautiful (but not in an unusual way), funny (but not too funny), relatable (but just glam enough), and, lest we forget, sexy (but also cute).
Drunk Education shows are about smart, funny people who may or may not actually be drunk giving funny, pointed, powerpoint presentations, and this one was particularly amazing.
It’s funny: When I asked Mike how many people he was bringing, he only put down four people on the guest list, which I thought was funny.
«But what about her emails?» is a funny joke on Twitter, but it’s not going to be so funny as future generations realize it’s literally what happened.
Annie is funny and some of her friends are funny, so there’s plenty of conversational silliness — jokes made for other characters’ benefit and not for the audience’s.
Like many funny things, they don’t sound as funny in summary, though perhaps you can imagine why «Naked Mole Rat Gets Dressed» is a really good idea.
It’s really used to be funny, but yet no one’s really created a product that helps you be really, really funny all the time through the camera.
And so in cases where it&aposs funny — when you screw up and you step on it, she is a talented actor and she did some funny stuff.
Desus Nice: Also, being funny on the internet is different than being funny in the hood, because your boys might not get the same cultural references you get.
And while there are certainly funny moments in this episode — I’m especially proud of my joke comparing cops to mountain lions — the material is not funny at all.
Noisey: You guys have made a lot of funny videos, and the video for «Little Dark Age» is funny, too—but the humor is a little more subtle.
» Our reviewer calls it cheerfully silly — and a lot like the 1984 comedy hit, «except that it stars four funny women instead of, you know, four funny men.
«I think that the magic trick of the show is that it is funny, and then it turns funny inside out,» said Mike Birbiglia, the comedian and filmmaker.
Making characters who are drunk or high funny in a way that’s not just funny to them in the moment while they’re drunk or high is deceptively hard.
FUNNY MAN Mel Brooks By Patrick McGilligan There’s a revealing moment early in «Funny Man,» Patrick McGilligan’s comprehensive biography of Mel Brooks, the relentless, redoubtable comedian and filmmaker.
«The packets submitted by young white dudes are incredibly funny — we try to focus on the funny first — but obviously there are things we can’t explain,» Castro said.
There wasn’t anything all that «what an idiot» funny but a very «huh, that’s funny» vote was Sidney Crosby getting just one fifth-place vote and nothing else.
There are people who are funny on Twitter and then are not funny in other formats, which is also … KS: I also like angry Trump people yelling at me.
Yeah. Talk about that on the opposite end, because that was sort of in that genre too, is putting up funny pictures sharing funny pictures, which didn’t thrive. Correct?
I am really enjoying Bernie Sanders at this town hall tonight, not to sound like some Beltway asshole but he’s really at ease, chill & funny Bernie was funny tonight.
Anyone who’s watched The Office knows that it’s funny as hell — so funny that sometimes the actors couldn’t even make it through a scene without breaking character to laugh.
But more than ever, words matter, and especially among those who are still learning the difference between what’s funny and what’s not funny, which is basically every teenage boy.
We all were making this small funny quirky little movie that we all believed in so much and thought it was really new and weird and just really funny.
I gain about 20 to 30 pounds, and I grow facial hair that is really odd and funny to the American public, but not as funny to my wife.
I have this joke — if it’s funny or not funny, I don’t know — but the joke is that I have died several times already, and that’s how it feels.
«He thinks this kind of stuff is funny, and mocking the disabled and mocking and belittling our vets with his betrayal — in my book —  is not funny,» Palin said.
Somebody sent me that, and I don’t know whether they thought it was strange and funny or something, but I am not finding anything funny about any of it.
As a general rule, Saunders doesn’t conceive of plots in advance, but rather tries to write one funny, interesting moment, and then another funny, interesting moment, and so on.
The funny thing is that you can run stories that are, on the one side of it, gruesome, and on the other side very funny, but also very sad.
Cats in funny pose + internet = inevitable Photoshop battle.
» — Ashley, 227 «Their retweets were trash, not funny.
» Ron Howard «#RIPPennyMarshall She was funny & so smart.
» — echoing her ironic first line in «Funny Girl.
I love doing comedy where something intensely real is happening at the same time, or doing drama where it’s kind of funny, it’s so sad that it’s funny, or whatever.
There’s a moment in Crashing where T.J. Miller essentially says that he can see where your TV character will be funny, even if he’s not a funny comedian just yet.
Normally, Burnie, I say Digital Media is a real company with a funny name, now I have to say Burnie Burns is also a real person with a funny name.
Don’t remember, just things that seemed funny on paper weren’t funny when they read through them, and things that seemed mild … You did not have any experience writing for TV?
Guest stars for the upcoming season include: Dan Gruchy (The Slow Mo Guys), Nick Rutherford (Crunch Time), Kirk Johnson (Crunch Time), Tim Gettys (Kinda Funny) and Greg Miller (Kinda Funny).
David Litt is a former speechwriter for President Obama and the head writer/producer for Funny or Die DC. The Democratic National Convention is a client of Funny or Die.
The study was almost laughably arcane: Air Force cadets’ pupils tended to dilate more when they read cartoons they thought were funny than for ones they didn’t think were funny.
A funny situation doesn’t always lead to funny writing, and Tulathimutte frequently proves his ability to nurse laughs even from dire, awkward, uncomfortable situations, not just from explicitly amusing ones.
Weed is supposed to open your mind to shit but all it usually does for me is make everything taste better and make shit that is already funny more funny.
These days, abusive bosses aren’t as funny as we once took them to be; I don’t think the «Set It Up» bosses would be funny even under different cultural circumstances.
I hate this but it’s too funny #kingjames #lebronjames #lebron #jrsmith #cavs #warriors #stephcurry #nba #nbafinals #meme #memes #lol #funny #haha #dankmemes #comedy #score #henny #jr #hillaryclinton #trump #maga pic.twitter.
Also, just stuff that I don’t necessarily think is funny, because I’m in it, and then you get to see what everyone else thinks is funny, objectively, so I love that.
Pulling a funny face or two is not a huge deal, but if you’re competing with some of the best funny face makers in world, there are some high stakes involved.
Here’s what Brian Toombs, VP of Partner Content at Funny or Die had to say: We have seen tremendous success with introducing Funny or Die content to the Amazon Prime viewers.
Pairings like John Cena and Shaq (it’s funny because they’re both very large people in a small car) and Metallica and Billy Eichner (funny alternative comedy guy and aging metal band).
I failed to research her before pressing ‘send’, and what I thought was a funny comment in our living room must have been far from funny to read, backstage, mid show.
It’s a moderately funny joke piggybacking off a popular internet meme; cracking such moderately funny jokes piggybacking off popular internet memes is partly what social media staffs are paid to do.
It looked funny, in the way that punters doing virtually anything but punting looks funny, but apparently Ryan got dinged up a bit and is now questionable with a nose injury.
Opinion: OK, Apu is funny — but there’s still a big problem Apu on «The Simpsons» is a funny character who has made America laugh for a long time, writes Ali Noorani.
Pisces is soft as hell, so having action planet Mars in this sign is always funny (at least, it’s funny until people start flaking out of agreements and being passive-aggressive).
It is not funny to me, and I’m sure the other images here aren’t funny to women, African-Americans, or any of the other groups that are consistently derided on 4chan.
But Ms. Bernstine and the others are seriously funny, by which I mean funny in a serious way: a good thing in a play that has so much on its mind.
» On Wednesday, Jourdan Rodrigue of The Charlotte Observer asked Newton a question about wide receiver routes to which Newton said, «It’s funny to hear a female talk about routes … it’s funny.
I don’t know if it’s that I find all aspects of everything ever to be a little bit funny, if they actually are funny, or if I’m just an actual monster.
YouTube channels like News Be Funny (554K subscribers) and Funny Local News (371K subscribers) do god’s work by regularly releasing 10- to 30-minute compilations that often garner millions of views.
What was funny about it, or not so funny, was the way people made room for them in the corridors, shrinking into the walls as they passed by in their masks.
» Brooker told reporters Reznor «thought it was very funny.
Last week we saw What Men Want — so funny.
Ralphie was a good guy & a very funny person.
Funny enough … Cardi gave him something similar last year.
To me, that stuff is … He’s a little funny.
I’m trying to get funny people … You’ve got it.
«Don’t @ me,» the star jokingly captioned the funny video.
» (Twitter) — CNBC’s John Harwood: «None of this is funny.
» And charitably, she acknowledged Miss Congeniality as «very funny.
» Why this British town backed Brexit «Isn’t it funny?
You’ve gotta give him credit for … It was funny.
«It’s funny how life works out like that sometimes. «
»   Overall, Dodd says season 12 «was a funny season.
» Another tweeted, «He thinks he’s being cute and funny.
Good thing she did … they’re both pretty funny here.
M.C. Funny how history repeats itself sometimes … in reverse.
For good reason — it’s a funny and relatable joke!
It’s so often — women are either serious, or funny.
Funny thing, though — that 2900 fee never got reduced.
» He smiled and added, «It’s funny ’cause it’s true.
It’s a funny thing to call it — a camp.
File this under … Funny Girl sends in the clones!
» Harrison Ford described her as «funny and emotionally fearless.
I love Heidi and Spencer — I think they’re funny.
Others have been forgotten — «covfefe» being a funny exception.
«It’s funny, I didn’t think of that, » he said.
» The shock jock responds, unshockingly, «You’re not very funny.
JAMESTOWN, N.Y. — This is not really a funny place.
» He continued, «That paradox is funny, it’s really crazy.
«It makes for a funny story — later,» she said.
Hot Comb (Drawn & Quarterly) is funny, infuriating, and gorgeous.
» He went on, «But the issues here aren’t funny.
» He’s like: «This isn’t funny, this isn’t a joke.
» Adding, «it’s funny» and has «a very specific tone.
» He laughed, and said, ruefully, «That does sound funny.
Some of them was funny — I ain’t gonna lie.
» Depp, Rodrick writes brutally, «considers himself a funny man.
DC: It’s going to be funny to seven people, but it’s really funny to those seven people, and if you’ve got a tool set that enables you to do that, that’s fantastic.
It was the first time I can remember realizing that writing can be laugh-out-loud funny, which is a very big deal to someone who wants to be a funny writer.
I thought it was really funny, that it captured Los Angeles in a really clever way, and captured this generational moment in an intelligent way, and shone a funny satirical shining light.
In the second act, Streisand introduces the song «Isn’t This Better» from Funny Lady — the Funny Girl sequel — with an amusing story about Liza Minelli performing the song at a Streisand tribute.
Funny Or Die Presents Donald Trump’s The Art Of The Deal: The Movie Trailer from Funny Or Die The movie is ostensibly based on Trump’s 1987 book, The Art of the Deal.
Audiences think of Carol Burnett being funny, Tina Fey being funny, but they often neglect to include one of entertainment’s greatest stars whenever listing some of the funniest women of all time.
Louie Swisher: No. Well, I downloaded Reddit for a little bit, and I thought it was funny, and I saw some funny stuff, but it wasn’t really my cup of tea. Why?
That came well into the second act during a «Funny Girl»-«Funny Lady» stretch, in which Ms. Streisand walked us through the films’ plots, while movie clips played on screen behind her.
«It’s not the end of the world that I have a funny smile, and yet many women would act like a funny smile is the worst thing in the world,» she says.
Ms. McCarthy isn’t funny as Mr. Spicer because she’s a woman, she’s funny as Mr. Spicer because she’s made a career of playing aggressive characters who are often angry for no reason.
A lot of the tape that isn’t even necessarily funny will begin to feel more funny when it’s written into in a particular kind of way to highlight sometimes my own kookiness.
I’m sure in 20113 I thought this was a funny joke (look carefully, and you will notice the Ironic Capitalization), though it’s not so funny now when there are Literal Nazis running amok.
Baldwin shared, ‘They’re talking at school and my daughter goes, ‘My dad plays Donald Trump on TV. He’s very funny!’ and Winnie goes, ‘My dad is on TV, and he’s really, really funny.
But I will say — this is the only funny story — but the amount of people that legit think I’m in ISIS to this day is sort of funny now, but it’s also shocking.
I think it’s one thing to make something that’s funny, but it’s bit more of a challenge to make something both funny and heartfelt, so I’ve been experimenting with finding the right balance.
Oh, wait, because whatever else you can say about the new «Ghostbusters,» it’s a lot like the old «Ghostbusters,» except that it stars four funny women instead of, you know, four funny men.
«Unlike everybody else on earth, who struggles for years to figure out how to be funny and have some presence onstage, he was riotously funny and entertaining from moment one,» Apatow told me.
The implication is always that a funny premise can lead to a funny joke, but you have to try stuff out, you have to try to find a way to make things work.
You want to be consistent and find the one thing that stands out about them, whether it’s if the dog is really funny or you are really funny but the dog is cute.
Simply being gay isn’t inherently funny; trying to navigate a world where you know you’re supposed to be okay with homosexuality but also aren’t sure how to get to that place is funny.
The fact that something as piddling as a bacon sneak preview is a matter of federal concern is funny for the same reason it’s funny to see a monkey dressed in a suit.
It’s even funny when they screw up with titles — creating a kind of tech-enabled Russian roulette — though it’s less funny when I’m by myself and I just want to watch a thing.
And people were laughing but it made me really uncomfortable, because I get that the guy, especially the gay guy was a funny character, but what they were doing was really not funny.
It was actually funny — Elizabeth apparently has not only a fake-real-fake Russian accent up her sleeve, but some actual comic timing on a show where characters are rarely funny on purpose.
It was a funny, clever show more often than not.
For even more funny videos, check out RIOT on YouTube.
«@SophieT this is so funny,» Williams wrote about the tweet.
It’s close to slapstick, and very funny, but also pitiable.
You were cute, kind and funny, now you’ve lost everything.
Not as funny, but just weird and sweet and bizarre.
It’s funny and kind and also has some celeb commentary.
The Mayor is a fresh, relevant, and funny new show.
It is funny, but not overly so, which seems fitting.
It was so funny, and she really convinced me too.
At least send something funny like a joke or meme.
«The speeches were both touching and funny,» says the source.
It’s funny, sure, but more than that: it is adorable.
But I wish that the title wasn’t «funny» at all.
He’s funny, he’s likeable, he can work across the aisle.
» It was really funny, I’ll never forget that, «pedal pushers.
Her friends have found the incident quite funny as well.
A funny thing happened in the second half of 2018.
America’s Dad went old school with a funny Polaroid selfie.
Even though the premise is manslaughter, Rough Night is funny.
Or at least have the decency to actually be funny.
You know what&aposs funny about what — Hillary doing that?
Comedian Kevin Hart being scared of things is always funny.
From their perspective, they were like ‘Oh you’re so funny.
PAVLICH: All the little jokes for Dana are pretty funny.
Roger was the epitome of Bond, witty, sofisticated, elegant, funny.
It’s varyingly funny, but it was produced after the election.
«Let’s Have Intercourse» comes off as more creepy than funny.
I literally cannot see the funny side of this situation.
«I didn’t think it was all that funny,» he said.
It’s funny, quirky, and not something you see every day.
We thought that disconnect was so funny and so real.
And there was something funny about the data, Lichtenstein notes.
Tim: Cheeky and funny sex is great when it happens.
Funny criticisms are often solace for a weary soul. What’s
It’s funny because, LOL, some white people did not know.
This is a great opportunity to get funny or sappy.
It’s a hoot, as funny as it is depressingly bleak.
It’s visually stunning, wholesome, funny, and a box office juggernaut.
I’m JaVale McGee, the basketball player, funny guy, whatever, whatever.
Unexpected perks From there, the conversation takes a funny turn.
Snapchat filters are popular for their funny and absurdist nature.
People have said I have here and there, funny enough.
«I’m just trying to make a funny show,» he said.
It was so funny when you’re that present, that omnipresent.
Every comic becomes funny out of survival of their childhood.
«She was always so cheerful, intelligent, generous, kind and funny
I mean that was so funny I forgot to laugh.
«She’s happy, she’s healthy, and she’s funny,» Judge tells PEOPLE.
Because Washington’s always been funny, has always had characters here.
KS: I find it extraordinarily funny lately and it’s helpful.
I did, and do you want to hear something funny?
«Funny How Time Slips Away» – Glen Campbell with Willie Nelson
It’s true that the PC game is uproariously, darkly funny.
The captions, I thought, were just really, really genuinely funny.
He was the such a lovely kind and funny guy.
It’s funny because you usually hear about this in reverse.
And funny enough, after that conversation, the baby calmed down.
My contribution today is that I found a funny quote.
Above all, the most generous, funny, loving friend to us.
That was not a funny thing that happened to you.
Anything my parents like they’ll find something funny about it.
But did you know Kim is also really, really funny?
GUTFELD: Did you ever wonder why they started acting funny?
If you thought a wrestler couldn’t be funny, think again.
There are all sorts of surprises, both funny and tragic.
«[She’s] fun, funny, and easy to work with,» he says.
And although coconut water is disgusting this is extremely funny.
Honestly, we don’t need funny backstories to love these pups.
Some of the jokes on the show are genuinely funny.
She was a very funny, gifted and deceptively smart woman.
So she started laughing & said ‘This is so funny mommy!
I didn’t even do it to be funny or anything.
I think recently, Twitter has been really funny, for example.
This is the thing that’s so funny, because it’s true.
The Daily Show aired some great, funny segments this year.
KS: Like Ethel Mertz and Fred, they are still funny.
No, but seriously, Arianna’s the funny one there, and Boz.
» Casto, her mom says, was «very precocious, loud and funny.
At a 2013 event promoting his memoir, What’s So Funny?
I thought it’d be funny to let the hose off.
It’s also VERY funny, in lots of unexpected ways. pic.twitter.
You can call it bizarre, funny, silly or simply sensational.
«It’s so funny how trends come and go,» she wrote.
«It’s funny: We actually met backstage at SNL,» said White.
His show is still adventurous, ambitious, and frequently very funny.
I don’t mean «scroll through every funny cat gallery» love.
But she did think that some of them were funny.
» Trump Jr. captioned the meme «It’s funny cuz it’s true!!!
The hosts are so funny and always make me laugh.
OK this one is kind of funny but still WTF.
It’s funny, it’s like it’s in and then it’s not.
Unfortunately the topic of the deliberations was anything but funny.
These men aren’t just dancing en pointe because it’s funny.
«Pretty funny,» McGlashan told Singer during discussions about the plan.
Brilliant, and funny, and charming, and warm, and empathic, insightful.
He said he found the responses on the tweet funny.
I’ve heard funny rape and domestic abuse and race jokes.
People initially thought Mickey Mouse getting a beating was funny.
Rest in peace, funny, sweet, talented and beautiful Qinni. pic.twitter.
Twin Peaks: The Return is frustrating, boring, funny, and sweet.
But the funny part is my eyes were wide open.
To serious shroomheads, this is, apparently, a ~very funny~ joke.
Also, it was supposed to be a really funny joke.
» On Tanning Women And Men «The boys are so funny.
That said, Genea notes there’s nothing funny about her predicament.
It’s so funny you should ask me that question today.
«Tay said to make a funny face so….» he writes.
«Underwear is a funny thing,» Negative’s Marissa Vosper tells Refinery29.
Fortunately there are some funny bits to leaven the prose.
KEVIN HASSETT: You know, it’s funny you should ask that.
This is no joke, it’s not cute, it’s not funny!
What we found was alternately sweet, funny, and downright terrifying.
And all kinds of stuff, they’re really, I’m really funny.
«It’s not funny,» Rebecca said when the woman walked away.
There are so many funny ones from The Simple Life.
Beards on people are funny if it’s the right beard!
You. Can. Radially. Blur. Any. Image. And. It’ll. Be. Funny.
You can radially blur any image and it’ll be funny.
You can radially blur any image and it’ll be funny?
You can radially blur any image and it’ll be funny!
You CAN radially blur any image and it’ll be funny.
You can (radially) blur any image and it’ll be funny.
You can radially blur any image— and it’ll be funny.
They said it because it was funny, and borderline improbable.
«I communicate with them in funny ways,» the actress explained.
This endearing and funny read remains popular for a reason.
But Twitter, of course, took notice of the funny moment.
In a funny way, we weren’t interested in the answer.
So it is kind of funny how the trends go.
I didn’t get any funny looks, I didn’t get anything.
The result, alas, is pretty clever, but not terribly funny.
But memory, as it turns out, is a funny thing.
What on earth could be funny about the word «Shafernacker»?
«Funny (How Time Slips Away),» Glen Campbell with Willie Nelson
I was the funny best friend — the Molly Ringwald character.
«Heidi, she’s so funny,» Cavallari says of the expectant mama.
She’s funny, a little abrasive, and talks off the cuff.
Funny thing is, both could turn out to be correct.
These sections are lackluster, even though Heimel is always funny.
«Emma Thompson – ‘Clever, funny, mad as a chair,’ » says Norton.
But PMDD isn’t funny, or at least not to me.
It is very funny, though often through a dark lens.
The festivities have produced scores of funny social media videos.
«We did a funny skit that all the guests loved.»
The series is warm and funny and dramatic and wonderful.
But if she wants to, she can be quite funny.
«I just thought it was funny,» Kylie told BuzzFeed News.
Spotted: two very funny ladies hanging out down the shore.
«Y’all were so funny on family feud,» commented another fan.
He was deeply sensitive and caring yet also hilariously funny.
It’s a funny setup, but it’s also more than that.
Like most of IRL West’s rants, it’s not very funny.
The other is the frank, funny narration linking these together.
» Black lung disease in Australia «And it’s a funny thing.
But it’s funny because pop means so many different things.
Check out his funny poolside moment in the video below.
«Think of it as funny, not weird,» one person wrote.
«I love how hilariously funny my daughter is,» Rhea says.
That is the last we see of harmlessly funny Vivek.
Child abuse was also dished up as ‘funny‘ or ‘fascinating.
You gotta hear why she declined Zo’s offer — funny stuff.
The app’s Experience choices are often outsized and bleakly funny.
If so, they have a funny way of showing it.
He was a relentless flirt — handsome, cocky and wickedly funny.
» Stefani quickly responded, saying he was so «funny and #cute.
Did you see the funny one they did with Hannity?
I was like whoa, but that’s not why it’s funny.
It’s not that Wiseau seems to think misogyny is funny.
He was funny, over the top and refrained from cursing.
But a funny thing happened between there and Chapter 11.
It’s funny because it was absolutely the very last song.
I think she’s beautiful and she has a funny voice.
It goes back and forth, and the numbers are funny.
It’s funny because like, if you take Beto for example.
«Nazi memes are not even that funny anymore,» he said.
It’s not just stupid funny — it’s formally inventive as well.
All they know is his funny voices and his characters.
The science of funny Tech and porn are intimately connected.
» … She was like «Funny enough, I just had a cancellation.
Do I really play into that funny girl who’s overweight?
Astro: Unfortunately I don’t have that many really funny records.
The funny thing there is like, what about corporate sponsorship.
I also recall teachers thought this was funny as well.
It’s funny because I just crossed my 100th episode threshold.
It had all these funny lines and scenarios in it.
By then they’re bonded to me, and they’re super funny.
You come to fucking just stand around and look funny?
It would be funny if it wasn’t so crazy expensive.
Do you want to see a fake that’s actually funny?
But the storyline was funny and I love Bill Murray.
Funny thing about boys: He was over within the hour.
It’s unsettling, it’s funny, it’s ridiculous, and somehow, it works.
The question was not important, but it looked pretty funny.
The performances were intended to be funny to white audiences.
We may never know, but it’s pretty funny either way.
But people forget how funny the original trilogy actually is.
As a human drama, it is deeply affecting, and funny.
AND FINALLY … Funny face It’s been a pretty intense week.
But it’s also funny and he can probably take it.
Reynolds’ witty answer isn’t a surprise, and it’s pretty funny.
«She was funny, proactive, and incredibly creatively driven,» Bulette said.
Is it funny when they do things they don’t understand?
The funny thing is even HP seems to know it.
She gives great advice and is so funny and supportive.
You can’t look at him and not think he’s funny.
Eric: That Russian connection is funny… Ed: I guess so.
Because when you think about it, it is funny. 3.
The special has some really funny and really cringeworthy parts.
«I think I’m a funny person, Teresa’s funnier,» Flicker gushes.
It was funny, and then it was just really sad.
And we can’t decide if it’s funny or wildly inappropriate.
And Hillary Clinton says, one hand — which is really funny.
It’s adorable and it’s endearing, it’s funny and it’s sad.
It’s funny watching this show because it’s weird seeing yourself.
His videos are friendly and funny, yet informative and detailed.
Orlando Bloom is so funny he can crack himself up.
Two people were injured in the roof collapse (not funny).
Donald Trump your boorish and disgusting actions are not funny.
«The funny thing is people don’t remember it,» Osler said.
It’s funny how quickly and drastically one’s perception can change.
It all started with a funny and friendly Instagram post.
«It was painful walking the street and getting funny looks.»
Really funny in a country where we are not white.
The funny feline is really living up to the name.
«We just thought she was funny,» Hwang said of Bregoli.
It’s funny how this little baby does that to me.
It’s super vulnerable and funny and it’s just exciting television.
A funny tale of deception, beer and secrecy between mates.
How do you explain rape culture in a funny way?
«She is the same outgoing and funny individual,» she shares.
You can start by licking the steering wheel. Right. Funny.
We need you to tell that comedienne, ‘that ain’t funny.
The work was funny, but also dark, scary, unnerving, enlightened.
A funny first SNL has its first Latina cast member!
VICE: Are you doing this because drunk people are funny?
I don’t know why that’s so funny, but it is.
You had the last laugh bonkers, crazy, funny man. RIP.
It was funny how unintimidated people were by the camera.
Zipes reportedly told investigators he was trying to be funny.
The Range Rover Evoque is a funny sort of car.
As I scrolled through #nomames, I felt a funny irony.
They can be funny and sign some kickass, progressive legislation.
I don’t feel beautiful unless I feel a little funny.
I’ve quickly cooled off and now this is funny again.
A lot of my German dates were funny and sarcastic.
He was very polite and funny, and a true gentleman.
I mean, this is — you know — what&aposs so funny?
The whole concept of the song I thought was funny.
It does not have to be funny off the bat.
So I have this funny relationship with my social media.
Browning isn’t just ferocious in these moments, but ferociously funny.
They’re very, very funny and very touching and very dramatic.
It’s funny: A dress she made, a girl she made.
But he was very laid back, kind, approachable and funny.
Happy Days Jumps the…. You think this shit is funny?
Imagine a comedy podcast but the podcast were … actually funny.
I’m a funny person and I’m really into horror movies.
And it’s funny, because we’ve had to constantly update it.
Some of it’s funny, some serious, some of it frightening.
This is no Funny Face or The Devil Wears Prada.
» Daniel, her youngest, was charismatic and «a funny little boy.
«Funny, you’re the second person to say that,» I chuckled.
So with our app, it’s funny and you win stuff.
The idea of the film was so funny to me.
Gentile: Our mission first and foremost is to be funny.
What’s funny about Madison Avenue is everyone tries to advertise.
It’s bittersweet, funny, silly… that opening I did all myself.
«Life is really, really funny sometimes,» the pop star said.
In the house, she is crazy but also incredibly funny.
It was just funny to talk about men that way.
Funny, then, that she never wanted to be a singer.
Funny women have been keeping this planet alive for centuries.
We get the picture of a very vibrant, funny woman.
It was informative, filled with great pictures, and even funny.
Their opulence is gorgeous, funny and not a little scatological.
That would be funny, like, ‘What music is this sarge?
I’ll admit, I thought the cumin joke was pretty funny.
You seemed to think it was funny at the time.
But just underneath … Funny, it’s the same argument in tech.
It’s funny to make judgment calls for something so arbitrary.
It’s important to me for a comedy to be funny.
And the funny thing is, we’re doing it this year.
«The funny thing was: We had zero chemistry,» Lauren said.
That’s the funny thing, Codemasters were actually early to this.
Seems Chris has a knack for tickling Katherine’s funny bone.
I just want a guy with good morals, who’s funny.
There are a lot of funny GIFs and negative reactions.
It’s all very funny, and perhaps only serves to entertain.
These weird, pointless, funny, boring, intriguing, puerile pieces of content.
» She continued, «They are smart, grounded and normal and funny.
You gave the example of BlueRocket, which is really funny.
And, for the record, Richie is a very funny lady.
My sister makes funny faces when she meets hot ladies.
We were actually on a funny TV show together. Weird.
But were Abbott’s and Buckhorn’s attempt to draw laughs funny?
» Clinton tweeted:»Talking about hitting girls is never funny. Ever.
It’s funny that we all «have a relationship» with alcohol.
It’s really funny how many people want to DM Luci.
The funny thing is, I love pieces of the internet.
You know how Planet Earth can sometimes be really funny?
A funny scene, but in hindsight I’m critical of it.
We know Maya Rudolph and Tiffany Haddish are funny people.
People don’t stick around for Satanism just because it’s funny.
Even if we try, it’s not funny in another language.
I hadn’t found anything funny, so why were they there?
«All these hos laugin’ like there’s something funny,» she said.
Yachty is funny, colorful, and enjoying everything all the time.
He was talented, funny and deeply devoted to his family.
Nevertheless, receipt memes are just as funny as ordering memes.
It’s hard to be funny and specific and also expansive.
Instagram was down this morning, and it wasn’t very funny.
Here are 20 funny and adorable costume ideas for dogs.
You were telling really funny jokes, but you were bombing.
Jim Cramer: Ok. David Cote: Then that was very funny.
All of that may lead to some funny, unexpected tweets.
Then again, maybe our guy’s just not that funny. Mazel!!!
Their introductions ranged from cute to funny to hilariously weird.
Men probably find it arousing, we found it hysterically funny.
Salma thought it was funny though … she posted the pic.
Such a great guy and the most effortlessly funny comic.
We think that the post is funny but not hilarious.
It’s not too good for actually sleeping, but it’s funny.
I don’t think it changed it at all, funny enough.
«They are a funny creature in a sense,» he said.
For years, I told myself it was a funny story.
There is a funny moment, but I can’t really tell.
The funny thing is, my next girlfriend was a dominatrix.
Looking back, Skye says, they find their old lifestyle funny.
But I’ll tell you this: I don’t find it funny.
The trolls were being pretty funny, if I’m being honest.
There’s a redundancy to it that we think is funny.
She inspires me; she’s very funny, she makes me laugh.
Yeah, there are other dance videos, but mine are funny.
They revel in their funny shapes and own their quirks.
Women and girls need to be strong, outspoken, and funny.
This is so wrong and misguided that it’s pretty funny.
The play is funny and moving at the same time.
In person, my father is so friendly, considerate, funny, real.
You’re a funny guy, but you’re on the wrong team.
America’s first stoner comedy was not intended to be funny.
I’m always laughing, I make funny faces, I speak loudly.
Foucault’s Pendulum also showed me how funny erudition could be.
It would be funny, if it weren’t all so tedious.
I think the story is just fucking funny as hell.
The other thing is: Does it have a funny name?
The end product is terrifying, vaguely nauseating, and strangely funny.
She was an excellent host — funny, smart, a good actress.
And they know they’re funny, and they are such characters.
She looked at me funny, like what do I mean?
«There’s a funny thing that happens with actors,» she says.
He was funny, bullheaded, mercurial, generous, deeply talented and driven.
Hedges’ Patrick is sad but not defeated, somber but funny.
It’s also funny how many of them look like magicians.
» He continued: «It’s funny, because that’s what spurred the argument.
And it’s really funny because I’m not a gown girl.
She thought it was funny and the whole audience laughed.
Read in character and use funny voices … laugh and cry.
We thought it would be funny to imagine Burt’s reaction.
Then a funny thing happened: the internet got to work.
Second, it’s salacious, unusual, and sexual (and, to many, funny).
There are a few authentically funny moments in the movie.
For these bangs see Amelie, Funny Face, Léon: The Professional.
Stew’s book is not always cogent, although it’s consistently funny.
Columbus, age 40, was prompt, direct, helpful, funny, and hardworking.
Kramer’s performance is funny but unrealistic: standardized patients are standardized.
The job is not to be first mean, then funny.
Ruth Bader Ginsberg for being strong, funny, outspoken, and irreverent.
«I find anything in all caps really funny,» she admitted.
I’ve met Khloé, I’ve always thought she was so funny.
There are very abrupt and funny cuts throughout the movie.
No one thought it was as funny as I did.
She was endlessly pliable, shockingly volatile, and funny as fuck.
The interaction is pretty funny, but then it gets better.
The dialogue is uneven — funny in parts, but rambling otherwise.
It’s funny, I’ve talked with the guy from that band.
«Scarlett Johansson is a great actress — really funny,» McKinnon says.
Now the question is, did Zuck think it was funny?
Austin, to the uninitiated, is a funny kind of city.
Mundy is a bright and funny spot in the film.
I do think that they’re funny and almost always laugh.
MAC’s apparent faux pas elicited funny responses across the twittersphere.
Frequently bleak, it is also knowing and often extremely funny.
I suppose, in a funny way, I’m a record keeper.
Jealous showed he could be funny, too, especially about himself.
We even thought it was funny when we tried it.
Is he starting a new career as a funny man?
It’s kind of funny, but not in a good way.
This is just about funny to earn a laugh once.
Why do you think people sometimes find others’ suffering funny?
You know how some things inexplicably tickle your funny bone?
Others have seen the funny side of the declaration process.
«You know what was funny?» center fielder Dexter Fowler said.
But the show is richly funny without jokes or setups.
One, they’re funny, and people have various reactions to them.
«She’s inherently funny, but she’s also inherently emotional,» Holofcener said.
As regards eccentricity: funny how certain artists are that way.
Gorey took endless pains over these funny and melancholy books.
» Nicole was still laughing when Jadon added, «I am funny.
Critics called the action thriller «Ready or Not» darkly funny.
Samm Levine played the funny and confident geek, Neal Schweiber.
But funny things happen when French words come to America.
All this would be funny if it wasn’t so serious.
He is smart and funny, and the sex was good.
But a funny thing happened a couple of weeks ago.
I get to go out and sing that funny song.
In their movies, they wanted to be funny only together.
«He was handsome, smart, funny and extremely successful,» she said.
Rodman: [Laughs] That’s kind of funny — he approved of me.
«Is this supposed to be funny or terrifying?» asks Malina.
It’s unclear whether this scene is supposed to be funny.
» Trump Jr. captioned the photo, «It’s funny cuz it’s true!!!
And you can say, oh, well hah hah, that’s funny.
Ms. Ragusa is funny, though not as hilarious as intended.
But she sure has a funny way of showing it.
As funny as the film is, I wept through it.
Sophia Amoruso: It doesn’t sound very … Maybe not very funny.
He’s definitely not as funny as he used to be.
These essays are funny; they are poignant; they are powerful.
«They are so funny and so brash,» Mr. Friedman said.
«Kind of a funny hit at the end,» Rodriguez said.
There’s something comforting about poetic, funny, or interesting last words.
We’re going to move on… TRUMP: You know what’s funny?
It turns out that Ulysses S. Grant was funny, too.
I want it to be fun, funny, stylish and substantive.
I remember trying to be funny to cheer them up.
He has a funny way of not picking a fight.
«That’s funny,» third baseman Chase Headley said with a laugh.
It’s funny and smart and never feels like a lecture.
OWENS: Yes, that is not as funny as other one.
Yet even the funny moments bear the imprint of exile.
«We did some funny math for sure,» Ms. Lane said.
But often it’s unintentionally funny — never good in a drama.
Funny, I don’t think anyone’s ever asked me that before.
Our sax guy wasn’t as sexy, but he was funny.
The funny thing is our name has kept us humble.
He’s just really really funny and has a cool vibe.
It’s funny, but four seasons later it’s predictable at best.
I wanted to make something more on the funny side.
I’m nervous about it, but it’s also kind of funny.
I think I’m really funny, but other people might disagree.
I think the real Stephen Hawking would find it funny.
In a funny way, it puts you in her shoes.
That’s following the belief that if it rhymes, it’s funny.
He had a Sith, funny enough, sleep with his wife.
I think our congress supporters thought that was funny too.
That’s so funny, because I’ve been in that position before.
In a funny way, that’s how Trump happened in America.
They just see them as workers with funny name tags.
Like I said, he’s goofy in a good, funny way.
A funny thing happened on the way to the forum.
So, why not make that point in a funny way?
There will be a nude pool, but no funny business.
Our Kate is very funny, could hang with the guys.
If you’re wondering how a goat is funny, it’s not.
Someone made a supercut of it and it’s so funny.
One particularly funny tweet on that subject even went viral.
At first, Schmuck and his wife thought it was funny.
It is, in short, a beautifully weird and funny sketch.
And to be fair, a lot of it was funny.
It’s funny, because Trump is sort of his own swamp.
It’s funny, every sports writer I met was named Ryan.
Like, admit that the Madison Bumgarner Dirtbike Injury is funny.
Somewhere inside of it is a wickedly funny social realism.
That’s just pure funny and a respite from the craziness.
And sometimes it’s funny, you’re asking them for a story.
What’s better than using funny quotes under your yearbook pic?
I need to write up a really funny blog post.
«It was a funny game a little hit,» Brassard said.
On the internet what’s funny is in its own universe.
Hell, I’ll tell you a funny story no one knows.
In the past, Rachel Brosnahan was told she wasn’t funny.
It’s also a funny video, so we have some notes.
Second: Never, ever, ever, forget that Stewart is damn funny.
Baseball’s a funny game, by which I mean infuriating. 1.
I look at as this thing that’s just funny water.
The joke was funny, but it didn’t hit hard enough.
We were trying to be funny more than musically good.
It’s funny that it actually worked that way as well.
It’s quite funny to parse the CIA’s document about it.
Funny as that was, it was also tough to hear.
A common complaint about my cartoons is they aren’t funny.
When your life becomes unrecognizable, a funny distance seeps in.
Clinton have long contended that she can be quite funny.
It’s sad, funny, angry and transporting, a kaleidoscope on fire.
«Something just felt funny when I got up,» Smith said.
But Johnson can be funny with his economy of words.
We start by discussing whether Donald J. Trump is funny.
People who wanted me to know that ‘Nanette’ wasn’t funny.
It was so funny … the cast are perfect human beings.
He was often hilariously funny, loyal, kindhearted and impulsively generous.
How were comics now supposed to know what was funny?
It was super dangerous and unnecessary … but also … kinda funny.
Others note he is funny, but only for a politician.
SO FAR crossing GO FOR is funny, for some reason.
It’s either obnoxious or it’s funny, depending on your mood.
Tender and funny, the works stopped me in my tracks.
So now I’m a bored housewife on a funny show.
Were there any funny interactions with people on the street?
He is brash, unconventional, emotional, sometimes raging and sometimes funny.
He was funny sometimes, and unpredictable most of the time.
You have said that your early blogs were often funny.
Like the actual job of leading Chicago, it wasn’t funny.
«It was such a funny, strange coincidence,» Ms. Nonko said.
Her lack of filter stopped being funny and became offensive.
House of Ladosha’s text is ripe, pointed, rigorous, and funny.
Doesn’t sound funny, perhaps, but trust us: Ms. Gadsby is.
She said that her sister found the selfie funny, too.
» I think it’s funny to call myself a «big actor.
«It’s sad and funny to think about,» Ms. Bans said.
It’s getting funny, which is what you guys are using.
Crow, is a memorable character: foul, filthy, and darkly funny.
If it’s so funny, let me check it out, too!
It’s kind of cool and funny at the same time.
It’s a funny monologue, ingeniously layered and shadowed with pain.
It’s hard not to laugh at Marc Benioff, he’s funny.
She’s pretty funny about what happened next, on The Cut.
It’s what life feels like — dark and twisty and funny.
When Spicer finds the prez, things get weird … and funny.
Whether the Kremlin will see the funny side is debatable.
It’s funny, there was so much outrage expressed at them.
I was an H.I.V. doctor and activist: forceful, funny, unconventional.
In conversation, he is expansive, sometimes peevish and occasionally funny.
Just don’t give up on this hallowed, funny art form.
As staged by Ms. Brown, it’s funny until it’s awful.
Plus, social media gave us an outlet to be funny.
The juxtapositions are funny, odd, and — dare I say it?
Check out Etta James’s version of «My Funny Valentine» sometime.
Computers have a funny, uneasy relationship to decimal numbers, however.
» That, Mr. Navalny said, is a «funny and cool fact.
Williams paints subjects that are simultaneously funny and extremely upsetting.
She realized she was funny in college and drama school.
Hayes asks was his grandfather funny, or shy, or serious?
» His aunt, Yamilla Miranda, described him as a «funny kid.
But a funny thing happened on the way to irrelevance.
He’s funny and perceptive about running magazines, by the way.
«Sorry about that, you just caught me funny,» he said.
But if it’s not funny, at least it feels good.
I don’t think the pictures are meant to be funny.
It’s so funny that that’s your takeaway from the film.
REILLY That sounds really funny, but I don’t know, man.
The dismay amounted to: What’s so funny about black pain?
Lotti: That track, particularly, on the album was quite funny.
The funny thing is that it depends on the neighborhood.
That’s funny, considering that Metronomy’s released that record Summer ’08!
I was always the funny one or the weird one.
Their conversation is loose, unpredictable, occasionally profane and surprisingly funny.
Life is a horrifying disgusting place, it’s also weirdly funny.
Yes, the visible pain on his face sure is funny.

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