Full in the gaps with a suitable word

41 месяц назад

Fill the gaps with a suitable word. 1) I hit my hand on the desk and it really……………… 2)They say she died

of a heart…………………… 3)She had some apples that weren`t ready to eat and now she`s got stomache ……………… 4)I`ve got this terrible …………in my neck from sleeping in the wrong position. 5)He died of…………cancer even though he never smoked a cigarette in this life. 6)I went to the doctor, and she gave me a ………….. for some tablets. 7)Pollution makes her………. worse and it`s difficult for her to breathe. 8)There are different forms of hepatitis one is a more serious …………than the other. 9)I hurt ………….. when i fell off that chair. 10)My back…………..from sitting at that computer all day.

1) I hit my hand on the desk and it really hurts.

2)They say she died of a heart attack.

3)She had some apples that weren`t ready to eat and now she`s got stomache ache.

4)I`ve got this terrible pain in my neck from sleeping in the wrong position.

5)He died of lung cancer even though he never smoked a cigarette in this life.

6)I went to the doctor, and she gave me a receipt for some tablets.

7)Pollution makes her feel worse and it`s difficult for her to breathe.

8)There are different forms of hepatitis one is a more serious type than the other.

9)I hurt my leg when i fell off that chair.

10)My back is hurting from sitting at that computer all day.

Fill each gap with a suitable word from the box:
1. ​spend (2), get, start, gained, enjoy, leave, take
​Most people … a third of their lives at work. So it is important for people to … their work. And enjoying work means choosing the right career in the first place.
​People in Britain can … work at the age of sixteen, though many young people stay at school after this age. When young people … school at the age of sixteen they can … a low-paid job working in a shop or a factory. At the sametime they can … one day a week at a college of further education. Many young people wishing to … a practical skill — for example, car mechanics, hairdressers etc. — do this. At the end of their college training they… a qualification. It is a good beginning to … a career because such young people have … practical experience in their job which is important for their promotion.
2. ​abilities, to liquidate, to communicate, respect, conditions, fostering, industry, praised, relationship, to shape, to regard, attitude, capacity.
1) One of the most important tasks of the Revolution was … illiteracy in Russia.
2) Russian school creates the best possible … education for the younger generation.
3) We must envisage the … of feeling of patriotism.
4) To make his work more successful a teacher should … his pupils’ interests.
5) Together with educations pupils learn how … with each other.
6) His report was good and the teacher … him.
7) I … him for his broad erudition and knowledge.
8) Thanks to his … he could prepare for exams in a short period of time.
9) What is your … to this new teaching method?
10) Many films tell about … between teachers and pupils.
11) Children’s …can be developed in the course of studies.
12) The teacher helps … a child’s character
13) Psychologists say that there is no limit to the … of our memory

Fill the gaps with a suitable word.

1) I hit my hand on the desk and it really …

2) They say she died of a heart …

3) She had some apples that weren’t ready to eat and now she’s got stomache …

4) I’ve got this terrible … in my neck from sleeping in the wrong position.

5) He died of … cancer even though he never smoked a cigarette in this life.

6) I went to the doctor, and she gave me a … for some tablets.

7) Pollution makes her … worse and it’s difficult for her to breathe.

8) There are different forms of hepatitis one is a more serious … than the other.

9) I hurt … when i fell off that chair.

10) My back … from sitting at that computer all day.

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Главная » Английский язык » Fill the gaps with a suitable word. 1) I hit my hand on the desk and it really … 2) They say she died of a heart … 3) She had some apples that weren’t ready to eat and now she’s got stomache … 4) I’ve got this terrible …

Народ помогите срочно!!!!!!
По английскому задали два номера не могу сделать.
пятое задание
Make up the words/
1. a dish a) room
2. an arm b) case
3. a bath c)washer
4. a book d)board
5. a cup e) chair

и шестое задание.
Fill in the gaps with sutable words

bathroom bedroom wardrobe carpet
cupboard curtains utility room attic
1. We usually keep old furniture in the___________________.
2. We take a shower in the______________.
3. People sleep and get dressed in their___________.
4.Dishes and cups are in the kitchen______________.
5.People often watch television and spend time together in the____________.
6. You hand clothes in the_________________.
7. A_______________is a machine where you put dirty plates and it washes them.
8. We have a fluffy___________on the flooor.
9. You draw the__________to make the room darker.
10. We keep large equipment, like the washing machine in the____________.
Пожалуйста помогите срочно


Fill the gaps with a suitable word.
1) I hit my hand on the desk and it really………………
2)They say she died of a heart……………………
3)She had some apples that weren`t ready to eat and now she`s got stomache ………………
4)I`ve got this terrible …………in my neck from sleeping in the wrong position.
5)He died of…………cancer even though he never smoked a cigarette in this life.
6)I went to the doctor, and she gave me a ………….. for some tablets.
7)Pollution makes her………. worse and it`s difficult for her to breathe.
8)There are different forms of hepatitis one is a more serious …………than the other.
9)I hurt ………….. when i fell off that chair.
10)My back…………..from sitting at that computer all day.

1 ответ:



1. hurts(болит)
2. heart attack (инфаркт)
3. stamache poisoning(отравление желудка)
4. pain(боль)
5. lung cancer(рак легких)
6. recipe(рецепт)
7. feel
8. ?
9. my leg
10. pain

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/j/ : yummy,yuk,yes
/i/ : всё остальное


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1. C

Disaster! About 70 years ago, a Dutch ship was wrecked near the North Pole. It was heading for Blacklead Island. On the ship was a scientist, Edgar Greenhead, who had worked on the island for many years. He had been doing conducting research into the life of the local inhabitants, who were Eskimos (Inuits). Greenhead had been away for a long holiday and now he was returning back to the island to continue his work. At about midnight, Greenhead felt very tired as he had been writing his journal all day. After he had said goodnight to the captain, he came down to his cabin. Outside there was a strong wind, and the waves were crashing onto the side of the ship. Greenhead was just about ready to climb into his bunk when he suddenly felt a great crash. He dashed upon the deck and although it was dark he could see that the ship had run into an iceberg.


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    Английский язык


    11.09.2021 19:22

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