Full in the correct word there are three words you do not need to use

A. Fill in the missing word. There are three words you do not need to use.

designing, artistic, still, portray, starring, stunts, spray, private, set, miniature, plots, remain

1. … pieces of art are called micro sculptures.

2. You can’t imagine adventure films and blockbusters without any … .

3. Some people choose to … anonymous because they are afraid of being in the spotlight.

4. The film is … in medieval times.

5. While the photographer was taking our picture we stayed perfectly … .

6. Crime novels always have interesting and mysterious … .

7. What do his paintings … ?

8. … creativity is an essential part of life of humans.

9. That house is his … property.

B. Choose the correct answer.

10. Tim … see a science fiction film than a comedy.

a) would sooner b) would prefer c) sooner

11. We … go to a classical music concert than go to a rock concert.

a) would prefer b) would to c) would rather

12. Jane … to take photography classes than learn how to paint.

a) would b) would prefer c) would rather

13. Olga … going to the cinema on a weekday, when it’s not so crowded.

a) prefers b) would rather c) prefer

C. Complete the sentences with verbs formed using the prefixes re-, dis-, mis-, under- , over-.

14.My parents usually ….. about which film to go and see. (agree)

15.They ….. us in the restaurant but they gave us some money back.(charge)

16.The foreigners are difficult to understand because they ….. many Russian words.(pronounce)

17.You should ….. your composition because you made many mistakes. (write)

18.We were sorry to realize that we ….. in the shop. (pay)

D. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.

19.Pushkin is one of the best poet ….. all time.

20.He is popular ….. fans of art cinema.

21.This director is famous ….. his comedies.

22.Who stars ….. Pirates of the Caribbean?

23.The paintings add value ….. the house.

E. Read the text and answer the questions that follow.


A The Class

The Class is about a young teacher who works at a school in a poor area of Paris and his difficult students. The story was originally a book written by Frangois Begaudeau. The film tells the sad story of how a teacher tries to teach his class of teenage students but fails, because the students don’t respect education or teachers, and because they have no desire to learn. Everyone who stars in the film (including Begaudeau, who plays himself) is a non-professional. People expect The Class to be boring because the teacher-student theme has appeared in films many times before, but it isn’t. It is an absolutely brilliant film and no one should miss it.

B Slumdog Millionaire

Director Danny Boyle’s Slumdog Millionaire is the story of Jamal, a poor boy in India, who goes on the TV show ‘Who wants to be a millionaire?’. The story was originally a prize-winning novel by Indian author Vikas Swarup. Jamal wins the TV show. But before he does, they take him to a police station because the police think that he is cheating. While the police ask Jamal questions, we see events from Jamal’s life which explain why he knows the answers.

At one point, the creators of Slumdog Millionaire had decided not to show it in film theatres, and just make it into a DVD. Luckily, they changed their minds, because this film is now an international hit!

C American Teen

American Teen is a documentary film by director Nanette Burstein. Burnstein filmed the lives of five teenagers, who go to a school in Indiana, USA. She followed the students filming their everyday lives for a year, because she wanted to show what it is like to be a teenager in America today.

American Teen is an enjoyable documentary, but sometimes it doesn’t feel true to life. In fact, some film critics think that Burstein gave the teens lines to learn. But in interviews, the teenagers have always said that the film is 100% real-life and no one is acting.

Whether real-life or not, American Teen is an entertaining look at young people today.

Which film (A, B, or C) …

24. was not going to play in cinemas at first?

25. does not seem realistic to some people?

26. is interesting even though the plot is not original?

27. is extremely popular all over the world?

28. is about someone trying but not succeeding?

29. was first a very successful book?

30. is about daily life experiences?

Spotlight Test 5 (Module 5) + KEY to test — цитаты Теста № 5 с ответами из сборника контрольных заданий УМК по английскому языку серии «Английский в фокусе 9 класс» для учащихся общеобразовательных организаций (авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина и др./ М.: Просвещение).

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A. Fill in the missing word. There are three words you do not need to use.

1 No one knows the author’s name, as he chooses to …. • remain •…. anonymous.
2 Jonathan absolutely loves adventure films which are … • set •…… in medieval times.
3 The children had to sit perfectly …. • still •…. while the photographer was taking their picture.
4 Some Hollywood actors like to perform their own ….. • stunts •…… no matter how dangerous these are.
5 The artist’s …. • miniature •…… sculptures are so small that they fit on the top of a pinhead.
6 Most of his paintings …. • portray •….. scenes from the town where he grew up.
7 You can’t draw graffiti on that man’s house, it’s ….. • private •…… property!
8 Children often express their ….. • artistic •…… creativity through finger painting and drawing.
9 Ian loves crime novels because they always have interesting and mysterious …. • plots •……

В. Fill in the correct phrase.

10 Rick loves …… • action-packed •……. films, as they are full of excitement and adventure scenes.
11 Shakespeare in Love is a great romantic comedy with an amazing …..• all-star •….. cast including Joseph Fiennes, Gwyneth Paltrow and Geoffrey Rush.
12 Steve made a fantastic replica of an ancient ship in …..• model making •……. class.
13 The …..• special effects •…… in Harry Potter were brilliant; it really looked like the characters could do magic!
14 The …..• box office •…… success Mama Mia made over 69 million pounds in the UK alone.
15 Claire made a beautiful clay vase on the ……• potter’s wheel •……. we gave her for her birthday.


C. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words in brackets.

16 John is by far the most talented pupil in the art class.
17 Which of Beethoven’s compositions do you think is the most famous ?
18 Sue has been practicing a lot, so her artwork is getting better and better all the time.
19 That’s the worst film I’ve ever seen; the characters were shallow and the ending was dull and predictable.
20 Nick sculpts much more accurately than I do because he pays attention to every little detail.
21 The more Anne practiced, the easier it became for her to paint portraits.
22 The author’s book is quite good, but it’s not as interesting as his last novel.
23 Willard Wigan’s sculptures are the tiniest works of art in the world.

D. Underline the correct item.

24 We left in the middle of the film because it was extremely/completely slow-paced.
25 Tim would sooner/would prefer see a science fiction film than a comedy.
26 The theatre was totally/fairly empty, as they had cancelled Monday night’s performance.
27 Sarah is slightly/totally nervous about singing in front of a live audience tomorrow night.
28 We would prefer/would rather go to a classical music concert than go to a rock concert.
29 The Sydney Opera House is a very/completely famous theatre in Australia.
30 It’s fairly/completely impossible to find tickets to the ballet.
31 Jane would rather/would prefer to take pottery classes than learn how to sculpt.
32 It was absolutely/rather late, so Annabel put her paintbrushes away and decided to stop painting for the day.
33 Olga prefers/would rather going to the cinema on a weekday, when it’s not so crowded.

Everyday English

E. Complete the dialogue using the phrases below.

Chris: Hey, Pete. We’re all going to a jazz concert tonight. Do you want to come with us?
Pete: 34) I can’t make it, I’m afraid. And to be honest, I’m not too keen on jazz.
Chris: I didn’t know that. 35) What sort of music do you like?
Pete: Actually, I’m really into classical music.
Chris: I like that too. 36) What do you think of Mozart?
Pete: My favourite!
Chris: Well, that’s great, because I have tickets to The Magic Flute. Do you like it?
Pete: 37) I absolutely love it!
Chris: So, do you fancy coming to that?
Pete: 38) Sure, count me in!


F. Read the text and answer the questions that follow.


А. The Class

The Class is about a young teacher who works at a school in a poor area of Paris and his difficult students. The story was originally a book written by Francois Begaudeau. The film tells the sad story of how a teacher tries to teach his class of teenage students but fails, because the students don’t respect education or teachers, and because they have no desire to learn. Everyone who stars in the film (including Begaudeau, who plays himself) is a non-professional. People expect The Class to be boring because the teacher-student theme has appeared in films many times before, but it isn’t. It is an absolutely brilliant film and no one should miss it.

B. Slumdog Millionaire

Director Danny Boyle’s Slumdog Millionaire is the story of Jamal, a poor boy in India, who goes on the TV show ‘Who wants to be a millionaire?’. The story was originally a prize-winning novel by Indian author Vikas Swarup. Jamal wins the TV show. But before he does, they take him to a police station because the police think that he is cheating. While the police ask Jamal questions, we see events from Jamal’s life which explain why he knows the answers.
At one point, the creators of Slumdog Millionaire had decided not to show it in film theatres, and just make it into a DVD. Luckily they changed their minds, because this film is now an international hit!

C. American Teen

American Teen is a documentary film by director Nanette Burstein. Burnstein filmed the lives of five teenagers, who go to a school in Indiana, USA. She followed the students filming their everyday lives for a year, because she wanted to show what it is like to be a teenager in America today.
American Teen is an enjoyable documentary, but sometimes it doesn’t feel true to life. In fact, some film critics think that Burstein gave the teens lines to learn. But in interviews, the teenagers have always said that the film is 100% real-life and no one is acting.
Whether real-life or not, American Teen is an entertaining look at young people today.

Which film (A, B, or C) …

39 is extremely popular all over the world? B
40 is about someone trying but not succeeding? A
41 does not seem realistic to some people? C
42 was first a very successful book? B
43 is about daily life experiences? C
44 is interesting even though the plot is not original? A
45 was not going to play in cinemas at first? B


G. Listen to some people talking about music on a radio programme and match the speakers (1-5) to the statements (A-E).

A The speaker enjoys going to concerts. 48 Speaker 3
В The speaker is not sure he/she is talented enough. 50 Speaker 5
C The speaker only likes listening to a particular type of music. 49 Speaker 4
D The speaker’s family inspired him/her to become a professional musician. 46 Speaker 1
E The speaker feels nervous about performing in public. 47 Speaker 2

Вы смотрели: Spotlight Test 5 (Module 5) + KEY to test — цитаты Теста № 5 с ответами из сборника контрольных заданий УМК по английскому языку серии «Английский в фокусе» для учащихся 9 класса общеобразовательных организаций. Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина и др.

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Вопрос по английскому языку:

Fill in the missing word. There are three words you do not need to use.
● demand ● side ● scrambled ● pinch ● stock ● creamy ● fussy ● packed
11 I will have the grilled fish with steamed rice and
a ……………………………………….salad, please.
Tony takes a ………………lunch to work, because he
doesn’t like leaving the office to eat out.
12 I really don’t know what to cook for Ben. He’s
such a………………………eater that I’m afraid he
won’t like anything I serve.
Linda is an excellent chef and her cooking skills are
in great……………………………..
13 Liam is not a very honest person, so you should
take everything he says with a……………..of salt.Grammar
C Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect or the present perfect continuous.
16 Can we go soon? We………………………………
(walk) around this department store for the last
two hours!
19 Do you want to go shopping? I………………………
(not/spend) my birthday money yet and I want to
buy a new outfit for the party.
17 …………………………… (look) through these
cookbooks for a good seafood recipe for over
an hour, but I can’t decide on one. Can you help
me choose?
20 Phillip………………………………..(never/buy)
anything from a flea market before.
18 I………………………………….(you/try) the new
Chinese restaurant that opened last week yet?
D Underline the correct item.
21 Mum bought Dad a pair of leather Italian/
Italian leather shoes for his birthday.
Dad will be back in half an hour; he’s gone to/been
to the newsagent’s to pick up today paper.
22 Chloe can’t make it to dinner tonight, but the
good news is/are that she’ll be able to spend
the whole weekend with us.
Emily’s family moved to Spain from — /the UK
when she was still a baby.
23 There were very little/few people at the
restaurant, so it was easy for us to find a table.
Your doctor can give you some good
advices/advice on how to follow a more balanced
24 What is Monica doing? She has been to/been
in the dressing room for an hour!
Whenever Paul goes to London, he stays at the/—
Hilton Hotel.
25 Doctors say that it’s not a good idea to eat red
meat more than once or twice a/the week
This dish is delicious and doesn’t take much/many
time to prepare.
Everyday English
E Use the sentences (a-e) to complete the dialogue.
Lisa: This antique table is really beautiful. 31)……………………… a At Pete’s Antique Shop in the town
Margaret: Yes, I bought it two days ago. 32)…………………………………. b It was a bargain.
Lisa: It really suits your living room. Where did you buy it? c Is it new?
Margaret: 33)………………………………….. d It’s just around the corner from the
Lisa: I’ve never been there. Whereabouts is it? florist’s.
Margaret: 34)……………………………..
Lisa: Was it expensive? e I’m glad you like it.
Margaret: 35) Not at all. …………………….I got it for half the original
Lisa: Fantastic! Maybe I’ll go and have a look on Saturday.
Margaret: We can go together if you like.
Lisa: Great! See you there

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Ответы и объяснения 1



11 I will have the grilled fish with steamed rice and a side salad, please.
Tony takes a packed lunch to work, because he doesn’t like leaving the office to eat out. 12 I really don’t know what to cook for Ben. He’s such a fussy eater that I’m afraid he won’t like anything I serve.
15 Linda is an excellent chef and her cooking skills are in great demand.
13 Liam is not a very honest person, so you should take everything he says with a pinch of salt. 16 have been walking 19 have not spent 17 I have been looking
20 has never bought 18 Have you tried
D Underline the correct item.
21 Italian leather 26 gone to
22 news is 27 the UK 23 few people 28 good advice 24 been in the dressing
29 the Hilton Hotel 25 twice a week 30 much time
Lisa: This antique table is really beautiful. c Is it new?
Margaret: Yes, I bought it two days ago. e I’m glad you like it.
Lisa: It really suits your living room. Where did you buy it?
Margaret: 31) At Pete’s Antique Shop in the town centre.
Lisa: I’ve never been there. Whereabouts is it?
Margaret: 33) d It’s just around the corner from the florist’s.
34) Lisa: Was it expensive?
Margaret: 35) Not at all. 32) b It was a bargain. I got it for half the original
Lisa: Fantastic! Maybe I’ll go and have a look on Saturday.
Margaret: We can go together if you like.
Lisa: Great! See you there.

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Test 5 A (Module 5)


A      Circle the
correct answer.

1. Is there anyone
in the garden or is it just the wind … through the trees?

whistling                B drizzling                  C pouring

2. I’m tired of
breathing car exhaust … every time I walk around the city.

fog                        B smoke                      C fumes

3. Call… and pick up your CD
sometime.                         5. Thousands … their lives each year in
natural disasters.     

in                          B out                             C
on                  A waste                    B lose                          
C miss

4. The rain isn’t
that bad; it’s only … .                              6. The concert was called
… due to the storm.

A drizzling       
  B roaring                       C howling             A
on                         B out                               C off

  B      Fill
in the missing word. There are three words you do not need to use.

 Huge, howled,
avalanche, occur, endangered, pull, distributed, scorching, buried, extinct,

7.  The skies were
…. under the snow.                          11. The wind … all night so I
couldn’t sleep.

8. The …people
were immediately taken to hospital.   12. The lifeguard managed to …the child
out of the water.

9. Be careful not
to stay too long under the… sun.       13. Food and clothes have been …. among
the homeless.

10.  The panda  
is a(n) … species.                                14. All flights have been
cancelled because of the …                                                                                           



C       Choose the
correct item.

15. Mark has
decided to join/joining an environmental organisation.

16. People should use/
to use
eco-friendly cleaning products, which are safer for the environment.

17. Neighbouring
countries promised sending/to send supplies and rescue workers to the
areas that were hit by the hurricane.

18. Judy didn’t
let her children to go/go underwater diving.

19. Dan avoids buying/
to buy
anything that cannot be recycled later.

20. I’ll never
forget taking/to take part in a rescue mission for the first time.

21. Peter was
looking forward to starting/ to start his new job at the animal shelter.

22. Tina was proud
to join/joining in the antiwar protest.

23. They are tired
of live/ living in the dirty, noisy city, so they’ve decided to
move to the countryside.

24. Sarah stopped to
on this project a month ago.

Test 5 A (Module 5)

D        Put the
verbs in brackets into the correct form.

25. These black
bears are getting used to … on the wildlife reserve. (live)

26. When we were
young, the river near town used to … so much cleaner. (be)

27. Frank had to
get used to … on the left. (drive)

28. Rick used to …
regular bulbs, but now he only buys energy-conserving ones. (buy)

E       Complete
the sentences with the correct form of the words in bold.

29. A large part
of the country’s budget is spent on … .                           DEFEND

30. This year’s
World Kindness Concert will be full of terrific … .         PERFORM

31. There is a …
once a week for recyclable items.                                  COLLECT  

 32. The protestors
made a big … outside the town hall.                           DISTURB

Everyday English

F      Choose the
correct response.

33.  A: I believe
we should all do our part to help fight world hunger.         B:  a) It’s terrible.   b) True.

34. A: We should
have a first aid kit in the car in case of emergency.          B:  a) I agree.   b) It’s shocking.

35. A: Did you know that there are
already 700 extinct species of mammals?       B: a)
Really? I didn’t know that.  b) I agree.

36.  A: Don’t
throw that bottle out, you should recycle it.                             B: a) Goodness me. 

b) You’re right.


G    Read the following
text and mark the statements T (true) or F (false).

Test 5 A (Module 5)

37. Heating and
air conditioning influence the amount of carbon dioxide released into the
air.       ____

38. Home
appliances don’t need much energy to run.                                                                       ____

39. When
travelling, the only way to save energy is to use public
transport.                                    ____

40. You do not
need to change your daily routine to save energy.                              

41. Everyone can
participate in conserving energy and saving the planet.                                      

H        Listen to
some people talking about environmental issues. Then, match the speakers (1-5)
to   the  statements (A-E). There is one extra statement.

A  The speaker does
not think that the Earth will recover from the damage it has

B  The speaker didn’t
like the idea of car-pooling at first.                                         

C  The speaker
realised he/she had to do his part for the environment after watching a TV

D  The speaker
wants to join an environmental organisation.

E  The speaker wants
to do something for the environment but it is not easy for him/her. 

F The speaker found
a solution to his/her problem after talking to

42 Speaker 1 ____

43 Speaker 2 ____

44 Speaker 3 ____

45 Speaker 4 ____

46 Speaker 5 ____

Test 5 B (Module 5)


A        Circle
the correct answer.

1. Unfortunately,
the match was called … due to bad weather.

out                        B off                           C on

2. The … rain
caused the driver to lose control of his car and crash into a tree.

massive                B huge                        C heavy

3. The dodo became … in
1681.                                       5. The rain isn’t that bad; it’s
only … .           

inactive                 B disappeared             C extinct         A
howling                 B drizzling                  C roaring

4.Tons of toxic …
is produced by the factory each year. 6. Why don’t you call … my sister while
you’re in Rome?

waste                 B litter                        C rubbish        A
on                         B for                              C in

  B      Fill in
the missing word. There are three words you do not need to use.

 Flood, generate,
fog, avalanche, horrific, endangered, distributed, collapsed, pollution,
buried, extinct

7.  The bald   eagle is a(n) … species.                    11.
Food and clothes have been …. among the homeless.

8. An earthquake
in the ocean can … a tsunami.   12. Some of the injuries doctors had to treat
were quite … .   

9. Big factories
are responsible for water…. .       13. A five-storey building … like a house
of cards.

10. When the … hit
the area, dozens of people     14. Thick,  morning … covered the city making it
hard for

   were snowed in
for many hours.                              drivers to see.


C      Choose the
correct item.

15. Ben was
looking forward to starting/ to start his new job at the animal shelter.

16. I can’t stand to
hear/ hearing
about needless suffering.

17. Erica was
proud to join/joining in the antiwar protest.

18. He will never
forget to see/ seeing the Eiffel Tower for the first time.

19. The teacher
made him writing/ write his essay again.

20. My brother
agreed helping/ to help me clean the garage.

21. I can hear the
children talk/ talking. They must still be awake.

22. Remember to
lock/ locking
the door when you are leave the house.

23. Countries
should to support/support families living under the poverty line.

24. Tom is very
anxious about passing/ pass the exam.

Test 5 B (Module 5)

D        Put the
verbs in brackets into the correct form.

25. They used to …
a lot when they were younger. (travel)

26. It is
difficult for the employees to get used to … extra hours. (work)

27. Mandy isn’t
used to …  up late. (stay)

28. The city used to
… tourists before the flood hit. (attract)

E       Complete
the sentences with the correct form of the words in bold.

29. Could you give
me some … on how to plant these
flowers?                                                  GUIDE

30. People are
becoming more and more concerned about the …  of the natural environment.  PROTECT

31. Guess what!
Tina sent me a wedding …

 32. She had the …
of a college student.                                                                                       APPEAR

Everyday English

F      Choose the
correct response.

33.  A: We must
stop cutting down trees.                                        B:  a) I think you are right.

Sorry, I had no idea.

34.  A: I think
the government should introduce                              B: a) Goodness me! That’s terrible!

laws regarding child labour.                                           b) I agree.                                                               

35. A: Don’t throw
the bottle out, you should recycle it.              
   B: a) Goodness me!       b) You’re right.

36.  A: Child
labour is still a very big problem in some countries.   B: a) I had no idea.         b) What for? 


G       Read the
text and mark the statements T (true) or F (false).

disaster   2 ruined   3 difficulties                                 4 suffer   5
hit    6 trapped


Test 5 B (Module 5)

37. After too much
rain a lake or river may flood the surrounding area.               ____

38. Crops are damaged
by flood waters.                                                                 ____   

39. When flood
waters retreat, life immediately goes back to normal.                  ____    

40. Cities at risk
of flooding have built levees to protect them.                            

41. The 2005 flood
in New Orleans was caused by a tsunami.                              ____      

H       Listen to
some people talking about environmental issues. Then, match the speakers (1-5)
to    the statements (A-E). There is one extra statement.

A  The speaker
realised he/she had to do his part for the environment after watching a TV

B  The speaker found
a solution to his/her problem after talking to

C  The speaker does
not think that the Earth will recover from the damage it has

D  The speaker
wants to do something for the environment but it is not easy for

E  The speaker
didn’t like the idea of car-pooling at first.  

F   The speaker
wants to join an environmental organisation.

42 Speaker 1 ____

43 Speaker 2 ____

44 Speaker 3 ____

45 Speaker 4 ____

46 Speaker 5 ____



A 1 A                               
 4 A 

C                                5  B

    3 A                           
    6  C                    

 buried                                11 howled                      

injured                                 12  pull                       

    9 scorching                            13

   10 endangered         
              14 huge                                                  

15 to join                                20 taking                                 
     D        25 living

   16 use                                      21
to starting                                            26 be 

   17 to send                
               22 to join                                                  27

   18 go                                       23
living                                                    28 buy

   19 buying                             
  24  working                                                               

29  defence                                        F      33 b                               

    30 performances                                        34

collection                                              35 a

    32  disturbance                                       
   36 b                

37 T                                            H      42 E                                

     38 F                                                      43

     39 F                                        
             44 B                                         

     40 F                                                      45

     41 T                                                      46



A 1 B                               
 4 A 

C                                5  B

    3 C                               
6  A                    

endangered                           11 distributed                    

generate                                 12 horrific                       

    9 pollution                           
    13 collapsed

   10 avalanche                     
        14 fog                                                

15 to starting                               20 to help                                      D       
25 travel

   16 hearing                                    21
talking                                                 26 working 

   17 to join                               
      22 to lock                                                 27 staying

   18 seeing                    
                 23 support                                                28

   19 write                              
         24 passing                                                              

29  guidance                                        F     33 a                               

    30 protection                                      
       34 b                                               

    31 invitation                
                              35 b

    32  appearance                                          
36 a                

37 T                                            H      42 D                                

     38 T                                                     
43 C                                           

F                                                      44 E                                         

     40 T                                
                     45 A                                          

     41 F                                                     
46 B                                           

Tape script

На данной странице находятся упражнения с ответами по английскому языку из рабочей тетради (Workbook) 9 класса УМК Spotlight. Упражнения из 7f.

Exercise 1. Fill in: out of, up with, off, bock, on.
Упражнение 1. Вставьте слова: out of, up with, off, bock, on.


five simple tips on home safety

Keep 1)__ wet floors, as they are quite slippery.

Ask young children to keep 2)__ the kitchen while you are cooking, to prevent them from accidentally touching a hot stove.

Keep 3)__ the latest on home security systems to make sure your house is properly protected.

If a small fire starts in the kitchen or any other part of the house tell children to keep 4)__.

Keep 5)__ reminding everyone in the family to lock all doors and windows when they are the last to leave the house.

SAFE HOUSES! – безопасные дома
five simple tips on home safety
– пять простых советов по домашней безопасности

Keep off wet floors, as they are quite slippery. – Остерегайтесь мокрых полов, так как они весьма скользкие.

Ask young children to keep out of the kitchen while you are cooking, to prevent them from accidentally touching a hot stove. – Попросите детей не заходить на кухню, пока вы готовите, чтобы не позволить им случайно прикоснуться к горячей плите.

Keep up with the latest on home security systems to make sure your house is properly protected. – Придерживайтесь новейших систем безопасности, чтобы быть уверенными в том, что ваш дом должным образом защищен.

If a small fire starts in the kitchen or any other part of the house tell children to keep back. – Если небольшой пожар начался на кухне или в какой-либо иной части дома, то скажите детям не подходить.

Keep on reminding everyone in the family to lock all doors and windows when they are the last to leave the house. – Продолжайте напоминать всем в семье запирать все двери и окна, когда они последними выходят из дома.

Exercise 2. Underline the correct preposition.
Упражнение 2. Определить правильный предлог.


1) Drinking too little water can lead to/in headaches.
2) Don’t put any milk in Jason’s coffee; he’s allergic from/to all dairy products.
3) How do you manage to keep in/to such good shape?
4) Samantha still hasn’t recovered in/from her bad cold.
5) It is important to use sunblock on your skin to protect it from/to sunburn.

1) Drinking too little water can lead to headaches. – Упoтребление слишком малого количества воды может привести к головной боли.
2) Don’t put any milk in Jason’s coffee; he’s allergic to all dairy products. – Не добавляй молока в кофе Джейсону; у него аллергия на молочные продукты.
3) How do you manage to keep in such good shape? – Как тебе удается держать себя в такой хорошей форме?
4) Samantha still hasn’t recovered from her bad cold. – Саманта все еще не оправилась от сильной простуды.
5) It is important to use sunblock on your skin to protect it from sunburn. – Важно испoльзовать крем от загара, чтобы защитить кожу от солнечного ожога.

Exercise 3. Complete the text with the correct word derived from the word in brackets.
Упражнение 3. Преобразуйте слова из скобок так, чтобы они подходили в контекст.


not really the villain we think it is!

Most of us (joy) eating chocolate, but when we think of all the fat and sugar in it, we try to avoid it.

Well, a little chocolate doesn’t hurt! In fact, doctors even (courage) us to eat chocolate, because according to latest research, chocolate:

• helps to (less) tiredness
(strength) the memory
(sweet) the breath

And these are just a very few benefits of our favourite treat!

Of course this doesn’t mean that we can help ourselves to dozens of chocolate bars every day! This would only (sure) that we put on lots of extra kilos!

not really the villain we think it is! – на самом деле не такой злодей, как мы думаем

Most of us enjoy eating chocolate, but when we think of all the fat and sugar in it, we try to avoid it. – Большинству из нас нравится есть шоколад, но когда мы думаем о всех жирах и сахаре в нем, то стараемся избежать его.

Well, a little chocolate doesn’t hurt! In fact, doctors even encourage us to eat chocolate, because according to latest research, chocolate: – Итак, немного шоколада не повредит! На самом деле врачи даже подталкивают на с к тому, чтобы есть шоколад, потому что, по новейшим исследованиям, шоколад:

• helps to lessen tiredness – помогает уменьшать усталость
strengthens the memory – укрепляет память
sweetens the breath – смягчает дыхание

And these are just a very few benefits of our favourite treat! – И это всего лишь несколько достоинств нашего любимого угощения!

Of course this doesn’t mean that we can help ourselves to dozens of chocolate bars every day! This would only ensure that we put on lots of extra kilos! – Конечно, это не означает, что мы можем угощать себя дюжинами шоколадных батончиков каждый день! Это только обеспечит нам дополнительные килограммы веса!

Exercise 4. Use the words below to complete the sentences. There are three words you do not need to use.
Упражнение 4. Вставьте слова. Три слова лишние. Эти лишние слова используйте в собственных предложения.


damage | poor | habits | lead | weak | spend | ruin

1) You need to change your eating __ ; eating junk food all the time isn’t good for you.
2) Recent studies show that people who have __ diets and take little exercise suffer from ill health.
3) Don’t tell Pete about the party we’re planning for him; you’ll __ the surprise.
4) People who __ busy lives rarely find time to exercise.

1) You need to change your eating habits; eating junk food all the time isn’t good for you. – Вам надо изменить привычки питания; постоянное пoтребление неполезной еды для вас вредно.
2) Recent studies show that people who have poor diets and take little exercise suffer from ill health. – Последние исследования показывают, что люди, которые плохо питаются и мало тренируются, страдают от плохого здоровья.
3) Don’t tell Pete about the party we’re planning for him; you’ll ruin the surprise. – Не рассказывай Питу о вечеринке, которую мы для него планируем; ты испортишь сюрприз.
4) People who lead busy lives rarely find time to exercise. – Люди, кто ведут деловую жизнь, редко находят время для физических упражнений.


1) Sharon spends a lot of time working out at the gym. – Шэрон проводит много много времени, тренируясь в спортзале.
2) Jill is very weak, as she has been ill for two weeks. – Джилл очень слаба, поскольку она болела в течение двух недель.
3) If you sit at the computer for too long, you will damage your eyes. – Если будете сидеть слишком долго перед компьютером, вы испортите глаза.

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  • Functions and uses of word processing
  • Full in the correct word derived from the word in brackets
  • Functionality is not a word