Functionality is not a word

I was composing an email and needed the plural form of the word «functionality.» To my surprise I saw the dreaded red underline indicating a spelling mistake.

spelling mistake

It made me wonder whether this was a false alarm. I searched for the word and found it being used at

It then struck me that this was the browser’s fault, as it comes with a spell checker. (Initially, I thought it was Gmail’s fault).

Which brings me to my query: Is it wrong to pluralize «functionality?»

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asked May 4, 2013 at 7:54

asprin's user avatar


Functionality can be used as a countable or uncountable noun. In the former case, it is pluralised as functionalities. It is always preferable to check reputable dictionaries instead of rely on software built-in spellcheckers.

answered May 4, 2013 at 8:00


There are 1326 records showing its use in the Corpus of Web-Based Global English.

answered May 4, 2013 at 8:38

Barrie England's user avatar

Barrie EnglandBarrie England

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All dictionaries fail at some point, especially as the words you’re using get more technical or specialized. When that happens, and you’re in doubt, a search of the internet centered on the word in question, within the context of the field you’re using it in, can be very helpful.

answered May 4, 2013 at 15:25

Wayfaring Stranger's user avatar

  • Yo. What’s this I hear you talkin’ smack ’bout what’s funktionable and what ain’t? Jus’ cuz you don’t got the funk don’t mean we can’t be choosin’ it, usin’ it and abusin’ it. Damn. That shit’s jus’ cruel…
    ~ G. Clinton

  • I agree! When I hear someone use “functionable,” I automatically think that person is trying too hard to appear more intelligent, which makes me think the exact opposite.

    1. Ah, but who are we to argue with Webster’s, huh? I’ll boycott the word. Maybe, the less it’s used, it’ll just wither up and disappear… like an appendix.

    2. Absolutely ! Functional is correct. Also; functionality shows stupidness. Instead of functionality, educated people use the existing noun, FUNCTION.

      1. The irony of your comment… While similar the words functionality and function can serve different purposes.

        You should educate yourself on the differences.

    3. Sounds like you’re the one thinking tp much into it.

  • I am so glad you posted this — because I was just watching House Hunters and this woman said “I think this kitchen layout is very functionable.” I started cracking up. But then I figured I should look it up. I was shocked that it’s actually a word! It is apparently prevalent in the design world. I’m glad I’m not the only one bugged out by it!

    1. That’s exactly what I did

  • If it makes you guys feel better, Open Office (A free alternative to Microsoft Word) doesn’t acknowledge functionable. It doesn’t think it’s a word. Neither does Firefox.

    1. my MS Word in the mac format shows it in red!! i’m happy 🙂 and so does facebook! haha

  • Thank you for this post. I proofread copy for a catalog, and I have repeatedly rejected functionable as “not a word.” I was loath to admit that it is an actual word, BUT I will still not allow it in the catalog. Please, for the love of all that is good and holy, don’t tell me that flustrated is a word, too. If it is, I’m switching to another language.

    1. Thank you all! I have recently heard this word a lot and I cannot believe it! Sacrilege. god bless you!

  • So happy to know I’m not alone. Can we start a petition or something? Everyone who wants the word removed from the dictionary (and more importantly the daily lexicon) sign below!

    1. You are my hero. We need more functioning humans in this dysfunctional world.

  • “Functionable” is not a word., much like Wikipedia, is not a credible reference. Merriam-Webster, a legit source, does not recognize it as such. If functionable is a word, then you could just as easily say that “functionably,” “functionability,” “dysfunctionable” and “malfunctionable” are also words.

    1. That’s a world I don’t want to live in.

  • Webster is a legit source. Is it THE legit source? I dunno. It’s listed as a word at (for better or worse), it’s listed in the Random House dictionary… but mostly, it’s in common usage, which means sooner or later it’ll end up in Webster… as did “D’oh”. Webster is, after all, not all that picky.

    Point is, I hate it. I think we all do. Wanna keep it outta Webster’s? Get people to stop saying it.

  • What’s wrong with the word functional? I don’t mean to sound nasty, but if you don’t know the meaning of a word, then you shouldn’t use it. It’s like having a conversation and not being well informed about your topic. You just don’t sound very bright.

    1. Hmmm… hard to tell if it’s a rhetorical question, or if you’ve misunderstood? I, of course, prefer “functional”. Or is the “you” in your message pointed at the defenders of “functionable” and not the “me” “you”? 😉

      Glad you dropped by. Welcome to the gang.

      1. Well…having just been exposed to the above-debated “functionable” (also heard on HGTV), I rushed to my trusted & with great relief was informed that same was NOT a word. HOWEVER, I could not resist the search that revealed your entry beginning “functionable should not be a word.” I’ve read all the comments and, disconcerting as it may be to learn that SOME dictionaries have already accepted this as an acceptable option for our time-honored “functioal,” I am hereby adding my voice to all those who declare with you, “functionable should not be a word.” How/where do I get a vote?

  • omg! i was just watching it and got so irritated! i had to post in FB …and google it…was directed to your blog 🙂

  • Pertaining to function. Functional
    Able to function. Functionable

    The change in suffix causes a change in perception for those who pay attention to detail.

    1. Thank you sorry but love the word and i use it all the time. People even think i made it up. To me there is a big difference in the two words

  • while you’re on about functionable on HGTV don’t forget about “relatotor ,foy-er, and rotundra”.

  • Don’t like it either! The made up word, “functionable” can be used to describe something with the potential to function, but currently does not. “Functional” would mean that something currently functions. Still misused anyway. That said, I do not believe it to be a proper word. Why not use the phrase, “This could function” or “This could be functional”? It sounds much less stupid.

    If you want to continue to sound stupid then just keep saying, “functionable”


    1. Exactly what I was thinking. Capable of being made functional but isn’t right now.

  • I completely agree, functionable should not be a word. I heard my girlfriend say it last night and started cracking up. I told her it wasn’t a word. Of course that led to me looking it up and finding that in fact it is a word. Anyway, don’t use functionable if sounding intelligent is important to you.

  • I guess I have to reluctantly add functionable to the list of words that may ultimately become “real” but will never cross my lips. Not unlike flustrated — I first heard that when I was in the Army, in the 1980s. I chalked it up to “Southern speak,” like “chester draws” (chest of drawers). LOL. I offer no apologies for being a New Yorker.

    Thanks for posting this; it’s nice to know I am not alone when I cringe at functionable.

  • So, what is the credible source on “functionable”? I am also a believer that it should not be a real word; like many others, heard it on HGTV and it just sounded wrong and in my research, it seems to be on the cusp of being widely accepted as a real word – rather disturbing.

  • Funny. Was just watching HGTV and decided to look up the word functionable. it just doesn’t sound right. I agree it should not be used. It sounds as if someone is throwing words together with which they are not familiar.familiar. Vote NO!

  • After my Pastor used it the other day, I had to look it up as my husband hates the word and every time I use it. I was so delighted to see that it exists, even if a million people do not think that it should. We were raised in different states. I wonder if that could have anything to do with how people feel about the word functionable.? He was raised in the Washington D.C. area. I was raised in an industrial area in Pennsylvania.. There are other words I grew up with that make him cringe. But he loves me anyway,

  • It belongs only in the George Bush Dictionary of mispronounced words along with orientate. I don’t care if they are acceptable; they are unnecessary

  • I’ve heard functionable twice on HGTV in the past two days. If it is a ‘mash up’ word of functional and fashionable, it’s not being used correctly.

  • The following quote is taken from and though I’m not a fan, it actually makes sense:

    “The made up word, “functionable” can be used to describe something with the potential to function, but currently does not. “Functional” would mean that something currently functions.”

    So, there you have it. Perhaps we all should extend more grace regarding language seeing as its intended purpose is to be able to communicate with each other (“functional” communication if you will), and not rate perspective intelligence levels.

    Ok- bring on the hate mail…

    1. It’s just as made up as other words haha all words are made up. Ending words with able ” sort of means can this be don?” Cleanable, workable, touchable etc

    2. Ending words with able is common. It doesn’t make it more made up haha

      Clean-able, work-able, function-able

      Now think of words that end in just -al…. right..

  • I looked up ‘functionable’ because I have a use for it, and found this conversation. I agree that no word should ever be used inappropriately, and when inappropriately used just for effect the effect on me is — well, the opposite of what is usually intended! Allergic to posers. I am writing a national Engineering Standard, and need to define one word to mean an individual piece of ‘kit’, and another to mean what you potentially get when you assemble those pieces. My objection to ‘Functional’ is exactly as JustKarl says. ‘Functionable’ it will (probably!) be.

  • Got bored enough at an airport and stumbled upon this.. the thing is, all words are made up and I don’t think we had a deadline for when English speakers weren’t aloud to invent new ones. Anyone butt hurt about this needs to grow up. Not functionable of you at all

  • It’s certainly a useful and practicable word. The problem is the dictionary definition is wrong. It’s being simply defined as “functional” but it actually means that something is both functional (it serves its purpose) but also that it is serviceable (it’s not obsolete, broken or in danger of wearing out soon). For example: “My ice fishing hub is functionable, but I look forward to getting a new one next season.”

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    Нажмите, чтобы посмотреть исходное определение слова «functionality» в словаре английский языка.

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    Функция может ссылаться на: ▪ функцию, объясняющую, почему функция выжила; ▪ подпрограмма, также называемая функцией, последовательность инструкций в более крупной компьютерной программе; ▪ функция, связанная с выбранным свойством системы; ▪ функция, в лингвистике, способ достижения цели с использованием языка ▪ Функция — отношение, которое связывает входные данные с одним выходом в соответствии с некоторым правилом ▪ Функциональная модель, структурированное представление функций, действий или процессов ▪ Функциональный объект, функтор или функционал, понятие объекта ориентированное программирование ▪ Функциональные напитки, компания-производитель напитков, базирующаяся в Редондо-Бич, Калифорния. ▪ Диатоническая функция, термин в теории музыки. ▪ «Функция», песня 2012 года американского рэпера E-40 с участием YG, Iamsu! u0026 Амп; Проблема ▪ Социальное событие … Function may refer to: ▪ Function, explaining why a feature survived selection ▪ Subroutine, also called a function, a sequence of instructions within a larger computer program ▪ Function, related to the selected property of a system ▪ Function, in linguistics, a way of achieving an aim using language ▪ Function, a relation that associates an input to a single output according to some rule ▪ Function model, a structured representation of the functions, activities or processes ▪ Function object, or functor or functionoid, a concept of object-oriented programming ▪ Function Drinks, a beverage company based in Redondo Beach, California. ▪ Diatonic function, a term in music theory ▪ «Function», a 2012 song by American rapper E-40 featuring YG, Iamsu! & Problem ▪ A social event…

    Значение слова functionality в словаре английский языка

    Определение функциональности в словаре — это качество функционирования. Другое определение функциональности — это функция или диапазон функций в компьютере, программе, пакете и т. Д.

    The definition of functionality in the dictionary is the quality of being functional. Other definition of functionality is a function or range of functions in a computer, program, package, etc.

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    Синонимы и антонимы слова functionality в словаре английский языка

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    Тенденции использования слова functionality




    Слово используется очень часто

    На показанной выше карте показана частотность использования термина «functionality» в разных странах.

    Тенденции основных поисковых запросов и примеры использования слова functionality

    Список основных поисковых запросов, которые пользователи ввели для доступа к нашему онлайн-словарю английский языка и наиболее часто используемые выражения со словом «functionality».


    На графике показано годовое изменение частотности использования слова «functionality» за последние 500 лет. Формирование графика основано на анализе того, насколько часто термин «functionality» появляется в оцифрованных печатных источниках на английский языке, начиная с 1500 года до настоящего времени.

    Примеры использования в литературе на английский языке, цитаты и новости о слове functionality


    Известные цитаты и высказывания со словом functionality.

    During the early stages of an industry, when the functionality and reliability of a product isn’t yet adequate to meet customer’s needs, a proprietary solution is almost always the right solution — because it allows you to knit all the pieces together in an optimized way.

    In its heyday, the car was an expression of technical flair and design genius: the original Mini, the Beetle, the 2CV, and the Fiat 500 were all, in their various ways, inspired incarnations of functionality.

    American products are marvels of production and functionality, but were unnecessarily and unbearably ugly, noisy smelly and offensive.

    We see portability in electronics being a continuing requirement, higher functionality, better battery life, requiring lower power for the actual electronics.

    Before, I was a long-time user of ‘Microsoft Money’ and Intuit’s ‘Quicken.’ Both were powerful tools, loaded with features and functionality around taxes, investment, budgeting — too feature-laden, in fact. They took hours to set up, forever to learn, and an hour a week to maintain.

    Linguistics is a good way of defining the culture of a brand. The vocabulary used by sports and lifestyle brands — running, fitness, training, motorsports — is all about functionality, whereas the vocabulary of the luxury business — handbags, ready-to-wear — is all about the product.

    Design must be functional, and functionality must be translated into visual aesthetics without any reliance on gimmicks that have to be explained.

    We think of enterprise architecture as the process we use for fully describing and mapping business functionality and business requirements and relating them to information systems requirements.

    Adding functionality is not just a matter of adding code.

    Our ultimate goal is extensible programming (EP). By this, we mean the construction of hierarchies of modules, each module adding new functionality to the system.


    Поиск случаев использования слова functionality в следующих библиографических источниках. Книги, относящиеся к слову functionality, и краткие выдержки из этих книг для получения представления о контексте использования этого слова в литературе на английский языке.


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    Здесь показано, как национальная и международная пресса использует термин functionality в контексте приведенных ниже новостных статей.

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    « EDUCALINGO. Functionality [онлайн]. Доступно на <>. Апр 2023 ».

    context icon


    context icon

    Само приложение Samsung Gear тоже получило косметические изменения, но на функциональности это никак не отразилось.



    context icon

    Пока функционал не очень велик и планов на доработки очень много.


    context icon

    Функция передачи файлов не предназначена для интернет- клиентов.

    The intention


    to have monolithic kernel, since the desired functionality is not that hard to implement.


    context icon

    Мы стремились к тому, чтобы получить монолитное ядро, поскольку желаемая функциональность не так уж трудно реализовать.


    implementing the omnichannel service scenarios may become the complicated task.


    context icon

    Если такой функционал не заложен изначально, то реализация

    омниканальных сценариев обслуживания клиентов становится сложной задачей.


    If such functionality is not supported, then after modification of the appropriate mc file,

    the corresponding cf file should




    context icon

    Если такая возможность не поддерживается, после изменения мс- файла следует

    внести изменения в cf- файл.


    These tools use various

    algorithms to restore deleted files in IncrediMail and this functionality is not found either in IncrediMail or your operating system.

    context icon

    Эти инструменты используются различные

    алгоритмы восстановление удаленных файлов В IncrediMail, и эта функция не найдена ни в IncrediMail или операционной системы.

    Moreover, minimal functionality is not an end in itself because the goal


    to understand what people

    really need to create a meaningful product down the road.


    context icon

    Более того, минимальная функциональность не является самоцелью, поскольку цель МВП в том, чтобы понять, что действительно

    нужно людям- с тем, чтобы в результате создать востребованный продукт.


    However, under FreeCDF terms for CDF Player, some functionality is not available: non-numeric input fields,

    dialog windows and data import and export except from Wolfram-curated data sources, e.g.


    context icon

    Однако, согласно условиям FreeCDF для бесплатного CDF Player, некоторые функции не поддерживаются: нечисловые поля ввода,

    диалоговые окна, а также импорт и экспорт данных.


    Well, as long as such a convenient functionality is not added to the editor- in case of necessity we have to peep at articles like these for formatting code netbeans.


    context icon

    Ну, а пока такой удобный функционал не добавили в редактор- при необходимости приходится подглядывать в эти самые статьи.


    Telematic functions

    are being


    increasingly to improve the efficiency of working vehicles and, whilst this functionality is not included in the current version of the gtr,

    it nonetheless anticipates such a possible future need.


    context icon

    Для повышения эффективности работы транспортных

    средств все более широко используются телематические функции, и, хотя эта функциональная особенность в нынешний вариант гтп не включена, тем



    такая возможная будущая потребность в них предвидится.


    Click this button to search for a Configuration Manager 2007 site to assign this client to. If the client


    configured with an Internet-based management point, this functionality is not supported, even if the button



    context icon

    Щелкните данную кнопку для поиска узла Configuration Manager 2007 для назначения клиенту. Если клиент настроен с использованием

    интернет- точки управления, данная функция поддерживаться не будет, даже в том случае, когда кнопка активна.

    Rather than having to enter a six-digit code to authorize logins,

    anyone using LastPass Authenticator on iOS or Android(the new functionality is not available for Windows phones)

    can now simply tap an approval notification that has


    pushed to their phone to verify their identity and complete their login.

    context icon

    Вместо ввода шестизначного кода для авторизации при входе, пользователю

    LastPass Authenticator в iOS или Android( эта новая функция не поддерживается в Windows Phone)

    достаточно просто нажать push- подрверждение, переданное на смартфон, чтобы подтвердить свою личность и выполнить вход.

    or the setting up of a Court of Primary Federal Jurisdiction.


    context icon

    или созданием Федерального суда первой инстанции.


    context icon

    Комитет установил, что функция поиска на веб- сайте УСВН не является удобной для пользователей.


    The server could also display legacy SunView applications, although this functionality was not well-supported.

    context icon

    Также сервер мог отображать приложения SunView, однако эта возможность поддерживалась не полностью.


    sure that you have the last version of the library- this functionality was not yet realised in older 1.5.


    context icon


    And we got an offer from the»ProfITsoft» company, but at that time»FRONT-OFFICE» system functionality was not enough for us.


    context icon

    В это время мы получили предложение от компании« ProfITsoft», однако функциональность системы« FRONT- OFFICE» на тот момент не была для нас достаточной.


    The Atlas general ledger system contained numerous incorrect balances dating back to January 2004,


    context icon

    Общая бухгалтерская книга в системе<< Атлас>> содержит множество неправильных остатков, датированных еще январем 2004 года, недостаточно функциональна,

    имеет не вполне оптимальную конфигурацию и



    достаточными мерами безопасности;


    The management also informed that the procurement plan functionality was not part of the limited roll-out in January 2013

    but would


    handed over shortly.


    context icon

    Руководство также сообщило, что функция планирования закупок не была внедрена в рамках частичного ввода в эксплуатацию

    системы в январе 2013 года, однако станет доступной в ближайшее время.


    The audit identified serious concerns,

    including the fact that the month-end bank reconciliation functionality was not operating; a high number of unprocessed,»parked» documents;

    a mismatch between roles and authorizations; and problems with the interfaces between the new and legacy systems.


    context icon

    В ходе ревизии были выявлены серьезные проблемы, включая неработающую функцию выверки банковских ведомостей на конец месяца; большое число необработанных документов, лежащих

    без движения; несоответствие служебных


    и разрешений; и проблемы с сопряжением новой и прежних систем.



    Therefore, the development of the initiative would


    gradual to ensure that important functionalities are not lost and that guidance


    provided by Member States on a continuing basis.


    context icon

    Таким образом, разработка такой инициативы


    постепенной для обеспечения того, чтобы не были утрачены важные функциональные элементы и чтобы государства- члены обеспечивали руководство на постоянной основе.


    If you have deactivated JavaScript in your internet browser, these functionalities are not available or only to a limited extent; however, our website can still




    context icon

    Если вы деактивировали JavaScript в своем браузере, этих функциональных возможностей у вас нет или они ограничены, но использование нашего сайта все же возможно.


    Unfortunately this functionality


    not too well implemented, because it is not possible to see a detailed overview of the trader’s performance.


    context icon

    К сожалению, этот функционал не слишком хорошо реализован, поскольку здесь нельзя увидеть подробный отчет о работе трейдера.


    • #1

    Hi all,

    I am confused about the usage of function and functionality.

    In the article I am writing, I want to show the readers what a machine can do, such as microwaving, sweeping, etc.

    Should I say «this machine has the following functions: microwaving, sweeping, and preserving heat, etc» or «this machine has the following functionality(-y+ies?): microwaving, sweeping, and preserving heat, etc»?

    What are the differences between the 2 words? Can you give me some examples for each one?

    Thank you :)

    • #2

    «Functions» is correct; «functionality» is a more abstract idea and would not be appropriate in that context.

    • #3

    The functionality of a system is the total set of all its functions; that is, a singular term to refer collectively to everything it does. You can say that your machine has certain functions (plural) or certain functionality (singular). They mean this same in your context and in most other contexts. You cannot say that it has certain functionalities (plural).


    • #4

    «functionality» sounds more like IT techie talk. Here are some bits from online:

    Cambridge online:

    any or all of the operations performed by a piece of equipment or a software program


    In information technology, functionality (from Latin functio meaning «to perform») is the sum or any aspect of what a product, such as a software application or computing device, can do for a user.

    In information technology, the term function (pronounced FUHNK-shun ) has a number of meanings. It’s taken from the Latin «functio» — to perform.

    1) In its most general use, a function is what a given entity does in being what it

    Last edited: Dec 11, 2013


    • #5

    They mean this same in your context and in most other contexts.

    Are you there, Egmont?
    I’ve learnt function and functionality are actually not the same.

    The functions of the machine are microwaving, sweeping, and preserving heat.
    The functionality of the machine is the degree to which it is capable of successfully performing microwaving, sweeping, and preserving heat.

    What do you think?

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