Fun made up word

Language is constantly evolving. New words are added to the English language every year. Most of these come from slang and pop culture. Some even come from famous authors. Either way, some of these words have made it into Webster’s Dictionary to become official words. Here is everything you need to know about made up words, their definitions, and where they originated: 

What are made up words called?

photo of three men jumping on ground near bare trees during daytime

When two words are blended to create a new word, they are called portmanteau words. Some examples are brunch, which combines breakfast and lunch, or guesstimate, which is a combination of guess and estimate. Made up words can also be referred to as neologism. This term can refer to an already established word, which has recently gained a new meaning, as well.

Funny Made Up Words In The English Language

two woman smiling

You don’t have to search any further for hilarious words to add to your vocabulary! The words below aren’t real, but they are creative. Feel free to say them the next time you’re deep in conversation with someone else!


This happens when you’re trying to figure out who’s most to blame when a problem arises.


This is a combination of car and aroma. It means something smells in the car. 


This is someone who pays more attention to their phone than the people in the room with them.


This is when you pile all your clothing on a random chair instead of hanging everything up.


This is when your chip bag contains more air than chips.


This is when two men end a friendship. 


This is a boring dilemma, like when you’re stuck between two mundane choices. 


This is when you have an epiphany that isn’t all that great. 


This is someone who is repeatedly wrong. 


This is when you know you have flaws but still think you’re awesome. 


This is when someone gives you a halfhearted, fake apology. 


This is when you create a nest of blankets for yourself while browsing the internet. 

woman in brown long sleeve shirt sitting by the table using macbook


This is when you take a detox from obsessing over yourself. 


This is the type of person who is only attracted to themselves. 


This is when someone rambles about a passion no one else in the room shares. 


This is a pointless conversation that goes nowhere. 


This is when you have regret over something you didn’t even do yet. 


This is a pretentious preteen. 


This is when you make a sacrifice that really sucks.


This is when you’re anticipating an important text or note. 


This is when you send multiple texts in a row, extremely quickly. 


This is when you learn something that makes you feel even dumber.

The Best Famous Made Up Words

woman wearing sun hat while smiling

There are writers who have invented brand new words in their novels, scripts, and poems. Here are some famous made up words from movies and pieces of literature:


This is from Disney’s Cinderella. It’s a line in a song sung by her fairy godmother.


Charles Dickens invented this word in Bleak House. Of course, it means the state or feeling of being bored.


Lewis Carroll invented this word in Through the Looking Glass. It means to laugh in a gleeful way.


Sylvia Plath coined this word. It means a landscape or scene with the strangeness or mystery characteristic of dreams.


This word comes from The Little Mermaid movie. It’s a word the main character used to describe a fork because she didn’t know the real term.


Sir Walter Scott invented this word. It means someone is working for different companies at different times rather than being permanently employed by one company.


Alexandre Dumas invented this word. It means someone who believes in equal rights for men and women.


This is a creature from Winnie the Pooh by A.A. Milne.


Mark Twain invented this word in a speech. It means tough and cynical.


Jeremy Bentham created this word. It means existing, occurring, or carried on between two or more nations.

man and woman sitting on chair


William Shakespeare invented this word, as well as bump and eyesore.


This word was invented all the way back in 1976 by Richard Dawkins.


This word is from Jabberwocky by Lewis Carrol, who also wrote Alice in Wonderland.


Dr. Seuss created this word in If I Ran The Zoo.


This is another made up word from Dr. Seuss.


John Milton coined this word in Paradise Lost. It means wild and noisy disorder or confusion.


This is a famous game from Harry Potter where you try to score a point with a ball and broom.


Karel Capek coined this word.


This is from The Owl and the Pussycat by Edward Lear.


Dorthy Parker invented this word in the 30s. It means someone who is extremely afraid of something.

smiling woman in green jacket


Reverend William Whewell created this word. It is someone who systematically gathers and uses research and evidence.


This word is from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl.


This word originally comes from The Hunting of the Snark by Lewis Carroll. It is an imaginary animal, and is used to refer to someone or something that is difficult to track down.


This is from Holes by Louis Sachar. It means to splash or cause to splash about uncontrollably.


This is from the book Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll. It means smooth and active.


This word comes from Rain by Shel Silverstein. It means to move around noisily in the bottom of a container.


This word come from The BFG by Roald Dahl. It means delicious or extremely tasty.


This is a famous word from the movie Mary Poppins.


This word is from The Lorax by Dr. Seuss. These are a type of tree with yellow or white-and-black striped bark. They have a large tuft at the tops which can be knitted into a Thneed.


The author of The Hobbit, J.R.R. Tolkien, invented this word. However, he was referring to twenty-somethings.


Dr. Wayne E. Oates invented this word. It means a person who compulsively works hard and long hours.


Jonathan Swift invented this word in Gulliver’s Travels.

Smart Sounding, New Words

smiling women lying on ground

Use these words the next time you’re talking to a friend or family member. They’ll think you’re a genius!


This describes the last person who claps after everyone else has stopped. 


This is used to describe someone who asks a lot of stupid, obnoxious questions. 


This is when you get information out of someone while drunk.


This is a feeling of euphoria as you climb into bed after a long day. 


This is when a passenger falls asleep as soon as a car starts moving. 


This is when you hook up with someone who looks exactly like you. 


This is when you forget where you’ve been going or why. 


This word has no meaning. It can replace any other word. 


This is when someone ignores their friends in order to focus on their partner.


This is when you go out to the movies or dinner alone. 


This is used to describe a food that tastes like another food. 


This is when you make repeated mistakes while typing. 

More Made Up Words

The English language is already confusing. No one will notice when you use words that aren’t actually in the dictionary. Here are some more made up words you should add to your vocabulary:


This is when you’re confused and frustrated at the same time.


This describes a fluffy sponge.


This is similar to disgruntled.


This word describes awkward silence.


This is when you have an attitude while wearing a hat.


This is a combination of a hug and a cuddle.


This is the opposite of an entrance.


This is a padded, puffy envelope.


This is when you tickle a cat behind the ears.


Use this when looking at something confusing.


This is when you have to choose between three options.

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How’s your vocabulary? While it might already be robust, breaking out the big words will only take you so far these days. It seems that now more than ever, we’re hearing new words and hybrid terms people have created — especially from our kids. And since, as parents, our perpetual mission is figuring out how to communicate with our offspring, having a few made-up words in your back pocket may prove pretty darn useful. Yep, we’ve reached the season of life where we have to ask, “Isn’t that what the kids are saying these days?” But even if you don’t have a tween or teen obsessed with TikTok terminology, made-up words can be a super fun topic to discuss around the dinner table with younger kids.

So, with that in mind, keep reading for a whole bunch of made-up words you can use to strike up a conversation with your family. Some of these terms people use in everyday life, but many of them might be entirely new to you. Go ahead and try them out! After, if you want to pad your ever-expanding vocabulary even more — and, by proxy, your kids’ — carve out a few minutes to learn some cool travel words, descriptive nature words, or, for the foodie families out there, interesting words to describe food.

Common and Famous Made-Up Words

You’ve probably heard these words before and might not realize that they are totally made up. And some of them were so popular when they came out that they will probably never leave our minds again.

1. Dinglehopper

The dinglehopper was a fork from a sunken ship that Disney’s Ariel and Flounder explored in The Little Mermaid. She didn’t know the term fork, so her prized possession was called a dinglehopper. You can use it today for anything you don’t know the name of.

Example: “Suzie, can you come by and give me a hand. I don’t have a clue how to get this motor going. I fiddled with the dinglehopper and everything!”

2. Californication

After writing the hit song and album with the same name, LA-based band Red Hot Chili Peppers made the word Californication trendy. But a fun fact is they didn’t actually invent that word. A combination of California and fornication, the word appeared on a 1966 cover of Time magazine describing “the haphazard, mindless development that has already gobbled up most of Southern California.”

Example: “I’m watching so much TMZ lately. I’m getting sucked in by Californication.”

3. Irregardless

Those who use this word often mean to say “regardless.” Regardless is already a negative, and adding “ir” makes it a meaningless double negative. Also, there’s a general preconception that people who use the word irregardless are trying to sound more intelligent.

Example: “Irregardless of your opinion, the fact is that you’re wrong.”

4. Misunderestimate

George W. Bush accidentally termed this word. It essentially means to underestimate by mistake. While you can underestimate and misestimate, misunderestimate is not a “real” word, despite its usage.

Example: “Don’t misunderestimate me!”

5. Nom

A word made famous by the legendary Cookie Monster, noms as a noun means “food.” It’s derived from nomnom, which references pleasurable eating noises we make while eating something tasty (like cookies!). Nom can also be used as a verb.

Example: “Candy! Nom nom nom!” or, in verb form, “I nommed the whole pizza!”

6. Snozzwangers

This word comes from the creative mind of Roald Dahl. They are predatory animals that live in Oompah Loompa Land. They have three feet and are known to eat Oompah Loompas.

Example: “When the Snozzwangers became hungry, they hunted for Oompah Loompas.”

7. Snark

To criticize indirectly and sarcastically.

Example: After the boy lost the game, he said snarky remarks to the other children.

Phony Phrases That Sound Cool

These made-up words sound so cool you’ll want to start using them right away.

1. A Crapella

No matter how good you think you sound when you’re rocking out with your headphones on, let’s be real — it isn’t always pretty. A crapella describes that headphone-listening-type-of-singing.

Example: “What’d you say? I couldn’t hear you over my own a crapella.”

2. Air Stair

Have you ever walked down a flight of stairs and suddenly stepped down heavily on a step that isn’t there? You just found an air stair.

Example: “I hit the air stair so hard I thought I broke my foot.”

3. Blamestorming

You know when you catch your kids in a foiled attempt to do so, and the litany of finger-pointing explanations begin? Like, “This wouldn’t have happened if [insert sibling’s name] had just done what they were supposed to do!” That’s blamestorming.

Example: “They were too busy blamestorming to come up with a decent solution.”

4. Carcolepsy

As a parent, you might not know this term — but you’ve likely taken advantage of the phenomenon. It describes someone’s propensity to pass out as soon as the car starts moving. (Remember all those rides around the neighborhood when your kid was little because they’d only sleep in their car seat?)

Example: “Baby needs a nap, so I’m gonna drive around the block a few times and let carcolepsy do the heavy lifting.”

5. Nerdjacking

Sometimes a person takes over a conversation by introducing an obscure topic (or bringing up a common one) in excessive and often unnecessary detail. This is nerdjacking.

Example: “When we talked about the cast of the new Spider-Man movie, Sean started nerdjacking the conversation with facts from the comic book.”

6. Stallmate

Picture this. You and another person are in two toilet stalls next to each other. You’re both waiting for the other to make the first move/splash. You’re stuck in a stalemate.

Example: “We sat in complete silence for several minutes before my neighbor got so frustrated, she decided to end the stallmate by leaving the bathroom.”

7. Suckrifice

This noun means to do what you know is necessary, even though you really, truly don’t want to do it. So, you know, half of parenting. Welcome to the suck!

Example: “I’ve got to bake three dozen cupcakes for my daughter’s swim meet fundraiser. What a suckrifice.”

8. Caroma

This word is a combination of two words: car and aroma. It’s used to describe the smell of a car.

Example: “When I got into my sister’s car, it had a Caroma of goldfish crackers, baby wipes, and diaper powder.”

9. Cellfish

This is used to describe someone who pays more attention to their phone than the world around them.

Example: “My teenage daughter had turned into a complete cellfish. Her phone was practically glued to her hand.”

10. Chairdrobe

This is a chair that you put all your clothes on. It’s usually that pile of clothes in the corner of your room.

Example: “When I woke up in the middle of the night, I thought my chairdrobe was a person, which is definitely a sign to hang up my clothes.”

Phony Phrases That Sound Smart

Despite being totally made-up words, these sound like they could come out of the mouth of the smartest person in the room.

1. Destinesia

You suffer from destinesia when you forget where you’re going or the purpose of the journey once you get there.

Example: “Damn, I got destinesia. I completely forgot why I went down to the basement.”

2. Epiphinot

Sometimes we have an epiphany that changes the entire course of our lives for the better. And sometimes, we have one that turns out to be pointless, dumb, or incorrect. This is an epiphinot.

Example: “On Friday, I had an amazing idea to make big money that turned out to be an epiphinot when I crunched the numbers on Monday.”

3. Internest

You know when your teen curls up on the couch or in their bed, cocooning in a pile of blankets while they scroll TikTok for hours on end? That blanket cocoon is their internest. Get it? Internet + nest.

Example: “Willow, crawl out of your internest — it’s time for dinner!”

4. Preteentious

This one hits differently once your kid enters the double-digit era. What’s it mean? Well, it’s the level of histrionics only achievable by tweens.

Example: “My preteentious 12-year-old just rolled their eyes and said I ruined their life because I bought cinnamon Life cereal instead of regular.”

5. Ringxiety

Have you ever answered your phone only to realize it was a bird chirping outside or sound from the TV? Ringxiety is when we confuse the sound of a cell phone ringing with a sound similar to it. The term can also be used when you hear no sound at all but still imagine the sensation of your phone vibrating even when it doesn’t.

Example: “I keep hearing my phone vibrate in my purse even though my phone is off. Total ringxiety.”

6. Textpectation

Whereas ringxiety describes the feeling of imagining your phone is ringing or vibrating when it isn’t, textpectation describes another form of digital nervousness: the anticipation you feel waiting for a response to a text you’ve sent.

Example: “I texted Maria to ask if she wanted to switch carpool days, and she hasn’t responded. The textpectation is killing me!”

Gen Z Words

Wondering what the kids are talking about on TikTok? Here are some of the most common terms.

1. Cheugy

Cheugy is an adjective that describes millennials who try too hard to be in Style or trendy.

Example: “My mom tried doing a TikTok dance yesterday. She’s so cheugy.”

2. Ded/💀

As a surprise to many, ded means “lol” as if something was so funny it killed you.

Example: “That girl’s joke had me ded!”

3. Drip

For those of us still holding onto swag, this is essentially the same idea — it’s when someone has a cool, sexy sense of style.

Example: “Donald Glover has some serious drip.”


This acronym stands for “If you know, you know.” Use IYKYK to describe an inside joke or something that wouldn’t make sense to most people.

Example: “Last night was insane! #iykyk”

5. No Cap/Capping

In this context, cap means “lie.” When someone says “no cap,” it means they aren’t lying.

Example: “Coach said I’m starting in the game tomorrow, no cap.”

6. Basic

This isn’t a nice word to call your friends, but you can use it to describe someone or something unoriginal or mainstream.

Example: “I didn’t know what to wear to the party, so I got something vintage to avoid being basic.”

7. Bet

This is a short and super cool way of saying you agree.

Example: “Can you meet me at the house tomorrow?” “Bet.”

This article was originally published on November 24, 2021


Member since:
Apr. 10, 2004


Level 27
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Funny Made Up Words

2005-04-14 21:06:14

Anyone want to create funny made up words?

Here’s one:


A family of five or more people from the country of Mexico.

«In this world // We walk on the roof of hell, // Gazing at flowers.» — Issa

BBS Signature


Member since:
Oct. 27, 2004


Level 18
Blank Slate

Response to
Funny Made Up Words

2005-04-14 21:09:46

I invented the word Quizblort,

as in the famous phrase;
Touch My Quizblort

It has henceforth been stolen by many many people,
And some jackass has tried to change it to Quizblorg


Response to
Funny Made Up Words

2005-04-14 21:16:45

Crashdenzite: Your Mom!!!


Member since:
Aug. 1, 2004


Level 04
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Response to
Funny Made Up Words

2005-04-14 21:18:55

Jizzard or jizzy sounds funny.


Member since:
Jun. 14, 2004


Level 31
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Response to
Funny Made Up Words

2005-04-14 21:20:04


Member since:
Feb. 23, 2005


Level 07
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Response to
Funny Made Up Words

2005-04-14 21:21:07

googly-boogly- not sure wut it means, but it’s fun 2 say


Response to
Funny Made Up Words

2005-04-14 21:21:12

Flapjack McFrooden Bagles

Response to
Funny Made Up Words

2005-04-14 21:23:12

The absolute best made up word of all time…..


Member since:
Apr. 24, 2000


Level 12
Blank Slate

Response to
Funny Made Up Words

2005-04-14 21:23:13

Ziggy-buggy-boo! *KABOOM!»


Member since:
Mar. 16, 2004


Level 16

Response to
Funny Made Up Words

2005-04-14 21:24:20

At 4/14/05 09:06 PM, -Buddhist- wrote:
Anyone want to create funny made up words?

Here’s one:

a, or, and the have always made me laugh, those words don’t exist


Member since:
Oct. 11, 2003


Level 40
Blank Slate

Response to
Funny Made Up Words

2005-04-14 21:27:01

Kenya dig it? i can.

made up words?
what about an oxymoron? haha… normal-ng-user is a good one o_0….
bleh, i like bleh, not very made up, but its gooten.


Member since:
Apr. 10, 2004


Level 27
Blank Slate

Response to
Funny Made Up Words

2005-04-14 21:28:21


Angelina Jolie.


A metaphor as big as all of nature.

«In this world // We walk on the roof of hell, // Gazing at flowers.» — Issa

BBS Signature


Member since:
Jun. 2, 2002


Response to
Funny Made Up Words

2005-04-14 21:31:20


That’s a made up word my friends and I use often.


Member since:
Oct. 11, 2003


Level 40
Blank Slate

Response to
Funny Made Up Words

2005-04-14 21:32:37

At 4/14/05 09:31 PM, -Frank- wrote:

That’s a made up word my friends and I use often.

no it isnt :P
Redangleprince had a good one…

that’s great.


Member since:
Oct. 15, 2004


Level 08
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Response to
Funny Made Up Words

2005-04-14 21:34:10

and, not made up, but still amusing: bosom. *pronounced busom for the mentally dumb.*


Member since:
Jul. 3, 2003


Level 19
Blank Slate

Response to
Funny Made Up Words

2005-04-14 21:34:25

Frombuj it means nothing, it was just something I made up one day. Also I use words in ways they shouldn’t be used. Like saying the word ‘Baggage’ as an insult.
i.e. «Oh, you baggage!»

I left newgrounds for a year and when I came back my entire signature is gone?! What the fuck man, that ain’t cool.


Member since:
Dec. 12, 2003


Level 12

Response to
Funny Made Up Words

2005-04-14 21:35:40

Every word was made up at one point or another so.. Canada.

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For fans of the game Balderdash, a board game that combines fibbing and the formation of new words, creating a new word of your own may seem like a breeze. For others, making your mark on the English language probably feels a bit daunting or downright challicult (challenging + difficult). However, you will be surprised to learn that with a bit of inspiration and a lot of fun, you will be on your way to creating a brifect (brilliant + perfect) word in no time!

  1. Image titled Create a Made Up Word Step 1


    Start with a portmanteau. If you’ve tried your hand at creating a word from scratch but haven’t had much luck, you may want to consider a portmanteau. A portmanteau is a word or morpheme whose form and meaning are derived from a blending of two or more distinct forms (as smog from smoke and fog) [1]

    • Write down some of your favorite words on a piece of paper. Spend some time mixing and matching the words together. You’ll be surprised by all of the wonderful words you come up with.
  2. Image titled Create a Made Up Word Step 2


    Borrow from other languages. There are a plenty of words to choose from when you expand your search to those found in other languages. Loanwords, or borrowings, are words that are adopted into a native language from a different source language. Such borrowings have shaped the English language almost from its beginnings [2]

    • Buy or borrow a Spanish, French, German or Italian dictionary. Highlight some of your favorite words and then write them down on a sheet of paper. You’ll want to modify the words slightly, as the intention isn’t to use the same word but to create your own.
    • Rent a movie in a different language. Don’t use the captions and listen as the actors speak. Have a pen and paper on hand and write down what you think the words are that are being spoken.


  3. Image titled Create a Made Up Word Step 3


    Turn an object into a verb. «Google (it)» has quite literally been transformed from a company name, into a verb. There is no shortage of objects or nouns that can also be repurposed with a bit of imagination.[3]

    • To start, try spotting objects around your house and use them in a sentence as a verb. Don’t expect everything to catch on, but over time, you may find one that will be a hit.
  4. Image titled Create a Made Up Word Step 4


    Take suggestions from a small child. Inspiration for new words can be found in surprising places. One such place is in your own family. Young children, who are learning how to speak, often don’t get it right on the first try. They create their own language as they navigate the English language.

    • Ask your young child what their favorite word is. If they are able to write, have them write it down. Otherwise, do your best to spell out what they are saying.
    • Listen to the babbling of your baby. You’ll be surprised how many words you come up with in a short amount of time.
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  1. Image titled Create a Made Up Word Step 5


    Understand how words are created. This will give you a basis for making up your own word. English words are formed in several ways. Although one way is to create them from scratch, other words have been formed by imitating sounds. Similarly, there are many more words, often in quite common use, that have arisen over time because someone has not heard the word correctly. [4]

    • Next time you don’t understand someone correctly, turn a potentially embarrassing situation, into a learning opportunity by creating a new word.
    • Find inspiration at home. Listen to sounds naturally found around your home. You may be surprised by how many words you can come up with just by turning off the TV and listening to the environment. Open up your window and let in the sounds from outside.
  2. Image titled Create a Made Up Word Step 6


    Hyphenate two word phrases (think of «see you,» which became, «cya!»). You may need to do a bit of tweaking to the spelling, as was done with «cya,» but try to think of phrases you can combine in to one word.[5]

    • Write down some of your favorite two or even three word phrases. See if you can create one word.
  3. Image titled Create a Made Up Word Step 7


    Have fun brainstorming! More than anything, creating a made up word is supposed to be fun. Don’t worry about taking yourself too seriously. If you discover a great new word, share it with your friends and family and have fun using the word together.

    • To spread the word (pun intended), try using the word in a sentence, but be consistent.
    • Your new word will also need a definition, so have one on hand in case others ask you about it. This will help them understand how to use the word as it was intended.
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    Is it easy to make a new word?

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    It’s easy to make up a word if you want, but it’s not going to be easy to get it into the dictionary.

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    How many words can you make?

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    As many as your heart desires.

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    Where can you submit it?



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    You could send it to Oxford Dictionary or another dictionary. They will tell you if it’s suitable.

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  • Once your word has been created, don’t use it too much. Use it when it makes sense, and explain it if someone asks what it means. The more you use it in the right scenario, the more you will notice your friends using it!

  • If you are going to create many monikers, then make up your own dictionary of made-up words. You never know, one of your words may appear in a real one one day!

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  • Don’t worry about skipping steps; the point is just to have fun.

  • Most scholarly dictionaries consider words to be neologisms or protologisms unless they are in widespread use over some period of time. Don’t submit made-up words where they’re not wanted.



About This Article

Article SummaryX

To create your own made-up word, try combining 2 words which already exist to create a word with a new meaning. Use words in your native language or combine words from different languages. You can even get inspiration from young children, who often make up their own words. If you’re still having trouble, try coming up with the meaning of the word first, then make up a sound that seems to fit that definition. Read on to learn how to turn an object into a verb!

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Feeling f*cktrated? Blow your snotrils! Sometimes made up words just say it better!

Here’s nine words kids have made up that should definitely be added to the dictionary!

And we’re pretty sure your kids have a few to add too!

What do you do when you can’t think of a word?

Make it up! Just take a look at Roald Dahl’s fabulous books, full of fantastic made up words!

From The BFG there’s biffsquiggled, which means confused, or natterbox for someone who can’t stop talking.

And if ever anyone was a biffsquiggled natterbox, it’s kids! Kids make up new words all the time – and some of them are awesome! Check out these nine new words we’d love to see in the dictionary!

Awesome words kids have created!

1. Snotrils. Needs no explanation. It’s kid speak for nostrils, but it just says it SO much better. Because, let’s face it, most of the time kid’s nostrils are more like snotrils!

parenting humour - child picking nose

2. Jumpolines. I mean seriously why aren’t trampolines just called that already? You don’t tramp on them, you jump! (Also saves explaining why we don’t call people tramps just because they’re on a trampoline).

3. Annoring. It might be made up, but it’s the perfect word for so many adult occasions that are both annoying and boring. Go on, you know you’ll use it!

4. Mow lawner. This one’s just cute. ‘Back in a minute hon, I’m just going to use the mow lawner’ is just better!

5. Dickless. It’s the made up kid version of ridiculous but SO much more fun. Except perhaps not at full note during a sibling squabble at the supermarket…

bigstock Surprised Girl 1694508 opt

6. Lastday. As in yesterday, because yeah that actually just makes more sense.

7. Nextday. The day after today. Again, it’s just better: lastday, today, nextday.

8. Hopscotchymus. Hippopotamus. Ok, so it probably isn’t a more accurate word, but there’s something about the mental picture of a hippo playing hopscotch that is just more fun!

9. F*cktrated. This one’s my personal made up favourite from the mouth of my seven-year-old. F*cktrated. As in really f*cking frustrated. Yes, inappropriate for small children, but still so awesome. And perfect for SO many moments.

angry child si

I’m sending that one to the dictionary. That and snotrils. How could they refuse? Does your kid have a cracker made up word? We’d love to hear it!

Teaching your toddler to talk? Here’s 5 fun ways to help them learn the alphabet!

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

To me it’s just a made-up word.

I’m assuming that’s a made-up word.

That is a made-up word, invented for political purposes.

На мой взгляд, это — ложь, придуманная в политических целях.

It’s a made-up word used to trick students.

Эти правила придумали, чтобы дурачить студентов.

Okay, that’s also a made-up word.

To me it’s just a made-up word.

Но для меня это — просто слово.

Then the volunteers were made to listen to a made-up word, over and over again.

To make it more fun, we can ask the child to invent a meaning for the made-up word.

Чтобы было веселее, вы можете попросить ребенка придумать значение для придуманного слова.

Then the volunteers were made to listen to a made-up word, over and over again.

После этого волонтеры должны были прослушать несколько раз вымышленное слово.

If you have a creative streak, you can use a made-up word as your domain name.

We didn’t understand your made-up word.

Within 3-6 months, people will begin to associate that made-up word with the thing… and they will forget that they ever had an objection.

В течение 3-6 месяцев люди начнут ассоциировать это слово с нужной вещью… и забудут, что когда-либо имели какие-то возражения на этот счет.

That’s a made-up word, people!

For the sake of accuracy and simplicity I will use a made-up word: «IS-BE».

There’s even a dedicated made-up word for it: bloatware.

To ensure his mind was a completely blank slate to begin with, he invented the «nonsense syllable» — a made-up word of random letters, such as «kag» or «slans» — and set to work memorizing thousands of them.

Чтобы обеспечить своему сознанию совершенно чистый лист, с которого начать, он изобрел «бессмысленные слоги» — выдуманные слова из случайных букв, вроде «каг» или «сланс» — и принялся запоминать тысячи их.

Mired is a made-up word from micro reciprocal degrees — it is pronounced ‘my-red’.

Это слово является сокращением от «micro-reciprocal degree» (микрообратный градус); произносится в два слога: my-red (май-ред).

At school, if he’s using a made-up word, the teacher will ask him to draw a picture of the meaning — to help her understand what he’s saying.

В школе, если он называет что-то собственным словом, то учительница просит его нарисовать, что он имеет в виду — это помогает ей понять, о чем он говорит.

Squier was intrigued by the made-up word Kodak being used as a trademark and so took the «mus» sound from music and added the «ak» from Kodak to create his word Muzak.

Сквайеру всегда нравилось слово «Кодак», поэтому он окрестил свою продукцию сочетанием слов «музыка» и «Кодак», получилось «Мьюзек» (по-английски Music + Kodak = Muzak).

So you think it’s just a made-up word?

Это для вас просто слово?

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 28. Точных совпадений: 28. Затраченное время: 36 мс


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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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