смешной, забавный, странный, потешный, анекдот, страничка юмора в газете
прилагательное ↓
- смешной, забавный; потешный
funny story — анекдот, смешная история
it’s not funny at all — это совсем /вовсе/ не смешно; ничего смешного в этом нет
- странный, непонятный
funny temper [way to behave] — странный характер [-ое поведение]
funny thing — нечто непонятное /странное/
to feel /to go all/ funny — а) чувствовать непривычное возбуждение; б) чувствовать недомогание
she felt a bit funny — ей немного нездоровилось
- эвф. тронувшийся, чудной
she went slightly funny after his loss — после его гибели она немного тронулась /стала несколько чудной/
- разг. подозрительный, нечистый
- двухвесельная лодка; ялик
Мои примеры
funny stories that made everybody laugh — забавные истории, которые всех рассмешили
a funny story that never fails to amuse — смешная история, которая никогда не перестает забавлять
extremely funny — чрезвычайно смешной, уморительный
funny face — забавный вид
to feel funny — неважно себя чувствовать
amusing / funny / humorous incident — забавный случай
pointless attempts to be funny — тщетные попытки быть остроумным
funny scene — забавная сцена
the funny side of the incident — смешная сторона инцидента
comical / funny sight — забавное, комичное зрелище
awfully funny — уморительный
funny house — больница для наркоманов или алкоголиков; психиатрическая больница
Примеры с переводом
How funny!
Как забавно!
That was well funny!
Это было так смешно!
What’s that funny smell?
Что за странный запах?
He told a funny story.
Он рассказал смешную историю.
That’s one funny boy.
Какой забавный паренёк.
He’s a very funny guy.
Он очень весёлый /смешной, забавный, чудной/.
He told a very funny joke.
Он рассказал очень смешной анекдот.
ещё 23 примера свернуть
Примеры, ожидающие перевода
Oh, very funny, John, ha ha.
She’s so funny. She cracks me up.
The movie is only borderline funny.
Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке ☰, напротив примера.
Возможные однокоренные слова
fun — веселье, забава, потеха, шутка, шутить
funnies — комиксы
unfunny — несмешной, неостроумный
funnily — забавно, смешно, странно
Формы слова
срав. степ. (comparative): funnier
прев. степ. (superlative): funniest
- funny
funny [ˊfʌnɪ]
1) заба́вный, смешно́й; смехотво́рный; поте́шный
funny business подозри́тельное, не совсе́м чи́стое де́ло
to feel funny нева́жно себя́ чу́вствовать
n pl разг.
страни́чка ю́мора в газе́те
двухвёсельная ло́дка, я́лик
Англо-русский словарь. — М.: Советская энциклопедия.
Смотреть что такое «funny» в других словарях:
funny ha-ha — (informal) Funny meaning ‘amusing’, as opposed to funny peculiar meaning ‘queer or odd’ • • • Main Entry: ↑funny * * * ˌfunny ha ˈha idiom (informal) used to show that ‘funny’ is being used with the meaning of ‘amusing’ Main en … Useful english dictionary
funny — humorous, 1756, from FUN (Cf. fun) + Y (Cf. y) (2). Meaning strange, odd is 1806, said to be originally U.S. Southern. The two senses of the word led to the retort question funny ha ha or funny peculiar, which is attested from 1916. Related:… … Etymology dictionary
funny — is used in two primary meanings: (1) amusing, comical (as in a funny joke), (2) strange, hard to explain (as in a funny look). Since the 1930s, as first recorded in a novel by Ian Hay, the first meaning has come to be called funny ha ha and the… … Modern English usage
funny — [fun′ē] adj. funnier, funniest [see FUN & Y2] 1. causing laughter; laughable; amusing; humorous 2. Informal a) out of the ordinary; strange; queer ☆ b) deceptive or tricky … English World dictionary
Funny — Fun ny, a. [Compar. {Funnier}; superl. {Funniest}.] [From {Fun}.] Droll; comical; amusing; laughable; inciting laughter. [1913 Webster] {Funny bone}. See {crazy bone}, under {Crazy}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
funny — [adj1] comical, humorous absurd, amusing, antic, blithe, capricious, clever, diverting, droll, entertaining, facetious, farcical, for grins*, gas*, gay, gelastic, good humored, hilarious, humdinger, hysterical, jocose, jocular, joking, jolly,… … New thesaurus
Funny — Fun ny, n.; pl. {Funnies}. A clinkerbuit, narrow boat for sculling. [Eng.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Funny — (von englisch = lustig, gewöhnlich verwendet in der Mehrzahl Funnys) ist eine im deutschen Sprachraum verwendete Gattungsbezeichnung für humorvolle Comics, die Slapstick Elemente und Gags aufweisen können. Viele Werke von Zeichnern der École… … Deutsch Wikipedia
funny — index jocular, ludicrous Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
funny ha-ha — adjective humorous … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
funny — *laughable, risible, ludicrous, ridiculous, comic, comical, farcical, droll Analogous words: humorous, *witty, jocose, jocular, facetious: amusing, diverting, entertaining (see AMUSE): grotesque, bizarre, *fantastic, antic Contrasted words:… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
In the etymology you’ve posted, ‘fun’ is described as «to cheat, hoax» as early as the 1680s. ‘Funny’ is then attested at a later time as a modifier with a slightly modified sense emphasizing the humorous aspect of something like a hoax or joke. A particular ‘cheat’, ‘trick’, or ‘hoax’ could seem more like a good-natured laugh or more like a mean-spirited attack. You see this spectrum of meanings in the various definitions.
At it’s core, ‘funny’ means ‘unusual’, ‘unexpected’, or ‘odd’. All the definitions you’ve included in your questions are just different, more specific ways in which it is used to mean this.
Things which are completely expected, known, and ordinary are generally not funny. Most humor involves misdirection and surprise, so it fits in with the ideas of unusual and unexpected, i.e. ‘odd’.
I hope this is clear.
Things or people which are dishonest are not what they’re expected or believed to be. Some uses of ‘funny’ in this sense include «funny money» and «funny business».
I’m not familiar with this usage, but I’m not from the UK. The closest thing I can think of is «you’re acting funny» when someone seems to be offended. This is said because the person is not acting in their usual manner, but instead in an offended manner. I suppose this could be extended to general unfriendliness fairly easily.
The important thing to note here is that ‘funny’ can mean «slightly ill». Feeling funny is between feeling healthy and feeling sick. You don’t feel like you normally do, but you don’t feel awful either. A simple stomach ache probably doesn’t go beyond feeling funny, but the flu takes you all the way to sick.
A synonym for this sense of ‘funny’ would be ‘quesy’.
Crazy things are so unexpected and unusual that we often can’t figure out why they would be that way.
Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Financial, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.
adj. fun·ni·er, fun·ni·est
a. Causing laughter or amusement: a funny cartoon.
b. Making or given to making amusing jokes or witticisms: a colleague who is very funny.
c. Appropriate as the subject of a joke; deserving of a joke. Used in negative sentences to express disapproval or to emphasize the seriousness of something: There is nothing funny about getting the flu.
a. Difficult to account for; unusual or odd: I had a funny feeling that she would call.
b. Suspiciously odd: It’s funny how I seem to lose something every time he comes around.
3. Counterfeit or fraudulent: tried to pass off funny money as legitimate.
4. Informal Somewhat ill, painful, or abnormal: I felt funny after eating those clams.«a mole on his arm that has started to go funny» (Ann Cummins).
5. Informal
a. Offensively forward or disrespectful: She told him off after he started to get funny.
b. Contrary to one’s demands or expectations: Don’t let the prisoners do anything funny.
n. pl. fun·nies Informal
1. A joke; a witticism: «He laughed because he did not know I was not making a funny» (Jonathan Safran Foer).
2. funnies
a. Comic strips.
b. The section of a newspaper containing comic strips.
fun′ni·ly adv.
fun′ni·ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
adj, -nier or -niest
1. causing amusement or laughter; humorous; comical
2. peculiar; odd
3. suspicious or dubious (esp in the phrase funny business)
4. informal faint or ill: to feel funny.
n, pl -nies
informal a joke or witticism
ˈfunnily adv
ˈfunniness n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
(ˈfʌn i)
adj. -ni•er, -ni•est, adj.
1. providing fun; amusing; comical: a funny joke.
2. attempting to amuse; facetious.
3. warranting suspicion; underhanded; deceitful: There was something funny about those extra charges.
4. Informal. insolent; impertinent: Don’t get funny with me, mister.
5. curious; strange; peculiar; odd: Her speech has a funny twang.
6. Informal. a funny remark or story; joke: to make a funny.
7. funnies,
a. comic strips.
b. Also called funny paper. the section of a newspaper reserved for comic strips, word games, etc.
8. Informal. peculiarly.
fun′ni•ly, adv.
fun′ni•ness, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
– comical – funny
1. ‘comical’
When people or things seem amusing or absurd, you can describe them as comical.
There is something slightly comical about him.
2. ‘comic’
Comic is used to describe things that are intended to make you laugh.
He is a great comic actor.
The novel is both comic and tragic.
Be Careful!
Don’t use ‘comical’ to describe things that are intended to make you laugh. Don’t say, for example, ‘He is a great comical actor‘.
3. ‘funny’
The word that you usually use to describe someone or something that makes you laugh is funny.
Let me tell you a funny story.
Farid was smart and good-looking, and he could be funny when he wanted to.
– funny
1. ‘fun’
If something is fun, it is pleasant, enjoyable, and not serious.
It’s fun working for him.
If you have fun, you enjoy yourself.
We had great fun at the party.
She wanted a bit more fun out of life.
Be Careful!
Fun is an uncountable noun. Don’t say that someone ‘has funs‘ or ‘has a great fun‘.
If you want to say that something is very enjoyable, you can say that it is great fun or a lot of fun.
The game was great fun.
In conversation and informal writing, you can use fun as an adjective. Don’t use fun in this way in formal writing.
It was a fun evening.
She’s a really fun person to be around.
2. ‘funny’
If something is funny, it is amusing and makes you smile or laugh.
She told funny stories.
Wayne could be very funny when he wanted to.
You can also say that something is funny when it is strange, surprising, or puzzling.
The funny thing is, we went to Arthur’s house just yesterday.
Have you noticed anything funny about this plane?
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun | 1. | funny remark, funny story, good story gag, jape, jest, joke, laugh — a humorous anecdote or remark intended to provoke laughter; «he told a very funny joke»; «he knows a million gags»; «thanks for the laugh»; «he laughed unpleasantly at his own jest»; «even a schoolboy’s jape is supposed to have some ascertainable point» |
Adj. | 1. | comic, comical, risible, amusing, laughable, mirthful humorous, humourous — full of or characterized by humor; «humorous stories»; «humorous cartoons»; «in a humorous vein» |
2. | funny — beyond or deviating from the usual or expected; «a curious hybrid accent»; «her speech has a funny twang»; «they have some funny ideas about war»; «had an odd name»; «the peculiar aromatic odor of cloves»; «something definitely queer about this town»; «what a rum fellow»; «singular behavior»
peculiar, queer, rum, rummy, curious, singular, odd strange, unusual — being definitely out of the ordinary and unexpected; slightly odd or even a bit weird; «a strange exaltation that was indefinable»; «a strange fantastical mind»; «what a strange sense of humor she has» |
3. | funny — not as expected; «there was something fishy about the accident»; «up to some funny business»; «some definitely queer goings-on»; «a shady deal»; «her motives were suspect»; «suspicious behavior»
suspect, suspicious, fishy, shady colloquialism — a colloquial expression; characteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speech questionable — subject to question; «questionable motives»; «a questionable reputation»; «a fire of questionable origin» |
4. | funny — experiencing odd bodily sensations; «told the doctor about the funny sensations in her chest»
ill, sick — affected by an impairment of normal physical or mental function; «ill from the monotony of his suffering» |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
1. humorous, amusing, comical, entertaining, killing (informal), rich, comic, silly, ridiculous, diverting, absurd, jolly, witty, hilarious, ludicrous, laughable, farcical, slapstick, riotous, droll, risible, facetious, jocular, side-splitting, waggish, jocose I’ll tell you a funny story.
humorous serious, grave, stern, sober, melancholy, solemn, humourless, unfunny
2. comic, comical, a scream, a card (informal), a caution (informal) He could be funny when he wanted to be.
3. peculiar, odd, strange, unusual, remarkable, bizarre, puzzling, curious, weird, mysterious, suspicious, dubious, queer, rum (Brit. slang), quirky, perplexing There’s something funny about him.
4. ill, poorly (informal), queasy, sick, odd, crook (Austral. & N.Z. informal), ailing, queer, unhealthy, seedy (informal), unwell, out of sorts (informal), off-colour (informal), under the weather (informal) My head ached and my stomach felt funny.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
3. Intended to excite laughter or amusement:
4. Agreeably curious, especially in an old-fashioned or unusual way:
5. Causing puzzlement; perplexing:
Informal. Words or actions intended to excite laughter or amusement:
Informal: gag.
The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
fyndinn, skemmtilegurskrÿtinn
buồn cườikỳ lạ
A. ADJ (funnier (compar) (funniest (superl)))
1. (= amusing) [person, joke, film, story] → gracioso
you look so funny in that costume → tienes una pinta graciosísima con ese disfraz
it was so funny, I just couldn’t stop laughing → era tan gracioso que no podía dejar de reírme
he’s trying to be funny → quiere hacerse el gracioso
that’s not funny → eso no tiene gracia
Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
adj (+er)
(inf: = suspicious) funny business or tricks → faule Sachen pl → or Tricks pl (inf); there’s something funny going on here → hier ist doch was faul (inf); don’t try anything funny → keine faulen Tricks! (inf)
funny cigarette
n (inf) → Joint m (inf)
funny handshake
n (inf) besonderer, von Freimaurern verwendeter Händedruck
funny man
n (inf: = comedian) → Komiker m
funny money
n → ein Wahnsinnsgeld nt (inf)
funny paper
n (US) → Witzseiten pl
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
1. adj (-ier (comp) (-iest (superl)))
b. (strange) → strano/a, bizzarro/a
this tastes funny → ha uno strano sapore
a funny feeling came over me → mi sono sentito strano
the funny thing about it is that … → la cosa strana è che…
there’s some funny business going on here (fam) → qui c’è qualcosa di losco
2. n the funnies (Am) (fam) → i fumetti
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(fan) noun
enjoyment; a good time. They had a lot of fun at the party; Isn’t this fun!
ˈfunny adjective
1. amusing; making one laugh. a funny story.
2. strange; peculiar. I heard a funny noise.
ˈfunnily adverbfun and games
activities that are good fun. But I have to warn you, this job is not all fun and games!
for fun
as a joke; for amusement. The children threw stones for fun.
in fun
as a joke; not seriously. I said it in fun.
make fun of
to laugh at (someone, usually unkindly). They made fun of her.
etc see fun
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
→ غَرِيب, مُضْحِك divný, legrační sjov, underlig komisch, witzig αστείος, παράξενος extraño, gracioso, raro huvittava, kummallinen drôle, étrange neobičan, smiješan divertente, strano 変な, 面白い 괴상한, 우스운 grappig, vreemd morsom, rar dziwny, zabawny engraçado, estranho забавный, смешной konstig, rolig แปลกประหลาด, ตลก garip, komik buồn cười, kỳ lạ 奇怪的, 好笑的
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
- There’s a funny smell
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
adj (fam o vulg, unusual) extraño, raro; adv de una manera extraña or rara; She walks funny..Camina de una manera extraña (rara).
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Other forms: funniest; funnier; funnies
Something that is funny is amusing or comical. Comedians make their living being funny.
It seems like the adjective funny should describe something fun — but it doesn’t always. A fun rollercoaster ride might make you scream instead of laugh. In fact, funny is also used in the sense of something that is fishy or shady, or just a little odd, like a funny feeling, or a person who seems a little funny, meaning weird. So if someone calls you funny, make sure they are smiling before you thank them for the compliment.
Definitions of funny
an account of an amusing incident (usually with a punch line)
“she told a
funny story”“she made a
funny remark, funny story, good story
arousing or provoking laughter
“funny stories that made everybody laugh”
“a very
funny writer”-
amusing, comic, comical, laughable, mirthful, risible
humorous, humourous
full of or characterized by humor
humorous, humourous
beyond or deviating from the usual or expected
“her speech has a
funny twang”“they have some
funny ideas about war”-
curious, odd, peculiar, queer, rum, rummy, singular
strange, unusual
being definitely out of the ordinary and unexpected; slightly odd or even a bit weird
strange, unusual
not as expected
“up to some
funny business”-
fishy, shady, suspect, suspicious
subject to question
experiencing odd bodily sensations
“told the doctor about the
funny sensations in her chest”-
ill, sick
affected by an impairment of normal physical or mental function
ill, sick
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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.
This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.
adjective, fun·ni·er, fun·ni·est.
providing fun; causing amusement or laughter; amusing; comical: a funny remark;a funny person.
attempting to amuse; facetious: Did you really mean that or were you just being funny?
warranting suspicion; deceitful; underhanded: We thought there was something funny about those extra charges.
noun, plural fun·nies.
Informal. a funny remark or story; a joke: to make a funny.
- comic strips.
- Also called funny paper . the section of a newspaper reserved for comic strips, word games, etc.
There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?
Which sentence is correct?
Origin of funny
First recorded in 1730–40; fun + -y1
synonym study for funny
1. Funny, laughable, ludicrous refer to that which excites laughter. Funny and laughable are both applied to that which provokes laughter or deserves to be laughed at; funny is a colloquial term loosely applied and in popular use is commonly interchangeable with the other terms: a funny story, scene, joke; a laughable incident, mistake. That which is ludicrous excites laughter by its incongruity and foolish absurdity: The monkey’s attempts to imitate the woman were ludicrous.
fun·ni·ly, adverbfun·ni·ness, nounun·fun·ni·ly, adverbun·fun·ni·ness, noun
Words nearby funny
funnel cap, funnel cloud, funnelform, funnel-web, funnies, funny, funny bone, funny book, funny business, funny farm, funnyman
Other definitions for funny (2 of 2)
noun, plural fun·nies.
a shell or light skiff rowed by one person with sculls.
Origin of funny
First recorded in 1780–90; perhaps jocular use of funny1
Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023
What is a basic definition of funny?
Funny describes something that causes fun, especially laughter. Funny can describe someone who is trying to amuse others. It can also describe someone or something that is suspicious or odd. Funny has a few other senses as an adjective and a noun.
Funny describes something that is amusing and causes people to laugh. Something that amuses people without causing laughter is usually said to be fun rather than funny. For example, a roller coaster would be called fun, while a knock-knock joke would be called funny. If something is not funny, it is unfunny.
Real-life examples: Many people consider clowns, jokes, comedies, pranks, and Internet memes to be funny. These things cause most people to laugh.
Used in a sentence: The comedian knew a lot of funny jokes.
Funny also describes someone who is trying to get others to laugh or is trying to amuse them. This sense of funny is a synonym of facetious.
Used in a sentence: Joan took the comment as an insult even though Luke was just trying to be funny.
Funny also describes someone or something that is suspicious or underhanded. You might use this sense when you think something dishonest is going on. The phrase funny business is used in this sense to refer to criminal or unethical activity.
Real-life examples: Rigged carnival games, overly friendly salespeople, and deals that seem too good to be true often cause people to think something funny is going on.
Used in a sentence: We think something funny is going on at that store on the corner that is never open.
Funny can also describe something that is strange, odd, or curious.
Real-life examples: If your leg falls asleep, you will probably walk funny. Two tomatoes that grow together to make one tomato might have a funny shape.
Used in a sentence: I think the speakers might be broken because the music sounds funny.
Where does funny come from?
The first records of funny come from the 1750s. It comes from a combination of the word fun, meaning “enjoyment or amusement,” and the suffix -y, which means “characterized by” or “bringing about.”
Did you know … ?
How is funny used in real life?
Funny is a very common word with several different meanings. It is most often used to mean something or someone that makes people laugh.
Meet the Parents is such a funny movie
— Deligracy (@Deligracy) November 12, 2019
Ooooh something funny is happening to my mentions. And I mean funny weird and not funny ha ha!
— Maria Duffy (@mduffywriter) April 19, 2011
Been wondering why my apple juice tastes funny. I just noticed the bottle says, «with grape»…..oh.
— cat (@catrific) December 6, 2014
Try using funny!
If something is funny, it will most likely cause you to:
A. cry
B. laugh
C. scream
D. think
Words related to funny
absurd, amusing, droll, entertaining, hilarious, ludicrous, playful, ridiculous, silly, whimsical, bizarre, curious, mysterious, strange, unusual, weird, antic, jolly, killing, rich
How to use funny in a sentence
The hashtag itself also has to be memorable, funny or otherwise worth sharing.
Maybe there are a few poems or funny stories written by the contributors.
Given how ubiquitous Uber and other ride-sharing services have become, it’s funny to think they weren’t even around ten years ago.
In quarantine, though, his show has become something to see most nights, even when it’s not particularly funny.
As you might expect, the Sense also comes equipped with an ECG sensor that can help monitor your heart rhythm if you feel like something funny is going on.
Not only had the iconic comedian sexually assaulted many, many women, Maher argued, “I never thought he was funny.”
The taste of metal cutlery after years of plastic can also taste funny.
But as is her way, Kaling defended why the episode was not only funny, but necessary.
He was funny and self-effacing, though prone to fits of anger.
Pryor was famous for being funny, even as his life was far from funny.
May looked along at the dimpled grace, And then at the saint-like, fair old face, “How funny!”
We were speaking of the faculty of mimicry, and he told me such a funny little anecdote about Chopin.
He looked up, half shutting his one funny eye, and cocking one ear up, and letting the other droop down.
I am an easiful old pagan, and I am not angry with you at all—you funny, little champion of the Most High.
He walked first to one side, and then the other, rooting in the dirt with his funny, rubbery nose.
British Dictionary definitions for funny
adjective -nier or -niest
causing amusement or laughter; humorous; comical
peculiar; odd
suspicious or dubious (esp in the phrase funny business)
informal faint or illto feel funny
noun plural -nies
informal a joke or witticism
Derived forms of funny
funnily, adverbfunniness, noun
Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Other Idioms and Phrases with funny
In addition to the idioms beginning with funny
- funny bone
- funny business
- funny money
The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
Предложения со словом «funny»
But when Kinda Funny launched on Patreon, within a few weeks, they were making 31,000 dollars per month for this show. |
Но когда «Kinda Funny » пришли на Patreon, то уже через несколько недель зарабатывали по 31 000 долларов в месяц на своём шоу. |
I was very confused, because there was nothing funny about this. |
Я была обескуражена, здесь не было ничего смешного . |
He was smart and kind and super funny . |
Он был умным, добрым и очень весёлым. |
Well, it’s funny . |
Это смешно . |
It was almost funny , actually, because I always thought that winning an award like that would have this huge impact on my life, but I found that the opposite is true. |
Это было забавно, на самом деле, потому что я всегда думала, что получение награды будет иметь большое влияние на мою жизнь, но поняла, что получилось ровно наоборот. |
Yeah, it’s pretty funny , because it’s only free if we don’t value women’s time and energy. |
Довольно забавно, потому что оно бесплатно только в том случае, если мы не ценим время и силы женщины. |
Funny enough, I found that this was a 19th century Austrian tradition, where couples in courtship would keep a slice of apple crammed under their armpit during dances, and at the end of the evening, the girl would give the guy she most fancied her used fruit, and if the feeling was mutual, he would wolf down that stinky apple. |
Забавно, что в XIX веке в Австрии была традиция, когда пары в период ухаживания держали ломтик яблока под мышкой во время танцев, а в конце вечера девушка давала парню свой использованный фрукт, и если чувства были взаимными, он с жадностью съедал вонючее яблоко. |
And these enhancements were introduced using a new genetic modification technology that goes by the funny name CRISPR, you know, like something’s crisp, this is CRISPR. |
Все они стали возможны благодаря технологии генетических модификаций, у неё, знаете ли, такое смешное название — CRISPR, чем — то похоже на чипсы, криспры. |
When we think about climate change, we probably don’t think about giant insects and erupting volcanoes or funny voices. |
Когда мы думаем об изменении климата, мы, вероятно, не задумываемся о гигантских жуках и извержениях вулканов или о смешных голосах. |
You know, when you see people get roasted on TV, it was funny . |
Когда вы видите, как кого — то распекают по ТВ, это смешно . |
There was nothing funny about that day. |
А в тот день ничего смешного не было. |
When I walked out on stage, some of you may have been thinking, Aww, this is going to be hilarious, because everybody knows that fat people are funny . |
Когда я вышла на сцену, некоторые из вас могли подумать: О, это будет уморительно, все ведь знают, какие толстые люди забавные. |
I’ve even been called the ISIS of the obesity epidemic a comment so absurd that it is funny . |
Меня даже назвали ИГИЛ эпидемии ожирения, комментарий, нелепый до смеха. |
Let’s start in France with a platform — with a company, I should say — with a rather funny-sounding name, BlaBlaCar. |
Давайте начнём с французской компании с довольно забавным названием BlaBlaCar. |
You’re so clever and funny and modest and sweet. |
Вы так умны, забавны, скромны и приятны. |
It has big blue eyes, a funny nose, a small mouth and sharp teeth. |
Она имеет большие голубые глаза, забавный нос, маленький рот и острые зубы. |
She is a nice funny little girl. |
Она милая смешная маленькая девочка. |
They admire funny clowns, tamed animals, miracles and magic. |
Они восхищаются веселые клоуны, дрессированные животные, чудес и волшебства. |
It is a special night, an exciting and funny holiday. |
Это особая ночь, захватывающий и смешной праздник. |
There are a lot of funny animals in it. |
Там есть много забавных животных. |
It’s funny to watch them play and then sleep peacefully side by side. |
Забавно наблюдать, как они играют, а потом мирно спят бок о бок. |
So it was scary and it was funny , and it was just making a fool of myself. |
Так что было страшно и смешно , и это было просто дурацкое состояние. |
A valentine is a little picture, very often a funny one with a little poem or some kind words on it: I’ll be your sweetheart, if you are mine, All of my life I’ll be your Valentine. |
Открытка — это маленькая картинка , очень часто веселая с небольшим стихотворением или с несколькими добрыми словами на ней : Я буду твоим возлюбленным , если ты будешь моею , Я буду твоим Валентином всю жизнь . |
The film was very funny and we all were laughing. |
Фильм был веселый и мы все смеялись. |
It was one of the most funny moments of my life. |
Это был один из самых смешных моментов в моей жизни. |
But she can be very funny too. |
Но она бывает и очень забавной. |
But in his films he can be funny and shy like a little boy. |
Но в фильмах он может быть смешным и застенчивым, как маленький мальчик. |
My friend Stan was telling me a funny story |
Мой друг Стен рассказывал мне забавную историю |
Then I realized I wasn’t saying anything funny . |
И тут я понял, что не говорю ничего смешного . |
And you don’t even have to be funny because |
И тебе не надо быть смешным , потому что |
I waited so long in your funny little office. |
Я очень долго ждала в твоей маленькой смешной конторе. |
A lot of funny stuff was happening during his time. |
Много забавных вещей происходило с ним в его время. |
The fact that you admire that is pretty funny . |
Тот факт, что ты восхищаешься этим, довольно забавен. |
They’d just be funny-looking animals in zoos. |
Они бы тогда превратились в забавных зверушек из зоопарка. |
She likes to write funny verses and compose songs. |
Она любит сочинять смешные стишки и песенки. |
It`s always interesting and funny with her. |
С ней всегда интересно и смешно . |
He is funny and curious. |
Он забаный и любопытный. |
He is very funny , I like to spend my free time teaching him something. |
Он очень смешной , мне нравится проводить свободное время, обучая его чему — нибудь. |
My birthday party was cheerful and funny . |
Мой день рожденья был очень веселый. |
Anton is nice and funny . |
Антон приятный и смешной . |
Their tricks were so funny . |
Их номера были очень смешными . |
We dance and sing songs, play games and laugh, joke, tell funny stories. |
Мы танцуем, поем песни, играем в игры, смеемся, шутим, рассказываем веселые истории. |
She is very nice and funny cat, I did very much. |
Она очень хорошая и смешная кошка, я её очень сильно люблю. |
When he tried to run for me, he waddled in a funny way. |
Когда он пытался бежать за мной следом, то смешно переваливался с одного бока на другой. |
He has smooth brown wool, short tail and funny ears. |
У него гладкая коричневая шерсть, короткий хвост и очень смешные уши. |
That is because when he was a little pup, he was very fat, hairy and funny . |
Все потому, что когда он был маленьким щенком, он был толстым, волосатым и смешным . |
It seems as if he is wearing a funny cap. |
Такое впечатление, что он носит смешную шапочку. |
She is funny and I like to play with her. |
Она смешная и я люблю играть с ней. |
But sometimes we do need something amusing, pleasant and funny . |
Но иногда нам нужно что — нибудь забавное, приятное и смешное . |
Some are funny , some are strange. |
Некоторые забавны, некоторые странноваты. |
They can be funny and friendly. |
Они могут быть смешными и дружескими. |
It was very funny ! |
Это было очень весело! |
I have liked English from the first lesson because I have found it interesting and funny to speak with my friends in a foreign language. |
Мне понравился английский с первого урока потому, что разговаривать с друзьями на иностранном языке весело и интересно. |
This desire grew into crying need, and somehow I started doing my best to be natural and cheerful and funny . |
Это желание превратилось в отчаянную потребность, и я изо всех сил старалась быть естественной, веселой и забавной. |
It would seem to be funny , if I say that the main difficulty of parents is the trasition period. |
Может быть, покажется смешным , если я скажу, что самая главная трудность родителей — это сам переходный возраст. |
It should be funny for you, shouldn’t it? |
Это должно быть забавным для тебя, не правда ли? |
The subject of love is one that has inspired poets, writers, those lucky in love and those who have been passed over by Cupid…Love has been defined as wise, silly, profound, bitter, funny…It seems as if each and one of us has a different understanding of love, or at least the attitude to love varies greatly from person to person. |
Тема любви является той, которая вдохновляла поэтов, писателей, тех, кому везло в любви, и тех, которые были переданы Амуром , Любовь определяется как мудрая, глупая, глубокая, горькая, смешная , Кажется, как будто каждый из нас имеет своё понимание любви, или по крайней мере, отношение к любви сильно варьируется от человека к человеку. |
Others say that films must be various, serious and funny . |
Другие говорят, что фильмы должны быть различными, серьезными и смешными . |
To my mind studying English is very interesting and funny . |
С моей точки зрения изучение английского — это очень интересно и забавно. |
Speaking about doctors’ recommendations, I can’t help telling you one funny story. |
Говоря о рекомендациях врачей, я не могу не рассказать вам одну забавнаю историю. |
Что означает этот символ?
Символ показывает уровень знания интересующего вас языка и вашу подготовку. Выбирая ваш уровень знания языка, вы говорите пользователям как им нужно писать, чтобы вы могли их понять.
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He told a funny story.
He’s a very funny guy.
What are you laughing at? There’s nothing funny about it.
There’s something funny going on here.
She has some funny ideas about how to run a company.
“I can’t find my keys.” “That’s funny—they were here a minute ago.”
My car has been making a funny noise lately.
A funny thing happened to me the other day.
It feels funny to be back here again.
It’s funny that you should say that—I was just thinking the same thing myself.
reading the Sunday funnies is part of my weekend ritual
let’s can the funnies—we’ve got serious work to do here
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Recent Examples on the Web
The ob-gyn didn’t think that was funny, either.
—Anna Holmes, The New Yorker, 1 Apr. 2023
This month’s assortment of titles leaving Netflix in the United States includes three hysterically funny series, two must-see documentaries, two comic-book adaptations that buck expectations and one of the scariest movies the streamer has to offer.
—Jason Bailey, Chicago Tribune, 1 Apr. 2023
Netflix’s Murder Mystery 2 isn’t Jodie Turner-Smith’s first funny rodeo.
—Janine Rubenstein, Peoplemag, 31 Mar. 2023
However, that also lessens the bite of the satire despite some of the scenarios being genuinely funny.
—Murtada Elfadl, Variety, 31 Mar. 2023
Step inside the vortex tunnel and hold on to make it through, or take funny photos within the tilted room or reversed room.
—Patrick Connolly, Orlando Sentinel, 31 Mar. 2023
The reason is star Kevin James, an undeniably funny sitcom guy.
—David L. Coddon, San Diego Union-Tribune, 30 Mar. 2023
The movie is funny, Affleck continued.
—Kturnqui, oregonlive, 29 Mar. 2023
Some are funny, some are cute, and all are one line to keep things short and sweet.
—Kelly O’sullivan, Country Living, 25 Mar. 2023
Hop to the comments to share your Easter funnies.
—Erin Cavoto, Country Living, 22 Mar. 2023
Many readers found Caity’s self-deprecating tone in the article funny, and others commented that the van life wasn’t supposed to be glamorous.
—New York Times, 4 May 2022
The voice will be instantly recognizable as Saundersesque to anyone familiar with his fiction: jocular and often stand-up-comic funny, with a focus on providing joyful surprises with every turn of phrase.
—Lisa Zeidner, Star Tribune, 8 Feb. 2021
This Netflix look at vulgar language, starring Nicolas Cage, is bust-a-gut funny.
—Willie Brown, SFChronicle.com, 9 Jan. 2021
Anyway, how does a run-through of all these funnies and memes and LOLs and ROFLs out there in the English football world sound?
—SI.com, 20 Aug. 2019
Here For Golden State Convention By ANDREW MAKARUSHKA More than 200 persons who take their funnies seriously gathered in the U.S. Grant Hotel yesterday for the start of the first San Diego Golden State Comics Convention.
—San Diego Union-Tribune, 19 July 2019
Let’s feast on some funnies: A tasty typo turned a U.S. Senate candidate’s name into that of a sandwich.
—Morning Brief, The Seattle Times, 6 July 2018
Lewandowski assured her Facebook followers that Quinn later found the melted doll funny and wasn’t traumatized at all.
—Jackie Frere, Redbook, 21 Nov. 2017
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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘funny.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.